Listing for t.tags tags |
T --- The most commonly used Key in OLX.
T --- The most commonly used key in SLMR
T A G L I N E F O R S A L E. G O O D P R I C E
T A G L I N E Inc. A member of the T A S K F O R C E
T Arrington wears sunglasses at night!
T H I S I S N O T A D A T I N G S E R V I C E ! !
T Tagline thievery ... On the next Geraldo!
T in Heaven. I/O'd be Thy Name
T is better to be vile than vile esteemd, <Shakespeare>
T is better to be vile than vile taglind. --Tagspeare
T is for Ten Forward, the hostess is Guinan
T is for tormented, tortured, and teased! -- Tom Servo
T minus 41 days and counting!!
T of Borg. I pity da foo dat resists me!
T or F : Semen is a term for sailors.
T<wo Cents> for your thoughts...$20 to act it out
T' be * AND * not t' be = Zen Shakespeare
T'Pau, I plead with thee. I *beg*! Spock
T'Pau, sister of T'Boom and T'Bang.
T'Pooh!SSounds to me like it had a lot of character. - Mullibok
T'Pring, T'Pau, T'Pooh! (vulcan kid playing shootist)
T'Pring, T'Pow, T'Pooh: The sound a Vulcan makes while shooting.
T'dit, t'dit, t'dit, t'dats all folks!
T'greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves. Sophocles
T'hell with it. Lets just shoot. -- Tom Servo
T'ing ta'ting ting ting t't't'ta'ting t'ing t'ing -Rush, _YYZ_
T'ing ta'ting ting ting t't't'ta'ting t'ing t'ing -YYZ, Rush
T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair
T'was on a Monday morning that the gas man came to call!
T*ts is such a friendly word. Kind of a new snack food... - G. Carlin
T-Bird, you idiot... the blood is on the inside. - The Crow
T-Recall BBS: Harder disks, bigger bits, tighter ASCII!
T-Shirt on MPD patient - I'm with Stupid
T-Shirt saying: Biodegradeable
T-Shirt sported by Saddam Hussein: I would have voted Clinton!
T-Shirts - taglines for the Computer Illiterate.
T-Shirts. Heh! Sequels. Heh! A Jedi Knight craves not these things.
T-Shirts: Clothes captioned for the thinking-impaired.
T-Shirts: Recipes for the Computer Illiterate
T-Shirts: Taglines for the Computer Illiterate....
T-T Yep, you said it right.
T-T-T-T-Talking 'bout my g-g-g-g-generation!
T-aXg rPo ... o'tnd iElam ttiwuho it!
T-shirt Of The Day: I'm the person your mother warned you about
T-shirt of the Day: Head for the Mountains -- courtesy Anheuser-Busch beer
T-shirt: Life is *not* a Cabaret, and stop calling me chum!
T-shirtless in Amsterdam.
T-shirts - taglines for the computer illiterate
T-shirts in the year 2025 will read "Disco STILL sucks!"
T. G. I. *Die*-Day! -- Mike Nelson
T. G. I. DIE-Day - Mike
T. POWER - Ty Died in '58
T. R. C. Club member since 1989 - "Total Random Caos"
T. Rex: 10 ton roadrunner from hell!
T.A. ... Taglaholics Anonymous (800) 824-5463.
T.A.G. you're it!
T.A.G.-line Lotto: [********] <- Scratch here to reveal p
T.E.A.M. T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore.
T.Rex: 20 ton roadrunner from hell!.
T.S. Eliot: the best-known anagram of 'toilets.' - Clive Anderson
T3 - "The Sperminator: I Come Again." -- Arnold
T@ *must* not have been gone long, his modem's still warm.
TABER'S LAW OF SUPERMARKETS: The shorter the line, the slower
TABLET: Mini-table!!
TABLOID(n): newspaper with a permanent (crime) wave
TABTRB #17: Taglines don't spend the grocery money on cigarettes
TABTRB #18: Taglines don't make you do all the cooking
TABTRB: #1 Nobody cares if you swipe someone else's Tags
TABTRB: #10 A Tagline never asks, was it was good for you?
TABTRB: #11 You never have to break up with your Taglines.
TABTRB: #12 Taglines never make you sleep on the wet spot.
TABTRB: #13 Taglines don't snore
TABTRB: #14 Stealing Taglines will never get you pregnant.
TABTRB: #16 Taglines won't stalk you
TABTRB: #2 Taglines will spread faster than legs
TABTRB: #9 You can steal Taglines all by yourself.
TABTRB: Taglines Are Better Than Relationships Because
TACO BELL is NOT a Mexican telephone company!
TACO BELL isnt a Mexican telephone Co.???
TACO BELL: A beautiful Mexican waitress
TACT : a mutual agreement to be full of s**t!
TACT = The skill to tell me to go the Hell, and makes me want to go.
TACT(n):2tell a man he has open mind when he really has a hole in head
TACT,def: a mutual agreement to be full of s**t!
TACT--The ability to make a guest feel at home when you wish they were
TACT: a mutual agreement to be full of s**t!
TACT: Making guests feel at home when you wish they really were.
TACT: The ability to make guests feel at home when you wish that they were!
TACTICS: Candy for dyslexics.
TACTICS: Breath freshener for dyslexics.
TAFN That's All For Now
TAG X PRO @VER@ <- Next release, full UNIX support -grep-grep-grep-
TAG! You are it!
TAG-LINE!!! You're it-line! No tagline-backs!
TAGALOG (Filipino): Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon
TAGLINE ERROR! Report to tech support, please.
TAGLINE Echo, your source for taglines. Send for free catalog
TAGLINE Moderator does it with Taglines.
TAGLINE POLICE: Please pull over to the side of the message.
TAGLINE Win95 Drag & drop: Drag Win 95 package and drop into the trashcan!
TAGLINE assimilated, resistance is futile.
TAGLINE for rent, inquire within
TAGLINE paranoia: The feeling that the moderator is watching you.
TAGLINE so large, it was necessary to compress.
TAGLINE! We don't need no stinkin' TAGLINES! hahahahaha!
TAGLINE.CTL corrupt deleting"Only just got the full set, Bother"
TAGLINE: A line that does the work of many (lines) !
TAGLINE: Scripture for computer nerds.
TAGLINE: Your chance to piss someone off.
TAGLINES (tag'linz) - bumper stickers for EMail.
TAGLINES : Poetry for short people
TAGLINES ECHO: Saying it with taglines is the law.
TAGLINES ECHO: Where changing a thread saves you from the moderator!
TAGLINES echo needs four moderators. Just in case one is on vacation.
TAGLINES echo! It's purpose is taglines, not chatter
TAGLINES in moderation!
TAGLINES moderator does it with taglines
TAGLINES needs four moderators. Just in case one is on vacation.
TAGLINES! We don't need no stinking taglines!
TAGLINES!TAGLINES?TAGLINES!TAGLINES?--Where will the insanity stop?
TAGLINES---one question, WHY?
TAGLINES.ANI Anime & Manga Quotes
TAGLINES.BBS Taglines About BBSing
TAGLINES.CAR 'Toons & Comix
TAGLINES.CAT Taglines About Cats
TAGLINES.COM Taglines About Computers
TAGLINES.DEF Unusual Definitions
TAGLINES.DUM Dumb Questions
TAGLINES.FLI Outrageous Flirting
TAGLINES.FRE Taglines About Friends & Friendship
TAGLINES.GEN General Purpose Taglines
TAGLINES.HIN Humourous Insults
TAGLINES.IMP Important Messages Using Humour
TAGLINES.INJ In-Jokes (Don't Even BOTHER To Get These)
TAGLINES.LOV Love And Other Mysteries Of Life
TAGLINES.PHI Philosophic Taglines
TAGLINES.QHE Quote Headers (non-taglines)
TAGLINES.QUO Famous Quotes
TAGLINES.REP Answering Taglines--Special Replies & Snappy Answers
TAGLINES.SER Serious Philosophic Taglines
TAGLINES.SEX Sexual Innuendoes & Other Rude Subjects
TAGLINES.SIN Serious Insults
TAGLINES.SSQ Quotes With A Serious Message
TAGLINES.STU Stupid Comments
TAGLINES.TAG Taglines About Taglines (!)
TAGLINES.WAR Taglines About War, History, Diplomacy and Politics
TAGLINES: Never had 'em. Never will!
TAGLINES: Share and steal alike. (GW)
TAGLINES: Things that make you go 'Hmmm ...'
TAGLINES: Bumper stickers for electronic mail.
TAGLINES: Never had 'em. Never will!
TAGLINES: Share and steal alike
TAGLINES: Things that make you go 'Hmmm..'.
TAGLINES: the sound bite of e-mail
TAGLINES: who cares where they come from...?
TAGLINES? We don't need no steeeking TAGLINES!
TAGLINES?! We don't need no steenkin' tagline
TAGTEAM... A bunch of people thinking up taglines!
TAGX PRo TAGLINE STORAGE GAUGE: [ÛÛ E ....*....*../.*.... F ÛÛ]
TAG_TALK is one FidoNet conference that does not allow cross posting of
TAH: Take A Hike
TAI: Trap Absurd Inputs
TAILFINS!! ... click
TAILORS come with no strings attached
TAILORS make it fit.
TAIWAN activates the 8th of any month
TAKE A KID CAMPING and leave it there
TAKE, v.t. To acquire, frequently by force but preferably by stealth.
TAMPAX..............................A small woodland tool
TAMPAX..A small woodland tool
TANDY is dandy, but IBM don't rot your brain!
TANJ There Ain't No Justice
TANK: A means of transportation the Soviet army uses to visit its friends
TANKERS do it but leave tracks.
TANKERS do it with protection.
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch).
TANSTAAFL. Bummer! How about dinner?
TANSTAAFL. But for some, shareware comes close
TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TANSTAAFL? Bummer, how 'bout breakfast and dinner? -Lounge Liberal
TANSTAAFM: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Mason
TANSTAFL There ain't no such thing as free lunch!
TANSTAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch
TAP DANCERS do it with their feet
TAPPING? You POLITICIANS! Don't you realize that the END of the "Wash Cycle" is a TREASURED MOMENT for most people?!
TARC: Take Arithmetic Review Course
TARDIS EXPRESS - When it has to get there *YESTERDAY*
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely must be there BEFORE
TARDIS Express - When it absolutely must be there BEFORE you send it!
TARDIS Express: When it absolutely, positively has to be there yesterday.
TARDIS Express: When it absolutely must be there BEFORE you send it!
TARDIS Express:When it absolutely, positively, must be there yesterday
TARDIS Mail: When it has to be there before you send it
TARDIS expess; When it must be there before you send it
TARDIS: When it *has* to be there before you send it!
TARDISDOS 1.0 : Delete CONSOLE.ROOM? (Y/n/Maybe) =-
TARDISDOS 2.0 : (M)alfunction (G)ive Doctor a good tossing (A)bort
TARDISDOS 3.0 : Bang fist on any part of the console to continue
TARDISDOS 4.0 : BIG.BANG found. (P)anic (S)elf-destruct (F)ake it?
TARDISDOS 6.0 : Delete DOCTOR.WHO? (Y/n/Partially) =->
TARDISDOS 8.0 : (N)ew Console (M)ove column up/down (S)nap&pop
TARDISDOS 9.0 : (D)isplay something illegible (M)ake weird sounds
TARFU -- Things are Really Fouled Up
TAS The Animated Series
TATTOO: One of the few things you CAN take with you.
TAXES,n.-The more you make, the more THEY take.
TAXES: your money spent for things you wouldn't buy.
TAXES: The thing most often raised on land
TAXES: your money spent for things you wouldn't buy
TAXI CAB DRIVERS come faster
TAXI DRIDER: Someone who earns a living by driving customers away
TAXI DRIVERS do it all over town.
TAXIDERMISTS mount anything
TAXIDERMISTS will mount anything.
TAXPAYER: To work for the Government without taking the civil service test
TAXULA: Algore, I need more blood! Let's go to Congress!
TAYLOR: So, you were at Berkley? SPOCK: I was not
TB or not TB, that is the congestion - Woody Allen
TB or not TB, that is the infection.
TBFTG: Two Burgers and Fries To Go
TBPH; To be perfectly honest.
TBS: Tagline Broadcasting Service
TBS: Totally Beat Shaq
TBS: Totally Beat Shaq
TBSL Turning Blue Stifling Laughter
TBSL Turning Blue Stifling Laughter
TBSL...................Turnming Blue Stifling Laughter
TBakerDos 4.0: (A)bort, (R)etry, (J)elly Baby?
TC: Transmit Colors
TCAS:Terminally Confused Altitude Seperator?
TCB Taking care of business
TCBY Taking care of business, Ya'll
TCCIC Take Care Cuz I Care
TCI: The Borg of the telecommunications industry.
TCP: Terminate Control Program
TCR = Trashed, Call Repairman
TCS The Cartoon Series/The Comics Series
TDB a strong opinion and a weak one, is strength of charactor.
TDB: Transfer and Drop Bits
TDM Too D*mn Many
TDRB: Test and Destroy Random Bits
TDS: Trash Data Segment
TEACHER: I'm happy to be able to give you a in Science. FRED: Why don't you really enjoy yourself and give me ?
TEACHER: Name three animals of the canine family. SUSIE SIMPLE: The mommy dog, the daddy dog, and a puppy
TEACHERS do it 50 times after class.
TEACHERS do it in front of everyone.
TEACHERS do it repeatedly
TEACHERS do it with class
TEACHERS do it with instruction
TEACHERS make _you_ do it till you get it right.
TEAEARLGREY.HOT *not* found. NCC-1701.D execution failure
TEAMWORK is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
TEAMWORK means never having to take all the blame yourself
TEAMWORK: Having someone else to blame
TEASING---The trait boys have an extra gene for.
TEC: }(;-) <- The Evil Crown
TECH SUPPORT: Demo of manufacturer's local FM station.
TECHIES UNITE (so i can ask for help)
TECHNICALITY: A liberal's view of the 2nd Amendment
TECHNICALITY: Someone *ELSE'S* Constitutional rights
TECHNICALITY: To a liberal - someone *ELSE'S* Constitutional rights
TECHNICALITY: Someone *ELSE'S* Constitutional rights.
TECHNICIANS do it with frequency
TECHNICIANS do it with greater frequency
TECHNICIANS do it with high voltage probes.
TECHNICIANS do it with mechanical assistance
TECHNICIANS test it first.
TECHNICOLOR: YAWN...the ONLY movie Ted Turner left alone!
TECO: The Tyrannosaurus Rex of editors.
TED KENNEDY VIRUS - Crashes your computer, but denies it ever happened
TED TURNER VIRUS - Colorizes your monochrome monitor
TED: Why did the American go West in covered wagons? ED: They probably didn't want to wait forty years for a train
TEDDY BEARS do it at picknicks.
TEDDY BEARS do it with small children
TEDDY ROOSEVELT did it softly, but with a big stick.
TEEN is your first and foremost responsibility! - Melissa Bosh
TEENAGERS.... Gods punishment for enjoying sex.
TEENAGERS: People so smart only other teenagers understand them.
TEENAGERS: Those who tell adults the benefit of their inexperience.
TELEMARKETERS never stop doing it.
TELEMATE -> communication with your spouse
TELEMATE... Phoning Your Spouse !
TELEPHONE CO EMPLOYEES let their fingers do the walking.
TELESCOPE, SCHMIDT-CASSEGRAIN: An elaborate dew-collecting device.
TELLERS can handle all deposits and withdrawals.
TENENBAUM'S LAW OF SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS: The most interesting results only happen once
TENNIS PLAYERS (or jugglers) do it with colored balls.
TENNIS PLAYERS cannot play with balls all day long
TENNIS PLAYERS do it in sets.
TENNIS PLAYERS do it in their shorts
TENNIS PLAYERS do it with balls.
TENNIS PLAYERS have fuzzy balls.
TENTACLES(n): Linebacker's dream every game.
TERMINAL INTELLIGENCE - To be so smart it kills you!
TERMINAL PAYMENT: Golden handshake
TERMINATE/TerMAIL/TAGit! - perfect pHun A TROI!
TERMinator III...the term program that kicks ASCII.
TERRORIST - one who governs by violent methods which arouse fear
TERRY RANDLE VIRUS - Prints, "Oh no you don't," whenever you choose, "Abort" from the "Abort, Retry, Ignore" message
TESSERAT: A four-dimensional rodent
TEST MAKERS do it sometimes/always/never.
TEST RESULTS WERE EXTREMELY GRATIFYING -> We were so suprised that the stupid thing works
TESTATORS do it willingly
TESTERS do it over and over.
TESTICLES........................The 8 arms of an octopus
TESTICLES..The 8 arms of an octopus
TESTICLES: Book of the Bible.
TESTING 1 2 # 4 % 6 & 8
TET: Triple Execution Time [SUN]
TEXANS do it with oil.
TEXAS Driving Rule #10: Before changing lanes, pull out your 9 mm
TEXAS Driving Rule #239: To Change lanes, first pull out your 9mm
TEXAS VIRUS - Makes sure that it's bigger than any other file
TEXAS VIRUS: Makes sure it's bigger than any other file on your system
TEXAS VIRUS: Makes sure that it's bigger than any other
TEXAS: If you don't like our weather, wait 5 minutes!
TEXAS: Only heaven is better....MAYBE!!!!!
TFC - Texas Fried Christian
TFF The Final Frontier
TFG Task Force Games (company that puts out SFB)
TFM means RTF .txt files too
TFS The Film Series
TFTHAOT Thanx for the help ahead of time...used for a favor
TFTHAOT -Thanx For The Help Ahead Of Time..
TFTHAOT: Thanks For The Help Ahead Of Time
TFTPTDOPPWICOSV if you know what this means....well you know
TFW is turning me into a Windows GEEK!
TFW...It ain't done 'til GENERAL.SLT runs !
TGIF Thank God It's Friday
TGIF...Toes Go In First.
TH Kai Wars: Opaka Strikes Back
THANK (insert Deity here - Atheists leave blank)!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR CRITICISMS -- WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR? But I think should ask someone else
THANK YOU for the opportunity to enhance my TWIT list.
THANK you, Odo!--Kira
THANXDAD: well, what can I say?
THAT DOES IT! I say we =toast= this toad... --DarkWing Duck
THAT WHICH can not be serviced will require the most service
THAT WHICH can not be serviced will require the most service. Ä Edsil Murphy
THAT is an EVIL snicker me man
THAT is what humans believe? Saavik
THAT'S URANUS! - Freakazoid
THAT'S an eyebrow wiggler, that is!!!
THAT'S an odd taste - Dr. F after reviving Resusci Annie
THAT'S entertainment!!! -- Vlad the Impaler
THAT's how alone works
THE AIR FORCE does it ...after coffee.
THE AIR FORCE does it and aims high.
THE AIR FORCE does it... ...after coffee.
THE AIR FORCE, aims high, shoots low.
THE AIRBORNE 'chute their loads.
THE AIRBORNE does it from above.
THE ANSWER'S NO! Now what's the question?
THE APRIL 15th PRINCIPLE: A fool and your money are soon partners.
THE ARMY does it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
THE ARMY does it being all that they can be.
THE ARMY does it with brute force.
THE ARTILLERY does it with 155mm guns.
THE ARTILLERY shoots bigger loads.
THE BABY...an instrument of destruction.
THE BLACK NUN: All black, none of the white bits - Crow
THE BLIND do it with feeling.
THE BORG: Calm, Cool and Collective...
THE BOY SCOUTS: Like the army with adult supervision.
THE BUTTER CATS - Tom's super heroes
THE CAVALERY does it with charge
THE CLAM - Joel's super hero
THE CRYSTAL BALL, Sibyl Ferguson, 1979
THE DEAF do it with a sign.
THE DISABLED -- The best minority around!
THE DISABLED === The only minority you can join
THE DONNER PARTY - Eat, drink and be merry!
THE DOORS PRATO "No one here gets out alive"
THE EASIEST computers to use are those YOU don't have to use.
THE ENERGIZER BUNNY does it and keeps going and going, and going, and going
THE Earth is flat and the sky IS too falling.TOLDYA SO !!
THE FBI does it under cover.
THE FIRST BBS : A big tin with 50 strings radiating from it
THE FURTHER OFF new technological developements are, the better they l
THE ForcAst For toNIGht: DARK
THE GANGSTERS by Robin Steele.
THE GOLDEN BOUGH, James Frazier, 1922
THE GOLDEN RULE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES: The one who has the gold makes the
THE GOLDEN RULE: The guy with the gold makes the rules
THE GOLDEN RULE: He who has the gold makes the rules
THE HUMAN DOG - Tom's super hero
THE INFANTRY does it cam'ed.
THE INFANTRY does it on the attack.
THE LARGE PRINT GIVETH, the small print taketh away.
THE LESS a computer peripheral costs the more it costs to fix
THE LIVING ROOM OF INIQUITY! (The den is back there...)
THE LOTTERY: A tax on people who are bad at math!
THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH! Aaa..er..if it's okay with you
THE MONK BOUGHT LUNCH! yes he did ..... he bought a little
THE NAVY does it in waves.
THE NET, winner of the 1995 Szarka Award for Ignorance in Hollywood
THE NEW WORLD ORDER - The last step for Mankind!
THE NUMBER ONE cause of computer problems is computer solutions!
THE ONE WHO does the least of work always gets the most credit
THE PHEASANT PLUCKER - Tom's super hero
THE PM THEME SONG: We wreck your work, We wreck your life,
THE PS/2! IT'S! hummm, uhhhh IBM COMPATIBLE!
THE RAZOR'S EDGE - Just another BBS success story !
THE REV. WILLIAM A. SPOONER - I Pray the Lord my Toll to Sake
THE ROBOT (Hurrrray!) VS THE AZTEC MUMMY (Boooooooo!)
THE SECOND AMENDMENT is my gun permit!
THE SHADOW: Defender of downtrodden co-moderators!
THE SHOW MUST GO ON but I don't have to stay and watch
THE SOLUTION: Coming in September
THE STAGES OF AN ILLNESS: ill, pill, bill
THEATER MAJORS do it with an audience.
THEATER TECHIES do it in the dark, on cue
THEBRAIN.EXE loaded...Will try to take over world tonight.
THEBRAIN.EXE loaded: Computer will try to take over world tonight
THEDRAW: A form of color Etch-A-Sketch.
THEFT RESISTANT TAGLINE** (didn't work...I stole it!)
THEM!! PARANOID - One who is truly in touch with reality
THEN I'll feel better
THEN they tell me there are no nurses. I've no one to assist me.--HD
THEORETICAL ASTRONOMERS only *think* about it.
THEORETICIANS do it conceptually.
THEORETICIANS do it with a proof
THERE ----- ARE ----- *FOUR* ----- LIGHTS!!!!!!
THERE ARE FOUR. LIGHTS!!!!!! -- Picard
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! <Swish, thud> It ain't you pal!
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE....place for *fantastic* savings!
THERE IS MADNESS ALL ABOUT!!! Shall we fight? or join in?\
THERE IS NO GIANT FUR-BEARING TROUT! - Post car guy, Earthworm Jim
THERE! I've run rings around you logically.
THERE!! ARE!! FOUR!!! LIGHTS!!!! - Picard
THERE'S NO GNU Like a new gnu.
THERE... ARE... FOUR.... LIGHTS!!!!!! -- Picard
THESAURUS -ancient reptile with a great vocabula
THESAURUS: A verbose member of the dinosaur family.
THESAURUS: a dinosaur with a good vocabulary.
THESE aren't my colors! And what're you blathering about, Riker?
THEY ruled the earth. THEY were supreme. THEY are badly animated
THEY told me you were paranoid but I didn't believe THEM until Now!
THIEVES do it in leather.
THIEVES do it when you're not looking
THIEVES do it with tools.
THINGS TO DO TODAY: Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.
THINK --it gives you something to do while the computer is down.
THINK! If you are already thinking, please disregard this message
THINK! Your brain's only evolutionary advantage over sponge cake!
THINK.EXE - bad command or file name
THINKING HURTS, it may lead to unpleasant truths!
THIRD LAW OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING: If a program is useful, it will have to be changed
THIRD LAW OF THE MARKETPLACE: Weekend specials, aren't
THIS BOOK IS SO PROFOUND it bores me to death.
THIS IS 911...To report fire press 1,burglary press 2,rape press 3,
THIS IS 911...To report fire press 1,burglary press 2,rape press 3,
THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!! - Monty Python
THIS IS NOT A TAGLINE!!!! It's just a stupid statement
THIS IS NOT A TAGLINE!!!! It's just a stupid statement
THIS ISLAND EARTH doesn't shine for me anymore
THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR, somebody else.
THIS SPACE FOR RENT!!! Leave feedback for more info!
THIS TAGLINE IS COPYRIGHTED! Stealing this gets you a $10,000 fine!
THIS TAGLINE IS OFF TOPIC! (yeah...as if the rest of the reply wasn't)
THIS definitely takes, eats and sh*ts the cake
THIS is a close-up?!? A CLOSE-UP, YA JERK! A CLOSE-UP!!!
THIS is my theory <ahem>, that is to say, the theory that is MINE.
THIS is not a clear & present danger? I must read the rule book again.
THIS is our glorious future?
THIS is where the adventure is.This is where heroes are made.-Bashir
THIS one didn't come out of any holosuite! - O'Brien
THIS one goes there THAT one goes there
THIS ought to catch the moderator's attention
THIS time for sure!
THIS would never happen nowadays! - Crow
THOM'S THIRD LAW OF MACHINES: If it jams, force it; If it
THOMAS EDISON - Here lies a light sleeper.
THOMAS EDISON - Who turned out the lights?
THOR : Thandinavian god of acheth and painth
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Try not to think about it!
THREE CLASSES OF PEOPLE: The Haves, The Have-Nots, and the Charge-Its.
THREESOME....................Short for "Thirty-something"
THREESOME..Short for "Thirty-something"
THRONE(v):regal verb,as in "your crown was throne away"
THX 1138 is charged with Criminal Drug Evasion.
THYME'S LAW - Everything goes wrong at once.
THe eVil bUnnY liT all tHe othEr aNimaLs oN fiRe.
THe ensign simply...got in the way! Daystrom
THere's a bee the size of a moose over there! - Crow
THws taKlyne wos typwd un a mIkraSOfd Nadural KyebOrad~
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIA-Thanks In Advance
TIC Tongue in cheek
TICKETS ! TICKETS ! See Sleepwalker climb steps ! TICKETS ! TICKETS !
TIDMADT : These Initials Don't Mean A Damn Thing
TIGER'S REVENGE by Claude Balls
TIGER(n): a 500 lb. pussy that eats YOU!!!
TILLIS' LAW OF ORGANIZATION: If you file it, you'll know where
TILT = Totally Illogical Liberal Thinking!
TILT! All data lost!...TILT! All data lost!
TIM BBS Your Window into Japan!
TIMBERSHEIK: A guy who kisses his girl between the limbs.
TIME STANDS STILL, Film at 11...or whenever...
TIME TO EAT! by Dean R. Bell.
TIME TRAXX -- Bringing you tomorrow's technology TODAY!
TIME's 1994 Moron of the Year.
TIME: Natures way of preventing that everything happens simultanously
TIN CAN: on a Toyota.
TINALO This is not a legal opinion
TINAR This is not a recommendation
TINY TIM - Please Do Not Step on the Tulips
TINY TIM - Tiptoe Through the Tulips, on Me.
TIO: Take It Over
TIP - Empty Tic-Tac packs are great for small parts!
TIPPER GORE VIRUS - When you attempt to play any sound file, it pops up a warning window stating that some lyrics may be unsuitable for children
TIPS: Wages we pay to other people's hired help
TIPS: Wages we pay to someone else's hired help
TIT4TAT--Thoughts In Taglines 4 Theives' Assimilating Tendencies
TITO-PARTIJA! TITO-PARTIJA!!! (scena iz fliperane)
TITS: Too Inviting To Stop
TJ's Druid Circle cookies are to die(t) for.
TJ's Law: You can't fall off the floor
TLA Three Letter Acronym
TLA: [T]hree [L]etter [A]cronym; why pilots can't spell.
TLAM[N] - When you care enough to send the very best!
TLC is a wonderful gift.
TLF is home to a LOT of strange things, isn't it???
TLF:Road Warriors On The Information Superhighway
TLNF: Teach me a Lesson i'll Never Forget
TLO = three letter origin
TLO: Turn indicator Lights Off
TLW: Transfer and Lose Way
TLX of Borg - "Your tagline will be assimilated."
TLX steals Taglines.. not me!
TLX v3.40 steals taglines..... not me!
TLX v4.2 sometimes I lie.
TLX þ A winner: þ Don't judge a book by its movie þ
TLX, it's getting beta, beta and beta!
TLX: An essential component for the *joy* of Modeming!!
TMNM, Teenage Mutant Ninja Moderator; The (ab)user's wors
TMP The Motion Picture
TN: Take a Nap
TNG The Next Generation
TNG Soap Operas #1: The Young and the Warpless
TNG Soap Operas #5: The Boldly Going and the Beautiful
TNG axed? All hands brace for impact! All ha@$#%^#$^ NO CAREER
TNG contradicts TOS (if you're sober enough to tell) - drink!
TNG is like Shakespeare and DS9 is like Dickens. Then what is VOY?
TNG was fun, but DS9 pushes all the right buttons for me. - Anna S
TNG* Computer: Run TROI in I AM DEATH INCARNATE mode. --Barclay.
TNG* Sensors identify the device as a "Thigh Master", Captain.
TNN/Soon-to-be-Spike TV (2003)
TO BOWLING ALLEY: " DO you have 12 pound balls?...."
TO BUTCHER: "Do you have pig's feet? Where the h**l do you get shoes!"
TO HELL WITH ALL THOSE PEOPLE who don't love humanity as much as I do
TO HELL WITH THE EVIDENCE ...it's politically correct
TO have an AMIGA is fine, To emit to it, "is DEVINE"!!!!
TO: John Hinkley. "Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster" -- Reagan
TOAC: Turn Off Air Conditioner
TOAD - (n). What happens to an illegally parked frog
TOASTER.COM - Insert bread in drive A: Press any key.
TOBAL There Oughta Be A Law
TOBG This Oughta Be Good
TOE : A parent's sensor for finding childrens' toys in dark rooms.
TOE: Device for finding furniture in the dark
TOFLY: on a late model Olds 442.
TOG: Take Out Garbage
TOG: Time Out, Graduate
TOGETH Musicians do it with feeling.
TOGG'S LAW OF ABSENCE When you do things right, nobody will be there to see it
TOH: Take Operator Hostage
TOKYO (Reuter) - Japan, a land famed for sudden fads, has a new craze -- "The Virtual Pet."
TOM 1.1 - Tagline-O-Matic (c) 1993 Mike Zier
TOM Cat virus found.....Mouse.com deleted !!!
TOM: HEY! It's a 21 TERD salute!
TOMB, n. The House of Indifference.
TOMBSTONE SLIGHTLY USED. Sell cheap. Weil's Curiosity Shop
TOMCAT WARNING - Liberties Taken With Quotes!
TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY and I hope it's not a day like this one
TOMORROW: One of today's greatest labor saving devices
TONIC.H20 found. BOTTLE.GIN found. SysOp found...LOADED!
TONIGHT at 20:00 hours, Happy Hour at Quarks!
TONIGHT! - MUD WRESTLING!! - Major Kira verses Lt.Commander Ivanova
TONITE AT 25:30 HOURS - VOLE RACING AT QUARKS! - (Don't tell Odo!)
TONYA HARDING DOLL: Assault and Battery Sold Separat
TONYA HARDING does it with a baton.
TOO +++uC++ $ex A((ecT$ YOUr eye$ig++T
TOO: Turn On/off Operator
TOON-TANG: Wanting to have sex with a cartoon character
TOP BUNK: where you should never put a child wearing Superman jammies
TOP SECRET This message will self destruct in 5 seconds!!!
TOP TEN Methods to Kill your 'X' 9. Sniper attack from atop Tall Building
TOP: Trap OPerator
TOPOLOGISTS do in on rubber sheets.
TOPS-20 didn't suck bad enough, so it had to be destroyed. -- miscellaneous rambling on alt.sysadmin.recovery
TOR between two lovers - Tom sings about Tor Johnson
TORY: Those Other Reform Yuks!
TOS The Original Series
TOS + 6 Movies + TNG = 8, so DS9 is #9.
TOS = Red Shirt; TNG = Ensign; DSN = Runabout; VOY = Harry Kim
TOS: Trash Operating System
TOUCAN SAM SNUFFS IT! - Cereal Killing Spree Continues!
TOUGH LOVE(n): choke chains
TOURIST SEASON! DOES that mean we can shoot them?
TOURIST(n):what you call a pretty girl in Vancouver.
TOURISTS: People taking training classes just to get a break
TOW: Take Over World
TOWEL -- Don't leave home without it!
TOYOTA - Towed Often, Yearly Overrunning Triple A
TOYOTA - Toyauto
TOYOTA: By the same great guys who attacked Pearl Harbor!
TP Curse:May the face of Bob walk your dreams
TP for my bonghole!--Beavis
TP for my bunghole! --Beavis/Cornholio
TP> "Do you recall what P.T. Barnum said about suckers?" -- Scully
TPD: Terminal Printer Destruct
TPD: Total Program Diagnostic
TPD: Triple Pack Decimal
TPDH: Tell Programmer to Do it Himself
TPF: Turn Power oFf
TPN: Turn Power oN
TPO: Turn Power Off
TPR: Tear PapeR
TPS * Yes, my son, a 10 meg hard drive was once really big
TPTB The Powers That Be
TPTB - The sound the roadrunner makes with his tongue
TPTB define "canon" as: this week's episode
TPTB: The Powers That Be
TR had a Bully Pulpit; FDR had a fireside; Bill Clinton has MTV
TR makes TV, TV published by 3D. Say that 10 times fast
TR: Turn into Rubbish
TRA: Te Rdls Arvs [type ridiculous abbreviations]
TRACKBALL: A heavier, harder type of tetherball.
TRADEWARS 2002: Some people's only reason to own a modem or to live.
TRAINEES do it as practice.
TRAITOR (n.): A person winning an argument with a liberal.
TRAMPOLINE ACROBATS do it in the air.
TRAMPOLINE ACROBATS do it over a net
TRAMPOLINE ACROBATS do it swinging from bars.
TRAMPOLINE ACROBATS do it under the big top
TRAMPOLINIST: Someone whose life is full of ups and downs
TRANSECT(n): when a Baptist marries a Methodist
TRANSISTOR: A nun after a sex change.
TRANSPORT supports it.
TRANSSEXUALS do it right eventually.
TRANSVESTITE: A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary.
TRANSVESTITES do it dressed.
TRAPEZOID - A device for catching zoids.
TRC eht edisni deppart ma I !pleH
TRD: TRansfer and Drop bit
TRDMC Tears Running Down My Cheeks
TRE-MEN-DOUS COSMIC POWER!!!...itsy-bitsy living space! -The Genie
TREE MEN do it in more crotches than anyone else.
TREE: Something shaken to see what files will fall out
TREK is a crossdresser. TREK is a crossdresser. TREK is a crossdresser.
TREK wisdom: Runabouts have the life expectency of a redshirt
TREKKERS do it with warp drive!
TREWLY Narly peepul are cunsistantly wierd and HORABLE spelers!
TRE_MEN_DOUS COS_MIC PO_WER itty bitty tagline.
TRIBBLE movie: Friday the 1,238,890,166,001,523,939th
TRIBBLE tune "Just rolling along...
TRIBBLE, cuddly ball of lint
TRIBBLE: cuddly ball of lint
TRIBBLE: TOS creature, small fuzzy, hates Klingons.
TRIBBLES IMITATING ANTS.********************************
TRIBBLES??... OH NO!!! I thought they were new toilet brushheads!!
TRIBBlE math is sexpoential.
TRIBIOLOGICAL ENGINEERS do it by using lubricants.
TRICHINOSIS(n):pig's reply to proponents of porcophagy.
TRICHINOSIS, n. The pig's reply to proponents of porcophagy.
TRICK QUESTION: What a man asks a street walker.
TRINITY: An odd way to promote unity.
TRIOLET: poem frequently in need of a plumber
TRIUMPH - The Risk In Useless Machinery Pays Heavily
TRIUMPH - This Really Is Unreliable Man, Please Help!
TRIUMPH - Tried Repairing It Until My Parts Hurt!
TRIVIA: In "Measure Of A Man", _____ is the prosecutor against Data?
TRIVIA: In which episode is Picard seen as a god ?
TRIVIA: Joan Collins portrayed this character.
TRIVIA: What alias did Harry Mudd use?
TRIVIA: What does O'Briens's wife do on DS9?
TRIVIA: What is Major Kira's proper Bajorian Name?
TRIVIA: What type of brain does Data have?
TRIVIA: Who introduced Jack and Beverly Crusher?
TROI: How was your date with Data? TASHA: Insufficient Data
TROI: I feel pain, GREAT pain! RIKER: Glad you liked it!
TROI:How was your date with Data? YAR:Insufficient Data
TROMBONE PLAYERS are constantly sliding it in and out.
TROMBONE PLAYERS do it faster.
TROMBONE PLAYERS do it in 7 positions
TROMBONE PLAYERS do it with slide action finger control.
TROMBONE PLAYERS do it with slide oil
TROMBONE PLAYERS do it with their "F" attachment.
TROMBONE PLAYERS have something that's always long and hard.
TROMBONE PLAYERS slide it in and out.
TROMBONE PLAYERS use more positions.
TRQ: To Read Queue. Also VTRQ "Virtual To Read Queue".
TRS-80 * The Best 8-bit Computer Ever Built!
TRUCE, n. Friendship.
TRUCK DRIVERS carry bigger loads.
TRUCK DRIVERS do it on the road.
TRUCK DRIVERS have bigger dipsticks.
TRUCK and TESTICLE - Now there's a men's magazine!
TRUCKERS carry bigger loads.
TRUCKERS have bigger loads.
TRUCKERS have moving experiences.
TRUE CE alignments put Heads of Force in kids' marble bags.
TRUE multitasking-playing Doom while cooking breakfast on the Pentium.
TRUE! Heavy metal group MEGADEATH just won the Doris Day award!
TRUMP does it with cash.
TRUMPET PLAYERS blow the best
TRUMPET PLAYERS can't do it!
TRUMPETERS blow hard
TRUST ME!--I work for the government!
TRUST NO ONE. --Deep Throat. Trust me. -zf- Doh! --Homer Simpson.
TRUST me, @FN@. Would *I* lie to you?
TRUTH - An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance
TRUTH, n. An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance.
TRUTH.TXT not found. Impeach CLINTON.COM (Y/n)?
TRUTH.VER cross-linked w/CLINTON.LIE: LIMBAUGH.EXE to fix.
TRUTH: Backup files are never complete.
TRUTH: Stranger than fiction, but not as popular.
TRUTH: Things go right just so they can go wrong.
TRUTHFUL, adj. Dumb and illiterate.
TS-430S - The best HF radio ever made!
TSE (The SemWare Editor) -- So FAST, it leaves RUBBER on your desk!
TSE, the do it your way editor.
TSFTIORCA: The Society For The Invention Of Really Complicated Acronyms
TSH: Trap Secretary and Halt
TSM: Trap Secretary and Mount
TSR = (T)rashes (S)ystem (R)andomly
TSR = Terminate Security Regime
TSR = Terminate, Stall, Reboot!
TSR's last book: Player's Guide to kill bad DMs!
TSR's!!!!! Bah! Humbug!
TSR: Trashes System Randomly.
TSR: Terminate and Scramble Ram
TSR: Terminate, Stall, Reboot!
TSR: Trash System Randomly
TSR= [T]rashes [S]ystem [R]andomly
TSRs are the instruments of Cthulhu.
TST: Trash System Tracks
TSUNAMI: (n) A REAL big Blue Wave.
TSZ: Thus Spake Zarathustra
TT%CN: TeleType \(em Clunk Noise
TT%EKB: TeleType \(em Electrify KeyBoard
TT> I am looking for Tags related to money or paying bills......any
TT> suggestions ??
TT>I _desperately_ (!!!) need some moderator and Startrek taglines! If
TTA - Tagline Thieves of America (member since 1990)
TTA: Try, Try Again
TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTFN: Thank Thor Friday Nears!
TTFN; Ta Ta For Now
TTIHLIC: Try To Imagine How Little I Care
TTITT: Turn 2400 foot Tape Into Two 1200 foot Tapes
TTL4N That's The Lot For Now
TTL: Tap Trunk Line
TTL: Time To Logoff
TTMFITT method: (T)hrow (T)he (M)(F) (I)n (T)he (T)rash
TTMS Talk (TYPE) To Me Soon
TTSF, Truth Through Superior Firepower
TTTT; To tell the truth.
TTTTTTTTTTT: My T key is stuck.
TTUL Talk To You Later
TTYL Talk (or Type) To You Later
TTYL(A): Talk (or Type) To You Later (Alligator)
TTYL, Will in Sunny Tucson, Arizona
TTYL-Talk (or Type) To You Later
TTYL: Talk To Your Lover.
TTYL: Tender-Tush, Your Lover.
TTYL; Talk to you later.
TTYRS Talk To You Real Soon?
TTell us again about the end of the world, Socko! - Beavis
TThe 2nd Amendment is NOT a permit to be issued by the police!
TThe longer the title, the less important the job
TThe river speaks. Corn listens. Potatos merely observe
TThheerree''ss aann EEcchhoo iinn hheerree.
TThis Tagline iz sslighhtly ouut of focus.
TThis recipe iz sslighhtly ouut of focus.
TThis taglin iz sslighhtly ouut of cofus.
TUBA PLAYERS do it deeper.
TUBA PLAYERS do it with big horns
TUBA PLAYERS have the biggest instruments.
TUBA PLAYERS usually do it on one and three.
TUBAS do it deeper
TUC The Undiscovered Country
TUMOR: An extra pair.
TUMOR: Number of beers yew can drink after last call.
TUPHLEM GRDLPHUMP.. to quote Opus' first words.
TUPHLEM GRDLPHUMP... Opus's first words
TUPHLEM GRDLPHUMPto quote Opus's first words...
TURING == Totally Useless, Really Ignorant, No Good
TURKISH: Yeni Yilnizi Kutar, saadetler dilerim
TURTLE LIPS: Not just for breakfast anymore
TV "Truth" - If a woman is running, she will trip and fall.
TV - Chewing gum for the eyes
TV - Radio without the imagination.
TV - we call it a medium because nothing's well done.
TV Agent -- customization, details, timeliness -- 130+ TVRO channels
TV BATMAN - West in Peace
TV ChalkZone: Good Drawings vs. Bad Drawings (2000)
TV DINNER: Food that tastes like it was prepared by the TV repairman.
TV DINNER: Food that tastes like it was prepared by the TV repairman.
TV EVANGALISTS do more than lay people
TV Evangelists: The pro wrestlers of religion
TV FREE MARS - PPG and Terrorist Appreciation Kit sold separately.
TV Guide : the liberal's definition of serious reading
TV High School students look thirty years old.
TV How am I DOOM ][-ing? Dial 1-900-BFG-9000.
TV How do you spell excellent 3D action game? D-O-O-M
TV I blame DOOM ][ for these rings under my eyes
TV I have seen the future of gaming and its name is DOOM ][.
TV I used to have a life. Now I have DOOM ][.
TV I'd rather be playing DOOM ][!
TV In 1994, I was sure that the world was DOOM-ed.
TV Is DOOM ][ better than Sex? On the next Geraldo
TV MegaArmor/SuperCharge/BFG9000 * What more could a person ask for?
TV Mercenaries Wanted * Apply at: Union Aerospace Corporation, Phobos
TV No Sir, I didn't get it done. I was in DEATHMATCH mode
TV Play DOOM ][ by Modem? E-mail me and let's rock n' roll!
TV Problem with DOOM ][? End of the line is WAAAY back there.
TV REPAIRMEN do it with a vertical hold
TV REPAIRMEN do it with their tubes.
TV Radio without the imagination.
TV Remember: if at first you don't succeed, IDCLEVem!
TV Space aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV TRUTH: Kid's rooms are always spotless.
TV TRUTH: "Real men" can punch a hole in a car window.
TV TRUTH: Kid's rooms are always spotless.
TV TRUTH: Nobody ever needs to use the bathroom.
TV TRUTH: Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly
TV TRUTH: People sit only on one side of the dinner table.
TV TRUTH: The murderer always hides in the back seat.
TV Too much DOOM ][: You fire a Rocket into Dark rooms.
TV Too much DOOM ][: You've started to side step into rooms.
TV Too much DOOM ][: Your clock seems to be fast.
TV Too much DOOM ][: Your coffee has frozen.
TV Too much DOOM ][: Your fingers start to shake.
TV Truth # 1: "Real Men" can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth # 2: A 9mm pistol is a more powerful weapon than an AK-47.
TV Truth # 3: Aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth # 4: All alien races look like deformed humans.
TV Truth # 5: All Asians know karate.
TV Truth # 6: All Brits are classy and all Frenchmen are jerks.
TV Truth # 7: All cars will explode when wrecked.
TV Truth # 8: All problems can be solved in 30-60 minutes.
TV Truth # 9: Anyone can jump through a plate glass window.
TV Truth #01 - If ya can't dooda time, don't dooda crime - Tony Beretta
TV Truth #01: "Real Men" can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth #02: A 9mm pistol is a more powerful weapon than an AK-47.
TV Truth #03: Aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth #04: All alien races look like deformed humans.
TV Truth #05: All Asians know karate.
TV Truth #06: All Brits are classy and all Frenchmen are jerks.
TV Truth #07: All cars will explode when wrecked.
TV Truth #08: All problems can be solved in 30-60 minutes.
TV Truth #09: Anyone can jump through a plate glass window.
TV Truth #1 - If ya can't dooda time, don't dooda crime - Tony Beretta
TV Truth #105: Car tires squeal on dirt roads.
TV Truth #10: Babies age five times as fast as their parents.
TV Truth #11: Butt, Crap, and Boob are cuss words.
TV Truth #12: Car tires squeal on dirt roads.
TV Truth #13: Cartoon characters don't die.
TV Truth #14: Court cases are all solved with a suprise witness.
TV Truth #15: Crime pays; sell your story to the movie-of-the-week.
TV Truth #16: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females.
TV Truth #17: Explosions in space make noise.
TV Truth #18: Getting shot is a minor annoyance if you're a good guy.
TV Truth #19: Global corporations set up their HQ in small towns.
TV Truth #1: Explosions in space make noise.
TV Truth #2 - Nobody said life was fair - Jimmy Carter
TV Truth #20: Good guys always live forever.
TV Truth #21: Good guys always shoot better than bad guys.
TV Truth #22: Good guys are always good looking.
TV Truth #23: Good guys can get 200 shots out of a six-shooter.
TV Truth #24: Good guys live forever.
TV Truth #25: Happiness is boring.
TV Truth #26: Haunted houses are never locked.
TV Truth #27: High School students look thirty years old.
TV Truth #28: Housewives always wear dresses, heels, and aprons.
TV Truth #29: If a car flips over, it always bursts into flames.
TV Truth #2: All problems can be solved in 30-60 minutes.
TV Truth #3 - "And that's the way it is" - Walter Cronkite
TV Truth #30: If a woman is running, she will trip and fall.
TV Truth #31: If there's a thunderstorm, someone will be murdered.
TV Truth #32: If women have breasts, they're hookers.
TV Truth #33: In a soap, everything happens to the same 20 people.
TV Truth #34: Kids always have something clever and witty to say.
TV Truth #35: Kids' rooms are always spotless.
TV Truth #36: Life is a measure of popularity.
TV Truth #37: Love conquers all obstacles.
TV Truth #38: Martial artists never get killed by bullets.
TV Truth #39: Mothers actually worry about brands of peanut butter.
TV Truth #3: If a woman is running, she will trip and fall.
TV Truth #40: No matter how much trouble you're in, you can get out.
TV Truth #41: No one does housework, but all homes are clean.
TV Truth #42: No one has trouble finding parking spots in a hurry.
TV Truth #43: No soap opera perfect relationship will ever last.
TV Truth #44: Only Archie Bunker and Fred Sanford use the restroom.
TV Truth #45: Only thin beautiful woman ever need to be rescued.
TV Truth #46: People being stalked always retreat upstairs.
TV Truth #47: People have friendly neighbors even in big cities.
TV Truth #48: People sit on only one side of the dinner table.
TV Truth #49: Psychos never kill teens who are virgins.
TV Truth #4: All cars will explode when wrecked.
TV Truth #50: Scary music always precedes tragedy.
TV Truth #51: Small towns always have hospitals and colleges.
TV Truth #52: Teenagers can access any computer using their PC's.
TV Truth #53: The murderer always hides in the backseat.
TV Truth #54: Women always have to be rescued.
TV Truth #55: Women always vacuum the house wearing pearls.
TV Truth #56: Yeast infections are a topic of casual conversation.
TV Truth #57: Bad guys make elaborate inventions to kill the good guys.
TV Truth #58: Explosions in empty space *HAPPEN*.
TV Truth #59: Good guys always win and get the girl.
TV Truth #5: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females.
TV Truth #60: Good guys are always outnumbered.
TV Truth #61: Good guys are the only ones with a sense of humor.
TV Truth #62: Good guys don't take drugs.
TV Truth #63: Good guys live forever, no matter how badly they're hurt.
TV Truth #64: Good guys will only get shot in the arm or leg.
TV Truth #65: If it isn't hand-hammered, it's not the real thing.
TV Truth #66: SF shows all intelligent beings are humanoid.
TV Truth #67: Something violent must happen in the first 15 seconds.
TV Truth #68: Spinning tires on sand always creates a screech.
TV Truth #69: Undercover cops are too good to be spotted.
TV Truth #6: In a soap, everything happens to the same 20 people.
TV Truth #7: Anyone can jump through a plate glass window.
TV Truth #7: Car tires squeal on dirt roads.
TV Truth: "Real Men" can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth: A 9mm pistol is a more powerful weapon than an AK-47.
TV Truth: A running woman will trip and fall.
TV Truth: Aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth: All Asian people know some type of Martial Art.
TV Truth: All Asians know karate.
TV Truth: All Britishers are classy, all Frenchmen jerks.
TV Truth: All alien intelligent beings are humanoid.
TV Truth: All alien races look like deformed humans.
TV Truth: All cars will explode when wrecked.
TV Truth: All husbands are less intelligent than their wives.
TV Truth: All husbands are wife-beaters.
TV Truth: All men are evil.
TV Truth: All problems can be solved in 30-60 minutes.
TV Truth: Anyone can jump through a plate glass window
TV Truth: Babies age five times as fast as their parents
TV Truth: Butt, Crap and Boob are cuss words.
TV Truth: Car tires squeal on dirt roads.
TV Truth: Cartoon characters don't die.
TV Truth: Computers know EVERYTHING, and they NEVER crash.
TV Truth: Court cases are all solved with a suprise witness.
TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females ...
TV Truth: Every small town has a college and a hospital.
TV Truth: Everyone Wins in Las Vegas.
TV Truth: Everyone knows how to pick a lock with only one tool.
TV Truth: Explosions in empty space *HAPPEN*.
TV Truth: Explosions in space make noise.
TV Truth: Getting shot is a minor annoyance if you're a good guy.
TV Truth: Good guys always shoot better than bad guys.
TV Truth: Good guys are always good looking.
TV Truth: Good guys are always outnumbered.
TV Truth: Good guys live forever, no matter how badly their hurt.
TV Truth: Good guys live forever.
TV Truth: Good guys will only get shot in the arm or leg.
TV Truth: Happiness is boring.
TV Truth: Haunted houses are never locked.
TV Truth: High School students look thirty years old.
TV Truth: Housewives always wear dresses, heels, and aprons.
TV Truth: If a car flips over, it always bursts into flames.
TV Truth: If a woman is running, she will trip and fall.
TV Truth: If being stalked in your house, one should run upstairs.
TV Truth: If it isn't hand-hammered, it's not the real thing.
TV Truth: If women have breasts, they're hookers.
TV Truth: If you are being stalked in your house, run upstairs.
TV Truth: In a soap opera, everything happens to the same 20 people.
TV Truth: International companies set up their HQ in small towns.
TV Truth: Kids always have something clever and witty to say.
TV Truth: Kids rooms are always spotless.
TV Truth: Life is a measure of popularity.
TV Truth: Love conquers all obstacles.
TV Truth: Martial artists never get killed by bullets.
TV Truth: Massive Overkill saves the day - Darkwood
TV Truth: Mothers actually worry about brands of peanut butter.
TV Truth: Movies BASED on true stores are MADE UP.
TV Truth: Murders will always be accompanied by sinister music.
TV Truth: No matter how much trouble you're in, you can get out.
TV Truth: No one EVER locks a car when they get out of it.
TV Truth: No one does housework, but all homes are clean.
TV Truth: No one has trouble finding parking spots in a hurry.
TV Truth: No soap opera "perfect relationship" will ever last.
TV Truth: Nobody ever needs to use the restroom.
TV Truth: One sentence from a beautiful woman can de-roof a bar.
TV Truth: Only thin beautiful woman ever need to be rescued.
TV Truth: People being stalked always retreat upstairs.
TV Truth: People have friendly neighbors even in big cities.
TV Truth: People on the news blink a lot.
TV Truth: People sit on one side of the dinner table.
TV Truth: Psychos never kill teens who are virgins.
TV Truth: Real Men can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth: Rich people are unhappy.
TV Truth: SF shows all intelligent beings are humanoid.
TV Truth: Scary music always precedes tragedy.
TV Truth: Soap Opera small towns always have hospitals and colleges.
TV Truth: Something violent must happen in the first 15 seconds.
TV Truth: Space aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth: Spinning tires on sand always creates a screech.
TV Truth: Teenagers can access any computer by using their PC's.
TV Truth: Teenagers who have sex are destined to die in a grotesque way
TV Truth: The "Good Guys" are the only ones with a sense of humor.
TV Truth: The group ALWAYS splits up to look for the alien.
TV Truth: The last 5 min. of any show will be 20 min. with commercials.
TV Truth: The murderer always hides in the back seat.
TV Truth: The police are smart.
TV Truth: Ugly people are ALWAYS the bad guys.
TV Truth: Whenever there's a thunderstorm, someone will be murdered.
TV Truth: Women NEVER do housework but the houses are ALWAYS clean.
TV Truth: Women always have to be rescued.
TV Truth: Women always vacuum the house wearing pearls.
TV Truth: Yeast infections are a topic of casual conversation.
TV Truth: You can build a new house yourself.
TV Truth: You can get 200 shots out of a six-shooter.
TV Truth: You only speak to the camera when spoken to first
TV Truth: "Real Men" can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth: A 9mm pistol is a more powerful weapon than an AK-47.
TV Truth: A chop to the neck with the.
TV Truth: A running woman will trip and fall.
TV Truth: Aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth: All Asian people know some type of Martial Art.
TV Truth: All Asians know karate.
TV Truth: All Britishers are classy, all Frenchmen jerks.
TV Truth: All Brits are classy and all Frenchmen are jerks.
TV Truth: All alien intelligent beings are humanoid.
TV Truth: All alien races look like deformed humans.
TV Truth: All cars will explode when wreaked
TV Truth: All husbands are less intelligent than their wives.
TV Truth: All husbands are wife-beaters.
TV Truth: All men are evil.
TV Truth: All police killings are in self-defense
TV Truth: All prisoners are wearing ugly tatooes
TV Truth: All problems can be solved in 30-60 minutes.
TV Truth: Anyone can jump through a plate glass window.
TV Truth: Babies age five times as fast as their parents.
TV Truth: Bad guys will make elaborate inventions to kill the good guys
TV Truth: Butt, Crap, and Boob are cuss words.
TV Truth: Car tires squeal on dirt roads.
TV Truth: Cartoon characters don't die.
TV Truth: Computers know EVERYTHING, and they NEVER crash.
TV Truth: Court cases are all solved with a suprise witness.
TV Truth: Crime does pay, just sell your story to the movie-of-the-week.
TV Truth: Drinking beer attracts beautiful females.
TV Truth: Every Englishman is classy, every Frenchmen a jerk
TV Truth: Every small town has a college and a hospital.
TV Truth: Everyone Wins in Las Vegas.
TV Truth: Everyone knows how to pick a lock with only one tool.
TV Truth: Everyone's rich in the U.S.A
TV Truth: Explosions in empty space *HAPPEN*.
TV Truth: Explosions in space always make noise.
TV Truth: Getting shot is a minor annoyance if you're a good guy.
TV Truth: Good guys always shoot better than bad guys.
TV Truth: Good guys always win and get the girl.
TV Truth: Good guys are always good looking.
TV Truth: Good guys are always outnumbered.
TV Truth: Good guys are the only ones with a sense of humor.
TV Truth: Good guys can get 200 shots out of a six-shooter.
TV Truth: Good guys don't take drugs.
TV Truth: Good guys live forever, no matter how badly their hurt.
TV Truth: Good guys live forever.
TV Truth: Good guys will only get shot in the arm or leg.
TV Truth: Happiness is boring.
TV Truth: Haunted houses are never locked.
TV Truth: High School students look thirty years old.
TV Truth: Housewives always wear dresses, heels, and aprons.
TV Truth: If a car flips over, it always bursts into flames.
TV Truth: If a woman is running, she will trip and fall.
TV Truth: If being stalked in your house, one should run upstairs.
TV Truth: If it isn't hand-hammered, it's not the real thing.
TV Truth: If there's a thunderstorm, someone will be murdered.
TV Truth: If women have breasts, they're hookers.
TV Truth: If you are being stalked in your house, run upstairs.
TV Truth: In a soap opera, everything happens to the same 20 people.
TV Truth: International companies set up their HQ in small towns.
TV Truth: Kids always have something clever and witty to say.
TV Truth: Kids rooms are always spotless.
TV Truth: Life is a measure of popularity.
TV Truth: Love conquers all obstacles.
TV Truth: Martial artists never get killed by bullets.
TV Truth: Mothers actually worry about brands of peanut butter.
TV Truth: Movies BASED on true stores are MADE UP.
TV Truth: Murders will always be accompanied by sinister music.
TV Truth: No matter how much trouble you're in, you can get out.
TV Truth: No one EVER locks a car when they get out of it.
TV Truth: No one does housework, but all homes are clean.
TV Truth: No one has trouble finding parking spots in a hurry.
TV Truth: No soap opera perfect relationship will ever last.
TV Truth: Nobody ever needs to use the restroom.
TV Truth: One sentence from a beautiful woman can de-roof a bar.
TV Truth: Only thin beautiful woman ever need to be rescued.
TV Truth: People being stalked always retreat upstairs.
TV Truth: People have friendly neighbors even in big cities.
TV Truth: People on the news blink a lot.
TV Truth: People sit on one side of the dinner table.
TV Truth: People won't leave television for the *Internet!*
TV Truth: Police never wait for back-up
TV Truth: Real Men can punch a hole in a car window.
TV Truth: Rich people are unhappy.
TV Truth: SF shows all intelligent beings are humanoid.
TV Truth: Scary music always precedes tragedy.
TV Truth: Soap Opera small towns always have hospitals and colleges.
TV Truth: Something violent must happen in the first 15 seconds.
TV Truth: Space aliens are always immune to bullets.
TV Truth: Spinning tires on sand always creates a screech.
TV Truth: Teenagers can access any computer by using their PC's.
TV Truth: Teenagers who have sex are destined to die in a grotesque way
TV Truth: Television programming schedules are *brilliant!*
TV Truth: The "Good Guys" are the only ones with a sense of humor.
TV Truth: The group ALWAYS splits up to look for the alien / monster
TV Truth: The last 5 min. of any show will be 20 min. with commercials.
TV Truth: The murderer always hides in the backseat.
TV Truth: The police are smart.
TV Truth: There is a higher intelligence at work to solve your problems.
TV Truth: Ugly people are ALWAYS the bad guys.
TV Truth: Undercover cops are too good to be spotted.
TV Truth: Whenever there's a thunderstorm, someone will be murdered.
TV Truth: Women NEVER do housework but the houses are ALWAYS clean.
TV Truth: Women always have to be rescued.
TV Truth: Women always vacuum the house wearing pearls.
TV Truth: Yeast infections are a popular topic
TV Truth: Yeast infections are a popular topic of casual conversation.
TV Truth: Yeast infections are a popular topic.
TV Truth: Yeast infections are a topic of casual conversation.
TV Truth: You *CAN* get 200 shots out of a six-shooter.
TV Truth: You can build a new house yourself.
TV Truth: You can get 200 shots out of a six-shooter.
TV Truth: You only speak to the camera when spoken to first
TV Try the *latest* in PhobosWear. Open midriff optional!
TV Why sleep when you can DOOM ][!
TV You're an INFORMANT? Nice try, but this is DOOM ][! >BLAM!<
TV addict who grumbles when disturbed: grouch potato.
TV advertising is the rattling inside a swill bucket.
TV be some medium; anythin' well done be rare. Cheeeiit.
TV casualty
TV court cases are all solved with a suprise witness.
TV doesn't make $ence. They are out to make dollar$.
TV getting dull? Turn it upside down
TV is a crutch for people who can't afford drugs.
TV is a crutch for those who lack imagination.
TV is a medium because it is seldom well done.
TV is a medium; anything well done is rare.
TV is called a medium because it is neither rare nor well done.
TV is chewing gum for the eyes.
TV is chewing gum for the eyes. -- Frank Lloyd Wright
TV is like a steak - a medium rarely well-done
TV made me do it.
TV news anchors do it every night.
TV repairmen do it with a vertical hold.
TV set has gone to the test pattern
TV truth--good guys always live forever.
TV truth: All jockeys are midgets
TV truth: Churches are always open, 24 hours every day
TV truth: Churches give music lessons on the organ
TV truth: Churches have organ music playing all the time
TV truth: Dogs always make silly wimpering noises
TV truth: Explosions in space always make noise.
TV truth: Good guys always live forever.
TV truth: Old, homeless men wear long, grey coats
TV truth: Young people are never homeless. Only old men are
TV truth:Any non-Judeo-Xtian place of worship is a "temple" or "ashram"
TV"I wouldn't leave if I were you. DOS is much worse." - DOOM ][
TV's Famous Last Words: "Be careful out there."
TV's Famous Last Words: "Book him Dano."
TV's Famous Last Words: "Is anyone down there...?"
TV's Famous Last Words: "Book him Dano."
TV's Famous Last Words: Be careful out there.
TV's Famous Last Words: Book him Dano.
TV's Famous Last Words: Is anyone down there...?
TV's Frank - This one's for you! - Crow
TV's Frank is an agent?! - Crow
TV's biggest problem is killing time between commercials.
TV, Ieacetof
TV, a medium rarely well done.
TV, or not TV: That is the question.
TV-- that big, plastic, remote-controlled, cat warmer. -- josh wilson
TV-AM, you jerk! IT'S TV-AM
TV. Just got a new big screen TV for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
TV. Just got a new big screen TV for my boyfriend...GREAT TRADE!
TV: Radio without the imagination.
TV? That's the thing that looks like a computer monitor?
TVA mind is a terrible thing toTVOOOOH, DOOM ][ is here!
TVBS3, the network for likely taglines.
TVCastle Wolfenstein 3D - training course for DOOM ][!
TVComing Soon - DOOM ]I[: What The Hell?
TVDOOM ][ - Destroy Opponents Over Modem
TVDOOM ][ - Forget Disney WorldTVI'm going to Hell!
TVDOOM ][ - the ultimate encounter with virtual death!
TVDOOM ][ D We Must get together for a Death matcTV@#$^!:"{..SPLAT!
TVDOOM ][ DEATHMATCH MODE: Reach out and KILL someone!
TVDOOM ][ Tip: Look out! There's a demon behind you!
TVDOOM ][ is NOT an Apogee Game (It's from id)
TVDOOM ][ unto others as they DOOM ][ unto you.
TVDOOM ][: "It's a chain saw. I always carry one for emergencies."
TVDOOM ][: "NIGHTMARE" MODE - Where NOTHING stays dead for long.
TVDOOM ][: 2368 Enemies in 27 Levels * Nothing to Sneeze at!
TVDOOM ][: Ammo! Ammo! I NEED more ammo here now damn it!
TVDOOM ][: Don't trust anything that moves - kill it instead.
TVDOOM ][: He who laughs last probably has the most ammo.
TVDOOM ][: If you hit every time, the target's too near.
TVDOOM ][: If your enemy is in range, so are you.
TVDOOM ][: Killing Alien Monsters was never so much fun.
TVDOOM ][: Map of Hell included. It's good to know where you're going.
TVDOOM ][: May your shotgun never be empty.
TVDOOM ][: Not just a spectators sport.
TVDOOM ][: Not recommended for children of any age.
TVDOOM ][: See you in hell.
TVDOOM ][: When in doubt, Use the BFG-9000!
TVDOOM ][: Where going to HELL is actually fun.
TVDOOM ][: Where the Safest place is behind a Plasma Rifle.
TVDOOM ][: Where the sanest placeTVis behind a trigger.
TVDOOM ][: Ammo! Ammo! I NEED more ammo here now damn it!
TVDOOM ][: He who laughs last probably has the most ammo
TVDamn - I picked up more shotgun shells and can't use my CHAIN GUN!
TVF TALENT - TV's Frank, Talent Agent
TVH The Voyage Home
TVI? What TVI?
TVO: Type Various Obscenities
TWA The Wrong Airline.
TWA - Teeny Weeny Airline
TWA - Third World Airlines
TWA - Two Wing Airplane
TWA - What a joke!
TWA: Takeoff With Another
TWA: Time-Waste Airlines
TWA: Travel With Arabs
TWA: Try Walk Across
TWA: Try With Another
TWAIN: Technology Without An Interesting Name
TWEETIE BIRD - I *Knew* I Taw a Puddy Tat
TWEETY: on a yello 57 Thunderbird.
TWELVE STEP MAN - Tom's super hero
TWICE, adv. Once too often.
TWINS---Womb mates.
TWIT.DAT = 16 Megs? No wonder I never get any mail!
TWIT.LST filled to capacity, there's nobody left to talk!
TWIT: Person who knows everything & gets straight F's.
TWIT: Thoughtful, Witty, Intelligent & Truthful!
TWMM: Motives are rarely unselfish.
TWO 50-yard lines, double your fun!
TWO METER OPERATORS do it with very high frequency.
TWO-MINUTE WARNING: when the baby's face turns red and she begins to make those familiar grunting noises
TWiT BBS - im herZen von twiTstadT. CALL NOW!!!!!!!!!!
TX Driving: To change lanes, first pull out your
TXT2MSG 2.42u (unregistered)
TYF: Trust Your Feelings
TYHO #002: "Sorry, I just broke the hard, colorful disk!"
TYHO #006: "This floppy disk makes a great Frisbee!"
TYHO #016: "Floppy disks in the toaster light up cool!"
TYHO #027: "Oops! Sorry I picked up the phone!"
TYHO #046: "This disk is bent. I put it on the heater."
TYHO #081: "Floppy disks don't burn very well, do they?"
TYHO #083: "I touched the computer & a big spark jumped!"
TYHO #103: "I can't make the foot pedal work!"
TYHO #104: "Oops! My pop spilled in the computer!"
TYHO #149: "Why won't this floppy disk fold right?"
TYHO #159: "This disk was dirty, so I washed it."
TYHO #195: "Why'd the nuker quit with the disk in it?"
TYHO #230: "Look! A frozen floppy disk!"
TYHO #253: "My magnet won't pick up this floppy disk!"
TYHO #256: "Floppy disks make cool coasters!"
TYHO #278: "Ewwww! Floppy disks taste awful!"
TYHO #298: "My pancake won't fit in the floppy drive!"
TYHO #307: "The dog ate the disk with your .REP packet!"
TYHO #308: "What does this big red button do?"
TYHO #340: "I put this disk on a light bulb!"
TYHO #354: "I turned off the computer while you napped."
TYHO #367: "What does FORMATTING DRIVE C: mean?"
TYLENOL.COM not found, Operator temporarily haulted!!
TYNH þ "Actually, I can't stand peaches." - Glenn Brensin
TYNH þ "Dan, I've taken a job with Exec-PC" - John Schmid
TYNH þ "I love Windows!" - Joe Siegler
TYNH þ "I really don't care where the comma goes."-Scot T
TYNH þ "I'm switching to OS/2" - Terry Herrin
TYNH þ "I'm switching to Wildcat Software" - Dan Linton
TYNH þ "I'm working for Epic now" - Joe Siegler
TYNH þ "Windows is the only OS I'll ever need" - Joe Sieg
TYPE: DOS function to read docs. Used only in emergencies.
TYPESETTERS do it between periods
TYPISTS do it in triplicate.
TYPOGRAPHERS do it to the letter
TYPOGRAPHERS do it with tight kerning
TYPOS: correct all you want. I'll make more!Tax the churches! --Zappa.
TYRES: Flatfahrts
TYS Told Ya So
TYVM Thank You Very Much
Ta Da Da Daaaaa! I'm Stupendous Man! -Calvin (& Hobbes)
Ta Da! Bat dog!
Ta Ta till next time #(:)o - Crow's column
Ta mère elle essaie de formater ses CD!
Ta mère à hollywood sur le dos d'un BatMan
Ta'hell with it, lets just shoot - Tom
Ta-da! The Pink-Wonder is ready for action! - Pinky
TaH pagh taHbe'-- Hamlet Act III, scene i (To be, or not to be)
Tab Hunter hunting down people that don't pay their tabs
Tab Hunter was Troy Donahue at one time - Tom
Tab Hunter was Troy Donahue at one time... -- Tom Servo
Tab is just a spectre in this film - Crow
Tab to the next Promise
Tab to your Indenets.
Tabasco: a gateway drug for Chile-Heads.
Tabasco: hmmm, tangy... I thought it was supposed to be hot?
Tabitha Soren: redheaded love goddess or omen of the Apocalypse?
Table manners are for men who have nothing better to do !
Tablet - a small table
Tablet............ A small table.
Tablet: A small table...
Tabloid: A newspaper with a permanent crime wave
Tac-Tics: Breath mints for dyslexics.
TacTics = candy for dyslexics.
Tachyon Modem -- comes in apricot, mauve, and chartreuse.
Tachyon detection grid: Federation no-parking area for Romulan ships
Tachyons do it after afterplay.
Tachyons do it before foreplay.
Tack that up in triplicate. - Col. Potter to Radar
Tackett the brown-nosed user
Tacking the wind???...Nah!!...Reversing Doctrines
Tacky holidays to you
Taco Bell Grandee: Taco's owner.
Taco Bell Laboratories: where UNIX programmers eat out
Taco Bell did NOT write "Canon in D".
Taco Bell is *NOT* a Mexican phone company!
Taco Bell is *NOT* a phone company
Taco Bell is *NOT* a phone company.
Taco Bell is *Not* a Mexican phone company!
Taco Bell is NOT a phone company, but it should be
Taco Bell is NOT a phone company.
Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican telephone company...
Taco Bell is _not_ a Mexican phone company!
Taco Bell is not the Mexican National Telephone Company
Taco Bell is not the Mexican phone company!
Taco Bell: The Mexican phone company.
Tacos don't get upset if you eat another taco, "Just for fun."
Tacos don't put frilly covers on the toilet seat so the lid won't stay up
Tacos don't say "That's okay, it doesn't have to be good for me."
Tacos don't use your razor on their legs
Tacos will never contest a divorce, demand a property settlement, or seek custody of anything
Tacos won't ask you about your last lover, or speculate about your next one
Tact (n): The unsaid part of what you're thinking.
Tact - changing the subject without changing the mind.
Tact consists in knowing how far to go too far. - Jean Cocteau
Tact consists of knowing how far to go too far.
Tact in audacity is knowing how far you can go without going too far. -- Jean Cocteau
Tact is a kind of mind- reading. - S.O.Jewett
Tact is for WEENIES!
Tact is for weenies.
Tact is getting your point across without stabbing someon
Tact is knowing how far to go in going too far.
Tact is like wallpaper. It goes on better with a sledgehammer - Liche
Tact is remembering a lady's name and forgetting her age.
Tact is rubbing out another's mistake instead of rubbing it in
Tact is the ability to close your mouth before somebody else wants to
Tact is the ability to tell a man he has an open mind when he has a hole in his head
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy
Tact is the art of making guests feel at home when that's where you wish they were
Tact is the intelligence of the Heart
Tact is the unsaid part of what you're thinking.
Tact, (n): The unsaid part of what you are thinking.
Tact: Describing others as they see themselves
Tact: Knowing how far to go in going too far.
Tact: Making a point without making an enemy
Tact: Recalling a lady's birthday but forgetting her age.
Tact: The art of recognizing when to be big and when not to belittle.
Tact: Describing others as they see themselves.
Tact: Knowing how far to go in going too far.
Tact: Recalling a birthday but forgetting the age.
Tact: Remembering a lady's birthday; forgetting her age.
Tact: The unsaid part of what you are thinking
Tact: knowing how far to go too far.
Tact: making a point without making an enemy.
Tactful in dealing with superiors: Knows when to keep mouth shut
Tactical Intelligence Officer required. Apply c/o Station Deep Space 9
Tactical analysis, Mr. Data? - Picard
Tactics and wine, eh? That sounds like Aahz. - Rupert
Tactics are real: move right or you die.
Tactics is what you do when there's something to do, strategy is what you do when there isn't. - Tartakower
Tactics: Breath freshener for dyslexics
Tactics: Candy for dyslexics.
Tactics: breath freshener for dyslexics.
Tactless - yet rude. - Slappy
Tad infinitum: feels a bit like forever.
Tada. (I don't think anybody dusts under here.)
Taem, no Devil lived on meat.
Tag - @FN@'s it!
Tag - @TOFIRST@'s it!
Tag - YOU's it!
Tag - Your it! How childish
Tag Line Writer Required. Apply within.
Tag Line Xpress support at your doorstep!
Tag Line Xpress, don't EMail without it!
Tag Line Xpress, don't leave home without it!
Tag Lines are irrelevent.
Tag Lines? What's a Tag Line????
Tag Ripping should be a sport
Tag Rule #1 One tagline per message (unless you can get away with more)
Tag Rule #2 Always steal more taglines than you'll need in ten
Tag Rule #3 Don't use offensive tags. It may upset the jerk reading this
Tag Rule #4 Always make sure your taglnes are spelt corectly!
Tag Rule #5 There are no rules when it comes to using taglines.
Tag Rule #6 There are no rules to using taglines except for rule #5.
Tag Rule #7 !senilgat esrever esu reveN
Tag Rule #8 Never use taglines that are too long to fit on one line
Tag Rule #9 Never write a whole message when just a tagline will do.
Tag Theives Inc. Now accepting applications!
Tag cloaked, put a Loki Class Research Cruiser here for decloaking
Tag condom. Used properly, protects against tag virii
Tag construction ahead.Reduce speed.Be prepared to stop
Tag disappeared? Ihh... there are Orions pirates here
Tag it!!
Tag less messages just look naked somehow
Tag line continued from previous message
Tag line #27, See Apendix C, pg 245
Tag line absent-please try another B.B.S.
Tag line deleted, it was a crap one you've all seen before
Tag line dievery On de next Geraldo. Yo' Man!!
Tag line for IT company
Tag line thievery ... On the next Geraldo!
Tag line thievery ... On the next Geraldo!
Tag line thievery's fun ...On to the next Geraldo!
Tag line thievery..Comin' up next on Geraldo.
Tag line thieves and the women who love them ... On the next Geraldo!
Tag line under construction.
Tag line with five words
Tag lines are irrelevant if you don't understand them.
Tag lines, Recipes, everywhere. but not a Recipe to snag.
Tag lines, taglines, everywhere. but not a tagline to steal.
Tag lite--a third less funny than a regular tag
Tag tag bo-bag, bananafana fo-fag, me my mo-mag, TAG!
Tag team: A group of people thinking up taglines.
Tag under demolition. BLASTING AREA - NO CB'S
Tag your it - Darkwood
Tag! You're it!
Tag! You're it! - Modo
Tag! Your it!
Tag's gone to heaven, so I gotta be good. So I can see my babeee
Tag, tag, tag ... all you ever do is tag!
Tag, you're it!
Tag, you're it, Tag, you're it, Tag you're it again, Tag, you're it no
Tag-O-Matic V.13 My tearline says wants to date ur tearline
Tag-O-Matic V.13F Internet Accounts available.... Ask for details
Tag-O-Matic now steals from JAM message bases!
Tag-X Pro ... don't Email without it!
Tag-X Pro steals Taglines..... not me!
Tag-X Pro v1.24á ---------- Look MOM I registered It
Tag-X Pro v1.40 Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X
Tag-X Pro, don't leave home without it!
Tag-X Pro: An essential component for the *joy* of Modeming!!
Tag-X Pro: Bringing database management to Taglines
Tag-X Professional support at your doorstep!
Tag-X Professional þ Super shareware bargain
Tag-X Professional, don't leave home without it!
Tag-X Professional, the ultimate tagline manager!
Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X Tag-X
Tag-X and Blue Wave...Your 1 2 knockout punch for email!
Tag-X can Guess the quoter and tagline formats for each message.
Tag-X steals Taglines.. not me!
Tag-X: An essential component for the *joy* of Modeming!!
Tag-line ! You're `it' !!!
Tag. You're it! (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.
Tag... Yer it.
Tag..... You're it!
Tag.......quoi ?
Tag: "pro-choice"-- see "lie."
Tag: Wait for further instructions
TagCupon: 50› off next purchase of a tag lines
TagDude 0.87 [Unregistered] with 14957345738972872864372052 taglines.
TagDude! Now suggests taglines based on message content!
TagDude! The BEST tagline program to have. ;-)
TagFind 1.4: Free and available upon request.
TagGod no longer. Merely the Tagline King. - Jack Butler
TagLine Lite: Not as funny, but better for you
TagLine Ser.No.23459-(C) 1992,All rights reserved
TagLine Serial No.10397 - (C) 1990, All rights reserved
TagLine Super Plus Pro Gold Expert II Version 1.00á
TagLine support contract for renewal. Ignore this if you've already paid
TagLine.Txt not found
TagLine: Hello From "The Festival City" Stratford, Ontario Canada
TagLines are a figment of your imagination.
TagLines are for the perpetually Bored.
TagLines are powerful, reliable and built to last.....
TagLines have no calories no cholesterol no nutrition
TagRule #1 One Tagline per message (unless you can get away with more).
TagRule #5 There are no rules when it comes to using Taglines.
TagRule #6 There are no rules to using Taglines except for rule #5.
TagRule #9 Never write a whole message when just a Tagline will do.
TagX Pro of Borg - "Your tagline will be assimilated."
TagX-Pro Ä Tagline management will NEVER be the same again!
Taga nemaMor' bid' bidne, al' sad nema
Tagalog - official language of the Taglines echo
Tagcrafters -- Taglines in about an hour
Tagectomy - next week on Operation, only on The Learning Channel.
Tageline - Nuke Barney from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Tagfile insult deleted. Better luck next time
Tagged in Fidorama.
Tagged you...Your it
Tagging along for the ride!
Tagging this tagged tagline... wait 30 sec's until it's ready
Tagito ergo sum (I Tag, therefore I am).
Tagito, ergo sum.
Tagleinz unter alles
Tagless messages just look naked !!!!
Tagless messages just look naked somehow...
Tagless messages just look naked!
Taglifters will be prosecuted
Taglifters will be prosecuted to the fullest extent!
Taglination...The art of transforming succinct aphorisms into useless drivel.
Tagline for the blind ::..::. :..:..::::.:.:. :...:.::::..:.::
Tagline #27, See Appendix C, pg 245
Tagline #27@DY@63, pg 562, Appendix G
Tagline #7 ÄÄ Not just your average tag!
Tagline (C)1994. All rights reserved
Tagline (c) 1991. Unauthorized duplication prohibited!
Tagline (n) High Technology bumper sticker.
Tagline (n): 2) A hobby
Tagline (n): 3) Duh, whaddya think this is???
Tagline (n): High Technology bumper sticker.
Tagline - (n.) - Object that is used to give out my wisdom
Tagline - an excuse to forget your message
Tagline 1 I really miss Bluewave!
Tagline = Tags about taglines
Tagline Addicts should be flayed...... After they post
Tagline Author dies and this is his epithet
Tagline BAD.
Tagline Bad or Missing NO CARRIER
Tagline Beaters: Real tagline flavor without cholesterol
Tagline Bounty Hunter
Tagline Bumper Sticker: Honk if your SWIPER's working!
Tagline CENSORED for being too explicit.
Tagline Censorship: Good Taste In Small Doses
Tagline Chips! Betcha can't snag just one!
Tagline Cola - Refreshment in 75 characters or less.
Tagline Conference lurkers: on the next Geraldo.
Tagline Copy-Protection ON... klsmnfkej4no78yu348no7587623.`[[]0-
Tagline Disabled
Tagline ERROR: Contact your System's Programmer
Tagline Echo - where men are men and sheep are nervous!
Tagline Echo Utility Kit 4. #########################
Tagline Empty: Please order more!
Tagline Error -- Please contact the USS YATI
Tagline Error at 000H:13H4
Tagline Exempted... #3252141e
Tagline Express makes life so EASY
Tagline For Sale CHEAP. Send $20.00 to Bill Chalfant
Tagline For Sale CHEAP. Send $20.00 to Cal Webster.
Tagline For Sale CHEAP. Insert $1.00 into drive A:
Tagline Found. (N)ext (S)wipe (C)orrect grammar
Tagline Fu. Three stars. Joe Bob says check it out
Tagline Function Disabled
Tagline Gene Sequenced! ....AGTAGTAGTAGTAGTAGTA
Tagline Groups introduced!
Tagline Has Been Cleared To Prevent Burn-In.
Tagline Hotel: Tags check in, but they *don't* check out!
Tagline II: The Sequel
Tagline If you read it ... You're it!!
Tagline Infringement? Sounds like an oxymoron
Tagline Infringement? Sounds like an oxymoron <g>.
Tagline Inspected by No. 1,234,456
Tagline Installed - Reality Corrupted
Tagline Kit -> ABCdefGhiJklmNopQRStuvwXyZ,.?!:;'*[] and NO HI BIT!
Tagline Kit now available, in Regular, Super, and Stand!Back! styles
Tagline Kit: $19.95-Comes with letters and numbers
Tagline Kit: $19.95. Complete with letters, numbers
Tagline License Plate #1: PMS 666
Tagline License Plate #1: PMS 666
Tagline Lingerie, so sheer it shows your personality.
Tagline Lite -- A third less funny than a regular tagline.
Tagline Lite: Not funny, but better for you
Tagline Lottery: ********** <-- Scratch here for prize
Tagline Lotto: <- Scratch here to reveal prize.
Tagline Lotto: ######### <=== Scratch here for Prize.
Tagline Lotto: ##########<- Scratch here to see if you win!
Tagline Lotto: **********<- Scratch here for prize
Tagline Lotto: 2222222222<- Scratch here to reveal prize.
Tagline Lotto: XXXXXXXXXX <-- Scratch here for prize
Tagline Lotto: __________<- Scratch here for prize.
Tagline Lotto: ²try again²<- Scratch here to reveal prize
Tagline Lotto: ²²²²²²²²² <-scratch here!
Tagline Lotto: ²²²²²²²²²²
Tagline Lotto: ²²²²²²²²²²<- Scratch here for prize
Tagline Lotto: ññññññññññ <- Scratch here for prize
Tagline MADE IN USA (Assembled in Mexico)
Tagline Not Found: (A)bort (R)etry (S)teal one
Tagline Orphanage. All taglines loved and cared for
Tagline Out To Lunch. Back in an hour.
Tagline Parking Lot: ²²²²²²²² ²² ² ²²²²²²² ²:Four Stolen!
Tagline Party overruns the Information Highway! Film at 11!
Tagline Philosophy: Don't type--swipe!
Tagline Police on patrol!!!! Only _originals_ allowed
Tagline Police! Drop your carrier! Okay! NO CARRIER
Tagline Poor! Soak the Tagline Rich!
Tagline Quiz: What is the dirtiest line ever said on television?
Tagline Readers, GET A LIFE!
Tagline Repairs: Make smart $1.25; Make funny $125
Tagline Seminar: Overcoming your dependency.
Tagline Serial No. 10397 -- (C) 1999, All rights reserved
Tagline Sex: Next on Geraldo!
Tagline Shoplifters will be Executed!
Tagline Stealing: Official sport of the AUTORACE echo.
Tagline Stealing: Official sport of the Tagline echo.
Tagline Subsystem down at this time.
Tagline Technology at work... Do not disturb!
Tagline Theft - News at 11:00
Tagline Theft Guild Member
Tagline Theft isn't a crime, it's an art!
Tagline Theft: I know it's stealing...but what can I say!
Tagline Theives, Inc. Now accepting applications!
Tagline Thievery ...Comin' up next on Geraldo
Tagline Thieves Local #721
Tagline Thieves: You bake'em, we take'em
Tagline Virus....watch how it replicates!
Tagline Virus: At.acks and d.stro.s th. tagl.n.s. .n
Tagline Voting Poll: Press ALT-H for @FROM@
Tagline Wars: Full coverage on CNN
Tagline Will Self Implode -- <mooB>
Tagline Withdrawal Syndrome
Tagline Witheld: Patent Pending
Tagline Wrestling-"I stole it FIRST!" "No, it's MINE!!"
Tagline [\..] satisfaction [.|.] meter [../]
Tagline access denied!
Tagline addiction hotline:1-800-TAG-ADCT Free tags while you wait.
Tagline addiction. It's all YOUR fault!
Tagline addiction: It's a humor ailment.
Tagline affixed in compliance with Moderators Rules.
Tagline affixed in compliance with Stuffed Articles Act.
Tagline affixed in compliance with Stuffed Articles Act. Do not tear.
Tagline affixed in defiance of Moderators Rules
Tagline along what line?
Tagline backordered. Availability in question
Tagline banned under the Community Standards Act
Tagline being cleaned...watch this space
Tagline being sued by Lotus for look and feel violation
Tagline blank due to threats from underworld kingpins.
Tagline bought from Homeboy Shopping Network.
Tagline brought to you by Nabisco. <ding!>
Tagline bungee jumper .______________________________>->o
Tagline burnout: Stress caused by constant cleverness
Tagline can't be displayed due to gag order
Tagline canceled due to lack of interest.
Tagline cancelled by the US government shutdown
Tagline cancelled due to brain malfunction.
Tagline cancelled due to lack of interest!
Tagline censored by Iraqi government.
Tagline censored by the National Endowment for the Arts
Tagline challenge:To be a genius in 45 spaces
Tagline choices reflect on our personalities
Tagline cleared by U.S. military
Tagline closed due to weather
Tagline confiscated by order of FBI
Tagline connoissuer
Tagline constructed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Tagline continued from previous message.
Tagline contributions may be tax deductable.
Tagline copyright 1994. All rights reserved.
Tagline copyright @YEAR@. All rights reserved
Tagline core ejection systems are offline, Captain
Tagline courtesy Silly Little Tagline Scrambler
Tagline definition....Last words of unusual advice or pun
Tagline deleted
Tagline deleted by @TName
Tagline deleted by National Endowment for the Arts
Tagline deleted for brev
Tagline deleted per Title Xii, Article 13 Sect 231
Tagline deleted to save space.
Tagline delivery delayed due to bad roads.
Tagline delivery delayed due to bad weather
Tagline designed for Microsoft Windows 95
Tagline designed to keep the moderator off my back 8-)
Tagline desk with modesty panel, standard, $129.00
Tagline disabled
Tagline dispenser empty: To order more, call 1-800-TAG-LINE.
Tagline dispenser on the blink - please type in tagline manually
Tagline dispenser temporarily out of order
Tagline droped due to budget cuts
Tagline dueling: email variation of telephone tag.
Tagline engaged. 15 seconds to punchline... 14... 13
Tagline error 176: duplicate joke
Tagline error, Steal another? (Y/n)
Tagline error. Contact your systems programmer.
Tagline evaluation: [ ] Humorous [ ] Insightful [x] Stupid
Tagline exclusively for (Mr) (Ms) Gretchen Hakola from Will Sulzner
Tagline explodes, destroys BBS. Film at 10 PM
Tagline explodes, destroys BBS. GIF at eleven!
Tagline explodes, destroys BBS. Film at 10 PM!
Tagline fever is the primary symptom of BBS addicts
Tagline fever is the primary symptom of the Blue Wave epi\SLMR\T
Tagline file TAGLINES.BW corrupt. Loading file MY_DIARY.TXT
Tagline file empty. Please refill the bit bucket
Tagline file not found - make something up? Y/N
Tagline for mind readers:
Tagline for rent
Tagline found on Martian meteorite: "We come in peace."
Tagline found on meteorite: proof of an extra-terrestrial BBS
Tagline found on meteorite: proof of dull life off earth
Tagline found... T)ake A)cquire G)rab S)teal
Tagline frequencies are Open
Tagline from Todd Reddy to All on 04-09-94
Tagline from hell
Tagline generator halted - please stand by
Tagline generator out of order. Sorry-- The Management
Tagline go down the hoooooole!
Tagline goes crazy! Hundreds injured. Reply at 11.
Tagline goes here - Use your imagination!
Tagline has been read, please kill it, if no longer needed.
Tagline has been stolen! Call the police!
Tagline here <----- added by wave rider
Tagline horror - Gary crashes his hard drive and has no backups!
Tagline imminent
Tagline implanted without reader - arrest that user!
Tagline impregnated w/corbomite. Steal at your own risk.
Tagline impregnated with Corbomite; steal at your own risk!
Tagline in <<<< STEREO >>>> where available
Tagline in <<<< STEREO >>>> where available
Tagline in for repair! This one is a loaner
Tagline in for repair! This one is a loaner.
Tagline in shop, will be ready next Tuesday.
Tagline intentionally omitted
Tagline intentionally omitted for fear of being flamed by Jack Butler.
Tagline intentionally omitted.
Tagline intermittent in flight............Ground checks normal
Tagline intro: The Carousel Waltz
Tagline invisible until it attacks someone, or 24 hours.
Tagline is Cloak Captioned for the Romulan Impaired
Tagline is Delyria affected This by
Tagline is a snippet of surreality.
Tagline is brought to you by the letters B & W and the number 2.12!
Tagline kit for sale - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Tagline language bar: ¨€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ’“”•–—˜™š ¡¢£¤¥:â
Tagline left out for some mysterious reason
Tagline limit ---------------------------------------<
Tagline lotto: ²²²²²²²²²²<- Scratch here to reveal prize
Tagline lottory : °°°°°°° <-- Scratch here for a prize !!!
Tagline management will never be the same again!
Tagline manager under construction!
Tagline may be hazardous to your health.
Tagline may be too intense for some viewers.
Tagline mirror -><-rorrim enilgaT
Tagline misplaced.
Tagline missing. User deleted.
Tagline misspellings are sacred - do not change!
Tagline night light - never tagline in the dark again
Tagline not Found -- Please Notify Sysop!
Tagline not available at press time
Tagline not available, Abort, Retry, Fail? _
Tagline not found - Please notify Sysop!
Tagline not found - have you looked under the couch?
Tagline not found! (A)bort, (R)etry, (U)se Spellbook.
Tagline not found, (a)bort (R)etry (M)ake a new one
Tagline not found. User twitted
Tagline not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (M)ake a new one?
Tagline not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ype one in?
Tagline not found: Moderator deleted.
Tagline not found: (A)bort (R)etry (C)ry |-(
Tagline not found: (A)bort (R)etry (T)ype one in? T
Tagline not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (M)ake a new one?
Tagline not found: Moderator deleted.
Tagline not found: Please notify your sysop!
Tagline not funny -- Steal anyway (Y/n)? _
Tagline not included
Tagline not responding... Accept, Reject, Flame
Tagline number 3, please turn and face the right
Tagline of Borg: Everything above this line is irrelevant
Tagline of Dreams: "If you post it, they will steal it."
Tagline omitted due to lack of interest.
Tagline omitted to conserve precious, expensive space.
Tagline omitted. With Anna leaving, why bother... :(
Tagline on hiatus
Tagline on hold till ROOTS IV is mastered. Cannot handle any more!
Tagline on strike.
Tagline or die!
Tagline out of gas
Tagline out of gas.. . . . . . . . .
Tagline out of order
Tagline out of order, please call back later
Tagline out of order, proceed with caution.
Tagline out of paper.
Tagline out of service
Tagline out to lunch. (Back in an hour)
Tagline overload in 3 seconds!
Tagline price does not include state or local sales taxes
Tagline prohibited by law
Tagline protected by Smith & Wesson
Tagline protected by a PIT BULL with AIDS
Tagline randomized by Silly Little Tagline Scrambler.
Tagline readers DO IT on the bottom.
Tagline ready on Holodeck 3, you may read when ready
Tagline rejected. Resubmit in 90 days for final disapproval
Tagline removed due to lack of interest.
Tagline removed for your protection!
Tagline rule #4576: Why create when you can appropriate?
Tagline rule: Them that has the taglines make the rules.
Tagline sanitized for your protection
Tagline security enabled - Enter Password: ___________
Tagline seeds - sprout new prose (Bard planted a garden)
Tagline shortage. Please help recycle Taglines
Tagline sign is 15 seconds
Tagline sold by volume, not by weight.
Tagline space to let. Inquire within.
Tagline sponsored by Ginger's Port Limited 614-523-2307
Tagline staff: official officials who generate official taglines.
Tagline stealers have no HONOR!
Tagline stealers, please don't steal this tagline!
Tagline stealing is the sincerest form of flattery.
Tagline stealing: the highest form of flattery.
Tagline sticker - JESUS SAVES! CRASH...oops-tagline wrecked!!!
Tagline stolen and added to my collection.
Tagline stolen by McFly.
Tagline stolen by SLMR20 from SLMR105 from SLMR10.
Tagline stolen from Bob Lyon. (Steal & Change Name)
Tagline stolen? Call 911, ask for the Tagline Division.
Tagline stomped on by. NO CARRIER
Tagline stomped on by................ NO CARRIER
Tagline subject to change without notice
Tagline swiping can be a serious offense young man!
Tagline swiping: The ultimate Object-Oriented application!
Tagline switch set to AutoSteal
Tagline tagline, who-oa, you end my message now
Tagline temporarily out of order please use the stairs
Tagline theft is a compliment.
Tagline theft is more than a hobby, its a way of life.
Tagline theft is the sincerest form of flattery.
Tagline theft really burns my ASCII
Tagline theft successful. Use immediately? Y/N
Tagline theft, like car-jacking, is on the rise
Tagline theft: The LAW of Cyberspace!
Tagline theif level 20: +7 to swipe.
Tagline theivery is politically incorrect; use Tagline reclamation
Tagline theives are dirty rotten buggers
Tagline thief level 20, +7 to swipe.
Tagline thievery . . . On the next Oprah!
Tagline thievery ... On the next Geraldo!
Tagline thievery... coming up on the next Geraldo!
Tagline thievery....on the next Geraldo!
Tagline thievery: Coming up next on Geraldo.
Tagline thievery? ... Coming up in the next echo!
Tagline thieves only get short sentences.
Tagline thieves should be cut up into tiny pieces
Tagline thieves, and the men who love them...on the next Geraldo!
Tagline toll booth 2 messages ahead
Tagline toll booth two messages ahead. Please have exact $
Tagline too old! Please replace by a later version
Tagline uncloaking dead ahead Sir
Tagline uncloaking dead ahead, Ensign
Tagline uncloaking dead ahead, Mr. @TOLAST@
Tagline uncloaking dead ahead, Mr. Todd.
Tagline under constru
Tagline under constru.......
Tagline under construction.
Tagline under demolition. BLASTING AREA - NO CB'S
Tagline undetected. (A)bort (R)etry (D)issolve into goop?
Tagline unfunny. Steal anyway? [Y/n]
Tagline utility kit: ,./<>?:";'{}[]`~!@#$%^&*()_+|
Tagline void where inhibited.
Tagline void where prohibited
Tagline void where prohibited by Moderator
Tagline void where prohibited by law
Tagline void where prohibited by moderator.
Tagline voting: [ ] good [ ] good [ ] good [X] bad
Tagline wanted! Pays minimum wage and Gov't Healthcare.
Tagline wanted. Apply within ====================>
Tagline will self destruct in 10 seconds
Tagline wish.....I wish I had more Teacher/Education tags.
Tagline withheld against possible security leak
Tagline withheld by request of message writer
Tagline writer: One who thinks in 57 characters or less
Tagline written on the fly. Boy, are my arms tired!
Tagline! You're "it"!
Tagline! Taaagline! Message end and me won' go home
Tagline's off today, luv.
Tagline's this not words order in are
Tagline) `Eureka' is Greek for `This bath is too hot.'
Tagline* If you read it ... You're it!!
Tagline, I don't need no stinking tagline!
Tagline, Pytamus. Thisbe, stand forth. - W. <Shakespeare>
Tagline, You're it!
Tagline, [n]: The meaning of life, in 75 characters or less
Tagline, tagline, wherefore art thou?
Tagline, thy name is woman! - Tagspeare
Tagline-ShareWare version. Please register soon
Tagline-file lost..(N)ow what, (P)anic, (S)teale 1
Tagline-lite! 1/3 less serious
Tagline. TAGLINE! We don't need no steenking TAGLINES!
Tagline. This a random is
Tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo
Tagline..just a phrase I'm going through.
Tagline/?: Press 'T' to swipe tagline, dummy.
Tagline: Your last chance to piss someone off.
Tagline: what we wade through a whole message for.
Tagline: I'm it
Tagline: Reward for reading message
Tagline: Something to waste space!
Tagline: The REAL reason for echomail.
Tagline: The meaning of life in 75 characters or less.
Tagline: Universal Wisdom in 38 bytes.
Tagline: Your last chance to piss someone off.
Tagline: a satisfied joke!
Tagline: one-way traffic
Tagline: snake in your mail
Tagline: there's a snag in it
Tagline: what we wade through a whole message for.
Tagline: what you stand in to get your license plates.
Tagline::~Tagline() { screw this tagline; }
Tagline? And be creative at the same time? <sigh>
Tagline? Don't need no stinkin' tagline!
Tagline? I don't need no stinking Tagline!!!
Tagline? I'm much too old to play tag.
Tagline? No it's really the Nanites expressing themselves
Tagline? What tagline? We don't need no stinkin tagline
Tagline? What's a tagline?
Tagline? What's that? And are we TAXING it? - Bill Clinton
Tagline? I don't need no steenkin tag line.
Tagline? Is that a kid's game?
Tagline? My dog ate it, yeah, that's right
Tagline? What tagline?
Tagline? What tagline? I don't see a tagline here!
Tagline? What tagline?.....
Tagline? What's that? And are we TAXING it? -- Hitlery Clinton
Tagline? What's that? Are we taxing it? - Obscure politician
Tagline? Where? What is a tagline, anyways?
Tagline?...what tagline...is this gonna make me look stupid?
Tagline?..We don't need no stinking Tagline!
Taglined to death What a tombstone header
Tagliners are no good doers. -Tagspeare "Henry VI"
Taglines \'tag-linz \ The bumperstickers of the internet
Taglines \'tag-l*inz \ The bumperstickers of BBS'ing.
Taglines !?!?! We don't need no stinking taglines !!!!
Taglines & text, and use your word processor to get rid of the
Taglines 'R Us! (January Clearance Now In Progress!)
Taglines (n.): The bathroom walls of the Internet.
Taglines - (n.) - News Service to the World
Taglines - America's Forgotten Thingees
Taglines - Bumper Stickers of the '90's
Taglines - The BBSer's graffiti of the `90s.
Taglines - The REAL reason for EchoMail!
Taglines - an MSDOS program written by Duane Bristow
Taglines - can't live with 'em
Taglines - dolar more in your phone bill!
Taglines - not just for messages anymore
Taglines - smart thougts for dummy readers!
Taglines - the "Magic: The Gathering" of BBSing!
Taglines - the REAL reason for Fidomail!
Taglines -- When you're too tired to be original, steal 'em.
Taglines ?? We don' need no stinkin' taglines!!
Taglines Anonymous. Taking it one tag at a time.
Taglines Anonymous: Twelve easy steps
Taglines Co-Mod to user: "Leaving so soon? It's almost lunchtime"
Taglines Done While-U-Wait !!!
Taglines Echo although I have seen some here
Taglines I've stolen, never meaning to send
Taglines On Strike. We demand more space! We demand mor
Taglines R Us (January Clearance Now In Progress!)
Taglines R Us: Philosophy in a nutshell
Taglines R Usã Clearance NOW in process!
Taglines Suck
Taglines Taglines Taglines are 5000 enough ?
Taglines \'tag-lainz\ The bumpersticker of BBSing.
Taglines about Quark [DS9]
Taglines about taglines are superfluous (like this one).
Taglines about zucchini & shaving cream are not allowed in this echo
Taglines affixed in compliance with Moderators Rules
Taglines and Taglines
Taglines and Taglines...........
Taglines and mail readers and QWK packets -- oh, MY!
Taglines and politics: a match made in heaven (or hell?)
Taglines and sex... two things you can't get enough of!
Taglines and those who spawn them: Next on Sally Jesse Raphael
Taglines are FunDemento
Taglines are GRRRREAT! Just ask Tag the Tlion
Taglines are JCTFxxxx.ZIP Avaliable on The DLS&M.
Taglines are Satanical - It says so in MY bible
Taglines are `bout as much fun as you can have with your jeans on.
Taglines are a snippet of reality.
Taglines are a waste of space
Taglines are a waste of time
Taglines are added automagically by most off-line readers.
Taglines are almost as bad (good) as bumper stickers
Taglines are an important part of a healthy lifestyle
Taglines are better than bumper stickers.
Taglines are contagious! Some are coprophemia
Taglines are cool! Huh huh huh
Taglines are desperate tries of getting attention!
Taglines are dumb
Taglines are dumb........
Taglines are dying in the world. Adopt your own! Press ALT-A!
Taglines are essential. It gives them something else to talk about.
Taglines are for computer nerds
Taglines are for fun
Taglines are for idiots!
Taglines are for lovers
Taglines are for morons.
Taglines are for the perpetually Bored.
Taglines are for those people who tagalong long time.
Taglines are for wimps
Taglines are fun; try them someday
Taglines are futile!! Taglines will be assimilated!!
Taglines are great!! especially HARD ones!
Taglines are hazardous to your health. Avoid inhaling
Taglines are in FIDO and RIME and ILINK and INTELEC Oh, my!!
Taglines are in PODS and MufoNet and DharmaNetoh, my!
Taglines are integral to
Taglines are integral to off-line communication!
Taglines are irrelevant
Taglines are irrelevant - that's why I don't use them
Taglines are irrelevant.
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into the Blue Wave.
Taglines are irrelevant. Messages are irrelevant. You are irrelevant.
Taglines are irrelevant. This one has been assimilated.
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into Censorship!
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into FidoNet.
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into goat cheese.
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into the Blue Wave.
Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
Taglines are irrelivent, you will be assimulated into the Bluewave
Taglines are just messages that haven't grown up yet
Taglines are like blonds, you just THINK they're yours!!
Taglines are like bumper stickers, only without the same sense of relevance.
Taglines are like cars - You get a good one, then someone nicks it
Taglines are like cars - pick a good one and someone nicks it!
Taglines are like cats - you only think you own them.
Taglines are like cats, you just think they are yours!
Taglines are like cats. You just *think* you own them
Taglines are like cats. You just think that they're your
Taglines are like cats. You only *think* you own them.
Taglines are like cats. You just THINK they're yours.
Taglines are like cats. You just think that they're yours.
Taglines are like cats. You only _think_ you own them
Taglines are like cats.. you just _think_ you own them.
Taglines are like cats....you just THINK they're yours.
Taglines are like kats. You just think that they're yours
Taglines are like kats....You just think they are yours
Taglines are like motel towels, they're meant to be taken!
Taglines are like motel towels...meant to be taken
Taglines are like redheads, you just THINK they're yours!!
Taglines are like sex and ZIP files: You give and use and
Taglines are like the footnotes to messages.
Taglines are made to be stolen.
Taglines are meant to be loved
Taglines are meant to be loved, not dropped!
Taglines are meant to be stolen.
Taglines are never invented, they are always stolen.
Taglines are no good unless you can annoy someone.
Taglines are not addictive. Excuse me for a sec.
Taglines are not in my job description
Taglines are on strike - Please do not read
Taglines are reality, the rest is illusion
Taglines are seeds for Doctorate thesis.
Taglines are smurfy
Taglines are stupid
Taglines are stupid - I never use them myself
Taglines are stupid! Don't use them!
Taglines are subject to change without notice
Taglines are subject to change without notice; Taglines are slightly
Taglines are the Rest Room walls of BBSing!
Taglines are the bathroom wall of Fidonet.
Taglines are the bathroom wall of Nets
Taglines are the bumper sticker of the computer age.
Taglines are the bumper stickers of BBSing
Taglines are the bumper stickers of the '90's
Taglines are the bumper stickers of the Information Super-Highway!
Taglines are the graffiti on the E-walls of Cyberspace
Taglines are the restroom wall of FidoNet.
Taglines are the restroom wall of Off Line Readers.
Taglines are the restroom wall of RelayNet.
Taglines are the root of all evil.
Taglines are used with off-line mail readers
Taglines aren't all that important. I never use them
Taglines aren't necessarily philosophies
Taglines aren't obssessed with weight
Taglines available upon request
Taglines can be more interesting than messages!
Taglines can make a nice simple delicious nutritious meal
Taglines cause cancer.
Taglines created with the nation's finest available ASCII text.
Taglines deleted
Taglines deleted ......
Taglines do it in 70 characters or less.
Taglines do not remain stockpiled. -Tenzin Gyatso <NOT>
Taglines don't have to be politically correct!
Taglines don't snore.
Taglines duplicate when you remove the tag saying "Do not remove".
Taglines for BBS Addicts:
Taglines for Rent - Call 1-900-GIGGLES
Taglines for sale! whoops, never mind, they were just stolen
Taglines for sale! Taglines! Taglines on a stick! They're lovely!
Taglines for sale. Make best offer.
Taglines for the poor?
Taglines give me catalepsy.
Taglines go at the end of an electronic message
Taglines in good taste? How 'bout good tasting taglines?
Taglines in this message are weirder than they appear.
Taglines just wanna have fuuunnnnnnn
Taglines keep fallin' on my head
Taglines made from 100% post-consumer electrons.
Taglines make great Christmas gifts.
Taglines may be funny, but they won't get you tenure.
Taglines may vary in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico
Taglines mean nothing to me!
Taglines never die, the just become bumper stickers.
Taglines never make you sleep on the wet spot.
Taglines not sold by volume. Contentsoftaglinemaysettleduringshipping.
Taglines now has a new moderator, thanks a Million.
Taglines of the next generation series #923882.
Taglines of the world unite!
Taglines omitted due to insufficient memory (Mine, not the computers)
Taglines on backorder. Please call back
Taglines provoketh thieves sooner than gold - Tagspeare
Taglines reflect a bias. I also have my Rush Limbaugh taglines in here as
Taglines rule - Me
Taglines should be GAGlines.
Taglines smaglines.. Who needs the damn things..!
Taglines sold by weight, not volume!
Taglines sold separately
Taglines suck *NOT*!!!
Taglines suck. Mine do it well!
Taglines temporarily out of order please use your imagination
Taglines that make you go "Hmmm..."
Taglines that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm..."
Taglines that make you say.......Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :-)
Taglines unavailable. Try again later.
Taglines under construction
Taglines unite! Stop kidnapping of taglines.
Taglines up to 72 characters long can be used.
Taglines v1.07 þ (c) 1989 Tony Tortorelli
Taglines void where prohibited
Taglines void where prohibited, banned, ############, or "uh-uh-uh'd!"
Taglines wanted (of course)
Taglines wanted!
Taglines were discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Taglines were invented by people with nothing to say
Taglines will accumulate to fill all available HD space!
Taglines won't bounce your checkbook
Taglines won't stalk you
Taglines you might like and hope to see your posts again sometime! =)
Taglines! -(@ @)- Taglines! Gota Have More Taglines!
Taglines! Taglines! I like Cal Webster Taglines!.
Taglines! Taglines! Taglines! I want Taglines!
Taglines! Taglines! I like Cal Webster Taglines!
Taglines! Taglines! I like Randy's Taglines!
Taglines! Taglines! Taglines! I want Taglines!
Taglines! Watch! <Search Master File for INSANITY>
Taglines, "Road Kill Cafe" taglines and "Greetings from" taglines that
Taglines, Mister Rico..! Zillions of 'em..!
Taglines, Mr. Barnes..!! Zillions of 'em..!!.
Taglines, Mr. Scudder..!! Zillions of 'em..!!.
Taglines, Mr. Tippett..!! Zillions of 'em..!!.
Taglines, Taglines, Catch the fever now
Taglines, anyone??? - Tom Hickey
Taglines, bumper stickers of the 90's.
Taglines, superfluous techno-weenie balderdash, Nah
Taglines, taglines, taglines. So many taglines, and so little time!
Taglines, the electronic form of a bumper sticker
Taglines, they're not just for hard drives any more.
Taglines, we need more tagline! Lots more!
Taglines- the REAL reason for echomail
Taglines--A place to dry wet tags.
Taglines-aholics Anonymous - President, Triangle, Va Chapter
Taglines. How quaint.
Taglines. I've got a million of them, but 999573 don't fit
Taglines. The REAL reason for Echomail!
Taglines... one line freedom of speech!
Taglines... one of the few forms of immortality.
Taglines... please post any others that you have
Taglines... the electronic "bumper snicker."
Taglines.... Steal 'em. We'll make more!
Taglines........ there just never seems to be enough roo
Taglines..........The bumper stickers of BBSing
Taglines.....the final frontier!
Taglines...? What are they, @TO?
Taglines...? What are they, Orville Bullitt?
Taglines...? What are they?
Taglines...Aphrodisiac for bored computer users.
Taglines...Gutter splutter.
Taglines...one line freedom of speech!
Taglines...the electronic "bumper snicker"...
Taglines: BBS answer to too much time on your hands
Taglines: E ---+----+----+----/ F
Taglines: If you can't say it in 57 chars, why bother?
Taglines: More interesting than the garbage above.
Taglines: No calories, AND always hungry for more.
Taglines: One-line freedom of speech.
Taglines: The REAL reason for netmail.
Taglines: The bumper stickers of the Information Super Highway
Taglines: Things that make you go "Hmmm....."
Taglines: Today's single-line restroom wall of high-technology BBS's.
Taglines: What some of us wade through a whole message for.
Taglines: Your last chance to say something stupid!
Taglines: the >real now
Taglines: the <real< reason for BBSing.
Taglines: 1% inspiration, 99% kleptomania
Taglines: A new life for old cliches and maxims.
Taglines: About the most fun you can have with your pants on!
Taglines: An Equal Opportunity Slam of *Your* Home! <G>
Taglines: Another fine service from the SysGod.
Taglines: Betcha can't post just one!
Taglines: Bumper Stickers for Computers
Taglines: Bumper Stickers of the Info Highway
Taglines: Bumper snickers for your computer.
Taglines: Catalyst for discussion (failing all else!)
Taglines: Cybergraffiti!
Taglines: Cyberspatial bumper stickers.
Taglines: FACT OR FICTION? On the next In Search Of
Taglines: FACT OR FICTION? On the next GERALDO !
Taglines: Go ahead and steal 'em. We'll make more!
Taglines: I steal them ALL and sort them in UED
Taglines: I've skipped the rest, and swiped the best!
Taglines: If you can't steal them, make them!
Taglines: More interesting than the crap above.
Taglines: No calories. AND always hungry for more.
Taglines: One-line freedom to abuse others with your speech.
Taglines: Steal all you want we'll make more.
Taglines: Take all you want. We'll make more.
Taglines: The *real* reason for FidoNet.
Taglines: The Movie
Taglines: The REAL reason for echo mail.
Taglines: The icing on the netmail cake.
Taglines: The most fun you can have with your pants on.
Taglines: The number one reason for getting a mail reader!
Taglines: The sound bytes of the information superhighway
Taglines: The things you say when you play Tag! (1:147/1012)
Taglines: Things that make you go "Hmmm....."
Taglines: Things that make you go 'Hmmm.....'
Taglines: Very addicting. Harder to drop than cigarettes.
Taglines: What some of us wade through a whole message for.
Taglines: You stole the rest, now steal the best!
Taglines: Your chance to piss someone off!
Taglines: Your last chance to really piss off the other guy!
Taglines: Your last chance to say something stupid.
Taglines: and How They Affect Women. Next On Oprah.
Taglines: bumper stickers for computer nerds.
Taglines: bumper stickers of the 90's.
Taglines: no calories or fat, but always hungry for more.
Taglines: programmable bumper stickers
Taglines: the bumper stickers of BBSing.
Taglines: the license plates of BBSing.
Taglines: the restroom wall of BBS'ing
Taglines: the toilet-stall walls of BBSdom
Taglines: your chance to have the last word
Taglines: your chance to piss someone off.
Taglines:The number one reason for getting a mail reader!
Taglines? Hey! Give that back! <Grin>
Taglines? Hmmm...sounds like fun to me.
Taglines? Hmmm...sounds like fun to me.
Taglines? I doan wan' no stinkin' taglines!
Taglines? I thought you asked to see my TANlines!
Taglines? I thought you invited me to see your Tanlines!
Taglines? I've given up on them, all the good ones are taken.
Taglines? Taglines? I doan wan' no stinkin' taglines!
Taglines? We doan need no stinkin' tagl.@$#% NO CARRIER
Taglines? We don' need no steenking taglines!
Taglines? Yes sir, I like 'em! - The Horse
Taglines? Don't tell me. Tuesday?
Taglines? Hey! Give that back! <Grin>
Taglines? I got your tag line. Hanging
Taglines? Nah, I order 'em through the mail
Taglines? We ain't got no taglines.
Taglines? We doan need no stinkin' tagl.@$#% NO CARRIER
Taglines? We doan need no stinkin' taglines
Taglines? We don't need no stinkin' tagl.@$#% NO CARRIER
Taglines? What are they?
Taglines?? I thought you asked to see my tanlines!
TaglinesBackup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
TaglinesSteal 'em; We'll make more!
Taglines\'tag-linz\the bumperstickers of BBSing.
Tagling: little tagline.
Taglini Galori...Italian Web Site for Taglines.
Taglining is the maddess. Modeming is the method.
Taglinitis is both an *Addiction* and an *Electronic Tragedy*
Taglinius Addictus ... That *Tagline Addict* of FIDO and RIME
Taglinius Addictus*: Gary Caplan
Taglinius Addictus, that *Tagline Addict* 95-07-16
Taglinius Addictus, the *Tagline Addict*, of FIDO and RIME.
Taglinology...The study of taglines.
Taglinophobia: Fear of having an insipid tagline
Tagloins - tenderest part of the message steak
Tagman will return after these commercial messages
Tags dealing with the awesome Warner Sib- er, BROTHERS cartoon show
Tags for sale, form lines to the right.
Tagteam Wrestling Tonite! - Kira & The Intendant Vs. O'Brien & Smiley
Tagteam: A bunch of people thinking up Taglines.
Tagteam: A group of people thinking up Recipes.
Tagteam: a bunch of people thinking up taglines together.
Tagwine twacks!
Tai chi players do it in perfect form
Tai chi players do it in perfect form, and over and over and over.
Tai chi players do it in perfect form.
Taildraggers forever!!
Tailgater - one who makes ends meet.
Tailgaters beware! Reflex check in progress.
Tailgaters flunked physics!
Tailhook takes it on the road! -- Joel Robinson
Tailhook: Better than flaps for short field landings
Tailoring - By Serge Soote
Tailoring: Serge Soote
Tailors come with no strings attached!
Tailors do it with cuffs.
Tailors make it fit.
Tails of Borg: Flying is irrelevant.
Tain't funny, McGee - Molly McGee
Tain't nobody's business (not even mine).
Tajna je ono sto svi znaju u poverenju.
Takaramono wa PIKAPIKA no DAILY LIFE. - Shinobu, GW
Take life in big bites... Moderation is for monks...Lazarus
Take 'em down. - Yeah... If nothing else, they ruined my good clothes!
Take 2 and hit to right
Take 2 asprin & wear your best slip next to your skin.-Hawk to Klinger
Take 2 squid and call me in the morning
Take 2 steps back - spin - 1 step forward - grin - do the Clinton!
Take 20 aspirins, and you'll feel better if you wake up.
Take A SYSOP To Lunch. He Needs A Steady Diet Of Bytes
Take Back Your Country: Shoot a Bureaucrat!
Take Back Your Country: Shoot a Lawyer!
Take Barney fishing ... then use him as shark bait.
Take Barney to Three-Mile Island and tell him to breathe deep.
Take Barney to the zoo and let him play with the big kitty cats.
Take Care Smarty-Pants - MagicM
Take Care of the Molehills, and the Mountains Will Take Care of Themselves. -- Motto of the Federal Civil Service
Take Courage, now there's a sport
Take D'Artagnan here to sick bay -Spock
Take Dax. I do have feelings for her. Bashir
Take Five And Get One Free
Take Me To Your Leader
Take Nothing but Pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time. - Motto of the Baltimore Grotto
Take Stock - By Russel Steers
Take THAT, you satin-suited, Tolkein-reading loser!
Take The Quantum Leap: 10p&2a ET/7p&11p Mondays-Fridays o
Take The Quantum Leap: 10p&2a ET/7p&11p Mondays-Fridays on SciFi Channel
Take The Quantum Leap: 11:30 AM & Midnight Mondays-Fridays on USA
Take This 'Conference' and Shove It.
Take This Job And Shove It - by Ike Witt
Take Us Out Of Orbit, Ensign Crusher. -/- Picard, Jean-Luc
Take Windows and bloat it some more, and what do you get? NT!
Take Your Mouse to lunch Today!
Take a BITE out of crime: ARM the citizens (victims)!
Take a Bite out of Crime -- Shoot the Bastards!
Take a Break!: Colin Sick
Take a MODERATOR to lunch,(s)he's probably broke.
Take a Picture and make a Poster ;-)
Take a SysOp out to lunch; he's probably broke!
Take a Sysop to lunch, he's probably broke.
Take a bath, I'll drink the water that you leave
Take a big steamy gawk at the circus freak -Mike as giant
Take a big steamy gawk at the circus freak. -- Mike Nelson
Take a bite out of crime .. Abolish the IRS!
Take a bite out of crime, the dog said gruffly.
Take a bite out of crime--blow the scumbag away!
Take a bite out of crime. Return all stolen taglines
Take a bite out of crime... Arrest Congress.
Take a bite out of crime...shoot a politician.
Take a bite out of crime: Abolish the DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Take a bite out of crime: arm the victims!
Take a bite out of crime: blow the scumbag away!
Take a bite out of crimeArrest Congress.
Take a bottle of Apirin and call me next month.
Take a bow. Bow wow take a bow Know this song?
Take a break from mutants. Read Sandman.
Take a break from the mousetrap we call home
Take a break in the bathroom? Not me, bud... I got a laptop. <G>
Take a byte out of crim
Take a cannibal to lunch
Take a congressman to lunch. You will need a tenderiser
Take a couple of good hops in the sack and call me in the morning.
Take a deep breath and relax
Take a dollar for that?
Take a double dose of C-Ko's lunch and call me in the afterlife.
Take a giant step for mankind. - 007 (Moonraker)
Take a good, steamy look at it! - Crow
Take a good, steamy look at it! -- Crow T. Robot
Take a great physician, and combine him with a light switch.-Picardo
Take a hard look at what you married! - Tom
Take a high-pitched sonic shower. -Dax to Bashir
Take a hint from the Daleks on how to deal w/ Homosexuals. EXTERMINATE
Take a hint, Q, no one wants you around. - Vash
Take a hit from tha bong
Take a key and unlock your brain... think about this for awhile!
Take a lesson from the whale; the only time he gets speared is when he raises to spout
Take a little time to do whatever makes a happy you.
Take a little time to realize I'll love you faithfully
Take a little wine for thy stomach's sake..St Paul
Take a lock of our skin to remember us by - Tom to apes
Take a long second & get used to this face - Crow
Take a long second and get used to this face... -- Crow T. Robot
Take a look and be - burn slowly the candle of life
Take a look at this. Janeway
Take a look at your tax bill...ou'll never call them "cheap politicians" again!
Take a major chill pill, Daddy-O!!!
Take a major chill pill, Daddy-O!!!
Take a minute to BEAT your Moderator.
Take a minute to BEAT your Sysop
Take a minute to beat your Sysop.
Take a minute to delete a twit or two.
Take a nap. You didn't see any of this.
Take a picture. It lasts longer
Take a pin to him and see how he lightens up
Take a quiet vacation and it hits the fan. -- Law of Moderators
Take a rabbit's foot and leave a pint of blood as a deposit
Take a ride on the *Real Blue Wave*
Take a ride on the tide with the assassin at your side.
Take a risk todaySpeed!
Take a running jump over a big puddle
Take a sad song and make it better. Ä Beatles
Take a sailor home. Six months of back pressure can work for you to.
Take a step to the unmarked door
Take a stress pill and relax. Bob!
Take a trip and never leave the farm - read a book.
Take a trip in a boat on a river called lsd
Take a walk on the wild side
Take a walk on the wild side. - G. Gebel Williams
Take a walk on the wild side...
Take a walk sweet city girl. - Indecent Obsession
Take a walk, Frank. -- Grace Musso
Take a walk, GEEK!
Take a wench for a bride
Take advantage of the pleasurable opportunities that come your way
Take after the trees...reach for the sky!
Take aim at the Tidy Bowl Man
Take aim with sheer power and precision
Take aim, then call whatever it was you hit your target.
Take aim, then call whatever it was you hit your target.
Take all the pieces and make an island, might even raise a little sand
Take all the time you want. - Odo to Dax
Take all the time you want. -- Odo
Take an astronaut to launch
Take an astronaut to launch this week.
Take an astronaut to launch.
Take an economy flight. No movie, but they fly low over drive-ins.
Take an ice cube to the bar, smash it, and say, "Now that I've broken the ice, will you sleep with me?"
Take another bite, it'll be aright.
Take any honest work, but keep moving! - Heinlein
Take away cats and our earth is a tomb. -Browning
Take away gay-bashing and theres no fun left in the world
Take away love and our earth is a tomb. - Browning
Take away my handgun?..sure!..out of my cold dead clutching hands!
Take away our guns and we'll fight tyranny with rocks
Take care of me with your hot, moist lips
Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves
Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves. -- Lazarus Long
Take care of the pence and the Inland Revenue will take care of the rest
Take care of the pennies and... Who stole my dollars?
Take care of your reputation. It's your most valuable asset.
Take care of your skin, it stops you leaking!
Take care of yourself Odo. -Quark
Take care of yourself or find someone to do it for you! -Elaine
Take care of yourself, Dad. - Franklin
Take care to get what you like, or you will be forced to like what you get. - George Bernard Shaw
Take care which rut you choose; you'll be in it for the next ten years
Take care!!! William
Take care, @TOFIRST@, and don't be mean to yourself
Take care, Orville, and don't be mean to yourself.
Take care. Have fun. Bring your own banjo
Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone choose it for you.
Take comfort in the saying "beauty is only skin deep"
Take credit when people don't know someone beat you to it.
Take defeat like a man, blame it on your wife!
Take down the shutters - open more Windows on genealogy.
Take egotism out and you would castrate the benefactors. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Take egotism out, and you castrate the benefactors.
Take enlightenment wherever you find it :)
Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:5.
Take everything in stride. Trample anyone who gets in your way.
Take five
Take full advantage of Windows'95...use a Macintosh.
Take heart amid the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese
Take heart amid the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese -- National Lampoon, "Deteriorata"
Take heart, I read the end of THE book . . . . .we win.
Take heed that no man deceive you. - Matthew 24:4
Take heed, ere summer comes, or cuckoo-bird do sing
Take heed; have open eye; for thieves do foot by night
Take her hand, she will need you through the fires
Take her to quarters and detain her there. - Sisko
Take her! Warp her! Destroy her mind! - Kolreth
Take him out of here too soon and he'll have lilies on his chest. Ä BJ
Take him to Sickbay. - Spock
Take history lessons, read!
Take it all with a grain of salt. Your health won't fail!
Take it as it comes.
Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader! Ä M. Python
Take it away, Ghengis.
Take it back where you bought it, and get it exchanged.
Take it back!
Take it back! Take it back! -- Crow T. Robot
Take it easy
Take it easy ! That`s Life
Take it easy ... but take it
Take it easy Dax! We're going fishing with lures, _not_ worms!
Take it easy baby, let them say what they will -Zep
Take it easy lad !
Take it easy now, calm down. - Very sensitive. - Sulu
Take it easy you have all time the world!!!:)))
Take it easy, be a Point
Take it easy, but take it - Studs Terkel
Take it easy, we're in a hurry.
Take it easy. - Sulu
Take it for what it's Worthless
Take it from @TOFIRST@
Take it from Death, life is a terrible thing to waste!
Take it from Orville.
Take it from Rodney King and Reginald Denny, stay in your car
Take it from me - he's got the goods
Take it from me - he's got the goods -- WILLIAM SYDNEY PORTER
Take it from me - he's got the goods.
Take it from me. Safe sex is in the palm of your hand
Take it home, Joel - Tom
Take it outside, God-boy! Okileedokilee!
Take it slow, but take it. And don't forget to KEEP IT FUN.
Take it to alt.sex.monkey.spanking
Take it while you can. - Londo
Take it, Crow, daddy! - Tom
Take it, Easy, take it!
Take lettuce from top of stack, or heads will roll!
Take love away from life and you take away its pleasures.
Take me 4 better or 4 worse
Take me as I am.
Take me away But be gentle, I'm fragile. - Yakko to Nurse
Take me away, 7Up! - Mike as young cop
Take me away... But be gentle, I'm fragile. - Yakko to Nurse
Take me down to Paradise City A. Rose
Take me drunk officer - I'm home.
Take me drunk, I'm home
Take me drunk, I'm home again!
Take me drunk, I'm home.
Take me home - furry people need love too
Take me home, Smiley. - Sisko
Take me home, furry people need love too
Take me in your arms and love me!
Take me on...I deserve it, I'm just a thief! -- Finieous Fingers
Take me to another land where I don't have to stay
Take me to another place in my mind. - Fishbone
Take me to the Earth Consulate
Take me to the Earth Consulate at once.
Take me to the Earth Consulate immediately.
Take me to the Earth Consulate without delay.
Take me to the Earth Consulate.
Take me to the Intendants quarters. - Sisko
Take me to the SEA, and let me listen to my beginings
Take me to the dance, Mary bawled
Take me to the dance, Tom bawled.
Take me to the mushroom palace, my sweet friend booze!
Take me to the place I love. Take me all the way. -RHCP
Take me to the river; wash me in the water.
Take me to your Sysop! tm
Take me to your anus! - Crow to Tom
Take me to your leader earthling, or I'll atomize your face. Garfield
Take me to your leader, human... Hillary, not the fat one.
Take me to your reader
Take me to your river, baby, take me to your sea -Coverdale/Page
Take me tonight to the river and wash my illusions away
Take me with a grain of salt, but add some thyme and coriander.
Take me! - Tom as girl at dinner table
Take me, I'm yours, she said easily.
Take me, subcreature!
Take me, take me to the Dreamer's Ball
Take me, to the Dreamers' Ball! --Queen
Take me, you wonderful brute! - Tammy TagLine
Take me. Take me, take me, take me, take me. Apollo
Take milk of amnesia when you need to forget
Take moderation into extremity.
Take more than a metdown to show us how
Take my PC--please. Its the AMIGA *I* want! -Data
Take my Tagline, Please!!!!!
Take my Visa, take my husband, but don't touch my modem.
Take my Visa, take my husband-but not my modem!!
Take my Worf ..... please! - Data
Take my Worf ..... please! -- Data <*badahbumb*>
Take my Worf, please! - Data (The Outrageous Okana)
Take my Worf..PLEASE!! - Anonymous
Take my advice
Take my advice (I don't need it any more!)
Take my advice - I don't need or use it.
Take my advice - I never use it.
Take my advice - I'm not using it.
Take my advice Mr. President, don't talk to your hookers. -Dick Morris
Take my advice, I don't need it
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Take my advice, I don't use it anyways.
Take my advice, Jefferson ... I don't use it anyway.
Take my advice, Orville; 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
Take my advice, it's Shareware
Take my advice----I'm not using it!!
Take my advice. After all, I'm not using it
Take my advice. I don't use it anyway!
Take my advice. I'm not using it at the moment, anyway.
Take my advice. I'm not using it.
Take my advice. I don't use it anymore
Take my advice. I don't use it anyway.
Take my advice...I'm not using it anyway!
Take my advice; I don't need it.
Take my child, I give her to your keeping. - Fantine, Les Mis
Take my hand @TOFIRST@, I will lead you to the inferno
Take my hand, @FN@.
Take my hand, @TOFIRST@
Take my hand, DiDi. -- Death
Take my hand, I will lead you to the inferno
Take my hand, I'm a stranger in Fidoland
Take my hand, I'm a stranger with parasites - Tom
Take my hand, Orville.
Take my hand, YOU.
Take my hand, and, let go of your life
Take my hand, brother. - Connor MacLeod
Take my hand, the night grows ever colder. - Fantine, Les Mis
Take my life please. Henny Youngmodem.
Take my life, and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my modem? When they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
Take my self control, I'm not using it anyway.
Take my tagline ... please
Take my visa, take my wife, but NOT my modem!!
Take my wife - to Egypt, and don't never come back. - Redd Foxx
Take my wife! Please! Oh--sorry, dear...(gulp)
Take my wife, pl--wrong echo!
Take my wife, please.. --Henny Youngman
Take my word for it, @FN@.
Take my word for it, @FN@.
Take my word for it, @TOFIRST@
Take my word for it, YOU.
Take my word for it, the silliest woman can manage a clever man, but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool
Take no friends and leave no enemies.
Take no prisoners and eat the wounded
Take no prisoners, we can't feed them.
Take not a single bit!
Take nothing but ancestors, leave nothing but records.
Take off the Trek-Colored glasses!
Take off the mask of Barney the dinosaur, and I bet you'll find Elvis
Take off this uniform and leave the show
Take off your clothes. - Seven of Nine
Take off your hat to your yesterdays; take off your coat for your tomorrows. - Proverb
Take off your underwear w/out taking off your pants -Mike
Take off, eh!
Take one down, short it to ground
Take only memories, and leave only footprints. - John Muir
Take our politicians: they're a bunch of yo-yos
Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.
Take over for us! Yakko No way! Wayne/Garth Way! Yakko
Take over for us!-Yakko No way!-Wayne Way!-Yakko
Take pleasure in the little things!
Take pot to the beach; leave no tern unstoned.
Take pride in Scouting.
Take public transportation, bike or walk
Take responsibility for every area of your life. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Take sominex, Tom said sleepily.
Take tea and see, said Tom briskly.
Take that
Take that back! It tastes like the stuff my wife makes.
Take that gun and shoot yourself in the head... -- Mulder to Krycek
Take that trip to the brain.
Take that you community theater reject! *WHAP!*
Take that, Lorena said cuttingly.
Take that, Naughty-Spawn! -- The Tick
Take that, Pink Boy! - Crow as robot wins chess match
Take that, dumbass. - Beavis
Take that, nega-toad! - Sailor Mars
Take that...and while you're at it...take this too
Take the "E" out of Dude and you're left with a DUD!
Take the 'e' out of Dude and you've got a DUD!
Take the EDLIN Challenge!
Take the Galaxy Express 999 to the Anime Resource
Take the action and let go of the results. --Michael J. Fox
Take the antiderivative of (tan 3x^2)/5x
Take the antiderivative of (tan 3x^2)/5x
Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixed metaphors.
Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors. - William Safire
Take the bull by the hand, and don't mix metaphors.
Take the cheese to sick bay. - Tuvok
Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well
Take the curl, take the divergence, you'll see the derivatives drop like flies
Take the greatest risk: let yourself be just the way you are.
Take the gun out of the CRIMINAL's cold, dead fingers!
Take the law into your own hands?
Take the living water!
Take the low road. Not that low. - 007 (F.Y.E.O.)
Take the money & run.In politics,it's Run,then take the $$
Take the phasers off stun. No more Mr. Nice Guy! - Sisko
Take the prisoner to the dungeon he said condescendingly.
Take the red pill,Take the blue pill!!! and groove the night away.
Take the road block challenge - Tom on Coke truck in road
Take the road block challenge! -- Tom Servo
Take the short-cut to Geodesic Park!
Take the skin and peel it back - NIN
Take the skin heads bowling. Be sure to wax their heads!
Take the steps, the elevator don't work.
Take the time to really listen to your children
Take the time to snuff the dandelions
Take the time to understand and lend a gentle helping hand!
Take them all to security! - Odo
Take them back to their cage. - Claudius
Take them, Brother. Lore
Take this JOBO and shove it!
Take this brother, may it serve you well
Take this bus to New Jersey!
Take this job and SHOVE IT! said Johnny Paycheck resignedly.
Take this job and shove it!
Take this man's mailer away, he replies to far too many messages
Take this person to the computer in the padded room
Take this s**t to the DeadHorse Conference!
Take this shove and job it
Take this soapbox back, I'm getting splinters in my feet.
Take this thing back to Baltimore! -- Senator Martin
Take this world of life one day at a time
Take those broken wings and learn to fly again.
Take those phasers off stun, Mr. O'Brien. No more Mr. Nice Guy - Sisko
Take time to appreciate the little things.
Take time to do the things that really make you happy.
Take time to listen
Take time to read... it is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to smell roses, trees, grass, rocks, fire hydrants
Take time to smell the roses and eventually you'll inhale a bee.
Take time to smell the roses, but watch out for the bees.
Take time to smell the roses...and trees, grass, rocks, fire hydrants
Take time to stop and smell the Pizza.
Take time to stop and smell the napalm.
Take time to think... it is the source of power.
Take time to understand and lend a gentle, helping hand
Take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal
Take to a book on a holiday
Take two Taglines and call me in the morning.
Take two Tribbles and call me in the morning -Klingon Rx
Take two aspirin and call the consultant.
Take two aspirin first then it won't hurt so much!
Take two asprin and see the Dept of Neural-Surgery immediately!
Take two crows and caw me in the morning
Take two hours of Rush Limbaugh and call me in the morning.
Take two modems into the shower, not me, I just 28.8k and go!
Take two pawns and drink plenty of liquids.
Take two recipes and call me in the morning.
Take two tagline files and call Bert in the morning
Take two taglines and call me in the morning.
Take two taglines and post me a message in the morning
Take two teddies and call me in the morning
Take us out of orbit Mr Spock. Ahead Warp factor 1 - Kirk
Take us out. - Captain Kirk
Take us to your leader, the one you humans call Curly.
Take what Scouting taught you everywhere you go.
Take what you can use and let the rest go by
Take what you can use and let the rest go by. - K.Kesey
Take what you can use and let the rest go by. - KEN KESEY -
Take what you get :-))
Take what you want - leave some if you want. No ratios.
Take what you want. Delete what you don't. =)
Take yer flunky and dangle
Take you for me in eight !
Take you to him I will, yes! -- Yoda
Take you to my leader? I think not!
Take your Senator to lunch this week
Take your bare hands baby rip out my eyes
Take your best stab at the beast Anagram
Take your brother swimmin' with a brick it's alright.
Take your cat for a wok.
Take your dimwitted gibberish to alt.dumb.ten.year.olds
Take your dress off! Diolus <<slap>>
Take your hammer to a party; it's a good ice breaker.
Take your hand from my blouse! Mary tittered.
Take your hands off the mouse and assume the position
Take your hat off boy when you're talking to me and be there when I feed the tree
Take your levity whenever and wherever you can find it.
Take your life into your own hands, and what happens. A terrible thing: no one to blame. - Erica Jong
Take your mask off...oh sorry, I thought you were wearing one
Take your medicine like a man.
Take your mind off your troubles with a quick hand? - Vagabond
Take your positions for the crutch race. -- Col. Potter
Take your powder, take your gun, report to General Washington!
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Take your shoes off. And get rid of that popcorn. I hate popcorn.
Take your shot, Fun Boy! You got your dead-bang. - The Crow
Take your shot, Fun-Boy. You've got me, dead-bang! - The Crow
Take your thumb outta your ear and put it back in your butt!
Take your time. Kes
Take your time. The plane doesn't leave for 3 minutes
Take your time...hurry up...the choice is yours...don't be late!
Take your weapon...strike me down with all of your hatred
Take your wife's first advice, not her second.
Take yourself a friend, whether woman or man
Taken a Turing test lately?
Taken as a whole, the universe is absurd.
Taken the Sears auto center & turned it into HQ - Tom
Taken the Sears auto center and turned it into an HQ. -- Servo
Taken the joy outta looking at someone's hinder - Tom
Takeoffs are optional, landings are mandatory
Takeovers are always announced one day after you sell the stock of the target company
Takes a Wanking and keeps on cranking!
Takes a heap of money to look this cheap. ...Dolly Parton
Takes a little effort to make PCBoard do un-natural acts.
Takes a lot of RAM to make your floppy spin.
Takes a nuclear attack to distract me. - Anna Steven
Takes advantage of every opportunity to progress: Buys su
Takes advantage of every opportunity to progress: Buys superiors' drinks
Takes many nails to build a crib, but just one screw to fill it!!!
Takes me longer to write this than it does the message!
Takes more than a meltdown to show us how
Takes more than a message to make me smile
Takes one to know one, I say
Takes one to know one, I say. - Renimar Keth-solamni
Takes pride in work: Conceited. -work evaluationese
Takes so long to bury a cat, damned things keep digging out.
Takes so long too bury a cat, stupid thing keeps digging its way out.
Takes you 24 hrs. to just pick up the stupid phone! -Crow
Takin' every shortcut that leads to your heart. - Indecent Obsession
Takin'my tagline, eh? Give it back here, ya hoser!
Taking a Greyhound to Hawaii wasn't a good idea. - Mike Nelson
Taking a QUANTUM LEAP into the past.
Taking a collection to put the Barney kids in therapy.
Taking a pee in the Enchanted Forest, wish you were here - Blonde Moments
Taking a tern for the wurst
Taking criticism is a prerequisite to success.
Taking me seriously can be hazardous to your sanity!
Taking no chances ~~> Bumper sticker seen at mosque that read "Allah bless America."
Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls is permitted
Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of currency as bait is prohibited
Taking of lawyers with traps and deadfalls is permitted.
Taking something with a grain of salt may raise your blood pressure
Taking the gun away only changes the way you get screwed.
Taking the wind out of Windows
Taking things philosophically is easy if they don't concern you
Taking up collection to give Barney a one way ticket to J
Taking up collection to give Barney a one way ticket to Jurassic Park!
Taking up collection to give Barney one way ticket to Jur
Taking your LITTLE NOTES--!!!--Mulder
Taking your wife to Paris is like taking a sandwich to a banquet.
Tako je ruzno vreme da ni zenu ne bih pustio napolje !
Takvu retkost odavno nisam video, a onda pustih vodu.
Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast
Tale of a tagline thief: I came, I saw, I swiped.
Talent develops in quiet places; character, in the full current of human
Talent develops in tranquillity, character in the full current of human life. - Goethe
Talent does what it can, genius does what it must, I do what I'm paid to
Talent does what it can; genius does what it must. - Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873)
Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire.
Talent is as talent does.
Talent is what you posses; genius is what possesses you - Cowley
Talent lies in your choice of drama coach. -S. Adler, Brando's choice
Talent on loan from God.
Talent on loan from God...we are all on loan from God, you see. - Rush
Talent: Being able to bush polka dots.
Tales of a Tagline thief - I came, I read, I stole.
Talgine - The pain of seeing a misspelled taglinne.
Talgine - the pain of a misspelled tagline.
Talgine -- the pain of a misspelled tagline <g>.
Talk - Something that is cheap except for Lawyers and Congressmen
Talk Is Cheap - By U. N. Envoy
Talk Is Cheap, Because Supply Exceeds Demand
Talk Talk by Talk Talk on an ablum called Talk Talk - Tom
Talk about s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth!
Talk about a group of women w/PMS - Joel on girls w/guns
Talk about anal, you must have been toilet-trained at gunpoint
Talk about body styles...my body HAS styles!
Talk about living high on a low hog! - Tick, about Sewer Urchin's apt
Talk about memory! This system even has a sense of guilt!
Talk about memory, this system includes a sense of guilt.
Talk about tacky" - Fox Mulder (3x19)
Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmm!
Talk about weight off your mind! * Lister
Talk about willing people... over half of them are willing to work and the others are more than willing to watch them
Talk about your fixer-upper... - Timon
Talk about your photo opp
Talk back, tremblin' lips!
Talk be cheap, but rarely free. Cheeeiit.
Talk digital to me - gives me quantum thrills
Talk dirty to me, baby... baby... baby
Talk funny Zathras does. Related to Yoda he is!
Talk in your sleep, eh? Don't sleep next to a replicator. Too messy.
Talk is Cheap, unless you're online
Talk is cheap - Because supply exceeds demand.
Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it.
Talk is cheap - unless it's a lawyer talking!
Talk is cheap -- except when Congress does it.
Talk is cheap -- supply exceeds demand!
Talk is cheap -- until you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap . . . until Congress does it!
Talk is cheap . . . until you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap ; supply exceeds demand.
Talk is cheap ONLY because supply exceeds demand!
Talk is cheap and supply always exceeds demand
Talk is cheap because Supply exceeds Demand ..
Talk is cheap because supply always exceeds demand
Talk is cheap because supply inevitably exceeds demand...
Talk is cheap because supply is greater than demand
Talk is cheap because the supply exceeds the demand.
Talk is cheap but Ammo is Cheaper!-The Excellent Anime
Talk is cheap except when a lawyer does it!
Talk is cheap on satellite, but all I get is static
Talk is cheap since supply exceeds demand.
Talk is cheap till you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap unless you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap until you get a lawyer.
Talk is cheap, and so am I.
Talk is cheap, and time's expensive.
Talk is cheap, because supply exceeds demand.
Talk is cheap, but rarely free.
Talk is cheap, until you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap. Using a modem gets expensive.
Talk is cheap. 'til you hire a lawyer!
Talk is cheap. Using a modem gets expensive!
Talk is cheap... till you hire a lawyer.
Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it.
Talk is cheap...real hams beep!
Talk is cheap...until you hire an attorney!
Talk is cheap:it'simple supply and demand
Talk is cheap; synthehol costs money
Talk is cheap? Congress ran up $3 trillion doing it
Talk is cheap??? I suppose you've never hired a lawyer!
Talk is cheapuntil you hire a lawyer.
Talk is easy and natural - Old hams chirp like turKEYS!
Talk loudly and carry a small stick. - Bill Clinton
Talk me into losin' just as long as I can win - Billy Joel
Talk not of wasted affection; affection never was wasted. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Talk of revolution is one of avoiding reality.J.K. Galbraith
Talk or kiss. Not both. -- Kira to Bareil
Talk or play. Not both. * Worf
Talk or scream. The choice is yours, @FN@
Talk or whine. The choice is yours, @FN@
Talk radio causes terrorism just like MTV causes teen suicide.
Talk radio is irrelevant. -- Clinton of Borg
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish -- Euripides
Talk slow but think quick!
Talk slowly, I'm only running at 33Mhz.
Talk softly and carry a "BIG" stick
Talk to God we're praying, when God talks to us we're schizophrenic.
Talk to God; dial IME-LVIS
Talk to Guinan.
Talk to a Plant...It's rewarding
Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours. - Benjamin Disraeli
Talk to him Steven. Tell him what you feel... - Ivanova
Talk to me @N@. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me Orville Bullitt. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me Ron Janorkar. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me Seanette Blaylock. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me Yakko Warner. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me before I have to let these people take you! - Sisko
Talk to me, Orville Bullitt. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me, honey. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to me. Hi Jeffery, Hi Steven, Hi David... -- TV's Frank
Talk to me. Make believe I'm your bartender.
Talk to the World - Become a Ham Radio Operator
Talk to your Plant often; it doesn't cost a Penny!
Talk while making love: "Relax, ain't nobody comin'"
Talk with your hand over your mouth
Talk without speaking --U2
Talk's cheap till you need a lawyer.
Talk's cheap, not if it's a lawyer talking
Talk, scream, or whine. The choice is yours, @TO.
Talk, whine, or scream. The choice is yours
Talk, whine, or scream. The choice is yours, Orville Bullitt.
Talk: Something that is cheap except for Lawyers and Congressmen.
Talkative Japanese - By Terry Yaki
Talkers are no good doers. - William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
Talkers are no good doers.<<Shakespeare>, "Henry VI">
Talkie Toaster? What a concept.
Talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation
Talking Barbie and the Pentium-90 agree! "Math is hard!"
Talking Politics to the Bottom of the "Bell Curve."
Talking Vaccum Cleaner: "You want me to suck WHAT?!"
Talking about books is never a waste of space... -- Mycroft
Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. (Laurie Anderson)
Talking bathroom scales: Proof that technology isn't always good
Talking is a disease of age.
Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself
Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Talking of bulls is not like being in the bull ring.
Talking poo is where *I* draw the line! - Cartman [South Park]
Talking right is not politically correct.
Talking to her about computer hardware, I make my mother board.
Talking to the stiffs again, Melvin? -- Aggie
Talking to them won't make them go away
Talking to you is like talking to a wall! <The Iron Circle>
Talking to yourself isn't bad... unless you do it with a megaphone
Talks a lot but he doesn't say much. - McCoy on Cochrane
Talks as if balancing the family tree on his nose
Talkshow hosts that run out of weirdos to feature. Next, on Geraldo.
Tall & tan & young & lovely, the girl from Hiroshima -Tom
Tall Tails for the Tailless.
Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from Hiroshima
Tall as a post and just as smart
Tall, dark, good-looking beers are common
Tallulah Bankhead barged down the Nile last night as Cleopatra and sank. -- John Mason Brown, drama critic
Tallulah Bankhead quotes
Talmac casts and ......... The quarterback is toast !
Talmac casts and ......... The quarterback is toast !
Talmudic scholars/ponder SPAM. Is anything/on Earth less kosher?
TamDos 1.0 (A)bort (R)etry (K)iss Dex?
Tamales make my bottom burble.-Goose at football game,Rocko's Mod Life
Tamarian Thief: 'Temba, with his hands up... NOW! suckah!'
Tamarian mugger: "Temba, his arms up, NOW, suckah!"
Tamarian mugger: Timbir, his arms up, NOW!
Tamarian nightmares: Kirk and Spock, at McDonalds
Tamarian pornography: Madonna, behind the green door.
Tamarie Simmons on screen. Set phasers to Slaughter
Tame cat
Taming of the Shrew - Starring Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Tammy Faye loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an ass.
Tammy Potash ... EchoTaglineConnoisseur
Tammy are you naked?
Tammy is busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.
Tammy's Gourmet Taglines: Best and Freshest Every Day.
Tammy, Tammy, boTammy, bananarama poTammy, fee fi foTammy, Tammy!
Tammy/Tammy Potash/Queen of the Wild Frontier
Tamo dje su djetici krcili putljagu.
Tampa Bay are 11-0? Oh, I've aaaaalways been a Buc's fan!!
Tampering w/wrestling will bring punishment - Tom
Tampon Man (Rag Man)
Tampon in mouth, Blondie didn't know what she did with her cigarette
Tampon lomim, ruke mi krvave.
Tampons $1 a dozen! No strings attached!
Tamsen Thistlehawk-Ranck: a weed, a bird, and a military sleeve
Tamsen has Van Gogh's ear for music.
Tan? Heck no..I'm from Vancouver...that's rust.
Tandy America's Technology. Sure!
Tandy DOS 3.20.22 -> What Is this neat little toy ?
Tandy is not dandy...it's just a randy computer !
Tandy...You can buy better, but you can't pay more.
Tandy: A computer with training wheels you can't remove.
Tandy: For the unsuspecting consumer.
Tandy: Yesterday's technology at tomorrow's prices.
Tandy: You can buy better, but you can't pay more.
Tangent - Man who has been in the Sun
Tangent: n., Man risking melanoma.
Tangle up your twisted tongue. It's simple. - Collective Soul
Tango Sierra Soldier! FIDO! - Curt Carson
Tango: You can't untie it
Tanit - Heavenly Goddess
Tank Rambo: an all terrain combat me. -- Tom Servo
Tanker: Someone who rides, to where he is going to die, in his coffin.
Tankers DO IT with armor.
Tankers refer to the infantry as Crunchies
Tanks -- they're a "male thing!"
Tanned women are like turkeys---All the white meat is the best!!! |-)
Tant va la tagline au BBS qu'à la fin elle est volée
Tantric electronics: ê mani padme ê
Tanya Harding cocktail: Club soda on ice
Tanya Harding: 7 lead pipes from the gold.
Tanya Harding: Botched up tying her shoelaces too.
Tanya Rodham Bobbitt of Borg: one mean woman!
Tao abides in non-action, Yet nothing remains undone. <Tao Te Ching>
Tao can be spoken not real Tao.
Tao is only a word in my ear. --Chuang Tzu
Taoism sh*t happens
Taoism - **** Happens
Taoism ... S*** happens
Taoism: (def.) S**t happens.
Taoist: dung is tao too.
Tap a da marnien te ya!
Tap dancers do it with their feet.
Tap dancing in the canoe of life
Tap dancing is a lot of fun, you just have to be really careful you don't fall off
Tap here >>>>> >>>> <<<<< with HAMMER for new monitor!
Tap pants...er..uh...Dance belt - Crow
Tap the cunt.
Tap to produce 3 mana of any color. Mox Lotus
Tap to produce 3 mana of any color. Mox Lotus
Tap with hammer here >< for "breaking glass" sound effect
Tap with hammer here ÛÛÛÛ for new monitor!
Tap! Tap! Is this tagline thingie working?
Tap..Tap..Tap.. 'Scuse me, is this thing on?...Onneeee...Twwoooo
Tapas, n.: Spanish for "not enough food"
Tape Drive...Disk Drive...Hard Drive...CD-ROM Drive...Warp Drive
Tape backup-something you do after a poster falls down
Tape librarians will mount anything
Tape tonight's episode of Tek Wars - Dr. Forrester
Tape, staples, stitches, glue: John Bobbitt's shopping li
Taped live
Tapes are burnt out,......trying the memory banks... - Spock
Taphephobia: Fear of being buried alive
Tapioca: The only known dessert that produces leftovers.
Tar & feathers will be provided
Tar is not a Plaything
Tar is not a play thing -Bart Simp./Epis. 7F02
Tar is not a plaything
Tar is not a plaything - Bart Simpson's lines
Tar is not a plaything. - Bart Simpson
Tar is not a plaything. - Bart's Board
Tar is not a plaything. --Bart Simpson.
Tarantula (n) Tribble with an attitude
Tardis Express. When it has to be there Yesterday!
Tardis Express: When it positively HAS to be there YESTERDAY!!
Tardis: for those packages that really need to be there yesterday.
Target Front.....INCOMING FRONT!!!!!!
Target sighted and locked. - Billie Munny
Target that explosion and fire! -- Sulu
Target your blaster at the nearest moderator AND SHOOT!
TarglIj yInga' yIruch! (Klingon for: Go f*ck your targ!)
Tarotdactyl: dinosaur who reads your cards
Tart words make no friends; a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar. -- B. Franklin
Tarzan no need stupid firehose! -- Johnny Fever
Tarzan no want Jane - Tarzan want Steve.
Tarzan of Borg - "Me assimilate. You assimilated."
Tarzan travels to California in: The Apes of Wrath
Tas, I didn't even know you had a sweetheart!--Tanis
Tasha Burger: (It'll come up again later after it's gone.)
Tasha Yar - one who knows the real meaning of receiving Data.
Tasha Yar Supports Data Entry
Tasha Yar doesn't support Data entry - it never happened!
Tasha Yar dreams of data entry overflow
Tasha Yar seeks Data input
Tasha Yar supports "Captain's Log" Entry.
Tasha Yar supports Data Entry!
Tasha Yar works in a Data entry position.
Tasha Yar's busy in her quarters receiving Data.
Tasha Yar's least favorite phrase? "Insufficient Data".
Tasha Yar's specialty: Data input!
Tasha Yar, busy in her quarters receiving Data.
Tasha Yar: "Put down that Playboy, my phaser's set to kill!"
Tasha and Data, when the bulkheads shook
Tasha and I were intimate -- Data
Tasha doesn't support Data entry. She says it never happened!
Tasha tried tremendously,thankfully two tries to treat trekers triumph.
Tasha, leave DATA's floppy disk alone!
Tasha: "Insufficient."
Tasmania.... down under, Down Under :)
Tasmania: Beautiful one day, Related the next.
Tasmanians can multitask!
Tasmanians, who never committed adultery, are now extinct.
Taste 'em again for the first time
Taste bad to your predators
Taste cannot be controlled by law. - Thomas Jefferson
Taste first, ask questions later
Taste is the enemy of creativeness. - Pablo Picasso
Taste just like Mothers recipe, she couldn't cook either
Taste makes waist
Taste me you will see... more is all you need!
Taste me....I'm organic!
Taste my steel, Pasty Boy! -- Dr. Forrester
Taste my steel, pasty boy!
Taste my steel, please - Mike as wimpy tennis player
Taste my steel, please. -- Mike Nelson
Taste tester for Alpo.
Taste the good things in life...Kiss a Pagan!
Taste the love can it be magic?
Taste the love it makes you numb.
Taste the pain!
Taste, n. - The difference between an oral and an anal thermometer
Taste...a creamy, fish-like taste.
Tasteful words, you might have to eat them.
Tasteless recipe attached to pointless message.
Tasters Choice: The Final Chapter! -- Crow T. Robot
Tasters Choice: The Final Chapter - Crow on dating couple
Tastes great AND less filling.
Tastes great!
Tastes great! Less filling!
Tastes just like chicken. (Jeffery Dalhmer)
Tastes like a chocolate covered urinal cake - Tom
Tastes like chicken. - Timone
Tastes like fish? She's a dish. Tastes like fruit? Giv her the boot.
Tastes like goat drool! Weak selling point!
Tastes like goat drool! Weak selling point!
Tastes like horse pee? Domestic or imported?
Tastes like horse pee? Corn fed Clydesdale or grass fed quarter horse?
Tastes like horse pee? DON'T invite me to those parties
Tastes like horse pee? Have a breath mint
Tastes like horse pee? Is that opposed to pony pee?
Tastes like horse pee? What ELSE do you drink in the barn?
Tastes like horse pee? What did you water the horse with?
Tastes like horse pee? You took trickle down economy too seriously
Tasting, 1-2-3, Tasting
Tasty cheddar makes everything better
Tata, vidi prase! Stani prase!!!
Tatercrater - Hole dug in mashed potatoes to keep the gravy in.
Taterfamilias: the head of the Potato Head family
Tatewaki Kuno: The ego that walks like a man
Tatoo Parlor Hell: "EAGLE? I thought you said BEAGLE."
Tatoo Parlor Hell: "Gosh, I hate it when I get the hiccups."
Tatoo Parlor Hell: "There are 2 o's in Bob, right?'
Tatoo Parlor Hell: "We're all out of red, so I used pink."
Tatoos are the common man's way of investing in art
Tattered times and brainwashed minds, cluttering up his thinking.
Tattoo's favorite kind of M&M's: "The Plain! The Plain!"
Tattoos, n. - Just a pigment of your immagination
Tattoos, n. - The crowning touch to excessive plastic surgery
Tau, tau, carry the tau...Yeah, that's the ticket.--A. Einstein
Taueret - Goddess of Childbirth and Nursing
Taueret, Goddess of Childbirth and Nursing.
Taught him everything I know, and still he knows nothing.
Taunting the sense and tempting the soul
Taurus Excretum Ad Infinitum
Taurus: official sign of the Taglines echo
Taurus: official sign of the recipes echo
Taut, taut, strewn about, your callow life in dismay...- Warlock
Tawn Hermo, Snack Giver of Carthage - Tom Servo's names
Tax 'em all, let Hillary sort 'em out.
Tax Man - He's got what it takes to take what you've got!
Tax News: People who made no money last year will get 10% back!
Tax Return May Be Required After Death
Tax Shelter Tip #1: Buy High -- Sell Low.
Tax Shelter- A way to spend a buck to save fifty cents.
Tax This!
Tax abatement is welfare for the rich.
Tax dollars: Clinton's soldiers in the war on poverty.
Tax forms should read "income owed us" and "in commode yo
Tax increases are irrelevant. --Clinton of Borg
Tax office, n.: Den of inequity
Tax office: a den of inequity.
Tax reform means "Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that fellow behind the tree."
Tax reform: Don't tax you or me, tax that fellow there
Tax reform: Taxing something new.
Tax return
Tax rich bachelors heavily. Why should they be so happy?
Tax shelter - A way to spend a buck to save fifty cents
Tax the Federal Reserve to pay off the Federal Debt!
Tax the churches!!!!!
Tax the churches. Tax the busineses owned by the churches. -F.Zappa
Tax the poor and the ugly! Everyone should sacrifice!
Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there's no rich no more.
Tax time - that's when all your pictures of George Washington give their farewell address
Tax, Tagline, and title included.
Tax, n. - Payment made to government for servitude rendered
Tax, recipe, and title included.
Tax, tagline, and title included.
Tax-all: Clinton's cure for economic growth
Tax=Contribution; Investment=Spending -> From the Clinton Era.
Taxandspendus liberalus ad nauseam extremeus
Taxation *WITH* representation ain't so hot, either.
Taxation WITH represenation isn't that great either!
Taxation WITH representation is no great deal either!
Taxation WITH representation isn't so great either
Taxation is Theft!
Taxation is Theft, Jury Duty and the Draft are Servitude.
Taxation is little more than legalized extortion.
Taxation may be theft, but *I* like paved roads
Taxation with representation is THEFT!
Taxation with representation isn't very great either.
Taxation without representation was cause for revolt. We
Taxes - a government term for screwing you without kisses
Taxes are a form of Capitol punishment.
Taxes are going up so fast, the government is likely to price itself out of the market
Taxes are high because of the dope in Ottawa
Taxes are not designed to be fair, they're designed to raise money
Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.
Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed. - Lazarus Long
Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed. Robert A. Heinlein
Taxes are not levied for the taxed.
Taxes are not raised for the benefit of the taxed
Taxes are not raised for the benefit of the taxed. - Lazarus Long
Taxes are revolting, why aren't you?
Taxes prepared by you: H&R Blockhead.
Taxes still too low for you? Then vote for Clinton/Gore in '96!
Taxes still too low? Clinton/Gore '96
Taxes still too low? Vote democrat in 2000
Taxes, Taxes and more Taxes ! Of course I live in Toronto
Taxes, Taxes, that great big expanse east of New Mexico!
Taxes, n. : Of life's two certainties, the only one for which you can get an extension
Taxes, the death of all of us.
Taxes: A government term for screwing you without kissing you.
Taxes: A synonym for robbery
Taxes: Just another name for robbery!
Taxes: The failure mode of IncumboCrats.
Taxes? We don't need no stinking taxes.
Taxi cab drivers come faster.
Taxi cab drivers do it all over town.
Taxi! How much to the airport if I drive?
Taxi, Ziggy says there's a 94.1% chance your tagline is adopted!
Taxidermist vs Tax collector: Taxidermist takes only the skin.
Taxidermist, n.: A man who mounts animals
Taxidermist: A man who knows his stuff.
Taxidermists do it to last.
Taxidermists mount anything.
Taxidermists never die-they just begin a gnu
Taxidermists will mount anything
Taxidermy Cafe: Let us stuff you
Taxing the country into prosperity: Clinocchio!
Taxis are water soluble. G. Kelly
Taxodiaceae, Pinaceae, Glossopteridales Oh my!
Taxpayer, n. - An April fool
Taxpayer: A government worker with no vacation, no sick leave and no holidays.
Taxpayers are the chief food of politicians.
Taxula! - And his side kick - ALGORE!!!
TazDOS: Inflatable life raft found. Eat? (Yeah/yeah/yeah/yeah)
TazDOS: Life raft found. Eat? (Yeah/yeah/yeah/yeah)
Tchaikovsky: winner of the War of 1812
Td tada: Football player holds up his arms and celebrates
Td tada: Football player holds up his arms and celebrates
Td tada: Football player holds up his arms and celebrates after a goal
Te only thing the borg left was this MacIntosh
TeNyaleR evah I won ;efil a evah ot desu I
Tea For Two - By Roland Butta
Tea just happens to be my 3rd favorite thing in the Universe
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot, NOW!!! - Captain Edward Jellico
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. OW!!! not THAT hot!! - Picard
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. - And computer...in a cup this time
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Engage. Make it so. Come! - Gnomish Picard
Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.-Picard Ale, Romulan, Lots.-Kirk
Tea, Earl Grey, hot ... "IN A CUP!" - Picard to replicator
Tea, Earl Grey, hot for 10,000 - Locutus of Borg
Tea, Earl Grey, hot.....OUCH!
Tea, Earl Grey... no. Make that a lemonade. Cold. (Picard)
Tea, Earl GreyHot. -- Picard
Tea, earl grey, NOT!!!
Tea, white with 2, just like my men.
Tea-Earl-Grey-Hot. Engage. Make it so. Come!
Tea. Earl Gray. Hot. IN A CUP!
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. Ow! Not *that* hot! -- Picard
Tea. Earl Grey. Ice cold, dammit.
Tea. Earl Gray. Hot.
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. But...in a CUP, this time!--Picard
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. Ow! Not *that* hot! - Picard
Tea. Earl Grey. Slightly warm.
Tea; Earl Grey; NOT! - Capt. Wayne Campbell, Starship Aurora
TeaEarlGreyHotEngageMakeitsoCome! - Gnome Picard
Teach Me! - By I. Wanda Know
Teach Me!: I. Wanda Know
Teach a Kid to Fish and Get them `Hooked' for life.
Teach a Yankee to drive: Point him back up I-95 NORTH!
Teach a bird to play baseball, he might make the mynah leagues.
Teach a child to be polite and courteous in the home and, when he grows up, he'll never be able to edge his car onto a freeway
Teach a man to fish and you won't have to share your worms.
Teach a man to fish, and he sits in a boat and drinks beer
Teach a pig to sing? It wastes time and annoys the pig
Teach children to be polite and courteous in the home, and, when he grows up, he will never be able to edge his car onto a freeway
Teach kids the value of a dollar, give them a dime
Teach me how to Kill them Kosh. You will Die. Yes, but not alone.
Teach me no more, bondsman. Today I tech you. - Roland
Teach me to fish and I will eat forever
Teach one to fish and they eat for a lifetime
Teach only Love, for that is what you are
Teach them to observe ALL my commandments - Matthew 28:20
Teach what you know to those that can use it, and sell to the rest
Teach you the classic 'Board gag' - Mike to Tom & Crow
Teach you the classic `board gag'... -- Mike Nelson
Teach your kids to think so they can be free
Teach...your children well
Teacher (according to a child): A non-violent mother.
Teacher = Person attempting to civilize youth. See crazy.
Teacher Assistants do it with class.
Teacher in sex-education class: Lets begin with the obvious.
Teacher is not a leper
Teacher is not a leper -Bart
Teacher is not a leper - Bart Simp./Epis. 9F08
Teacher is not a leper - Bart Simpson's lines
Teacher is not a leper -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F08
Teacher is not a leper Ä Bart on the blackboard
Teacher is not a leper. - Bart Simpson
Teacher is not a leper. - Bart's Board
Teacher is not a leper. --Bart Simpson.
Teacher of Borg: Homework will be assimilated.
Teacher of Borg: Not doing your work is futile!
Teacher said it was dain bramage
Teacher said use my grey matter but underwear didn't help
Teacher! Tommy drew a bong
Teacher! @F drew a bong
Teacher's Work Day. OxyMoron, or rare occurance?
Teacher, may I please be excused? My brain is full.
Teacher, teach us now! - Yakko/Wakko/Dot
Teacher: A non-violent mother
Teacher: How do you spell tardiness? Student: L-A-T-E.
Teacher: If there were five flies on this table and I killed one, how many would be left? Student: One. The dead one
Teachers DO IT 50 times after class
Teachers DO IT every period.
Teachers DO IT repeatedly.
Teachers DO IT with instruction.
Teachers affect eternity
Teachers are the best people in the whole world.
Teachers aren't Einsteins.
Teachers do it for good heads.
Teachers do it repeatedly.
Teachers do it with class.
Teachers do it......but forgot how!
Teachers have class.
Teachers have more fun than ;[5%mNO CARRIER
Teachers have more fun than...W$%& a NO CARRIER
Teachers make little things count
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. - Chinese Proverb
Teachers who ask for blind obedience get dumb students.
Teachers would do it....but forgot how!!
Teachers would do it....but with class!!
Teachers! Stretching the minds on the rack of knowledge! - The Tick
Teaching 3 "R's" in CA public schools - rap, rubbers & revolvers.
Teaching a pig to sing wastes your time & annoys the pig
Teaching history is a thing of the past
Teaching is most effective in those happy dispositions where it is almost -- Gibbons
Teaching is the art of assisting discovery
Teaching is the fine art of imparting knowledge without p
Teaching is the fine art of imparting knowledge without possessing it.
Teaching kids there are no absolutes leads them to drugs. -Mel Gabler
Teaching programming in BASIC is like teaching driving in a wheelbarrow.
Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. - Albert Einstein
Teaching: Appearing to have known your subject forever.
Teaching: Insanity with a purpose.
Teahouse of the August...MURDER! - Crow
Team Amiga: The user base for the machine that makes it all possible
Team Amiga: we're different
Team OS/2 -- I've been warped (Warp II that is...)
Team OS/2: The Few, The Proud, The Confused.
Team effort: A lot of people doing what _I_ say!
Teamsters motto: "You got a problem with that, buddy?"
Teamsters? .. We don't need any ... we have market clout!
Teamwork gives you someone else to blame.
Teamwork is VITAL. It gives you someone to blame.
Teamwork is critical; it allows you to blame someone else.
Teamwork is essential - it allows you to blame someone else.
Teamwork is essential - it gives them another target
Teamwork is essential - it gives them someone else to shoot at.
Teamwork is essential -- it allows you to blame someone else.
Teamwork is essential, it gives them somebody else to shoot at
Teamwork is essential. It gives them another target.
Teamwork is essential. It lets you blame someone else
Teamwork is essential; it gives them other people to shoot at.
Teamwork is very important... it allows you to blame someone
Teamwork is vital! (It gives you someone to blame.)
Teamwork is vital; it allow you to blame someone else
Teamwork ist unentbehrlich. Du kannst die Verantwortung jemand zuschieben
Teamwork, n.: Having someone to blame
Teamwork: Helping one another be right, not wrong.
Teamworkorkorkorkorkork is essential, it gives them someo
Teamworkorkorkorkorkork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at
Tear Up Those Betting Slips - By Lou Zerr
Tear Your Hair Out #1: "Kittycat just ate the mouse!"
Tear down the Wall!
Tear down the wall! -Floyd
Tear drops on my pillow.
Tear drops on my window.
Tear gas is produced with onions & baked beans.
Tear him to pieces!--Do it presently!
Tear it from your soul in nightly hunt. -Metallica
Tear off his sign bit and SHIFT down his throat!
Tearline not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (B)lame_Mail_Tosser |-)
Tears are the safety valve of the heart
Tears are the safety valve of the heart. -- Albert Smith
Tears are the thank yous of the soul.
Tears don't lie, Tearlines often !
Tears fall and burn the garden greens - Hendrix
Tears of Time, just an Illusion
Tears on the sleeve of a man.. don't wanna be a boy today - T. Amos
Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean Tennyson
Tease me, please me, 69 me!
Tease the wool? Well, okay...dirty old woo-ool! Dirty
Tease your plants!! Water them with Ice cubes!!
Tease, n. - Girl whose clothes are so tight, the guys can hardly breathe!
Teasing plastic takes protein out. -- Joel Robinson
Teats? Wow can we say that? Teats! Teats! Teats! - Tom Servo & Crow
Tech Rep's Motto: If it ain't broke, fix it
Tech Support HelpLine - just an engaged signal away
Tech Support is Just A Busy Signal Away
Tech Support: Having a tremendous grasp of the obvious
Tech Support: Just a busy signal away!
Tech Support: Not just a job, an adventure!
Tech Support: help is just a busy signal away.
Tech support abuse hotline. WTF did you screw up now?
Tech support? What's that?--Bill Gates
Tech writers do it manually.
Techies DO IT in the blackout (with power tools).
Techies DO IT till it Hz.
Techies do it behind the scenes. (as in stage hands)
Techies do it in the dark.
Techies do it on cue.
Technical Books - "Sleeping pills you read!"
Technical Support is just a busy signal away
Technicality: A liberal's view of someone else's rights
Technicality: A liberal's view of the 2nd Amendment.
Technically speaking, 0110100111101011101100101101 0100111011111000
Technically, it's a lethal dose, but it keeps me happy
Technically, sir, tomatoes are fags
Technically, the small intestine *begins* at the mouth
Technician in search of a network
Technicians DO IT with greater frequency.
Technicians DO IT with high voltage probes
Technicians DO IT with mechanical assistance.
Technicians DO IT with precision!
Technicians do it accurately.
Technicians do it with frequency.
Technicians tinker. Engineers tear it up.
Technique: A trick that works
Techno Pagan.
Techno Unplugged !
Techno entsteht, wenn die Soundkarte defekt ist
Techno, Handy und Computer inside
TechnoBabble - Requires BS to understand!!!
TechnoBabble, the language of choice!
Technobabble : Double Talk for the 24th Century
Technobabble limit exceeded. Del JARGON.EXE? (Y/n)
Technobabble limit exceeded. Delete OKUDA.EXE (Y/y)?
Technobabble limit exceeded. Del JARGON.EXE Y/N?
Technochicken: So I do the only thing I can: I cross.
Technological Civilization: Redundant or Contradictory?
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards
Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. - Albert Einstein
Technologie don't transfer - Conrad Stenton
Technology ... Ain't it amazing?
Technology Gone Wild - Technical solutions to technical problems
Technology abhors little failures but rewards big ones
Technology always seems to be deeper than your pockets
Technology does not move backward. B. Jones
Technology high on the leading edge of life
Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it. - Max Frisch
Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.
Technology is dominated by two types of people: Those who understand what
Technology is no more of a problem now than it has always been. --J. Redford
Technology is so technological
Technology is the drug of choice for most Americans
Technology is too easy a tool for the misguided musician.
Technology makes "overpopulation" a mislabeled term. : Karl Marx
Technology or Magic: You Decide
Technology won't save us. - George Lucas
Technology: Stuff that wasn't around when you were born
Technology: magic to a barbarian.
Technology; also science, physics, etc, Something that works, has the desired affect but one thinks one knows why
Ted "Chappaquidick" Kennedy for Boston Dog Catcher!!
Ted "My Other Car is a U-Boat" Kennedy
Ted Bundy supports General Electric
Ted Kaczynski has aplomb.
Ted Kennedy . My other car is under water...
Ted Kennedy Bumper Sticker - My Other Car is Under Water
Ted Kennedy Party Tip - Take Off Pants, Mingle
Ted Kennedy Virus: Crashes your computer, but denies it e
Ted Kennedy Virus: Crashes your computer, but denies it ever happened.
Ted Kennedy Virus: Crashes your hard drive, but denies it ever happen
Ted Kennedy and Bob Packwood think harass is two words.
Ted Kennedy for LIFEGUARD at the White House!!
Ted Kennedy for Lifeguard.
Ted Kennedy for President, have a blond in every pond!
Ted Kennedy for lifeguard!
Ted Kennedy has a confirmed kill, unlike the Iraqi's AF
Ted Kennedy of Borg: You will be assimilated. Hop in the car.
Ted Kennedy party tip: take off pants and mingle.
Ted Kennedy þ "My other car is under water..."
Ted Kennedy's Bumper Sticker [ My other car is underwater ]
Ted Kennedy's Bumper Sticker: My Other Car is Underwater!
Ted Kennedy's Law Firm: Wyner, Dyner, Dicker and Dunker
Ted Kennedy's PT109 - Mike on boating lovers
Ted Kennedy's PT109. -- Mike Nelson
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than all my guns
Ted Kennedy: "My nephew will walk your daughter home."
Ted Kennedy: Proof that booze, driving and swimming dont mix.
Ted Kennedy:"My nephew will walk your daughter home."
Ted Koppel: the father Alfred E. Newman never talks about.
Ted Nugent & Dave Mustaine - rock`n'roll political polarity.
Ted Nugent - Official rock and roller of the E.I.B. Network.
Ted Nugent and Dave Mustaine: Rock`n'roll political polarity.
Ted Nugent for President!
Ted Turner Virus: Colorizes your mono monitor.
Ted Turner is colorizing the universe.
Ted Turner is colorizing the universe. -- Joel Robinson
Ted Turner: "Nuclear war would really set back cable."
Ted my friend, strange things are afoot at the Circle K
Ted's Law: You can't fall off the floor.
Ted's the only one I know who tried to kill his animal guide.
Teddy Bears DO IT in their bear skins.
Teddy Bears are better than valium.
Teddy Failure ** (A)rouse, (R)elieve or (T)ickle?
Teddy Fear - World Tour - 1996
Teddy Kennedy, leader of the Libertine Party
Teddy Kennedy: A Blonde in Every Pond!
Teddy Kennedys car killed more people than my gun has
Teddy Roosevelt did it softly, but with a big stick.
Teddy bear replaces Clinton in bloody Pooh-d'Etat! Film at 11!
Teddy bear replaces John Howard in bloody Pooh-d'Etat, Film at 11!
Teddy bears and hugs, my next best favorite things!
Teddy bears do it till they're stuffed.
Teddy bears do it with small children.
Teddy cocktail....more bear than one man can
Teddy control - Eat the whole box? (Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,y)
Teddy to Bill: "You should have drowned her too..."!
Teddy with a Truncheon - Mike
Teddy with a truncheon... -- Mike Nelson
Teddy's furry mound - Her nose (well it IS covered in fur!)
Teddybear for president !
Teddys' mating call: "MORE, MORE, MORE!!"
Tee deum: golf deity.
Tee your ball high...air offers less resistance than dirt. --Jack Nicklaus
Tee, Eye, Double Guh, ER, That spells TIGGER!
Tee, Eye, Double Guh, ER, That spells TIGGER!
Teehee. I'm horny! - Tom Servo as young girl
Teela Brown doesn't believe in Murphy
Teen Challenge a Christian drug and alcohal rehab
Teen Dad - Tom
Teen Lesbian Nazi Hooker Nuns on the next Geraldo.
Teen Lesbian Nazi Hookers Raped by UFO Aliens - Next on Geraldo
Teen Lesbian Nazi Hookers Raped by UFOs! - Donahue
Teen Lesbian Nazi Hookers Raped by UFOs! - Geraldo
Teen Lesbian Nazi Hookers raped by UFO: On next Geraldo.
Teen Mother - By Pasteur Period
Teen suicides have gone down since '77. Hmm, what year did disco die?
Teen-age Mutant Ninja Haggis!!
Teen-age boys will drive anything - except a lawn mower.
Teen-agers are God's punishment for enjoying sex.
Teen:The age when boys experience life, liberty & happiness of pursuit
Teenage Hell: A parent who's into BBSing
Teenage Mutant Ninja *WHAT*????
Teenage Mutant Ninja Barbers.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Haggis!!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Technical Writers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles,soft & furry & in no hurry!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DO IT with pizza.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Ysalamiri
Teenage males can *do it* every 20 minutes. Really!
Teenage mating rituals?! --Wesley Crusher
Teenage wasteland, its only teenage wasteland
Teenager declared insane after voluntarily cleaning room.
Teenager: Punishment for great sex
Teenager: a young woman who loves the cat and tolerates her brother.
Teenager: A hormone with feet
Teenager: God's punishment for enjoying sex.
Teenager: Having tunnel vision and selective hearing.
Teenager: One with tunnel vision and selective hearing.
Teenager: Person having tunnel vision and selective hearing.
Teenagers - GODS punishment for unplanned sex !!
Teenagers - people so smart only other teenagers understand them
Teenagers : Your punishment for enjoying sex.
Teenagers Of The '50's - By Bobbie Sox
Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox*
Teenagers Of The '50's: Bobbie Sox
Teenagers are God's punishment for enjoying sex!
Teenagers are afraid of nothing - except shovelling snow
Teenagers are alike in so many disrespects.
Teenagers are punishment for enjoying sex!!
Teenagers are two year olds with hormones and wheels. -- Will Limon
Teenagers are your punishment for enjoying sex!
Teenagers who have sex are destined to die in grotesque ways.
Teenagers who have sex are destined to die in grotesque waysTeenagers, God's Joke for Enjoying Sex
Teenagers with a Drivers license - your worst nightmares!
Teenagers, God's Joke for Enjoying Sex
Teenagers, God's punishment for enjoying sex.
Teenagers, protesters and lawyers think they're never wrong.
Teenagers: Punishment for enjoying sex.
Teenagers: The price paid for that TWO HOURS of "fun".
Teenagers: Your punishment for enjoying sex.
Teenagers: Punishment for great sex
Teenagers: Your punishment for enjoying sex
Teenagers: who have sex are destined to die
Teenmobile ON! - Joel as teen runs to his car
Teens come runnin' for the good taste of porn - Mike
Teens, Smaller versions of immature adults.
TeenyTag 2.00: the niftiest tagline program for TerMail.
Teeth don't fail me now! - Filbert, Rocko's Modern Life
Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists. -dentist ad in Hong Kong
Teeth mark on a man will heal
Teeth marks on a toilet bowl rim.
Teeth were not made for stripping wires.
Teets! Teets! -- Crow T. Robot
Teets! Teets! - Crow on name in credits
Teflon Keyboard...for sticky fingers.
Teflon brain (nothing sticks)
Teflon brain -- nothing sticks.
Tefnut - Goddess of Death
Tehee quod she, and clapte the wyndow to. -- Geoffrey Chaucer
Tek kad sam upalio racunar,shvatio sam da sam ga ugasio
Tel Aviv, Mondamin !
Tel SYSOP ... tel user......................L.U.I.
Telco.sys corrupted. recommend competitive market
TeleMate & OLX two horses on same rider!
Telecom - Australian for "Inefficient Monopoly"
Telecom Rule #1: Wherever possible, put people on hold.
Telecom: Collect call from the Gamma Quadrant. Will YOU accept charges
Telecommuncations -- A bit far fetched.
Telecommunication: telepathy for the psi impaired.
Telecommunications is a bit far fetched.
Telecommunicators are special people.
Telecommunting is great therapy!
Telecomputing is to the mind as sex is to the body
Telecourse: it's hard to get an `F'
Telecrastination: waiting until the 2nd ring to answer.
Telefonkatalogen er god nok, men filmen var bedre
Telefun radi ki zmajcek.
Telegan--Oversexed and underlaid
Telegans....not so brave in the microwave!
Telegant: Looking good on tv
Telegard's the orginal, anything else is just a hack!
Telegram? No, Witches use Pentagrams!
Telegrapher's daughter, but she sure didit...didit...didit
Telemarketer's tombstone: Dead ringer.
Telemarketers DO IT over, and over, and over
Telemate and Bluewave: Everything bad brought together!
Telemate built-in multi-tasking is great!
Telemate--the more you use it, the better it is!
Telepath They're here -Delenn
Telepath needed. You know where to apply!
Telepathy interface error. Think F1 to continue
Telepathy is minding someone else's business.
Telepathy is minding someone else's business. -- Luxwana Troi
Telepathy means never having to say you're sorry
Telepathy: Knowing what people think when really they don't think at all
Telephone Tag: The Sport of the Future
Telephone charges are cheaper the farther you call, go figure
Telephone poles only hit cars in self defense.
Telephone sex? But those holes are so small!
Telephone was ringing, they told me it was Chairman Mao. -L. George
Telephone... Telegraph... Tell-a-queen
Telephonsex ? Aber das Ding geht doch gar nicht in den H”rer 'rein !
Teleport - BEST value for Internet access.
Teleport NOW, Orac!
Teleportation affects orientation.
Teleporting Demonic Sorceresses Don't Die!
Telerama: The Best Internet Provider! 28.8k 412-226-8060
Telescopes are for those who are C00L! - Beavis & Butthead
Telethon Donation Line?...%$#@& - NO JERRY
Televangelism Send all your money or sh*t will happen
Televangelists. The pro wrestlers of religion
Televangelists: The professional wrestlers of religion
Televators - The rolling line on a TV when the Horizontal
Television - a medium - never rare nor well done
Television - a medium. So called because it is neither rare nor well-done
Television -- the longest amateur night in history. -- Robert Carson
Television ChalkZone: The Chalk of the Town (1995)
Television critic
Television critic
Television does not equal violence - Mulder (3x23)
Television gives good disaster.
Television has a lot to answer for! RoboCop
Television has brought back murder into the home -- where it belongs. -- Alfred Hitchcock
Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other. -- Ann Landers
Television is a medium because anything well done is rare.
Television is a medium because anything well done is rare. -- attributed to both Fred Allen and Ernie Kovacs
Television is called a medium because anything good on it is rare
Television is chewing gum for the eyes
Television is chewing gum for the eyes (racing, the exception)
Television is democracy at its ugliest
Television is democracy at its ugliest - P. Chayefsky
Television is democracy at its ugliest.
Television is democracy at its ugliest. - Paddy Chayevsky
Television is not only furntiure, but generally tasteless in style
Television is now so desperately hungry for material that it is scraping the top of the barrel. -- Gore Vidal
Television is so dull that children are doing their homework.
Television is the vessel of the eternally absent
Television is to media what hydrogen bombs are to explosives.
Television proves people will look at except each other.
Television rots tha brane.
Television shows: those little interludes between the commercials.
Television sucks...the intelligence right out of you - Chao
Television test patterns are more educational than Barney.
Television. Turkey sandwiches. Let the OK times roll
Television: Society's best pesticide for the reading bug
Television: A medium. So called because it is neither rare nor well done. - Ernie Kovacs
Television: Society's best pesticide for the reading bug.
Television: no good will come of it. The word is half Greek and half Latin.
Televisiono Francus! - TV's Frank
Televisiono Francus! - TV's Frank
Televison allows thousands of people to laugh at the same joke and still remain alone. - Bertrand Russell
Telix + PICK-UP + RECORD + Qedit = $110.00 :)
Telix - the more you use it, the better BitCom looks!
Telix changed my life. I used it to download Telemate!
Telix is for kids
Telix jammer active:
Telix saved my life; I used it to download Telemate!
Telix users DO IT with SALT!
Telix users are worth their SALT.
Telix would be a steal at $69!
Telix--the more you use it, the more they hate you!
Telix: Tastes great, Less filling.
Tell us your phobias, and we will tell you what you are afraid of
Tell 'em I'm comin' and tell 'em hell's comin' with me!...Wyatt Earp
Tell 'em to flip a coin! - Geordi
Tell 'em we said, "Sayonara." Marlon Brando
Tell Abe to vote ballet.
Tell Barney "only the little people pay taxes".
Tell Barney Sharon Stone wants to be his "love kitten".
Tell Barney smoking will improve his image.
Tell Barney the National Enquirer is good literature.
Tell Barney there's a white sale at a KKK rally.
Tell Barney to "just say no" to a carjacker.
Tell Barney to drive in California during an earthquake.
Tell Barney to follow the exploits of Donald Trump.
Tell Barney to invest in Whitewater.
Tell Barney to move to germany with an immigration visa.
Tell Barney to take his nap on a park bench.
Tell Bush overpopulation is the big problem!
Tell Clinton: demand human rights for Tibetans or no MFN for China
Tell Dark Helmet that he must take the princess alive!
Tell Dr. McCoy he should have wished me luck. Spock
Tell Godot I couldn't wait.
Tell Lorena Bobbitt Barney cheated on her.
Tell Me Lies.....Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Tell Me! I'm cleared for wierd
Tell Mericus I'd like to see him. - Kirk
Tell Michael Jackson NOT to get hold of himself
Tell Michael it was only business. - Tessio
Tell Michael it was only business. I always liked him. - Tessio
Tell Mother... I feel fine. - Spock, *Star Trek IV*
Tell Scully I've been working out -- Frohike
Tell Security we found the intruder. Kirk
Tell Spock. It worked. - Kirk
Tell a baker his dough has fallen and you
Tell a baker his dough has fallen and you'll get a rise out of him.
Tell a blonde 2 part her hair in middle, she does splits!
Tell a blonde 2 part her hair in middle, she does splits!
Tell a blonde 2 part her hair in middle, she does splits!
Tell a child he got 1 right - not 99 wrong!
Tell a lie and find the truth
Tell a lie! Tell the truth! Tell a lie!"
Tell a man he is brave, and you help him to become so.
Tell a man there are 400 billion stars ... he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint ... he has to touch it
Tell a woman from the music she listens to when alone.
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant --
Tell almost the whole story.<Sexton>
Tell everyone they should be in therapy
Tell her to make me a chambray shirt (A deep forest green)
Tell her... I feel fine. - Spock to Sarek
Tell her; I feel fine -- Spock
Tell him I died and didn't leave a forwarding address. - Hawkeye
Tell him I sent you! On second thought ...
Tell him I'm jewish.
Tell him about the twinkie.
Tell him he is a good cat. And a pretty cat. - Data
Tell him it's *our* protocol. - Scully
Tell him it's urgent. Nog
Tell him, Picard. Sarek
Tell it to the Judge
Tell it to the corpse bearer - Tom to guy after car wreck
Tell me Bill Clinton, is stupidity painful?
Tell me Data. Are you fully functional? - Tasha
Tell me Doctor, where are we goin' this time?
Tell me I won guys. Just tell me I won. - Nigel Mansell
Tell me I'm crazy - Fox Mulder Mulder, you're crazy! - Dana Scully
Tell me I'm crazy then love me like crazy tonight.
Tell me I'm crazy. --Fox Mulder. Mulder, you're crazy! --Dana Scully.
Tell me I'm crazy...then love me like crazy tonight.
Tell me I'm not f**ked. <M> Well, ok, but I'd be lyin'. <R>
Tell me Mr. Clinton, is stupidity painful?
Tell me about it. - Odo
Tell me about it. - Sisko
Tell me about it. --Sinclair.
Tell me about power, Captain. - Sylvia
Tell me about them, as a people. Janeway
Tell me about this miracle typhoid cure you've discovered. - Potter
Tell me about your homeworld, Usul. -- Crow T. Robot
Tell me about your portfolio!--Ivanova.
Tell me about your sexual organs, Commander.
Tell me about yourself. I want to hear more about your "applied art"!
Tell me again about those mango-juice rubbing babes -Crow
Tell me again how I'm lucky to live here..I keep forgetting
Tell me again how lucky I am to work here (I keep forgetting).
Tell me again how much I enjoy working here....I keep forgetting!
Tell me again what that '-r' option to rm does
Tell me again why you named your kid "Rasputin?"
Tell me again, are we having fun yet???
Tell me again, how do I set my laser printer to stun?
Tell me again, how do you 'hang ten'?
Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand. - Chinese Proverb
Tell me everything you know. I have a few seconds to kill.
Tell me folk stories about leprechauns Orville implored
Tell me folk stories about leprechauns, Tom implored.
Tell me his name, Doctor! -- Clarice Starling
Tell me how it feels to use 10% of your brain. -Dick to class,3rd Rock
Tell me how you got your name. - Kira
Tell me how, @FN@.
Tell me how, @TOFIRST@
Tell me how, YOU.
Tell me how,. Dave.
Tell me if you need me to put it in all upper case
Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine? -Floyd
Tell me little girl, are these cookies made with *real* Girl Scouts?
Tell me more about my eyes
Tell me more about these "habits" -- Beverly
Tell me more about this plucky turtle called Gamera
Tell me more!
Tell me more, be explicit, you have tweeked my interest.
Tell me now, @FN@, before I spend 20 dollars on drinks.
Tell me now, who undoes your hair? - Witch Hazel
Tell me now. Before I spend 20 dollars on drinks.
Tell me of your homeworld, Usul. -- Chani
Tell me sir, have you confused your cat recently?
Tell me something I don't know...<G> but, I could give he
Tell me something new, Dataman
Tell me that's a clue. -- Kira
Tell me the thoughts that surround you. I want to look inside your head. Yes I do. - Peter Sarstedt
Tell me the truth: did you vote for him? Me neither. -- Brown
Tell me to 'Stuff It' - I'm a taxidermist.
Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are. (ORTEGA Y GASSET)
Tell me what to think!!!
Tell me what you believe and I'll tell you where you're going wrong
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to get along without it
Tell me what you think, Captain, I'm all ears - Spock
Tell me where does all the magic go - Joel sings
Tell me why that boat is still firing. -- The Deacon
Tell me will this Deja Vu never end? - Spice Girls
Tell me you love me. I must know. Anna
Tell me you're crazy. Maybe then I'll understand. - Tori Amos
Tell me young @FN@, what brings you out this far?
Tell me your plan! - Bashir
Tell me your problem, but don't wake me up !
Tell me your secret - KFMDM
Tell me! I'm cleared for weird
Tell me, Commander, would you allow your son to participate in DIXNET?
Tell me, Crow T. - Tom
Tell me, Data. Are you fully functional? - Yar
Tell me, Deanna, do you ever... ah... experiment? purred the doctor
Tell me, Deanna, do you ever..ah..experimentpurred the
Tell me, Deanna, do you ever..ah..experimentpurred the naked Beverly
Tell me, Mr. Clinton, is stupidity painful?
Tell me, What makes a man like me this way? Carrie Ann
Tell me, am I supposed to be pleased or frightened?
Tell me, do you actually _save_ all those Taglines?
Tell me, do you still do the Cardassian neck trick? Cardassian
Tell me, how dead is the Dead Sea? and who killed it?
Tell me, is it static electricity that makes your hair do that ? - Hobbe
Tell me, is this Heaven? No, it's Idaho
Tell me, is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa.
Tell me, what awaits us beyond this life? - Worf
Tell me, when did you stop beating your computer?
Tell me, young #TN#, what brings you out this far?
Tell me...did they really dredge the tub after you took a bath?
Tell me? Why was Lennier walking through the Zoccalo asking for tampons?
Tell my wife I am trolling Atlantis
Tell my wife I love her very much... she knows
Tell no big lies today. Small ones are just as effective
Tell some girls their hair looks like a mop and they don't mind it. They don't know what a mop is
Tell someone you're dead and they look at you as if they've seen a ghost
Tell the DJ to SHUT-UP!
Tell the Enterprise to have a full security party standing by. -Kirk
Tell the Hell's Angels Barney let the air out of their tires.
Tell the Intendant what you told me. - Garak2
Tell the Kai after we have destroyed her Shadowen, we will come for her!
Tell the Pope I said he could bite the big one
Tell the boss I am busy Multi-Tasking.
Tell the boys to...what are YOU grinning at? - Shai-ster
Tell the fat lady to shut up. It's not over, yet.
Tell the kids to chew sugarless gum. -Doug Gilmour
Tell the teacher we're surfin', surfin' USA
Tell the tower the music is too loud - Tom on soundtrack
Tell the tower the music is too loud... -- Tom Servo
Tell the truth Hillary, Was it the colors of the Navy's towels ?
Tell the truth and run
Tell the truth and run <Yugoslavian proverb>
Tell the truth and run. - Yugoslav proverb
Tell the truth and you won't have so much to remember
Tell the truth or trump--but get the trick. -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
Tell the truth, then duck and run
Tell the widow that the deceased's last wish was that she make love with
Tell the widow that you're the deceasd's gay lover.
Tell the widow the deceased's last wish was she make love with you.
Tell them Eric Draven said hello. -- The Crow
Tell them Eric Draven sends his regards. - Eric
Tell them Eric Raven said hello. - The Crow
Tell them I'm coming and I'm bringing hell with me!
Tell them it's a biological agent........of unknown origin. - Mulder
Tell them not to operate heavy machinery after reading. -Anna Steven
Tell them of us. My darling. Eline
Tell them that death is coming for them, tonight - The Crow
Tell them to drop their weapons! Neelix
Tell them to stand closer apart. - Samuel Goldwyn
Tell them to take a good guess, but clear that board, Lieutenant
Tell them we have a prisoner. Kirk
Tell them we're having mechanical problems. Sheridan
Tell them we're pixies - Crow
Tell this Nozzle to take a hike! - Al, Quantum Leap
Tell those Marines to stop singing in the hallways! ... Montazuma
Tell us about it, Janet! --Magenta and Columbia
Tell us again about the end of the world, Socko! - Beavis
Tell us that story about Cole Porter again - Dr. F
Tell us that story about Cole Porter again... -- Dr. Forrester
Tell us the story. Tell us how it all began.--Anna to Tammy
Tell us what you'll do with the time you save?
Tell us what you're looking for. Janeway
Tell us your phobias, and we will tell you what you are afraid of.
Tell us. It's very important you tell us everything. Janeway
Tell when the Sysop's out of town.)) `Nuff to drive him & me crazy!
Tell which way the train went by looking at the track
Tell ya what I'll get Dax for you if you get me Julian :-)-Sherry H
Tell you the Dauphin I am coming on to venge me as I may
Tell you what, I'll hold the string for you
Tell you what, let me sweeten the deal a bit for you
Tell your boss what you think of him, and you shall be set free.
Tell your husband he looks good, even if he looks like a well-used truck.
Tell your loved ones how much you DO love them
Tell your loved ones how much you DO love them
Tell your modem not to walk my way
Tell your parents to be more careful next time.
Tell your senators to support The Dietary Supplement Health & Edu. Act
Tell your story easily; from that which the poetry comes.
Tell'em what they won, Johnny
Tell'em what they won, Johnny
Tellarites do no argue for reasons; they simply argue.
Tellerrand ist abgebrannt
Tellers do it in a window
Tellin' me lies when the truth was clear, I think she knew what I wanted to hear. - Maxi Priest
Telling a liberal the truth is like showing a vampire a crucifix.
Telling someone to go to he!! & make 'em look forward to the trip
Telling teenagers the facts of life is like bathing a fish
Telling the Truth: Faking sincerity perfectly
Telling the truth is the doorway to healing
Telling the truth to people who misunderstand you is generally promoting a falsehood, isn't it? -- A. Hope
Tells a computer what to do with itself!
Telltale Heart - By Stefi Scope
Telnet to Stir The Cauldron With Arwen (Use Neterm)
Teloustic - Tendency for people to shout when calling lon
Teloustic : Tendency to shout when calling long distance.
Temba, his arms wide
Temba, his eyes open.
Temba, with arms wide.
Temba, with his pants down. -Picard
Temp. Insanity: I'm buying a Stainless Steel Cod Piece!
Temper The Wind - By Sean Lamb
Temper gets us into trouble. Pride keeps us there.
Temper is a strange thing-- it spoils children, ruins men, and strengthens steel
Temper is what gets most of us into trouble. Pride is what keeps us there
Temper is what gets most of us into trouble. Pride is wha
Temper merely shows lack of control and temporarily places you in the ranks of lunatics and fools. - William Nickerson
Temper, temper, mon capitaine! - Q, to Picard
Temper, temper, mon capitaine. -The Q
Temper, temper. You're showing your ignorance again.
Temperament is the key to maintaining a tranquil mind.
Temperance: eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Temperature Error! SkyClad Dancing Halted. BBRRRRrrrrr!!!!!!
Tempest: (T)ransient (EMP) (EST)imates.
Tempest: (TEM)-Wave (P)ropagation in (E)-Field (S)ite (T)esting.
Tempest: (TEM)porary (PE)rsonnel (S)ecurity (T)est.
Tempest: That which occurs in Teapots.
Tempo - This is where a headache begins
Temporal distortion located around workplace clock.
Temporarily out of tag lines.
Temporary Insanity, Just one day off sick!
Temporary suspension of disbelief is a wonderful thing.
Temporary sysop access granted!
Temporary tax increase
Temporary things tend to become permanent.
Tempt me with a spoon!
Tempt not a desperate man. -- William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet"
Tempt the fates - play poker with Tarot cards!
Temptation abounds but sadly i am locked in a cage of despair.
Temptation come in many forms
Temptation is in their leisure time that men are made or marred. W.M
Temptation is in their leisure time that men are made or marred. W.M
Temptation is one of my favorite sports beaten only by sarcasm.
Temptations, unlike opportunities, will always give you second chances
Tempus Flipper: Time is a dolphin.
Tempus edox, homo edacior
Tempus fable: Time has a moral.
Tempus fabricate: Time is a lie.
Tempus fact: Time IS.
Tempus factor: Time is a component.
Tempus faculty: Time teaches.
Tempus faery: Time has wings.
Tempus fairy: Time has a tale.
Tempus fairy: Time likes boys.
Tempus faithful: Time doesn't cheat.
Tempus fakir: Time charms snakes.
Tempus falsetto: Time talks funny.
Tempus fantasy: Time is an illusion.
Tempus farewell: Time's up!
Tempus farther: Time isn't there yet.
Tempus faultless: Time is perfect.
Tempus favor: Time likes you.
Tempus feces: Time is sh*t.
Tempus fecund: Time f*cks.
Tempus federal: Time is wrapped in red tape.
Tempus felonious: Time is illegal.
Tempus feral: Time is a wild child.
Tempus fermentation: Time is 80 proof.
Tempus fertile: Time is pregnant.
Tempus fetus: Time is unborn.
Tempus feverous: Time is hot stuff.
Tempus fibrous: Time is a thread.
Tempus fictitious: Time is imaginary.
Tempus fiesta: Time is a party.
Tempus filibuster: Time is a politician.
Tempus fillet: Time has no bones.
Tempus film: Time is a camera.
Tempus finance: Time costs money.
Tempus finger: Time gives you the bird.
Tempus fitness: Time is aerobic.
Tempus fixit: Time is repairable.
Tempus flaccid: Time can't keep it up.
Tempus flapjack: Time goes good with maple syrup.
Tempus flatfoot: Time is a cop.
Tempus flawless: Time is perfect.
Tempus flicker: Time is a Bic.
Tempus fluster: Time excites me.
Tempus foggy: Time is in London.
Tempus folklore: Time is a myth.
Tempus follow: Time doesn't lead.
Tempus football: Time needs a first down.
Tempus forage: Time eats berries.
Tempus forbid: Time is taboo.
Tempus forceps: Time delivers.
Tempus foreign: Time is an alien.
Tempus forest: Time can't see the trees.
Tempus forget: Time has Alzheimer's Disease.
Tempus forlorn: Time gave up.
Tempus fortune: Time plays the Lottery.
Tempus frater: Time is a brother.
Tempus freezer: Time is really cold!
Tempus frugal: Time is an economist.
Tempus fumble: Time dropped the ball.
Ten Bajoran bureaucrats
Ten Blondes in a freezer = frosted Flakes !!!
Ten Elf Pick-up Line: Sex is a killer, so die happy.
Ten Laps To Go... We Take You Now to PGA Golf.
Ten Pins - By Mr. Strike
Ten animals I slam in a net
Ten bucks says that I've kicked my gambling habit!
Ten censure wrong, for one that writes amiss. - Alexander Pope
Ten chocalte sundaes. I'm in a really bad mood. - Q
Ten death knights approach. I close the door.
Ten dollars does not a profit make.
Ten hours on, ten hours off. --Cranston.
Ten kids in a Cadiliac. Stand in line for welfare checks
Ten minutes and a rubber hose are excellent cryptoanalysis tools
Ten minutes may be enough time for you, Mulder." - Henderson
Ten of ten who die in the forest have no life west
Ten out of ten people surveyed in the street are pedestrians
Ten persons who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent. -- Napoleon I
Ten score years ago, defeat the kingly foe
Ten seconds and already this one's in the toilet. - Space Ghost
Ten sounds good. Paris
Ten summersets he'll undertake on solid ground. Ä Beatles
Ten thousand bears can't be wrong -- eat your honey!
Ten thousand credits, on delivery. Max
Ten to one you can't dance to it
Ten undead on a paladin's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle
Ten weeks from Friday will be a pretty good day.
Ten years after the Earth/Minbari war
Ten years of rejection slips is nature's way of telling you to stop writing.
Ten, fire-breathing tot. Likes Ataru...rare, medium, or well done
Ten-hut!! - Hawkeye <whole room snaps to attention>
Tenchi Muyo Excuse # 1: Giving samples to Washuu-chan.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse # 2: Taking a bath with Ryoko.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse # 3: Having breakfast with Sasami.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse #1: Giving samples to Washuu-chan.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse #2: Taking a bath with Ryoko.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse #3: Having breakfast with Sasami.
Tenchi Muyo Excuse #802: Taking a bath with Ryouko
Tend the molehills and the mountains will look after themselves
Tender are the words I choose ... Tender is the night -Jackson Browne
Tender is the night. -Doc Zimmerman
Tender, teasing feathers on inner thighs
Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, EAGLE!
Tendons make an excellent source of bindings
Tennesee DOS: Ya'll reckon (Yep/Dunno/Nope)?
Tennesee DOS: Ya'll reckon? (Yep/Nope)? _
Tennesee... Tennis, see? Tenor C. Ten I see
Tennessee Vol. Going All The Way in 1995.. Go Volunteers
Tennessee foreplay: "Hey Maw, where's cousin Ellie Mae?"
Tennessee is just south of Kentucky at the present time
Tennessee: It's illegal for a woman to telephone a man for a date
Tennis ? Da schau ich ja noch lieber ™lfarbe beim Trocknen zu !
Tennis Must Be Your Racket 'Cause Love Means Nothin' To You
Tennis balls, my liege
Tennis balls, my liege
Tennis in the Bible: "Moses served in Pharaoh's court..."
Tennis is irrelevant -- Bjorn Borg
Tennis is not my Racket
Tennis ist 90% mental... Die andere H„lfte ist physisch
Tennis players (or jugglers) DO IT with colored balls
Tennis players DO IT in their shorts.
Tennis players DO IT with balls
Tennis players DO IT with love!
Tennis players cannot play with balls all day long (too tired).
Tennis players do it in sets.
Tennis players do it in their shorts.
Tennis players have fuzzy balls.
Tennis pros have Bjorn Borg-asms.
Tennis racket broken, anyone got a extra cat?
Tennis: a game where love means nothing.
Tennnn-hut! Readyyyy? PANIC ... two, three, four.
Tenor Madness needs no cure
Tenors do it for a song.
Tenors have breath control
Tens and twenties are the best ways to say "thank you."
Tenser, said the tensor...Tenser, said the tensor
Tensil is really snake mirrors
Tension breaker #3: Go bungy jumping, forget the rope! cc
Tension is the great integrity. --R. Buckminster Fuller
Tension's risin', you can cut it with a knife
Tension's risin', you can cut it with a knife
Tension, Apprehension & Dissension have begun.
Tension: what we're supposed to pay when someone is talking.
Tent pegs..check..twine..check..tents..tents? TENTS! ARGH!
Tentacles are taking over the world and now the toilet's backed up!
Teoretski, ljubav lepo zvuci, malcice je drugcije u praksi,
Tequila Cthulhu: the worm swallows you!
Tequila and Milk = Dirty Mother
Tequila is the gulp of Mexico!
Tequila...Spanish for cactus juice.
Tequilla Sunrise * Home of the ~Sailor Moon~ Echo *
Terabytes Windows NT: Nice Try..! Windows NT: The epitome of
Teri Hatcher is the most gorgeous actress of our era!
Terlawk Restaraunt #01: Greasy Weird-Smelling Chicken
Term limits - One in Office, One in Jail!
Term limits aren't enough, we need to jail 'em
Term limits aren't enough. We need jail. - PJ O'Rourke
Term limits for congress, 2 year: one in office, one in jail
Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
Terminal Area? Sounds kinda ominous to me
Terminal Emulation...An invention by Thomas A. Edison.
Terminal Illness: Getting sick at the airport.
Terminal Velocity þ Strap yourself in for true 3D action!
Terminal Velocity: Get some shades and sun oil-it's hot!
Terminal Verbosity Support Group: On and On Anon
Terminal Whiff: The airline smell your clothes have after a long flight.
Terminal glare - A look that kills
Terminal illness - getting sick at the airport
Terminal illness -- sickness at airport
Terminal initialization
Terminal: The effects of infinite recursion on a finite machine.
Terminally Crazed
Terminally Ill
Terminally Lewd
Terminally Weird
Terminally clueless!
Terminally clueless!! - Geco
Terminate - Been There, Done That, Using Terminator 2 Because Of It!
Terminate IS the final terminal!
Terminate botch job? [Y/N]
Terminate him. Tain on Odo
Terminate point system
Terminate point system, the easiest in the world!
Terminate registration site Belgium
Terminate! The terminal program that lets all the others die in peace
Terminate/TMail/TmNice A Perfect Liaison A Trois. :-)
Termination complete. Acceptable losses. Lets go! -- Tom Servo
Terminator - The few, the proud, the machines
Terminator 2 on int'l terms: Hasta la vista, Bebe!
Terminator 3: Klingon female with PMS.
Terminator 3: @F @L With A Hockey Stick
Terminator 3: Female Klingon With PMS.
Terminator 3: Klingon female with PMS.
Terminator 3: Liquid Metal Hillary Clinton goes after the kid
Terminator 4: The Sex Machine, And He's Comming!
Terminator Spaghetti: pasta la vista, baby
Terminator bumper sticker: I TIME TRAVEL NAKED.
Terminator of Borg: Assimilated, BA-BY!
Terminator virus found. Hiding in file ILLBE.BAK
Terminator virus found? Use ILLBE.BAK!
Terminator: I want your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
Terminators... the few, the proud, the Machines
Terminito ergo sum. (I TERMINATE, therefore I am.)
Termites attack Al Gore ... Film at 11
Termites've Have Eaten Thru To Your Top Layer
Terok Nor Echo was a dream given form
Terok Nor Echo was our last, best hope for peace.
Terok Nor was the last, best hope for fun in the Galaxy
Terok Nor"Don't Worry; Be Filky!"
Terok Nor's the name... Filkin's our game.
Terok Nor-- where seriousness is Off-Topic.
Terok Nor. No Warp Factors. Just Fun Factors.
Terok Nor...Let Freedom Sing!
Terok Nor...the Babylon 5 of the Trek Echos
Terok Nor...where all the world's a filk
Terok Nor: "Come out from among them, and be ye separate." 2 COR 6:17
Terok Nor: May the Filk be with you!
Terok Nor: Rated G(en). ;) -- Edward Lee
Terok Nor: relax in the infamous Tub o' Jello or the EchoDarkCorner!
Terok NorLet Freedom Sing!
Terraform Mars? Why not terraform the Earth?
Terri's not much of a challenge. I like a good fight. Tanya
Terrible puppy-children are after me. - Wally Llama
Terrible puppy-children are after me. -- Wally Llama (Animaniacs)
Terrible things done in the name of progress are still terrible things
Terrible when someone gets hit crossing the street. -- Zharvic
Terribly pleased
Terries go home!
Terrific of Frank to put all that stuff in our service records.-BJ
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "...and after I patched the microcode..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Can you get VMS for this Sparc thingy?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Damn, and I just bought that pop..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Didn't you say you turned it off?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Do you smell something?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Go get your backup tape."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Hey! The suns don't do this."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Hey, what does mkfs do?
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Hmm, maybe if I do this..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Hmmm, curious..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "I don't know if this is ethical, but..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "I got a better job at Lockheed..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "I hate it when that happens."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "I have never seen it do *that* before..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "I remember the last time it did that..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Ignore the errors. It complains too much.
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "It didn't do that a minute ago..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "It shouldn't be doing that..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Management says..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "My leave starts tomorrow."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "NO! Not _that_ button!"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Ooohh, lovely, it runs SVR4."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Ooops. Save your work, everyone. FAST!"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Ooops."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "SMIT makes it all so much easier..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Say, What does "Superblock Error" mean?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "System coming down in 0 min..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Terminated?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "That's SOOOOO bizarre."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "The new equipment didn't get budgetted."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "This won't affect what you're doing."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Uh-oh..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Was that YOUR directory?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "We _won't_ support that."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "We're standardizing on AIX."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Well, _my_ files were backed up."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Well, it's doing _something_..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What do mean by "fired"?
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What do you mean that wasn't a copy?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What software license?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What the hell!?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What'd you say your (l)user name was...?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What's that grinding sound?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "What's this switch for anyways...?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Where'd you say those backup tapes were?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Where's the DIR command?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Where's the GUI on this thing?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Why did it say `/bin/rm: not found'?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Why is my "rm *.o" taking so long?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Wonder what *this* command does?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Wow! Look at this..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Wow... that seemed _fast_..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "YEEEHA!!! What a CRASH!!!"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "You _do_ have a backup tape?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "You did _what_ to the floppy?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "You mean you needed that directory?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "You've got TECO. What more do you want?"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "dd if=/dev/null of=/vmunix"
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "don't do that, it'll crash the sys..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "Damn, and I just bought that pop..."
Terrifying sysadmin comment: "You can do this patch with the system up."
Terror : A female Klingon with PMS.
Terror (n). 1: Naked female Klingon with whip and PMS
Terror (n): A Klingon with an accordian
Terror (n): A female Klingon with PMS.
Terror (tehr-er) n. 1. A female Klingon with PMS.
Terror is also a form of communication
Terror, n: A female Klingon with PMS.
Terror--A Klingon with PMS
Terror: A female Klingon with PMS!
Terror: @FN@ with PMS!
Terror: @TOFIRST@ with PMS!
Terror: A Kligon female with PMS
Terror: A female Klingon with PMS!
Terror: B'Elanna Torres with PMS.
Terror: Ellison and his continual PMS!
Terror: Encountering a female Klingon with PMS.
Terror: YOU with PMS!
Terrorism - Think Globally, Act Locally
Terrorist: Somebody who blows things up out of all proportion.
Terrorists are just patriots who haven’t won yet. - -KyleJ.
Terrorists are just patriots who haven’t won yet. - -KyleJ.
Terrorists suck- 11 Sept. 200
Terrorists suck- 11 Sept. 200
Terrorists were much more fun back then. -- Crow T. Robot
Terrorists, Sam. They've taken over my stomach. They're demanding beer.
Terrorized, adj: A Klingon whose wife has PMS.
Terry Farrell is less of a Trill and more like a thrill!
Terry Labonte, 1996 NASCAR Winston Cup Champion!
Teruillian was one of the founders of the Catholic Church
Tes, Earl Gray, Hot. - Picard
Tesla, nightmare figure of computer hobbyists everywhere
Tess, it's some cruel law of nature. - Richie Ryan
Tess, you do remember that they all carry *big* swords
Tesseract now!
Tessie, the Porshe 959 of Offline Reader Editors!
Test Crash-Procedure...RUN [Win'95].
Test Gun Control: walk through Washington D.C. at 3 a.m.!!
Test Tagline, isn't this too interesting?
Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
Test a faith healer, ask for a different shoe size
Test as test can
Test everything. Hold on to the good. -1 Thessalonians 5:21
Test it? Are you kidding? So what are users for?
Test makers DO IT sometimes/always/never
Test not, lest ye also be tested.
Test subjects? Hey! Sign me up!
Test the BeST
Test tube babies get a womb with a view.
Test tube babies shouldn't throw stones.
Test tube baby: in a glass by itself.
Test your pit bull: give it a lawyer
Test-tube babies shouldn't throw stones.
Test. Test. T E S T !!! Is this thing on????
Test...test.....test....test...test..test.test tes
Testators do it willingly.
Tested on dolphins and assorted helpless furry creatures
Tested on small, cute, furry animals with big, sad eyes.
Testes, Testes 1... 2... 3? -Butt-head
Testes, Testes 123? -Butthead
Testes, Testes. one, two, THREE??!!?!!!?
Testesaurus, n. - The World Wrestling Federation's Good Book
Testicles - found on an octopus.
Testify 3.0: Clinton's Cabinet: Treasury, Charles Keating.
Testify 3.0: Sexy women are nature's way of saying "keep it up!"
Testify 3.1:
Testify 3.6: Atheist achieving an orgasm: "Oh, random! Oh, chance!"
Testify 3.6: Every time I lose weight, it finds me again
Testify 3.6: I am Redundancy, of Borg...irrelevancy is irrelevant
Testify 3.6: Redneck marriage proposal.........YER WHUT!!??????
Testify 3.6: She's so fat, she could sell shade.
Testify 3.6: Statisticians do it with a little deviance.
Testify 3.6: Trading in futures? What about yours in heaven?
Testify 3.6: Where do people in hell tell each other to go?
Testimony 3:6 "I am redunancy of the Borg...Redunancy is..."
Testing 1 2 3. Hey, is this thing on?
Testing One... Fiftythree... fortytwo
Testing can show the presence of bugs but not their abse
Testing can show the presence of bugs but not their absence. Edsger W. Dijkstra
Testing held @ 3 A.M. on the 1st Floor of the *Tagline Court* Bldg.
Testing testing testing 1 2 3 4 5 6 - - OK
Testing the Emergency Tagline System is not an easy job!
Testing the emergency ]recipe snaging system. OK.
Testing the emergency ]tagline stealing system. OK.
Testing the emergency tagline stealing system ... ... ... ... ... OK
Testing the test to see if the testing was tested so don't get testy
Testing, Testing, Testing 1,2,3 - can you hear me ?
Testing, testing, 1-2-3? Hell, no! 28,800! :)
Testing.. Testing.. Is this a real Tagline ??
Testing: 1, 2, 3. <tap> <tap> Hey, is this thing on?
Testosterone + primal pyro-maniacal urges = "grill masters"
Testosterone weakens a man's immune system.
Tests made with laboratory rats have proven that death is over 99% fatal
Tests made with laboratory rats have shown that living in cages causes cancer
Testy?* Moi? But I sing and bounce along *so* merrily... -- Beast
Tetesasaurus, n. - The World Wrestling Federation's Good Book
Tetrachloromethane may or may not be poisonous. Try it and find out
Tetracycline is your best friend
Tetris tagline: ÛÛ ÜÛÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÛß ÛÜÜ ßÛÜ ÜÜÛ
Tetsuo! Kinaida! Tetsuo! Kinaida! Tetsuo! Kinaida! Tet
Teutonic [n] -- Not enough gin.
Teutonic: Not enough gin
Tex Ritter? Pat Buttram? Slim Whitman? Hank Snow? -- Frank
Tex's Cafe! Day's Specialty: Mustang & Ketchup
Tex-Mexistentialism by Juan-Paul Salsa
Tex-Mexistentialism will also raise your cholesterol.
Tex-Mexistentialism will raise your consciousness.
Texaco guys! - Mike on security guards
Texaco guys! -- Mike Nelson
Texan - "Ah got me four Cadillacs...one for each direction."
Texan by choice, American by force!
Texan is one of the minor dialects of English.
Texans are southerners with an attitude
Texans do it with oil
Texans have a different word for sushi: Bait
Texans just do it. She it!
Texans...Rent Oklahoma for picnics and family gatherings.
Texans..Believe that owning more than two Lear jets is pretentious
Texans..Have unlisted area codes, counties and congressmen
Texans..Rate a man by the horsepower of his pickup
Texans..Refer to anyone less than six foot four as "shorty"
Texans..Refuse to recognize the existence of Alaska
Texans..Rent Oklahoma for picnics and family gatherings
Texans..Use New Mexico as a trash dump
Texans: All belong to the NRA.
Texans: Believe that owning more than two Lear jets is pretentious.
Texans: Have unlisted area codes, counties and congressmen.
Texans: Protect their ranches with MX missiles.
Texans: Rate a man by the horsepower of his pickup.
Texans: Refer to anyone less than six foot four as shorty.
Texans: Refuse to recognize the existence of Alaska.
Texans: Rent Oklahoma for picnics and family gatherings.
Texans: Use New Mexico as a trash dump.
Texas -- the land of good-lookin' horses and fast women!
Texas 7-course meal - a bowl of chili and a six-pack
Texas Barbecue, if you can taste the meat someone goofed.
Texas Bumper Sticker: Pardon my driving - I'm trying to reload !!!!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, they took my baby away from me
Texas DOS: Y'all reckon? [Yup/Naw]
Texas DOS: Y'all Reckon? (Y)ep/(N)ope
Texas DOS: Y'all reckon? [Yup/Naw]
Texas Friendly Spoken Here!
Texas Instruments' TM4000 WinDX cleans Windows very nicely.
Texas Motor Speedway - a wreck waiting to happen!
Texas Motor Speedway where wrecking is a way of life!
Texas Motor Speedway..Village Of The Damned
Texas Sidewinder - By I. P. Crooked
Texas Speedway open while track is being repaired!
Texas Toilet paper, it don't take $hit off anyone.
Texas funeral:Administer enema.Bury in matchbox.
Texas is Earnhardt country. Dale certainly had a LOT of fans at the Texas race,
Texas is Hell on woman and horses. -- Wayne Oakes
Texas is heaven for men and dogs, hell for women and oxen.
Texas law forbids anyone to have a pair of pliers in his possession
Texas math: .357 + .30x.30 + .44 = 0
Texas speed bumps. Assassins do it from behind
Texas toilet paper, it don't take s**t off anyone.
Texas virus: No damage; makes certain it's bigger than any other file.
Texas þ The Apogee State
Texas! hot food, hot weather, and HOT WOMEN!
Texas' Lottery: Finally a tax we can just say NO to.
Texas's 4 seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Hell.
Texas, if you don't like the weather wait ten minutes.
Texas. Where men are men and sheep are scared.
Texas: It is illegal to have a pair of wire cutters in your car.
Texas: It's like a whole 'nother country!
Texas: Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous.
Text Editor: Employee of local newspaper.
Text mode forever!? Oh, please! Oh please!
Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even one which cannot be justified on any other grounds
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud / Freakazoid, Freakazoid
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud/F!, F!
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud/Freakazoid
Texte mit der Maus bearbeiten ist wie Suppe mit der Gabel essen
Tg Ln Lite - 30% lss chrctrs
Tg Ln Lite -- 30% fwr chrctrs
Th is t ag li ne i n ja il , Do not steal.
Th s ag in i m ss ng ev ry hi d eter
Th vwls n m kbrd dn't wrk vry wll, d thy??
Th!$ TagL!ne Made fRom rEcYcLeD A$c!! chaRacTEr$.
Th!$ TagL!ne maqe fgom gEcYcLeq A$c!! chagacTEg$.
Th' MIND is the Pizza Palace of th' SOUL
Th' frezberger has tripped the presnell converters!
Th'omone's a bitch! - Crow lisps
Th--th-th-th-th-that's all, folks.
Th-th-th-h-h-h-at's all folks!
Th-th-th-that's all, folks!
Th-th-th-that's all, folks! - Porky Pig
Th-th-th-that's what I think!
Th...th...that's all folks !
Th15 ta9L1n3 Ha5 A v1rU5 - D0nT 5teaL
ThE MaStEr wOuLd nOt aPpRoVe oF StUdLyCaPs
ThE mAsTeR WoUlD nOt aPpRoVe Of .SiG fiLeS! -- Torgo
ThEre Is nO wAy out... It'll bE DaRk sOon...- Torgo
ThIs TaGlInE WrItTeN WhIlE HiGh On PiXy StIx!!!
ThIs TaGlInE wAs AsSiMiLlAtEd By ThE bOrG.
ThIs iS yOuR KeYYYBoooaaArd on DrUgzzZZz
Th_ most cri__c_l thi__ is n_ver to _____ _______ ___ - Any questions?
Tha's a joke, son, a funny, dontcha geddit?
Tha's funny, Dataman, you don't LOOK like a newt
Tha's funny, Jefferson, you don't LOOK like a newt
Tha's funny, you don't LOOK like a newt
Thad Cochran, Senator (Miss.), was an Eagle Scout.
Thae only thing I am sure of is I don't need you. -- Henry to Frank
Thalassa - Mother of the Enchanters, Goddess of Sex and Marriage
Thalassa - Mother of the Enchanters
Thalassa, Goddess of Sex and Marriage
Thalassa, Mother of the Enchanters.
Thalia Clan-Healing People and Planet Through Laughter
Thalia-Healing people & the planet through laughter.
Thallid (artist: Edward Beard, Jr.): "Cousin It"
Thallids (In General): "Mushrooms"
Tham Shrivo - The Innumerable Names Of Tom Servo!
Than an older guy who was born back in 1943!
Thank Congress for the 1st 10 and the 14th !
Thank God Almighty, I'm fwee at wast! þ M. L. Fudd, Jr
Thank God Canada Post isn't in charge of E-Mail.
Thank God I am an atheist
Thank God I didn't ask him to park the car. - Johnny Cage
Thank God I don't live in a theocracy!
Thank God I'm a country boy... - John Denver
Thank God I'm an atheist!
Thank God I'm wearing my Himalayan walking shoes. (Elaine)
Thank God I've always avoided persecuting my enemies. - Hitler
Thank God Les Paul is backing them on guitar! -- Crow T. Robot
Thank God Microsoft doesn't design medical equipment.
Thank God and Greyhound She's Gone
Thank God cats don't have opposable thumbs!
Thank God for Greyhound and Phone Disk.
Thank God for Jay Miner. Otherwise I'd be stuck with a Macintosh.
Thank God for SysOps! But why do they DO IT?
Thank God for SysOps! But why do they do it?.<---DUMB Question!
Thank God for a Prophet in these latter days!
Thank God for compensating errors
Thank God he's back alive. I'm gonna kill him! - Potter on Klinger
Thank God it's Friday - Robinson Crusoe
Thank God it's Friday! (TGIF)
Thank God methane rises - Crow on cows
Thank God methane rises... -- Crow T. Robot
Thank God or Christ for living, and you live forever!
Thank God that a person can have only one MIL at a time.
Thank God that we can practice Atheism in this country
Thank God the driver saw me, or I might be there still! -Anna Steven
Thank God the ship cleans itself! Lt. Davids just left holodeck 2!
Thank God the ship cleans itself, Lt. @TOLAST@ just left holodeck 2!
Thank God the ship cleans itself, Lt. Bullitt just left holodeck 2!
Thank God the ship cleans itself, Lt. Rawsthorne just left holodeck 2!
Thank God this is bullet proof ermine... -- Mike Nelson
Thank God we do not get all of the government we pay for!
Thank God we don't get as much government as we pay for.
Thank God your not pregnant! I'd have to admit I had sex with *you*
Thank God! A jump cut! -- Crow T. Robot
Thank God! A jump cut - Crow after worker burns to death
Thank God, I have done my duty. Kiss me, Hardy. -Adm. Horatio Nelson, 21 Oct 1805
Thank God, the ship cleans itself; Lt. Hill just left holodeck 2
Thank God, we're not getting all the gov't we're paying f
Thank Goodness we don't get all the Government we pay for
Thank Heaven for little girls, they keep on getting smaller every day.
Thank Krishna for Indian Vegetarian Cooking
Thank U.We're all refreshed & challenged by ur unique point of view
Thank You - Stimpy.
Thank You for *NOT* Projectile Vomiting!
Thank god I'm an atheist!
Thank god for Jay Miner. Otherwise I'd have to buy a Mac.
Thank god for the Gatling gun.
Thank god for the `EFF'.. Last bastion of the resistant
Thank god the ship cleans itself, Lt. Orville just left holodeck 2!
Thank god!! ... It's HENNY YOUNGMAN!!
Thank goodness I don't know what I'm missing.
Thank goodness I was able to salvage this girl - Crow
Thank goodness for my electric dress - Crow
Thank goodness for my twit filter.
Thank goodness modern convenience is a thing of the remote future
Thank goodness modern convenience is a thing of the remote future. -- Pogo, by Walt Kelly
Thank goodness you were close by Odo! - Quark
Thank goodness! This reinforces my simplistic world-view
Thank goodness. Eline
Thank heaven for little girls, they grow up in such delightful ways.
Thank heaven for little girls. We know who to thank for boys.
Thank heaven you've still got all your marbles. - Rimmer
Thank heavens for happenstance! - Fox Mulder
Thank heavens my name isn't Smith, Taylor, McCurry, Johnson etc
Thank the 1st Amendment that this BBS exists.
Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh's on the EIB.
Thank the Maker! - C-3PO
Thank the Prophets! Seska
Thank the family of a soldier today!
Thank the maker! This oil bath is going to feel SO good!
Thank you
Thank you - Amanda Kruger
Thank you Easter Bunny
Thank you Lord for giving me this rewarding job with charming coworkers.
Thank you Lord this brother makes me smile!
Thank you Mike. Tim Salvo. And, uh, the rest - Dr. F
Thank you Mr. Data
Thank you Number One....He's my Number One Dad! - JL Picard
Thank you again for your help. Sarah
Thank you and Happy Taggling
Thank you berry much!
Thank you doctor, I feel better already -- Quark
Thank you everybody, we're Nine Inch Nails. -Butt-Head
Thank you for Considering The Following.--Bill Nye
Thank you for NOT using tag lines! <Huh?>
Thank you for almost killing me! -- Crow T. Robot
Thank you for being gutless - Crow
Thank you for being gutless. -- Crow T. Robot
Thank you for bringing me to the Eel Club festival -Crow
Thank you for calling 911, at the tone gurgle directions
Thank you for calling 911, at the tone gurgle directions for the coroner
Thank you for calling 911, can you hold please?
Thank you for calling 911. For murder, press 1
Thank you for calling 911...to report a fire, press 1; to report
Thank you for calling the Sucide Hotline: Please hold!
Thank you for coming! I'll see you in Hell! - Apu
Thank you for encouraging my behavior.
Thank you for everything. Kes
Thank you for fighting for him. - Judge Bone
Thank you for flying Africair. Being birds, you don't need parachutes
Thank you for flying ME airlines - Crow
Thank you for flying Nissan
Thank you for giving me so much to react against.
Thank you for holding your breath while I smoke!
Thank you for holding...Bah-bye
Thank you for hurling that gas bomb at me. -- Joel Robinson
Thank you for indulging me. - Kai Opaka
Thank you for inhaling your exhale.
Thank you for listening to me jabber.
Thank you for loving me as much as I love me.-Ophelia
Thank you for making CBS America's most watched network! Welcome home.
Thank you for making a simple door very happy
Thank you for making a simple door very happy
Thank you for making a simple mail reader very happy
Thank you for making a simple tagline's day so fulfilled.
Thank you for making the last moments of my life socially awkward.
Thank you for not annoying me any more than you do.
Thank you for not being perky.
Thank you for not breathing while I smoke.
Thank you for not lecturing me about smoking
Thank you for not mooning your checkout girl
Thank you for not mooning your host.
Thank you for not smoking. -- Robocop
Thank you for not testing your condom in the store.
Thank you for not trying to raise my conciousness.
Thank you for not using Windows in this Conference
Thank you for observing all safety precautions.
Thank you for pot smoking
Thank you for pressing the Self-Destruct Button
Thank you for pressing the self destruct button. (Spaceballs)
Thank you for pushing the self destruct button.
Thank you for reading my tagline.
Thank you for reading this message!
Thank you for riding MagLev
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book - I'll waste no time reading it. - Moses Hadas (1900-1966)
Thank you for sharing that with us. Now sit down and shut up.
Thank you for sharing. Sharing time is over.
Thank you for sharing. - Mulder
Thank you for shopping at Tag-Mart
Thank you for that large round of indifference.
Thank you for the opportunity to stick my ASCII in here.
Thank you for the tea, Delenn, and your honesty. - G'Kar
Thank you for the wonderful tag line
Thank you for trying to sell me something I don't want, but I don't have
Thank you for turning a simple chat into a bizarre ritual
Thank you for using FidoNet. Please allow 6-8 weeks for a reply.
Thank you for visiting Florida. Now go home.
Thank you for visiting. Now go home. -- Florida Proverb
Thank you for your anticipated responses!
Thank you for your co-operation. -- Robocop
Thank you for your concern
Thank you for your consideration. Hope to hear from you shorty! - Real live resume statement
Thank you for your generous donation to my tagline collection
Thank you for your gift of sarcasm. I will cherish it always
Thank you for your gracious contribution to my tagline collection.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you for your help, Mrs. Renn. Tuvok
Thank you for your support. - Bartles & James 1987
Thank you for your time and attention
Thank you for your time, doctor. - Odo
Thank you for your time. Now, get a life!
Thank you kindly! I will definitely let you know what turns up.
Thank you masked man. -Bernard
Thank you mayor, it's been great working for you. - Johnson
Thank you so much @TOFIRST@ for your comment. Now, back to your cage!!
Thank you so very much. Stevie Ray Vaughan
Thank you soooo much <sigh of contentment> d:-) - Quickling
Thank you thank you thank you
Thank you very little.
Thank you very much
Thank you very much! - The Mask
Thank you very much, Mr. Smart-guy Know-it-all Wolverine! - Jubilee
Thank you very much.
Thank you! *NO* applause - just sex
Thank you! You love me! You really love me! The Mask
Thank you! Thank you, Franky! Folks at home! - Dr. F
Thank you! You love me! You really love me! - The Mask
Thank you, 'Captain' McCoy. - Spock
Thank you, @FN@.
Thank you, @TOFIRST@
Thank you, Captain Cut-away! -- Crow T. Robot
Thank you, Commander; I know you'll make the right decision. Nog
Thank you, Crow T. Gutherie - Joel
Thank you, Crow T. Gutherie. -- Joel Robinson
Thank you, Data. And... sweet dreams. Bashir
Thank you, Doctor. I welcome the opportunity. - Data
Thank you, Doctor; you've been very helpful. Zek
Thank you, Dragon Bitch - Tom on evil woman character
Thank you, Feces - Crow to Greek character
Thank you, Franky - Dr. Forrester
Thank you, God. Keep it up!!!
Thank you, Hillary!
Thank you, Karl
Thank you, Ma'am. May I have another?
Thank you, Miss Annie. I'm in your debt. - Worf
Thank you, Mr. Cowboy. I'll take it under advisement
Thank you, Mr. Data. * Jean-Luc Picard
Thank you, Mr. Exposition. þ Slappy Squirrel, Animaniacs
Thank you, Mr. Moderator. I'll take it under advisement
Thank you, Mr. User. I'll take it under advisement. -Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Utley - Tom to Joel
Thank you, Ms Dedicated Scientist! -- Crow T. Robot
Thank you, Ms. Dedicated Scientist!
Thank you, NO applause, just sex.
Thank you, Odo. That means a lot to me. - Quark
Thank you, Perry Mason. -- Sam Beckett
Thank you, Sir. I comprehend. -E computer dissing Data
Thank you, Slartibartfast, that will be all
Thank you, Thigh Master! - Unknown
Thank you, Vampira - Tom to newslady with too much makeup
Thank you, Vampira. -- Tom Servo
Thank you, YOU.
Thank you, and f*ck you. - Leary
Thank you, but I don't accept gifts from the likes of you. - Odo
Thank you, but I have other plans. - Response to 'Have a nice day' suggested by Paul Fussel
Thank you, but my answer is still no. Odo to Lovok
Thank you, but that won't be necessary. - Ulani
Thank you, but when we were discussing the above, the moderator was
Thank you, but...this is not...I don't...aw, hell.--Ivanova
Thank you, come again. - Apu
Thank you, drive through. - Beavis
Thank you, duck, for gettin' down!
Thank you, ferret face - Tom on cheesy gibbon makeup
Thank you, for being YOU!!!
Thank you, it said, for making a simple door very happy.
Thank you, my son. - Eastwood to Schwartzenegger
Thank you, sir. I will try that. - Data
Thank you, sir. I'll get right on it. - O'Brien
Thank you, sir. - Sito
Thank you, so mulch! Col. Wheat
Thank you, thank you, thank you and f*ck you. - Leary
Thank you, token - Crow on only ethnic character
Thank you. <meandering blearily off> - Anna Steven
Thank you. Everybody not going to Earth had better get off
Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view
Thank you. We're all refreshed by your unique point of view.
Thank you. Alexander will not repeat this mistake. -- Worf.
Thank you. Drive through. Heh heh
Thank you. Happy tagging
Thank you. Old friend. I will miss you. Urza
Thank you. Pixel, The cat you don't have to let out.
Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all week. Enjoy the buffet!
Thank you. Very much. Bashir
Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
Thank you. You've been helpful. - Odo
Thank you... drive through now
Thank your sysop for netmail by not using quote boxes
Thank-you for calling 911, our office hours are from
Thank-you for calling 911, your call is important to us, at the beep
Thanking the Maker
Thanks #AN# for replying to my message.
Thanks @TOFIRST@, for replying to my message
Thanks Be To God For His Unspeakable Gift !!
Thanks Big Man, we've all been touched by your Bigness. -Rocko
Thanks Cal, for replying to my message.
Thanks DM. I thought having two arms wasn't challenging enough.
Thanks Doug!
Thanks He for replying to my message.
Thanks Man! - Ren.
Thanks Michael, for replying to my message.
Thanks Odo. I need to call in a little more Dabo girls. - Quark
Thanks Steven, for replying to my message.
Thanks Todd!
Thanks a bunch!!!!! You truly made today Christmas in July!
Thanks a bundle, Great Granddad. -Zaphod Beeblebrox the First
Thanks a lot! -Mac-
Thanks a lot, Joel. -- Tom Servo
Thanks a meg!
Thanks again!
Thanks alot Rick!
Thanks alot! and Thanks to those that have helped me before.
Thanks anyway, it's the Thought that counts
Thanks anyway, it's the Thought that counts <G>.
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. (2 Cor 9:15)
Thanks but no. We don't need sysop.
Thanks for Visiting. Now Go Home. -- Florida State Motto
Thanks for all you do as SysOp to make the net a good one
Thanks for another Tagline.
Thanks for any light you can shed on any of the above.
Thanks for calling 911, our office hours are from
Thanks for calling and not Reversing the charges - Skroob
Thanks for coming, Duncan. - MacLeod
Thanks for dialing 911. To report a problem hit #1. To report
Thanks for everything. Kes
Thanks for flying USAF; consider us next time you wish to bomb Baghdad
Thanks for following up on this for me!
Thanks for for dialing 911; our office hours are
Thanks for giving me the courage to eat all those ants.
Thanks for helping me debug the debug problem.
Thanks for including me in a criminal conspiracy. -Chakotay
Thanks for including me in your criminal conspiracy
Thanks for letting me butt in! Thanks in advance!
Thanks for letting me excite your phosphors
Thanks for listening,
Thanks for making my night, Suney...< again >...:)
Thanks for not breathing while I'm smoking!
Thanks for not smoking, Orville breathed
Thanks for not smoking, Tom breathed.
Thanks for nothing. -Harry Canyon
Thanks for putting the fun back into football for Doug Flutie
Thanks for refreshing my memory, said RAM to CPU
Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. - Anna Steven
Thanks for shredding the cheese, Tom said gratefully.
Thanks for taking an off-topic post and showing us all that even in things
Thanks for that backrub - Tom to Crow in hot tub
Thanks for the NEW tagline
Thanks for the Recipes, Patrick. I really liked 'em.
Thanks for the Taglines, David. I really liked 'em.
Thanks for the all-clear, Moneypenney. - Tom Servo
Thanks for the aside - Tom on villain's soliloquy
Thanks for the concern
Thanks for the concern- TEC
Thanks for the concern...
Thanks for the confidence in my abilities. - Wally
Thanks for the confidence. - Sisko
Thanks for the enlightenment; I'm gonna go now. - Skinner (PM)
Thanks for the extra FreakaTags! Let's see what I can find...How
Thanks for the hugs, they were well received. :-{ )
Thanks for the idea cp
Thanks for the mammaries
Thanks for the mammaries - Beavis
Thanks for the noise filt............ NO CARRIER
Thanks for the nose-news neighbor! - Ned Flanders
Thanks for the parking ticket, officer, your handwriting is excellent
Thanks for the radio! Tom said with a short wave.
Thanks for the ride. Ro
Thanks for the tagline, Dave..now put Windows away Dave
Thanks for the tagline. :-)
Thanks for the taglines. *Loved* that one.
Thanks for the tip, though....Where is Mat Dillon on this continent?
Thanks for the warning, dude. We're outta here. - Guy #3
Thanks for the warning. Sisko
Thanks for using Environmentally Correct E-Mail
Thanks for watchin' my back old chum!
Thanks for your help last time.
Thanks for your support. * Rimmer
Thanks for your tagline list,
Thanks heaven for little girls... MOMO of Borg
Thanks honey, cardboard and chocolate sauce again!
Thanks if U can help. Oh heck,even if U can't
Thanks in advance for anything that you can pass on.
Thanks so much for the support, Miss Cheerful Thoughts!
Thanks so much. I am having fun with this one!
Thanks son, I never said you weren't a Gentleman
Thanks to AOL users, I don't need to buy floppy disks.
Thanks to AOL, I don't need to buy disks. *]:-)
Thanks to AOL, I no longer need to buy disks.
Thanks to Carolyn Daly!! - Paul Pennington
Thanks to Clinton even the Dead pay taxes (and they aren't Grateful).
Thanks to Dennis Heeren for 1000+ quotes!! Legend!! - Paul Pennington
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a Sexual Spastic
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a Sexual Spastic. --Zappa.
Thanks to MS Word, viruses are more portable than ever!
Thanks to Slick Willie, I'm so poor, I can't even pay attention!
Thanks to all the Sysops who made this message possible.
Thanks to my new error correcting modem, I'm never wrong!!
Thanks to teamwork, I almost stapled something today. - Dilbert
Thanks to the Clinton Health plan taxes can never be the
Thanks to the pioneers, there are too many pathways.
Thanks to working women, thousands of men...have learned to vacuum.
Thanks to you and all others who "clued me in" on this!
Thanks very Much! I knew I could count on you to be of assistance!
Thanks! -Mac-
Thanks! Now I know a *LOT* more now than I did.
Thanks, Charles, I needed that
Thanks, DM. I thought having two arms wasn't challenging enough
Thanks, Dave!
Thanks, I could use an extra stupid comment
Thanks, I have a good one. What I need is a longer one.
Thanks, I needed that!
Thanks, I wanted a fixerupper
Thanks, Jim. You're a lifesaver!
Thanks, Number One. Errmmmm.... he's my Number One Dad! - Picard
Thanks, Pete! Thanks, Paul! 'Pizza & Pasta' - Dr. Erhardt
Thanks, SYSOPs
Thanks, Slann. We know the rules. - Connor MacLeod
Thanks, and lose the dots. - den
Thanks, but I did before I left home. - Dot
Thanks, but I know very little about how it is run.
Thanks, but I'm seeing someone in Wrapping. Judy the Elf
Thanks, but my mom got it right the first time
Thanks, but my name is All, not 'Starfleet'
Thanks, cheap, yet incredibly wise, little souveneirs...-Earthworm Jim
Thanks, doll face - Crow to Gypsy
Thanks, for the memories ... psssst ... got another 100K?
Thanks, now I'm barren - Crow as dog gets caught in fence
Thanks, that was the best thing that happened to me today
Thanks, what is it? I don't know, I found it in my armpit. -EWJim
Thanks. I always thought having two arms wasn't challenging enough.
Thanks. I'll mull that over. -- Crow T. Robot
Thanks. For what you did. - Londo
Thanks. I always thought having two arms wasn't challengi
Thanks. We make a good team. Hercules
Thanks. You're like the drunken, abusive father I never had
Thanks.. it makes it easier for me to bury you now.. =) -Durkin
Thanks...for the memories
Thanks...uh...what is it?
Thanksgiving at the Bobbitts - Lorena preparing to carve
Thanksgiving dinner is the American counterpart of a Chinese dinner. You eat it and a year later you're hungry again
Thanksgiving is that time when turkeys who fatten up all year go to the chopping block. With humans, it's April th
Thanksgiving: Reflecting on our blessings by eating non-stop all day
Thanksto the Crew of the Enterprise NCC 1701-D, for a 7-year Trek.
Thankya ferlettinme be mice elf, agin
Thankyouverymuch! <making a curtsy>
Thanx for refreshing my memory, said RAM to CPU
Thanx for the answer tho! Learn something new every day!
Thanx for the compliment!
Thanx for your idea's, Somewhere their is an answer!
Thanx to The Young and the Restless, I failed college!
Thanx, Here are a few more,
Thar ya goo!-- Any Texan
Thar's Mobius Dick, the convoluted whale.
That "Light at the end of the tunnel" may well be a dragon's fireball.
That "bug" took me two weeks of hard work to implement
That 'hurry up' part was pure genious - Mike
That *had* to sting! -- Tom Servo
That *is* the story of my life. -- Joey
That @FN@. Just gotta love 'im, eh?
That Ain't My Wife. ......She's My Sysop
That Amazon queen wanted me for only one thing, said Tom studiously.
That Barney Rubble. What an actor!
That Can't Be Right - By Shirley Nott
That Cardassian is firing at a Bajoran scout ship in Bajoran space!
That Clinton guy is on TV again!
That Damn cat ate my Mouse again
That Death Star's causing some harm, big time! - Lando
That Electric Chair business really burns me up.
That Excalibur's one helluva ship. - Rachel
That HAD to sting! - Tom
That I lived, that I loved, that my flesh was warm-Pandora-
That ILink Net goes down more often than a $2 whore.
That IS your arm, isn't it? - Tom as blind man
That Light at the end of the tunnel!!! It's the train
That Little Yoshi, he's SO cool. - F. Wiggler
That Load Becomes Light Which is Cheerfully Borne !!
That Must Be Wonderful! I Don't Understand It At All!
That Nagging Cough - By T. B. Carrier
That One-eyed cat's not coming in, It's going out
That Orville. Just gotta' love 'im, eh?
That Picard never had a brush with death. --Q.
That Rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!
That Seth Able is sure a moody little fella ;
That Should do it. Look around on Trek File Distribution Netword BBSs.
That Spider!!!
That Splink from Sea World --- 1990's
That UFO I didn't see last night? I didn't see it just now!
That UFO I didn't see last night? I didn't see it just now!
That VTOL craft isn't going to make it LOOK OU{~~x{x{|{`
That WAS a tough divorce settlement, wasn't it? :-*
That WASN'T rice. Those were MAGGOTS!
That Was Nice, But Will Someone GET THIS BIG FAT OAF OFF MY BACK - Ren
That Was Quick! - By Wendy Dothat
That Woof fellow. Just plain rude. - Lwaxana
That XEROX is always copying everybody else's ideas
That YOU. Just gotta love him, eh?
That _is_ what I imagined. - Sisko
That _would_ explain the changes in the Klingons' brain. - Bashir
That `hurry up' part was pure genius... -- Mike Nelson
That a BlueWave packet in your pocket or are you just gla
That about right, Zorch?
That action injured you and saved me. I will not forget it. --Data.
That ain' workin'-That's the way y'do it-money for nothin.
That ain't Dusty Rhodes; In TX the pigs walk on two legs!
That ain't a tag ! THIS IS A TAG !
That ain't no pet...that's my roomate...yeah, that's the ticket
That ain't so good English!
That aint the way I heerd it Johnny - The Old Timer
That all depends-on what `yo packin...Regular or KING-SIZED!
That all makes perfect sense, Scully; I don't like it at all. - FM
That almost sounds like a domestic inquiry. Sisko to Jennifer
That and 95 cents will get me a cup of coffee.
That answer was incorrect. The penalty is death. D.M
That answer was incorrect. The penalty is death. - Butt-Head
That appropriately tension-filled incidental music - Crow
That area has been sealed since Babylon 5 went online. - Ivanova
That argument you won from your wife isn't over yet
That array is the only way to get home. Torres
That aught to hold him... -- Joel Robinson
That babbling brook jest never did learn to keep quiet
That ball was close. Close hell, look at this knot!!
That ball was right over the plate, Tom said strikingly.
That bastard! -- Crow T. Robot
That bear has Hammer-pants on! -- Joel Robinson
That belt is a fashion accessory of evil,and evil is never in fashion!
That belt too tight, Lowell? Sheriff Buck
That best portion of a good man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered`acts of kindness and of love
That better be my breakfast! - Earl at egg announcement
That big white chunk in your pork and beans is the "Queen Bean."
That bird in the hand makes for a messy grip.
That bird is sick, Tom said illegally.
That bird's a turkey, Tom gobbled.
That bitch! I'm the hostage! - Crow as woman
That blast came from the Death Star! That thing's operational!
That blonde has a Teflon brain: Nothing sticks to it.
That bloody spider was taunting me before I made it one with the floor - kol
That book is called "Vendetta" by Peter David.
That book sucked so hard it gave me a hickey.
That boy is just a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
That boy sure is a runnin' fool!
That boy's about a couple fries short of a Happy Meal
That boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball
That boy's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver
That boy's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver - Foghorn Leghorn
That boy's about as sharp as a pumpkin. - F. Leghorn
That boy's logic wigs me out. - The Tick
That boy's so dumb he thinks a pig-pen is something you write with
That boy's so horny even the crack of Dawn ain't safe!
That bra's about as sexy as a concret embuttment - Mike
That brat, @FN@, says she's made the discovery of a lifetime
That brick may be an important clue. - Troi
That bull has real stage presence, said Tom oratorically.
That burned down, fell over, THEN sank into the swamp.
That by the punishment of a few, the fear of it may affect all
That can be arranged! - Han
That can't be Jesus. He looks like a 7-11 cashier!
That can't be Scientology... there's no form in it to become a member
That can't be pornography! I don't even own a pornograph!!
That car sticks like chewing gum Benny Parsons
That cast sort of a dim shadow over the evening - Tom
That cat talked! - Mina
That cat's something I can't explain.
That censor has me insenced!
That certainly sucked the air outta' the room - Mike
That cheap aftershave stuff he uses registers him as a man with plenty of common scents
That chick reads her mail offline. She rules...huh-huh Butt-Head
That city will NEVER be rebuilt, the prophets babble on.
That cloud does impressions - Calvin
That comic book ad PROMISED these "X-Ray" things worked!
That concept looks like a chicken in a windstorm.
That could be enjoyable, we better BAN it
That could have gone better. -- Joel Robinson
That creature has stolen the Aludium Q-36 Explosive Space Demodulator!
That creature has stolen the space modulator!
That cretin is on a national talk show! Spin Doctor (Tick)
That crossed the line from ironic coincidence to evil omen
That damn Cardassian is firing at a Bajoran scout ship in Bajoran space!
That damn Guinan. She keeps cutting in on my territory - Troi
That damn ham is up to it again. Jammin' up the bands with his HAM!
That damn plate mail o' his didn't save him from the boiling oil
That damnabley kind of you, Mr. Mallory! Arturo
That damned plate mail o' his didn't save him from the oil
That darn Masseur rubs me the wrong way!
That darn bicycle tried to kill me! - - Calvin
That darned cat! She always did get those words mixed up
That darned pink elephant followed you home again?
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball.
That deaf, dumb, blind kid sure plays a mean pinball... - Who
That decision is not yours to make, *Cadet*! -- Picard
That dent you wanted. It's not much. But it's there. Ä Chekov
That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat -- Lewis Carrol
That depends on the writers, so bet on it.--Deputy Tim
That did it... I'm just *asking* to be lynched. -- Trautman
That didn't sound at all like Spock, Jim! - McCoy
That ditz couldn't lead sheep! - Sailor Mars
That does it! I'm introducing you to my mother. Ä Troi
That does it! Quark
That does it, Charles... Hypodermics at 20 paces! Ä Hawkeye
That does it. I'm introducing you to my mother. Troi
That does it. I'm introducing you to my hedgehog. Troi
That does it. I'm introducing you to my llama. Troi
That does not compute.
That does sound harsh, doesn't it? -- Crow T. Robot
That doesn't agree with our records. O'Brien
That doesn't give us much time to retrieve the database. - Riker
That doesn't help me at all, but I apprecate the thought.
That doesn't negate the possibility. Romulan
That doesn't quite explain the potato. Scully & Mulder
That doesn't sound like much of a deal. - Shai-ster
That doesn't sound like the Garak I know. Bashir
That doesn't sound very Tractory --Kyle J.
That doesn't sound very tractory
That doesn't sound very tractory
That doesn't strike you as the least bit unusual? -- Sam
That doesn't strike you as the least bit unusual? -- Sam
That dog has somebody's ham! This I gotta see! - Homer
That dog is a gay homosexual. - Cartman * He's just confused. - Stan
That dog musta been sick
That dog's dead! !@#$**%$* NO TERRIER
That don't impress me much. - Shania Twain
That donut was awful. Where's my dog's rubber chew-ring?
That door wasn't trapped the last time we were here.
That doughnut was awful. Where's my dog's rubber chew ring?
That dragon was going 100 mph. Hold on...there be wind-whack for sure!
That dragon's a wuss... a wimp... right behind me, isn't he?
That dress is very becoming on you and if I were on on you I'd be cumming too.
That dress looks great on you...as a matter of fact, so would I
That dress looks nice....Of course, it'd look even better crumpled up in the corner of my room
That dress makes Jack look 'hippy' - Mike
That dress would look good on the floor beside my bed.
That ees some eee-kee tasting stuff! - Ren Hoek
That evening, when @TOFIRST@ went to bed, she was unable to sleep
That evening, when Sharie went to bed, she was unable to sleep.
That explains a lot
That explains everything but your inability to coherently express yourse
That explains this device, then. - Sheridan
That explains why our beards didn't grow. La Forge
That failure caused problems onboard. - Kira
That feels ... so gooo... OOOHHH, Gawd!, @TOFIRST@ ejaculated
That feels ... so gooo... OOOHHH, Gawd!, Tom ejaculated. <= Bad? Crude!
That feels ... so gooo... OOOHHH, Gawd!, Tom ejaculated. -Gary Caplan
That feels ... so gooo... OOOHHH, Gawd!, Orville ejaculated
That feels soooo...ooo...ah..gawd! Tom ejaculated.
That felt good.
That film looks at me when I am naked and calls its friends.
That film was flawed in certain ways - Crow
That fire has a snorky, brambish smell - Hobbes
That formality sounds kinda funny coming from a Yakko :-)
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on
That full star that ushers in the even. <Shakespeare>
That full tagline that ushers in the even. --Tagspeare
That girl at the end of the bar wants you to know that she
That girl could suck the chrome off a bumper
That girl's gonna be the death of me.
That gives me a birdie for this hole, Tom chipped in.
That goes beyond the limits of good taste
That government is best which governs least
That government is best which governs least - Thomas Jefferson
That government is best which governs least.
That government is best which governs least. - Henry David Thoreau
That government is best which governs least. -- Henry David Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
That government is best which governs not at all - Henry David Thoreau
That great dust heap called 'history'" -- Birrel
That guardianship is secure which trusts to itself alone
That gum you liike is goinng to kum bak in styyle. -LMFAP
That gum you like is going to come back in style.
That gum you like is going to come back into style. -- The Dwarf
That guy Ibid, he thinks he knows everything!
That guy don't pay my salary. It's a guy with a beard. Curley
That guy has an IQ just above room temperature
That guy in the ugly suit is probably CIA - Fox Mulder
That guy looks like a cross between Spock & Bones - Mike
That guy looks like he swallowed a junkyard. -- Trapper
That guy makes you wish abortion was retroactive
That guy raises Dead End Kids - Mike
That guy raises Dead End Kids... -- Mike Nelson
That guy sure is a slow learner! Diolus
That guy was a yutz. - Rita
That guy who crashed into the White House was one of our best pilots
That guy's 'Big Boy'! - Mike
That guy's 7th year in an unpaid internship - Crow
That guy's a sinner. They're all sinners! -- Mike Nelson
That guy's got a photografic memory - his name's Ray Tracer
That guy's got a real Scot Thorston quality - Mike
That guy's magnetic - Joel as guy moves pen w/his mind
That guy's pretty much beef jerky - Tom on burn victim
That guy's pretty much beef jerky... -- Tom Servo
That guy's trashed - Crow on guy in garbage can
That guys one of the best lookers-on in the business-Crow
That hair's gonna mop up a lotta water-Joel as girl swims
That hairball might be from Schroedinger's cat.
That hardly seems likely. Spock
That has got to be the coolest jailbreak of all time! -- Quinn
That has got to be the coolest jailbreak of all time! Mallory
That hatch! Is hugh! La Forge
That heading takes them into the Badlands. - Kira
That helmet covers a multitude of sins. - Kirk to Spock
That horse has a Beatle's wig - Mike
That horse has a Beatle's wig! -- Mike Nelson
That horse is dead.
That horse looks like Stallone - Crow
That horse looks like a good bet at 75 to 3, said Tom oddly.
That horse should have died, or better yet, been lunch
That horse's got Air Jordans on! - Joel as horse jumps
That hurt
That hurts worse than the uniform. McCoy
That hypocrite standing between you & God is closer!
That illegal back street turn costs you $20, said the policeman finally
That illegal turn is going to cost you $20, said the policeman finally.
That interpretation is to be received, which will not intend a wrong
That irony is all the justice I require. - Londo
That is *not* cheese! -- Professor Arturo
That is *not* cheese! Arturo
That is ONE Irish catholic family - Crow on Mongol horde
That is _so_ close to being fascinating. - Dilbert
That is a >distinct< possibility. Garak
That is a *distinct* possibility. -- Garek
That is a fascinating hypothesis. --Data
That is a full time job entering this data.
That is a highly Copenhagenistic explanation, @FN@
That is a horse of different color
That is a most illogical attitude. Spock
That is a rule up with which I shall not put. - Winston Churchill
That is a two part question
That is a woman's game -- Worf
That is adorable! -- TV's Frank
That is an excellent idea. I will wait in there. Data
That is beyond belief off topic.
That is certain which can be made certain
That is certain which may be rendered certain
That is correct! Lets move on to the lightning round-Tom
That is every other one but the one needed.
That is great. I am using that as a recipe.
That is great. I am using that as a tagline.
That is hardly likely.
That is high praise from a Vulcan. -- Picard
That is his special nature - Picard
That is how it always starts: very small. - Egg Sheng
That is impossible. My timing is digital. * Data
That is my brother. Was my brother. - James Kirk
That is my companion. It is not intended as a tip.
That is my ear.
That is my impression, anyway
That is my transportation. It is not intended as a food.
That is necessity which cannot be dispensed with
That is no country for old men
That is no creature of God-Amanda Krueger
That is none of your business, Earthman. <Fredric Brown/All Good Bems>
That is not a Borg identification, you are now 3 of 32 billion.
That is not a demand, that is a solid fact!
That is not a weakness... that is life - Picard
That is not acceptable, Mister Data. -- Remick
That is not an option, Mr. Mulder - Deep Throat
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
That is not demonstrable.
That is not what room service means on Earth.
That is of course an internal Cardassian matter. - Sisko
That is ok for amateur uses, but not for commercial or BBS uses.
That is one BAAAD end table!! - Earthworm Jim
That is one magic loog'ee! (Jerry)
That is perfect which is complete in all its parts
That is ridiculous.
That is so amazingly amazing I thin
That is so amazingly amazing I think I'd like to steal it
That is some outfit. It makes you look like a homosexual.(McBain)
That is tagline is TRUE *> <* That tagline is FALSE
That is the Dog Star. And over here is the Kitty Star
That is the exact question that I would like to know.
That is the kind of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put!
That is the one you will speak to. Chakotay
That is the quick and dirty way.
That is the sickest thing you've ever done... -- Joel
That is the sort of English up with which I will not put. (Winston Churchill)
That is the total and absolute generalization...well, almost
That is the true beginning of our end. -- Shakespeare
That is the worst chunka'crap monster I've ever seen -Tom
That is totally uncalled for!!!!! - Fred Findling
That is weird, do we have a "Rod Serling BBS" in the net somewhere?
That is what I'd call a dead parrot!
That is what Netmail is for, after all.
That is why I am your King!
That is why Kosh cannot leave his encounter suit. --Delenn.
That is why my phone bill was $978.37! My wife is BBS hunting again!
That is why the lady is a champ - Tom sings
That is, IF you can think of 50 tag lines
That isn't possible. - Scully
That isn't possible. Nothing could do that. Rizzo
That isn't very reassuring - C3P0
That isn't very reassuring. -C3PO
That just doesn't add up, Tom said, nonplussed
That just wasn't good enough for you, was it?! - Intendant
That keyboard may have a lack of intelligence at the other end.
That kidney you donated to me really hit the spot. - Burns to Smithers
That kind of man doesn't give up. - McCoy
That kind of monster was called a werewolf. - The Stand
That kind of talk tightens my colon. - Frank Burns
That lady has an ice-bag on her head! -- Crow T. Robot
That last tagline really stirred something up inside me. Dax
That law is the best which leaves the least discretion to the judge
That light at the end of the tunnel is a train
That lightening sounds close..#~@$#$%$^..NO CARRIER
That lightning sounds clos\#)!&^#~%##% NO CARRIER
That little 'droid's going to get me in a lot of trouble
That little bitch! - Tom after girl turns into a dog
That little droid and I have been through a lot together. - Luke
That little faggot's got his own jet airplane
That little faggot--he's a millionaire!
That little minx! - Joel on leading lady
That little waltz may have just cost you your life--Vinnie.
That long black cloud is comin' down. I feel I'm knockin' on Heaven's door. - Bob Dylan
That looks like a snake! - Walter Ekland
That looks like a...Romulan warbir.....NO CARRIER
That looks like a...Romulan warbirëôûûýNO CARRIER
That looks like something I sifted out of the litter box!
That looks sharp! You wouldn't cut me would you? -- Kearne
That made me snicker, actually. - Anna Steven
That made water come out my eyes... <sniff> - Freakazoid
That makes a woman happy? Mail packets & Chocolate!
That makes marriage the leading cause of divorce !
That makes me feel a whole lot better. Paris
That makes me warm and squishy. Either that, or I need diapers. - Dot
That makes me yearn for a $5 hotdog! - Mike on airport
That makes me yearn for a $5 hotdog! -- Mike Nelson
That makes my stomach woozy - Crow on bubbling apparatus
That makes perfect sense. Perfectly __________ sense !
That makes us MR. AND MRS. Psychopath, DOESN'T IT? - Ned/NED&STACEY
That malfunctioning little twerp - C3P0
That malfunctioning little twerp, he tricked me - C3P0
That man has a _very_ faulty memory! - Lois Lane
That man is a Politician - set Phasers to KILL!
That man is not truly brave who is afraid either to seem or to be, when it suits him, a coward. - Edgar Allan Poe
That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest
That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. - Thoreau
That man is scum! ..Then call me Mrs. Scum!
That man was Gabrial Bell. Sisko
That man's silence is wonderful to listen to. - Thomas Hardy
That march, I wish everyone could have seen it! J.Helms
That married couples can live together day after day is a miracle that the Vatican has overlooked. --Bill Cosby
That may be the first time any man has dared insult me.
That may be the first time any man has dared insult me.
That may cause my violin strings to snap, was Tom's gut reaction.
That may not be wise. - Spock
That may well be so true, but my mind working am not
That means nearly 20 people watched! - EWJ
That means she's probably nearby. Sisko
That mechanical beastie is up here. - Scott
That medium did a bad job, Tom said disspiritedly.
That message had all the subtlety of the ear scene from RESERVOIR DOGS
That message sucked so hard it gave me a hickey.
That message ticked me off as well
That message ticked me off as well - Don Horton
That message ticked me off as well.
That mild speed lift...shooting freeze dried Folgers
That milk is going to be awfully chocolatey.
That mountain doesn't reach all the way to the ground
That movie was very stupid... take it from an optimist like me.
That much is certain. -Spock
That music is kinda nice - my compliments to the clef.
That must be tempting. - Beverly
That must be wonderful! I don't understand it at all.
That must be wonderful, I have no idea what it means.
That must be wonderful. I don't understand it at all
That must be wonderful: I don't understand it at all. -- Moliere
That must be wonderful; I have no idea of what it means.--Moliere
That must have been an awful lot of Vaseline to cart around.-Anna S
That must have cost you a fortune in stamps, Ring.
That name no longer has any meaning to me. - Vader
That name no longer has any meaning to us.
That name sounds familiar. - Scully
That nerdy Bill Gates is a Romulan spy.
That new bra makes you look WONderful!, Tom said upliftingly
That no cookie! - Short Round
That no flesh should glory in his presence. (1CO 1:29)
That no-one ever reads these things?
That noise you just heard was Betty Crocker rolling over in her grave.
That nutty moon maiden - Joel on alien girl
That old Velveeta really sticks like glue!
That old sourpuss is our control operator, Lisa Hayes. -Roy Fokker
That olive stuck its pimento out at me!
That one I gotta write down. - Trapper (and tagline writers <G>)
That one hit hard - Joel on Crow's cutdown
That one looks like a dragon. . Spock on cloud
That one slice was probably the whole loaf
That one who said Whatever goes up must come down has not tried to check the price of houses lately
That one will GROAN on you for a few weeks!
That one wouldn't lower his guard for his own grandmother!
That one's ripped put on this red one þ Kirk
That one. She's not afraid of silence-Crow on voodoo girl
That only puts another dollar in the bank of permissiveness. - Frank
That otta send you to the Funk'n'Wagnells <- check sp pls
That ought to blow some circuits at NASA! -C&H on Mars
That ought to keep you and TagDude busy for awhile! :-)
That oughta hold him for about six hours. McCoy
That oughta keep the little squirts happy. YES! - Brain
That oughta shut you up for awhile! - Malachite
That outfit would look great all over my bedroom floor!
That packet of assorted miseries which we call a ship
That packet of assorted miseries which we call a ship -- RUDYARD KIPLING
That parrot is definitely deceased
That parrot is not dead,its pining for the fjords
That parrot wouldn't VOOOM if you put 4 million volts through it!
That parrot's not dead, he's pining for the fjords!
That part is bad which accords not with the whole
That penny pincher wants to be addressed formally, Tom surmised.
That person is a couple of tapes short of a full backup
That pig's about as smart as a bag of hammers
That place is so crowded no one ever goes there anymore. - Yogi Berra
That planet is off the table and into somebody's pint of beer
That polyester suit is gonna go up in a blaze - Tom
That poor guy doesn't have a fighting partner! - Mike
That probe will never break free, Captain. Kim
That problem has finally been solutioned.
That proceedure is not recommended. - Enterprise Computer
That proceedure is not recommended. - Enterprise Computer
That profession is illegal here. Supposedly.
That provided much needed comic relief - Mike
That provided much needed comic relief... -- Mike Nelson
That puts me on the edge of my teeth.
That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile long!
That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile long!
That race was all about competition
That really wasn't very nice. Hardly sporting. - Ward
That really ùisù a gun in my pocket
That recipe is TRUE - - That recipe is FALSE
That reminds me of a goat named Gretchen I knew in Vermont. That goat would wait for me with that evil look in her eye
That reminds me of the cannibal that passed his friend in the woods
That restaurant is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.
That robot's wearing a fig leaf! - Crow on apron
That robot's wearing a fig leaf! -- Crow T. Robot
That rodent's go' a viscious streak a mile wide!
That saves me from having to give you a history lesson. - O'Brien2
That says it all.
That scene was a load of crap! - Crow
That scene was a load of crap! -- Crow T. Robot
That sea of shallow faces masked i warm regret
That sea of shallow faces masked i warm regret - Sarah McLachlan
That secret you've been guarding, isn't.
That seems to be the general consensus. Bashir
That seems to be what's triggering my time shifts. O'Brien
That self-richeous doo-gooder. Q
That self-righteous do-gooder! - Q
That sensor ghost is moving closer. Spock
That ship is acting against Bajoran interests. - Kira
That ship isn't leaving till _I_ say it is! - Kira
That ship was constructed for a suicide mission. Spock
That ship. While I was asleep, it sang to me
That shirt looks very becoming on you....of course if I were on you I'd be coming too
That shirt's ripped. Put on this red one. -Kirk
That shoe fits him like a glove.
That shoots that theory to hell. - Al Calavicci
That should be satisfactory. - Krax
That should clear out your sinuses.
That should do it! --Hercules
That should do it. How does it feel? Doctor
That should give you a rough idea, anyways.
That should keep the invisible recipes turned on.
That should make a good specimen. - Kirk
That should more than take care of the Founders. -- Garek
That should please those little S.o.b.s - Gabbo
That sign really seduces you into buying a burger - Mike
That signal originated in the Alpha Quadrant. Tuvok
That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once
That smells like a skunk, Tom said instinctively.
That soldier of fortune is a man called Paladin!
That some things are better left buried. - Mulder (Teso Dos Bichos)
That song was pretty white. - F. Zappa, HEAD
That sound like a wonderful idea... Troi
That sounded better before I said it.
That sounded like Laura leaping to her death. --Joel Hodgson.
That sounded like a very intense discussion. Guinan
That sounds GOOD to me!!
That sounds great, so go on.. Last I wished for a little head
That sounds like Steve taking a slug from a .30-06 - Crow
That sounds like a cause of death, not a 'condition'! - Ragnell
That sounds like a nibble to me. Chakotay
That sounds like a painful reality. - Spock
That sounds like a wonderful idea... Troi
That sounds like animals. - Picard
That speal had a point, but I forgot what it was.
That spear looks VERY nasty, Tom said pointedly.
That spot on Gorbachev's head? Herpes! Trust me! - Krusty
That spot: I spilled acid there a year ago. McCoy
That square bugs me! He really bugs me! -- Joel Robinson
That square bugs me! He really bugs me! - Joel as biker
That star is Canopus, said Tom outlandishly.
That statement is false-> <-That statement is true
That still leaves us with the question 'why?' Odo
That stuff is lying around just waiting to be picked up. - The Stand
That stump throwing sonova'bitch - Crow as Mongol
That stupid Tears Routine doesn't work on me! NYEAH!
That stupid squarehead - Crow
That sucking sound? The Clinton presidency being flushed in '96!
That sucks. How 'bout 'Alligators bit off my face.' -- Bart
That summer wind was all around me.
That tag line is TRUE -> <- That tag line is FALSE
That tag line is false => <= No, THAT one is false
That tagline is TRUE -> "x" <- That tagline is FALSE.
That tagline is TRUE -> <- That tagline is FALSE
That tagline is not recommended
That tagline is so old it's given me montior burn
That tagline is true --> <-- That tagline is fals
That tagline is true --- --- That tagline is false
That tagline was a STEAL!
That tavern's ale is a *great* Molotov cocktail.
That tears it... -Annie
That that is is
That that is is not that that is not.
That that is is that that is not is not
That the Bible sustains a wrong can never make it right
That the place you have been confused by the text
That the sky is brighter than the earth means little unless the earth itself is appreciated and enjoyed. - Helen Keller
That the sun shines tommorow is a judgement that is as true as the contrary judgement. - David Hume
That the thing may rather have effect than be destroyed
That there is one of them new car boats. - State Trooper (L.A.L.D.)
That thickheaded Vulcan stamina. - McCoy
That thing CUT me! Ooooooooh! - Crow
That thing has all the earmarks of an eyesore,,,
That thing in his butt is linked up to the visitors! - Kyle, South Park
That thing in his butt is linked up to the visitors! - Kyle, South Park
That thing is virtually made out of stone! - McCoy
That thing looked like the Manson family Christmas Special
That thing murdered one of my crewmen!! - Kirk
That thing must be destroyed! Decker
That thing on the sidewalk wasn't a tootsie roll afterall!
That thing you ate only *looked* like a Snickers bar.
That thing's no more alive than I am! -- Crow
That thing's operational...Pull up!
That threw cold water on everything - Tom on crossbow
That tickles! Zek
That time has come, and not that time has gone.
That touches my huge heart - Mike as fat Russian
That train ran over my dicksaid Tom, going off « cocked
That unit is a woman.
That unit is a woman. - Spock to Nomad on Uhura
That unit is a woman. A mass of conflicting impulses. Spock and Nomad
That unit is defective. - Nomad on Uhura
That used to be my favorite song, until just now.
That user posesses corbomite devices, flame at your own risk.
That wall there? Holy cats! - Dr. Forrester
That wanker Mat Bettinson file attached AmigaGuide to Arexx to SlimeLite
That was *just* good enough that I'll probably let you live. - JMS
That was *not* manual override. -- Data
That was *retract* plank, not *remove*. -- Picard
That was GREAT! Now go get me cold beer and a cigarette.
That was MY order, Captain! Baris
That was NOT cool. - Butt-Head
That was NOT manual override! - Data.
That was ZEN -- this is TAO
That was Zen, this is Tao.
That was Zen. This is Tao. -- Peter da Silva
That was Zen... this is Dao
That was Zen; this is Tao.
That was _not_ manual override-Data
That was a 7.2 on the Sphincter Scale!!
That was a GOOD CRAP! - Mike as tough lady enters
That was a GREAT scene - Mike sarcastically
That was a HOOT!
That was a JOKE, son! A JOKE!
That was a Pinto! - Joel on burning car
That was a bus... He killed a bus... -- Don Yemano
That was a close one!
That was a dirty trick, Pierce. - Col. Blake
That was a fascinating period of time for electronics.
That was a favor I did you?
That was a filthy crack. Speaking of filthy cracks, how's your mother?
That was a fine novel.
That was a gas attack? -- White Knight
That was a great message. Mind if I make a recipe out of it?
That was a helluva' meat loaf! - Mike
That was a joke . Steph wasn't that a joke or did I lie again?
That was a message? I thought it was modem noise.
That was a perimiter warning from the Remla array. Data
That was a pointing device? My cat thought it was dinner.
That was a pretty nice move! - O'Brien2
That was a pretty real illusion, Mr. Spock. - McCoy
That was a river, this is the ocean.
That was a stitch! - Dr. Forrester laughs
That was a very ugly thing you just said -- Keiko
That was a wonderful date, Tom said in Dutch.
That was an act of unmitigated Gall, I admire Gall. - Worf
That was an especially good one.
That was an interesting program. - Troi to Worf
That was an interesting trick. Can you do it again?
That was another...Useless Fact
That was as clean as a whistle. - O'Brien
That was before I found out I could bluff his socks off. - O'Brien
That was before my hedgehog accident, but I'm feeling MUCH better now.
That was beyond the limits of good taste. - Beavis
That was close! - Ro Laren
That was cool! huh huh huh
That was deep. Dot, Animaniacs
That was definately the LAST bug! ;-)
That was definately the LAST bug, take my word for it.
That was definitely the LAST bug!
That was definitely the LAST bug, take my word for it.
That was different. It was only research to him. - Odo
That was easy, can we have another test daddy???
That was either Superman or dad falling off the roof
That was falling with style. -- Woody
That was fast! Tom quickly exclaimed.
That was first-degree toastercide! - Talkie Toaster
That was going to be my question - Troi
That was good, but. @@@@@@@hhh, I wanna do it again! - Yakko
That was gratuitous! - Tom as guy gets whipped
That was great. I've never been handled like that - Crow
That was him, Scully. That was Big Blue - Mulder (3x22)
That was intended from the beginning, Captain. Thelev
That was interesting. Not at all insulting. -- Mike Nelson
That was irrational of you, not to mention unsportsman like. - Roy Batty
That was just _make-believe_. - O'Brien
That was massive, man. You could say that for years, and it would always sound different.
That was me! Thanx a lot! B-) Uhhhh, do you got any Sysop Taglines?
That was me! Thanx a lot! B-) Uhhhh, do you got any Sysop Taglines?
That was more than your job. You enjoyed it. - Picard
That was my dad. - Garibaldi So much for genetics. - Franklin
That was my good friend, Mr. Garibaldi - Londo
That was my guess, too. Janeway
That was my old prom theme!
That was my virgin alarm. Its programed to go off before you do!
That was nice..... Let's do it more often
That was no jump. We've been hit. - Sheridan
That was no lady, that was my rent-to-own
That was no laser blast! Something hit us. - Han Solo
That was not a luxery that I was afforded. - Richard Franklin
That was not my first choice. -Brain
That was not nice
That was number TWO!!! - Crow
That was obviously some sort of commentary - Calvin
That was one high colonic! - Tom as hero
That was one monkey who was hurtin' for certain. - The Stand
That was one unstable octopus!
That was one weird-assed movie - Tom
That was one weird-assed movie. -- Tom Servo
That was painful and dumb... - F! Narrator
That was painful and dumb... - Freakazoid Narrator
That was perfect! - Ed Wood
That was pretty disgusting, Joel... -- Tom Servo
That was pretty fast for someone who agreed not to use her powers!
That was quite a blast. POW! - Die Fladermaus [The Tick]
That was really beautiful, Chief. Bashir
That was really uncalled for, Senator @TOLAST@
That was really uncalled for, Senator Bullitt.
That was really uncalled for, Senator Orville.
That was roughing. At least let us scrape him off the field. - Chef
That was setting #1. Anyone want to see setting #2?
That was so fast, can you show me one more time? -- Troi
That was so funny, I laughed 'til I stopped.
That was so good even the neighbours lit cigarettes
That was such an ordeal! -- Joel Robinson
That was tasteless, vulger and discusting...got any more???
That was the Joker! I cussed out the Joker!!!
That was the Mulderism that should've been!
That was the Sheewash Drive, said Goth
That was the WORST tasting jello I ever had...Odo? Odo?!
That was the advice of my public-screaching teacher.
That was the beer that made Mel Faymee walk us!
That was the beer that made Mel Faymee walk us!
That was the day my dead pet returned to save my life.
That was the first time you've blown HIM up. - Zorak (SGC2C)
That was the incredible action sequence - Tom on dullness
That was the inspiration for "Ren & Stimpy."
That was the mission where James Kirk was killed. - Riker
That was the most cruelest, evilest thing you've ever done to me! -Alyx
That was the most unheard-of thing I've ever heard!
That was the reaction I was looking for, yes. <g> - Anna Steven
That was the stun setting. This is not. --Data
That was the stun setting. *bleep* This is not. - Data
That was then and this is NOW!
That was then, this is now.
That was totally convincing, wasn't it? * Kryten
That was truly... unique. -- Picard
That was unpleasant. - The Brain
That was very amusing
That was very clever Benjamin! - Intendant
That was very rude, blasting me like that.-Nameless Beast on EWJim
That was very therapeutic. - Brain
That was vivid wasn't it children?
That was your first lesson. Remember it. Apollo
That was zen. This is now.
That was, I said, that was a JOKE son! - F. Leghorn
That was, I say, that *was* a joke, son. -- F. Leghorn
That was, as I'm sure you realized, only elf funny.
That was....rude and completely uncalled for! - Yeoman Rand
That wasn't Fudge! That was the Dogs
That wasn't Sinbad. -- Gypsy
That wasn't a TURN, more of a slight VEER! - Bullwinkle J. Moose
That wasn't a bowl of oatmeal! That was Odo!
That wasn't a demi-lich you just stepped on, was it?
That wasn't a dream Cartman, those were visitors! - Stan, South Park
That wasn't a vote for Clinton - it was a vote for Socks!
That wasn't an office building, it was an abattoir
That wasn't funny, dumbass!
That wasn't in the manual, I don't know. - George [Seinfeld]
That wasn't included in the data you sent us. - O'Brien
That wasn't me. My farts smell like candy!
That wasn't my typo, the keyboard went Devorak on me.
That wasn't so bad, was it? - Kirk
That wasn't supposed to happen! - Wesley
That wasn't supposed to happen! -- Wesley Crusher
That wasn't telepathy, that was common sense.
That we can go through life without offending anyone is offensive!
That we don't have a caffeine-making gland, proves there is no God.
That well-known purveyor of fine wines, Wal-Mart. <snork> <snork>
That went well. - Yakko
That which I may defeat by my entry, I make good by my confirmation
That which can be imagined can also actually be reality.
That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart.
That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart. DMURPHY'S LAW
That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart. ÄEdsil Murphy
That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart. ÄMURPHY'S LAW
That which does kill me makes me undead
That which does not destroy me makes me stronger. - Nietzche
That which does not destroy, strengthens. - Nietzsche
That which does not is again. So there
That which does not kill me better make damn sure I don't get back up!
That which does not kill me better run away damn fast!
That which does not kill me came damn near once
That which does not kill me does not kill me.
That which does not kill me had better be able to run away damn fast
That which does not kill me had better not let me up!
That which does not kill me had better run away damn fast!
That which does not kill me has but seconds to live.
That which does not kill me is dead when I'm through with it
That which does not kill me makes me smarter, except for oxygen deprivation
That which does not kill me makes me stranger
That which does not kill me pisses me off
That which does not kill me, better be able to run DAMN fast.
That which does not kill me, does not kill me. <Whew!>
That which does not kill me, only makes me stronger. - Nietzche
That which does not kill me...probably missed!
That which does not kill us had better watch its back!
That which does not kill us is below us on the food chain
That which does not kill us makes us stranger. - Goodchild/AEON FLUX
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
That which does not kill us powers up our weapons
That which does not kill us strengthens us
That which does not kill us took its ball and went home.
That which does not kill us..will be darn funny some day.
That which does not kill you , makes you stronger
That which does not kill you... really hurts!
That which doesn't crash the network will make it stronger
That which doesn't kill me had better run away damn fast.
That which doesn't kill us is below us on the food chain
That which doesn't kill you serves to make you stronger
That which is LEEEEEEEECHed is meant to be shared
That which is called firmness in a king is called obstinacy in a donkey. - Lord Erskine
That which is done before the naked stars is remembered.
That which is escaped now is pain to come. Proverb
That which is hateful to you, do not do to others
That which is imperfect must be sterilized. Nomad
That which is incapable of proof itself is not proof of anything else. -Shelley
That which is infinite or endless is reprehensible in law
That which is most beautiful...is often evil in disguise.
That which is most common is most often the most obscure!
That which is not eternal is already outdated
That which is not eternal is already outdated. - C. S. Lewis
That which is not good for the swarm, neither is it good for the bee
That which is not otherwise permitted, necessity allows!
That which is permitted only at a loss, is not permitted to be done
That which is the principal part of a thing is the thing itself
That which kills me, REALLY PISSES ME OFF!! -Guyver A
That which kills you makes you... well, dead
That which maybe done only at a loss is not allowed to be done.
That which we resist the most is what we become
That which you haven't achieved can hardly be called your own.
That whisteling among the clapping? Swedes giving standing ovations
That white smoke is starting to piss me off! - Butt-Head
That will *probably* take care of the problem
That will be the essence of the teaching
That will become clear very shortly -- Sela
That will do it. Borg Moderator: Your Topic Is Irrelevant
That will have to do, Mr. Scott.
That will really help the centuries fly by. - Rimmer
That will teach exactly what to whom?
That without substance can enter where there is no room-Tao Te Ching
That wizard did a bad job, Tom said disenchantedly.
That woman gave you a dirty look! What woman? Mother Nature!
That woman speaks eight languages and can't say "no" in any of them
That woman speaks eight languages and can't say "no" in any of them. -- Dorothy Parker
That woman's [Hillary] eaten more p*ssy than I have.-Bill, per Flowers
That won't be necessary. - Kira
That won't bother me....I've eaten 'eads before!
That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.
That worked! - Duncan MacLeod
That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment. --Dorothy Parker, 'But the One on the Right,' in New Yorker, 1929
That would be a logical conclusion. -- Tuvok
That would be a logical conclusion. -- Tuvok
That would be a specialty bread - Crow
That would be cool. I'll go get the pliers. - Butt-Head
That would be inadvisable, sir. - Data
That would be inconceivable.
That would be inconvenient, but acceptable. - Tuvok
That would be inconvenient.....but acceptable.
That would be suicidal. - Dax
That would be telling
That would be very much appreciated. - Sisko
That would have worked if the rubber band hadn't broke!
That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.
That would have worked, if the rubber band hadn't broken.
That would involve the use of Klingon pain sticks. Data
That would just stunt our development - Crow to Mike
That would make an excellent mini-golf course.
That would make it more like a virus. - O'Brien
That would make you a bartender's bartender. - Don Horton
That would mean a significant course change. Janeway
That would not be an accurate perception...-Tuvok
That would not be an atypical Romulan ploy
That would not be appropriate, Captain. Neelix
That would seem logical. Spock
That wouldn't happen to be your famous Refrigerator Mold Pie? -Earl
That wuz cool, There is none higher. Ennhh Ehhnnn Uhh Huhh Huhhh
That you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear
That young insect is female, said Tom gallantly.
That young insect is male, said Tom buoyantly.
That your leg? - Crow after guy fell onto another guy
That'd be great. Thanks. - Garibaldi to Sinclair
That'll be a 10 on the "Whoops" Scale! - Peter Puppy, Jim's sidekick
That'll be all. Thank you. Drive through
That'll be enough of that! - Dot
That'll be the day when -OINK OINK FLAP FLAP- Well I'll be darn
That'll be the day! -- Picard
That'll be two cents, please
That'll break your neck! - Mr. Perfect, on the Rocker Dropper
That'll holdem awwighthahahahahaha. -- Elmer Fudd
That'll keep the wolves away! -- Joel Robinson
That'll keep you going for the show
That'll keep you going through the show - come on it's time to go
That'll probably be the part of that's gonna get eaten first. - Earl
That'll put a kink in his colon! - Col. Potter
That'll teach you to play with your nibs! - Mutant Raccoon
That'll teach your mom to service the family dog!
That's "It's time for another Good Idea/Bad Idea!"
That's $4.99 please pull ahead! - Frank to Dr. Forrester
That's 'Big-boo-tay'! <John Bigbootie>
That's 'Buck' with a 'B'. Sheriff Buck
That's 'G-R-A-T-E Expectations,' also by Edmund Wells.
That's 'Whitewater investigation', Janet, not 'white wash'
That's *Judge* Q to you! -Q
That's *MISTER* Cthulhu to you, buddy!
That's *MISTER* Stinking-Rotten-Mouthpiece to you! -- Tom Servo
That's *Master* Q to you, you foolish, fragile non-entity!
That's *three* words. Bashir
That's *too* bad! - Quark
That's *why* I'm in the basement, Scully! - Mulder (Piper Maru)
That's -*Mister*- Idiot, to you!
That's /it/ Pervert! MARS...POWER! MARS...FIRESTORM...FLASH!
That's 1 giant step for man, & 1 bad day for that guy.-Darkwing Duck
That's 2 minutes in the penalty box for clipping. - Rita
That's 500 people we talked to today. Bashir
That's @fn@...with a love for animals that's almost illegal!
That's A Ten-Four, Good Buddy - By C. B. Radio
That's Absolutely Correct, Stupid! - Ren.
That's Adolf Hitler--leader of the runner-up in WWII. -Rimmer
That's Adolph Hitler! He was the leader of the runner up in WWII.
That's Adolph Hitler- Leader of the runner up in WWII. - Rimmer
That's Australian for BBS, mate.
That's Bond, James Bond, double-oh-seven
That's Captain Q to you young man! -- Q
That's Captain Q to you! -- Q
That's Cauchy calling. --when the phone rang
That's Clara's wrestling name - Mike
That's Crow. I'm Tom. And I'll get Mike... -- Tom Servo
That's DEEP!
That's Da Vinchi! That's delightful!
That's Dr. Karbunke to you! - Karbunkle
That's ENOUGH! Sisko
That's French for "When we finish off the Super Villains". - The Tick
That's George "Just say no to Broccoli" Bush
That's Gravy?! I Thought The Dog Had Gotten Sick! --Tom.
That's Gypsy. She's in Financial - Joel
That's Hoek you idiot! Not HoOoOook! -- Ren
That's Homer Simpson, Sir. He's a drone from Sector 7-G. - Smithers
That's Homer Simpson, one of the carbon blobs in sector 7-G - Smithers
That's Homer Simpson, sir, he's a drone in Sector 7-G - Smithers
That's Homer Simpson, sir. He's a drone in Sector 7-G
That's Homer Simpson. One of the carbon blobs in sector 7-G
That's It Ren!, We Broke It Too Many Times - Stimpy.
That's It! I'm Calling Grandma!
That's It, Poles Up, You Just Scared Away, All The Fish!!! - Ren.
That's John Gill! Kirk
That's Kodos. The Executioner. Dr. Thomas Leighton
That's MISTER Faggot to you, mate!
That's MISTRESS Uhura, slave kirk. YOU open the hailing frequencies!
That's MR. Almighty to you!
That's MR. Banana Beak to you! - Zazu
That's MR. HORTON to YOU
That's MR. Potato Head to you, you backstabbing murderer!
That's Martinus, if I wanted two, I'd ask for them.
That's Mick Jagger's cloud. Stay off it! -- Tom Servo
That's Mick Jagger's cloud. Stay off it - Tom on Heaven
That's Missile Mike. It's one of our children's shows. -Murray
That's Mister Idiot to you!
That's Mr. McFly, to you!
That's Ms. Bitch to you!
That's My Baby... She Can Be All Four Seasons In One Day... (Sting)
That's NOT funny, Adam! Beam up the clothes TOO!!
That's NOT our system. <Ripley>
That's OK. We just wanted the oil. - Yakko
That's PervERT until I see your money. - Frumple
That's Right Jump For Daddy - Victor's Dad.
That's Right... Ice... man... I am dangerous. -Maverick
That's SAINT nikolai to you, buddy!
That's Sergeant Big Butt To You! - Big Butt.
That's Sunday at the building with the big pointy thing at the top!
That's Val-dos-ta, *not* Val-dough-sta.
That's WOMAN School - Crow on credit "Girlschool"
That's Whitewater investigation Janet, not white wash.
That's Why God Invented Grenade Launchers!
That's Why I Just Fixed Up This Nice Big Pail Of Chum. - Ren.
That's [personal trained pigs] what my parents call you. Chelsea to SS
That's _exactly_ what I was going to ask. - McCoy
That's `Mister Lister' to you.--Lister
That's `Mr. Lister' to you - Lister
That's `retract the plank' Number One. Not `remove' - Picard, ST:G
That's a *Star Trek* Tagline! >;-> ... I thought ... well, O.K
That's a *bad* thing?"-Mulder to astrologist on a planetary alignment
That's a 40-pound butt in 30-pound butt capacity pants!
That's a Human? (Chrysta) Yes, yes! Catch it! Kill it! Cage it!
That's a Jiffy Pop hat - Crow on Palance's odd hat
That's a Jiffy Pop hat! -- Crow T. Robot
That's a Klingon ship! Scott
That's a Mr. Burger Buster Bomb - Joel
That's a Mr. Burger Buster Bomb! -- Joel Robinson
That's a Satanic lie: The Bible was written in English. R. Stokes
That's a Spam and rat tart of a different color
That's a Starfleet expression for 'get out.' Janeway
That's a TagLine son. You're suppos--I say, you're supposed to laugh.
That's a big NFW. DeJohn
That's a big leap, Data. - La Forge
That's a big no-can-do. <Buckaroo Banzai>
That's a big one! - Barbara Matson
That's a big ten-forty, Roger, over and out! - The Tick
That's a bit like using an elephant gun to kill a housefly. - Jean
That's a boy, keep it up. Work off a little sweat... - McCoy
That's a certain way to get ripped off.
That's a chain reaction, Tom said atomically.
That's a chance I'll have to take. - Sisko
That's a chance we're going to have to take. - Janeway
That's a cheap motivational ploy. What, you don't see through that?
That's a cocktail waitress with a Dolly Parton wig.
That's a common language of micros, said Tom basically
That's a cute goat, kidded Picard
That's a delicate piece of transporter work - Sisko
That's a different horse of the same color
That's a dilly of a pickle! - Ned Flanders
That's a dragonfly, dear. But Mommy, what's he draggin'?
That's a duck-sensitive bomb. <click>->KA-BOOM!!!<-
That's a finely calibrated piece of investigative equipment. - Mulder
That's a good idea, Jim, but syrup won't stop 'em.
That's a good philosophy of life, actually. - Anna Steven
That's a good start for EVERBODY, you pathetic loser!
That's a good way to go - Crow as girl leg-scissors guy
That's a great answer! Now, what was my question again?
That's a great answer...what was the question again?
That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?
That's a head? I thought it was a watermellon.
That's a heck of a right you've got. Hades to --Hercules
That's a hope I can assure you we share. - Sisko
That's a keyboard!? Well no wonder my programs look like sheet music!
That's a laugh, everyone knows it builds up muscle tone. - Bibi
That's a leap into the stupidity abyss that I won't be making.
That's a lie! *Dax*
That's a lie! Tom said in falsetto.
That's a lie! said Tom in falsetto.
That's a lie. - Bester Yes it is. What's your point? - Jeff
That's a lie. Bester
That's a little simplistic, don't you think?
That's a lizard from pet world! - Tom on cheesy dinosaur
That's a lizard from pet world! -- Tom Servo
That's a load of Bravo Sierra -- G. Gordon Liddy
That's a long sentence & you're probably tired - Frank
That's a lot more mature than I think I care to be. - - Calvin
That's a lot of Yamok sauce. - Nog
That's a lot of fabric to be wearing on a cycle. -- Crow
That's a lot of fabric to wear on a cycle... -- Joel Robinson
That's a lot of firepower just to protect Mother Nature. - Mulder
That's a lot of flannel to be choking down, even for Bigfoot.-Mulder
That's a nice drawing. What is it?
That's a nice dress - could I talk you out of it?
That's a nice shirt...could I talk you out of it?
That's a pain that's going to linger. -the Brain
That's a pretty smile... When do I get to see the real you?
That's a promise, Tuvok. Janeway
That's a question I don't get asked very often. - Dax
That's a rather personal question, sir!
That's a rather tander subject... Another slice anyone? - Frank
That's a rather tender subject. Anyone care for another slice? --Frank
That's a rather tender subject... Another slice, anyone? -Frank
That's a really nice smile you've got, shame that's not all you are wearing
That's a scientist for you... -- Joel Robinson
That's a security seal.You need an EJ7 interlock to close it. -O'Brien
That's a sensitive spot there! - Frank w/dino in pants
That's a simple task, Pinky
That's a slogan, not an answer. - Martok
That's a smug aura of respectability you see in a mirror?
That's a strange expression, Bruce.
That's a tagline, son - you're supposed to laugh.
That's a tagline, son. You're suppos--I say, you're supposed to laugh.
That's a terrible thing to do to a cute little gerbil!!
That's a thought
That's a very Russian attitude. I commend you. - Susan Ivanova (B5)
That's a very Russian attitude... I commend you. - Ivanova
That's a very large shark
That's a very large shark, said Tom superficially.
That's a very lovely dress, Mrs. Cleaver.-Eddie Haskell
That's a very vaginal response!
That's a weird hat - Crow on girls odd hairdo
That's a yahtzee.-- Crow T. Robot
That's a..spicy meatball! - The Mask
That's about all there is to it :-).
That's about as funny as a beer-fart in a space suit!
That's about as serious as I get! <grin>
That's about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
That's about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
That's about the sum of it.
That's absolutely correct, Neil. We'll have to kill him first!
That's absolutely disgusting....Do it again, quick!
That's absurd.No Bajoran interests are even involved here. -I.Tandro
That's all Folks
That's all I can stanz, I can't stanz no more. (Popeye)
That's all I could stomach. If you want any more, you know where to find it. -J
That's all I have to say about that
That's all I have to say about that. -- Forrest Gump
That's all I have to say about that....
That's all I need for now. - Ro Laren
That's all I need to know. - Odo
That's all I think about: sleeping with a giant. (George)
That's all I've become to you: a pair of dirty hands. <L. Olivier>
That's all I've become to you: a pair of dirty hands. Laurence Olivier
That's all for Annoying Music Night - Crow
That's all for Annoying Music Night. -- Crow T. Robot
That's all right, dear. Just eat around the tire marks.
That's all there is to it. Janeway
That's all they'd need. But will they do it? All together now!-A.S
That's all we needed, a Druish Princess
That's all you need; if you are a damned fool. - Beverly
That's all. See you later - Gypsy writes Adam West
That's all? Thanks? - Londo
That's allright I know your sister too.
That's alright, forget about it. - O'Brien
That's alright, they won't get far. - Kira
That's alright. I'd like to keep it on manual control for awhile.
That's alright. I'd like to keep it on manual for awhile.-Luke
That's always nice to hear. - Sisko
That's always the way when you discover something new; everyone thinks you're crazy. -- Evelyn E. Smith
That's an Aardvark of a different color
That's an assortment of "dad" bodies -Mike on flabby guys
That's an interesting cane. Crusher
That's an interesting challenge. - Ro Laren
That's an interesting stain. How'd it get there? -- Tom Servo
That's an odd name; mind if we call you Bruce?
That's an odd name; mind if we call you Bruce? --Monty Python
That's an odd nativity scene - Mike on people w/dead guy
That's an odd nativity scene... -- Mike Nelson
That's an onion in the ointment.. - Grampa
That's an original spur of the moment tagline!
That's an very important thought,, Tom said profoundly
That's as big as I can get it - Walt
That's as far as you go, Hercules! Nemesis
That's as high as we go for this particular garage. - Yakko
That's as may be, but it's still a frog!
That's as may be, it's *still* a frog.
That's as much as I dare do! - McCoy
That's as useless as a screen door in a submarine!
That's as useless as a trap door in a canoe!
That's as well said, as if I had said it my self.
That's because I was taking care of _you_ all night. - Kira
That's because I'm allergic to cranapple. - F!
That's because I'm allergic to cranapple. - Freakazoid
That's because I'm dead. Dead as a can of spam. - Rimmer
That's because I'm the son of God, brainiac. - Jesus (S.Park)
That's because your favorite charity is your own pocket. - Odo
That's blackmail!-Zale. That's right.-BJ. That's a deal.-Zale
That's called the 'Crappie' - Tom as girl flops on mat
That's calling the kettle black! -- Crow T. Robot
That's core for the parse.
That's cute, a zombie with a gas attack. Garibaldi
That's dating in the 90s. The EIGHTEEN 90s! Haha! - Mike
That's disgusting, but funny.
That's disgusting. Do it some more
That's downright disrespectful... -- Joel Robinson
That's easy for him to say!
That's easy. I'd kill him. Think about it. - Aahz
That's enough Data
That's enough for YOU, man! - Cheech & Chong
That's enough for now...... be careful.... there WILL be more
That's enough procedures for one day.
That's enough senseless violence for one day, little buddy. - EWJim
That's enough! You are grounded for ten days.
That's enough, Data!
That's enough, Data!
That's enough, Data. * Picard
That's enough, Joel! I can't take anymore! -- Crow
That's entertainment! - Vlad the Impaler
That's exactly how it seems. Kes
That's exactly what I'd call for. Doctor
That's exactly what they were trying to do. - Picard
That's fantastic! I could kiss you if you didn't have bad breath!
That's fine for me, but give the rest of 'em the cheap stuff. - B.P
That's fine in practice, but it'll never work in theory.
That's fine officer, but can I see your badge please?
That's for letting me think you were dead. Dax-2
That's for me to know and you to find out
That's for not keeping me up on script-changes! -- Joel
That's funny ... I don't remember seeing *you* here before!
That's funny `Ho-Ho.' I want funny `Ha-Ha.'
That's funny `Ho-Ho.' I want funny `Ha-Ha.' - Mr. Director (Animaniax)
That's funny coming from a spasmodic fractulator - Crow
That's funny ho-ho. I want funny ha-ha! * Animaniacs
That's funny, I didn't think I was edible.. :) -Dire Wolf
That's funny, I don't recall asking for your opinion
That's funny, I'm usually handcuffed by this point
That's funny, someone is usually handcuffed by this point
That's funny, the damage doesn't look as bad from out here.
That's funny, you don't LOOK Druish
That's funny, you're usually handcuffed by this point!
That's funny. - Batman
That's going to take several hours to setup & de-process. - Beverly
That's gone right up my flagpole, I'm saluting it! - Lister
That's good news. - Sisko
That's gotta be it! - O'Brien
That's gotta hurt! -- The Mask
That's gotta hurt. Hercules
That's grim deadline. - Scully
That's hamburger meat, you fool! - Pretorius
That's happened to me often enough when using TagX
That's highly illogical, Captain. They'll just steal the taglines.
That's his Star Trek fan club bolo tie - Tom
That's his job. He's head fink. -- Trapper, on Frank
That's history fulfilling itself. - Picard
That's how Cardassians... do... things. -- O'Brien
That's how I'm blowing up
That's how bold the stuff is, you little priss-ant! -- Crow
That's how it is for programs. - Tron
That's how they play the game, isn't it?
That's how we get out We're buying this place -- Riker
That's how whitey keeps us down! - Mike
That's how you're gonna beat 'em. They keep underestimatin' ya
That's illegal! M-O-O-N and that spells il-legal. - Tom Cullen
That's illogical captain, frog's can't flie
That's illogical, asswipe! - Butt-head of Vulcan
That's impossible! - Troi
That's impossible, even for Bob!
That's impossible, even for a computer!
That's impossible, even for a computer. - Wedge
That's impossible, even for you!
That's impossible. - Intendant
That's impossible. - Scully
That's inches away from being millimeter perfect.
That's interesting; never thought about it that way. - Mulder (Apocr)
That's it baby. When you got it, flaunt it. >Mel Brooks
That's it dear! You've RUINED Auschwitz for me!
That's it for now.......M.C.McCurry
That's it for now.......M.C.McCurry
That's it for today.
That's it man, GAME OVER MAN! Game over! - Hudson
That's it man, game over man, game over!
That's it! Game over! - Jake
That's it! I'm gonna be a monk! -- Crow T. Robot
That's it! We're outta here! -- Rita
That's it! - O'Brien
That's it! - Pesto
That's it! Go ahead and run. Run home and cry to mama! - Ash
That's it! I WANT a piece of steak!! - Crow T. Robot
That's it! I'm gonna be a monk - Crow T. Robot as couple kisses
That's it! I'm outta here! - Homer's brain
That's it! Kira
That's it! We're all the same schmuck! - Lenny Bruce
That's it!! I'll give you an eggroll! Here's your eggroll! - Sasha
That's it, I'm outta here! - Homer's brain
That's it, baby, work those ankels! -- Monty Burns
That's it, isn't it? Insecurity? McCoy
That's it, keep reading just a little longer
That's it, keep rubbing salt in the wound.. :) - Digital Shakespeare
That's it, little boy! - Crow yells at Tom
That's it, man. Game over.
That's it, that's the straw! - O'Brien
That's it, we're deader than platform shoes. - The Cat
That's it. Next time, you drive. -Porthios
That's it. Check your ticket stubs. We're all going to Hell.
That's it. Go! Kirk
That's it....spank me....- Harry, dancing
That's it? But you only made 23 moves. þ Pulaski
That's it?? That's the entire appeal process??!! Mallory
That's its power, and that's its flaw. Janeway on logic
That's just Spunky's way of saying he loves you. -Rocko
That's just a book of carpet samples! Oooh..fuzzy!
That's just a faded memory. I need a bigger hammer
That's just a fluke. Holy mackeral!
That's just dandy, Radar. - Col. Henry Blake
That's just it, Doc, my mind has always been my Achilles heel! - Tick
That's just my day job. I'm really a leprachaun.
That's just my humble opinion. Actual user opinion _may_ vary.
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong. -- Dennis Miller
That's just putting the gravy on the cake.
That's just silly, Ray. - Benton Fraser
That's just silly, Ray. - Benton Fraser
That's just what I was thinking. - Col. Henry Blake
That's just what I'd expect a dupe of the Conspiracy to say!
That's just what this country needs - a cock in a frock on a rock
That's just what we call pillow talk Baby. --Ash.
That's just what we call pillow talk, baby.
That's just your opinion.
That's kind of a gross exaggeration, isn't it? -- Tom Servo
That's kind of like my goal; to get naked with Robert Redford and to have a huge hit record. - Sheena Easton
That's kinky! - Crow as guy straddles water melon
That's life Jim, but not as we know it
That's like finding out Micky Mantle corked his bat. (Jerry)
That's logic and as such has nothing to do with my position
That's me - the macabrer, the better. - Judy Hayes
That's me alright. Roadkill on the Information Superhighway.
That's me before Slimfast - Crow
That's me in Slo-mo! * Cat
That's me in Slo-mo! - The Cat
That's me in the spotlight, I'm losing my religion
That's me on the hard drive, losing my partition
That's me with Cthulhu. That's me...AAARRGHHHH!!
That's me, Herc, that's me!
That's me, but I'm moist. -- Tom Servo
That's me. *OOF* The human slinky. - Calvin
That's me. Roadkill on the information superhighway
That's mine and that's mine and that's mine--The Cat.
That's mostly Tribbling!
That's my 600 year old tradition, don't smear the wet ink!
That's my Industrial Strength Hairdryer and I can't live without it!
That's my Jerry hair! - Crow as Mike takes his wig off
That's my Sasha; so beautiful and so disdainful
That's my Virgin Alarm - it's programmed to go off before you do
That's my baby in the White Boots.
That's my bouy! Charter board captains -Sylvia Bernstein, Far Rockaway NY
That's my cat, Quark. Isn't he charming?
That's my chair. - O'Brien
That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it
That's my family, Kay, it's not me. - Michael Corleone
That's my girl, my whole world, but that ain't my truck
That's my gold mine! Tom claimed.
That's my job, young man. - Picard
That's my job. - Odo
That's my job... thinking up goofy sh*t. - G. Carlin
That's my job... thinking up goofy sh*t.<Carlin>
That's my mother. Well, everything's gotta go - Crow
That's my name - that's what I do. Dazzle people. - Dazzler
That's my political humor. People like it when you're topical. -Carlin
That's my prescription. Plenty of rest and 100 cc's of lollygag. Ä BJ
That's my specialty: making something out of nothing. Neelix
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
That's my theory, and I'm sticking with it.
That's never stopped me before! :)
That's nice, Plato. Go play with your Forms. -- Teachings of Bob
That's nice. You show up and all the gorillas run inside.
That's no Dilithium Crystals Capt'n that's ice
That's no Internet Email address ... that's Odo!
That's no Tagline! ... It's @FROM@ carryin' on again!
That's no Tagline! ... It's Gary Caplan carryin' on again!
That's no Tagline! It's Odo!
That's no Vorlon! It's Odo!!
That's no alien, that's my mother!
That's no answer! - Kirk
That's no beagle, it's a mongrel, Tom muttered. -Roy Bongartz
That's no excuse! - Yeomen Rand
That's no fair! It's supposed to work every time! - Sailor Moon
That's no head, Max! That's one damn ugly time bomb! - Sam
That's no mean claim. - Mulder
That's no moon! It's a space station! No..Wait.. Geez! It's Uncle Vinn
That's no moon! It's a space station... -Ben Kenobi
That's no moon, that's a space station! - Obi Wan
That's no moon. It's a space station. - Obi Wan Kenobi
That's no moon. It's a vice-moderator!
That's no moon... -- Obi-wan Kenobi
That's no moon... It's a vice-moderator!
That's no moon... That's an AT&T logo.
That's no moon... it's a space station.
That's no moon... this is a moon, said Ben, pulling down his pants.
That's no moon.....that's a space station.
That's no moon...it's the STAR WARS FIDONET ECHO!
That's no moon...that's an Imperial Tagline!
That's no moonIt's a vice-moderator!
That's no moonThat's an AT&T logo.
That's no moonit's a space station.
That's no moonit's the !
That's no ordinary rabbit
That's no ordinary rabbit! ... Look at the bones!
That's no orge, it's just my pet Siobhan!
That's no priest, that's Lovejoy! - Crow
That's no reflection on me said Tom, transparently
That's no rumor - it's an unconfirmed fact!
That's no silver bullet you dolt! It's a suppository!
That's no tagline - it's ODO!!!
That's no tagline! It's Odo!
That's no way to behave on your first day out!
That's no way to behave on your first day out! - Frank N. Furter
That's no way to treat your business partner. -- Mulder to Krycek
That's not Commander Sinclair! It's Odo!!
That's not Elvis! It's Odo!!
That's not God! That's just a waffle that Bart tossed up there! - Marge
That's not MY duck!
That's not Tracy! That's the Female Changeling! Blast 'er!!
That's not a "bug", that's a feature!
That's not a Bug, it's liberalism
That's not a Bug, that's a Free Enhanced Feature!
That's not a Dog - That's a Canine-American!
That's not a Tagline! It's Odo! -- Sisko
That's not a UFO, that's just @F on her broomstick
That's not a Yes or No Question! You forfeit your remaining questions!
That's not a banana in his pants. It's a passion fruit.
That's not a bug! It's a seldom-used, undocumented feature!
That's not a bug! It's supposed to do that!
That's not a bug, it's a FEATURE!
That's not a bug, it's a Free Enhanced Feature!
That's not a bug, it's a powerful feature!
That's not a bug, it's an enhanced feature!
That's not a bug, it's an undocumented feature.
That's not a bug, that's a feature
That's not a bug--it's an undocumented feature!
That's not a bug. It's supposed to do that.
That's not a knife, Now that's a KNIFE ===|<<<<========----
That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude
That's not a lie; it's a terminological inexactitude. --Alexander Haig
That's not a mummy. - Wakko
That's not a noif, *this* is a noif!
That's not a phaser. THIS is a phaser. - James T.Dundee
That's not a phaser....THIS is a phaser! - Cpt. Crocodile Dundee
That's not a plan! That's suicide! -- Al Calavicci
That's not a real Gun - John Lennon
That's not a silly walk - THIS is - ! ! @
That's not a steel wool pad, it's a Dorsai tribble
That's not a strawberry--that's a tribble! Put it back!
That's not a tagline! It's Odo! Sisko
That's not a tagline, that's Wakko Warner carrying on again!
That's not a tagline. THIS is a TAGLINE!
That's not a tagline.... It's Odo!
That's not a very Christian tenant. - Mulder
That's not a very good effect -- Crow T. Robot
That's not a virus....! It's Windoze.
That's not all he's lost
That's not all! still more to come!
That's not an 'or' question. - Dogbert
That's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one
That's not art, Tom said abstractly.
That's not art, the critic said abstractly.
That's not ass'mlation. THIS is ass'mlation. --Borg Dundee
That's not enough! We demand MORE asbestos! More asbestos! - Bart
That's not fair! - Kira
That's not fair. Leta Alexander
That's not fat -- it's insulation!! (I'm rated R-79)
That's not freedom, that's dependency. - PJ O'Rourke on welfare
That's not funny, 007 - Q (F.Y.E.O.)
That's not funny, dumbass!!!
That's not going to help. - Jake
That's not good enough! - Kirk
That's not got much Worf in it.--Tracy Hemenover
That's not his name. Who is he? Doctor who?
That's not like him. He's never late. He knew I was coming. - Hague
That's not line noise - My modem's speaking in tongues!
That's not line noise -- my modem's speaking in a foreign language.
That's not line noise, my modem's speaking in tongues.
That's not line noise...that's my modem speaking in tongues!
That's not line noisemy modem is speaking in tongues!
That's not lip service. - Alanis Morissette
That's not me in those pictures, it just looks like me!
That's not much of an excuse. - Sisko
That's not much reward for being trustworthy, isn't it? - Sheridan
That's not much reward for being trustworthy, isn't it? - Sheripeople killed my people on The Line. - Kliest
That's not my belly button
That's not my department says Werner von Braun
That's not my father, that's just my reflection. Simba
That's not personality, that's blood. - bek
That's not puke! It's a 'personal protein spill'
That's not real! Real tails don't stand up like that. - Ethyl
That's not really Dracula, Tom discounted.
That's not the agenda I was referring to, Commander. - Odo
That's not the best picture of me. It was a bad ear day
That's not the best picture of me. It was a bad ear day. [The Tick]
That's not the point! The point is I am now a perfectly safe penguin!
That's not the sound you want from your auditor. - Dogbert
That's not the way it happened! Paris
That's not true, Brain! He's a crime-fighting genius! - Brain
That's not true. - Kira
That's not what I meant - Official Clinton Quote.
That's not what I meant, now put the helm back Data -- Picard
That's not what happened! - Riker
That's not what she said.
That's not what you said when you sent him your navel. -Baldrick
That's not who I am. - Kira
That's not wussy--that's suicidal! - Anna Steven
That's not your usual brand of entertainment - Scully to Mulder
That's odd - I had a tagline when I came in here...
That's odd -- I had a recipe when I came in here
That's odd -- I had a tagline on when I came in here
That's odd. That's very odd. Wouldn't you say that's very odd?
That's off SNL, therefore it's unworthy of serious consideration
That's okay, I love you, bye-bye! - Mindy
That's okay, K'vin. Don't let it happen again. - Anna
That's okay, Neil; you're just denying your inner child. Charlie
That's okay, my mother didn't BEAR me either!
That's okay, the spikes broke his fall
That's on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know. -Bester
That's one Aardvark Supreme... hold the moose
That's one for the book...your book. John Hodiak
That's one for the psychic philosopher. <Scully>
That's one heck'ov a head you got there. Does it cost much to get it mowed?
That's one hell of a defense mechanismyou don't dare kill it.
That's one penalty point for Mr. Servo - Joel
That's one penalty point for Mr. Servo. -- Joel Robinson
That's one small node for man, and one big network for mankind
That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind. - Neil Armstrong
That's one small step for man...and a lot of frequent flyer miles for me.
That's one way to remove a splinter. - Catwoman
That's only a difficult concept to understand if you're a lawyer.
That's only a theory, it's never been done! - Scotty
That's pathetic! -Claudia
That's plain to see
That's poetic but it won't help us much. - Scully
That's possibly because no one has died, Jim. McCoy
That's pretty cools !
That's pretty good coverage for a disintegrated pile of rubble.
That's pretty good timing, don't you think? Picard
That's pretty good, but that ain't the way I heard it!
That's pretty smooth, Beavis. - Butt-Head
That's price-fixing! said Tom caustically.
That's privileged information. - Father Mulcahy
That's pronounced 'Pervect!' - Aahz
That's putting it mildly 007. - Q (F.Y.E.O.)
That's quite a compliment, don't you think? Crazy, Babe
That's quite a dress you almost have on
That's quite a dress you almost have on. Gene Kelly
That's quite a video library you've compiled for yourself. - Mulder
That's quite all right, dear, beacuse I don't believe in you, either
That's racing
That's racing...
That's real funny Scotty. Now beam up the clothes too!
That's rich, you know, coming from Miss Yo-Yo Knickers. - Lister
That's right ... I have amnesia ... I completely forgot about that!
That's right Artoo, the Dagobah system. -Luke
That's right after my face went over to the dark side - Crow T. Robot
That's right friends we got tribble! Right here in River City!
That's right honey, because he's the flying boy - Mike
That's right! I think he got it from me!
That's right! @FN@! - Crono's Mom
That's right! I'm bad! - Tom
That's right, Cybil. Scream him a goodbye kiss.- Freddy Krueger
That's right, Money. Your money's happiness is all that money. - Homer
That's right, Moth Boy! -The Terror
That's right, SEX-ED week!! - Buzzcut
That's right, Vince and Hillary had an affair. - Larry Nichols
That's right, retreat behind a smoke screen of bourgeois cliches.
That's right, send a self-abused stomped elephant to:
That's right, that's it...! - Nog
That's right, try hard to be good at the game of life.
That's right, we must be nice... <grin> - Anna Steven
That's right. Nurse Drivel and Doctor Manure. -- Hawkeye to Frank
That's right. Who's laughing now? - Ash
That's right. You were here for the groveling
That's right. Nurse Drivel and Doctor Manure. - Hawkeye to Frank
That's right. Rented the spare room to Elmer Fudd - Mike
That's right. She actually stops and says, "Sh*t." <Riggs>
That's right... With Blue Wave you get 72 characters!
That's right.....it's okay....everything's going to be fine. - Kira
That's right...pretend it's a lollipop!
That's right...you were here for the grovelling. - Quark
That's right; you were born on Mars. - Ivanova
That's sick! But I like it!
That's simple. Your future is whatever you MAKE it!!
That's simply divine!- Divinissimum est!
That's so sweet, I'm getting cavities! - Queen Beryl
That's something no one should have to see. - Lister
That's strange, half of my ancestors are men!
That's strange. - Dax
That's strange; half my ancestors are WOMEN!
That's stronger than a garlic milkshake.
That's suicide, Data! - Riker
That's supposed to teach what to whom?
That's sweet. I used to follow my dad to a lot of bars, too. - Barney
That's the $64 question... -- Crow T. Robot
That's the $64,000 Question, Scully. -- Fox Mulder
That's the 1st time I ever did THAT again!
That's the 64 dollar question- Crow
That's the Canadian health care system - Crow
That's the Canadian health care system... -- Crow T. Robot
That's the Chicago way. - Elliott Ness
That's the Data I remember - Picard
That's the EPA's private jet - Mike on smokey jet
That's the Ethiopian Shim Sham!
That's the Heimlich manuever, *not* the Heineken manuever
That's the Vulcan Death Grip for you! McCoy
That's the angle to work on, gentlemen. Kirk
That's the bad guy! - Alexander
That's the beer that made Mil Famey walk us
That's the deal. Take it or leave it.
That's the easiest explanation.Its also the most implausible. - Muld
That's the easy part. Now I gotta *tell* him I removed his leg.-BJ
That's the first sensible thing you've said all day
That's the first time I ever had to smuggle myself - Han Solo
That's the first time I tasted a woman, they're rather good. - 007
That's the great thing about infinity. There's no top
That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!
That's the kind of thing that makes people go "Hmmmmmmmm..."
That's the last file conversion.Now for a bac‹“ƒ•"
That's the last mistake you'll ever make. - Luke
That's the last thing I'd ever want to do
That's the last time I ever travel by bean. - Yakko
That's the last time I pet a lion said Tom offhandedly.
That's the last time I trust a randomly-selected tagline!
That's the last time I'll pet a lion, Tom said offhandedly
That's the most fun I've had without laughing. -- Woody Allen, on sex
That's the most ridiculous thing I ever "hoyd."
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. -- Ryan O'Neill, "What's Up Doc?"
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. - Marx
That's the most unheard -of thing I ever heard of. - Joseph McCarthy
That's the nature of women not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not. - Miguel de Cervantes
That's the nuttiest idea you've had, Counselor -- Geordi
That's the only stall I could think of. - Sisko
That's the problem with the gene pool: No lifeguard
That's the real reason we wear gloves, isn't it? -- Winters
That's the same scene as before! Rip off! -- Crow T. Robot
That's the second biggest arrow I've ever seen. - Maxwell Smart
That's the second time I've fallen for that one this week
That's the second time we changed course, remarked Data
That's the servant... he'll be gone This is a different thing,
That's the sickest thing you've ever done! -- Joel Robinson
That's the sound of the lesbian, working on the chain, yeah!
That's the sound of the men workin on the tag line!
That's the sound of the men working on the chain gang
That's the spirit boys, let's get that testosterone flowing. - Jimbo
That's the spirit we need with our hookers! - Tom
That's the spirit, Thing! Lend a hand. Gomez Addams
That's the support team? Three guys in a woody? -- Tom Servo
That's the support team? 3 guys in a Woody? - Tom
That's the tallest building in the Ferengi Alliance. Rom
That's the third quake since we got here. Kira
That's the trouble with directors - always biting the hand that lays the golden egg
That's the trouble with directors. Always biting the hand that lays the golden egg. - Samuel Goldwyn
That's the trouble with heroics- they seldom run to schedule.
That's the trouble with regeneration-you never quite know what you get
That's the trouble with regeneration: U never kn
That's the trouble with regeneration: U never know what you'll get.
That's the trouble with the Black Market,you lose your consumer rights
That's the ugliest mouse I ever saw
That's the voice... -- The Eremite
That's the way it was in 1881.
That's the way the veal cutlets.
That's the way the wookie grumbles.
That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how
That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I LIKE it
That's the worst case of Hemmorids I have ever seen!
That's the worst case of Hemorrhoids I have ever seen! - Ace Ventura
That's third base, and I don't go that far. - Marcia Br\SL
That's three ones and a two."--Carlin
That's three. Give them a try and tell me if you have any luck.
That's to let you know I missed you. Dax-2
That's too bad, but I'm not Cheyenne. - Cescka
That's too easy for Lennon.
That's too narrow. We're not going to make it. Torres
That's traffic control. - Cop
That's true. I'm not Ardra. Picard
That's two, Frank... -- Dr. Forrester
That's unreal! I've never seen anything like it! - Scully (DT)
That's user, u s r, and then there's a space
That's very amusing, Doctor. - Neelix
That's very cute. <BLAM!> I hate things that are cute.
That's very funny, Scotty, now beam down my pants!
That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble-bee
That's very funny, lets see you do that WITHOUT your head
That's very good timing don't you think? - Picard
That's very interesting! <Yawn!>
That's very interesting, kid. But not to me
That's very ironic, I have a thingy that's shaped like a turnip
That's very kind of you.--HoloDoc
That's very pig-hearted of you.
That's very rare. - Mulder
That's very thoughtful, Quark. *Kira It's also very small. *Odo
That's war. Crazy things happen. -- Col. Potter
That's was it :-))))
That's what ALL the boys say! Lydia
That's what I call a sore winner. - Hawkeye
That's what I get.
That's what I like about you.
That's what I like about you. You're easily impressed.--O'Brien
That's what I like to see: cats pushin' up daisies. - Rollins
That's what I meant....only different.
That's what I ordered! Change mine to the soup
That's what I said, soldier. Lieutenant Colonel O'Reilly! -- Radar
That's what I think it is: a doomsday machine. - Kirk
That's what I was taught. - Ro Laren
That's what I'm afraid of
That's what I'm afraid of-Alice
That's what I'm asking! Who's on first?! - Abbott and Costello
That's what I'm trying to tell you, they're made of meat!
That's what Redlocks do!
That's what a Deathocrat's made of.
That's what a Deathocrat's made of.
That's what friends are for...
That's what he thinks!
That's what i get -- NIN
That's what it's all about
That's what it's all about! - Londo
That's what it's all about! --G'Kar.
That's what it's all about.
That's what its like to be borned - Crow on guy in hatch
That's what its like to be borned. -- Crow T. Robot
That's what mothers are for, I think.. - Dire Wolf
That's what navigators are for. I just shoot things. -William Hughes
That's what she said.
That's what the Ocampa call him. - Neelix
That's what the Spanish said. Clemens
That's what the man said, you heard what he said, he said that!
That's what they say about Florida
That's what they want, isn't it?! - Sheridan
That's what we are here for... :)
That's what you want from grandma - Crow sings
That's when @TOFIRST@ realized it was a daymare!
That's when Bob realized it was a daymare!
That's when I fell in love with the leader of the pack...VAROOM
That's when I reach for my pocket nuke
That's when Orville realized it was a daymare!
That's when Starchild woke from the dead and yelled at David
That's when he realized it was a daymare!
That's when they put a big metal hooba-jube up yo' butt. - Chef
That's where I live... on stage. - Barbra Streisand
That's where I'm going. Chakotay
That's where the next character appears said Tom with a cursory glance.
That's why GOD made your eyes; to plagiarize.
That's why I bought it. I'm cheap!
That's why I compared their brain scans. - Beverly
That's why I didn't do it, Tom replied lazily
That's why I gave you a greater challenge. Q
That's why I got my main man, Rooster - Crow
That's why I got my main man, Rooster... -- Crow T. Robot
That's why I had my Appendix out - Twice. * Rimmer
That's why I had my appendix out... twice. - Rimmer
That's why I keep a dicktionary by the PC.
That's why I say "HEY MAN, NICE SHOT"
That's why I stifled my inclination to run on with this message.
That's why I wear... TUNA FISH SANDWICH!!!
That's why I'm in the basement, Scully! - Mulder
That's why all this makes no sense. - Kirk
That's why my mom got me a pot-bellied pig. Cause its poop is small
That's why she's still wearing her jammies - Crow on kiss
That's why the Savior is a tramp - Mike sings as priest
That's why the killing of Meat! Mongo like two worlds
That's why they call it a DROP spindle.
That's why they call it a catapult !--Chance
That's why they call it a stairmaster... (Jerry)
That's why they call me "Spooky". - Mulder
That's why they pay me the big bucks.
That's why they put the eye in FBI. --Fox Mulder.
That's why they put they 'I' in 'FBI'. - Mulder
That's why we like you, Mulder -- your ideas are weirder than ours!
That's why we practically rule New York now. -- Shakespeare
That's why we're greasing him up - Mike
That's why you're not in command. Dismissed! -- Col. Potter
That's worse than `Sweatin' to the Oldies'! Yakko Warner
That's wrong -- I do bite. * K'Ehleyr
That's wrong with the old one?
That's your answer to everything: `Use the atom bomb'!
That's your excuse - being dead. * Lister
That's your movie. There ya' go! -- Dr. Forrester
That's your movie. There ya' go! - Dr. F to Mike
That's your problem, not mine. Doctor out.-Doc Zimmerman
That's-a spicy meat-a-ball! - S. Ipkiss
That's... Homer Simpson, sir. SIMPSON!, eh?
That's... a metaphor for the truth, not the truth itself" - Mulder
That's...umm...interesting, Aahz. - Skeeve
That'sTooBadForYou-NowIShallHaveToDisposeOfYou! TheVulture/SpiderMan
That, Doctor, is another calculated risk we must take. Spock
That. Unit was my Chief Engineer. - Kirk
That?...Sure I can fly it - it has wings doesn't it?
ThatClocksGettingCloserNowIt'sOnlyEightHoursOff - PeterParker/SpiderMan
ThatFeatheredFinkSureLaysAPowerfulEgg - SpiderMan Classic
ThatShouldTakeCareOfSpiderMan! - EveryNemesis/SpiderMan Classic
Thats 2 cents worth from me.
Thats a laugh, everyone knows it builds up mussle tone. - Bibi
Thats a lot more mature than I care to be at the moment!
Thats a nice dog, hey! dont bite me. no,NOo ah, AUGGGG!!!
Thats a very Russian attitude. I approve. - Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova
Thats a very Russian attitude. I approve. --Ivanova.
Thats about as funny as a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward
Thats all i can think of right now.. i lost my collection of tags
Thats all we nedded, a Druish Princess.
Thats called a header, it's used to start a message.
Thats for making the scene go on so long - Tom Servo
Thats it, were deader than tank tops. - The Cat
Thats just my two cents (wouldnt buy anything these days anyway).
Thats my Industrial Strength Hairdryer and I can't live without it!
Thats no moon...... it's a space station. - Obi-wan
Thats no moon....THIS is a moon Obi-Wan Kenobi drops pants
Thats not a bug, it's a feature!
Thats not all he's lost.
Thats right after my face went over to the dark side-Crow
Thats the first time I tasted woman, they're rather good. - 007
Thats typical earthbound thinking
Thats us in the corner. That's us in the spotlight... -- Nelson
Thats us in the corner. That's us in the spotlight - Mike
Thats what I ordered! Change mine to the soup.
Thats what I want: mummified & placed next to Stalin-Crow
Thats what happens when you drink in a hottub - Crow
Thats what happens when you drink in a hottub... -- Crow T. Robot
Thats when men were men - Mike
Thats why God put woman on this green earth - Crow
Thatta gun in yer pocket...Hey! That is a gun in your pocke+
Thaz really great, Tick. How ees your English? -Blitzen, Super Heroine
The Borg vs Jehovah Witness: What's the difference?
The Missing Link.....Offline Mail Addicts
The More Things Change, the More They Stay Insane,,,
The VERY best things in life aren't things at all
The difference between genius and stupidity: Genius has its limits
The difference between meat and fish is that if you beat your fish it dies.
The mother of all TAGLINES <grin>
The problem- once identified -- Trivial !!
The "Any Key", yeah, that's the big red switch on the side.
The "Any" key? It's the one in back marked "power"!.
The "Any" key? See the one in the back marked "power"?
The "Any" key? See the red button marked "Reset?"
The "Any" key? See the red one in the back marked "power"?
The "Bill" of Rights has become the "Loose Change" of Rights!
The "Borg"ness. I hate Lion King.
The "C" in Rap is silent.
The "Enemy within:" the Pentagon.
The "Freedom Bowl" - U.S. Patriots vs. Federal Kevlar Cowboys
The "HELL" you say
The "He's dead, Jim!" taglines are dead, Jim!
The "Hillary" pack at KFC: no breasts, large thighs; all left-wings.
The "Humor" conference is for important messages from the sysop.
The "Jeopardy" echo: Is this where all answers must be in question form?
The "Light at the end of the tunnel" may be dragon's fire
The "Living Bra"?? Sounds like something out of a horror movie
The "Man From Hope" is now hopeless.
The "Message Header" echo: where origin lines are not allowed.
The "Messages" echo: where taglines are not allowed.
The "Moderator Express" Card: Don't leave your Echo without it!
The "Morning After" pill for men: Changes your blood type
The "National Enquirer" just loved those nude shots of you
The "Nick Wells" technique for showing apprehension... Thanks, Nick!
The "Off Topic" echo: where questions are allowed, but not answers
The "Ouchless" tagline: ÛÛÛÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛÛÛ
The "Rainbow Nation" Something for everyone
The "Tagline Mangler" creates interesting taglines!
The "Tagparagraph echo" where taglines are not allowed.
The "Thought Police" gave you a ticket for loitering
The "Twoonie", broken after 2 days in circulation!
The "U": A race that follows the Q everwhere!
The "War on Drugs" is a war on the Constitution.
The "War on GUNS" is a war on the Constitution and Law-abiding Citize
The "Window of Opportunity" is next to the "Trapdoor of Disaster."
The "World Series" _ISN'T_ !!
The "`Bout Ready For Bedtime" Administration 1993-1997
The "aether" is a notion that virtually exists
The "any" key is that red button by the power switch
The "c" in "rap" is silent.
The "chain" of command is often a noose.
The "cutting edge" is getting rather dull. -- Andy Purshottam
The "girlfriend" in THE CRYING GAME is actually a guy.
The "oink!" of Pig Man cries desperately for help.
The "problem" with today's society, is that; (no one) knows how, to punctuate correctly, anymore?
The "silly question" is the first intimation of some totally new development - Alfred North Whitehead
The "space bar": A CyberNightClub
The "tagline" is plain as way to parish church. --Tagspeare
The "theory" of Creation is more holey than holy
The "why" is plain as way to parish church. <Shakespeare>
The # 1 cause of computer problems is computer solutions,,,
The # of Vulcans to replace a bulb? Precisely 1.0000000!
The # of Vulcans to replace a bulb? Precisely 1.0000000!
The # you have dialed, Nine-one-one, has been changed to an unlisted #
The #@#$ universe keeps drifting off frequency!
The $ prompt...America's symbol of power.
The 'Curdless' Phone - Dr. Forrester on cheese phone
The 'H' stands for horrible, right? * Lister's Confidence
The 'Pledge Of Allegiance' does not end with 'Hail Satan.' --Bart Simpson
The 'Zugsmith' touch - Tom on name in credits
The 'agains' frighten me more than the 'yets'.
The 'c' in 'crap' is silent
The 'c' in rap is silent and invisible
The 'c' in rap is silent.
The 'chain' of command is often a noose. - McCoy
The 'danes can inherit the Earth--I'm going to the stars!
The 'other side' looks exactly like the other side - Crow
The 'poor cat in the rain' look - it never fails
The 'young woman' over there has over 300 years experience...-Bashir
The (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail ?
The *Real* Story of the Film So Far
The *Tagline Addict* Strikes! (And your Hard Drive file area shrinks.)
The *Tagline Addict* is not amused.
The *best* mini-vac for after-meal cleanup is a dog!
The *correct* plural of Oxymoron is oxymora.
The *love* of money is the root of all evil.
The *only* duly authorized Computer Curmudgeon
The *only* thing that's easy to learn is *sex*.
The *stupid* question is the one unasked.
The .357 Mag in a crowded elevator, there is no finer weapon.
The .45: "In a crowded elevator, there's no finer weapon"
The /69 = ...................................8 something.
The /real/ Microsoft: WinEVER!
The 10 Commandments had a smaller cast than this - Crow
The 10 Commandments: the taglines Moses stole from God.
The 10 Commandments: The recipes Moses stole from God.
The 10 Commandments: The taglines Moses got from God
The 10 million byte flamethrower.
The 100% American is 99% an idiot.
The 10th Amendment - The newAmerican Revolution begins
The 10th Doctor will be played by Elvis Presley.
The 11th COMMANDMENT - Thou shalt not be a smartass!
The 11th Commandment: Provoke thy children not unto wrath.
The 11th Commandment: "Love your neighbor, not his wife."
The 1800s were the golden age of gravy!
The 1890s were the gay '90s. The 1990s are the Gay '90s.
The 1950's: Ball and chain. - The 1990's: The mouse.
The 1950's: Signed-Sealed-Delivered - The 1990's: Saved-Emailed-Downloaded.
The 1958 Floosy - Tom on trampy girl
The 1970's had the jet set...the 1990's has the NetSet.
The 1980's was about acquiring--wealth, power and privilege. -Hitlary
The 1995 Grey Cup Game--November 19 at Taylor Field in Regina, SK!
The 1996 Democratic slate, better known as the "Twit List."
The 1996 Olympics: Official Sports Marketing Division of Coca-Cola
The 1996 White House "Christmas card" was a KWANZA card..?!
The 1996 election: Vote against the Fugitive, pick the One-armed Man
The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to non-Christians -- Pat Robinson
The 1st Amendment protects only the sports news?
The 1st Law of War: Never get involved in a land war in Asia
The 1st country Hitler conquered ... was Germany with gun control
The 1st ever Mystery Science Theater convention! - Tom
The 1st half of life is ruined by parents, the 2nd by our children.
The 1st nonabsolute number is the number of reservations.
The 1st person to raise his fist, just ran out of ideas.
The 1st rule of smart tinkering, save all the parts
The 1st rule of tinkering is to save all the parts.
The 1st step to burglar-proof your home, Clean your gun.
The 1st thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers
The 1st time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on woman. Nancy Astor
The 2 most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity
The 2 most useless things in aviation, altitude above & runway behind.
The 2 prime movers in the Universe are Time and Luck. --Vonnegut
The 21st century will start on a monday!
The 23:00 News and Mail Service
The 2400 shall inherit the Earth. Bible: Bill Gates vers.
The 24th-century isn't so tough. - Kirk
The 2nd Amendment arms patriots, not sportsmen!
The 2nd Amendment doesn't say "...only these firearms..."!
The 2nd Amendment enforces the other nine.
The 2nd Amendment is NOT a permit to be issued by the police!
The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT, not a Clinton granted gift
The 2nd Amendment is alive and well in Florida.
The 2nd Amendment is alive and well in Massachusettes
The 2nd Amendment is in case the government ignores the other 9!
The 2nd Amendment is to assault as the 1st Amendment is to slander.
The 2nd Amendment won't be needed until they try to take it
The 2nd Amendment: It keeps on going, and going
The 2nd Amendment: It's not about guns, it's about freedom.
The 2nd Amendment: Just in case the government forgets the 1st!
The 2nd I Couldn't Care Less Tagline: ==_-=- ( * )
The 2nd amendment guarentees all the other amendments.
The 2nd amendment is in case the gvrnmnt ignores the 1st
The 2nd day of a diet is always easier than the 1st. By the 2nd day you're off it. -- Jackie Gleason
The 2nd gunman behind the grassy knoll was &^$&%#@*NO CARRIER
The 3 Deadly Sins: Tofu, Avocados and Alfalfa Sprouts
The 3 Tees of Golf: VaniTee, InsaniTee & ProfaniTee
The 3 best things in life: A Whisky before and VGA Planets after
The 3 kinds of lies - lies, damned lies & statistics
The 3 men I admire the most: The Father, The Son & The Holy
The 3 stages of marriage, lust, rust and dust
The 3 types of men: 1) Intelligent 2) Good-looking 3) Geco
The 3 types of men: 1) Intelligent 2) Nice Looking 3) @FN@
The 3 types of men: 1) Intelligent 2) Nice Looking 3) The Majority.
The 3 types of men: 1) Intelligent 2) Nice Looking 3) YOU
The 30-second sound bite is a fact of life, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. - Adam Smith
The 357.73 Theory: Auditors always reject expense accounts with a bottom line divisible by 5
The 3rd I Couldn't Care Less Tagline: ==_-=- <> <> <> <> <> <>
The 4 Basic Food Groups: Ice Cream, Pizza, Diet Pepsi and Women.
The 4 Basic Food groups: Chocolate, Pizza, Caffeine, Sex.
The 4 Basic Foods: caffeine, chocolate, sugar, and sex.
The 4 Brensinger Food Groups: Peaches, Peaches, Peaches,
The 4 Cat Food Groups: Dry, Canned, Natural, Yours.
The 4 Food Groups: Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugar, and Sex.
The 4 best anti-depressants: Money, Sex, Chocolate and Raquel Welch.
The 4 dog food groups: Dry, Canned, Natural, Yours
The 4 food groups......Caffeine, Chocolate, Honey and Sex
The 4 food groups: Fast, Frozen, Instant & Microwave.
The 4 food groups: Frozen, Instant, Takeout, & Microwave
The 4 food groups: Soda, Ice cream, tacos & pizza
The 4 food groups: bottle, box, can and carton.
The 4 food groups: chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and *milk*!
The 4 food groups: chocolate, ruffles, coke and twinkies.
The 4 food groups: fast, frozen, instant, and microwave.
The 4 food groups: soda, ice cream, tacos, and pizza.
The 4 food groups: spam, spam, eggs and spam.
The 4 food groups: sugar, starch, grease and burnt crunchy bits.
The 4 food groupsCaffeine, Chocolate, Honey and Sex
The 4 foods groups: cheese, wine, olives and sausage.
The 4 major food groups: fast, frozen, junk, & spoiled
The 4 seasons: salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar.
The 4077th is out of blood...now we're squeezing turnips. - Potter
The 486SX: Intel's test of your gullibility!
The 4th dimension is just one big clambake of weirdity! - Tick
The 4th, 5th, 9th & 10th amendments ALSO protect RTKBA.
The 5 Doctors: McCoy, Crusher, Pulaski, Bashir, EMHP.EXE
The 5:15 from Duluth, Oh my it's just derailed - Crow
The 60's weren't all failure, it's the 70's that stunk!
The 60's.."more a dream than a memory?" Oh Wow did I say that? Heavy!
The 64 Dollars Question (Take It or Leave it)
The 70's... Decade of shame
The 700 club is to science as Barney is to Les Miserables.
The 7th I Couldn't Care less Tagline: ==_-=- <===<< ( Alpha )
The 80's -- when you can't tell hairstyles from chemotherapy.
The 80986 will complete instructions before it gets them!
The 8th I Couldn't Care less Tagline: ==_-=- -= -= -= ______==~~=
The 8th graders cull the herd - Mike
The 8th graders cull the herd. -- Mike Nelson
The 90's are going to make the 60's look like the 50's
The 90's are the 60's turned upside down.
The 94/95 NHL season begins on October 1st. Are you prepared?
The =which= Directive??? --Janeway
The @%*%# said something mystical, 'Herro' - Waters
The @LN@ is the strongest of all the Immortals
The @N@ Tagline collection, coming soon on CD ROM
The @TO@ School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The @TOFIRST@ Channel!
The @TOFIRST@ School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The @TOFIRST@ echo - A representative will annoy you shortly
The @TOFIRST@ that can be described is not the true @TOFIRST@
The @TOLAST@ is the strongest of all the Immortals
The A-Bomb - Built by lazy Americans, Tested in Japan
The A-Bomb is a dud. Film at 11.
The A-bomb, the Big One, the big fire, my life for you! - Trashy
The ACLU...unraveling the moral fiber of America!!!
The ACLU: Friends of criminals and enemies of the people.
The ACLU: unraveling the moral fiber of America!
The ADL Lies about Gun Control,about Militias,and about Judaism.-JPFO
The AE35 will go 100% failure
The ANSi Crisis: "But it worked in test"
The ANTics begin! - SimAnt
The ANY key? It's that big red one on the right side.
The ANY key? It's that button marked `RESET'.
The ARMY said I was too heavy. The police said I was too DUMB. - Homer
The ATM just asked if I wanted to go double or nothing!
The ATOG killed my Shivan?!?!
The AUTORACE AVENGER (retired temperarily)
The AW ban has always been phonier than Bill Clinton's tears. -Chapman
The Aardvark Amongst US
The Aardvark Files
The Aardvark In Spite Of Himself Christopher Stasheff
The Aardvark Who Sold the Moon RAH
The Aardvark and the George Gordon Dickonson
The Aardvark are coming! The Aardvark are coming!
The Abort, Retry, Fail ?
The Abrams' Principle: The shortest distance between two points is off the wall.
The Accused - By Watts E. Dunn
The Actor-Singer is dead! --D. Letterman.
The Adams Family finds religion - Fox Mulder
The Addams Family finds religion... - Mulder (Gender Bender)
The Addams family crunches, froggy parts for lunches
The Addams family finds religion. - Mulder
The Adventures of WIN.INI the Pooh - by W. Gates
The Adventures of WIN.INI the Pooh - SysOp Gail, attr.to Bill Gates
The Adventures of WIN.INI the Pooh - by W. Gates.
The Afterlife is run by you, as the Universe is not so badly designed.
The Agamemnon. The Captain's old ship. - Ivanova
The Age of Aquarius, indeed - LaCroix
The Agnostic's Prayer: "Oh, God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul". - Ernst Renan
The Agony & DX/DC -- bestselling Calculus text (go figure...)
The Air Force escorts Sununu to a golf game - Crow
The Air Force is at the Dog & Suds? - Mike
The Air Force recommends 'crank' - Mike
The Airplane Law: When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time
The Albino Rembrandt has just left the building! -- Jack Brim
The Alcoholic Voyage of Sinbad - Crow
The Alcoholic Voyage of Sinbad... -- Crow T. Robot
The Aliens told me not to be afraid, he said
The All-new ginsu recipe, minces, dices, splices, chops
The Alliance said you were dead. - Tuvok2
The American Civilization? That would be a good idea.
The American Dream - A Conservative policy
The American Dream - A Liberal's nightmare
The American Dream BBS moves to Callahan FL Soon
The American Dream: A silent liberal
The American Kitchen: Remove food from packaging and put it on dishes
The American Kitchen: Remove food from packaging and put it on dishes
The American Legal System - By Sue Someone
The American Library Association is a good organization!
The American Revolution was illegal until it was over.
The American dream: Smoke pot, cheat on your wife, & become president!
The American home is sound as can ever be--thanks to television
The American people are too easily fooled. Rush Limbaugh
The American people are wise enough to run their own affairs. - Heinlein
The American people aren't interested in details. - Lyn Nofziger
The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that Dan Quayle may or may not make. - Dan Quayle
The American public knows what it wants, and deserves to get it good and hard
The American sister states: Mary Land, Ida Ho, Louisa Anna, & Minne Sota
The Americans have taken umbrage. Whereabouts is that?
The Amiga A4000/040 is not Amiga compatable
The Amiga CANNOT be killed. - Patrick Ford
The Amiga Is Not A Religion! It's A Computer!
The Amiga had it _right_ from the start! It took 10 yrs for Win 95
The Amiga had it right from the start. 10 yrs later, Win 95 isn't!
The Amiga: Intel Outside but Alien Love Secrets Inside!!!
The Amish man married the Amish woman. Soon after, he drove her buggy.
The Amoeba never lies.
The Anal Gang - Tom
The Anarans show no signs of disease, but all the symptoms. Crusher
The Angel of Music has her under his wing... - The Phantom
The Angels Rejoice When Forgiveness Prevails
The Angels want to wear my red shoes. -- E. Costello
The Angry Man - By T. Doff
The Angry Tiger &
The Animal House BBS Tagline CApitol of The U.S
The Anita Hill Doll: pull string, it talks after 10 years.
The Anita Hill doll: Pull string, talks in ten years
The Anne Meara of Canada - Mike on bossy woman
The Anne Meara of Canada... -- Mike Nelson
The Annoyance Detection Squad is WATCHING YOU!
The Annual Conference of Clairvoyants has been canceled due to unforseen circumstances
The Answer To The Great Question :
The Answer is 42
The Ants are my friends; they're blowing in the wind
The Anxious Moment - By R.U. Cummin
The Any key? It's the one in back marked power!.
The Apathetics Convention has been cancelled due to disinterest.
The Apathy Anonymous meeting was cancelled due to lack of interest.
The Apathy Rally was cancelled due to lack of interest.
The Apogee Beta Team þ Because the best is yet to come
The Apple Capital-Yakima Wa
The Apple Dumpling Gang...Jobs and Wozniak.
The Apple and the Newton: 32.19 ft/s.
The Apple and the Newton: 9.81 m/sec.
The Aquinas Axiom: What the gods get away with, the cows don't.
The Arch-Bug is the official Palace Loonie...- Princess WhatsHerName
The Archdruid is the one with the biggest chainsaw.
The Arctic Circle begins somewhere around Atlanta. - Florida Native
The Arctic Ocean - by I. C. Waters
The Area_52 is watching you :)
The Arkansas State Police. To Serve and to Procure
The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock
The Arlington Software Exchange * 703-532-7143
The Army Axiom: Any order that can be misunderstood has been misunderstood
The Army is a place where you get up early in the morning to be yelled at by people with short haircuts and tiny brains
The Army is like the Boy Scouts without adult supervision.
The Army needs leaders the way a foot needs a big toe
The Army needs leaders the way a foot needs a big toe. - Bill Murray
The Army's "I want you" poster has a new meaning
The Army's got some new recruits./They wear high-heeled Army boots.
The Armys purpose is to kill people and break things.....RUSH LIMBAUGH
The Art Ross Trophy winner for 95-96...The Magnificent Mario Lemieux!
The Art of Secret Dating - by Rhonda Voo
The Art of Sex ... by Carmen Gettit
The Art of Shoplifting - by Phil Mypockets
The Art of Underwear Exchange by Betty Won't
The Artist Formerly Known As Prince has a new album out. It's called "The Songs Formerly Known As Hits."
The Asaault Weapons Ban was bad law to begin with. - Charlton Heston
The Asaault Weapons Ban was bad law to begin with. - Charlton Heston
The Ascension: An air traveler's frequent miles dream.
The Assault Weapons Ban was bad law to begin with. - Charlton Heston
The Astral Express Card-Don't leave the Plane without it!
The Auberge Grand-Mère affair: The grandmother of Canadian scandals.
The Author wishes to thanks Dennis for a veritable truck load of quotes. What a legend! - Paul Pennington
The Auto Salvage Business - By Rex Toad
The Autobiography of Miss Tom Pittman. -- Mike Nelson
The Automated Episode Guide by Snake-Byte Incorporated!
The Averil Harriman Memorial Lunar Dome
The Away Team went on a mission and all I got was this lo
The Aztec priests donned the skins of their sacrificial victims. There are lots of girls who would like to wear mine
The Aztecs executed any noble under sixty caught drunk
The BATF is Government sponsored gang activity
The BBC wishes to apologize for the preceeding message
The BBC would like to apologize for that last apology.
The BBC would like to apologize for the preceding message.
The BBS `plug' is O.K. cos that's what it's into.
The BBS has ended because of a gas problem.
The BBS has ended because of an exception trap.
The BBS in English.
The BBS isn't dying; the internet just took away the idiots
The BBS of the Stars!"
The BBS on a mission from God.
The BBS that 'Rocks Philadelphia'.
The BBS that asks the question, but doesn't care about the answer.
The BBS that boldly goes. We haven't figured out where yet.
The BBS that cares enough to send the very best.
The BBS that dares to ask the question: 'Huh?'
The BBS that gives your modem an April fresh smell.
The BBS that glows in the dark.
The BBS that looks GREAT in silk stockings.
The BBS that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
The BBS that never repeats repeats itself itself
The BBS that never sleeps.
The BBS that promises an orgasm on each call... SO, we lied.
The BBS that they invented autodial for.
The BBS to have when you're having only one.
The BBS with Take-out.
The BBS with a hint of musk.
The BBS with the best g-spots...er...g-files around.
The BBS with the biggest phone bill loses!!!! Oh god, I'm lost Now!!
The BBS you wrote home about
The BBS your mother warned you about.
The BEST echo in fidonet is devoted to autoracing
The BIG BANG and the BIG CRUNCH are not Nestle Bars!
The BOOK means BIBLE. So don't swear by the BOOK
The Babearlon project was a scheme given shape
The Bablon project was a dream given form
The Baby's Revenge: by Nora Tittoff
The Babylon Project was a dream given form.
The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed
The Babylon project was a dream given form... - Sinclair
The Babylon project was our last best hope for peace - Ivanova
The Bad Boys gonna set ya free, Rock on, Rock Ya, Rock Ya.
The Baggenses steals our taglineses, my precioussssss
The Bagginses, they steals our taglines, precioussss
The Bajoran Internal Revenue Service: Your Prophets are OUR business.
The Bajoran Phaser - a simple answer to tricky political problems.
The Bajoran Resistance fighters were wary of Palukoos in the latrines.
The Bajoran death chant lasts over 2 hours. -- Worf
The Ballad of Lorena and John Bobbitt
The Ballad of John and Lorena Bobbitt.
The Balm of Gilead, the Rock of Ages, you are Jehovah!
The Balrog casts a spell of Zorton - Mike to Tom
The Barbarian of Seville. -- Hawkeye on Winchester (and his singing)
The Barber Of Seville - By Ray Zerr
The Barbershop Quartet - By Mike Mixer
The Bard's Curse: "I'll make you immortal!"
The Bare Facts About Nevada Agriculture.
The Barnabus Collins look - Tom on guy w/weird haircut
The Baron Latimer knows Needlepoint best
The Basic Law of Budgets: You can only spend it once
The Basics: A beer, a blonde, & a boob tube
The Bat, the Cat, and the Penguin - June 19
The Bat-signal is not a beeper! - Batman, BATMAN FOREVER
The Bataan "Oh my God, my dogs are aching" march - Crow
The Batman play seemed important to Crow - Mike to Tom
The Batman play seemed important to Crow. -- Mike Nelson
The Battle Belongs To The Lord
The Battle Of Pearl Harbor. By the Batley Townswomen's Guild
The Battle of Bannockburn will never be forgotten by Scottish people
The Battle of the Network Stars should be waged with guns.
The Bavarian Illuminati are watching you.
The Beach Bully - By Harry Ayp
The Beach Bully: Harry Ayp*
The Beast at Tanagra.
The Beast of Both Worlds
The Beast taints all emotions. -- Nostoket, Gangrel
The Beast's Lair users come in two types - Quick or Dead
The Beast's Lair: Where we operate at a 90ø angle to reality
The Beast, the keeper of the Tower. The originator of all glammer
The Beatles said it best, Obla-Dee, Obla-Daa, Life Goes On
The Beatles: Paul McCartney's old back-up band
The Bedpan Patrol - By B. M. Routine
The Behemoth was not the only rabbit in Confed's hat. - Paladin
The Belgian government has decided that the British system of
The Bell nutwork: Squirrel transportation provided by telephone lines
The Bells of St. *Murder*! -- Tom Servo
The Bells of St. MURDER! - Tom
The Ben Reynolds School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The Benefits of being Female: Men die earlier so we get to cash in on the life insurance
The Benefits of being Female: Taxis stop for us
The Benefits of being Female: Taxis stop for women, unless there's a wheelchair involved.
The Benefits of being Female: They absently hum tunes from musicals without anyone being suspect of our sexuality
The Benefits of being Female: They can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers
The Benefits of being Female: They can cry and get off speeding fines
The Benefits of being Female: They can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses
The Benefits of being Female: They got off the Titanic first
The Benefits of being Female: They've never fancied a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game
The Benefits of being Female: We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing
The Benji-Nator!
The Bermuda Triangle got tired of warm weather. It moved to Alaska. Now Santa Claus is missing
The Bermuda Triangle swallows seamen.
The Best Government is the least government
The Best Of Elmer Fudd - By U. U. Wabbit
The Best Of Holiday Greetings And Wishes To You All
The Best Prophet of The Future is The Past
The Best Tagline * >> DOES NOT EXIST << *
The Best Thing About My Parents (2001)
The Best of Rush? We get that everytime he is on the air
The Best of Rush? We get that everytime he is on the air
The Best test for survive was Windows
The Best way to accelerate a PS/2 is at -9.8 m/sý
The Best way to be useful - STAY OUTTA THE WAY!!!!
The Betty Ford clinic is now taking BBS addicts.
The Beverly Hillbillies -- Y'all things considered
The Bible Belt is often caught unbuckled
The Bible Belt won't keep MY pants up.
The Bible begins with Genesis and ends in Revolutions!
The Bible does NOT say, "Love thy neighbor, unless he's gay."
The Bible does _not_ say Noah took cats aboard the Ark
The Bible doesn't need to be rewritten, it needs to be reread
The Bible falling apart usually belongs to a person who isn't.
The Bible for Blondes: Oral Sex Techniques by N. Onegulp.
The Bible has a word to describe "safe" sex: It's called marriage.
The Bible is God talking to you. Prayer is you talking to God
The Bible is a window in this prison of hope, through which we look into eternity. - Timothy Dwight
The Bible is an opiate to keep the beasts of burden complacent.
The Bible is criticised most by those who think while reading it
The Bible is criticized most by those who read it least.
The Bible is criticized most by those who think while reading it.
The Bible is literature, not dogma. - George Santayana
The Bible is the bread of life that never becomes stale.
The Bible is the cornerstone for American liberty
The Bible says so, that's why!
The Bible says, Love thy neighbor, hate the gayness
The Bible was written by the same people who said the Earth was flat
The Bible, it knows, and some people hate that! (Heb. 4:12)
The Bible, the Blood, and the Blessed Hope.
The Bible: God's QWK packet for @N@
The Bible: God's QWK packet to the human race!
The Bible: criticized most by those who read it least.
The Big Apple is one big Bone Gnawer playground. -- Shakespeare
The Big Bang Theory:God spoke, and *BANG* it happened!
The Big Bang was an orgasm of Divine Joy.
The Big Bang was only the universe rebooting.
The Big Bang? You'll have to ask Tom Arnold
The Big Bloodsucker Bites The Big One
The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine: Alien Prostitution.
The Big Cigar - By Smokey Stogie
The Big Comptroller In the Sky - Mike
The Big Dipper is the father of the Little Dipper.
The Big Dipper looks inviting
The Big KPS
The Big Parade - By Marsha Long
The Big People: What Leprechauns see when they are drunk.
The Big Scene - Crow as girl tearfully recounts crime
The Big Snitch - By Ima Telling
The Big Wave - By Sue Nami
The Big Wave: Sue Nami
The Bigger the Drive, the more Junk Collected
The Biggest Pile Of Useless Information This World Has Seen
The Bill Clinton Watch: Only $14.95 + Tax + Tax + Tax + Tax + Tax + Tax
The Bill of Rights - void where prohibited by law.
The Bill of Rights -- Void Where Prohibited By Law
The Bill of Rights goes too far -- it should have stopped at "Congress shall make no law."
The Bill of Rights isn't a Menu! - Charles Curley
The Bill of Rights went too far. They should
The Bill of Rights. "It's ALL in 'dere!"
The Bio-Gel Packs on the Voyager are lactose intolerant
The Biography of Ben Dover by Seemore Butt
The Bionic Dog drinks too much and kicks over the National Redwood Forest
The Birch John Society - Dedicated to the preservation of wooden outhouses
The Bird Collection - By Arnie Thologie
The Bishop!!
The Bitterest of pain has much knowledge and no power
The Bjoran death chant lasts over 2 hours.
The Black Hand does not share its secrets willingly
The Black Hand keeps the mages *very* happy... -- Sidieu
The Black Hole Golf Course: A hole in one every time!
The Blackbird will never die!
The Blazes with the Prime Directive Mr. Worf, Upload WINDOWS to the BORG
The Blessing - By Benny Dixon
The Blonde Bible? "The Joy Of Oral Sex..."
The Blonde Sex Manual: IN - OUT. Repeat as necessary
The Blood Bank rejected my blood--my plasma had an olive in it
The Blood of Jesus Christ His Son Cleanseth Us From All Sin !!
The Blue Wave ... The totally cool way to do mail!
The Blue Wave Hates me !
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader v2.12
The Blue Wave Reader v2.12 is over 2 years old and still going strong!
The Blue Wave drowns all other mail readers!
The Blue Wave echo, were suggestions are taken seriously!
The Blue Wave packets are not in the main computer.
The Blue Wave: what Smurfs do at a football game.
The BlueWave echo, were suggestions are taken seriously!
The Boatniks: Undercover! -- Crow T. Robot
The Bob Hope entourage prepares for another USO tour-Crow
The Bobbitt Trial: A Slice of America
The Bobbitt Virus - turns your hard drive into a 3.5" floppy.
The Bobbitt interview was running a little long, so they
The Bobbitt interview was running a little long, so they cut him off.
The Bobbitt trial ended up with a Re-hung jury.
The Bobbitts A marriage made in hell.
The Bobbitts - Taglines For Your Viewing Pleasure.
The Bobbitts ... A marriage made in hell.
The Bobbitts: A set of sickos for the nasty nineties!
The Bobbitts: A marriage made in hell.
The Bobbitts: Married - June 18, 1989; Severed - June 23, 1993.
The Bobbitts: On the `cutting edge' of society.
The Bobbitts: Set of sickos for the nasty nineties!
The Bobsy Twins are calling - Tom on the Mads
The Bobsy Twins are calling... -- Tom Servo
The Body absorbs its enemies. Reger
The Bog Ä by Pete Maas
The Bog: Pete Maas*
The Bondage Experts!!! ########
The Book of Armaments, Chapter Two, verses 8 to 11
The Book of Mormon is chloroform in print - Mark Twain
The Bookworm's Lair
The Borg - plastic surgery taken too far.
The Borg Are Back An' There's Gonna Be Trouble, Hey Na, Hey Na...
The Borg Assimilated and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!
The Borg Bopper: "Assimilate you at 8?...You *know* what I like!!"
The Borg Bunny....It keeps assimilating and assimilating and assi
The Borg Cable Co.: Subscriber's wishes are irrelevant.
The Borg Collective: the ultimate voice mail
The Borg Empire: An Equal Opportunity Assimilator
The Borg Express Card: Assimilation has its privileges.
The Borg Express Card: don't be assimilated without it!
The Borg Institute of Technology: Science on the march!
The Borg Mail Reader -- Tagline theft is futile!
The Borg Offline Reader: taglines are irrelevant
The Borg Ship - "Hip To Be Square".
The Borg Spreadsheet: Locutus 1-2-3
The Borg Telephone Co.: Subscribers' wishes are irrelevant.
The Borg Utilites: There ARE no recovery tools
The Borg Utilities: There are NO recovery tools.
The Borg Vs. the Christians-what's the difference?
The Borg are *so* square, they're cubed!
The Borg are approaching! - Quick, begin tagline nutation!
The Borg are back an' there's gonna be trouble hey na hey na...
The Borg are back and there's gonna be trouble
The Borg are back, and this time no more Mr. Nice Guy.
The Borg are busy now. Will a fake Borg do?
The Borg are coming! Quick ... try to look useless!
The Borg are coming! Quick! Try and look useless!
The Borg are coming! Look useless!
The Borg are coming! Quick! Look Useless!
The Borg are coming! Quick! Try and look useless!
The Borg are coming! Quick, look useless.
The Borg are coming! Quick, try and look useless
The Borg are coming! Try and look useless!
The Borg are coming! Try to look useless, act like a liberal!
The Borg are coming!!! Quick, try and look assimilated
The Borg are coming, try to look useless!
The Borg are coming. Quick, hide your hockey gear!
The Borg are eating my brain! - Jean Luö* Locutus
The Borg are looking for a few good men.
The Borg assimilate Earth, and leave Ch.9 behind
The Borg assimilated & all I got was this lousy Tagline.
The Borg assimilated me & all I got was this crummy T-shirt.
The Borg assimilated me & all I got was this stupid T-Shirt!
The Borg assimilated me and all I got was this T-Shirt.
The Borg assimilated my cat...He doesn't act any differently.
The Borg assimilated my culture and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
The Borg assimilated my planet & all I got was this lousy tee shirt!
The Borg assimilated my planet: All I got was a T-shirt
The Borg assimilated my race & all I got was this T shirt
The Borg assimilated my race & all I got was this tagline.
The Borg assimilated my race & all they left was this copy of Windows!
The Borg assimilated my race - all they left me was this damn t-shirt!
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was ... <AAAARRRGGGHH!!>
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this T shirt.
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this lousy tag line
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this lousy\SLMR\TAG
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this stupid T-shirt.
The Borg assimilated my race and all I got was this tagline
The Borg assimilated my race and all they left me was this damn t-shirt!
The Borg assimilated my race and all they left was this copy of Windows!
The Borg assimilated my race, I just got this lousy implant
The Borg assimilated my race, and all I got was a T-shirt.
The Borg assimilated my race, and all I got was this crummy t-shirt
The Borg assimilated my race,and all I got was a T-shirt.
The Borg assimilated my species and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
The Borg assimilated the Warners- and never recovered.
The Borg assimilated; all I got was this stupid T-shirt.
The Borg at Hungry Jacks, Resistance is Futile!
The Borg could only assimilate God if Ditka was their leader.--EB
The Borg do it collectively.
The Borg do not apologize for anything.
The Borg don't ingest food. --Crusher
The Borg have entered sector 001. -- Shelby
The Borg have neither honor nor courage
The Borg have superconductivity. Resistance is futile
The Borg in Florida: "John Tanner is irrelevant."
The Borg is *everywhere*! --"Riker"
The Borg is an equal opportunity assimilator
The Borg is the ultimate user. - Q
The Borg just don't fix food the way my Grandma used to!
The Borg left this package sir. The label reads "Win95"?
The Borg prefer to think INSIDE the box!
The Borg refused to assimilate Wesley.
The Borg refused to assimilate Wesley.
The Borg ship has reached Jupiter, announced Shelby jovially
The Borg ship is an Irrelevant class vessel, sir.
The Borg ship is undamaged. -- Worf
The Borg sure know how to push Data's buttons
The Borg tried to assimilate me. So I ate them. --T. Rex.
The Borg vs. The Dittoheads...what's the difference?
The Borg!?!? Where? I don't se*(#$&...NO CARRIER
The Borg's turbolift music - "It's Hip to be Square".
The Borg, plastic surgery taken too far.
The Borg, victims of low self-esteem? On the next Geraldo.
The Borg......they're not sleeping, they're re-charging!
The Borg: Calm, cool, and collective.
The Borg: Plastic surgery taken too far.
The Borg: Victims of Low Self-Esteem? On the Next Geraldo!
The Borg: We came. We assimilated. We left.
The Borg: A committee that actually does something.
The Borg: A liberal government in the 24th century.
The Borg: Plastic Surgery Taken Too Far.
The Borg: Plastic surgery taken a bit too far
The Borg: Puts a new spin on COLLECTIVE bargaining
The Borg: Victims of Low Self-Esteem? On the Next Geraldo!
The Borg: We came. We assimilated. We left.
The Borg: the ultimate in voice mail
The Borg? Politically correct: The non-amalgamatorily challenged!
The BorgMail echo is empty.
The Borgs favorite beer - TuBorg
The Boulevard of Extreme Discomfort! - Earthworm Jim
The Bouncing Bullet - By Rick O'Shay
The Bowery Boys Meet Bigfoot.
The Boxer Rebellion was actually started by the Pugs
The Boy Scout credo: sound mind, sound body...take your choice
The Boy Scouts is like the Army with adult supervision
The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
The Boy stood on the burning deck..PRATT!
The Boys Are Back In Town -- Thin Lizzy
The Boys in BLUE!!... Our Metro FINEST!
The Brady Act is worthless...but, but, it's Constitutional! - Liberals
The Brady Bill is about a useful as windshield wipers on a duck's a$$
The Brady Bill wouldn't have changed the Brady shooting
The Brave only die once, the coward dies a hundred deaths.
The Braves rule!!!. . . Ex Cubs fan
The Braves will win The World Series in 1995.......Go Braves
The Bread That I Will Give is My Flesh, Which I Will Give For The Life of The World !!
The Bride Wore Spam.
The Bride of Bigfoot.
The Bride's First Night - By Peter B. Kyne
The Bridge Between Tagline Addicts
The Bright Side of Teamwork: You can blame someone else!
The British are coming! The British are coming!
The British just came out with this sub-subcompact. It's so small, the windshield is one monocle
The British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office. - George Bernard Shaw
The British tourist is always happy abroad so long as the natives are waiters. (Robert Morley)
The Broken Strap - By Won Hung Lo
The Broken Window - By Eva Brick
The Brotherhood of Gentlemen, PER ARDUA AD ASTRA
The Brothers Grimm wouldn't have made it as standup comedians.
The Bruins are on TV? Nahh...I'd rather watch hockey!
The Bruins bite the dust - HEY! HEY!
The Brunette Sex Manual: Take it when you want it!
The Buck Doesn't Even Slow Down Here!
The Buck stops here, the Doe just visits..
The Buffalo Bills - Winners despite conventional wisdom
The Build Engine is in Ruins. - Ken, get your debugger!
The Building - By Eddy Fiss
The Bullfighter - By Matt Adore
The Bulls are gonna get blistered by the Suns!
The Bundy Trail... ! ! <<< Bruno Maglis
The Bureau of Incomplete Statistics reports that one out of three
The Burglar - By Robin Banks
The Bush presidency: Austin powers.
The Bush twins stole my beer!
The ByteBrigade...We recycle spent font cartridges.
The C Language := The Write Only language!
The C Programming Language -- A language which combines the flexibility of assembly language with the power of assembly language
The C Team--I love it when a program comes together
The C.I.A. is often a contradiction in terms.
The CFL - Entertainment for 60 minutes....and beyond!!
The CFL: "It's very nice." -- Mujibur and Sirajul
The CIA and CSIS are watching you!
The CLOCK$ stops here.
The COBOL Crisis: But it worked in test
The CSRA PC Users Group sponsors this conference
The Cajun four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Hunting.
The Caldecott Tunnel has less traffic than that vagina.
The Calgary Exhibition and Stampede - July 7-17, 1994
The Calgary Stampede, Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth!
The California Condor is a rare and extremely ugly bird.
The California Legislature... the best YOUR money can buy!
The California Lottery: a tax on the mathematically impaired.
The Caller before you was God
The Calypso Band - By Lydia Dustbin
The Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: "It FOUND me!"
The Canadian Breast Support Foundation, (A non-profit society).
The Canadian Dublooney: Two, two, two coins in one.
The Canadian Dublooney: a bagel and a doughnut hole: 2 flavors in one.
The Canadian Dublooney: kibbles and 4bits and 4bits and 4bits and 4bits
The Canadian Dublooney: the lifesaver without the hole
The Canadian Looney/Dublooney: the coins for the paperless office
The Canadian Senate...more dinosaurs than Jurassic Park!
The Canadian Tire catalogue is my bible!!!
The Canadian dollor. Current 70.85 Next 66.75?
The Candy Store - By Pepper Mintz
The Candy Store: Pepper Mintz*
The Cannibal's Daughter By Henrietta Mann
The Canonical List of Taglines
The Capellan's basic weapon is the kligat. McCoy
The Captain finds out, she's gonna blow a gasket!
The Captain is missing? I must be on the voyage of the damned
The Captain said "Energize!" and this little pink bunny appeared
The Cardassian Cable Co.: 4 channels? No, we have *5* channels!
The Cardassians considered their security chief a security risk!-Odo
The Cardassians left my planet & all we got was a lousy space station
The Care Bears Maul Some Campers and are Shot Dead.
The Carnival Cruise line fights back! -- Crow T. Robot
The Carnival Cruiseline fights back - Crow on battleship
The Carpal "Tunnel of Love"...cyberplace sex hangout.
The Carpenters of Borg: "We've only just Borgun..."
The Castle Agggh. Our quest is at an end. God be praised!
The Castle Ahrgggh. Our quest is at an end.
The Castle Anthrax? - Sir Galahad
The Castle of Uugggggh! - Maynard
The Cat Seldom Interferes With Other People's Rights.
The Cat ate cheese & waited by mousehole with baited breath
The Cat ate my tagline
The Cat came Back, but that's another story! <G>
The Cat had the right idea. -- Fritzenjammer
The Cat is, above all else, a dramaticist
The Cat lets me live here
The Cat who isn't finicky soon loses control of his ownee
The Cat, ethereal music wreathed in mystery.
The Catholic Church: A successful vampire cult.
The Cats let me live here
The Cavalryman - By Rhoda Norse
The Cave = 18:00-6:00
The Cave of Destiny, half a block south of Mort's Big And Tall
The Cave of Dr. Calimari - Crow
The Celts invented two things, Whiskey and self-destruction
The Center of Cyberspace...ego@manic.id
The Chainsaw Luke, use the Chainsaw.
The Chair Too! BBS þ HUB þ Message Board Only þ
The Chairman of the Department of Redundancey Department
The Challenge is to try and fit em all together
The Challenger's gone, but the challenge is still there.
The Charly Callas defense! - Crow on goofy suspect
The Charter of Rights - void where prohibited by law.
The Cheap Eats Cafe... A great place; the drinks are cold!
The Chef is the Boss in This Kitchen
The Chief has asked me to overlook this little ruckus. --Plug.
The Chief's a good engineer. - Dax
The Chiefs are #1! - @N@
The Child is the Father of the Man!
The Children of Davros shall rule!
The Chinaman With One Testicle - By Wot Went Wong
The Chinese Population Explosion By Wee Fukum Jung
The Chinese Rupture - By Wang Hang Lo
The Choice is yours [ Linux | BSD | BeOS ]
The Choice: Roll over or stand up and be counted.
The Choice: Roll over or stand up to the challenge.
The Christian Coalition: The mentally stunted turn morally rabid
The Christian Right is wrong.
The Christmas Pageant does not stink
The Christmas Pageant does not stink - Bart Simpson's lines
The Christmas Pageant does not stink - Bart Simpson/Episode 8F09
The Christmas Pageant does not stink. - Bart's Board
The Christmas Pageant does not stink. --Bart Simpson.
The Christmas Spirit - By Joy X. Noel
The Christmas pageant does not stink
The Christmas pageant does not stink Ä Bart on the blackboard
The Christmas presents of today are the garage sales of tomorrow.
The Christmas spirit is not something you drink
The Christmas spirit is not what you drink.
The Chuck Berry Story - By Judy Frudy
The Chuck Berry Story: Judy Frudy*
The Church Is To Be A Rest Stop, Not A Battle Field
The Church has appropriated God for its own ends!
The Church has appropriated God for its own ends! - Machiavelli
The Church hates a thinker like a criminal hates the police.
The Church hates a thinker like a robber hates a cop.
The Church hates a thinker like a robber hates the police
The Church must learn humility, as well as teach it. - G.B.Shaw
The Church of Scientology told me to Mug Space alien...with Sub-Machine gun
The Church of St Todd the Incontinent
The Church of St. Humid the Incontinent.
The Church of the Kinky Taglines
The Church of the Latter Day Sinners
The Church of the Sub-Genius can save your sanity!
The Church of the SubGenius - pull the wool over your own eyes.
The Citadel is getting a Cheerleader
The Citadel is getting a Cheerleader
The City looks almost peaceful under a freshly fallen souffle. -Tick
The Civil War wasn't. The Revolutionary didn't
The Clan is stronger than the chief.- Old Scot Sayin
The Classic Monastery Painters - By Art Monk
The Classical Greeks were not influenced by the Classical Greeks.
The Claw has decided, he must go!
The Claw has decided, he must go!
The Cleaning lady has to do windows, I don't.
The Clinton "Agenda": We knew he was a liar, now he wants to be a thief
The Clinton Administration (1993...1997)...Government By Crisis Invention
The Clinton Administration is working on that
The Clinton Administration--Taxation Without Hesitation..
The Clinton Administration... The Worst Foreign Policy in 50 Years
The Clinton Administration: Government control from Womb to Tomb!
The Clinton Administration: Home of the Whopper!
The Clinton Administration: Murphy's Law in Action!
The Clinton Administration: Taxation without hesitation.
The Clinton Administration: Tyranny in the shadows
The Clinton Adminstration: Government control from Womb to Tomb!
The Clinton Armed Forces- Eat, Drink and be Mary.
The Clinton Campaign.. Press C to Cancel ... PLEASE!
The Clinton Comedy Hour starring Donna Shalala.
The Clinton Comedy Hour starring Robert Reich.
The Clinton Comedy Hour starring the "Not Ready for Reali
The Clinton Economy: Record 1.1 million bankruptcies expected in 1996!
The Clinton MisAdministration: Government control from Womb to Tomb!
The Clinton Motto: "What can we get away with today?"
The Clinton Plan. What? There is no plan
The Clinton Sandwich: $5 worth of Baloney, $20 tax
The Clinton Sex Scandal: Fornigate!
The Clinton Staff * Rookies that didn't make the cut.
The Clinton Watch: Just $5.95 ($54.95 with tax)
The Clinton White House: THE TRUE EVIL EMPIRE!
The Clinton cat habla espanol! S-O-C-K-S!
The Clinton family makes Billy urinating in public not seem so bad
The Clinton pardons: I get a kickback out of you.
The Clintonista invasion/occupation: 1993 - 1997
The Clintons - Living examples of Artificial (and Inept) Intelligence
The Clintons: America's First (low-life) Family
The Clintons: America's first hermaphroditic president.
The Clintons: Co-presidents and co conspirators
The Clintons: We're inept, we're incompetent, and we're i
The Clipboard provides temporary storage
The Clipper Chip: "Big Brother Inside"
The Clipper Chip: Having a Peeping Tom install your window blinds.
The Clipper Chip: Better government through surveilance.
The Clone Rangers teleport again!
The Clown Prince Of Modemworld.
The Club!
The Coarse Golfer: One who has to shout 'Fore' when he puts
The Coast Guard, for men too chicken to join the navy. -- Crow
The Coast Is Clear - By C. N. Eebuddy
The Cockpit BBS SysOp: `//idow.\\aker USMC JAPAN
The Coffee Maker - By French Press
The Cold Steel Kid, as I live and breathe! --Sebastian Jackal
The Collective Strikes Back! - SW/ST crossover film
The Colloquium, Canberra, Australia (3:620/267)
The Colonel you ain't, o'tay????!!!! :)
The Comic Genius Of Tom Arnold
The Comma Sutra - the guide to Grammatic Satisfaction.
The Commodore 64 will NEVER die!
The Commodore 64--it keeps going and going and going and
The Commons- A unique concept in population control
The Communist vision is the vision of man without God. Chiang Kai-shek
The Commuter - By Jocelyn Train
The Company loves misery.
The Compiler Bug hits you - your harddisk feels lighter
The Complete Book Of Lasgana - By Aieda
The Complete E-Mail System!
The Complete Gnome's Guide to Tinkering With Artifacts
The Computer Gamer's Motto: We die and learn.
The Computer Says: Only a dirty commie woulnd't join the AEAS!
The Computer hates cheaters and coincidences.
The Computer is Watching.
The Computer is impressed with Data's hardware.
The Computer is no place for sex.....unless it's a really big computer
The Computer is our friend. Hail the Computer!
The Computer is your friend
The Computer is your friend! Trust the Computer!
The Computer is your friend.
The Computer made me do it
The Computer says: Join the AEAS, or you are a traitor!
The Con: abbreviation for the "Contract With America"
The Concerto for Timpany & Carhorn - Mike
The Confed ape dares to attack?! - Kilrathi Taunt
The Conference Room has been booked for an assignment-of-blame meeting
The Congress - Home of the Whopper!
The Congress is becoming the BANE of Democracy and Freedom!
The Congressman's Credo: To boldly tax what no man has taxed before.
The Consequences Of Trick Or Treating By Tommy Ayk
The Conservative Candidates were elected, not the Conservative Agenda.
The Constable and I have a LOT of catching up to do. -- Lwaxana
The Constable will be OCCUPIED.--Lwaxana
The Constipated Chinaman by Hung Chow
The Constitution - The main obstacle to Bill Clinton's plans.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are NOT outdated!!
The Constitution does not make conspiracy a civil right. 341 US 494
The Constitution doesn't apply to non-Christians. -- Pat Robertson
The Constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a damn fool of himself. - John Ciardi
The Constitution is not a technicality.
The Constitution may not be perfect, but it's a lot better than what we've got!
The Constitution protects the people from government. Guns ensure it.
The Constitution was to CONTROL the Government.
The Continuum didn't think you had it in you, Jean-Luc. -Q
The Contract Parking gang - Tom
The Contribution Of Political Correctness To Free Speech
The Conversation Sieve Defense: It doesn't matter what dumb thing you say in a conversation, as long as the person you're talking to is dumber
The Corbomite Maneuver
The Corlick Sisters must DIE!
The Corp doesn't murder its own. --Winters.
The Corps is Mother! The Corps is Father!
The Corsican Kitties: pet one, and other other purrs
The Cost of A Thing is The Amount of Life Which Must be Exchanged For It !!
The Council discovered something terrible. -- Lennier
The Counselor and I will be indisposed today -- Riker
The Course of Progress: Most things get steadily worse.
The Covenstead Grove is a Wicca'ed Board!
The Cow Blew Up on the Launching Pad.
The Coyote---Coming soon to a BBS near you!!!
The Crawlacopter? That's your answer for everything -Crow
The Creation of the Universe was made possible by a grant from Texas Instruments. - PBS
The Creation of the Universe was made possible by a grant from Texas Instruments. - from 'The Creation of the Universe' on PBS
The Creator is a comedian, only the audience is afraid to laugh.
The Creator was simply testing your memory banks. - Spock
The Credit Card - By Wright N. Bills
The Creeping Nepotism - Mike on nephew/deputy
The Creeping Nepotism... -- Mike Nelson
The Creeping Terror likes to frolic in the fields - Mike
The Crime Bill ... a $33 Billion Dollar Basketball Game.
The Crime Bill: a "crime" for "Bill" to be President
The Criminals Of Watergate - By Barton Mee
The Croatians don't play well without the ball - Barry Venison
The Crow Of Diamonds! - Crow on new card
The Crow The Crow said don't look!!
The Crow, Pretty much same as above,p;)
The Crown is full of it! -- Nate Harris, 1775
The Cruise of Wine & Roses - Tom on drunk boat captain
The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, Watergate... - Q
The Crusades: Overly assertive missionary tactics
The Cursed Cursor curses and having cursed
The Cute, Sweet, Little One!
The Cybermen were made by Borg-Warner?
The Czech is in the mail
The Czech's in the mail, ... sending Frenchman by FAX.
The D.C. park service has declared the man they shot a suicide
The D/L ain't over 'til the FAT table dings.
The DAR fund raiser is going quite well -Tom on wrestlers
The DLS - home of the 5 Meg twit list
The DLS BBS & M - Home of the Screwy Decimal System
The DLS is proud and will give you credit for this
The DM is lying. I know because I am dead.
The DM lies --Note inside a used D&D book for sale.
The DM lies. -Note inside a used Player's Handbook
The DM lies. Note inside a used D&D book for sale
The DM lies. Note inside a used Player's Handbook.
The DM won't hit us with anything till we get to the dungeon
The DNA *is* compatible. With a little help. K'Ehleyr
The DNC is a Cereal Bowl: Full of fruits, nuts, and flake
The DOG f*rted!--Carlin
The DOGGIE(tm) bra: makes pointers out of setters
The DR-DOS Windows Compressor: XDEL \WIN\*.* /R /S /N /D
The DUCK walks in square circles!
The Daguerreotype was an early development... -- W. Jim Sutton
The Dairy Queen on the corner is threatening a hostile takeover.
The Dairy Queen on the corner is threatening a hostile takeover.
The Daleks vs. the Borg--EXTERMINATE! ASSIMILATE!
The Dame's scream hit an octave usually reserved for calling dogs.
The Dan Quayle virus causes mysterious spelling errors to appear.
The Dark Grandma of Death! - Mike
The Dark Grandma of Death! -- Mike Nelson
The Dark One falls across the land
The Dark Side is like Macintosh. Quicker, easier, more seductive
The Darkness has Teeth... And It Hungers! -- The Book of Madness
The Darkness is Past, And The True Light Now Shineth !!
The Darkstryder Campaign (Boxed Set) - By West End Games
The DataQuest is OS/2'ing it!
The Davidians Door is stored beside JFK's brain
The Day All Heck Broke Loose - By K. T. Bardedoor
The Day I Ripped My Pants by Barb D. Wire
The Day William Died by Bill D. Coffin.
The Day of Judgement is approaching, or it is not.
The Days of Swine and Roses
The Dead Of Winter: Jan Yuary
The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Bible v1.0á
The Dead Shall Walk the Earth and Dine on Flesh
The Dead wanna-be's - Crow
The Death Penalty is 100% deterent!
The Death Penalty is a 100% Deterrence
The Death Star has cleared the planet!
The Death Star plans are *not* in the main QWK packets
The Death Star will be in range in 5 minutes
The Death With Dignity committee - Crow
The Death With Dignity committee. -- Crow T. Robot
The Death of Common Sense
The Death penalty is a 100% deterance.
The Debtor - By Owen Munny
The Declaration of Independance = 1,322 word
The Declaration of Independence was the promise; the Constitution was the fulfillment
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
The Decline Of Civilization - By Helena Handcart
The Decline of Western Civilization, Part III: The Grammy Years
The Deed of Paksennarion by Elizabeth Moon (1 vol. TPB)
The Def. of Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.
The Defiant Debs - Mike
The Defiant is a FIGHTING ship, not a 'hotel in space'.--Peter Bryce
The Defiant is a _fighting_ ship, and not a "hotel" in space - P Bryce
The Definition of Redneck foreplay......Psst....Sis, you awake?
The Delta Quad: just a speed bump in Voyager's road of life.
The Delta Quadrant: A speed bump in Voyager's road of life.
The Demo Zone - 081 5978174 - After 5pm - Try before U bu
The Democratic Party is seldom on speaking terms with itself
The Democratic Party is the party of gimmes
The Democratic Party: Their symbol tells it all
The Democratic Party: For when you want others to pay your bills
The Democratic emblem is a jack*ss -- obviously a charact
The Democratic emblem is a jack*ss -- obviously a character reference!
The Democratic party cannot live without the female vote
The Democratic party is just that,,, A Party!
The Democratic rule: "Confusion creates jobs!"
The Democrats and the Republicans are in bed together
The Democrats are tax-collectors; the Republicans are taxpayers!
The Democrats believe that everyday is April 15th - Ronald Reagan
The Democrats have been Clinterminated!!!
The Democrats want to destroy Amendment 2 and 10.
The Demon In Your Mind Will Rape You In Your Bed At Night
The Demon offered me a choice: Ten Megabucks or a Redhead (tough choice!)
The Dems have the Presidency & a majority in both houses of Congress.
The Department of Redundancy Department.
The Devil Drum has now de-virginized this table. - Graves
The Devil HATES Sunday!
The Devil already has all the lawyers for himself.
The Devil can cite scripture for his purpose. -- Antonio
The Devil can cite taglines for his purpose
The Devil falls on account of his gravity.
The Devil has three children: Pride, Falsehood and Envy
The Devil hath the power to assume a pleasing shape. - <Shakespeare>
The Devil is most devilish when respectable.
The Devil is my brother-in-law - Crow as goofy suspect
The Devil made me do Alright, I did it myself!
The Devil made me do it (snicker)
The Devil made me do it, and I want to do it again!
The Devil made me do it.
The Devil made me do... Alright, I did it myself!
The Devil made me do...<ACK!>...YOU!
The Devil made me do...<ACK!<...@FN@!
The Devil made me read Zmodem docs
The Devil watches all opportunities. -- Congreve
The Devil's Express Card: Don't go to Hell without it!!!
The Devil's children have the Devil's luck.
The Devil's gonna show up as a hooker now - Crow
The Devil's greatest triumph was convincing the modern world that he doesn't exist
The Devil's most devilish when respectable. -- Browning
The Devils Conference, type 'GO TOHELL' at the ! prompt.
The Dialectics of Progress: Direct action produces direct reaction.
The Diamond Robbery - by Jules Argon
The Difference Between a Dog and a Fox? About 6 Beers!
The Dinosaurs kept all their eggs on one planet
The Disabled - The only minority you can join
The Disappointed Old Maid - By Dickie Small
The Disciple is Not Above His Master, Nor The Servant Above His Lord !!
The Disciple: This isn't my real face
The Disco Craze - By B. G. Singers
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, a French movie
The Discworld is in for a wild time, when Death gets a life
The Disk Crash BBS - now with 360K Online
The Disk Crash BBS: 360k floppy online!
The Disruptor as been purposly sabotize to conceal a tran
The District Attorney sez he only has a few more questions
The Do-It-By-Hand Offline Mail Reader* Carpal Tunnel v1.0
The Do-It-Yourself Borg Kit. Some assimilation required.
The Doctor is in! How's that penicillin working?
The Doctor is in! Turn your head and cough please
The Doctor will see you now @TOFIRST@. If you're cute, please disrobe
The Doctor will see you now @TOFIRST@. Please disrobe!
The Doctor will see you now Bob Morgan!
The Doctor will see you now Dal. Please disrobe!
The Doctor will see you now Orville. If you're cute, please disrobe.
The Doctor will see you now Orville. Please disrobe!
The Doctor will see you now Taglit!
The Doctor will see you now. Please disrobe!
The Doctor wouldn't be caught dead with an Intel TARDIS.
The Doctor's Menu Bar: File Edit Stall Bluff Gizmo SonicScrwdrvr
The Doctor's almost as clever as I am. - Zoe Herriot
The Doctor's not as big a moron as he was. Smarter? No, thinner.
The Doctor, wonderful chap. All of them. - Brig. Stewart
The Doctor? Wonderful chap. All of them. -- The Brigadier
The Doctors of Law don't seem to be able to find a cure
The Doctors should have thrown Schumer out and kept the afterbirth.
The Dodgers will never make it to the world series. - Ramirez
The Dog Star is a very Sirius matter.
The Dog Track - By C. M. Run
The Dolphin, ne'er has anything been more divine -- Oppian
The Doom That Came To Saranath
The Door of Death is made of Gold. Wm. Blake
The Door to The Human Heart Can Only be Opened From the Inside !!
The Dot.EXE Virus - Type in "Dotty" and you die
The Double Cranch does not validate - Mike
The Double Cranch? - Frank on Double C Ranch sign
The Dr. That's not a good idea implodes
The Dragon Taxi Service - we will take theeanywhere.
The DragonKill war is named for what the dragons DID!
The Drawbacks Of Strong Drink - By D. T. Sufferer
The Drawing Lesson - By Art Master
The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your *souls*! - Fezzig
The Dreaded Phrase: "I'm PMSing and I'm out of chocolate!"
The Dream Is Over -- Van Halen
The Dream State
The Dream of any fidoman - 1 Mbit/sec unlim internet
The Dream-Quest Of Unknown Kadath
The Drunk was REAL Good! - Tom
The Dryads of Shanodin forest are seen only when they wish to be
The Duluth Chamber of Commerce bids you adieu - Mike
The Dumb Don't Survive!!!!
The Dungeon Master of my life shows me NO MERCY!!!!
The Dungeon Master of my life shows no mercy.
The Dungeonmaster *has* arrived! -- Tom Servo
The Dungeonmaster HAS arrived - Tom Servo
The Dunny Bowl, Clitoris and Anniversaries - Why do males miss all 3 ?
The Dunny Bowl, Clitoris and Anniversary - Why do males m
The Dunny, The Clitoris and Anniversaries - Why do males
The Duras sister Playmate figures fall over because they're top heavy!
The Duras sisters come supplied with their own up-front airbags
The Dyslexic Bard: Master-of-all-trades, jack of none.
The Dyslexic Chicken Parade, Boy I need some SPAM
The E-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail
The EASIEST Comm program for Win95 is a DOS Program! www.split.com
The END (and more than you wanted to know)
The END must be near!! The fat lady's SINGING
The ENERGIZER BUNNY, arrested...........charged with Battery.
The ENO? - Crow on end credits spelled with cigarettes
The ENTERPRISE is outnumbered by Three (3) Klingon ships!
The EPA comes looking for you
The EPA is banning everything and no one will ever die.
The EXXON monster of Planet Hazelwood just ate @TOFIRST@
The EXXON monster of Planet Hazelwood just ate Orville.
The Eagle is ready to dive - Crow in Deep 13
The Eagle is ready to dive. -- Crow T. Robot
The Eagle is running! The Eagle is running! -- Crow T. Robot
The Eagle is running! The Eagle is running - Crow panics
The Eagle is wetting his pants! - Crow in Deep 13
The Eagle is wetting his pants! -- Crow T. Robot
The Eagles are flying again.
The Earth Alliance can't go around being the galaxy's policeman.
The Earth Alliance can't go around being the galaxy's policemen. --Senator Hiroshi
The Earth Consulate will hear of this.
The Earth Shakes at the sound of His voice!
The Earth ain't round, either. Nope, it's shaped like a burrito
The Earth changed. Your fathers changed
The Earth does not belong to us, We belong to the Earth.
The Earth hath skin, and the skin hath diseases. One of these.. is called Man. -Nietzsche
The Earth is 98% full. Please .ZIP yourself.
The Earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone you can!
The Earth is a Witch... and men still burn her!
The Earth is but a tiny grain of sand - only much, much heavier
The Earth is flat / pi equals three / the Bible says it / so it must be
The Earth is flat, like the surface of a sphere.
The Earth is home....clean your room
The Earth is in beta test and will be upgraded by ET's
The Earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all its eggs in. --Robert A. Heinlein
The Earth is like a grain of sand, but bigger.
The Earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only much bigger.
The Earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only much much heavier.
The Earth is one big Chia Pet.
The Earth is our Mother & our 9 months are up
The Earth is our Mother. Respect and love her
The Earth is our home....Clean your room!!!
The Earth is round. But you don't have to believe it. -- Forrest Gump
The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever. - Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
The Earth men make excellent game. Maab
The Earth was loaned to us by our grandchildren
The Earth's eco-system is not fragile. - Rush Limbaugh
The Earth's foundations must be shaking. - Anna Steven
The Earthers like those fuzzy things, don't they? Korax
The Earthquake - By Major Diaster
The East is lost in incense, the West is lost in footnotes.
The Easter Bunny is dead. Eaten by Santa on Thanksgiving.
The Easter groundhog saw his shadow and yea, we DID have 6 weeks of wint
The Easy Lay - By Carmen Gettit
The EchoMornFanClub: pay those dues, buy the guy a drink!
The Economy Is Recovering! - By Knott Quite
The Economy has fallen, and it can't get up
The Economy is Recovering!: Knott Quite
The Economy is weird -- banks fail before toasters do.
The Effects of Alcohol - By Sir Osis of Liver
The Egyptians built the pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube.
The Egyptians had the right idea, they worshiped cats as gods.
The Eiffel Tower is the Empire State Building after taxes.
The Eiffel Tower, the biggest lightning rod on the planet! - Duncan
The Eiffel Tower, the world's biggest lightning rod! - Duncan MacLeod
The Eiffel Tower. The world's biggest lightning rod. -- MacLeod
The Eiffel Tower: *>the world's biggest lighning rod!!!<* MacLeod
The Eiger Sanction had more Hawaiin locations - Tom
The Einstein theory is relatively simple.
The Einstein theory is relatively simple. - Robin Williams
The Elder Gods say they can make me a man! All it costs is my soul!
The Electric Chair Choice: Regular or Extra Crispy?
The Electric Chair Choice: Roasted or broiled.
The Electric Chair Choice: Slow or Fast.
The Electric Chair and the Clapper Switch. A great combo!!!
The Electric Chair means not having to say, "You again"
The Electric Chair supports OS/2, NT and UnixWare !
The Electric Chair's Raw: Quickly cook on superheated seat.
The Electric Chair's Well Done: Bring chair to a slow boil.
The Electric Fox - Bringing *joy* to the American Heartland! <GETE>
The Electric Fox - Memphis, Tennessee.
The Electric Fox - Myra I Fox - Memphis, Tennessee.
The Electric Fox - Warm Glow of the Southeast.
The Electronal College only tabulates votes by email.
The Elements of Style: Strunk first, then White!
The Elephant Is A Graceful Bird, It Flits From Tree To Tree
The Eleventh Commandment: Don't get caught!
The Elite Media is the REAL enemy of the people
The Elves gathered huge piles of rot to grow fungus
The Elves gathered huge piles of rot to grow fungus. -- Night Soil
The Elves train our healers, and we keep the Orcs at bay
The Elvis Diet: Eat anything you want, get real fat.
The Elvis hotline limits rednecks to one call per day.
The Elvis stamp is to be printed on tiny squares of crushed velvet.
The Emergency Holographic Doctor didn't appear,...Rimmer did instead
The Emilio Este-Pez! - Joel
The Emilio Este-Pez! -- Joel Robinson
The Empath - By Ophelia Sadness
The Empath: Ophelia Sadness
The Emperor didn't die. He became a cricket.
The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.
The Emperor has been expecting you
The Emperor has been expecting you. - Vader
The Emperor is coming here?...we shall double our efforts
The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am
The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am. - Vader
The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. - Darth Vader
The Empire is on the verge of success
The Empire shall fall... and hurt her ankle again!
The Empty Cookie Jar - By Arthur Anymore
The End Of The Week - By Gladys Friday
The End That Justifies The Means - By C. Y. Eyedidit
The Energiser tagline - it keeps going and going and goi
The Energizer Bunny was arrested! He was charged with BATTERY
The Energizer Bunny of Borg: Still assimulating!!
The Energizer Bunny was arrested! He was charged with BATTERY...
The Energizer Immortal: It keeps dying, and dying, and dying
The English Rupture - By Lord Howard Hurtz
The English certainly and fiercly pride themselves in never praising themselves. - Wyndham Lewis
The English country gentlemen galloping after a fox- the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable
The English drive on the left side of the road, just like California.
The English have an extraordinary ability for flying into a great calm
The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. - George Bernard Shaw
The English may not like music, but they absolutely love
The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it
The English never forgive a man for being clever.
The Enquirer didn't pay you enough
The Enterprise - Crewed entirely by Officers?
The Enterprise Princess now commanded by Capt. Stubing
The Enterprise crew actually fires shots in a fight - 2 drinks!
The Enterprise crew avoids a battle - drink!
The Enterprise crew wins 'cause Star Trek has human writers.
The Enterprise fires...but Haydon disbelieves!!!
The Enterprise has seen more action than a tribble in heat - Picardo
The Enterprise is at impulse speed, and you are cleared for takeoff
The Enterprise is burning in space.--Madred
The Enterprise is not responding to our hails. - Data
The Enterprise is our ship, somewhere at sea. - Kirk
The Enterprise just docked at a star base @TOLAST@
The Enterprise just docked at a star base Bullitt.
The Enterprise just docked at a star base Orville.
The Enterprise just passed through a wormhole. Picard
The Enterprise runs Amiga Workbench 1701.D
The Enterprise runs OS/2 v9.1 ! (The Ferengi use Win NT)
The Enterprise was the result of Genetic engineering
The Enterprise's secondary Sensory Array: Counselor Troi
The Enterprise's sensors detect other model ships, not CGI ones! :-)
The Ephebians had gods in the same way that other cities had rats.
The Eremite. That's what he calls himself now. -- DiDi
The Errant Sledgehammer - By O. G. Datturts
The Errors are out there. Trust no one!
The Escape From Cthulhu Game: Just read the incantation, then escape!
The Escape Of Bonnie Prince Charlie - By Scot Free
The Eternal Triangle is usually right tangled
The Ether Net...Today's helium supply for cyberjunkies.
The Eva'-Impressive GENIE OF THE LAMMMPPP. Yo' Man!!! - Genie
The Ever-Impressive GENIE OF THE LAMMMPPP!! - Genie
The Ever-Ready Genealogist: Still tracing and tracing and tracing.
The Evil Adventure is Just Beginning
The Evil olive
The Exact Opposite Of General Belief Is Often The Truth
The Excitement Of Trees - By I. M. Board
The Excitement of Trees: I. M. Board
The Excursion - By Sally Forth
The Extension of My Manhood Car! - Crow T. Robot
The Exxon Valdez! - Tom on drunk boat captain
The Eye appraised them coldly. They were coming. - The Stand
The Eye of Proteus becomes you.
The Eyes of The Blind Shall Be Opened, And The Ears of The Deaf Shall Be Unstopped !!
The F word: Fart
The F-15 Eagle: If it's up, we'll shoot it down. If it's
The F-15 Eagle: If it's up, we'll shoot it down; if it's down, we'll blow it up
The F4 Phantom. Proof that bricks can fly.
The FAA assures the public that flying saucer travel is safe
The FACTS keep interfering with my theories.
The FACTS keep interfering with my theories. - Graeme Smith
The FACTS keep interfering with my theories. - Liberal
The FACTS keep interfering with your theories, @TO@!
The FALAFEL SANDWICH lands on my HEAD and I become a VEGETARIAN
The FAT table must be were the best food is!
The FBI belongs in Prague like the ATF belonged at Waco!
The FBI can have my guns when I get their _matches_!
The FBI has me under surveilance. They think I'm cute.
The FBI is in *REAL* trouble
The FBI's term for the stains found on Monica's dress: "Presidue."
The FBI, CIA, & KGB haven't caught me yet so you'll have a harder time
The FIRST message sent with the SkyDome "jammed"!
The FL SINGLES & FRIENDS Echo is available NOW on:
The FL SINGLES echo is on Region 18 Backbone! Everyone's Welcome!!
The FOLDGERS crystals won't take much more, Captain!
The FREE GIFT of God costs just too damn much.
The FREE GIFT of God is eternal life
The FUTURE's so BRIGHT, we are gona wear SHADES !!!
The Fabio Army arrives - Mike
The Fabio Army arrives... -- Mike Nelson
The Face Is Familiar But I Can't Quite Remember My Name
The Falklands war was a quarrel between two bald men over a comb.
The Fall Of A Watermelon - By S. Platt
The Fall of a Watermelon: S. Platt
The Family Car Trip Sketch, ladies and gentlemen! -- Tom Servo
The Family Values crowd secretly worry about their OWN sexuality.
The Family of Shame - Mike
The Family of Shame. -- Mike Nelson
The Famous Five; the Secret Seven; the Non-Alliterative Eight
The Farm of Secrets & Lies - Tom
The Farmer's Wife - By Mike Howe
The Faster Windows Mail Reader
The Fat, Lard, And Oil Diet
The Fates? Here? That is indeed bizarre... -- Despair
The Father, the Sin and the Holy Gross. --Arkham Asylum, Grant Morrison
The Fear Monger's Shop: serving your phobia needs since 1957.
The Fear of God is second to Fear of Snakes
The Fear of SNAKES out does the Fear Of G
The Fed. Reserve specializes in precision guesswork
The FedEx guy just vanished!@)#&^% NO COURIER
The Federal Anacronym Response Team (FART)
The Federation comes when you call. Bajorans have answering machines
The Federation wins 'cause Star Trek has human writers.
The Feline Law of Obedience: As yet undiscovered.
The Fellowship of the Aardvark JRR Tolkien
The Female Ghost - By Sheila Peer
The Feminist Express Card: don't leave HIM without it!
The Ferengi Holy Book: "The Words of the Profit"
The Ferengi are marketing Windows 95: See Rule of Acquisition #19
The Ferengi made Daddy turn off the main computer
The Ferrengi Express Card - Don't Let Go of It!
The Fetus Express Card: don't leave the womb without it!
The Few, The Proud, The Free - United States Citizens
The Few, The Proud, The Tagline Thieves
The Few, the Proud, ....the Literate!
The Few, the Proud, the Politically Incorrect!
The Few, the Proud, the REGISTERED!
The Few, the Proud, the Registered
The Few. The Proud. The TagLines.
The Few. The Proud. The folks who still read books.
The Few. The Proud. Join the Space Marines!
The Few. The Proud. Those that like *ALL* of RAH's books.
The Few. The Proud. Those who think Lazarus Long is an okay kind of guy.
The Few.. The Perverted.. The Otaku
The Fewmet-obsessed, The Proud, The FIDO_SFers! <dj>
The Fifth Commandment is: Honor they father and mother.
The Fifth Rule: You have taken yourself too seriously.
The Fighting Sodomites. Their motto is never leave your buddy's behind.
The Fimbulwinter comes -- Windtongue, Get of Fenris
The Fimbulwinter comes -- Windtongue, Get of Fenris
The Final Frontagline - now the job is completed, Jim.
The Final Frontier...these are the voyages
The Final Jeopardy Answer is 42. Write your questions.
The Finnish version of Night Court - Crow
The First Amendment does not cover burping
The First Amendment is a loophole. -- Pat Robertson
The First Church of Binary Science (The Digitarians)
The First Church of Holy Sweet Bleeding Christ and Auto Repair
The First Commandment for Technicians: Beware the lightening that lurketh in
The First Commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.
The First Ever MST3000 ConventioCon Expo-Fest-A-Rama!
The First Goal of Evil : Effect a Compromise.
The First Law Of Air Travel: The earlier you arrive at the airport for your flight, the later your flight will depart
The First Law of War: Never get involved in a land war in Asia.
The First Law of Wing Walking: Never let hold of what you've got until you've
The First Law of Wing Walking: Never let hold of what you've got until you've got hold of something else
The First Law: You can't get anything without working for it
The First Liar Never Has A Chance
The First Myth of Management - It exists.
The First Myth of Management: It functions
The First Ones went away. All but One. - Delenn
The First Rule Of Manhood: Never Ask For Directions
The First Rule Of Owning A Cat: Look before you sit. Garfield
The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it.
The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it. ÄEdsil Murphy
The First Share of the Kill For the Greatest in Station.
The Fischer Price Airport set. With Weebles - Tom
The Fisher-Price Airport set. With Weebles. -- Tom Servo
The Five Doctors: McCoy, Crusher, Pulaski, Bashir and the HoloDoc.
The Five stages of drunkness: Verbose, jocose, lachrymose, bellicose, coma
The Flag, Constitution, Bill of Rights: Liberals just don't get it
The Flies of Texas are upon you. - Ray Stevens
The Flip Dizzy Hawaiian - By Lacka Nookie
The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
The Florida Panthers The NHL's Real Dream Team.
The Floridian is the most perfect creature on the Earth.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate wants YOU!
The Flying Hamster Rides Again.
The Folgers crystals canna take much more, Keptin!
The Folgers crystals won't take much more, Captain!
The Following Assimilated Material Has Been Set Up For Use With:
The Food Channel - Targeted for people on a diet
The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
The Force has a strong influence over the weak minded - Obi-Wan
The Force has been assimilated. -- Darth Vader of Borg
The Force is irrelevant...Jedi will be assimilated.
The Force is strong in this one! - FanBoy
The Force is strong with this one
The Force is strong with this one! - Vader
The Force is strong...use it for good! - Young Jedi
The Force is the Force, of course, of course.
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. - Obi Wan
The Force is what gives the Jedi his power
The Force is what gives the Jedi his power. That and batteries.
The Force is what holds everything together. It has its dark side, and it has its light side. It's sort of like cosmic duct tape
The Force is with #TN#!
The Force is with @FN@!
The Force is with Dataman!
The Force is with Orville Bullitt!
The Force is with Orville!
The Force is with Taxi!
The Force is with YOU!
The Force is with you, my friend. But you are not a Jedi yet
The Force is with you, young @LN@. But you are not a Jedi yet
The Force will be with you, always. - Ben Kenobi
The Force will be with you... always! - Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Force will be with you....always. - Obi Wan
The Force? No! The Schwartz!
The Forces of Darkness are always among us, childe. -- Dohlman
The Forgotten Tales
The Forrest plague Ewww..these Chocolates are bad
The Fortuneteller - By Reid Palms
The Fortuneteller: Reid Palms*
The Founding Fathers warned us about this!
The Fountain of Youth is an OLD man's dream.
The Four Basic Food Groups: Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugar, and uh Sex!
The Four Boxes of Freedom: Soap, Ballot, Jury & Cartridge.
The Four Dullards of the Apocalypse! -- Tom Servo
The Four Food Groups: Frozen, Instant, Microwave, Takeout
The Four Food Groups: crust, sauce, toppings, cheese.
The Four Food Groups: Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugar & Sex.
The Four Food Groups: Caffeine, Tobacco, Chocolate, and Sex.
The Four Food Groups: Caffine, Chocolate, Sugar and Sex.
The Four Food Groups: Coffee, Beer, Pizza AND Sex
The Fourth Law of Computing: On a slow day, you can wait forever.
The Fox Network has sunk to a new low.. - Lisa
The Free Church of Scotland & The makers of Action Man have successfully stopped
The Free Radical -- Do You Get It?
The Free State - With a $1 Billion Debt - Maryland State Motto (1995)
The Freedom Line - Where are all our POW's?
The Freight Train of Truth is coming. LIbEralS are pennies on the track.
The French Chef - By Sue Flay
The French Chef: Sue Flay*
The French are wonderful. They're so, so...FRENCH.
The French defence isn't
The French take care of themselves - except in wartime.
The Fresh Start Club - where Death is only the beginning!
The Friendly Bartender - By Juana Beer
The Friends: "We are the shock troops of reality!"
The Froggies call crabs 'butterflies of love'
The Frozen South - By A. Winterbottom
The Fugitive Part II, starring OJ Simpson.
The Funeral - By Paul Bearer
The Fuselage isn't bent permenently, it's just "racked"
The Future is Deep Space Nine!
The Future is but Past forgotten.
The Future of Robotics - by Anne Droid
The GLAND Institute?! - Joel
The GODS may smile on you, A-Ko, but I never will! B-Ko
The GOP has a Contract With America. Clinton has one ON America
The Gamma Quadrant Dual Flush Toilet - For Founders and Solids.
The Gamma Quadrant is 70,000 light years from Bajor. - Sisko
The Gang And The Government Are No Different
The Gangsters - by Robin Steele
The Garbage Disposal God demands the offering of a spoon!
The Garbage Disposal God requires the offering of a spoon
The Garden State - By Ida Hoe
The Garden State: Ida Hoe*
The Garden of Eden had a moderator, and He was PISSED!
The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow. Ä Chekov
The Garden of Eden, with land mines. Kirk
The Garden of Eden. Just outside of Moscow. -Chekov
The Gardener - By Moses Lawn
The Gardener's Express Card: don't leave loam without it!
The Gay Navy gives the rank "Rear Admiral" a new meaning!
The Gene Simmons boat! - Mike
The General Law: The chaos in the universe always increases.
The General Theory of Relativity is far too specific
The General may be beaten, but he can never be destroyed.. - Zelazny
The General's first name was Ulysses, Tom granted.
The Generalized Thermodynamic Law (Systems Theory): More
The Generals gave thanks as the other ranks held back the enemy tanks.
The Generation that'd change the world is still lookin for its car keys!
The Genesis Story - the first pair ate the first apple
The George Bush life insurance plan: Dan Quayle
The German Bank Robbery - By Hans Zupp
The German army advances north in a Cadillac - Tom
The German's Favorite Spot - By Herr Bottom
The Germans make everything difficult. -Goethe
The Gettysburg Address = 286 words
The Ghetto of Pleasant Valley Acres - Crow
The GhostRider is back!!
The Giants win the Pennant! - Tom as dorky guy gets a hit
The Giants win the Pennant! -- Tom Servo
The Gimp's asleep. Well, I guess you'll just wake him up
The Gimp: "mmmfffggg!"
The Gingrich that stole xmass!
The Gingrich that stole xmass! In theatres Dec 21, video Jan 1!
The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything
The Girls Corps, 100 Magnificently trained girls - Mike
The Glaucoma Players - Tom
The Glaucoma Players proudly present... -- Tom Servo
The God I pray to ain't short of cash, Mister. - U2
The God of Decaffinated Coffee. -- Joel Robinson
The God of Peace will soon crush Satan under your feet
The God's play games with men as balls
The Goddess Eris prevails
The Goddess Loves You! Just don't push it till she's had her coffee!
The Goddess created cats so that men could learn to understand women.
The Goddess has a GREAT sense of humor...you're here aren't you?
The Goddess is Alive, and Magick is Afoot!
The Goddess is afoot? Gee, I thought she was a *whole* Lady!
The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot
The Goddess is alive, ask any flower!
The Goddess is not anorexic and does not use Microsoft Word
The Goddess lives and there is magic afoot
The Goddess loves you ... just don't push it 'til She's had Her coffee.
The Goddess loves you, but Her coffee comes first!
The Goddess loves you...But wait until She's had her coffee
The Goddess made cats so we might kiss tigers full on the lips
The Goddess made the cat so man could pet the lion.
The Goddess said "Let there be cats!" and She was promptly ignored
The Godfather BBS: Big bits, soft blocks, tighter ASCII
The Godfather Virus: Makes you a buffer you cant reuse.
The Godmother never sleeps
The Godpigeon says take *all* the eggs. - Bobby
The Gods DO have a sense of humor: I'm living proof!
The Gods have their own rules
The Gods never close one door but they open another.
The Gods only walk with you if you're going in Their direction.
The Gods went to Suggoth and all I got was this tagline
The Gold Coast: Newly-weds and nearly-deads
The Gold Latinum Card. Don't leave orbit without it.
The Golden Age Of The Doughy Guy! - Mike
The Golden Age of Making Stuff up - Tom
The Golden Age of Stalking - Tom
The Golden Age will come only when men have forgotten gold
The Golden Arches lead to the Pearly Gates
The Golden Bird is circling - Crow in Deep 13
The Golden Bird is circling. -- Crow T. Robot
The Golden Dog of the Sun ate my homework!
The Golden Key to this thing called life is rigorous self-honesty.
The Golden Rule is of no use to you whatever unless you realize it is your move. -- Frank Crane
The Golden Rule is the greatest moral truth. If you don’t believe in it, at least try to fake it.
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences: He who has the gold makes the rules
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences: He who has the gold makes the rules
The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules
The Golden Rule: The one with the most gold makes the rules.
The Golden Rule: Them's that has the gold makes the rules
The Gomer Pyle-driver! Gollee! - Tom
The Good Breakfast - By Hammond Deggs
The Good Employee - By O. K. Boss
The Good Humor man can only be pushed so far
The Good Humor man can only be pushed so far. - Bart's Blackboard
The Good Lord Pardon Every One That Prepareth His Heart To Seek God !!
The Good Old Songs For Me!
The Good of the Body is the Prime Directive. - Landru
The Good of the Body. That is the Key. - Spock
The Good, The Baud, and the Ugly!
The Good, The Bad...the Cosmetically Challenged
The Good, The bad, and the guy with the pun.: Various Holy Smokers
The Good, the Borg, and the Ugly.
The Good, the bad, and the guy with the pun. - Various
The Gordian Maxim: If a string has one end, it has another
The Gorge: been there, done that.
The Gorgons had long snakes in their hair. They looked like women only more horrible
The Gospel According To Charlie Drake?
The Gourmet Club will sample exotic mushrooms as its final banquet.
The Government Is Run By Aliens
The Government and Media are lying to you!
The Government does it to EVERYONE,
The Government reserves the right to REFUSE to serve everyone.
The Government should fear the people.--Thos.Jefferson
The Government took my guns, I'm safer now, Thanks Fuhrer
The Grail is hidden in the Castle of AAAUUGGGGHHHH!
The Grand Canyon. What a..grand..canyon.. - Homer
The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, all ready to use.
The Grass Is Always Greener - By N. V. Uss
The Grass is Brown on BOTH sides of the Fence
The Grass is always greener when you remember to water it
The Graveyard sequence - Tom
The Greasy Spoon Ä by Chris Coe
The Greasy Spoon: Chris Coe*
The Great Dane parks his Land Rover in the Barking Zone.
The Great Escape - By Freida Convict
The Great Fabrication - By Paul E. Ester
The Great Flood - By Noah Zark
The Great Flood: Noah Zark
The Great Gula Mons. Been there. Done That
The Great Prevaricator. - Demo Chair Charles Manatt on Ronald Reagan
The Great Quux The program is [1 J^P$L$$ J <.-Z;
The Great Rubber Failure - By Iva Child
The Great Spirit will not punish us for what we don't know. Red Jacket
The Great Stories always return to their original form
The Great [ESC]...Now Playing At A Monitor Near You !
The Greatest Novelty Records of All Time Dr. Demento
The Greatest Persuit of all is the Persuit of Why.
The Greatest Pleasure - By X. T. See
The Greatest Right is the Right "To Fail"
The Greatest labor saving device of all time --- $Money$
The Greatest of Faults Is To Be Conscious of None
The Greek national anthem has 158 verses. No one has memorised them all
The Green Mile-Book 1 _Two Dead Aardvarks_ {Stephen King}
The Grim File Reaper.
The Grim Legion wants YOU! (To get out of its way - or else!)
The Grim Reaper has cashed my life savings check.
The Groovy Ghoulies in the Ghoulag Archipelago? - Tom
The Groutful Dead.
The Grunions are coming, the grunions are coming - Paul Revere
The Guide is Definitive. Reality Is Frequenty Inaccurate!
The Guide is definitive, reality is frequently inacurate
The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate. - Douglas Adams
The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate. [HHGTTG]
The Gulf War Diet Plan: Kuwait Watchers! --Simon.
The Guy With The Bubble Gum Machine Head - Satellite News
The Gypsy's Den BBS - Nothing works and nobody cares
The HECK w/ messages, send me Taglines, Jokes, and MONEY!
The HELL you say...
The HOME is even planning on declaring a HOLIDAY!
The Ham Radio Primer - By Loudon Clear
The Hand of Tyr are perfect killing machines. -- Windtongue
The Handyman's Secret Weapon...Duct Tape! - Red Green
The Happy Hacker
The Hard Disk Cafe! (618)-684-3990 HST/V32 24Hrs WC2.55
The Harder you work . . . the luckier you get
The Hardy Boys, the Barbie Twins, and the Vice Squad.
The Harley howled in pain, the guitar howled in heat. - Jim Steinman
The Harper Valley Death Squad - Tom
The Hat Squad consoles her - Crow
The Hat Squad consoles her... -- Crow T. Robot
The Hatfields and McCoys feuded to see who would get to do it.
The Hawaain disease.....lackanookie.
The He's dead, Jim! taglines are dead, Jim!
The Head of The Church of Humor is the Puntiff.
The Headlight is on! But no one is in the Cab!
The Healthcare crisis is really a result of greed
The Hearbeat of America, that's todays IBM!
The Heart and Mind united in a single perfect sphere
The Heart of the Tiger continues to weaken.. - Thrakhath about Blair
The Heart of the Tiger has failed his race... - Thrakhath
The Heart of the Tiger...In my bones, I wish to kill you... - Melek
The Heathen run amok! - Otis Oracle
The Heaven's in their last throes of death
The Heck With Fuzzy Slippers! Just Give Me A Warm Cat On My Feet
The Hedgehog's Guide to the Galaxy
The Heimlich Manoeuvre, I believe it helps women stop crying
The Heineken Uncertainty Principle: You can never be sure how many beers you had last night
The Hendersons will all be there. - Beatles
The Hendersons will dance and sing. Ä Beatles
The Hernia Society needs your support
The Hero I am not. I can do naught. --Frog
The Herrin Virus - Your hard drive is filled with REP's
The Heys!...They look just like my sidekick, Arthur! - The Tick
The Hidden Flaw Never Stays Hidden
The Hidden Surprise - By Pam Perz
The Hidden Surprise: Pam Perz*
The High School bigshot! - Tom sings
The High Times corporate picnic - Tom on bikers
The High Times corporate picnic... -- Tom Servo
The Highways jammed with power heroe's
The Hilary Factor... Practice birth control PLEASE!
The Hillary Clinton IRA: In - $1000. Out - $100,000!
The Hillary Factor... Practice birth control PLEASE!
The Hillary Health Care Caravan: We're all Bozos on this bus
The HindenBorg - Safe Landings are Irrelevant!
The Hindenburg and Rush Limbaugh: Two explosive Nazi gasbags.
The Hindenburg and Rush Limbaugh: a flaming Nazi gasbag, and a dirigible
The Hippos are lactating
The History Of Exxon - By Phil Errup
The History Of Exxon: Phil Errup*
The History Of Rock And Roll - By Tristan Shout
The Hitchhiker - By Juan Nalift
The Hitchhiker: Juan Nalift*
The Hitler "World Domination" tour, 1939-48 (cut short)
The Hittleman film empire started w/this movie - Dr. F
The Hive - Sidekick of Lord of the Pit.
The Hobby Pharm --< is now CompuPharm(tm)
The Holistic BBS: Home of the "Post with the Most"
The Hollywood tradition I like best is called "sucking up to the stars." -- Johnny Carson
The Holodeck has OTHER uses, Geordi! Find a real girl!
The Holy Bible is "The Sporting News" of Christianity.
The Holy Hand Gernade of Antoich! - Arthur
The Holy Roman Empire: neither holy, Roman, or an empire.
The Holy Spirit can replace our self-doubt with power.
The Holy Spirit gives us power to be better than we are.
The Holy Trinity IS a Biblically-supported concept.
The Holy Trinity of Rock: E-A-B, E-A-B-A.
The Holy Trinity: Danger mouse, Penfold, um.. Bananaman!
The Home Shopping operator recognizes your voice
The Homeboy Shopping Network - Where Everything is For Sale!
The HoneyBorgers, To Wolf 359, Alice! To Wolf 359!
The Honeymoon is the time between "I do" and "You'd better!"
The Hoosier State - By N. D. Anna
The Hooterville Seven - Crow on group of hicks
The Horta move through rock the way we move through air. - Spock
The Horta was so startled, she lost her marbles
The Hostess will seat you now.
The Hound of Heaven is a Great Tracker
The Hounds Of Winter, They Harry Me Down... (Sting)
The House of Lords has a value ... it is good evidence of life after death
The House of Lords is a model of how to care for the elderly
The House of Lords is a perfect eventide home
The House of the Heart Is Never Full.
The House of the Rising Pun - Tom on Chinese temple
The Housing Problem - By Rufus Quick
The Housing Problem: Rufus Quick
The Housing Problem: Rufus Quick
The Hubbell space telescope works fine; all that stuff is blurry!
The Hubbell works fine; all that stuff IS blurry!
The Hubble telescope is now searching for the Mars Probe.
The Hubble works fine...all that stuff IS blurry.
The Human Brain - By Sarah Bellum
The Human Race - Membership is a Privilege
The Hunchback of Notre Dame's secret mantra: Oh mommy pat my hump.
The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get! (PA Dutch Genealogist <G>)
The I'm not afraid of Skydiving by Hugo First.
The I, Robot Grooming/Bikini Waxing set - Dr. Forrester
The I-Way...Route RS232.
The I.Q. of a group is the lowest I.Q. of the member of that Group divided by the number of the people in the group
The I.R.S. must like poor people, it makes a lot of them.
The IBM PS/70: We'll keep trying until we get it right.
The IGNN - Sometimes the truth is worth dying for
The IQ of a group = the lowest IQ of a group member / the number of people in the group
The IQ of the group is the lowest IQ of a member of the group divided by the number of people in the group
The IRS does it to EVERYBODY.
The IRS is proof that the Devil is Real. <=NOT when refunds come!
The IRS is the democratic party's collection department
The IRS is to the people what pantyhose are to quick sex.
The IRS just called......They said it was urgent!
The IRS' new motto: You make it, we take it
The IRS: You make it, we take it
The Icarus Class starship had problems when it flew too near the sun.
The Ice Age cometh.
The Ice Age is cool, but the Stone Age rocks!
The Ideal Husband - By John Henry Everhard
The Ides of March have come -- Julius Caesar
The Ides of March have come. Julius Caesar
The Iliad...It's Homer--...READ A BOOK!! - Handy [The Tick]
The Illiterati Programus Canto 1: A program is a lot like a nose: Sometimes it runs, and sometimes it blows
The Illuminated Congregation of Melchizedek
The Illuminati -- "Running America since 1774."
The Illuminati are in turn ruled by... Barney the Dinosaur!
The Illuminati aren't out to get you. What was your name?
The Illuminati do not exist. Really. We're not kidding.
The Illuminati knows all..sees all..tells all..and at reasonable rates
The Illuminator: I'll be back!
The Illuminutti are in turn ruled by... Barney the Dinosaur!
The Imp has called his bride, and he means to put her with child
The Imperial and Rebel Alliance Sourcebooks - By West End Games
The Incompetent Bullfighter - by Gordon Bloody
The Incomplete Handbook (Class to Be Named Soon).
The Indifference conference has been cancelled due to lack of interest
The Industrial Revolution - By Otto Mattick
The Industrial Strength BBS.
The Indy 500%: The slot through which a clerk draws your credit card.
The Information Superhighway bypasses the Global Village
The Inquisition allowed Torquemada personal growth
The Inquisition, what a show..The Inquisition, here we go
The Insular Cases, 5 cases in the book, U.S. Supreme Court.
The Intel Pentium: "The Error Inside"
The Intendant menaced,"And you said I blow bottom bubbles in my bath!"
The Intendant met Kira and sobbed,"I loved the way you looked BEFORE!"
The Intendant.....when the robes fell.....her arms open wide
The Intepid is manned by Vulcans, isn't it? McCoy
The Internet - the Information SuperHYPEway
The Internet Group
The Internet has made the world a single neighborhood again. Now we're
The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. --John Gilmore
The Internet is just like any other net. Along with the good stuff, you also pull up the trash
The Internet is the government's "Frankenstein"!
The Internet...Getting There is Half the Fun
The Internet: Bring the Global Community into Reality
The Internet: Bringing the Global Community into being
The Internet: Onramp to the Information Superhighway
The Intrepid died of that particular virus. Kirk
The Invasion USA Orchestra - Crow
The Invid?! Where?!. . . )@*!@)!&@*#&#*&$%&#$*^$NO CARRIER
The Iraq Country Club - 18,000 hole golf course!
The Irish Heart Surgeon - By Angie O'Plasty
The Irish In Israel: A Retrospective
The Irish are fair; they never speak well of one another.
The Irish are great cursers! (ed. cursors?)
The Irish ignore anything they can't drink or punch <old saying>
The Irish people do not gladly suffer common sense.
The Irish use 2 condoms to be sure, to be sure.
The Isaac Asimov Body Splash - Dr. Forrester
The Israelis are the Doberman pinschers of the Middle East. They treat the Arabs like postmen. -- Franklyn Ajaye
The Isuyu Sosumi - Drive the car lawyers love to drive.
The JABBER crisis: "But it worked in Beta testing!"
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame
The Jack Butler Tagline collection, coming soon on CD ROM
The Jack Nicholson Courtesy Driving School - Tom/#606
The James Brown Auto Alarm: Aiyow! Aiyow! Aiyow! Aiyow!
The Janitors Union went on strike demanding sweeping reforms. The Baker's Union, however, wanted more dough
The Japanese are not our saviors, they are our competitors
The Japanese call us lazy, but at least we cook our fish!
The Japanese define an orgasm as a gland finale
The Japanese grow up to be small, so they can fit in their country.
The Japanese have created a word to mean vomit: Bushusuru.
The Japanese just inproved bungee jumping--CORDLESS!
The Japanese may call us lazy, but at least we cook our fish!
The Japanese say Canadians are lazy... HAH! We cook our fish!
The Japanese speak a funny language - French or something.
The Japanese way of Death - by Harri Kari.
The Jay Leno gang! - Crow on dorky bikers
The Jayne Mansfield story - Tom as blonde's car swerves
The Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice
The Jedi are extinct...their fire has gone out of the universe
The Jem'Hadar blew up my ship and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
The Jerull Holy Empire: You shall be converted, or crushed.
The Jester will prevail! Death to All the Tyrants!!
The Jewish religion was admirably fitted for defence, but it was never designed for conquest. -Edward Gibbon
The Jews and Arabs should settle their disputes in the true spirit of Christian charity. - Alexander Wiley
The Jews are a frightened people. Nineteen centuries of Christian love have broken down their nerves. - Israel Zangwill
The John Bobbitt Doll! (Some assembly required)
The John Watch Program: Buy and Tell!
The Jolly green giant Fears Avacado Pickers
The Joneses? Heck, I can't keep up with the Simpsons
The Joranian ostrich hides with his head under water... -Odo
The Journey's there to make you learn to fly... VH
The Joy of Sax - Jazz Music in the Late 20th Century. -SLR
The Joy of Six - Child Prodigies.
The Joy of Sox - Boston and Chicago Baseball Players.
The Joy of Sux - The History of the Electric Vacuum.
The Joys Of Playing An Instrument - By Clara Nett
The Juicer - the only way Windows will ever be fluid.
The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly
The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly. -- Obi Wan
The Jupitarians have landed, and they brought the kids.
The Justly Compensated League of Super-Heroes. Wow! -- The Tick
The K.I.S.S. Principle: Keep It Simple Stupid!
The KING's daughter married a QUEEN?
The KJV is right: the name of the LORD is to be shouted!
The KKK is a landfill that only takes white trash.
The Kai has Voles scampering in her bedroom. She's NOT happy about it!
The Kakapo is the only flightless Parrot.
The Kansas State Library burned.....both books destroyed.
The Kat is never vulgar
The Kat was created when the lion sneezed. - Arab Myth
The Kazon are _always_ having a bad hair day!
The Keeper is helping them. He thinks. Bring in the logic probe! --Sark
The Keiko/Miles thing still feels good to me. - Anna Steven
The Kennedy Constant: Don't get mad -- get even.
The Kennedy Family's Favorite Sex Position - defendant.
The Kennedy family's favorite sexual position: Defendant.
The Kennedys' favorite sexual position: Defendant!
The Kentucky Cycle has more Hawaiin locations - Crow
The Kernighan & Richie Virus: "C" sickness.
The Key of Ufology is.............. MARS!
The Keyboard is Mightier Than the Sword
The Killer Ducks are coming!!!
The Kilrathi do not co-exist. - Angel
The Kilrathi don't usually upload their schedule in advance. - Flint
The Kilrathi must not die out as a race... - Melek
The Kin of the Rat deserve our respect. -- Belle, Bone Gnawer
The King and I...It's a movie about Elvis
The King has left the building! [Mole King, that is] From The Tick
The King is Jesus Christ!!!
The King is a Fink!
The King is dead! Long live the King!
The King is gone, but it's not forgotten
The King of the Potato people won't let me Rimmer: Quarantine
The King's English" was not originally meant to be complimentary.
The King, Nope not Richard Petty, Guess again!
The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand !!
The Klingon Empire demands a CFL franchise! - Sign at '94 Grey Cup
The Klingon Prime Directive: "Shoot it."
The Klingon said, 'Victory' just before he died.... - Kira
The Klingon that can be Romulan is not the true Klingon.
The Klingon's mission must've failed. - Kira
The Klingons are a military dictatorship. - Kirk
The Klingons choose their friends very carefully. -- Guinan
The Klingons have taken over the Romulan Empire. - Picard
The Klingons on the starboard bow, scrape them off Jim!
The Knightly News: what Sir Galahad and Sir Lancelot watched evenings
The Korean War must have been fun
The Kraft Report: "first thing we do; fire all the safety inspectors.
The Kurgan, he is the strongest of the Immortals. - Ramirez
The Kzinti warrior leapt for the tlhIngan's throat; a worthy opponent!
The L.A. Riots of 1992: Shakka, when the malls fell
The LA Lakers' Breakfast - by Kareem O'Wheat
The LAN of Nod was Cain's first primitive one computer network.
The LAPD ----- Treats ya like a KING
The LAPD ----- Treats ya like a KING .........
The LAST place you'd look for a spare part is in the tool box
The LEAST dangerous man in America!
The LEAST government is the BEST government.
The LITE F.M. And now, here's FIST - Tom
The LORD called to the man clothed in linen. Ex 9:3
The LORD is my Shepherd;
The Lab called,..... Your brain is ready!
The Lab called. Your brain is ready, Geco!
The Lab called. Your brain is ready, Pangborn!
The Lab called: your brain is ready.
The Lady Is A Tramp. Is that so hard to understand?
The Lady Pirate - By Peg Legg
The Lady Pirate: Peg Legg*
The Landru Rover - it can take The Body anywhere!
The Largest Bra In The World - By Norma Stitz
The Largest and the BIGGEST street gang in the World ...L.A.P.D.
The Last Borg Scout - Starring Patrick Stewart as Locutas.
The Last Frontier - By L. S. Kah
The Last Of The Independants
The Last One's Law of Program Generators: A program generator
The Last Roundup - By Brandon Irons
The Last Roundup: Brandon Irons*
The Last Word In Lonesome Is "me"
The Lava Boat - Tom
The Law is your friend... but watch out for the Lawyers.
The Law of Fashion: The same dress is: indecent 10 years before
The Law of Fives is never wrong.
The Law of Medium Numbers: For medium number systems, we can
The Law of Raspberry Jam: The wider any culture is spread, the
The Law of Selective Gravity (The Buttered Side Down Law)
The Law of Selective Gravity (The Buttered Side Down Law): An object will fall so as to do the most damage
The Law of Unintended Consequences carries it own penalties
The Law of the Letter: The best way to inspire fresh thoughts is to seal the envelope
The Law of the Torpedo states the ship with fighters wins
The Lawnmower Man really knew how to modem
The Laws of Nature have no pity. -- Heinlein
The Laws of Nature have no pity. - Robert A. Heinlein
The Laws of Nature have no pity. -- Heinlein
The Lazybowl - Reclining toilet seat with foot rest.
The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime.
The Leafs are on TV? Nahh...I'd rather watch hockey!
The League of Non-Aligned Worlds
The Lean, Mean, Reading Machine
The Leap Year Corollary: Exceptions always outnumber rules
The Ledge
The Left is everyone who isn't pathologically insane. Noam Chomsky
The Legacy of Bigfoot
The Legend of Boggy Creek had more depth - Tom
The Legend of Curly Joe Dorita's Gold - Mike
The Legend of Dina Shore? - Tom
The Legend of Dinah Shore? -- Tom Servo
The Legendary "Foul Mouth Bass" - Ren.
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #2: Gary Caplan.
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #2: @N@
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #2: Dan Welch
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #2: Gary Caplan.
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #3: Myra I Fox.
The Legends of Taglines Collectors Series #3: Myra I Fox.
The Lethian. He came out of nowhere. Odo
The Liberal Crisis: "But it worked out on paper !!!
The Liberal Democrats are THE Enemies of Freedom
The Liberal Hot Line: 1-900-WEL-FARE ($25 per minute).
The Libertarian Party represents YOU!
The Libertarian Party: legalize slavery for the sake of freedom
The Librarian's Defense: There are no answers -- only cross references
The Library of St. John the Beheaded - Catalogue #3@DY@679@DD@
The Life is a Game! Try to win ;-)
The Light at the End of the Tunnel Could be a flame thrower.
The Likely Lads at SBC?
The Lily, Thistle, Shamrock, Rose/ The Maple Leaf, forever!
The Lily, Thistle, Shamrock, Rose/ The Maple Leaf, forever!
The LimBORG have neither honor or accurate information.
The Limbaugh Zone: No thinking allowed.
The Limborg have neither honor, nor accurate information.
The Lion Attacked - By Claudia Armoff
The Lion Attacked! by Claude Enarmoff
The Lion Attacked: Claudia Armoff
The Lion King is...really an adult-cartoon movie... -CHUM FM 30
The Lion King made $200 million in 33 days, second to Jurassic Park.
The Lion King rules Canadian box office, $15.7 million -Toronto Star.
The Lion-Tamer - By Claud Face
The Lippman Lemma: People specialize in their area of greatest<>weakness
The Liquidator...liquidates with his tongue.
The Lisan-al-Gaib shall see through all subterfuge. -- Coda
The Little Computer That Could..."Icon compute..Icon compute."
The Little Creatures Of Nature...They Don't Know That Their Ugly!.
The Little Engine that Could Becomes intoxicated and Kills Civillians.
The Little Mermaid wears an algaebra
The Lizards: Green Rambos on steroids!!!
The Loch Ness Monster and Lady Godiva tried to kiss and make-up, Says John Major
The Lollypop. It's just been commissioned. It's a good ship. Ä Riker
The Lonely Lady" - By Herman Lefter
The Long Hot Summer - By I. Scream
The Long Walk Home. Actually it is - Tom as girl walks
The Long and Winding Road that leads to your door. Ä Beatles
The Loonie: I sheathe my long sword and kiss the ogre on the lips!
The Loony Detector van you mean
The Lord Make His Face Shine Upon Thee, And Be Gracious Unto Thee !!
The Lord Reigneth; Let The Earth Rejoice !!
The Lord _Used_ To Work In Mysterious Ways, Now He Works In Subspace.
The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed-- Psalm 9:9
The Lord bless thee and keep thee. -- Numbers 6:24
The Lord constituted us all, no matter what color, we require the same amount of nourishment.WRoger
The Lord giveth - the government taketh away.
The Lord giveth and Clinton taketh away
The Lord giveth and the government taketh away
The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Fickle, fickle Lord.
The Lord in his wisdom made the fly, and then forgot to tell us why
The Lord is My Shepherd; I Shall Not Want
The Lord is My Strength and Song, And is Become My Salvation !!
The Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. - Ps. 95:3
The Lord is a man of war. -- Exodus 15:3
The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
The Lord is my light
The Lord is my light, then why should I fear?
The Lord is my light.
The Lord is my shepard- Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd... And I am glad He is*
The Lord knows who I am and where I am... - Gen. Risner, in POW camp
The Lord knows who I am and where I am... - General Risner
The Lord loves a hangin', that's why he gave us necks.
The Lord may be subtle, but He is not malicious. - Albert Einstein
The Lord of the Dance first appeared on the Earth
The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is the reason that He makes so many of them. -- Abraham Lincoln
The Lord preserveth all those that love Him. - Psalm 145:20
The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another. - Genises
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Just ask the altar boys!
The Lord {is} my shepherd; I shall not want. (PSA 23:1)
The Lord {is} my shepherd; I shall not want. (PSA 23:1)
The Lord's Prayer = 66 words
The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, there are
The Lorena Bobbitt virus: Turns your 5.25" disk into a 3.5" floppy!
The Loser's Club gets off a good one! -- Richie Tozier
The Lottery: A tax for people who don't understand statistics!
The Lotto breaks up families
The Lotto has ended because of an large jackpot!
The Love Trek, exploring new feelings. Come aboard
The Lucky Stiff Funeral Home: We put the FUN back in funeral
The Luggage said nothing, but louder this time.
The Lurking Fear
The M5 must be destroyed. - Kirk
The MANOS: HAM OF FATE RUBEN! - Mike on deli menu
The MERIT STONE-WHEAT CRACKERS - Frank orders lunch
The MIND is the weapon...everything else is just a tool!
The MOG-UR'S EMS * L.A., CA * 818-366-1238/8929 þ
The MONTI-CHRISTO-MARKHAM - Mike on deli menu
The MPC Standard is for wimps. I'm Ultima VII compliant!
The MR. B NATURAL-DIET PLATE? - Mike on deli menu
The MS died get the DR Dr Dos 6.0!
The MSNTBC Saturday Movie of the Week
The MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!
The MYSTERIANS are in here with my CORDUROY SOAP DISH!!
The MaStEr doEs'nt liKE vIsItOrs...-Torgo
The Mac was better off when it was just a hamburger
The Macintosh is Xerox technology at its best
The Macintosh! Argh
The Mad Scientist Masculine Hygiene Mist - Dr. Forrester
The Mafia hitman is taking you for a ride: a slay ride.
The Magic of Windows 95 can be yours for only $3000!
The Magic of Windows 95: Turns a Pentium into an XT.
The Magic of Windows: Turns a 486 back into a PC/XT.
The Magic of Windows: Turns a Pentium-100 into a 4MHz XT
The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting to take you away. Ä Beatles
The Magical Mythstery Tour
The Mahdi will be aware of things others cannot see. -- Coda
The Mailman bringeth...The Garbageman taketh away!!!
The Maintainer's Motto: If we can't fix it, it ain't brok
The Major Kira Nerys Virus ITS HIGHLY VOLATILE!
The Major Kira Nerys Virus- It's HIGHLY Volitile!
The Major Kira Nerys Virus. ITS HIGHLY VOLATILE!
The Major Kira Nerys Virus........ITS HIGHLY UNSTABLE!
The Major Kira Virus..."IT'S HIGHLY VOLITILE!"
The Majority is never right; unless it includes me
The Makers designed us. Norman
The Male rite of passage: Writing your name in the snow.
The Malkavians are unknowable. -- Shamish, Ventrue
The Man On The Ledge - By Willy Jump
The Man Who Sold The Moon by Robert A. Heinlein
The Man With the Golden Aardvark with agent 007.1275
The Man is the Center of All Things. Companion
The Man must continue. Companion
The Man of Steel just hates industrial electromagnets.
The Man wants eleven dollar bills, 'n you only got ten.
The Management of this Establishment is not Responsible.
The Management reserves the right to serve refuse to anyone.
The Manson Family home videos - Tom on bikers
The Manson Family home videos... -- Tom Servo
The Many, The Same, The Invid!
The Maqui's probably dead from one of the cave-ins. Kira
The Maquis are as close to family as I've ever had. -- Torres
The Maquis ships are regrouping. - Data
The Maquis: A haven for all manner of spies.
The Marine Sex Manual: IN - OUT. Repeat if necessary
The Marines are looking for a few good transexuals?
The Marines: The few, the proud, the dead on the beach
The Marines: The few, the proud, the not very bright
The Mars Probe was programmed with EDLIN.
The Mars probe dropped carrier
The Martian Canals were clearly the Martian's last ditch effort!
The Martian canals were the Martians' last ditch effort.
The Martians are a happy people; they have no lawyers.
The Mary Jo Copechtne Memorial Bridge - Crow
The Masked Avenger Cow is eliminated - Tom
The Massiah is coming - look busy!
The Master said, 'Clever talk and a pretentious manner' are seldom found in the Good. - Confucius
The Master said, 'Clever talk and a pretentious manner' are seldom found in the Good. - Confucius. The Analects, (I, 3)
The Math Club adjourned sqr(1-cos(die)^2)
The Math of Love: 1+1= everything. 2-1= nothing.
The Matrix has you
The Matt Decker Award for over acting
The Maus mobile comes loaded with options--electric windows, 8-track
The Maxx's menubar: File Edit Glower Mumble Destroy SwitchToOutback
The McDonald's has burgers, for those who buy them.
The McJackson -- a big weenie between two little buns
The McJagger - made from cow lips.
The Meaning Of Life Part 5: Live Organ Transplants
The Meaning Of Life Part 6B: The Meaning Of Life
The Meaning Of Taste
The Meaning of Life: Do#$%^&*#NO CARRIER
The Meaning of Life: Do#$%^&*#NO CARRIER
The Media Creates news, the way banks create money. Out of nothing
The Media: Damage control for Democrats
The Meek Don't Want It
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth, The Rest Of Us Will Go To The
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth; Everyone Else The Stars
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth... We're heading for the stars!
The Meek shall inherit the earth, after probate.
The Meek shall inherit the earth, but I'll have fun until they do.
The Meek shall inherit the earth, but the inheritance taxes will be prohibitive.
The Meek shall inherit the earth....after we're through with it.
The Meek shall inherit the leftovers!.
The Men Who Hold High Places Must Be The Ones To Start
The Merry Men: Boyz of the Hood
The Method: The casting out of false prophets.
The Methodists are gonna have a W.C. Fields day!
The Microsoft Motto: "We're the leaders, wait for us!"
The Microsoft Network Can you hack it?
The Microsoft Network Gates of bogosity.
The Microsoft Network Not quite a Marvel.
The Microsoft Network Vaporware online!
The Middle of Nowhere -
The Mighty Ducks? Really?
The Mighty Oak - By A. Korn
The Military Salute now uses a much limper wrist
The Military: Peace is our profession - mass murder's just a hobby
The Militia is the People of our great Republic
The Militia: Our LAST line of defense
The Milling About festival - Tom
The Million Eyes of Subaru - Tom
The Minbari are an intergalactic problem waiting to happen
The Mini Cooper, three times winner of the Monte Carlo Rally
The Miracle Drug - By Penny Cillin
The Miracle Drug: Penny Cillin*
The Miss Macross Pageant was FIXED! There is no other possible way!!
The Missionary Man, he was followin' me
The Mississippi is the nation's sewer, and Louisiana the
The Mississippi is the nation's sewer, and Louisiana the septic tank.
The Mistress is prettier then you, Master -- k-9
The Mob And The Government Are No Different
The Mob Squad - Crow
The Mob has many heads, but no Brains
The Moderator gave me clearance to talk about ANYTHING!
The Moderator had a full quota of *fresh meat* _last_ week.
The Moderator has a longer attention span than my Tagline file
The Moderator has spoken
The Moderator hasn't placed it off topic yet. - Don Horton.
The Moderator hasn't placed it off topic... yet
The Moderator here doesn't bother anyo.@#$% NO CARRIER
The Moderator is Dead. Long Live the Moderator.
The Moderator is God, and there is no God except the Moderator
The Moderator is NOT God! God has mercy!
The Moderator is dead. Long live the monitor.
The Moderator is not infallible. Wait, I may be mistaken about that
The Moderator is the Court of No Appeal!.
The Moderator is, to put it mildly, busting his buttons
The Moderator makes *toast* of those who don't *post*.
The Moderator needs a Moderator!
The Moderator's back and you're gonna be in trouble
The Moderator's back, we'd better kill this conversation.
The Moderator's personal handbook of "on topic" discussions, of course!
The Moderator: Judge, Jury, and Executioner
The Moment of Conception: ( -> )-+
The Monkey Cage - By Jim Panzee
The Monkey Cage: Jim Panzee*
The Montreal Canadiens kick ice!
The Moon. Yes, That will be my home.
The Moose is Loose in Atlanta
The Moral Majority is NEITHER!
The Moral Majority is neither.
The Moral Majority isn't moral nor is it the majority.
The Moral is: Never EVER trust a Draft-dodger!
The More I Learn About Women, the More I Love My Harley
The More You Suffer, The More It Shows You Really Care
The Morgors, like Death, were without art.
The Mormon Guide To Alternative Sex
The Morning After - "WHERE ARE MY EYEBROWS?!?"
The Morning Zoo: 1983-1991 R.I.P. And GOOD RIDDANCE!
The Morpork Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick/Lost Dragons
The Morris Dance is common to all inhabited worlds in the multiverse.
The Morse Code -- Just Do It!
The Morse Code -- Just Do It... Any way you can!
The Mosquitoes in Minnesota are so big they made it the state bird!
The Most Dangerous Thing: A second lieutenant with a map.
The Most Popular People Are Cooks! The Most Overworked Also!
The Motel of your mind has many vacancies
The Mother Board - The Movie! coming to a theater near U!
The Mother of All Taglines
The Motorcycle Dude Wants You to Look Left then Right,Then do it Again
The Motorcycle Dude Wishes For Every One To Ride Safe And Enjoy Life
The Mule conquered Both the First & Second Foundations si
The Multi-Phrase tractor beam has left everyone speechles
The Murphy Philosophy: Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse
The Music Of Sammy Davis Jr. By Candy Mann
The Music Of Sammy Davis Jr.: Candy Mann.
The Musical World Of Walt Disney - By M. O. Yewessee
The Mustang... Behold! A box on wheels!
The Mutants are Dead. The Mutants are History.
The Mutual Funds don't like Clinton either
The Mystery Man came over and he said "You're outta sight".
The Myth Of The Mafia - By I. L. Killya
The N.B. economy is based on fish, cows and ferrying cars to Boston.
The N.S. economy is based on lobsters and fiddle music.
The NAACP: an organization for discriminating people.
The NASCAR deal of racing to the yellow didn't help either
The NAZGUL are dead ringers.
The NBA's best announcers double as a warm hearty meal.
The NET...Love it - or LOG-OFF !
The NEW Doctor McCoy! He's a doctor--AND a floor wax!
The NEW Tachyon-Modem -- downloads files before you dial out!
The NEW Terminate will -=> FAX <=- almost anything!
The NEW WWF Generation...On top of the hill, not over it
The NEW XT EMULATOR! MicroSoft Windows NT
The NFL is suing the CFL 'cause they use yards too
The NFL's newest team: The expansion Baltimore Roadkill Eaters!
The NFLD economy is based on fish, seafood, and fish-related products.
The NHL: The No Hockey League!
The NHS is so underfunded that even the placebos are fake
The NSA doesn't exist. Just ask them.
The NSA is watching y#$% NO CARRIER
The NUMBER of malefactors authorizes not the crime
The Nagus said you'd react like this. Rom
The Nagus wouldn't dream of excluding you, Brother. Rom
The Name "Mustang" on an LX is a sign of Fords stupidity!
The Names Project
The Names Project.....
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter... - Elliot
The Nanites have *lawyers?*
The Narn are falling before us. - Londo
The Narn do seem to be a most...passionate people. - Lennier (B5)
The Narns are like the Natoth. Smelly - Centari
The Nat'l Endowment for Arts is Unconstitutional
The National Football Conference: Winner of 10 straight Super Bowls!
The National Hernia Society needs your support
The National Internet Souce, Inc
The National League-Where REAL baseball is played!
The National Procrastinators Week will be rescheduled
The National Registry of Historic Hideouts - Crow
The National Science Foundation - By Grant Money
The National Short-Sleeved Shirt Association says: Support your right to bare arms!
The Naughtiest Girl in the School--Men of the 14th Marine Cmd
The Naughty Farm Boy - By Enid Spankin
The Navel Dept. has a hand in it - Crow on girl's tummy
The Navy Seals are here - Tom on Mongols in water
The Navy! Not just a job! It's a date!
The Navy, it's not just a job...it's losing track of weekends!!
The Navy. Hundreds of years of traditions ... in really screwing up.
The Nebraska State Forest - Crow on desolate landscape
The Necronomicon must not fall into the hands of the deadites!
The Necrotelecomnicon: Book of telephone numbers's of the dead.
The Negative orgasm: "Oh no, Ohh nooo, OH NOOO !"
The Nerd - By C. S. Major
The Network Consultants Full Employment Act of 1990. Windows 3.x -
The New "Clinton" 104 0-EZ Form: A) Bend Over B) Insert Here
The New 2006 Dodge Charger, 7% closer to the real Dodge Charger than the 300C.
The New Age is just like the old age - only newer
The New Age is just like the old age - only newer
The New Chrysler Presidential Car: The Dodge Drafter
The New Deal FDR..The Raw Deal Bill Clinton
The New Deal: FDR - The RAW Deal: Clinton
The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that 1 out of 10 doctors is an idiot
The New Gay Slogan: 2Q2BSTR8
The New KKK--Klinton Kongressional Kaucus
The New NRA...A Granny with a GUN soon puts Liberals on the run!!
The New Presidential Car: Chrysler Dodge Drafter.
The New Presidential Facial Cream: Rub-Out.
The New Presidential Shoes: Flip-Flops.
The New Queer Slogan: 2QT2BSTR8
The New World Order isn't just a Conspiracy, it's a Political Agenda
The New World Order.......Now playing in your neighborhood
The New York Breakfast: Two cups of coffee and three cigarettes
The New York Yankees: 33 Pennants, 22 World Championships. THE Team.
The New testament is about catering for large numbers
The Newt Deal has arrived
The Next Aussie Anthem: Waltzing with Jadzia
The Next Generation
The Next Message Will Probably Be Better
The Next Skull On The Necklace Is Mine
The Night by HEART
The Nightcrawler's waiting for you. - LaCroix
The Nine Billion Names Of Tom Servo: Don Servo.
The Nine Billion Names Of Tom Servo: Tolchetomethuenicazit.
The Nine Billion Names Of Tom Servo: Tom Survo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Bob Balaban.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Clod Merlot.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Com Earlobe.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Deus Servomachina.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Hod Velcro.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Hop Curlew.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Hop Sterno.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Knock Pearljam.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Lob Siltloam.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Mob Neverball.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Nod Earful.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Paul Anka.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Ptahm Syrvault.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Ron Purloin.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tawn Hermo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tham Shrivo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tom Cyrveaux
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tom Serbia.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Bob Balaban.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Clod Merlot.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Com Earlobe.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Deus Servomachina.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Don Servo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Hop Curlew.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Hop Sterno.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Knock Pearljam.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Lob Siltloam.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Mob Neverball.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Nod Earful.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Paul Anka.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Ptahm Syrvault.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Ron Purloin.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tawn Hermo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tham Shrivo.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tolchetomethuenicazit.
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tom Cyrveaux
The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo: Tom Serbia.
The Nine Planes Cookbook.
The No-Win Tagline: ===__-+- *-=/__ *-/__ *-=/__
The No.2 pencil is mighter than the ink pen.
The Node *IS* the world!
The Norsemen never wrote home - when Odin found out, they were Runed.
The Norwegian Blue prefers keepin' on its back!
The Notorious B.O.R.G.: Your ho's, bling-bling, and Cristal will be assimilated.
The Number 1 reason for running Windows is..........................?
The Number Five: Let's Survive in 1985
The OCA is perverse and unnatural
The OCA is perverse and unnatural
The OFFICIAL of the 1996 Olympics!
The OFFICIAL Recipe of the 2000 Sydney Olympics Bid!
The OFFICIAL Tagline of the @YEAR@ Olympics!
The OFFICIAL recipe of the 1996 Olympics!
The OFFICIAL tagline of the 1992 World Series Champions!
The OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!
The OFFICIAL tagline of the 2000 Sydney Olympics Bid!
The OFFICIAL tagline of the 2040 Olympics!
The ONLY Channel 1 we have in the USA is MSNTBC Shield.
The ONLY good cat is a stir fried cat (Alf)
The ONLY good cat is a stir fried cat (Alf)
The ONLY good cat is one embedded in my tire tread!
The ONLY sporting use protected by the 2nd Amendment: Tyranticide!
The ONLY thing better than being in love is loving.
The ONLY thing constant is change... Hmmm
The OR is not supposed to be some kind of coffee klatsch! - Frank
The ORB! Of *course*, what else? -- Bowler
The ORIGINAL tagline (one-liner) author: Henny Youngman
The OTHER planets have no life!
The Oath is more important. Unless it's the Measure.--Tarli
The Obamas another black family in public housing!
The Observation Lounge has turned into a swamp! - Riker
The Observation Lounge has turned into a swamp! - Riker
The Ocean is/as is/as is/as the endless sigh of dreaming
The Odd couple: A Deaf man and a blind woman.
The Odo burger: It's a shake; it's a burger; it's fries.
The Official Candy of Windows95: Snickers
The Official Colorado State Vegetable is now the "state legislator"
The Official Offline Reader of The Lunatic Fringe!
The Old Codger - By A. T. Yearsold
The Old Fashioned Way - By Ilene Back
The Old Gods aren't Dead, They think *we*are!!!!
The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are
The Old Republican Health Plan: PRAY YOU DON'T GET SICK!
The Olympics are for lugers.
The One Minute Mafia - Mike
The One Who Dies With The Most Women In His Harem Dies Happy.
The One is hurt. Must find. Zathras must find. Help
The One with The Answer is seldom asked The Question
The Only Consistently Bright Life is The Persistently Right Life !!
The Only On-Screen Relevant ICCL Tagline : ==_-=- -=-=__
The Only Self Cleaning thing in this house is My Cat!
The Only Thing I have found, Is all things are equal -TheWriter
The Only Wise Speed at Which to Live is... GodSpeed !!
The Oo-Ah bird is so-called 'cause it lays square eggs. "OO! AH!"
The Oo-Ah bird is so-called because it lays square eggs.
The Open Kimono - By I. C. Hair
The Open Window - By Eileen Doubt
The Operating System is mightier than the User.
The Opinion of Man is no substitute for the Word of God.
The Opinions presented are not necessarily those of Management.
The Optician's Guide - By Seymour Clearly
The Optimist Club meeting will probably be cancelled
The Optimist: A Mac salesman with a pager
The Oracle can no longer punish us. McCoy
The Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
The Order doesn't reward failure. - Gilora
The Origami SIG will not meet this week. It folded.
The Original Multitasker=Two PCs and a chair with wheels!
The Original dBase dGenerate
The Origional Series ...No bloody TAS, TMS, TNG, DS9, ..or..VOY
The Orkin man tells you, "Give up; you've lost."
The Orville Bullitt School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The Orville Channel!
The Orville School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The Orville that can be described is not the true Orville.
The Orville-miester, makin' copies.
The Osmonds! You are all Osmonds!! Throwing up on a freeway at dawn!!!
The Over The Wall Gang -- Gone in 15.9 seconds
The PADDs are functioning normally. LaForge
The PARITY CHECK is in the E-MAIL!
The PATH to heaven contains C:\JESUS.
The PC is down. I hope it's something serious.
The PC is the LSD of the Nineties. -- Timothy Leary
The PC you *want* always costs $5,000
The PC you *want* always costs $5,000. <g>
The PC: Colt'45 of the Information Frontier
The PEN is mightier than the SWORD? Where's the 15 day waiting period?
The PINK SOCKS were ORIGINALLY from 1952!! But they went to MARS around 1953!!
The PRODIGY Service, your global neighborhood
The PS/2 Family: Yesterday's hardware today.
The PS/2 Mod 50 was designed on a Monday.
The PS/2! It's! Hummm, uhhhh IBM compatible!
The PTA reminding you to always do your homework - Crow
The PTA reminds you to always do your homework. -- Crow T. Robot
The Pac attack is back, jack!
The Packers back in '68...Now THERE was a team! - Tom
The Packers make great helmets. Just ask Billy Blaze
The Paint Ingredient - By Linsey Doyle
The Palace Roof has a Hole - By Lee King
The Palestinians are our enemies. And with enemies there's only one thing to do - peace!
The Palukoo exploded & the Bajorans realised it was a Cardassian plot.
The Paper Route - By Avery Daye
The Paper Route: Avery Daye*
The Paranoid Bloodhound? He Thought Everyone Was Following Him!
The Park! in Waco - Quantum Leap HQ for Central Texas!
The Party Law: The more food you prepare, the less your guests eat
The Passenger
The Past, Present & Future of Networking.
The Pasteur's core is going to breach! - Picard
The Path To A Friends House Is Never Long
The Path of Progress: shortcut is the longest distance between 2 points
The Paul Anka Mass - Mike as Anka sings "Ave Maria"
The Peace Mission - By Olive Branch
The Peace Mission: Olive Branch*
The Peace of God, Which Passeth all Understanding !!
The Pedigree of Honey / Does not concern the bee --
The Peeping Tom - By C. K. Undress
The Peggy Noonan gang - Mike
The Pentacle Chip is flawed! - Roddy McStew
The Pentagon calls peace "permanent pre-hostility"
The Pentagon still has not given a name to the Iraqi war. Somehow, Operation Re-elect Bush doesn't seem to cut it,,, --Jay Leno
The Pentium is one hot computer - it melted my linoleum.
The Pentium is one hot computer - it melted my linoleum.
The Pentium's bug isn't fatal, the FPU just can't add
The Pentium's replacement chip: The Repentium!
The People Of Mensa - By Gene Yuss
The People of Vaal seem to have disappeared. Spock
The Perils Of Drug Addiction - by Anita Fixx
The Perspective Perspective: I'm not short -- I'm a normal person in an over-tall world
The Peso stops here - Bill Clinton
The Pet Principle: No matter which side of door the cat or dog<>is on, it's the wrong side
The Phantom Spitter was here *.
The Phantom of the Opera is there... inside my mind! - Christine
The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. -- Judges 16:9
The Phillipine Post Office - By Imelda Letter
The Philosophy Shop - Your source for discounted ideas
The Phone Booth Rule: A lone dime always gets the number nearly right
The Picard family...voices raised in song...--Madred
The Pig Riders Of Perm
The Pillsbury Dough Boy is a roll model
The Pillsbury Doughboy is a albino Smurf!
The Pineapple Principle: The best parts of anything are always<>impossible to remove from the worst parts
The Pink Panther surfs the Blue Wave.
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
The Pirate - by Peg Legg
The Pitfalls of Genius: No boss will keep an employee who is<>right all the time
The Pixies of Argoth bent their magic to more practical ends
The Pizza Dominatrix!
The Pizza Dominatrix! - Tom on stern looking girl
The Planet of No Continuity - Crow
The Planet of No Continuity. -- Crow T. Robot
The Planets Collection - By West End Games
The Plastic Pillar represents Science and Reason
The Platinum Standard
The Playboy Channel is scrambled again. -- Tom Servo
The Playboy Channel is scrambled again. -- Tom Servo
The Pledge of Allegiance does NOT end with, "Hail Satan".
The Pledge of Allegiance does not end with Hail Satan -Bart Simp./1F16
The Pledge of Allegiance does not end with Hail Satan. -Bart's Board
The Plywood PC - 604-598-1546 - Home of SLMR!
The Point of no Return!
The Poker Player - By Delia Cards
The Poles are now telling free market jokes.
The Police DO IT at Dunkin' Donuts.
The Police Station: The hot new disco - Mike
The Politically Correct John Bobbit: Genitally Challenged
The Politician's Diet: Crow, Limburger and hogwash
The Pony Club Show - By Jim Carner
The Poor? The Poor? I love the Poor. Pull!
The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy:
The Pope is proof Catholics can take a joke
The Pope lives in a vacuum.
The Pope wanted to give last rites to Algore
The Popemobile: Proof that prayer doesn't work
The Porn Queen - By Mona Lott
The Porn Queen: Mona Lott*
The Post Office is being run like NOBODYS business.
The Post Office just gave Pavarotti a new area code.
The Post Office operated all telephone and telegraph systems until 1919
The Postal Stamp especially for Bills & Taxes..We give you "THE BIRD"!
The Postman Always Knocks You Off Twice
The Postman Always Shoots Twice
The Pot Hole at the End of the Universe
The Potsy Story - Mike
The Potsy Story! -- Mike Nelson
The Power is Yours !
The Power of Blood is both a curse and a blessing. -- Sidieu
The Power of Thought, the magic of the Mind. <Byron>
The Power of the music of the night... - The Phantom
The Powerglide XL440 adaptor plate - Tom on robot part
The Predator will get everything!
The Preservers put an asteroid deflector on that planet. Kirk
The Presidency is just no place for on-the-job training, Bill!
The President Doll-Wind it up for four years and it does nothing
The President announced today that UFOs are
The President announced today that UFOs are&*#@ NO CARRIER
The President announced today that UFOs are...
The President cleans up his OWN house FIRST.
The President has kept all of the promises he intended to keep. - Clinton aide George Stephanopolous
The President has no specific cuts in mind - Stephanopoulos
The President of the United States is our employee. - PJ O'Rourke
The President should HAVE character, not BE one
The President sucks - And boy does her husband love it!
The Presidential address is pre-empted for the OJ Simpson trial!
The Prevue Channel, see what's on.
The Price is Right. COME-ON-DOWN and do it.
The Price is Right. COME-ON-DOWN and do it.
The Prime Directive doesn't apply, Tuvok. They've got coffee!
The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. -- Picard
The Prime Directive is preached by Picard - drink!
The Prime Directive is preached by someone else - 2 drinks!
The Prime Directive would seem to apply. Tuvok
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom and walked the night alone
The Problem with Beavis and Butthead is which one is Clinton?
The Problem with Political Jokes is they get Elected.
The Procrastinator's Meeting has been postponed.
The Procrastinators Anonymous meeting has been postponed
The Procrastinators Anonymous meeting has been postponed indefinitely.
The Procrastinators Anonymous meeting has been postponed until further notice
The Procrastinators Anonymous meeting has been postponed.
The Procrastinators Anonymous meeting was postponed indefinitely
The Programmers' Cheer:
The Programmers' Cheer: Shift to the left; Shift to the right! Pop up, push down, Byte, Byte, Byte!
The Prophecies of Monikastradamus
The Prophets had nothing to do with what happend here today! - Sisko
The Prophets have been kind today. - Winn
The Prophets have spoken to me through the Orbs... - Winn
The Prophets have taken over my computer!!
The Prophets sent you, didn't they? - The Sirah
The Prophets spoke! I answered their call! - Neela
The Prophets teach us patience. - Bareil
The Prophets tell us not to use Windows, my child. --Kai OS/2
The Prophets were their only source of hope and courage. - Sisko
The Prophets!? Hahaha! I don't believe in the Pro@$#%^%#$^ NO CARRIER
The Proud Family are swell to be on Channel SHELL.
The Provisional Government & I don't agree on a LOT of things
The Provisional Government & I don't agree on a LOT of things
The Psi Corp is your friend
The Psi Corp is your friend. Trust the corp.
The Psi Corps Is Your Friend. Trust The Corps.
The Psi Corps is your friend. Trust the Psi Corps.
The Psi-Corps: We're everywhere...for your convenience.
The Public is merely a multiplied "me." -- Mark Twain
The Pullman Sleeper - By Bertha Buv
The Pullman Sleeper: Bertha Buv*
The Punny Book Title Collection 8-) - By R. D. Harhar
The Puns will continue until morale improves!
The Puppet Masters by Robert A. Heinlein
The Purple Pedophile must die!
The Purple Stream : by I.P. Peculiar
The Pussy Lifesaver! Do you need Rescusitation?
The Pyramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain
The Q Continuum does it any way they want.
The Q and the Proud. Q forms a galactic military organization
The Q entity, sir. - Data.
The QWK brown FOX jumped ver the ez dogs bnu's.
The QualityCareFordCreditThunderbird ran great today!
The Quebec Bra: Lifts AND Separates!
The Queen Mother could heat up a room more'n this - Crow T. Robot
The Queens Hotel; where the lights were low and the prices were high
The Quest for a better tagline continues.
The Quest is the Quest. --The Doctor, "Underworld"
The Queue Principal: The longer you wait in line, the greater the likelihood that you are in the wrong line
The RCAF lives!: CAF means the Canadian Air Force
The RCMP always get their man, it's the women they have trouble with.
The REAL Crisis is Bill and Hillary Clinton!
The REAL computer user's ONLY icon: C:>
The REAL masterminds of Iraq;Souter&Neal Bush
The REAL problem with a political joke: We elected one
The REAL tagline anti-theft device>>>>>>>> þ SLTS v1.xx þ
The RIME private routing feature is really wonderful
The RINGWORLD isn't unstable...it's dynamically challenged!
The RINGWORLD isn't unstable...it's mathematically challe
The Rabbit Rule: Only newlyweds and liars make love every day.
The Race To The Outhouse - By Willie Makeit
The Raiders, who are they? <BG>
The Raiders; the most winningest team in pro sports history
The Rainy Day Fun Book of Cod Pieces - Crow
The Ranger isn't going to like it, Yogi.
The Ranger isn't gonna like it, Yogi. - Booboo
The Rangers are on TV? Nahh...I'd rather watch hockey!
The Rapture is *not* an exit strategy!
The Reader's Choice...Silver Xpress!
The Reader's Choice...Silver Xpress!
The Real Canadian DOS Prompt (per a Canadian)______EH?:\>
The Real Canadian DOS Prompt-----------------------EH?:\
The Real Enterprise is NCC-1701-No A,B,C,or D
The Real Stephen A. King -- Tustin, Ca
The Real World - Super Computer
The Real World: A comedy for thinkers; a tragedy for feelers.
The Really Happy Man is The One Who Can Enjoy the Scenery While Taking a Detour !!
The Rebel BBS
The Recipe says a pinch of spice. I thought it said a 'pound'.
The Red Cross rejected this guy's blood donation--his plasma had olives in it
The Red Zone is for Cuba & Un-Cuba only - Tom
The Red Zone is for Cuba and Un-Cuba only... -- Tom Servo
The Redneck national anthem: "Gentlemen, start your engines."
The Reds are up to bat here, too! - Potter
The Redundancy Syndrome - Joel on repetitious effect
The Redundancy Syndrome. -- Joel Robinson
The Reflexive Property of Mathematics: a = a
The Reform Party: Clinton's only chance of reelection
The Religious Reich, where hatred is a Family Value!
The Religious Right are a bunch of NUTS - Barry Goldwater, 1994
The Religious Right is NEITHER!
The Religious Right's Health Plan...Kill a doctor!
The Religious Right's health plan: kill the doctors.
The Religious Right: Fascism, by any other name
The Ren & Stimpy Fan Club is a twisted pair network
The Rennaisance Festival: we'll annoy you by sundown -Tom
The Republican Health Care Plan: Don't Get Sick!
The Republican Party - We're Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Republican emblem is an elephant... we never forget.
The Republican response. Sorry Mr. President, the sky is not blue.
The Republican view of America looks like the Klingon Empire.
The Republicans have a new healthcare proposal: Just say NO to illness! - Mark Russell
The Republicans want to destroy Amendment 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
The Respiratory System - By Aaron Lungs
The Results of your IQ test came back. They're negative.
The Resume Rule: Anyone can be made to look good on paper.
The Return of the Son of the Monster Magnet
The Rev Smith spoke briefly, much to the delight of the congregation.
The Reverse Picard Maneuver - with a skirt.
The Revolution WILL be televised. Film at 11
The Revolution is successful... Kodos
The Revolution will NOT be televised!
The Revolutionary War started as gun-control resistance
The Rifle Range - By Bob Downe
The Right Honorable Gentleman is indebted to his memory for his jests and to his imagination for his facts. -- Sheridan
The Right Reverend Burt Reynolds? Hope Davidson
The Right to KEEP and BEAR Arms *IS* your last defense of Freedom!
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is, essentially, the Right to be FREE!
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms-Your last defense of Freedom
The Ringworld isn't unstable, it's mathematically challenged.
The Ringwraiths ride in black
The Road Ducks - "Get Ducked" - 1988
The Road goes ever on and on
The Road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began
The Road goes ever on and on...
The Road to Amber --- is difficult. <Florimel>
The Road to Enlightenemnt is long & difficult so bring lots of snacks.
The Road to HELL is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS!
The Road to Hell is paved with honorable intentions
The Road to Liberty Is Paved with the Brave... Please Lie Here.
The Roadkill Cafe presents Chicken that didn't cross the road.
The Roadkill Cafe: "You kill it...we grill it."
The Rock in Betty Lou's panty hose! - Crow
The Rock of Borg: If you smelllllllll what the Rock...is...assimilatin'!
The Rockford Files: European Vacation. -- Tom Servo
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: a different set of jaws
The Rodney King Institute of DEFENSE! Send $20.00 for FREE Brochure.
The Rodney-us King-us verdict just came in - Crow
The Roissy International Resort Chain--with REAL chains!
The Role Of The Hit Man - By L. M. Innate
The Rolling Clones
The Rolling Stones by Robert A. Heinlein
The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done should
The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it
The Romulans want a computer. Worf
The Ron and Nancy Reagan Home Computer: No colon, no period, no memory
The Rooster's Mistake - By Rhoda Duck
The Roseanne Barr Diet: One meadow per day.
The Ross Perot Watch-you get wound up, it stops running
The Roswell Alien raped My Son, Claims Pseudophile
The Royal Canadian Mounties always get their man.
The Royal Shakespeare Company presents: "Gay Boys in Bondage"
The Ruby Yacht of Omar Kayyam
The Ruptured Chinaman by Won Hung Lo
The Ruptured Japanese - By Hung Low
The Rush Limbaugh show: New slim applicater! Same full Super-plus Truth!
The Russian Butcher, by Ivan Cutchakockoff.
The Russian Express Card Moto: Don't Leave Home!
The Russian Express Card: "Don't leave home!"
The Russian Lorainna Bobbit: Lorainna Cutchapeckerkoff.
The Russian With Three Testicles - By Ooja Nikabolokov
The Russian is a delightful person till he tucks in his shirt.
The Russians are going forward, more in hope than optimism
The Russians aren't coming ! The Russians aren't coming !
The Ruth Buzzi line of leather & PVCs - Crow
The S word: Sucks
The S.G. has determined that Windoze is bad for your mind
The SAME WAVE keeps coming in and COLLAPSING like a rayon MUU-MUU
The SCA: We have archaic and eat it too!
The SCA: where they take their aristocracy SERIOUSLY! - Larry Niven
The SCA? Been there, did that, got the chain mail
The SD70MAC - this isn't your father's SD40-2!
The SDF-1 has more firepower than this bucket of bolts!
The SFB Andromedan Tagline: o O () ( ) (o ) (ooo )
The SFB Federation Tagline: ~==- _-+- __-=- ~~-=- ==_-=- ==__=-=-
The SFB ISC Eschelon Tagline: <([E- <(E- <E- <E <- :::
The SFB ISC Eschelon Tagline: ([E- (E- E- E - :::
The SFB Klingon Tagline: =-* _=-* _=--* __==--* __==_=-*
The SFB Kzinti Tagline: = `, =D `, #=D `,`, #==D `,`, ##==[D `,
The SFB Lyran Tagline: _-- _=- _==- ~-_==- __===- ~~-_===-
The SFB Romulan Tagline (cloaked):
The SFB Tholian Tagline: X == #= ##=
The SFB Tholian Tagline: <> <>> <X>> ==<> #=<> ##=<>
The SONAR the better - Crow
The STEALTH CONDOM<tm> -- "They will never see you coming"
The SUN just came out, so close our IBM contract
The Sage fusses over nothing and thus spoils nothing
The Sage fusses over nothing and thus spoils nothing.<Lao Tzu>
The Sailor Moon I know can barely swing a hammock! - Sailor Mars
The Same thing we do every night Pinky, Try to takeover the world!
The San Andreas fault is the most stable thing in California
The San Diego Freeway. Official Parking Lot of the 1984 Olympics!
The San Francisco Ku Klux Klan wears topless sheets.
The Sand Man couldn't make it... I'm the Quick Drying Cement Man.
The Sandman: "Dreams of Dragonfire"
The Sandman: "Exit light, enter night..."
The Sandman: "Master of Dreams"
The Sandman: "We're off to Never-Neverland."
The Sandman: "Dreams of Dragonfire..."
The Satellite of Love is Unstable! The Satellite of Love is Unstable!
The Sausage Principle: People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either one being made
The Savior of AMERICA=Ronald Reagan
The Sayings Of Homer Simpson - By Y. U. Liddle
The Scantily Clad City - Mike
The Scantily Clad City... -- Mike Nelson
The Scenery continually changes for the lead dog.
The Scent Of A Man - by Jim Nasium
The Scent Of A Man: Jim Nasium*
The Scent of Sensuality, by Mike Hunt
The Schizophrenic: An Unauthorized Autobiography.
The Schwartzkopf Slim-Fast diet, One Week and We'll take off Kuwait.
The Scouse SuperHighway ............ the way of all flesh
The Scout of today is the leader of tomorrow.
The Sean Penn Story - Crow on Starfighters title
The Second Amendment follows the First
The Second Amendment guarantees the other nine
The Second Amendment guarantees your 1st Amendment Rights!!!
The Second Amendment is **NOT** about hunting!!
The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the First One.
The Second Amendment is there in case they ignore the First.
The Second Amendment was adopted!
The Second Amendment was burned side by side with the Davidians.
The Second Amendment: America's last defense
The Second Amendment: America's last defense against Liberalism
The Second Amendment: America's last defense against tyranny
The Second Foundationers are nothing but a bunch of Mind
The Second Law of Thermodynamics: If you think things are in a mess now, just wait! -- Jim Warner
The Second Law of War: Never march on Moscow!
The Second Law: The most you can accomplish by working is to break even
The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it
The Second Rule of Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it yet. -- Michael Jackson
The Second's about HUNTING? What, BATF agents?
The Secrecy of my job prevents me from knowing what I do
The Secret Council -- The Spies of the Universe.
The Secret of Life can be found on page 135 of the Yellow Pages.
The Secret of Success is Consistency of Purpose !!
The Secret of Success: "Make light around you," said the fire.
The Secret of success is survival followed by growth!
The Secret of success is survival!
The Secret to Happiness is Short term Stupidity!!
The Secret to Immortality is .%&@{ CARRIER LOST
The Sela Doll - the ultimate partner for the perfect night's sleep
The Self-Made Man - By Peter Long
The SemWare Editor: THE Power Programmer's Editor!!!!!!!!
The Semaphore Version Of Wuthering Heights
The Semi-Nude Club - Crow on guys in locker room
The Semi-Nude Club. -- Crow T. Robot
The Senate Ethics Committee is an oxymoron.
The Senate Ethics committee dropping by unannounced -Crow
The Senator - By D. C. Resident
The Senator founded the Fathers... -- Paige Katz
The Senery Never Changes, If You Ain't The Lead Dog
The Senior Prom - By Spike Drink
The Senior Prom: Spike Drink*
The Serene Prairie Gopher
The Seven (7) Dwarfs were in the bath feeling Happy, so he got out
The Seven Borgs: Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to assimilate we go
The Sewing Circle Marching Band motto: Darn Tootin'
The Sex Mad Russian - By Ivantor Titsoff
The Sex Maniacs Guide - by Rippernickerszov
The Sex was so good even the neighbors lit Profit!the
The Sex was so good even the neighbors lit cigarettes afterwards
The Sex was so good... The neighbors lit a cigarette
The Shadow *knows*, Superman just guesses.
The Shadow Lords are truly trustworthy only when they are asleep.
The Shadow Over Innsmouth - H.P. Lovecraft
The Shadows Know!
The Shadows have come for us all - Lady Ladira
The Shadows have come for us all!
The Shadows were old even when the Ancients were young. -- Delenn
The Shadows will move now, before we're ready. -- Delenn
The Shadows. The Shadows are coming for him - Lady Ladira
The Shaker Village Electrical Engineering Lexicon
The Sheik Battles Bigfoot
The Sheriff of Nottingham lives in the WHITE HOUSE!
The Shivan seems to take particular glee in the misery of others
The Shleggy SHL-673, What kind of shopping channel is it?
The Shopping is Better at TVSN (1995)
The Shopping is Better at TVSN (1995)
The Shortest Straw has been pulled for you!
The Shortest Straw has been pulled for you!
The Show Must Go On - Pink Floyd
The Shrinking Society - By Les Ismoor
The Shrinking Society: Les Ismoor*
The Shuttle is now going five times the sound of speed. -- Dan Rather, first landing of Columbia
The Silence of the Teenage Mutant Dancing Wolves.
The Silent Majority isn't silent. The Government is deaf.
The Silent Majority of today are the slaves of tomorrow.
The Silent Service
The Silver Cat is back!
The Simpson's represent the American family in all its horror.
The Singapore Sling: the bottom line on crime!
The Singer - By Barry Tone
The Sinister Urge is a silly urge - Mike sings
The Sinister Urge is a stupid urge - Tom sings
The Sixty-Ninth Romance - By E.R. French
The Sky Is Falling!...Oops!...No, the Ground is Flying!
The Sky Is Falling, Shut Up! The Ground is Flying!
The Sky is full of Good and Bad that Mortals Never Know
The Sleeper Has Awakened.
The Sleeper must awaken. -- Duke Leto Atreides
The Slick Willie Reader. Registration $25 + tax + tax + tax
The Smoke-Signal Version Of Gentleman Prefer Blondes
The Smoker you Drink, The Player you get - Joe
The Smorgasbord - By Buffy Dinner
The Smorgasbord: Buffy Dinner*
The Smurfs versus Godzilla
The Snakes of Set will run for their hiding holes. -- Shamish
The Social Contract : Man is born free but everywhere is in chains. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Society of Independent People has no members
The Soft Parade, an ancient rustle of silk--Jim Morrison
The Soft Serve Murders - Tom
The Soft-Serve Murders... -- Tom Servo
The Solar System - by P. Lanets & Son
The Solitary Beast - By Annie Malone
The Solution for Multilingual Messages
The Solution to a Problem Changes the Problem
The Sons of Soong are together at last
The Sons of Soong have joined forces... - Data
The Soong Family: Lore, Data, Rumor, Innuendo, Quoted Sou
The Soup Borg: No assimilation for you!
The Soviet Union does not exist any more in its present format.
The Soviet Union never had gridlock, and look what it got them.
The Soviet press is useful on hot days, said Tom fantastically.
The Specter Justice Net! Where Their Crimes Come Back To Haunt Them!
The Speed Of Light (186,000 miles/sec (300,000 km/sec))
The Speed Of Time is approximately 1 second per second.
The Spice is all.
The Spice is the Worm! The Worm is the Spice!
The Spice must flow...
The Spirit always speaks in harmony with the Word.
The Spiritual Life - By Ned Itation
The Splink Show (Slingshot TV3, 2002)
The Splink on Spike TV (2003)
The Splink on Spike TV (2003)
The Spot On The Wall: by Mister Completely.
The Spot On The Wall: by Mister Completely.
The Spotted Owl and Snail Darter Cookbook. Ummm Ummm GOOD!
The Spy Who Hugged Me - Crow's spec script
The Squeaking Gate - By Rusty Hinges
The Squeaking Gate: Rusty Hinges*
The Stand: King's personal Vietnam.
The Stand: Makes a great doorstop when you're done reading it.
The Stand; King's personal Vietnam.
The Stand; makes a great doorstop when you're done reading it.
The Stanley Cup is coming home baby, where it belongs - Montreal!
The Stanley Cup? It's a good bet the Bruins know we're here.
The Star Trek Express Card: Don't leave orbit without it
The Star Trek Saga - From One Generation to the Next!
The Star Wars Adventure Journal - By West End Games
The Star Wars Movie Trilogy Sourcebook - By West End Games
The Star Wars Sourcebook - By West End Games
The Stark Bumper of Retribution
The Stark Packet of Retribution
The Stark Plasma Rifle of Retribution
The Stars Tell It All - By Horace Cope
The Starship Voyager seats six comfortable, Oh, I meant the Minivan!
The State Takes Too Much From Me - To Do Too Much To Me
The State has no place in the bedrooms of the nation
The State of California has no business subsidizing intellectual curiosity. -- Ronald Reagan
The State: friend to all, enemy of each one.
The States has too many McDonalds and it's over run with Americans.
The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney.. - Steven Wright
The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them when I can. Fred, Barney
The Story of Bigfoot
The Story of Wisconsin Sausage - Tom on title 'Bloodlust'
The Story of the Film So Far
The Strange High House in the Mist - H.P. Lovecraft
The Strip Joint - By C. R. Boddies
The Strom's haven't been gone long, the modem is still warm.
The Styrofoam Express Card: don't leave foam without it!
The Sugar Bear does it with Honey.
The Sun is at the center of the Universe -- Copernicus
The Supreme Court does it with all deliberate speed
The Surgeon General Has Determined That Life Causes Death.
The Surgeon General has determined "Taglines are addictive"
The Surgeon General offered me a cigarette!
The Surgeon General should issue a warning about playing with women.
The Swartzberg Test: The validity of a science is its abi
The Swartzberg Test: The validity of a science is its ability to predict
The Sweat Shop: Hiram Cheap*
The Swedish Chef has been assimilated. "Borg borg borg!"
The Swedish Moses of Soul - Mike
The Swedish Moses of Soul. -- Mike Nelson
The Swiss "porcupine" defense: Roll into a ball, and show your quills
The Swiss are Armed. The Swiss are free. Think about it
The Swiss are armed. The Swiss are free and at peace. Think about it.
The Swiss are free because they require ownership of guns
The Swiss are invading America,and they are starting with the CITY!-DF
The Swiss invented time purely & simply to sell watches
The Swiss require guns & are free. We dont. We won't be
The Sword In History - By Ray Pierre
The Sword of Damocles hangs over Pandora's Box
The Sword of Gentleness wishes to be used? - Kheth
The Symbolic Cinematic Love Scene - Crow as planes dock
The SysOp here thinks he's so good. Well, he su@#&*%@#* NO CARRIER
The SysOp of this BBS is from Alpha Centuri, The CoSysOp is from Mars
The SysOp probably disagrees with this user!
The Sysop *made* me do it!
The Sysop Of MY Board Is Better Than Yours!!
The Sysop doesn't know what I'm doi#&@#%$#% NO CARRIER
The Sysop has granted you unlimited download privleeches.
The Sysop has to hold the peace on both sides.
The Sysop of Beyond Reality is HIVE!!!!
The Sysop of MY board is better than yours!
The Sysop types all this in
The Sysop wears a toupee.
The Sysop's Four Food Groups: Caffine, Chocolate, Sugar and Sex.
The Sysop's on vacation.
The System has detected an Internal Processing Error in module REALITY.SYS. Please shut down your universe and reboot
The TELIX.FBK's here! The TELIX.FBK's here! - S. Martin
The TMBG 1987 Bring Me the Head of Kenny Rodgers tour.
The TMBG 1989 Don't Tread on the Cut-Up Snake Tour
The TMBG 1995 That Pioneer Spirit Tour
The TMBG 2002 Cartoon Network Tour.
The TMBG Grumpfest '90 Tour
The TMBG Grumpfest '90 Tour
The TRULY aware are all paranoid
The TRUTH - next, on the Rush Limbaugh program!
The TRUTH will set you free!!!
The TRUTH--next, on the Rush Limbaugh program! then i woke up.
The TRUTH-next, on the Rush Limbaugh program!
The TV News Anchorman - By Maury Ports
The TWOP objects under her T-Shirt are larger than they appear.
The Tagline Addict Strikes! (And your Hard Drive file area shrinks.)
The Tagline Echo - where Taglines ARE the message.
The Tagline I had was definately not appropriate!!
The Tagline I put here was too good sysop deleted it
The Tagline Olympics: "Moderator! Can I start over? My laces broke!"
The Tagline Project was our last, best hope for humor... Oops
The Tagline Project was our last, best hope for humor. It failed
The Tagline of Tommorrow................Today!
The Tagline scheduled at this time will not be shown
The Tagline that unfreshes.
The Tagline you save, maybe your own.
The Taglines Conference, the final frontier
The Taglines Olympics: "Moderator? Can I start over! My laces broke."
The Tammy Potash School of Tagline Thief--Creative Acquisition?
The Tao is an empty vessel; It is used but never filled... - Lao -Tzu
The Tao is near and people seek it far away. -- Menicus
The Tao of Crash Test Dummies - looking for a few good zen.
The Tao that can be expressed is not the eternal Tao
The Tao which can be spoken is not the true Tao
The Tax Dept can put the screws on you quicker than an undertaker.
The Tax Man Cometh
The Ted Kennedy School of SCUBA diving: Help find old cars!
The Ted Turner virus: Colorizes your monochrome monitor
The Teddy Kennedy School of Scuba Driving!
The Telephone Exchange ... A unique experience.
The Tell-tale Heart ÄÄEdgar Allen Poe
The Telltale Heart - By Stefi Scope
The Ten Commandments are NOT a multiple choice quiz!
The Ten Commandments are not multiple choice.
The Ten Commandments; no more than six to be attempted
The Terminator - By L. B. Back
The Terminator Said It Best.
The Terminator's Sidekick: Albie Bach
The Terok Nor Echo was our last, best hope for peace
The Terok Nor echo is supposed to be a fun, happy thing. :-)
The Terror is springing the Human Ton and his little friend, Handy!
The Terror(ist) Bill - Janet Reno's 007 License
The Terror(ist) Bill - Janet Reno's 007 License has been renewed!
The TexacoHavolineMacToolsFordThunderbird ran great!
The Texas Legislature... the best YOUR money can buy!
The Thanksgiving turkey, the baloney, and other deli meats belong to the cat
The Theorem Theorem: If if, then then.
The Thick Chalk Years - Mike
The Thigh-Master is now the Die-Master! -- Dr. Forrester
The Third Law of War: Never *ever* attack the United States
The Third Law: You can only break even at absolute zero
The Thirst for Knowledge is Never Ending!
The This Morning team & Spiderman are trying to silence Jimmy Hill forever
The Three Faces of Steve - Crow on lunatic
The Three Faces of Steve. -- Crow T. Robot
The Three Food Groups: Frozen, Instant, and Take Out.
The Three Rules of Social Intercourse:^It's easier to bel
The Three major Food Groups: Pizza, McDonalds and beer!
The Three worst words during sex: "Honey I'm Home!"
The Thrill Of Victory & The Agony of Delete
The Thunderbirds - The show that time forgot
The Tick caters to NO man! - The Tick, to American Maid
The Tick caters to no man! - The Tick
The Tick fears no man *or* beast. - The Tick
The Tick is out of his mind right now. Leave a message at the beep
The Tick is out of his mind right now. if you'd like to leave a mess
The Tide Is Turning
The Tidy Bowl Emmisary : Sisco in a Sailer Suit
The Tidy Bowl man says..."Blue and yellow make green"
The Tiger's Revenge by......Claude Balls
The Tiger's Revenge, by Claude Bawls.
The Tigers are playing tonight, Sal, and I never miss a game
The Tightrope Walker - By Betty Falls
The Time Travel Seminar will be held last week
The Time Travel Society will hold a meeting last Tuesday
The Time is Always Right to do What is Right -MLK Jr.
The Time is NOW.... OS/2 !!
The Time? Half past a monkey's @ss & a quarter to the hole
The Tin Can Cookbook - By Billie Gote
The Titanic - The Hindenburg - The Clintons
The Toddler...an instrument of destruction
The Toe that can be stubbed is not the true Toe.
The Toilet, the clitoris and anniversaries - why do males miss all 3?
The Tomb
The Tongue and Chocolate were Made for each other!
The Tongue in Cheek, Old Jokes Club. Charter Member
The Tonya & Lorena drink: A club soda with a slice
The Tonya Harding doll. Assault & Battery sold separately
The Tonya Harding doll: Assault and batteries included.
The Tooth Fairy is the main stockholder in C+H Sugar Inc.
The Toronto Blue Jays - The 1992 World Champions!
The Tortoise won by a Hair.
The Tour de France!
The Tour de France! uuu A AI oa+
The Tour de France! zzz D DM ob
The Tour de France! ú úú Ä ÄÍ oâ•
The Tower of Commerce? Rom
The Tower of Gourds Horn Section - Tom
The Tower of Pisa is a listed building
The Tower will kill you half a world away. - Walter
The Tracks of My Tears - Data, Starfleet Records
The Train of Truth is coming. LIbEralS are pennies on the track
The Transporters' re-routed us here! - O'Brien
The Trashheap has spoken! Nyah!
The Traveler! - Wesley Crusher to the Traveler
The Tree of Learning bears the noblest fruit, but noble fruit tastes bad
The Tree of Novelty Items - Mike
The Trees are all held equal by hatchet, axe and saw. -Rush
The Trial never ends.
The Trial never ends. AGT
The Tribble with some taglines is 'there not funny!'
The Trill Is Gone Dax
The Trill of victory; the agony of de feet.
The Trinity. Clinton, Gore, Tipper.
The Triune God is the only God
The Trix are for Kids monument - Mike
The Trojan War - By Helena Troy
The Trotskys suffered badly from diarrhoea
The Trouble With Aardvarks
The Truancy Problem - By Marcus Absent
The Truly Suave got blue ball caps as mementoes
The Truth & The Outrageous often are hard to distinguish. - S.Butler
The Truth IS Out There...Unfortunately, so is the government!
The Truth Is A Puzzle Combined With A Problem Wrapped In An Enigma
The Truth Is Out There (we just haven't found it yet...)
The Truth Is Out There -- The X-Files
The Truth Is Out There and the Feds Aren't Telling!
The Truth Shall Rape You Over. -- Caltech
The Truth and The Outrageous often are hard to distinguish. - J Butler
The Truth is IN there.
The Truth is Out There. So what are you doing Here?!
The Truth is Out There. Trust No One. Oh, except the SysOp
The Truth is Out Therebut do we really want to know it?
The Truth is Out there.. Trust No One. but the Sysop Here
The Truth is out there (not always in my Mails) :)
The Truth is out there..................in 1996!
The Truth is out there.........until Garak gets to it
The Truth is realized in an instant; the Act is practiced step by step. - Zen saying
The Truth shall set you free! But first it shall piss you off
The Truth was out there... until my hard drive crashed!
The Truth will make you flee
The Truth will set you free, but first it's gonna mess with your mind
The Truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off!
The Truth will set you free. So will bran
The Truth: There's never enough beer, sex or disk space!
The Tsongas ended, but the malady lingers on.
The Tudor Banquet - By Henrietta Knox
The Tungu Meteor sandwich - Tom
The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing interesting is easy
The Turtle Moves
The Turtle Moves - Terry Pratchett
The Twelfth Month - By Dee Sember
The Twit Key: Three steps faster than the Moderator.
The Two Rules of Success: 1. Don't tell everything you know.
The Two Stooges: Curly, Moe...%$#@& - NO LARRY
The Two most feared words in AmeriKa: Ditto's RUSH!
The Two-Step and a Margarita: The Joy of Tex-Mex
The U. S. Constitution (C) 1791 All Rights Reserved
The U.F.O. Hotline limits Rednecks to one call per day
The U.N. - The United Nitwits
The U.N. Flag makes an excellent place to wipe your feet
The U.N. is *NOT* worth one drop of American blood.
The U.N. is a place where governments opposed to free speech demand to be heard!
The U.S. Congress, the best politicians money can buy!
The U.S. Congress, the best politicians money can buy!
The U.S. Congress: Our tax dollars at work.
The U.S. Constitution (C) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
The U.S. Constitution: The only lawful contract with America!
The U.S. Constitution: Void where prohibited by law?
The U.S. Government is really starting to Hanoi us now
The U.S. has a vital interest in that area of the country. - Referring to Latin America. - Dan Quayle
The U.S. is free only to welfare clients!
The U.S. is next to greatness......Canada
The U.S. needs our water...... Flush Twice!
The U.S.S. Nimitz just expLo##m#+b++| NO CARRIER
The UART's can't take this speed, Captain!
The UART's will'na take this speed cap'n
The UART's won't take this speed, Captain!
The UARTS can't take this speed for long Captain!
The UARTs can't take much more o' this Captain!
The UARTs canna take it anymore, Captain!
The UARTs won't take these speeds, Captain!
The UARTs won't take this kind of speed, Captain!
The ULTIMA Workout: Get a clue, walk to the other side of the world
The UN is NOT our friend!!!
The UNHOLY Trinity. Clinton, Gore, Hillary
The UNIX environment...a programer's eternal Purgatory.
The UNIX learning curve bends over backwards to help
The UNTOUCHABLES - the series! Great entertainment!
The US Congress' reality check just bounced, too!
The US has a variety of postage stamps but, they all taste the same.
The US has much to offer the 3rd world war. -Reagan
The US is not a free country. Ask the IRS or the BATF
The USA is bordered on the south by a truly amazing nation...TEXAS!
The USA was FOUNDED by religious nuts with guns!
The USA was founded by armed sepratist religious "cults!"
The USC pool player's equipment didn't arrive on time, Tom calculated.
The USS Crazy Horse is arriving >CRASH< uh.. leaving Docking Pylon One
The USS Enterprise is moving to investigate and assist. - Kirk
The USS Enterprise is powered by two Keith Black Hemis
The USS Reagan -- "To boldly um I forget..."
The USS Reagan...To bodly um I forget
The USS Tolstoy was destroyed at Wolf 359.. I bet Tol was upset!
The Uggerumph, the Rettysnitch and the Wouff-Hong can serve again!
The Ukranian national anthem - Crow on odd soundtrack
The Ultimate Answer is: FORTY ONE POINT NINE NINE...!! (on a pentium)
The Ultimate Modem Init String - AT FORSALECHEAP
The Ultimate OXYMORON for the 90's: "SAFE SEX!"
The Ultimate Oxymoron - - - Conservative Democrat.
The Ultimate Wisdom Philosophers must ultimately find their true perfection in knowing all the follies of mankind by introspection
The Ultimate office automation, Networked Coffee Machines
The Ultimate put down: "You have blonde roots."
The Umbilli-pod in the Umbilli-port - TV's Frank
The Unapplicable Law: Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.
The Unbearable Darkness of Being... Undead.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being - Mike on pale lovers
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being... -- Mike Nelson
The Uncle Fester & Keith Moon School of Party.
The Undertaker's gone...NO BURIER
The Unexpected - By Oliver Sudden
The Unfinished Tagl
The Unitarians are really just a bunch of atheists who really like going to church
The United Servo Academy Men's Chorale director - Mike
The United Servo Academy Men's Chorus - Mike
The United Servo Academy Men's Chorus... -- Mike Nelson
The United States also has its native Fascists who say that they are "100 percent American".. - U. S. Army (1945)
The United States borders on the magnificent ! CANADA !!
The United States borders on the magnificent...-> Canada!
The United States borders on the magnificent: CANADA!
The United States has a lot to offer the Third World War. -- Quayle
The United States has much to offer the third world war
The United States has much to offer the third world war. Ronald Reagan
The United States is like the guy at the party who gives cocaine to everybody and still nobody likes him. -- Jim Samuels
The Universe is a big place... perhaps the biggest.
The Universe is a figment of it's own imagination.
The Universe is a little too darned orderly to be just a big accident.
The Universe is a lot safer if you bring a towel
The Universe is ending. Please logoff now
The Universe is haphazard, morally neutral and unimaginably violent
The Universe is laughing behind your back -- National Lampoon, "Deteriorata"
The Universe is not limited by your perception of it
The Universe is not user friendly
The Universe is not user friendly. Kelvin Throop
The Universe is over. We can all go home now.
The Universe is populated by stable things. --Richard Dawkins
The Universe is queer.
The Universe is run by the complex interweaving of 3 element
The Universe is stranger then we CAN imagine! - Arthur C. Clarke.
The Universe is under no obligation to make sense.
The Universe isn't only stranger than you imagine,but stranger than you CAN imagine
The Universe was dark & void. Then God removed the lens cap.
The Universe was dictated but never signed.
The Universe will reboot in 5 seconds...this is a recording
The University of Arizona
The University of California Statistics Department; where mean is normal, and deviation standard
The Unix FORTRAN optimizer is invoked with "rm *.f"
The Unknown Author - By Ann Onymous
The Unknown Dissident
The Unknown Rodent - By A. Nonny Mouse
The Unknown Soldier...better him than me * Bill Clinton
The Unofficial Smilie Dictionary
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag by Robert A. Heinlein
The Unpublished Assembly Mnemonics #379.4: PAS - Print And Smear
The Unspeakable Law: As soon as you mention something: if it is good, it goes away. if it is bad, it happens
The Unspeakable Law: As soon as you mention something: if it is good, it goes away. if it is bad, it happens
The Unthinkables, starring Wesley Crusher, MacGyver and T
The Unthinkables, starring Wesley Crusher, MacGyver and The Professor.
The Ups & Downs of Penis Therapy by John Wayne Bobbitt
The Urinalysis - By P. P. Inacupp
The Usenet Oracle: Virtual Reality's Answer to Miss Manners on Acid
The Usenet vulture,/Cancelmoose, has unbounded/Appetite for Spam
The Utney Reader editorial board - Tom on scummy guys
The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book
The V-Shaped diamond encrusted mummy thing - Crow
The VAX is down and won't be up,
The VINCE VAN PATTY-MELT - Crow on deli menu
The Valdez was steered by a Windows program.
The ValvolineCumminsDieselFordThrundebird ran great!
The Vampire Express Card: don't leave the tomb without it!
The Van Patten Project! - Crow's conspiracy theory
The Vatican Express Card. Don't leave Rome without it
The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn't have that rule when Jesus was born. --Elayne Boosler
The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted.
The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted.
The Velcronomicon: A grimoire that sticks with you
The Veloci-Rabbits are flanking us!
The Video Machine makes the Toaster obsolete!
The Virgin Mary in my face oil! - Tom as guy with mirror
The Virgin Mary was an adulteress and Jesus was a bastard!
The Virgin Mary was an adulteress!
The Visitor - By Enoch Zatador
The Visitors' Supreme Commander, @FN@, is here to make a statement
The Vogon Constructor Fleet coasted away into the inky st
The Vogon ship hung motionless in the sky
The Vogons are NOT the worst poets in the Galaxy, and I can prove it.
The Voice of America (1990's Style)..."WHERE'S MY E-MAIL?"
The Voice of One Crying In The Wilderness !!
The Voice of the Furries: Fox Populi
The Voice of the Turtle was heard in the land
The Void - By M. T. Ness
The Volehunters are the most violent, heavily armed and popular band in history. --Dax, SN
The Volkswagen Bug- 58 years in the making, and still going strong!
The Volunteer's Guidebook - By Linda Hand
The Vorlons use organic technology. Sheridan
The Vorlons? I don't know what can pose a threat to them - G'kar.
The Vortex was okay... but AFTERWARD! -Zaphod
The Voyager is built for action, and built for speed.
The Voyager? Toilet seat. Horseshoe crab. Salamander. Heart of Gold
The Vulcan Death Grip causes the Bajoran Death Chant.
The Vulcans ATE my homework. (Better than Ponn Farr)
The Vulcans stole my homework. Then they ate Nog. -- Jake
The Vulcans were using a primitive device. - O'Brien
The W-H-E-E-L-S are in M-O-T-I-O-N! (Jerry)
The WARPER strikes back
The WB? the Wimpy Boys? the Wet Bananas? The Weird Butt? - F!
The WCW. We're number 1 (in Angola)
The WINDOWS Everready Bunny: It's still loading
The WIZ! is -not- mad. Kerplunk, kerplunk, fizzwibbly, ferrrrrtang.
The WIZ! suggests if you cant 'fumble' it out, RTFM
The WORLD is my ashtray
The WWF is running on DIESEL POWER!
The WWF is to sports what Spam is to meat!
The WWF is to wrestling what Spam is to meat!
The WWF: There's nothing old or artificial here!
The Wages of Sin DOUBLES your disk space!
The Wages of Sin is Death; But The Gift of God Is Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ !!
The Wally Succubus's over on Oak Street? - Crow
The War On Drugs is a War on our Rights!
The War On Drugs is the greatest threat EVER to the Bill of Rights.
The War On Drugs: the greatest threat the Bill of Rights has ever seen.
The War on Drugs - America's latest Vietnam.
The War on Drugs has become the War on Liberty
The War on Drugs has become the War on Teenagers
The War on Drugs is Lost! ABBA is available on CD!
The War on Drugs is just a small part of the War on the United States Constitution
The War on Poverty is over. Poverty won.
The Warbird doesn't look to have sustained any damage at all.-Geordi
The Warfare equivalent of swatting a bug
The Warp energy symposium was fascinating. - Geordi
The Warrent Commission's Search For Truth
The Watchers Out Of Time
The Watchtower plants rotten trees which bear evil fruit.
The Water Diviner - By Hazel Fork
The Watergate Principle: Government corruption will always be reported in the past tense
The Wave... The totally cool way to do mail!
The Way Things Are Going They're Gonna Crucify Me
The Way Things Ought To Be. Still #1!
The Way! The Truth! and The Life!
The Weasel's ultimate jammer was a 500 pound bomb.. - EWO Leo Miller
The Weather Bureau is a non-prophet organization.
The Weather is here, I wish you were Beautiful!!
The Web is not the real world. It usually doesn't even resemble the real world
The Web isn't better than sex, but sliced bread is in serious trouble
The Web site you seek cannot be located but
The Welsh do it very sparingly.
The Welsh dw ytt wyttht ysngg vwls.
The Werewolf, Middleweight Champ -- UCWF.r
The West is hell on women and horses
The Whalers should apply their bar fighting abilities to hockey!
The Wheel of Morality adds educational value.... -- Yakko
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go,
The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. <many>
The Whispered Rule: People will believe anything if you whisper it.
The White House: New Home of the Whopper!
The White House: The new home of the Whopper!!!
The Whole Earth is Full of His Glory !!
The Whole Justice System Is Rife With Injustice
The Whole Sky Can Be Yours With A Satellite Dish
The Whole World's On Backorder!!!
The Whole of Tokyo in ruins.... -Hikaru
The Wild Celt: Drink Guiness It is Good for You!!!!!
The Wild Child BBS - Moving to Beaverton this summer!!
The Will of God is the sanctuary of ignorance. Spinoza
The William Tell Overture - Do they call it that because of the Lone Ranger?
The Windows Energizer Bunny-it's still loading!
The Windows Energizer Bunny: It's still loading, and loading
The Windows Energizer Bunny: It's STILL loading! And loading
The Windows Eveready Bunny: It's still loading
The Windows Mail Reader
The Windows folks wrote EDLIN. They can't be *all* bad!
The Windows95 Eveready Bunny: It's still loading, and loading
The Wisdom of Age is to be aware of the Foolishnes
The Wisdom of Dan Qualye - 347 pages, all blank
The Wishbook lives!
The Wit And Wisdom Of Chico Marx - By Y. A. Duck
The Wizard of Oz...The First SYSOP.
The Wizard rules, OZ!
The Wizard says.. "Go Away..!"
The Wizardry Compiled by Rick Cook [Melissa Garber?]
The Woman From AUNT...Solo's antithesis.
The Wonder Bra? Yeah, I got one for my beer-gut brother-in-law.
The Woods Are Lovely, Dark And Deep ...., But I Have Promises To Keep
The Woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks
The Woody Allen Story - Tom on 'Date With Your Family'
The Word Pet is Spelled Wrong--It Should Be L-O-V-E.
The Word Was Made Flesh, And Dwelt Amoung Us !!
The Word of God is the Will of God
The Word steals men's souls, while the sword only kills their bodies. - Ulric Wolfshead
The Words of the Prophets are written on the BBS walls
The Works Of Leo Tolstoy - By Warren Peace
The World Owes Me Your Living." - Liberal theme song
The World Wide Web - Man, that must be one damn big spide
The World crowns sucess, but God crowns faithfullness..,
The World is Flat!--Class of 1491.
The World is coming to an End. Please log off properly.
The World is flat again. It's on screen!
The World is made of Glass - Morris West
The World of Susie Wong, C.P.A. - Crow
The World's Best Recipes - By Gus Tatorial
The World's Deadliest Joke - By Theophilus Punoval
The World's Dullest Subject: Somebody else's diet.
The World's Last Days - By D. N. Izneer
The World's Third Dullest Subject: Special Interest Liberation.
The World's Your Lobster - Hilda Ogden
The World, a film which men devise--Jim Morrison
The World: A comedy for thinkers; a tragedy for feelers.
The Worlds not passing me by, its running right over me
The Wormhole Entities don't have to suffer with waking up on Mondays!
The Wright Bothers weren't the first to fly. They were just the first not to crash
The Wright Brothers had little to do with _this_ activity!!
The Writers Must Be Borgs! -- Story Concept Integrity is Irrelevant.
The Wyld is dying. Man is killing her. -- Jalisha, Black Fury
The Wyld sings its song of Endless Dawn -- Aether-Tongue
The X - Files have been closed, Agent Mulder. - Skinner
The X - Files presented in |)(| DOLBY SURROUND where available
The X Files: Deny Everything
The X Files: The Truth Is Out There
The X Files: Trust No One
The X server is probably the biggest program that doesn't do anything for you
The X-Files: "Deny Everything."
The X-Files: "Government Denies Knowledge."
The X-Files: "I want to believe."
The X-Files: "The truth is out there."
The X-Files: "Trust no one."
The X-Files: Deny Everything.
The X-Files: Government Denies Knowledge.
The X-Files: The Truth Is Out There.
The X-Files: Trust No One.
The X-Files: "Apology is Policy"
The X-Files: "They may be listening."
The X-Files: Apology is Policy
The X-Files: Deny Everything.
The X-Files: Government Denies Knowledge.
The X-Files: The truth is out there.
The X-Files: Trust no one.
The X-Men didn't come here to perpetuate the slaughter
The X-Men vs. The X-Men (Again) with special guests... The X-Men!
The X-Tags: Deny everything... except your love of taglines
The X.P.S.R.L. The Immortal Still Lives!
The XDC Tagline Collection þ Compiled by Dan Cerman
The Xxx is Dead
The Yankee spies are looking for my ancestors!
The Yankee spies are looking for my ancestors!
The Yankee's right: let's get the Big Boy in here. Sonny
The Year my country broke
The Yellow River by I. P. Freely
The Yellow Stream, by I. P. Daley
The Young Conservatives from Sirius B, are they here?
The Young Gladys Crabbits Chronicles - Mike
The Young Gladys Cravitz Chronicles... -- Mike Nelson
The Young Millie Helper Chronicles - Mike
The Young Millie Helper Chronicles... -- Mike Nelson
The Young and the Gripless.
The Yuppie couple, disappointed in the lack of grandiosity in their son, starting seeing another boy
The Zen monk says to the hotdog vender, "Make me One with everything!"
The [DELETE] key...Electronic White-Out.
The [Ford Foundation] is a large body of money completely surrounded by people who want some
The [Ford Foundation] is a large body of money completely surrounded by people who want some. -- Dwight MacDonald
The [Repeat] key is for repeatingrepeatingrepeatingrepeatingrepeatingrepeating
The [Space Bar]: A CyberNightClub.
The [human] species is capable of much affection.
The _original_ Defiant,.....no bloody A, B, C, _or_ D!
The `Barefoot in the Park' Caper... -- Tom Servo
The `H' stands for horrible, right? - Lister's Confidence
The `Invasion USA' Orchestra. -- Crow T. Robot
The `MANOS: HAM OF FATE RUBEN`! -- Mike Nelson
The `MR. B NATURAL-DIET PLATE'? -- Mike Nelson
The `Milling About' Festival... -- Tom Servo
The `Pledge Of Allegiance' does not end with `Hail Satan'. Ž Bart
The `Poor Cat in the Rain' look. It never fails. Rita
The `Zugsmith' touch... -- Tom Servo
The `curdless' phone. -- Dr. Forrester
The `multitasking in the bathroom' thing has spread!
The `other side' looks exactly like the other side. -- Crow
The aardvarks are not what they seem
The ability to ask the right question is more than half the battle of finding the answer
The ability to block out the unnecessary puts the goal within reach.
The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself. - Bernard Baruch
The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit. - W. Somerset Maugham
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. - Qui-Gon (SW1)
The ability to write does not make you intelligent
The ability to write does not make you intelligent.Funny noises are not funny! - Bart Simpson
The above Statement is absolutely True -- God
The above ain't a Tagline, it's a way of life!
The above does not necesarily reflect common sense.
The above examples of taglines sprinkled through the 3 messages of
The above garble is brought to you by me.
The above is for humor only. Any other use will void the warranty
The above message is Absolutely True. -- God
The above message is a paid political announcement
The above message was written with talent on loan from God.
The above noted opinions, are those of my computer!
The above opinion is worth 2 cents.
The above opinions are my own. DEAL WITH IT.
The above opinions are those of my computer!
The above opinions are those of the user and not those of this machine.
The above provided for the straight-line impaired
The above statement is not true:
The above text gave six NSA cryptographers fits!
The above text has nothing to do with cows OR Texas!
The absence of Love is one of its greatest punishments
The absence of labels [in ECL] is probably a good thing. -- T. Cheatham
The absent are always WRONG!
The absent are always at fault.
The absent are always in the wrong.
The absent are always in the wrong. - Philippe Nericault Destouches
The absent are like children, helpless to defend themselves.
The absent are never without fault. Nor the present without excuse.
The absent ones are always at fault
The absolute definite best way to catch a fish: have somebody throw it to you.
The absolute worst pickup line: "My, your breasts look nice today!"
The abstract means nothing to me! -- Rorschach.
The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth. -- A. Camus
The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power. -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"
The accessory does not lead, but follow its principal
The accompanying 9-meg file is attached in error
The aces are crawling up and down your sleeve
The acid test of intelligence, is ability to cope with stupidity!OJW
The acronym for Delta - Don't Expect LovedOnes To Arrive (!!)
The act of acting morally is behaving as if all we do matters--Gloria Steinem
The act of hating is usually irrational
The act of the law does no one an injury
The act of writing is the act of making soul, alchemy.<Anzaldua>
The actions of man are the best interpreters of their thoughts.
The actions of your mate or close allies will help you to make an important decision
The active ingredient in Viagra is called Mycoxafillin
The actor have a mighty interesting contract. The first clause disallows me to read any of the others
The actor was out of work for three years so they cast him as a banker
The actual chances of it blowing are about one in...one. - Lister
The adjective is the banana peel of the parts of speech. -- Clifton Fadiman
The advantage of a Toyota is that when you run out of gas
The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time. --Nietzsche
The advantage of being a Pessimist: all surprises are pleasant.
The advantage of fast computers is that they make errors in no time
The advantage of having Alzheimers, Hide your own Easter eggs.
The advantage of having Alzheimers, Laugh at the same Joke Twice
The advantage of having Alzheimers, You can hide your own Easter eggs.
The advantage of the rain is, that if you have a quick bike, there's no advantage - Barry Sheene
The advantage to being a pessimist is that all your surpr
The advantage to being a pessimist is that all your surprises are pleasant
The adventures of WIN.INE the Pooh by W. Gates
The adverb always follows the verb.
The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper
The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper -- Thomas Jefferson
The advocate will please refrain from making her opponent disappear
The afterlife is a shopping mall?! - She-Hulk
The age of Aquarius
The age of discretion is the age of impotence.
The age of our universe is a function of time. - Professor Walter Lewin, M.I.T
The agony booth is a most effective means of discipline. Spock-2
The agony of delete.
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract
The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law
The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being but to remind him that he is already degraded. -- George Orwell
The aim of life is not to prolong but to enjoy
The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts. Seek simplicity and distrust it. -- Whitehead
The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life. -- Browning
The air is getting thin, said Tom breathlessly
The air is positively magic in here. Better wear a negative armor.
The airplane law: when the airplane that you are on is late, the airplane that you are transferring to is on time
The airplane of Dr. Caligari - Crow
The airspeed of an swallow is -9.8m/s^2, if you break its wings.
The alarm clock that is louder than God's own belongs to the roommate with the earliest class
The algorithm to do that is extremely nasty. You might want to mug someone with it? - M. Devine Computer Science 340
The alien who attacked me has vanished, sir. - Data
The aliens are ignoring us... doesn't that prove they're intelligent?
The aliens are watching us, and laughing their Greelangs off!
The all impulse item store! - Crow
The all impulse item store! -- Crow T. Robot
The all new NCC-1701-D -- NOT your father's Oldsmobile!
The all time winner has got him by the balls
The all-encompassing movie judo chop! - Mike
The almighty Skip asks why he must pay $50k?
The alms of bravery are a holy war
The alternative to growing older is unacceptable
The amount of beauty required launch 1 ship = 1 Millihelen
The amount of common sense is fixed, but the population keeps going up
The amount of crime we tolerate in this society is unbelievable. -Rush
The amount of education you have determines your loot in life.
The amount of money one needs is terrifying.
The amount of money one needs is terrifying.
The amount of money one needs is terrifying... --Ludwig van Beethoven
The amount of sleep needed by the average person is ten minutes more
The amount of time between slipping on the peel and landing on the pavement is precisely 1 bananosecond
The amount of weight an evangelist carries with the almighty is measured in billigrahams
The amount to be done increases in proportion to the amount completed
The anagram for anagram is anagram.
The ancestor of every action is a thought. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ancestors you can find aren't yours
The ancient Japanese leader lost his legs in a logging accident, and became a sawed-off Shogun.
The android at the bar said you could show me my ship
The android at the bar said you could show me my ship
The angel of death has been abroad throughout the land.
The angels of mercy bless thee in the Kingdom... 'Abdu'l-Baha
The anger of a woman is the greatest evil with which you can threaten your enemies. -- Bonnard
The angle of dangle is proportional to the heat of meat.
The angry man always thinks he can do more than he can. -- Albertano of Brescia
The animals are not as stupid as one thinks -- they have neither doctors nor lawyers. -- L. Docquier
The animals can't tell you, you just gotta know.
The animation sucks, too. -- Tom Servo
The animator suffered a fatal heart attack. The beast, was no more
The annual Running of the Secret Agents in Pamplona. -- Crow
The answer is "drool slobber pant pant"
The answer is "sex". The question doesn't matter
The answer is 42 - we just don't know what the question is :-)
The answer is 42, for arbitrary values of 42
The answer is ashdkjhasdhgsaghjadgasdsad
The answer is clear - Crow
The answer is definitely MAYBE, and that's final!
The answer is easier when the question is hypothetical.
The answer is in the back of the book...
The answer is in your shoes, I don't know why - Crow
The answer is in your shoes, I don't know why - Crow
The answer is no. - Keiko
The answer is twelve? I think I'm in the wrong building."
The answer must be right in front of us. Quark
The answer my friend is 'Blow it out your ass' - Mike
The answer of one witness shall not be heard at all. 1 Greenl. Ev. 260
The answer seems to be, "A Suffusion of Yellow."
The answer to life, the universe and everything is... - Deep Thought
The answer to life, the universe, and everything is....SPAM!
The answer to life, the universe, and everything.
The answer to the Great Question is 42
The answer to the Great Question is... Forty-Two
The answer to the question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is
The answer to your question is FIVE TONS OF FLAX.
The answer was 3.14159, Tom said piously.
The answer was and always is - LESS GOVERNMENT
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the bird.
The answer? No, sex is the question. The answer is YES!
The answers are there, you just have to know where to look - Fox Mulder
The answers are there. You just have to know where to look
The answers to life's problems aren't at the bottom of a bottle, they're on TV! - Homer Simpson
The answers to life's problems aren't in a beer bottle. They're on TV.
The answers to prayers are usually found in those who pray
The answers to the math test: 23, 87, 94, 68 - BINGO!!!
The ants are my friends, they're blowin' in the wind
The anvil fears no blows
The apostles kept writing epistles
The apparel oft proclaims the man. --William Shakespeare
The appeal of recipes lies in the fear of death
The applause of a single human being is of great consequence. - Samuel Johnson
The application "Reality" has unexpetedly quit.
The application of terror is also a form of communication
The appreciation of the average visual graphisticator alone is worth the whole suaveness and decadence which abounds!!
The apropriate tagline can't be displayed due do it's obscene nature.
The arc of the dream descends into despair,
The arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man's self. - Francis Bacon
The archbishop has got to get back to the cathedral.
The architecture of Frank Gehry: Where angles fear to tread.
The area just behind the hard disk
The argument of the broken pane of glass is the most valuable argument in modern politics. - Emmeline Pankhurst
The ark was built by amateurs. The Titanic was built by professionals. - Bumper Sticker
The army has a brand-new tank that costs two million. The radio and theater are extra
The army is attemting to become more attractive to recruits. In the mess hall now they have strolling violin players
The army works like this; if a man dies when you hang him, keep hanging him until he gets used to it. - Spike Milligan
The army's on the move on Maple Street. -- Tom Servo
The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.
The art of being imperfect is a joy to others.
The art of communicating with a woman is to hear what she doesn't say
The art of confusion makes no sense to me
The art of flying is learning how to throw oneself at the ground and miss. - Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"
The art of gaming..@Honolulu, HI
The art of holding 8 oz of liquid in your mouth without s
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. <Marcus Aurelius>
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. Ä M. Aurelius
The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather, and exposing them to the critic
The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. - Emile Zola
The artist who is not also a craftsman is no good; but, alas, most of our artists are nothing else. (GOETHE)
The artist, like the idiot, or clown, sits on the edge of the world, and a push may send him over it. - Osbert Sitwell
The artistic temperement is a disease that inflicts amateurs
The asnwers are there, you just have to know where to look.
The aspiring hurdler that couldn't DO IT ... Name was Wun Hung Lo.
The assassins of Eden were there, the dark fusiliers. - The Stand
The assault on the Terran home system commences in 48 hours. - Melek
The assimilators canna take the strain! --Scotty of Borg
The atrocious crime of being a young man
The attacker must vanquish; the defender need only survive.
The attainable goal - Omitting '&'*@(!% from your vocabulary
The attempt becomes of consequence, if the effect follows
The attention span of a computer is as long as its electrical cord.
The attention span of a computer is only as long as its e
The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord." -- Turnaucka's Law
The attention span of a computer is only as long as its power cord.
The attorneys are again at side bar, we'll take *another* short break.
The audience knows I'm not going to do anything after all these years to upset them. (PERRY COMO)
The authentication code is: The dog barks at midnight.
The author is insane. Any opinions are those of Great Cthulhu.
The author is not responsible for any remarks taken seriously
The author of this message is famous in another reality
The author of this tagline eats baked beans and peppers!
The author wishes to thank Gary Zupo, for sending in heaps of good Einstein quotes. - Paul Pennington
The author wishes to thank Sam Urban, for sending in a few interesting quotes.
The author would like to thank Asif for a big heap of Dilbert quotes. Thanks Asif!!! - Paul Pennington
The authors of the Constitution distrusted government.
The avalanch has begun. It is too late for the pebbles to vote
The avalanche has already begun. - Kosh
The avalanche has already started, its too late for the pebbles to vote
The avalanche has begun It is too late for pebbles 2 vote.
The avalanche has started - it is too late for the pebbles to vote
The average American has one testicle.
The average American is crazy. - Handgun Control, Inc
The average Ph.D thesis is nothing but the transference of bones from
The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another. (J. Frank Dobie)
The average Prisoner serves 6.4 years. The average Congressman 14
The average US rabbit owner has 3.2 rabbits
The average age of a 7 year old in this state is 13
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person
The average family has one and three-quarters children
The average grand piano contains over 12,000 parts
The average gun-owner is crazy. - Handgun Control Incorporated
The average human has one breast and one testicle
The average income of the modern teenager is about 2 a.m.
The average man doesn't vote for anything but against something.
The average man is proof that women can take a joke
The average nutritional value of promises is roughly zero
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
The average person has one ball and one tit
The average person is a little below average. --Henry Morgan
The average person thinks he isn't.
The average person thinks he isn't. - Father Larry Lorenzoni
The average secretary's left hand does 56% of the typing.
The average tourist wants to go to places where there are no tourists
The average woman needs beauty more than brains, because the average man can see more than he can think
The average woman talks 50% more than her husband listens
The average woman would rather have beauty than brains because the average man
The average woman would rather have beauty than brains because the average man can see better than he can think
The average, healthy adult gets up at 5:30am feeling terrible.
The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just terrible. -- Jean Kerr
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward. -- John Maynard Keynes
The away team went on a mission and all I got was this louzy T-Shirt!
The awesome distance of interstellar wossname... probably quantum.
The awesome legal power of the Disney corporation. Crow
The awesome power of Absorbine Sr.! -- Tom Servo
The awful price of purity is Puritans
The axe should be a free form of creative expression!
The axe swung, blood droplets flew, & the warrior laughed
The babes won't go wild anymore - Tom w/tape on his head
The baboons are at it again! was Tom's zoophytic analysis.
The baboons are going ape. - Zazu
The baby computer calls the papa computer, DATA
The baby is just beautiful!
The baby was so ugly they had to hang a pork chop around its neck to get the dog to play with it
The baby-sitter couldn't find the baby for some time, but she looked up from the TV and there it was!
The back of yo'mama's neck looks like a pack of hot dogs
The backbone is still a bit crazy. - Don Horton
The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy. - Von Clausewitz
The background on my scenic checks is bankruptcy court.
The backup ain't over 'till the FAT table sings.
The backup procedure works fine, but the restore is tricky!
The backup's not over 'til the FAT table sings!
The backup's not over until the fat table sings
The backyard can be a place of miracles and wonder.
The bad flattery's on the house. - Kira
The bad moon has risen. You propose nothing in the sight of God
The bad news : There's no key to the universe. The good news : It isn't locked
The bad news is that the good news was wrong.
The bad thing about censorship is wheÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
The bad thing about kittens is that they become cats
The bad thing about windows bashing is: It's all true
The badness of a movie is directly proportional to the number of helicopters in it.
The bag is Odo, eh? I knew it as soon as I saw it. <g> -Anna Steven
The bag is Odo, eh? I knew it as soon as I saw it. <g> -Anna Steven
The ball got dropped in '62... -- Carman, Our Turn Now
The ball is...bllluuueee. Bloo-eee? Uhura
The ball's in your court, Joel - Dr. Forrester
The balloons' goin' up! --Plug.
The ballot box if possible, the bullet box if necessary.
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
The ballot is stronger than the bullet. -- Lincoln
The baloon's goin' up! - Plug
The band begins at ten to six. Ä Beatles
The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think
The banjo becomes angry at midnight - Crow
The banjo becomes angry at midnight... -- Crow T. Robot
The bank doesn't even want me as a depositor, said Tom unaccountably.
The bank just called and asked would you like any money?
The bank just sent back your check. Great. What can we buy with it now?
The banks of the beautiful LA River - Mike
The banner bore a single word: Excelsior!
The bar is welded into your hand!
The barber is an authority on everything except how to cut hair properly
The barman cleared his throat. He heard himself say "Last orders please."
The barriers between quantum realities are breaking down - Data
The barry & ivy show, not for intellectuals or tagline thiefs!!
The bars are temples, but the pearls ain't free.
The base servers at SWC Command Central are Pentium 90's
The basic and essential human is the woman.<Orson Welles>
The basic building blocks of matter do not occur in nature
The basic rule is this: Never support weakness; always support strength. --The Bene Gesserit Coda
The basilisk is nature's own way of getting stoned.
The basis of a democratic state is liberty. Aristotle
The basis of a democratic state is liberty. - <Aristotle>
The basis of optimism is sheer terror.
The bat-signal is not a beeper. -- Batman
The battle station plans are not aboard this ship!
The battle's fought and the game is won
The beak of Senna's chicken is pulling ahead...- M.Walker
The bear's going into rope-a-dope - Crow on fighting bear
The bear's going into rope-a-dope... -- Crow T. Robot
The beard does not make the philosopher
The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how m
The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned to the project
The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned. - Brooks, p.17
The beast will shyly retreat if you point to its genitals and snicker
The beat is yours forever. - Jim Steinman
The beatings will continue until moral improves
The beatings will continue until the Taglines improve.
The beatings will continue utill moral improves
The beauticians ended their quarrel by making up.
The beautiful rests on the foundations of the necessary. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The beautiful thing about standards is that there're so many of 'em
The beauty of Taglines: You can say it here safely.
The beauty of a pun is in the "Oy!" of the beholder.
The beauty of having a split personality is that when somebody tells you to go screw yourself, you can always oblige
The beauty of recipes: You can say it here safely.
The bed may take some getting used to. O'Brien
The beds here are warm and soft--and very, very big. --Zoot
The beer across the street is always much better
The beer is warm, the women are cold & I'm hot under the collar.-Groucho
The beer we bought for Xmas ran dry this afternoon
The beer-cooled computer does not harm the ozone layer. -- John M. Ford, a.k.a. Dr. Mike
The begining of the end begins at birth
The beginning is the most important part of the work. - Plato
The beginning of evil is goodness in excess
The beginning of his own sitcom - Crow
The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something
The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand ... - Frank Herbert
The beginning of love is a horror of emptiness. - Robert Bly
The beginning of the end of war lies in remembrance
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. - <Socrates>
The behavioral scientist pulls habits out of rats.
The believer is happy, the doubter is wise
The believer is happy; the doubter is wise. - Hungarian proverb
The bell keeps ringin' in the pinball machine of my heart.
The bell signals a nuclear attack in these parts - Mike
The bells of Hell go tingalingaling/they ring for you not me
The bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells... -Edgar Allan Poe
The belly will not listen to advice.
The best Bible version to use is the 1 you actually READ.
The best DOS is Calvados
The best MAN for this Job is a woMAN !
The best achievments are worth repeating. -- SkyLynx
The best advice a motorist should follow is to drive right so more pedestrians will be left
The best advice, is that you don't have to take it
The best alternative to INTELLIGENCE is SILENCE
The best and brightest didn't go to VietNam -D. Shalala
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched... they must be felt with the heart...
The best answer to bad speech is good speech. - Alan Dershowitz
The best answer to bad speech is good speech. - Alan Dershowitz
The best anti-virus program for a computer is SAVE-SEX. Leave the plastic cover on the floppy when inserting in drive
The best antique is an old friend.
The best applause is cats. -- Heinlein
The best applause is money. - Heinlein
The best applause is money. - Robert A. Heinlein
The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter. - Winston Churchill
The best argument is that which seems merely an explanation.
The best arguments against Gun Control are its advocates
The best arguments for gay rights are its opponents.
The best armor is to keep out of range.
The best assault weapon of all: the Rush Limbaugh show!
The best audience is intelligent, educated and mildly drunk.
The best audience is intelligent, well educated and a lit
The best audience is intelligent, well educated and mildly drunk.
The best audience is intelligent, well-educated and a little drunk. -- Maurice Baring
The best audience: Intelligent, well-educated, and drunk
The best bang since the big one.
The best bilge pump in the world is a terrified sailor with a bucket
The best blood at times gets into fools and mosquitoes.
The best blood will at some time get into a fool or a mosquito
The best blush to use is laughter: It put roses in your cheeks and in your soul. --Linda Knight
The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman
The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman
The best bridge between hope and despair is often a good night's sleep
The best cat toys always have a human attached
The best client a lawyer ever had is a scared millionaire.
The best contraception is "Point and Laugh!"
The best contraceptive for old folks - NUDITY!
The best contraceptive for old folks is nudity
The best cure for a short temper is a long prayer. :)
The best cure for insomnia : Monday morning.
The best cure for insomnia is a Monday morning. - Sandy Cooley
The best cure for insomnia is a good night's sleep
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. -- W. C. Fields
The best cure for insomnia is to get a good night's sleep
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. - Sen.Hayakawa
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. -- W. C. Fields
The best cure for insomnia is to get lots of sleep.
The best cure for insomnia is to get lots of sleep... - gypsy pete
The best cure for pain is to stop feeling it.
The best cure for seasickness is something called "land."
The best cure for the nations economy would be economy.
The best cure for violence is more violence.
The best deeds are done without fanfair
The best defence against logic is ignorance
The best defence against logic is stupidity
The best defence is to stay out of range
The best defense against logic is ignorance.
The best defense against logic is religion
The best defense against logic is stupidity.
The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off
The best defense against treachery is treachery.
The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry. - William F. Buckley, Jr
The best defense is a good offense.
The best defense is not to offend.
The best defense is to stay out of range.
The best definition of a gentleman is a man who can play the accordion -- but doesn't. -- Tom Crichton
The best deterrent to antisemitism is a full magazine
The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank. -- Scotty
The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.
The best diplomat is a fully armed nuclear warhead
The best diplomat is a fully charged phaser bank. Scotty
The best doctor is the one you hunt for and can't find.
The best draftees are married men - they know how to take orders
The best draftees are married men, they take orders.
The best dressed woman at a recent society ball was the lovely Agatha S. Skeffington, whose gown was cut so low in back it revealed her initials,,,
The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best equipment for your work is, of course, the most expensive.
The best excercise for a cat is another cat.
The best exercise for a cat is a dog.
The best exercise for a cat is another cat.
The best exercise is to bend down and help someone up.
The best experience to learn from? Someone else's
The best fish swim near the bottom
The best food in the whole world is free pizza!
The best for a case of nerves is a case of beer
The best government is the least government.
The best government teaches us to govern ourselves.
The best gun control is a good holster.
The best humour is served on wry...with a smile!
The best insomnia cure is a good night's sleep.
The best insurance against car accidents is a Sunday afternoon nap
The best interpretation is made from antecedents and consequents
The best investment opportunities are encountered when you are broke
The best is yet to come!
The best keeps getting better!
The best kind of cat toy has a person on one end.
The best knife is the unseen one. - Drow Proverb
The best laid plans of mice and men are held up in the legal department
The best laid plans of mice and men are oftimes legislated under
The best laid plans of mice and men are roughly equal
The best laid plans of mice and men are usually about equal.
The best laid plans of mice and men are worth just as much.
The best laid plans of mice and men both get et by mean cats
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley
The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go a little haywire
The best laid plans of mice and men... are eaten by cats
The best laid plans of mice or Aardvarks gang aft agley -R. Burns
The best laid plans often go a fowl
The best laid plans often go a fowl -W.E.COYOTE
The best laid plans often go a fowl. --Wile E. Coyote.
The best laid plans usually involve trying to get laid
The best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley
The best lessons are learned by doing, or at least trying
The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best lingerie is demolished with one use.
The best lingerie melts in your mouth + not in your hands
The best lingerie usually ends up on the floor
The best little echo on the whole net! Full of fun, food, and frolics!
The best location for a Caps Lock key is nailed to the wall!
The best man don't always win. Sheriff Buck
The best man for the job is a woman!
The best man for the job is usually a woman.
The best mate to have is a playboy playmate
The best may err. - J.Addison
The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale. --Arthur C. Clarke [1917 - ]
The best medication my doctor ever gave me was these Placebo things
The best medication my doctor ever gave me was these Placebo things
The best memos are the least memos.
The best messages are caused by misprints.
The best mirror is an old friend
The best mode of interpreting laws is to make them accord
The best movie ever made........The Crow
The best news in centuries. AIDS = Dead Homosexuals
The best number for a dinner party is 2. Myself and a damn good headwaiter
The best of all is, God is with us. - John Wesley
The best of blessings, a contented mind. - Horace
The best of intentions must still have directions !
The best of men, after all, ARE but the best of men
The best of seers is he who guesses well. - Euripides
The best opportunities in our lives stand behind the forbidding door of the great unknown. - Don McCullough
The best oxymoron is a well-known secret
The best oxymoron; Civil War
The best packed information most resembles random noise.
The best parachute folders are those who jump themselves
The best part about being a mortician is that everyone you meet is a prospective customer
The best part of Chastity is ending it.
The best part of DOS is de-install !
The best part of him ran down his mother's legs. -- Jackie Gleason
The best part of my day is over when the alarm clock goes off!
The best part of my plan: RETREAT!! - Tom as hero
The best part of myself...that's what you are. <Clifton Webb>
The best part of the cow is the pork chops
The best part of you ran down your mother's legs
The best part ran down moms legs
The best place for BOONDOCKS information is right here!!!
The best place to be when you are sad is in Grandma's lap
The best place to go with a child is in their imagination.
The best place to hide a secret is in plain sight
The best place to look for a helping hand is the end of your own arm
The best place to party is any place but yours.
The best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class
The best portion of a good man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love. -- Wordsworth
The best position for a woman to take is prone
The best proof of love is trust.
The best prophet of the future is the past
The best puns for breakfast are synonym puns
The best qualification of a prophet is to have a good memory. - Marquis of Halifax
The best reality is a really weird fantasy
The best rememdy for a short temper is a long walk
The best revenge is to live long enough to be a problem to your children
The best science is always subversive
The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance the idea that anything is possible. - Ray Bradbury
The best selling import, Toyota, is far from the best sel
The best sense of humor belongs to the one who can laugh at himself.
The best solution uses the fewest assumptions
The best source of info for genealogy is usually 6 feet underground.
The best substitute for brains is silence...get the idea @TOFIRST@?
The best substitute for experience is being a teenager.
The best substitute for expierence is being sixteen. ---- Raymond Duncan
The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself. - Karl Barth
The best theories are useless without a proper plan of action
The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be
The best thing I can prescribe is a quick end to the war. -- Hawkeye
The best thing I've seen on the TV all week is the cat!
The best thing about New Jersey...Leaving.
The best thing about a plane crashing at an air show is that they always have good video of the actual crash. --George Carlin
The best thing about animals is that they don't talk much - Wilder
The best thing about baseball is, there's no homework.
The best thing about being bald is, that, when unexpected company arrives, all you have to do is straighten your tie
The best thing about being me is I ain't you
The best thing about growing older is that it takes such
The best thing about growing older is that it takes such a long time.
The best thing about small boys is that they are washable
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time
The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time. - Abraham Lincoln
The best thing about war is the end of it
The best thing about women smoking is it gives a man a chance to say a few words now and then
The best thing is, God is with us! -- John Wesley
The best thing that comes out of Iowa is I-80
The best thing to come out of Seattle was the coroner's report
The best thing to hold onto in this world is each other
The best thing to spend on children is your time.
The best thing to spend on your children is time.
The best things come in small packages. The bigger the better
The best things come in small packages. The bigger the better
The best things in life are ME!
The best things in life are ME!. <=SAYS WHO??
The best things in life are NOT free! 1 Peter 1:18,19
The best things in life are for a fee.
The best things in life are free - but kinky costs extra.
The best things in life are free - plus tax, of course.
The best things in life are free, but the expensive ones are still worth a look
The best things in life are free, but you can give 'em to the birds and bees
The best things in life are free, so gimme some!
The best things in life are free. This is especially true for software
The best things in life are freeware
The best things in life are me!
The best things in life are never rationed. George T. Hewitt
The best things in life are not free, but can be had if you have enough money.
The best things in life are not free, they're expensive
The best things in life are not things.
The best things in life are on sale
The best things in life are politically incorrect
The best things in life aren't things.
The best things in life aren't things. - Art Buchwald
The best things in life go on sale sooner or later
The best things in life... belong to someone else.
The best things on TV last night were the clock and the vase.
The best time for planning a book ...doing the dishes.<Christie>
The best time for the typical American family to get to know one another better is when the TV set breaks down
The best time to buy anything is last year
The best time to consult a road map is earlier.
The best time to plan a book is while you're doing the dishes. - Agatha Christie
The best tires in the world have GOODYEAR written all over them
The best topping for really HOT sex is ... Me!
The best topping for really HOT sex is a redhead.....like ME!!!
The best treasure to find is a ring of DM control.
The best use for a unicorn's horn is to adorn a unicorn
The best use for tears is to wash your nose
The best vacations are spent near the budget
The best vitamin for making friends is B-1!
The best water doesn't come in fancy bottles.
The best way I knew to tick off my Mother-In-Law was to get married!
The best way out is always through.
The best way out is always through. --- Robert Frost
The best way out is always through. - Helen Keller
The best way out of a difficulty is through it.
The best way to Accelerate a Macintosh: -9.8 m per sec2
The best way to a man's heart is a battle ax through the sternum.
The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
The best way to a man's heart is to saw his breast plate open.
The best way to a man’s heart is with an axe
The best way to a man’s heart is with an axe
The best way to accelerate Windows 95 is at escape velocity.
The best way to accelerate Windows is at -9.8 m/s2
The best way to accelerate Windows is at 32 ft./sec/sec
The best way to accelerate Windows is at escape velocity!
The best way to accelerate Windows is off a cliff.
The best way to accelerate Windows is to escape velocity.
The best way to accelerate Windows: -9.81 m/s/s
The best way to accelerate a MAC is at 9.8 Meters/Sec2!
The best way to accelerate a Mac - 9.8 m/secý
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at -32.2 ft/s™
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at -9.8 m/s/s
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 32 ft/sec2
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8 m / sec^2
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at ESCAPE VELOCITY.
The best way to accelerate a Mac is to drop it off a moving
The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8 m/sý
The best way to accelerate a Macintoy is at 9.8 meters per second per second
The best way to accelerate a Macintoy is at escape velocity.
The best way to accelerate a PC clone is at -9.8 m/s2
The best way to accelerate an Amiga is at -9.8 m/s/s
The best way to accellerate a Mac is at 9.8 m/sec
The best way to accellerate a Mac is into a brick wall
The best way to accellerate a Macintosh is at 9.8m/s/s
The best way to achieve immortality is by not dying.
The best way to advance is to help the person above you to advance
The best way to appreciate you job is to imagine yourself without one
The best way to attract money is to give the appearance of having it
The best way to avoid @FN@ is to outlive him.
The best way to avoid a car accident is to go by bus
The best way to avoid enemies is to outlive them.
The best way to avoid growing old is not to be born so soon
The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, "I've got responsibilities."
The best way to avoid your enemies is to outlive them.
The best way to change my mind is to agree with me.
The best way to chear yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. - Mark Twain
The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up
The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer some
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. - Mark Twain
The best way to convince a fool he is wrong is to let him have his own way
The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his way. - Josh Billings
The best way to cope with change is to create it.
The best way to cope with change is to help create it. - Sen R.Dole
The best way to cut off a cat's tail is to repossess his Jaguar
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your frie
The best way to drive someone crazy is to carpool.
The best way to drive your man crazy is to smile in your sleep
The best way to enjoy a picture is to send your girls parents to the movie
The best way to escape from your problem is to solve it
The best way to escape from your problem is to solve it. - Robert Anthony
The best way to fill out a pink slip is with a beautiful body.
The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes
The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone solve his
The best way to get ahead is to use the one you've got.
The best way to get back on your feet is to miss 2 car payments
The best way to get even is to forget
The best way to get even with your enemies is outlive them
The best way to get in the last word us to apologize
The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it. - Ann Bancroft
The best way to get praise is to die. <Italian proverb>
The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.
The best way to get rid of worries is to let them die of neglect
The best way to get stains outta' your underwear - Crow
The best way to get the better of temptation, is just to yeild to it. - Clementina Graham
The best way to get the last word is to apologize.
The best way to give advice is to set a good example.
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.
The best way to haze freshman is to make them STUDY!
The best way to hold a man is in your arms.
The best way to hold your beer is in a glass.
The best way to hold your beer is in your stomach.
The best way to inspire fresh thoughts is to seal the envelope.
The best way to keep friends is not to give them away.
The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.
The best way to keep one's word is not to give it. - Napoleon Bonaparte
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
The best way to keep your word is not to give it.
The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's shoulder is to pat him on the back
The best way to know the Dragon is to experience it. - Lummox
The best way to lie is to tell the truth unconvincingly
The best way to lose freedom is not do anything
The best way to love thy neighbour is when your girlfriend is away.
The best way to make a long story short is to tell the truth
The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
The best way to make fire with two sticks is to insure that one of them is a match
The best way to meet neighbors is to play your stereo too loud at 2AM.
The best way to not grow old is not to be born so soon
The best way to oppose what may come, is to remember what is past. - Lord Halifax
The best way to optimise something is not to do it at all
The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. RICHARD BACH
The best way to predict the future is to invent it
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. - Alan Kay
The best way to predict your future is to create it
The best way to prepare for the future is to take care of the present.
The best way to preserve a right is to exercise it, and the right to smoke is a right worth dying for
The best way to protect your rights is to keep using them
The best way to refold a map is differently.
The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it one time
The best way to save face is to keep the bottom half shut.
The best way to save face is to keep the lower half closed
The best way to save face is to keep the lower part UP!
The best way to stay outta the Army is to join the Navy.
The best way to stop a runaway horse? Bet on it,,,
The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches.
The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches.
The best way to teach children the value of money is to borrow some from them.
The best way to throw dice is far away, or overboard
The best way to win an argument is to be right.
The best way to win an argument is to begin by being right.
The best way to win an argument is to start by being in the right.
The best way to write a correct program is to leave out all the bugs. -- Aron
The best we can expect on Judgment Day is a suspended sentence.
The best words are not always found in dictionaries.
The best writing never appears.
The best you get is an even break
The best you get is an even break. ÄÄ FPA
The best you get is an even break. -- Franklin Adams
The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs. - Charles DeGaulle
The better Point!
The better a man looks, the longer a woman does.
The better a man looks...the longer I look!
The better a woman looks, the longer a man does.
The better part of one's life consists of his friendships
The better part of valor is discretion. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"
The better the four-wheel drive, the farther out you get stuck.
The better the state is established, the fainter is humanity. To make the individual uncomfortable, that is my task. -- Nietzsche
The better the wheelchair, the farther out you get stuck
The better you know someone, the less there is to say. Or maybe, there's less that needs to be said
The better you look, the more you'll see.
The bible does not say, "Love thy neighbor, unless he's gay."
The bible is only effective for those that belive in it; I don't.
The bible says "love thy neighbor", doesn't it?
The big bang was when the universe re-booted.
The big cities of America are becoming Third World countries. -- Nora Ephron
The big hand is on ten, small one on two (Nuclear Clock)
The big ship. I want to see that one explode. - Tol Sivron
The big shots try to hold it back, the fools try to wish it away
The bigger I am, the harder they fall! - Baron Violent
The bigger a man's head gets, the easier it is to fill his shoes.
The bigger a woman's breasts, the smaller the man's brain.
The bigger a woman's breasts, the smaller the man's brain.
The bigger question is, who's Tarzan? - Vinnie
The bigger the amount you steal, the lighter your sentence when caught.
The bigger the appropriations bill, the shorter the debate. - Senator James Abourezk
The bigger the bankroll, the tighter the band around it.
The bigger the circle, the more the love grows
The bigger the crowd, the more people show up.
The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'
The bigger the footer, the smaller the dick !
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife -- ROA #48
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. - 48th Rule
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. - Rules of Acquisition
The bigger the tagline file the more junk it contains.
The bigger the theory the better.
The bigger they are the harder they punch
The bigger they are, the louder they crash. - Cliffjumper, Autobot
The bigger they are, the more friends you call!
The bigger they are, the more likely they're fake.
The bigger they are...the harder they hit
The bigger they come the harder they fall. - Robert Prometheus Fitzsimmons
The bigger your RAM, the better. L. Lovelace
The bigger your world is, the smaller the whole world!
The bigger, the better.
The biggest "men's center": San Quentin!
The biggest PK cross rip since the Tonguska blast of 1909.
The biggest ant in the world is the elephANT!
The biggest computer fraud in history: WINDows 3.x
The biggest difference between men and boys is the price of their toys
The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time.
The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
The biggest idiot can ask questions the smartest man cannot answer
The biggest lie on the planet: When I get what I want I will be happy
The biggest mistake is not learning from all your other mistakes
The biggest mistake that you can make
The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else
The biggest mistake that you can make...
The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that you are working for someone else
The biggest oxymoron in the world: The Senate Ethics Committee.
The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred
The biggest problem with the FIA is the FIA
The biggest problem with the FIA is the FIA. -Nick Hamilton
The biggest reward for a thing well done is to have done it. Voltaire
The biggest room in the world is the room for self-improvement
The biggest show: The Universe!
The bill must be legitimate; there's grease on it. - R. Dangerfield
The bills! The bills! (Quasimodem)
The binging continued - Crow on repetitious dinner scene
The bird did not appear in my original vision. Data
The bird of paradise alights only in the hand that does not grasp. - John Berry
The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp.
The bird of war is not the eagle but the stork.
The bird that can sing and won't sing must be made to sing
The bird: a nest, the spider: a web, man: friendship
The birds & the bees & the monkey-babies, Mulder - Scully
The birds and the bees are not Vulcans, Captain. Spock
The biscuits and the syrup never come out even. -L. Long
The bisexual blonde: wants to have her cock, and eat it too
The bishop came to our church today, but I don't think he was a real bishop. He never moved once diagonally.
The bite of the yendi can never be fully healed
The bite of the yendi can never be fully healed
The bitterest tear shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe
The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me
The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me.... -Floyd
The black animal with white stripes is a plaything
The black sheep keeps the best info on the family
The blackness would hit me, and the void would be calling
The blacksmith and the artist reflect it in their art
The bland leadeth the bland and they both shall fall into the kitsch
The bleeding hearts and artists let him get away with murder
The bleeding hearts and artists make their stand -Pink Floyd
The blind have been blessed with security - NIN
The blonde bank robber? She tied up the safe and blew the guard
The blonde got her college degree in sex. She was graduated cum loudly.
The blonde stole a police car? Saw "911" and thought it was a Porsche
The blonde waking up under a cow: "You guys still here"?
The blonde was so proud of her gold medal that she had it bronzed
The blonde who had two chances to get pregnant? Blew it both times!
The blood bank turned a guy down--they want plasma, not asthma
The blood is already on my hands. Londo
The blood is the horror. - Bela Lugosi
The blood is the life: flies, sparrows, cats, then humans.-Renfield
The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from sin. - 1John 1:7
The blood of the soldier makes the glory of the general.
The blue light on your dash means your brights are ON!
The blue light was my mind.... Robert Johnson
The blue of heaven is larger than the darkness of the clouds.
The bluebird of happiness is being pecked by the chicken of depression.
The blues ain't nothin' but a good man feelin' bad.
The blues had a baby and they called it rock'n'roll.
The boat sank. Get over it
The body of Beowolf is gone. Freya
The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet.
The body of a dead enemy always smells sweet. - Aulus Vitellius
The body of a freeman does not admit of valuation
The body of a huge green dead dragon is lying off to one side
The body will be ready by tomorrow, said the mortician gravely
The bogosity meter just pegged.
The bold print giveth and the fine print taketh away
The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives. -- Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project
The bombing of moscow starts in five minutes
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood
The bonds of matrimony are a good investment if interest is high.
The bonds of matrimony are a good investment only when the interest is kept-up.
The bonkerser I go, the bonkerser I seem
The bonkerser I go, the bonkerser I seem
The book Understanding DBase IV is an oxymoron.
The book that is misplaced is the book you need
The book was now a nest and the poems were eggs.
The books that help you are those which make you think.
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world it's own shame. - Oscar Wilde
The boored Readers of the world
The boots of evil were MADE for walking!! - The Tick
The boots of evil were made for walkin'! - The Tick
The bootup's not over till the FAT table sings
The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but only marks the
The boredom of my life would kill you. - Duncan MacLeod
The borg assimilated me and all I got was this T-Shirt
The boss is always right.
The boss is always right. When the boss is wrong, refer to rule 1
The boss made me what I am today : depressed.
The boss said "Leave an emergency # while on vacation." I wrote "911"
The boss said while you're sick, he'd do all your work personally
The bottle of water is now empty
The bottom of the 9th on Devil field as @TOFIRST@ steps up to the plate
The boundary of world peace is in the heart of each human being.
The bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind. - Han
The bounty says "dead OR alive," but I ain't carryin' ya.
The box said 'Requires Windows 95, or better'. So I bought a Macintosh
The box said 'Windows 95, NT4 or better' so I installed Linux
The box should bear a warning: WARNING! LOX VOMIT!
The box. You opened it, we came
The boy found the oracle and it almost destroyed him. - DT I
The boy is your gateway to the man in black. - Oracle
The boy on the left: his heart is about to explode - Tom
The boy who cried terradactyl - Tom
The boy... bring me the boy. - Homer Simpson
The boys may be marching, but they know not where.
The boys room is not a water park
The boys' restroom smells but the girls' restroom doesn't.
The brackets are ones that were censored
The brain enhancement must have worn off - Calvin
The brain is a muscle that can move the world. -S.K
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up
The brain is as strong as its weakest think.
The brain you have reached is not in service at this time
The brain you have reached is out of order at this time
The brain you've reached is not in service at this time
The brains of a house plant
The brainwashed and the braindead never wonder
The brainwashed do not know they are brainwashed
The brass is always greener... - BJ
The brave are always the first to die. - Magneto
The brave man is known only in war; the wise man in anger; the friend in time of need
The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's the opposition. - Nick Seitz
The breakfast of champions is the opposition
The breeze ruffling her skirts weakened my swordarm.
The bride and groom go naked? -- Tasha
The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn.
The bridge is yours, Commander. Janeway
The bridge such as it is is yours. -- Picard
The bridge-playing prostitute retired: she took her last trick.
The bright blade flashes, inscribing the final arc, on all tomorrows
The brim of Sexual Relativity: Please put down!
The brim of my hat hides the eyes of a beast.
The broad side of the barn burned & baby Kira smiled with her phaser
The brotherhood of man is not a mere poet's dream; it is a most depressing and humiliating reality. -- Oscar Wilde
The bubble of falsehood is bursting
The buck doesn't eve slow down here
The buck doesn't stop here, it doesn't even slow down
The buck never got here!
The buck never got here! - Bill Clinton
The buck never got here. W. Clinton
The buck starts here.
The buck stops at that desk right over there.
The buck stops at the desk over there.
The buck stops at the next desk.
The buck stops here
The buck stops here -> in my pocket!
The buck stops here! Oops, I mean there ---------------------------->
The buck stops here, but the doe just visits
The buck stops here? It doesn't even slow down here
The buck stops near here
The buck stops with the guy who signs the cheques. - Rupert Murdoch
The buckshot stops here. - Bambi's mother
The budget deficit will be gone by the time the earth explodes
The buffalo isn't as dangerous as everyone makes him out to be
The bug is mightier than the fix
The bug race is over. The bugs won
The bug starts here.
The bug stops here.
The bugs in your program are unfixable in the time it takes to fix them
The bugs will go away when you turn off the computer!
The building burned, but the books were already checked out.
The bulge in a man's pants that all women hunger for - his wallet.
The bulk of the toy duck ran away with the barn
The bulkheads in Security could use a little shoring up. - Odo
The bumper sticker is America's book of proverbs.
The bunny you have reached has been disconnected. - Babs Bunny
The burden is equal to the horse's strength. - the Talmud
The burden of the proof lies upon him who affirms, not he who denies
The burden which is well borne becomes light. - Ovid
The bureaucracy expands to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.
The buried are not lost, but gone before. - E.Elliot
The bus is always late - unless you are, of course!
The bus is always late, unless you are.
The bus is leaving, Hillary - get under it!
The bushes mock me! - Mike
The bushes mock me! -- Mike Nelson
The business of America is business. -- Calvin Coolidge
The business of everybody is the business of nobody. - Thomas Macaulay
The bust enlargement spell your talking about and where is it
The butch chick is right, we've earned our freedom! [Duckman]
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick make her, why can't I?
The butler did it!
The butler is serving tea wearing a shirt without any sleeves.
The butter slipped off his noodle
The buttered side of the toast always lands on the carpet.
The butterflies are free. -- Dickens
The butterfly counts not years but moments and so has enough time. - Tagore
The buzz from the bees is that the leopard is in a bit of a spot. - Zazu
The buzzard took the monkey for a ride in the air
The caboose seems to be pulling the engine
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy - Bart Simpson's lines
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F22
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy. - Bart Simpson
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy. - Bart's Board
The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy. --Bart Simpson.
The cake and the cookies and the underwear were all delicious.-Radar
The cake was chocolate! - Worf Don't I wish! - Troi
The calf & lion shall lie down together, but the calf won't sleep.
The callous sophisticates laughed at Judy's tiny head.
The calm confidence of a Christian with four Aces. - M.Twain
The came for the ventriloquists, who set up a puppet government.
The camera lost interest in him right quick! -- Crow T. Robot
The camera operator is indulging himself... -- Crow T. Robot
The cameraman must not have expected this - Tom
The can't fire me, slaves have to be sold!!!
The cannibal loved children...He adored the platter of little feet
The cannons don't thunder there's nothing to plunder
The capitalist system carried within itself the seeds of its own destruction. - Karl Marx
The captain really needs deleting
The captain's neck is broken. McCoy
The captain.... has one of these. I have no idea what it is.
The caption was: "He died for your presents."
The car to watch is the car behind the car in front
The car turned from a Ford into a Plymouth! - Mike
The careful application of terror is also a form of communication.
The careful use of terror is also a form of communication
The cargo. Where is it? Romas
The carnage is beautiful from up here. -- Joel Robinson
The carnival has closed
The carpet crawlers heed their callers.
The carriage held but just ourselves - And immortality
The cart has no place where a fifth wheel could be used. -- Herbert von Fritzlar
The case had been tried by the jury inside -RUSH
The case is now before the court and is awaiting a herring.
The case remains open & unsolved. - Scully
The case remains open & unsolved. - Scully
The cast and crew of Babylon 5 refer to JMS as Joe. -- KC Green
The castle of aaaaaaaargh
The cat Rule 756: Bite virgins and they always work
The cat and the love you give away always come back to you
The cat ate a ball of yarn and had MITTENS!
The cat ate my mouse
The cat ate my mouse; now the dog has ate my cat!
The cat ate my universal translator
The cat came in on little fog feet.
The cat crept into the crypt, crapped and crept out
The cat crept into the crypt, crapped, & crept out again
The cat did WHAT?
The cat has too much spirit to have no heart. -Ernest Menaul
The cat is a creature of absolute convictions.
The cat is a dilettante in fur.
The cat is always on the wrong side of the door.
The cat is domestic only as far as it suits its own ends.
The cat is eating my mouse! No, No Kitty.
The cat is mighty dignified until the dog comes
The cat is never vulgar.
The cat is, above all things, a dramatist
The cat just ate my mouse!!!
The cat keeps it's spare fur under the refrigerator.
The cat lets me live here.
The cat seldom interferes with other people's rights.
The cat that ate that ball of yarn a couple months ago just had mittens
The cat that ate the ball of yarn had MITTENS!
The cat thinks she can type better than I can.
The cat wants to go out. She's put her hat and coat on
The cat was created when the lion sneezed. -Arab Mythology
The cat was half alive and half dead.
The cat wasn't broke, but I had him fixed anyway.
The cat who isn't finicky soon loses control of her owner.
The cat would eat fish, and would not wet her feet.
The cat's a dog and the dog's a cat. CONFUSED family!
The cat's crawling in the printer now--hair raising!
The cat's eaten it." "Has he?" "She, sir."
The cat's independence makes his devotion more precious
The cat's out of the bag. -jena Spot?! -Data
The cat's out of the bag. Quick, stuff it back in!
The cat's out of the bag." - Jenna
The cat's the only cat who knows where it's at!
The cats chasing the dog and the mouse is pissed.
The cats come in on little fog feet
The cats let us live here.
The cause ceasing, the effect must cease
The cause of freedom is the cause of God! -- Bowles
The cause of problems are solutions!
The cause of the possessor is preferable
The cautious seldom err.
The cavalry is late
The celebrated Mr. K. performs his feat on Saturday at Bishopsgate
The cell program is ready, Chief. - Anara
The censors took all the dirty bits out of my show, said Tom deludedly.
The census taker in the land of Nod invented the Nodlist.
The center had frayed... - DT I
The center of the universe is 2 cm behind my forehead - W.S
The centers of golf balls are filled with honey.
The centipede that thinks about his feet, stumbles
The centipedes are coming
The cesspool is so lovely this time of day. - Hawkeye
The cest mirror is in a friends eyes
The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain
The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain. -- G. Fitch
The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to carry them, and sometimes three. -- Alexandre Dumas
The challenge is determining WHO is guilty of WHAT! Garak
The challenge is great...the task immense...the time is now! -- Victor Hugo
The champion has retired after eight undefeated victories
The chance of forgetting something is directly proportional to ..... to .. uh
The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet
The chance that you'll forget something is directly proportional to. . . . . to. . . . ah
The chances are very much against it.
The chances are, what you heard won't help... - Odo
The chances of survival are seven hundred seventy-five - to one.
The chances that she's really going to blow are about 1 in.. 1. - Li
The change that you've gone through, it shouldn't matter. - Lennier
The character will be good if the purpose is good. - Aristotle
The characteristic of coquettes is affectation governed by whim.
The characters are confused, the motivations obscure...US GOVT.
The characters in this message are recyclable
The chariots of the Gods race upon the winds of Time
The chauvenist detector just went off! -- Joel Robinson
The cheap eye surgeon was always cutting corneas.
The cheaper the femmes, the cheaper the fatales!
The cheapest time to phone your friends is when they're out!
The cheapest, fastest and most reliable components of a computer system are those that aren't there
The check amount is $22.59. the name of the payee is Babylon 5
The check is in the mail
The check is in the mail - Accounts Deceivable
The check is in the mail...
The check's in the e-mail
The check's in the mail, Martin. Really.
The check's in the mail... Trust me!
The checks in the mail and Trust Me.
The checksum is in the E-mail
The cheese has slid off his cracker
The cheese-phone is back! -- Crow T. Robot
The chemical name for tryptophan synthetase A protien, a 1,913-letter enzyme with 267 amino acids
The cherry bomb is lit. Quick, hand me that cat!
The chicken coop blew up! Tom exploded with egg on his face.
The chicken crossed the road... to show the Armadillo how!
The chicken crosses the road when you're not looking
The chicken did not cross the road!
The chicken that clucks the loudest is the one most likely to show up at the steam fitters' picnic
The chicken was involved, the pig was comitted
The chicken was the egg's idea for getting more eggs. - Samuel Butler
The chief and I are supposed to go kayaking. Odo
The chief cause of crime is Legislation
The chief cause of divorce is matrimony.
The chief cause of problems are solutions
The chief cause of problems is solutions. -- Eric Sevareid
The chief causes of solutions are problems
The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions. -- Alfred Adler
The chief danger in life is that you may take too may precautions
The chief enemy of creativity is "good" sense -- Picasso
The chief excitement in a woman's life is spotting women who are fatter than she is. (HELEN ROWLAND)
The child had every toy his father ever wanted
The child is dead, Maab. Do as you will with me. Eleen
The child is father of the man. -Wordsworth
The child is grown... the dream is gone -Pink Floyd
The child was named Leonard James Akaar? - Spock
The children can't be raised headhunters - Crow
The children come through us. They are not of us.<Kahlil Gibran>
The children of Baskin-Robbins are ice cream clones.
The children of all Klingons will know of this day! - Kor
The children of rock'n'roll never grow old--they just fade away.
The chip's canna' take much more o'this, Captain!
The chip. The British contribution to world cuisine
The choice has been made, Spock. T'Pau
The choice is yours: be a Limbaugh fan or learn to think for yourself.
The choice of a new generation.
The choice: Roll over or stand up to be counted.
The choice: Roll over or stand up to the challenge.
The choices we make dictate the life we lead
The chores! The stores! Fresh air! Times Square!
The christians MUST OBEY their hiarchy and dare to call US a cult?
The christmas spirit is not something to drink
The church hates a thinker like a robber hates a cop.
The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully
The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I will walk carefully. -- Russian Proverb
The church saves sinners, but science seeks to stop their manufacture. -- Elbert Hubbard
The church says the earth is flat, but I know it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon. --Ferdinand Magellan
The churches must learn humility as well as teach it.
The churches must learn humility as well as teach it.
The cigarette company sponsored the tennis matches.
The cigarette does the smoking, YOU'RE just the sucker!!
The cinema is not a slice of life but a piece of cake.
The circle is now complete - now on to the triangle theorems
The circle is now complete. - Darth Vader
The circle is now complete...now on to the triangle theorems
The circumstances are not normal. Spock
The circumstances were quite bizarre. - Spock
The circus clowns costumes of yesterday are todays kids fashions!
The circus is in town.
The circus must be in town. Look at all these CLOWNS
The citerion of truth resides in the enhancement of the feeling of power - Friedrich Nietzsche
The citerion of truth resides in the enhancement of the feeling of power. - Will to Power (as Knowledge)
The cities a flood and our love turns to rust --U2
The citric acid gives her gas - Frank on Dr. F's mom
The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.
The city put the country back in me.
The city's central computer told you? Artoo-Detoo, you know better than to trust a strange computer - C3PO
The civilized man is a more experienced and wiser savage. - Henry Thoreau
The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him
The clarity is devastating, but where is the ambiguity ?
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.
The class in school I hate the most is the one I learn the most from.
The class yell of the School of Experience is "Ouch!"
The classroom should be an entrance into the world, not an escape from it. - John Ciardi
The claw is our master! -- The three-eyed alien
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. -- John Muir
The clever man solves a problem; the wise man avoids it. - A. Einstein
The cliche "the cheque is in the Mail" originated in Canada
The client who pays the least always complains the most.
The cliffs around the crashing sea, unsolved and endless, wait for me.
The climactic library chase scene comes to a close - Tom Servo
The climate of Bombay is such that its inhabitants have to live elsewhere
The climb upwards will be easier if you take others with you
The clock on the wall sez 3:00. Last call for alcohol
The clone sat alone, and the monk he just monkeyed around.
The close ups really save on sets - Mike
The close ups really save on sets. -- Mike Nelson
The closer you get to defining God, the further away it gets. --Franklin
The closest I come to a brainstorm is a light drizzle
The closest I ever get to be a leader is when I'm the first one to step out of an elevator
The closest I got to a 4.0 in college was my blood alcohol content!
The closest I've been to a woman is Kitana, Mileena, Chun
The closest he'd come to a brainstorm is a drizzle.
The closest helping hand is at the end of your arm.
The closest library doesn't have the material you need.
The closest library never has the material you need.
The closest thing he'd come to a brainstorm is a drizzle
The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job application form. -- Stanley J. Randall
The clothes have no emperor - C. A. Hoare, about Ada
The clothes have no emperor. -- C.A.R. Hoare, commenting on ADA
The clown is sometimes the best part of the circus. - Shaw
The clown looks out from the computer screen for help
The clown who thought up the 70 character limit for taglines can kiss
The clown will not bite me and throw me in the basement. - Wakko
The clue meter is reading zero. - Alice
The clumsy one... with the `special' skills... - MacLeod
The co-moderator types softly and carries a big ..er, Tagline! - MI Fox
The coal industry is being run by men with dirty mines.
The coast was clear.
The coast was clear. -- Lope de Vega
The cockroaches are revolting.
The code which can be documented is not the true code
The coffee was so strong it snarled as it lurched out of the pot. - Betty MacDonald
The cold Prince of Light, bound in chains of intellect
The cold is the only thing that's keeping him alive! - Scully
The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required on it
The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it. - Steven Wright
The college I went to was so small the debate team was a
The college I went to was so small the debate team was a schizophrenic
The college graduate is presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. -- Robert M. Hutchins
The colonies on Orion VII and Proxima III have just broken away
The color of gold is gold, that's why it's called gold.
The color of truth is grey.
The color of truth is grey. * Gide
The colors felt sooo GooD in TheDraw
The colour of people shouldn't matter.
The combination is, 1,2,3,4,5.
The combination wall-safe & radio - Crow
The coming together of two to make one - Dr. Forrester
The commander of men is the command to protect.
The commander's son is the Cisko Kid? Sheesh
The common defect of all mystical systems: no place for Laughter."
The common denominator is blood. It's all red. -- Hawkeye
The common denominator produces divide overflow
The commonwealth perishes, if respect for magistrates be taken away
The commotion provokes a bullsnake - Crow on kid in hay
The company of just and righteous men is best -- Euripides
The company sent me here to show you a friendly face. <B2>
The company that manufactures the greatest number of women's dresses each year is Mattel. Barbie's got to wear something
The company's dress code is simple: clothing is recommended during business hours (9:00am to 5:00pm)
The compassionate heart is the refuge of the world...The Buddha
The competition at a local dog show was quite "Ruff"
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working
The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator
The components you have will expand to fill the available space.
The compulsion is the result of a complex misplacement of values.-DS
The computer 'Doth make fools of us all'. - Weinberg, p.152
The computer _could_ have re-aligned it. - O'Brien
The computer accidentally erased an instruction page! - Jake
The computer did it by itself!
The computer did it! Honest!
The computer fell over and slipped a disk!
The computer is a life-saver for an insomniac!
The computer is a moron!
The computer is a pervert; it likes to blow chips þ
The computer is down!
The computer is down?! It's either a fuse, or that damned Vole again!
The computer is fine. It's me that has technical difficulties.
The computer is fine; *I* am experiencing technical difficulties.
The computer is incredibly fast, accurate ... and stupid!
The computer is just fine - it's your brain that's down!
The computer is mightier than the pen, the sword, and the programmer
The computer is mightier than the pen, the sword, and the programmer
The computer is most likely to crash during backup
The computer is the Proteus of machines
The computer is the Proteus of machines. - Seymour Papert
The computer is the ultimate play toy
The computer is the ultimate polluter: its feces are indistinguishable fromthe food it produces
The computer laughs at you when you're not looking.
The computer loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life
The computer made me do it! Honest!
The computer made me do it; HONEST!
The computer on the station is not completely operational. - Riker
The computer revolution is over. They won.
The computer revolution itself is a result of hackers
The computer said my perfect match became extinct 4 million years ago!
The computer says ITS intelligence is real and OURS is artificial!
The computer says he's not on the Station but he didn't log out.-Dax
The computer seems to be having trouble finding a match. - Bashir
The computer simulation was _not_ like this !
The computer simulator was more orderly Worf
The computer will cut your work in half and leave you 2 bloody stubs.
The computer will work perfectly at the repair shop
The computer without problems is already obselete
The computer wore platform shoes - Joel
The computer you bought today, became obsolete yesterday.
The computers' not responding! - O'Brien
The computing field is always in need of new cliches
The computing field is always in need of new cliches. - Alan Perlis
The conceited blonde? Screams her own name when she comes
The concept is simply staggering. Pointless, but staggering
The concept is staggering. Pointless, but staggering. - The Doctor
The conclusions of most good operations research studies are obvious.
The concrete world has slipped through the scientific net. - Alfred North Whitehead
The condensed version
The conduct of the losing party never appears right. -- Burke
The conference rules do NOT resemble Calvin-ball!
The confidence of ignorance will always overcome indecision of knowledge
The conflicts the craziness & the sound of pretenses falling. - Alanis
The confusion of a staff member is measured by the length of his memos.
The confusion of a staff member is measured by the length of his memos. -- New York Times, Jan. 20, 1981
The conquest of fear lies in the moment of it's acceptance
The conscience of the King doesn't matter.
The conspiracy you've uncovered is a front for the REAL conspiracy!
The constable is remarkably thorough in these matters. -- Garek
The constants in warfare are man-related
The constellations wheel and spin as we commit our deadly sin.
The construction of law does no wrong
The construction of law obtains the force of law
The construction of law works not an injury
The consumer is not a moron, it is your spouse.
The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife. - David Ogilvy
The containment field is starting to rupture! burst Hester Dealt
The continents slam dance upon the face of the globe
The continuance of anger is hatred.
The continuum didn't think you had it in you. - Q
The contraceptive was defective, said Tom paternally
The contract makes the law
The control of the production of wealth is the control of human life itself. -- Hilaire Belloc
The conventional army looses if it does not win. The guerilla wins if he does not loose. - Henry Kissinger
The cooing stops with the honeymoon; the billing goes on forever!
The cook book is definitive. Reality is often innacurate.
The cookie was worried because its mother was a wafer so long
The cool green pills of Earth
The coolest thing about Don is I never doubt he loves me. Christy
The cops ate my Chicklets. -- Joel Robinson
The cops can't get me -- they're all prisoners of the donut shops
The copying's over: The FAT table sang
The cork came out of the magnetic bottle
The coroner gave you a clean bill of health.
The coroner? Ah, I'm so SICK of that guy.. - Dr. Nick Riviera
The corps is mother, the corps is father. - Talia Winters
The cosmic is largely comic
The cosmic redshift is due to electrogravitational coupling, not expansion!
The cosmos is the smallest hole man can hide his head in
The cost of feathers has risen - now even down is up.
The cost of feathers has risen. Even DOWN is up!
The cost of feathers has risen.... Now even down i
The cost of feathers has risen; DOWN is now UP
The cost of feathers is higher, that makes down up
The cost of liberty is less than the price of oppression
The cost of living has gone up another dollar a bottle
The cost of living has just gone up another dollar a quart.
The cost of living has just gone up another dollar a quart. -- W.C. Fields
The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
The cost of living is going up and the chance of living is going down
The cost of living is the difference between your net income and your gross habits
The cost of memory chips went up. I forget how much
The council is very wise. - Lennier Yes. - Delenn
The council should be broken, as was proficised. - Delenn
The counsil will stop at nothing to take control.
The country girl who became a city madam has obviously gone from rags to rigids
The country is a mess and people keep voting for lawyers.
The courage to put your fantasies onscreen - Mike
The course of progress: Most things get steadily worse.
The course of true anything never did run smoothly
The course of true anything never does run smooth. -- Samuel Butler
The course of true anything never does run smoothly.
The course of true love gathers no moss. --"Philadelphia Story"
The course of true love never did run smooth. - William Shakespeare
The court has nothing to do with what is not before it
The cover of this book are too far apart. - Ambrose Bierce
The covers of some books are too far apart.
The covers of this book are too far apart. - Ambrose Bierce
The covers of this book are too far apart. -- Book review by Ambrose Bierce
The cow ate bluegrass and mooed indigo.
The cow chips are about to strike the windmill.
The cow is a machine that makes grass fit for us people to eat. -- John McNulty
The cow is a machine which makes grass fit for us people to eat.
The cow is nothing but a machine which makes grass fit for human use.
The cow is nothing but a machine which makes grass fit for us people to eat. -- John McNulty
The cow is nothing but a machine with makes grass fit for
The cow is nothing but a machine with makes grass fit for us people to eat.
The cow is now a widow, because you shot the bull.
The cow is of the bovine ilk; one end is moo, the other, milk. -- Ogden Nash
The cow is really just a machine which makes grass fit for human use
The cow jumped over the Moon
The cowards never started - and the weak died along the way.
The cowards will turn back and the weaklings die.
The cows all ate Bluegrass and mooed Indigo.
The cpu is intel and it is a 8086....I have two batteri
The crabgrass is in bloom and the cat had puppies. - Frank Burns
The cream rises to the top, but turds float too!
The cream rises to the top. So does the scum
The created world is but a small parenthesis in eternity. - Browne
The creation of perfection is no error. - Nomad
The creation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance
The creationists are correct... They HAVEN'T evolved!.
The creative impulses of man are always at war with the possessive impulses. - Van Wyck Brooks (1886-1963)
The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways -- but he uses base ten
The creature appears hostile! - Calvin to a moderator
The creature appears hostile! -- Calvin
The creature appears hostile!, -James Mccombe to Moderators
The creature appears hostile!, @TOFIRST@ to Moderator
The creature appears hostile!, Cal to moderator
The creature appears hostile!, Gregg De to Moderator.
The creature appears hostile!, Tim to moderator
The creature stirred in his sickly, broiling vapour
The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena.
The credit belongs to those who spend themselves in a worthy cause.
The credit belongs to those who strive valliantly.
The creditability of the UN isn't worth American lives. - Rush
The credits should be exploding pretty soon
The credits should be exploding pretty soon... -- Crow T. Robot
The creeping part is apt but the terror part isn't - Mike
The crew has to eat synthetic meatloaf. I want it to look like turkey
The crew is not at battle-stations. - Data
The crew wasn't abducted, they just...left. Kirk
The cries have fallen on deaf ears again
The crime rate is up again? Now THAT'S job security!
The crime rate would go down, IF CLINTON WOULD STOP COMMITTING CRIMES!
The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.
The critical period in matrimony is breakfast time.
The cross did not "happen" to Jesus, He came on purpose for it.
The cross has been carried forward on the hilt of the sword.
The cross is God's centerpiece on the table of time
The cross is carried forth on the hilt of the sword.
The crossbow seemed perfectly natural - Tom
The crow... the crow said don't look! - Eric
The crowd crowns him King, which the Romans would ban!
The crowd's enthusiasm is quickly dimmed - Mike
The crows are calling my name, thought Caw.
The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw.
The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw. - Jack Handey
The crucial point is if you can tell which is which
The cruelest lies are often told in silence
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. - Robert Louis Stevenson
The cruelest lies are often told in silence. - Stevenson
The cruelest lies are told in silence.
The cruellest lies are often told in silence. - R.L.Stevenson
The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns
The crulest lies are often told in silence
The crusty, but benign airport attendant - Crow
The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe. - FZ
The crux... is that the vast majority of the mass of the universe seems to be missing. - William J. Broad
The cry of equality pulls everyone down. - Iris Murdoch
The cuckoo shouts all day at nothing/In leafy dells alone. A.E.Housman
The culmination of centuries of random genetic mishaps
The cult of Falun Dong is full of Viagra users.
The cult of Flush : Worhip the Porcelin God!
The cult of Flush : Worhip the Porcelin God!
The cup is raised, the toast is made yet again -Zep
The cupboard is empty, we really need food. - Bush
The cure for Writer's Cramp is Writer's Block.
The cure for admiring the house of lords is to go and look at it.
The cure for cancer is $^#g!l&NO CARRIER
The cure for love at first sight is to take another look.
The cure for writer's cramp is writer's block.
The cure may be worse than the disease
The current cost of taxes = your penalty for voting for BILL & HILLARY
The current death rate: One per person, of course!
The curse of a prince of Amber, pronounced in a fullness of fury
The curtain falls, his reign will end! -- Andre'
The curtains are drawn, but the rest of the furniture is real
The custody of the law is stronger than that of man
The custom of fixing and refixing laws is most dangerous
The custom of the place is to be observed
The customer isn't always right -- but they do get an unnatural amount of slack
The customer takes out a gun and shoots the owner.
The customs of your tribe are *not* the customs of the world. L. Long
The customs of your tribe are not laws of nature--Shaw
The cuter the pet, the lower the heart rate - Dr. F
The cycle will repeat itself.
The cycle's ended. Doctor
The cylinder has dematerialized, Captain. Torres
The cynic says: the pessimist is a realist who isn't afraid to admit it.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. - Henry Louis Mencken
The daily beatings will continue until morale improves!
The dam is back to front, said the builder madly.
The damage is donethe spirit's altered
The damned use that word in hell.
The damned whore, Reason. -- Martin Luther
The dance never ends, just changes.
The danger in being king is that after a while you begin to believe you really are one
The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern. -- Lord Acton
The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing - Willy Wonka
The dark grandma of death! -Mike Nelson/MST3K
The dark man entered her, and he was cold. - The Stand
The dark man strictly worked the night shift. - The Stand
The dark man walked and smiled. - The Stand
The dark man who was now the dark Eye had seen enough. - The Stand
The dark man's in the driver's seat now, so get used to it. - H.E.L
The dark matter they found out there must be chocolate liqueur? - csj
The dark of the moon on the 6th of June in a Kenworth haulin' logs
The darkest depths reveal the darkest secrets. Seawing
The darkness must flow, down the river of night's dreaming
The darkness of the music of the night... - The Phantom
The darn thing works better if you plug it in
The darned living sacrifices keep crawling off the altar!
The data you have entered suggest you're in desperate need of a cup of coffee
The date from Hell: Tonya Rodham Bobbitt
The date soldiers wait for is March Forth
The dating world is not a fun world...it's a pressure world...SEINFELD
The dawn's gonna break, and I'll meet you on the Edge Of The Century!
The dawning of a brighter day majestic rises on the world.
The day I see a gun get up and shoot someone I'll give up
The day I stop flirting, you'll read about it in the obituaries
The day I stopped learning is the day I died
The day Microsoft will make something that doesn't suck is probably the day they'll start making vacuum cleaners
The day Tom lost control of his hover skirt. -- Gypsy
The day after Christmas is worse than the day before.
The day after christmas is going to be epic - Calvin
The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.
The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life. - George Carlin
The day begs the night for mercy --U2
The day breaks not, it is my heart. -Donne
The day divides the nights. Nightime devours the day.
The day hums sweetly when you have enough bees working for you.
The day it's not a hobby, is the day I'm out-of-here!
The day my ship comes in, I'll be at the airport...<sigh>
The day of his death was a dark, cold day
The day of individual happiness has passed. - Adolf Hitler
The day of the socks will soon be upon us."--Oracle
The day of the storm is not the time for thatching
The day pigs fly is the day I heavily invest in umbrellas
The day you are born is your birthday; it's an anniversay every year
The day you stop learning is the day you are buried. -unknown
The days and the years ahead are worth living. Keeler
The days are all empty and the nights are unreal
The days are just PACKED! - Calvin
The days are just packed
The days are justed PACKED -Calvin
The days just prior to marriage are like a snappy introduction to a tedious book
The days of good English had went.
The days of our youth are the days of our glory
The days of the digital watch are numbered
The dead are a burden to no one.
The dead do not speak.
The dead don't come back to life? Be here quitting time!
The dead don't die. They look on and help. D.H. Lawrence
The dead have peace. We have Bill Clinton.
The dead have risen and they're voting Republican!
The dead have risen and they're voting Republican! -Bart Simpson.
The dead lightning-struck amateur said "CQ DX" as he reached Heaven
The dead outnumber the living by more than 30 to 1.
The dead really do live, just ask the groom.
The dead should shut up unless there's something to say
The dead zone is for loading & unloading only - Tom
The dead zone is for loading and unloading only... -- Tom Servo
The deadliest bull*h*t is odorless and transparent.
The deadly yello snow crystals deprived him of his sight
The deal isn't done until Mr Gaunt says it's done! -- Mr. Gaunt
The deal was made in Denmark, on a dark and stormy day
The death is nature's way of telling you to SLOW DOWN.
The death knights don't attack? I sit on the throne.
The death of God left the angels in a strange position
The death of God left the angels in an awkward position
The death of dogma is the birth of reality.
The death rate on Earth is: .... (computing) .... One per person.
The death rate on Earth is: One per person
The death ray looks meekly on... -- Tom Servo
The death ray would be good for Hollywood premiers. - Crow
The death ray's just rattling around the trunk... -- Mike Nelson
The debate continues over who smells worse...a wet dog or a wet baby.
The debate rages on: Is PL/I Bachtrian or Dromedary?
The debate rages on: is COBOL a bactrian or a dromedary?
The debutante with hairy legs becomes a cadet! -- Hawkeye on Klinger
The deceased should be preserved by electroplating them
The deceased was cremated; He took an urn for the hearse.
The decision does not have to be logical; it was unanimous
The decision doesn't have to be logical, it was unanimous. - Jerry Burchfiel
The decision is maybe, and that's final
The decision is yours. - McCoy
The decision to work overtime is the decision to deliver late. - Tom DeMarco
The decontamination unit called. You're socks are clean.
The deed of one should not hurt the other
The deeds of men never deceive the Gods. - Ovid
The deep of night is crept upon our talk,
The deep well of unconscious cerebration
The deeper I die, the more I sweat - Course of Empire
The deeper the sorrow the less tongue it hath. - The Talmud
The deeper the sorrow, the less tongue hath it.
The deepest Point of BONNY's
The deepest and most important virtues are often the dullest ones
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. --William James
The defence of morals is the battle cry which best rallies stupidity against change. Alfred North Whitehead
The defence of morals is the battle cry which best rallies stupidity against change. Alfred North Whitehead
The deficit is a spending problem, not a revenue problem!
The deficit is caused by big spending, Democrats are the big Spenders!
The definition of an upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in
The definition of horse sense: Stable behavior.
The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons. -- F. Dostoyevski
The degree of technical competence is inversely proportional to the level of management
The deil's bairns hae ay deil's luck.- Old Scot Sayin
The deil's no ay the ill chiel he's ca'd.- Old Scot Sayin
The delicate application of TNT - Crow
The delicate application of TNT. -- Crow T. Robot
The demand to abandon illusions about our condition is a demand to abandon the conditions which require illusions
The dental instrument please! <plays note on trumpet> Flat. - Yakko
The dentist never talks to his patients until the drill i
The dentist never talks to his patients until the drill is in their mouths
The dentist said my wisdom teeth were retarded.
The depression in a cat's skull makes the perfect tee. FOUR! Thwack.
The depths of human imbecility have not yet been plumbed. - H. Ellis
The deputy and his 'siren' - Crow on deputy's wife
The descent to Hades is the same from every place.
The descent to Hades is the same from every place. -- Anaxagoras
The desert environment is enhanced by bombing - Crow
The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul. - Proverbs 13:19
The desire for a drink/drug disguises itself in many ways
The desire of knowledge increases ever
The desire to seem clever often keeps us from being so.
The desire to understand is sometimes far less intelligent than the inability to understand
The desire to work is confined to classified ads.
The desk had just got fundamentally fed up with being where it was.
The destination is unknown at the start of many journeys.
The destruction, it is just very heart-rendering.-Quayle,SF earthquake
The determined programmer can write a FORTRAN program in any language.
The deuce you say! -- Buckaroo Banzai
The devil ain't in the darkness, he's a'rattlin' 'round inside
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. - The Merchant of Venice
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. D William Shakespeare
The devil can cite taglines for his purpose. Ä William Tagspeare
The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon!
The devil didn't make me do it, but he had the best idea.
The devil didn't make me do it... His was just the best idea.
The devil falls on account of his gravity
The devil finds work for idle circuits to do.
The devil finds work for idle glands.
The devil has blue eye and wears blue jeans
The devil in a button - dowm shirt
The devil is not afraid of a BIBLE with dust on it.
The devil made me do it and I wanna do it again!
The devil made me do it, and I liked it!
The devil made me do it. - Geraldine/Flip Wilson
The devil want's to f*** me in the back of his car - NIN
The devil's in the details -- or the living
The devils of truth steal the souls of the free - NIN
The dew of compassion is a tear.
The dew of compassion is a tear. -- Lord Byron
The diamonds shone like broken glass upon the midnight street --JM
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work
The die is cast. (proverb quoted by Julius Caesar).
The die is cast. --Julius Caesar.
The differance between genius and stupidity is that geni.
The difference between 'parasite' and 'pet' is Marketing.
The difference between 3.0 and 3.1 is .1!
The difference between Elvis & smart blondes? Elvis has been sighted
The difference between God & doctors: God doesn't think he's a doctor
The difference between Inlaws and Outlaws: Outlaws are wanted!
The difference between LIKE and LOVE...SPIT or SWALLOW!
The difference between OS/2 and a virus? Virus is free!
The difference between Viruses and Windows? Viruses work!
The difference between Windows & a virus? A virus does something!
The difference between Windows and a virus - a virus works
The difference between Windows and a virus$495.00 retail!
The difference between Windows and a virus: Virusses rarely fail
The difference between Windows and a virus? A virus is free.
The difference between Windows and a virus? A virus DOES something!
The difference between Windows and a virus? Virus is free.
The difference between Windows and viruses? Viruses work!
The difference between Yo mama and 747: not everyone's been on a 747
The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference between a mermaid and a seal. -- Mark Twain
The difference between a Trekkie and a Trekker? Trekkers like B5.
The difference between a career and a job is about 20 hours a week
The difference between a cat's relaxation and exercise can be subtle.
The difference between a dog and a fox: About 6 drinks
The difference between a dog and a fox?..about six drinks.
The difference between a fool and a criminal is that a fool
The difference between a fool and a criminal is that a fool attacks unpredictably and on a wider front
The difference between a good haircut and a bad one is seven days
The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways
The difference between a hold-up and a stick-up is your age
The difference between a house and a home is a family
The difference between a house cat and a lion? I think it's pride
The difference between a lawyer and a rooster is that the rooster gets up in the morning and clucks defiance
The difference between a marine biologist and a dog? One tags a whale, the other wags its tail.
The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective
The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective
The difference between a pit bull and a blonde with PMS? Lipstick
The difference between a politician and a snail is that a snail leaves its slime behind
The difference between a sorority girl and a bowling ball is that you can only get three fingers in a bowling ball
The difference between a successful person and others is lack of will.
The difference between a violin and a viola is that a viola burns longer. --Victor Borge
The difference between a virus and Windows, viruses work!
The difference between a virus and Windows, viruses work!
The difference between a virus and windows is that a virus works.
The difference between a virus and windows is that virii never fail
The difference between an amateur and a professional in the computer business is the number of backups they make
The difference between an oral & anal thermometer? The taste.
The difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? Taste
The difference between and ass-kisser and a brown-noser? Perception.
The difference between being in a rut and a grave, is the depth. - Gerald Burrill
The difference between being in a rut and a grave, is the depth. - Gerald Burrill
The difference between boogers & broccoli ?? kids won't
The difference between boogers & broccoli ?? kids won't eat broccoli
The difference between chickens and turkeys is that chickens celebrate Thanksgiving,
The difference between cockroaches and lawyers? Is there one?
The difference between cockroaches and lawyers? Is there one?
The difference between communism and democracy is plenty.
The difference between dogs and cats is that dogs come when they're called. Cats take a message and get back to you
The difference between doing it and not doing it is doing
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. - Tom Clancy
The difference between food and medicine is dosage.
The difference between genius and ignorance...genius has it's limits!
The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits.
The difference between gossip and truth is whether you hear or tell it
The difference between government and mafia iz that one iz organized.
The difference between hard and light ? .....you can sleep with a light on
The difference between hard and light ? .....you can sleep with a light on
The difference between her and the Titanic is that only 1100 men went down on the Titanic
The difference between ideas and results is a good manager.
The difference between kinky and perverted is...uh I don't know. --Richard Gere
The difference between legal separation and divorce is that legal separation gives the man time to hide his money
The difference between like and love is the same as the difference between a spit and a swallow
The difference between love and hate: We hate more passionately.
The difference between lust and love: Spit or swallow!
The difference between man & boy is the cost of the toys
The difference between medicine and poison is dosage, too.
The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. - Liberace
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra
The difference between outlaws and inlaws is outlaws are wanted.
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't. --Henry Ward Beecher.
The difference between politics and baseball is that in baseball when you get caught stealing, you're out
The difference between politics and baseball is that in baseball when you get caught stealing, you're out
The difference between rape & seduction is salesmanship
The difference between rape and seduction is salesmanship. - Bill Carpenter
The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
The difference between rectal and oral thermometors... is the taste!
The difference between sex and lust is inconsequential
The difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs!
The difference between spoiled milk & yogurt? Marketing!
The difference between the blues and the blahs is that you can't sing the blahs. --George Carlin
The difference between the military and the Boy Scouts is the Boy Scouts are allowed to carry knives and they have adult leadership
The difference between this place and the Titanic is that they had a band
The difference between this place and yogurt is that yogurt has a live culture
The difference between this school and a cactus plant is that the cactus has the pricks on the outside
The difference between waltzes and disco is mostly one of volume. -- T.K
The difference between winning & losing is self-discipline
The difference in the aging process in men and women is that men get sadder and wiser but women get sadder and wider
The difference is He is alive and the others are not
The difference is that one is friendly and the other is not so friendly
The differential of hi over ho is ho di hi minus hi d ho ho over ho ho
The difficult I do immediately -- The impossible I sub-contract.
The difficult we do at once; the impossible takes longer
The difficult we do immediately. Impossible takes longer
The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer. - US Armed Forces slogan
The difficult we do today; the impossible takes a little
The dilithium UARTs won't take this baud rate much longer
The dime is entirely worthless, it's a fairly efficient screwdriver.
The dimension of man is infinite - Bruce McLaren
The dimmer the light, the greater the scandal
The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program.
The direct approach is the best approach. Garfield
The direct approach is the best approach. Garfield
The director attempted an artsy sort of shot... -- Mike Nelson
The director attempted an arty sort of shot - Mike
The director of photography went for a drive - Crow
The director's beginning to lose control of the film -Tom
The director's brother-in-law, ladies and gentlemen! -- Servo
The discerning person is always at a disadvantage
The disciples nevereverbaptized in the trinity.
The discontented child cries for toasted snow. - Arabic Proverb
The discontented man finds no easy chair.
The discontented man finds no easy chair. - Ben Franklin
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star. - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
The disk ain't braggin' if I can back it up.
The disks are getting full; purge a file today.
The dispensing of injustice is always in the right hands.
The disposition of law is firmer and more powerful than the will of man
The disruptor.......I could put it on overload. - Ro Laren
The disruptor: I could put it on overload. Ro
The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult. - Mme Du Deffand
The distinction between true and false appears to become increasingly blurred by... the pollution of the language. -- Arne Tiselius
The distinguishing sign of slavery is to have a price, and to be bought for it. - John Ruskin
The distribution of power establishes itself in an economical society
The districts swimmingpool over here is named Blauwe Golf; I swim
The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny. - Edward Abbey
The diversion you are ignoring is the main attack. 'Murphy
The divine is no less paradoxical than the vicious. - The Crow
The doc's alive! He's in the Old West, but he's alive! -- McFly
The doctor gave me a clean bill of health. . . and an expensive one!
The doctor is in. Notice that I am not.
The doctor is in... -- Dr. Chennard
The doctor is not in. - Joe Dawson
The doctor is obviously drunk. - Kirk
The doctor said I could have a breakdown if I liked.
The doctor says he has to amputate all of me.
The doctor will see you now @FN@. Please disrobe!
The doctor will see you now. Come on, just say "Ahh." - Picardo
The doctors X-rayed @LN@'s head... and found nothing!
The doctors X-rayed my head and found nothing
The doctors had to remove a bone from my arm, said Tom humorlessly.
The doctors have discharged me, said Tom impatiently.
The doctors have done everything, but I'm still alive.
The doctors x -rayed my head and found nothing. - Dizzy Dean
The doctrine of human equality reposes on this: that there is no man really clever who has not found that he is stupid. -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
The dodo was flightless, and also fightless
The dog ate my .REP packet!
The dog ate my Bluewave packet.
The dog ate my flight plan packet.
The dog ate my hard drive.
The dog ate my homework
The dog ate my reply packet.
The dog ate my tagline.
The dog did it!
The dog did it! -OJ
The dog hasn't made a sound all day. Maybe he needs new bark plugs.
The dog just licked himself, want some kisses?
The dog must have done it, his paws were bloody
The dog told me to do it. --Son of Sam.
The dog urinated on my homework
The dog was happy and the cat didn't give a hang one way or the other.
The dog won't move, honey. Show him the vacuum cleaner!
The dog's best friend is a full food bowl.
The dog's housebroken, but he still needs to go outside.
The dog's kennel is not the place to keep a sausage. - Danish Proverb
The dog's law of life: If you can't eat it or <*censored*>, on it!
The dog's law of life: If you can't eat it or f*ck it, piss on it!
The dog's not begging for my food...wonder what she's up to?
The doggy types are a strange lot all right
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
The door is Baroque. Please wiggle Handel or call Bach
The door is the key.
The door says "EXIT", baby - TAKE THAT!
The door's ajar, said Tom openly.
The doors are never open to a child without a trace of si
The doors of Truth are guarded by Paradox and Confusion.
The doors of opportunity are marked push
The dorm mother affectionately known as Horse Face -Joel
The dot-com meltdown: The Taming of the Shrewd.
The dough NEVER stops here.
The dough always stops over there.
The dough stops here.
The down side of realignment: no more finishing ahead of the Dodgers.
The dragon is coming or I am a fool! CUT THE BRIDGES! - Lake-Town Guard
The dragon made me do it.
The dragon wing of night o'erspreads the earth.
The dragon? I bet that old goat can't even hear -- GULP
The dragon? I bet that stupid, old goat can't even hear - OH SH|T!!!
The drama! The suspense! The phone bills!
The dramatic potential of a rectal thermometer - Mike
The dreadful burden of having nothing to do.
The dream is gone, the child is a teenager
The dream is peaceful. Reality is the nightmare. -- Freedman
The dream is real, my friends. The failure to realize it is the only reality. - Toni C. Bambara
The dream's gone stale, but still, let hope prevail. -Rush
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
The dreams of the future are better than the history of the past.
The dreams the wolves what's going on? -- Evan, Wendigo
The dresses aren't gettin' me out...just whistles. - Klinger
The drifts are ten feet high and the chiles will not grow.
The drink of Warriors! ...whadaya mean, no bathrooms?!
The drinks are on the house! Quick! Find me a ladder!
The drive ate the tape but that's OK, I brought my screwdriver.
The driver pointed to the woman in the seat beh
The driver pointed to the woman in the seat behind him and said, "Sit with my wife. You two have a lot in common."
The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling. - Hugh Latimer
The drug war is a government money making scheme.
The drugs are for me and momma. -Gallagher
The drugs are for my "reality attacks"
The drugs kicked in, now other voices stopped talking.
The drummer is level when he drools out both sides of his mouth.
The drunker I sit here, the longer I get.
The dry-cleaners skirted a pressing need for material profits, resulting in de-pleated assets.
The dryer, Point of No Return for every other sock.
The dryer, Point of No Return for every other sock.
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them. -- William Clayton
The dumbest name that we hav for a letter must be Jee, because it explains so meny errors in standerd Ingglish spelling.
The dummy is the one who doesn't ask questions
The dummy is the one who doesn't ask questions
The dumplings in a dream are not dumplings, only dreams.
The duration of passion is proportionate with the original resistance of the woman. -- Honore de DeBalzac
The dustpan that the dirt can be swept into is not the true dustpan.
The dutch government's universal solution: increase taxes on petrol.
The duty of the Police is to protect individual rights
The dying ain't over. It's just got started. That's what I fear
The dylithium crystals cannae handle it,Cap'n!
The dynamic principle of fantasy is play. - C. G. Jung
The dynamic six and two half
The dynamite can now explode, Tom added defusingly.
The dyslexic agnostic spent all night wondering if there was a Dog
The dyslexic policeman kept giving out tickets for I.U.D.'s.
The eagle may soar, but the weasel never gets sucked into a jet engine
The ear of jealousy heareth all things
The earlier you set your alarm, the longer you can oversleep.
The earliest Chinese takeout food in America was Plymouth Wok.
The early Bird gets the best worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
The early bird catches the worm. Call me after lunch.
The early bird catches the worm...The early worm ..wellll
The early bird deserves the worm
The early bird finds the office closed
The early bird gets eaten by the night owl!
The early bird gets the coffee left over from the night before
The early bird gets the worm
The early bird gets the worm, but the late worm lives
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
The early bird gets the worm, but you can order pizza till midnight.
The early bird gets the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese.
The early bird gets the worm.
The early bird gets the worm. Some reward! - Bazooka Joe
The early bird gets the worm. The early worm ... gets eaten
The early bird has no life
The early bird may catch the worm, but that early worm got killed!
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
The early bird still ends up eating worms
The early bird still has to eat worms.
The early bird suffers from insomnia.
The early bird who catches the worm works for someone who
The early bird who catches the worm works for someone who comes in late and owns the worm farm
The early morning call to voodoo - Crow
The early worm catches the fish
The early worm comes to an early death
The early worm deserves the bird.
The early worm deserves the bird. --Lazarus Long
The early worm gets eaten
The early worm gets his own breakfast
The early worm gets the bird.
The early worm has a death wish.
The early worm is for the birds.
The ears are senseless that should give us hearing
The ears never lie...just the foolish mouth
The ears of every one that heareth shall tingle. -- 1 Sam. 3:11
The earth and myself are of one mind. --Chief Joseph
The earth delights to feel your bare feet. -Gibran
The earth has music for those who listen.
The earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone unnecessary
The earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone you can.
The earth is 98% full. Delete lawyers.
The earth is 98% full. Please .ZIP yourself...
The earth is 98% full. Please delete anyone you can.
The earth is a geologist's paradise
The earth is a hollow shell and we live on the inside.
The earth is flat. All the carbonation has escaped.
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. - Psalm 33:5
The earth is like a grain of sand, only heavier
The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, but much heavier
The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, except bigger and heavier.
The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only heavier.
The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only much, much h
The earth is my church; the body is my altar
The earth is quiet when we make jokes about California earthquakes.
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. - 1 Cor. 10:26
The earth is the cradle of mankind, but one cannot live in the cradle forever. - Tsiolkovsky
The earth will shake, in two will break, and death all around will be your dowry. - Queen
The earth, a purple blaze of sapphire haze
The earth, she's flat 'cause folks don't fall off
The earthling has stolen the space modulator! - The Martian
The ease of Windows, Multitasking while you wait.
The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.
The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change. ÄEdsil Murphy
The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one. --Joan Baez, musician [1941- ]
The easiest route is ALWAYS mined
The easiest route is ALWAYS mined
The easiest thing to find is fault
The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any
The easiest way for your children to learn about money is for you not to have any. - Katharine Whitehorn
The easiest way of making money is to stop losing it.
The easiest way to figure the cost of living is to take your income and add ten percent
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement
The easiest way to find something lost is to buy a replacement.
The easiest way to fold a road map is differently.
The easiest way to make decisions is to pretend that the consequences don't matter.
The easiest way to make ends meet is to get off your own.
The easiest way to make ends meet is to get off your own.
The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny that it exists.
The easy question gets the most answers
The easy way is always mined.
The easy way is always mined. 'Murphy
The easy way is always mined. - Another Murphy's Law (of combat)
The easy way is always mined...with taglines.
The easy way is always the hardest way.
The easy way out is has already been mined
The eclipse is over; you may now once again stare directly at the sun
The eclipse is starting, said Tom darkly.
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters
The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters. -- Jean-Paul Kauffmann
The economy is in freefall. -- Bush, 11/91
The economy is irrelevant. --Bush Borg.
The economy is moving in the right direction. -- Bush
The economy is so bad the Mafia has started laying off judges.
The economy is weird - my bank failed before the toaster did.
The economy is weird - my bank failed before the toaster did.
The economy's dead Bill, tax it if you don't believe me.
The ectasy of free thought
The effect is acumulative. Bashir
The effect of a law consists in the execution
The effect of which is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon...wrapped round a large gold brick
The effectiveness of the moderation depends on the Moderator
The effort required to correct your course increases exponentially with time
The egg came first ... You don't have chicken until lunch
The eggs? Let's just call them...'the phenomena.'
The ego, indeed, is the libido's original home. - Freud
The egotistical mummy was all wrapped up in himself.
The eighties were a bad year for me.
The elder gods went to Suggoth and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
The elder gods went to Yuggoth, and all you got was this lousy tagline
The election can't be broken. We just fixed it.
The election proves one thing. God is in control and answers prayer
The electrician was disqualified from the race because he made a short circuit.
The electrified fences were off? - Muldoon
The electrified fences were off? - Muldoon
The electronic mail is piling up on the virtual doorstep!
The elegance of honesty needs no adornment . - Merry Browne
The elements! The elements! Their names just don't make any sense.
The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top
The eleventh Commandment: Thou shallt not committee
The eleventh commandment was `Thou Shalt Compute' or `Thou Shalt Not Compute' -- I forget which
The elf is relentless
The elves in my computer have gone on strike
The email above is just this signature's way of propagating itself
The email of the species is more deadly than the mail. --Peter Neumann
The embrace of love held too tightly can destroy.
The embrace of love held too tightly can destroy. - The Iron Circle
The embrace of love held too tightly can destroy. --The Blind Man
The embrace of love held too tightly can destroy.<The Iron Circle>
The emperor has no clothes
The emperor is not as forgiving as I am. -- Darth Vader
The empires of the future are empires of the mind
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. - Winston Churchill
The emptier the head,the harder it is to fill
The emptier the pot, the quicker it boils.
The empty beer bottles? For my friends who don't drink - Blonde Moments
The end is coming! Party while you can!
The end is near when your grandchildren call you twice a day
The end is near, but does it justify the means?
The end is near... but wait for the sequel!
The end is not in sight..., but the Sight is in the end!
The end is what usually justifies the diet.
The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.
The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun. R. B. Fuller
The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun. -- Buckminster Fuller
The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.\BUCKMINSTER FULLER
The end must justify the means.
The end of a battle is not the same thing as peace !
The end of a battle is not the same thing as peace! Stay prepared!
The end of a thing is to be attended to
The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started
The end of labor is to gain leisure
The end of life! Murderers! - Spock
The end of man is action, and not thought, though it be of the noblest
The end of one day is the beginning of another
The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.
The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The end of the road points to a new opportunity
The end of the world came and I misssed it because of daylight saving
The end of the world is nea!@#$%^ NO CARRIER
The end of the world will occur at 3:00 p.m., this Friday, with symposium to follow
The end of the world will occur at three p.m., this Friday, with
The end of the world will occur at three p.m., this Friday, with symposium to follow
The end of the world will occur this Friday at 3:00 PM,
The end puts an end to litigation
The end times are upon us! Send me a big fat check!
The ends justify the jeans.
The ends justify the means. -- after Matthew Prior
The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.
The enemy diversion you have been ignoring will be the ma
The enemy diversion you're ignoring is the main attack
The enemy has taken stronghold F, said Tom effortlessly.
The enemy heard we were having fun so they attacked. - Hawkeye
The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions: a) when you're ready for them and b) when you're not ready for them
The enemy invariably attacks when you're ready for them
The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on. - Joseph Heller
The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.<Gandhi>
The enemy never watches you until you make a mistake
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The energizer's bypassed like a Chrismas Tree þ Scotty
The energy of your whole being in one tight space.
The engine's running, but nobody's behind the wheel
The engines can't take much more of this, boomed Geordi
The engines canna take much more o this Captain!
The enraged pantomime goose fires!
The entire CHINESE WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL TEAM all share ONE personality -- and have since BIRTH!!
The entire Soviet service economy is conducted in geological time. PJO
The entire echo comes smartly to attention and salutes Herr General
The entire history of Ferengi foreplay fits in this line!
The entire map collection has been stolen! said Tom xerographically.
The entire physical universe, including this product, may collapse.
The entire series of books makes for good tagline material.
The entire window was filled with an oncoming Lockheed TriStar jet.
The entire world is a very strange carrot, but the farmer isn't worried at all
The envious praise me unknowingly.
The environmental movement is funded by the Commies.: Rush Limbaugh
The environmentalists can shut up now. - PJ O'Rourke
The episode was "Ex Post Facto".
The equal toleration of all religions is the same as astheism -Leo XII
The escaped prisoner is camping in the woods, said Tom contentedly
The essence of communication is intention.---EST
The essence of intelligence is an open mind
The essence of knowledge is having it and using it
The essence of knowledge is, having it, to use it. - Confucius
The eternal God is thy refuge- Deuteronomy 33:27
The eternal feminine draws us upward. -- Goethe
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility. - Albert Einstein
The eternal silence of infinite space terrifies me. -- Pascal
The eternal stars shine out as soon as it is dark enough
The ethereal ants are crawling across my tabletop now
The evaluation period for @TONAME@ has expired - please register!
The eventual supremacy of reason should be accepted.
The evidence before the court is incontrovertible
The evidence before the court is...INCONTROVERTIBLE!
The evidence is too pronounced. Picard/Kamin
The evidence we planted reinforces their beliefs. - Diana, V
The evil duct tape monster - Tom on stupid looking alien
The evil duct tape monster! -- Tom Servo
The evil fairy roils: Eat my pixie dust! She waves her black-glowing wand, which screams thinly
The evil in man's heart, comes from the mind. --Unknown
The evil is always & everywhere
The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred
The ewe's pregnant again, Tom said sheepishly
The exact opposite? - Dax
The exact size drill bit I need is always the one missing from the set!
The exam will be 75% on the one lecture you missed
The exception affirms the rule in cases not excepted
The exception affirms the rule in contrary cases
The exception also declares the rule
The excrement has hit the whirling blades.
The excrement is about to hit the electric rotary ventilator.
The excremental matter hit the air circulation system!
The execution of the law causes no injury
The executioner has received the tool, said Tom with a heavy accent.
The executioner is, I hear, very expert, and my neck is very slender. -- Anne Boleyn
The existence of god implies a violation of causality
The exit is right there, Tom pointed out
The experiments bite. -- Crow T. Robot
The expert is a person who avoids the small errors as he sweeps on to the grand fallacy. - Anonymous
The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is the most likely to be correct. -- William of Occam
The explosion has already occured. - Data
The expressed opinions here are just opinions (:^P
The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
The expression of those things which are tacitly implied operates nothing
The extremes being proved, the intermediate proceedings are presumed
The eye of the beholder may be blind
The eye of the tiger; the ear of the Ferengi.
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. - Henri-Louis Bergson
The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long departed.
The eyes are the mirror of the soul
The eyes are the windows to the soul
The eyes of Texas are upon you
The eyes of Texas are upon you (o ) ( o ) ( o)
The eyes of taxes are upon you
The eyes of the Lord are in every place- Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of wolves are flowers fertilized in evil brains.
The eyes start love; intimacy perfects it. Publilius Syrus
The fabric of space is very fragile here. Spock
The fabric of space-time continuum isn't merely curved, it's bent.
The fabulous =CyberLiNE=> mail system
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part
The face of evil is always the face of total need. - William S. Burroughs
The face of the unknown. I think I owe you a look at it. - Kirk
The faces of those you've wronged - Crow on near death
The fact remains that Scully is armed and... dangerous"-Skinner 3x23
The fact that 47 PEOPLE are yelling and sweat is cascading down my SPINAL COLUMN is fairly enjoyable!!
The fact that boys are allowed to exist at all is evidence of a remarkable Christian forbearance among men
The fact that fruit flies don't thrive on regular produce is a feature, not a bug.
The fact that it is moving slowly, changes nothing. - Data
The fact that it is moving slowly, changes nothing. - Data
The fact that it works is immaterial.
The fact that it works is immaterial. - L.Ogborn
The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
The fact that no1 understands U doesn't mean ur an artist!
The fact that you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you!
The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is yours to draw
The facts will make you paranoid.
The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant!
The facts, while interesting, are irrelevant.
The faculty or right of offering proof is not to be narrowed
The failed NASA missions to Mars: Mars barred.
The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she. <Shakespeare>
The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive tag. --Tagspeare
The fairest rose at last will be withered
The fairy rings have not made/their entrance/yet.--Marg
The faith of Serra is borne on wings of hope
The faith that stand on authority is not faith. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The fall broke his glasses, what a shame. - Maxwell Smart
The fall of Empire, gentlemen, is a massive thing
The falsely dramatic obscures the truly dull.
The falsifications of a lie are truth
The families of one's friends are always a disappointment.
The family that computes together needs a network.
The family that drools together, doesn't rhyme at all.
The family that lays together, stays together.
The family that medicates together, stays together
The family that modems together...seldom talks
The family that plays together, stays together
The family that shoots together -- shouldn't be messed with!
The family that shoots together doesn't get messed with!
The family that sticks together should bathe more often.
The family tree burned down when Social Services torched the forest
The famous Steiner jacket... it's secrets are now mine. -- Lemmer
The famous politician was trying to save both his faces.
The fan is working but the freon's leaked out.
The fantastic advances in the field of communication constitute a grave danger to the privacy of the individual. - Earl Warren
The farther an animal lives from the equator, the more offspring per litter
The farther away you are, the more fun I have
The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. - Winston Churchill
The farther you go, the less you know. -- Lao Tsu, "Tao Te Ching"
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends on if you are at the right or wrong end of the gun,,,
The fashion wears out more apparel than the man. -- William Shakespeare, "Much Ado About Nothing"
The fashion wears out more apparel than the man. -- William Shakespeare, "Much Ado About Nothing"
The faster I codes, the behinder I gets!
The faster I get behind, the more time I have to catch up
The faster I go the behinder I get!
The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
The faster it is, the better I like it! Quickmix
The faster we go, the rounder we get
The faster we go, the rounder we get. -- The Grateful Dead
The faster you get behind, the longer you have to catch up
The faster you go, the more abrupt the stop
The faster you go, the shorter you are -- Einstein
The fastest I/O is no I/O
The fastest ewes and slowest rams produce the virgin wool
The fastest tagline bandit in the west!
The fastest way to a man's heart is by tearing a hole through his ribcage
The fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest
The fastest way to a mans heart is by tearing a hole in his rib cage
The fastest way to light a man's heart is with a redhead.
The fastest you can accelerate an Apple Mac is 9.8 m/s
The fat lady has left the building.
The fat lady has sung.
The fat lady's chances were slim.
The fatality of good resolutions is that they're always too late - Wil
The fate is upon you
The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools.
The fates lead she who wills; she who won't, they drag
The father is he whom the marriage points out
The fatter they are, the fatter they fall - Butthead
The fault is cleared. Now, on Belanger-Wayne-Chisholm, it's Tuesday Night
The fault is not yours, Jim. Spock, 'Obsession'
The fault is not yours, Jim. Spock, 'Obsession'
The fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves
The fault lies not with our technologies but with our systems
The fault lies not with our technologies but with our systems. - ROGER LEVIAN
The faultfinder will find faults even in Paradise
The faults in bad software can be so subtle as to be practically theological
The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
The favorite drink of a alcoholic is the next one.
The favorite song of the legally ignorant. Gueniviere Cory
The favourite magazine of gardeners is 'Weeders Digest'
The fax machine is nothin' but a waffle iron with a phone attached!
The fear of God keeps men in obedience. - Burton
The fear of death is the beginning of slavery.
The fear of death is the greatest compliment we pay to life.
The fear of death keeps us from living, not from dying.
The fear of isolation can make a person choose not to make art.
The fear of sponge-cats is the beginning of wisdom.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of intolerance.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
The fear of war is worse than war itself. -- Seneca
The fearless Spaceman Spiff sets off to explore a new planet!
The features of the next version are, as yet, unannounced.
The fecal material has hit the air circulating device
The federal government already owns 30% of our nation's land. - PJ O'R
The feel good mineral of 1999 -Joel on atmosphere element
The feel-good film of the Cold War! -- TV's Frank
The feeling is mucus, I'm sure
The feeling is mucus, I'm sure.... <g>
The feeling is mucus, I'm sure.... <g>
The feeling of chaps with no pants - Tom
The feeling of mistrust is always the last which a great mind acquires
The feeling you are experiencing is called the Quickening
The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you. - Kin Hubbard
The fellow who leans on his family tree may never get out of the woods
The fellow who thinks he knows it all is especially annoying to those of us who do
The female can change her mind at any given time
The female is a domestic animal that can be trained.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
The ferrets of old England, are marching as to war
The few! The proud! The extras!
The few! The proud! The extras! -- Crow T. Robot
The few! The proud! The extras! -- Crow
The few, the proud . . . the politicaly incorrect
The few, the proud, the C=64 & VIC 20 owners.
The few, the proud, the Force sensative...
The few, the proud, the Force sensative...Star Wars RPG
The few, the proud, the Force sensitive
The few, the proud, the Windows 3.0 & SX owners.
The few, the proud, the Windows 3.1 & 486DX-2 owners!
The few, the proud, the miserable.
The few, the proud, the miserable. -- Parker Lewis
The few, the proud; the Windows 3.1 & Stacker owners.
The few. The proud. The registered.
The few. The proud. The decent recipes.
The few. The proud. The decent taglines.
The few... the proud... the posters... -McFly
The few; the proud; the well endowed.
The fewer clear facts you have in support of an opinion, the stronger your emotional attachment to that opinion
The fewer keystrokes it takes the better!!!
The fewer our wants, the more we resemble the gods.
The fewer the facts, the greater the magic
The fewer the facts, the louder the shouting.
The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion.
The field of probability is too important to be left to c
The fifteen minute morning coffee break is when your employees take a break from doing nothing
The fifteenth chapter: The Earth is dubbed the SDF-15 and transforms!
The fifth dentist caved! Now they ALL recommend Colgate!
The fight was getting ugly
The file cannot be copied onto itself
The file, and the information, is bogus.
The filename is MUF15.ZIP
The files are not what they seem
The film on the lake is better that *this* film! -- Tom Servo
The film on the lake is better that THIS film! - Tom
The film on this lake is better than the film we're watching!
The film's in black face now. Mammy! - Crow on dark scene
The filthy Cardassians took our light bulb!
The final DOS version of Borg ... @LBorg!
The final DOS version of Borg ... ClintonBorg!
The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion . - Maurice Chapelain
The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusions. -- Maurice Chapelain, "Main courante"
The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands .Anne Frank 1929-45 Jewish Diarist
The final frontier - the power switch !
The final solution: echo y | del *.*
The final test of fame is to have a crazy man imagine he is you.
The fine thread of sanity
The finer a highway is, the more people crowd it to unusability
The finer a highway is, the more people crowd it to unusability. John W. Campbell Jr
The finest eloquence is that which gets things done
The finest gift is a portion of thyself
The finest kind of friendship is between people who expect a great deal of each other but never ask it. - Sylvia Bremer
The fire at midnight burns out by daybreak.
The fire is going out, Tom bellowed. -Roy Bongartz
The fire was the best medicine, even better than the morphine
The fire's going out! Tom bellowed
The fire's going out! Tom bellowed greatly
The firework you save til the end is a big disappointment
The firssstep is the hardest
The first 10,000 times don't count.
The first 146 days of 365 are for your taxes
The first 2 computers: Eve had the Apple, Adam had a Wang.
The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time
The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time, the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time
The first 90% of the task takes 90% of the time, and the last 10% takes the other 90%
The first Christian gets the hungriest lions
The first Ford cars had Dodge engines
The first Fossil driver -- Fred Flinstone
The first Herd shot round the world? 300 TEXAS Cattle in Orbit!
The first Myth of Management: It exists.
The first Nudist Convention received little coverage
The first Post Office in the American colonies was in a tavern!
The first Rotarian was the first man to call John the Baptist "Jack." -- H.L. Mencken
The first Russian Doo-Wop group - Mike
The first Russian Doo-Wop group! -- Mike Nelson
The first `puter I had use of was a dual floppy Wang, during 1983.
The first airplane hangar was built for drip-dry planes
The first and almost the only Book deserving of universal attention is the Bible. -- John Quincy Adams
The first and great commandment is, Don't let them scare you. - Elmer Davis
The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self
The first annual meeting of the Brian Mulroney Fan Club.
The first appeal of a charletan is to your covetousness.
The first are last, the blessed get wired... - Sisters of Mercy
The first are last, the blessed get wired... - Sisters of Mercy
The first bank without tellers was inaugurated for people who were firmly believes that money talks
The first blonde is the cheapest.
The first bug to hit a clean windshield lands directly in front of your eyes
The first condition of immortality is death
The first condition of immortality is death. - Stanislaw Lem
The first convenience store! ..This isn't very convenient.
The first country Hitler conquered ... was Germany with gun control
The first cup of coffee recapitulates phylogeny
The first duty in Star Fleet is the truth -Picard
The first duty of a Starfleet officer is to the truth.
The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it
The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it - A. Hoffman
The first duty of love is to listen.
The first flea market started from scratch
The first gay marriages: Adam and Steve.
The first glass for thirst, the second for nourishment, the third for pleasure, and the fourth for madness
The first great gift that we can bestow upon others is a good example
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children. -- Clarence Darrow
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents. And the second half by our parents. - Richard Needham
The first ingredient in any recipe is "Wash your hands."
The first law of bicycling: that no matter which way you ride, it's up hill and against the wind
The first letters of the months July through November, in order, spell the name JASON.
The first loss is the easiest
The first marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence, and the second the triumph of hope over experience
The first mention of baseball in the Bible was "In the Big Inning..."
The first million is the hardest. -- Cornelius Vanderbilt
The first movie filmed entirely with flashlights - Crow
The first multitasker - Two XT's and a chair with wheels
The first myth of management is that it exists.
The first myth of management is that it exists. The second myth of management is that success equals skill
The first myth of management is that it exists. -- Heller
The first myth of management is that it exists. ÄEdsil Murphy
The first myth of management is that management exists.
The first myth of management: that it exists
The first national cooking champion was crowned on TV on a program called The Spice Is Right
The first object of my heart is my own country. - Thomas Jefferson
The first obligation of a prisoner is to escape. - Sheridan
The first one is my first attempt of tagline writing, and I got the
The first one to name you a friend of Hitler is a troll.
The first one's over the wall when the revolution comes
The first one's over the wall when the revolution comes
The first part of food digested is the color.
The first piece of luggage out of the chute does not belong to anyone,
The first place in which to look for something is the last place in which you expect to find it
The first qualification for a historian is the inability to invent.
The first requisite for immortality is death. -- Stanislaw Lem
The first rule of Dabo: Watch the wheel, not the girl.
The first rule of air combat is to see the other guy first.
The first rule of holes: when you're in one, stop digging.
The first rule of intelligent dismembering is to save all the parts
The first rule of intelligent programming is to save all the files.
The first rule of intelligent tinkering is save all parts!
The first rule of lovemaking: Don't point and laugh.
The first rule of magic is simple. Don't waste your time waving your hands and hoping when a rock or a club will do. -- McCloctnik the Lucid
The first rule of not being seen is...not to post! - Monty Python
The first rule of smart tinkering is to save all parts.
The first sigh of love is the last gasp of wisdom.
The first sign of a nervous breakdown is when you start thinking your work is terribly important - Milo Bloom
The first sign of love is the last sign of wisdom!
The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
The first sport was baseball. "In the Big Inning"
The first stage of immortality is being remembered.
The first step binds one to the second. Fr. Proverb
The first step in world peace is to kill all the christians.
The first step is the hardest
The first step is the two step, then we'll talk.
The first step is to say nice things about myself. The second, to do nice
The first step to burglar-proof your home, Clean your gun
The first step to failure is trying. - Homer Simpson
The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant - Lord Cecil
The first step to making a dream come true is to wake up
The first step to people control is gun control.
The first step towards philosophy is incredulity.
The first steps bind one to the second. French Proverb
The first stereophonic BBS.
The first ten million years were the worst.
The first test of a really great man is his humility. Ruskin
The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and
The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue
The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue. -- Dorothy Parker
The first thing a blonde does in the morning? Introduces herself
The first thing a blonde does in the morning? Walks home
The first thing a blonde says in the morning? "Thanks, guys..."
The first thing a man learns is that morality is his enemy.
The first thing a man with a new automobile runs into is debt
The first thing that strikes a stranger in New York is a car.
The first thing to do is to realize that you really have options. --Hiro Tanaka
The first thing we do, let"s kill all the lawyers. -- Shakespeare
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Henry VI", Part IV
The first thing you learn as Captain is how to cheat death
The first thing you lose on a diet is your sense of humor.
The first thing you speak is never as important or compelling as the last thing you'll ever say.
The first three minutes of your life can be dangerous...the last three can be pretty dodgy too!
The first three minutes of your life can be dangerous...the last three can be pretty dodgy too!
The first time Adam had a chance, he laid the blame on woman. - Nancy Astor
The first time in my life, I keep the lights on to ease my soul.
The first time, it's a KLUDGE! The second, a trick. Later, it's a well-established technique! -- Mike Broido, Intermetrics
The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver"
The first vacuum cleaner was a suck-cess
The first version always gets thrown away
The first wealth is health.
The first wearer of your fur coat died while wearing it.
The first who was king was a fortunate soldier: Who serves his country well has no need of ancestors. - Voltaire
The first woman Byte Brother
The fish elected a new pope - Tom
The fish elected a new pope... -- Tom Servo
The fish in the sea are as good as the fish removed.
The fish that escaped is the big one.
The fisherman says to the magician, "Take a cod, any cod."
The fishing today is lousy, Tom carped.
The flames are all gone, but the pain lingers on -Floyd
The flames of Hades burning strong, your soul shall never rest!
The flight of the snow moose
The flimsier the product, the higher the price.
The flogging will continue until morale improves...
The floggings will continue until morale improves.
The flood has arrived, may we interest you in an ark?
The floor is now open for opposing viewpoints... - Top Dollar
The floral arrangement's eating Der Fladermaus! - Arthur
The floral arrangement's eating Die Fladermaus! - Arthur [The Tick]
The flower of humility blossoms only in the ashes of pride. - St Augustine
The flower, with the petals of velvet, at Tanagra, when the walls fell
The flowers anew, returning seasons bring; But beauty faded has no second spring. - Ambrose Philips
The flush toilet is the basis of Western civilisation.
The flush toilet is the basis of Western civilization. -- Alan Coult
The flute is a skinny-high shape-sounded instrument.
The flying saucer has bad gas - Crow as apes cover face
The focused totality of my telapathic powers. - Psylocke. Frequently
The focused totality of my telepathic powers. - Psylocke
The fog is rising - Emily Dickinson's last words
The fog moved in on little cat feet. --Carl Sandberg
The fog of old age is closing in!
The folks at Smith-Barney do it the old fashioned way.
The folks of HairNet are impossible to ambush
The folks of the Karplusian Mountains are impossible to ambush
The follies which a man regret most in his life are those that he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. - Helen Rowland
The following episode is dedicated to anyone who's ever fallen in love
The following statement is false. The previous statement was true.
The following statement is not true. The previous statement is true
The following statement is true. The proceeding statement is false
The following tagline is written in invisible ink :
The following were all recorded at a Champions game:
The food here is terrible and the portions are too small
The food here should not be taken internally. - Hawkeye
The food in this hospital is so awful, flies only eat it when they want to commit suicide
The food's great, but the service STINKS! - Yakko
The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool. (William Shakespeare)
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God
The fool hath said in his heart: there is no God - Psalm 14:1
The fool is happy that he knows no more. -- Pope
The fool says in his heart: There is no God Psalm 14:1
The fool wanders; the wise man travels.
The fool who is silent can pass for wise
The fool, given time, will be seen as such
The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.
The foolish and the uneducated have little use for freedom
The foolish and unwary find waiting death
The foolish and unwary find waiting death. Drow Proverb
The foolish are easy to amuse
The foolish ask questions the wise cannot answer
The foolishness of fools is folly. - Proverbs 14:24
The fools who follow
The foot stone is connected to the ankle stone
The foot stone is connected to the ankle stone... - Obsianus Golem
The footprint of the owner is the best manure.
The forcast for tonight: Dark
The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded. - Obi Wan
The force has a strong influence over the weak minded - Obe Wan
The force of nature is greatest; nature is doubly great
The force of the explosion has caused the ledge to collapse belatedly
The force will be with you... always
The force will be with you....always. - Obi Wan
The force will be with you...always.
The forces of Darkness do not move openly. They work through others
The forecast for tonight: Dark. -Al Sleet
The forecast is partially cool - Butt-Head
The foregoing does not necessarily reflect the views of the *Tagline
The foregoing is free of obscenity, and has my *STOMP* of approval!
The foregoing reflects my COLLECTION, not my OPINION!
The foremost art of kings is the power to endure hatred. - Seneca
The forest has its own opinion
The forest may be quiet, but that doesn't mean the snakes have gone away
The forest would be silent if no birds sang except the best.
The fork, Luke! Use the fork! -Yoda-
The form doesn't matter. It's what you bring to the table. - jms
The forms are very similar. Lt. Riker
The formula for failure - try to please everybody. - Swope
The fortune program is supported, in part, by user contributions and by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Inanities
The founding fathers intended us to have AK-47s
The founding fathers were part of the illuminati.
The four California seasons: Drought, Fire, Quake, Flood
The four boxes of freedom: Soap, Ballot, Jury, Ammo.
The four building blocks of the universe are fire, water, gravel and vinyl
The four cat food groups: Dry, Canned, Natural, Yours
The four food groups - Fast - Frozen - Instant - Microwaved
The four food groups are: spam, spam, eggs and spam.
The four food groups coffee, wine, beer and pizza!
The four food groups: Coffee, Chocolate, Sugar, and Sex.
The four food groups: Fast, Frozen, Instant and Chocolate.
The four food groups: coffee, ice cream, beer and pizza.
The four food groups: fast, frozen, instant and microwave.
The four food groups: Caffiene, Chocolate, Sugar, and Sex
The four food groups: Coffee, Chocolate, Pizza, and Sex.
The four food groups: Coffee, Cholesterol, Caffine and Chocolate.
The four food groups: Coffee, ice cream, beer and pizza.
The four food groups: Fast, Frozen, Instant and Chocolate.
The four food groups: Fast, Frozen, Instant, Microwave.
The four food groups: coffee, ice cream, beer and pizza.
The four food groups: fast, frozen, microwaved, and junk
The four food groups: soda, ice cream, tacos, and pizza.
The four food groups: spam, spam, eggs and spam.
The four food groups:Fast, Frozen, Instant and Chocolate.
The four food groups; instant, concentrated, microwave, & take out
The four good groups: Fast, Frozen, Instant, and Microwave.
The four major food groups: Chocolate, Pizza, Caffienne, Sleep.
The four seasons are salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar
The four seasons: "onions, celery, bell pepper, and garlic"
The four snack groups: cakes, crunchies, frozen and sweets
The four stages of man are: infancy, childhood, adolescence and obsolescence
The four-colour theorem is false on any surface for which it is false
The fourth branch of government...-The Limbaugh Institute
The fourth law of thermodynamics: The perversity of the u
The fourth lie: "All you have to do is plug it in."
The fowl stench of death is upon us...mmm..hamburgers.. - Homer
The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose-Hada Bejar
The fraud of a possessor does not prejudice the successor
The free education provided by Limbaugh is worth every penny.
The freedom of poetic license -- Cicero (43 BC)
The freedom of poetic license. Cicero (43 BC)
The freighter is going down. La Forge
The fresh air seems to have made you trigger happy. - Kirk
The freshest thing we've got? 1 order of qagh coming up
The fridge light DOES go off! Now can I get out, please?
The fridge light DOES go out. Now let me out of here!!!!
The fridge light DOES go out. Now, let me out of here. - Def One
The friend of wisdom is also a friend of myth. -- Aristotle
The friend who understands you, creates you. - Rolland
The friendliest thing in the world? Why, a hungry dragon, of course!
The friendly undertaker signs his letters "Eventually yours".
The friendship tha can cease has never been real. - St.Jerome
The frog's dead. He Kermitted suicide.
The fruit of the Spirit is love. - Gal. 5:22
The fruits of impatience are bitter.
The fuchsia is the most carefully spelled flower
The full impact of parenthood doesn't hit you until you multiply the number of your kids by 32 teeth
The full moon doesn't bother me! Aaahhhhhooooooo!
The full potentialities of human fury cannot be reached until a friend of both parties tactfully interferes. -- G.K. Chesterton
The fully interchangeable BBS.
The fun part is to get her to purrrr!
The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange. -G.K. Chesterton, essayist and novelist 1874-1936
The fund which has received the benefit should make the satisfaction
The fund which has received the benefit should make the satisfaction
The fundamental flaws are hidden by the superficial ones
The fungus can destroy even the notebook.
The funny days are over !
The fur will be with you, always
The further I go, the behinder I get.
The further away from home they travel the more Australian they get.
The further away from home you are the harder your pecker gets.
The further we go back the more we go ahead.
The fustration paints my four walls black - H. Rollins
The future ain't what it used to be - Lhyanna
The future ain't what it used to be. - Casey Stengel
The future ain't what it used to be." -- Yogi Berra
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
The future comes March, 1992.
The future comes in 256 bitmapped colors!
The future comes one day at a time. --Dean Acheson (1893-1971)
The future definitely lay ahead
The future doesn't matter. -- Clinton supporter
The future exists first in imagination, then on Will, then Reality.
The future has a bad attitude.
The future has a habit of suddenly and dramatically becoming the present. --anonymous?
The future is a convienient place for dreams -- A. France
The future is a myth created by insurance salesmen and hi
The future is a myth created by insurance salesmen and high school counselors
The future is a race between education and catastrophe. -- H.G. Wells
The future is already here and its name is the Gamma Quadrant.-Nagus
The future is as bright as the promises of God.
The future is built on dreams. Hang on to them. -- Optimus Prime
The future is but a question mark.
The future is here...Platinum Xpress!!
The future is hidden even from the man who made it. - Anatole France
The future is just not what it use to be.
The future is like the present - only longer.
The future is littered with prizes... - Scar
The future is made of the same stuff as the present.<Weil>
The future is much like the present, only longer!
The future is much more difficult to predict than the past.
The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make.
The future is not what it used to be
The future is not what it used to be --G'Kar, Babylon 5
The future is not what it used to be.
The future is not what it used to be. --G'Kar.
The future is now and we've gotta live it!
The future is ours so let's plan it
The future is purchased by the present.
The future is sort of like the present... only longer.
The future is unknown, the past is fixed, to-day is cripp
The future is when you'll wish you'd done what you aren't
The future isn't set; there's no fate but what we make. - T2
The future isn't what it used to be.
The future isn't what it used to be. It never was.
The future isn't what it used to be. - G'Kar
The future isn't what it used to be...
The future just isn't what it used to be!
The future lies ahead
The future lies ahead. The past lies, lies, lies,
The future may be here now, but you are gonna *PAY* for it.
The future not being born, my friend, we will abstain from baptizing it. -- George Meredith
The future of America is in your hands
The future of robotics - by Cy Borg and Anne Droid
The future sucks, change it - Beavis.
The future sucks, change it Orville! huh huh huh
The future sucks... change it... -Beavis
The future sure ain't what it used to be.
The future sure looks bright. -- Brisco
The future told, the past explained, the present ... apologised for
The future was yesterday.
The future will be better tomorrow
The future will be better tomorrow. -- Dan Quayle
The future will be like the past, only more expensive.
The future will see: many red dots, on many blue helmets
The future won't wait because we're not ready for it
The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it. - Aeschylus - Ancient greek playwright
The future's here, we are it, we are on our own
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!
The future's so bright.... where did I put that flashlight again?
The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive. - John Sladek
The future... it just isn't what it used to be
The future: It's the wind
The future; it's coming, but there's medication for it.
The gain of a dipole is 13 dB(duck)!
The galaxy can be a dangerous place when you're on your own. - Q
The galaxy is full of dishonorable men ...Well, everyone's got to make a living
The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. - Ambrose Bierce
The game has rules; you're ignoring them. Uhura
The game is afoot (all six of them) - SimAnt
The game is afoot! --Sherlock Holmes
The game is difficult when an opponent changes the rules.
The game is electronic mail, 4-star taglines or better to open
The game never ends
The game of hockey is never called off on account of lost blood.
The game of hockey is never called off on account of missing teeth.
The game of life is a game of boomerangs.<Shin>
The game of love is never called off on account of darkness.
The game they play is called God.
The game's a little bit wide open again.
The game's afoot. Henry V 3.1.32
The game's called Escape from Cthulhu. Just read this scroll, then escape
The game, Watson, is afoot. - Sherlock Holmes
The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war over a tank of juice. - Narrator
The gap between the rich & poor didn't grow in the '80s. -LIMBAUGH
The gap between the rich & poor grew in the '80s X 2.5. - CBO
The gap between theory and practice is filled with apology
The garbage chute was a wonderful idea!
The garbage disposal gods may demand an offering of a spoon.
The gas company has provided some chamber music while you wait
The gas pedal on your car is shaped like a bare foot
The gates of heaven will be burned and cast open. - Dax
The gates of hell shall not prevail against them. (3 Nephi 11:39)
The gates of pearl have turned to gold it seems you've lost your way!
The gauntlet has been cast.
The gauntlet has been thrown down!
The geek shall inherit the earth
The geeks shall inherit the earth. - Karl Lehenbauer
The gene pool could use a little chlorine!
The gene pool has no lifeguard.
The gene pool needs a lifeguard.
The general direction of the Alps is straight up
The general rule of life
The general sent me. I have a message. Sarah
The generation of ramdom numbers is too important to be left to chance
The generation of random numbers is too important to be l
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance. - Robert R. Coveyou, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The generation that change the world is still looking for its car keys!
The generawith a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"
The genius of women... intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency.
The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn't been asleep.
The gentlemen looked one another over with microscopic ca
The ghost of a chicken is a poultrygiest
The ghost of things to be avoided.
The ghosts in your machine are shouting again!
The ghosts of love stand clear to see.
The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.
The gift of happiness belongs to those who unwraps it.
The giraffe you thought you offended last week is willing to be nuzzled today.
The girl came in and he freaked. - Richie Ryan
The girl of your dreams exists only as a GIF file.
The girl of your dreams is unavailable except in GIF.
The girl that's driving me mad is going away. Ä Beatles
The girl turned ripe and the pickers came today!
The girl was writing the way you speak in the dark
The girl who remembers her first kiss now has a daughter who can't even remember her first husband
The girl who stoops to conquer usually wears a low-cut dress
The girl who swears no one has ever made love to her has a right to swear. -- Sophia Loren
The girl who was so bashful she went into a closet to change her mind.
The girl's a half-wit. She shouldn't be out here!
The girlfriend in THE CRYING GAME is actually a guy.
The girls appreciate a *slo-o-o-w* hand!
The girls call him King Leer
The girls don't seem to care what's on
The girls in the corner are waiting to do their number.
The girls that go to see a man's etchings may not know art, but they know what they like
The giving hand ... receives
The glass in the lap was overkill... -- Amanda
The glass is half full--and what's in it has gone rancid.
The gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.
The glorious failures and the glorious victories...
The glory of God is intelligence. - D&C 93:36
The glory of God is intelligence. - Young
The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
The glory of the Lord shone round about them. - Luke 2:9
The goal is not to bring your adversaries to their knees but to their senses. --Mahatma Gandhi
The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it
The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it
The goal of Computing Science is to build something that
The goal of Computing Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it. -- David Oster
The goal of evolution is self-conquest.
The goal of science is to build better mousetraps. The goal of nature is to build better mice
The goal of the works of a genius' existance lies only in itself
The god of lies?" - Vash "They meant it affectionately." - Q
The god you don't believe in, I don't believe in either
The godly man's backup: Pray it doesn't crash!
The gods are laughing, so take your last breath
The gods are not crazy, they're higher than kites!
The gods are too ill to watch me in America
The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by less foolish fools
The gods favor those with the big spells.
The gods gave man fire and he invented fire engines. They gave him love and he invented marriage
The gods gave me a brain, not a Bible.
The gods love heroes. They also love a good laugh. Think about it.
The gods love the obscure and hate the obvious. - B. Apanishad, 500 BC
The gods love the obscure and hate the obvious. - B. Apanishad, 500 BC
The gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die
The gods play games with men as balls. <Titus Maccius Platus>
The gods too are fond of a joke
The gods too are fond of a joke. - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
The going gets tough, Bill goes to Oxford and Hillary bakes cookies!
The going got weird and Ross Perot turned pro.
The going got weird and he turned pro.
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules. - George Bernard Shaw
The golden rule is that there is no golden rule
The golden rule is that there is no golden rule -- GEORGE B. SHAW
The golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.
The golden years suck
The good die young - because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good. - John Barrymore
The good faggot is one who is not a faggot anymore
The good have no need of an advocate. Phocion (317 BC)
The good is that to which all things aim. - Aristotle
The good is the enemy of the best. (Bill W, p107 AACA)
The good lord willing and the board don't crash.
The good news is that I don't need it anymore.
The good news is that the bad news is not much worse than usual.
The good news is that the bad news was wrong
The good news is that the horse is dead, but your mother's pregnant
The good news is that you're normal. The bad news is that there isn't a cure
The good news is there is plenty of lithium.
The good news is you're not dead. The bad news is you're still burning
The good news is, I'm a perfectionist. The bad news is, I charge by the hour
The good news, said the salesclerk, is that this computer is very high tech. The bad news is, I mean the price is high
The good of a defendant arises from a perfect case
The good of the people is the chief law.
The good old days are good and gone now.
The good old days: Beer foamed and dishwater didn't.
The good old days: When sewas dirty & Michael Jackson was black
The good people of the world are washing their cars.
The good shepherd doth call you. (Alma 5:38)
The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. - John 10:11
The good thing about masturbation is that you don't have to dress up for it. -- Truman Capote
The good thing about the movie was that it was short! - Joel
The good things in life cost too much?
The good, the bad, I'm the one with the gun
The gorilla smiled at me! -- Zachary Butler
The governement want to put toll gates on the Info-super-hiway
The government >is< Big Business
The government UGORE car? Expect 50 million cost overrun.
The government has added this message to my dossier
The government hates Christians who believe in self-preservation.
The government is a liar. Free the aliens!
The government is a much bigger threat than any militia. - J. Brown.
The government is an experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
The government is exactly what makes capitalism and democracy able to coexist. Capital is not democratic. - Bob Klein
The government is expanding to meet the needs of an expanding government.
The government is not above the law. - Scully
The government is supposed to PROMOTE the General Welfare, not TAX it!
The government is unresponsive to the needs of the little man. Under 5'7", it is impossible to get your congressman on the phone. --Woody Allen
The government just rezoned my body, I'm now a public waste area.
The government just rezoned my body, I'm now a public waste area.
The government makes us miserable and we PAY them for it.
The government must like poor people. It makes so many of them.
The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion -- George Washington
The government really takes care of us... they even give us free income tax forms.
The government repossessed Old McDonald's farm.
The government repossessed Old McDonald's farm.
The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem
The government that can protect you from your enemies can be used as easily by your enemies to harm you. - Harry Browne
The government that governs best, governs least!
The government's problem is it's full of politicians!
The government's safe with Bill & Hillary...Dual airbags!
The governments gone, the only hope left is Jesus.
The governor's car is not far behind / He's not the one I have in mind
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. -1 Thessalonians 5:28
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen
The grail is hidden in the castle of AAAUUGGGGHHHH! -- Montey Python
The grandmother didn't want to go to Flordia
The grandure of white guys walking in herds... -- Mike Nelson
The grass ain't always greener on the other side.
The grass is always greener on the other side -- but that's because they use more manure
The grass is always greener on the other side of your sunglasses.
The grass is always greener on the other side... until you water and fertilize your own. - T. Andrea
The grass is always greener on the side that is watered
The grass is always greener on the side that is watered
The grass is always greener...until you mow the lawn.
The grass is fast - Derek Bell
The grass is greener on the other side only because we haven't had a chance to mow it. - P.K. Shaw
The grass stoops not, she treads on it so light. <Shakespeare>
The gratitude of the Narn is well known throughout the galaxy. --G'Kar
The grave is no bar to my call. - Horn of Valere
The grave opens up before me like a ...... big hole in the ground.
The graveyards are full of indispensable deviates
The graveyards are full of indispensable men -- Roger Zelazny.
The graveyards are full of indispensable men.
The graveyards are full of indispensable men. - Charles de Gaulle
The graveyards are full of indispensable people.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men. - Charles de Gaulle
The graviton field had no effect. Kim
The great @N@ will now listen to your pleas
The great Critter will now listen to your pleas
The great Crow speaks! -- Tom Servo
The great Crow speaks? - Tom w/sarcasm sequencer on high
The great God that formed all things... -- Proverbs 26:10
The great Prince Randy will now listen to your pleas.
The great Princess Chrissy will now listen to your pleas.
The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas of enthusiasm. - Thomas J. Watson
The great advantage of a hotel is that it's a refuge from home life. - George Bernard Shaw
The great black cosmic muffin mistress is quite peeved at you.
The great charm of cats is their rampant egotism.
The great classes of people will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one
The great god Pan is dead!
The great man is he who does not lose his child -heart. - Mencius
The great man is he who does not lose his child's-heart.
The great mass of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one. -- Adolf Hitler
The great merit of society is to make one appreciate solitude. -- Charles Chincholles, "Reflections on the Art of Life"
The great nations have always acted like gangsters and the small nations like prostitutes. -- Stanley Kubrick
The great object is that every man be armed. - Patrick Henry
The great open spaces where cats are cats. - Marquis
The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?" --Freud
The great question...is, `What does a woman want?' - Freud
The great question...is, `What does a woman want?' - Freud
The great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. - Albert Schweitzer
The great source of pleasure is variety. -- Johnson
The great sucking sound you hear is a tagline pulled into my computer.
The great thing about MIDI files is that an entire hymnbook fits in ONE dialup e-mail.
The great thing about an Isusu is that it dosn't stick in
The great thing about an Isusu is that it dosn't stick in
The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been. --Madeleine L'Engle (1918 - ), in New York Times, 1985
The great thing about making a calculation is that you can do as many calculations as you want
The great thing about making a calculation is that you can do as many calculations as you want
The great thing about the Internet is that it will not abide by the rules. - Richard Curtis
The great tragedy of Science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Henry Huxley
The great tragedy of our era is not the significance of things but the insignificance of things
The great tragedy of science is the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact
The greater includes the less
The greater number contains in itself the less
The greater the cost of putting a plan into operation, the less chance of abandoning it
The greater the funding, the longer it takes to make the mistake
The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.
The greater the man, the greater the crime.
The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be. Lao-Tzu (604-531 B.C.)
The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. - EDMUND BURKE
The greater your need to make a good catch the greater the probability your partner will deliver his worst throw
The greates demands are often made by those who contribute the least. - Italian Proverb
The greatest American superstition is belief in facts. - Hermann Keyserling
The greatest American superstition is the belief in facts
The greatest ability is dependability.
The greatest achievement is not never failing, but rising every time we do fail
The greatest awards in life are those you bestow.
The greatest battles to be won are the battles you fight with yourself
The greatest cunning is to have none at all.
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
The greatest day in sports...the Indy 500!.
The greatest deficiency in educational systems is that they almost never offer courses in thinking
The greatest disloyalty one can offer to great pioneers is to refuse to move an inch from where they stood
The greatest enemies to peace are force and wrong
The greatest fault is to be conscious of none.
The greatest fear is the fear of the unknown. -- Hamza, Nagaraja
The greatest firmness is the greatest mercy. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The greatest flight I've ever flown was coming home. - M. Dionne
The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes. -Napoleon
The greatest gift we can give is rapt attention to another.
The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves.
The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves. - Sophocles
The greatest hate springs from the greatest love
The greatest headaches are those we cause ourselves.
The greatest homage to truth is to use it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer.
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. - Winston Churchill
The greatest liberator of the 20th Century was ... a Communist!
The greatest literature is only a dictionary out of order
The greatest love is a mother's, then a dog's, then a sweetheart's. -- Polish proverb
The greatest man in history was the poorest.
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. - Elbert G Hubbard
The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you will make one
The greatest monster of them all is ignorance !
The greatest need a person has is to know Jesus Christ.
The greatest nightmare of our time is waiting for you. - Delenn
The greatest obstacle to progress is Congress
The greatest of all arts is the art of living together.
The greatest of all faults is to imagine you have none.
The greatest of all faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. - Thomas Carlyle
The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.
The greatest people in the world baud thru this Modem.
The greatest pleasure - doing what they said couldn't be done
The greatest pleasure I know, is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident. - Charles Lamb
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people said c
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people said couldn't be done
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. - Walter Bagehot
The greatest pleasure in life is love. - Sir William Temple
The greatest pleasure is doing something for someone without their knowing it
The greatest pleasure is doing what they said couldn't be done
The greatest problem about old age is the fear that it may go on too long
The greatest productive force is human selfishness
The greatest productive force is human selfishness -- Heinlein
The greatest productive force is human selfishness.
The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong. - William Randolf Hearst
The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong.- W.R. Hurst
The greatest sword in all the holodeck. * Riker
The greatest talents are shrouded in obscurity. - Plautus
The greatest test of courage is to bear defeat without losing heart.
The greatest tool of all is Imagination.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist
The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it. - William James
The greatest warriors are the ones who fight for peace
The greatest warriors are the ones who fight for peace -- Holly Near
The green mountain continues, no matter how much I push my way through. - Trad. Japanese poem
The greener grass next door is just as hard to cut.
The gripping luggage sequence - Tom Servo
The grits are pre-washed at Paul's Place
The grocery stores in hell don't carry garlic or chocolate.
The groundhog is like most other prophets; it delivers its message and then disappears
The groundwork to all happiness is health.
The gruesome grue grew some.
The guidance counselor is steering her towards smut - Tom
The guilds stood together, a testament to the wisdom of @N@
The guilty are dead! Hang the living innocent!
The guitar bled for about a week afterwords - but it rang out *beautifully*. - Jim Steinman
The gull sees farthest who flies highest......Richard Bach
The gun Clinton went duck hunting with would be banned.
The gun is aimed at you. We're the Cowboys from Hell.
The guns themselves made no noise. They had spilled blood. - DT I
The gunslinger approached like fated doom. - Dt II
The gunslinger walked stolidly, not hurrying, not loafing. - DT I
The guy above me designs synthetic hairballs for ceramic cats
The guy couldn't afford a swimming pool so he just filled up a sunken living room with water
The guy obviously needed a longer vacation" - Mulder about ME (1x01)
The guy sure looks like plant food to me!
The guy traced his genealogy all the way back to Adam and Eve. Remember that serpent?
The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him
The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve several times to hit'em
The guy who holds you down & pummels you w/music - Dr. F
The guy who holds you down and pummels you with music
The guy who invented slow motion movies got his idea while watching a Scotchman reach for a check in a restaurant
The guy who landed on the moon: Clark Kennedy
The guy who told you how to screw up
The guy who was cremated urned it.
The guy who writes all those bumper stickers HATES New York
The guy with the least Taglines killed the guy with the most Taglines.
The guy's average income was around midnight.
The guy's been dead 20 years but he still hasn't lost his edge. - FM
The guy's got a good set of incisors. Richie
The guy's so cheap he thinks No Tipping is one of the Ten Commandments
The guy's so dull, he could be the sex symbol for Women Don't Care Anymore
The guys from Deep 13 go walking - Dr. F & Frank sing
The guys from Deep 13 go walking! -- Dr. Forrester
The gypsy said to me "You need some sensible shoes."
The habitation of each one is an inviolable asylum for him
The haggis is in the fire for sure... Scotty
The hair is the richest ornament of a woman.
The half a brain Rush ties behind his back is his truthful half.
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands -Zep
The hand of little employment hath the daintier sense
The hand that feeds you smells of food. Bite it
The hand that gives, gathers. - English proverb
The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
The hand that rocks the cradle usually is attached to someone who isn't getting enough sleep
The hand that turneth the knob, opens the door.
The handiman's secret weapon: Duct Tape! - Red Green
The handlers don't become so attached to the lawyers.
The hands aquire shaking, the shaking is a warning.
The hands that help are better than the lips that pray
The handwriting on the wall may be a forgery.
The handwriting on the wall means that grandkids found the crayons
The hangman let us down.
The happiest time of a person's life is after his first divorce. -- J.K. Galbraith
The happiest time of anyone's life is just after the first divorce
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
The happiness you give away will return to shine on you
The happy and the powerful never willingly go into exile.
The happy highway where I went & cannot come again - A.E. Houseman
The hard disk you save may be your own.
The hard drive is down and the sexdrive is operational!.
The hard part is determining who decides who decides
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
The harder you fall the higher you bounce.
The harder you work for something the more you appreciate it.
The harder you work, the luckier you get
The hardest challenge is having the patience to let someone else do it
The hardest part of climbing the ladder of success is getting through the crowd at the bottom
The hardest part of eating a vegetable is the wheelchair.
The hardest people to convince they are at retirement age are children at bedtime. - Shannon Fife
The hardest thing about time travel is the grammar.
The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax
The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. - Albert Einstein
The hardest thing is to disguise your feelings when you put a lot of relatives on the train for home
The hardest thing to get out of kid's undies? M. Jackson's makeup.
The hardest thing to give is in
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to
The hardest to learn was the least complicated
The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff.
The hardest work is to go idle. Yiddish Proverb
The hardest years are between 10 and 70.
The hardest years are between ten and seventy
The hardest years in life are between 10 and 70. Helen Hayes
The hardness of butter is directly proportional to the softness of the bread
The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread. - Steven Wright
The harp, indeed, the harp.
The harsh and wrinkle inducing midday sun. -- Crow T. Robot
The hash brownies look good! - Mike
The hate is swelling in you. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it
The hatred of relatives is the most violent. -- Tacitus (c.55 - c.117)
The haves and have-nots come from the dos and do-nots.
The hawk does not fear you, boy, and the hawk never will. - Cort
The hawk is God's gunslinger. - Cort
The hawk swooped overhead. And so did the vulture.
The head is the best part.
The head is the best part. -- Siouxsie
The head is useless when the heart usurps its functions
The head learns new things, but the heart practices old experiences.
The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime. - Mignon McLaughlin
The head nurse? Over there. The one with the dirty knees
The head which at this time has no name. Kurgan "I know his name"...
The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens. -- Alexis de Tocqueville
The healthy solution to global travel.
The healthy stomach is nothing if not conservative. -- Butler
The healthy stomach is nothing if not conservative; few radicals have good digestions
The hearing ear is always found close to the speaking tongue, a custom whereof the memory of man runneth not howsomever to the contrary, nohow
The heart chooses the destination, and the head plots the course
The heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of.
The heart has it's reasons that reason does not know. - Blaise Pascal
The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing about. - Blaise Pascal
The heart has reasons that reason does not know.
The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.
The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing of.
The heart has reasons that the reason can't understand. - Blaise Pascal
The heart has reasons which reason knows nothing of. -Pascal
The heart is dyed with the color of its thoughts
The heart is forever making the head its fool.
The heart is not a logical organ.
The heart is not a logical organ. - Dr. Janet Wallace
The heart is not a logical organ. - Dr. Janet Wallace, "The Deadly Years"
The heart is wiser than the intellect.
The heart is wiser than the intellect. - J.G. Holland
The heart is wiser than the intellect...
The heart of a cow can never be put down my throat.
The heart of kings is unsearchable. -- Proverbs 25:3
The heart of many a fair maiden has been won with the ring of steel.
The heart of religion lies in its personal pronouns. - Martin Luther
The heart seldom feels what the mouth expresses.
The heart that loves is always young!
The heat is blowing up my skirt - Mike
The heater's plugged in but the rheostat's shot.
The heavens declare the glory of God... - Psalm 19:1
The heaviest object in the world is the body of the woman you have ceased to love. -- Marquis de Lac de Clapiers Vauvenargues
The heck with fuzzy slippers! Just give me a warm cat on my
The heck with the prime directive, let's kill something
The height of injustice is having to pay for justice.
The heir is the same person with the ancestor
The heir of my heir is my heir
The heir succeeds to the restitution not the penalty
The heir to the family fortune might drive a Legacy.
The hell with criticism - praise is good enough for me
The hell with it. That's how I feel. -- Trapper
The hell with the Prime Directive - Let's kill something.
The hell with the fee, FIND THAT DAMN BUG !
The hell with the prime directive, let's kill something.
The hell with your mountains ! Drink Bud.(G)
The help people need most urgently is help in admitting that they need help
The hemoglobin protein breaks down and - SPUNG! - you're dead.
The hen is an egg's way of producing another egg
The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next. - Helen Keller
The herpes will never play dodges with you
The hidden flaw never remains hidden.
The hidden flaw never remains hidden.
The hidden message in this tagline can only be perceived clairvoyantly
The high cost of living beats the alternative
The high cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
The high price of bigamy.TWO mothers-in-law!
The higher a monkey gets up a tree, the more a** he shows
The higher the ape climbs the more he shows his bald haunches.
The higher the buildings, the lower the morals.
The higher the level of prestige accorded the people behind a plan, the less
The higher the level of prestige accorded the people behind a plan, the less chance of abandoning it
The higher you climb the flagpole, the more people see your rear end.
The higher you fly, the faster you fall. ÄÄ L. Anderson
The higher you walk, the faller you fall
The higher, the fewer. - Alexander
The higher, the fewer. - Alexander Rozhenko
The higher.........the fewer! - Alexander Roschenko
The highest Trill surcharge on office machines: The Max Dax Fax Tax.
The highest bidder catches the most politicians.
The highest form of meditation is total indefference
The highest love of all finds it's fulfillment not in what it keeps, but in what it gives. - Father Andrew
The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado
The highest praise in cyberspace is having your tags stolen
The highest qualities of character… must be earned. - Lyman Abbott
The highest result of education is tolerance. - Helen Keller
The highest wisdom is kindness
The hightest mountain in the land is oftenest covered with mist.
The hills are alive with the sound of bandicoots
The hills are alive, with the sound of Muzak
The hills are alive, with the sound of flatulence
The hills are alive...and they're hungry.
The hills are in flames - Tom sings
The hills were worn down by eroticism
The hind that would be mated with the lion must die of love.
The historian is a prophet looking backwards
The history of Ferrengi foreplay fits on this line!
The history of Liberty is the history of resistance.
The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. - Willa Cather
The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or woman.
The history of human opinion is scarcely anything more than the history of human errors. - Voltaire
The history of war is but a bloody romance. -J.F.C. Fuller
The holder of this name is two people...people
The hole and the patch should be commensurate.
The holodeck becomes caught in loop: ship is overcome by 10,000 care bea
The holodeck safeguards are not functioning. Worf
The holodecks; have all you'll ever need - Wesley
The hologram is your tagline's cert. of authenticity
The hologram on this tagline ensures its authenticity
The holosuites are capable of _many_ different things. - Bashir
The holy cross, symbol of lies;intimidate the lives of Christian born
The homecoming queen's got a gun!
The homeless make good road bumps.
The homosexuals will go away once we invent the phaser
The homosexuals will go away once we invent the phaser... <G>
The honest politician: One who STAYS bought
The honest way to money is through aardvark.
The honeymoon is a period between dating and debating.
The honeymoon is not actually over until we cease to stifle our sighs and begin to stifle our yawns. -- Helen Rowland
The honeymoon is that period of doting between dating and debting.
The honeymoon is that short period of doting between dati
The honeymoon is that short period of doting between dating and debting.
The honour is to serve - Worf
The hookworm larvae enters the human body through the soul.
The hope of impunity holds out a continual temptation to crime
The horns kicked in And my shoes started to squeak
The horrible tin-foil man from outer space - Tom
The horror... the horror!
The horror...the banana pudding... Marlon Brando
The horse died so we broke his leg
The horse is dead. - Martin Pollard
The horse is gassy. Must have been the Beef-A-Reeno. - Kramer
The horta was so startled, it lost its marbles.
The hot dog is the homeless eagle of free enterprise.
The hotel has bowling alleys, tennis courts, comfortable beds and other athletic facilities
The hotel of your mind had many vacancies. (Yakko's fortune cookie)
The hotel of your mind has many vacancies. - Yakko
The hotel of your mind has many vacancies. <frowns> - Yakko
The hottentots.. are running amok in the music business. - Rosebud
The hotter things get, the better I like it. -- Hotspot
The hottest Garfield episode EVER - Mike on Kitten W/Whip
The hourglass is named correctly, it takes an hour!
The hours became heavier and weighted,
The hours that make us happy make us wise. - John Masefield
The house always takes blue. - Quark
The house belongs to the fish and the cats. We just pay the mortgage
The house extended me a $100,000 line of credit - Servo
The house is covering all bets. Quark
The house is haunted -- Ned
The house next door is on fire. D'you wanna watch?
The house of Lords is the British Outer Mongolia for retired politicians
The house specialty is Deje Stew. It keeps repeating on you
The household robot says: 'Yo Mama -- core dumped.'
The household robot says: 'exterminate...Exterminate...EXTERMINATE!!!'
The howl of a wolf, or perhaps the scream of a killer's ghost
The human adventure is just beginning.
The human animal differs from the lesser primates in his passion for lists of "Ten Best"
The human body is 86 percent water, 14 percent macaroni & cheese
The human body is neat! - Crow T. Robot
The human body, with proper care, will last a lifetime
The human brain is like an enormous fish -- it is flat and slimy and has gills through which it can see. -- Monty Python
The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. --George Jessel
The human heart is like indian rubber: a little swells it, but a great deal will not burst it. - Anne Brontë
The human heart is like indian rubber: a little swells it, but a great deal will not burst it. - Anne Brontë
The human heart opens only to the heart that opens in return.
The human male ego is a very fragile element
The human mind is a dangerous plaything... - The Tick
The human mind ordinarily operates at only 10% of its capacity-- the rest is overhead for the operating system
The human mind ordinarily operates at only ten per cent of its capacity - the rest is overhead for the operating system. - Anonymous
The human mind ordinarily operates at only ten percent of its capacity -
The human mind seeks to resolve internal conflict, even by false means
The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein -- it rejects it
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. --Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
The human race has only one effective weapon, and that is
The human race has only one effective weapon, and that is
The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner. - Mark Twain
The human race is fixed!
The human race is governed by its imagination. - Napolean Bonaparte
The human race is proof that god has a sense of humor
The human race is still in Beta Testing.
The human race is still in beta test
The human race never solves any of its problems. It merely outlives them. -- David Gerrold
The human soul develops up to death
The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread. D.H. Lawrence
The human spirit is a hard thing to kill, even with a chain saw
The human who posted this is jointly owned by 2 kittens and 3 dogs.
The human who posted this is jointly owned by four cats!
The human's food is meant to be shared with the cat
The hunt is canned. -Megadeth
The hunted hippopotamus doesn't think a lot of us.
The hunter prowling/Spies cans at a waterhole/Bang Bang--A clean kill
The hurling bird retches the worm
The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get!
The hurrieder you go, the behinder you get
The hurrier I go the behinder I get.
The hurrying of justice is the stepmother of misfortune
The hurt gets worse and the heart gets harder
The husband who doesn't tell his wife everything probably reasons that what she doesn't know won't hurt him. -- Leo J. Burke
The hydroelectric plant's beautiful! said Tom fainting with dam praise.
The hypochondriac was inoculated against the I Love You virus.
The hypochondriac's epitaph: "NOW will you believe me?"
The hypocrites are slandering the sacred halls of truth..... -RUSH
The hypocrites are slandering the scared halls of truth
The ice cream truck in my neighborhood plays "Helter, Skelter."
The ice is thin, come on dive in
The ice is thinest where there is the most heat
The icons from that world represent forces that cannot be tamed. - FM
The idea is to die young as late as possible.
The idea is to die young as late as possible. - Ashley Montagu
The idea is to make the enemy die for HIS country, not vice-versa.
The idea of Christ is much older than Christianity.
The idea of all-out nuclear war is unsettling. - Walter Goodman
The idea of calm exists in a sitting cat.
The idea of fitting in just .. repels me. -- Guinan
The idea of male and female are universal constants.
The idea of male and female are universal constants. -- Kirk, "Metamorphosis"
The idea that God is His own grandmother may be unsupported by Scripture, but who wants to offend God's grandmother?
The ideal government would just tax everyone a dollar a year and then spend it all on fireworks
The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. - Aristotle
The ideal nuclear family? Post nuclear more like!
The ideal robot, after all, is simply a properly processed human being. - Edward Abbey
The ideal weight for a liberal is 12 ounces, including the urn
The ideal wife is the woman with the ideal husband.
The ideas presented herein aren't necessarily the ideas presented herein
The identical is equal to itself, since it is different
The identical is equal to itself, since it is different. -- Franco Spisani
The idiocy of the few are NOT always those of the many
The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest
The idle mind knows not what it is it wants. -- Quintus Ennius
The ignorance of the judge is the misfortune of the innocent
The ill -tempered cannot teach. - Hillel
The illegal smuggling of mimes! No one talks it about it!
The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes longer. - HK
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a bit longer
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. -- Henry Kissinger
The illuminati aren't out to get you. What was your name again?
The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought
The imagination gallops while judgement goes on foot!
The imbecility of men is always inviting the impudence of power. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The immediate, and not the remote cause, is to be considered
The immoratal words of Socrates -- "I drank what?"
The impediment begin removed the action arises
The important thing is never to stop questioning.
The important thing is never to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
The important thing is not to stop questioning
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. - Albert Einstein
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Ä Albert Einstein
The important thing is not what you do, but how you measure it
The important thing is not when you die, but how you live.
The important thing is that we're back together. = Q
The important thing is to not stop questioning. - Albert Einstein
The important thing is we are back together again. A team. Q
The important thing to remember about walking on eggs is not to hop
The important thing when you are going to do something brave is to have someone on hand to witness it. - Michael Howard
The important things are always simple.
The important things are always simple. 'Murphy
The important things are always simple. Simple things are always hard
The impossable is easy, unless you are the one to do it!
The impossible I can do at once, miracles take a little longer!
The impossible anytime, miracles take a little longer.
The impossible has happened. - Kirk
The impossible is often the untried.
The impression I had grading the homework is that you reached your breaking point
The impulse reactor? Janeway
The in-flight magazines will act as a sedative. * Lister
The inbreeding is obvious in ur case
The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. (Will Rogers, Attrib.)
The income tax returns would indicate that there is untold wealth in Canada
The incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is.
The increase rate in the downward trend of inflation rise went down last month
The incredible power of Mom! - Mike
The incumbents are crooks, vote them out!
The indirect cause of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth
The individual is the smallest minority
The individual is the wellspring of conservatism.- PJ O'Rourke
The infantry DOES IT in fox holes.
The infighting is highest when liberals are present
The influence of a beautiful, helpful, hopeful character is contagious.
The info you get is only as good as the info you give.
The information provided has not been cited to protect the innocent.
The information super highway has turned out to be a TOLL road.
The information superhighway is DOOMed.
The information superhighway: paved with good intentions
The informed just smiled
The ingredient list won a Russian prize for literature.
The ingredients are guaranteed to outlast the packaging.
The ink is black, the page is white
The ink of the learned is holier than the blood of the martyr--Mohamad
The inmates have taken over the asylum.
The inner circle demon says: 'Prepare to die, Buckwheat!'
The inner circle demon sends 'rm -r *' to your shell!
The inner circle demon spits on your rug and calls your cat a bastard
The inner circle demon tweaks your nose and cackles evilly
The innocence is inner sense
The innocent are the innocent
The innocent-sounding ones are always the killers.
The insane is compared to the absent
The insect in William's hand is wearing a yarmulka! said Tom jubilantly.
The insects hardly touched your other eyebrow
The inspiration in the Bible depends on the ignorance of the reader
The instigator of a crime is worse than he who perpetrates it
The instrument please! - Yakko
The instruments of darkness tell us truths. (MacBeth)
The insurace guy to Adam & Eve: I see you're not covered
The insurance pays the full book value ($ 312) for your 1956 T Bird
The intellect is an instrument of the will
The intellectuals betrayal. -- Benda
The intellegence of the planet is constant, and the population is growing. - Arthur C. Clarke
The intelligence of any discussion diminishes with the square of the number of participants
The intent of a question is sometimes as important as the answer.
The intention amounts to nothing unless some effect follows
The intention of the party is the soul of the instrument
The international signal for NO DRAGONS - Tom
The internet depends upon smoke signals in the past. What is a computer?
The intruder is entering the building, master
The intruder is entering the building, master
The intruder is entering the building, master. - Riff Raff
The invasion has been postponed. Yes! Definitely postponed!
The inventor of Crest toothpaste passed away. 4 out of 5 dentists came to the funeral
The inventor of carpets made a pile.
The investigation isn't going too well, is it? - Sheriff Hamilton
The invincible weapon against the evils of earth is the caring heart.
The invincible winner and you know your are born to be
The invisible smiley
The irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it
The irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too
The irony of life is that no one gets out alive
The irony of this is just sickening. - Calvin
The is abuse. Arguments are down the hall.
The issue isn't if you're paranoid, it's if you're paranoid enough
The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous today. Look at Clinton!
The jelly is 50% set, Tom affirmed.
The jest which is expected is already destroyed. <Johnson>
The job cannot be done right unless the necessary tools are available. - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2/78, p.174
The job of satire is to frighten and enlighten. - Richard Condon
The journey continues - one bump in the road at a time
The journey of 1,000 miles starts in my pants
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.
The journey of a thousand miles starts... in my pants
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic diagram
The joy of seeing new places, new people! G. Khan
The joy of taglines, by Dr. Ruth
The joy of the Lord is my strength.
The joy of the hypocrite but for a moment. - Job 20:5
The joy of this hour. I am pleased. Companion/Hedford
The joyfulness of man prolongth his days. - Ecclesiastics II:28
The joys of love made her human and the agonies of love destroyed her. -- Spock, "Requiem for Methuselah"
The judge couldn't be disturbed at dinner because His Honor was at steak.
The judge does demand more than the plaintiff demands
The judge in his decision ought to follow the rules
The judge is condemned when the guilty are acquitted
The judge is the speaking law
The judge ought to decide according to the allegation and the proof
The judge wiped her tears with my checkbook.
The judgement of history depends on who writes it. - Richard Nixon
The judges answer to the law, the jury to the facts and the law
The judgment of history depends on who writes it. --Richard Nixon
The jugged fish *is* 'alibut!
The jugged fish _is_ `alibut!
The jury is to disregard the last comment.
The jury will disregard that last statement.
The jury's purpose is to decide which side had the best lawyer.
The jury's still out on that, Picard. - Q
The just shall live by faith. - Romans 1:17
The kat would eate fish, and would not wet her feete. - Heywood
The keeper is helping them...he thinks. Bring in the logic probe!
The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh
The key is kind of central to this piece-- Crow T. Robot
The key is to give them something they're not expecting. - Peter
The key to being a Moderator is MODERATION.
The key to failure is trying to please everybody
The key to flexibility is indecision
The key to happiness fits in a bright shiny sports car
The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he's dead. - Bette Davis
The key to success is selling my mom's chocolate chip cookies.
The key to success is sincerety. Once you can fake that you have it made
The key to success: forgetting you screwed up before
The key! The end! The answer! Stripped of their disguise! -Rush
The key? It's the one in the back that was renamed
The keyboard ... how quaint
The keyboard .how quaint. - Scotty STIV-TVH
The keyboard How quaint. -- Montgomery Scott
The keyboard cannae take it, cap'n.
The keyboard is mightier than the Moderator.
The keyboard is mightier than the mouse
The keyboard is the tongue of the mind.
The keyboard! How *quaint* ST IV
The keyboard... how quaint. -- Scotty
The keyboardhow quaint.
The kids are fine.If not, we can make more
The kids did all their own stunts - Joel
The kids feign interest so as not to rile Uncle Jim -Crow
The kids seem to like the Lisa Loeb - Mike
The killer awoke before dawn. He put his boots on
The killer clearly knew Banian anatomy; Mr. Paris does not. Tuvok
The killer is here and he's looking for number twelve - Mulder
The kilt is an unrivalled garment for fornication and diarrhea.
The kind of danger people most enjoy is the kind they can watch from a safe place
The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes. --William Davis
The king beaver looked at the river and said "DAMMIT" . . . So they did.
The king beaver looked at the river and said "DAMMIT" . . . So they did.
The king must kneel to let his kingdom rise. -Bastille Day, Rush
The king must kneel to let his kingdom rise. -Bastille Day, Rush
The king of eternal torment. They call me Peaches. - Heff goes to Heck
The king was pregnant. * Le Guin
The king? Nope, not Elvis, guess again
The kingdom of God is within you. <Luke 17:21>
The kingswood! You're not takin' the kingswood! - Ted Bullpit
The kitchen's on fire again.
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. -- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The knight from Brno wears chain-armor
The knights who say "Ni" demand....a sacrifice!
The knights who say Nee demanda sacrifice!
The knowledge of smatterers is mixed ignorance
The knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet. - Lord Chesterfield
The knowledge that a secret exists is half the secret
The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable. -- Irving Howe
The kwick frown box wumped ozer thuh dazy log
The lab called ... @TOFIRST@'s brain is ready
The lab called ... Orville's brain is ready.
The lab called. Your brain is ready.
The lab called...Martin Pollard's brain is ready.
The lab called...Orville Bullitt's brain is ready.
The lab called: your brain is ready.
The lab called; my brain is ready
The lab called; your brain's ready.
The lab just called -- Your brain is ready
The lab test indicates abnormal lover function.
The lab's so quiet you can hear the DMAX drop
The laborer is only worthy of his hire if his labor is
The laborer is worthy of his hire, only if his labor is.
The lack of money is the root of all evil
The ladder of success is always missing a few rungs.
The ladder of success is easier to climb when laid flat
The ladder to success has broken steps.
The lads in town were all me kin and me father was the cause!
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. -- Hamlet
The lady doth protest too much, methinks. -- Shakespeare
The lake comes right up to the shore.
The lake it is said, never gives up its dead.
The lame dog may miss the hunt, but not the meal.
The land of Nod had Nodocs, as the hospitals were all elsewhere.
The land of Nod moderator's name was Noderator.
The land that is nowhere, that is the true home. <Chang Po-Tuan>
The land's primary function is to provide fishing stores
The language that all programmers know : PROFANITY !!
The large brain, like large government, may not be able to do simple things in a simple way. - Donald O. Hebb
The large print giveth and the fine print taketh away
The large yellow ships hung in the sky in exactly the same way that bricks don't
The larger the bra size the smaller the IQ. - LIMBAUGH, 5/13/94
The larger they are, the harder they hit
The largest sex organ in the human body is right between your ears
The largest sheep farm in America originated in Kansas. The sheep stood wool-to-wool
The largest warship has the right of way
The laser is broken, said Tom incoherently.
The last 10% of a project takes 90% of the time
The last 5 minutes of any TV show will explain the entire plot.
The last Apple that had any power was given to Adam by Eve.
The last Christian died on the cross. --Anonymous.
The last I heard, being alive isn't a crime - Morton
The last Moderator on the left.
The last bug isn't fixed until the last user is dead
The last creature to discover water would be the fish, precisely because he is always immersed in it! - Ralph Linton
The last day does not bring extinction, but a change of place. Cicero
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. - 1 Cor. 15:26
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. - Saint Paul
The last few days _have_ been exhausting. - Troi
The last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult
The last goal he ever scored ... won the Leafs the cup... - The Hip
The last maintenance crew in this area wouldn't come back - Ivanova
The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door
The last minute is always the most productive!
The last of the Empire
The last of the tyrants to be overthrown. - McCoy on Khan
The last one
The last one is my very favorite!-)
The last person that quit or was fired will be held responsible for everything that goes wrong. - Dilbert
The last person who said that (God rest his soul) lived to regret it
The last person who said that, God rest his soul, lived t
The last person who stole my taglines, I cooked and ate him raw
The last refuge of a scoundrel is the TWIT filter
The last song Ayrton Senna heard: THE WALL,Pink Floyd
The last sound he hears will not be that of a wailing woman!
The last sound it made was........ZAP!
The last sound that it made before the smoke was "Zap"!
The last sound that it made was "ZAP!"
The last thing @TOFIRST@ saw, was this HUGE pair of tits!!
The last thing GAY means is to be happy!
The last thing I remeber was hurtling toward that Blue Wave
The last thing I remember was this leggy blond with a whip
The last thing I saw was Warp!
The last thing I saw was this Big Blue Wave!
The last thing I saw was this blindfold cumming down over my eyes!!!!
The last thing I want around is a ham-handed ship's captain. McCoy
The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first
The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
The last thing the Centauri want is a war on two fronts. -- Sheridan
The last thing you want your DM to say: "Everybody save vs. breath!"
The last time I heard that name spoken was a painful one. EHMP
The last time I saw a face like yours was on an poison bottle
The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover's Lane holding his own hand. -- Fred Allen
The last time I went to the blood bank told me they couldn't use me, but if they ever need hot water they'll call me
The last time I went, I never came back.
The last time around, I didn't believe in reincarnation either
The last time doctors went on strike, the death rate dropped thirty percent
The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag.
The last time we had a President Buchanan, we got the Civil War
The last time we had a President Buchanan, we got the Civil War
The last time we mixed religion and politics, people were burned at the stake!
The last time you said something nice, Michael Jackson was black
The last two who can harm you will be gone. Lenore Karidian
The last two words of the National Anthem: PLAY BALL!
The last two words of this sentence are umop apisdn
The last vestiges of the old Republic have been swept away. -- Governor Tarkin
The last words of Jesus: "Hey Mary! I can see the house from up here!"
The last words of Jesus: "I love a parade!"
The late 50s and booze is there!
The late start is due to the time.
The later you are for your flight, the more times you have to go through the metal detector
The latest Whitehouse Joke: Clinton & Clinton
The latest definition of an optimist is one who fills up his crossword puzzle in ink. - Clement King Shorter
The latest drink craze: The Tonya Bobbitt - club soda with a slice.
The latest in fashion artillery... -- TV's Frank
The latest is not necessarily the greatest.
The latest thing to put up with on Fight-o net
The latest thing to put up with on Fight-o net
The law always abhors delay
The law always gives a remedy
The law always intends what is agreeable to reason
The law commands not useless things, because useless labor is foolish
The law delights in equity; it covets perfection; it is a rule of right
The law dislikes delay
The law disregards trifles!
The law disregards trifles, has it spoken to you recently
The law disregards trifles, what is this dessert called?
The law does not fail in showing justice
The law does not notice or care for trifling matters
The law does not regard small matters
The law does nothing and commands nothing in vain
The law does wrong to no one
The law favors dower
The law forbids many things, which yet it has silently condemned
The law forces no one to do vain or useless things
The law forces not to impossibilities
The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept
The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept -- Shakespeare
The law intends not anything impossible
The law is bigger than money, but only if the law works hard enough. - Thomas E. Dewey
The law is clear that warrants aren't served with percussion grenades
The law is from everlasting
The law is reason free from passion. Aristotle
The law is the more praised when it is consonant to reason
The law looks forward, not backward
The law must be stable, but it must not stand still
The law must be stable, but it must not stand still -- ROSCOE POUND
The law neither does nor requires idle acts
The law neither does nor requires idle acts, wake up.
The law never suffers anything contrary to truth
The law never works an injury, or does him a wrong
The law of Argelia...is love. Jaris
The law of diminishing results is a challenge not an imposing dead end
The law of gravity says no fair jumping up without coming down
The law of gravity was enacted by the British Parliament
The law of intelligent tinkering: Save all the parts
The law of necessity is the law of time, that is, time present
The law of probability decrees that whatever hit the fan was not evenly distributed
The law of self-preservation is surer policy than any legislation.
The law of the bayonet says the man with the bullet wins.
The law ought not to fail in dispensing justice
The law presumes that one neighbor knows the actions of another
The law provides for the future, the judge for the past
The law punishes falsehood
The law regards the order of nature
The law rejects superfluous, contradictory and incongruous things
The law requires nothing impossible
The law says the building must go here, Tom cited.
The law says you can have only one spouse. This is called monotony.
The law sometimes follows equity
The law speaks to all with one mouth
The law that gives the power, regulates it. - Algernon Sidney
The law was very firm it took away my permit... - Tom Leher
The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the law free
The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the law free. -- Henry David Thoreau
The law would rather tolerate a private wrong than a public evil
The law, if you will, is that man is too stupid to recognise how stupid he is. - Holland
The laws consist not in being read, but in being understood.
The laws of nature are unchangeable
The laws of object permanence are nullified for "cool" characters
The laws of physics:
The laws of time and space? Who gives a smeg!
The laws serve the vigilant, not those who sleep upon their rights
The laws sometimes sleep, but never die
The laws succor the ignorant
The laws themselves require that they should be governed by right
The lawyer got his client a suspended sentence. From a tree.
The lawyer hit the fan.
The lawyers want a word with you out in the limo.
The lead car is absolutely unique, except for the one behind it which is identical. - Murray Walker
The leader of a safari might drive an Impala.
The leading cause of cancer in laboratory mice is research
The leading cause of divorce is marriage.
The leading cause of statistics is smoking.
The leading cause of the death of lawyers is ambulances backing up
The learning curve was so sharp that I cut myself on it!
The least I could do .. for a Captain of the Enterprise - Kirk
The least I could do was give you this. - Riker
The least a court can do for an unjust ruling is apologize
The least experienced fisherman always catches the biggest fish
The least likely can be the most dangerous. - Bumblebee, Autobot
The lectures on time travel will be held yesterday, and an hour ago.
The left lane is for passing, not picking your nose!
The leg, she is fracture, Tom said in broken English. -usenet oracle
The legal limit to post of your blood-alcohol level is 26.5%
The legs of Men will lag on a rough roZ%Vhile a Dwarf goes on!-Gimli
The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. --Afred Hitchcock
The length of a meeting rises with the square of people present.
The length of a meeting rises with the square of people present.
The length of a minute depends on your side of the bathroom door.
The length of a signature is usually in inverse proportion to the intelligence of its sender
The length of the war depends on how long it might be.
The length of this conversation has greatly outlasted my interest in it.
The less I have, the more I gain. -Metallica
The less a man thinks or knows about his virtues, the better we like him. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The less a statesman amounts to the more he loves a flag.
The less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the flag. -- Kin Hubbard
The less an organization produces, the more frequently it re-organizes
The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be. <Bruce Lee>
The less hair I have, the more head I get
The less influence you have, the longer you wait
The less is included in the greater
The less men think, the more they talk
The less men think, the more they talk. -Montesquieu
The less our government gives us, the more it charges us.
The less they pay you the more they want for it. Metzger's law.
The less things change, the more they remain the same.
The less time I have to spend with real attorneys, the better - Jake
The less time planning, the more time programming.
The less we know, the more we suspect.
The less you bet, the more you lose when you win.
The less you bother me, the sooner you get results
The less you have to do, the less time you find to do it in
The less you know about computers, the more you want Microsoft Windows
The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers
The less you say, the less you have to take back.
The lesser of 2 evil's is still evil. Vote Libertarian for some Good
The lesser of two evils -- is evil
The lesson. -- Kosh
The lessons extend well beyond the medical domain.
The letter C. Well, except for marriage
The letter H, A, L are alphabetically adjacent to the letters I, B, M.
The letter `P' is an `I' with breast implants
The letter `n' could be a vowel if someone stood up for it.
The letters H, A, L are alphabetically adjacent to the le
The letters H, A, L are alphabetically adjacent to the letters I, B, M.
The liberal ideology of the 50's sure ain't the one from the 90's.
The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them. -- Lenny Bruce
The library is no place to sleep
The life and times of Lulu, Mrs. O'Leary's ill-fated cow.--G Larson
The life he leads - he'd rather die than give it up.
The life of a human cat toy just never quiets down, does it?! : -)
The life of a prisoner by I. Ben Framed.
The life of a repo man is always intense
The life so short, the craft so long to learn. - Hippocrates
The life that is unexamined is not worth living. - Plato
The life was oozing out of me. I lost consciousness. - Q
The life which is unexamined is not worth living
The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you have. - Anna Quindlen
The life-span of a one dollar bill is about eighteen months.
The light at the end of a tunnel may be an oncoming train.
The light at the end of the tunnel - is an oncoming train!
The light at the end of the tunnel .... IS A TRAIN!
The light at the end of the tunnel could be a flame thrower.
The light at the end of the tunnel had 52 freight cars!
The light at the end of the tunnel is a muzzle flash.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a tollbooth
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming this way.
The light at the end of the tunnel is at the wrong end.
The light at the end of the tunnel is often an oncoming train
The light at the end of the tunnel is probably just some idiot with a match
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of an oncoming train
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of a train
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an approaching train.
The light at the end of the tunnel is usually a "No Exit" sign.
The light at the end of the tunnel just died.
The light at the end of the tunnel just might be an on coming train.
The light at the end of the tunnel may be a NO EXIT sign+
The light at the end of the tunnel may be a Red Dragon.
The light at the end of the tunnel may be an inbound fireball.
The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon.
The light at the end of the tunnel...is a muzzle's flash
The light goes out in the frig...now let me out!
The light is off and somebody is home
The light is red unless there's an election - Crow sings
The light of a hundred stars does not equal the light of the moon.
The light seen at an end of a tunnel is at the wrong end.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long... and you have burned so, very, very bright, Roy. - Tyrell
The light's on... but nobody's home
The light.....was that _them_? - Mulder
The lighter side of wholesale bread delivery - Crow
The lights are on, but no one's home
The lights are on, but the house is vacant
The lights are on, but you're not home.
The lights are out, Tom said gloomily.
The lights on, but nobodies home!
The likelihood of a letter getting lost in the mail is directly proportional to its importance
The limitless dimensions of the galaxy in which we exist. - Q
The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible
The limosine liberal has run out of gas
The line forms on the floor, and works its way up.
The line is thinly drawn between fishing and just standing there like an idiot
The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much
The lion and the calf will lie down together. The calf won't sleep.
The lion ate the dog, now why oh why did she swallow the fly?
The lion has its head caught in the skylight, said Tom uproariously.
The lion sleeps tonight... - Timone
The lips that touch liquor must never touch mine. - George W. Young
The litmus test is unfair, It should be multiple choice
The little DOS user who could: "I think Icon, I think Icon."
The little I know I owe to my ignorance - Sacha Guitry
The little baggage hath witchcraft in her, I profess
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. - Russell Beland
The little children laugh at him behind his back. Ä Beatles
The little demon was deceitful, Tom implied.
The little engine that could would've done it sooner as
The little engine that philosophized: I think I am! I think I am!
The little engineer that could
The little flappper door at the bottom lets him come and go as he wishes, Tom said dogmatically
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show.<Shakespeare>
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great tagline.--Tagspeare
The little gray bits are non-stick frying pan.
The little hot dogs in buns are nice.--Beverly Crusher
The little nothings. It shouldn't bother me, but it does.
The little pieces of my life I give to you, with love, to make a quilt to keep away the cold
The little queen, all golden, flew hissing at the sea.
The little things are most worthwhile - a quiet word, a look, a smile.
The little wascal has spiwit. - Pilate
The living are the dead on holiday
The living are the dead on holiday. -- Maeterlinck
The living dead don't need to do word problems.
The living is a passing traveler-The dead a man come home. <Li Po>
The living need charity more than the dead. - George Arnold
The living world is a continuum in each and every aspect.
The lizard said he's a brontosaurus on his mother's side.
The local diner doesn't give out doggie bags. The SPCA won't let `em.
The location scout had his hands full - Tom
The loftier your goals, the higher your risk, the greater your glory.
The long and winding road
The long jump is measured to the nearest athlete's foot.
The longer I am out of office, the more infallible I appear to myself
The longer I am out of office, the more infallible I appear to myself. -- Henry Kissinger
The longer I live, the larger allowances I make for human infirmities. - John Wesley
The longer a man is wrong, the surer he is that he's right.
The longer its name, the hokier the organization. Gerry Rubin
The longer the letter, the less chance of its being read
The longer the title the less important the job
The longer you keep your temper the better it will get
The longer you verk here, diverse it gets. - Catbert
The longer you wait for the mail, the less there is in it
The longer you wait in line, the greater the likelihood that you are in the wrong line
The longer you wait in line, the greater the probability that it is the wrong line
The longer you're married the more you dream about CHOCOLATE!
The longest journey is the journey within. - Dag Hammarskjold
The longest list has a final item.
The longest list of errors ever.
The longest of journeys begins with but a single step
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."
The longest part of the journey is said to be the passing of the gate. -- Marcus Terentius Varro
The longings and regretsthey do not die with the body
The lonliness of the long distance dweeb - Mike
The look in the eyes, you used to have it. Riker
The look in your eyes. I recognise it. - Riker
The loss of dear friends is a cut that cannot heal
The loss of life will be irreplaceable. - Dan Quayle
The lost generation is the one you forgot when computing your age.
The lost origin
The lot of critics is to be remembered by what they failed to understand. - George Moore
The lottery is a tax on those who can't do math!
The lottery? You mean I can finally register my shareware?
The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons.
The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The louder the music, the better the code.
The louder you talk, the less they hear" -- Col. Potter
The loudest boos often come from those given the free seats-Ed Parker
The love at journey's end speaks only to those quiet enough to listen.
The love child of Jim Bacckus and Sally Field. -- Tom Servo
The love child of Jim Backus & Sally Field - Tom
The love of a dog is a precious thing
The love of a husky is a precious thing.
The love of beauty in it's multiple forms is the noblest gift of the human cerebrum. - Alexis Carrel
The love of liberty is the love of others. - <Hazlitt>
The love of money is the root of all evil. For more info, send $20.
The love of money is the root of all evil. - 1 Tim. 6:10
The love of money is the root of all politics.
The love of my life is the love between friends
The love that moves the sun and the other stars -- Dante's Paradiso.
The love we give away is the only love we keep.
The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five year old men more. - Collen McCullough
The low budget remake of `A Night To Remember'... -- Mike Nelson
The low key, laid back type - Mike
The low murmuring sound was of the crowd-animal. - The Stand
The luck of the Irish.
The luck ordained for you will be coveted by others.
The luckiest man was Adam - he had no mother-in-law.
The lunatic asylum of the solar system. -- S. Cadman
The lunatic is in my head -Floyd
The lunatic is in my head .. - Pink Floyd
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass.... -Floyd
The lunatic types on
The lunatic types on . . .
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, Are of imagination all compact... -- Wm. Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
The lunatics are in my hall.
The lunatics are on the grass
The lunch counter at Tom & Rosie's diner - Tom on pigs
The lure of the clambake proved to be their undoing -Mike
The machine is capable of almost anything...- McCoy
The machine that goes...BING!
The mad are all in God's keeping. - Kipling
The mad quoter!
The mad scientists are calling. -- Crow T. Robot
The madcap heiress: millions of dollars, and no sense
The magic has gone out of being a nefarious space villian...-Psy-Crow
The magic music makes your morning move
The magic of Windows - it turns a 486 to a PC/XT
The magic of Windows - turn a 486-50 into a 4MHz XT
The magic of Windows... Turn a Pentium 180 into a 4MHz XT
The magic of Windows: Turns a Pentium into an XT, instantly.
The magic of Windows: turns a 486/50 into a TRaSh-80.
The magic of Windoze: Turning a 486 into an XT.
The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end. - Benjamin Disraeli
The magic of the tongue is the most dangerous of all spells.
The magic of the tongue, the redheads most dangerous spell
The magic that you feel will work a lifetime.
The magic words are squeamish ossifrage
The magnetic field from the Duranium could be masking it. - O'Brien
The maid has the night off, said Tom helplessly
The maid, she's French - she's got no sense
The maiden be thine! - Sheriff of Dodge City
The maiden names don't ring bells.
The mail man will surprise you some day.
The mail must go through.
The mailman bringeth and the trashman taketh away
The mailman bringeth.. The trashmen taketh away!
The main difference between an oral and rectal thermometer is the taste
The main difference between men and women is that men are lunatics and women are idiots. - Rebecca West
The main impact of the computer has been the provision of unlimited jobs for clerks. Peter Drucker
The main problem I have with cats is, they're not dogs. -- Kevin Cowherd
The main problem with most jobs is that you're expected to actually work
The main purpose of water is to make oceans.
The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live
The main reason animals don't dance is that they have two left feet
The main thing is to make history not to repeat it
The main thing is, to keep the main thing, the main thing. - Mr. Henry Breckenridge
The main thing to remember is to nip it in the bud - Don Knots
The main thing wrong with censorship is
The main trouble with a French horn is it's too tangled up.
The major advances in civilization are processes that all but wreck the societies in which they occur. -- A.N. Whitehead
The major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the
The major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the societies in which they occur. - Alfred North Whitehead
The major cause of lawyer deaths is Ambulances, backing up!
The major difference between bonds and bond traders is that the bonds will eventually mature
The major food groups: Chocolate, Pizza, Caffeine, Sex
The major sin is the sin of being born. -- Samuel Beckett
The majority (overall) of "warning" posts I have read could have
The majority is never right
The majority is never right - unless it includes me.
The majority is never right. -L. Long
The majority is usually wrong
The majority isn't silent - the government ignores us.
The majority isn't silent - the government is DEAF!
The majority isn't silent -- the government ignores us.
The majority isn't silent, it's just that the ruling class is deaf.
The majority isn't silent- the government is deaf!
The majority isn't silent. The government just won't listen.
The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutang trying to play the violin. -- Honore DeBalzac
The majority of problems are caused by solutions
The makers of Roseane told me to Slaughter Over-friendly Lesbian...with Water Pistol
The making of friends, who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man's success in life
The male body needs sex at all times it's a living hell.
The male body needs sex at all timesit must be a living hell!
The male is a domestic animal that can be trained to do most things.
The male libido can be a very fragile thing. - Hawkeye
The male sheep was badly cut, Tom rambled.
The male witches of Salem were well-hung!
The malice of men is to be avoided
The mamma-pajama rolled out of bed and she ran to the police station
The man drives a starship, so somebody thinks he'd make a good medic.
The man in 119 takes his tea on the lawn. - Natalie Merchant
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed
The man in black is your gate to the three. - Oracle
The man in black led him to an ancient killing ground to make palaver
The man in black travels with your soul in his pocket. - Demon
The man in the mac said "You've got to go back!"
The man in the moon is smiling at the girls in the world.
The man in the shop said that a Pentium would cost less, it said so
The man inbetween is searching for you. You are the hand
The man is dead. - McCoy re Jackson, 'Catspaw'
The man is no different from the boy; only moreso.
The man is tainted in's wits. Twelfth Night 3.4.13
The man is the first weapon of battle. -Ardant du Picq
The man of God loves the Scriptures. -- Psalm 119:97
The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud. Ä Beatles
The man on television told me to say tuned.
The man on top walks a lonely street.
The man on tops walks a lonely street... - Kirk
The man on tops walks a lonely street; the "chain" of command is often a noose
The man should be hung from his TagLines!
The man should be hung from his recipes!
The man that isn't jolly after drinking Is just a driveling idiot, to my thinking. (Euripides)
The man they could'nt Root, Shoot or Electrocute
The man was abducted, we all know it... - Mulder (Fallen Angel)
The man who ain't got an enemy is really poor.--Josh Billings
The man who attends strictly to his business usually has plenty of business to attend to
The man who begins many things finishes few.
The man who dies rich dies disgraced. The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
The man who dies with the most taglines is also dead!
The man who dies with the most toys is dead..
The man who dies with the most toys....still dies.
The man who dies with the most toyshas too many kids.
The man who does not look at his change is no true poet.
The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that can not read them. - Mark Twain
The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.
The man who expects nothing has all things. -- Buddha
The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies
The man who fears no truths has nothing to fear from lies. - Thomas Jefferson
The man who fell into the upholstery machine is now fully recovered.
The man who has accomplished all he thinks worthwhile has begun to die.
The man who has accomplished all that he thinks worthwhil
The man who has accomplished all that he thinks worthwhile has begun to die
The man who has everything should be quarantined.
The man who has never been flogged has never been taught.
The man who has never made a mistake, has never made anything.
The man who has never tried has no sympathy for the man who has tried and failed
The man who has no imagination has no wings. - Muhammed Ali
The man who has the courage of his platitudes is always a successful man. - Van Wyck Brooks (1886-1963)
The man who insists on seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides. - Henri-Frederic Amiel
The man who invented sandpaper had a rough time.
The man who invented spaghetti really used his noodle.
The man who invented the eraser had the human race pretty
The man who invented the eraser had the human race pretty well sized up.
The man who invented the eraser pretty well sized up the human race.
The man who invented the guillotine died under it's knife
The man who is always talking about being a gentleman never is one
The man who is poor becomes disposable.
The man who is prepared has his battle half fought. -Cervantes
The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it. - Woodrow Wilson
The man who is waiting for something to turn up might start on his shirt sleeves. - Garth Heinrichs
The man who loses his opportunity loses himself. - George Moore
The man who makes no mistakes does not normally make anything. Phelps
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anyth
The man who makes no mistakes usually makes nothing
The man who marries for money will suffer for it... but in comfort!
The man who misses an anniversary catches it later
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind. - William Blake
The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state.They both deny that right is superior to authority.-Lord Acton, historian
The man who raises a fist has run out of ideas. -- H.G. Wells, "Time After Time"
The man who raises a fist has run out of ideas. -- H.G. Wells, "Time After Time"
The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
The man who runs may fight again. -- Menander
The man who said "A bird in the hand's worth two in the bush" has been putting his bird in the *WRONG* bushes
The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant is forever blessed. -- Old Japanese proverb
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on
The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out
The man who strikes first admits that his ideas have given out. - Chinese Proverb
The man who thinks he knows it all is a pain in the neck to those of us who really do
The man who tried his best and failed is superior to the man who never tried. - Bud Wilkinson
The man who understands one woman is qualified to understand pretty well everything. -- Yeats
The man who values himself will not risk death on the front line.
The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life
The man who would be queen... -- Tom Servo
The man with no face seemed only a little less than God Himself
The man with talent on loan from God. Rush Limbaugh.
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still. -Beatles
The man with the toothache fears the dentist's chair.
The man's a nutcase" - Mulder
The man-on-the-street has no idea about public opinion
The management is not responsible for taglines left unattended.
The mangrove swamps are there for a reason, you Yankee dickweed!
The maniac is ahead by three...Oops!...make that four! - 4 Legs, Tick
The manner gives law to a gift
The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift.
The mans too big, the mans too strong.
The manual is definitive. Reality is often innacurate.
The manual is kind of unclear on this.
The manual only makes sense AFTER you learn the program.
The manufacturer may claim that this product is ten-dimensional^.
The manure is sure to impact the rotary ventilator
The map is not the territory!
The map is not the territory, but you can't fold up the territory and put it in your glove compartment
The map is not the territory. <Alfred Korzbyski>
The marcher said "I have overcome" when his wife had triplets.
The margin is very marginal.
The mark of a true MBA : often wrong, but seldom in doubt
The mark of a true professional is giving more than you get.
The martini faucet is in the back - Crow as drunk
The marvellous thing about a joke with a dounle meaning is that it can only mean one thing. - Ronnie Barker
The maschine sees simple out
The mass detector failed once again and once again he died.
The mass of man lead lives of quiet desperation. -- Thoreau
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. - Henry David Thoreau
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. -- Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) - Walden
The masses are the opium of religion
The master doesn't like to be kept waiting. -- Magenta
The master is not married, nor do I think he ever will be.
The master of dreams, my soul will keep... -Elm St. Children
The master's tools will never dismantl the master's house
The mastery of an art is revieled in every stroke
The material above WILL be on the mid-term
The material could not be identified... - Scully on implant (1x01)
The mating call of the blonde? "Oh I'm SOOOOO drunk, giggle..."
The mating call of the brunette? "All the blondes have gone home!"
The mating call of the brunette? "Has that blonde gone yet?"
The mating call of the brunette? "Hey, wanna drink?"
The mating call of the redhead? "Next!"
The mating call of the ugly blonde? "I said: I'm SO drunk!"
The matrons still say @N@ is coming back. I bet she never even existed!
The matte painting is calling you... -- Joel Robinson
The matter speaks for itself
The mature bohemian is one whose woman works full time
The maxi-strength bbs.
The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero
The me that you know doesn't come around much - NIN
The me that you know had some second thoughts - NIN
The me that you know is now made up of wires - NIN
The me that you know, he used to have feelings.
The mean streets of Appleton - Crow
The meaning of life is *%@#(# NO CARRIER
The meaning of life is not to think about it
The meaning of life is that it stops
The meaning of life is this: It stops.
The meaning of life is: NO CARRIER
The meaning of life is: "How now brown cow."
The meaning of life is: "What is the meaning of life?"
The meaning of life is: NO CARRIER
The meaning of life is: lesbianism!
The meaning of life is: lesbianism! <= Hey! I just *collect* these :-)
The meaning of life, the universe and everything: 42
The meaning of words is the spirit of the law
The meaning of your communication is the response you get
The means of the one out weigh the means of the many!!!!
The means-and-ends moralists, or non-doers, always end up on their ends without any means. -- Saul Alinsky
The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune. - Plutarch
The measure of man is what he does with power. Ä Pittacus
The meat doesn't taste right. Adel Renn
The meat is rotten, but the booze is holding out
The media & the O.J. story: feeding frenzy in a tank of baracudas.
The media lies! I read it in the paper.
The media. It sounds like a convention of spiritualists. -Stoppard
The medical staff doesn't arrive until Tuesday. Harriman
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.--William Arthur Ward--
The medium is the message. - Marshall McLuhan
The medium is the message. - Marshall McLuhan
The meek -shall- inherit the Earth. The rest? THE STARS!
The meek SHALL inherit the Earth. The rest are leaving.
The meek are contesting the will.
The meek are getting ready
The meek are going to contest the will.
The meek can have the Earth, give me _the stars_.
The meek can have the earth. *I* want the STARS!
The meek don't want it
The meek inherit dirt; the bold get mineral rights.
The meek inherit the earth but we keep the mineral rights
The meek may inherit earth. Those who dare, the stars.
The meek may inherit the earth, but it's the grumpy who get promoted
The meek may inherit, but for now they'd better lay low.
The meek really do inherit the Earth - in small plots, 6 x 6 x 3.
The meek shall inherit the Earth - the rest of us will go the Stars!
The meek shall inherit the Earth ... anyone else would refuse.
The meek shall inherit the Earth We shall inherit the Stars!
The meek shall inherit the Earth after we are done with it
The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights. - J. Paul Getty
The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not the mineral rights.
The meek shall inherit the Earth. (But they're gonna have to fight for it.)
The meek shall inherit the Earth. Those who dare, the stars
The meek shall inherit the Earth...We shall inherit the S
The meek shall inherit the Earth..err,umm..If it's okay with you guys?
The meek shall inherit the Earth; but having inherited the Earth, shall they continue to be meek? - Abba Eban
The meek shall inherit the earth (if that's okay with you).
The meek shall inherit the earth (mineral rights excluded)
The meek shall inherit the earth - after it has been messed up beyond repair
The meek shall inherit the earth - in 6' x 2' plots
The meek shall inherit the earth - in 6' x 2' plots. - Heinlein
The meek shall inherit the earth - in 6' x 2' plots. - L. Long
The meek shall inherit the earth - in small plots, six foot by three
The meek shall inherit the earth - they are too weak to refuse it
The meek shall inherit the earth, but *not* its mineral rights. -- J.P. Getty
The meek shall inherit the earth, but no mineral rights.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights. - J. Paul Getty
The meek shall inherit the earth, if that's OK with you
The meek shall inherit the earth. In 6' x 2' x 6' plots.
The meek shall inherit the earth. The rest of us will go
The meek shall inherit the earth. The rest of us will go to the stars
The meek shall inherit the earth. They are too weak to r
The meek shall inherit the earth. And I shall take it away from them!
The meek shall inherit the earth. The rest of us will escape to the stars
The meek shall inherit the earth. They're too weak to refuse
The meek shall inherit the earth... I'm going to Disneyland!
The meek shall inherit the earth...anyone else would refuse
The meek shall inherit the earth...unless you have any objections ?
The meek shall inherit the earth; but by that time there won't be anything left worth inheriting
The meek shall inherit the earth; the rest of us shall go to the stars
The meek shall inherit the earth; the rest of us, the Universe
The meek shall inherit the national debt
The meek shall inhibit the earth.
The meek shall internet the earth
The meek will inherit the Earth, the rest of us will go to the stars.
The meek will inherit the earth - but not the mineral rights. - J. Paul Getty
The meek will inherit the earth - the rest will inherit the STARS!
The meek will inherit the earth -- if that's OK with you
The meek will inherit the earth ... the rest of us will go to the stars
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. -- Carl Jung
The melancholia of everything completed! - Nietzsche
The melon just sat there, ripening slightly
The memories of your voice remain with me through the night
The memory is the first thing to go, I forget what comes next
The men don't know but the little girls understand
The men from Vulcan treat their women strangely... - Nurse Chapel
The men of Liverpool are the most perfidious in England.
The men were worried when a vole was lose at the Bajoran nudist colony
The men who believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums
The men who make history have no time to write about it
The men who really believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums.
The men you love you hate the most --U2
The men's room is the place where all the pricks hang out
The mental image of a body carries with it... a dream.
The merciful man doeth good to his own soul - 11:17
The mere absence of war is not peace. - John F. Kennedy
The mere thought of you makes me blush. ;-)
The message bird got loose*&^%$#@NO CARRIER PIGEON
The message bird got loose...@^#&n&e... NO CARRIER PIGEON
The message is hot, steaming love, Texas style. - Joel
The message is up above, why are you reading this?
The message is up above. What are you reading THIS for?
The message reads, 'My revenge is at hand.' - Data
The message you have just read is true. Would I lie to yo
The metalic years, silver hair, gold teeth, lead botom.
The metallic years: Silver hair, gold teeth and a lead butt
The metric system's just a stone's throw away
The mice may have the right but the cat has the claws
The mice voted to bell the cat.
The mice will see you now
The mice will see you now - Slartibartfast
The mice will see you now.
The microcassette robot is always be with you
The microwave gods sometimes demand an offering of tin-foil.
The microwave movie: "Daddy, I Blew Up the Cat."
The microwave: reducing an art form to mere button pressing.
The middle aged suspect everything
The middle class has been taxed enough! APRIL FOOLS! -- B
The middle of the road holds yellow lines and dead skunks
The middle of the road is just yellow lines and dead armadillos.
The middle sheep in the flock is rarely taken by wolves
The mighty Jabba asks why he must pay $50,000
The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood it's ground
The mighty oak was once a nut who stood his ground!
The mighty oak was once a small nut that held its ground
The mildly harsh slave hunters - Mike
The mildly harsh slave hunters... -- Mike Nelson
The military intelligence, two words combined that can't make sense.
The military is a role model for the business world. - Robert Dilenschneider
The military loathes you, too, Bill.
The military mouthwash: Enlistermint.
The military without gays is like a fish without a bicycle
The militia is the dread of tyrants and the guard of freemen
The milk of human kindness never hits the fan
The milliamp is mightier than the sword!
The mills of the gods grind very slow but exceedingly fine.
The minbari are an intergalactic accident waiting to happen -Twolan-
The mind boggles. - Aahz
The mind boggles...the taste buds shudder.
The mind can go either direction under stress. -- Coda
The mind forgets but the heart always remembers
The mind goes first, but I can't remember what goes next!
The mind grows by what it feeds upon.
The mind has a thousand eyes, and the heart but one
The mind is a funny place. I do not even trust my own.
The mind is a labrynth... a puzzle. -- Dr. Chennard
The mind is a terrible thing to baste - Driss
The mind is a terrible thing to taste
The mind is a terrible thing to taste (Ministry)
The mind is a terrible thing to taste.
The mind is a terrible thing when wasted.
The mind is a terrible thing, and must be stopped.
The mind is it's own place and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of heaven. - John Milton
The mind is like a parachute - it works only when ope\S
The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open
The mind is like a parachute...It works best when open
The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it's open
The mind is no match with the heart in persuasion.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. -- Plutarch
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be lighted
The mind is only as vivid as the eye can see.
The mind is the 2nd thing to go! I forget what's first.
The mind is the 2nd thing to go, don't remember what's 1st
The mind is the final battlefield. The stuff in between is just noise
The mind is the greatest weapon. -- Onslaught
The mind is the place great adventures start.
The mind is the second thing to go!
The mind is what the brain does.
The mind may wander, but it never forgets
The mind of a liberal politician is open at both ends.
The mind of each man is a Savage Garden-Marius-
The mind of man is the root of both bondage and release. - Hinu Proverb
The mind opens, and in creeps wisdom.--Lwaxana Troi
The mind wobbles, doesn't it? -Kelly Bundy
The mind wobbles. --Kelly Bundy
The mind works in mysterious ways. When it works.
The minimum acceptable CPU power for a single user is a VAX/780 with a floating point accelerator
The minority is always right, said that pesky liberal Ibsen. - PJ O
The minstrel boy to the war has gone
The minstrel boy to the war has gone.... -- O'Brien
The minumum daily requirement for hugs is 4.
The minute a man is convinced he's interesting, he isnt'.
The minute his head is in view, HIT IT WITH THE ROCK!!
The minute their screens are down open fire. Anan 7
The minute you let your guard down, some crazy tries to step in and take over
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. - Maureen Dowd
The minute you've got it, it's already gone
The miracle of Windows 3.1: Turns a 486 into an XT.
The miracle of life is waking up in the morning.
The mirror never lies!
The misery's optional.
The misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never came.
The missing circuit's in your head. <Buckaroo Banzai>
The mission of the military is to kill people and break things.
The mistake you made is in trying to figure it out.
The mistake you make is in trying to figure it out. - TENNESSEE WILLIAMS
The mistake you make is in trying to figure it out. - Tenessee Willams
The mistake you make is trying to figure it out.
The mistakes are all there .......WAITING to be made!
The mistakes are there, waiting to be made
The mixed up werewolf mooned at the bay.
The mob has many heads but no brains.
The mob moves like demons possessed..confident their ways are best
The modem is the message
The modems canno' stand the strain, captain!
The moderator Cometh
The moderator doesn't know what I'm doi.@#%$#% NO CARRIER
The moderator gave me clearance to talk about ANYTHING!
The moderator has banned this tagline from the echo.
The moderator is *not* God; God has mercy!
The moderator is ALWAYS right, opposing viewpoints are no
The moderator is a real %$#@&*% - @N@
The moderator is a stupid, idiotic, good for no#@^%$@&#%# <NO CARRIER>
The moderator is always in the wrong.
The moderator is corrupt, please reboot FidoNet.
The moderator isn't drunk today!
The moderator never drinks coffee when captured by Cardassians
The moderator who irritates users moderates best! NOT!
The moderator's back, and we're gonna be in trouble
The moderator's back, we'd better stop this conversation.
The moderator's ban is mighter than the tagline! --
The moderator's everywhere, he'll quickly stop a flame.
The moderator's moderation is triply off-topic.
The moderator's pit bull ran away,Too much competition!
The moderator, in the Grassy Knoll
The modern child will answer you back before you've said anything
The modern child will answer you back before you've said anything. -- Laurence J. Peter
The modern-day composer refuses to die! -- Varese
The mome rath hasn't been born that can outgrabe me.
The mome rath isn't born that could outgrabe ME
The mome rath isn't born that could outgrabe me. -- Nicol Williamson
The moment of Death is a rite of passage
The moment of change is the only poem.<Rich>
The moment you're born, you're done for.
The money all goes to the Govt. anyway
The money comes from taxes, obviously.
The monitor lizard looks delicious - Crow
The monitor lizard looks delicious. -- Crow T. Robot
The monkey speaks his mind.
The monkey's dead. The message is over.
The monkeys seem willing to strike up the tune.
The monster in the lake has eaten my cake, said Tom necessarily.
The monster needs Cruex for her face -Joel on fuzzy alien
The monsters haven't turned blue yet, and I have to eat more dots.
The moon came out & it was like Jerry WILLED it! - Gypsy
The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to
The moon is a planet just like earth, only it is even deader
The moon is a planet just like the Earth, only deader
The moon is a planet just like the Earth, only it is even deader.
The moon is beautiful
The moon is blue and I'm not to happy either.
The moon is for the lonesome to talk to
The moon is made of a green cheese -- J.Heywood (1497-1580)
The moon is made of green cheese.
The moon is made of green cheese. -- John Heywood
The moon is to a falling star.
The moon isn't waxing, it's dusting and vacuuming rugs.
The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
The moon moves slowly, but it crosses the town - Ashanti
The moon only rises once a day?
The moon seems smaller than earth, but it's farther away.
The moon was rocking back and forth in the sky.
The moral is: Never try to teach your parents anything.
The moral majority is neither.
The moral minority is really the moral majority
The moral of today's story is irrelevant. - Yakko Warner of Borg
The more I about people, the more I admire dogs
The more I drink, the better you look
The more I eat, the more fat I get to lose! - Heffer, Rocko's Mod.Life
The more I get done, the more I have to do
The more I get to know people, the better I like animals
The more I have, The more I want
The more I know I know, I know the less (John Owen)
The more I know about WINDOWS, the more I like DesqView!
The more I know about men the more I like dogs. - Gloria Allred
The more I know about people, the more I like my dog
The more I know about religion, the more I like video games.
The more I know men the more I like my horse
The more I know men, the better I like my cat.
The more I learn about civilized society, the more I love my cat.
The more I learn about men, the more I like my dog.
The more I learn about myself, the more I become a different self.
The more I learn about women, the more I like my computer
The more I learn the more ignorant I feel!
The more I learn, the less I find I know.
The more I learn, the more I have to learn.
The more I learn, the more I learn I need to learn more.
The more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn
The more I learn, the more I realize how much more there is to learn!
The more I live, the more I learn
The more I look at Clinton, the more I think Dukakis wasn't so bad
The more I see of mankind, the more I like of my pets
The more I see of men the less I like them; if I could but say so of women too, all would be well
The more I see of men the more I admire dogs. -- Mme De Sevigne, 1626-1696
The more I see of men, the more I like dogs.
The more I see of politics, the more I like the look of anarchy
The more I see the more I know. The more I know, the less I undedrtand.
The more I think of him, the less I think of him
The more I understand women, the more I appreciate my dog.
The more I understand women, the more I like being single.
The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work. -- Richard Bach, "Illusions"
The more I'm around people, the better I like horses
The more RAM you have, the better - Jessica Ewe
The more RAM you have, the better - M.Chambers
The more RAM you have, the better, MRim Tech Support
The more RAM you have, the better. -Marilyn Chambers
The more a cat runs over your car, the more pawprints it gets.
The more a weapon costs, the farther you will have to send it away to be repaired
The more a weapon costs, the futher and longer it takes to repair it.
The more absolute death seems, the more authentic life becomes.
The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you'll have.
The more beautiful the snake the deadlier its venom
The more beautiful the woman is who loves you, the easier it is to leave her with no hard feelings
The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play. -- Kirk, "Shore Leave"
The more conservatives I hear, the more liberal I get.
The more control, the more that requires control
The more cordial the buyer's secretary, the greater the odds that the competition already has the order
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
The more crap you put up with, the more crap you are going to get
The more delicate it is, the harder you have to hit it.
The more detailed the map, the more lost you get.
The more detailed the map, the more lost you get. - Anthony's Theory
The more feminizts I know, the more I love my dog
The more free time you try to have, the more work you get.
The more general the title of a course, the less you learn from it.
The more hair I loose the more head I get
The more hair I lose, the more head I get <G>
The more hair I lose, the more head I get!
The more he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons
The more heavily a man should be taxed, the more power he
The more heavily a man should be taxed, the more power he has to avoid it
The more impediments to legislation, the better. -- Heinlein
The more indecisive I am, the faster things get decided - Calvin
The more joy we have, the more nearly perfect we are. - Spinoza
The more killing you have, the more havoc it prevents. - Richard Daley
The more known about people, the more to admire in cats
The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be. -- Lao Tsu
The more laws there are, the more crime there is --Chaung Tzu
The more laws there are, the more crime there is.
The more laws, the more offenders.
The more legal choices we have, the more freedom we have
The more liberals I hear, the more conservative I get.
The more liberals I meet...the more I like my dog.
The more mildly one commands the better is he obeyed
The more mistakes I make the smarter I get.
The more nice people we know... the more we get sick. :) -Vhujunka
The more obvious the defect in a plan, the more likely it will be approved
The more of these messages I read, the more I like the taglines.
The more often you stop, the more difficult it is to continue. - Edward Abbey
The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems
The more people I know, the more I love my computer
The more people I meet, the more I like my cat!
The more people on this planet the better. : Rush Limbaugh
The more people talk on the phone, the less money they make
The more powerful men are, the more sexy they are. + A. Dickinson
The more sensible and simple your plan, the more likely your supervisor will change it
The more seriously I took things, the harder the rules became
The more seriously one takes an amusement, the more amusing it becomes
The more study you do for an exam the more unsure you will be as to which answer they want
The more sure you are, the more wrong you can be.
The more that things change, the more they stay the same
The more the merrier. -- John Heywood
The more the words, the less the meaning
The more they are in the fog, the more boats toot their horn.
The more they over-think the plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain
The more they're in a fog, the more people toot their horns
The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. - Shaw
The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. - George Bernard Shaw
The more things change the more they suck. - Beavis
The more things change, the less they stay the same
The more things change, the more my salary stays the same.
The more things change, the more they remain insane
The more things change, the more they remain the same.- Alphonse Karr
The more things change, the more they stay insane.
The more things change, the more they stay insane. -- Tom Weller
The more things change, the more they stay insane. The more we disagree, the more chance there is that at least one of us is right
The more things change, the more they stay the same
The more things change, the more they stay the same. -La Rochefoucauld
The more things change, the more they will never be the same again
The more things change, the more you need alterations.
The more things you own, the more you are owned by things.
The more time you spend in reporting on what you are doing the less time you have to do anything
The more times you run over a cat the flatter it gets
The more trashmails I read, the more I love Star Trek
The more trashmails I read, the more I love blondes!
The more we disagree, the more chance there is that at least one of us is right.
The more we do, the more we can do. - William Hazlitt
The more we do; the more we can do...
The more we learn, the more we realize we don't know a damned thing.
The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war.
The more worthy or the greater draws to it the less worthy or the lesser
The more you complain, the longer God lets you live.
The more you cry, the less you have to pee
The more you cultivate people, the more you turn up clods
The more you drive, the less intelligent you are.
The more you explain it, the less I understand it. Mark Twain
The more you have the more you spill.
The more you invest in hardware, the faster you can reboot.
The more you invest in hardware, the faster you can reboot.
The more you know, the easier some vet's job is.
The more you know, the harder it is to take decisive action - Calvin
The more you know, the less you think you know. - Anon
The more you know, the more confusing everything becomes.
The more you know, the more you know you don't know
The more you know.... The luckier you get
The more you learn, the more you realize there's no clue
The more you love someone the more he wants from you.
The more you love the more you can love. No limits.
The more you love, the more you CAN love -- and the more intensely you love
The more you love, the more you can love.
The more you outflow, the more you inflow
The more you over-eat, the tougher it is to get close to the table.
The more you reason the less you create. - Raymond Chandler (1888-1959)
The more you rub it, the bigger it gets!
The more you run over @FN@, the flatter he gets.
The more you run over a cat the flatter it gets
The more you run over a skunk the more stupid you are
The more you run over dead cat,the flatter it gets
The more you run over viruswriter the flatter he gets
The more you say, the less people remember.
The more you share the more you have
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.
The more you think you can control computers, the more you realize they control you
The more you think, the less you know.
The more you tried to refuse, the more I wanted you! - Lestat
The more you try to change things, the more they stay the same.
The more you understand yourself, the better you appreciate others.
The more you use it, the less you need it
The more, the merrier.
The morning breaks, the shadows flee; Lo, Zion's standard is unfurled!
The mosquito exists to keep the mighty humble
The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey
The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey. -- Andy Warhol
The mosquitos here are so big they rape the ducks!
The moss on the tree does not fear the talons of the hawk
The most abundant items 1) Hydrogen 2) Stupidity.
The most acclaimed film of the '80s: RAGING BULLWINKLE. - HCTV
The most affable thugs ever - Crow
The most affable thugs ever. -- Crow T. Robot
The most affectionate creature in the world? A wet & dirty dog
The most affectionate creature is the wet dog.
The most anxious man in a prison is the governor.
The most beautiful adventures aren't those we go to seek
The most beautiful adventures aren't those we go to seek-R.L.Stevenson
The most beautiful days of the year are always the days just before and just after your vacation
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious
The most casually dressed monster I've ever seen... -- Joel
The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. - Lord Acton
The most common Internet alias is "Cyberdude"
The most common bra size in Sun City, AZ: 34 long
The most common element in crime is CRIMINALS, not guns
The most common form of marriage proposal: "YOU'RE WHAT!?"
The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception. - Nietzsche
The most common name in the world is Mohammed
The most common question to ask would be 'Where am I?' McCoy
The most common show of an incompetency is the need to controll everyt
The most cooperative man in this world is a dead man.
The most cooperative man in this world is a dead man. - Bela Oxmyx
The most dangerous and expensive food is wedding cake
The most dangerous animal in all history walks on two legs.
The most dangerous food is wedding cake.
The most dangerous food is wedding cake. -- American proverb
The most dangerous four-wh--------------------------------
The most dangerous four-wheeled vehicle: the dessert cart
The most dangerous man is the man that does not appear dangerous.
The most dangerous part about playing cymbals is near the nose.
The most dangerous part of a car is @N at the steering wheel
The most dangerous part of a car: The nut holding the steering wheel
The most dangerous part of marriage is sharing the computer
The most dangerous thing in a combat zone is an officer with a map.
The most dangerous thing in a programer's hand is coffee!
The most dangerous thing in the combat zone is an officer with a map.
The most dangerous thing in the world is a Officer with a map & compass
The most dangerous thing in the world is a second lieutenant with a map and a compass
The most dangerous thing is a new Lt. with a map and a compass.
The most dangerous weapons in homes? The TV sets!
The most dangerous woman in the world - Tonya Rodham, Bobbit...of Borg.
The most decent thing a politician can do? SHUT.UP
The most delicate component will be dropped
The most delicate component will be the one to drop
The most delicate component will drop.
The most delicate part will be the one dropped.
The most dense thing next to a black hole--a Bagel
The most dependable hand is the one at the end of your wrist
The most depressing event of my entire life - Mike
The most difficult thing about Time, I have learned, is doing it.
The most difficult thing to open is a closed mind!
The most difficult thing to open is a liberal mind
The most difficult years are between ages 10 and 70!
The most difficult years of marriage are those following the wedding
The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. --Plato, philosopher [427-347 BCE]
The most efficient labor-saving device is still money. - Franklin P. Jones
The most efficient labor-saving device is still money. - Franklin P. Jones
The most elusive knowledge of all is self-knowledge.
The most endangered species; the honest man. -Neil Peart/Rush
The most enjoyable form of sex education is the Braille method.
The most essential feature of man is his improvableness. - John Fiske
The most exciting phrase in science is not "Heureka !", but "That's funny..."
The most exciting place to discover talent is within yourself.
The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. --Anne Morrow Lindberg
The most exhausting thing in my life is being insincere.<Lindbergh>
The most expensive component always breaks first.
The most expensive component is the one that breaks.
The most famous game of chance in America is marriage
The most famous words in racing:Gentlemen start your engines!
The most famous words in racing; "Mario is slowing down..."
The most favorable construction is made in restitutions
The most feared geography teacher of Central High - Crow
The most frightening horror tales are those told by bathroom scales.
The most fun you can have with your clothes on.
The most fundamental particles in this product are held by "gluing".
The most happy marriage I can imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The most harmful error has not yet been discovered in you
The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware that he is wise
The most horrible peril in the universe!! - EWJim A gym teacher?
The most humiliating thing I've ever done - Tom
The most idealistic youth are the most cynical gentry
The most important early product on the way to developing a good product is an imperfect version
The most important financial question is : "Where is the money ?"
The most important information is on the fold.
The most important leg of a three legged stool is the one that's missing
The most important political office is that of public citizen. - Louis Brandeis
The most important service rendered by the press is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust
The most important thing bout Spaceship Earth, an instruction book didn't come w/it.--R.Bucky Fuller
The most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman is that one of them be good at taking orders. -- Linda Festa
The most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman is that one of them be good at taking orders. -- Linda Festa
The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said. - Peter F. Drucker
The most important things, each person must do for himself
The most incomprehensible thing about the universe, is that it is comprehensible! (Albert Einstein)
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that i
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. - Albert Einstein
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible
The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. - Albert Einstein
The most insidious and dangerous form of sexism comes from women.
The most insidious computer virus is named Gates.
The most insidious threat to Christianity : education
The most insidious threat to Traditional Values: education.
The most intelligent people we know are those who ask advice.
The most know the least.
The most labor-saving device today is still a husband with money.
The most marvelous fugue was the one between the Hatfields and McCoys.
The most merciful thing in the world ... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. - H P LOVECRAFT
The most perfect day to do *ANY* job is tomorrow!!
The most popular form of birth control is the headache
The most popular labor saving device is a rich spouse
The most popular labor-saving device is still money.
The most popular labor-saving device today is still a husband with money. -- Joey Adams, "Cindy and I"
The most popular labour-saving device today is still a husband with money
The most popular line heard in a gay bar? May I push in y
The most popular sport at Antioch College is "20 Questions."
The most powerful force in the universe is gossip.
The most precious of all possessions is a wise and loyal friend. - Darius
The most precious things in speech are pauses. - Sir Ralph Richardson
The most pressing issue facing women today is finding a contraceptive jelly that smells like a fresh fruit salad
The most redundant saying on Usenet: "Correct me if I'm wrong."
The most romantic thing any woman ever said to me in bed was "Are you sure you're not a cop?" -- Larry Brown
The most solid stone is the lowest one in the foundation
The most successful journey is a dull journey
The most toys {on credit} at the end wins
The most unAmerican thing you can say is "He/she makes too much money."
The most unnatural of the perversions is chastity.
The most useful feature of Windows is ALT-F4
The most useless computer tasks are the most fun to do
The most valuable gift you can give someone is a good example
The most valuable gift you can give your family is a good example.
The most violent element in our society is ignorance. - Emma Goldman
The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed. - Chamfort
The most wasted day of all is that in which we have not laughed
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. --e.e. cummings, poet 1894-1962
The most wonderful thing about miracles is that they sometimes happen
The most you can accomplish by working is to break even
The most you can say is stimulating? ...It was very stimulating.
The mother of all idiots is always pregnant.
The mother of all recipes.
The mother of all taglines.
The mother of idiots is always pregnant.
The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children. -- Paul Ehrlich
The motor will rotate in the wrong direction.
The motorcycle is close-captioned for the hearing-impaired
The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one. - Honoré de Balzac
The mouse dreams dreams that would terrify the cat.
The mouse is mightier than the sword.
The mouse with a single hole is quickly caught by the cat
The mouth of the righteous is a well of life.
The mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity. - Proverb 19:28
The movie is going to get confusing now. -- Crow T. Robot
The moving Kat sheds, and having shed, moves on
The moving cursor prints, and having printed, blinks on.
The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on,off & on,off
The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on.
The moving finger having writ... gestures
The moving finger types, and having slipped moves on
The mugger gave me *his* wallet when he saw my .357
The multitude of books is making us ignorant. -Voltaire
The multitude of those who err is no excuse for error
The mummy's a lame styrofoam headed alien! - Joel
The murderers...have won. Death is welcome. Let it end here. - Spock
The music is excellent. My compliments to the Clef.
The music is kinda nice. Send my compliments to the clef
The music is reverisble, but time is not. Turn back!
The music is your only friend until the end. -Morrison
The music of the Dance goes on forever.
The music played and played and we whirled without end -Floyd
The music played, the morning sun streamed in -Floyd
The music really matches the action - Mike on dull music
The music really matches the action... -- Mike Nelson
The music rocks me down the motor way.
The music that rocked America. To sleep! - Tom
The music there: it was hauntingly familiar.
The music's kinda nice. My compliments to the clef.
The music's terrible, but at least it's drowning out the dialogue.
The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop - P. J. O'Rourke, Parliament of Whores
The nail that sticks out usually gets pounded on
The nail that sticks up gets pulled out
The naked and the deadly duck.
The naked truth of it is that I'm wearing no undershirt
The naked truth of it is, I have no shirt.
The naked truth of it is, I have no shirt. -- William Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost"
The nakedness of woman is the work of god.
The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan"
The name has been spelled many various ways!!!!!
The name is Baud, James Baud
The name is Bell. Gabriel Bell. Sisko
The name is Bond -- James Bond
The name is Bond...Covelent Bond.
The name is Bondage, James Bondage
The name is Bondage, James Bondage
The name is Borg, James Borg. Gin is irrelevant
The name is Borg, James Borg. Vodka martini, dry. Gin is irrelevant.
The name is Borg. James Borg.
The name is Flagg, with the double g. Pleased to meet you. - R. Flagg
The name is Mail... E Mail
The name is Worf, not Woof, Mrs. Troi
The name is bond.com, JAMES bond.com !
The name of the hold is called the Choke hold!
The name of the place is BABYLON 5
The name of the place is BABYLON 5! - B5 intro, 2nd season
The name of the place is Babylon 4. <BOOM!!> Five! Five!
The name of the place is... Babylon 5 - Sinclair
The name of the place..............DS9!
The name of the place...is Terok Nor!
The name of this tagline is changed to protect the innocent
The name will be: Pentium. The price will be: Plentium
The name will be: PENTIUM, The price will be: PLENTIUM.
The name will be: Pentium. The price will be: Plentium.
The names @LN@, @N@.. Licensed to Email
The names are created to confuse the innocent
The naming of cats is a serious matter... -- Eliot
The narrower the mind, the broader the statement.
The nation is no better than its charlatans.
The nation needs guns of smaller caliber & men of larger
The nation state known as Nazi Germany. - Spock
The nation that controls magnetism controls the universe. -- Chester Gould/Dick Tracy
The nation's honor is dearer than the nation's comfort; yes, than the nation's life itself. - Woodrow Wilson
The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. No one in Greece has memorized all 158 verses
The national shrub of Congress is the hedge.
The natives are restless
The natives cheered after Kirk killed the foul Barney creature
The natives smile and pass along a sample of their yield -RUSH
The natural history of science is the study of the unknown
The natural superiority of women is a biological fact, and a socially acknowledged reality. - Ashely Montagu
The nature of men is always the same; it is their habits that separate them. - Confucius
The nature of programming being what it is, there is no relationship between
The nature of the communication is the attached response!
The nature of their movements suggests a simple order of intelligence
The nature of things that he who denies a fact is not bound to prove it
The nearer the Church the further from Deity.
The nearer the Church, the farther from God. -- Andrewes
The nearer to the church, the further from God. -- John Heywood
The necessity of government is weighed between costs and benefits.
The necessity of proving lies with him who makes the charge
The necklace. It broke. Picard
The necktie is a serpent-like symbol of evil!
The need for government depends upon the pull of order and anarchy.
The need to win can drain one of power. --Chuang Tzu
The needs of my computer out-weigh the needs of my bills!
The needs of the few...outweigh-..no, no, wait. - Mr. Cornfed, Duckman
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few ... or the one
The needs of the many outweight the needs of the one.
The negative is to be understood rather than the affirmative
The negative of a conclusion is error in law
The negatives? Uh, the dog ate 'em... -- Nowhere Cat
The neice is nice. Shemp
The neighbor's kid is learning metric...he owns a 9mm.
The neighborhood Mimi lived in was so poor, they couldn't even afford neighbors
The neighbors started a petition over your Christmas lights
The neon lights are bright on Winnipeg - Tom sings
The neophyte knows the rules; the expert, the exceptions
The net around the bay keeps out all but the most determined predators
The net is built on trust of one another
The net is like real life, only much, much faster
The net is to BBSs what soap operas are to opera.
The net of the sleeper catches fish.
The neurophysical stress must have been overwhelming. - Geordi
The new "Noddy" movie will star Quark as 'Big Ears" & Odo as 'Mr Plod'
The new 1996 BATF law enforcement cruiser is the M1-A1 Abrams
The new 1st couple: Hill and Billy, from Arkansas.
The new Air Force Kooky Bomb by Whammo - Tom
The new Airbus GPWS: as you hit it shouts " PILOT ERROR "
The new American way: dodge draft, smoke dope, cheat on wife
The new CCCP.... The Clinton Complete Care Plan!
The new Chrysler Presidential Limo: The Dodge Drafter.
The new Clinton Watch: $5.95, plus $44.75 sales tax
The new Clinton Watch? Only $5.95. $54.95 with tax.
The new Congress says it's going to turn the government around. I hope I don't get run over again
The new Congressmen say they're going to turn the government around.
The new Congressmen say they're going to turn the government around. I hope I don't get run over again
The new DS9 station will be the salvaged Enterprise saucer section
The new Doctor Who will be played by Warren Kreick.
The new Gestapo in America. - Gerry Spence on the BATF
The new Object Oriented Language: ADD 1 TO COBOL
The new P5 from Intel... since we already P'd on the first 4
The new Pagan Barbie: Wand, sword, & pentacle sold seperately.
The new Presidential car from Chrysler-the Dodge Drafter
The new Russian rap group ÄÄ Run KGB!
The new Star Search category - Tom Servo on girl wrestlers
The new Vapor-DOS CONFIG.SYS line: Device=C:\BUGSOFF
The new Vietnam: Somalia? Bosnia? Rwanda? No, the War on Drugs.
The new Vulcan child psychologist? His name is Spank
The new Vulcan cock whore? His name is Suck
The new Windows 95 theme: "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"
The new american way: dodge draft, smoke dope, cheat on wife.
The new baby is like royalty, he's the prince of wails.
The new bathing suits don't shrtnk. They have no place to shrink to
The new church down the street: Our Lady of Perpetual Menstration
The new epidemic among blondes? MAIDS, if the don't get one, they die
The new form of birth control for blondes: Taking off their makeup
The new macho test: proving WEB wrong
The new non-violent Star Trek- "Set phasers on tickle!"
The new nuclear family: woman, government, and child.
The new right is fundamentally wrong.
The new thing is to care passionately and be right wing.
The new, non-violent Star Trek: "Set phasers on tickle."
The new,inexperienced new kid on the block
The newest and least experienced soldier will usually win the Medal Of Honor
The newest books are those that never grow old.
The newest newsgroup on UseNET! alt.sex.aluminum.basebal
The newest newsgroup on UseNET! alt.sex.aluminum.baseball-bats (j/k!)
The news lady is turning into a warewolf
The news may be bad, but it soon becomes old and is easily forgotten.
The news of my demise is greatly exaggerated. M. Twain
The newsgroup had the S/N ratio of a television tuned to a dead channel
The newspapers couldn't print it if it weren't true. - Calvin
The next Goodyear blimp is to be made from recycled condoms
The next best thing to being witty is to quote another's wit.
The next dreadful thing to a battle lost is a battle won
The next generation of computers will have a "Warranty Expired" interrupt.
The next item up for bet is ... in my pants!
The next meeting of the time travel club is two weeks ago.
The next message is written by an idiot
The next morning I ran away and killed my first Centauri. G'Kar
The next morning our youth was a memory, and our happiness was a lie. - Peter Applebome
The next recipe is recommended for mature readers only.
The next sentence is true. The previous sentence was false.
The next sentence is true. The last sentence was false
The next six days are dangerous.
The next statement is true. The previous is false
The next tagline is recommended for mature readers only.
The next tagline ought to be censored!
The next thing I know,there's a hissing ball of fur coming at my face
The next thing I say will be true. The last thing I said was false
The next thing they'll legislate will be reading helmets !
The next thing to do is hang all the consultants
The next thing to saying a good thing yourself, is to quote one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The next thing you know, BAM! THEY'RE bouncing up and down on the bed.
The next thrilling chapter in the amazing saga of Robotech!
The next time I looked at him, poor @N@ was dead and gone
The next time I run into you, I hope I'm in my car
The next time I see you will be the last. - Duncan MacLeod
The next time I send a dope, I'll go myself.
The next time people call you lazy, tell them you were sick a year.
The next time the devil brings up your past, bring up his future
The next time the universe knocks on my door, I will pretend I am not home
The next time there's a next time there won't *be* a next time. -SLR
The next time you call your dog a dumb animal, remember who he's got working for him
The next time you look at a corvette you will see the boxyness in it! :)
The next time you need dirt on me, come to the source. Sheriff Buck
The next time you need some help let me know, I'll teach you how to spell 911
The next time you think you're GOD...try walking on water
The next time you wash your neck, be sure to wring it!
The next time you wave, use ALL of your fingers!
The next time you're in here, I'm gonna toast ya!
The next time your mind goes blank, please stop typing
The nice men in the clean white coats are coming to take me away.
The nice thing about a kitten is that it becomes a cat.
The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. -- Lucille S. Harper
The nice thing about senility is - you can hide your own Easter eggs
The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from
The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from. -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from
The nice thing about wearing a smile is that one size fits everybody.
The nicer I am the more they think I'm lying.
The nicer an airplane looks, the better it flies.
The nicest sound a cat can make: *Vrooom!* *bump!* *bump!* *vrooom!*
The nicest sound a cat makes: Bump Bump.
The nicest sound a cat makes: Vroommm bump bump vrooomm.
The nicest thing about growing older is that it takes such a long time
The nicest thing about new friends is that they haven't heard all your old stories yet. - Wanda G. Cunningham
The nicest thing about the Alto is that it doesn't run faster at night
The nicest winter I have ever seen was last summer.
The night fell, and the music of the lutes was stilled.
The night has its price. <Mae>
The night is a tunnel, a hole into tomorrow. - Jessica <Dune
The night is bleeding like a cut --U2
The night is my companion, and solitude my guide
The night is my companion, and solitude my guide. -Sarah McLachlan
The night is young, and we have UMBRELLAS in our drinks!-The Tick
The night is young.. and we have umbrellas in our drinks! - The Tick
The night is young.... and we have umbrellas in our drinks!
The night sky over the planet Krikkit is the least interesting sight in the entire Universe. - Douglas Adams
The night will weave its magic spell when the one you love is near!
The night, the dream, the time love died
The nightlife is the right life for me.
The nightly news is more violent than anything I've seen in the movies
The nightmares got worse since I took away her credit cards
The nipples! - Crow blurts out
The no- mind not- thinks no- thoughts about no- things. - Buddha
The no-good-niks rule this school! - Principal Skinner
The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things.
The no. 1 way to be killed: Put a tribble up a Klingon's @$$!
The no. 1 way to have fun: Put a tribble up a Klingon's nose.
The nob on the end is to stop your hand falling off
The noblest of all dogs is the hot dog; it feeds the hand that bites it. - Laurence J. Peter
The noblest vengence is to forgive
The noise is so loud it echoes through the ZeV... -- Craw Wurm
The noise your computer emits is mainly the sound of data hitting the stack
The noiseless foot of time steals swiftly by. -Juvenal
The non attendees today bother me, said the professor absent-mindedly.
The non-drug-users have rights under the Constitution, too!
The non-vilolent Star Trek: Set phasers on tickle
The nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind.
The notion of a "record" is an obsolete remnant of the days of the 80-column card. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
The nourishment is palatable. - Millard Fillmore's last words
The nuclear bomb took all the fun out of war. - Edward Abbey
The nuclear warheads are merely a courtesy detail
The nude human fears no pickpockets!
The number '20' needs to be at the top. O'Brien
The number in the ad, would that be voicemail? - Mulder
The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected. (6/72)
The number of a person's relatives is directly proportion
The number of a person's relatives is directly proportional to his fame
The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct
The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct. -- Ralph Hartley
The number of computer scientists in a room is inversely proportional to the number of bugs in their code
The number of feet in a yard is directly proportional to the success of the barbecue
The number of licorice gumballs you get out of a gumball
The number of loopholes in any legal system is always greater than the number of laws
The number of malefactors authorizes not the crime. - Thomas Fuller
The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done
The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of what you're doing
The number of theories that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite
The number of women a man find attractive is truly propor
The number of women a man find attractive is truly proportionate to his age
The number on the matchbook is old and faded
The number one cause of computer problems is computer solutions.
The number one cause of problems is solutions
The number one computer bug is mankind!
The number one enemy of progress is questions!
The number one reason for gun control is to control revolution!
The number that has dialed you is busy or unavailable
The number watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.
The number you call from has been disconnected.
The number you have dailed...Nine-one-one...has been changed.
The number you have dialed is imaginary. Please divide by 0 and try again.
The number you have dialed is imaginary. Please multiply by i and dial again
The number you have dialed: 9-1-1, has been changed, the
The number you have reached -911- has been disconnected.
The number you have reached is not in service !
The number you have reached, 911, has been disconnected
The number you have reached--911--is not in service.
The number you have reached...9-1-1 has been changed
The number? Just dial randomly..You'll get us eventually.
The nymph hits you and steals your virginity! --More--
The obituaries in the newspaper prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that people die in alphabetical order
The object is to win the game.
The object of oratory is not truth but persuasion. - Thomas Macaulay
The object of oratory is persuasion, not truth.
The object of power is power.
The object of the law is to prevent injustice from prevailing
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. - General George Patton
The object of war is to allow them die for their country.
The obscure we see eventually. The apparent takes longer
The obscure we see eventually; the completely apparant takes longer.
The obscure we see immediately, the completely apparent takes longer
The observation lounge has been turned into a swamp - Riker
The obvious is often overshadowed by the less obvious. -- Ed Parker
The occipital area of my head seems to have impacted
The ocean is the ultimate solution.
The ocean would be much deeper... if it didn't have all those sponges
The odds are a million to one against your being one in a million
The odds are a million to one of my being one in a million
The odds are against you, O'Brien -- Quark
The odds are five to six that the light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an oncoming train
The odds are good, but the goods are odd.
The odds are, this is NOT the person you are looking for.
The odds will be even. þ Spock
The odor of whiteout makes my soul soar! -- Tom Servo
The officers busted a picture over a man's head. He was framed
The offices of magistrates ought not to be sold
The official BBS of Nothing.
The official Canadian DOS prompt ........ EH:\>
The official EchoMornFanClub Morn Smiley: { :=)
The official Tagline of the 1996 Olympic Games!
The official historian of Shirley Jean Berrell... - Staler Bros
The official tagline of Cool Dude the Kat BBS
The offspring of a Tribble and Ross Perot: @*@ <--{ROFL!!}
The offspring of a tribble and Ross Perot: #*@
The oil isn't even touching the stick!
The oil oozes out, into the veins and out of the mouth
The oil tanker crashed, mom. - - Calvin
The oily bird gets the worm -- Exxon
The ol' vacumm cleaner got 'im - Al Unser Jr
The old Cambells soup song
The old Clayton Forrester wasn't like this - TV's Frank
The old bat just creaked out. Jill Foster Abbott
The old believe everything
The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything. --Oscar Wilde
The old doctors practice of bloodletting was all in vein.
The old dumb-tagline-on-the-BBS trick!
The old gray mare she ain't what she used to be
The old guy couldn't seperate sex & death - Crow
The old impulse engines weren't strong enough. - Kirk
The old know more about being young than the young know a
The old know more about being young than the young know about being old.
The old lady fainted
The old law about "an eye for an eye" leaves everybody blind. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
The old make the rules, the young make the exceptions.
The old south had character...... acually it had LOTS of characters!
The old that is strong does not wither - Bilbo Baggins
The old woman who lived in an aardvark had more moose
The olddays:Wine, Women & Song; Nowadays: Cola, Computers, CD's.
The older I get the better I used to be.
The older I get, it seems the better I used to be.
The older I get, the better I used to be. - Bard
The older I get, the better I was.
The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom
The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. -- H. L. Mencken
The older I grow, the less important the comma becomes. Let the reader catch his own breath. -- Elizabeth Clarkson Zwart
The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don't talk much. -Germain G. Glien
The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.
The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.
The older generation are leading this country to galloping ruin.
The older the cat, the longer the claws!
The older the whine, the more sour the grapes
The older we get,the more like ourselves we become
The older you are, the more fun a snowball fight can be.
The older you get the better you were. Talk to an old timer and see
The older you get the greater you were!
The older you get the harder your parents try to keep you little.
The older you get, the better you realize you were
The older you get, the better you used to be
The older you get, the harder it is to find replacement parts.
The older you get, the less stupid your parents become.
The older you get, the more important is is not to act your age
The older you get, the smarter your parents get
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.
The oldest books are still only just out to those who have not read them. --Samuel Butler
The oldest cliche in the movies... They're doomed. -- Crow
The oldest hath borne most.
The oldest one in the book -- Make like a tree and leave.
The olympic swimming program has quite a talent pool.
The one and only Berger Sheriff
The one and only Billy Shears - Beatles
The one book that always has a sad ending is a check book
The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception a neccessity. -- Oscar Wilde
The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception a necessity
The one day you have the exact fare is the day it goes up.
The one day you'd sell you soul for something, souls are a glut.
The one day you'd sell your soul for something, the market is glutted
The one good thing about pain: it proves you're alive.
The one good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to
The one in the middle may remain... the rest, another day.- Pepe LePew
The one item you need is allways in short supply.
The one language spoken by all programmers is profanity
The one left alive, wins
The one minute pornographer - Tom
The one on the right must be Shinola, Clinton's on the "left."
The one sitting, contributing nothing, is a supervisor
The one sure way to make a lazy man look respectable is to put a fishing rod in his hand
The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing. - James Brown
The one thing you can never be sure of is uncertainty.
The one to watch..the one to watch!
The one way sure to conciliate a tiger to allow oneself to be devoured
The one who dies w/the most ShareWare wins!
The one who dies with the most TOYS wins!
The one who dies with the most surnames, wins!
The one who dies with the most taglines is dead, Jim.
The one who dies with the most taglines wins!
The one who dies with the most toys is dead.
The one who dies with the most toys is still DEAD!
The one who dies with the most toys wins.
The one who does the least work gets the most credit.
The one who does the least work gets the most credit. ÄEdsil Murphy
The one who has the gold makes the rules
The one who laughed last probably didn't get the joke
The one who says it can't be done should never interrupt the one doing it.
The one who snores will fall asleep first
The one with the Eddie Munster page boy look? - Tom
The one with the big mouth must be a mother
The one with the cancer stick? We call him STANKY.
The one with the eel-skin skull cap? No way, ugh! - Crow
The one with the most names when they die wins!
The one with the most typefaces when he dies, WINS!
The one, the only, the inimitable...(ta da)...COYOTE!
The one... the only... the Beakman! -- Josie
The ones who love us best are the ones we lay to rest
The only "Barney" I want MY kids playing with is Rubble.
The only "good rap" I know of comes on a birthday gift.
The only "good" redhead I ever met, needed her "diddie" changed
The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple
The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism. -- Dorothy Parker
The only "terrorists" in this country are the ones with badges!
The only 'nuke' we need is safely situated ~93,000,000 miles away
The only *Good* cat is a *Stir-Fried* Cat!
The only *anything* you get is what I give you! - LaCroix
The only *good* tarrasque is a *dead* tarrasque
The only 3 honest lawyers include 2 fictional and 1 dead one.
The only ANYTHING you get is what I give you - LaCroix
The only BBS with its number scrawled on bathroom walls.
The only BBS with its number scrawled on toilet walls
The only GOOD Club in my bag is Canadian Club
The only GOOD Topic Cop is a DEAD one!
The only GOOD nakalene, is a DEAD nakalene! - Londo
The only GOOD topic WHIMP is a whining one!
The only GOOD user is a DEAD user! -- Microsoft Support Desk
The only GOOD user is a DEAD user! Dead Leech BBS Cols OH
The only Good Socialist is a...No, those suck too
The only LOVE you can ever keep is the LOVE that you give away!
The only O.J. I want to hear about is Florida orange juice.
The only TRULY consistent people are DEAD!
The only TV station I watch is Nickelodian. -- Edward
The only _complete_ woman is a Redhead!
The only _complete_ woman is a blond!
The only abnormality is the incapacity to love. -A. Nin
The only acceptable intelligence substitute is silence.
The only acceptable substitute for brains is silence
The only acceptable substitute for intelligence is silence.
The only advantage of old age is that you can sing while you brush your teeth.
The only alternative to perseverance is failure
The only argument with the wind is to put on a coat.
The only aspect of our travels that is interesting to others is disaster. - Martha Gellman
The only bad scene is one that can't be talked about
The only bar that I'm a member of is Panama Hattie's
The only beautiful things are the things that do not concern us. - Oscar Wilde
The only boardgame I play is PCboard !!
The only brain-dead 286 chips are made by Intel
The only bugs I have in my PC are sucked in by the cooling-fan
The only certainty is that nothing is certain.
The only certainty is that nothing is certain. -- Pliny the Elder
The only chance I get to talk is when my husband inhales
The only chance I get to talk is while my wife inhales.
The only change involved with Clinton is at McDonald's.
The only charm some folks ever have is a rabbit's foot
The only charm you have is a rabbit's foot.
The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here!-Zazu
The only comfort is the moving of the river
The only commodity a politician has to offer is jawbone. - L. Long
The only complete bug-fix: DEL C:\TRADEWAR\*.*
The only completely consistent people are the dead. - Aldous Huxley
The only completely uncensored thinking I do is dreaming.
The only consolation is that they're all dead now. -- Crow
The only constant is change.
The only corner you can't cut in racing and win is safety
The only critic is time. - A. J. Casson
The only cultural advantage LA has over NY is that you can make a right turn on a red light. -- Woody Allen
The only culture some people have is at the back of the r
The only cure for good sex is more sex.
The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep
The only cure for postmodernism is the incurable illness of romanticism
The only cure for sex is.... more sex!
The only cure for sleep is insomnia
The only cure for the evils of freedom is freedom. -- Macauley
The only deadly sin I know is cynicism
The only deadly sin I know is cynicism. -- HENRY LEWIS STIMSON
The only difference between Mikhail Gorbachev and previous Soviet leaders, is that Gorbachev is alive. - Rush Limbaugh
The only difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman is that the car salesman knows he's lying
The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth
The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth Thank you, Stef
The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
The only difference between her and it is the lipstick.
The only difference between lawyers and vultures is removable wingtips
The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. -- Dali
The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. -- Oscar Wilde
The only difference between your current lover and a doorknob is that a doorknob warms up when you hold it
The only difference between your girlfriend and a barracuda is the nailpolish
The only difference between your tag and mine is: I THOUGHT IT UP FIRST!
The only difference that I see is you are exactly the same as you used to be. --The Wallflowers
The only diplomat I trust is a fully armed phaser bank.
The only disadvantage of an honest heart is credulity.
The only distance between lovers is time.
The only dope worth shooting is Nixon
The only dope worth shooting is Ollie North
The only drawback of total nuclear war is $#@#%^NO CARRIER
The only dual standard I embrace comes from US Robotics.
The only dumb question is one you haven't asked yet.
The only dumb question is the one that is not asked.
The only dumb question is the unasked one!
The only dumb question is... what was the question again?
The only easy way to tell a hamster from a gerbil is that the gerbil has more dark meat
The only end of writing is to enable the readers better to enjoy life or better to endure it. (DR. JOHNSON)
The only ethical lawyer is a dead lawyer.
The only evidence that the Devil is real= Jesse Helms & Newt Gringrich.
The only exact science is hindsight
The only excuse for God is that he doesn't exist.
The only excuse for God is that he doesn't exist. -- Stendhal
The only exercise I get is pushing my luck.
The only exercise you are getting' is jumpin' to conclusions. - Lois Harlan
The only fair tax is a Flat Tax.
The only fault with a sharp tongue is the tendency to slit my own throat
The only feeling warmer than friendship is that of an old love
The only food for thought is more thought. --Peter Ustinov
The only fool bigger that the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him
The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
The only game that can't be fixed is peek-a-boo
The only gift I have is fear - Course of Empire
The only good Barney is a dead Barney.
The only good Democrat, is an unemployed democrat!!
The only good Indian I ever saw was dead. --W. T. Sherman.
The only good Limbaugh is a DEAD Limbaugh!
The only good MAC is a Big Mac
The only good Mac is a big Mac!
The only good NAFTA supporter is a DEAD NAFTA supporter.
The only good Tagline is a stolen Tagline!
The only good Tory is a suppository
The only good Tribble is one served with onions.
The only good Tribble is visiting Klingons.
The only good Wesley is a dead Wesley
The only good bunny is a dead bunny.
The only good caps locks key is a broken caps locks key!
The only good cat is a dead cat.
The only good cat is one imbedded in my tire tread.
The only good cat is stir fried
The only good criminal is a dead criminal.
The only good democrat is one who becomes a Republican
The only good faggot is one who is not a faggot anymore
The only good feminizt is terminally inconvenienced
The only good fnord is a dead fnord. --Ignotius.
The only good fossil is a deal fossil.
The only good gargoyle is one decorating the top of a church.
The only good government ... is a bad one in a hell of a fright
The only good hobbit is a dead hobbit. Especially served with rice.
The only good hockey players are the ones with no teeth!
The only good homophobe is one who is neither sexist nor racist
The only good is knowledge and the only evil ignorance
The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. - Socrates
The only good lawyer is a dead ... naw, not even then
The only good lawyer is a dead one.
The only good lawyer is a deceased lawyer.
The only good leech is a Dead LEEEEEEEECH!
The only good leech is a dead leeeeeeeeeech!
The only good nakaleen feeder is a dead nakaleen feeder - Londo
The only good politician is a DEAD politician.
The only good tagline is a dead one.
The only good thing about growing older - it beats the alternative
The only good thing ever to come out of religion was the music. --George Carlin
The only good tribble is served with onions.
The only good troll is a fireballed troll!
The only good virus is the one on your enemies' system
The only government handout that I want is the government's hand out of my pocket
The only grounds for divorce in California are marriage.
The only guts liberals have is tripe.
The only heavy breathing @FN@ ever hears is after aerobics.
The only honest lawyer is a deceased lawyer.
The only hot stock market tips that work are those you have ignored
The only idiots I know use computers!
The only imperfect thing in nature is the human race.
The only important thing is not to betray yourself. - Odo
The only intelligent Catholics have become Protestants!
The only intelligent fundy... is an ex-fundy. - Steve Rose
The only kind of seizures we want from cops are epileptic ones.
The only language used by all programmers is profanity
The only league where half the players earn less than its reporters.
The only legitimate reason for abortion is SEX SELECTION!
The only life man has created is the computer virus
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts about reality. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The only limits are, as always, those of vision. - James Broughton
The only logical action in your situation is suicide
The only man who can change his mind is the man who's got one.
The only man who got his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe
The only man who kills like that is Bugs Moran. -- Al Capone, on the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt
The only measure of strength is how many people fear you. -- Hitler
The only minority I oppose is the one that elected Clinton.
The only mistake I made was not executing you in the first place!
The only mistake I made was thinking I made a mistake.
The only notice we get is `Mind that bus-what bus-SPLAT!'
The only number that is both even and odd is infinity
The only one I'm in love with is ME! Die Fladermaus! [The Tick]
The only one I'm in love with is ME, Die Fledermaus!
The only one who got everything done by Friday was Robins
The only one who is wiser than anyone is everyone.
The only one who will not get screwed in America's next war is Hillary Clinton.
The only ones whose troubles are behind them are school bus drivers.
The only ones whose troubles are behind them are school bus drivers.
The only parts that don't hurt, are those that don't work!
The only people I hate are Krauts, Frogs and bigots!
The only people I have been able to use are those who fought. - Adolf Hitler
The only people that snobs want to know are those who don't want to know them
The only people that successfully resist change in society are the dead
The only people to profit from the mistakes of others are biographers
The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders
The only people who listen to both sides of an argument are the neighbors.
The only people who make love all the time are liars. -- Louis Jordan
The only people who never fail are those who never try.
The only perfect science is hind-sight.
The only perfect science is hind-sight. ÄEdsil Murphy
The only perfect science is hindsight.
The only person who always got his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe
The only person who can afford to gamble is a man who is bankrupt
The only person who doesn't use am offline mail reader!
The only personal messages =I= get are addressed to Occupant.
The only place I want data loss is on my credit card!
The only place I won't ever surrender is where you hid your dreams
The only place to find a GOOD lawyer is under a tombstone!
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sassoon
The only place you haven't had sex is on the moon
The only point I like in Autobots: melting point. -- Laserbeak
The only point you made was the one on your head.
The only positive thing about pain: It proves you're alive.
The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
The only power an actor has is the ability to say: 'No'. -L. D. Phillips
The only power that exists is inside ourselves... -- Armand
The only power worth having is power taken by force. -- The Get
The only problem with Doom is the level editors
The only problem with being a man of leisure is that you can never stop and take a rest
The only problem with seeing too much is that it makes you insane. --Phaedrus
The only problem with women is men
The only problem with women is men. - Kathie Sarachild.
The only professional sports team in America where both the city and team mascot names are from a foreign language is the San Diego Padres
The only progress which can be rapid is progress down hill. Sir James
The only proven aphrodisiac is money
The only question is who's going to fire first. - Jack
The only race worth winning is the human race.
The only real advantage to punk music is that nobody can whistle it
The only real argument for marriage is that it remains the best method for getting acquainted. -- Heywood Broun
The only real cure for insomnia is to get more sleep
The only real difference between an oral and rectal thermometer is the taste
The only real equality is in the cemetery.
The only real person to be a Pez head was Betsy Ross.
The only real power is HORSEPOWER!
The only real threat to us are the Klingons and the Federation
The only real valuable thing is intuition. - Albert Einstein
The only real way to look younger is not to be born so soon
The only real way to look younger is not to be born so soon. -- Charles Schulz,
The only real way to look younger is not to be born so soon. -- Charles Schulz, "Things I've Had to Learn Over and Over and Over"
The only real winner of the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky.
The only real winner of the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky.
The only realities are the atoms and empty space.
The only really decent thing to do behind a person's back is pat it.
The only really happy people are married women and single men. - Marlene Dietrich
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once!
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. - Albert Einstein
The only reason he wasn't booed off the stage is that the audience couldn't yawn and boo at the same time
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it is unfamiliar territory. - Paul Fix
The only reason some people get lost in thought is that it's unfamiliar territory
The only reason you aren't dead is because I took an oath...-HoloDoc
The only reason you won't die is because I took an oath to do no harm.
The only red menace in America is the sunburn.
The only religion Christians want to give freedoms is Christianity.
The only respected lawyers include two fictional and a dead one.
The only reward of virtue is virtue. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only road to success is always under construction.
The only rose without thorns is friendship.
The only roses without thorns are LOVE and FRIENDSHIP
The only roses without thorns are love and friendship.
The only safe pleasure for a parliamentarian is a bag of boiled sweets. - Julian Critchley
The only second chance I have is the one I gave myself. -Nick Knight
The only self-cleaning thing around here is the cat!
The only short meetings are when no one shows up
The only sound is water drops. I wonder where the hell I am.
The only source of knowledge is experience. - Albert Einstein
The only student to change history started World War I.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!
The only stupid question is the one that is never asked
The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. |-)
The only substitute for good manners is *faster* reflexes. ;^)
The only successful substitute for brains: Silence!
The only sure thing about luck is that it will change - Bret Harte
The only sweating and heavy breathing I do anymore is during aerobics.
The only tagline with the yellow & blue = green seal
The only tears you'll cry will be tears of joy!
The only telco to have is BELL
The only thing Clinton will share willingly is a communicable disease
The only thing God *didn't* do to Job was give him a computer. --I.F. Stone
The only thing I agree on with Rush Limbaugh is Snapple!
The only thing I am sure of is I don't need you. - Henry to Frank
The only thing I did on television was CBS.
The only thing I don't like about taglines is that I never have enough room to
The only thing I don't like about taglines is that I never have enough room to
The only thing I enjoy is tormenting you
The only thing I enjoy is tormenting you, Quark. -- Odo
The only thing I enjoy is tormenting you. -- Odo (to Quark)
The only thing I gave up at Lent were my New Year's resolutions.
The only thing I like about fools is that I'm not one of them.
The only thing I like about rich people is their money
The only thing I like about rich people is their money. - Lady Nancy Astor
The only thing I passed in college was gas.
The only thing I see on the right is a cliff... -Rush
The only thing I want stacked is my girlfriend!
The only thing I'd do behind her back is zip her up!*RL3
The only thing a Beer tells you is when it's time to go
The only thing a Beer tells you is when it's time to go to the bathroom.
The only thing a Beer tells you is when it's time to go.
The only thing a hillbilly puts up his nose is his finger
The only thing an actor fears more than losing his mind--is regaining it
The only thing as bad as a black racist is a female sexist.
The only thing as good as your Crispy Crunch... is an O'Henry.
The only thing being sewn out there is wild oats. -- Al
The only thing better than a cat--is TWO cats!
The only thing better than love is milk
The only thing better than sex is more sex
The only thing cheaper than hardware is talk
The only thing digestible about a donut is the hole.
The only thing dumber than a broody hen was a New York Democrat
The only thing ever lost by politeness is a seat on a crowded bus.
The only thing faster than the computer is the weekend.
The only thing funnier than how things don't work out, is
The only thing funnier than how things don't work out, is how they do.
The only thing gassed up in that jeep was *us*. - BJ to Hawkeye
The only thing have to burp is beer itself.
The only thing he could play was the electric fan
The only thing he's ever achieved on his own is dandruff,,,,,
The only thing higher than God in a user's world, The Almighty SysOp.
The only thing in life that's fair
The only thing just as good the second time is chocolate.
The only thing keeping us out of an Ice Age is the Global Warming.
The only thing left to tax is the wolf at the door.
The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is
The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire
The only thing more complicated than computers is TAXES.
The only thing more crooked than politics is insurance.
The only thing more reliable than magic is one's friends.
The only thing most women regret about their pastis the length
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
The only thing self-cleaning in MY kitchen is the cat!
The only thing shorter than a weekend is a holiday
The only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation.
The only thing some people do is grow older.
The only thing stronger than a vampire's hunger is a vamp's anguish
The only thing stupider then a bird is the buyer.
The only thing that beats a good wife is a bad husband
The only thing that could make you look good is distance
The only thing that didn't happen to Job was Windows.
The only thing that experience teaches us is that experience teaches us nothing. -- Andre Maurois (Emile Herzog)
The only thing that has been filled is the palm of your hand
The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. - Albert Einstein
The only thing that is faithful is a beer
The only thing that is faithful is a beer... --Cliff and Norm.
The only thing that is faithful is a beer....
The only thing that ought to be virgin are forests.
The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency
The only thing that stops God sending a second Flood is that the first one was useless. - Nicolas Chamfort
The only thing that will outlast Doom are the Doom taglines
The only thing that will shame an attorney is poverty
The only thing that would make Hillary look good....DISTANCE!
The only thing that would shock her is a cattle prod.
The only thing that's free of charge is a dead battery
The only thing that's going to change is your makeup! - Sailor Moon
The only thing the BORG left was this Macintosh
The only thing the Borg left was Barney
The only thing the Borg left was Barney & the Clintons
The only thing the Borg left was Barney!
The only thing the Borg left was Bob
The only thing the Borg left was this Macintosh - Commander Shelby
The only thing the Borg left was this Macintosh!
The only thing the Borg left was this copy of Windows.
The only thing the Borg left was this purple dinosaur
The only thing the Borg left were liberal Democrats.
The only thing the Borg left were these copies of Windows
The only thing the Democrats have to offer is Fear it's self.
The only thing the Democrats have to offer is Fear itself - Dick Armey
The only thing the Muslim terrorists need to win... Is for everyone else to be tolerant of them!
The only thing the average teenager is afraid of is a stack of dirty dishes
The only thing the average teenager is afraid of is a stack of dirty dishes
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. -- Oscar Wilde
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself. - Oscar Wilde
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. (OSCAR WILDE)
The only thing to fear is fear itself. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The only thing to fear is the absence of fear
The only thing to know is how to use your Amoeba.
The only thing we don't have to LEARN is *sex*!
The only thing we have to fear is Armed Citizens. U.N. Creedo
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - F.D.Roosevelt
The only thing we have to fear is no more beer.
The only thing we have to fear is.... .... LIFE!!
The only thing we have to fear, is an invasion by the Visitors!
The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn.
The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn. -- Earl Warren
The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history
The only thing we've got plenty of is wounded. - Radar
The only thing weirder than fantasy is reality.
The only thing weirder than me is reality.
The only thing worse than X Windows: (X Windows) - X
The only thing worse than a bachelor is his son
The only thing worse than a dumb bigot is a smart bigot.
The only thing worse than a male chauvinist pig is the female version
The only thing worse than a sorcerer is his apprentice.
The only thing worse than raining cats and dogs is hailing taxis.
The only thing worth reading here is the tagline
The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished
The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever. --Herb Caen
The only thing you can get in a hurry is trouble.
The only thing you can get in a hurry is trouble.
The only thing you have no choice about is making choices
The only things in history that are inevitable are those that have already
The only things in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead armadillos. --Jim Hightower
The only things that start on time are those that you're late for
The only things that start on time are those that you're late for. - Cayo's Law
The only time Bob Saget is funny is wh...wait! He isn't f
The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee. --Regis Philbin
The only time I get a chance to speak is when Rasta inhales.
The only time I get a chance to speak is when Rasta inhales.
The only time I open my mouth is to change feet!
The only time I refused a drink I didn't understand the question
The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything. -- C. Schulz
The only time having a good memory counts is when you've told a lie.
The only time it is OK to beat your kids is at checkers.
The only time some girls draw a line is when theyuse an eyebrow pencil
The only time some people work like a horse is when their
The only time some people work like a horse is when their boss rides them
The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the bathroom
The only time this guy picks up a check is when it's made out to him
The only time to be positive is when you're positive you are wrong
The only time when it's too early to go to sleep is when you haven't woken up yet. - David Sanders
The only time where ends meet nowdays, is on the football field
The only time you have a heart is when you're playing cards.
The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixt
The only time you start at the top is to dig a hole.
The only time you're pronounced something is "man and wife" and "dead".
The only tool diplomacy has is language.
The only tool diplomacy has is language. Hodin of Gideon, stardate 5423.4
The only tool in my toolbox is his checkbook,,,
The only true answer to the internet is long distance.
The only true answer to the internet is long distance.
The only true authority figure is within yourself
The only true devils on this earth are the ones quoting scriptures.
The only true perversion is abstinence!
The only truly irreplaceable thing is time
The only truth I know...IS THE LOOK IN YOUR EYES!!!
The only truth in war is that people die. -- Sinclair, Babylon 5
The only two things a pirate will run for is money and public office -- Yosimite Sam
The only two things that motivate me and that matter to me are revenge and guilt. -- Elvis Costello
The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within. - Mahatma Gandhi
The only tyrant I accept...is the still voice within. Mahatma Ghandi
The only uncomplicated screw has a phillips head
The only unusual thing about my childhood was that it lasted 49 years.
The only urine test you'll get from me is a taste test.
The only valuable thing to pass through a politican's mind is a Bullet
The only victory over love is flight
The only victory over love is flight -- Napoleon
The only victory over love is to concede
The only warriors I see are dead. We are soldiers
The only way Clinton could broaden his mind - put it under a train
The only way Hillary reigns superior is with her jutting posterior
The only way around it is through it... -- Crow T. Robot
The only way for a reporter to look at a politician is down.- Mencken
The only way she'll get to college is in a frat house cake
The only way that you can please God is through faith. Rom. 14
The only way to Rush Limbaugh is to shoot at him!
The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on
The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on an icy pavement
The only way to catch a train is to miss the one before it.
The only way to combat criminals is by not voting for them.
The only way to compel men to speak good of us is to do it. Voltaire
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke
The only way to entertain some folks is to listen to them. - Kin Hubbard
The only way to find out what's possible is to try the impossible
The only way to get a drink out of a Vogon is to stick your fingers down his throat
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. -- Oscar Wilde
The only way to get rid of temptation, yeild to it!
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only way to judge the future is by knowing the past.
The only way to judge the future is to study the past
The only way to know how a woman feels is to giv her a hug.
The only way to predict the future is to create it.
The only way to predict the future is to create it.
The only way to stay out of the army is to join the navy
The only way to stop smoking is to just stop - no if's, and's or butts
The only way to survive a duel with me is to not show up. Slugslinger
The only way to understand a woman is to love her--and then it isn't necessary to understand her
The only way to win money out of a casino is to own one
The only way women could have equal rights would be to surrender some.
The only way you're going to get laid is to crawl up a chicken and wait
The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky
The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky. -- David Gerrold
The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikowsky.
The only winning move is not to play. - Heinlein
The only winning move is not to play. - Joshua
The only wormhole I've seen went through an apple.
The only worthwhile feminist movement involves negligee.
The open hand of desire wants everything.
The opera ain't over 'til the fat lady sings
The opera ain't over till the Last Heterosexual is asleep
The operation is working perfectly. - Steven, V
The operative word being 'large' - Mulder (3x22)
The operative word, Mr. Spock, is death--Harcourt Fenton Mudd.
The operator killed this job -- he didn't seem to care
The opiate of the masses.
The opinion I express is mine alone, (sometimes) ?
The opinion expressed here may be mine
The opinions I express aren't necessarily mine
The opinions above are mine alone. I'm no "dittohead"!
The opinions above belongs to me, only me, me, me, me, me, MEEEE !
The opinions expressed above are not necessarily mine.
The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of a sane man
The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the management.
The opinions expressed here are neither mine nor anyone elses
The opinions expressed here are not necessarily shared by my wife.
The opinions expressed here may occasionally interface with reality
The opinions expressed in this message belong to nobody.
The opinions here are strictly my own (or those of my machine)
The opossum is a very sophisticated animal. It doesn't even get up until 5 or 6 p.m
The opportunities are limitless! -- Tom Servo
The opportunity of a lifetime must be taken within the lifetime of the opportunity
The opposite of PROgress is CONgress
The opposite of Pro-life is Pro-death...!
The opposite of RIGHT is not only LEFT, it's also WRONG
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite a profound truth may well be another profound truth. -- Neils Bohr
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. - Niels Bohr
The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. - Elie Wiesel
The opposite of present is (a)past (b)future (c)absent
The opposite of pro-life is anti-choice
The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting. -- Fran Lebowitz, "Social Studies"
The oppulently appointed San Francisco airport - Crow
The optimist proclaims that we live in the bst of all possible worlds, and the pessimst fears this is true
The optimist sees the donut... the pessimist sees the hole... but the realist sees the calories
The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it is. - J. Robert Oppenheimer
The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true. - Robert Oppenheimer
The optimum committee has no members
The optimum committee has no members. -- Norman Augustine
The option to override automatic detonation expires in T - 5 minutes.
The option to override destruct procedure has expired!
The option to override self-destruct expir@^%i@&$# NO CARRIER
The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental
The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm
The oral sex, the oral sex!!! Well, I could stay a *bit* longer
The orator, with a flood of words a his drop of reason.
The order of pleading being preserved, the law is preserved
The ore ship was a miscalculation, an accident. Daystrom
The organization and definition of knowledge is critical.
The orgy ain't over until the fat lady comes!
The origin of a thing ought to be inquired into
The origin of war was not men, it was survival.
The original Mickey Mouse cartoon was in Mouse, with English subtitles
The original color of a Redneck's carpet is an unsolved mystery
The original multitasker: 2 PCs and a chair with wheels
The ornament of beauty is suspect. <Shakespeare>
The ornament of tagline is suspect. --Tagspeare
The ornamental butterfly expands his wings to flutter by.
The other arts persuade us, but music takes us by suprise. -- Edward Hanslick
The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intentions
The other cat's food is automatically preferable to their own
The other day I ... no wait, that wasn't me
The other day I No, waitaminit, that wasn't me - s.w.
The other day I saw a golf-ball the size of a hailstone.
The other day I saw a show about mounting cats - on the wall.
The other day I was -- No wait! That wasn't me...
The other day I was playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Steven Wright
The other day I was--No wait! That wasn't me...
The other day I was......No wait...that wasn't me
The other day I went to the stationery store, but it had moved.
The other day I went window shopping. It's the only kind of shopping I can afford these days
The other day I... No, that was someone else
The other day I... No, waitaminit, that wasn't me... - S. Wright
The other day I... uh, no, that wasn't me. -- Steven Wright
The other day, I was walking my dog around my building... on the ledge
The other end of the Galaxy? What could it mean? A circle
The other great mystery of the universe: Moderators
The other guy's tagline is always funnier.
The other half of my ancestors were male
The other line always moves faster.
The other line always moves faster. -- Ettore's Law
The other line moves faster.
The other man's is always thicker. -Russian proverb
The other members of the flying circus: Mothra and Rodan.
The other night I was having sex, but the girl hung up on me
The other only thing I changed was
The other person has another point of view. Read carefully.
The other planets are laughing at us.
The other queue always moves faster
The other teams could make trouble for us if they win. - Yogi Berra
The others doesn't matter...everyone dies sometimes! -Minmay
The out-patients are out in force tonight!
The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. --E. Grebenik
The owl footage is not what it seems! -- Crow T. Robot
The owls are exactly what they seem
The owls are not what they seem.
The owls are not what they seem. -- The Log Lady <Twin Peaks>
The owls are not what they seem. -TP
The owls are not what they seem. -the Giant
The owner of a dating service might drive an Escort.
The owner of a now defunct department store might drive a Corvette.
The owner today will be partly dippy with a chance of stupid.
The oxen are slow, but the earth is patient.
The pH is too low, Tom said acidly
The pH of this solution is just 3.5, said Tom acidly.
The pain in Spain falls mainly with the cane!
The pain in brain stays mainly insane!
The pain is going away. - Picard
The pain of child-birth is a preview of things to come
The pain of knowing is sometimes greater then not knowing
The pain of love is the pain of being alive, it's a perpetual wound
The pain pill didn't work, I feel great
The pain that's in your truthshas got me scared
The pain will go away once it stops hurting
The palaces now stand where the coffins all were laid.
The palaces of kings are built on the ruins of Paradise. -- Paine
The pale deaths that men miscall their lives.
The palest ink is better than the best memory. - Anon
The palest ink is better than the best memory. - Chinese Proverb
The palest ink is better than the sharpest memory.
The palindrome of 'Bolton' would be 'Notlob'!
The palindrome of 'tagline' would be 'enilgat'!
The pall bearers are gone... NO CARRIERS
The pall of the greater tragedy remains. - Mulder (Fearful Symetry)
The pancake house was robbed. How waffle.
The pants were very sad, they were depressed.
The pants, bring him to the pants
The pants, bring him to the pants." "Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire!"
The paper boy wants money, said Tom collectively.
The paper burns, but the words fly away
The paper burns, but the words fly away. - Ben Joseph Akiba
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor -Floyd
The paper is always strongest at the perforations.
The paperwork is a pain in the butt. - Garibaldi
The parachute company says you'll get a full refund
The paranoids are conspiring against me
The paranoids are watching you
The park service has declared the man they shot a suicide
The park service was trained by the Rodney King Task Force
The parrot isn't dead, Jim! It was just resting!
The part I think I'd like best is crushing people who get in my way
The part of the world that people find most puzzling is the part called "Me"
The part with my pet! - Dot
The particle adhesive "gluing" power cannot be permanently guaranteed.
The parts of the brain, performed by.. The Brain! - Pinky
The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part. - Groucho Marx
The passage is through, not over,not by,not around but through.<Moraga>
The passage says "He who reads these words of wit- " -Tom
The passion of youth. - Methos
The passion of youth. Methos to MacLeod
The passion of youth... - Methos
The passive voice should never be used
The passive voice should never be used. - William Safire
The password is "Preganglionic."
The past always looks better now than it did when it was here
The past always looks better than it was. It'
The past always looks better than it was. It's only pleasant because it isn't here
The past always looks better than it was. It's only pleasant because it isn't here. -- Finley Peter Dunne (Mr. Dooley)
The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
The past hour & a half was just ending - Tom on movie
The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
The past is a springboard, not a hammock.
The past is another country; they do things differently there
The past is dead. The paster, the deader
The past is fixed; the future may be bent. The present's already bent.
The past is just Prolog.
The past is never dead. It's not even past. --William Faulkner
The past is not what it will be.
The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.
The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet. - Cyril Connolly
The past is what you use to distort the present.
The past isn't what it will be
The past looks better the farther away you get
The past must be abandoned; the future must unfold
The past should be a mental springboard - not a hammock.
The past...is a blank. Kardian
The path of civilization is paved with tax receipts.
The path of least resistance is what makes rivers and politicians crooked
The path of least resistance is what makes rivers and politicians crooked
The path of least resistance makes men and rivers crooked.
The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own SATANIC
The path to hell is paved with governm't subsidies
The path to success is to take massive, deterined action. - Anthony Robbins
The pathway of a life unnoticed. -- Horace
The patient's taken a turn for the nurse
The patron Saint of accordions -- Our Lady of Spain
The payment of the price stands in the place of a sale
The peace of wisdom is enteral thought
The peacemaker is never in the way
The peach assailant should be attacked with a crocodile.
The pedestrian had no idea which direction to run, so I ran over him
The pen is mighter than the "Hey why did you cut my pen in half
The pen is mighter than the network executive. -- Mary Allison
The pen is mighter than the sword. The sword hurts more
The pen is mightier than sword.
The pen is mightier than the pencil.
The pen is mightier than the sword (for very small swords and very sharp pens)
The pen is mightier than the sword - But swords don't leak in your pocket !
The pen is mightier than the sword, but a hand grenade beats 4 aces
The pen is mightier than the sword, but swords are more fun!
The pen is mightier than the sword, until it runs out of ink.
The pen is mightier than the sword. Unless it's my sword.
The pen is mightier than the sword. - Attila the Hun
The pen is mightier than the sword. - Attila the Hun
The pen is mightier than the sword. The mouse is mightier than the pen
The pen is the interpreter of the heart.
The pen is the tongue of the heart and mind
The pen is the tongue of the mind.
The pen may be mightier, but the sword is more fun!
The pen really is mightier than the sword!
The penalty for bigamy is 2 mother-in-laws.
The penalty for bigamy is having two mothers-in-law..
The penalty for disobedience was crucifixion. - The Stand
The penalty for not keeping in touch is having less to feel.
The penalty for stealing taglines is that you have to steal more tagli
The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you. --Nancy Astor
The pendulum has gone full circle.
The penguin is mightier than the swordfish.
The penguin on top of your TV will now explode.
The penguin on your telly will now explode
The penis mightier than the sword!
The pentagon would pay $600 for part # ||X||||X||X||X||
The pentagon would pay $600 for part # ³º º³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
The people all know, Everyone's doin'that rag
The people aren't silent, THE GOVERNMENT IS DEAF!!
The people arose as one man. -- Judges 20:8
The people in my district do not want this highway bypass, no matter if it goes through or around the city
The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. - Edmund Burke
The people of Instanbul reject you - Mike on K.Ireland
The people responsible for these taglines have been sack
The people rule.
The people sensible enough to give good advice are usually sensible enough to give none
The people united can never be ignited! - Sergeant Colon (G!G!)
The people who do the real work in the world generally don't wear ties
The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials, but the ones with the concern. - Max Lacado
The people will believe the big lie sooner than the small one
The people will sleep throught the screaming again - Course of Empire
The perceived usefulness of an article is inversely proportional to its actual usefulness once bought and paid for
The perception of beauty is a moral test
The perception of truth is the detection of analogy.
The perfect 3-some: Blue Wave, OMX and Qedit! :-)
The perfect dog: Hot-dog. - Garfield
The perfect gift: The Bill Clinton Bath Towel Set - His and Next.
The perfect gift: The Hillary Clinton Bath Towel Set - Hers and NEXT!
The perfect guest is one who makes his host feel at home.
The perfect job for a deaf person: The complaint department.
The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4 AM
The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 A.M. -- Charles Pierce
The perfect lover turns into a pizza at 4:00 A.M.
The perfect morning: Coffee, echomail, and cold pizza.
The perfect morning: Coffee, echomail, and doughnuts.
The perfect odd couple: A deaf man and a blind woman.
The perfect officer for the job will transfer in the day after that billet is filled by someone else
The perfect woman: A nymphomaniac who owns a liquor store.
The perfect yes-man. -- Larry Speakes on George Bush
The performance was equal to the music, said Tom noteworthily.
The period ain't over until the Zamboni comes out.
The persistent single-minded fixation on one idea.
The person that posted the message has been sacked
The person that posted the message has been sacked. - Monty Python
The person who brags lacks confidence in himself
The person who brought you the beer milkshake.
The person who buys the most raffle tickets has the least chance of winning
The person who can smile when something goes wrong has thought of someone to blame it on
The person who dies with the largest hard drive, still dies.
The person who dies with the most taglines ... wins!
The person who invented the eraser pretty well sized up humanity.
The person who is all wrapped up in himself is overdressed
The person who is slowest in making a promise is most faithful in its performance. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The person who knows everything has a lot to learn.
The person who knows what is going on must be fired.
The person who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything
The person who marries for money generally ends up earning it
The person who marries for money usually earns every penny of it
The person who offers unsolicited advice usually discovers its value
The person who rocks the boat is never the one at the oars.
The person who said talk is cheap never hired a lawyer.
The person who said, "Nothing is impossible" never tried to barbecue pancakes,,,.
The person who snores always falls asleep first
The person who snores always falls asleep first
The person who snores loudest will fall asleep first.
The person who takes this is a TRUE LEEECH!!!
The person who thinks he knows it all is a pain in the neck to those of us who really do
The person who's taking you to lunch has no intention of paying
The person with the least experience has the most opinions.
The person you rejected yesterday could make you happy, i
The person you rejected yesterday could make you happy, if you say yes.
The persons responsible for the tagline problems have been sacked.
The perversity of the universe tends toward a maximum. -- Finagle
The perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum
The pessimist FEARS it's true
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails
The pessimist may be right in the long run, but the optimist has a better time during the trip
The pets eat better than I do!
The pharmacist told me to take these pills as often as I can get the cap off,,,
The phenomenon is being investigated even as we speak. - Odo
The phenomenon is being investigated even as we speak. - Odo
The philosopher's treatment of a question is like the treatment of an illness. -- Wittgenstein
The philosophers have only interpreted the world; the thing, however, is to change it. - Karl Marx
The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. - Beecher
The phone cops are after us, man! - Johnny Fever
The phone is baroque, please call bach later.
The phone never rings when you have nothing to do.
The phone number for non-PBS Shing Yings is (44)-051-9876-2000
The phone rings a couple of minutes later
The phone rings a couple of minutes later
The phone's tapped anyway.
The phonebooks are here, the phonebooks are here.
The phosphorescent wave on a tropical sea RUSH -Cold Fire
The phosphorescent wave on a tropical sea is a cold fire
The phrase "honor one's promises" is not in the Clinton lexicon.
The phrase `cargo bay doors' does not appear to be in my lexicon
The physically fit can enjoy their vices. - Lloyd Percival
The physicist need not defer to anybody save the mathematician. -- The Arrogant Mathematician
The pianist has the fastest fingers ever to set foot on stage.
The picture I have doesn't really include her face
The picture I have doesn't really include her face
The picture of health requires a happy frame of mind.
The pie in the sky turned out to be miles too high-Floyd
The piercing scream of a freshman - Mike
The piercing scream of a freshman... -- Mike Nelson
The pigs have won tonight - NIN
The pillow on the bed belongs to the cat
The pilot is always the 1st at an aircraft accident.
The pilot is always the first person at an aircraft acciden+
The pilot is always the first person at the scene of a crash.
The pilot light is always on under my disease.
The pilot was insane...he thought
The pilot was insane...he thought Bill would be in *HIS* bedroom
The pilot's union is TOUGH - Mike
The pink SPAM glistens/On a blue plate of plastic./O my Soylent Green
The piper's calling you to join him... --Led Zep
The pipes are cold. The boiler is cold. -Joey
The pistol of a flower is its only protection against insects
The pits as far as blacks are concerned. -- Desmond Tutu on Reagan
The pizza place was out of pizza??
The pizza stinks, the cockroaches aren't even crunchy. [Earthworm Jim]
The place has all the atmosphere of a ground round - Mike
The place is almost deserted... - Quark
The place of the contract governs the act
The place where YOU can make a difference. Sort of. May
The place where you made your stand never mattered. - R.F
The places where trails do not exist are not well marked
The plague had taken man and man's best friends. - The Stand
The plague is irrelevant now. Crusher
The plainest or plain can be beautiful still
The planes are governed by laws. Laws can be learned
The planet hungers for our truth. -- Dr. Reinhald
The planet is uninhabited. Yeah, right, I've heard *that* one before
The planet isn't going *anywhere*WE ARE! - G. Carlin
The planet isn't going anywhere... WE ARE! -- George Carlin
The planet killer eats your ship. You're all dead; go home.
The planet's deserted! Garak
The planetkiller eats your ship. You're all dead; go home.
The plant in the math teacher's room? It grew square roots.
The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room -Iceman
The plastic butt - TV's Frank on odd junk drawer item
The plastic surgery failed, Tom's doctor said defacingly.
The platapus was created right after marijuana.
The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king.
The play? `A Midsummer Night's Dream'. -- Picard
The players are not nobles by a long-shot
The please you get from life is equal to the attitude you pit into it.
The pleasure is mine. Hutch. Data
The pleasure is momentary, the position rediculous, and the expense damnable. - Lord Chesterfield
The pleasure they give is steady, unorgastic, reliable, deep and long-lasting
The pleasure's been all yours, I'm sure. - Slappy
The plot gets weaker over here! -- Crow T. Robot
The plot is furthered by a good parking space. - Crow T. Robot
The plot was designed in a light vein that somehow became varicose. -- David Lardner
The plot will self destruct in Five Minutes - Tom
The plot's around here somewhere... -- Crow T. Robot
The plow has probably done more harm, in the long run, than the sword. - Edward Abbey
The plug may be out, but that would be too easy and inexpensive
The plug must be pulled. Landru must die. - Kirk
The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.
The plural number is contained in two
The plural of "musical instrument" is "orchestra"
The plural of half is whole.
The plural of louse is........lice.
The plural of spouse is spice.
The plural of spouse is spice. -- R.A. Heinlein
The pocket-sized Machine That Goes Ping - Tom
The poet and the painter, casting shadows on the water
The poet...is able to keep the fresh vision of the child alive.<Nin>
The poetry does not matter
The poetry of earth is ceasing never. - Keats
The poetry of earth is never dead.
The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese
The poignant laundry shot - Mike
The poignant laundry shot... -- Mike Nelson
The point is I am now a perfectly safe penguin! -- Ford Prefect
The point is, it's the right choice. Clemens
The point is, this is beside the point. - K'Ehleyr
The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you. - Dr. Grant
The point of departure is not to return.
The point of quotations is that one can use another's words to be insulting. - Amanda Cross
The point of the journey is not to arrive. -Rush: Hold Your Fire
The point of the journey is not to arrive.: Rush
The point of view of Helen Keller -Crow on total darkness
The point, sirs, is BREASTS! - Crow on Mr. B/Natural
The poison catalyst of your self-destruction
The poison of love so pure, it's decieving
The police are fully able to meet and compete with all criminals.
The police exist to preserve the myth of social order
The police immediately STROLL to the scene - Tom
The police take a dim view of heavily armed sociopaths
The police towed away the car, so I bought another one.
The police, pfff... They couldn't even catch a Cold. - Bart Simpson
The police. They couldn't catch a cold. - Bart Simpson
The polish gets you high - Tom as guy shines shoes
The political arena leaves one no alternatives, one must be either a dunce or a rogue. - Emma Goldman
The political jokes we all laughed at have now been elected.
The political jokes you laughed at 2 months ago just got elected!
The politician's promises of yesterday are the taxes of today.
The politics of cultural pride are actually the politics of alienation
The polls show 8 out of 5 schizophrenics agree!
The pollution's at that awkward stage. Too thick to navigate and too thin to cultivate. -- Doug Sneyd
The ponies! A crack! THIEVES! - Bilbo Baggins
The poodle bites, the poodle chews it
The poodle bites, the poodle chews it. --Zappa
The poodle bites...the poodle chooses... - Zappa
The poodle didn't ASK for that haircut!
The pool's on the 23rd floor. It's really, really deep
The poor cat in the rain look. It never fails.
The poor cat in the rain look. It never fails. * Rita, Animaniacs
The poor cat in the rain look. It never fails.
The poor cat, it's gotten dumber as it's evolved.
The poor don't need gas cause they're not working. - CA Senator
The poor little guy is just scared - Mike on dragon
The poor man. He's completely unspoiled by failure.
The poor workman blames his tools
The poor-cat-in-the-rain look. It never fails
The pope stops by for a snap inspection - Mike
The pope-mobile: proof prayer doesn't work.
The population explosion started with a bang.
The population is growing
The population is growing, growing,gone!
The population is growing.
The porcelain God's name is Ralph.
The porch light's on, but nobody's home.
The porcupine with the sharpest quills gets stuck on a tree more often
The pork bellies are up - Mike on chart in airport
The porn industry seems laid back & inviting - Crow
The portcullis flies backwards into a thousand fragments. Wow. What a stud
The positronic matrix I created for her was unstable. - Data
The possession of a book becomes a substitute for reading it. -- Anthony Burgess
The possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man
The possibilities of exploration & research are endless. - Beverly
The possibility of an arms agreement between the US and the USSR is now a possibility
The post of honor is a private station. -- Addison
The poster is not necessarily in agreement with the above statements.
The postman always rings twice....%$#@& - NO MAIL CARRIER
The pot at the end of the rainbow is NOT Acapulco Gold.
The pot calling the kettle `cookware of colour'
The pot's not at the end of the rainbow; it's hanging over my belt
The potential for Ferengi business expansion is STAGGERING! - Nagus
The potential for real trouble should be obvious.-Don Horton
The pounding never disappears, the pnly gift I have is fear
The power came on. - Kirk
The power of Thought - the magic of the Mind
The power of accurate observation is called cynicism by ppl who don't have it.
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. - George Bernard Shaw
The power of equality is not yet what it ought to be
The power of imagination makes us infinite.
The power of love is a curious thing... (Huey Lewis & The News)
The power of love is only as mighty as the heart.
The power of love, as the basis of a State, has never been tried. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The power of money depends on how fast it moves
The power of the Macintosh - same day service, guaranteed.
The power of the PS/2 - same day service, guaranteed.
The power to Tax, once conceded, has NO limits. - Robert A. Heinlein
The power to Tax, once conceded, has NO limits. - RAH
The power to Tax, once conceded, has NO limits. - Robert A. Heinlein
The power to tax is the power to destroy
The power to tax is the power to destroy (Helmsley)
The power to tax is the power to destroy - Chief Justice T. Marshall
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
The power to tax, once conceded, has no limits. -- Heinlein
The power to warp men's minds !
The power which never comes to be exercised is vain
The power's cut, sir! They're onto us! Scott
The power, derived can't be greater than that from which it is derived
The powers of the corrupt will fade before the fury of the pure
The practice of medicine occurs even in primitive society, but law accompanies civilization
The practice of the court is the law of the court
The practice of the judges is the interpreter of the laws
The prairies are vast plains covered by treeless forests.
The prayer of a righteous man avails much. Jas.5:16
The prayer was "Why Me"; The Lord answered "Why Not?"
The prayer, "Why me?" The Lord answers, "Why not?"
The preacher talks as on a phone where the line is dead.
The preceding discussion by Bob has been OFF TOPIC
The preceding has been brought to you from "Lurkers R Us"
The preceding message arrived the day *following* the NetMailed
The preceding message has been nuked for your convenience.
The preceding was written tongue in cheek, for the humor impaired!
The preceeding message has been paid for by the New World Order
The preceeding was my personal yet absolutely correct opinion.
The preceeding was not necessarily the opinion of the author
The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when then get to know each other. -- Kirk, "Elaan of Troyius"
The presence of the body cures the error in the name
The present enshries the past.<de Beauvoir>
The present enshries the past.<de Beauvoir>
The present is great with the future. - Gottfried Leibnitz
The present time has one advantage over every other. It is our own. --Colton
The preservatives in chocolate make you look younger
The presidency of Bill Clinton: Sex, lies but, darn it, no videotape.
The president is against simply balancing the budget.-R.Reich, 1/15/95
The presidents head is full with beautiful glorious golden caramelcorn
The prettiest women are almost always the most boring, and that is why some people feel there is no God. -- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"
The previous tenant didn't flush - Tom
The price for puerile entertainment is preposterous! - Daffy
The price for these lemons is ridiculous! Tom said sourly.
The price of Freedom is eternal vigilance!
The price of Socialism is just too high a price to pay
The price of Utopia is total slavery, is it worth it?
The price of any evil - necessary or otherwise - comes due in flesh
The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. - Plato
The price of being an Amberite is that you cannot even trust yourself.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. - Thomas Jefferson
The price of greatness is responsibility
The price of greatness is responsibility - Winston Churchill
The price of greatness is responsibility.
The price of hating others is loving oneself less. Cleaver
The price of justice is freedom. -- Judge Dredd
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. --Thomas Jefferson
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance...
The price of progress is complaints!
The price of purity is purists.
The price of seeking to force our beliefs on others is that someday they might force their beliefs on us. -- Mario Cuomo
The price of success in philosophy is triviality. -- C. Glymour
The price of success is hard work and dedication to the job at hand.
The price of total freedom is total anarchy. The price of total security is total enslavement
The price of victory is adoption of the loser
The price of your hat is not the measure of your brains.
The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
The price stands in the place of the thing sold
The priceless finds its price in the greed of man.
The prices are unreasonably high, for such plain ornaments.
The pride of purpose in the unrewarding job RUSH -Nobody's Hero
The primary cause of maleness is damage to one of the X c
The primary color of your car is Bondo
The primary function of dogs, as a species, is to throw up on rugs.
The primary function of the design engineer is to make things difficult for the fabricator and impossible for the serviceman
The primary particles in this product may decay within 400 million yr.
The primary prevaricator falls to the ultimate one
The primary requisite for any new tax law is for it to exempt enough voters to win the next election
The prime requisite for immortality is death.
The prince hides his face from the dreams in the mist
The principal part of everything is the beginning
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee - Bart Simpson's lines
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee -Bart Simp./Epis. 9F12
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee. - Bart Simpson
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee. - Bart's Board
The principal's toupee is not a Frisbee. --Bart Simpson.
The principal's toupee is not a frisbee
The principal's toupee is not a frisbee Ä Bart on the blackboard
The principal's toupee is not a frisbee.
The principle export of the U.S. is money.
The principle mark of genius is not perfection, but originality.
The principle of a thing is its most powerful part
The prinicipal feature of American liberalism is sanctimoniousness. PJ
The printed word is no guarantee of truth
The prisoner escaped by climbing down a rope, said Tom condescendingly.
The prisoner escaped down a rope, said Tom condescendingly
The prisoner goes downstairs, said Tom condescendingly.
The prisoner saw nothing; the gunslinger saw everything. - DT II
The prisoners set up a corporation, the warden confirmed.
The prisoners will not be harmed...until they are found guilty.
The privilege of fools is to laugh at persons of sense!
The probability of a piece of bread falling with the buttered side down is proportional to the cost of the carpet
The probability of someone watching you is directly related to the stupidity of your actions
The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action
The probability of success if not almost 1 is usually 0.
The probability that I will run out of space with this ta
The probe's telemetry has changed. Tuvok
The probes' approaching the perimeter of the anomaly. - O'Brien
The problem can't be mine. I am a sysop.
The problem can't be mine. I am the Moderator
The problem can't be mine. I am the sysop.
The problem can't be mine. I'm the CoSysOp!
The problem can't be mine. I'm the moderator
The problem drinker is the one who never buys.
The problem drinker is the one who never buys. - Charles Conrad III
The problem in fixing the UFO that crashed in 1947: Warranty's expired
The problem is between the chair and the Keyboard.
The problem is not if machines think, but if people do!
The problem is not what other people think, do or say; it is your reaction. - Vernon Howard
The problem is people, but this will be fixed in the next major release
The problem is that with only one line I always run out of s
The problem is, any a**hole can post in this d*mn place!
The problem is, things look more interesting when they're wet - Arifel
The problem isn't ignorance but the illusion of knowledge
The problem isn't repeating rifles, it's repeat offenders!
The problem isn't the police, it's the LAWS the politicians write!
The problem isn't the wages of sin; it's the witholding.
The problem of leadership is inevitably: Who will play God? --Muad'Dib, From the Oral History
The problem seems to be from Cardassian viruses in Bajoran computers
The problem w/ lawyers is that they grow-up to be judges!
The problem with Odin is, he thinks he's G-d Almighty
The problem with Windows is, they break!
The problem with a compact is that you don't know it when
The problem with a compact is that you don't know it when you hit them!
The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know
The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go to erase it
The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go to erase it. -- Glaser and Way
The problem with being best man at a wedding is that you never get a chance to prove it
The problem with being the first one into work in the morning is that there is no one to appreciate it
The problem with depending on government is that you can't!
The problem with depending on government is that you cannot depend on it
The problem with depending on government: you can't do it
The problem with doing nothing is that you never know when you're done
The problem with dying is you never know who cried over your death.
The problem with engineers is that they tend to cheat in order to get results
The problem with graduate students, in general, is that they have to sleep every few days
The problem with kids today? No wood sheds!
The problem with lawyers is that they grow up to be judges!
The problem with lawyers is that they grow up to be senators.
The problem with learning to speed-read is you run out of comic books too fast
The problem with live sacrifices is they keep crawling off the altar
The problem with majority is that you can't outvote it!
The problem with mathematicians is that they tend to work on toy problems in order to get results
The problem with mornings is they happen while you're awake
The problem with my life is that you're in it.
The problem with new experiences is they're rarely the ones you choose
The problem with people is that they're only human. Hobbes
The problem with political jokes is that they get elected
The problem with porn on TV is you can't forward to the good parts.
The problem with program verifiers is that they tend to cheat at toy problems in order to get results
The problem with reality is the lack of background music.
The problem with religious texts is that the answers aren't in the back
The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober. --William Butler Yeats
The problem with taglines is that you always run out of r
The problem with taglines.. is there is never enough spa
The problem with the American Automotive Industry is Congress.
The problem with the easy way out is that it has already been mined
The problem with the future is it turns into the present
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifegu
The problem with the human race is it has very low admission standards
The problem with the inevitable, is that it always happens-Heinlein
The problem with the rat race is that the rats are winning.
The problem with the truth is that too many brands exist
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
The problem with this country is that there is no death penalty for incompetence
The problem with trouble is that it usually starts out like fun
The problem with troubleshooting -- it shoots back.
The problem with troubleshooting is that real trouble shoots back.
The problem's plain to see: too much technology
The problems of our entire society are of a sexual nature. -- Jacoby
The proceeding opinions are not those of the author.
The process may simply need a helping hand. Doctor
The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder. - Albert Einstein
The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes
The procrastinators annymous meeting was delayed.
The proctologist called ... Your head has been removed!
The proctologist called ... Your head is ready.
The proctologist called. They found your head
The proctologist will see you now
The producer's sister? Whats she doing in every scene? -- Crow
The product is "best before next week, good until the cows come home."
The product that will not sell without advertising will not sell profitably with advertising. - Albert Lasker
The products of my mind are real to me. - Mulder
The profession of book writing makes horse racing seem like a solid, stable business. -- John Steinbeck
The professional Army is the bane of a free state. - G. Washington
The program bugs killed the virus!
The program comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.
The program is absolutely right, so the computer must be wrong
The program is not over, till the FAT table sings!
The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead
The program with the most unreadable code? "Windows"
The programmed computer has all the fascination of the pinball machine or the jukebox mechanism, carried to the ultimate. - Brooks, p.7
The programmer's crisis: "But it worked in Beta testing!"
The programmer's national anthem is 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'
The programmer's national anthem is 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'. -Weinberg, p.152
The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. - Brooks, p.7
The proletariat finds its intellectual weapons in philosophy
The promises of maniacs, like those of salesmen, are not safely relied upon
The promotion of hate against a group of people diminishes *everyone*.
The proof is in the posting.
The proof is on that ship! - Kira
The proof is the phylogeny of plant-animal interactions.
The proof isn't in the pudding, it's in the fudge--Mark Twain
The proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies
The proof of a Cat's value is his/her existance
The proof of a Moderator's value is her existance
The proof of a moderator's value is the very fact that she exists.
The proof of a system's value is its existence.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, said Tom nonjudgmentally.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. -- Miguel de Cervantes
The proof of the pudding's when it comes to the crunch.
The prop department *just* ran out of money. - Crow T. Robot
The prop master shops at Spencers - Joel on cheesy UFO
The prop master shops at Spencers... -- Joel Robinson
The proper response to "Good morning" is Not "Prove it!"
The proper way to accelerate an Amiga 500 is at 9.80655 m/s/s
The property of power is to protect. --Blaise Pascal
The prophecy is upon is. -- Amara Windcrusher
The propriety of some persons seems to consist in having improper thoughts about their neighbours. -- F.H. Bradley
The propriety of words is the safety of property
The prostitute is the only honest woman left in America. - Ty-Grace Atkinson
The prostitution rests. -- Kelly Bundy
The prostitution rests. huh huh Change it! Change it quick!
The proton counts are going through the roof! - Bashir
The prototype of all guns was a bow and bullet.
The proud owner of a Pro-43 handheld scanner!
The proud owner of a USRobotics Sportster FaxModem (14.4k/14.4k)!
The proverbial excrement hits the oscillating wind device
The proverbial proprietor provides practical proverbs.
The province that produced Rita MacNeil - world's largest land mammal.
The prudish amputee: Goody One Shoe.
The public enemy's the man that goes and acts blind -Anthrax
The public has the right to be told whatever lies it enjoys hearing.
The public is an old woman. Let her maunder and mumble. -- Thomas Carlyle
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius
The puck sneaks past a stunned @TOLAST@!
The puck sneaks past a stunned Bullitt!
The puck sneaks past a stunned Orville!
The pucks stops here, and boy does it hurt!
The pump don't work cause the vandals stole the handle. - B. Dylan
The puppy followed me home, mom. Can we eat him?
The pure & the simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. - Butler
The pure and simple truth is rarely ever pure and simple.
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. - Oscar Wilde
The pure and the simple truth is rarely pure and never simple
The purification of politics is an iridescent dream.
The purple cows just left! And they took my sanity!
The purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to life
The purpose of art is to hold a mirror up to life. Life obviously needs more sleep
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers. - Hamming
The purpose of diplomacy is to prolong crisis. ÄÄSpock
The purpose of freedom is to create it for others
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
The purpose of life is life with a purpose
The purpose of sex is for woman to obtain orgasm and man not to.
The purpose of the movie is revealed. -- Joel Robinson
The purpose. Of this paragraph. Is to apologize. -David Moser
The purse and the sword ought never to get into the same hands. Mason
The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement. - George Will
The pyramid is opening!
The pyramids will not last a moment compared with the daisy. - D. H. Lawrence
The qotc (quote of the con) was Liz's: "My brain is paged out to my liver"
The qualities that most attract a woman to a man are usually the same ones she can't stand years later
The quality goes in before the macro comes out
The quality goes in before the recipe goes on.
The quality of a champagne is judged by the amount of noise the cork makes when it is popped
The quality of life is determined by its activities. - Aristotle
The quality of our thoughts is bordered on all sides by our facility with language. --J. Michael Straczynski
The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important. - Martin Luther King, Jr
The quartermaster has only two sizes, too large and too small.
The quartermaster has two sizes; too large & too small
The quartermaster only has two sizes, too large and too small.
The queen says no to pot-smoking FBI members.
The quest for enlightenment is dangerous to the caterpillar,
The quest for knowledge is the longest one, for it never ends.
The quest for knowledge will not end until I breath my last breath.
The quest for youth, Number One, is so futile. -Picard
The question I'm asked most often is.. Huh?
The question is "What is 6 times 9?" Explains a lot, eh?
The question is NOT "What time is it" but "Is it too LATE?"
The question is do you have the courage to back it up? - G'Kar
The question is too suppository.,,,,,
The question is, how to get the tiger BACK to the jungle. - Calvin
The question is, where? Kira
The question is....should it be sooner, or later? - Intendant
The question is: "(2 * B!) OR NOT(2 * B!)"
The question isn't "are you paranoid," but "are you paranoid enough?"
The questions remain the same. The answers are eternally variable
The quick HST modem jumped over the lazy 2400 baud one.
The quick and easy is the way of the Dark Side
The quick basic fox jumped over the elderly fortran dog.
The quick brown bull jumped on the lazy cow
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back 1234567890 times.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.
The quicke brwn fx jumpd ovr - oh sorry, wrong program
The quickest way to a lawyer's heart is with a broadsword.
The quickest way to a man's heart is through his COCK!
The quickest way to a man's heart is through his chest, with an axe.
The quickest way to a man's heart is through his ribcage
The quickest way to a man's heart is with a broadsword.
The quickest way to a woman's heart is through her ribcage.
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket
The quickest way to end a war is to lose it. - George Orwell
The quickest way to get a doctor is to turn on the TV set
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. - Marcelene Cox
The quickest way to make your own anti-freeze is to hide her nightie
The quiet child awaits the day when she can break free
The quiet ones... they always look so innocent. -- Guinan
The quieter you become the more you can hear
The rabbit choked to death on cereal. I guess Trix *ARE* just for kids.
The rabbit did WHAT??????
The rabbit is a timid and nourishing animal
The rabbit's WHAT? Quick! Give it CPR!!
The rabid dog says,"Moooooo!"
The race can't start until the fat lady sings
The race can't start until the fat lady singsThe race from stupidity is to the driven, not the swift
The race for QUALITY has no finish line.
The race from stupidity is to the driven, not the swift.
The race is not always to the swift but to those who keep on running.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong - but that's the way to bet. - DAMON RUNYON
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet 'em
The race is not always to the swift... but that"s the way to bet. -- Runyon
The race is over. The rats won!
The racecourse is as level as a billiard ball. - John Francombe
The radar goes inop just before you crash
The radiation from that ship is very high, said Geordi with great inte
The radiation shield on your monitor has failed. Please move back 10 feet
The radical element of justice is equality
The radio craze ... will die out in time. - Thomas Edison, 1922
The radio craze will die out in time.
The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
The rain fell slow, down on all the roofs of uncertainty
The rain in Spain falls mainly ... down.
The rain it raineth on the just, and on the unjust
The rain it raineth on the just/ -Charles, Baron Bowen
The randiest of the gastropods is the limpet.
The rane in Spane stase manely in the planes
The rare moments of divine revelations are moments of special gifts
The rat cannot call the cat to account
The rat race is over - the rats won!
The ratchet wheel of politics is self-destructive greed.
The rate at which a disease spreads through a corn field is a precise measurement of the speed of blight
The rate of expansion is increasing. - Dax
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays the illiterates can read. -- Alberto Moravia
The raw power of a casual slap! - Tom on fight scene
The rayn in Spayn stays maynly in the playns
The reader this message encounters not failing to understand is cursed.
The readings are perfectly normal for _me_, doctor. - Spock
The real character of a man is found out by his amusements.
The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like machines
The real discrimination against women is "free feeding."
The real fountain of youth is to have a dirty mind
The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. -Lichtenburg
The real in us is silent; the acquired is talkative
The real in us is silent; the acquired is talkative. <Gibran>
The real man is the one that walks away...standing
The real measure of a man's worth is-- how much would he be worth if he lost all his money?
The real measure of a mans wealth is what he has invested in eternity.
The real measure of wealth is what you have invested in eternity
The real money is in starting your own religion. - L. Ron Hubbard
The real objective of a committee isn't to reach a decisi
The real objective of a committee isn't to reach a decision but to avoid
The real outrage today isn't what's illegal. It's what is legal
The real penalty for bigamy is having two mothers-in-law!
The real problem with Baptists is that they don't hold them under long enough
The real problem with hunting elephants is carrying the decoys
The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking. -- Christopher Morley
The real reason psychology is hard is that psychologists are trying to do the impossible
The real secret password is much more obvious than the ones you imagine
The real thing doesn't advertise.
The real trauma of Vietnam is the lack of appreciation.
The real trick to carrying on is not getting carried away.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music
The real trouble with women is that they have *all* the pussy
The real universe is always one step beyond logic
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
The real winner is the American public - Tom on debate
The real world is NOT user friendly!
The real world is a special case
The real world is a special case -- Richard Feynman
The real world is a special case.
The real world is not user-friendly.
The real world is only an illusion.
The reality check is in the Email
The reality is: I still have a Nehru jacket in the closet.
The reality of a place is what people remember of it.
The reality of the Clinton Presidency is damning enough. - PJ O'Rourke
The reality you dialed is not in service. Please check the value of pi or consult your local deity
The reality you have dialed is not in service. Please check
The realityUdialed is !in service.Please check value of pi or consult local deity
The realityUdialed is not in serv.Pls chk value of pi or consult UR local deity.
The realization hit her only moments before the pavement did.
The really big-time crooks don't break laws; they make them.
The really happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour
The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour
The really scary part is that we care about this stuff
The rear of the ship is burning, Tom said sternly
The reason AlGore keeps his head above water? Because wood floats
The reason American cities are prosperous is that there
The reason American cities are prosperous is that there is no place to sit down. - Alfred J. Talley
The reason Roman Catholics are allowed to use the rhythm method of birth control is that it doesn't work
The reason cars are better than women is their higher resale value
The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much.
The reason for birth control : Bart Simpson !
The reason for the Second Amendment is becoming more and more obvious
The reason for this exercise is beyond my comprehension.--Odo
The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along
The reason grandparentsand grandchildren get along so well is they have a common enemy.-Sam Levenson
The reason husband and wives do not understand each other is because they belong to different sexes. (Dorothy Dix)
The reason husband and wives do not understand each other is because they belong to different sexes. (Dorothy Dix)
The reason lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place isn't there the second time,,,
The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise. - Roger Simon
The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise. - Roger Simon
The reason of the law is the soul of the law
The reason people sweat is so they won't catch fire when making love. -- Don Rose
The reason talk is cheap is because supply exceeds demand.
The reason that God was able to create the world in seven days is that he didn't have to worry about the installed base
The reason that every major university maintains a department of mathematics is that it's cheaper than institutionalizing all those people
The reason that evil prevails is that good people are too busy having fun
The reason that people here get lost in thought is because it's such unframiliar territory
The reason that sex is so popular is that it"s centrally located
The reason the all-American boy prefers beauty to brains is that the all-American boy can see better than he can think. - Farrah Fawcett
The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing. --Phyllis Diller
The reason the government thinks you're just a
The reason the government thinks you're just a
The reason the way of the sinner is hard is because it is so crowded
The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it. --George Carlin
The reason they're called wisdom teeth is that the experience makes you wise
The reason we're all here is because we're dead-every living one of us.
The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything. --Walter Bagehot
The reason why some women over fifty have so many aches and pains is because they're over sixty
The reason why some women over fifty have so many aches and pains is because they're over sixty
The reason why worry kills more people than work does is that more people worry than work
The reason you have a inferiority complex is because you are inferior.
The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him.The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself. All progress depends on the unreasonable man. --George Bernard Shaw
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
The rebels are routed sir...they're fleeing into the woods
The recession is over! Go back to your homes
The recidivism rate from capital punishment is ZERO!
The recipe Echo where recipes ARE the message.
The recipe I put here was too good ** Sysop deleted it
The recipe of Tommorrow............Today!
The recipe says a pinch of spice. I thought it said a 'pound'.
The record for climbing Ayers Rock is 12 mins. It took me 45; I'm slow
The records, his testimony, it's all here. Sheridan
The red blindfold would be lovely, Your Excellency.
The red menace in America is sunburn
The red slaughter had reached the last bastion of civilization
The red tide kisses the shore Red Tide
The red zone is for loading and reloading your guns only
The redhead held me spellbound in the night
The reels are changing. Kiss her! -- Crow T. Robot
The reels are changing. Kiss her! - Crow
The referee penalised the team for unnecessary roughage
The refrigerator light DOES go off. Now let me out of here.
The refrigerator light DOES go out, now get me out!
The refrigerator light DOES go out. NOW LET ME OUT!!
The refrigerator light DOES go out. Now let me out of here!
The refrigerator light DOES go out. Now let me out!
The refs are always in the wrong.
The registered copy don't work either?
The registration check is in the mail!
The reliability of your combat sims will be inversely proportional to the criticality of the battle
The religion of Hell is patriotism . . . . James Branch Cabell
The religion of one seems madness unto another.
The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The religions of the world are the ejaculations of a few imaginative men. - Emerson
The religions we call false were once true. - Emerson
The religious never ascribe common sense to God
The religious right isn't.
The remaining work to finish in order to reach your goal increases as the deadline approaches. - Bove's Theorem
The renowned Tholian punctuality. Spock
The rent is cheap, the pay is decent, and I get to make my own hours.
The repairman will never have seen a model quite like you
The repairman won't have seen a model like yours before
The replicators on decks 4 thru 9 are producing nothing but cat food.
The report of my death was an exaggeration. - Mark Twain
The report said he was quite talkative. - Kirk
The reports of OS/2's death are greatly exaggerated
The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. - Mark Twain
The required tool is probably out of stock
The researcher dug up my family tree & now wants more $ to cover it up
The resposibilty of tolerance lies with those that have the wider vision. - George Eliot
The rest is classified. I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you
The rest is silence. (Hamlet, Shakespeare)
The rest of the world can go milk a duck
The rest of the world thinks America is the land of the free. At least they never pay for all they get from us
The rest of the world thinks I'm out to get them
The rest of this is an issue to be settled between yourselves - Picard
The rest of this tagline is encryp*&l#1E0+=|>fcd}85^7@jowxz*7"[=-
The rest of us have been gone 1000 years. Eline
The restaurants in hell only serve tofu.
The result of improved and enlarged communications is a vastly increased area of misunderstanding
The result of shielding men from folly is to fill the world with fools
The result of years of careful inbreeding
The result of years of progra@I_. '?SYNTAX ERROR
The result of your IQ test is negative
The result so far is excellent. - Al Gore on Haiti 10-9-96
The result was a wrecked ship and a dead crew. Spock
The results of Anesthesia's IQ test were negative
The results of gov't efficiency report to be published in 2007
The results of my I.Q. test came back. They're negative!
The results of your IQ test are back--they are negative.
The results of your IQ test came back negative.
The results of your IQ test have come back. They are negative.
The results of your IQ test were negative.
The return makes one love the farewell
The return of the Outbound Flight Project!
The reverse side also has a reverse side
The reverse side also has a reverse side <Japanese proverb>
The reverse side also has a revesre side
The revolution will NOT be televised!
The revolution will not be a three-part, prestige-format miniseries
The revolution will not be televised.
The reward for a good deed is to have done it.
The reward for a job well done is more work.
The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.
The reward for working hard is more hard work
The reward for your capture has reached fifty thousand dollars
The reward of a thing well done is to have done it
The reward of a thing well done is to have done it -- Ralph W. Emerson
The reward of a thing well done is to have it done.
The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift - is taxes. - W.Feather
The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift - is taxes.
The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift--is taxes. William Feather
The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.
The rhino is all that's left of the unicorn... -- Kreutzer
The rich are the scum of the earth in every country. --G.K. Chesterton
The rich aren't like us; they pay less taxes.
The rich care ONLY about themselves
The rich get lawyers, the rest get ammunition.
The rich get rich, and the poor get poorer. The haves get more, the have-nots die
The rich get richer and the poor get kids.
The rich get richer; the poor get babies.
The rich never spent their tax money at your business
The rich should pay more...and the poor should hire more!
The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their bac
The richer your friends, the more they will cost you
The riches that are in the heart cannot be stolen. - Russian Proverb
The richest ones are those who need the least, not who have the most
The richest rewards come from helping others with no thought for reward.
The rifts' gotten large enough to pick up onscreen. - Dax
The right answer is worthless with the wrong question !
The right computer finally came along. McCoy
The right face, the wrong time for love.
The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right mind
The right line is always preferred to the collateral
The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law
The right of election is the very essence of the constitution.
The right of survivorship is preferred to a last will
The right of survivorship is preferred to encumbrances
The right selection! Protect your erection
The right selection, check your erection
The right selection, is to protect your erection
The right selection. Check your erection.
The right side of the wrong side of the tracks - Crow
The right to arms is freedom's insurance policy
The right to be free includes the right to be different
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously. - Hubert Humphrey
The right to be heard doesn't include the right to be taken seriously
The right to be left alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom.
The right to be left alone is the beginning of freedom
The right to be left alone is the root of all freedom
The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom. -- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
The right to burn the flag is the best reason not to
The right to buy guns is the right to be free
The right to keep and bear arms is the right to be free
The right to own weapons is the right to be free
The right to revolt has sources deep in our history
The right to revolt has sources deep in our history. -- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
The right to revolt has sources deep in our history. --William O. Douglas
The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy. -Howard Pyle
The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
The right tools can make any rental car a convertible.
The right woman can make life bearable
The right word might be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause. - Mark Twain
The rigor or height of law, is the height of wrong
The rings of Saturn are actually composed of lost airline luggage
The rings of Saturn are composed of lost airline baggage
The rings of Saturn are made up entirely of lost airline luggage.
The ripest fruit falls first.
The ripest fruit falls first. -- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"
The ripest fruit falls first..
The rising people, hot and out of breath,
The risk is that it won't work. Doctor
The riskier the road, the greater the profit
The riskier the road, the greater the profit -- ROA #62
The riskier the road, the greater the profit. - 62nd Rule
The river has awoken, Emissary. - Yarka
The river has gotten rough, Tom said rapidly.
The river speaks. Corn listens. Potatos merely observe
The river was deep but I swam it
The river's flowing, Goddess giving birth
The rivers are full of crocodile nasties
The riveting horse-mounting scene - Crow
The riveting horse-mounting scene. -- Crow T. Robot
The road ahead? Ask those coming back!
The road is my dinner plate. -- Ratbat
The road is my playpen; cars are my toys! -- Runamuck
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -- Blake
The road to Auschwitz was built by hate but paved by indifference. - Professor Aron Rodrigue
The road to Bell is paved with good inventions.
The road to Hades is easy to travel. -- Bion
The road to Hel is a good Loki-ation
The road to Hell is paved with politicians
The road to Hell is paved with unbought stuffed dogs
The road to Liberal Utopia is paved with good intentions!
The road to a friend's house is never difficult nor long.
The road to a friend's house is never long. - Danish Proverb
The road to enlightenment is long & hard-so take snacks and a magazine
The road to happiness is paved with Thorazine.
The road to hell is paved with NAND gates
The road to hell is paved with NAND gates. -- J. Gooding
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And littered with sloppy analysis!
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. (KARL MARX)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. - Samuel Johnson
The road to hell is paved with government subsidies
The road to hell is paved with legislation.
The road to hell is paved with milestones.
The road to hell is suffering from a traffic jam
The road to ignorance is paved with good editions
The road to ignorance is paved with good editions. -G.B. Shaw
The road to knowledge........Exit only
The road to madness is loud... and goes through my room!
The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
The road to success is always under construction.
The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.
The road to success is under construction
The road to the patent office is paved with good inventions.
The road to to success is always under construction..
The road to understanding is a long, hard path; I was adv
The road to understanding is a long, hard path; I was advised to take my
The road to understanding is a long, hard path; I was advised to take my lunch and a change of clothes. Wayne Sorge/1981
The road was long but I ran it
The road's risen up to meet me, and it won't go back down.
The roar of hot dogs, the smell of the crowd
The rock extruded a head and said, "Bugger off, you evil sod."
The rock is warmer here. Janeway
The rock of reality is amazingly slippery
The rock of the gospel is either Amen or Oh me.
The rocket becomes engorged with astronauts - Joel
The rocket becomes engorged with astronauts... -- Joel Robinson
The rod of discipline applied to the seat of understanding!
The roof is about to collapse, Tom upheld
The room was lit by the soft glow of featherlight.
The rooster may crow but the hen delivers
The root of all evil makes a fairly good tea
The root of all evil makes a pretty good tea.
The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits but not when it misses. - Francis Bacon
The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits,
The root purpose of government is to enable public goods
The rootenest tootenest movie ever! - Joel
The rootenest tootenest movie ever! -- Joel Robinson
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. -- Aristotle
The roots of honesty and virtue lie in a good education.
The rose of yore is but a name, mere names are left to us
The rosier the news, the higher the rank of the official who announces it
The roundest knight at the round table? Sir Cumference!
The ruiner's your only friend, well he's the living end - NIN
The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane. - Mark Twain
The rule is to regard the intention rather than the words
The rule is, get a bigger one than you think you need.
The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today. -- Lewis Carroll
The rule of law is too precious to entrust to shysters.
The rule on staying alive as a forcaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
The rules are subject to change at any time at moderator's whim
The rules are that there are no rules!
The rules of Love are written in blood and smudged with tears
The rules stay the same, the game changes.
The ruling passion, be it what it will, The ruling passion conquers reason still. - Alexander Pope
The runners and midnight creepers could be gathered up later
The sacred chalice of Riix is an old pot with mold growing in it.
The sacred cows have come home to roost with a vengeance.
The sacred lies in the ordinary.
The sacrifice of *men's* lives have led to *everyone's* survival.
The sacrifices the Prophets call on us to make are sometimes great
The sad thing about Apogee bashing is it's all true
The sad thing about Clinton bashing is that it's all *true*.
The sad thing about Clinton bashing is that it's all _TRUE_.
The sad thing about Windows bashing is it's all true.
The sad thing about a Kitten is that it grows into a Cat.
The sad thing about windows bashin is it's all true!
The saddest about Windows bashing: it's true!
The saddest moment in a person's life comes but once
The saddest of words: I always wanted to but never did
The saddest thing in life is wasted Mail Packets
The safest form of contraceptive for Programers is their
The safest place is behind a BFG9000 - Unknown Virtual Reality Fanatic
The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket. - Kin Hubbard
The safety net has turned into a hammock. - Rush Limbaugh
The safety of Babylon 5 is more important than any of her crew. Sinclare
The safety of the Enterprise is of Paramount importance - Picard
The safety of the people is the supreme law
The same 2 keys are used to do everything
The same accidents often happen to different people. - Machiavelli
The same as in Panama - Peer Eskeland
The same as it ever was
The same clutter that'll fill a 1 car garage will fill a 2 car garage.
The same could said about your butt, if you don't look at it =)
The same hands that cook your food clean the cigarette butts out of this
The same is always referred to its next antecedent
The same moon shines, the same wind blows for both of us, and time is but a paper moon. - Queen
The same old story all over again - Q
The same qualities that make me so charming have also made me unemployable
The same sorry numskulls *will* elect Clinton president twice!
The same thing we do every night Pinky, Try to Takeover the World!
The sand is like a razor/Slashing at my face... Utopia's "Caravan"
The sasquatch is my friend.
The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone
The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone: the civilized man to idols of flesh and blood. - George Bernard Shaw
The savage in man is never quite eradicated. - Henry David Thoreau
The savior becomes the victim
The scalded cat fears even cold water.
The scalded cat fears even cold water. <Thomas Fuller>
The scantily clad prey - Tom as girl in slip runs by
The scariest words known to man: "We need to talk".
The scattered crates add to the ambience - Mike
The scattered tea goes with the leaves and every day a sunset dies. - William Faulkner (Intruder in the Dust)
The scene they always show on That's Hollywood - Mike
The scene they always show on `That's Hollywood'... - Nelson
The scenery changes only for the lead dog.
The scenery only changes for the lead dog!
The scenery only changes for the lead dog. (the Law of th
The scent of love; more than a million roses bloom
The sceptre seems to subside. You hear a high whine, as of capacitors beginning to recharge
The schlemiehl lands on his back and bruises his nose. YP
The school called. Everyone hates you. -- Crow T. Robot
The school of hard knocks has an accelerated curriculum
The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curriculum <Menander>
The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curriculum.
The school team's cheerleader has atheletes fetus
The science of today is the technology of tomorrow!
The scientist has no corner on wisdom or morality.
The scientists are a couple dickweeds! - Joel & Bots
The scientists are barking down my snorkel - Joel on Mads
The scooters are not for the devout.
The score didn't really reflect the outcome.
The score is now Deep Space-9, Babylon-5 & Earth-2
The score just in: Deep Space 9, Babylon 5, VR5, and Earth 2
The score so far: Deep Space 9 - Babylon 5 - Earth 2.
The screen is mightier than the sword.
The scum also rises. -- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
The scum build-up on your keyboard is called carpal poo-poo.
The scum build-up on your mouse pad is rat poo-poo.
The sea hath bounds, but deep desire hath none.
The seabird hater left no tern unstoned.
The seafood is always fresh, even in Nebraska
The seal of the First Citizen, RANDALL FLAGG by name. - The Stand
The sealing kiss of hot lead. How I missed you.. - Apu
The search for truth is more precious than its possession . - Albert Einstein
The search for truth is the most important work in the world, and also the most dangerous . - dialogue from the movie The Fly
The search itself is often reward enough. - Dax
The searcher for pearls doesn't fear the mud.
The second album...12 Gracious melodies
The second ammendment ain't about shoot'en deer!
The second best policy is dishonesty
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it. - Jackie Gleason
The second gunman on the grassy knoll was$^!#$^@ NO CARRIER
The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half. --Fyodor Dostoevsky
The second hardest thing on earth wears the hardest on her finger.
The second hardest thing on earth wears the hardest on her finger.
The second most preposterous notion is that copulation is inherently sinful. -L. Long
The second mouse gets the cheese.
The second myth of management is that success equals skill.
The second rule of intelligent tinkering is to read the docs.
The second shortest man in the scriptures was Nehemiah, the Shoe-Height.
The second sport was tennis, when Moses served in Pharoah's Court.
The second word makes the quarrel. - Japanese proverb
The secret back room of your aunt's house - Tom
The secret is in the rinse cycle.
The secret is to BANG the rocks together, guys
The secret is to bang the rocks together, guys! Sub-etha radio
The secret is to find out what people really want and then call it self-awareness
The secret of Life is &^":* '' NO CARRIER
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending and having the two as close together as possible. --George Burns
The secret of being a bore is to tell everything- Voltaire
The secret of being a bore is to tell everything- Voltaire
The secret of contentment is realizing that life is a gift not a right.
The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.
The secret of eternal youth is arrested development.
The secret of eternal youth: never mellow.
The secret of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage. - Thucydides
The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring.
The secret of happiness is total disregard of everybody
The secret of healthy hitchhiking is to eat junk food
The secret of joy is the mastery of pain. --Anais Nin, writer [1903-1977]
The secret of life is a nectarine. -- Q
The secret of life is a nectarine. -- Q
The secret of life is to look good at a distance. -- Snoopy
The secret of life is... a nectarine.
The secret of life is... a nectarine. 2000-year-old man
The secret of patience is doing something else in the meantime
The secret of popularity is confidence - W. Allen
The secret of saving time is: attempt less
The secret of selling yourself is to have a product you t
The secret of selling yourself is to have a product you truly believe in
The secret of staying young is finding an age that you really like and then sticking with it
The secret of staying young is good health and lying about your age.
The secret of success is constancy of purpose. - Benjamin Disraeli
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made.
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made. -- Jean Giraudoux
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made.
The secret of success is this: there is no secret of success. - Elbert Hubbard
The secret of success is to be the one who keeps score.
The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.
The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows. - Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975)
The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.
The secret of the universe is @*#^^^ NO CARRIER
The secret of the universe is @^%i@&$# ^m !$#@NO CARRIER
The secret of the universe is a nectarine?
The secret of the universe is...a nectarine. -Q
The secret of the universe isConnection Lost
The secret of the universe is~~*#~** FF * NO CARRIER
The secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow; there is no humor in Heaven. -- Mark Twain
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God
The secret to Immortality is .%^&*$ DROPPED CARRIER
The secret to a happy marriage remains a secret -- Henny Youngman
The secret to a long life is knowing when it's time to go.
The secret to a long life: "Don't die!"
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources - Albert Einstein
The secret to dealing successfully with people is sincerity. Once you can fake sincerity, you've got it made
The secret to dieting is not to eat between snacks.
The secret to dieting: don't eat between snacks.
The secret to electronics is: keep the smoke IN the wires
The secret to happy life is keeping the dishes done. But what a task!
The secret to immortality is %^^^@### NO CARRIER
The secret to patience is doing something else in the meantime.
The secret to success in life is to not tell people everything you know
The secret, oh innocent supplicant, is that there is no secret
The secretary will disavow any knowledge
The secrets to music
The security of The J'Nai...they bother me -- Worf
The security of The J'Nai...they bother me -- Worf
The security of the Enterprise is of Paramount Studios
The security of the Enterprise is of Paramount importance
The seed of love must be continually resown.
The seeking is the goal and the search is the answer
The self inflicted lie: "This should be easy."
The self-employed person is uniquely in a position to define success however he pleases
The self-made man worships his creator
The selfish heart deserves the pain it feels
The selling revolution will NOT be televised - Mike
The semi-conscious mind is a tricky thing.
The seminar on Advanced Time Travel will be held a week ago.
The seminar on Time Travel will be held two weeks ago.
The seminar on time travel will be held last Tuesday
The sensation you are feeling... is called the Quickening
The sense of adventure is changing to danger.
The sensual and the dark rebel, in vain
The sensuous pagan ritual begins - Crow on teens
The sentence for getting pregnant...20 years hard labor
The sentence is death. Let the trial begin. --Tribunal.
The series isn't canceled; it's another one of Q's stupid pranks!
The series isn't cancelled, it's another of Q's pranks!!
The series isn't cancelled; it's another one of Q's stupid pranks!
The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. -- Genesis 3:14
The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field
The serpent's eyes looked back at him from the green velvet table
The service here is great, even in a fight! -- Crow T. Robot
The service on this ship is just terrible, Scully. - Mulder
The session ain't over until the Zamboni comes out.
The session ain't over until the Zamboni driver kicks us off the ice
The setting is Ancient England. Janeway on the Victorian Era
The seven dwarfs were feeling happy in the bath - so he got out
The seven words you can never, ever say are f
The seven year itch comes from fooling around during the fourth, fifth, and sixth years
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to one's reach.
The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach
The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach. - Steven Wright
The sex act is the funniest thing on the face of this Earth. - Diana Rigg
The sex life of a fish is nothing to brag about.
The sex was so good even the neighbors had a cigarette.
The sex was so good even the neighbors lit cigarettes!
The sex was so good that even the neighbors had a cigarette
The sex was so good the neighbors lit cigarettes!
The sex was so good, even the neighbours had a cigarette.
The sexes are equal with their erogenous zones blown sky-high!
The sexual revolution is over. The microbes won
The shabbiest truth is better than a well-dressed lie
The shadow of reason lurks in the mind of the insane.
The shadow of your :-)
The shadow's are comming! They're here. They are called Congress.
The shadows we see on the walls in front of us come from the flashlight we hold behind us. - David Nicoll
The shadows where the Mewlips dwell are dark and wet as ink.
The shadowy figure seems to be trying to get your attention.
The shaking of its leafy head/Has given the waves their melody.<Yeats>
The shameful expulsion from the chess club - Dr. F
The shape I'm in... you could donate my body to SCIENCE FICTION!
The shareware concept is supposed to be mutually beneficial
The sharing part of Genealogy is fun!
The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses
The sheep died in the wool
The sheep rustler who broke out of jail is now on the lamb
The sheep that fly over your head are soon to land.
The sheer number of minds to be coordinated affects the cost of the effort. - Brooks, p.30
The sheer, natural uzi - Joel as girl shoots gun
The sheer, natural uzi. -- Joel Robinson
The shells she sells... -- Sliding Die Box
The shifts of Fortune test the reliability of friends
The shifts of Fortune test the reliability of friends. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
The ship calls to him. He'll be back. -- Crane
The ship feels wrong. - Scotty
The ship is docked, said Tom importantly.
The ship is no longer tilting, Tom said listlessly
The ship is of MGM importance...er... - Picard
The ship is on evacutaion alert. - Data
The ship is too big. If I walk the movie would be over. -Skroob
The ship of state is the only ship that leaks at the top
The ship will automatically destruct in T - 5 minutes. <Mother>
The ship's breaking up- get one of Kira's symbols of strength & unity!
The ship's drifting ashore and I can't stop it said Tom cantankerously
The ship, it sang to me. - Dr. Jackobs
The ship, it's changing
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. - Douglas Adams
The shoes got into the barn? - Crow as guy lisps 'shrews'
The shopkeeper is as angry as ever
The shorter the life of the particle, the more it costs to produce
The shortest answer is doing.
The shortest distance between any two puns is a straight line
The shortest distance between new friends is a smile.
The shortest distance between two Points is a BossNode.
The shortest distance between two friends is a smile.
The shortest distance between two points is a hot-loaded .44 Mag
The shortest distance between two points is always under construction.
The shortest distance between two points is closed for construction
The shortest distance between two points is generally und
The shortest distance between two points is how far apart they are
The shortest distance between two points is off the wall.
The shortest distance between two points is through Hell. - Brian Clark
The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
The shortest distance between two points is under construction. --Noelie Altito
The shortest distance between two points is usually under
The shortest distance between two points is usually under construction
The shortest distance between two points usually has a bridge out
The shortest distance between two puns ... is a straight line.
The shortest route always has the steepest hills
The shortest route between two points is always under construction.
The show Quantum- ... I can't say it, or I'd be sued. Ä Freakazoid
The show hasn't started yet, you clueless fashion victims! - Dot
The show isn't canceled... Q's is just playing a joke on us.
The show must go on
The show-off is always shown up in a show-down
The shower is the greatest invention. I don't like to take a bath.I don't like to wash my face in the water I've been sitting in. --Lewis Grizzard
The shower is, for me, a great source of creativity. -- Butler
The shower is, for me, a great source of creativity. -- Butler
The shower is, for me, a great source of creativity.-J.B.Knowitall
The shower's a great invention.I don't like to take a bath & wash my face in water I'm sitting in.
The shrew that was in the world of shadow has returned
The shrew that was in the world of shadow has returned
The shuttle's being released. Chakotay
The sicker you get, the harder it is to remember if you took your medicine. --George Carlin
The side with the simplest uniforms win.
The side with the simplest uniforms wins. 'Maj Mark Cancian
The side with the simplest uniforms, wins.
The sight of death frightens them [Earthers].
The sight of death frightens them [Earthers]. -- Kras the Klingon, "Friday's Child"
The sight of death frightens them. --Kurn.
The sight of her cleavage cut deeper in my heart than a sword.
The sign I was born under said "Maternity Ward."
The sign I was born under said No Parking
The sign of a confident scientist: Often wrong, never in doubt.
The sign said "WET FLOOR" so I did
The sign said "Wet Cement" so I did
The sign said "eight items or less". So I changed my name to Les.
The sign said "eight items or less". So I changed my name to Les. - Steven Wright
The sign said WET FLOOR, so I did...
The sign said eight items or less. So I changed my name to Les.
The sign said, "Drink Canada Dry". How stupid can they get?
The sign said, "SLOW CHILDREN"... how sad for the neighborhood!
The sign said: Stop, Look, Listen, and while I did the train hit me.
The significance of a man is not in what he attains, but rather what he longs to attain. - Khalil Gibran
The significant owl hoots in the night.
The significant word in the phrase is "unknown."
The similarities between me and my father are different. Y. Berra's Son
The simple answers are invariably the least obvious.
The simple explanation always follows the complex solution
The simple inherit folly. Others seek it
The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence. - Edward Thomas
The simple things are always hard.
The simple things are always hard. 'Murphy
The simple unadulterated truth is that you plain women are unadulterated
The simple-minded use of the notions 'right and wrong' is one of the chief obstacles to the progress of understanding. - Alfred North Whitehead
The simplest diuretic iz polydipsia.
The simplest explanation is that it just doesn't make sense
The simplest explanation is that it just doesn't make sense
The simplest of tasks for T. Hewitt Edward Crow - Crow
The sin of Hubris is inevitably and inexorably followed by Nemesis. - Robert Townsend
The single most difficult move with a disc is to put it down. (Just one more throw)
The single note (ALT 013) is interpreted as a carriage return by most
The sins of the fathers are often visited upon the sons-in-law. - Joan Kiser
The sisters are doing it for themselves! -- Gypsy
The sitting writer writes, and having writ, sits on.
The situation called for immediate miracles
The six great gifts of an Irish girl are beauty, soft voice, sweet speech, wisdom, needlework, and chastity. -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
The six steps in a project: 1) Unbounded enthusiasm 2) To
The six steps in a project: 1) Unbounded enthusiasm 2) Total disillusionment 3) PANIC!!! 4) Frantic search for the guilty 5) Punishment of the innocent 6) Promotion of the uninvolved.
The sixth piece does not exist
The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick. [so say said sentence sextuply...]
The sixth sheikh's sixth sheep's sick.
The sixth shiek"s sixth sheep"s sick
The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick
The sixties were good to you, weren't they? - G.Carlin
The size of government is inversely proportional to its competence.
The size of the brain is no measure of its capacity
The size of those cobs is a-maize-ing! was Tom's corny joke.
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. --Edwin Schlossberg
The sky already fell. Now what?
The sky already fell. Now what?
The sky already fell. Now what? - Steven Wright
The sky does not interest me. Akaar
The sky is a poisonous garden tonight
The sky is as clear as Gary, Indiana - Crow
The sky is blue so we know where to stop mowing. -- Judge Harold T. Stone
The sky is crying. Can you see the tears roll down my nose?
The sky is falling!! ....No, I'm tipping over backwards.
The sky is falling, burning your eyes
The sky is falling... no, I'm tipping over backwards. - Steven Wright
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know -Zep
The sky is no longer the limit
The sky is not the limit. The ground is. Shut up and jump.-NO FEAR
The sky of the port was the color of television,
The sky was Bible black in Lyon when I met the Magdalene.
The sky was full of stars and every star an exploding ship--one of ours. --Sinclair
The sky was the colour of a television tuned to a dead channel.
The sky's the limit when your heart is in it.
The sleek shall inherit the Earth. -- Leadfoot
The sleek should inherit my girth.
The sleep of a laboring man is sweet. -- Ecclesiastes 5:12
The sleep of reason breeds monsters. - Goya
The sleeper has awakened.
The sleeper has awoken
The sleeping bud burst into bloom? - Phantom
The sleeping fox catches no poultry. - Benjamin Franklin
The slogan, 'Press on,' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. - Calvin Coolidge
The slow Dr Who, he has a retardis
The slow hand is dragging on, afraid to meet the dawn. - Deep Purple
The slow, dragging fingernail on the chalkboard of life
The slower you go, the longer it takes you to get over the hill.
The slower you work, the fewer misteaks you make.
The slowest checker is always at the quick check-out lane.
The slowest checker will be at the quick check-out line.
The smaller it is, the better chances we have. - Dax
The smaller the issue, the bigger the fight.
The smaller the print on things the more important it is.
The smallest bodily punishment is greater than any pecuniary one
The smallest circumstance may change the law
The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.
The smallest feline is a masterpiece. --Leonardo da Vinci
The smallest good deed is better than the best intent
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.
The smallest handcuff in the world is a wedding ring.
The smallest oceans still get big big waves - Pearl Jam
The smallest of good deeds exceeds the greatest of good intentions
The smallest possible twelve syllable tagline
The smallest worm will turn being trodden on. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
The smarter you are, the easier some vet's job is.
The smell of a crowded elevator is quite different to a midget
The smell of burning leather as we held each other tight
The smell of men enjoying themselves - Tom on wrestlers
The smog is really bad today, Orville cried breathlessly
The smog is really bad today, Tom cried breathlessly.
The smoke doesn't make it to the top of his chimney
The smoke. It is happiness with turtle meat
The smoker I drink, the player I get
The smoker you drink, the player you get.
The smoking of this document is not recommended
The smut was placed here by the Gideons - Mike
The smut's gonna blow! - Mike
The smut's gonna blow! -- Mike Nelson
The sneak attack is the first act of a coward. --Sinclair
The sniper is endangering my *private* medical files. - Hawkeye
The snow is really piling up outside.
The snow slithered down like a pair of badly made nylons.
The so-called lessons of history are for the most part the rationalizations of the victors. History is written by the survivors. -- Max Lerner
The society of women is the element of good manners. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The soft parade has now begun..!
The software is full of magical things patiently
The solar system has no anxiety about its reputation.
The soldier makes the glory of the general.
The soldier on KP ended up pan-handling.
The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran
The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble
The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble
The solemnities of law are to be observed
The solution any problem tends to change the problem.
The solution for inner-city overcrowding. Thermo-nuclear renewal
The solution for most problems is simply to simplify
The solution of problems is the most characteristic and peculiar sort of voluntary thinking. -- William James
The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an
The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader
The solution to a problem alters the problem
The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.
The solution to a problem changes the problem.
The solution to forgery is to outlaw possession of pens.
The solution to gay bashing is NOT Christian bashing.
The solution to middle east problems:DEL IRA*.*
The solution to the problem changes the problem.
The solving of a problem lies in finding the solvers
The son never sits on the brutish umpire
The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi. - Emperor
The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi. -- Palpatine
The song in my heart is not recognizable in my throat
The song remains the same" -Zep
The songs I loved as a teen are NOT GOLDEN OLDIES
The sooner all the animals are dead, the sooner we'll find their money
The sooner all the animals are dead, the sooner we'll find their money. -- Ed Bluestone, The National Lampoon
The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll
The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money
The sooner and in more detail you announce the bad news, the better
The sooner man begins to spend his wealth, the better he uses it
The sooner our happiness begins, the longer it will last. Miramanee
The sooner our happiness together begins, the longer it will last. -- Miramanee, "The Paradise Syndrome"
The sooner we can forget that FORTRAN ever existed, the better. --Dijkstra
The sooner we get out of Oz, the safer we'll be
The sooner you bury the dead, the sooner folks bring food
The sooner you fall behind the more time you'll have to catch up.
The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to cat
The sooner you get out of Oz, the safer you'll be
The sooner you make your first 5000 mistakes, the sooner you will be able to correct them. - Nicolaides
The sorry thing about Windows bashing is that it's true!
The soul is born old but grows young, Oscar Wilde
The soul that can speak through the eyes, can also kiss with a gaze. - Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals
The soul walks upon all paths. -Gibran
The soul would have no beauty if the eyes had no tears
The soul would have no heart had the eyes no tears
The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.
The soul's Rialto hath its merchandise. -- E. B. Browning
The sound of a Moderator reading mail:
The sound of a Moderator reading mail: <cr><cr><cr><cr><cr>
The sound of a SysOp reading mail <cr><cr><cr><cr><cr>
The sound of a SysOp reading mail: <cr><cr><cr><cr><cr>
The sound of a Sysop reading mail <cr><cr><cr><cr> <=The *T.A.*'s fave!
The sound of a Sysop reading mail <cr><cr><cr><cr><cr>
The sound of a Sysop reading mail <cr><cr><cr><cr> <=The *T.A.*'s fave!
The sound of a switchblade and a motorbike
The sound of glass speaks quick disdain.--Jim Morrison
The sound of laughter has always seemed to me the most civilised music in the universe. - Peter Ustinov
The sound of many hands clapping. Ol‚!
The sound of one hand clapping
The sound of one hand clapping is "cl." The other hand makes the "ap."
The sound of one hand clapping is that of a slap in the face
The sound of one hand clapping is very quiet
The sound of one hand clapping keeps me up at night.
The sound of one hand clapping.
The sound of the Clinton clock, TAX tax....TAX tax
The sound of the Democrat Party's clock, "TAX tax....TAX tax...."
The sound you just heard was that of your link being cut.
The sounds of Christmas: Honking horns
The source of all your power is Cuervo? -- Joel Robinson
The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best. - Thomas Jefferson
The space station is donated to a convent on the next Deep Space Nun
The sparrows are flying again
The sparrows are flying again -- Steven King.
The sparrows are flying again. You said someone's dead?
The speed of a non-working program is irrelevant. -- First law of optimization
The speed of anything depends on the flow of everything
The speed of light is defined to be EXACTLY 299,792,458 meters per second
The speed of light is just barely faster than the speed of cat
The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.
The speed of time is one second per second.
The speed of-? Uh,EXCUSE me? LINT,the fastest thing in the Universe!
The sphere appears to be abandoned, Captain. Data
The spice must flow
The spider keeps eating the credits - Joel
The spider keeps eating the credits... -- Joel Robinson
The spirit is weak, but the flesh is willing
The spirit is willing but the.flesh is weak!
The spirit lifted me up. Ez 11:1
The spirit of a misplaced childhood is rising to speak his mind
The spirit of the flame is the spirit of change
The spirit of this country is totally adverse to a large military force. - Thomas Jefferson
The spiritual life is not a theory. We have to *LIVE* it. BB, p.83
The spit valve's fallen off his trumpet again.
The spoils of war: Army food.
The spokesmen waffle & the jerk-offs complain/In a stream of rhetoric
The spoo is very fresh today. - G'Kar
The spores. They're gone. I don't belong anymore. - Spock
The sport is war! Total war! Where the end is a massacre!
The sports model has pull-back ears and her teeth fold in.
The squab is in the hole - Crow on secret mission
The squab is in the hole. -- Crow T. Robot
The squadron is upping it's standards.. So up yours!!
The square root of 69 is 8 something
The squeaking wheel doesn't always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced
The squeaky wheel awakens Cthulhu.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
The squeaky wheel gets the hammer
The squirrels are looking for nuts like you.
The stage is set, the band starts playin. Suddenly your heart is poundin
The stage is set, the green flag drops! - Larry
The stains in your shorts can indicate your future!
The stake goes through his heart not his MOUTH!
The standard deviation on reality has exceeded acceptable limits.
The stapler runs out of staples only while you are trying to staple something
The star of riches is shining upon you
The starboard ship's the real one. Janeway
The stars are not wanted now; put out everyone. -- Auden
The stars are right. Vote the Elder Party in 1996.
The stars are what binds the sky together - Caine
The stars aren't just up in the sky: they're all around us. Sisko
The stars blazed like the love of God, cold and distant - R. Zelazny
The stars get their brightness from the surrounding dark. - Dante
The stars look very different today
The stars were falling in every direction.
The stars will be a daisy chain
The starship U.S.S. Spinal Tap: "It goes to warp 11."
The starship's mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! -- Picard
The state calls its own violence, law. That of the individual, crime
The state exists at the sufferance of the people
The state law of Pennsylvania prohibits singing in the bathtub.
The state motto of Alaska: Brrrrrrrrrrr!
The state motto of Canada: Brrrrrrrrrrr!
The state of Denile is NOT in Egypt!
The state of innocence contains the germs of all future sin. -- Alexandre Arnoux, "Etudes et caprices"
The state will no longer have an official religion, the king decreed
The station is moving at 60 kilometers a second... - Ivanova
The station represents my mind. Bashir
The station that kids turn to
The stationary bus you've run for won't move for 15 minutes.
The stationary bus you've run for won't move for 15 minutes.
The statue got me high -- TMBG
The status of a person has no bearing on the arguments made
The steady state of disks is full
The steady state of disks is full. - Ken Thompson
The still mind of the sage is a mirror of heaven and earth.
The sting is on the hand of the bee-holder
The sting of a reproach is the truth of it
The stock footage is erupting! - Crow
The stock footage is erupting! -- Crow T. Robot
The stock market is going up, said Tom bullishly
The stomach expands to accommodate the amount of junk food available.
The stone that lieth not in your way need not offend you
The stories are woven and fortunes told.
The stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood
The stork delivers bundles of joy, the Messenger bundles of taglines.
The storms of our life prove the strength of our anchor
The story of R. F. Burns... SHOCKING! ð8-()
The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye... - Hendrix
The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye
The story of my life. Paris
The story of my life: To live every day of it!!!
The story of my life: don't know much about it
The story should be over. What's left? - Troi
The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created
The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent
The storyline in one tagline : Things happen. People die
The straight and narrow path has no traffic problems.
The stranger, the better.
The strangest of all birth defects is an inability to see
The strangest of all birth defects is an inability to see things my way
The strangest thing about television is that commercials are never interrupted by special bulletins
The straw that broke the camel's back, also made bricks
The stream's bed cannot hold the sea. -Rumi
The stream-of-unconsciousness BBS.
The street lights are on.. Gotta go
The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people who make them unsafe. - Philadelphia Mayor, Frank Rizzo
The streets are safe in Philadelphia. It's only the people who make them unsafe. - Frank Rizzo, mayor of Philadelphia
The streets are safe, it's only people who make them unsafe.
The streets here are safe, it's the people who make them unsafe. Rizzo
The streets were dark with something more than night. -- Raymond Chandler
The streets will run red with Santas!
The strength is in the sword, not in the arms. - Duncan MacLeod
The strength of woman lies in her ability to love.
The strength of women is psychology cannot explain them
The strength we gain is in direct proportion to the troubles we have to overcome
The strong give up and move away, while the weak give up and stay
The strongest part of any paper form is the perforation
The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice. - George Eliot
The strongest tyrant cannot crush freedom of thought. Brainstorm
The struggle _must_ remain between you and him. - Spock
The struggle for America's heart and soul has started. Where are you?
The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. - Milan Kundera
The student in question is performing minimally for his peer group and is an emerging underachiever
The student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.
The study of non-linear physics is like the study of non-elephant biology.
The stuff of the world is mind stuff. -- Arthur Eddington
The stupid argue; the talented talk; the wise are silent.
The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. - Thomas Szasz
The stupider it looks, the more important it probably is
The stupidest question is the one unasked.
The stupidest thing you can do is to out-smart the DM!
The stylus is more potent than the claymore.
The subatomic particles comprising this product are exactly the same.
The subject of today's political debate: politics. -- Nelson
The subject of today's political debate: Politics - Mike
The sublime and the ridiculous are closely related. - Paine
The subliminal message for today is
The subliminal message for today is " ."
The subliminal message for today is.
The submitted Taglines have been *S*W*I*P*E*D*! Thanks, Gord. :-)
The subspace field is losing itegrity. - Kira
The subtitle is So Easy, Even a Kindergardener Can Do It.-Jack Butler
The subtlety of nature is greater many times over than the subtlety of the senses and understanding . - Francis Bacon
The suburbs have no charms to soothe the restless dreams of you -RUSH
The success of any venture will be helped by prayer, even in the wrong denomination
The success of those we dislike proves that luck exists
The successful enjoyment of vice requires training and long practice
The successful leader does not talk down to people. He lifts them up
The suit--is it a suit or part of you?--Doc Mora
The sultan married 8 wives - four better and four worse.
The sum of a column of numbers is time dependant.
The sum of all knowledge begins at //
The sum of the IQ in the world is a constant. Population is growing.
The sum of the Universe is zero.
The sum of the intelligence of the planet is a constant....The population is increasing
The sum of the intelligence of the world is constant. The population is, of course, growing
The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant
The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing
The sum of the intelligence on this planet is a constant
The sum of the parts cannot be greater than the whole! Spock
The sum total of the national debt is some total.
The summer of my German humiliation - Tom
The summer wind demon, came blowing in - Mike sings
The summer's truly adult Hollywood movie: The Lion King -Toronto Star
The sun ain't yellow, its chicken. -- Bob Dylan
The sun always rises on the most tired people.
The sun and the moon change, but the Army knows no seasons
The sun comes up and that north wind blows.
The sun comes up too early for my liking!
The sun crept up into the crack o' dawn like cheap undies
The sun don't shine on the same dog all the time.
The sun doth not shine as bright as the light within her
The sun exploded and the Thing came out IN PIECES -HPL
The sun goes down just when you need it the most.
The sun got confused about daylight savings time. It rose twice. Everything had two shadows. - Steven Wright
The sun is a mass of incandescant gas -- TMBG
The sun is a mass of incandesent gas.
The sun is always shining, and it never, ever rains -Coverdale/Page
The sun is blinding at this latitude.
The sun is getting dim will we pay for who we been --Tori Amos
The sun is getting dim. Will I pay for who I've been? - Tori Amos
The sun is in the east even though the day is done -Pink Floyd
The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill.
The sun is not kind to plastic or people.
The sun is out/And I want some...Rock,Rock,Rockaway Beach Ramones
The sun is ris, the sun is set, and here I is in Florida yet.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older -Floyd
The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful, and so are you.
The sun isn't going down, the horizon is coming up,
The sun isn't the center of the universe. I AM!
The sun never sets in the east
The sun never sets on British race cars!.
The sun never sets on the British Empire. But it rises every morning. The sky must get awfully crowded
The sun never sets on those who ride into it. -- RKO
The sun really makes my day
The sun shines even on the most wicked of people.
The sun that burned a fiery red... the vision of an empty bed
The sun won't melt our wings tonight --U2
The sun's over the yardarm.
The sunlight and the moonlight are beyond my control.
The sunlights differ, but there is only one darkness. -- Ursula K. LeGuin, "The Dispossessed"
The sunshine of a single smile brightens any day.
The super let me in the back door
The superfluous is very necessary
The superfluous is very necessary -- Voltaire
The superfluous is very necessary.
The superfluous is very necessary. -- Voltaire
The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions. - Confucius
The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. -- Confucius
The supernatural is the natural not yet understood. - Elbert Hubbard
The supernova makes Mt. St. Helens and Krakatoa look puny. -- Time Magazine
The supply of government exceeds the demand.
The supply of truth has always exceeded the demand. -- Billings
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive
The surest protection against temptation is cowardice -- Mark Twain
The surest sign of intelligent life on other planets is that they haven't tried to contact us
The surest sign of wisdom is constant cheerfilness
The surest sign that a man is in love is when he divorces his wife.
The surest way to be late is to have plent of time. --- Leo Kennedy
The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.
The surest way to corrupt a young man is to teach him to esteem more highly those who think alike than those who think differently. - Nietzsche
The surest way to lie convincingly is to tell the truth unconvincingly
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
The surest way to remain a winner is to win once, and then not play any more
The surety of its hidden root/Has planted quiet in the night.<Yeats>
The surgeon general has determined the life causes death!
The suspense is just KILLIN' me. <bg> - Anna Steven
The suspense is killing me, said Arthur testily
The swallows know that on the 19th of March, the tourists come back to Capistrano. --George Carlin
The sweat in your eyes the blood in your veins are listening to me.
The sweat, the moonlight, and the lace
The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land -Floyd
The sweeter the wine, the harder to make the break
The sweetest honey isn't always in the highest tree.
The sweetest of all sounds is the meow of a cat
The sweetest of all sounds is the voice of a woman in love.
The sweetness of your words suck the morning dew off the honeysuckle
The swiftest horse cannot overtake a word once spoken-Chinese proverb
The swimmers are swimming out of their socks. - Sharron Davies, BBC
The swimming portion of the trucker triathalon - Crow
The swingingest joint since Jedi!
The sword has honor, the sword remembers -- Shingen
The sword of Damocles is hanging over my head
The sword of justice has no scabbard - Joseph de Maistre
The sword of truth is just another weapon
The sword of truth is the ultimate weapon.....VOTE !
The sword outwears it's sheath, and the soul outwears the Beast.
The symbol is not the same as the reality
The symbol of christianity is the founder killing himself. Think about it
The synapses are about that far apart
The sysop MADE me do it!
The sysop is out to get you.
The system has been overhauled, and all its major weaknesses have been
The system is going down now. Do your own thinking for the rest of the day
The system is not quite as rickety as I have been telling you
The system is not quite as rickety as I have been telling you. -- RALPH GORIN
The system is throwing up. Please wait.
The system manager has deleted your account, heh-heh
The system was down for backups from 5am to 10am last Saturday
The system will be down for 10 days for preventive maintenance
The systems designer suffer[s] because the better his system does its job, the less its users know of its existence. - Weinberg, p.124
The tag line ends here.
The tag-line generator is in the shop.
The tagline I put here was good, so the sysop deleted it.
The tagline I put here was good; it made sense. The sysop deleted it.
The tagline I put here was too good ÄÄ sysop deleted it
The tagline is mightier than the sword.
The tagline police are WATCHING you
The tagline thief strikes again!
The tagline was stupid, so I deleted it. - Your computer
The tagline was there, you just couldn't see it
The tagline which is stolen the most... wins!
The tagline you have reached has been disconnected
The tagline's here, the message is over.
The tail-light covers on your car are made of tape?
The taillight covers on my car were taped on...what's wrong with that?
The tailor was fired because he didn’t measure up.
The taller the bamboo grows, the lower it bends. - Chinese saying
The tangy taste of love that spews forth
The task of an educator should be to irrigate the desert not clear the forest
The taste of Zen is the taste of tea.
The taste of power has left you insane.
The tattoo on her forehead said, "Don't pull my ears."
The tax system is stacked against the average taxpayer.
The taxes of George III were small compared to those of today's Congress
The tea leaves say: You will find happiness in recipes.
The teacher has dishonoured the Celestial Temple. - Winn
The teachers that taught me weren't cool. Ä Beatles
The teat of a cow is the beginning of wisdom. --Tao of Co
The teddy bears are alive and they have six-inch fangs.
The teenage Andy Capp - Crow on dorky guy in cap
The teeth are where the skull shows through
The telegrapher's daughter didit, didit, didit
The telephone always rings just when you step into the shower.
The telephone always rings when you're in the bathroom.
The telephone is a good way to talk to people without having to offer them a drink. - Fran Lebowitz
The telephone pole was approaching. I was attempting to swerve out of its way when it struck the front end
The telephone will ring when you are outside
The telephone will ring when you are outside the door fumbling for your keys
The telephone will ring while you're in the bathroom
The temporary alternative to death is insecurity
The ten Commandments are not multiple choice.
The ten most feared words in the English language are: "Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help...."
The tension is mounting... and my nails are shortening
The tepid embrace tells me they're ready for marriage-Tom
The term "Cargo bay doors" is not currently in my lexicon!
The term "IBM compatible" is an oxymoron
The term "Liberal Thinktank" is an oxymoron.
The term "Speak in tongues" is not found in the Bible.
The term Liberal Think tank is an Oxymoron!
The term half-breed is somewhat applicable. - Spock
The term is 'amusement park.' - Spock
The term merchandise belongs to movable things only
The test of a good religion whether you can joke about it
The test of a good religion whether you can joke about it. -Chesterton
The test of a man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel. - George Bernard Shaw
The test of democracy is freedom of criticism.
The test of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. -- Aldo Leopold
The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children
The test: Behavior in times of controversy and challenge.
The theory of evolution was greatly objected to because it made men think
The theory of gravity is a lie. Things fall down because God sucks
The thief is sorry he is to be hanged, not that he is a thief.
The thief liked his eggs poached.
The thieves left the push lawn mower and hedge trimmers
The thin beige line between order and chaos. -- Lwaxana Troi
The thing I hate most about parking is that noisy crash!
The thing I like best about cats is that they don't bark.
The thing I like best about cats: THEY DON'T BARK!
The thing about common sense is, it ain't Common. Yup
The thing about commonsense is that it's not very common
The thing generally raised on city land is taxes.
The thing is, Gypsy's nude! -- Tom Servo
The thing most generally raised on land is taxes.
The thing that really separates us from the lower life-forms is our ability to use and enjoy small appliances
The thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble is sex
The thing to do is supply light and not heat. Woodrow Wilson
The thing tried to jump me so I had to kill it! -- Tom Servo
The thing wrong with history is that it repeats itself
The thing wrong with strangers, you never know who they are.
The things I do for England. - 007
The things I do for England. - 007 (Sean Connery)
The things I need are love and greed - Course of Empire
The things are dying, sir; it's working. - Uhura
The things beauticians do it with would curl your hair.
The things love can drive a man to ...
The things most people want to know are usually none of their business
The things that interest people most are usually none of their business
The things that make you go.......... hmmm?
The things that we fear are a weapon to be used against us
The things that we know best are those that we have not learned. - Luc de Chapiers
The things that we must endure so that the others will know.
The things that we're concealing will never let us grow. -Rush
The things that you see when you don't have a phaser
The things they get away with on kids' shows these days... * Yakko
The things you hear out of the mouths of 33 year olds
The things you think will last, just disappear.
The thinking man's approach to most problems is a good nap.
The thinnest book in the world: What Men Know About Women.
The thinnest book? Lawyers that don't care about money.
The thinnest book? Successful Foriegn policy enacted by Democrats.
The thinnest book? The Concordance of Efficient Goverments.
The thinnest book? The Republican book of good natured humor.
The third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
The third day HE AROSE.
The third named by Walter had been Death. - Roland
The third rule is, don't talk to commies
The third ten million, I didn't enjoy at all
The thorns which I have reaped are of the tree I planted.
The thought had crossed my mind. Picard
The thought of being president frightens me
The thought of busting Batman makes me feel all dirty.
The thought of two thousand people munching celery at the same time horrified me. - George Bernard Shaw
The thoughtles are rarely wordless.
The thoughtless are rarely wordless. - Howard W.Newton
The thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts
The thoughts that destroy an entire man - Course of Empire
The thousand pleasures of the Bene Gesserit
The three R's of learning today: Radical Religious Right
The three Rs of Microsoft support: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall
The three are your way to the Dark Tower. - Oracle
The three best things about going to school are June, July, and August
The three best ways to get where you want to go are: persist, persist, persist
The three branches of government: lobbyists, media, PAC's.
The three faithful things in life are money, a dog and an old woman
The three food groups: Instant, Frozen, and Take Out
The three food groups: Frozen, instant, take-out
The three food groups: coffee, beer and pizza
The three freedom fighters set out on Cyclones
The three kinds of falsehoods: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.
The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a soldering iron,
The three most dreaded words when making love: "Is that it?"
The three most important parts of a stove: lifter, leg, and poker
The three most painful words to any man: "Is it in?"
The three stages of sex: Tri-weekly, try weekly, try weakly
The three vipers. He wasn't talking about the Cardassians. - Kira
The three worst words you can hear in bed: "Honey, I'm home!"
The thrill is gone, the thrill is gone baby
The thrill is not just in the winning, but in the courage to join the race.
The thrill of the chase is worth the pain.
The thrill of victory and the agony of delete.
The thrill of victory makes me feel, almost human! -Corg
The thrill of victory, and the agony of delete
The thump of colliding egos could be heard for miles. (Bill W.)
The thunder of his own guns filled him with stupid wonder. - DT II
The ticker's very faint...not the bomb's, mine. - Hawkeye
The ticking of freshly minted seconds--REAPER MAN.
The tidal wave came as a big surf rise.
The tides of sin draw tighter and brighter,
The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction. - William Blake
The time I have spent here with you has meant so much to me. - Kira
The time I like is the rush hour, cos I like the rush.
The time between wonder and why RUSH -Between Sun & Moon
The time for action has past--now is the time for senseless bickering!
The time for action is past!
The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering!
The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseles
The time for bickering has past. Now is the time to drop our gloves.
The time has come
The time has come at last to throw away this mask
The time has come to defeat Bowser and his cronies. - Yoshi
The time has come to let you go
The time has come to see the world as it is. Kirk
The time has come to strip to the waist and roll up our sleeves!
The time has come, Big Boote. Prepare for my return!
The time is NOW for OS/2!
The time is always right to do what is right.
The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Jnr
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. -Mark 1:15
The time is gone the song is over, thought I'd something more to say..
The time is gone, the song is over
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say
The time is here and is rapidly approaching. William Field, Parliament
The time is not important, just the moment
The time is past. There is no room for gods.
The time is right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Jr
The time is right to make new friends.
The time is right to pursue your endeavors
The time machine has landed you in the wrong ECHO!!!!
The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war. --E. B. White
The time of their destruction is near. -- Shamish, Ventrue
The time of their destruction is near. -- Shamish, Ventrue
The time on SuperChannel is 10:00
The time to abort, is before conception!
The time to abort, is before conception!
The time to make friends is before you need them.
The time to make up your mind about people is never. --"Philadelphia Story"
The time to make up your mind about people is...never.
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it
The time to stop a revolution is at the beginning, not the end. (Adlai E. Stevenson)
The time travel convention two weeks from now was great!
The time was close. He had called, bid her come. - The Stand
The time when patience is most needed is when it is exhausted
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. - Bertrand Russell
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasting time. -- T.S. Eliot
The times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. - Jimi Hendrix
The times they are a changin'
The times they are a changin'... - Peter, Paul & Mary
The tip-off was when Barney said, "De Plane, De Plane"
The title is meaningless without the _power_ to back it up! - Koroth
The toad likes water, but not when it's boiling - Guinea
The toes you step on now, ..might be the A** you'll kiss later
The toes you step on today may belong to the butt you have to kiss tomorrow
The toilet is a good place from which to drink water
The toilet is blocked, and we cannot bathe the children until it is cleared. - Another tennant complaint
The toilet looks like a Smurf peed in it
The toilet seat is cracked. Where do I stand? - Another tennant complaint
The toilet, clitoris and anniversaries: Why do men miss all 3?
The tone! The tone! - Quasimodem
The tongue weighs very little, but few people are able to hold it.
The tooth fairy's gonna make you rich tonight, Susie. - Calvin
The top school for yodelers: Odie O. Leahy U
The torture never stops
The total destruction of civilization can really ruin you
The total intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing
The totality is present even in the broken pieces. - Aldous Huxley
The toughest BBS you'll ever love.
The toughest job on the track is not behind the wall but in the pits
The toughest thing in business is minding your own
The tourist may complain of other tourists, but he would be lost without them. - Agnes Repplier
The towels are done - Crow on spinning lunar effect
The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase. - Yogi Berra
The town I grew up in had a zip code of E-I-E-I-O.
The town of Deadwood may face danger again. - Worf
The town where I grew up has a zip code of E-I-E-I-O. --Martin Mull
The tradgedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives. - Albert Einstein
The tradgedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives. - Albert Einstein
The tragedy of war is using man's best to do man's worst
The trail's got to be 'round here somewhere! D. BOONE
The train's already leaving and it won't come back.
The transatlantic crossing was so rough the only thing that I could keep on my stomach was the first mate. --Dorothy Parker
The transducer will seduce ya
The transducer will seduce ya
The transducer will seduce ya. -- Frank N. Furter
The transporter is not malfunctioning. - Data
The transporter is not malfunctioning...I have locked out the controls
The transporters are down. We'll have to FAX you there.
The transporters aren't working. Janeway
The treatment center I got was Durham nick.
The tree fell after the land of Nod's beaver nod it.
The tree in which the sap is stagnant remains fruitless. --Hosea Ballou
The tree of Liberty is watered with the blood of Patriots
The tree of knowledge is offen watered with the tears of disillusionment
The tree of liberty is nurtured with the blood of tyrants
The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyra\SLM
The tree of research must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of bean counters. -- Alan Kay
The tree remains, but not the hand that planted it
The tree that grows too high attracts the attention of people with axes.
The tree that grows too high attracts the attention of people with axes. --"The Children's Hour" Jerry Pournelle and S M Stirling
The trees sigh in the night at the death of the Green Man
The trees taunt you; the sand mocks you; the water calls your name...and they say golf is a quiet game.
The trend-setting hair helmet of Lloyd Bridges. -- Crow
The trend-setting hair helmet of Lloyd Bridges. -- Crow
The trial is over, Mr. Paris; there's no reason for denials
The trial never ends, Captain. - Q
The trick in overcoming temptation, is to play dead.
The trick is to die young as old as possible.
The trick is to imply that *anyone* can get lucky.
The trick is to make them think they choose their own destination
The trick is to stop thinking of it as YOUR money. - IRS Auditor
The trick of sawing a lady in half is easy.
The trick of sawing a lady in half is easy.
The trick to flying is to learn to throw yourself at the ground and miss
The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The trick to flying, missing the ground.
The trick to overcoming temptation: play dead
The trickle-down theory of plots - Tom
The trigger has been pulled.
The triumph of the bread! - Crow
The triumphing of the wicked is short. - Job 20:5
The trivia game police are everywhere--WATCH OUT
The trodden path is the safest.
The trouble in America is that so many political jokes get elected.
The trouble is that happiness is so episodical.<Benedict>
The trouble is that you think you have the time.
The trouble is, he was right. Paris
The trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.<Jory>
The trouble w/sleep is you're not awake to enjoy it
The trouble was he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish
The trouble with 'normal' is that it always gets worse.
The trouble with America is that so many political jokes get elected
The trouble with TRIBBLES is triplication.
The trouble with WINDOWS. . .it isn't DESQview/X
The trouble with a kitten is that When it grows up, it's always a cat
The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat.
The trouble with a kitten is that, eventually it becomes
The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator
The trouble with a three-day weekend is that it turns Tuesday into Monday
The trouble with airplanes is, you can't walk out on a dull movie.
The trouble with apathy these days is nobody cares.
The trouble with being a god is that you've got no one to pray to. (SG)
The trouble with being a good sport is you have to lose to prove it.
The trouble with being brilliant is having to prove it!
The trouble with being broke is that it takes up all your time.
The trouble with being efficient is that it makes everybody hate you so
The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. - Lily Tomlin
The trouble with being on time is that no one is around to verify it
The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your
The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's ever there to appreciate it
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. - Franklin P. Jones
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to see it!
The trouble with being punctual is that people think you have nothing more important to do
The trouble with being the boss is that there's no satisfaction in stealing office supplies
The trouble with born-again Christians is that they are an even bigger pain the second time around. --Herb Caen
The trouble with bucket seats is that not everyone has the same size bucket
The trouble with bucket seats is that not everyone has the same size bucket
The trouble with cats is that they've got no tact
The trouble with children is that they are not returnable.
The trouble with class reunions is that old flames have become even older
The trouble with clichés is that they are so boringly true
The trouble with common sense is it's no longer common.
The trouble with computers is that they do what you tell them, not what you want
The trouble with dieters is that they are poor losers.
The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was
The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again. -- George Miller
The trouble with facts is that there are so many of them!
The trouble with getting a life is making the payments.
The trouble with getting something right on the first attempt is that no one really appreciates how difficult it was
The trouble with giving advice is that people repay you
The trouble with heart disease is that the first symptom is often hard to deal with: death. -- Michael Phelps
The trouble with ignorance is that it picks up confidence as it goes along
The trouble with incest is that it gets you involved with relatives. -- George S. Kaufman
The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass. - Martin Mull
The trouble with kittens is that eventually they turn into cats.
The trouble with law is lawyers. (CLARENCE DARROW)
The trouble with liberal politicians is that they get elected
The trouble with life in the fast lane is that you get to the other end in an awful hurry
The trouble with life is I keep getting what I deserve.
The trouble with life is the lack of cool background music.
The trouble with life is you're halfway through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing
The trouble with life: there's no cool background music
The trouble with living sacrifices is they crawl off the altar.
The trouble with memories is they keep coming back!
The trouble with men is their trouble with women.
The trouble with money is it costs too much!
The trouble with mornings is they happen when you're awake.
The trouble with most political jokes is they ussually get elected.
The trouble with natural monopolies is that it's so much work to keep them going artificially
The trouble with not having a job is that you can't take a day off!
The trouble with nude dancing is that not everything stops
The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard work. -- Herbert V. Prochnow
The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be. - Paul Valery
The trouble with planners is that they often undertake vast projects using half vast ideas
The trouble with political jokes is that they get elected.
The trouble with reality is that there's no background music.
The trouble with reality-no background music!
The trouble with resisting temptation is that it may neve
The trouble with resisting temptation is that it may never come again.
The trouble with sleep is you're not awake to enjoy it
The trouble with some self-made men is that they worship their creator.
The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing -- and then marry him. -- Cher
The trouble with superheros is what to do between phone booths
The trouble with superheros is what to do between phone booths. -- Ken Kesey
The trouble with telling a good story is that it invariably reminds the other fellow of a dull one. -- Sid Caesar
The trouble with the American public is that it thinks something is better than nothing. - Alfred Stieglitz
The trouble with the rat race is even if you win you're still a rat.
The trouble with the rat race is even the winners are rats!
The trouble with the rat race is if you win, you're still a rat
The trouble with the rat-race is that even if you win you'r still a rat. - Lily Tomlin
The trouble with the voice of experience is that it won't keep its mouth shut
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. - Bertrand Russell
The trouble with this business is the dearth of bad pictures. - Samuel Goldwyn
The trouble with tribbles is that they've got *'s in their eyes.
The trouble with trouble is that it usually starts out like fun.
The trouble with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back.
The trouble with wearing a name tag at a convention is that everybody knows exactly who you are when you fall asleep
The trouble with women is their trouble with men.
The trouble with women is, they're trouble for men!
The trouble with work is, it's so daily
The trucker called to thank all the courteous drivers he had run across
The true God, the mighty God, is the God of ideas. - Alfred Victor Vigny
The true joy in pursuing trout is that they live in such beautiful places!
The true light of the soul is always clear and bright. - Caine
The true mark of an M.B.A.: often wrong but never in doubt.- R. Buzzell
The true meaning of Life? ... No parole
The true meaning of life is that it stops. Franz Kafka
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good. -Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)
The true measure of love is to love without measure.
The true measure of love is to love without measure.
The true moderators of this echo are actually cats
The true paradises are the paradises we have lost. - Marcell Proust
The true pleasure of life is to live with your inferiors
The true secret of suspense is
The true spirit of a phrase is in the thought it initiates.
The true statesman is the one who is willing to take risks.
The true story of crime can not be told in sentences.
The true test of intelligence is not how much we not, but rather how we behave when we don't know what to do. -- JOHN HOLT
The truest end of life is to know that life never ends.
The truest end of life is to know that life never ends. -William Penn
The truest wild beasts live in the most populous places
The truly fashionable are beyond fashion.
The truly paranoid are clever enough not to *act* paranoid.
The truly suave -lease- the engagement ring
The truly wise never parlay with the truly evil
The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides.
The truth about a man lies first and foremost in what he hides. -- Andre Malraux
The truth about a woman often lasts longer than the woman is true
The truth cannot be found in epigrams.
The truth changes. - Kelly Robinson
The truth doesn't hurt unless it aught to
The truth is - Columbus discovered Ohio.
The truth is I *gave* the hamster to that Hooman!
The truth is I never......learned the game. - Odo
The truth is NOT always dressed for the evening.
The truth is a virus
The truth is always the strongest argument
The truth is even stranger than even we CAN imagine!!
The truth is fluid. The truth is subjective
The truth is grout there. (The X-Tiles)
The truth is in my shorts
The truth is in the backyard? :)
The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it; ignorance may deride it; malice may distort it; but there it is. - Winston Churchill
The truth is inside you. I cannot help you find it. Don Juan DeMarco
The truth is just an excuse for a lack of imagination.- Garak
The truth is measured by the weight of your gold.
The truth is more important than the facts.
The truth is more important than the facts. - Frank Lloyd Wright
The truth is not kind and neither am I!
The truth is often hidden in words
The truth is one thing that @FN@ will not believe.
The truth is one thing that no-one will believe
The truth is out there ... but so are lies.
The truth is out there! Help us find it!
The truth is out there, Mulder. Just don't question Garak.
The truth is out there, Mulder... but so are lies. - Dana Scully.
The truth is out there, but so are lies.
The truth is out there, but so are lies. - Scully
The truth is out there, don't stop looking until you find it.
The truth is out there--and it's got bloody great teeth
The truth is out there. -X Files
The truth is out there. --Mulder.
The truth is out there. --X-Files.
The truth is out there. No, wait, that's just a speck on the monitor
The truth is out there. We among you!
The truth is out there... - Fox Mulder
The truth is out there... but so are lies. - Dana Scully
The truth is out there....... Just waiting.
The truth is out there? What's the URL?
The truth is out there? Anyone know the URL?
The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.
The truth is rarely pure, and never simple. -- Oscar Wilde
The truth is that our real enemy is already here.
The truth is the most freeing discovery you can make. - L. Long
The truth is the most important thing.
The truth is the one thing no one will believe.
The truth is the one thing nobody will believe. - G. B. Shaw
The truth is the one thing that nobody wants to believe
The truth is the quickest and easiest way out of trouble.
The truth is the safest lie
The truth is the truth whether it hurts or not
The truth is ugly, so we put our prophets in prison. -- Charles Manson
The truth is up there
The truth is usually just an excuse for lack of imagination. Garak
The truth is what is; what should be is a dirty lie
The truth is what is; what should be is a dirty lie. -- Lenny Bruce
The truth is you need me, Agent Mulder - Mr. X (3x23)
The truth is, Columbus discovered Ohio.
The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought . - John Quincy Adams
The truth is, most people aren't troubled by improper thoughts; they usually enjoy them
The truth is... I never learned the game. Odo to Quark
The truth isn't out there. It's hiding in the fridge.
The truth may be out there, but it certainly wasn't in the above post
The truth may be out there, but we'll never know it.
The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility
The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility. And vice versa
The truth of a thing is the feel of it, not the think of it. -- Stanley Kubrick
The truth of the demonstration removes the error of the name
The truth of the name cures an error in the description
The truth resides in supper
The truth shall get you fired.
The truth shall make you free, but first it shall P*** you off!
The truth shall make you odd. - Flannery O'Connor
The truth shall set ye free ... or get you kicked out
The truth shall set ye free ... or get you kicked out
The truth shall set ye free, first it will piss you off
The truth shall set you free ... After pissing you off!
The truth shall set you...trembling
The truth should never stand in the way of a good story.
The truth was never intended to be comfortable.
The truth will be found when it is no longer needed.
The truth will make you free Ä but it comes in several costly lessons
The truth will ouch
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!
The truth will set you free, but it might piss you off first.
The truth will set you free, but it won't pay your bills.
The truth will set you free,but first it'll piss ya off.
The truth you speak has no past and no future. It is, and that's all it needs to be
The truth, however, is not pertinent to the issue.
The truth, if you recognize, will clear out your sinuses.
The truth... a white whale, what's the difference - Scully (3x22)
The truth: the Euthanatos founded the Black Hand. -- Sidieu
The tube of Krazy Glue kept calling me. - Bob
The tuna doesn't taste the same without dolphin.
The tuna tastes bland without the dolphin
The turbolift can't climb past deck 5 when there are more than 2 people
The turkey vultures are returning - Tom
The turkey's stuffed and so am I; I think it's time to join the Y.
The turn of the century was probably made by a woman driver!
The turtle only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.
The tweeters are all burned out
The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.
The two best times to keep your mouth shut are when you're swimming and when you're angry.
The two cents is not refundable.
The two cents is not refundable.
The two circled words were: DARK MAN - The Stand
The two great Dukes: Wayne & Nukem
The two great tragedies in life: Not getting what one wants and getting it
The two great tragedies in life: not getting what one wan
The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success
The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogren and stupidity. - Harlan Ellison
The two most beautiful words in the English language are "Cheque Enclosed." -- Dorothy Parker
The two most common elements are hydrogen and stupidity
The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity
The two most common elements in the universe: H and IQ90.
The two most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen & Stupidity.
The two most common elements of the universe..Moose and Aardvarks.
The two most common elements: Hydrogen and Stupidity
The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. --Harlan Ellison
The two of them have become inseparable. - Sisko
The two of us = me n u
The two of you are probably locked in mortal combat. Kirk
The two oldest professions in the world have been ruined by amateurs. -- G.B. Shaw
The two things I hate most are racism and negroes
The two things children wear out are clothes and parents.
The two things that can get you into trouble quicker than anything else are fast women and slow horses
The two things that scare me most about wrestling fans is that they're allowed to vote and allowed to reproduce
The two things that you should never lend out are your car or your woman. Someone's bound to throw a rod in either one
The two wits...nit and dim.
The two worst aspects of censorship are ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ and ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ!
The two-martini lunch is as American as baseball or Mom's apple brandy
The typical page layout program is nothing more than an electronic light table for cutting and pasting documents
The typical rock fan is not smart enough to know when he is being dumped on. - Frank Zappa
The tyrant dies and his rule is over; the matyr dies and his rule begins. - SØren Kierkegaard
The tyrant is never safe from those whom he oppresses
The ugliest outfit you could wear is your birthday suit!
The ugly Dauersauger was here !
The ultimate Doughy Guy: J. Edgar Hoover. -- Crow T. Robot
The ultimate Doughy Guy: J. Edgar Hoover - Crow
The ultimate Law: All general statements are false.
The ultimate Operation Rescue dilemma - a gay fetus
The ultimate Oxymorons. Military intelligence and Tech support!
The ultimate Turn on. When they shoot at you.. and miss!
The ultimate censorship is the click of the dial. - Tom Smothers
The ultimate dessert? Spam Jello! - Jim Bodle
The ultimate dinner - pizza and a six pack
The ultimate in safe sex: Masturbating wearing a condom
The ultimate in useless diversions.
The ultimate indignity is to be given a bedpan by a stranger who calls you by your first name. - Maggie Kuhn
The ultimate liberty is that to be yourself, no matter what.
The ultimate mail reader is coming soon!
The ultimate mail reader is here - BlueWave 2.20!
The ultimate mail reader is here - OLX!
The ultimate mail reader is here!!!!
The ultimate mail readers are coming - BlueWave 2.20/DOS/386/OS2!
The ultimate multitasking -- two computers!
The ultimate offline mail system!
The ultimate oxymoron: Holy War
The ultimate oxymoron: "male feminists."
The ultimate power is being able to think for yourself
The ultimate quest has no ending
The ultimate quest has no ending. <D Carradine>
The ultimate reason is "because."
The ultimate smart weapon would be too smart to blow itself up
The unborn can't talk, so they should have more rights.
The uncertainty principle won't help you now.
The undersea foot ball all-stars - Tom
The undersea football all-stars! -- Tom Servo
The unemployed do it off company time.
The unemployed usually have poor-gasms.
The unexamined life is not worth living
The unexamined life is not worth living -- Socrates
The unexamined life is not worth living.
The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates
The unexamined life is not worth living.<Socrates>
The unexamined life is not worth taking
The unexpected IS our normal routine.
The unexpected cannot be planned for, by definition.
The unfacts, did we have them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our certitude
The unholy fiend pollenated my rental tux! - The Tick
The union of a man and a woman is of the law of nature
The union of husband and wife is founded on the law of nature
The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion.
The universal translator says......the dialect is taglines!
The universe DOES make sense--if you look at it from far enough away.
The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. - Sir James Jeans
The universe could be your playground. - Q
The universe does not give first warnings. Or second chances
The universe does not have laws -- it has habits, and habits can be broken.
The universe doesn't care what time it is. -- Jack Butler
The universe doesn't give first warnings
The universe doesn't need me anymore, brother. -- Destruction
The universe has an attitude, mom. - Calvin
The universe is *not* so badly designed! -- Picard
The universe is NOT so badly designed! - Picard to Q
The universe is _intensely_ beautiful.
The universe is a figment of it's own imagination
The universe is a spheroid region 705 meters in diameter
The universe is a strange place. I wish I could remember more about it
The universe is alive and it knows where you are
The universe is all a spin-off of the Big Bang
The universe is an island, surrounded by whatever it is that surrounds universes
The universe is continuous and defined everywhere except the black holes
The universe is full of magical things.
The universe is governed by a committee; no one man could make that many mistakes
The universe is indifferent. - Sherlock Holmes
The universe is laughing at you behind your back.
The universe is laughing behind your back. I'm laughing to your face.
The universe is like a grapefruit -- it's yellow and dimply, and some people have half of one for breakfast
The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination -- but the combination is locked up in the safe
The universe is my home, but I'm thinking of moving.
The universe is my picnic table and what a spread!! - Omnipotus [Tick]
The universe is not a friendly place.
The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively hostile to it
The universe is one of God's thoughts. - Schiller
The universe is queerer than we CAN imagine.
The universe is really here to amuse and serve us. It's true
The universe is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot be ruled by interfering. -- Chinese proverb
The universe is run by 3 elements, energy, matter and self-interest.
The universe is run by the complex interweaving of 3 elements
The universe is simple - it's the explanation that's complex.
The universe is surrounded by whatever it is that surrounds universes.
The universe is very BIG. Believe me.
The universe looks smooth - if you stand back far enough.
The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent. --Sagan
The universe was dictated but never signed
The university exists to only to find and communicate the truth.
The unjust steals the just's umbrella. -Charles, Baron Bowen
The unknown Terminate origin!
The unknown always passes for the marvelous. -- Tacitus
The unknown always seems sublime.
The unknown future roles toward us. - T2
The unknown still requires fear and respect... -- Bertrand
The unlived life is not worth examining.
The unnatural, that too is natural
The unnatural, that too is natural -- Goethe
The unnatural, that too is natural.
The unnatural, that too is natural. - Goethe
The unofficial motto of the NWT: brrrrrrrrrr!
The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself
The unspoken word never does harm.--Kossuth
The upholstery is smouldering gently
The upper crust is a bunch of crumbs sticking together
The upper crust is just a bunch of crumbs clinging together.
The upper crust....a bunch of crumbs who stick together.
The uproar of one hand clapping.
The urban landscape unnatural? Hardly... -- Glass Walkers
The urge to SCREAM tells me I must be at work
The urge to destroy is also a creative urge. - Bakunin
The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be evil. -- Heywood Broun
The urge to save humanity is a false front for the urge to rule
The urn of Charles who was cremated : named Chuck Roast
The urologist was tried by a jury of his peers.
The use of 'goto' statements is discouraged, especially with the label HELL:
The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense. -- E. W. Dijkstra
The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching, therefore, should be a criminal offense. - Dijkstra
The use of bagpipes in warfare was banned in 1863 as being excessively cruel
The use of money is all the advantage there is to having money. -- B. Franklin
The use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers has been approved. - Dispatch Cop
The usefulness of a meeting is inversely proportional to its attendance.
The usefulness of any meeting is in inverse proportion to
The usefulness of any meeting is in inverse proportion to the attendance
The useless bit of skin on the end of a penis: @FN@.
The useless bit of skin on the end of a penis: The man.
The usual Pooh test will be at 3 AM at the *Tagline Courthouse.*
The usual solutions proferred for the usual worries are usually wrong
The usual, Odo? Nothing. The usual. -- Quark/Odo
The usual, Odo? Ä Quark
The usual. Ä Quark
The vain twit got hurt while taking a milk bath. The cow slipped and landed on her
The valet has B.O.R.G, and it's assimilating up the starship
The validity of a science is its ability to predict accurately.
The valley has different ways
The value of a program is porportional to the weight of its output
The value of knowledge lies not in its accumulation, but in its utilization
The value of my waterfront property's up, said Tom in a superior manor.
The valve is all bunged up with sentiment
The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on. - Alexander Pope
The vastness of space and time... and I end up here
The vending machine is my friend!
The verdict is guilty. The sentence is death. Let the trial begin
The verdict of a jury is the a priori opinion of that juror who smokes the worst cigars. -- H. L. Mencken
The very fastest way to run Windows programs is OS/2 2.1
The very ice of chastity is in them. -- Shakespeare
The very idea of a Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen. Mwah Hah Hah
The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice
The very latest from Earth Force's R&D. - Richard Franklin
The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. -- Miguel de Cervantes
The vessel is on a collison course. Impact in 36 seconds. - Data
The vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison
The vice presidency is not worth a bucket of warm spit. - John Adams
The vicious beating has a cool accompaniment - Crow
The victim had 37 stab wounds...foul play is suspected.
The victim has to cooperate... -- Mike Nelson
The victim is a victim no matter who the perpetrator was.
The victim of a prank upon waking, Geordi grabs a banana
The victim of a prank, Geordi grabs a banana upon waking.
The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.
The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. - Adolf Hitler
The video of Cage's 4'33" adds a laugh track
The view from the high mountain is worth the climb - Mori
The view is better from the edge of reality.
The view out my window is purely coincidental
The view's great, when you can see it
The views expressed above are not necessarily those of the management.
The views expressed are those of the SysOp~(&#$^*)@NO CARRIER
The views expressed are those of your mother
The views of this user are strictly his own.
The views represented here are my own. Any similarity
The village idiot has a right to be heard but not heeded
The vine Jane! No the vine! aaiiieeeee
The vine Jane, No Jane the vine, aieeeeeee
The virtuoso virtualizes the virtuality
The virus taglin--please copy me to your tagline.
The visibility of an error is inversely proportional to the number of times you have looked at it
The visible universe is for those who have to see it to believe it!
The voice of legislators is a living voice, to impose laws on things
The voice of reason against the howling mob RUSH -Nobody's Hero
The voice of the majority is no proof of justice. - Schiller
The voices in my head assure me I'm still perfectly sane.
The voodoo ceremony for that guy's backhand - Mike
The vote means nothing to women. We should be armed. - Edna O'Brien
The voters have spoken, the bastards
The voters have spoken, the bastards ... - Liberals
The voters in this country seem to have electile dysfunction.
The vulgar fictions of a demented Irishman. - Louis on Dracula
The vultures are circling . . . and they have the faces of presidential candidates and carry bowling balls in their buttered claws
The wages of SIN is DEATH - Romans 6:23.
The wages of sin are Death ..... but the work's pretty good!
The wages of sin are always paid on time
The wages of sin are deadly.
The wages of sin are death. Pat Robertson's are $6MM/year.
The wages of sin are death; but after they're done taking out taxes, it's just a tired feeling:
The wages of sin are high -- unless you know someone who does it for nothing
The wages of sin are high but you get your money's worth.
The wages of sin are not declared
The wages of sin are unreported.
The wages of sin depend on the deal you make with the publisher
The wages of sin depend on what union you belong to.
The wages of sin go unreported.
The wages of sin is death (Which, after taxes, is just a bad feeling).
The wages of sin is death, but after taxes it's just a headache.
The wages of sin is death. (Which, after taxes, is just a
The wages of sin is death. (Which, after taxes, is just a bad feeling.)
The wages of sin is death. -- Romans 6:23
The wages of sin will now be taxed.
The waist is a terrible thing to mind
The wait is almost over
The waiting seems eternity, this day will dawn of sanity.
The waiting seems eternity. The day will dawn of sanity. There can be only one. - Queen
The waiting seems eternity/The day will dawn of sanity.--Queen
The waitress drew a smiley face on my check
The walkin' dead ain't very impressive with no kneecaps!
The wall that says "Welcome, stranger" has never been built.{I.Asimov}
The wall was too high, as you can see!
The wall was too high, as you can see! - Pink Floyd
The wallpaper and I are having a duel to the death. One of us will have to go. - Oscar Wilde
The walls are crawling with giant, fanged @TO@'s
The walls are crawling with giant, fanged Orville Bullitt's.
The walls are melting again! He he he. - Hallucinating Marge
The walls screamed poetry disease & sex--Jim Morrison
The want of a thing is perplexing enough, but the possession of it is intolerable. --John Vanbrugh
The war between the sexes is over...nobody won
The war is not fought to preserve the enemy. - Hitler
The war of life is not to be decided in a single battle.
The war on drugs is like a war: on drugs.
The war on drugs is more deadly than drugs.
The warcats must condemn themselves.
The warm glow of a state home - Crow
The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood
The warning shot goes right between the fifth Beatle!
The warp drive has spontaneously turned into lingiuni. Without sauce.
The warp drive...she cann'a take it!...Scotty
The warranty explicitly states that under NO circumstances shall a
The warranty: Bold print giveth & fine print taketh away.
The warrior elite is a dead class!
The washing machine in my head is on spin cycle.
The waste product of a silicon based lifeform. - Mulder
The water is deep enough here
The water mirrored tiny sparkles to the sky. - Edie Brickell
The water tasted bad for a week / and we had to make do with gin
The water's still; you mustn't think there's no crocodile
The water, like a witch's oils, Burnt green, and blue and white
The waves of blood are rushing near
The way I feel right now even garbage has lost its subtle charm.-Peter
The way I see it is--if you don't like the way women drive, keep off the sidewalk!
The way I see it, freedom's a whole lot better than slavery.
The way I see it: Fords is tools--Rusty rules! A D. Horton original
The way I speak often reveals more than the words I say.
The way by which you may get money almost without exception leads downward. - Henry David Thoreau
The way for you to find happiness is to get amnesia.
The way guys spend time with them you'd think they were cumputers.
The way he runs things, it won't last a hundred. - Helmut
The way it is now, we couldn't beam up a fly! - Scott
The way it stands right now, I'm filled with evil-Dracul
The way most fishermen catch fish is by the tale
The way of the sage is to act but not to compete. - Lao-tzu
The way of the sage is to act but not to compete.
The way of the transgressor is ever popular
The way of the world is to praise dead saints and persecute live ones
The way of the world is to praise dead saints and prosecute live ones. -- Nathaniel Howe
The way of transgressors is hard. -- Proverbs 13:15
The way some people find fault - you'd think there was a reward.
The way some people find fault, you'd think there was some kind of reward
The way that is spoken of is not the enlightened way. Lao-Tzu
The way the light catches the angles in your head....it's enchanting!
The way the light catches the angles of your head - most enchanting
The way things are going, they're gonna crucify me.
The way to *this* woman's heart is through her stomach!
The way to a Moderator's heart is with a broadsword
The way to a flyfisherman's heart is through his fly
The way to a lesbian's heart is through her clitoris!
The way to a man's heart is through his back
The way to a man's heart is through his pants -- wallet and underwear
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
The way to a man's heart is through his veins
The way to a man's heart is through the left ventricle.
The way to a man's heart is with a .45ACP Hydro Shock
The way to a man's heart is with a broadsword.
The way to a man's heart is with an axe.
The way to a man's heart: Crack the chest between ribs #3 and #4.
The way to a man's heart: between the ribs, and slightly up.
The way to a man's stomach is through his esophagus
The way to a mans heart's through the ribs with a knife.
The way to a woman's heart is through BAGELS!!!
The way to a woman's heart is through her ribs.
The way to chase women is to tire yourself out so one'll catch you
The way to deal with predators is to taste terrible.
The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment. - Celia Green
The way to fairyland - shut your eyes and blunder on
The way to fight a woman is with your hat. Grab it and run
The way to get rich is to start your own religion - L.Ron Hubbard
The way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
The way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them. - Benjamin Jowett
The way to get to the top is to get off your bottom.
The way to learn to build starships is to build starships
The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost. - Chesterton
The way to love anything is to realize that it might be l
The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. - G.K. Chesterton
The way to make a small fortune in the commodities market is to start with a large fortune
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets. (John D. Rockefeller)
The way to man's heart is thru his left ventricle
The way to prevent nuclear war is to prevent it. --Diefenbaker.
The way to procure insults is to submit to them.
The way traffic is getting, we'll soon have no-way streets
The way you ape Human behavior is remarkable. Palamas to Apollo
The way you do the things you do. The Temptations
The way you vote creates politicians.
The ways of being human are bounded but infinite.
The ways of being human are bounded but infinite. - Larry Niven
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong
The weak die, the strong survive - Toq
The weak enslave themselves
The weak rely on Christ, the strong do not. -Richard Burton
The weak shall inhibit the earth
The weaker of the herd can feel their eyes and hear them howl.
The weaker the argument, the stronger the words
The weakest link sits behind the keyboard
The wealth of a people is the people
The weapon that usually jams when you need it the most is the M60
The weasel you must surround before you please her on the ground
The weather at home improves as soon as you go away. -- Gomme
The weather is good, but the economy is bad !!!
The weather is great! Wish you were beer.
The weather is here - Wish you were beautiful
The weather is here, wish you were beautiful. Jimmy Buffet
The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.
The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed
The weather! Bhuh! Very peculiar. --Rafiki
The weather's here, wish you were beautiful.
The weatherman might drive a Sunbeam.
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. -The Shadow
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit... but the leaves are good to smoke! -- The Shadow
The weird sisters, hand in hand, posters of the sea and land.
The weird stuff this nutcup is into! - Dr. Servo on Crow
The weirdest My Little Margie I've ever seen - Tom
The weirdos who are out to get us must be stopped!
The welfare of the people is the chief law
The welfare of the people is the chief law -- Cicero
The welfare of the people is the chief law.
The well resolved mind is single & one pointed
The west wasn't won with a registered gun!
The west, where men are men and sheep are nervous
The wet Noodle Award goes to....the envelope please.....Orville!
The what, the what? What's quadrotriticale? Wheat? So what? Kirk
The wheel is come full circle. -- Shakespeare
The wheel is spinning.. no more bets please
The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the first to be replaced.
The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the one that gets the grease.
The wheel turns, does it not <G'kar>
The wheel turns, does it not? - G'Kar
The wheel was also a fine invention, but beer goes better with pizza.
The wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead.
The wheels of progress are turned by cranks.
The whims of Murphy and his Laws are not to be taken lightly.
The whims that we're weeping for, our parents would be beaten for.
The whip is oiled and coiled.
The whip is oiled and coiled....and in the redheads hand
The whiskey ain't working anymore
The white man will never be alone. --Chief Seattle
The white queen rolls on the chessboard of the dawn.
The white race is the cancer of history. -- Susan Sontag
The white water is almost to the gate. Time to build a stone wall.
The white zone is for drive-by shooting
The whiteness of confusion is unfolding from my mind. -Panacea, Rush
The whole Amendment issue's a tacit admission by the Right that discrimination against gay marriage is unconstitutional...if it weren't, why would they have to change the Constitution to get rid of it
The whole _galaxy_ knows who you are,...what you stand for. - Kirk
The whole _galaxy_ knows who you are,...what you stand for. - Kirk
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmedand hence clamorous to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. --H.L. Mencken
The whole bloodsucking thing - it's all so sexual. - D. Schanke
The whole bloodsucking thing - it's all so sexual. - D. Schanke
The whole car has B.O. (Jerry)
The whole damned castle is out of order! - Tom
The whole earth is in jail and we're plotting this incred
The whole earth is in jail and we're plotting this incredible jailbreak
The whole episode is shrouded in deep mystery
The whole funk, nothin' but the funk -- George Clinton
The whole is greater.
The whole is preferable to any single part
The whole is the sum of its parts, plus one or more bugs
The whole movie was worth it to see this! - Mike
The whole of Nature is Chaos - A Fract all should know
The whole of life is futile unless you consider it as a sporting proposition
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. - Albert Einstein
The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone
The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone. - Stella, Lady Reading
The whole purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.
The whole thing's a weapon, it must be! Decker
The whole town's pissed off at each other, it's really sweet.SOUTHPARK
The whole universe is laughing at you behind your back.
The whole voodoo motif continues... -- Dr. Forrester
The whole world is a circus, if you look at it the right way
The whole world is a scab. The point is to pick it constructively. -- Peter Beard
The whole world is a tuxedo and you are a pair of brown s
The whole world is a tuxedo and you are a pair of brown shoes. -- George Gobel
The whole world is about three drinks behind
The whole world is about three drinks behind -- Humphrey Bogart
The whole world is about three drinks behind.
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls. -Kingston Trio
The whole world is one town
The whole world wants to have sex bar 75% of women.
The whole world's just going to hell in a hand puppet!
The whole world's out there just trying to score. I've seen enough, I don't want to see any more. - Bruce Springsteen
The wicked at heart probably know something. -WA
The wicked old thread is dead!
The wife and I have SEX DOGGY style, I ROLL over she plays DEAD
The wife and I have sex doggy style. I roll over. She plays dead.
The wife and I laughed until the weather came on.
The wife has Banished me to the Basement to pursue my hobby!
The wife is wonderful in bed. Too bad she's not my wife
The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.
The wife of the deaf and dumb man talks so much--he can't get a finger in edgewise
The wife thinks I'm nuts!! What do ya think?
The wife thinks I'm nuts!! What do ya think? - Ken Slater
The wife's gonna be awfully glad to see THE me - Tom
The wild and the young they all have their dreams, they gotta be free.
The wild dreams of today are the practical realities of tomorrow.
The wildest colts make the best steeds.
The will is to be taken for the deed
The will of God is the sanctuary of ignorance. - Spinoza
The will to be stupid is a very powerful force
The will to kill, the need to breed - Course of Empire
The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win. --- Bobby Knight
The will to win is worthless if you don't get paid for it. --Reggie Jackson
The willingness to take risks is our grasp of faith.
The willow paints the wind, without using a brush. <Saryu)
The wind 'round here gets wicked cold, but my story is nearly told. - Nick Cave
The wind always seems to blow against catchers when they are running. - Yogi Berra
The wind be at your back and the ground rise to meet your feet
The wind blew nervously on the shore.
The wind blows harder in the summer so the sun sets later
The wind blows.....................if not, it's just air
The wind can carry the echoes home to me
The wind cries, Mary - Hendrix
The wind does not respect a fool. - Kahless
The wind howls because it knows it has to race me. <Picabo Street>
The wind is like the air, only pushier
The wind is not swifter than a womans choice between two men!
The wind is pansexual. It blows everybody.
The wind of change blows straight into the face of time.
The wind probably picked up the animals into the storm. - Scully
The wind's rush is the pulse of a Dragon's heart
The windmills are winning
The window came right down on it, cried Orville, disjointedly
The window she undooth, and that in haste.
The windows are all barred
The windows to the world might be your own front door.
The winds of chance bring rainbows from afar
The wine is good but the meat is spoiled.
The winner in a war is who has the most toys left!
The winner won't be asked if he told the truth. A. Hitler
The wisdom of law cannot be valued by money
The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotations. - Disraeli
The wise Man will make more opportunities than he finds. - Francis Bacon
The wise are pleased when they discover the truth; fools are pleased when they discover falsehood
The wise don't merely stalk their prey, they make the kill.
The wise learn from fools, not vice-versa.
The wise learn more from fools than fools from the wise.
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally. (GRACIAN)
The wise man does not shave with a Vorpal Razor.
The wise man knows a little; the wise guy knows it all!
The wise man learns more from his enemies than a fool does from his friends. - Chinese Proverb
The wise man seeks everything in himself; the ignorant man tries to get everything from somebody else
The wise open their minds, but a fool opens his mouth.
The wise person writes bomb-proof code.
The wise shepherd never trusts his flock to a smiling wolf.
The wiser mind mourns less for what age takes, than what it leaves.
The wisest man remembers that to catch a mouse you starve a cat.
The wisest men have the best reference libraries.
The wisest mind has something yet to learn.
The wisest of the wise may err. - Aeschylus
The wisest prophets make sure of the event first.
The wisest prophets make sure of the event first. - Horace Walpole
The witch gets you, and your little dog, too. --More--
The witch hunt isn't over - it's just merely shifted brooms.
The wizard thinks he's in control. The gods think that's *funny*!
The wolves are still his. They always will be. - Tom Cullen
The woman cries before marriage, the man after. - Polish proverb
The woman cries before the wedding, the man afterward
The woman gave him a kiss that would cost five bucks in a taxi
The woman next door to me says she prefers men to liquor
The woman who married the Anti-Christ tells me to calm down!
The woman you buy -- and she is the least expensive -- takes a great deal of money. The woman who gives herself takes all your time. -- Balzac
The women can come back out now, @TOLAST@ has gone
The women can come back out now, Bullitt has gone.
The women can come back out now, Orville has gone.
The women can come back out now, Scheibe has gone.
The wonderful telephone system
The wonderful thing about a dancing bear is not how well he dances, but that he dances at all
The wonderful thing about cats is their endless variety. -Eric Gurney
The wonderful world of dog snot! Next, on channel 37.
The woods are wonderous here, but strange.
The woozle likes meatballs
The word 'snoop?' - Data
The word "bravery" is not in the Clinton dictionary.
The word "bulldozer" wandered through his mind for a moment.
The word "dog" does not bite
The word "honesty" is not in the Clinton dictionary.
The word "oops" is not in God's vocabulary
The word "tolerance" is selectively used in the liberal lexicon.
The word 'dog' does not bite. --William James.
The word 'exonerated' is invented - Mike
The word 'meaningful' when used today is nearly always meaningless
The word Slave comes from Slav or Slavick after the white
The word Sysop should ALWAYS be capitalized
The word Sysop should ALWAYS be capitalized. (cf. Suprem
The word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment in search of something to connect with
The word bulldozer wandered through his mind for a moment.
The word for the day is LEGS -- help spread the word!
The word for today is "Legs". Spread the word
The word is no. Therefore I am going anyway. -Kirk
The word is no. I am therefore going anyway. - Kirk
The word is pussy. Spread the word!
The word legend is a mythnomer.
The word of God is the will of God
The word of the day is "legs". Spread the word!
The word of the day is LEGS, spread the word
The word of the day is LEGS....Now SPREAD the word!!
The word of today is LEGS. So spread the word.
The word politics comes from the Greek word poly, meaning many, and tics, meaning vicious bloodsucking insects. - George Stephanopoles
The word processor is mightier than the sword
The word today is Legs ... Spread the word.
The word today is, LEGS. Help spread the word
The word was 'smog.' - McCoy
The word...is 'no'. I am therefore going anyway. -Kirk
The word...is no. Therefore I am going anyways. -Kirk
The word? The word is 'no.' I am, therefore, going anyway. - Kirk
The words 'nyah nyah' were clearly heard - Mike/#606
The words current money, refer to the time of payment
The words of the profits are written on the studio walls -RUSH
The words of the prophets are written in the tagline files
The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls -S&G
The words of the wise soothe and heal. -- Proverbs 12:18
The words of truth are always paradoxical. - Lao Tsu
The words umop apisdn are upside down upside down!
The words we use can compound our problems
The words we use can end up compounding our problems
The work of conservatism shall be peace
The work you're doing deserves to be recognized. Dax
The worker who fell into the upholstery machine is now fully recovered.
The workings of your mind are a mystery to me, Pinky. - Brain
The workmanship surpassed the material.
The world belongs to the energetic. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
The world bores you when you're cool
The world bores you when you're cool - Calvin
The world can be a beautiful place. Sheriff Buck
The world can't end today because it's tomorrow in Australia
The world crowns success, but God crowns faithfulness.
The world does not revolve on an axis.
The world doesn't make any heroes. Orson Welles
The world doesn't owe me a living -- I wish it owed me a loving.
The world ended Yesterday. Here's the Postgame Wrapup!
The world ends at 3pm; details at 5
The world ends at 8 P. M.--film at 11
The world ends at 8 P. M.... Film at 11.
The world ends at midnight! (add 3 hours for daylight saving time)
The world ends only over my dead body. - Captain America, X-Men #56
The world gets a little better every day and worse in the evening
The world gets better every day, then worse again in the evening
The world had moved on since then. The world had emptied. - DT I
The world has come to it's end, please log off!
The world has finally achieved perpetual commotion.
The world has one less Santa - Mike as alien eats fat man
The world has one less Santa... -- Mike Nelson
The world has two kinds of people: Friends and Targets
The world in a nutshell--an appropriate receptacle.
The world is "weird." Al is normal.
The world is a Schrodinger box, and we are merely cats.
The world is a ball of string. -- Fritzenjammer
The world is a ball with a weird child
The world is a beautiful book for those who can read it
The world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel
The world is a cynic's playground.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. --Albert Einstein
The world is a madhouse ....That's why it makes sense to @FN@
The world is a madhouse ....That's why it makes sense to @FN@
The world is a madhouse, that's why it's patrolled by armed idiots.
The world is a madhouse...that's why it makes sense.
The world is a perfect place because of Madmen & Maniacs
The world is a stage with no audience.
The world is a stage, but acting is attrocious!!!
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast
The world is a vampire. - Smashing Pumpkins
The world is a vast temple dedicated to Discord
The world is a video game where you don't have another quarter
The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The world is an 8000 mile in diameter spherical pile of dirt
The world is an enormous injustice. - Jules Romains
The world is before you, and you need not take it or leave it as it was before you came in. - James Arthur Baldwin
The world is but a canvas to the imagination. - Thoreau
The world is but a school of inquiry.
The world is coming to an end - Online time has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end - your time online has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end -- please log off.
The world is coming to an end ... GRAB YOUR BACKUPS AND RUN!!!
The world is coming to an end ... SAVE YOUR BUFFERS!!!
The world is coming to an end please log off.
The world is coming to an end!
The world is coming to an end! Online time has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end! Repent and return those library books!
The world is coming to an end! Online time adjusted!
The world is coming to an end! Repent & return those library books.
The world is coming to an end! Repent and return those li
The world is coming to an end--Online time has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end--save your buffers!
The world is coming to an end. Please log off now..
The world is coming to an end. Press any key to continue.
The world is coming to an end. Your online time has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end. Ctrl-KX to save & exit
The world is coming to an end. Insert coins to continue.
The world is coming to an end. Please log off promptly
The world is coming to an end. Please log out. --SysAdmin
The world is coming to an end. Please return your library books
The world is coming to an end... SAVE YOUR BUFFERS!!!
The world is coming to an end... Press ESC... No Carrier
The world is coming to an end... your on-line time has been adjusted.
The world is coming to an end; please log off.
The world is coming to and end --- please log off now.
The world is coming to end . Please log off
The world is comming to an end... Press ESC... No Carrier
The world is crazier than we think. -- MacNeice
The world is disgracefully managed; one hardly knows to whom to complain
The world is divided between victims and predators and you have to defend yourself against both
The world is divided into three kinds of people -- those who can count and those who can't
The world is ending. Please log off now!
The world is ending. Do not drop carrier.
The world is filled with the Absolute. To see this is to be made free.
The world is flat - just like the surface of a sphere
The world is full of Special Friends
The world is full of cactus, but we don't have to sit on it
The world is full of dogs, and I'm stuck in this tree outfit.
The world is full of educated derelicts.
The world is full of fools, unfortunately many live to breed
The world is full of ignorant people. Thank God it's not the disabled!
The world is full of ignorant peopleand they're not disabled!
The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind. -- E.B. White
The world is full of predators... it's my job to protect people..."DS
The world is full of surprises, very few of which are pleasant
The world is full of willing people. Some willing to work, the rest willing to let them
The world is full. Go away
The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind. -H.P. Lovecraft
The world is like a cactus except the pricks are inside.
The world is made of stairs, and there are those who go up and those who go down. --Ed McBain
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it. -- E. Hubbard
The world is my oyster, but I do not like seafood
The world is no nursery -- Sigmund Freud
The world is not octal despite DEC
The world is not user friendly
The world is not worthy of a Klingon colony! - Hon'Tihl
The world is not yet entirely perfect, and I'm getting impatient.
The world is only as far as an InterLink board!
The world is only fair when you force it to be. - Batman
The world is probably funnier to people who don't live here.- Calvin
The world is proof that God is a committee
The world is run by "C" students
The world is run by those who show up
The world is run by those who show up for the meeting.
The world is run by those who show up.
The world is safe for lady's wrestling - Tom
The world is shrinking - so are the Galaxy and the Universe! :-}
The world is so big and so global now.
The world is too complicated for one line aphorisms.
The world is too much with us -Wordsworth
The world is what you make it, doesn't fit make alteratio
The world is your... world
The world isn"t any worse. It"s just that the news coverage is so much better
The world isn't worse - the news coverage is more extensive.
The world isn't worse. It's just that the news coverage
The world laughs at Bill Clinton
The world laughs at Bill Clinton and he's too incompetent to notice.
The world laughs at Bill Clinton.
The world looks as if it has been left in the custody of trolls.
The world looks as if it has been left in the custody of trolls. - Father Robert F. Capon
The world looks flat to me.........That's a map dude !
The world meets nobody halfway. --Charles Lamb
The world needs a wake-up call. We're gonna phone it in
The world needs more people like us and fewer like them
The world of children's publishing is bunny eat bunny.
The world of reality has its limits, imagination is boundless.
The world of today is run by "C" students of yesterday.
The world owes me a living - Liberal theme song
The world owes me happiness, fulfillment and success - Calvin
The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain
The world quietly reshapes itself to suit the cat.
The world really isn't any worse. It's just that the news coverage is so much better
The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going. - David Starr Jordan
The world takes my disability far too seriously and frankly I am not going to stand for it,,,
The world thumbs its nose at Bill Clinton.
The world thumbs its nose at Bill Clinton.
The world thumbs its nose at Clinton and he's too ignorant to notice.
The world today seems absolutely crackers.
The world today seems absolutely crackers. Ä M. Python
The world tolerates conceit from those who are successful.
The world wants to be cheated. So cheat. - Xaviera Hollander
The world wants to be deceived. -- Sebastian Brant
The world was a perfect place, then came EVE
The world weighs on my shoulders, but what am I to do?
The world will be a better place when the love of power is replaced by the power of love
The world will come to the man who is truly wise. - Caine
The world will end at 3:00. 3:30 in Newfoundland
The world will end at 6:14 pm. Details at eleven
The world will end at midnight, 12:30 in Newfoundland.
The world will end in 5 minutes. Please log out.
The world will end the day after the warranty expires
The world will not end tonight, Tom de-nighed
The world wisely chooses happiness over wisdom
The world would be better off without any problem
The world's a stage, and we are desperately unrehearsed
The world's a stage. I'm constantly forgetting my lines
The world's a theater, the earth a stage -- WS
The world's as ugly as sin, And almost as delightful
The world's as ugly as sin, And almost as delightful -- Frederick Locker-Lampson
The world's as ugly as sin, and nearly as delightful.
The world's coming to an end. Log off and leave in an orderly fashion.
The world's full of Cactus, but I don't have to sit on it.
The world's full of apathy, but I don't care
The world's full of cacti, but you don't have to sit on it
The world's gone to the dogs, & the fleas are in charge
The world's great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor its great scholars great men. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
The world's higgly piggly and Cher has a brand new butt tattoo.
The world's imagination is contained in a Crayola box.
The world's largest salute to Orvel Reddenbacher - Joel
The world's most affectionate creature is a muddy dog.
The world's most efficient mouse trap...Windows95.
The world's net intellegence is constant, the population
The world's so terrible that one can only make fun of it.
The world's studliest monster! - Joel as Gamera swaggers
The world's thinnest book? Reliable Fido nodes.
The world's ugly as sin, and almost as delightful
The world, as we know it, has come to an end
The world: A comedy for thinkers; a tragedy for feelers.
The worlds big problem is Apathy... but then who cares !
The worlds greatest curse: IMMORTALITY
The worm gets the late bird.
The worm in the sour apple doesn't know any better.
The worm that sleeps in doesn't get eaten by the bird.
The worse the weather, the more chance you will be out in
The worse the weather, the more you are required to be out in it
The worse thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
The worse things get the better I look.
The worse your line is tangled, the better is the fishing around you
The worst actress in the company is always the manager's wife.
The worst bankrupt is a person who has lost his enthusiasm. ---- H. W. Arnold
The worst beer around is WinBooze.
The worst case of false advertising since The Neverending Story!
The worst case of testosterone poisoning I've seen. --Ivanova.
The worst case scenario is that you may have to buy it
The worst cliques are those which consist of one man.
The worst cliques are those which consist of one man. -- G.B. Shaw
The worst day fishing is better than the best day working.
The worst enemy of the new radicals is the old liberals - N. Lenin
The worst fear is the fear of living. - Theodore Rosevelt
The worst feature of a new baby is it's mother's singing.
The worst form of failure is the failure to try.
The worst form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about
The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal
The worst hatred is that of relatives.
The worst ice cream flavor is probably squirrel.
The worst is enemy of the bad
The worst is not so long as we can say "This is the worst." -- King Lear
The worst jerks are the charming jerks. - Anna Steven
The worst men often give the best advice.
The worst men often give the best advice. - P. J. Bailey
The worst mistake a boss can make is not to say 'well done'. - John Ashcroft
The worst moment for an atheist is when he feels grateful and has no one to thank. - Wendy Ward
The worst nightmare: A cop w/a learner's permit -Mike
The worst of all deceptions is self-deception. -Plato
The worst of life. Pushing Fast Forward on reality.
The worst of madmen is a saint run mad. -- Pope
The worst part about group sex is deciding on pizza toppings
The worst part of having success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. -- Bette Midler
The worst part of living is that you get older every day
The worst part of valor is indiscretion
The worst player has 11 enemy races
The worst possible set of circumstances is bound to occur
The worst prison is a closed heart
The worst prison would be a closed heart.
The worst problems have solutions that create problems.
The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity. -- G.B. Shaw
The worst social disease you can get from cats is fleas.
The worst sorrows in life are not its losses and misfortunes, but its fears. - A.C. Benson
The worst tempered people I have ever met were those who knew that they were wrong. - Wilson Mizner
The worst thing about Altzheimer's is...ahh
The worst thing about censorship is
The worst thing about censorship is _____________________ !
The worst thing about censorship is **************************.
The worst thing about censorship is **************************.
The worst thing about censorship is XXXXXXXXX
The worst thing about censorship is [[[[[[[[[
The worst thing about censorship is __________
The worst thing about censorship is that it desensitizes people to violence -- censorship *is* violence
The worst thing about censorship is ±±±±±±±±
The worst thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ.
The worst thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ.
The worst thing about hell is that you THINK you're having a really good time
The worst thing about ignorance is its insistency
The worst thing about incomplete sentences.
The worst thing about men is that when not drunk they are sober
The worst thing about political jokes is that they get elected.
The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober. -- William Butler Yeats
The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government.
The worst thing men is that when not drunk they are sober
The worst thing, I fear, about being no longer young, is that one is no longer young. - Harold Nicolson
The worst time to have a son is 18 years before a World War
The worst vice of a fanatic is his sincerity.
The worst whistlers whistle the most
The worthy machine out not always paste the astronomer.
The wounded general relieved himself in the field
The wreck is going down, get out before you drown. - Soundgarden
The wretched have no friends. -- Dryden
The writer does the most who gives the reader the most
The writer is the engineer of the human soul. - Joseph Stalin
The writers did something permanent! - Anna Steven
The written word preserves the wonders of the human mind.
The wrong person crosses me, and it'll BE an assault--weapon. - Vicky
The wrong way always seems the more reasonable.
The wrong way often seems the more reasonable
The wsOMR, a telemicroscope that views cyberspace!
The wunnerful t'ing about Tiggers, is Tiggers is wunnerful t'ings
The yankees, son, are up north. The damnyankees are down here
The year 1984 isn't right for Network Chappelle TV3.
The year 1990, now known as The Year One, year of the plague
The year 1990, now known as The Year One, year of the plague
The year is 1980. The name of the place is Funky Town.
The year is 1994. The name of the place is Terok Nor Echo
The year is 1994. The name of the place is, ahh, hey, where *am* I?
The year is 1995, The place is Congress, Our last hope. IT failed.
The year is 1995. The name of the place is Babylon 37.
The year is 1995. The name of the place is, ahh, hey, where *am* I?
The year is 2258.
The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.
The year is 2259. The Place is Babylon 5
The year is 2260. The name of the place is Babylon 5. ÄÄIvanova
The year is 2260. The place: Babylon 5
The year is @D. The name of the place is Babylon @SECOND@
The year is NOW. The name of the place is Babylon 5.
The year of the great war, 2259 - Babylon 5
The years a man has, wear him down or hold him up. -Caine
The years creep slowly by, Lorena
The years teach us much the days never knew. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The years that a woman subtracts form her age are not lost. They are added to other women's. - Diane De Poitiers
The yellow brick road leads into a yellow brick wall
The young Peter Graves Chronicles - Tom
The young are slaves to novelty, the old to custom.
The young constable has just thrown up into his helmet.
The young couple keeps a lot of booze on hand - Crow
The young know everything
The young know rules, the old know exceptions.
The young know the rules - the old the exceptions
The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions.
The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
The young must learn to obey a free gov't. - Aristotle
The young sew wild oats; the old grow sage
The young wish to give their elders the full benefits of
The young wish to give their elders the full benefits of their inexperience
The younger the better
The younger they get, the older I get. (an observation on policemen)
The younger they get, the older I get.-Hawkeye on wounded soldiers
The youngest one liked girls. huh huh huh
The youth of America is their oldest tradition. It has been going on now for three hundred years. (Oscar Wilde)
The zebra is chiefly used to illustrate the letter Z
The zombie drives a K car! - Mike
The zombie drives a K car! -- Mike Nelson
The zombie is deep in the rough on the 13th - Crow
The zombie is deep in the rough on the 13th... -- Crow T. Robot
The zombie's gotta clear that frog outta his throat -Crow
The zorg draws nearer. Spiff sets his blaster on "medium well" - Calvin
The, um, 'magic trick' thing. - Garibaldi
The.Question = (2 * B!) OR NOT(2 * B!)
Theasaurs: An ancient dinosaur w/ an excellent vocabulary
Theasaurus - A smart Dinosaur with a good vocabulary.
Theater is Life...Film is Art...Television is Furniture.
Theater is like holding a mirror up to a keyhole.
Theater people do it on stage.
Theater techies DO IT in the dark, on cue.
Theater: Holding a mirror up to a keyhole.
Theatre is Art; Film is Life; Television is Furniture
Theatre is life - film is art - television is furniture.
Theatre is life. Cinema is art. Television is furniture
Theft Among Arthropods - By The Lieutenants
Theft And Robbery - By Andy Tover
Theft Proof Tagline <hehe>
Theft Proof recipe <hehe>
Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover(4)
Theft and Robbery: Andy Tover
Theft from a single author is plagiarism. Theft from three or more is research
Theft is illegal because the gov't hates the competition!
Theft is the only true form of flattery
Theft resistentã tagline!!!
Theft will result in a $50,000 fine, imprisonment, or even death.
Theft-proof tagline.
Thehe tags together in one
Their 5-year mission: to boldly split infinitives!
Their Achilles Heel is the NOOGIE! - The Tick about Evil Santas
Their Shadows come again. -- Delenn
Their are Beta wave types others are Alpha Wave, but I love the Blues
Their are thre things wrong here.
Their belief, or disbelief, will not change the facts
Their blood is tainted with incurable evil. -- Shamish, Ventrue
Their company loves misery.
Their deaths perfectly expressed my deepest desires
Their demand is bigger than your supply. -- Hawkeye to BJ
Their exact words? - Odo
Their experiment needed a new test case
Their experiment needed a new test case - MST3K04
Their faces' really worn out their welcome - Mike
Their fury is their greatest weapon
Their hair all came outta the same mold - Tom
Their health is excellent. Almost too good. Boyce
Their home was destroyed during a tornado. - Data
Their horses will poop on the parking lot - Tom sings
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse
Their is NO suitable tagline when speaking about CONGRESS
Their is sumthing rong wit your komputer, ewe just cant figyour out watt !
Their island just turned into stock footage - Tom
Their kind is the reason there are no wolves left in Ireland.
Their laboratory mice whose genes have been spliced!
Their money tips her scales again
Their only crime was being delicious
Their only fear is the fear of a green planet. * SKYCLAD
Their orgasms hit, in a siMadokataneous peak. - r.a.a.stories scandal
Their own mini-Jonestown. - Mulder (Eve)
Their pad, it's a museum... - Joey Gaynor
Their pants are missing! - Crow
Their phasers are set to 'kill.' Data
Their real faces, their underneath faces, were monster faces
Their sex was so good even the neighbors lit cigarettes!
Their success is not"flattering about America"TIME on Limbaugh & Stern
Their such a fastidious couple She`s fast an he`s hideous
Their talk is cheapened by the double-tongue.... --Ten Bears.
Their throats tighten with apprehension - Mike
Their very silence is a loud cry. - Cicero
Their war is going to tear this galaxy apart. - Richard Franklin
Theives Do It Furtively
Theives do it with dexterity.
Thelemites DO IT 93 ways!
Thelemites do it at Will
Thelma & Luigi! - Tom on couple in car
Thelma and Luigi! -- Tom Servo
Thelonites turned to fertilizing with fresh blood
Thelonites turned to fertilizing with fresh blood... -- Thelonite Monk
Them Bots! Them Bots! Them Dry Bots! -- Joel Robinson
Them as has, gets
Them bats is smart, they use radar.
Them hogs is startin' to get a little intense up here.
Them people back there, they weren't normal. <Papa>
Them pigs is gettin' intense up here! Better back off another 10
Them that can does, them that can't RTFM.
Them that dance with the devil are bound to get scorched
Them that has gits
Them that has the taglines make the rules.
Them that has, gets
Them what can, do; them what can't, hire them what can.
Thema: *angel*
Theme song for Windows '96<tm>: "Starting Over"?
Theme song of J.W. Bobbitt's doctor: "Try to Re-Member
Thems fightin' words!! Put up yer dukes! Put em up!
Thems your opinions and nothing more
Then (sound familiar?) things began to stick. --John M. Ford
Then *we* could be in the wrong. McCoy
Then @FN@ caught the measles trying to get spots like a Trill
Then @TOFIRST@ said 'vagina'! That was cool! -- Butt-Head
Then Adam said "What's a headache?"
Then Adam said, Boy I'd like to whip her snap
Then Amber looked at the Tyrannosaur and screamed.
Then Bubba said something I'll never forget. -- Forrest Gump
Then Came Moron - Crow on cycle guy
Then Danny looked at the Tyrannosaur and screamed.
Then Doctor, this will be your one chance to get away from it all
Then God be blessed, it is the blessed sun
Then God didst say "Noah, build ye an ARJ."
Then God made woman ... since then no one's rested!
Then God said, "Let there be light -- bloody hell! Did I create this?"
Then God said: "Go forth and kick butt!"
Then Hillary, then Gennifer, and now America
Then I began thinking about...the replicator. Odo
Then I caught Lt. Zier and Commander Long.
Then I dropped the mag & ran before the vendor strangled me.-Anna S
Then I felt it for the first time: another Immortal. - Duncan MacLeod
Then I get afraid of what that could bring.
Then I get afraid of what that could bring. -- Tori Amos
Then I guess I'm yours. Paris
Then I guess you'll just have to learn, like the rest of us. Kes
Then I have the perfect solution for you. Clemens
Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep -Pink Floyd
Then I hope pain is something you enjoy... -Kruge
Then I joined the Crash Test Dummies - Crow as Caradine
Then I joined the Crash Test Dummies... -- Crow T. Robot
Then I killed him & he died - Tom
Then I must have come out of your imagination, julian.<Kiss!> -Dax 2
Then I opened my other eye . . . . -- Gregory Sumner
Then I saw those black lace panties and I knew that it was you!
Then I shall cut out the white bread sir. - 007 (N.S.N.A.)
Then I thought, `Neat. Land piranha's!' -- Jack Butler
Then I volunteer.....sir. - Sito
Then I watched her hands of leather, turn to velvet in a touch
Then I will delete the appropriate program. - Data
Then I will exploit the dylithium crystals! - Evil Tom
Then I'll see you in hell! Yah! - Han
Then I'm Mr. Glac-a-wick-tz. You mean DR Galacawicz? Yes-I-aam!
Then I'm Mr. Glack-a-week-ich. You mean DR. Galacawicz? Yes-I-am!
Then I'm gonna HIT'CHA and yooouu're gonna FALL!!!
Then Jeff caught the measles trying to get spots like a Trill.
Then Judy looked at the Tyrannosaur and screamed.
Then Kahless said,'You are Klingons,you need no-one but yourselves.'
Then Kai Winn told the human children that there was no Easter Bunny
Then Kai Winn told the human children that there was no Tooth Fairy
Then Kira said,"Here take my phaser & hold them off....I have to pee."
Then Lancelot, Robin and I will jump out of the Rabbit.
Then Losira appeared and said, I am for you, @TO@
Then Mary looked at the Tyrannosaur and screamed.
Then Mr.Spock isn't a traitor! Chapel
Then Orville let out the dove to see if the waters were receding. Gen 8:
Then Orville said masturbation. huh huh huh
Then Q met Lorena - after which he was known as O.
Then Quark tried to sell me the Uranium P36 Explosive Space Modulator
Then Shall They See The Son of Man Coming In a Cloud With Power and Great Glory !!
Then Vampyra appeared and said, "I am for you, @FN@."
Then a mournful smile; always pale and hungry, <Lew Romney<
Then a shot rang out and barney hit the floor, no more purple dinosaur
Then again co-ed naked twister sounds fun too
Then again, I could be chasing an untamed ornithoid without cause.
Then again, I could be completely wrong
Then again, I could be completely wrong...Nahhh!
Then again, I could be wrong. - Dennis Miller
Then again, I obviously have a feeble grasp of army protocol.-Mulder
Then again, I'm juvenile
Then again, I'm juvenile. <G>
Then again, I'm juvenile. <G> - Anna Steven
Then again, Internet E-mail is pretty swell too.. <G>
Then again, all good things must come to an end. - Q
Then again, maybe he's just a world-class poophead - Calvin
Then again, maybe they have :-)
Then again, my motto is: Never use a computer you can lift. - Barry Shein
Then again, people might not even stop to listen pretty soon
Then again, there are those of us who actually find it funny!
Then again, you are not welcome
Then all of a sudden I'm floating in mid-air... - Weird Al
Then anyone who leaves behind him a written manual, and likewise
Then at a deadly pace It Came From Outer Space
Then at last the mighty ship descending on a point of flame
Then badabingbangboom, my wing is introduced to radial tires! - Bobby
Then came... boredom! -- Crow T. Robot
Then cycle power and try it again.
Then die in ignorance! - Worf
Then die in ignorance. I can waste no more time on you.
Then do the pelvic thrust.
Then don't fool with the dustbuggers; mess with these
Then get rid of that damned twitch! - Picard
Then give me a good reason why you can't marry me. I'll give you four. My wife and three children
Then go to her door and beg like a human. - Worf
Then he invested all of it in diesel-powered nuns
Then he is >in error< where the truth is involved. Sheridan
Then he poured a beer in his hand and got his date drunk.
Then he removed her... (I'll finish the tagline later)
Then he said 'masturbation'! - Beavis
Then he said 'penis'! - Butthead
Then he said 'vagina'! That was cool! - Butt-Head
Then he said, "Pull up your pants, your in the Navy now"
Then he wrinkled his noses and raised his eyebrow
Then he'd feel right at home in Northampton, eh?
Then if anything grows, while you pose, I'll oil you up and rub you down
Then is Doomsday near
Then is Doomsday near. -- Shakespeare
Then is gone. When doesn't exist. Now is all we have. - Laurie Thomson
Then it MUST be an AT&T 6300! One of the least IBM-compat
Then it felt like somethin' jumped up an' bit me. - Forrest Gump
Then it would RULE! -- Butthead
Then it's Symbalene blood burn. - Barkley
Then it's agreed. We'll do a hysterectomy on Maj. Burns. -- Hawkeye
Then let me earn your trust with the truth-Sen.Matheson to Mulder
Then let's be in-dep-end-ent together!
Then let's do it. Kim
Then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade towards thy foe
Then maybe we need _two_ schools on the station. - Kira
Then my bereavement counsellor died. I don't know who to turn to
Then my initial assumption was correct! -Data
Then mysteriously -- NO DICK!! - Crow on Van Patten
Then of course there are people with opinions as big as their egos
Then prove it! - Kirk
Then shalt thou count to three. No more, no less.
Then she appeared - apple venus on a half-open shell.
Then she gave me a Vegemite sandwich and I dropped dead.
Then she said masturbation. That was cool. huh huh huh
Then she said masturbation. huh huh huh
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee, How great thou art!
Then sir, I shall cut out the white bread. - 007 (Thunderball)
Then somebody spoke, and I went into a dream
Then something went wrong for Fay Wray and King Kong
Then suddenly I was dead and there was this afterlife. - Ro Laren
Then suddenly and embarrassingly, my swash came unbuckled!
Then suddenly it starts to get weird. The rules change.
Then that southern whiskey began to fog my mind.
Then that southern whiskey began to fog my mind. -L. George
Then that would mean we're not dead. - Ro Laren
Then that's it?.No other comment?! - Picard
Then the 3-headed alien in the arboretum said,"We want...a shrubbery!"
Then the HoloDoc began to tap dance.--WTNE
Then the Swedish Bikini Team arrived and things improved.
Then the creator double clicked on my belly button
Then the dark man was turning toward him, and Nick was afraid
Then the internet is not for you.!!!
Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!
Then the spirit of the LORD fell upon me. Ez 11:5
Then there was a different young attorney who had bad news and good news for his
Then there was the Formosan bartender named Taiwan-On.
Then there was the divorce attorney who said that while love is grand, divorce is many times that
Then there was the divorce lawyer who described his job as helping women to get back their maiden aims
Then there was the girl who was engaged to a gymnast -- 'til he broke it off
Then there was the husband who grew a mustache. He was tired of his wife calling him a barefaced liar
Then there was the lawyer who didn't bother to graduate from law school, but settled out of class
Then there was the lawyer who opened a Japanese restaurant called So-Su-Mi
Then there was the lawyer whose favorite song was, A Boy Named Sue
Then there was the time Geronimo jumped out of an airplane and yelled, MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Then there was the workaholic who was arrested for resisting a rest
Then there were two
Then there's my virgin classes - Mike as girl
Then there's the model who sat on a broken bottle and cut a good figure.
Then they are fools. - Data
Then they came for me and all they found was a tagline
Then they inserted this Alien into him +Ca#aXNO CARRIER
Then they'd eat me afterwards.. what else can you ask for?
Then this moon is a penile colony - Picard
Then this village will cease to exist -- Dax
Then we are in deep crud. - Roddy McStew, F!
Then we are in deep crud. - Roddy McStew, Freakazoid
Then we die. But, still.
Then we have Pat Buchanan, the original boy in the hood. <W. Goldberg>
Then we have number four. Number four: Crunchy Frog.
Then we have to assume it didn't work. - Ulani
Then we held him down and shoved live Voles down his trousers
Then we must accept that as the will of the Prophets. - Winn
Then we sat on the sand for some time and observed.....
Then we shall become a drifting tomb... Lenore Karidian
Then we're looking at a simple homemade bomb. - Sisko
Then what happend? Chakotay
Then what happens? 'I've been rather curious about that myself.'
Then what is it that's holding you back? - Sisko
Then where the Photon are we?
Then who gets the chairs?
Then why don't you _fight_ for it? - O'Brien
Then why don't you just listen? La Forge to Guinan
Then why have you been working on uyour acceptance speech? Odo
Then wisdom and sagacity are born, along with hypocrisy. - Lau
Then you admit confirming not denying you ever said that?
Then you are cast...into the Gorge of Eternal Peril!!!
Then you are in deep crud
Then you are not an historian. - Data
Then you die on the table, and we spend eternity together.
Then you have _one_ other choice... - Spock
Then you have a fight on your hands... <eg> - Anna Steven
Then you have abandoned, what I have sought all my life.
Then you learn the lesson that it's cool to be so tough. - Rush
Then you learn the weapons and the ways of hard-knock school. - Rush
Then you were captured as breeding stock. Menendez
Then you will play for the honour of your ship - Kolrami
Then you'd better start swimming
Then you're not of the Body. You couldn't be. Reger
Then you've never seen her. Janeway
Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - HGTTG
Then, are you saying you are not normal? :-)
Then, hit ENTER and enjoy the tour.
Then, how did Chevrolet win more races, over the last 10 years?
Then, in 1985...FUN was completely encoded in this tiny MICROCHIP
Then, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!
Then, on Kilted Yak Eve...If you look REAL closely
Then, quite suddenly, I realised life was hilarious :)
Then, quite suddenly, and all at once, nothing happened
Then, sudden-like, >BLAMMO<! Pixels EVERYWHERE!!
Then, suddenly and embarrassingly, my swash came unbuckled
Then, we slaughter 'em! - Crow as farmer on cows
Then, we're gonna score! - Beavis
Then, where are MY taglines?
ThenYou'llBeAtMyNot-So-Tender Mercy! TheVulture/SpiderMan Classic
Theological terrorists have 9mm Bibles in their socks.
Theology is a branch of Physics.
Theology is a study with no answers because it has no subject matter. Anon
Theophobia -- Fear of God
Theorem I - The universe is a figment of its own imagination.
Theoretical Physics is a science locally isomorphic to Mathematics.
Theoretical physicists think they're mathematicians
Theoreticians DO IT with a proof.
Theoretiker : jemand, der praktisch nur denkt
Theorie ist, was man nicht versteht. Praxis ist, was man nicht erkl„ren kann
Theories are always better than explanations.
Theories cannot be proven...only disproven.
Theories like this are why I can't take him seriously. - Scully
Theory is gray, but the golden tree of life is green. -- Goethe
Theory is like mist on glasses - it obscures facts
Theory of relativity: If you go back far enough, we're all related.
Theory: A hunch with a college education.
Theory: the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage
Theory: when you have ideas. Ideology: when ideas have you.
Theory; also science, technology. Explanation for why something does/doesn't work that one accepts
Ther ar 6 errers in this sentance.
Therapeutic Tagline
Therapists are expensive friends!
Therapists are expensive, but friends -- long as you PAY!
Therapy helps, but screaming obscenities are cheaper.
Therapy is expensive, poppin' bubble wrap is cheap! You choose
Therapy is nice, but shouting obscenities is cheaper.
Therapy is not a luxury.
Therapy might help but hissing & spitting obscenities is much cheaper!
There must be fifty ways to love your liver
There *__is* intelligent life on Earth, but I leave for Texas on Monday
There *__is* no such thing as a civil engineer
There *are TRIBBLES on boa*rd *t*his tagl*ine!
There *is* a free lunch, but it doesn't taste very good
There *is* a use for Atog... kindling!
There *is* an alien presense here. Kes
There *is* intelligent life on Earth, but I leave for Texas on Monday.
There *is* no justice; just mercy. MacLeod
There *must* be a God. What else explains Leather Miniskirts?
There *were* Martians. The Viking landers squashed *both* of 'em.
There *were* worse things than crucifixion. There were teeth
There @FN@ goes again, confusing me with real life!
There @TOFIRST@ goes again....totally disregarding reality
There ARE no nice compters.
There Ain't No Waste in My Baby's Love Canal
There Are More Horses' Rear Ends Than Horses
There Are Nights When The Wolves Are Silent And Only The Moon Howls
There Are No More Metaphors
There Dan goes again....totally disregarding reality
There Dwight goes again, confusing me with real life!
There Has To Be An Invisible Sun / An Infra-red or an X-ray one
There He Is, Mister Fish Talk! - Ren.
There I go jumping before the gunshot has gone off. - Alanis Morisette
There I go talking to myself again.
There I was, Flat on my Back
There I was. Stuck with this beautiful girl. -H. Canyon
There IS Safety in numbers! For Example .357, .44, .45
There IS a middle ground, but it's for sissy weasels. - Calvin
There IS intelligent life in the universe It ignores us
There IS intelligent life in the universe. BUT It's ignor
There IS intelligent life in the universe. It ignores us.
There IS intelligent life on Earth since Cat's visiting
There IS order to MY Chaos
There IS something out there watching over us...it's the government!
There Is Joy in The Presence of The Angels of God Over One Sinner That Repenteth !!
There Is No Land Unhabitable, Nor Sea Unnavigable -- Richard Harluyt.
There Is No Such Thing As A Well-Adjusted Slave!
There MUST be a God. What else explains Leather Minis?
There MUST be a God. What else explains Speedos?
There MUST be a God. What else explains leather mini's?
There MUST be a way to cram more violence into 90 minutes. - Calvin
There Myra goes again....totally disregarding reality
There Orville Bullitt goes again, confusing TV with real life!
There Orville goes again....totally disregarding reality
There R 2 ways 2 write error-free programs,the 3rd works.
There R well dressed foolish ideas as there R well dressed fools
There REALLY IS a BBS called "This BBS Sucks!"
There SURE was a lot of wrestling in this movie - Mike
There Soleil goes again, confusing me with real life!
There Tika goes again....totally disregarding reality
There WAS a traitor.. Now she is gone! Nice job JMS!
There _are_ no superior facilities, he knows that. - McCoy
There _is_ sex after death; you get laid in the coffin.
There _must_ be a pony in here somewhere
There _would_ have to be one condition. - Ro Laren
There a moral to that story? -- Lt. Yamada
There a threat to Humanity, and they always will be
There a threat to Humanity, and they always will be. - Richard Franklin
There actually is a solar powered flashlight, you know.
There ain't much gets past a Rush fan
There ain't much to being a ballplayer ... if you're a ballplayer. - Honus Wagner
There ain't no Devil. It's just God when He's drunk. (Tom Waits)
There ain't no coming back! - T-Bird
There ain't no cure for the summertime blues
There ain't no cure for the summertime blues - The Who
There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.
There ain't no place that I'd rather be - next to you, next to me.
There ain't no rules around here! We're trying to accomplish something!-T.Edison
There ain't no such thing as Texas, it's really Baja Oklahoma!
There ain't no such thing as a free launch.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch -- Jubal Harshaw
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. - Heinlein
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. - Lazarus Long
There ain't no such thing as a free weekend
There ain't nothin' but crap on the internet, but there is a lot of it
There aint nothin wrong with the radio
There appears to be irrefutable evidence that the mere fact of overcrowding induces violence. -- Harvey Wheeler
There appears to have been a mutiny aboard the Klingon ship. - Odo
There are *FOUR* lights! Picard
There are *NO* absolutes and I can prove it!
There are *no* absolute statements!
There are *no* lemurs in this movie! -- Tom Servo
There are *reasons* why eating out is better than cooking!
There are *two* of you, Pierce? God help us. -- Winchester
There are ... programs that should be thrown away before ever being used. - Weinberg, p.20
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand binary and those who don't.
There are 10,000 unwanted pets in YK. Eat a cat today.
There are 10,000 unwanted pets in YK. Eat a cat today.
There are 100,000 unwanted pets in Nanaimo. Eat a pussy today.
There are 1001 uses for a dead cat and I know 'em all.
There are 12,332 people here. Dog pile on Bob! <g<
There are 18 male cats on the Enterprise. I will conduct DNA tests
There are 2 Sides to Every Argument
There are 2 answers to every question: ours and the wrong one
There are 2 kinds of O/S's: Unix, and brain-farts
There are 2 kinds of dogs: 1) Chases porkypines once; 2) Never learns
There are 2 kinds of pedestrians: The quick and the dead
There are 2 kinds of people: pessimists and fools
There are 2 snakes in Hawaii, both males, in the Honolulu Zoo.
There are 2 theories on arguing with a woman, and neither one works.
There are 2 theories on arguing with a woman...(But neither work!)
There are 2 types of people: Weasels and Weasel-Slappers!
There are 2 types of people: Those who can remember things.
There are 2 ways to handle women a640K ought to be e
There are 2 ways to handle women and I know neither.
There are 2 ways to win: Follow the rules, or like the liberals do it
There are 2 ways to write error-free programs. Only the third one works.
There are 256 bones in the human body. How'd ya like one more?
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
There are 3 Romulans.......all of them with disruptors. - Picard
There are 3 absolutes: Death, Taxes and P.M.S.
There are 3 kinds of people - those who can count & those
There are 3 kinds of people - those who can count and those who can't.
There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count &
There are 3 kinds: those who can count, & those who can't
There are 3 possibilities: The solar panel has turned from the sun; a me
There are 3 types of people - those who can count and those who can't
There are 3 ways to get things done; do it yourself; hire some one; forbid your kids to do it
There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
There are 350 verities of shark, not counting loan and pool
There are 40 kinds of lunacy, but only 1 kind of common sense
There are 400 beautiful girls in town and he always dates the others
There are 44 sounds in the English language, but only 26 letters!
There are 5 lights, but one is burned out.
There are 50,000 unwanted pets in NZ. Eat a cat today.
There are 548 peanuts in a 12 oz. jar of peanut butter.
There are 8 potatoes, Mrs. Jewls. - Joe No, there are 8. - Mrs. Jewls
There are FOUR lights! Picard/COC, Part II
There are Monkey Boys in the facility!
There are NO civil rights for the Technological Minority
There are NO lemurs in this movie! - Tom
There are Nodems in the land of Nod, only Repubs.
There are Pharaoahs at the bottom of my Egyptian garden
There are SO many people who deserve steel-toed boots in the crotch.
There are Satanic messages in the preceding message.
There are TWO 'B's in BBS, not one
There are [tax] increases for every family. New York Times.
There are _4_ lights!! - Picard
There are _many_ things I don't understand, doctor. - Kirk
There are _many_ things I have forgotten. -Kahless the Unforgettable
There are _never_ enough bookshelves
There are _no_ absolute statements. Not even this one.
There are a couple of things about her I greatly admire
There are a few things that never go out of style, and a feminine woman is one of them. -- Ralston
There are a few, uh, soft spots - Tolwyn about The Behemoth
There are a finite number of jokes in the universe
There are a lot more cowboy boots than there are cowboys
There are a lot of beautiful girls in Hollywood. But I never get to see them. I work in a beauty parlor
There are a lot of hot arguments over "cold cash."
There are a lot of lies going around ... And half of them are true. - Winston Churchill
There are a lot of lies going around.... and half of them are true.
There are a lot of things you can't say with flowers!!
There are a lot of women in the world like her. They use themselves to get what they want."
There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz convertible. -P.J.O'Rourke
There are a thousand languages, but a smile speaks them all.
There are a thousand languages, but a smile speaks them all.
There are about 550 hairs in one eyebrow
There are aliens among us ÄÄ just look at Quayle
There are also scenes of naked women with floppy breasts...Ä M. Python
There are always alternatives.
There are always alternatives. - Spock
There are always alternatives. -- Spock, "The Galileo Seven"
There are always alternatives. Spock, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2822.3
There are always at least two ways to program the same thing.
There are always bozos with guns...more than willing to ruin our day.
There are always ears on the other side of the wall. - Chinese Proverb
There are always exceptions to established exceptions
There are always options. - Worf
There are an awful lot of skinny people in the cemetery.
There are approximately 12 cockroach heads per fig newton.
There are as many paths to enlightenment as there are people
There are bad thoughts, bad intentions -- and words!
There are beings in this universe far older than ourselves
There are better things to bang than a drum -Pattie Sisson
There are birds in the trees, Tom said swiftly.
There are bugs and then there are bugs. And then there are bugs
There are bugs? <recoiling> - Anna Steven
There are certain givens... sex, love, wealth and power
There are certain things men must do to be men. - Kirk
There are certain things men must do to remain men.
There are certain things men must do to remain men. -- Kirk, "The Ultimate Computer"
There are dancers that can can-can and ones that can't can-can
There are days I'm glad I don't have to think the way you do!
There are days when, somehow, life seems to have lost its magic.
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. - 1 Cor. 12:4
There are drugs named after us.
There are eight E's in LEEEEEEEECH!
There are exceptions to all rules, but it seldom answers to follow the advice of an opponent. (Benjamin Disraeli)
There are exceptions to every rule, and I'm one of them. - Forrest Gump
There are few guarantees in life
There are few people more often in the wrong than those who cannot endure to be thought so
There are few privileges without responsibilities.
There are few problems that can't be solved by high explosives.
There are few problems which can't be solved by ripping a hole in reality
There are few simple answers
There are few things easier than to live badly & die well -O. Wilde
There are fleeting moments that I even amaze myself. - The Brain
There are four Bothers,"Pooh told the Cardassian heffelump directly
There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy
There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy ... -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
There are four things that hold back human progress; ignorance, stupidity,
There are four things that hold back human progress; ignorance, stupidity, committees, and accountants
There are glitches in Fidonet!
There are gods in the mirror.
There are going to be three of them. - Kira
There are good five-cent cigars, but they cost two bits.
There are good people everywhere - even at Social Services-Nick Knight
There are good people everywhere. Even at Social Services
There are good times ahead for you.
There are grammatical errors even in his silence. --Stanislaw J. Lec, "Unkempt Thoughts"
There are great wonders ahead. Great adventures. - Roland
There are great wonders ahead. Great adventures. - Roland
There are greater gifts than Immortality. - Kalas
There are hits, & there are misses; & then there are *MISSES*... - DS
There are humans for whom the words Never Again carry special meaning.
There are just some parts on your body you can't replace!
There are just some parts on your body you can't replace! - John Bobbitt
There are just some things you can't hide
There are just to many children to list from this line
There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.
There are lazy minds as well as lazy bodies.
There are liars, damn liars, and politicians.
There are lies, damn lies and Creationists
There are lies, damn lies and statistics. -- Samuel Clemens
There are lies, damn lies, and Democrat promises
There are lies, damn lies, and Democrat statistics
There are lies, damn lies, and Liberal Socialists.
There are lies, damn lies, and environmentalists.
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. --Samuel Clemons
There are lies, damned lies, and Bill Clinton!
There are lies, damned lies, and benchmarks!
There are lies, damned lies, and statistics
There are lies, damned lies, and statistics -- Mark Twain
There are lies, darn lies and Creationists
There are lies, darn lies, and Democrat promises
There are lies, darn lies, and Democrat statistics
There are lies, darn lies, and environmentalists
There are lies, darn lies, and statistics
There are lies, darned lies, and benchmarks!
There are lies, darned lies, and statistics
There are lies, darned lies, and statistics. -Mark Twain
There are life forms here. Data
There are limits to my knowledge - Mr. X
There are limits to the limits with which one can live.
There are little lies, big lies...and AR Wacko Whoppers!
There are lunatics, and then there are Lunatics
There are many among us who feel life is but a joke - Hendrix
There are many drawbacks to using geese as car horns
There are many excuses for being late, but there are none for being early
There are many intelligent species in the universe, and they all own cats
There are many kinds of people in the world. Are you one of them?
There are many perks to being the mother of a living god. - GB2
There are many things I could say
There are many ways to handle a woman... I don't know any of them
There are many ways to handle women. I don't know any.
There are many ways to show affection.
There are men I could spend eternity with. But not this life. - Kathleen Norris
There are men who need two women in their life. A secretary to take things down, and a wife to pick things up
There are millions of people who should not be Unitarians.
There are millions of stories in the Naked Echo.
There are monsters of striking charity
There are more Indians alive today than ever. - LIMBAUGH
There are more airplanes on the bottom of the ocean than submarines in the sky -- Unkn admiral addessing WWII naval academy class
There are more bad musicians that there is bad music.
There are more bad musicians that there is bad music.
There are more chickens than people in the world.
There are more conspiracy theories than there are paranoids
There are more dead people than living, and their numbers are increasing. -- Eugene Ionesco
There are more dead than living and they are increasing.
There are more fish taken out of a stream than ever were in it.
There are more fools in the world than there are people.
There are more horse's asses than horses
There are more horse's asses than there are horses.
There are more horses' asses in Washington than anywhere else.
There are more horses' asses in this world than there are
There are more idiots than ways to idiot-proof anything.
There are more idle brains than idle hands
There are more important things in life than having a little money, and one of them is having a lot of money
There are more important things in life than money but they all cost money.
There are more important things to do than wiggling your posterior.
There are more important things to do than wiggling your posterior.
There are more of them than us
There are more of us lurking here than you realize.
There are more of you than previously.
There are more old drunkards than old doctors.
There are more phones than people in Washington DC.
There are more planes in the ocean than ships in the sky
There are more pleasant ways to get a bladder infection, you know
There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio
There are more things in heaven and earth
There are more things in heaven and earth than any place else
There are more things in heaven and earth than anyplace else. -- Tom Weller
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
There are more ways of killing a cat than buttering it with parsnips
There are more ways of killing a cat than choking her with cream.
There are more women then grains of sand! - Edgar, FF3
There are myriad ways to remove the epidermis of felines
There are never any bugs you haven't found yet.
There are never enough hours in a day, but always too many days before Saturday
There are new messages
There are nights when wolves are silent and only the moon howls
There are no "Anglo-Saxon" food booths at foreign culture exhibits.
There are no "First Amendment" rights on FidoNet.
There are no "Scots-Irish" food booths at foreign culture exhibits.
There are no ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS I'm very probably wrong
There are no Anglo-Saxon food booths at foreign culture exhibits
There are no Aussie food booths at foreign culture exhibits.
There are no ESC keys on San Quentin's PCs
There are no ESC keys on prison PCs.
There are no FNORD's in this tagline
There are no OS/2 viruses. Nobody writes ANYTHING for OS/2
There are no OS/2 viruses. Noone writes _anything_ for OS/2.
There are no Scots-Irish food booths at foreign culture exhibits.
There are no Shadows in Amber.
There are no UFOs and I saw Elvis talking to Bigfoot yesterday
There are no absolute answers to life - just revelations.
There are no absolutes...and I believe that absolutely!
There are no accidents -- only plans other people don't tell you about
There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe. --Baba Ram Dass
There are no animalities
There are no answers at best a few possibly good guesses.
There are no answers, only a few good cross-references.
There are no answers, only cross references
There are no answers. At best a few possibly good guesses.
There are no atheists in fox holes. William Cummings
There are no atheists in foxholes.
There are no atheists in foxholes. - I've heard that. - Mulcahy
There are no atheists in foxholes. -Col. Potter
There are no atheists in hell.
There are no atheists in the bottom of a foxhole.
There are no atheists in the fox holes
There are no atheists in the foxholes. - William Thomas Cummings
There are no atheists on the battlefield.
There are no athiests in hell.
There are no athiests in hell.
There are no bugs, only unrecognized features.
There are no civilians among the Borg. Riker
There are no cold, rolled pilots
There are no conspiracies! "We" won't allow it.
There are no convenient crises.
There are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous men.
There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly
There are no dead. -- Maeterlinck
There are no delays. We are operating on schedule
There are no dirty words, only suggestive ones.
There are no dumb questions.... just dumb people
There are no edges. Only the places where things meet.
There are no emotional victims, only volunteers
There are no errors in this book, except this one.
There are no exit ramps on the road of learning. -Free Wheeler
There are no facts, only interpretations.
There are no facts, only interpretations. - Friedrich Nietzsche
There are no facts, only interpretations.<Nietzsche>
There are no games on this system.
There are no giant crabs in here
There are no giant crabs in here, @TOFIRST@
There are no giant crabs in here, Bob.
There are no giant crabs in here, Frank.
There are no giant crabs in here, Orville.
There are no giant crabs in here.
There are no good ways to die
There are no great men, buster. There are only men. -- Elaine Stewart, "The Bad and the Beautiful"
There are no great men, only great challenges that ordinary men are forced by circumstances to meet. -- Admiral William Halsey
There are no great scripts -just great films. -Malcolm McDowell
There are no group discounts in the Ten Commandments. - PJ O'Rourke
There are no grudges on the Edge. Only obligations
There are no heroes or villains in this war. -- Zharvic
There are no hugs like Bear Hugs.
There are no kangaroos in Austria
There are no laws of nonsense because laws are logical and nonsense is not
There are no lawyer jokes, they are all true.
There are no limits for journeys of the mind.
There are no limits set on thought
There are no loopholes in the chivalry code..I checked! =) -Tristessa
There are no manifestos like cannon & musketry. Wellington
There are no manifestos like cannon and musketry. -- The Duke of Wellington
There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes. - W.J.Bennett
There are no mistakes in the kitchen -- just lessons!
There are no mistakes in the kitchen, only lessons.
There are no mistakes, only learning opportunities.
There are no moral messages in nature.
There are no moral phenomena at all, but only moral interpretation of phenomena. - Friedrich Nietzsche
There are no more I/O operations to do today, Tom disclosed.
There are no more bugs. ///\oo/\\\ ///\oo/\\\
There are no more bugs. ///\oo/\\\ ///\oo/\\\///\oo/\\\
There are no more nits, for thou hast picked them all.
There are no more than 255^57 possible taglines.
There are no mothers. Only Fathers. -- Coty Wyckoff
There are no new sins, the old ones just get more publicity
There are no new taglines, only recycled ones.
There are no old stories... just new angles
There are no old, bold pilots
There are no other worlds. Septimus
There are no part-time jobs. Anyone with a part-time job is working full-time for half salary
There are no points for second place. - Viper
There are no rules for March. March is spring, sort of, usually, March means maybe, but don't bet on it
There are no rules in this game, except one and that is to win.
There are no rules. - Kalas
There are no saints, only unrecognized villains
There are no sceptics in hell
There are no secrets better kept than the secret everybody guesses
There are no secrets better kept than the secret everybody guesses. -- GEORGE B. SHAW
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. --Beverly Sills
There are no similarities between the victims. -- Harley Stone
There are no simple answers, only big challenges
There are no simularities between the victims. -- Harley Stone
There are no skeptics in hell.
There are no strangers in life, only friends you've not yet met
There are no stupid questions - just stupid answers!
There are no stupid questions - only stupid people
There are no stupid questions but MANY stupid answers!
There are no stupid questions, except for the ones YOU ask!
There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.
There are no teachers -- only students.
There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. - Helena Rubenstein
There are no ugly women, only ugly men.
There are no unimportant acts of kindness..
There are no user servicable parts in this tagline
There are no valid reasons to stay on the ground. Go fly!
There are no winners in life - only survivors.
There are no words to explain a cat except "A bundle of care & love"
There are none of our security officers on the Bridge. - Picard
There are none of you, good doctors, who could cope with my family
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
There are none so foolish as those that will not learn.
There are numerous Earths around their Suns, no worse and no less inhabited than this globe of ours. -- Giordano Bruno
There are nuts in my family tree!
There are old pilots and bold pilots, but very few old, bold pilots
There are old pilots, and bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots
There are only 2 kinds of faultless men--the dead and the deadly.
There are only 2 perfectly good men: 1 dead, the other unborn. Mae West
There are only 2 secrets in the universe : 1) Don't give away all your secrets
There are only 2000 real people in the world -- the rest are bad special effects
There are only 3 lawyer jokes - the rest are fact!
There are only 3 lawyer jokes, the rest are true stories.
There are only 3 things you can grow in MN - colder, older and fatter.
There are only 44 sounds in the English language?
There are only TWO lawyer jokes. The rest are true.
There are only four basic plots in life, and nine in literature
There are only four words in the English language which end in -dous: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous
There are only seconds! I'll need time to set it. Gary Seven
There are only three kinds of people; people who can count and people who can't
There are only three lawyer jokes. The rest are true stories
There are only three lawyer jokes. The rest are facts.
There are only two emotions in Wall Street: fear and greed.
There are only two forces that unite men - fear and interest. - Napoleon Bonaparte
There are only two important things to learn about mechanics:
There are only two industries that refer to their customers as 'users'. --Edward Tufte
There are only two kinds . . . those who love ideas and those who hate them. - Emile Chartier
There are only two kinds of airplane, Fighters... and targets
There are only two kinds of creatures: predator and prey. Overbite
There are only two kinds of men -- the dead and the deadly. -- Helen Rowland
There are only two kinds of tequila. Good and better
There are only two kinds of users, Moderators and targets.
There are only two of you against an army. Ayerborne
There are only two seasons in Florida: Tourist and Road Construction.
There are only two sizes....adequate and inadequate.
There are only two things I believe in: everything and nothing.
There are only two things a child will share willingly--communicable diseases and his mother's age. - Benjamin Spock
There are only two things that I believe: everything and nothing.
There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. - Oscar Wilde
There are only two types of naval vessels, submarines and targets
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
There are other ways to challenge oneself? - Data
There are other ways to challenge oneself? - Data
There are other worlds, gunslinger, and other demons. - Oracle
There are others in the cosmos who truly despise me. - Q
There are owls in the Roadhouse. -- The Log Lady
There are parts of me that don't get nervous... - Sisters of Mercy
There are patriotic Americans and then there are liberal democrats.
There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying
There are people who have been born killers who have never killed.
There are performance improvements, and they are very minor.
There are pleanty of businesses like show business
There are plenty of businesses like show business - Bart Simpson's lines
There are plenty of businesses like show business -Bart Simp./Epis. 1F19
There are plenty of businesses like show business. - Bart's Board
There are plenty of businesses like show business. --Bart Simpson.
There are reportedly no efforts being made to study the mushrooms
There are running jobs. Why don't you go chase them?
There are several good protections against temptation, but the surest is cowardice. --Mark Twain
There are six life forms aboard the freighter, sir. Worf
There are six life forms aboard the freighter, sir. Worf
There are skeletons at the bottom of my garden!
There are so dragons! 'Round here, we call'em gaters!
There are so dragons! Here we call 'em gators!
There are so dragons! 'Round here, we call'em gaters!
There are so many colors in a flower, & I see every one... -Chapin
There are so many drinks that are yet to be drunk.
There are so many people wanting a piece of my ass that some of them are having to take turns. -- T.K
There are so many upgrades, I am bankrupt.
There are so many.... I'm having a hard time choosing. - FM
There are some days when it takes all you've got to keep up with the losers
There are some defeats more triumphant than victories.
There are some men who get more satisfaction out of their ignorance than most learned men get out of their knowledge. - Peter McArthur
There are some missing pieces to this puzzle. -- Picard
There are some parts on your body you can't replace! - John Bobbitt
There are some people that if they don't know, you can't tell 'em. --Louis Armstrong
There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water. - Kate Chopin
There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water. - Kate Chopin
There are some remedies worse than the disease. - Syrus
There are some small problems with the economy. -- Bush, 7/91
There are some strings. They're just not attached.
There are some things I can't do. I can't make you as good as I am!
There are some things even *Cowboys* won't eat!
There are some things in life where simulation or watching it on TV just doesn't cut it. - Ginny Glynn
There are some things worth dying for.
There are some things worth dying for. - James Tiberius Kirk
There are some things worth dying for. - Kirk
There are some things worth dying for. -- Kirk, "Errand of Mercy"
There are some things worth dying for. Kirk, Errand of Mercy, stardate
There are some who call me . . . Tim
There are some who call me... Tim... Ä Monty Python
There are some who call me...Orville
There are some who speak one moment before they think.
There are sore losers, REALLY sore losers, & Republicans
There are sore losers, pretty women, and Idiot Liberals
There are sparks coming out of the printer. Is that normal?
There are still so many beautiful things to be said in C major
There are subliminal messages in this tagline
There are such things as monsters. -- Belle, Bone Gnawer
There are these pictures, that once you understand them, make a lot of sense
There are things rats won't do that lawyers will.
There are things so serious that you can only joke about them
There are things that are never forgotten! (Bozart)
There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them
There are things which we do not understand, they exist nonetheless.
There are things which we do not understand, yet they exist
There are thinkers and there are doers. I think I need a doer.
There are those damned black-hatted fellows again!
There are those that say, and those that do. - Andrew Campbell
There are those who call me Tim
There are those who say life is an illusion - Chucky Grey
There are those who say life is an illusion; that reality is a figment\n of the imaginaiton. --Criminologist
There are those who say, that life is an illusion.
There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance. -Rush
There are thousands hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. - Henry David Thoreau
There are thre erors in this tagline.
There are three arts which are concerned with all things; one which uses, another which makes, and a third which imitates them. - Plato
There are three cases: UPPER CASE, lower case and brfcs.
There are three erors in this sentance.
There are three kinds of economist. Those who can count, and those who can't. - Eddie George
There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Stati
There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. - Benjamin Disraeli
There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Darn Lies, and Statistics
There are three kinds of lies: White lies, whoppers, and statistics
There are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies, and sta
There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can't
There are three kinds of people, those who can count, and those that can't
There are three kinds of people: Those who can't count & those who can
There are three kinds of people: men, women, and unix
There are three million stories in the Naked Space Station.
There are three misteaks in thes tagline.
There are three rules for successfully managing people: Unfortunately, no one knows what they are
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. -- Somerset Maugham
There are three sages in a man's life: STUD - DUD - THUD.
There are three sexes: males, females and girls.
There are three things I always forget. Names, faces -- the third I can't remember. -- Italo Svevo
There are three things I have always loved and never understood - art, music, and women
There are three things men can do with women: love them, suffer for them, or turn them into literature. -- Stephen Stills
There are three things that come next, uh four.
There are three things that last, faith, hope and love
There are three things that we can do with your dead mom
There are three types of deliberate falsehoods: lies, damned lies, and statistics
There are three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who cannot. - Carl G. Hostnik
There are three types of people – those who can count and those who can’t
There are three types of people: one who can count, and one who can't.
There are three ways to get something done: Do it yourself, employ someone else, or forbid your children to do it
There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone, or forbid your kids to do it
There are three women on the fast track in a particular company. The
There are times and places when tact is entirely misplaced.
There are times when I long for a Klingon woman -- Worf
There are times when all the world's asleep
There are times when having too much to say can be as dumbfounding as having too little. . narrator, p.24
There are times when no snide comment seems adequate. - Dogbert
There are times when public opinion is the worst of all opinions
There are times when silence has the loudest voice.
There are times when silence has the loudest voice.--L. Brownlow
There are times when truth is stranger than fiction and lunch time is one of them
There are times when you can't let the right thing stand in your way.
There are times, Pinky, when I question our friendship. - Brain
There are tiny bugs in the dust, Tom said mightily.
There are too many people, and too few human beings - Robert Zend
There are too many tight-ASCII characters in this echo
There are tracks in the dirt.......look from a snake. - Mulder
There are truths out there that aren't on that tape - Mulder
There are truths which can kill a nation.
There are truths which can kill a nation. -- JEAN GIRAUDOUX
There are twenty-five people left in the world, and twenty-seven of them are hamburgers. -- Ed Sanders
There are two castes of Mimbari, the Warrior & the Religious. - Delenn
There are two credit cards for every person in the United States
There are two crew members unaccounted for. Computer
There are two error in this sentence.
There are two great rules in life: Never tell everything at once
There are two kinds of egotists: 1) Those who admit it 2
There are two kinds of egotists: 1)Those who admit it 2)The rest of us
There are two kinds of pedestrians - the quick and the dead
There are two kinds of pedestrians. Quick and dead
There are two kinds of pedestrians... the quick and the dead. -- Lord Thomas Rober Dewar
There are two kinds of people in the world -- human and nonhuman.
There are two kinds of people, those who finish what they start and so on. - Robert Byrne
There are two kinds of truth: the made-up kind and real truths.
There are two kinds of women - goddess and doormat
There are two kinds of women - goddesses and doormats. - Pablo Picasso
There are two kinds of women, Bitches and those who like chocolate.
There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and Unix. We Don't believe this to be a coincidence
There are two major products that come out of Berkeley; LSD and BSD Unix. We
There are two major products to come out of Berekley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.--Albert Schweitzer
There are two of me..One does the right thing..One cannot see - Amy
There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run it is not too late to change the path your on. - Robert Plant
There are two problems with a major hangover. You feel like you are going to die and you're afraid that you won't
There are two reasons for doing - one good, the other real
There are two reasons why I'm in show business, and I'm standing on both of them. - Betty Grable
There are two rules for success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know
There are two sides to a question and politicians take both
There are two sides to every argument but I don't have time to listen to yours.
There are two sides to every question -- Protagoras(410 BC)
There are two sides to every question -- Protagoras(410 BC)
There are two solutions - hardware or software.
There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken to drink. --Booth Tarkington, Penrod 1914
There are two things which are truly universal: hydrogen and stupidity
There are two things which are truly universal: hydrogen and stupidity
There are two times I feel stress--day and night.
There are two times when a man doesn't understand a woman -- before marriage and after marriage
There are two tragedies in life. One is to loose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it. - George Bernard Shaw
There are two types of Davidians. Regular and extra crispy.
There are two types of dirt: the dark kind, which is attracted to light objects, and the light kind, which is attracted to dark objects
There are two types of people - I'm not either of them
There are two types of people in this world, and I ain't either one.
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more
There are two types of people – those who fit into two types of people and those who don't
There are two ways of disliking art. One is to dislike it. The other is to like it rationally. -- Oscar Wilde
There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope
There are two ways to become rich: earn more or desire less
There are two ways to handle women, and @TOFIRST@ knows neither
There are two ways to handle women, and I don't know either
There are two ways to live your life. One is to act as though nothing is a miracle. The other is to act as though everything is a miracle. --Albert Einstein
There are two ways to write bug-free code; only the third way works
There are two ways to write bug-free code; only the third way works
There are two ways to write error-free programs. Only the third one works
There are two ways to write error-free programs; only th
There are two ways to write error-free programs; the third one works.
There are umpteen imaginary numbers.
There are unguarded entrances to any human mind.
There are unguarded entrences to any Human mind. Sylvia
There are vampires out there!
There are vastly more ways of being dead than ways of being alive
There are very few personal problems that can't be solved by a suitable application of high explosives
There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you loose, you win. - Elie Wiesel
There are white lies, damn lies and statistics
There are worse occupations than feeling a woman's pulse.
There are worse places to be buried than inside a lion
There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? -- Woody Allen
There are worse things than dying. - Kalas
There are worse things than getting a call for a wrong number at 4 a.m. It could be a right number
There are worse things than/A SPAM-limited diet./Like coprophagy
There are worthless shards of pottery here
There are years that ask questions & years that answer.<Hurston>
There are, of course, many problems connected with life
There are...other options. Crusher
There area three stages in a man
There aren't any hard women, just soft men. - Raquel Welch.
There aren't enough O's in Smoooooooth to describe it
There aren't enough days in the weekend.
There aren't enough days in the weekend. - Steven Wright
There aren't enough guns in the world to make socialism work.
There aren't enough scoundrels in your life. - Han Solo
There aren't many users named Quentin, you know?
There aren't nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses
There at combat readiness, Captain. Chakotay
There be a whale Captain!...Oops, it was just a mirror. - Scotty
There be dragon's here.
There be teleporters here - no, over there! Wait, behind you! No -
There but for the grace of God go I.
There but for the grace of God, goes God. -- Winston Churchill, speaking of Sir Stafford Cripps
There cab be only one! Remember *that* rule? -- Connor MacLeod
There can _be_ no "appropriate recipe" for this post.
There can be little liking where there is no likeness. - Aesop
There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship. -- Ralph Nader
There can be no defense like elaborate courtesy. <E.V. Lucas>
There can be no justice when laws are absolute. - Picard
There can be no plea of that thing of which the dissolution is sought
There can be no prescription without possession
There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.
There can be no twisted thought without a twisted molecule
There can be no twisted thought without a twisted molecule. -- R. W. Gerard
There can be only NONE! Er, waitaminnit
There can be only ONE! - Highlander
There can be only One. --Connor McLeod
There can be only fun - BORGO the Clown
There can be only fun! - Kurgan the Clown
There can be only one Collective! -- Highlander of Borg.
There can be only one! - Duncan MacLeod
There can be only one! - The Kurgan
There can be only one! -- Connor MacLeod
There can be only one! -- Duncan MacLeod
There can be only one! Remember *that* rule? - Connor MacLeod
There can be only one, and it might as well be me. O'Brady
There can be only one.
There can be only one. It might as well be me. -- Kenny
There can be only one. -- Kenny
There can be only one. -- Xavier St. Cloud
There can be only one. It might as well be me. - Kenny
There can be only one...too bad you're not him. WOOSH-THUD
There can be*only* one... -- Kane
There can never be a computer language in which you can't write a bad program
There can never be too many recipes, just too much blank space.
There can't be a crisis next week - my schedule is already full
There can't be a crisis today, my schedule is already full
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. -- Henry Kissinger
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.
There cannot be a crisis today; my schedule is already full.
There comes a moment in everyone's life, and I've had plenty of them
There comes a time in every man's life, and I have had many.
There comes a time to stop being angry. -- A Small Circle of Friends
There comes a time when nothing is left but style
There comes a time when we must turn and face the tiger. - Caine
There does not appear to be a temporal discrepancy. - Data
There doesn't seem to be a Klingon word for `jolly'. -Troi
There doesn't seem to be anything to PUSH against. - Sulu
There don't seem to be enough chairs. Neelix
There exist minds which think as well as you do, but differently
There exist tasks which cannot be done by more than 10 men or fewer than 100
There exist tasks which cannot be done by more than 10 men or fewer than 100. -- Steele's Law
There exists no separation between gods and men; one blends softly casual into the other. --Proverbs of Muad'Dib
There go my people. I must follow for I am their leader.
There go my scouts; I must follow for I am their leader.
There goes Bill!
There goes Force again... -- Recoil
There goes Jon Glenn, bringing up *dead issues* for consideration.
There goes Orville Bullitt, bringing up *dead issues* for consideration.
There goes a great tennis player - Mike as guy dies
There goes another Sound Blaster: Snap, Crackle & Pop!
There goes another one!
There goes my heart breaking in two.
There goes my one good nipple! - G. Carlin
There goes my people. I have to follow them, I'm their leader.
There goes my vacation - Gypsy
There goes one HELLUVA Nun! - Tom
There goes our $500 dollar deposit - Scully on sunken boat (3x22)
There goes our 3 bean salad. - Dot
There goes that 5% of me that was bisexual!
There goes the Bursor again, whos got the dried frog pills
There goes the bunny...there goes the pup...there goes breakfast
There goes the bursar again, who's got the dried frog pills?
There goes the dumbest cowboy you'll ever meet - Tom
There goes the foghorn! - John
There goes the good time that was had by all. -- Bette Davis, remarking on a passing starlet
There goes the last of the bottled water--&!@#_)$#*% NO PERRIER
There goes the other shoe. They know. -- Picard
There had been a fight. I had punched her boyfriend, who fought the mechanical bulls. - Peter Applebome
There had to be a second spitter... (Jerry)
There has *GOT* to be an explaination! - Scully (Pilot)
There has GOT to be an explanation! - Scully
There has been a little distress selling on the stock exchange. -- Thomas W. Lamont, October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday)
There has been an alarming increase in the number of things you know nothing about
There has got to be a way to shatter this crystal! Odo
There has to be a better answer somewhere---- :)
There has to be a better candidate out there somewhere
There has to be a reasonable explanation for all this - Dana Scully, numerous occasions
There has to be another way. - Garibaldi
There has to be somewhere to draw the line! - Scully
There hasn't been a cast like this since 'Judgement at Nuremberg'
There have been several women who've given me heartache. But the pain you give me is farther down
There he goes. The fastest man on 3 legs. -Mark
There he is! - Jake
There hoping soon my kind would drop and die. HENDRIX
There hoping soon my kind would drop and die. Hendrix
There is *NOTHING* we can do to make God love us more. - Tom Correll
There is *no* bomb in that building! -- Martin Riggs
There is *nothing* latent in my voyeuristic activities
There is *nothing* latent in my voyeuristic activities... :) - TEC
There is 24 hours in a day! Only 1 is Called Happy Hour!
There is ALWAYS a chance! - Worf
There is ALWAYS an easier way to solve a problem !!
There is History in our Roots!!!
There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. Let us determine to die, and we will conquer. Follow me. -- General Barnard E. Bee (CSA)
There is NO SUCH THING as "reverse discrimination."
There is NO WRONG...there is NO RIGHT...THERE JUST IS!!!!!!!!
There is NO known antee-dote - Crow
There is No Reality Here!!.............Just Imagination, Oh Boy!!
There is a 20% chance of tomorrow
There is a 50-50 chance that you're right. Or perhaps the opposite?
There is a 500 point penalty for striking Morn with the darts.
There is a 70% probability of tomorrow. (actual weatherman quote. 1988)
There is a French Foreign Legion because the French won't join.
There is a GUI that *RUNS* on a 286 - GEOS!
There is a GUI that *RUNS* on a 286 - GEOS!
There is a God and you are not Him!
There is a God, but He drinks -- Blore
There is a God. And you aren't him.
There is a God. - Rush Limbaugh
There is a Law to Life; When One Door Closes to Us, Another One Opens !!
There is a MS-DOS user born every minute. --Bill Gates
There is a Massachusetts law requiring all dogs to have their hind legs tied during the month of April
There is a Nietschze near dupe in there that starts with Convictions.
There is a PLOT afoot to make me PARANOID!
There is a Vulcan Proverb, only Nixon could go to China
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole
There is a bear following you around.
There is a better way to do it. Find it! - Thomas Edison
There is a black lining in every silver cloud.
There is a bologna in my carburetor. --The Pope to Clinton
There is a bologna in my carburetor. -The Pope to Clinton -Dave Barry
There is a bottle of water here
There is a boy, shooting arrows in the air
There is a bug in the programmer!
There is a certain impertinence in allowing oneself to be burned for an opinion
There is a certain impertinence in allowing oneself to be burned for an opinion. -- Anatole France
There is a certain light within a man of light.
There is a coherent plan in the universe, though I don't know what it's a plan for. - Fred Hoyle
There is a conspiracy between gravity and a waxed ski
There is a copy on this board.
There is a country in Europe where multiple-choice tests are illegal. - Sigfried Hulzer
There is a cure for your lack of brains - it's called "silence."
There is a dangerous TagLine shortage today. Please, recycle TagLines.
There is a definite parallel between shots of tequila and a woman's breasts. One is not enough and three are too many
There is a devil sleeping in my bed
There is a difference between a tag line and a philosophy
There is a difference between an open mind and a hole in the head.
There is a fine line between 'witty' and 'moronic'.
There is a fine line between a challenge and a pain-in-the-ass
There is a fine line between creative genius and insanity.
There is a fine line between love and illusion RUSH
There is a fine line between tacky and cool and I have crossed it.
There is a first time for everything!
There is a flaming gash in the sky.
There is a fly on your Dimension!
There is a fly on your nose
There is a fungus among us!!!
There is a grace of kind listening as well as a grace of kind speaking.
There is a great darkness comming - Sinclair
There is a great discovery still to be made in Literature: that of paying
There is a great discovery still to be made in Literature: that of paying literary men by the quantity they do NOT write
There is a great disturbance in the Force. - Emperor
There is a great disturbance in the Force. Get his battery! -Emperor
There is a green, multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder.
There is a history in all men's lives. - William Shakespeare
There is a hole in your mind.
There is a hole in your mind. (Babylon 5)
There is a hole....in your wallet. You went computer shopping
There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion.
There is a lake between sun and moon RUSH
There is a law for every Occasion!!
There is a light in the darkness of everybodies life !
There is a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. --- Edmond Blake
There is a logical way to proceed, Doctor. - Spock
There is a lot of uncertainty that's not clear in my mind
There is a love that's inherently given
There is a margin for shame, however... -- Crow T. Robot
There is a moderator in the ANARCHY Echo but he never does anything.
There is a multi--legged creature on your shoulder-Spock
There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder
There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder. -- Spock, "A Taste of Armageddon"
There is a natural hootchy-kootchy to a goldfish
There is a natural hootchy-kootchy to a goldfish. -- Walt Disney
There is a new anti-communist organization that advocates the use of wooden toilet seats
There is a path of fear and a path of love. Which will we follow?
There is a perfectly logical explanation. --Clinton
There is a plot afoot to make me think I'm paranoid!
There is a plot, yes! - The Doctor
There is a plurality of gods - Joseph Smith, *TPJS* 370
There is a quest to course upon and a chance to redeem your honor
There is a real magic in enthusiasm,,,
There is a remedy for everything; it is called death.
There is a remedy for everything; it is called death.
There is a room that's full of toys. - Cosette in Les Mis
There is a rumor going around that Star Trek is just a TV show!
There is a sanctuary in your own heart
There is a skeleton in every old house
There is a skeleton in every old house and old horse.
There is a skeleton in every old house.
There is a sound of abundance in rain. -- 1 Kings 18:41
There is a state law prohibiting the blindfolding of cows on Arkansas public highways
There is a statue of limitation. - Samuel Goldwyn
There is a storm coming, a black and terrible storm. --Elric.
There is a storm coming...a black and terrible storm. - Elric (B5)
There is a substitute for good manners - better reflexes.
There is a sun god! And he is a fun god! Ra! Ra! Ra!
There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. (Shakespeare)
There is a time and place for standing on the furniture
There is a time and place for tact.
There is a time and place for tact. - Larry Niven
There is a time and place for tact. - Larry Niven (But this AIN'T it!)
There is a time and place for tact. --Larry Niven.
There is a time for everything. Mostly, it is the wrong time
There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. --Homer (800 BC - 700 BC), The Odyssey
There is a tiny plant here, murmuring "water, water".
There is a tiny plant here, murmuring "water, water".
There is a vas deferens between men and women!
There is a vast difference between the savage and civilized man, but it is never apparent to their wives until after breakfast. -- Helen Rowland
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
There is a very superficial physical resemblence, but that is it.
There is a voter born every minute. -- P.T. Clinton
There is a warp-core breach in progress. - Data
There is a woman who weaves the night sky
There is absolutely *no* conclusive evidence that life is serious
There is absolutely no right way to do a wrong thing.
There is absolutely no substitute for a genuine lack of preparation.
There is allways a way, and it usually is mined.
There is always a better way, our challenge is to find it.
There is always a better way. - Thomas Edison
There is always a big future in computer maintenance.
There is always a chance while life endures. -- Silver Surfer
There is always a law against doing anything fun
There is always a law against doing anything interesting.
There is always a mistake just waiting for you to make
There is always a way
There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.
There is always a way, and it usually is mined.
There is always a way.
There is always an easier way to do it.
There is always danger for those who are afraid of it.
There is always death and taxes. However death doesn't get worse every year
There is always free cheese in a mousetrap.
There is always free cheese offered inside the Liberal tax trap.
There is always more hell that needs raising. -- Lauren Leveut
There is always one more SOB than you counted on
There is always one more bug.
There is always one more bug. ÄEdsil Murphy
There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
There is always room at the time/Don't let them tell you there is not
There is always room at the top. - Daniel Webster
There is always room for a man of force, and he makes room for many. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is always someone within us whom we enchain
There is always someone worse off than yourself.
There is always something new out of Africa. -- Gaius Plinius Secundus
There is always tommorrow - Darkwood
There is an EVIL CONSPIRACY out there to bug my computer
There is an absolute truth, but language fails miserably.
There is an answer, Jean-Luc, but I can't hand it to you. - Q
There is an art, or rather a knack to flying
There is an audience to our drama. --Jim Morrison
There is an easy answer to your problem that is neat, pla
There is an element of truth in every idea that lasts long enough to be called corny. - Irving Berlin
There is an empty bottle here
There is an evil which I have seen under the sun. --Ecclesiastes 6.1
There is an exam today, Tom said testily
There is an exception to every rule, except this one.
There is an express door in Hell just for priests and preachers.
There is an historic opportunity here. Spock/STVI
There is an old proverb that says just about whatever you want it to
There is an optimal size for any project, and it is always bigger than you can afford
There is an order of things in this universe
There is an order of things in this universe-Who Mourns F
There is an order of things in this universe.
There is an order of things in this universe. -- Apollo, "Who Mourns for Adonais?"
There is an order of things in this universe. Apollo, stardate 3468.1.
There is an order of things in this universe.. Who Mourns
There is another basic shortage on our planet. - Martin, V
There is another possibility. - Data
There is another possibility. - Worf
There is another temporal disturbance directly behind us. - Data
There is another theory that states: "This has already happened ...." -- Donald Adams, "Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy"
There is another way of looking at the world.
There is at least one fool in every married couple
There is beauty in the bellow of the beast. W.S. Gilbert
There is brutality and there is honesty. There is no such thing as brutal honesty
There is coffee in this nebula! - Cpt.Janeway
There is comfort in the fact that God can never be taken by surprise.
There is comfort on the way to comfort
There is creative reading as well as creative writing
There is do, and not do. There is no try. Yoda
There is endless merit in a man's knowing when to have done. - Berliot
There is enough guilt in the world without reaching for more
There is enough in the world for every ones need, but not enough for every ones greed. - Frank Buchman
There is exactly one true categorical statement. -- John Kessenich
There is good sex and there is bad sex but chocolate is always chocolate.
There is hardly a thing in the world that some man can not make a little worse and sell a little cheaper
There is harmony in discord. - Horace
There is help available that doesn't cost.
There is honor among LEECHES
There is honor among LEEEEEEEECHES!
There is hope for you. Metron to Kirk
There is hope, for Medicine can cure all, even Worf'.
There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a
There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum. -- Arthur C. Clarke
There is humour in all things. - Sir William S. Gilbert
There is in each of us the potential to heal and the gift of renewed life
There is indeed arroz in Spanish Harlem.
There is independence and charity in a full stomach.
There is intelligent life on Earth, but I am just visiting
There is intelligent life on Earth, but we are just visit\SLM
There is intelligent life on Earth...cats
There is intelligent life on Earth...just ask a moderator.
There is intelligent life on earth, but I'm just visiting
There is intelligent life... and then there's Moderators!
There is iron in your words of death--Ten Bears.
There is joy and comfort in a thick skin
There is just something WRONG with TOFU enchiladas.
There is just too damn much going on in this conference!
There is laughter in the trees, even in the face of death
There is less pressure with a pneumatic girlfriend
There is life after DOS, but it isn't Windows!
There is life after DOS...and it isn't MS Windoze!
There is life after death.. You get laid in a coffin
There is life after death: in Cleveland, people are still
There is life after exercise. -Sheila
There is life, there is death. In between is a blood stained cross.
There is little serenity comparable to the serenity of the unexperienced giving advice to the inexperienced
There is madness all about. Shall we fight it or join in?
There is many a good man to be found under a shabby hat
There is moderation even in excess. -- Disraeli
There is more at stake here than our lives.
There is more at stake here than our lives.-Col Travis (Alamo Pep Talk)
There is more in the world than can ever be imagined
There is more religion in men's science, than there is science in their religion. - Henry David Thoreau
There is more shame in distrusting one's friends than in being decieved by them. - Duc De La Rouchefoucauld
There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life. - Frank Zappa
There is more than one way to purify the soul.
There is more to life than increasing its speed
There is more to life than increasing its speed. <Gandhi>
There is more to life than increasing its speed. -- Mahatma Gandhi
There is more to reality than meets the eye.
There is much Obi--Wan did not tell you.
There is much Obi-Wan did not tell you. -- Darth Vader
There is much Obiwan did not tell you.
There is much to be said for comfortable shoes
There is much to be said for failure. It is more interesting than success
There is my Dad & Adam but a big gap between them
There is need for variety in sex, but not in love
There is never a need to outrun anything you can outwit.
There is never enough beer, sex or disk space!
There is never enough disk space, beer, or sex!
There is never enough rum, sex, or disk space!.
There is never enough time, unless you're serving it. --Malcolm Forbes
There is never sunshine without shadow
There is never sunshine without shadow
There is never time to do it right, but always time to do
There is never truth without sufficient proof.
There is news.
There is no ! #$%^& place for censorship!
There is no "A" in "KERNEL"!
There is no <ESC>
There is no 'he' or 'she' in a race with no gender -- Soren
There is no 'try', only do or not do. --YODA
There is no 'try'. Do or do not. - Yoda
There is no DURIAN in this tagline.
There is no Dana, only ZUULL.
There is no Gate #1 at any airport. -- Carson's Law
There is no Goat but Goat. The one true Goat. All praise Goat!
There is no God! Cried the Athiest at the White Throne
There is no God! He just thinks he's there!
There is no God, and Mary is His mother
There is no Goddess but Eris, and Murphy is her consort!
There is no Minnie Mouse... it's just Mickey in drag.
There is no Out of Bounds when I play, I use the 1 kick rule!
There is no Power like Firepower.
There is no Sanity Clause
There is no TRUTH. There is no REALITY. There is no CONSISTENCY
There is no TRUTH. There is no REALITY. There is no CONSISTENCY. There are no ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS I'm very probably wrong
There is no Tagline to see here; please disperse! -- Odo
There is no Windows software;only WINOS2 software
There is no X in ESPRESSO.
There is no XXXXXXX place for censorship!
There is no absolute Truth
There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. - Maya Angelou, American poet
There is no alcohol in these drinks, say Guinan dryly
There is no appeal. The sentence is just. - Robert A. Heinlein
There is no appeal. The sentence is just. -- Heinlein
There is no appeal. The sentence is just. - Robert A. Heinlein
There is no atheists in any foxholes.
There is no bad beer: some kinds are better than others
There is no beauty like that of black coffee.
There is no benefit in the gifts of a bad man. Euripides
There is no body-checking in golf! - Charlie Brown
There is no bottom to worse. -- Cohen
There is no business like no business
There is no cause for alarm ... but there will be.
There is no cause for alarm! But there probably will be
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. - Jane Austin
There is no choice, Elias. He will stay. Leila Kalomi
There is no chrom like monochrom
There is no clear and compelling reason to observe daylight savings time
There is no comfort without pain; thus we define salvation through suffering. -- Cato
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. - Carl Jung
There is no comparison between that which is lost by not succeeding and that lost by not trying. - Francis Bacon
There is no conclusive evidence about what happens to old skeptics, - but their future is doubtful
There is no conclusive scientific evidence that @TOFIRST@ has a brain!
There is no conclusive scientific evidence that life is serious.
There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees. - Michel de Montaigne
There is no conversation more boring than where everyone agrees.
There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness
There is no criminal class. Except Congress.
There is no crisis
There is no cure for birth & death, save to enjoy the interval.
There is no cure for birth and death other than to enjoy the interval. -- George Santayana
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
There is no curse, is there Dr. Bilak? *You* are the curse. - Scully
There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact, it's all dark
There is no dark side of the moon, really.
There is no death so nothing matters. --Jim Morrison
There is no death, only a change of worlds.
There is no death, only the Force --Yoda, Jedi Master
There is no death. Only a change of worlds. <Chief Seattle>
There is no death; there is only the Force.
There is no death; there is the Force - The Jedi Code
There is no defense except stupidity against a new idea.
There is no delight the equal of dread. As long as it is somebody else's. -- Clive Barker
There is no departing from a common observance
There is no detox for BBS addiction.
There is no devil; it's God when he's drunk.
There is no difference between a wise man and a fool when they fall in love
There is no difference, O my beautiful, my desirable One!
There is no disputing about rules of law
There is no disputing against a man denying principles
There is no distinction between any AI program and some existent game
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress. -- Mark Twain
There is no door that will stop a lover or a cat.
There is no doubt cats have souls...only they deserve them
There is no doubt, democrats are confident incompetents!
There is no editor but Emacs, and Unix is its prophet
There is no education in the second kick of a mule.
There is no education that is not political. An apolitical education is also political because it is purposely isolating
There is no education without books
There is no eel so small but it homes to become a whale.
There is no effective vaccine to prevent yawns spreading
There is no elevator to success. You must take the stairs.
There is no emergency, Doctor. Janeway
There is no emotion; there is peace
There is no emotion; there is peace - The Jedi Code
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no empirical evidence to support the existence of tailwinds.
There is no end to this sequence of digits, said Tom irrationally.
There is no escape, don't make me destroy you - Darth Vader
There is no escape-we pay for the violence of our ancestors. Muad'Dib
There is no escape. But to die. - Narn
There is no evil as terrible as a woman. - Euripides
There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion. - Francis Bacon
There is no excuse for laziness, but I'm working on it.
There is no exercise like brain exercise!
There is no fat or cholesterol in venison... - Ted Nugent on nutrition
There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn. - Albert Camus
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.
There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music. - George Eliot
There is no fiction without law
There is no field of science opened to the exploration of man in search of knowledge than astronomical observation. - John Quincy Adams
There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies. - Winston Churchill
There is no finish line
There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred Buddha
There is no fire, officer! I'm just chasing my ancestors!
There is no fool like an old fool -- J.Heywood (1497-1580)
There is no fool to the old fool. -- John Heywood
There is no force so powerful as an idea whose time has come. - Everett Dirkson
There is no forgiveness
There is no forgiveness. -- Wisetongue, Get of Fenris
There is no future here, no glorious new era for our people! - Worf
There is no future in time travel.
There is no future. There is no past. -- Sara Carter
There is no gene for the human spirit
There is no genius without a mixture of madness. - Seneca
There is no getting blood out of a turnip. (Italian proverb)
There is no god, and Murphy is His prophet
There is no god, it's just satan when he's sober!
There is no good war or bad peace. B. Franklin
There is no gravity - The earth sucks!
There is no gravity, Earth sucks
There is no gravity, the earth sucks.
There is no gravity--The earth sucks!
There is no gravity. Gaia hugs
There is no gravity. The earth sucks.
There is no great GENIUS without some touch of MADNESS!
There is no great concurrence between learning and wisdom. - Francis Bacon
There is no great genius without some touch of madness. - Seneca
There is no greater asset than a sense of humor!
There is no greater disadvantage than greed. - Lao-tzu
There is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear
There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften
There is no happiness when there is no hockey.
There is no happiness where there is no wisdom -- Sophocles
There is no heaven or hell - only smoking or non-smoking
There is no heavier burden than a great potential
There is no heroine, sir...unless it is our Mother Tongue. -Dr.Johnson
There is no hiding from a verbal shotgun.
There is no honor in attacking the innocent. -- Hand of Tyr
There is no honor in boring an enemy to death.
There is no honour in being Bajoran. <WHACK!> Uh,let me rephrase that.
There is no hope for this land
There is no idea so stupid that some professor doesn't believe in it.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge - The Jedi Code
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no injustice. There is only viewpoint
There is no insanity, just different views of reality
There is no instinct like that of the heart.
There is no job so simple it cannot be done wrong
There is no job to simple for you to complicate
There is no joy in Mudville, mighty Casey has struck out.
There is no joy without affliction
There is no knowledge that is not power
There is no knowledge that is not power. I am not wearing any underwear
There is no language of the holy; the sacred lies in the ordinary
There is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.
There is no lifeguard in the gene pool.
There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom. -- Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923
There is no limit as to what can be accomplished, if it doesn't matter who`gets the credit
There is no limit to how bad things can get.
There is no limit to how bad things can get. - Hane's Law
There is no little enemy. -- Franklin
There is no logic in Gav's murder. Spock
There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
There is no love sincerer than the love of food. - George Bernard Shaw
There is no magic
There is no man so blind as he who will not see.
There is no man so blind as he who will not see.- Moody Blues
There is no medicine to cure hatred.
There is no medicine to cure hatred. -African Proverb
There is no mercy
There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail.
There is no more intrepid explorer than a kitten. -Champfleury
There is no more mercy in him than there is milk in a male tiger
There is no more time. Leave, or be trapped here - forever.
There is no music in space
There is no need to engage panic circuits, sir. - Kryten
There is no need to seek truth, only stop having views
There is no need to seek truth, only stop having views. -SENG TS'AN
There is no need to visit a mad-house to find lunatics.
There is no net like The Internet!
There is no night in deep space, and time is a meaningless concept
There is no nobler creature in all of HairNet
There is no nobler creature in all of Terisiare
There is no one like him around right now. - Rush on Ronald Reagan
There is no one. Except you. My good, close friend, Garibaldi. - Londo
There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will express it.
There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will not express it. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, "Ad familiares"
There is no pain - you are receding. - Pink Floyd
There is no pain in a wound received at the moment of victory
There is no pain without gain.
There is no pain you are receding -Floyd
There is no pain, you are receiding,
There is no passion so much transports the sincerity of judgement as doth anger. - Montaigne
There is no passion; there is only serinity.
There is no passion; there is serenity - The Jedi Code
There is no patriotic art and no patriotic science. - Goethe
There is no place for compliancy in a Republic.
There is no place to hide from the dark side of the soul
There is no pleasure in this for me. Garak
There is no plot. - The Doctor
There is no point in beating a dead horse.
There is no point in getting angry, but there is a stupid malignity
There is no point. That's the point!
There is no politically correct word for "booger".
There is no problem a good miracle can"t solve. -- Shick
There is no problem a good miracle can't solve.
There is no problem so big that you can't walk away from it.
There is no problem so great that a drink can't make it worse
There is no problem so great that can't be cured with explosives
There is no problem so large that it cannot be solved with a suitable application of high explosives
There is no problem that cannot be solved by high explosi
There is no problem that, when programmed just right, isn't more complicated.
There is no problem we can't ignore
There is no proof that taglines cause cancer. - tag industry
There is no proverb that is not true. -- Cervantes
There is no question that we are the most graceful anilas in existence
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home. -- Ken Olson, President of DEC,
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home. -- Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society Convention, 1977
There is no reason for people to have computers in their homes. -- Ken Olsen, president of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977
There is no reason that I can think of to have seperate databases.
There is no reasoning of principles
There is no recipe to see here; please disperse! - Odo
There is no record in human history of a happy philosopher.
There is no rehab for stupidity
There is no religion higher than Truth
There is no religion when a man has a decent sailboard under him.
There is no remedy for fun but more fun!
There is no remedy for love but to love more. - Henry David Thoreau
There is no remedy for sex but more sex.
There is no remedy for sex but more sex. -- Anon
There is no remedy for sex except more sex
There is no restraining men's tongues or pens when charged with a little vanity. - George Washington
There is no restraint that is not self-imposed.
There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! - Henry
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.
There is no right to life if money decides who lives and dies.
There is no right way to do a wrong thing.
There is no room
There is no room in my heart for shame. - Worf
There is no room in the drug world for amateurs. -- Raoul Duke
There is no room.
There is no royal road to geometry. -- Euclid
There is no rule but what may fail
There is no rule without a fault
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.
There is no safe seat at the feast.. -RUSH: Anagram
There is no sanity clause G. Marx
There is no satisfaction in hanging a man who does not ob
There is no scientific evidence that life is serious
There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity. - Douglas MacArthur
There is no security on this earth. There is only opport
There is no security on this earth. There is only opportunity. -- General Douglas MacArthur
There is no seeing eye dog for blind faith
There is no self-contained existence - Whitehead
There is no sign of life aboard this vessel. Spock
There is no sign of the freighter, sir. Data
There is no sin but ignorance. -- Christopher Marlowe
There is no sin except stupidity.
There is no sin except stupidity. - Oscar Wilde
There is no sincerer love than the love of food
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. -- George Bernard Shaw
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. - Shaw
There is no sincerity like a politician telling a lie.
There is no situation, no matter how miserable, that the police cannot make worse
There is no snare like folly, there is no torrent like greed. Buddha
There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.
There is no spoon -- The Matrix
There is no statement so absurd that no philosopher will say it. -Cicero
There is no statute of limitations on stupidity.
There is no stopping in the read zone.
There is no stronger link among men than an oath
There is no substitute for Brute Force and Ignorance!
There is no substitute for a genius lack of preparation
There is no substitute for cubic inches
There is no substitute for good manners - except fast reflexes.
There is no substitute for hard work. - Thomas Alva Edison
There is no substitute for incomprehensible good luck!
There is no such book, and never has been.
There is no such thing as "Millitary Intelligence"
There is no such thing as "best" in a world of individuals.
There is no such thing as "just a Cat".... -RAH
There is no such thing as 'soft sell' and 'hard sell.' There is only 'smart sell' and 'stupid sell. - Charles Browder
There is no such thing as UUCP access to the Internet!
There is no such thing as `just a cat'. -- Heinlein
There is no such thing as a "Fail Safe" design.
There is no such thing as a "free" cat.
There is no such thing as a "perfect" stranger -- they all have their faults
There is no such thing as a New Democrat. New Undeniable Truth #05
There is no such thing as a bad orgasm, just ask any redhead!
There is no such thing as a bloody Cat License.
There is no such thing as a cheap politician
There is no such thing as a collective brain. -Ayn Rand
There is no such thing as a dumb question.
There is no such thing as a fail-safe design.
There is no such thing as a free cat.
There is no such thing as a functional illiterate
There is no such thing as a great talent without great will-power.
There is no such thing as a little garlic.
There is no such thing as a new Democrat!
There is no such thing as a nonracial society in a multiracial country
There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands
There is no such thing as a stupid question, right?
There is no such thing as a successful prototype.
There is no such thing as a totally objective person, except Almighty God if she exists
There is no such thing as a useless piece of information.
There is no such thing as alien abduction - Dana Scully
There is no such thing as an absolute truth... and that is absolutely true
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole
There is no such thing as an ordinary cat.
There is no such thing as an original tagline anymore.--Jack Butler
There is no such thing as an ugly woman -- there are only the ones who do not know how to make themselves attractive. -- Christian Dior
There is no such thing as an ugly woman. Only too little wine
There is no such thing as arugula yet many gourmet recipes call for it
There is no such thing as being a "little pregnant"
There is no such thing as being too clear
There is no such thing as bravery; only degrees of fear.
There is no such thing as fennel yet many gourmet recipes call for it.
There is no such thing as fortune. Try again
There is no such thing as fun for the *whole* family
There is no such thing as gravity--the Earth sucks
There is no such thing as gravity; consider it a hug from Gaia.
There is no such thing as idiot-proof software!
There is no such thing as inevitable war. If war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom. Bonar Law
There is no such thing as just a cat. -- Heinlein
There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court. - C.Darrow
There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court. -- Clarence S. Darrow (1857-1938), Interview, April 1936
There is no such thing as military "intelligence"
There is no such thing as peace. -- Wisetongue, Get of Fenris
There is no such thing as pure pleasure; some anxiety always goes with it
There is no such thing as the unknown... - Kirk
There is no such thing as war atrocities. War itself is an atrocity. - Rush Limbaugh
There is no such thing, as limited infringement
There is no such things as a free variable
There is no tagline that really fits this situation
There is no tagline to see here; please disperse! - Odo
There is no thought in any mind, but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is no threat to this station _or_ this system! - Sisko
There is no time for this, a man is dying! - Scully
There is no time like the pleasant.
There is no time like the pleasant. - George Bergman
There is no time like the present for postponing what you ought to be doing.
There is no traffic until you need to make a left turn.
There is no truth in the rumor that man is immortal
There is no truth on earth that I fear to be known. - Thomas Jefferson
There is no truth that can't be turned into a lie by taking it too seriously
There is no truth to the rumor CompuServe is changing it's name to CompuNerd.
There is no truth wiout proof!
There is no try, only do
There is no try. There is only do. Or do not.
There is no use crying over distilled milk. (My Grandson)
There is no vaccine against stupidity.
There is no valid way of estimating this.
There is no virtue in compulsory government charity. - PJ O'Rourke
There is no way they can get over here!
There is no way to take the danger out of relationships.<Harrison>
There is no wealth but life. - John Ruskin
There is no weather sir, we're on a ship. - Riker
There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow. -- Johnson
There is no world.
There is no worse robber than a bad book
There is no year for sherry, 007 - M (D.A.F.)
There is no year for sherry, 007 - M (Diamonds Are Forever)
There is no ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ place for censorship!
There is not cause for alarm!...But there probably will be.Brain
There is not freedom in the law, only oppression!
There is not going to be a fight. Bashir
There is not gravity. The earth sucks.
There is not much to choose between a woman who deceives us for another, and a woman who deceives another for ourselves. -- Augier
There is not now, and never will be, a language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad programs
There is not one female comic who was beautiful as a little girl.
There is not one shred of evidence to support the notion that life is serious
There is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence. --Russell
There is nothing "fair" about the "fairer sex" if they are feminazis
There is nothing I can do. EHMP
There is nothing I'm afraid of like scared people. - Robert Frost
There is nothing as powerful as truth
There is nothing as respectable as an ancient evil
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so - Hamlet
There is nothing else but That
There is nothing even half as worth doing than simply messing about in boats
There is nothing good or bad,but thinking makes it so-W. SHAKESPHERE
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.--R.Buckminster Fuller
There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus.
There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus.
There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy
There is nothing instant in AA except the coffee.
There is nothing like . . . well, there is nothing like a man!
There is nothing like a dream to create the future. - Victor Hugo
There is nothing like a dream to create the future. - Victor Hugo.Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. - Clare Boothe Luce
There is nothing like a grievance to sharpen an old man's wits
There is nothing like an ice cream cone in your armpit.
There is nothing like death. To it, everything is a metaphor.
There is nothing like dream to create the future. --Victor Hugo
There is nothing like putting an ice cream cone in your armpit
There is nothing like the taste of Protoculture in the morning.
There is nothing more erotic or sexy, than a women who knows she is.
There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. - Winston Churchill
There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action -- Goethe
There is nothing more horrifying than stupidity in action
There is nothing more impartial than a hanging judge.
There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax
There is nothing more satisfying than being prepared for a final.
There is nothing more serious than jesting
There is nothing more silly than a silly laugh. -- Gaius Valerius Catullus
There is nothing more tedious than humoring a Schmuck!
There is nothing more terrible than ignorance in action
There is nothing new except what has been forgotten. -- Marie Antoinette
There is nothing new under the sun, but lots of old things we don't know
There is nothing permanent except change. -- Heraclitus
There is nothing quite as wonderful as money.
There is nothing so annoying as to have two people talking when you're busy interrupting. - Mark Twain
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. -- Publius Terentius Afer (Terence)
There is nothing so habit - forming as money.
There is nothing so pathetic as a rebel in high heels. - Anna Steven
There is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.
There is nothing so simple that it can't be done wrong.
There is nothing so small that it can't be blown out of proportion.
There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth. - Charles Dickens
There is nothing so subject to the inconstancy of fortune as war
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. - Peter F. Drucker
There is nothing stranger in a strange land than the stranger who comes to visit
There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.
There is nothing that you can take that will cure Gene-Allergy!
There is nothing the body suffers the soul may not profit by. - George Meredith
There is nothing to fear but fear itself
There is nothing to make you like other human beings so much as doing things for them. - Zora Neale Hurston
There is nothing to mediate, Delenn. - G'Kar
There is nothing to scratch but the surface.
There is nothing worse than a bad Saxophone player! - Like Clinton
There is nothing worse than a bureaucrat with an idea
There is nothing worse than being peerless in a peer-review system.
There is nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure. -- Ross MacDonald
There is nothing wrong with abstinence, in moderation
There is nothing wrong with feminists that reincarnation won't solve.
There is nothing wrong with screwing everyone in sight. Boring your friends about it is the sin. -- Mama Liz
There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation.
There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation. - John Ciardi
There is nothing wrong with the economy. -- Bush, 1/91
There is nothing wrong with this software that rm won't cure
There is nothing wrong with writing ... as long as it is done in private and you wash your hands afterward
There is nothing wrong with you that an expensive surgical operation cannot
There is nothing you can do. Nemesis
There is now Windows in Heaven !
There is now a cure for Cancer. --Death.
There is often more than two sides to a story.
There is one God, but which one is He?
There is one antidote only for coquetry and that is true love.
There is one called @FN@ among them. He is mine
There is one called Bullitt among them. He is mine.
There is one difference between a tax collector and a taxidermist -- the taxidermist leaves the hide. -- Mortimer Caplan
There is one good thing about being a nudist: you don't have to lull around in a wet bathing suit
There is one in every crowd and in this crowd I am him.
There is one in every crowd, and they always find me
There is one more imbecile than you counted on
There is one more thing, Commander. Quark
There is one sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate; Life!
There is one way to find out if a man is honest -- ask him. If he says "Yes" you know he is crooked. -- Groucho Marx
There is only 1 path to Divinity & they are all it
There is only one RUSH, and it ain't Limbaugh!
There is only one beautiful child in the world, and every mother has it. (STEPHEN LEACOCK)
There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad. - Salvador Dali
There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. - Socrates
There is only one good, that is knowledge; there is only one evil, that is ignorance. - Socrates
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. - George Sands
There is only one man who would dare to give me Rasberry. Lonestar! - DH
There is only one of him, I don't care how big he is
There is only one path to Divinity, and they are all it
There is only one place inflation is made in Canada, and that's Ottawa. - Milton Friedman
There is only one proper way to wear a beautiful dress: to forget you are wearing it. (Mme. De Girardin)
There is only one reality: the reality knowable to reason.
There is only one rule for being a good talker - learn to listen. - Christopher Morley
There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way. - Christopher Morley
There is only one sure way to throw dice: Away
There is only one thing better than VGA Planets
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. -- Oscar Wilde
There is only one truth
There is only one universal passion: fear.
There is only one way to be happy by means of the heart -- to have none. -- Paul Bourget
There is only one way to console a widow, but remember the risk. L. Long
There is only one way to console a widow. But remember the risk
There is only one way to console a widow. But remember the risk. -- Robert Heinlein
There is only one way to console a widow. But remember the risk.
There is only one way to get rid of nuclear weapons - use them. - Rush Limbaugh
There is only one way to kill capitalism -- by taxes, taxes, and more taxes. -- Karl Marx
There is only one way to kill capitalism: taxes, taxes, and more taxes
There is only one word for aid that is genuinely without strings, and that word is blackmail. -- Colm Brogan
There is only today. Yesterday is but today's memories and Tommorow is but todays dreams. - Kahil Gibran
There is other intelligent life in the universe. It ignores us.
There is plenty of law at the end of a nightstick!
There is power in their madness... -- Shamish, Ventrue
There is quite a difference between knowing and understanding
There is safety in anonymity
There is serenity in Chaos, seek the eye of the hurricane
There is sex after death, you get laid in the coffin
There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say. But you remain my power my pleasure my pain. - Seal
There is so much to be learned from beasts.-Bram Stoker's Dracula
There is so much to say, but your eyes keep interrupting me
There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton restless.
There is something fascinating about the sciences. One gets such wholesale of conjectures out of such trifling investment of fact. -- Mark Twain
There is something out there, Scully
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark
There is something to be said about me: "Wow!!"
There is something to be said about my looks --- WOW!
There is something up there Mulder. - Dana Scully
There is something wrong when critics say the problem with America is too much religion. - Rush Limbaugh
There is soul beyond James Brown. --"Another Life," Big Dipper
There is soul music, soul food, and soul love
There is still one chance for you to be a vandal
There is strength in our Roots.
There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity
There is supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom! - The Martian
There is tension on your face, Koloth! - Kor
There is that 'Benny Hill' thing - Crow on the British
There is there no moderation in moderator?
There is three errers in this tagline.
There is time for everything. - Thomas Edison
There is too much blood in my caffeine stream!
There is unrest in the forest, there is trouble with The Trees. -RUSH
There is very little future in being right when your boss
There is very little grownup in a child, but a lot of child in a grownup. - Walt Disney
There is victory in surrender.
There is virtually no application OS/2 cannot run. - Bill Gates
There is water on Mars, we've seen canals --Dan Quayle
There is what you say, what you intended, what was heard, and percieved.
There is wisdom in music and power in song.
There is wisdom in the raven's head
There is wisdom of the head, and...a wisdom of the heart
There is wishful thinking in hell as well as on earth. - C.S. Lewis
There is, and I do -usually
There is, by definition, ONE universe.
There isn't a chair, there's only a rock!
There isn't a clear and present danger, Commander. - Sheridan
There isn't a crime in giving yourself over to pleasure. - RHPS
There isn't a door which can stop a lover or a cat.
There isn't a party like a Nick Cannon party on Viacom
There isn't a shower *cold* enough for this man! -- Crow T. Robot
There isn't a shower *cold* enough for this man! -- Crow T. Robot
There isn't a shower COLD enough for this man - Crow
There isn't a whole lot one can say in 50 characte
There isn't an ounce of imagination in the whole bunch.: Calvin
There isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate compassion
There isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate compassion<Dalai Lama>
There isn't enough space for a good quote!
There isn't nearly enough filk around here for my taste
There isn't room enough in this dress for both of us.
There isn't time to discuss this in committee. - Han Solo
There it is! The Bridge of Death! - Arthur
There it is! The Bridge of Death!
There it is! The Bridge of Death! --Arthur.
There it is: pure tritanium. Spock
There just is no problem too difficult for God to handle. Allow Him!
There just isn't any way to discreetly shoplift a piano.
There just isn't enough of him, sir. -- O'Brien
There just seem to be too many irresponsible people on the Net, though.
There literally isn't anything else I can do very well.
There may be SOME discharge - Crow on creating a zombie
There may be a corolation between humor and sex. - Data
There may be a correlation between humor and sex
There may be a heaven. There must be a hell. -- Browning
There may be a market for artificial intelligence but there is a larger market for artificial stupidity
There may be a way to tranport all of us to Alpha Quadrant. Kes
There may be life before coffee, but I'm usually not interested
There may be no excuse for laziness, but I'm sure looking
There may be no heaven anywhere, but somewhere there is a Florida.
There may be some things better than sex, and some things worse than sex. But there is nothing exactly like it
There may be some unusual sensations
There may be something in the air - Delenn
There may be something profound here..., but where?
There may be trouble ahead
There may come a time when the lion and the lamb will lie down together, but
There may not be a 15th incarnation. I may be the last. -- Dalai Lama
There music is too much aimed to the religion !!
There must be 50 ways to love your liver
There must be a *lot* of people in Columbia named Juan Valdez :)
There must be a God - who pops up the next Kleenex?
There must be a better way
There must be a demand for useless software.
There must be a volcano under there somewhere. - Dr. Freedman on BJ
There must be at least 500,000,000 rats in the United States; of course, I never heard the story before
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover! - P. Simon
There must be hundreds of em! - Carl Sagan, age 8
There must be more than this provincial life.
There must be more to life than compile-and-go.
There must be more to life than having everything
There must be more to life than having everything. -- Maurice Sendak
There must be more to life than sitting wondering if there is more to life.
There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them. - Sylvia Plath
There must be some kind of way out of here said the Joker to the Thief
There must be some kinda way outta here - Jimi Hendrix
There must be some logical explanation. - Spock
There must be some mistake I didn't mean to let them take away my soul
There must be some mistake, General. - Sheridan
There must be something to do.....something I've overlooked. - Kirk
There must be someway out of here said the Joker to the Thief.
There must have been a glitch in the matrix diodes. - Barclay
There must have been a thread here somewhere.
There must have been an informant. Tain
There need to be viable alternatives to public education
There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep. - R.W. Emerson
There never was a good knife made of bad steel.
There never was a good war or a bad peace!
There never was a good war or a bad peace. -Franklin
There now, don't you feel bet-TUR? - Stimpy
There now, that wasn't so bad, was it? Scott
There once was a Bobbitt named John, of sex he was overly fond.
There once was a Formosan bartender, named Taiwan-On
There once was a GIF from Nantucket, with a
There once was a [ ] from [ ] whose [ ] was
There once was a dog named Tax. I opened the door and income Tax. Read more: http://www.ajokeaday.com/ChisteDelDia.asp#ixzz2IdQhRHJX
There once was a lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a--
There once was a lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a--
There once was a man from Nantucket
There once was a man from Nantucket- Delenn.
There once was a man from Nantucket. You've been talking to Garibaldi!
There once was a man from Nantucket... - Delenn.
There once was a man from Nantucket.You've been talking to Garibaldi!
There once was a man from Venus, with a rocketship for a, uh, weiner
There once was a woman from Venus . . . - Data
There once was a woman from Venus, whose body was shaped like a
There once was a woman from Venus... - Data
There once was a women from Venus, whose body was shaped
There once was a young lady from Venus
There only three types of Music. Country, Western an Willy Nelson
There ought to be a background check on purchasers of modems.
There ought to be a room in every house to swear in. - Twain
There ought to be an end of law suits
There ought to be some justice for this victim of a love crime.
There really *are* no other colours, without the blues. -7th Dr
There really is no place to go - Crow during fire drill
There seems no plan because it is all plan. --C. S. Lewis
There seems to be a pattern to these Taglines
There seems to be a pattern to these recipes
There seems to be an ECHO in here!
There seems to be some confusion here. - Mulder
There shall be no peace while the chicken lives!
There she goes again! She's tidied up and I can't find anything!
There she goes again....totally disregarding reality
There she goes with the "goose" gags! Leave that Dragon Alone!
There she goes, again....totally disregarding reality....tsk tsk tsk.
There she is! - Picard
There she is, the great experiement. Kirk
There she was just a purrin next to me: Do wa kitty kitty dum kitty do
There she was, this willowy blonde beauty. -- Col. Potter
There should be 2 hands in every pocket-Slick Willie
There should be a law to hunt those things with 12 ga. shotguns!
There should be one day on which everyone must go barefoot
There sure was a lot of wrestling in this movie... -- Mike Nelson
There they are! Buds! Buds! -- The Cat
There they are, every colour of the rainbow: black, white, brown
There they are, your staff. Chakotay
There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair. -L. McKennitt
There twenty-five bombers behind.
There used to be a Tagline here, but it got a job and moved
There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Il£vatar
There was a *fish* in the *perculator*! -- Pete Martell
There was a Bobbitt named John, of sex he was overly fond.
There was a Bobbitt named John, who thought he was Don Ju
There was a Borg at the filksing. Sang "Unassimilated from Argo."
There was a contented sound of purring. <Freedley>
There was a difference in her laughter, a softness in her eyes.
There was a fish... in... the percolator! -Pete Martell
There was a fish...in the percolator.
There was a highly sophisticated force field in place. Tuvok
There was a king and he ruled the land -- Maltilda Mother.
There was a king who ruled the land, his majesty was in command
There was a lawyer who joined the nudist colony. He never had a suit again
There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower.
There was a long silence. Then a slightly shorter silence.
There was a meal deal so I got two Beef & Swiss - Dr. F
There was a phone call for you
There was a point to this narrative, but it has presently escaped the chronicler's mind. - Douglas Adams
There was a pool beneath the window. - Ivanova
There was a real servant problem in Ancient Greece. -- Joel
There was a recipe here but someone stole it.
There was a star danced, and under that was I born. - Shakespeare
There was a tagline here but someone stole it.
There was a time I could remember but now I can't recall.
There was a time when I had a choice. --Red Eagle
There was a time when OJ was more likely to get hung than the jury
There was a time when men were kind - Fantine, Les Miserables
There was a time, when wolfes were rotten out
There was a tiny flaw in the plan. It was bollocks
There was a tiny flaw in the plan. It was bollocks. -BlackAdder
There was a whole country ripe for burning... - The Stand
There was a young lady from Nantucket...Oh, never mind!
There was a young lady from cork... Oh, sorry. Kids you know. <G>
There was a young lady of Crewe; whose limericks stopped at line two.
There was a young maid with a bucket. She once got upset and said__
There was a young man from Bombay
There was also an humming-bird that spake unto the horned cerastes,
There was an 8th drawf, his name was Lumpy and he died of cancer. *
There was an article comparing kim chee and sauerkraut. -- Mulcahy
There was an error in our decision making. - a politician
There was an old man from Nantucket, whose di#@$^*NO CARRIER
There was an old woman who swallowed a vole
There was food inside your mouth today. Is it luck?
There was much taken from The Other. Nomad
There was much to explore, but an adult might not think so.
There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. - Aristotle
There was never a good war or a bad peace. --Benjamin Franklin
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. - Ben Williams
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. - Ben Williams
There was never an angry man that thought his anger unjust De Sales
There was no need for you to come to the bridge, Captain. Chakotay
There was no way to get to the bridge. Kira
There was nobody in this compartment, was there?
There was nothing in the Docs about this!
There was nothing in the documentation about _this_!
There was only one true Christian and he died on the cross.
There was only one true Christian and he died on the cross.
There was some kind of nerve toxin in that needle. EMHP
There was somebody here when I got here.
There was something about her I liked, but I couldn't put my finger on it
There was something about watching myself being killed. O'Brien
There was something so *honest* in the gaze of the Raptor
There was something very special about [Fangio] - Phil Hill
There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom! - The Martian
There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Kaboom! --Marvin Mart
There was the waiting. Terrible waiting. -- Franklin
There was this door to which I found no key.
There was this man who prevented a beautiful woman from being attacked at a singles' bar. He went home
There was this veil through which I could not see.
There was this... this... and it... forget it, you wouldn't understand
There was thunder in his engine and white lightnin was his load
There wasn't much time for anything else. - Troi
There were *other* rumors, too... - Mulder (Deep Throat)
There were 9 in the bed & the little vole said,roll over, roll over
There were Arabs with knives at the foot of the bed - Waters
There were always 2 angels beside him, weren't there?
There were bells, but I never heard them.
There were bigger and better fires ahead. - The Stand
There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple.
There were computers in Biblical times. Adam a Wang.
There were computers in Biblical times. Apple had an Eve.
There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple, Adam a Wang.
There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple.
There were giants in the earth in those days. -- Genesis 6:4
There were many ways of breaking a heart.<Buck>
There were no atheists in the trenches
There were no draft dodgers at Omaha Beach - until 1994
There were no witnesses? None? Kirk
There were plagues of locusts, and frogs, and Amigas.
There were prodigies and portents enough, One-Eye says. - Glen Cook
There were seventy-three of us living in a cardboard box
There were some very respectable vampires where I grew up
There were things to be done, terrible things. Karidian
There were three ravens sat on a tree... - Peter, Paul & Mary
There were two Biddle's in this film - Tom
There were two Kings in bed. Which one wore the pyjamas? Mr. King. His wife was wearing a nightdress
There weren't any ghosts flying around the precinct - Dana Scully
There will allways be idiots
There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor of your car when the boss
There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor of your car when the boss asks for a lift home from the office
There will always be idiots.
There will always be poor people. This is not the fault of the rich. - Rush Limbaugh
There will always be some delightful mysteries in your life
There will always be survivors - Robert Heinlen
There will always be those who read by the light in the dunny.
There will be a $50,000 service charge on all returned checks
There will be a 5 hour delay in our movie - Crow
There will be a five hour delay in our movie... -- Crow T. Robot
There will be a rain dance Friday night - weather permitting
There will be a reception held in your honour - Picard
There will be a show tonight on trampoline. Ä Beatles
There will be a slight delay while I try to remember why.
There will be a test held at 3AM at the *Tagline Courthouse*, 1st Flr.
There will be an Atheists for Christ meeting 9:00 pm Wednsday.
There will be an answer, but it is funner to blame Kirk
There will be an answer, let it be.
There will be an extra day between today and tomorrow. Pass it on
There will be an intermission for audience resuscitation
There will be big changes for you but you will be happy.
There will be miracles after the last war is won. - Billy Joel
There will be more announcements later. - S. Commander John, V
There will be no Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon is dead.
There will be no NEXT time for you, Tyranical Moderator
There will be no beans in the Almost Perfect State
There will be no beans in the Almost Perfect State. -- DONALD MARQUIS
There will be no discussion. It is done. Metrons
There will be no escape for the princess this time. -- C3PO
There will be no escape for you THIS time!!!
There will be no last bus tonight.
There will be no mockery of your name, Mr. Flascock. - Skinner
There will be no search party, Captain Kirk. Korob
There will be no tomorrow...there sure wasn't one today!
There will be one empty chair.
There will be payment for your slander, Sarek Gav
There will be plently of time for brain eating after we conquer earth
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling
There will be rumors about affairs with Hillary. - Vince Foster
There will be sex after death, we just won't be able to feel it. -- Lily Tomlin
There will be three vipers. You will see. - Yarka
There will be vice as long as there are men.
There will be... Tribble! - RoboKirk
There will never be another you
There will now be a medium-sized intermission
There will now be a short pause while everyone says, "Big deal."
There will now be a whopping great intermission
There would be fewer hypothetical answers!!
There would be no Texas if the Alamo had a back door.
There would be no open rebellion here. - The Stand
There would be no reason to improve hardware if everyone stuck to DOS!
There would be no room for doubt. McCoy
There would be no society if living together depended upon understanding each other. - Eric Hoffer
There ya go 123 "New" taglines! ENJOY!
There ya go, Joe Weider's protein blast - Mike
There ya' go, Ron. Enjoy - Mike
There ya' go, kids - Dr. Forrester
There you are, Brother. Lore
There you are, cute little bunny-wunnies! - Elmyra
There you are, what's a beast to do? - Nameless Beast on Earthworm Jim
There you go again - thinking you have rights
There you go again, being kind that is
There you go again, being kind that is. <G>
There you go again, stealing my thunder, raining on my parade
There you go again--thinking you have rights
There you go again. Blaming me for everything. - Q
There you go again. Out of control. Human Torres
There you go thinking again!
There you go with those pesky FACTS again!
There you go, @FN@! For the first time you're wrong again!
There you go, Orville Bullitt! For the first time you're wrong again!
There you go, bringing class into it again
There you go, passing out all my secrets. I KNEW I shouldn't trust you.
There you go, talking about your 'testees' again. - LIONMAN
There you go. Proud? You've made me lose my lunch!
There you stood by the side of the road & I just KNEW you was trouble.
There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me
There! Got him with my ASCII gun! Right through the monitor!
There! I made a meaningless pop-culture reference!
There! Now we're both transmogrified! We're even!
There! Now we're both transmogrified! We're even! - - Calvin
There! We made them swerve slightly! -- Mike Nelson
There! I made a meaningless pop culture reference! - Tom
There! I've run rings around you logically!
There! That will keep The Devil out!
There! That'll tire out yer Bonyparts! ;-)
There! You see! Not of the Body! Hacom
There'd be dragons here.
There'd be no race driver's if it wasn't for the CAR!
There'll always be another war. - Frank Burns
There'll be a rain dance Friday night, weather permitting
There'll be a runabout standing by. - Sisko
There'll be a time for the truth Mulder, but this isn't it. -Scully
There'll be no atmospheric condensers. Picard/Kamin
There'll be no deal. There's no deal to make. Cancerman
There'll be no discussion of this with the crew. - Kirk
There'll be no escape for @FN@ this time
There'll be no escape for Orville this time.
There'll be no escape for the #TN# this time.
There'll be no escape for the Bullitt this time.
There'll be no escape for the Orville this time.
There'll be no escape for the Princess this time. - C-3PO
There'll be no escape for you this time.
There'll be no live vole fights on the Promenade, Quark. - Odo
There'll be no locks or bolts between us. John Wayne
There'll be no more AAARRGGHH!! but you may feel a little sick.
There'll be no more Picards. -Picard
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah!
There'll be no more {AAAAaaaaaaaaa} but you may feel a little prick
There'll be no strippers in my town, said the sheriff unbareably.
There'll be no tire changing in my county, mister - Mike
There'll be plenty of time for politics this year. Clinton 1-11-96
There're three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth
There're two senators for each state so that one can be the designated driver. Jay Leno
There's *two* Lois Lanes in this movie! -- Mike Nelson
There's 150 teens in a town of 200 - Tom
There's 2 kinds of HD's: Those that have crashed & those that will!
There's 2 rules for success: 1) Don't tell everything you know
There's 40 lbs. of butt in those 30 lb. capacity pants!
There's 548 peanuts in a 12 oz. jar of peanut butter
There's ALWAYS a boom
There's ALWAYS enough time for a QWKie!
There's ALWAYS one more amoeba!
There's ALWAYS one more bug!
There's ALWAYS room for Odo
There's Chocolate, but where's the Chocoearly?
There's Colonel Dirtyfishydishcloth, he'll distract her good.
There's Death in the cup, so beware. -- Burns
There's Gods church, and then there's religion.
There's Japanese people named 'Pepe'? - Tom incredulously
There's Japanese people named `Pepe'? -- Tom Servo
There's Klingons off the starboard bow! Scrape them off, Jim!
There's Klingons off the starboard bow,starboard bow,starboard bow
There's Klingons off the starboard bow... scrape 'em off, Jim!
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow
There's Klingons on the starboard bow. Scrape them off, Jim!
There's Klingons on the starboard side
There's Klingons on the starbord bow, scrape them off Jim
There's Land,my dear Weyrwoman, for any man who can hold it
There's Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics!
There's Lipstick on my dipstick !! <g>
There's Lipstick on my dipstick !! <g>
There's Loonies running freely through the halls.
There's Majick underfoot! Realy!
There's No Business Like BASIC Busines, C For Yourself...!
There's No Government like No Government!
There's SIMPSON DNA on this gun! - Chief Wiggum
There's Sumthin Awfly Scruey Go'in on Awond Here E Fud
There's TWO Lois Lanes in this movie - Mike
There's Tony Bennet's heart - Crow on bombing of Frisco
There's Wesley, FULL PHASERS!!!
There's Worf, eggs, sausage and Worf.--Tracy Hemenover
There's _nothing_ to be afraid of. - Odo
There's a $20 charge if you tell me how much better it is up north.
There's a 200-foor monster and he tells her to bolt the door
There's a 90% chance of weather today.
There's a Bajoran convention on the Station I didn't know about?!
There's a Bobcat Under the Outhouse! - by Claude Balls
There's a Cardie on the road/His brain is squirming like a toad.
There's a Divinity that shapes our ends... -W.S
There's a Ferengi legal tradition called plea bargaining. Sisko
There's a Grace Slick on the runway - Crow
There's a Greco-Roman hairpull! -- Bobby Heenan
There's a Joey "Skinny Legs" Tagliano here - Frank
There's a Little Blue Wave On the Sea Today... It's My Soul Up There
There's a Monster in my Packet!
There's a Moon Over Blue-Wave Street Tonight
There's a Mr. Oh-My-God-My-Hair's-On-Fire on line one. -- Servo
There's a NEW testament in town - Mike as priest
There's a Pakled born every minute. - P.T. LaForge
There's a Purple Tentacle in my soup
There's a TV comedy somewhere in all this
There's a Taurus II buyer born every minute - Ricart
There's a Terran scientist working for the Alliance.... - O'Brien2
There's a Thargoid ship out there somewhere, and I want it!
There's a Voter born every minute ... P. T. Klinton.
There's a Yankee in my closet - will trade for skeleton.
There's a backwards message hidden in this tagline
There's a band called 1023MB. They haven't had any gigs yet though.
There's a bar right across the road from my brother-in-law's house, so he put up his own crosswalk
There's a bar right across the road from my brother-in-law's house, so he put up his own crosswalk
There's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over! -zapp
There's a big difference between nasty looks & raising the dead-DS
There's a big pile of dung under that tree! - Pinky
There's a black cat down on the quayside.
There's a black hole at the center of our galaxy
There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt.
There's a blonde pubic hair in my Coffee. Is it yours?
There's a blood-sucking insect in my French cheese, said Tom briefly.
There's a blue guy chasing me! - Dexter's Brother, F!
There's a bottle of Romulan ale in it for you
There's a brain in my tumor.
There's a bug born every minute, and two to replace him. Ä P. T. Bugem
There's a bug somewhere in your code.
There's a call for you from the Bridge. - Uhura
There's a chance it may work, Captain. - Spock
There's a chill wind blowin' in my soul and I think I'm growing old
There's a chromate, there's a phosphate, there's an On Sale
There's a computation error here! - Don Schanke
There's a cool wind on the desert tonight.
There's a crazy superstition that's got to do with Chickens
There's a dangerous death-ray situation... -- Mike Nelson
There's a darkness at the edge of Europe ... -- Tom Servo
There's a darkness that comes without a warning. - Fantine, Les Mis
There's a dead bishop on the landing, dad!
There's a dead hunk in the middle of the road -Crow sings
There's a dead space-man to see you, sir! -- Crow T. Robot
There's a deeper psychosis at work here. - Mulder (Irresistable)
There's a demon behind you!
There's a devil sleeping in my bed - NIN
There's a difference between HEROIN and HEROINE!
There's a difference between a parent and a teacher.
There's a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker. - Charles M. Schulz
There's a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker. - Charles M. Schulz
There's a difference between kneeling and bending over!
There's a difference between kneeling down, and bending over. --Zappa
There's a different glue for everything you do! -B. Villa
There's a droid running crazy in my lounge.
There's a dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight -Pink Floyd
There's a fat man in the bathtub with the blues. -L. George
There's a fifty per cent chance of anything. Either it will happen or it won't
There's a final in from Rome: Lions 45 Christians 0
There's a fine line between BBSing and beebling
There's a fine line between a hobby and mental illness. -D.Barry
There's a fine line between assonance and asinine
There's a fine line between brave and stupid
There's a fine line between courage and foolishness. Too bad it's not a fence
There's a fine line between fishing & standing still
There's a fine line between fishing and holding your rod
There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore
There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot,,,
There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot. - Steven Wright
There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot. - Steven Wright
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. Don't push.
There's a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly
There's a fine line between heresy and satire
There's a fine line between participation and mockery. - Wally
There's a fine line between sanity and reality.
There's a fine line between stupid and clever.
There's a fine line between stupid and clever. -Spinal Tap
There's a fine line between wise and weird
There's a fire in my heart and you fan it
There's a fool born every minute - but they don't die that fast
There's a foot at the end of each of my legs. Is it luck?
There's a fortune to be made. - Quark
There's a frog crunched every minute. - P.T. Barnum
There's a frood who knows where his towel is.
There's a fundamental importance of learning the alphabet, Abie ceded.
There's a fungus among us.
There's a gay character in For Better Or Worse - Mike
There's a ghost of a chance to find someone to love
There's a girl at the bar wants to get me by my balls
There's a girl.....in my bed?!.....YES!! - Casper the friendly ghost
There's a great darkness coming, Michael
There's a great deal more for you to learn. Doctor
There's a great woman behind every idiot
There's a great woman behind every idiot. - John Lennon
There's a hard shot to LeMaster - and he throws Madlock into the dugout. - Jerry Coleman, Padres announcer
There's a hole in Daddy's arm where all the money goes
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Kira, dear Kira - Odo
There's a hole in the sky,something evil is passing by ... --Rainbow
There's a hole in your bag of marbles
There's a hole in your mind too ?
There's a hole somewhere in that girl's marble bag.
There's a hot place with pitchforks waiting.
There's a hurricane tonight!!!
There's a husband born every minute!
There's a jackass at every trough - Rickard's Maxim of Online Community
There's a jelly baby floating in my Earl Grey!
There's a job for you in the system boy, with nothing to sign.
There's a kind of freedom in being completely screwed, 'cause you know things can't get any worse. --"The Freshman"
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
There's a large amount of evidence saying that the man's point of view is largely irrelevant
There's a large group of insane men staying on my floor. - Dale Cooper
There's a lawyer criminal. You mean criminal lawyer. Same difference.
There's a leak in his ceiling.
There's a lesson in there somewhere.
There's a lesson to be learned from stupidity. It is : Don't Be Stupid !
There's a letter in your mailbox! - G. Carlin
There's a life form here. Just one. Kim
There's a light ... over at the Frankenstein place
There's a light, a light, in the darkness of everybody's life.
There's a light, burning at the Frankenstein place
There's a light, light in the darkness of everybody's life
There's a light, over at the Frankenstein place.
There's a light, over at the Frankenstein place. - Brad & Janet
There's a little Buddha in all of us <HH The Dalai Lama>
There's a little Buddha in all of us. His Holiness - Dalai Lama
There's a little Homer Simpson in all of us. Or Bart
There's a little alien in all of us
There's a little bit of Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer in all of us
There's a little bit of Kilrathi prowling around inside of me.-Cobra
There's a little black spot on the sun today.
There's a little green thing called Nixon
There's a little light burning in Alaska
There's a little picture of ED MCMAHON doing BAD THINGS to JOAN RIVERS in a $200,000 MALIBU BEACH HOUSE!!
There's a local bus here, but I usually take my car
There's a lot more of them than us! - O'Brien
There's a lot more thrust in those jets than I imagined... - Rachel
There's a lot of money in that white powder. - Sonny Corleone
There's a lot of similarities between felines & females!
There's a lot of trial & error here-100% of each
There's a lot to be said for a blow to the head.
There's a lot to be said for not saying a lot
There's a lot to be said for total silence.
There's a lot to be said, for a blow to the head.
There's a madman in your mirror. -Paul Lauda
There's a map to the hospital on back of menu.. - Japanese Waiter
There's a measure of blame on both sides.
There's a method to this madness, and a message calling to the wild!
There's a mole crawling on your mouth - Crow on beard
There's a monster in my pants and he does a nasty dance
There's a moon and a road outside baby we're getting outta here.
There's a naked woman in this film and she's NUDE!
There's a new Divorced Barbie Doll... comes with all of Ken's stuff.
There's a new Japanese board game out. It's called 'New York City.'
There's a new Michael Jackson movie..."Honey, I blew the kids"
There's a new dance craze: the Banana ... you peel
There's a new manual out on how to be spontaneous
There's a new movie about two unborn babies in love? Fetal Attraction.
There's a nit! Quick! Pick it!
There's a nut loose on my keyboard... I've been told it's me.
There's a one in four chance it *will*. Janeway
There's a pain so insane that I find but cannot tame - M. Muir
There's a party in my mind, and I can never leave.
There's a pick-up line if I've ever heard one. - Dot
There's a pinch of the madman in every great man
There's a plot afoot to make me think I'm paranoid!
There's a plot to make it look like I'm a paranoid!!! - Amos Salmonson
There's a problem w/the education system - of the 3 R's only one begins with an R. --Dennis Miller
There's a progress, we have found a way to talk around the problems
There's a rattlesnake in my phone - Crow
There's a reason why there's no "OS" in Windows
There's a red house over yonder, that's where my baby stays - Hendrix
There's a red house up yonder...yeah that's where my baby stays.
There's a red pubic hair in my Coke. Is it yours?
There's a revolution...in my NEW heart... - Dave Perkins
There's a right way, a wrong way and my way. Do it MY way!
There's a roadblock up on the cloverleaf & them bears was wall2wall
There's a robo purge button on the control panel? - Crow
There's a rose in every crowd.
There's a rumor going around that Star Trek is just a TV show!
There's a samurai after me! - Sulu
There's a saying, "Greed Rules The world". I'm trying to get it copyrighted.
There's a seeker born every minute
There's a shadow hanging over me
There's a shadow just behind me
There's a shocker - Yakko
There's a skeleton in every old house and old horse.
There's a snake in my boot! -- Woody
There's a squirrel in there! - Crow on wine barrel
There's a storm in the heartland
There's a stranger in my head.
There's a striking difference between Bondage & Discipline
There's a sucker born again every minute
There's a sucker born every minute - P.T. Barnum
There's a sucker born every minute ..no wonder guys are so happy?
There's a sucker born every minute!
There's a sucker born every minute. - P. T. Barnum - Circus promoter
There's a sucker born every minute. -- PHINEAS T. BARNUM
There's a sucker reborn every minute.
There's a switch. Someone shooting a postal worker - Tom
There's a term for people like you
There's a tick on Gamera. Oh, it's Itchy - Joel on kid
There's a tiddler down me sock. -Penfold
There's a time for love and a time for letting me be, baby
There's a time to fight, and a time to hide out.
There's a time to live, and a time to die
There's a time when you have to stick your feet out the car window.
There's a track winding back by an old abandoned shack
There's a tree you've never seen before. Want to kill it?
There's a typo in this sentence, but it slides away when your
There's a typo in this sentence, but it slides away when your eyes move toward it
There's a vas deferens between men and women.
There's a voter born every minute. - P.T. Clinton
There's a war on and we've no time for violence. - Frank Burns
There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking---it's called marriage.
There's a way out of any cage
There's a way out of any cage, and I'll find it! -- Pike
There's a way out of any cage.
There's a way out of any cage. - Captain Christopher Pike
There's a way out of any cage. - Captain Pike
There's a way out of any cage. - Christopher Pike
There's a way out of any cage. -- Captain Christopher Pike, "The Menagerie" ("The Cage"),
There's a way out of any cage. -- Pike
There's a way out of any cage..Capt Pike, The Menagerie
There's a whiskey named after you - Old Crow!
There's a whole Lalo Schifrin goin' on.
There's a whole WORLD in a mud puddle! -- Doug Clifford
There's a whole dead cat in every bar of Dead Cat Soap!
There's a whole generation of people out there my age.
There's a whole manual of obsolete features!
There's a woman in my house. Arturo
There's already too much flying in this movie - Mike
There's always 1 m
There's always 1 more SOB than you counted on
There's always 1 weirdo on a bus-but I couldn't find him!
There's always a driver CRAZIER than you are
There's always a few themes I like from every Trek show... - Anna S
There's always a first time. Odo
There's always a loophole.
There's always a newer model computer coming out, **and you need it!**
There's always a rainbow at the end of every rain.
There's always an easier way to do it.
There's always been TV. There's just more channels now. - Butt-Head
There's always free cheese in a mousetrap
There's always more going on than you think. And it's always worse than you imagine
There's always one in every crowd.
There's always one more S.O.B. than you counted on
There's always one more bug.
There's always one more bug. -- Lubarsky's Law
There's always one more bug. Got it. Oops. See recursive
There's always one more bug. If a computer cable has one end, then it has another
There's always one, isn't there? Now, where were we?
There's always room at the top - After the investigation
There's always room for JELLO!
There's always room for Odo...<BURP>
There's always room for filth!
There's always something going wrong, that's what this is all about. - Jim Steinman
There's always something magic. - Jim Steinman
There's always something magic..there's always something new.
There's always something more to learn... the hard way!
There's always something. - Ivanova
There's always terror to fall back on. - Hawkeye
There's always the temptation to let other people think you're normal
There's always time for a hockey game!
There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true. Clarese
There's always too much month at the end of my money!
There's always trolling for nurses. - Trapper
There's an Ant Crawling up your back in the nighttime -- TMBG
There's an Arizona Cardinal in the End Zone?...must be a Safety.
There's an Italian in my room and he won't go away!
There's an advantage in being poor. The doctor will cure you faster.
There's an angel on my shoulder, In my hand a sword of gold -Zep
There's an answer to every problem. Sometimes it's "No".
There's an easier way to get tail -Tom as dino swats tail
There's an emergency going on. It's still going on.
There's an entire fleet decloaking out there! Dax
There's an error in the system, I just Know it
There's an exception to every rule, except this one.
There's an intelligence, a malevoence. It's evil. Kirk
There's an interesting Chinese curse. Kim
There's an itch in my brain/and I can't get at it... Todd Rundgren
There's an old Ferengi saying, never ask when you can take. - Quark
There's an old Ferengi saying: 'Why ask when you can take?'
There's an old cat saying, but you don't want to hear it.
There's an old proverb that says just about whatever you want it to.
There's an old saying on Bajor. The land & the people are one. -Kira
There's an onion ring - answer it!
There's an open crater on the rim of the asteroid. Paris
There's an unceasing wind that blows through the night -Floyd
There's another dead Bishop on the landing, Vicar-Sergeant!
There's another fine mess you've gotten me into!
There's another like you here? Janeway
There's another one, Mulder. - Scully
There's another way to survive. Mutual trust -- and help. -- Kirk, "Day of the Dove"
There's another way to survive. Mutual trust, and help. - Kirk
There's another way to survive.Mutual trust -- and help.
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium.
There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
There's at least one fool in every married couple.
There's baloney in our slacks!
There's baloney in our slacks! þ Animaniacs
There's barely any rats - Tom on rundown motel
There's been a devaluation in the musical coin of the realm. - Don McLean
There's been a serious misunderstanding! - O'Brien
There's been a, a change. O'Brien
There's been another crime committed, round up the usual suspects
There's been another murder, Hengist. - Kirk
There's beggary in the love than can be recon'd
There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
There's bound to be a gargoyle here somewhere.
There's bullets in the other end of that thing - Mike/#606
There's coffee in that nebula -- Janeway
There's coffee in that nebula! - Capt. Janeway
There's crime here ... I can smell it! - The Tick
There's danger when a man throws his tongue before his brain starts.
There's definately something unidentifiable but not unexplainable
There's definitely too much blood in my caffeine system.
There's devils inside of ya' - Mike
There's edible food...then there's Spam.
There's enough money here to buy 5000 cans of Noodle-Roni!
There's enough room here for an eighteen-hole golf course.
There's feline flesh all over the road, Joe said categorically.
There's gin in my martini? No wonder I'm pissed.
There's going to be a disaster. O'Brien to O'Brien
There's going to be a slight delay. - Kira
There's going to be hell to pay. =FE O'Brien
There's going to be no weather in Nelson tomorrow. - Jim Hickey weather reporter NZTV1
There's going to be shooting. Quite a lot of it, I think. - Roland
There's gonna be confusion if a Trek episode called SPOILERS is made!
There's good luck, bad luck, and no luck at all.
There's got to be a way of getting to the M5! Kirk
There's got to be a way out of this film! -- Joel Robinson
There's got to be a way to make money at this BBS stuff.
There's got to be more to life than compile--and--go.
There's great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe
There's hair all over me - Tom
There's hair on my Fruit Rollup - Tom
There's hair on my blue serge suit - Tom
There's history in our roots!!!
There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium.
There's hope for anyone who can look in a mirror and laugh.
There's hope for you yet, Doctor. Garak
There's insanity in my family; starting with me, tonight.
There's just not enough Sax & Violin's on TV!
There's just not enough of his mind left to work with. EHMP
There's just not enough sax and violins on television!
There's just one thing to do - Drink Coca-Cola. -1900
There's just something I don't like about Virginia; the state
There's just something women like about a pickup man.
There's lies, damn lies and statistics. Mark Twain
There's lies, damn lies, and benchmarks!
There's lies..damn lies..and then there are statistics.
There's life above the mason dixon line, but who wants to live there?
There's life here. Troi
There's little worse than being peerless in a peer-review system.
There's lots more where that came from
There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O'Connor
There's many a slip 'twixt the book and the script.
There's many a slurp t'wixt the tip and the zip
There's many witty men whose brains can't fill their bellies.
There's meat and music here, as the fox said when he stole the bagpipes.
There's more *nothing* in this movie. -- Mike Nelson
There's more NOTHING in this movie - Mike
There's more action in the wallpaper! -- Crow T. Robot
There's more death done in bedrooms than in alleys.
There's more going on here than anybody on the ship realises. - Ro
There's more holes in your logic than in a Watergate tape!
There's more planes in the ocean than ships in the sky!
There's more posting flames on Fido than during California wildfires!
There's more simplicity where that came from!
There's more than a world to win, Eddie. - Roland
There's more than one answer to these questions
There's more than one way to cook a cat." -- 6th Doctor
There's more than one way to crunch a frog
There's more than one way to crunch a frog. Ä Monty Python
There's more than one way to scan a cat.
There's more than one way to skin a cat - get a sander
There's more than one way to skin a cat. Buy a power sander.
There's more than one way to skin a cat. Get a sander!
There's more than one way to skin a cat: Way number 15 -- Krazy Glue and a toothbrush
There's more than one way to skin a cat: Way number 27 -- Use an electric sander
There's more than one way to skin a cat: Way number 32 -- Wrap it around a lonely frat man's pecker
There's more than one way, to cook a cat. --6th Doctor.
There's more then one way to skin a cat; get a sander.
There's more to BBSing than meets the modem.
There's more to being a king than getting your way all the time
There's more to death than getting out of debt, but not much
There's more to life than RPG's, but not much.
There's more to life than TV (and OJ). <ts>
There's more to life than compatibility
There's more to life than increasing its speed
There's more to life than sitting around in the sun in
There's more to life than sitting around in the sun in your underwear playing the clarinet. --Woody Allen
There's more to marriage than four bare legs in a bed !
There's more to see than can ever be seen... - The Circle of Life
There's more too life than Pizza, but not much
There's more truth on the X-Files than there are on CNN!
There's more ways to skin a cat than stickin' his head in a boot jack and jerkin' on his tail
There's more where that came from. Janeway
There's more! - O'Brien
There's more, but we'll wait till the next message for them
There's movement all over the place! -- Hudson
There's much to say but your eyes interrupt me.
There's my proof...poke holes in it if you like
There's my request Thanks for helping me fatten my tagline collection.
There's my two cents, can I have change please.
There's my way, and then there's the easy way.
There's nae fule like an auld fule.- Old Scot Sayin
There's neither fantasy nor reality .... just VIRTUALITY
There's never a 70 year old around when you need one. - 007
There's never a bad day of flying...just less than optimum.
There's never a bomb disposer around when you need one. -- Hawkeye
There's never a cat around when you need one.
There's never a cop around when you need one. - Al Capone
There's never a day so bad that tomorrow couldn't be worse
There's never a dull moment.. around here it lasts for hours and hours
There's never a good time to score an own goal
There's never a topic cop around when you need one.
There's never a tuxedo around when you need one
There's never an ornithologist around when you need one.
There's never been a good government.
There's never been a planet Janet hasn't seen.
There's never been a problem before. Kira
There's never enough time (unless you're serving it)
There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want.
There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. -Bill Watterson
There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. - Calvin
There's never enough time to do it right, but always time to do it over!
There's never talent without a little strain of madness. -Trintignant
There's never time to DO IT right, but always time to DO IT over
There's never time to do it right but always time to do it over!
There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over. - Meskimen's Law
There's no <G> because I'm SERIOUS
There's no BODY-CHECKING in golf!!! - Charlie Brown to Lucy.
There's no Brste like Klobrste !
There's no FAT in a 0 byte file.
There's no Messiah 'ere, a mess, all right, but no Messiah!
There's no REAL matter in a hologram!--Paris <SMACK>--HoloDoc
There's no Yule like an old Yule, I always say
There's no abyss-ness like show abyss-ness
There's no accounting for peoples tastes. Mine included!
There's no accounting for taste
There's no accounting for taste! - COLONEL SANDERS
There's no accounting for taste-Col Sanders
There's no accounting for taste.
There's no animal life, just a few birds and insects
There's no as smart as all of us
There's no assassin up here! - Mike to Bots
There's no assassin up here! -- Mike Nelson
There's no bathroom in here!, Tom said uncannily
There's no being like non-being, like no being we know. -- Elton Hall
There's no bottom to worse
There's no bread? Let them eat cake! -Marie Antoinette
There's no business like show business. - Irving Berlin
There's no cheeeeeeese Grommit! - Wallace
There's no choice, gentlemen. None at all. - Kirk
There's no copyright on love - you can copy it to your heart's content.
There's no courtesy on the highways today. One fellow put his arm out the window to
There's no crying in baseball! - Tom Hanks
There's no dark side of the moon, really
There's no desert between Pennsylvania & New York! - Joel
There's no difference between a wise man & a fool when they fall in love
There's no dignity in life. -- Fry
There's no disgrace like home
There's no doubt about it; the Companion is female. Kirk
There's no easy answer in the Green Man's song.
There's no easy quick way out, we're gonna have to live through our whole lives, win, lose, or draw. -- Walt Kelly
There's no elevator to Sobriety, you gotta take the STEPS
There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.
There's no escape from my authority - I tell ya
There's no escape, don't make me destroy you - Darth Vader
There's no evidence to warrant an arrest. - Mulder
There's no excuse for not having an excuse
There's no excuse for the way I'm about to behave
There's no film...I'm live. - Father Mulcahy
There's no fool like an old fool - you can't beat experience. - Jacob Braude
There's no fool like an old fool -- he's experienced!
There's no fool like an old fool--you can't beat experience
There's no free ride in this carnival world!
There's no friend like a Computer Addict's friend!
There's no fuel like an old fuel.
There's no future in England's dreaming. -Sex Pistols
There's no future in time travel.
There's no gift like the present
There's no good arguing with the inevitable.
There's no government like no government.
There's no government like no government. - Bumper sticker, seen in Berkeley, CA
There's no greater folly than trying to reform society.
There's no guarantee that the clones would have that same taste.. :) -DW
There's no heavier burden than a great potential.
There's no hole in my head, too bad. --Malvina Reynolds
There's no honor in boring an enemy to death.
There's no honor in damaging whelps. -- Wisetongue, Get of Fenris
There's no independent decision-making. Doctor
There's no intelligent life down here.
There's no intelligent life here Scotty -- Beam me up
There's no justice in this world
There's no justice in this world. -- Frank Costello,
There's no justice. Otis Redding is dead & Barry Manilow lives!
There's no law/There's no law anymore Ramones
There's no life after death. Just Los Angeles.
There's no logic to this at all! -- Picard
There's no long-term business sense to dying. - Mulder
There's no love in Tennessee.
There's no more tempting target than @FROMFIRST@ trying to be clever
There's no more tempting target than Orville trying to be clever.
There's no more valour in you than in a wild duck! <Shakespeare>
There's no more valour in you than in a wild tagline! -- Tagspeare
There's no much guile in the heart that's ay singing.-Old Scot Sayin
There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. - Han Solo
There's no mystical force that controls MY destiny.
There's no need for any more of this. EHMP
There's no need for you to sling your love spuds on the bar-b-q!-Ace
There's no need to buy OS/2 to run DOS and Windows apps.
There's no need to do housework -- after four years, the dirt doesn't get any deeper
There's no need to engage your panic circuit. - Kryten
There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!
There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!
There's no nice way to put this: Sewer Urchin just stinks!" - The Tick
There's no one as smart as all of us
There's no one in here, Mr. Balowski! We're all holograms ! - Rick
There's no one left to rescue. - Dax
There's no one like you, I can't wait for my nights with you!
There's no one { } cloaked here!
There's no pain. Picard
There's no place like Rome... St. Dorothy of Oz
There's no place like home
There's no place like home when you're not feeling well -- G.K.
There's no place like home! - H. Johnson
There's no place like home, there's no place like home! - Woody
There's no place like home. Neelix
There's no place like home...There's no place like
There's no place like home.com
There's no place like http://www.home.com
There's no place like real mode. I love it.
There's no place like taglines, No place like taglines
There's no place like ~
There's no point in acting all surprised about it. the Vogons
There's no point in beating a dead horse.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't act childish
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes
There's no point in getting angry, but there is a stupid malignity to all this that does try one's patience
There's no point worrying about apathy when you can't care less
There's no present like the time
There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past. - George Carlin
There's no problem a good miracle can't solve
There's no problem that can't be solved by high explosive
There's no problem too big that can't be solved with high explosives
There's no problem which, when programmed just right, isn't more complicated
There's no real need to do housework -- after four years it doesn't get any worse
There's no reason for it, it's just OUR POLICY
There's no reason for that panel to cross-circuit like that! - Uhura
There's no recession. I just LIKE being underemployed!
There's no religion higher than Truth
There's no rest for the wicked :-)))
There's no room in my closets for another damned thing, let alone me!
There's no room in the drug world for amateurs.
There's no room in the drug world for amateurs. -- Raoul Duke
There's no sadder sight than a young pessimist
There's no saint like a reformed sinner
There's no second chance for a good first impression.
There's no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves. --Darwi Odrade
There's no sedative like seeing a tiger lying in the sun - Calvin
There's no sense being pessimistic, it won't work anyway
There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about. -- John von Neumann
There's no sense in disturbing him. - Kira
There's no sense worrying about life. Nobody gets out alive.
There's no ship to leave! She's a dead hulk! - Kirk
There's no sign of the Enterprise.- Geordi
There's no skeletons in my closet!
There's no skeletons is @FN@'s closet!
There's no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.
There's no special reason; it's just government policy
There's no substitute for education; May I suggest you GET one?
There's no substitute for good manners except fast reflexes
There's no substitute for incomprehensible good luck
There's no substitute for reading. Well, not MY stuff, but generally.
There's no such thing as "Just a Cat!"
There's no such thing as "too hot".
There's no such thing as "too much garlic"!
There's no such thing as Changelings.--Taya to Odo
There's no such thing as Just a Cat!
There's no such thing as PMS. It's just tight shoes
There's no such thing as Texas. It's really Baja Oklahoma!
There's no such thing as a Vulcan Death Grip
There's no such thing as a free Tag Line.
There's no such thing as a free lunch!
There's no such thing as a free lunch, but you can always find someone willing to treat
There's no such thing as a free lunch. -- Milton Friendman
There's no such thing as a theft-proof tagline
There's no such thing as a too-recent backup!
There's no such thing as a two week project
There's no such thing as an Ontario Separatist.
There's no such thing as an original sin. -- Elvis Costello
There's no such thing as bad press, Eddie. - Bela Lugosi
There's no such thing as computer science--it's witchcraft!
There's no such thing as enough RAM
There's no such thing as foolproof - fools are too ingenious for that!
There's no such thing as gravity - the earth sucks.
There's no such thing as gravity. The whole world sucks.
There's no such thing as gravity. The Earth *SUCKS!*
There's no such thing as luck
There's no such thing as non-prophet religion!
There's no such thing as nonexistance
There's no such thing as pure pleasure; some anxiety always goes with it
There's no such thing as strong coffee -- only weak people
There's no such thing as strong coffee... just weak people !
There's no such thing as too hot.
There's no such thing as too many "chocolate" taglines.
There's no such thing as too much chocolate!
There's no such thing as too much garlic!
There's no such thing as too much time spent with poodles. Arwen
There's no such word as FAIL in my vocabulary!
There's no swimming in the heavy water, no singing in the acid rain
There's no time for fussing and fighting my friend
There's no time for us, there's no place for us
There's no time like the future
There's no time like the pleasant.
There's no tradition like a NEW tradition! - Crow
There's no trick to being a humorist when There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government
There's no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. -- Will Rodgers
There's no use being a pessimist, it won't work anyway
There's no use giving in.
There's no use in having a dog and doing your own barking
There's no use in quitting when the world is waiting for you
There's no virtue in consistency if you're consistently wrong
There's no wall between East Germanium and West Germanium.
There's no way I'm kissing him! - Rick Hunter
There's no way out of here, Garak. Lovok
There's no way out! You might as well surrender! - Intendant
There's no way they gathered that many indians! - Gen Custer
There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill
There's no way to know
There's no way to tell and it doesn't matter anyway.
There's no way you could know the station's command access code
There's no where far enough away.
There's no wind in the windmills of his mind.
There's no wind up or down on this station - Capt. John Sheriaden
There's no worse robber than a bad book
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus
There's no zone like ozone!
There's nobody here, we're all holograms! - Rick (Young Ones)
There's nobody perfect not even the perfect fool
There's none in here! - Wakko (about the vomit bag)
There's noone here - and people everywhere - Bj”rk
There's not a natural fiber on that man - Mike
There's not a partridge in the woods, Tom groused
There's not a star in the sky.
There's not a vampire zanier than Count Duckula
There's not enough Sax & Violin's on TV
There's not enough people here to stomp out a grass fire.
There's not enough sax and violin's on TV.
There's not enough sax and violins on television.
There's not much one can say in 40 chara
There's not much worse than a pissed-off Klingon!
There's not one wise man among twenty will praise himself. - William Shakespeare
There's not such thing as a bad X-Files episode.
There's nothing I hate more than greed
There's nothing I like better than to fall
There's nothing I'd rather do than give away Deanna's mother. Picard
There's nothing I'm afraid of like scared people. - Robert Frost
There's nothing Liberal about them, they are socialists
There's nothing `only' about being a girl. - Sarah Jane Smith
There's nothing a concentrated phaser blast can't solve.
There's nothing finer than a beautiful woman, or a loving horse
There's nothing here but a useless pile of bones and organs. - Ren*
There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos. -- Jim Hightower, Texas Agricultural Commissioner
There's nothing in the world like re-re-re-re-re-reading old posts!
There's nothing like a 15-second nap. - Hawkeye
There's nothing like a 15-second nap. -Fax
There's nothing like a Catholic girl when they learn to
There's nothing like a Guinness.
There's nothing like a cat to give your home that lived -in look
There's nothing like a cold beer at the beginning of a long day.
There's nothing like a dog to give your home that lived-in look.
There's nothing like a girl with a plunging neckline to keep a man on his toes
There's nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. -- Clare Booth Luce
There's nothing like a good hard drive, X. Hollander
There's nothing like a good old fashioned love-poke -Joel
There's nothing like a good piece of hickory.
There's nothing like a view from the cheap seats.
There's nothing like a walk in the fog with a bonnie lass! - Scotty
There's nothing like exploring new horizons
There's nothing like good food, good wine, and a bad girl
There's nothing like money well spent. Sheriff Buck
There's nothing like the face of a kid eating a Hershey bar
There's nothing like the taste of Protoculture in the morning!
There's nothing like writing a song about how depressed you are and then drop the pick in the guitar
There's nothing moister. Than an oyster!
There's nothing more "canon" than an episode!
There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot. - Dilbert
There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal. - Kirk
There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito!
There's nothing more demoralizing than money. --Sophocles
There's nothing more frightening than ignorance in action
There's nothing more irrelevant than a former politician.
There's nothing more restful than taking orders from fools.
There's nothing natural about your family, Rimmer. - Lister
There's nothing near about it... I was a dead man - Skinner (3x21)
There's nothing new under the sun, but there are lots of old things we don't know. - Ambrose Bierce
There's nothing noble about voting based on who Jesus tells you to hate.
There's nothing on Earth like Jazz!
There's nothing on Earth like Jazz!
There's nothing on TV. D'you want to have an argument?
There's nothing on my pancakes, Orville said surreptitiously
There's nothing on my pancakes, the boy said surreptitiously
There's nothing quite like something there's only one of
There's nothing quite so wonderful as money
There's nothing small about messing with time! * Holly
There's nothing so habit forming as money
There's nothing so passionate as a vested interest disguised as an intellectual conviction. - Sean O'Casey
There's nothing that would suggest a response. Tuvok
There's nothing there that would interest you. Jacobs
There's nothing to figure out. Nog
There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and open a vein. -- Red Smith
There's nothing very mysterious about you, except that nobody really knows your origin, purpose, or destination
There's nothing worse for your business than extra Santa Clauses smoking in the men's room. -- W. Bossert
There's nothing worse than a static Klingon
There's nothing worse than a typo in a tagline attributed to you. ;-)
There's nothing worse than an inferior who THINKS hes God
There's nothing worse than half-dead rACHT. - Melora
There's nothing worse then addressing a room full of pointy eared blowhards
There's nothing wrong in trying to get your point across
There's nothing wrong that you can't make right.
There's nothing wrong w/ incest as long as it's kept in the family.
There's nothing wrong with DOS that Unix wouldn't fix.
There's nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure
There's nothing wrong with Windows 95 a reformat won't fix!
There's nothing wrong with Windows that OS/2 won't fix!!
There's nothing wrong with Windows that Unix wouldn't fix
There's nothing wrong with a good delusion
There's nothing wrong with being wrong ..it's just not my turn
There's nothing wrong with demons, was Tom's implicit message.
There's nothing wrong with drinking like a fish, provided you drink what the fish drinks
There's nothing wrong with fraternizing unless you mean... - Mulcahy
There's nothing wrong with gluttony...providing you don't overdo it
There's nothing wrong with him, Quark. Bashir
There's nothing wrong with me that a lobotomy won't cure.
There's nothing wrong with my keyboard. There's n&%)$^%@!
There's nothing wrong with my life that a miracle won't cure.
There's nothing wrong with my sense of reality. I have it serviced every fortnight
There's nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them won't aggravate
There's nothing wrong with you neurologically. - Beverly
There's nothing wrong with you that an expensive operation can't prolong.
There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with
There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet. -- Woody Allen
There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure. --Jack E. Leonard
There's nothing you can do but lie there and remain quiet.
There's nothing you can do but lie there and remain quiet.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Ä Beatles
There's nothing you can know that isn't known
There's nothing you can say, I've heard it all before
There's nothing you need to hear in any voice without compassion
There's obviously been some sort of silly mistake.
There's one assimiiilated every minute. -- P.T. Borg
There's one assimilated every minute. - Barnum of Borg
There's one assimilated every minute. -- P.T. Borg
There's one behind every Zipper!
There's one born again every minute
There's one born every minute! This one had to be here!
There's one born every minute, and they all buy Stacker
There's one born every minute, and they all buy Windows
There's one born every minute.
There's one consolation about matrimony. When you look around you can always see somebody who did worse. - Warren H. Goldsmith
There's one fool at least in every married couple
There's one fool in every married couple.
There's one for Helga and none for Olga.
There's one good thing about @FN@'s life. It's only temporary.
There's one good thing about @FN@'s life. It's only temporary.
There's one good thing about your life, @FN@. I'm a part of it.
There's one in every car... You'll see.
There's one in every crowd and they always find me.
There's one in every crowd....
There's one in every family, sire. Two in mine, actually. --Zazu
There's one in the Fleet Museum. -- Picard
There's one thing left to do - ah - oo
There's one thing that makes me sick/When someone's talking politics
There's only 1 lawyer in Lawyerville, New York.
There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. - Aldous Huxley
There's only one everything
There's only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance
There's only one kind of woman.... Or man, for that matte
There's only one logical answer. - Spock
There's only one man who can help me! -Marty McFly
There's only one other way out of here. Janeway
There's only one password into heaven - GRACE!!
There's only one thing on this Earth that matters.
There's only one thing that can kill a chicken vindaloo - Lister
There's only one thing to be said about me: "Wow!!"
There's only one thing worse than DOS... Windows 95
There's only one truth about war: people die. - Sheridan
There's only one way I'll learn, and you know it. - Interview
There's only one way out. Ivanova's Mother
There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon
There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again. -- Clint Eastwood
There's only one way to know for certain. - Beverly
There's only so much reality a man can take! - Morgan
There's only so much we can take! -- Tom Servo
There's only two kind of music - Country & Western.
There's only two kind's of music - Heavy & Metal
There's only two kinds of music: Rock and Roll.
There's only two things wrong with you. Everything you do and say.
There's only two things wrong with you. All you do and all you say
There's plenty of room at the top - it's the bottom that's crowded
There's powers and then there's powers. -- Shakespeare
There's protocol to consider. - Ivanova
There's room for all God's creatures right next to the mashed potatoes.
There's room for one more
There's room for one more
There's room for one more, Tom admitted.
There's safety in numbers - .357 for example!
There's safety in numbers when you learn to divide.
There's safety in numbers. Better be alone than in bad company
There's safety in numbers/When you learn to divide.
There's safety in numbers: .22 .38 .357 .44 .45, 9mm
There's safety in numbers: .44 Magnum, .38 special, 9mm w/16 rounds
There's safety in numbers: F-16, B-52, B-1B, F-117
There's safety in numbers: F16, F11, B2, F15
There's safety in unexciting gentlemen, said Mary indulgently.
There's sex after death! You just don't feel it
There's sixteen ounces in that bag, Tom expounded
There's small choice in rotten apples Shakespear
There's small choice in rotten apples. -- William Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew"
There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?
There's so much plastic in this culture that vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic
There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs, there'd be no place to put it all. --Robert Orben
There's so much sand in Northern Africa that if it were spread out, it would completely cover the Sahara Desert
There's so much to learn and so much of it not worth learning
There's so much to say but your eyes keep interrupting me.
There's so much you'll never know
There's some RWC thing.... pending... :) - TEC
There's some THING in Quark's bar. Bashir
There's some garbage... I want you to help me dig through. - FM to DS
There's some gusto out there with our names on it. - Dilbert
There's some heroin I've had my eye on - Tom
There's some lovely filth down here. -Adapted from Monty Python
There's some lovely filth over here
There's some lovely filth over here... - The Beast
There's somebody on the other side of the wormhole. Kim
There's someone coming up...Someone *serious* -The Professional
There's someone here in Security who wants to talk to you Cmdr. Orville.
There's someone in my head and it's not me.
There's someone in my head but it's not me -Floyd
There's someone in my head, but it's not me... - Pink Floyd
There's someone in my mind and it's not me.
There's someone on this echo who should heed the above words!
There's somethin breathin' down here... Uh oh, I'M RATIGATOR BAIT!
There's somethin' y'all should know: I can't swim. Rembrandt Brown
There's something I didn't tell you Scully... - Mulder (Deep Throat)
There's something I didn't tell you. --Mulder. Something else? --Scully.
There's something I don't like about that severed hand
There's something I have to do. Sheridan
There's something SICK about this - Tom on wrestling hold
There's something about the Parisians--they're so veryFrench. Richie
There's something about watching myself being killed. -- O'Brien
There's something back there. - Mulder
There's something bigger here, Scully. - Fox Mulder
There's something else I have to show you. - Martin, V
There's something else, isn't there? - Scully (Piper Maru)
There's something fascinating about cosmology. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact
There's something going on, but I don't know what it is.
There's something gross in the fridge today
There's something happening somewhere - baby I just know that there is. - Bruce Springsteen
There's something horrid about a face lift. -Joan Collins
There's something in my library to offend everybody
There's something inside your head
There's something not right here. - Luke
There's something on this train but it's not a bomb - Mulder
There's something strange in the neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS - Ray Parker
There's something terribly, well, snaky about snakes.
There's something to be said for relatives... It has to be said, because it's unprintable!
There's something up there, Mulder" - Dana Scully
There's something very disturbing about the thought of a pagan with a gun
There's something very mental about the brain
There's something wrong with my radio!
There's something wrong with my stomach. - Q
There's something wrong with the Nagus. Quark
There's something wrong with the transporter .. Where are my thumbs?
There's something wrong with the world today
There's something wrong with this blinking blinker. <Fredric Brown>
There's something wrong! Neelix
There's somthing inside your head
There's spam, egg, sausage and spam. That's got not *much* spam in it.
There's spending, and there's spending. - Clinton
There's stars in the heavens that I'll never hold.
There's still the matter of that self-less act. --Q2
There's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
There's such a thing as over-rehearsing... - Beverly
There's such a thing as too much point on a pencil. -- H. Allen Smith, "Let the Crabgrass Grow"
There's suffering and then there's suffering
There's sulfur, californium, and fermium, berkelium.
There's sumpthin' bigger than Phil!!
There's that Vince magic - Crow on sleazy tough guy
There's that fate thing again
There's that fate thing again. - Animaniacs
There's that fate thing again. - Rita
There's that fear of intimacy, again. - American Maid on DieFladermaus
There's that look; the withering glance of the Goddess
There's that smell again! Ewww
There's that strange noise from the drive again
There's the dog star, Tom said seriously.
There's the hard way, then there is my way!
There's the music in the stars. -- Diana
There's the old man from Scene 24!
There's the real world, and the Filbert world. -Hef, Rocko's Life
There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way.
There's this guy who only kisses his wife when he can't find a napkin
There's this new chocolate bar called Jaws--it costs an arm and a leg!
There's this to be said for sour grapes: you won't get fat on them.
There's this to recommend army life: you never have to think of what to wear
There's three ways that love can grow. That's good, bad, or mediocre
There's too many clues in this room.
There's too many clues in this room. - Gordon Lightfoot
There's too many home fires burning and not enough trees! - Floyd
There's too many pigs for the tits. - Abe Lincoln
There's too many! I can't shake 'em! +O+ +O+ +O+ +O+
There's too many! I can't shake 'em! Ci4 Ci4 Ci4 Ci4 Ci4
There's too many! I can't shake 'em! Ãé´ Ãé´ Ãé´ Ãé´ Ãé´
There's too much Sax and Violins in Classical Music!
There's too much beauty upon this earth for lonely men to bear. -- Richard Le Gallienne
There's too much blood in my alcohol system
There's too much blood in my caffeine system.
There's too much line noise, please flirt harder
There's too much sax and violins in classical music
There's too much sax and violins on public TV.
There's too much sax and violins on tv.
There's too much sex on TV. People really should use the bed!!!!
There's too much vermouth in my martini, Tom said drily
There's too much water in our chlorine supply.
There's treasure everywhere - Calvin
There's trouble in the forest, and the creatures all have fled.-Rush
There's trouble on the line.
There's two hours of my life I'm never getting back. -- Richie
There's two theories to arguin' with a woman. Neither one works
There's two ways to handle women, and I don't know either.
There's two ways to lose. Gracefully, and like the Democrats do it
There's two ways you can go on this job: my way or The Highway
There's veal, there's pork, there's Turkey. But nuthin' beats HAM
There's very little demand for Supply. -- BJ
There's your NEXT challenge! - Picard
There's your exit, Claymore! The Shadow
There's your murder charge! - Kirk
There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium.
There's...a...cactus...up...my...BUHHHH-uh - Crow
There's2senators4each state so1canBthe designated driver--Jay Leno
There, I'm deep fried. We're even. Now gimme a hug. -- Frank
There, I've run rings 'round you logically.
There, I've run rings around you logically. - from Monty Python
There, I've said it. I feel better. - Death
There, Princess...Observe your lifeforms NOW. -Corg
There, There, Now, Tell Momma What's Wrong! - Stimpy.
There, but for the grace of God, goes God.
There, poor Flopsy's dead and never called me mother. (Chapman)
There, that ought to catch the moderator's attention
There, that should do it. - Beverly
There, that will do till a REAL explanation comes along.
There, there Dr. F - TV's Frank
There, there, keep you hair on. - 007 (Roger Moore - F.Y.E.O.)
There, there. I'll have your Spam. I love it.
There, they must cross the mighty sea of mayonaise!
There, you broke it. Are you happy now?
There, you see, I told you it wouldn't take long. Paris
There--I've run rings around you logically.
There-was-su-pposed-to-be an Earth-shatt-er-ing Ka-boom!-The Martian
There. I guess King George will be able to read that
There. I said it. I'd say it again if I had to. -- Mike Nelson
There. I've said it. I feel better.
There. That'll keep the devil out. -- Joel Robinson
There. --Kosh.
There. I said it. I'd say it again if I had to - Mike
There. I'm deep fried. We're even. Now gimme a hug -Frank
There. That's the game. Bashir
There... are... FOUR... chickens!
There...are...FOUR...lights!! - J. L. Picard
There...are...FOUR...pips! - O'Brien
There`s so much to say but your eyes keep interrupting me.
Thereb weren't any ghosts flying around the precinct."- Scully
Therefore I do my little Superior Dance for you.
Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, Frosty, but kindly. <Shakespeare>
Therefore, I choose not to cooperate. I *HATE* Vulcans!
Therefore, nobody likes scientists
Therefore, trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions
Thereisonlysomuchyoucansayusingjustfifty-sevenletters. Use Tag-X Pro!
Theres an echo around here!
Theres life in the old girl yet
Theres more than one way to skin a cat; get a sander.
Theres never time to do it right, only time to do it over
Theres no such thing as idle Amoebas. They're always busy.
Theres noth'n more exciting than a dirty thought in a nice clean mind.
Theres nothing wrong with a cat that a good pitbull cant fix.
Theres nothing wrong with you that I cant fix..wit
Theres perfect harmony in the rising and the falling of the sea.
Theresa, light of my life, fire of my loins
Thermal Detonator: The ultimate point and click interface!
Thermals are proof God intended us to fly
Thermocouple...Two persons in a sleeping bag for one.
Thermodynamics - It's not just a good idea, it's the Third Law!
Thermodynamics - a thermometer on the run?
Thermonuclear Warheads? Don't run, you'll only die tired
Thes Talgine Meats awl U.S. Guvermnint standerds
Thesarus: Ancient reptile w/ excellent vocabulary.
Thesaurus (n) Extinct dinosaur with phenomenal vocabulary.
Thesaurus (n): ancient reptile with excellent vocabulary.
Thesaurus - Ancient reptile with a really good vocabulary.
Thesaurus! I Wyomissing a syn. of Reading?
Thesaurus, n. - Book you can never think of another word for
Thesaurus, n. An extinct reptile with a large vocabulary
Thesaurus....ancient reptile with excellent vocabulary
Thesaurus: Ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary.
Thesaurus: Extinct dinosaur with an excellent vocabulary
Thesaurus: an ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary.
Thesaurus: ancient reptile with a great vocabulary
Thesaurus: ancient reptile with an excelent vocabulary.
Thesaurus: prehistoric reptile with a great vocabulary
These ARE the GAY 90's, aren't they??
These Are The Soul Cages... (Sting)
These Baptists are *stupid*, *stupid*, *stupid*.! -- Ed Wood
These Days There's No Arrest For The Wicked.
These Europeans get pretty touchy about their architechural treasures
These Founders, Inan, they're very good. Tain
These Happy Hearts diaries are really well made! - Crow
These Italian bun-huggers give me no room at all - Crow
These Knights aren't bad after you get the hard shell off.
These Morons Are Catching My Fish With Crappy Jacks! - Ren.
These Taglines are Copyrighted by me!
These Taglines multipy faster than Tribbles.
These Views Do Not Reflect All The Voices In My Skull
These WILL make GREAT general purpose Tags!
These [Bible & gun] are the last two friends I have. -Lord Northcliffe
These ain't my shorts - they bend!
These animal rights people get on my damned nerves. - Drew Carey
These are *Highland* bagpipes... Do you feel *Scottish*, punk?
These are Bill's. Yes, life's expensive
These are DARK TIMES for all mankind's HIGHEST VALUES!
These are GREAT TIMES to put your money on BAD GUY to kick the CRAP out of MEGATON MAN!
These are _especially_ relevant to er... um... (I'll find a use!)
These are all I have
These are all my Wiccan/Pagan/Sorta-Christian/Totally irreverant/
These are all the guys who missed `The Master Ninja'. -- Crow
These are almost as bad as bumper stickers.
These are from BLAKE'S 7, first season.
These are good tags. I'd not seen the first two so I swiped 'em
These are like European `regular guys'... -- Tom Servo
These are my "Q" Taglines:
These are my lawyers. My demands are as follows.--Thadius Plotz
These are my new sunglasses! Tom glared.
These are my opinions - consequently a reply would be ludicrous.
These are my opinions, I think... well, that's what they tell me
These are my opinions. Who else would bother?
These are my political taglines. Since I am a conservative Democrat, the
These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others
These are no limits for journeys of the mind
These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but *minds* alive on the shelves. - Gilbert Highet
These are not kid gloves, Mr. Valiant
These are not kid gloves, Mr. Valiant! -- Judge Doom
These are not the droids you are looking for 0B1 KN0B
These are only my opinions. You should see my convictions
These are only my views, and I am proud of them.
These are orange...they'll be other colours later on
These are our messages. Chakotay
These are people, not robots. Kirk
These are perilous times. -- Delenn
These are pets. Not quite domesticated. þ Khan
These are questions we have no business asking - Scully
These are serious charges. Spock STV
These are serious charges. Spock STV
These are squeeze-toy guitars, Joel! -- Dr. Forrester
These are the Bill Clinton times that try men's soles.
These are the Enterprises of the starship Voyager
These are the George Bush times that try men's soles.
These are the Pros and Cons of hitchhiking. -- Belle, Bone Gnawer
These are the credits for `I Dream of Genie'! - Tom Servo
These are the days of Miracle Whip and Wonder Bread.
These are the days when you wish your bed was already made--Bangles
These are the eyes
These are the happiest years of your life! - You mean it gets WORSE?
These are the last days of our acquaintance
These are the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind!
These are the only ones of which the news has come to Ha'vard.
These are the pale deaths men miscall their lives. - Merlin
These are the pale deaths, which men miscall their lives Donaldson
These are the taglines of the Starship Enterprise
These are the things dreams are made of
These are the thymes that fry men's soles
These are the times that really try men's soles.
These are the times that try men's souls. - T. Paine
These are the times which try men's souls. -- Paine
These are the tools we employ. And we know... many things.
These are the voyages
These are the voyages Oops! * DS9 opening
These are the voyages ... No, they're not þ DS9 opening
These are the voyages of other aliens visiting us * DS9
These are the years that you've taken to bed - Course of Empire
These are thymes that fry men's soles
These are two of my... medical instruments. þ Beverly
These are vurra sensitive taglines!
These are wonderful ribs!, Tom said sparingly
These are your eggs on drugs.
These are your gloves. But they're too small! They must have shrunk then
These are your own species - Toq
These are your pants || and these are your pants on drugs /\
These aren't dances. Their fertility rites with lyrics.
These aren't for sale. - Jumja vendor
These aren't my colors! - Q
These aren't my short--they bend !
These aren't my thoughts, my cat walking on the keyboard
These aren't the 'droids you're looking for. Move along.
These bacteria have a habit? Fascinating.
These beings. Are they machines? -- Worf
These bones are in good condition... - Scully
These boots are made for WOKing.... Sounds chewy to me
These boots were made for walking and they'll walk all over you.
These boots were made for walking....er, line dancing!
These boots weren't made for walking. Comprende? - Catwoman
These boxes keep us free: ballot, jury, soap and cartridge.
These boxing gloves are too big, said Tom heavy-handedly.
These brownies don't taste anything like Girl Scouts.
These caverns could go on forever. Kira
These chains are my freedom.. but what chains You..?
These cheerleaders are fat! huh huh huh
These chicks would not talk to us. - Butt-Head
These clothes. We stole them. We didn't have any money. - Kirk
These conversations kill
These conversations kill... -Stone Temple Pilots
These cookies don't taste anything like Girl Scouts
These cookies don't taste like Girl Scouts!
These cookies don't taste like girlscouts! Refund!
These cookies don't taste nothing like Girl Scouts!
These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting.
These credits have nothing to do with the film. -- Tom Servo
These darn neuroses follow me EVERYWHERE!
These darn taglines just aren't getting me any dates
These days I have sex porcupine style: *VERY* carefully!
These days about half the stuff in my shopping cart says, "For fast relief."
These days govt. is a four letter word
These days govt. is a four letter word
These days nobody gives a fugue about classical music
These days not a damn soul prays and there is no faith 'cause there's nothing to believe in. - Billy Joel
These days the necessities of life cost you about three times what they used to, and half the time they aren't even fit to drink
These days there's a million ways to be pulled and torn, to be misdirected. - Billy Joel
These days there's no arrest for the wicked
These days they carry you into a hospital "fee first."
These days when your ship comes in, the government docks it.
These days you have to be crazy just to stay sane.
These days, an education is essential for career success. Unless, of course, you run for Congress
These days, it's all in the mind. It's elemental.
These days, nothing is bad work if you can get it.
These dinosaurs can't breed! -- Harding
These discussions never go where they're supposed to - Calvin
These disks were made for booting -- N. Sinatra
These doggie treats are ok, but I need some human food. <Riggs>
These effects aren't very special. - Butt-Head
These endorphin-induced hallucinations may continue for days.
These fans jumoping into the Raven/Flock matches has to be staged!!
These fierce beings are outcasts among elvenkind
These fingers never left my hands. - Hawkeye
These footprints lead to..., Tom trailed off
These forms are the basis for Klingon combat. Worf
These genes are dominant, said Tom expressively.
These girls will never have to run fast to catch a man. All they'll need to do is stop running
These guy got no future! huh huh huh
These guys are as subtle as a brick through a glass window
These guys are easy to kill. -- Joel Robinson
These guys are pretty cool for a bunch of mimes. - Butt-Head
These guys are pretty cool, even though they're 60. That one guy is 69
These guys are pretty cool, even though they're like 60. huh huh huh
These guys aren't soldiers, they're doctors. - Col. Potter
These guys go to great lengths to avoid green's fees. -- Crow
These guys got no future! huh huh huh
These guys have got the IQ of cocktail weinies...- Bowlin Bob
These guys have no future! - Butt-Head
These guys live on the edge. - Butt-Head
These guys live on the edge. Yeah, the edge of wuss cliff - on Winger.
These guys played at the state fair last year - Butthead on Loverboy.
These guys understand the importance of a good butt. - Butt-Head
These halls were carved by men while yet they breathed
These handcuffs are killing me.
These hands! I can't get them off my wrists! -Happy Noodle Boy
These have been (you know) *S*W*I*P*E*D*!! ... Thanks, KJ! :-)
These hemorrhoids are a pain in the neck!
These humans; such a dangerous, savage child-race
These jokes are from last week's show! -- Tom Servo
These jokes turn my stomach, said Tom wretchedly.
These kids... Do they put their hats on backward, or their heads?
These knights aren't bad once you get the hard shell off 'em.
These laid the world away; poured out the red sweet wine of youth
These limbs are not mine.
These lines, I'll have no trouble remembering. - Bela Lugosi
These little crab things are great! The Tick
These look like good blades. - Gandalf
These mating rituals you humans engage in are quite disgusting.
These memories. Are used in the trial. As evidence? Janeway
These moderator tags are killin' me! Heeheehee!
These more than one way to skin a cat. Get a sander!
These moths turn up in the mouths of Bob's victims - Crow
These multitude of suspensions seem a bit much-Tim Thompson
These new facts do not coincide with my preconceived idea
These numbers are not my own; they are from someone who knows what he's talking about
These obvious things just need to be pointed out
These opinions are mine & only mine(unless you want them)
These opinions are mine and only mine (unless you wnat to
These opinions are mine and only mine (unless you wnat to claim them).
These opinions are mine, not those of my government. It is the opinion
These opinions are my own - I reserve the option to be DEAD WRONG!
These opinions aren't mine - I stole them from someone much more intelligent.
These outings afford our mothers and daughters a little togetherness other than at dishwashing time
These pants are not short enough, said Mary hotly.
These pants have stirred something deep inside me - Crow
These people are led by a girl group - Crow
These people are natural born idiots if you ask me. - Neelix
These people are natural-born explorers
These people are natural-born explorers, Neelix. -- Kes
These people are natural-born explorers.
These people are natural-born idiots if you ask me.
These people are simply fanatics behaving fanatically
These people aren't Japanese! - Crow during Czech movie
These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet
These people don't know they're on a spaceship. McCoy
These people know that we are neither the enemy nor the devil!-Sisko
These pineapples are from the workshop of the fairy 'Amy Surplus.'
These planets live fast and die hard. * Riker
These plucky Kiwanis stand to make a bundle - Crow
These posts need more fire and chicks in tight shorts!
These pretzels are making me thirst
These probably came from either 'Anasazi' (2x25), 'The
These quarters have been vacant for weeks. Sisko
These really are good times, but only a few know about it
These recipes are Evil, Evil, Evil. Eat at own risk!
These recipes multipy faster than Tribbles.
These reports aren't coming from yahoos out in the boondocks. - FM
These restraints will no longer be necessary. - Spock
These rows reserved for parents with children. - A sign in a church
These ruins extend to the horizon. - Kirk
These scenes are from a completely different movie - Tom
These scores just in: Babylon = 5 Deep Space = 9 Earth = 2
These shoes look like Frankenstein's hand-me-downs
These shots were rejected for Monster A-Go-Go - Tom
These signs cost money,
These speak evil of those things which they know not. - Jude 10
These special effects aren't very special
These special effects aren't very special. -- Butthead
These special effects suck. -- Beavis
These spiritual types LOVE those Dabo girls! <chuckle> - Quark
These taglines are so bloody bland... ugh
These taglines don't give you enough room to say what yo
These taglines exported courtesy of Messenger:
These taglines have been arrested
These taglines multiply faster than Tribbles.
These things I command you, that ye love one another
These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:17
These things are fun, and fun is good. -- Dr. Seuss
These things are no accident, you know
These things are sticking to our hull. Torres
These things can REALLY get out of hand
These things cannot be real. McCoy
These things happen. - Sisko
These things happen.-ELAINE I'm human.-KRAMER In your way.-JERRY
These things have a thousand uses. Sheriff Buck on shovels
These things have more power when they collide. - 3rd Rock
These things must be done *delicately*
These things must be handled *very* delicately
These things on my nose aren't just for show -- Ro
These thoughts are mine, but you may rent them for a small fee.
These tools are my friends - Crow
These two nuns go into a bar
These untruths we hold to be self evident - Any democrat
These views are mine.. no one else would agree with them!
These views are my own. So shut up!
These were great. I just tried to search TLX's database and got a major
These were the 'hi-tech' FBI guys, you see!
These wheels are made for crushing. -- Motormaster
These will help cut the odds down a little. --Cranston.
These woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep
These would make nice purses! - Crow on baby pigs
These young life weekends are getting outta hand -Crow
These young men sound so angry - Mike on metal music
These... Immortals... how many of them are there? - Clancy
Thespians do it onstage.
Thespians do it playfully.
Thetas what I ordered! Change mine to the soup
Thetrouble with a kitten is that, eventually it's a cat.
They (Leeds) used to be a bit like Arsenal, winning by one goal to nil or even less. - Nasser Hussain, Channel 5
They *are* Euthanasia! -- Joel Robinson
They *blinded* me with Science!
They *used* us, Sean. We can help you... -- Crane
They *wouldn't*. They *couldn't*. They BETTER *NOT*!!!
They ARE Euthanasia - Joel on Japanese kids
They ARE doing it with mirrors
They Are Equal Unto The Angels; And Are The Children of God !!
They CANNOT be reasoned with - Worf
They DO make 'em like they used to.
They Don't Make Them Like You Anymore
They F*CK you at the drive through! OK? -- Leo Getz
They FIT! -Oj Simpson
They May Put You In Prison, But They Can't Stop Your Face From Breakin' Out.
They Might Be Giants' newest album: FLOOD
They Might Be Giants' newest album: FLOOD
They Might Be Giants, BWAH, They Might Be Giants
They NEVER talked to the Dead - Crow realizes after film
They Say I'm Trouble & I Don't Give A Darn!
They That Worship Him Must Worship Him in Spirit And in Truth !!
They _are_ connected. - Mulder
They _claim_ they have suffered a complete engine failure... - Worf
They _do_ tend towards bluster, don't they? - Odo
They _insisted_ on seeing Operations, sir. - Bashir
They _must_ know we mean them no harm? - Kirk
They acquitted OJ; found superbowl ring at crime scene.
They act just like normal turkeys, but they're evil
They act just like normal turkeys, except they're evil. - Mephesto
They actually believe that a conspiracy exists! - Steven, V
They adopted my recipe! Look Ma, I'm a WRITER!
They adopted my tagline! Look, Ma, I'm a WRITER!
They all call it Canada, but I call it home
They all died
They all died in terror. -- Troi
They all died...
They all disowned their parents long ago, the way you are supposed to. - Margaret Atwood
They all get cranky - the Pre-Howling Syndrome, PHS. - Ethyl
They all got View-master wheels on their chest - Crow
They all got wet when he smashed that thing
They all hate me because I'm paranoid.
They all have elevated levels of serotonin. - Crusher
They all hook the same at 2 am.
They all look the same at 2 A.M.
They all look the same face down with their legs spread.
They all love dirty laundry... Ä Don Henley
They all stopped arguing as Don fired up his chain saw and growled
They allowed to have 2 comedy people in this movie? -Crow
They already know who we are, so let's get louder!
They already know who we are, so let's get louder! - J. Biafra
They also serve who only stand and wait.
They also serve who only stand and wait. -- John Milton
They also surf who only stand on waves.
They also wait who stand and serve.
They always bite the hand that lays the golden egg. Sam Goldwyn
They always need a hug just when you need to scream at them.
They always say that.
They are *really* exploiting the island locations. -- Crow
They are Not Green, They are Grey!
They are REALLY exploiting the island locations - Crow T. Robot
They are a dying people and should be allowed to pass.
They are a dying race. We should let them die. - Kosh
They are able because they think they are able.
They are able who think they are able. - Vergil
They are agents of Satan! -- Tom Servo
They are all good, but this was my favorite - thanks!
They are all ridiculously wealthy and not too bright. - Quark
They are as they always have been, and are among the worthy
They are as they are because they live in the light. - Roland
They are called bikinis because they don't cover the ladies' atoll.
They are crazy these humans.
They are dedicated to being _unhappy_...! - Bashir
They are doing it to us again! - G'Kar
They are for religion when in rags and contempt. -- Bunyon
They are here among us...they have begun to colonize - Mulder
They are hopping mad. O'Brien
They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea. -- Francis Bacon
They are laughing at me, not with me
They are laughing at me, not with me - Bart Simpson's lines
They are laughing at me, not with me -Bart Simp./Epis. 7G12
They are laughing at me, not with me Ä Bart on the blackboard
They are laughing at me, not with me. - Bart's Board
They are laughing at me, not with me. --Bart Simpson.
They are my innards! I will not have them misread by a poseur!-R.Z
They are not Outworlders. They are my friends. Spock
They are not for you!
They are not inherently narrow minded, but it is hard to
They are not inherently narrow minded, but it is hard to find one who can look down both sides of an ax blade at the same time
They are not ready, they would not understand. - Kosh
They are not the hell your whales." - Spock
They are now offering strobe lights for bedrooms. That'll make it look as if your wife is moving during sex
They are only truly great who are truly good. G. Chapman
They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
They are slaves who fear to speak for the fallen & weak.
They are so incredibly in Holland. - Joel Robinson
They are so old the legends only speak of their childer
They are the Ambassadors of _unhappy_! - Bashir
They are the first to discover your mistakes
They are wax replica's sir. * Kryten
They are'nt hot flashes, they are power s**&%$#@!*NO CARRIER
They are, after all, very small parts of the over all body. -Lisa C
They are, in fact, the Ambassadors of Unhappiness! -- Bashir
They aren't broken, they're . . . uh . . . modular
They aren't called Mickeysoft for nothing !.
They aren't dead. They're metaphysically challenged!
They aren't dead...they're metabolicly absent!
They aren't dead...they're metaphysically challenged!
They aren't evil...just stupid.
They aren't supposed to work that way, are they?
They asked me to be a blood donor. I'm not even ablood owner
They asked me what I did. --Rimmer. I said you were a shelf. --Lister.
They asked me what I did. I said you were a shelf.
They asked us to stay for tea and have some fun -Zep
They ate the lemur! - Crow croaks sadly
They ate the lemur! -- Crow T. Robot
They attack with no thought for our strength or of their own losses
They authorized extreme sanction against a civilian? - Sheridan
They beamed down - Mike
They beamed down. -- Mike Nelson
They beamed over their cargo. Riker
They beamed the device directly into the wall. Odo
They became the few, but not over spilt milk
They been decafinated. -- Roger Murtaugh
They begins as Maids Of Honour, but they ends up as Tarts. - G. Ogg
They believe that only the strong should survive. - McCoy
They blew the Bronx away.
They blew the budget on bongo players - Mike
They blewed it up before we found out what it was - Crow
They bomb horses, don't they? -- Joel Robinson
They bomb our nation's hobos - Crow on exploding railroad
They bought that from the New Zoo - Crow on moon buggy
They broke into my office,went through my files,my computer..-Scully
They build statue to Zathras, give Zathras own Fido echo!
They built a new church and had the organ transplanted.
They built an information superhighway, but I can't find
They built an information superhighway, but I can't find the on ramp.
They buried you alive just because you were dead
They burned Mickey Mouse! Oh well there's one in Fla -Crow
They call 'em "roachclips" because "potholder" was taken.
They call Alabama the crimson tide...call me Deacon Blues
They call That a "SMALL" demonstration? - Riker
They call being a doctor practicing because when you get it right you can quit. - D. Wylie Jordan, M.D
They call her SEVEN-ELEVEN: she's so thin, when she walks you can hear her bones rattle
They call him Dick for short, but not for long
They call him the mastoid of ceremonies because he is a pain in the neck
They call it "rush hour" because several hours rush by while you are sitting still.
They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken
They call it WINDOWS 'cause it breaks so easily !
They call it a `royale with cheese'. -- Vincent Vega
They call it a medium because it is rarely well done.
They call it doing a wobbly. - Jackie Stewart
They call it the `Bonehead manuver'. No offence. - Cmdr. Ivanova
They call me Blue Suede Schubert, the king of the bop -- The Rutles.
They call me Cuban Pete, I'm the king of the rumba beat!
They call me Gato I have metal joints - Gato
They call me John the Conqueror. - The Stand
They call me Johnny Credit. I ain't never had no Cash!
They call me MISTER PIG!
They call me MISTER Pig!! --Pumbaa
They call me MISTER Pig. Pumbaa
They call me MR. Tuvok!
They call me Mike Slammer on the keyboards.
They call me Mr. Tinker Train! -- Ozzy Osborne
They call me The Kid.The Riviera Kid! -- The Cat
They call me an Electrician.
They call that guy DETECTIVE: Girls say his fingers have built-in search warrants
They call them "squares" because it's the most complicated shape they can deal with
They call them blonde jokes. They used to call them @N@ jokes
They call them blonde jokes. They used to call them Kitty jokes
They call this the 'Triple Eve Arden' - Mike
They call us Problem Child; we are the youth run wild
They called Sly STONE! - Crow on voodoo girl's makeup
They called him the "De-Railer". -Crow
They called it Windows cuz Bill won't let 'em call it Gates
They called it the Dark Ages because there were so many Knights
They called me a madman! I'm not mad at anyone!
They called me mad, I called 'em mad, but damn 'em, they outvoted me!
They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me. --Nathaniel Lee [on being consigned to a mental institution, circa 17th c.]
They called me mello' yello'
They called me mello' yello'
They called me mello' yello'...........
They called me mellow yellow
They called the Enterprise a garbage scow! Scott
They came for the gays. I was silent because I wasn't gay.
They came for the ventriloquists, then set up a puppet government
They came to kill... They stayed for the sushi.
They came up with yet another boring scene. -- Crow T. Robot
They came, Scully; the ones that took her - they were here! - Mulder
They came...eight months ago. Aurelan Kirk
They can have it all back by the morning light
They can have my broadsword when they pry it from my cold dead fingers
They can have my gun ... one bullet at a time!
They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
They can have my gun when they pry it from my dead hand
They can have my guns...158 grains at a time!
They can have my modem. When they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
They can hide, but they can't RUN anymore!
They can lick ya hard...but they can't eat ya!
They can only impose, prevent and deny if the people say they can.
They can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles -Floyd
They can send me to college, but thay can't make me think. - James Meredith
They can still here you.
They can still see his headless body, stalking through the night
They can#############Tagline Censored#############out even trying !
They can't be imaginary numbers if I can SEE them on my calculator!!!
They can't beat the best. Sunstreaker
They can't both be right. Paris
They can't break you if you don't have a spine. - Wally's motto
They can't breed, can they? - Hammond
They can't chase you if you don't run
They can't crack PGP; too bad ya can't smoke it Anon2112
They can't fire me! Slaves HAVE to be sold!!!
They can't fire me, Slaves have to be sold!
They can't fuel an industry like anime without a pretty firm national schoolgirl fetish
They can't get rid of Morn before he speaks!!!!
They can't paddle me! I'm a girl! - Susie
They can't prove a thing, and you know it! - Dire Wolf
They can't say 'richter' - Tom on Japanese scientists
They can't see what's under their noses when it's above their heads.
They can't stand up to the rigors of the hospitality industry! -Arthur
They can't stop us... we're on a mission from God! -- The Blues Brothers
They can't understand. They truly belive the lies - Tori Amos
They certainly are...fit. - Riker
They certainly give very strange names to diseases. - Plato
They change Epoch! - Ayla (Blackbird)
They changed the rules of the fairy tale. -- Julia
They cheered when the covered bridge was hit by phaser fire & burned!
They chipped off Tammy Faye's makeup and found Jimmy Hoffa!
They claim your trip to Heaven's nearby
They closed our eyes, our voices have been silenced... - Mulder
They collapsed ... like nuns in the street ... they had no teen appeal!
They communicated by tap-They didn't think @F was very funny any more
They communicated by tap-dancing and farting. - "Breakfas
They could build a sailboat from a set of skivvies.-Potter on ACE
They could cure that man now, today. Bashir
They could find no reason for the suicide. He was unmarried
They could hide in Chris Makepeace's hair - Joel
They could hide in Chris Makepeace's hair. -- Joel Robinson
They could not surrender, Captain. Thelev
They couldn"t hit an elephant at this dist... -- General Sedgwick"s last words
They couldn't even navigate their own vessel! Lore
They couldn't find the artist, so they hung the picture
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist ..... Gen. J Sedgwick
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist...
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... - last words of Gen. John Sedgwick
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... -- last words of General
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... - General Sedwick, last words of
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... -- last words of General Sedgwick
They couldn't see the stopsign - took a turn for the worse
They crated me in my sleep! - Frank, on Hawkeye & Trapper
They create desolation, and call it peace - Tacitus
They cured my MPD. Where am I, now, when I need me?
They cured my schizophrenia, but where am I now that I need me?
They decided to go to Shakeys! - Crow on girl's boobs
They decided to grow up and become serious at about age forty which is exactly what bishops are supposed to do
They decided to stay together for the sake of the cat.
They decked me out as a bride; they mounted me for Thy bridal chamber.
They decorated the airport in an airplane motif... -- Tom Servo
They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato
They defend their echos as their inheritance. E.Burke
They deliver wood? Whatta ya tip a "woodguy"? - Jerry Seinfeld
They did the runway in Spanish tile. Good grouting - Crow
They didn't call FRANK The Mad Dog of Gilead for nothing
They didn't even fight, all bets are off! Who's up next?
They didn't give up without a fight. Scott
They didn't teach this in gym class! - Sailor Moon
They didn't think @N@ was very funny any more
They didn't think the Scryb were very funny anymore
They didn't want it good, they wanted it Wednesday. -R.Heinlein
They didn't want it good, they wanted it yerterday.
They died because they were incompatible. --Banjo Man.
They died in their sleep What a terrible way to die.
They died quickly, without pain. But they *died*. Spock
They died well. -- Worf
They do not love that do not show their love.
They do not need a false god! Worf
They do whatever their Rice Crispies tell them to do.
They don't call John Caradine The Voice for nothing - Tom
They don't call em tights for nothing. -- Ma Kent
They don't call him "Little Richard" for nothing! <VBG>
They don't call it Fight-O-Net (tm) for nothing!
They don't call it a BS degree for nothing!
They don't call it the poop deck for nothing.
They don't call me "Magic Fingers" without a good reason!
They don't call me "good" for nothing!
They don't call this a MODUMB for nothing! :^)
They don't choose anything for themselves. Doctor
They don't come any nunner - Crow on nun
They don't dance line Carmen anymore ---'---,---@
They don't do a lot of tap-dancing at weddings. -Crusher
They don't eat, don't sleep, they don't feed, they don't seethe.
They don't fit! -Oj Simpson
They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
They don't give degrees to the hopelessly *stupid*. -- Kevin
They don't have to give him a name - "The Doctor" worked for THAT guy!
They don't invite you to the White House for a drink because they think you are thirsty
They don't know how to feel, don't know what is lost
They don't let us beat students anymore, but my fantasy life is my own business
They don't like you, Mr.Darvin; I wonder why. Kirk
They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore -- Kinky Freedman
They don't make better nurses anywhere. - Col. Potter
They don't make nostalgia like they used to.
They don't make them like they used to! - H. Ford
They don't make these tagline areas long enou
They don't make things like they used to, and what's more they never did
They don't make things like they used to, and what's more they never did. Charles J.C. Lyall
They don't pay for churches, and I don't want to pay for abortions
They don't print any dirty books in Braille! - Tom Sullivan
They don't realize I'm a card -carrying genius. - - Calvin
They don't see me, they see the badge. - Garibaldi
They don't seem to be in a hurry. -- LaForge
They don't take kindly to insults.
They don't want to get hit by the bullets. Alexander
They don't want to lose their only customers. -- Picard
They don't write them like that anymore. Londo
They don't yell, they don't tell and they're grateful.
They drafted me ...................... Mc Coy
They drive so crazy in Chicago that anything moving slower than 65mph is considered a house. - J. Joshua
They dug a pit in my path but have fallen into it themselves
They end up busting the zombie for tax evasion - Tom
They ended up twisting my mind to their way of thinking
They even bash the fans in rec.autos. sport
They failed because Utopia is impossible. - Rush on Socialists
They fear what they do not understand...what they fear they destroy
They fear what they don't understand and attack what they fear.
They feed you scraps and they feed you lies
They fell off the hashbrowns - Crow
They fight amongst themselves in petty wars...! - Kahless
They fight their war with computers, Captain, totally. Spock
They finally got King Midas, I hear. Gild by association
They flutter behind you your possible pasts.... -Pink Floyd
They forge their creativity...closer to the heart. -Rush
They forgot t'include VBRUN300.DLL in the Mars Probe Path
They forgot to hang the hostages 10' off the ground. -- Joel
They forgot to include VBRUN300.DLL in the Mars Probe Path
They found Noah's Arc - Kenneth Mcabee
They found a cure for manic depression. I don't know whether to laugh or cry
They found it's a trap, like a narcotic. Vina
They found me on the men's room floor
They found the Tree of Interminable Dialogue - Mike
They found your bleepin' UFO - Scully
They gave me a standing observation. - Bill Peterson (FL St.Coach)
They get the Family Channel on the ring - Tom
They give Bona Fide Paranoiacs like myself a bad name.--Mulder
They give it back. Usually. Paris
They give me a belly-ache and I've got a beauty right now! - Kirk
They give me cat scratch fever
They go in, but they do not come out. Spock
They got Alexandria; they're not getting _my_ library!
They got a cherry pie there that'll kill ya! -Dale Cooper
They got locks on the door at the 7-11s that're open 24 hours
They got seven toes on each foot - Joel on hicks
They got stuck up in that big blueish black thing... - Timone
They got the guns but we got the numbers
They got the library at Alexandria - they're not getting mine!
They got these pictures of everything, to break us down
They gotta go pick up Goober - Crow
They grew you in a test tube like some kind of fungus... - Worf
They guy's got a good set of inscisors.- Richie Ryan
They had a RIGHT to beat Denny... Nation of Islam
They had a mad posh for hats-- Crow T. Robot
They had computers in Eden. Eve had a Apple and Adam had a Wang.
They had many Boom Towns settled by Daniel Boom
They had no guide for putting me back together. Vina
They had orders to self-destruct. Thelev
They had to drag me kicking and screaming into serenity.
They had to throw a bucket of water on me & the Mrs. - Col. Potter
They had to tie a steak around my neck so the dog would play with me.
They hate me, don't they.-Just your guts, sir. - Radar to Frank
They hated spankings as boys, but OH YEAH...they LOVE spankies NOW!!
They have a book that lists locations and the such.
They have a degree in C.S.--Creative Stupidity!
They have a proud tradition of accepting only large bribes.
They have a special beach up there, just for spinning. -- Harris
They have a word for women who use "rhythm": Mothers.
They have an anti-gravity force field. -Alien LUCKY DUCKS! -The Tick
They have an attack dog for every need. They even have an attack poodle for those who steal slave bracelets
They have an attitude so I'll have one too - see what we get
They have been "removed from office" Memo re: Health Dept. Officials
They have been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps. -- William Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost"
They have been sitting here for 3 hours, 17 minutes. - Data
They have chosen to ignore the signs. - Yarka
They have enough for Streisand tickets -Mike on fortune
They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Talleyrand
They have lost their way. But it is _not_ too late. - Kahless
They have more possessions than they can use.
They have obsessive/compulsive behavior - Tom on kids
They have said, "Stoop down unto the darkly splendid world, & be wed."
They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent - Psalm 140:3
They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adder's poison is under their lips. (Psalms :)
They have sown the wind, and shall reap the whirlwind
They have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.-Hos. 8:7
They have spoken froinlavin. Go in we should let them
They have started bombing Mars. I repeat, they're bombing Mars.
They have stolen the blood of Saulot! -- Lucien, Salubri
They have survived the burning blade, tamed the savage heart. - Lo Pan
They have the right to defend themselves. - G'Kar
They have trailer parks there - Crow on Venus
They have weapons. You have weapons. Everyone has weapons
They have wonderful minds. So much is stored inside - all those sports scores and so on. - Jane Seymour
They heard the call. The fighter of the fire spake, and they heard.
They hired Sacajewea to be their guide
They hired a temp by name of Mike, a reg Joe they didn't like- MST3K03
They hired a temp by the name of Mike
They hired a temp by the name of Mike, a regular Joe they didn't like
They hit the World Trade Center, but they missed America.
They ignore him, they insult him. Kes
They insisted on waiting here till they see Kahless again. - Data
They interrogated me for almost two days straight. Kim
They jumped right into a Kurasawa film! -- Tom Servo
They just buzzed and buzzed.....buzzed
They just don't make good cough syrup anymore.
They just don't make nostalgia like they used to.
They just pretend to pay us, so we just pretend to work.
They just signed their own death warrant. Kirk
They just won't let you be
They just....didn't....care
They keep saying the right person will come along; I think mine got hit by a truck
They keep us down and they keep us out -- Shakespeare
They kiddith not. I be lonely. þ Miles Standish, Animaniacs
They kill all these people, but the credits don't get shorter
They kiss all the way home from work. That's difficult since he drives a Buick Regal and she drives a Mustang
They kiss like dolphins! - Crow T. Robot
They knew exactly where to hit us. þ Spock
They know enough who know how to learn.
They know everything I know. - Data
They know he's going to try to profane the ritual. - Roland
They know that felicium is no longer a medicine. -- Picard
They know the Federation will send their best. Riker
They know where you are and they know what you're doing - Scully
They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
They laughed when I said I'd be a comedian. They aren't laughing now.
They leave orphaned bread on people's doorsteps? - Tom
They leave these things everywhere - Tom on dead girl
They left. And they never saw Stu Redman again. - The Stand
They lie and then we lie. Where does it end? -- Hawkeye
They linger on and take a life of their own. They become ghosts
They live at Marcus Welby's house? - Tom
They live in a world which has not moved on. - Roland
They live, we sleep.
They lived and they died; they prayed to their gods.
They lived in the woods and ate their children. What a Golden Age!
They lived in two worlds. They loved in one.
They look just like two guru's in black. Ä Beatles
They looked one another over with microscopic carelessness
They love those bell bottom pants - Joel on crew uniforms
They love those bell bottom pants... -- Joel Robinson
They made me leave without him. Kim
They made me send this to see this tagline
They made nasal/labial troughs much bigger back then-Crow
They made us eat porridge. It was a grueling experience+
They make a desert and call it peace. -- Tacitus (55?-120?)
They make love at the drop of a hat. Any hat. * Geordi
They make love at the drop of a hat. - Geordi
They make love at the drop of a hat. -- Geordi Any hat. -- Tasha
They make love at the drop of a hat. Any hat.
They make love at the drop of a hat. Any hat. - Geordi LaForge
They make truth serve as a stalking-horse to error
They may _have_ to hear it now. - Odo
They may be a little slow in responding but the information is there.
They may be listening.-X-Files
They may be smarter, but no one is crazier than me
They may be trapped in the event horizon. Janeway
They may do some more ... folk dancing. -- Brad Majors
They may do some morefolk dancing. - Brad
They may know more about it than we do. Torres
They may not kill us, but my driving might. - Mike Donovan, V
They mean to win Wimbledon!
They meant it affectionately. - Q
They merely turn characters temporarily black and smoky
They might harpoon us, but they ain't gonna pick us up on no RADAR.
They missed. They never miss. - Delenn
They mostly come out at night
They must be at least a thousand years ahead of us. Sheridan
They must have a mandatory skull law. -- Joel Robinson
They must have a radar lock on me, my Queen! - Jedite
They must have been praying to some cheap, off-brand Lord
They must have hyperjets on that thing!
They must have looked like roast chicken -- Rimmer
They must have looked like...a roast chicken!
They must have over-shot us by a week and a half!
They must have taken my marbles away -Floyd
They must not be allowed to slip through our grasp this time. -- Regis
They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. - Confucius
They must've taken out an insurance policy on me. -Calvin
They must've taken us by surprise. - Picard
They need Kahless! - Worf
They need Rogaine - Crow on kids with crew cuts
They need _moral_ leadership. - Worf
They need a distraction. - Troi
They need heavier dirt - Crow
They need to invent an intravenous cigarette. -- Sheila Bungee
They need to invent the stop light - Frank
They need us to be their arms and legs. Aurelan Kirk
They neither toil nor do they reap. Spock on tribbles
They never fail who die in a great cause.
They never let you live it down - Nero
They never let you live it down, do they? - Nero
They never let you live it down. ONE little mistake! - NERO
They never let you live it down. One little mistake
They never open Windows on the Enterprise ++
They now have computer doctors for computers that catch a virus ... or get a slipped disk
They only come out at night.
They only come when there is money in it for the city!
They open with such strong imagery - Mike
They operated just in time. Another day and he would have recovered.
They ought to make butt-flavored cat food. - Gallagher
They pass through you like a ghost --U2
They paved Paradise, put up a parking lot
They pay me to think... As long as I keep my mouth shut.
They pelted us with rocks and garbage!
They politics like ours profess, the greater prey upon the less.
They probably just think we're lost. Torres
They promise us Windows 95 and what do we get? *Bob*!
They promised a drug free America. Where's our free drugs?
They pulled him out of the cold, cold ground
They put certain things in cafeteria food so I don't eat there.
They put me in a corner and made me read taglines from 1979!
They put one man on the moon... why stop there?
They ran him for Congress. It was the only way to get him out of town.
They read love poetry and duck a lot. -- Worf
They really knew how to PARTY back in those days.--Q
They really should switch to decaf. Dot, Animaniacs
They refer to her as the Dragon Lady. Half her body keeps on draggin'!
They refuse to acknowledge I exist!"-Longshot "They're manikins"-Lady
They rejected me & that fueled my madness - Dr. F
They rejected me and that fueled my madness! -- Dr. Forrester
They remind me of the lilies of the field. Spock on tribbles
They remolicurised... they remolic... they remol
They repaid us with terror and death. Londo
They reproduce at will... and brother, do they have a lot of will!
They request to speak about *computer;error* tags 1/2:
They return home convinced they are the messiah, Moses... - Mulder
They robbed his evil cow.
They run a successful porn shop - Tom on girl's parents
They run like Shemp - Joel on awkward heroes
They run like Shemp. -- Joel Robinson
They said "Grin and Bare it" So I grinned and bared it
They said "laugh it could be worse" ; I did and it was !
They said I couldn't do it, but they were right.
They said I was gullible ... and I believed them
They said I was pretty enough, but didn't have a *lick* of sense!
They said if I voted for Goldwater,we'd have race riots,rampant inflation of our currency,and face a quagmire&defeat in Viet Nam.Well, I DID vote for Goldwater&they were right! -Wm F.Buckley
They said it couldn't be done and I proved it!!
They said it couldn't be done and I proved it!!
They said it couldn't be done, but that doesn't always work. --Yogi Berra
They said it couldn't be done. We can prove it
They said it couldn't be done. We can prove it
They said it couldn't be done... so I didn't do it.
They said it sang to them. - Ivanova
They said it talked to them in their sleep. --Ivanova.
They said protect and you'll survive
They said the baby looked like me. Then they turned him rightside up
They said the time was ripe, then it fell off the tree
They said they can't give *official* help. - Sheridan
They said they saw you with Michael Jackson....in bed.
They said they weren't feeling very well. - Kira
They said this would save time.
They said you falsified reports. Kim
They said you were a beautiful baby. What happened?
They saved Hitler's brain! It's living in Jerry Falwell
They saved Stalin's brain - it's living in Bill Clinton.
They saw what you did; you're all wrong, and all the kids are right. --Local H
They say "Jump!" and you say "How high?"
They say Confucious does his crossword with a pen... - Tori Amos
They say Confucius does his crossword with a pen
They say Confucius does his crossword with a pen. - Tori Amos
They say I spread chaos throughout the Universe - Q
They say I'm crazy but I don't agree.
They say I'm crazy but I haven't the time
They say a brainless beauty is often a toy forever
They say a secret is something you tell one other person --U2
They say act your age, and when you do they get mad
They say all brides are beautiful. But where do the homely women come from?
They say give your money to God, but they give you THEIR address.
They say give your money to God, but they pass THEIR collection pan
They say he's pretty weird looking. - S. Ipkiss
They say it is better to give than to receive; I say it depends on the gift.
They say misery loves company
They say misery loves company
They say money can't buy happiness? Give me 50 bucks and watch me smile
They say money talks, but all mine ever says is "Good-bye."
They say power corrupts, but we _need_ electricity!
They say sex is a chocolate substitute
They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse. - Emily Dickinson
They say that John is `Just Nuts' about Lorena.
They say that a henpecked husband is one who is treated by his wife like a wife
They say that nobody expects a unicorn horn to rust.
They say that platonic love is like being invited into a bar to sample the water
They say that time is the fire in which we burn. -Tolian Soran
They say that work never killed anyone, but why take a chance on being the first casualty?
They say the first thing to go is the legs. It's a lie!
They say the house didn't float very far at all
They say the satisfaction of teaching makes up for the lousy pay - Calvi
They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon --U2
They say the wages of sin are death, but after they take out taxes, all that's left is a tired feeling
They say the wages of sin is death. I wish you'd get paid!
They say the wages of sin is death. I wish Clinton would get paid!
They say the youth-in-asia is dying quickly and painlessly
They say there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But what's at the end of a trail of dead leprechauns?
They say there's a heaven for those who wait. Some say its better but I say it ain't. - Billy Joel
They say there's gold but I'm looking for it -Floyd
They say there's no devil, Jim, but there is. Decker
They say they're from the IRS & they're here to help
They say time is the fire in which we burn. - Dr. Soran
They say you can't do it. But sometimes it doesn't always work
They say you never see the snack with your name on it. -- Crow
They say you were something in those formative years --Tori Amos
They say you will be doing this manually - Data
They say, "Act your age!" {And when you do, they get mad}
They seem like normal homicidal rodent-chasers. -Edison
They seem to be creatures of extremes. Troi on Romulans
They seem to be gourged. Spock on tribbles
They seem to have recycled their plowshares
They seem to have stepped-up their interest. - Mulder (Eve)
They seem to have taken out my favourite part. - Anna Steven
They seem to know a lot about the station. - Odo
They seem to play an evil game. --King Diamond
They sell there words, but it's all a lie
They sent a case of pipe cleaners to MacArthur's table?! - Henry
They shall beat their swords into plowshares
They shall mount up with wings as eagles. - Isaiah 40:31
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
They shall see me and remember who is the REAL King Under the Mountain!
They shaped Ecstasy as a spear, and pierced the ancient dragon
They shook my hand and stabbed my back - H. Rollins
They shoot abortion doctors, don't they?
They shoot without shame in the name of a piece of dirt -Rush
They shot Sonny on the causeway. He's dead. - Tom Hagen
They shot my spare turtlenecks! -- Joel Robinson
They should all bite me. - George Carlin, 1994
They should get Schneider to do this -Crow on slow worker
They should have a FidoNet echo called "I hate DOOM!" - James H
They should have expelled all of us. - Wesley Crusher
They should have, like, prostitute teachers
They should realize b4 they criticize that God is the onl
They should relax, they're TWO TENTS - Tom
They should set a place for Eraserhead - Mike
They shoulda had a train scene. -Crow as couple kisses
They shouted,"We're all individuals!" & then the Borg said,"I'm not."
They sicken of the calm that knew the storm. - Dorothy Parker
They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.<Parker>
They simply have no sense of humor - Q
They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care
They specialize in slinky clothing - Crow on Chinese girl
They spell it "da Vinci" and pronounce it "da Vinchy". Foreigners always spell better than they pronounce. -- Mark Twain
They spent $400 million advertising Win 95. So wha
They spread us religious fellows rather thin over here. - Mulcahy
They start kissing there's gonna be hair everywhere -Mike
They stayed away in droves. - Samuel Goldwyn
They still believe. - Data
They stole his kneecaps... -- Crow T. Robot
They stole my tagline! Look, Ma, I'm a WRITER!
They stroll into places where no sane Garou would walk alone
They suffer as few have suffered, for they cannot find Valhalla.
They sure picked a bad time to show up! -Den
They surf, those who only stand on waves
They talk like Speed Racer cartoons - Tom on bad dubbing
They talk of my drinking but never my thirst <Scottish proverb>
They talk of my drinking but never of my thirst.
They taste good on hambugers but they don't raise the dead
They taste salty. - Cassidy Wright
They tell me you kiss with your eyes open. Sure, I always look before I lip
They tell me you're a madman. Ned Beatty
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
They that govern the most make the least noise. - John Seldon
They that know no evil will suspect none.
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy - Psalm 126:5
They that sow the wind, will reap the whirlwind.
They think I need round the clock protection - Mike
They think I'm crazy But I know better.
They think I'm paranoid. They all talk about it behind my back
They think maybe I should come down and ID the body FM on DS (3x23)
They think so small, they use small words.
They think they've found the new Messiah!
They think we're dead and they're having a *party*?! - Ro Laren
They think we're dead and they're having a *party*??!?!
They think we're dead and they're having a party? - Ro
They thought I was a breach birth, until they realised it
They thought it was true love but it was just a passion fancy.
They threw me a few curves. Kirk
They threw me out of my subdivision, Orville said distractedly
They told me I was gullible . . . and I *believed* them
They told me to get a life -- I got a computer instead.
They told me to get lost.... so I accessed the Internet!
They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead.
They took "gullible" out of the dictionary! Look it up!
They took 'The Club' and left the Yugo
They took Milton Bradley and turned it into Dr. Phibes
They took advantage of me. - Supermodel Naomi Campbell on PETA
They took some of the Van Goghs, most of the jewels, and all of the Chivas!
They took your dog home in a people bag. - Blake to Radar
They tore holes in that small metaphysic we had woven over the ages.
They torture flesh, but it's your mind that really hurts.
They tortured the logic until it died
They touched. In this way. Makora
They treat sex like we treat a handshake - Dr. Franklin
They tried and failed? They tried and died.
They tried to kill him with a forklift!
They tried to kiss in the fog but they mist
They tried to sell us egg foo young
They tried to sell us egg foo yung - Napkin Cole
They tried to use it as a nest. - Data
They turned away, until we were only memories.
They turned me into a Borg. -A Borg? -I got better...
They turned me into a Borg. A Borg? Well, I got better
They turned me into a Borg.-A Borg?-I got better...
They turned me into a Democrat
They turned me into some kind of a...coward. Human Torres
They turned the Speaker into a Newt! He got better!
They used to call it puppy love, now it's doggy style.
They very honestly tried to do me in! --Ed Lee, SN
They walk in the door. (Technically, Quark says, "One of the high
They wanna make everyone's life miserable! - Earl on We-Say-So
They want to disarm you - refuse to be disarmed! - G.Gordon Liddy
They want us to do the scene over again - Mike
They want you to influence others to follow them! - Gowron
They wanted to increase the odds of breading a P12 or higher
They wanted to make me poster boy for birth controlÿ
They washed up at a Klingon Language Camp?
They washed up in a Klingon language camp - Tom
They went data way
They went rushin' down that freeway, messed around and got lost.
They went to their war. - DT II
They were a match made in heaven! His girlfriend's a proctologist
They were abused children. Goose
They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas
They were all left behind, most of them dead, the rest of them dying
They were all waving, but weren't using all their fingers!
They were both poisoned. I've built up an immunity
They were flanking the dark manFlagg was leading the chant
They were forced to eat Robin's minstrel, and there was much rejoicing
They were forced to eat Robin's minstrels.
They were frozen. I thawed them. Crusher
They were going to send me to a leper colony. - Michael Dorn.
They were gonna call this `Danger! Wall-Mounted Guns!' -- Crow
They were gonna make me God but I'm too good looking-Crow
They were good men. Always paid their tab on time. --Quark
They were horrified by what they found - Crow
They were just siting my next villa
They were just the cooks
They were laughing at me! * Rimmer
They were probably stolen while we were unconscious. --Sisko
They were really after Mary Jo Kopechne the whole time
They were so nice until I bought the computer.
They were so scared I felt like a mailman at McDonalds!
They were travelling at approximately Warp >10<. Spock
They were tried under rule .303
They were wacky! -- Joel Robinson
They were wiped out along with the entire Hanoli system. - O'Brien
They were young, they knew _nothing_ of their heritage! - Worf
They were...BOOGERS! - Crow on odd psychic phenomenon
They weren't innocent! They were dangerous! Lenore Karidian
They weren't laughing at me! They were laughing TOWARDS me! - Homer
They weren't your best, were they?
They who can, do. Those who can't, teach. He who can't either, administrates
They who dig pits shall end falling into them.
They who don't believe that the dead will rise again, are no coffee drinkers
They who drink beer will think beer.
They who drink beer will think beer. - Washington Irving
They who fear, take care and avoid
They who forgive most shall be most forgiven.
They who forgive most shall be most forgiven. - Philip James Bailey
They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing
They who have nothing to trouble them, will be troubled at nothing.
They who profess to be normal are the strangest of them all.
They who speak the loudest always have the least to say.
They will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven
They will haunt your soul forever! -- Tom Servo
They will know us by our syllogisms.
They will make a nice addition to the Ferengi collection...TYVM
They will never buy the cow if they can get the eggs for free. -K. Bundy
They will not listen to anyone, so nobody tells them a lie - Billy Joel
They will only cause the lower classes to move about needlessly. -- The Duke of Wellington, on early steam railroads
They will see me, whether they like it or not. - Delenn
They won't be installed until Tuedsay. - Harriman, Star Trek
They won't be installed until Tuesday. --Harriman
They won't know she's on drugs... they'll just think she's stupid.
They won't let yo mama swim in Lake Michigan - She leaves a ring!
They work with their women. And force them to wear clothing!?!
They would put U in the zoo if they could C what U can do
They would rather kill each other than any of us. - Data
They would travel from distant lands to witness this event.
They wouldn't come here in strange alien forms.
They wouldn't last 5 minutes in Tokyo during monster season
They wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. - Earl on TV Ads, Dinosaurs
They'd taken our measure before we'd even seen them
They'll be here soon. And they'll stamp you out like a disease
They'll be no Tribble at all!
They'll be no more Aaaaaaiy
They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. Next morning, you can buy it back for 75 cents. --William Coronel
They'll declare peace and then where will I be? - Hoolihan
They'll follow where ever you may go.. Evil Eyes
They'll have to destroy this ship to win. Kirk
They'll have to pry my cold DEAD fingers off the kbd
They'll have to pry my computer from my cold, dead fingers.
They'll have to shoot me first to take my gun. - Roy Rogers
They'll just find a statue standing where the statue got you high
They'll never accuse me of using bad language, he swore
They'll never catch up, they're 2 sound stages away -Joel
They'll never overthrow the Alliance! - Dax2
They'll not only benefit humanity, they're tax deductible. - Frank
They'll release Windows . after . loads.
They'll release Windows 3.2 when 3.1 finishes loading.
They'll see how long it will you take till you fall
They'll see the hypocrite in you, it just takes time.
They'll sniff everyone - Crow on school kids
They'll support any decision you have to make. - Kirk
They'll take away my gun when they pry my cold, dead fingers off it
They'll want a picture of me at the dinner table, Tom supposed.
They're "fab" and all the other pimply hyperboles.
They're *good,* Odette! ... I've *S*W*I*P*E*D* them! ... Thanks! :-)
They're @TOFIRST@ and the Brain
They're @TOFIRST@, they're @TOFIRST@ and the Brain
They're @fn@, they're @fn@ and the Brain
They're @fn@, they're @fn@ and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Oh ho-Ah ha-He h
They're Earth Force. - Keffer
They're Klingon, aren't they? Byal
They're LIES I tell you.. LIES!! I don't have a sarcastic bone.
They're NOT public schools, they're government schools.
They're Not Cows - By M. R. Horses
They're Pinky and the Brain! They're Pinky and the Brain!
They're Pinky, they're Pinky and the Brain, , Brain, Brain, Brain!
They're STILL picking up clown noses! - Crow
They're Scott, they're Scott and the Brain
They're Scratchy YOUR responsibility! Plotz
They're [heated] hunting socks. I have a bra like that. -- Klinger
They're a bunch of knuckle-heads - Dr. F on Mike & Bots
They're adding 2 new faces to Mt. Rushmore : Clinton
They're after my toupee! - Mike as Pernell Roberts
They're all God's children. Some more childish than others.-Mulcahy
They're all Pentium upgradeable - if you have the money.
They're all dead, Dave.
They're all dead, Jim. It's a new record.
They're all dead, they just don't know it yet
They're all dead. They just don't know it yet. - The Crow
They're all dead?? Garak
They're all employed by K-Mart - Crow on blue lights
They're all loyal to Earth, if that's what you mean - Sheridan
They're all photo negatives of Abe Lincoln! -- Joel Robinson
They're all ridiculously wealthy...and not too bright. -- Quark
They're all teeth and digestive tract. No brains at all. - Calvin
They're all the same, except where they're different!
They're all together ookie, the Addams Family.
They're an insidious bunch, your killer pianos
They're attempting to lock a tractor beam on us. Kim
They're baaack!
They're baaack..........The SRs are coming back!
They're both purple... except the elephant.
They're both trying way too hard - Mike on hammy acting
They're both. Stubborn. Kirk
They're brothers, Data. Brothers forgive. --Beverly Crusher
They're building a bypass through this echomail area!
They're bumping uglies! - Crow on two guys fighting
They're business people, after all.
They're called the Stives. - Delenn
They're calling for another sex maniac murder - Mike
They're car pooling for the heist - Mike
They're car pooling for the heist. -- Mike Nelson
They're carrying the diet fads a little too far. One mortuary is advertising that they're using formaldehyde-lite
They're carving where no man has carved before - Crow
They're cheating on each other with each other! -- Tom Servo
They're clean, decent hospitals for sick minds. - Kirk
They're coming 2 take me away HEEHEE,HAWHAW,HOHO
They're coming for you, you know. - Nadine Cross
They're coming to GET you, Barbara
They're coming to take me away
They're coming to take me away HA HA!
They're coming to take me away HAA-HAA HEE-HEE. They'r- Uh-Oh.
They're coming to take me away Ha Ha He He Ho Ho!
They're coming to take me away, HA-HAAAA!
They're coming to take me away, HO HO, HE HE, HA HA
They're coming to take me away, Ha Ha Hee Hee Ho Ho!
They're coming to take me away, ha HA! They're coming to--uh, oh.
They're coming to take me away, ha ha!
They're coming to take me away, he he, ho ho, ha ha
They're coming to take me away. HA HA.
They're coming to take me away.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They're coming to take you away, ha ha!
They're cousins, identical cousins? Really? C'mon!
They're creepy & they're kooky, mysterious & spooky
They're dead Dave. Everyone's dead. Everyone is dead Dave.
They're dead! I was only away for 2 minutes!
They're dead, Jim. I always hated those damn mimes!
They're dead, they're dead, they're die-de-die-de-de-del-dead-dead
They're dead. All they've got left is their looks.
They're dead. --Rimmer. I was only away for 2 minutes! --Kryten.
They're dead... They're ALL messed-up
They're dropping little liver pills - Crow on bombs
They're eggs, aren't they? Kirk on silicon nodules
They're either going to arrest me or fire her
They're enforcing a `no-sniffing' rule! - Stray dog, on Rocko
They're fighting with a salad set! - Crow
They're furry, they're funny! They're Babs and Buster Bunny!
They're getting away with it, Scully! - Fox Mulder
They're getting back up? I better get outta here! -- Blackout
They're getting better with these 'Holy Grams' - Crow
They're giving bank robbing a bad name. -- John Dillinger, on Bonnie and Clyde
They're going straight for the shuttle. Chakotay
They're going to *thank* us. - Kira
They're going to call this the Hill/Billy administration!
They're going to decloak and attack in a few hours. --O'Brien
They're going to sue us again, said a reliable source
They're gone buddy... but look on the bright side! They're gone buddy!!
They're gonna TP the house - Crow on dancers with scarves
They're gonna like Tim McVeigh in jail; he does good blow jobs.
They're gonna make us take one of those..Polygrip tests
They're gonna put me in a cell. If I can't go to heaven, Will they let me go to hell? - Queen
They're gonna send you back to mother in a cardboard box! -Pink Floyd
They're gonna spend an eternity in Hell. - Butt-Head
They're gonna taxie into town & impress the chicks - Crow
They're gonna use your X-rays in a textbook!
They're good, but they can't get in the race in Japan
They're greedy, misogynistic, untrustworthy little trolls. -Kira
They're has got to be a self-destruct mecanism in the central brain
They're having a jumpsuit party! - Crow
They're headed to Hell - Tom
They're headed to Hell... -- Tom Servo
They're headhunters *and* they're squeamish? -- Crow T. Robot
They're headhunters AND they're squeamish?!? - Crow
They're heading for the Gamma Quadrant. Kira
They're here - Delenn
They're here! Please, keep them away! Aurelan Kirk
They're here, they're queer, they're fab-u-lous!
They're here. I was right. Bender
They're in Schlepp Car - Mike on odd buggy
They're in each other's line of fire. Claudius
They're in one of the tunnels, Captain. Paris
They're in the Lab-Boy-Man Love Association - Mike
They're in the dales: Mondale, Clydesdale, Chippendale
They're just country boys and girls gettin' down on the farm.
They're just disgusting their ailments,,,
They're just jealous because they don't have three wise men and a virgin in the whole organization."
They're just jealous because they don't have three wise men and a virgin in the whole organization."
They're just kobolds
They're just kobolds. What are you worried about?
They're just kobolds...
They're just lying down! -Edmund They're dead, My Lord. -Baldrick
They're just words. They don't mean anything
They're just...gone. --O'Brien
They're like granola - fruits, nuts and flakes
They're like roaches - Crow on bread men
They're lobbing aphids at us! -- Mike Nelson
They're looking for the Grail. I told 'em we already have one!
They're lost,.....defeated,........_I_ will never be. - Ro Laren
They're lying.
They're lying. Ferengi aren't my type. - Anna Steven
They're making a John Bobbit TV movie! It's a 2 parter
They're making good time, for a Lippert film -- Crow
They're making such an issue about a *little* tissue. - L
They're making such an issue about a *little* tissue. - Lorena Bobbitt
They're managing to avoid the security tracking grid. - Odo
They're me! They're me! - Tom on space helmets
They're men! They're HUMAN!
They're more like.........resort colonies now. - Kirk
They're moving too fast for us. Chekov
They're my people, and I want to be with them. Odo
They're nice. Who are they? - Ned, NED AND STACEY
They're no more devine or holy than that ketchup..."--Mulder
They're not assault weapons, they're civil defense arms
They're not cats. They're Feline Americans
They're not dead as long as we remember them. McCoy ST2
They're not dead, they're just being INTELLECTUAL. -Mrs. Miggins, BAII
They're not dead, they're metaphysically impaired
They're not far ahead of us. Janeway
They're not flesh and blood. Not like me! - Ren Hoek
They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God. - Elwood Blues
They're not his
They're not kid gloves, Mr. Valiant. Judge Doom
They're not leftovers, they're frozen assets!
They're not taking my ship! - Eisen
They're nothing but slaves with delusions of grandeur! - Dax2
They're numbered now. Frank, Borg 1. Harry, Borg 2. Ernest, Borg 9.
They're on a collision course with WACKINESS!
They're on the same set, at least... -- Tom Servo
They're only Recipes.only Recipes
They're only little tears, darling, let them spill, And lay your head upon my shoulder. - Nick Cave
They're only taglines.... only taglines
They're only trying to make me LOOK paranoid!
They're onto us, sister! Let's beat cheeks! - Crow as nun
They're operating under a different theology - Mike
They're playin' some kinda *game*! - Mulder (Hell Money)
They're playing Husker Du in space - Tom on weird beeps
They're playing in chocolate. It's the Hershey Bowl - Tom
They're playing our tapes on a television station?
They're probably foreigners with ways different than our own
They're probably gonna bomb the Grateful Dead - Tom
They're putting 2 more faces on Mt. Rushmore - Clinton.
They're quite large. 7 feet tall is not unusual. - McCoy
They're really dumb and easy to kill! -- Tom Servo
They're reportedly hysterical with fear. - Mulder
They're resurrecting Neil Young - Mike on zombie
They're resurrecting Neil Young! -- Mike Nelson
They're ripping my place apart! --Quark
They're risking alot for a relatively new little pal -Tom
They're sending out tractor beams again. Kim
They're shoe mirrors. Why do you ask?
They're showing us how far they're willing to go. --Sisko
They're so cute when they're righteous
They're so smooth they're almost NOT singing - Tom
They're stealing his blue blockers - Crow
They're steam-cleaning the horses! -- Gypsy
They're still using money. We've got to find some. -Adm. Kirk
They're stronger than old cheese, stronger than dirt.
They're taking potshots at us! - Scott
They're taking you to die. --Merik
They're taking you to the poorhouse. - Odo
They're talking about my hair, MY HAIR!
They're talking from here Freddie grabs ass
They're talking to Charlie Brown's mom! -- Tom Servo
They're the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and large order of fries. --Stephen King on his book
They're the ones who declared war, not us. Londo on Narn
They're the ones who make the rules - it's not a game, it's just a rout. - Jim Steinman
They're the ones with the guns, remember? Paris
They're the sweetest, friendliest people in the universe! Sulu
They're tiny, and tooney, and all make more than I do!
They're treating us like gods. - Wesley
They're trying to confuse us to death.
They're trying to kill me! I guess I'll park. -- Joel Robinson
They're trying to kill me! - Heffer at Flambe'le Flab
They're trying to pass this off as being written. -- T
They're unconscious. Load them into the hover-craft
They're unfriendly, which is fortunate, really. They'd be difficult to like. -- Avon
They're up to something. I can feel it. - Aahz
They're using the term `artist' very loosely. -- Crow T. Robot
They're using the term artist here very loosely - Crow
They're using you. They're using you! - Soul Hunter #1
They're wearing DANCE BELTS! Ohhh! - Crow
They're working for King Features Syndicate? - Crow
They're your own people, Jennifer! Sisko
They're... Scratchy YOUR responsibility! Plotz
They've *gotten* away with it, Mulder. - Scully
They've Got Guns! This Is Definitely Illegal. [ the TICK ]
They've all dyed their hair brunette ... OH, you mean the TAGLINES!!
They've all got a future in selling baldness cures - Tom
They've already blown it... -- Crow T. Robot
They've arrived safely on Bajor. - Dax
They've been acting weird all morning. - Tenchi
They've been coming and going, right now I'm getting them.
They've been going at it like that for almost half an hour. - Mulder
They've been naughty boys, haven't they, Mr. Flibble?
They've experienced the terror of assimilation.. on the next Geraldo!
They've forgot just how it began/Humanism's taken its toll.-Newsboys
They've found something to do the work of 5 men--1 woman!
They've gone potty in here!
They've gone potty out there.
They've got as much sex appeal as a road accident.
They've got as much sex appeal as a road accident. - Ford Prefect
They've got nipples like us - Crow on aliens
They've got the stars for the gallant hearts.
They've got themselves a brand new history from Revisionism St.-BSeger
They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards. -Abrams
They've got us surrounded. The poor bastards
They've got zippers on their skirts! - Tom
They've gotten away with it, Mulder - Dana Scully
They've just been attacked by a Maquis interceptor. Kira
They've kept what's left of him as a figurehead. - Kirk on Gill
They've locked onto my tricorder! Spock
They've overcome their shyness, now they're calling me Your Highness
They've perfected the 'dial' - Mike on alien equipment
They've picked their heads up off the ground and they now have a lot to carry on their shoulders. - Ron Atkinson
They've said *you* are the fertilizer of your family tree!
They've shown me ways to lose I never knew existed. - Casey
They've stolen Mr Smarty pants and we've lost our porpoise! - Soren
They've stumbled onto another room! - Crow
They've taken Jarts to the next level - Crow
They've taken Mr Rimmer! Sir, they've taken Mr Rimmer! - Kryten
They've taken out our field generators. --Dax
They've worked themself into a state of mild concern -Tom
They...was laughing... ...a lot... ...I don't...get it
They’re all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them. [Seinfeld]
Thhhaaannnkkk YOU! - Stimpy.
Thhhh thhhh thhhhh thhhhhats all fokes! -- Porkey Pig
Thhhhis kkkkkkkkeyboard is too sssssensitive
Thhis tak line iz slitely out of cofus
Thi i YoUg moqeM OU qgUgs
Thia tagline meets the FDA's requirement for tagline safety.
Thick as a brick.
Thick as you are...PAY ATTENTION! Scar
Thick cloud-steam rising-hissing stone on sweat lodge fire.
Thick, lustrous hair is very important to me. (George)
Thicken by Quicken...The Hamburger Helper Program from Intuit.
Thicken up runny yogurt by stirring in a lump of lard
Thickheadedness is a very common failing
Thief is so ugly. I prefer Creative Acquisition Specialist.
Thief is so ugly. I'm a creative acquisition specialist
Thief needed. All applicants please see Gandalf The Grey
Thief wanted for Adventure. Apply with Gandalf the Grey
Thief! Crook! Call the Tagline Police! (ATDT911)
Thief! THIEF Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it FOREVER!
Thief! Thief! Baggins! We hates it, We hates it for ever!
Thief!!!!! Ohh!!! ... not!!! ... I found it on the ground!!!
Thief" is so ugly. I prefer "Creative Acquisition Technician."
Thief, n. - Member of the species Homo Rapiens, the man who seizes
Thief: "There's somethin' behind the door." Mage: "Toss the dwarf in!"
Thief: One who finds things before they are lost!
Thief:"There's something behind this door" Party:"Toss the bard in!"
Thief? No, I'm a "Creative Acquisition Specialist"
Thier job done, the EchoMaquis vanish, to strike again when needed
Thievery is the highest form of flattery
Thieves do it from behind.
Thieves DO IT in leather
Thieves DO IT when you're not looking.
Thieves Do It Furtively.
Thieves and mushrooms do it in the dark.
Thieves demand your money or your life -- women want both!
Thieves demand your money or your life, Anime demands both
Thieves demand your money or your life... women want both.
Thieves demand your money or your life; women require both.
Thieves demand your money or your lifewomen want both.
Thieves do it from behind.
Thieves do it in the dark.
Thieves do it with dexterity.
Thieves do it with their hands in your pocket.
Thieves do it with their lock picks.
Thieves for their robbery have authority When judges steal themselves. (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE)
Thieves guild motto: Thou shall not steal........from us
Thif if why yooo down't type wiff yowr mowf fuwl!
Thigh Master is now DIE Master! - Dr. Forrester
Thilleman Motors - Home of the World's Largest Lemon Collection
Thimk !
Thin Elvis: "Love me tender..." Fat Elvis: "Love meat tender..."
Thin may be in, but fat's where it's at!
Thin people are not really happy
Thin: "nutritionally disadvantaged"
Thine's Law: Nature abhors people.
Thing about valkyries and angels, they're too pure. - Loki
Thing differ but little which agree in substance
Thing to do when bored: Be a threat to the American way of life
Thing tried to jump me so I had to kill it -Tom on puppet
Thing, you're a handful. Morticia Addams
Thingamabob...a mechanical gadget of bizarre origin and unknown applicability.
Things B.C. might say to his wife: No really, I'm still President!
Things Could Be Worse! Just Give It Time And They Will Be
Things Go Better With Coca-Cola - 1963
Things I miss: Beating up the kid down the street
Things NOT to ask a demon prince: "Oh yeah? You and what army?"
Things Not to Say to Dr. Samuel Beckett #57: "Get a life!"
Things Reagan does remember: That Jodie Foster is a real troublemaker.
Things Reagan does remember: Where Nancy doesn't like to be touched.
Things To Do At Parties - By Bob Frapples
Things To Do At Parties: Bob Frapples*
Things accomplish nothing. People accomplish everything
Things always fall at right angles
Things always look better when you can't see them
Things are a little more complicated than I had plannned. - T.Riker
Things are always at their best in the beginning -- Pascal
Things are always happening to me, said Tom incidentally.
Things are beautiful if you love them
Things are beautiful if you love them. - Jean Anouilh
Things are better here! * Rimmer
Things are different on a Harley
Things are getting kinda gross
Things are getting so bad muggers won't go out alone.
Things are getting worse. Please send chocolate.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. --Lily Tomlin
Things are good here. Weird, but good
Things are gradually falling into place on top of me.
Things are looking worse. Send chocolate
Things are more like they are now than they ever have been before
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before. --Eisenhower
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before. - DWIGHT D EISENHOWER
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before. - Dwight Eisenhower
Things are more like they are now than they have ever been. - G. Ford
Things are more like they are now than they have ever been. - President Gerald Ford
Things are more like they are today than they ever have been before
Things are more like they are today than they ever were before. -- Dwight Eisenhower
Things are more like they are today than they've ever been before
Things are more like they are today then they ever were before. -- Eisenhower
Things are more like they are today then they have ever been before
Things are more like they used to be than they are now.
Things are more like they used to be than they ever were before.
Things are much more like they used to be then they are now!
Things are never as good or as bad as first reported.
Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend. - Calvin
Things are not always as they seem.
Things are not always as they seem. MANDRAKE
Things are not always what they seem. -- Phaedrus
Things are not always what they suppose too be! ---
Things are not as bad as they seem - they're worse!
Things are not as simple as they seems at first - Edward Thorp
Things are not as they seem. - Mandrake
Things are not what they seem
Things are only impossible until they are not
Things are only impossible until they are not. -Picard
Things are seldom what they seem. Skim milk masquerades as creme
Things are so bad now that the Poles are telling economist jokes.
Things are worst when they appear best
Things are worth what they will sell for
Things aren't always what they seem to be Wesley.
Things aren't as complicated as they seem. They're MORE complicated
Things bad in the commencement seldom end well
Things can only get better!
Things cannot disappear; they can only change. -J.W. Von Gothe
Things considered, insanity may be the only reasonable alternative
Things could be so different if they weren't as they are.
Things could be worse. Suppose your errors were counted and
Things could be worse. Suppose your errors were counted and recorded every day, like those of a baseball player
Things could be worse. You could live in DC. Duncan Long
Things could be worse.. My last name could be #AL#!
Things could be worse.. My last name could be @FROM LAST@!
Things could only be worse in Cleveland.
Things do not change; we change
Things don't bug you if you don't think about them. - - Calvin
Things don't change. You change your way of looking, that's all. --Carlos Castaneda
Things don't turn up on this world until somebody turns them up. - Garfield
Things economists don't teach you #47: the sun is a free lunch.
Things equal to nothing are equal to each other
Things equal to nothing, are always equal
Things expressed may be prejudicial; things not expressed are not
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold
Things fall down if unsupported. Proof is left as an exercise to the reader
Things forbidden have a secret charm. - Tacitus
Things get better with age - I'm nearing magnificence
Things get better with age. I'm approaching perfection.
Things get worse under pressure.
Things go better when gravity is on your side.
Things go better with Coke!
Things go better with the Buddha.
Things go from bad to worse and then the cycle repeats
Things go from bad to worse. Then they repeat.
Things go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time.
Things go right gradually, but things go wrong all at once.
Things go right so they can go wrong.
Things go smoother with lard!
Things got bad, and things got worse. Oh lord stuck in Lodi again
Things happen fast, history books add a chapter a week.
Things have been set in motion and I don't have much time - Delenn
Things have changed on Earth, and not all for the better. - Sinclair
Things have changed, Eric, and they will never be the same
Things have gotten worse, send chocolate!
Things haven't been the same since they changed.
Things in this room do not react well to bullets.
Things in this room do not react well to bullets.
Things like that always happen in this family! - Lisa
Things like this will not be forgotten so easily.
Things may be bad but there's no need to panic! - Mike (Young Ones)
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle. --Abraham Lincoln
Things may come to those who wait. But only the things left by those who hustle!
Things might be worse. Suppose your errors were published every day like those of a baseball player
Things must be difficult for you now. - Scully
Things never went back to the way they used to be. - Troi
Things only *appear* to get lost -- they're actually waiting for you in next week
Things past redress and now with me past care.
Things past redress and now with me past care. -- William Shakespeare, "Richard II"
Things said in anger are often said for protection.-ML
Things shall not be void which may possibly be good
Things should be as simple as possible but no simpler
Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.- Einstein
Things silent are sometimes considered as expressed
Things suddenly became poignant - Crow
Things suddenly became poignant. -- Crow T. Robot
Things that are easy to learn are not necessarily easy to use
Things that dissapear on their own reappear on their own.
Things that go Bump on the Keyboard.
Things that go CONNECT 9600 in the night
Things that go away by themselves can come back by themselves
Things that go bump in the night wake up sore
Things that love night love not nights such as these.
Things that make you go "Aarrghh!"
Things that make you go 'Hmmm....'
Things that make you go OOoooOOOOooHHHH JEEEZZUUUUSSS!!!!
Things that make you go hmmm.
Things that make you go, "HMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm . . .?"
Things that make you go... OOPS!
Things that must be together to work usually can't be shipped together.
Things that never happen seem to worry us most.
Things that only look like things often look more like things than things do
Things that suck: Rush Lne in every crowd.
Things that tick are not always clocks
Things to Cook Meat In - By Stu Potts
Things to Cook Meat In: Stu Potts
Things to Cook Meat In: Stu Potts
Things to do today: 1) Get up. 2) Survive. 3) Go to bed
Things to do today: Exhale, inhale, exhale. Ahhh.
Things to do when you're grumpy: Leave a cow on your neighbor's porch.
Things to do when you're grumpy: Smoke large black cigars.
Things to see, people to do
Things to see, places to go, people to do.
Things too stupid to be spoken are sung.
Things too stupid to be spoken are yelled
Things uncertain are held for nothing
Things unite with similar things
Things universal are better known than things particular
Things we'd like to see: Tasha Yar in a Data Entry position.
Things went a little ca-ca....- Al Calavicci
Things were getting just a trifle flaky around the edges
Things which do not avail singly, when united have an effect
Things will be bright in P.M. A cop will shine a light in your face.
Things will be brighter tonight. A cop will shine a ligh
Things will be brighter tonight. A cop will shine a light in your face.
Things will be fine as soon as you realize that I AM GOD AND YOU (TAG) ARE IT!!
Things will get better despite our efforts to improve them. -- Will Rogers
Things will get worse before they get better
Things will get worse before they get better, andnobody said they were going to get better. MURPHY'S LAW
Things will get worse before they get better, but who said they would get better anyway
Things will get worse before they get better, if they do.
Things will get worse before they get better.
Things will go on as they always have - that is to say, badly
Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing.
Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing. - William Shakespeare
Things won't get any better so get used to it
Things work better if you plug them in.
Things work better when you plug them in and turn them on.
Things work better when you plug them in.
Things working well, no problems. Time to upgrade.
Things worth having are worth cheating for.
Things worth having are worth stealing.
Things would be so different if they were not as they are. - Anna Russell
Things you never hear people say: "Hand me that piano."
Things you never hear people say: "Please saw my legs off."
Things you never hear people say: 'Hand me that Piano!'
Things you never hear people say: 'Hand me that Piano!' - Jack Butler
Things you never hear people say: Please saw my legs off.
Things you never hear people say; "Hand me that piano."
Things you'll probably never see: Kosh taking a leak.
Things'll be brighter tonight. A cop will shine a light on y
Think "HONK" if you're a telepath.
Think "Honk" if you're telepathic.
Think Coca-Cola - 1947
Think Geco! It may be a new experience for you.
Think Globally. Act Locally. Support your Local Politician. With a Rope
Think He! It may be a new experience for you.
Think I could take her for a spin?--Amelia Earhart at Voyager's helm
Think I get the Playboy Channel? - Mulder (Pusher)
Think I impressed the old fart - Tom
Think I like being stuck in limbo with you? -Holo Clown
Think I lost my consciousness, left reality--KMFDM
Think I'll adopt this as my little favorite thingie
Think I'll get some blue ribbon just in case.
Think I'll go to the fridge and get nothing out again.
Think I'll play with her mind...mmmhmm..where's my microscope?
Think I'll put this woodchuck on my head - Tom on wig
Think I'll put this woodchuck on my head... -- Tom Servo
Think I'll slip on down to the Oasis.
Think I'll stroll to the front & see how the shooting's going. Ä Hawk
Think I'll throw pig's blood on the wall - Mike
Think I'll walk down Certain Doom Lane - Mike
Think I'll walk down Certain Doom Lane... -- Mike Nelson
Think I'm pretty? -Joel as teen boy to hero over campfire
Think Whirled Peas
Think about how stupid the average person is -- and then remember that half of them are stupider than *that*!
Think about it child, in time you will see that I am right! <BLAM>
Think about it. It's your face. You have to wear it
Think about it. Say it out loud. Over and over
Think about it. - Aahz
Think about it...now _CONSULTANTS_ do Windows.
Think about the future! - Jack Napier
Think again, you big blue DINK! - The Fin
Think again, you big blue DINK! - The Fin, to the Tick
Think again...[fdsk] your brain cells.
Think and let think. - John Wesley
Think and you won't sink.
Think back to the days when life was Care free, Tax free & Fat free
Think before you act; it's not your money
Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures!
Think big. Pollute the Mississippi
Think carefully before wishing, @FN@. It might just come true.
Think carefully before wishing, it might come true
Think deep thougts!
Think fast, Spidy! Spiderman
Think first; write second
Think for Yourself or the Government will do it for you.
Think for myself? Sure. Now, what would Rush be thinking
Think for yourself - Are we people or sheeple
Think for yourself - You're being brainwashed.
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. - Voltaire
Think for youself, or the government will do it for you.
Think globally, act locally
Think globally, just don't cross-post globally
Think globally; act locally. --Rene Dubos
Think guns cause murder? Why not at shooting ranges?
Think hard now! Which one is Shinola?
Think hard now, Orville, which one is Shinola?
Think hard now, which one is the Shinola
Think hard now. Which one is Shinola?
Think harder, Homer - Bart Simpson
Think harder, Homer. - Bart
Think harder, Homer. Bart Simpson
Think he's getting paid "scale"? - Joel on dinosaur
Think health care is expensive now? Wait'l it's "free"
Think honk if you are telepathic
Think honk if you're a telepath.
Think how the trellised rose... unhampered climbs.
Think it can make it in Thunder Alley?
Think it can't get worse? You're overlooking something!
Think it can't get worse? You must not understand it yet.
Think it can't get worse? You're overlooking something!
Think it'll work? - It'll take a miracle.
Think it's about time for the heheh Entertainment? - Crow
Think like I did when I wrote it; works for me!
Think like a cat: Make friends with your enemies enemy.
Think like a computer...digitize yourself.
Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought.
Think like a mountain. - Aldo Leopold
Think like a programming exec. Start by lowering your IQ by 15 points.
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
Think like my cat: "Do it my way or I'll rip your face off"
Think lucky. If you fall in a pond, check your pockets for fish. -- Darrell Royal
Think mangohazelnutcookiesespressobelgianchocolate...ice cream!
Think medicine's expensive now? Wait til it's "free".
Think much, speak little, and write less.
Think not that I am come to annul the Torah or the Prophets:
Think not you can direct the course of love... -- Gibran
Think of Antsy's buns ... that oughta' help!
Think of DOS as an apple and OS/2 as trees of oranges.
Think of a goat, it's like that only different
Think of a jiggs dinner & a mug up on the rocks down the bay.
Think of all we could learn from it.
Think of doubt as an invitation to think.
Think of how stupid the average person is - George Carlin
Think of it as "Clinton Administration 0.1alpha"
Think of it as Evolution in action.
Think of it as a going-away present. - Q
Think of it as an electronic joy-buzzer for your mind.
Think of it as an opportunity, doctor. - Sisko
Think of it as being barely dead.
Think of it as devolution in action
Think of it as evolution in action -- Niven/Pournelle
Think of it as evolution in action.
Think of it as evolution in action. - Niven & Pournelle
Think of it! With VLSI we can pack 100 ENIACs in 1 sq. cm.!
Think of me as an infinite number of monkeys
Think of me as an infinite number of monkeys. - Bud Webster
Think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. - Christine Daae
Think of me when you hear a clock strike--The Doctor
Think of peace and honor - and act upon that only! - A. Force Stud
Think of something, if it's really wierd somebody probably did it
Think of the corpse he'd make. - Worf ( about Q )
Think of the lottery as a tax break for the intelligent.
Think of the things you can do with this money! - JCS
Think of the things you can do with this money! - JCS
Think of these things, whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account. - Benjamin Franklin
Think of this as your first away mission, Doctor. Janeway
Think of your family tonight. Try to crawl home after the computer crashes
Think of your forefathers- Think of your posterity!
Think of your forefathers- Think of your posterity! -- JOHN Q. ADAMS
Think or die, sheep!. --Jack Butler.
Think passing is entertaining? Sit next to a freeway..!
Think randomly. Act deranged. But then, who's acting?
Think she'll know the difference if I wore the Batman suit?
Think sideways! -- Ed De Bono
Think simple
Think simple....
Think sometimes
Think swastikas look cool? The real nazis run your schools - J.Biafra
Think the Gods are in a meeting right now - Mike
Think the moderator police will throw me in chains for this?
Think there's 110 coronets right behind -Tom on dino roar
Think they fantasize about wearing business suits? - Crow
Think twice before accepting the lowest bid!
Think twice before speaking, but don't say "think think click click".
Think twice before you speak to a friend in need. - Ambrose Bierce
Think twice before you think.
Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts
Think up your own tagline, okay?
Think we found the weak link in the security - Mike
Think we hit a MOOSE - Mike as car hits muscular guy
Think we'll freeze to death before the jackals get us? -- Joel
Think what you want, do what you may
Think women aren't explosive? Try dropping one!
Think wrongly, if you please, but think for yourself
Think you can dance in those shoes?
Think you can hold off a vampire with a sunlamp?
Think you can, think you can't: either way you're right! -Henry Ford
Think you got it bad. My other PC is an Osborne
Think you look funny with lab goggles? How'd you look without eyes?
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
Think you're confused now ? Try using EZ-Reader w/ EDLIN!
Think you're confused now? Wait until I explain it
Think you're too small to matter? Try sleeping with a mosquito present!
Think your computer is slow? Try Windows.
Think your kinda neat...then she tells me I'm a creep
Think! It may be a new experience for you.
Think! It may hurt, but it pays off over time.
Think! While it's still legal!!
Think! How the hell are you gonna think and hit at the same time? - Yogi Berra
Think! It may hurt, but it pays off over time.
Think! While it is still legal.
Think, brain! Come on! - Mike
Think, damn you, think!
Think, worry, worry, think...it's a vicious cycle
Think. -- IBM
Think. Think. Think. - Winnie the Pooh
Think. think think. Think said Pooh, and got a headache.
Think: What you can't do if ed tcan't thwim
Thinker: a person who aims where your head ought to be.
Thinkers have working hypotheses; only fools have truth
Thinkers of the world, unite! - Ken Stuckas
Thinkers travel in cognito.
Thinkign quickly, Spock opens the can of peas with his ear.
Thinkin' of a few Taboos that I ought to kill.... -RHCP
Thinking 'bout the friends we lost, wondering how to pay the cost
Thinking Of Suicide? Call our 24 Hour Hotline. Open 9 AM - 5 PM.
Thinking about it, allows it to happen.
Thinking about the dreams we lost... -Coverdale/Page
Thinking about the overhead - the underfed
Thinking doesn't seem to help very much. - Kurt Vonnegut
Thinking has a tendency to give me a headache.
Thinking ill of someone can be a two-way street.
Thinking is a bad habit, be a turnip!
Thinking is a lonely, cancerous, autistic, mad business
Thinking is the best way to travel
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. --Henry Ford
Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself. --Plato
Thinking is wise, planning is better, doing is best.
Thinking like me is a sign of extreme intelligence. :)
Thinking like me is a sign of extreme intelligence. :)Thinking of your blue-shadowed silk/is music.-W.Stevens
Thinking more about it; I have never seen yellow bananas on a tree!
Thinking of your blue-shadowed silk/is music.-W.Stevens
Thinking outside the box.
Thinking positive can give you a real charge
Thinking quickly Spock opens a can of peas with his ears.
Thinking quickly, Kira uses Worf's head as a battering ram
Thinking quickly, Spock opens a tin of peas with his ears
Thinking quickly, Spock uses Scotty as Spock's ears
Thinking sucks! -- Beavis
Thinking that all your geese are swans
Thinking too much can give you wrinkles. - Malibu Stacy
Thinking up new Taglines, now THAT is hard.
Thinking up new recipes, now THAT is hard.
Thinking up new taglines, now THAT is hard.
Thinking you know something is a sure way to blind yourself. -- Frank Herbert, "Chapterhouse: Dune"
Thinks "Private Enterprise" means owning a personal starship
Thinks 'Doing A Clinton' is a 20's dance.
Thinks E=MC^2 is a rap star.
Thinks Moby Dick is a kind of venereal disease.
Thinks a Perot is better than a Bush.
Thinks at 5 baud.
Thinks cellular phones are carbon-based life forms.
Thinks like a boar hog looks at a wristwatch
Thinly sliced cabbage
Thinning hair doesn't bother me; who'd want fat hair in the first place?
Third Avenue street car -- if the car is in motion
Third Law of Advice: Simple advice is the best advice.
Third grader terrorizes FIDOnet! Film at 11
Third law of dieting: When an Oreo breaks, the calories fall out!
Third law of library science: Every book its reader.
Third level of Hell, please - Crow as priest in elevator
Third of Five, six of one, half a dozen of the other
Third rate romance, Low rent rendezvous.
Third star on the left and straight on til morning
Third time this year"-Detective "Eleventh time, actually..."-FM 3x19
Thirsting for knowledge on a very dry planet.
Thirsting for more...Go AWAY...this message is over!
Thirsty. Thirsty, thirsty... -- Uura, El Hazard OVAs
Thirteen at a table is unlucky only when the hostess has only twelve chops. -- Groucho Marx
Thirteen meg, two monitors, HST, and an attitude
Thirteen questions, each one an endless hole.
Thirteen witches in a hot-tub: A self-cleaning coven
Thirty Buffalo Shots Over Tokyo! - Tom
Thirty Helens agree
Thirty Orcs in a group? I cast fireball.
Thirty cents short of a quarter.
Thirty credits a week! Sheridan
Thirty days hath Septober, April, June, and no wonder. all the rest have peanut butter except my father who wears red suspenders
Thirty hours of pain, all at once... - The Crow
Thirty minutes of begging can't be considered as foreplay
Thirty minutes of begging is *NOT* considered foreplay.
Thirty second materialistic sound bites. -- Tom Servo
Thirty seconds ago there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Kirk
Thirty seconds to meltdown. Phew! Saved by the bell!
Thirty seconds--HURRY!--Quark
Thirty spokes share one hub - Tao Te Ching
Thirty straight hours, What is that? a metric day?! - Ed Kammerer
Thirty-Eight Years For Sex-Crazed Anti-tank weapon Murderer. "I Would Do It
Thirty-Eight Years For Sex-Crazed Anti-tank weapon Murderer. "I Would Do It Again" Says Samantha Fox
Thirty-Six Years For Crazed Axe Murderer. "I Would Do It Again" Says Steffi Graff
Thirty-five cars of young girls. Packed in ice. -- Crow T. Robot
Thirty-nine is a nice age for a man, especially if he's over 40
Thirty-seven year old women who look 22 *are* wonderfully favored!
This tagline is justified
This LOVE tagline is made just for Y O U
This Pickled Tongue is so good, it licks your lips for ya!
This is SHAREWARE! To register, send me $10
This is made just for @N@
This phone is baroque; please call Bach later
This tagline is made just for @N@
This (party)is a (party) subliminal (party) tagline
This *** tagline has *** a lot of *** bugs in *** it
This *WAS* a man's world: Then came EVE!
This *could* be a match made in Heaven
This *is* my costume
This *is* my other computer.
This *used* to be an anti Windows, er, pro-OS/2 tagline :)
This -> [ ] is a 'Scratch and Sniff' panel. It smells like glass
This .357 Magnum could blow your brain to bits, if you had one.
This .signature complies with the Federal Stupid Stuff Act
This .signature complies with the Federal Stupid Stuff Act
This .signature file is under construction
This .signature good for 1 (one) hug, redeemable from your local friend
This .signature is cursed. As you read you will be confuset by ther
This ///\oo/\\\ tagline has ///\oo/\\\ some ///\oo/\\\ bugs in it
This 32Bit-Virus requires Microsoft Windows 95
This ?T? tagline has ?T? a lot of ?T? bugs in ?T? it
This ASEXUAL PIG really BOILS my BLOOD ... He's so ... so ... URGENT!!
This Above All - To Thine Own Self Be True !!
This Absolon gan wype his mouth ful drye:
This BAUD'S for You
This BBS has achieved Air superiority.
This BBS is ancient. Some say from the echocene.
This BBS is just in your mind <G>
This BBS is meant for educational purposes only!
This BBS su*&^%$#@!NO CARRIER.
This BBS thing sure beats doing the housework!
This BBS will self-destruct in five minutes.
This BUDD's for You!
This Bob can't really exist! -- Sheriff Harry Truman
This Borg has disconnected himself. --Crosus
This Bud is for you!
This Bud's for you, said Tom lightly.
This COMM program works great, but what does ALT-H dxOU
This COULD be getting out of hand!
This CP/M WordStar 2.2 unregistered for 4,152 days
This CPU is clean-squeak open and ICE free!
This Charlie Brown must have been a very wise man.
This Clan of betrayers must be destroyed. -- Shamish, Ventrue
This Completes Your Request To The Tagline Addict.
This Computer has achieved *Warp* superiority.
This Computer is Protected by a 357 Magnum. You Guess What Key !
This Computer is password protected. To proceed type Ctrl-Alt-Del
This Constitution shall be the supreme Law of the Land
This Country Needs Group Therapy.
This CrossPoint-copy is unregistered for 8475 days
This Door Is Broque. Please Call Bach
This E-mail is sold by weight, not by volume. Contents may have settled during transmission. -RST
This Echo gets stranger and stranger.. Oh, that's Myra.
This Echo's really going Places-Question is-WHERE? -Moderator
This Englishwoman is so refined She has no bosom and no behind. - Stevie Smith
This FUBS thing might actually work after all
This Father's Day, give him an inflatable Lorena Bobbitt doll!
This Fellowship is emotional dynamite. (Bill W, p79 AACA)
This Ferengi modem is great! Quality at a cheap pri@$%^#$^ NO CARRIER
This Fortue Examined By INSPECTOR NO. 2-14
This Fortune no verb
This FrontDoor Opus BlueWave setup is fantastically convoluted.
This Halloween I plan to go trick-or-taglining
This I believe: nothing risque, nothing gained
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"--
This IS a full time job isn't it?
This IS a really big garage - Mike
This IS a tasty burger
This IS my hobby. - Dogbert
This IS the fun part!!
This ISN'T Burger King; you DON'T get it YOUR way DAMMIT!
This Is A Stephen King Nation, Not A Robert Heinlein Nation -- G.
This Is A Test To See If You Know How To Read Taglines
This Is My Recipe. Go snag Your Own!
This Is My Tagline. Go Get Your Own!
This Is Rich! 'Bad Command Or Filename'- Tom Servo w/PC
This Is Your CPU -,- This Is Your CPU On Windows !@%#
This KAT has been unregistered for 42 Days
This Kansas song made me so sad - Mike as teen punk
This LAN is my LAN, This LAN is your LAN
This LAN is your LAN This LAN is my LAN
This Life is a test...It is only a test....
This Line is SHAREWARE. To register it, send me a Mail
This Lonely Tagline Seeking A Mate
This Lonely recipe Seeking A Mate.
This MESSAGE is the OPINION of the FidoNet USER ONLY!
This MSG created by pouring warm tea on a Ouiji board.
This MUST be a good party -- My RIB CAGE is being painfully pressed up against someone's MARTINI!!
This MUST be fun; surely I wouldn't do it for *aggravation* !!!
This Mail is unregistred for 28 Days
This Mail was filmed in PANNENVISION / TWITCOLOR
This May Tell You More Than You Care to Know (g)
This Message Has A Red Ribbon...Have I Cured AIDS Now?
This Message Printed on 100% Recycled Electrons
This Message Was Found! in the Burmuda Triangle
This Message Was Writen by an Alien. Looks at all those Spelling Errors
This Message is 100% recyclable!
This Message is Clasified For President's Eyes Only
This Message is Marked Above Top Secret !
This Message last seen leaving the Great White North.
This Message was written using BLUE WAVE 2.12
This Mind Left Intentionally Blank.
This Ming's a psycho! -- Flash Gordon
This NET is a SWIPER's paradise I tell ya, hit T Qwk
This Net doesn't require mental competency for me to post Taglines! >;->
This New Year I resolve to make no resolutions.
This New Year may you not know hunger nor sorrow!
This Nexus of yours is very clever. --Kirk
This Old Pyramid - With Bob Vilahotep
This Old Starship - with your host, Mongomery Scott
This Orgasmic Exploding Tagline was made especially for @TOFIRST@
This Origin is Shareware. Pay $10 to use
This Origin is brought you by mir
This PBS tagline is commercial free!
This PC is air conditioned: Don't open WINDOWS!!!
This PC will now self destruct
This PORCUPINE knows his ZIPCODE ... And he has "VISA"!!
This President is going to lead us out of this recovery. - Dan Quayle
This R2 unit of yours seems a bit beat up. Want a new one?
This Reality is Null and Void.
This Recipe Copyright 1994 (C) All rights reserved.
This Recipe also snagged by Silly Little Mail Reader!
This Recipe brought to you by Intelligence INC.
This Recipe came last in the `Original Recipe Comp.'
This Recipe cancelled due to lack of interest
This Recipe censored by the moderator <snicker>.
This Recipe compliments of the BatComputer.
This Recipe contains a virus: go ahead and copy me!
This Recipe contains no cholesterol.
This Recipe erased *blush*.
This Recipe for Sale
This Recipe hand-crafted by
This Recipe has been cruelly tested on cute little furry animals.
This Recipe has been electrified with 20,000 volts!
This Recipe has no additives or preservatives!
This Recipe has trouble with Tribbles.
This Recipe invisible to all whose I.Q. exceeds mine.
This Recipe is Closed for Remodeling
This Recipe is Death-Trapped. Stay Away.
This Recipe is Evil, Evil, Evil. Eat at own risk!
This Recipe is FREE in specially marked messages.
This Recipe is Serial # 2377/AFR-1104.991
This Recipe is a charmer.
This Recipe is a figment of your imagination
This Recipe is a lie.
This Recipe is being shipped to our enemies overseas.
This Recipe is boring
This Recipe is copy protected
This Recipe is encouraged where prohibited.
This Recipe is fleeing for it's life.
This Recipe is indecipherable.
This Recipe is inoperative. Please try another.
This Recipe is listed for no good reason!!
This Recipe is new, witty, and snagged <8> times.
This Recipe is old, dull, and not worth snaging.
This Recipe is part of your twisted imagination
This Recipe is so old it has whiskers!
This Recipe is under repair. Thank you.
This Recipe made from 100% recycled electrons.
This Recipe made of 100% unknown Beliefs.
This Recipe not sponsored by Pepsi in any way.
This Recipe now supports Soundblaster!
This Recipe predated the Wheel
This Recipe protected by an attack cat.
This Recipe self destructs when you hit <ENTER>.
This Recipe stinks. (Scratch N Sniff)
This Recipe utterly lacks class, but is very cute.
This Recipe void where prohibited by law.
This Recipe was blank before you looked at it.
This Recipe was cruelly tested on small, furry animals.
This Recipe was missing, so I filled something in
This Recipe will appear 1/2 hour later in Newfoundland.
This Ronnie is a Veronica.
This Sailor Moon Tagline requires Microsoft Windows. (as if!)
This Sailor Moon Tagline was CENSORED by the Dark Kingdom
This San Miguel is just for Orville Bullitt.
This Scud's for you!
This Space Intentionally Blank
This Space Reserved For Handicapped Mice...Please log-off !
This Space still for rent. Unreasonable rates
This Sucks!! -Bevis
This Suitcase For Hire! - Crow
This Suitcase For Hire! -- Crow T. Robot
This Sysop runs on Old No. 7.
This System has achieved Air Superiority
This T.A.G.-line not sponsored by Pepsi in any way.
This TAG was made w/ 94% recycled pixels. Please help our environment
This TAGLINE is Shareware! Send me $10 after 30 days
This TAGLINE is hanging by a ThreadÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
This TAGLINE is one of most original taglines.. Imitators beware !
This TAGLINE is property of the Police Tagtical Team
This TAGLINE is shareware. Register now! Send me $10
This TAGLINE required no thinking whatsoever to write
This TAGLINE stops at all railroad crossings..!
This TAGline will end before you can say "Jack Rob
This TOPS OFF my partygoing experience! Someone I DON'T LIKE is talking to me about a HEART-WARMING European film
This Tag Is Old, Worn-Out, And Stolen 328 Times!!!
This Tag Line no verb.
This Tag line is HOT!
This Tag line is Stolen.
This Tag line is self referencing!
This Tag self destructs August 19, 1994!
This TagLine Will Self Destruct in 30 Sec...29...28
This TagLine is BogusWare, it Will disappear in a min\SLM
This TagLine is Closed for Remodeling.
This TagMine will self-destruct in 30 seconds.
This Tagg Line Uses Only Four Lttr Wrds!
This Tagline *appropriated* by: Patrick Long.
This Tagline *appropriated* by: @TO@
This Tagline *appropriated* by: Orville Bullitt.
This Tagline <cough> has <cough><cough> a virus! <cough><cough>
This Tagline ====>><<==== Loves That Tagline
This Tagline Baked Fresh Daily In Our Own Ovens!
This Tagline Censored - N.E.A.
This Tagline Censored by The Citizens For Decency.
This Tagline Closed Captioned for the Hearing Impared.
This Tagline Is Officially For Losers
This Tagline Is Politically Correct...Right, Guys?
This Tagline Stolen by GoldED
This Tagline Thinks It's Invisible
This Tagline Under Surveillance by the Pinkerton Agency !
This Tagline Will Self Implode -- <mooB>
This Tagline applies to you only if you're paranoid.
This Tagline belongs to Seymour Twatt, Gyneachologist.
This Tagline brought to you by Intelligence INC.
This Tagline capable of evading high speed persuit
This Tagline causes cancer take it, I dare you!
This Tagline censored by the Moderator <*snicker*>.
This Tagline conTains exactly threee errors
This Tagline contains 100% post-consumer electrons.
This Tagline contains a virus: go ahead and copy me!
This Tagline contains no cholesterol.
This Tagline dispenser temporarily out of order.
This Tagline erased *blush*.
This Tagline exploits the illiterate.
This Tagline filmed before a live studio audience.
This Tagline for Sale
This Tagline for Sale inquire within.
This Tagline for Sale.
This Tagline had been pre-stolen, for you convenience.
This Tagline hand-crafted by Colorado homosexuals
This Tagline hand-crafted by Louisiana lesbians
This Tagline has <FN0RD< words.
This Tagline has a security lock... But where is the key?
This Tagline has been CENSORED for telling the truth.
This Tagline has been cruelly tested on cute little furry animals.
This Tagline has been made expressly for @TO@.
This Tagline has been pre-stolen, for your convenience.
This Tagline has been removed by U.S. Customs.
This Tagline has been unregistered for 1853 days.
This Tagline has trouble with Tribbles.
This Tagline has trouble with Tribbles. **********************
This Tagline in memory of Stephen Ceideburg...a friend.
This Tagline is 100% cholesterol free
This Tagline is Copypro#<&* <Sector not found>
This Tagline is Copyrighted,Trademarked,Registered,Dumb.
This Tagline is Death-Trapped. Stay Away.
This Tagline is OFF TOPIC! (as if the rest of the message wasn't)
This Tagline is Pointless!
This Tagline is Rusted.
This Tagline is SHAREWARE! To Register, send $5
This Tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, please send me $10.
This Tagline is Serial # 1221/BTB-9729.35
This Tagline is Serial # @HOUR@@DATE@/BTB-@SDATE@
This Tagline is Shareware - Send $20 to register
This Tagline is Shareware. To register it, send me $10.
This Tagline is a Quinn Martin Production.
This Tagline is a figment of your intelligence
This Tagline is a hologram, insuring message authenticity.
This Tagline is a lie.
This Tagline is cloaked. You can't see it. Er, can you??
This Tagline is confused - it thinks it's a message.
This Tagline is confused - it thinks it's a message.
This Tagline is dedicated to my bird friend @TOFIRST@.
This Tagline is dedicated to the raunchy, horny *animal* in all of us.
This Tagline is dedicated to the raunchy, horny *animal* in all of us.
This Tagline is especially for kleptomaniacs!
This Tagline is for sale. Call 1-800-TAG-THIS!
This Tagline is illogical, captain. -Spock
This Tagline is just for you, Martin Richardson.
This Tagline is low in salt.
This Tagline is made especially for the Clinton Administration.
This Tagline is made for everyone except @TO@.
This Tagline is made from 100% recycled electrons.
This Tagline is made of 100% recyclable electrons!
This Tagline is new, witty, and stolen 327 times.
This Tagline is not considered suitable for any purpose.
This Tagline is off color.
This Tagline is one in a million
This Tagline is password protected. To view type Ctrl-Alt-Del.
This Tagline is printed on 100% recycled paper.
This Tagline is printed on recycled pixels!
This Tagline is really Odo.
This Tagline is secured by two strips of adhesive.
This Tagline is secured by two strips of adhesive.
This Tagline is shareware, send $5 each time you share it
This Tagline is taking a nap
This Tagline is void where prohibited by law.
This Tagline is void where taxed, restricted, or deleted.
This Tagline is void where taxed, restricted, or prohibited by law.
This Tagline made of 100% unknown Beliefs.
This Tagline may ride up with wear.
This Tagline not valid in New Jersey.
This Tagline not valid in New York.
This Tagline not valid in New York.
This Tagline only uses recycled keystrokes.
This Tagline owned by John Bobb.
This Tagline printed with 100% recycled photons.
This Tagline prohibited by @TO@...
This Tagline protected by a Rabid Pit Bull with AIDS!
This Tagline protected by a Rabid Pit Bull with AIDS!
This Tagline protected by an attack cat. Gggrrrrr!
This Tagline requires 486 DX2 66 or higher.
This Tagline requires Microsoft Windows.
This Tagline stinks. (Scratch N Sniff)
This Tagline stolen by Carmen Sandiego.
This Tagline stolen by KWQ Mail/2.
This Tagline stolen by MegaReader.
This Tagline stolen by Off-Line Xpress (OLX)!
This Tagline stolen by SLMR 2.1a!
This Tagline stolen by Tagline Express (TLX)!
This Tagline stolen from a [5;37mFLASHER[0;33m
This Tagline stolen from the Rush to Excellence @YEAR@ Tour.
This Tagline void where inhibited by law.
This Tagline was ALWAYS meant for @TO@.
This Tagline was blank before you looked at it.
This Tagline was created before a live studio audience
This Tagline was missing, so I filled something in
This Tagline was summoned in the dark of the moon
This Tagline was too good -- The sysop deleted it
This Tagline was written while High on candy kanes.
This Tagline will appear 1/2 hour later in Newfoundland.
This Tagline will self destruct in 36 seconds.
This Tagline will self destruct in five seconds 54321
This Tagline will self-destruct in 5 seconds!
This Tagline won't be installed until Tuesday.
This Tagline, Like All Of Mine, Is A Fake
This Tagline, like the message, is worthless.
This Thanksgiving, try a ham!
This Thing Hasn't Been Milked In Weeks, It Can Go Off Any Second - Cow
This Vacuum cleaner sucks.
This WAS a Saturday morning tradition - Crow on wrestling
This WAS a new car! <Murtagh> It still is. <Riggs>
This Week on Buenos Aires The Roling Stones
This Week on the Promanade. The Cybermen Vs.The Borg
This World is NOT my Home
This XT emulator requires a 486.
This [kiss me] is a [kiss me] subliminal [kiss me] tagline!
This [send money] is a [send money] subliminal [send money] tagline!
This _____ left the theater after the first act because he read in the program that Act Two was a week later
This _does_ open up some intriguing prospects, Captain. - Spock
This a good day to die. Would anyone like to make an appointment?
This above all: to thine own self be true. Hamlet 1.3.78
This above all; to thine own self be true -- Shakespeare
This action sequence brought to you by... -- Tom Servo
This advice runs counter to Yuppie Culture, but it
This afternoon is favorable for romance. Try a single pe
This ain't Burger King. You can't have it your way
This ain't Dodge City, and you ain't Bill Hickock! - Quigley
This ain't as good as sex - but it's safer these days.
This ain't as good as sex---but it's safer!
This ain't like dustin' CROPS, boy!-Han Solo
This ain't medium, it's the extra large stuff. -Hoagie
This ain't no Mud Club, no CBGB
This ain't no disco; it ain't no country club either
This ain't no f*cking game, and I'm feeling so ashamed. I didn't do anything to stop it from happening. --7M3
This ain't no party! This ain't no disco! This ain't no f
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco..
This ain't no pink eye, it's the living dead. - Chef, South Park
This ain't no technological breakdown. This is the road to hell.
This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway. This is the road to hell.
This ain't the first time, it's the way it's always been.
This aint no ordinary woman you are dealing with here!
This air! Isn't it wonderful? Katharine Hepburn
This an Unregistered Evaluation Copy of a great tagline
This an example of an endless loop endless loop endless loop endless loop
This aphorism would be seven words long if it were six words shorter.
This appears to be a biological depository. Tuvok
This application has violated system integrity
This area is going to be a cloud of vapor the size of Nebraska. <Bish>
This area is not designated for children! - Worf
This article is no garden to which we can go
This ass-kicking sure takes a lot out of you!
This automatic answer sent via Off Line Express
This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. - Han Solo
This balance of power keeps ice cream in check - Mike
This banana is an orange. * Lister
This banana is an orange. -Lister, Red Dwarf: BBC
This bananna is an orange. * Lister
This bank is so large, they've even got a special window for hold-ups
This basically mean no special characters like the ones you mentioned.
This battle station is now the ultimate power in the universe!
This be madness, yet there is a method in it. -- Shakespeare
This beats a waltz in a fuse box with a wet ferret
This beats a waltz with a wet ferret in a fusebox.
This beer tastes like water... Must be American
This belief sustained me. - Mulder
This better be good... you got shot last time!
This birth... among the dead... it brings something evil. --Samhain
This blade here is my best friend
This blanket has NOT been treated with DDT (actual govt label)
This bloody road remains a mystery
This boat leaks, Tom said balefully.
This boat leaks, said Tom balefully.
This book ruined courtesy of Terrance "Novel in a Night" Dicks.
This book taught me how to level a town with a fireball.
This book taught my flight dragon how to level a town with a fireball.
This bounty hunter is my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive. - Jabba
This bounty hunter is my kind of scum... X-14 should do it
This bowling ball is not human; it can't be reasoned with!
This boy feels the need... for speed!-Freddy Krueger
This brought to you by #'s 3, 8, and 6, Letters S and X
This brush isn't helping my hair one bit
This bug requires Microsoft Windows 3.x.
This bug's for you.
This building is so high, the elevator shows movies.
This bus ride's givin' me wood. Heh heh. Yeah! Heh heh
This button does nothing. Please press it again.
This button doesn't do anything! Please press it again!!
This bytes
This calls for Lip-jitsu! - Earthworm Jim
This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and explosives.
This calls for a subtle combination of mathematics and extreme violence.
This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence.
This calls for divine intervention! I kick ass for the Lord!
This calls for expensive testing!
This calls for expensive testing! [The Tick]
This calls for extreme measures - arm the Electric Bagpipes!
This calls for extreme measures. Get the electric bagpipes.
This calls for immediate discussion!
This calls for supreme retaliation - Calvin
This calls for the handyman's secret weapon: Duct tape! -- Red Green
This came from a brain damaged offline reader
This can be no trick! Benedict (<Shakespeare>)
This can be no trick! -- Benedict (Shakespeare)
This can be the Swayziest Christmas of them ALL! - Bots
This can be the Swayziest Christmas of them all!
This can't be Hell, they have good coffee
This can't be! @FN@, you're playing the wrong message
This can't be! Artoo, you're playing the wrong message. - C-3PO
This cannibal came home late one night, and his wife gave him a cold shoulder
This cannot be my room because I cannot breathe ammonia.
This car assuredly needs polishing. Tom waxed
This car handles much easier after 3 martinis - Crow
This car is like a husband, if it ain't yours don't touch it!
This car only needs _minor_ repairs
This car reeeips! Bill Elliott
This car stops for no apparent reason
This caricature, decrepit age that has been tied to me,
This case has a distinct smell to it...a 'paranormal bouquet'. - FM
This chair feels good, ah the magic of pain killers
This chamber has no windows and no doors.
This channel is not CBS, this is FOX.
This chick plays with confederate money. (Elaine)
This chick plays with confederate money. (Elaine)
This chick's toast! -Venckman
This chicken has no beak, Tom said impeccably
This christmas, buy your friends a Chia-Meatloaf.
This circle is you. It's like you've known me all my life!
This city has a heart as big and grimy as all outdoors!
This city is the tuba capitol of the world, Frank!
This clipping, where'd you get it? - Mulder
This clock. I gave this clock to Bones. --Kirk
This club better be worth it! - Homer Simpson
This code is so old, it doesn't even have any 1s
This coffee tastes like mud! Well, it was ground this morning.
This cold water is a blessing! - Father Mulcahy
This communication (C)opyright 1995.
This communication link monitored by the F.C.C
This communication link monitored by your Sysop
This complete lack of peril is making me jumpy. - Earthworm Jim
This computer display is shocking, said Tom electrically.
This computer is just a loner, my CRAY's in the shop!
This computer is so old it's coal-fired!
This computer is taking over my life!!!!
This computer is user-unfriendly
This computer protected by an attack cat.
This computer really went wild at the company office party. He got zonked and attempted to undo the printer's ribbon
This computer stops at RR crossings.
This computer wants 4 bits at a time, Tom nibbled
This computer was built by MurphyTec
This computer works faster than a human because it doesn't have to do its nails
This computerized crap aint carrying me off... - Bryan Adams
This conference is a good place to HEIR out your problems!
This conference is mine! Do you hear me? MINE!! Bwahahahaha!
This confusion is my illiusion
This contest has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen
This conversation didn't exist
This conversation is b-bu-bui-buil-build-buildi-buildin-building nicely.
This cookie is void where prohibited, licensed, or taxed
This cookie will soon appear as a Bantam paperback
This cooking thing IS a science ya know!
This copy is unregistered for 230 days
This copy of ASTG 1.1 has been unregistered for 7.5 million years.
This copy of BULLITT 1.0 is being evaluated.
This copy of Deep Thought has been unregistered for 7.5 million years.
This copy of Freddie KRUGER - Friday the 13th is being evaluated.
This copy of GEdit has been unregist*&%^ I know the workaround :)
This copy of GEdit has been unregistered for 30 days.
This copy of GEdit has been unregisters for 7 years
This copy of JurassicEdit has been unregistered for 65,000,000 years
This copy of Orville 1.0 is being evaluated.
This copy of PPoint has been unregistered since the 1st age of Mankind.
This copy of ProBoard has been unregistered for 31 days!
This copy of QEdit has been unregistered for 9,458,142,095,003 hours.
This copy of QEdit has been unregistered for 9,864,331,752,146 days!
This copy of planet Earth has been unregistered for 4 billion years.
This copy of reality has been unregistered for 18 years.
This copy of reality has been unregistered for 4 billion years
This copy of the operating system is unregistered
This could be a breakthrough of unprecedented proportions! - Bashir
This could be a setback for pasty white skin - Crow
This could be messier than I thought. -- Al Calavicci
This could be true it depends on what you were being carfull of.
This could be what you'd call a command decision. - Col. Blake
This could become a habit. --Fozzie Bear
This could get nasty Captain!
This could get quite interesting
This could get quite interesting. <G>
This could make you puke, Hot dogs that have names like Spot and Fido.
This country belongs to the people who inhabit it. - Lincoln
This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the
This country has the best politicians money can buy.
This country has turned into Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched.
This country needs as many Scouters as it can get.
This country needs is more unemployed politicians.
This country needs more BRICK CONTROL laws!
This country needs more unemployed politicians.
This country was FOUNDED by religious nuts with guns!
This country was built on freedom not socialism.
This courtesy is not of the right breed. <Shakespeare>
This creature, whatever it was, performed no free miracles
This creature, whatever it was, performed no free miracles. - The Stand
This crew was worst than the last! - Quark
This cute thing has lost it's specialness for me
This deal's getting worse all the time. - Lando
This decision could change your life!
This decision could change your life! * Rimmer's Mother
This defecation of character must cease
This demonstrates the value of not being seen.
This deodorant's a rip-off! It runs out before it reaches my toes!
This device is emitting a signal - Mulder (3x23)
This diatribe created on Saturday,08/19/89
This didn't really happen... -- Tom Servo
This dinner is made from young calves, Tom revealed.
This director has out-Wooded Ed Wood - Mike
This disaster was sponsored by Intel.
This discussion is hanging by a thread.
This disk is bent. I put it on the heater
This disk was dirty, so I washed it
This documentatin has not been cheked for spelin gerrrors
This does not exist.
This doesn't effect our drinking, does it?
This doesn't look like Bajor anymore, Toto
This doesn't look like the Alpha Quadrant anymore, Toto
This doesn't look like the work of aliens to me. - Mulder (Irresist.)
This doesn't prove _anything_. - Scully
This doesn't roll along on wheels, you know. - The Doctor
This door Is Baroque; please wiggle Handel.
This door is Baroque, please call Bach later.
This door is Baroque, please wiggle Handel.
This door is Baroque; call Bach later
This door is Baroque; please wiggle Handel or call Bach.
This door is baroque...please come Bach later.
This door is baroque; please call Bach later.
This door is baroquen, please wiggle Handel.
This door is baroqueplease come Bach later
This dosen't look like the Lincon Tunnel, Sam. - Max
This dugout is infested, said Tom trenchantly.
This dungeon is owned and operated by Frobozz Magic Co., Ltd
This echo gets stranger and stranger. Oh that's me, sorry
This echo has been inspected by the Cardassian Customs Service.
This echo has been inspected by the Ferengi Trading Board.
This echo has been inspected by the Klingon Customs Service.
This echo is 90% fat free.
This echo is being archived for evidence purpose
This echo is completely uncontaminated by cheese.
This echo is getting wierd. Oh, that's me. Sorry!
This echo is really great for snaging recipes.
This echo is really great for stealing Taglines.
This echo is so boring, Kilroy wasn't even here.
This echo is turning into "Here's a list of what I've got..."
This echo just gets weirder and weirder. Oh wait. That's me.
This echo protected by PIT BULL with aids
This echo will soon appear as a Bantam paperback.
This economy is weird. The bank failed before the toaster did.
This editorial does not necessarily reflect my opinion
This emoticon (C) Joe Kanowitz 1994 -> *+-=@![|:|]v)>>>
This emotion chip is the only answer. --Data
This end down, not up, Stupid!
This enquiring mind couldn't care less!
This entire thing is make-believe, with small visuals added.
This episode of "Women On The Run" is brought to you by Ex-Lax
This equipment was designed for a different era. - Scott
This escape route was used alot - Tom
This face :-| left blank intentionally
This face that earned a mother's fear and loathing
This fall on ABC: `Get Courtney Love'. -- Crow T. Robot
This fall on ABC: Get Courtney Love - Crow
This family tree is all roots
This family tree is sapping all my strength.
This feel kinda funny to you? - Tom as guy sits on guy
This feeling as the dawn.... it turns to gray
This feels pretty good - Mike on being without underwear
This fellow attended a co-ed college where the girls went in for facts and he went in for figures
This fellow's wise enough to play the fool.
This field is filled with extreme horror. -- Tom Servo
This fight is not a choice, but a Calling. - Fox Mulder
This file may be modified to work with any offline reader
This file will self-destruct in five minutes.
This file's to embarrassed to unzip; Sorry.
This film awakened Elanor Roosevelt's sexuality - Crow
This film has all the qualities of a John Derrick film. -- Crow
This film is brought to you by the Nerd Council - Tom Servo
This film is full of splices. It's not my fault. -- Klinger
This film makes `The Unearthly' look like Citizen Kane
This film was a dog! -- Crow T. Robot
This film wastes no precious screen time with the plot. -- Crow
This film's moving along quite briskly - Tom
This final Next Generation episode is brought to you by......RECTINOL
This find this thing you Earthlings call 'humor' most unsettling
This fix should only take a minute
This fortune intentionally left blank
This fortune intentionally not included.
This fortune intentionally says nothing
This fortune is encrypted -- get your decoder rings ready!
This fortune is false.
This fortune is inoperative. Please try another.
This fortune soaks up 47 times its own weight in excess memory.
This fortune was brought to you by the people at Hewlett-Packard
This fortune will not come true
This fortune would be seven words long if it were six words shorter
This foxy biker chick's Ginsu bra-snappler-- Crow T. Robot
This foxy biker chick's Ginzu bra-snappler - Crow
This freezer RULES! - Mike
This game is exceedingly simple -- Data
This game will be over any time from now. - Alan McGilvray, ABC Radio
This genealogist has finally come to his census.
This generation doesn't have emotional baggage. We have emotional moving vans. -- Bruce Feirstein
This generation may be the one that will face Armageddon
This generation may be the one that will face Armageddon. - Ronald Reagan
This girl frequents a bar where she just sits and watches the fellows come buy
This girl saw the Big Dipper when it was just a drinking cup
This girl's bathing suits allow her swim but not slink
This girl's nostrils are so big, when you kiss her it's like driving into a two-car garage
This gives 'leech' a whole new meaning ... ^ì^
This glass must be, like, plastic or something
This glove is a smallThis must be Mr. Bailey's. - Marcia Clark
This glove isn't as good, Tom submitted
This god is dead! He moved! You pushed him! Is Not!
This god's dead. No, he moved. You pushed him!
This goes way beyond professional curiosity, @FN@
This goes way beyond professional curiosity, doctor. - Bruce Wayne
This goofball here thinks you're a monster. - Cosgrove
This grief is crowned with consolation. -- Shakespeare
This gun's for hire. Even if we're just dancing in the dark. - Bruce Springsteen
This guy asks his wife to help him with the dishes
This guy broke his glasses last week. His wife crossed her legs at the wrong moment
This guy can get much more out of his surgical operation than even Adam did
This guy deserves to be zotted. He really does.--UseNet Oracle
This guy gives awkward adolescence a bad name - Crow
This guy has Renaissance Farie written all over him
This guy has blown me off for the last time -- Geordi
This guy is a pawn, pawns always make the first move - Mulder (3x21)
This guy is definitely some kind of monster. - Mulder
This guy is like a jigsaw puzzle" - Scully on corpse (3x19)
This guy loves his neighbors--especially their wives.
This guy needed a video club card? * Rimmer
This guy recently bought some shirts cheap and changed his name to go with the monogram
This guy reminds you of the proverb Where there's a swill there's a sway
This guy seems pretty cool. -Butt-head
This guy sure knows how to carry his liquor. When he opens a bottle he gets carried away
This guy sure knows how to throw a good RAIDING party!!!!
This guy walks into a bar
This guy walks into a bar and the bartender said
This guy walks into a bar.
This guy walks slower than Miss Jane Pittman - Crow
This guy won't buy rattles for his kids. He's so cheap he lets them grab his nose and then he shakes his head
This guy won't follow his doctor's advice to stop drinking. He claims there are lots more old drunks than old doctors
This guy wouldn't have done such a good job as a self-made man if his wife hadn't made a few changes
This guy's DEAD! What the hell?! - Tom as voodoo girl
This guy's a bachelor of arts, because he's perfected the art of staying a bachelor
This guy's a pig...and so are you. Did you program this guy?
This guy's blood isn't blue or red--it's yellow
This guy's fighting a losing battle struggling to keep himself and his business in a liquid condition
This guy's girl-crazy. Girls refuse to go out with him--that's why he's crazy
This guy's got his own train of thought. And no one's aboard!
This guy's incorrigable! -- The Mask
This guy's like a bad penny! -- Tom Servo
This guy's making good money selling burial suits with two pairs of pants to people who believe in the hereafter
This guy's new to computers. Which key gets wired with the smoke bomb?
This guy's not hard to follow, he leaves dead men wherever he goes.
This guy's skipping without a rope. - Ben Franklin [The Tick]
This guy's so conceited, he thinks he's as good as I am!
This guy's so stingy he tears the December page off the calendar during Christmas season to fool his children
This guy's spoiling his health, drinking to everyone else's
This guy's wife begs him everytime, Now, if it's a dull
This guy's wife has had every illness and disease shown on television
This guy's wife loves it when he goes out nights with the boys. He's a scoutmaster
This guy's wife wants to have her ache and treat it too
This guys inner child is bigger than all of us -- Crow
This had all the qualities of a John Derek film. -- Tom Servo
This haircut wasn't my idea - Tom as alien girl
This hand to tyrants...this finger to Bill and Hillary!!!
This has 'long day' written all over it. - Dilbert
This has NOT been a "good week" for the *Tagline Addict*! 8-(
This has all the earmarks of an eyesore
This has been a BLUE NETWORK production
This has been a DEAR MARVIN INCORPORATED presentation.
This has been a DEAR MARVIN INCORPORATED presentation.
This has been a Filmways presentation, Dahling - Mike
This has been a Musical Interlude
This has been a difficult line to sort out. Can you lend a hand?
This has been a fart in your general direction
This has been a grave undertaking, said Tom cryptically.
This has been a paid commercial tagline
This has been a public service announcement... - The Mask
This has been a recording.
This has been a special report from the Wierd Butt Network.-F!
This has been a test of the National Aardvark System
This has been a test of the emergency argument suppressor!
This has been a test of the emergency weirdness system
This has been a untraceable message from
This has been an EIB post. Excellence In Bbsing!
This has been an Official Decision of the BLUEWAVE Co-Moderator Dude
This has been another <CRASH> Useless Fact. - Yakko
This has been another... <CRASH> ...Useless Fact
This has been another... <WHAM>... Useless Post.
This has been brought to you by way of Oologah, Ok.
This has been only a test. Had this been an actual Tagline
This has been the *Tagline Addict* of FIDONet and RIME.
This has been the alternative view - we call it the truth
This has gone far enough!"--Scully to Mulder (Syzygy)
This has indicated that I am damaged in some fashion - Data
This has nothing to do with my friends or my feelings. -- Garek
This has only yet begun to bite!
This has only yet begun to bite! -- Crow T. Robot
This has the tone of an Incredible Hulk episode... - Mike Nelson
This has to be done on the Q.T., G'kar. - Sheridan
This has to be stopped at the source. - G'Kar
This has to be the dumbest idea since Pong.
This has to be the wrong year! -Marty McFly
This has to work. Kim
This hat ain't big enough for the both of us. --Guinan
This hat's not big enough for both of us -Guinan
This here tagline ain't gramatical!
This here's a government experiment.
This here's the butt of choice! - Tom as girl dances
This here's the butt of choice! -- Tom Servo
This here's the wattle - the emblem of our land
This hexagram refers to a situation of extreme boredom
This high altitude is murder on my scalp. -Balding Eagle, Rocko's Life
This hippy's straight outta' Brigadoon - Mike
This hitteth the nail on the head. J. Heywood (1597-1580)
This hobby is as addictive as heroin, no question
This hobby would be a pain if it were using Babbage Engines. - Zorch
This holiday season, in Somalia, the UN Forces can say it with flours.
This horse is so dead it's rotting by now
This house is like Russia, with eyes cold and grey - Tori Amos
This huge writting was designed by Gerard, no autographs please!!
This hurts me more than it hurts you
This hurts me more than it hurts you! - The Tick
This inability to follow instructions - is it genetic or something?-DW
This incarnation has been my most gruelling. - Dalai Lama
This information fills a much needed gap.
This information is often quoted but no one seems to know the source.
This information released on a need to know basis only
This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.
This is your home away from home; keep it clean.
This is "Be kind to Animals" week. Take your boss' wife out to dinner.
This is "chick coffee"! It doesn't wake you up! - Gary, Almost Perfect
This is #TN#. He's 1st mate on a ship that might suit our needs.
This is *NOT* a "Test my brand-new aardvark" echo
This is *NOT* what I signed up for! Kira
This is *not* a FIDO tag line. WOOF!! WOOF! GRRrrrr
This is *not* mental masturbation! Tom ejaculated
This is *not* what I signed up for. -- Kira
This is *so* cool! This is *so* stupid! - Calvin and Hobbes
This is *so* wrong... -- Mike Nelson
This is *still* better than `Iron Eagle'. -- Crow T. Robot
This is *very* seriuos exposure for us. - Consortium member (Apoc)
This is 1 FM. - Quick Mr. Worf close the bloomin' hailing frequencies
This is 1 of 235 standard formats for UFP taglines!!
This is 911. For murder, press 1 now; for rape, press 2 now.
This is 911. If reporting murder press 1. Rape press 2.
This is 911. We're all out fighting crime. At the sound of the tone
This is @FN@, known all over the world, and other places besides
This is @FN@. He's 1st mate on a ship that might suit our needs
This is ABC: The American Broadcasting Company
This is ALARMING - Crow as fire alarm rings
This is ALARMING - Crow as fire alarm rings
This is Abuse. Arguments are down the hall. - from Monty Python
This is Acting Captain Data. - Data
This is Allan ... º»¡ ¡ ÀÀ†¥ ¡¤ žkW âî
This is America's Talking
This is America, Land of the Free; You've a Right to Your Pistol, But Not PGP?
This is America, Land of the Free; You've a Right to Your Pistol, But Not PGP?
This is America. This isn't a police state - Juror, Waco
This is America. We say what we want
This is Apdor. - Richard Franklin
This is Apu of Kwik-E-Borg. Be assimilated and have a free squishie.
This is Apu of Kwik-E-Borg. Be assmiliated and have a fre
This is BBC TWO, I'm not playing with you.
This is Barker of Borg, reminding you to have your pets assimilated.
This is Barker of Borg, reminding you to have your pets assimilated.
This is Belanger-Wayne-Chisholm 659...We will be getting back to the programme ASAP
This is Beverly. DOCTOR Beverly. DOCTOR BEVERLY CRUSHER!! - Picard
This is Beverly. DOCTOR Beverly. DOCTOR BEVERLY CRUSHER!! - Picard
This is Black Sunshine
This is Bob Barker of Borg reminding you to have your pets assimilated
This is Borg. <ESC> is futile <CTRL> is inevitable
This is Bubba of Borg. Y'all're fixin' ta be assimilated
This is CHEVY Country, on a quiet night you can hear FORDS rusting!
This is CHEVY Country, on any night you can hear Rusty's FORD (blow)
This is CNN. This is CNN on drugs
This is COOL! - Butt-Head
This is Cal Worthington and his dog Spot on drugs
This is Cal dog and his Worthington Spot on drugs.
This is Captain, this is the captain of the Enterprise
This is Channel 4 Television, direct from London in the U.K.
This is Clinton of Borg, your paycheck will be assimilated.
This is Clinton of Borg, your paycheck will be assimilated.
This is DEFINITIVELY not a tagline.
This is Dave. ÂH$ ³s ë' î 0¥ dR—G$. Any questions?
This is David Koresh of Borg. WE will be incinerated.
This is David, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off
This is Dax, are you alright?
This is Delenn of the Minbari, Babylon 5 is under our protection
This is Edwin Million of TAG-X PRO. He's áeta, Jim
This is Elvis, Beam me to the mother ship, Kennedy is dead.
This is Elvis. Any messages for me?
This is Fonzie of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated... heyyyyy!
This is Fonzie of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated... heyyyyy! Whoooaaaa!!!!
This is GELF space. Death to the stranger
This is Gary Caplan of FIDO & RIME. He's the *Tagline Addict*, Jim!
This is HMAS Melbourne taglCRUNCH^@#!@$#NO CARRIER
This is Harry Connick SENIOR's girlfriend - Mike
This is Hell week for nuns - Mike
This is Hillary of Borg. Bill is irrelevant
This is His Gourd. Follow the Gourd!
This is Homer of Borg. You will be assim..assim...dooooooh!
This is Jacobs'. I recognize it. --Franklin.
This is Janeway. Please repeat your last transmission. Janeway
This is Jesus! If you hang up, I'll @#!&$&!&@#$ NO CARRIER
This is Joe Eversole of TAG-X PRO. He's áeta, Jim
This is KPLA, Klingon Radio: all glory, all the time!
This is KRYM, all crime, all the time.
This is Kathy Ireland for Coleman lanterns. <Tee hee hee hee>
This is LA. I work here. I carry a club.
This is LDN.
This is Laura, my secretary - Tom on corpse
This is Laura, my secretary - Tom on corpse
This is London Weekend Television (LWT)
This is Lord Magius. H$ s R MGs 0 dRG$. Any questions?
This is Lord Magius. H$ s R MGs 0 dRG$. Any questions?
This is Lord's Cricket Ground, isn't it?! -Arthur Dent
This is Lore of Borg: You will be assimilated...brother.
This is MSNTBC (1997-1998)
This is MY FIGHT! Hercules
This is MY FIGHT! Hercules
This is MY tagline. Go get your own!
This is MY trooper. - Clinton to Reagan, about Danny Patterson
This is Major Tom to ground control
This is Marianne. I include her in all my holodeck programs
This is Marion Barry <plop> on drugs.
This is Marion Barry--<plop>--on drugs.
This is Marv. Is your million dollars in yet? - Mike
This is Mexican food, not health food
This is Mexican food, not health food. - Kathy Pitts
This is Mike Mills's tagline and I've got it!
This is Mission Control. We have lift off! -- Freefall
This is Mister... This is Gath. Janeway
This is Mr. Worf, our security officer. Would you like to shoot him?
This is Mururoa tagl#@$#%$%NO CARRIER
This is Myra I Fox of FIDO's TAGLINES Conference. Ooh, she's witty, Jim!
This is NO FAKE!
This is NOT Burger King. You do not get it YOUR way.
This is NOT a Tribble tagline. I hate those
This is NOT a Virtual Tagline. This is -> <-.
This is NOT a paid political announcement.
This is NOT a repeat
This is NOT a self-contradictory tagline. Yes it is. No i
This is NOT a serial number, I swear.
This is NOT a tagline, it's the conclusion of my message.
This is NOT a tagline, please ignore it
This is NOT a very user friendly CPU.
This is NOT an actual tagline, you're seeing things!
This is NOT an tagline - just a good copy
This is NOT good. I Tell me about it. - Garibaldi
This is NOT the Internet. This IS Fido-Net EchoMail
This is NOT what I signed up for. - Kira
This is NOT your fathers Oldsmobile.
This is National Non-Dairy Creamer Week.
This is Odo--I could really use some help up here!--Odo
This is Odo. My lover.--Kira Nerys
This is Odo... my lover
This is Ohm, of Borg. Resistance is E/I.
This is Orville. He's 1st mate on a ship that might suit our needs.
This is Over, over.
This is Penguin Lust at its UGLIEST! - Otis Oracle
This is Popeye of Borg. You will be askimgilated. Arf!
This is Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council
This is Q speaking for Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Q
This is Quark you're talking to, remember? - Quark
This is Quark you're talking to, remember? r, or Babylon 5
This is Quarks, give us your co-ordinates & we'll beam the pizza over
This is REALLY frustrating - Tom
This is Richard Hsiung of TAG-X PRO. He's áeta, Jim
This is Rick `Mega' Burwell of TAG-X Pro. He's áeta, Jim
This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off
This is Rush Limbaugh reporting live from Washington. AGGGHHH!
This is SO wrong - Mike as girls wrestle
This is STILL better than Iron Eagle - Crow
This is SUPPOSED to be a Collective!--Tom, WTNE
This is Scott Wood's favorite tagline!
This is Space Intruder Detector. UFO detected stealing taglines
This is Special Agent Mulder, I need to enlist your help
This is Stacy's favorite tagline!
This is Star Trek. Nobody's really dead (unless they're security).
This is THE *Tagline Addict* here! See my Tagline List to ALL!
This is TRUE -> <- That is FALSE
This is The Day Which The Lord Hath Made; We Will Rejoice and Be Glad of It !!
This is Tom Servo your worst doggy nightmare - Tom
This is Tranya. I hope you relish it as much as I. -Belok
This is Trek. Nobody really dies, unless they're security
This is UNIX. This is your brain on UNIX: #%Z&@!!$?!
This is Worf, our security officer. Would you like to beat him up?
This is X Insurance Co - How May I Shaft You?
This is Yetis last resort
This is Yoda of Borg. Assimilated you will be. Futile, resistance is
This is _not_ a good idea. - Ro Laren
This is _not_ what I wanted to talk to you about! - Odo
This is _such_ a strange season. - Stephanie Coulshaw
This is a "Tagline for the sake of a Tagline" Tagline.
This is a "recipe for the sake of a recipe" recipe.
This is a #2 throwing knife. Which eye don't you need?
This is a 'black card situation, end of conversation'. - Lister
This is a 'no smoking' cave - Crow
This is a *dangerous* place.
This is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun made.
This is a 1st Reader Tagline. Please do *NOT* tag here.
This is a 4-H feeding frenzy - Tom
This is a BRAG line, and I'm proud of it!
This is a CONFERENCE - not a podium.
This is a Common Tagline, in perfect condition. DO NOT TOUCH!
This is a Computer of Borg
This is a DOS 5.0... er... Anti-Windows tagline.
This is a Dickens view of the suburbs - Mike
This is a Dragon. You are not a Dragon. Any questions?
This is a FAKE letter! - Mike
This is a FLAME echo?!? I fireball @N!
This is a FLAME echo?!? I fireball Orville Bullitt!
This is a Ferengi Tagline. You owe me 500 credits
This is a Ferengi Tagline. You owe me 500 credits for re\SLMR\TAG
This is a Ferengi Tagline. You owe me 500 credits for reading it!
This is a Ferengi Tagline. You owe me 500 credits.
This is a Ferengi Tagline. Pay before you read it.
This is a Ferengi Tagline. You owe me 500 credits for reading it.
This is a Ferengi tagline. Pay 3 slips GPL to read it.
This is a Ferengi tagline. Pay 3 slips Pressed Ladinum to read it.
This is a Ferengi tagline. Pay before you read it
This is a Freudian dream- Crow T. Robot
This is a Group 3 fax machine, and yes, it's smudgy.
This is a Kodak moment! -- Crow T. Robot
This is a Lorena Bobbitt Tagline. It can be cut in half!
This is a MAN'S house. Leave the seat UP
This is a MASH unit. We do a volume business. -- Col. Potter
This is a Moving Message.
This is a Mutant Only Area... bring your own plutonium
This is a NO-FRILLS flight -- hold th' CANADIAN BACON!!
This is a Pro-DOS v... er... Anti-Windows Tagline.
This is a Pro-Windows NT, er, Anti-OS/2 2.0 tagline
This is a ROARshock test.
This is a S.O.S. distress call from the mining ship RED DWARF
This is a SPIFFY Tagline. Spiffytags Inc.
This is a SPIFFY Tagline.. (c) Spiffytags Inc, 1994
This is a School-Free Drug Zone
This is a Session Manager promo
This is a Sub-Liminal Tagline. Guess what you will do next?
This is a TEST, of the EMERGENCY Tagline agency.
This is a TEST. If this were real, it would be funny.
This is a TEST. Had this been an ACTUAL EMERGENCY, you'd be DEAD now.
This is a Tagline for the sake of a Tagline Tagline.
This is a Tagline mirror ][ rorrim enilgaT a si sihT
This is a Tagline mirror> This sentence is false
This is a Tagline mirror><rorrim enilagT a si sihT
This is a Tagline. TH!$ iz @ tA%\in# on ?rug$.
This is a Telecom <click>
This is a Terellian cargo freighter, isn't it? --Picard
This is a Test meassage
This is a Tribble -> * This is a Tribble on drugs -> + Any questions?
This is a _professional_ relationship.
This is a `no smoking' cave... -- Crow T. Robot
This is a battle of nerves between John and me.
This is a battle of wits, and you didn't make the draft.
This is a beautiful place. A little strange, I'll admit. - McCoy
This is a brag line????
This is a case of too much faith...and too much sugar. - Mulder
This is a cat. This is a cat on valium. Any difference?
This is a chain tag. It has been stolen <77> times!
This is a chain tagline - already stolen 143,051 times.
This is a chain tagline! Bad luck will follow if you do not adopt it!
This is a chain tagline, it has been stolen nine times.--- QFix
This is a chain tagline, it's been stolen<82>times.
This is a chain tagline. I have now been stolen 8 times.
This is a chain tagline. I've been stolen <n+1> times
This is a chain tagline. Please copy and resend!
This is a chain tagline: please cross-post to 5 friends
This is a chain-line! You know what to do
This is a chain-tag. I've been stolen <10> times.
This is a chain-tag. I've been stolen 98372 times.
This is a chain-tagline. I've been stolen <11> times!
This is a chocolate covered tagline. Yum Yum
This is a circular definition
This is a coded TagLine. Decode: LANGUAGE Now, are you receiving me?
This is a coded message - the code is "Language." Are you receiving?
This is a collect call from Mars. Will you accept the charges?
This is a completely hedonistic society. --McCoy on Argelia
This is a confidential recipe.
This is a confidential tagline.
This is a copy - I want you to make me the original.
This is a copy of a completely original recipe
This is a copy of a completely original tagline.
This is a copy; I want you to make me the original. - s.w
This is a country where people are free to practice their religion, regardless of race, creed, color, obesity, or number of dangling keys
This is a court of space law, not a theater. Menendez
This is a criticism, up with which I will not put! Churchill
This is a cross-section of my positronic net. - Data
This is a dangerous planet. Don't delete the pattern buffer!
This is a day for firm decisions! Or is it?
This is a day to remember, Major. - Kirk
This is a dead SysOp.
This is a demi-vierge tagline and has only been borrowed
This is a different thing, it's spontaneousit's called wit.
This is a dummy tagline. Do not wind past the heddles.
This is a experimental Tagline. Press return to fire
This is a fake recipe. SERIOUSLY!
This is a fake tagline. SERIOUSLY!
This is a fake tagline. The real one is below
This is a feminist bookstore! There is no humor section!
This is a fill-in-the-blank tagline: _______________________________.
This is a fine place to hesitate RUSH -Between Sun & Moon
This is a fire drill! - Gypsy
This is a free country, so there will be no charge for my opinion.
This is a fried egg on drugs. Any questions?
This is a good day for overcoming obstacles. Try a steep
This is a good day to let down old friends who need help.
This is a good time to punt work.
This is a great film for flinching -Crow as girl grimaces
This is a great film for flinching. -- Crow T. Robot
This is a hand phaser. Stunning, isn't it?
This is a hand phaser. Stunning, isn't it? - Picardo, Voyager
This is a hazel nut Sumatra blend - Crow on bum's coffee
This is a heck of a time for a walk in the park. þ Geordi
This is a helluva time to think of this. - Ivanova
This is a hired computer. Our CRAY-1 is at the analyst's.
This is a job for . . . AACK! WAAUGHHH!! . . . someone else. - Calvin
This is a job for BOB VIOLENCE and SCUM, the INCREDIBLY STUPID MUTANT DOG. -- Bob Violence
This is a job for Regular Guy! - Crow
This is a job for Regular Guy! -- Crow T. Robot
This is a job for the Riviera Kid!
This is a job for the Riviera Kid! - Cat, Red Dwarf 6
This is a job for.. AACK! WAAUGHHH!! ...someone else
This is a job for... Corn Job! -- Crow T. Robot
This is a job for...AACK! WAAUUGGHH!!...someone else.
This is a job for...Aack!...someone else."
This is a job for...Corn Job! - Crow
This is a job for...STUPENDOUS MAN! -S.M.
This is a job for...someone else. -- Calvin
This is a joke. A joke on me, a joke on the universe. -Q
This is a journey--but to where?
This is a large file, so happy collecting! :-)
This is a loaner - my Cray is in for repairs.
This is a loaner; my Cray is in the shop
This is a logic tagline. <--- This is a lie.
This is a lot of tripe. You know that. The Brain
This is a lousy excuse for a tagline
This is a manual tagline. The next one will be hand-picked by me.
This is a manually inserted tagline.
This is a message from God: "Rebooting the universe, please log out"
This is a message to Alle :-)
This is a message. Please disregard and read tagline
This is a mistake! Kang must not have known! -- Koloth
This is a mo ... fully supports the Australian Anti Gun Lobby
This is a model home for your future. It was panned by Better Homes & Gardens
This is a modem on drugs:#$^ NO CARRIER
This is a movie. This is a movie on drugs - Tom
This is a mutiny
This is a my new tagline - I didn't steal it either.
This is a new brain; label on the jar said it belonged to Abby Normal.
This is a new low in popular culture.
This is a nightmare and I'm going to wake up, RIGHT?
This is a no tagline zone. Violators will be tagged.
This is a no. 2 throwing knife. Which eyeball don't you need?
This is a non-profit organization, though not by choice!
This is a nursing staff, not a harem. -- Hoolihan to Hawkeye
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. - Jack Kervorkian
This is a one line proof... if we start sufficiently far to the left
This is a one-liner mirror> This is not a dress rehearsal; it's real life
This is a parapsycic Recipe
This is a parapsycic tagline
This is a part of that Klingon stuff, isn't it?
This is a perfect world; I'm riding on an incline
This is a person I like, it's not: "How to score on spring break". JS
This is a pirated registered tagline. S/N # AN345-A7-L
This is a pithy and humorous snippet (abridged version)
This is a place of learning, not a house of..hearing about things.
This is a plate. It contains food. Kirk
This is a plce to dump your guts, not a place to beat your nuts!
This is a politically correct tagline. It says nothing.
This is a positronic brain on drugs. <*CRACKLE*> Any questions?
This is a pretty racey joint. I like this place. Steve Beitler
This is a pretty wimpy Old West - Tom
This is a private tagline...no PEEKing!
This is a pro-business plan - Bill Clinton
This is a put on, right? - Skeeve
This is a question we've discussed often, here and elsewhere.
This is a real Byte in the ASCII.
This is a real Lucy and Viv situation... -- Joel Robinson
This is a real Tagline I promise!
This is a real problem, Kirk. Now what do you want to do?
This is a real tagline!
This is a really strange place to find a Jedi Master
This is a really strong drug, Tom concluded
This is a really stupid palindromemordnilap diputs yllaer a si sihT
This is a recording
This is a recording - Remix
This is a recording -- TMBG Remix
This is a recording.
This is a recording. I'm afraid Holly is busy at the moment. - Holly
This is a recording. I'm afraid he's is busy at the moment.
This is a recursive Tagline. If you're not bored, read it again
This is a rotten argument, but it should be good enough for thier lordships on a hot summer afternoon
This is a safe place, no matter what the mathematician is saying
This is a sample Recipe. Ignore it.
This is a sample Tagline. If it were real, it would be funny!
This is a sample tagline. Ignore it.
This is a satisfied tagline
This is a self-referential tagline
This is a serious Tagline....stop laughing....stop! STOP!
This is a shareware .signature. If you have been amused by what you have
This is a sickbay, not a conference room. Visiting hours are over.
This is a simple one, Colonel. Cover me while I fire the Behemoth
This is a simulated Tagline to keep the Sysop happy
This is a stable environment - do not open Windows.
This is a stick up! Give me all your lupins! -D. Moore
This is a stick-up! Fax me all your money!!
This is a stick-up! Give my all your cache.
This is a stolen tagline
This is a sunny opening - Crow
This is a surrealistic tagline. Fish.
This is a swiped Tagline
This is a tag line requires no thought.
This is a tag line. Usually, it is funny
This is a tag line. ThIs IS a taGLinE on DRuGs.
This is a tagline I'm adding
This is a tagline non-tagline
This is a tagline of the Emergency Broadcast System. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
This is a tagline on a message. Any Questions?
This is a tagline re-run. All writers are on strike
This is a tagline virus. Kiss C:\*.* goodbye!
This is a tagline virus: go ahead and copy me!
This is a tagline- whatever that is!
This is a tagline. ++|$ is a +aGLiNE on dPuG$. Any questions?
This is a tagline. It was a book before taxes.
This is a tagline. This --> ˜þ¾) is a tsgline on drugs
This is a tagline. This is ONLY a tagline..BEEEEEEPP!
This is a tagline...handle with care.
This is a tagline...tag it, snag it, bag it.... PLEASE!
This is a tagsentence in a tagline in a tagparagragh.
This is a tall request for Allentown this time of night - Scully
This is a temporary tagline
This is a terrible lapse of logic.
This is a test ... Now returning to regular mesages
This is a test for my tagline. Those who get it are welcome to reply.
This is a test of the EBS. This is ONLY a test.
This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an actual emergency, do you really think we'd stick around to tell you?
This is a test of the Emergency Tagline Broadcast System.
This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System
This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System. This is only a test.
This is a test of the Emergency Tagline System. X
This is a test of the Emergency recipe System
This is a test of the emergency tagline stealing system.
This is a test of the emergency tagline system. <Beeeeeeeeep<
This is a test of the tagline warning system. If this were a real tagline, you would have been asked to read and follow its instructions. --W.Jim Sutton
This is a test tag.
This is a test tag.
This is a test tagline for the new tagline submition page
This is a test, If this were an actual conspiracy
This is a test, If this were an actual conspiracy
This is a test. Please ignore -- oops, too late ;').
This is a test. Had it been an actual attack,
This is a test. Had it been an actual attack, the warning system wouldn't have worked
This is a test. Please do not adjust your modem.
This is a test. Please ignore -- oops, too late ;').
This is a test. This is ONLY a test
This is a test...For the next sixty seconds
This is a two -headed sword:it could grow like a mushing room. -G.Lewis
This is a very dangerous and uncertain world. - John F. Kennedy
This is a very old trick. Janeway
This is a virtual tagline
This is a work-free smoke-place.
This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in. Dickens
This is absurd! - Bloski
This is absurd. EHMP
This is abuse, arguments are down the hall.
This is abuse. Complaints are down the hall
This is abuse. Arguments are down the hall.
This is actually the hottest scene so far - Crow T. Robot on ducks
This is addictive, I've got to read more
This is all *your* doing, @LN@! -- David Voss
This is all YOUR doing, @FN@!
This is all YOUR doing, @TOFIRST@!
This is all YOUR doing, Bullitt!
This is all YOUR doing, Orville!
This is all YOUR doing, YOU!
This is all a bad dream... - The Penguin
This is all a modem-induced hallucination.
This is all beginning to sound a bit like dago talk to me. -George,BA2
This is all from memory, Tom wrote.
This is all from the steering wheel's point of view - Tom
This is all modem-induced hallucination
This is all my fault
This is all speculation, Commander. - Dejar
This is all the power you ever had, and now it's mine
This is all the power you ever had, and now it's mine. -- Top Dollar
This is all we need, another Alien!!!!!
This is all your fault, you know. Paris
This is all your fault, you little glob of tuberculoid sputum. - Kryten
This is all, of course, utter crap that I just made up.
This is almost (but not quite) as bad as bumper stickers.
This is amazing! - Crow on female wrestlers
This is an (UNAUTHORIZED) tagline
This is an ATM: Press ALT-H for $50, or Press CTRL-ALT-D
This is an ATM: Press F1 for $20 F2 for $50 and wait
This is an Albotros
This is an ECHO- why do I see messages only once??
This is an EX-parrot!
This is an IBM Manual scroll --More--
This is an Offline Mail Reader tagline! ;)
This is an RKO Radio Tagline ...- ...- ...-
This is an SOS Call from the mining ship Red Dwarf
This is an SOS distress tagline from the mining ship Red Dwarf.
This is an Unregistered Evaluation Signature. It will stop functioning after 23 more days
This is an Untagline.
This is an acronym free zone (AFZ for short)
This is an air conditioned PC - do not open Windows!
This is an airlock, Allow me to demonstrate Worf
This is an almost new, witty, oft stolen tagline
This is an alternate universe.
This is an arrogant and patronizing tagline. :)
This is an asterisk *! This is an asterisk on drugs @! Any questions?
This is an astonishing breakthrough. Romulan
This is an automated reply. Please do not respond.
This is an egg. This is a frying pan. Any questions?
This is an egg... this is an egg on a 486DX-50 cpu
This is an emergency announcement. - Holly
This is an ex-parrot!
This is an ex-tagline!
This is an execution... I never had a chance... - Lucas Kagan
This is an exhibition, not a competition. Please, no wagering.
This is an honor that thrills me down to my toenails. - Henry
This is an imitation diamond, said Tom stonily.
This is an impatient baby. * Pulaski
This is an interesting, but perverse, point of view
This is an inuslt up with which I will not put!
This is an offense-optional message.
This is an official moderator message
This is an operating table, and I am the surgeon.
This is an original tagline from Mark Baum (c) @DATE@
This is an outrage! No, this is insurance.
This is an outrage!If I were you I wouldn't pay it.
This is an ultimate coffee collection from the past 15 months, sorted,
This is an unauthorized cybernetic announcement.
This is an unprecedented medical procedure. Doctor
This is an unregistered Tagline
This is ancient Greece! They didn't have ruins yet! -- Crow
This is another Politically Correct Tagline, you bigot!
This is another fine addiction you've gotten me into!!
This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, R-2..!
This is another fine myth you've gotten me into
This is another fine myth you've gotten me into! - Lor L. and Har D.
This is another fine myth you've gotten me into.
This is another manually entered tagline for those interested
This is another time, another place, another situation. - Kirk
This is as bad as it can get, but don't bet on it.
This is as much fun as a G-rated pornflick
This is as much fun as you can have with your clothes on.
This is as real as your so-called life gets. -Q
This is as useful as underarm deodorant for snakes
This is as vile as the Threepenny Opera, said Tom curtly.
This is awful. So awful I'm groaning myself to death! - Anarion
This is because reason was, in fact, out to lunch. 'GUIDE'
This is becoming one of those Tick-things again, isn't it? - Arthur
This is better than Leningrad! - Chekov
This is better than going shopping! - Prisma
This is better then telling my little sister she's adopted
This is between ME & the fireplug! - Crow fights w/Tom
This is both message and tagline!
This is called 'Follow the Burning Doctor' - Crow
This is called `Follow the Burning Doctor'. -- Crow T. Robot
This is called sympathetic magic. Sylvia
This is certainly more fun than being hit with a hammer.
This is change? Couple thousand dollar parking at LAX Runway
This is clearly another case of too many mad scientists, and not enough hunchbacks
This is complex, Tom calculated differentially.
This is cool, but can we take it easy with the taglines?
This is corny. They're CORN CZECHS! - Tom
This is crazy! You're out of a storybook, a fairy tale! - O'Brien
This is crazy. This is just impossible. Chakotay
This is curare! Didn't you read the bottle? -- Hawk to Winchester
This is day 1456 of your 30 day Tagline evaluation period
This is day 637 of the hostage crisis for the rich and the dead
This is definitely illegal. - The Tick, about Idea Men
This is delicious. What is it?
This is different than I remember. - Riker
This is disgusting!!! - The Tick
This is done with smoke signals. There is no computer.
This is down. Down is good. This is up. Up is no
This is down. Down is good. This is up. Up is no. - Data to Spot
This is down. This is up. Down is good. Up is no. --Data
This is downtown Death - Crow
This is driving me crazy!
This is easy... it makes you want to do it in the street! - arifel
This is either a forgery or a damn clever original!
This is especially true when dealing with someone you're
This is especially true when dealing with someone you're attracted to
This is even better than a DuckTales episode, Brain!
This is even hoakier than the one they aired on the FOX network."--DS
This is even more painful than it looks. - Homer Simpson
This is every Cook's opinion, No savoury dish without an onion - Swift
This is exactly how I lost my liscense. - Nancy
This is express written consent of Major League Baseball.
This is extraordinarily bad.
This is fake...I really don't have a tagline.
This is fascinating Don -- Herb the Penguin
This is foolish! -Picard
This is for his own good, right? -- Tom Servo
This is fortune #300. Understand it?
This is from the new Sinatra album - Mike on metal music
This is frozen cotton? - Mike on ice cream
This is fun
This is fun. Boy.....this is really fun!
This is fun. Women are always throwing themselves at me. Bill to Susan
This is fun? Are you mad? - Rimmer
This is getting as juicy as a grapefruit.
This is getting confusing!!! - Crow on senseless scene
This is getting deepwhere did I put those boots?
This is getting on my nerves - now that I have them. - Q
This is getting out of hand! We should seek GROUPer therapy!
This is getting to be a very long day! Diolus
This is getting way too hardy for me - Crow on movie
This is going out to one of you, whoever you are. -- Servo
This is going to be a long day - Peter Caine
This is going to be hard to watch! -- Crow T. Robot
This is going to make a fantastic story to tell around the station
This is going to sound very far-fetched... - Beverly
This is going to take a little time to explain - Riker
This is going to take crackerjack timing. - Jack Burton
This is gonna be a *really* long night! Scott Calvin
This is gonna be cool. - Butt-Head
This is gonna be exciting!! - Geordi
This is gonna be great!
This is gonna be much better'n pancakes! - Crow
This is gonna be something great - Joel on sexy girl
This is gonna be the death of me!
This is gonna hurt like hell
This is gonna suck! -- Crow T. Robot
This is good stuff. Is somebody writing it down?
This is good television...This is GENIUS! - Howard Stern
This is good! This is real! - Dr. Forrester
This is good. Definately good. Ä Runt
This is great art.
This is great, bugger the phone bill
This is ground control to Major Tom...Commencing countdown, engines on.
This is guaranteed to keep Voles away your Eminence,...it's a Palukoo
This is heavy stuff for a Sunday!
This is heavy. -Marty McFly
This is highly irregular, Dave
This is highly undignified. - Brain
This is highly unusual. - Data
This is history on the hoof! - The Tick
This is home - This is mean street
This is hopeless. Death would be preferable. Worf
This is hopeless. Fighting would be preferable.--Worf,
This is how he murdered the mystery writer, Tom described.
This is how it begins... -- Tommy
This is how my folks met - Mike on wild gang of teens
This is how to put an imp in a restraining jacket, Tom demonstrated.
This is how we say goodbye in Germany [BAM!] - Indiana Jones
This is how ya do The Watermelon Crawl
This is in Farsi. Did you know you can read Farsi?
This is incredible. - Q
This is incredible. --Sisko
This is indeed one for the archives!
This is information - NOT advice.
This is information! For advice, ask mommy!
This is irritating. - Butt-Head
This is is so far off-topic we need a Hummer to get through.
This is it! - Ivanova
This is it, Radar. We're approaching Nirvana. -- Hawkeye
This is it, are you sure you want it?
This is it- You little... Now, bow down to me. - Kamek
This is it. There's the core, over there. --Lt. Riker
This is just a hobby. Pefection is not required. Fun is
This is just a simulation, Lewis. None of this is real. - Barclay
This is just a tagline, try not to get too emotional.
This is just a tagline. The message is up above
This is just a test and can be deleted.
This is just a test to formulate the anguish and alleviate the pain.
This is just a test to formulate the anguish and alleviate the pain.
This is just a test--no matter what you say
This is just an informational message, please do not respond
This is just another altar in the Church of Pain
This is just another altar in the Church of Pain. - The Crow
This is just for you and your daddy ... a sort of father-son...thing
This is just not right! It's evil!
This is just one humble opinion. Write today, collect all ten!
This is just one humble opinion. Collect all ten!
This is kinda irritating. -Butt-Head
This is largely as I predicted, except the Silly Party won.
This is lemma 1.1. We start a new chapter so the numbers all go back to one
This is lemma 1.1. We start a new chapter so the numbers all go back to one. -- Prof. Seager, C&O 351
This is life but not as you know it Jim
This is like Gamera vs Zigra. Only with cowboys - Tom
This is like Hide & Seek: They Hide & I Seek!!!!
This is like Silverado only better-Crow on The Gunslinger
This is like a James Bond movie. huh huh huh
This is like a bad production of a Chekov play. -- Crow
This is like a totally different movie... -- Joel Robinson
This is like a zoo...where the keep cool people. huh huh huh
This is like all wimpy and stuff. - Beavis
This is like being nibbled to death by cats.
This is like deja vu all over again. - Yogi Berra
This is like spin, or your hand in belly dancing. --explaining multiply-valued functions
This is like watching paint dry. -- Tom Servo
This is loneliness. Oh, what a bitter thing. Companion/Hedford
This is loneliness? What a bitter thing ... it's so sad.
This is me we're talkin about......
This is me......This is me with a computer...@#%!@
This is me......This is me with a computer...@#%!@
This is meaningful only to a small select group, Tom added defusingly.
This is meaningless
This is meant to be a place of pain and misery and sorrow.-Black Adder
This is merely a hollow tube, Captain. - Spock
This is merely graffiti
This is more exciting than Woody Allen on Valium.
This is more fun than DSZ!
This is more fun than any human being should be allowed to have - Rush
This is more fun than electro-shock therapy!
This is more fun than humans should be allowed to have
This is more fun than sucking on a 9 volt battery!
This is more fun than two oatmeal boxes and string!
This is more fun than watching cartoons!!
This is more intense than a pit bull on crack!
This is more of that Klingon crap, isn't it? - Alexander
This is more than Chemistry 101, man. -- Tetsuo Shima
This is more than a simple tagline. It's a hug from me
This is more than just a tagline. It's a hug from me.
This is more... Klingon stuff, isn't it? -- Alexander
This is musical masturbation! - Butt-Head
This is mutiny
This is mutiny! said Tom bountifully.
This is my *BANG STICK*! -- Ash
This is my *BOOMSTICK*, you cretins! -- Ash
This is my Graceland, Sir. - Ace Ventura
This is my Last Message to you, The Hale Bopp UFO Awaits Me
This is my Origin-Line, do not copy
This is my Spock officer, Commander First, and Dr. McNeil...--Kirk
This is my all time best lucky find I ever found in the whole of today
This is my brain '@', this is your brain '.', any questions?
This is my brain. This is... Wait!! WHERE'S MY BRAIN?
This is my brain. This is...wait! Where's my brain?
This is my brain... This is... WAIT! WHERE'S MY BRAIN!??
This is my cat, there are many like it, this one is mine
This is my favorite Chinese soup, Tom said wantonly.
This is my favorite episode! -- Rita
This is my favorite tagline!
This is my fleet of Elvis impersonators - Joel
This is my fleet of Elvis impersonators. -- Joel Robinson
This is my four leaf clover.
This is my general humor, wit and wisdom selection. This collection
This is my honored duty, sir. -- The Ghurka
This is my last Tagline...Pleeeease don't steal it
This is my last sig. I gave up smoking
This is my love song...this is my love song
This is my only tag line
This is my only tagline.Please don't take it
This is my opinion, but it's for sale if you want it
This is my other computer, my main computer is a Model I TRS-80.
This is my pet tagline, @F.
This is my pet tagline, @TOFIRST@
This is my pet tagline, Orville.
This is my recipe and you can't have it.
This is my robot. There are many like it, but this one is mine
This is my second life. -- James Bond
This is my tag,there're many like it,this one is mine.
This is my tag...but you're IT !
This is my tagline Honey!
This is my tagline I can say whatever I want!
This is my tagline and you can't have it.
This is my tagline which gets appended to the end of my messages
This is my tagline, and you can not have it.HMPF! Nanny Nanny Na Na!
This is my tagline, and you can not have it.HMPF!nananana
This is my tagline, there're many like it, this one is mine!
This is my ultimate weapon. Robo A-Ko 839. -- B-Ko
This is my very favorite tagline
This is my world, and welcome to it. -- Crow T. Robot
This is neither a message nor a tagline
This is news. This is your brain on news. Any questions?
This is no computer! This is my arch enemy! - O'Brien
This is no computer! This is my arch-enemy! - Chief Mi
This is no computer, this is my archenemy! O'Brien
This is no drill, the threat is for real.
This is no family. This is a lab experiment.
This is no fun at all - Johnny Rotten
This is no game for old men! Send in the boys! - W. Hays
This is no manual shift car, Tom said automatically.
This is no more magic than a pair of fuzzy dice - Dana Scully
This is no ordinary fool you're dealing with!
This is no ordinary person you're dealing with here
This is no place for a gelding! - Crow as horse
This is no place for an entomologist. - Scully
This is no place for an entomologist." - Scully to Bambi (WotC)
This is no tagline, this is your imagination!
This is no test - repeat, this is no test
This is no time for heroics! - C-3PO
This is no time for love - Joel as guy takes off shirt
This is no time for love! -- Joel Robinson
This is no time for one of your stories. - Kira
This is no way to treat a visitor.
This is not Burger King. You will not get it your way
This is not Socialism - This is Bolshevism run mad!
This is not a @L tagline. You are not what you own.
This is not a Bald Spot, It's a solar panel for a sex machine.
This is not a Borg identification - Picard
This is not a Bullitt tagline. You are not what you own.
This is not a JOKE echo, this is a TAGLINE echo! Many taglines are funny,
This is not a Orville tagline. You are not what you own.
This is not a REAL tagline, but an incredible simulation!
This is not a Recipe, it is just line noise.
This is not a TAG LINE, I hate TAG LINES!!!!
This is not a Tagline, it is just line noise.
This is not a Warner Tagline. You are not what you own.
This is not a Warner tagline. You are not what you own.
This is not a black-and-white issue, Tom intoned.
This is not a bright idea -- Ro
This is not a clue.. or is it?
This is not a court of law. - Duncan MacLeod
This is not a daffodil! Repeat: This is not a daffodil! -Holly
This is not a dress rehearsal. It is real life
This is not a fairing, it's a force field.
This is not a false alarm, this is not a test -Rush
This is not a joke. Please ignore it
This is not a man, it's a monster! - Mulder
This is not a message... Talking about over quoting!!!
This is not a mission. It's personal. Picard
This is not a moment I've been looking forward to. - Q
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. -- Dorothy Parker
This is not a pre-made tagline from SLMR.
This is not a randomly generated tag line
This is not a real tagline...just a bland, tasteless tofu substitute
This is not a rebel song, this is 'O Canada'!
This is not a recipe
This is not a recipe - It's a political statement
This is not a recipe...
This is not a self-referential tagline
This is not a tag line
This is not a tag line, just an illusion
This is not a tagline - It's a political statement
This is not a tagline and has no business being here.
This is not a tagline, it is just line noise.
This is not a tagline, this is a tagline/Transaction In Progress-- Please Hope (Or Pray)
This is not a tagline, trust me!
This is not a tagline.
This is not a tagline. It is only your imagination.
This is not a tagline. It's just highly coincidental line noise
This is not a tagline. Make no mistake about it. NOT a tagline!
This is not a tagline...
This is not a tagline..so don't steal it!
This is not a valid tagline. Please choose another.
This is not a wise thing for you to do. - Delenn
This is not a zoological expedition. Kirk
This is not an abandoned vehicle
This is not an offer to sell securities.
This is not at ALL relevant! - Ilon Tandro
This is not fun. I had fun once, and it wasn't like this!
This is not goodbye. It's just I won't ever see you again. - Drebbin
This is not how I am
This is not like the simulation. *That* delivery was orderly.--Worf
This is not my beautiful BBS, this is not my beautiful modem
This is not my beautiful off-line mail reader!
This is not my beautiful tagline!
This is not my best tagline but that's... okay
This is not my fantasies. I couldn't print them if it were!
This is not my homeworld!
This is not my life! Picard/Kamin
This is not one of those tired old SLMR tag lines
This is not part of the message so don't read it
This is not quite entirely unlike a tagline
This is not really happening --Tori Amos
This is not some place you just wander into. Washuu-chan
This is not the 17th Parallel in Korea. - Clinton [That's 38th, dork!]
This is not the cattle market of Shaum Hii. - Pellaeon
This is not the classroom, this is recess. -- Barb Jernigan
This is not the clintonista thread
This is not the kind of guy to wack a kid. - Joe Dawson
This is not the one I wanted...But it will have to do
This is not the only grey town I could go to - Crow
This is not the signature
This is not the time - ... for what?
This is not the time for a funny tagline
This is not the way to attract the convention crowd. --Salmoneus
This is not thought control. Think about it!
This is not what I had in mind. Janeway
This is not what I signed up for!!! -Kira
This is not what you think.
This is not your father's Probe.
This is not your imagination. It is just a tagline.
This is not your normal faerie tale
This is nothing that a few soap sandwiches couldn't straighten out!
This is now. Later is later.
This is odd. - Scully
This is off-center
This is offensive on so many levels. -- Joel Robinson
This is on ordinary fool you're dealing with!
This is on your permanent record at the Credit Bureau !!
This is one man who left his heart in San Francisco. - Scully (HM)
This is one night you're not turning me out. <Clark Gable>
This is one of god's creatures-Sister
This is one of my medical instruments. - Beverly
This is one of my... medical instruments. -- Crusher
This is one of the longer tag lines that I have read
This is one of the many times I find myself *not* envying you your job!
This is one of those joke things, isn't it.--Odo
This is one of those lines that is high on my "next" list.
This is one of those memorable moments even *I* think I'm disgusting
This is one of those thinking problems, isn't it? Tick
This is one puppet who doesn't like her strings pulled. -- Kira
This is only a demo reply
This is only a drean, REPEAT This is only a dream!
This is only a tagline. For the next 60 seconds, We'll be
This is only a test
This is only a test. Had this been an actual tagline
This is only a test. If Bill Clinton had been an actual President
This is only a test. Had this been an actual Recipe
This is only an exhibition. Please, no wagering.
This is only nightmare culture!
This is only one tagline of millions.
This is only temporary, unless it works. - Red Green
This is our Big Exit...Remember, it's the Deadly Bulb! - aka Pig Leg
This is our new Ethernopian, Starvin' Marvin. - Kyle, South Park
This is our new song, `Plastic Man'! -- Dr. Forrester
This is our only tag line.
This is our point of origin: the star we know as Sol. Kirk
This is our security chief Worf, wanna beat him up?
This is our security officer Mr Worf. Would you like to beat him up?
This is our tournament. Mortal Kombat. We fight it. - Johnny Cage
This is part of that Klingon stuff, isn't it? -- Alexander
This is phlegm...This is mucous - Tom as home ec teacher
This is ponderous, man Really PONDEROUS.
This is power steering, Tom said automatically.
This is precisely the sort of thing that people who like this sort of thing will like.
This is prefect weather for today's game. Not a breath of air. C.Gowdy
This is pretty exciting for a Thursday!!
This is probably the wrong conference for this message!
This is rather complex for an Aussie.
This is really expanding my notion of womanhood - Crow
This is really getting on my nerves, now that I have them.-Q
This is really great, we should do this more often. - Lois Lane
This is really stupid!
This is really weird, Herc! -- Crow T. Robot
This is revenge for all the arguments he lost.
This is rich! 'Bad Command Or Filename' -Tom Servo using a PC
This is ridiculous. Janeway
This is ridiculous. Kes
This is ruining my sitting down time - Tom as cop
This is sad. - Slappy
This is science, not Romper Room - Dr. Forrester
This is so *almost* Mitchell... -- Tom Servo
This is so ALMOST Mitchell - Tom on lame TV Movie
This is so cool I have to go to the bathroom - Calvin
This is so easy...it MUST be wrong!
This is so far off-topic we need a Hummer to get through.
This is so goofy. Operation Goofy now in effect - Tom
This is so humiliating. - Zazu
This is so much work you probably want to give up, and you're right!
This is so nuts. I mean, listen to what you're saying. <Burke>
This is so sweet, I'm getting cavities! - Beryl
This is some rescue!
This is some rescue! - Leia
This is something that just can't be understood. -Rush
This is starting to get boring
This is starting to get interesting
This is starting to get interesting, don't you think?
This is starting to get interesting...
This is steak, not rocket science! (Dex to Tam, just last night...)
This is still a free country where every man can do as his wife pleases
This is still a free country, ain't it?
This is stun setting. <zeet> This is not. <ZOT> -Data
This is stupid. huh huh huh
This is such a satisfactory conclusion- Crow
This is supposed to be me? Sheridan
This is tagline 3 of tagfile 5 reporting for duty!
This is tagline number 225 in my file.
This is that thing you call sarcasm, isn't it?
This is the *Last* time I hhighjack an organic foods truk -- Tom
This is the *Tagline Addict* here! ... See my Tagline List to ALL!
This is the 90's, pal. Wake up and smell the cappuccino
This is the Afterlife. And I'm God. Q
This is the Army, not Park Avenue. -- Potter to Winchester
This is the Bobbitt tagli
This is the Borg, prepare to be assimilated... oops out of memory
This is the Central Scrutinizer
This is the Central Scrutinizer.... - F. Zappa, JOE'S GARAGE
This is the Coda, said Tom finally.
This is the END of this thread. Thank you
This is the Engineering section. Kirk
This is the Enterprise. I'm Jean-Luc Picard
This is the Essence of Normality
This is the FCC !@#$&&%*#$ NO CARRIER
This is the Gene Police. You- let's see your IUD!
This is the Independent Broadcasting Authority.
This is the LAST time I take travel suggestions from Ray Bradbury!
This is the LAST time I take travel suggestions from Ray Bradbury!
This is the MSNTBC Television Network
This is the OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!
This is the OFFICIAL tagline of the 1996 Olympics!
This is the PC-Addicts echo, all members are committed!
This is the Police. Drop your carrier. We have you surrounde
This is the Recipe to end all Recipes.
This is the Taglines Echo. It is *INTERNATIONAL* & open to everyone.
This is the Taglines echo. Its purpose is the sharing of those wonderful,
This is the Truth, this is Bob... -- The Teachings of Bob
This is the U.S. Secret Servic#$!&&@#!$ NO CARRIER
This is the United States of America, not the United Way. - Rush L
This is the Usenet: do you expect anything other than gross generalizations?
This is the Usenet: do you expect anything other than this?
This is the Winter of our discontent
This is the ____LAST time I take travel suggestions from Ray Bradbury!
This is the `A-Go-Go' part. -- Joel Robinson
This is the android that I respect in battle -- Sela
This is the answer on Final Jeopardy. What is to do it with phrases?
This is the answer to ALL the prophesies of my life. - Kai Opaka
This is the beginning
This is the beginning of the end. - Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand
This is the beginning of the last thing you read
This is the best Sol Bass credit sequence, EVER - Mike
This is the best biography of me I've ever read. - Lawrence Welk
This is the best planet on Earth! (Dan Quayle)
This is the best tagline in the known universe.
This is the best tasting sword ever! -- Mike Nelson
This is the best tasting sword, ever! - Mike as hero
This is the big chase scene, folks! -- Crow T. Robot
This is the big one, I'm falling in love.
This is the big one, there's nowhere to run.
This is the body I was issued, not the one I requested!
This is the castle of my master, Dweezil Water!
This is the castle of my master, Guido La Woppa!
This is the chase...Rocky & Ken! - Tom sings
This is the city, I'm a sysop, I carry a modem
This is the city. I work here. I carry a badge
This is the coming of the century - Course of Empire
This is the coolest video I've ever seen in my life!
This is the current rewrite of 'Ode to Spot.' - Data
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!
This is the day I'm going to make firm decisions! I think
This is the day for firm decisions! Or is it?
This is the day the teddy bears fly to venus - Tom sings
This is the day the teddy bears fly to venus... -- Tom Servo
This is the doctor speaking. Doctor
This is the earliest I've ever been late
This is the end of the message. You can stop reading now.
This is the end/my only friend, the end...--The Doors
This is the engines. Scotty can't take much more!
This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware.. (burp) Still good!
This is the female's *true* appearance. The Keeper
This is the fight...Rocky & Ken! - Tom sings
This is the first age that's paid much attention to the future, which is a
This is the first day of my last days - NIN
This is the first numerical problem I ever did
This is the first numerical problem I ever did. It demonstrates the power of computers:
This is the first sentence in a new paragraph. -David Moser
This is the first step towards my thesis, said Tom abstractly.
This is the first tagline I ever stole!
This is the first time I ever broke into a bell. -- Klinger
This is the first time this ever happened again!
This is the fourth? - Thomas Jefferson's last words, (died 4th of July)
This is the future. People translated as data. -Bryce Lynch
This is the garden spot of Ceti Alpha 6. * Chekov
This is the general's jack! - Radar. Salute it and get in. - Hawk
This is the gift? --Quark
This is the greatest country in America. Bill Peterson FL St coach
This is the greatest planet on earth
This is the greatest thing since sliced toothpaste. - Cadigan
This is the greatest thing since sliced toothpaste. - Synners.
This is the hairshirt I wear; it's woven from your brown hair.--BNL
This is the happiest moment of my life! No, this is. No, this is!
This is the hottest Petty Coat Junction ever! -Tom leers
This is the key to a new order. - Tron
This is the kind of $hit I have to put up with. -HRC, about fan's gift
This is the kind of conversation that can only end in a gunshot.
This is the kind of scene Ed Wood does really well - Mike
This is the land of my family. Spock
This is the language you will NOT be hearing tonight! - G. Carlin
This is the last day of the first part of your life.
This is the last of the bathroom tissue - Crow
This is the last sentence of the story. This is. Sorry. -David Moser
This is the latest victim..... - Mulder
This is the leap from Hell! When is it going to end? -- Sam
This is the left,...this is the right,...centre,.....surround
This is the light-hearted portion of our movie... -- Crow
This is the longest continuous vomit seen on Broadway
This is the machine that goes 'PING!'
This is the maximum length of any tagline BlueWave will allow.------>|
This is the mess hall. If you're dying for a Big Mac, you're out of lu
This is the moment I was BORN for! Now go, GO, GOOOOOOOOO!
This is the morning of the day of the night of the Oscars
This is the most *inconvenient* war in history!! -- Winchester
This is the most blasphemous and offensive Tagline I could think of
This is the most common language used on micros, said Tom basically.
This is the most dramatic asbestos suit scene - Joel
This is the most dramatic asbestos suit scene... -- Joel Robinson
This is the most exciting asbestos suit scene I've ever seen
This is the most prized of royal jewels, for your lovely neck! Petri
This is the most severe punishment; finding out you are wrong!
This is the ninth possibility, Leo. -- Murtaugh
This is the official Bobbitt tagli
This is the official tagline of Electronic Emotions, mak
This is the one I'll be remembered for. - Ed Wood
This is the one that's really going to sizzle old Slugworth - Willy Wonka
This is the only place around, it must be the place.
This is the only tagline I have.
This is the only tagline I have. Would you like to buy a bridge?
This is the only time i really feel alive -- NIN
This is the panel I saw myself open. --O'Brien
This is the part where @FN@'s head explodes!
This is the part where @TO@'s head explodes. *BOOM*
This is the part where @TOFIRST@'s head explodes
This is the part where Bob's head explodes.
This is the part where Chrissy's head explodes.
This is the part where George's head explodes.
This is the part where I run like hell.
This is the part where Orville's head explodes.
This is the part where Scott's head explodes.
This is the raw file; looks a bit different than my edited ones do. :)
This is the really real world, there aint no comin' back!
This is the really real world; there ain't no coming back... -- Crow
This is the recession we had to have
This is the recipe Australia had to have!
This is the restored second unit director's cut - Tom
This is the result of too many lost clusters!
This is the second-most exciting thing I've held in my hand
This is the seminefrious tubloidial buttnoids
This is the shabby furnished room of my dreams - Crow
This is the short version. The long answer is even less interesting.
This is the shot they used for the album cover - Tom
This is the small-intestine-scope... -- Joel Robinson
This is the song right after the train chase! -Tom sings
This is the sort of English up with I will not put
This is the sort of English up with which I will not put. - Winston Churchill
This is the story of the LAST of the Babylon stations.
This is the strangest debate format I've ever seen. -- Joel
This is the stuff from which dreams are made.
This is the sysop, please log off. Thanx. SUCKER!
This is the tag that never ends--it just goes on and on my friend
This is the tagline Australia had to have!
This is the tagline to end all taglines.
This is the tagline you are reading right now.
This is the time of year (summer) when the nudist colonies are full.
This is the time, and this is the record of the time.
This is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. And now you know why
This is the uniform of a great man! "Does he know you're wearing it?"
This is the very false gallop of taglines. --Tagspeare
This is the very false gallop of verses. <Shakespeare>
This is the voice of World Control
This is the voice of world control. I have brought peace
This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper. - T. S. Eliot
This is the way. Walk ye in it. -- Isiah 30:21
This is the worst disaster in CA since I was elected. - Pat Brown
This is time travel, Tom said relatively.
This is to inform you that the Iraqi Forces in Defense of Saddam have placed a bomb in an undetermined location which will explode at precis
This is to let you know that there is a smell coming from the man next door. - Another tennant complaint
This is too easy a city to die in -- Mari Cabrah, Black Fury
This is too much for one person. Even you. -- Hawkeye to BJ
This is too much like reality for me.
This is too silly--I'm putting an end to it!
This is top priority. Janeway
This is torture! Change it! huh huh huh
This is tranya. I hope you relish it as much as I.Balok
This is true... but unhelpful. - Arthur Dent
This is truebut unhelpful. Arthur
This is ultimately a problem of art, not of science
This is unheard of in a divorce settlement Mrs. Bobbitt!
This is up for Best Picture - Tom on 'Time of the Apes'
This is usually a good thing
This is virtual reality? I may be sick.... - Sam
This is weird, listening to them plan our funeral. --Geordi
This is weird. Very weird. I like it!
This is what Carin Armlin babbled to All before I perverted it
This is what I do for FUN, can you imagine my JOB??
This is what I do for fun, can you imagine my job?
This is what Michael Degroot babbled to All before I perverted it
This is what a FEMINIST looks like!
This is what happens when you bob for french fries. -- Crow
This is what is laughingly known as my apartment. Gregory Peck
This is what it sounds like when Morn cries
This is what it sounds like when doves cry. -- Prince
This is what started the electronic revolution??
This is what the holidays are all about - a bunch of friends sitting together and chewing gum
This is what we call The Muppet Show! SWISH <<<<BLAM>>>>
This is what you might call an Odo episode. Or, Columbodo.
This is what you wanted, this is what you're gonna get!
This is what's known in film lingo as 'filler' - Crow
This is what's known in film lingo as `filler'. -- Crow T. Robot
This is when hope and desire collapse,
This is when the night comes down a hammer on an anvil.
This is where @ is !
This is where Aldo Farnese got his start - Tom on credits
This is where Donny and Marie usually come out. -- Joel
This is where Forrest Gump shows up - Crow
This is where Forrest Gump shows up. -- Crow T. Robot
This is where I belong. Bashir
This is where I came in ... - Don Horton
This is where I live. This is my home. - Mullibok
This is where Mr. Hooper died - Tom
This is where heroes are made. - Doctor Bashir
This is where it gets a little wild, Captain. --La Forge
This is where it gets a little wild... -- LaForge
This is where the Pink Panther comes in - Crow on music
This is where the Pink Panther comes in... -- Crow T. Robot
This is where the sepia tone really paid off - Mike
This is where the tagline goes, right?
This is where they play the wedding march on bongos -Tom
This is where you fall down. - Johnny Cage
This is where you pucker up and KISS my ASS..." - Skinner
This is where you pucker up and kiss my @ss!"--Skinner to Cancer Man
This is where you pucker up and kiss my a**! --Skinner
This is where you pucker up and kiss my ass - Skinner to Cancerman
This is why Ed Wood gets final cut - Crow
This is why Ed Wood gets final cut. -- Crow T. Robot
This is why it takes two to launch a nuclear missile
This is worse than anything imaginable. -- Sam Beckett
This is wrong! Think about it! - Mike to Crow
This is yor CPU on Windows !##$%#)@*
This is you......This is you with a computer... $# !
This is your Amoeba *. This is your Amoeba on drugs . Questions?
This is your Brain: OS/2; your brain on UNIX $*#$(%!%!()%
This is your CPU -.- This is yor CPU on Windows !#$%)*
This is your PC. Ñ׋$ ‹$ íær P€ ™ï DâšG$ !!!
This is your PC. This is your PC on OS/2. Any questions?
This is your PC... **is *s *o*r ** o* Dr*gS
This is your Replies Conference on autopilot.
This is your SysOp. ****s *s *ou* S*z*p *n **ugz
This is your Sysop. +++|s |$ youI s+sop on dfuga.
This is your Sysop. +++!s s you( s+sop on qTuga.
This is your Sysop. s s ou ssop ug.
This is your Sysop. Âôs is ˜ouô sËsop ¢¤ ëçug‘
This is your brain @ This is a file leech's brain * Any questions?
This is your brain o This is your brain on Tribbles *
This is your brain ... This is your brain on Windows.
This is your brain C:\> This is your brain on drugs C:\ELDERS>
This is your brain Orville. This is your brain without psychedelics; _.
This is your brain This is your brain on Windows.
This is your brain [.], here it is on your windshield [*], buckle up!
This is your brain in Wayne's World
This is your brain o This is your brain on tribbles *.
This is your brain on HydraCom
This is your brain on IDE... -- me
This is your brain on bugs..Any Questions?
This is your brain on drugs as part of our Grand-Slam Breakfast!
This is your brain on drugs with a side order of bacon.
This is your brain on drugs, toast and coffee
This is your brain on drugs. Any questions? Any bacon?
This is your brain on genealogy? Any questions?
This is your brain on the box. This is my brain on the box. -Riddler
This is your brain on the box... - The Riddler
This is your brain with a side order of bacon.
This is your brain-->.<-- Here's your brain on Bluewave-->!<--
This is your brain. This is your brain on Trek. Any questions?
This is your brain. Postscript on brain your is This.
This is your brain. This is your brain on a Beakman. -- Josie
This is your brain. This is your brain with some bacon and some coffee
This is your brain. This is your brain with some coffee
This is your brain. ( x ) this is your brain without reference material( )
This is your brain. Fidonet on brain your is This.
This is your brain. T h i s i s y o u r b r a i n i n W i n d o z e
This is your brain. This is Barney. No more brain. Questions?
This is your brain. This is your brain on Pentium. Any questions?
This is your brain. This is your brain on a Braingyser.
This is your brain. ThisIsYourBrainOnTaglines.
This is your brain. o This is your brain on tribbles. *
This is your brain... Th@s iz yer brAi¥ on PKZip 2.04g
This is your brain... This is your brain on hollow-points
This is your brain... this is your brain on 486DX-50
This is your brain....®® ÂôS ³S íæÚ áâàŒï éê ÅÕ¸Gœïîs ¯¯
This is your brain...THIS is your brain on DOS!
This is your brain...THIS is your brain on Windows!
This is your brain...this is your brain on DOS...
This is your brain...this is your brain on UNIX
This is your brain..BANG!..This is your brain on the floor..Questions?
This is your brain: . This is my brain: O Any questions?
This is your brain: ARJ. This is your brain on drugs: ZIP
This is your brain; now this is your brain on DOS
This is your brainTHIS is your brain on DOS!
This is your brains on eggs... Any questions?
This is your chance to relax! - Quark
This is your computer on Windows 95...*&*%@#^8+H48"M~l4^#$#%NO CARRIER
This is your computer. I hate you. Quit touching me. Turn me off!!!
This is your computer. Do not fold, staple or mutilate. Kicking is all right
This is your computer. This is your computer on MS-DOS 6. Any ????
This is your creater speaking - Joel to Bots
This is your favorite transporter room, isn't it? Picard to O'Brien
This is your fortune.
This is your head. This is Henry Rollins stomping on it
This is your head..THiS iS yoUR HeAD On WindOwS
This is your idea of protection? Seska
This is your judgment day, bud. I gotta be cruel. - Cat
This is your last chance Jabba...free us or die!
This is your last chance to send $5 to: Greedy POB 666
This is your last chance, @TOFIRST@. Free us or die!
This is your last chance, Orville. Free us or die!
This is your last packet of Taglines..time to reorder.
This is your mind: O; This is your mind on Rush: _______;
This is your modem - h s $ m M gs.
This is your modem - fhis i$ moUG modEM on dGUgs
This is your modem on drugs!
This is your modem powered by Chevy u++e|+ NO CARRIER
This is your modem with GM parts u++e|+ NO CARRIER
This is your modem. *h** ** **** m***M ** ***gs. Any questions?
This is your modem. çh‹ ‹ ”šâ m”ëîM éï ëâšgs
This is your official tag line donation receipt. Keep for tax purposes
This is your opponent, Earthling. Gorn Captain to Kirk
This is your pizza -- çס ¡ øšâ ž ääê æŒç× êï‡×åû îs
This is your pizza. T++$ | YoUeg !zza ++i+X+ anc+O/e$
This is your pizza. çƸ$ ³. §šâ .!zzà ÓÙ‹ÅÞ» ¦ü›×èû‚$
This is your radio... THIS IS YOUR RADIO ON TUBES!
This is your recipe donation receipt. Keep for Tax Dept.
This is your soul without Christ . . . Sizzzzzzlllle
This is your sysop. ****s *s *ou* s*sop ** **ug*.
This is your sysop. Âôs s ˜ouô sËsop ¢¤ ëçug‘.
This is your sysop. +++|s is youI s+sop on dfuga.
This is your sysop. ****$ *s * *s** ** d**g$
This is your sysop. +++i$ !s a usEg on dgug$.
This is your sysop. +++|s is youI s+sop on dfuga.
This is your sysop. BC4-s
This is your sysop. BC4-s s out sKsop "$ kgug
This is your sysop. ÂÇ´‹$ s æsâ í¤ dâæg$.
This is your tagline donation receipt. Keep for Tax Dept.
This is your tagline on druœ¤ÆǼ§šÞèÉ¥®½¥¦ô
This is your tagline. Âô‘ ‡ åæç Œ⋤î é· ëÚæ‘
This is your train. This is your train with Botchmann. Any questions?
This is your tribble -> * This is your tribble on drugs ->
This is your two minute warning.
This is, of course, impossible
This is... excuse my language... damn good coffee.
This isn't Anarchy, this is Chaos.
This isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way
This isn't GROSS because there's less than 144 Taglines!!
This isn't Hell, but you can see it from here.
This isn't Hell, but you can see it from here. - The Crow
This isn't MAD MAX.....it's SAD MAX!
This isn't Star Trek, and I ain't Mr. Spock!
This isn't a Recipe, trust me.
This isn't a TAGLINE but it plays one on TV
This isn't a beer belly! It's a gas tank for a sex machine.
This isn't a case of burning the earrings on the front lawn. - A.S
This isn't a club, you can't just cancel your membership. -- MacLeod
This isn't a computer! It's my arch enemy! -- O'Brien
This isn't a computer,it's a hyperspatial field generator.
This isn't a cyanide tablet is it? - Mike
This isn't a holodeck, darling, this is real. * O'Brien
This isn't a joint...it's a frozen French fry. -Mary, 3rd Rock f/t Sun
This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs. - Dan Quayle
This isn't a meal, it's an autopsy! - The Cat
This isn't a meal, this is an autopsy! - Cat
This isn't a mealit's an autopsy! -- The Cat
This isn't a movie! It's an employment program! -- Crow
This isn't a real tag line. I'm too poor to invest in one.
This isn't a recipe, but it plays one on TV
This isn't a starship, Major. - O'Brien
This isn't a stolen tagline! It's just "previously viewed"!
This isn't a tag line. It just looks like one.
This isn't a tag, it's the message
This isn't a tagline, but it plays one on TV.
This isn't a tagline, it's the message
This isn't a tagline, trust me.
This isn't a tagline. It's an after-thought
This isn't a tagline; just highly coincidential line noise.
This isn't a thimble - it's Turkish nipple armor. - 3rd Rock
This isn't a very effective cemetary - Mike on zombie
This isn't a very good damnation sequence. - Crow T. Robot
This isn't about guts. She wants your head! -- Duncan MacLeod
This isn't all true
This isn't an Olympic event, there's no medal for coming in 2nd - DM
This isn't an accident that you're here, someone needs you
This isn't an arguement.Yes it is.No,it isn't.Yes it is
This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting
This isn't another singularity. It's the same one. Paris
This isn't blank, so it can't go anywhere.
This isn't brain surgery; it's just television
This isn't brain surgery; it's just television -- David Letterman
This isn't brain surgery; it's just television.
This isn't charming....it's CREEPY!
This isn't denial. I'm just very selective about which reality I accept
This isn't digital. Anna logged
This isn't flying! It's falling, with style! <Buzz Lightyear>
This isn't for a person. This is for Biosphere 3. - Jerry to Kramer
This isn't going to go away. Neither will I. - Dr. Stephen Franklin
This isn't hell but you can see it from here - The Crow.
This isn't hell, but I can see it from here.
This isn't hell. This is where you get sent when you've been bad in hell
This isn't hot. I mean it's hot but it's not HOT - Crow
This isn't me...my computer took over OLX!
This isn't meant to last. This is for right now
This isn't much of a cheese shop, is it?
This isn't my crusade, Agent Mulder. - Skinner (Apocrypha)
This isn't my pet - it's my LUNCH!!! þ Worf
This isn't my pet, this is my LUNCH! Worf
This isn't my pet, this is my lunch
This isn't my real name.
This isn't my tagline! Who put it here?
This isn't one of those kissing books, is it Grandpa?
This isn't over Benjamin! - Intendant
This isn't over, Benjamin. - Kira-2
This isn't real turtle soup, said Tom mockingly.
This isn't reality this is fantasy! - Uhura
This isn't right. This isn't even wrong.
This isn't right. This isn't even wrong. -- Wolfgang Pauli
This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery! - Monty Burns
This isn't some Deep Space franchise! Babylon 5 stands for something!
This isn't some Deep Space franchise! --- Ivanova, Babylon 5
This isn't some Deep Space franchise! --Ivanova.
This isn't some deep space franchise! -- Ivanova, TAtHL, by P. David
This isn't some terrible story about sushi is it? - Mulder
This isn't that Earl Grey stuff, is it?
This isn't the Dark Ages! This is 60 Million BC! - Robbie
This isn't the Junior Chamber of Commerce! - Janet Weiss
This isn't the Right Stuff. Its just *some* stuff! -- Mike
This isn't the Right Stuff. Its just some STUFF - Mike
This isn't the junior chamber of commerce!
This isn't what it looks like, Keiko, I swear. O'Brien
This item is simply an echo from between my ears!OJW
This job don't pay half what it's worth.
This joke is closed captioned for the humor impaired.
This joke is so funny you will laugh your tits off, Oh I see that you've heard
This just doesn't seem to be my day... - Monkees
This just in - GDW apologizes for Dangerous Journeys
This just in: UFO steals Bill Clinton! More after the g
This just in: Research causes cancer in rats!
This just in: UFO steals Bill Clinton! More after the game.
This just in: man attempting to walk around the world drowns.
This kangaroo's a lunatic, and his pouch is very full.
This kid has a +25 smile of charm that works overtime.
This kid's a real sadist. He locks the bathroom door on the nights of his grandfather's beer parties
This kind of help we don't need. - Sinclair
This kind of monster isn't made overnight. - Mulder
This kind of monster isn't made overnight. - Mulder (Irresistable)
This kinda' party isn't fun without heroin - Mike
This knob. I love to touch this knob!
This land has lots of trousers !
This land is full of mausers!
This land is your land, this land is my land.... --Woody Guthrie
This land is your land. This land is my land. So stay on your land
This land is yours. You must protect it. Marlon Brando
This land, wrought by the tempest of the Galia... - Dalmar
This learnin to live again is killin me
This legend could've used some punching up - Mike
This letter fills a much-needed gap.
This library isn't safe - I just stumbled on an idea
This life is a test
This life is a test. It is only a test.
This life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been an actual life, you would have received better instructions
This life is yours. Some of it was given to you; the rest, you made yourself
This life that lasts a thousands year, will soon be gone
This limerick is **SO**FILTHY** that it would offend you. So I'll put "di-dah" for the filthy words:
This line contains stanic message when read backward
This line for rent. Call Pacific Bell for rates
This line intentionally left blank
This line intentionally left blank (but not really!)
This line intentionally left blank.
This line intentionally left unjustified.
This line is for rent
This line is payware, please beware or be aware !
This line is subject to change wihout notice
This line is ugly !
This line is wasted space, but it was not my idea!!
This line left blank so Jim Weller can insert a new tagline.
This line left blank so YOU can insert a new tagline.
This line noise provided as a free service by Telstra
This line noise via GTE of Illinois!
This line reserved for funny tagline only
This line scientifically left blank
This line self explodes in 10 seconds.
This line was intentionally left blank :)
This line was shuffled by Mummy
This lion is a very fox for his valor. -- Shakespeare
This list is available from ftp.std.com, in the directory
This list was declared off-topic. At any rate it makes lousy Taglines.
This little baby has to go winky-tink all the time. Madeline Kahn
This little breach of security isn't going to affect my Cmas bonus?
This little one's not worth the trouble. - O. Kenobi
This little piggy cried "weeweewee"... He's just plain nuts.
This little piggy had roast beef. He's a glutton.
This little piggy stayed home. He's agoraphobic. -SLR
This little piggy went to market. He's a kleptomaniac. -SLR
This little piggy went to market. He's a shopaholic.
This login session: $13.76, but for you: $11.88.
This lonely tagline seeking a mate.
This looks like a discount for..Bartman! - Bart
This looks like a fine place for a murdah. Moe
This looks like a job for - DarkWing Decoy!
This looks like a job for Captain Lemming! <LEAP!> *CRASH*! [Tick]
This looks like a job for LEMMING MAN!!!
This looks like a job for Zimmerman! - Crow
This looks like a job for a Mighty Morphin' Rangerette! __Supergirl
This looks like a job for a big worm in a super suit! - Earthworm Jim
This looks like a job for the Caped Chameleon!!
This looks like a job for the Human Bullitt. Fire me, boy!
This looks like a job for...Bicycle Repairman!!!
This looks like a job for...TV ACTOR! - Tom
This looks like a job for...TV ACTOR! - Tom
This looks like a job forCAPTAIN LEMMING!
This looks like a major debug - Rollins
This looks like a matter of mind over mallard - DarkWing Duck
This looks like a psychotropic reaction - Wesley
This looks like a safe place to camp
This looks like another situation where you can't Winn or lose
This looks like it is working. Great
This looks like the front door. Should we ring the bell? - Riker
This looks tasteful... i'll get some sandpaper. - arifel
This lot means it. They're even taking hostages.
This machine is an instrument of terror.
This machine is temporarily *in* service
This machine kills liberalism.
This mail does not contain any tagline
This mail is Rot26-encoded
This mail is shareware, send me $5
This mail sent by a convicted tagline thief
This mail went farther than I ever did. ;)
This makes me VERY angry. --Marvin the Martian
This makes me chuckle a bit. - Anna Steven
This makes me so sore it gets my dandruff up. - Samuel Goldwyn
This makes sense. Hence, there is no way in hell it'll happen.--Tom
This makes you feel better??? <grin>
This makes you feel better??? <grin>
This malarkey brought to your computer by @TO@
This man has no <bleeping> neck!
This man is >MY< problem! Kirk re Finnegan
This man is dangerous. Utmost caution is to be observed. - Kirk
This man is dangerous; he believes what he says.
This man is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot
This man is frank and earnest with women. In Fresno, he's Frank and in Chicago he's Ernest. --Henny Youngman
This man is missing a nipple! - Crow
This man is missing a nipple! - Crow
This man is no ordinary man. This is Mr. F. G. Superman
This man is scaring me. - Wakko
This man is so cheap, he not only has the first dollar he ever made, but also the arm of the man who handed it to him
This man is wearing a push-up bra. NOW he's pleasing
This man needed a wife because sooner or later something was sure to happen that he couldn't blame on the government
This man shouldn't be dead.I can't find anything wrong with him.-McCoy
This man with a frog in his c
This man with a frog in his chest was missing... a kidney"-DS (3x19)
This man's dying! Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a.. err, oh, right
This man's wearing a push-up bra! - Crow
This man's wearing a push-up bra. Now HE'S pleasing! -- Crow
This man, with lime and roughcast doth, represent Wall. <Shakespeare>
This marble is as slippery as this marble. -Zaphod
This marks Logical End-Of-Message. Physical EOM follows.
This mask is awful itchy.-Space Ghost My underwear's too tight.-Brak
This may just be my opinion.. Aren't you glad I'm Right ?
This may look like a tagline, but its really not.
This may not be the best of all worlds, but it is certainly the most expensive
This may or may not be relevant.
This may smell bad kid. - Han
This may smell bad, kid, but it'll keep you warm... - Han
This means sudden death! The coach warned in Thai.
This means war! - Mr. Tator I thought it meant touchdown? - Yakko
This means war! I thought it meant touchdown?
This means war, ya know.
This means war. - Bugs Bunny
This meat is hard to chew, Tom beefed jerkily.
This memo from Department of Redundancy Department memo writers.
This mess is a place!
This message (C)@D@ Hormel Corp, makers of SPAM!
This message 100% matter. Do not expose to antimatter.
This message Pagan Friendly.
This message and Tagline (C) Copyright 1994.
This message and Tagline (C) Copyright @YEAR@
This message and recipe (C) Copyright 1994.
This message approved by Major League Baseball
This message base has become a rhetorical dumping ground.
This message brought to by The Wizzo Chocolate Company.
This message brought to you by 100% recycled electrons.
This message brought to you by PKZIP 2.04G and Blue Wave 2.12
This message brought to you by a dedicated cat lover
This message brought to you by sufficient coffee indigestion
This message brought to you by the Dept of Redundancy Department.
This message brought to you by the Wizzo Chocolate Company.
This message brought to you by the letters L & O and the number 69.
This message brougt to you by
This message came with *SPEED*
This message can be seen only on Pay-Per-View!
This message cleared by Iraqi censors.
This message comes from Alexandria, Virginia
This message comes from Wichita, Kansas
This message comes to you on 100% recyclable electrons.
This message contains 100% post-consumer electrons.
This message contains a concealed <fnord> activator
This message contains no aspartame
This message courtesy of Intel 80586 50/100 Mhz Prototype
This message created by pouring warm tea on a Ouija board
This message created using 100% recycled phosphors.
This message cruelly tested on small furry animals.
This message dedicated to the Easter Bunny
This message didn't deserve one of my GOOD Taglines.
This message does NOT require Microsoft Windows.
This message does not in any way diminish the earth's topsoil.
This message doesn't NEED a tagline!
This message doesn't deserve one of my GOOD taglines!
This message edited for the ironically impaired
This message encoded with Virtual Unreality.
This message entered before a live Studio Audience.
This message entered on 12-08-91 at 7:48am
This message entered while onboard an alien ship
This message for external use only.
This message from @TO was reformatted by TmNice !!
This message from Olive, the other reindeer!!!!
This message from another typical protoculture addict
This message from the Presidential Committee on Lower Expectations.
This message from...THE WINDOWS FREE ZONE
This message fulfills 100% of the U.S. R.D.A. for complet
This message gets two snaps up in a circle--two times!
This message got sent to you by using an old pony from the Pony Express
This message guarded by an attack llama
This message has AOL written all over it
This message has a brail tagline:
This message has a brail tagline: ... .. ..... . ....
This message has a valid AV and has not been tampered wit
This message has been Linuxed for your protection
This message has been UNIXized for your protection.
This message has been [Stoned]
This message has been approved as being truly faithful by Kai Winn.
This message has been approved by Kai Winn for general distribution
This message has been brought to you by the language C and the number F
This message has been brought to you by the letters A, B, C, D, E
This message has been brought to you by the number 5 and the letter F.
This message has been cruelly tested on cute furry little animals.
This message has been reviewed by The Censor (tm)
This message has been skipped for lack of naughty bits.
This message has no tagline.
This message has not been cruelly tested on cute little voles
This message interrupted by spouse with hot cupcakes w/lots of butter!
This message is $hareWare! To register, please send $20
This message is *not* off topic #@$(*&^& NO CARRIER
This message is SHAREWARE! To Register, send $5.
This message is a future echo - I haven't written it yet.
This message is a link. Click it
This message is a sensitive object. Do not mold, findle or sputilate
This message is a true statement, for sufficiently false values of true
This message is as useful as a violin with a spit valve
This message is best before: '06-Sep-94.
This message is best before: @D
This message is brought to you by compeletly unnatural ingredients.
This message is brought to you by, ME!
This message is closed-punchlined for the humor-impaired.
This message is constructed using re-cycled electrons
This message is crouched in language that is perfectly oblivious
This message is encrypted and it doesn't mean what it says
This message is environmentally friendly.
This message is everywhere at once
This message is for @N only!
This message is for external use only!
This message is from Hooterville. I climbed a pole with laptop.
This message is from a real cunning linguist!!!
This message is from the |<imberleigh |)evelopment /\ssociation
This message is humorous. [inserted for the smiley impaired]
This message is illogical. --Spock
This message is in many different places at the same time.
This message is just bound to catch the moderator's attention.
This message is made from 100% recycled electrons.
This message is made of fully recyclable Zeros and Ones
This message is not supposed to be here!
This message is not supposed to be here!
This message is on topic. On the wrong topic, but still
This message is only a promo. For the real fun get the @FROM@ box set!
This message is part of the Borg. If in doubt, look up and left.
This message is prepared in wsOMR v1.04b, simply the best
This message is printed with 100% recycled electrons.
This message is protected by cloaked Jem'Hadar soldiers
This message is proudly brought to you by......MaryD's House Of Oomox
This message is shareware. If you like it, pay me $25
This message is so old that it actually has mold on it.
This message is so simple even politicians understand it
This message is too good to pass up.
This message is totally nonfattening. Eat as much of it as you can.
This message is transmitted with 100% recycled electrons
This message is y1k compliant
This message is y1k compliantA cucumber doesn't care if you always spend the holidays with your family
This message made from 100% post-consumer data!
This message made from 100% recycled electrons
This message made from 100% recycled photons and electrons
This message made of recyclable electrons.
This message made possible by a grant from Jimmy Pearson
This message made with 100% recycled electrons
This message may have settled in shipping.
This message may or may not contain sarcastic content; you decide
This message meets all 1998 federal safety guidelines.
This message must be ignored by those on a diet!
This message needs more explosions and close-ups of butts. - Butthead
This message never happened!
This message not cleared by censors.
This message originates from Alexandria, Virginia
This message originates from Triangle, Virginia
This message originates from Wichita, Kansas
This message paid for by SDFA: The Society for a Democrat Free America.
This message patented in the year 1994.
This message printed on 100% recycled bandwidth
This message printed on recycled photons.
This message produced with 100% recycled electrons.
This message protected by Smith & Wesson
This message provided by the F.U.B.A.R. Racing Team
This message released to public domain. Use at your own risk
This message ripe when yields to gentle pressure
This message routed through @BBSID@!
This message sent VIA mind Implant
This message sent VIA mind Implant ..............
This message sent by writing it on a golf ball that I lost.
This message sent to participating locations only.
This message sent to you using a highly trained dolphin named Sid.
This message smiley captioned for the humor impaired.
This message sponsored by Doug's Yummy Chunky Gristle Treats.
This message subject to 8¬% sales tax
This message transmitted on 100% recycled electrons
This message typed with 100% recycled keystrokes
This message uses 100% recycled words
This message via MAILMAN and SLMR. Give it a try
This message was a wholly garbled version of what never took place
This message was brought to you by my USR Sportster 14,400/FAX modem.
This message was brought to you by the genes 14 and 22.
This message was brought to you by the letters B & D and the number 69
This message was created before a live studio audience.
This message was created using 100% genuine recyled electrons.
This message was cruelly tested on small, furry animals.
This message was cruely tested on cute little furry animals!
This message was delivered by recycled electrons
This message was hand-crafted in only the finest ASCII.
This message was inserted by mistake.
This message was made from Dolphin safe Ascii.
This message was not cleared by Iraqi censors.
This message was originally from Robert Heath
This message was posted automatically by McFly.
This message was posted automatically with PostMaster
This message was posted automatically with TranScan
This message was posted automatically without thought
This message was posted on America's Least Wanted!
This message was prerecorded.
This message was produced using speech technology
This message was provided by the F.U.B.A.R. Racing Team.
This message was sent to you via email in much the same way bricks aren't
This message was specially routed to you from Hell via FIDONet.
This message was specially selected for your viewing pleasure.
This message was typed in front of a live studio audience
This message was typed on recycled phosphorous.
This message was typed with recycled pixels.
This message was violently tested on cute, furry, lovable animals.
This message was written by pouring warm tea on an Ouiji board.
This message was written in the Key of H-Flat.
This message was written with recyclable keystrokes.
This message will catch the moderator's attention.
This message will destruct in 5 seconds
This message will self destruct in 2 seconds! Better Run!
This message will self destruct in 5 seconds...5..4..3..2
This message will self destruct in 9 seconds. Press "N" to abort.
This message will self implode in 5 seconds
This message will self implode in 5 seconds.............
This message will self-destruct
This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds.
This message will self-destruct in 5...4...3...2...1
This message will self-destruct in five minutes
This message will self-destruct in five seconds
This message will self-destruct in five seconds four three
This message will self-destruct in five seconds, better cum now!
This message will self-destruct in five seconds.
This message will self-destruct...
This message worth 2 cents and darn well worth it!
This message written by Dolphin Boy.
This message written by Sandy, a highly trained dolphin.
This message written by Zippy the Dolphin.
This message written to @TO@ on Star Date @SDATE@
This message written with recycled electrons
This message's content may have settled during shipping.
This messages was prerecorded.
This messsage is basis for a Doctorate Thesis
This meszage has bin spel chequed.
This method works fine for me.
This microdot (.) contains sexually explicit materials
This microdot contains the definition of SAMPO:
This microdot contains the secret formula for SPAM:
This microfiche goes back where it belongs, said Tom complacently.
This might be the perfect time to have a talk with my inner child. -F
This mind intentionally left blank.
This mind left blank intentionally
This minor bepetal species doesn't take kindly to being kidnapped
This mission will end in bloodshed. - Ro Laren
This model has been recalled! -- The Guyver
This modem will now self destruct... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0
This modem will now self destruct...5..4..3..2..1..0..
This moderator has achieved nuclear delivery capability.
This moment may be brief, but it can be so bright-RUSH
This moment of Serenity has been Sponsored by Sobriety!
This moment of Serenity is brought to you by Sobriety!
This morning I distinctly heard "Snap, crackle, f*ck you." - G. Carlin
This morning I distinctly heard Snap, Crackle, !#@& You
This morning I distinctly heard snap, crackle %&*! you. - G. Carlin
This morning I distinctly heard snap, crackle, f*ck you.
This morning I shot six holes in my freezer. -Buffet
This morning was a very good year. - Trapper, on Swamp hooch
This morning, I've gotta shave, said Tom, bristling
This moron took the screens off her windows to let the flies out
This moth-eaten wizard look is very clever. - Eric Thurley
This mouse is loaded, who's the designated driver?
This mouse thing gets cursor and cursor.
This movie *was* like watching paint dry. -- Tom Servo
This movie SUCKS! - Tom
This movie has a real Viewmaster quality - Crow
This movie has a real Viewmaster quality. -- Crow T. Robot
This movie has become abstract - Tom
This movie has become abstract. -- Tom Servo
This movie has deep meaning in some hoary dreamworld-Mike
This movie has severe Contra implications - Tom
This movie is a honk-shoo - Tom
This movie is fraught with meaningful looks - Tom
This movie just "faced" us - Crow
This movie just `faced' us... -- Crow T. Robot
This movie looks like a dramatization of a movie - Crow
This movie needs another big bowl of fresh Peaches - Crow
This movie sucks - Tom cries
This movie was the 'JAWS' of its day - Crow
This movie's equipped with air-bags! -- Tom Servo
This movie's filled to the brim with chin - Mike
This movie's filled to the brim with chin... -- Mike Nelson
This movie's lost it's creaminess - Mike
This movie's low on linguistic synapses - Crow
This movie's really getting to me! - Crow
This movie's relentless - Tom Servo
This movie's too clever to let that drop - Mike
This must be Bart, Lisa, and, uh, 'expecting'.. - Mr. Burns
This must be Nebraska
This must be Nebraska, Tom stated flatly.
This must be Thursday--I never could get the hang of Thursdays
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. - Arthur
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays. - Douglas Adams
This must be a Thursday, I never could get the hang of Thurdays. ADent
This must be a space first... - Kirk
This must be a terrible shock. - Nurse Chapel
This must be an aerobics class, Tom worked out
This must be an exciting time for you - Picard
This must be morning. I never could get the hang of mornings
This must be some super mutated virus from outer space! - The Tick
This must be the Cooking Conference Right
This must be the Placezzzz
This must be the high-voltage lead, said Tom crisply.
This must be the men's room. I don't see a Ladies sign.
This must be very strange for you. --Troi
This must be what it's like to be a COLLEGE GRADUATE!!|
This must be where "IT IS WRITTEN" is written
This must be where pies go to die! - Agent Cooper
This must be where pies go when they die. -Dale Cooper
This neighborhood is crawling w/sleazy chicks -Tom
This never happened to the other feller. - 007
This never happened to the other feller. - 007 (George Lazenby)
This never happens on other systems I call!
This never would've happened if I were captain -- Riker
This new government says they're going to turn the country around, I just hope I don't get run over again
This next tagline has a true story behind it.
This night methinks is but the daylight sick.
This night methinks is but the daylight sick. -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"
This nightlife's beating the daylights out of me.
This nonsense has gone far enough. - Sheridan
This not a SPIFFY Tagline.. pathetic, isn't it..?
This note edited for the ironically impaired.
This novel is not to be tossed lightly aside, but to be hurled with great force
This novel is not to be tossed lightly aside, but to be hurled with great force. -- Dorothy Parker
This nu yeer, I plann two werk on mi speling
This oOo tagline has oOo a lot of oOo bugs in oOo it
This off-topic post: Courtesy of Orville
This off-topic post: Courtesy of the *Tagline Addict*.
This off-topic thread needs a permanent vacation
This off-topic thread will take a permanent vacation
This offer is too good to ignore!!!! Ring me asap!!! 8am-5pm NOW!!!!
This offer is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted.
This offline reader discriminates against twits
This oil smells like turds! - Butthead
This old baby's crashed more times than a ZX-81! - Kryten
This old guy doesn't date women his age. There aren't any
This one I've seen in other contexts (e.g., "... time spent
This one act of consecration is what i ask of you -- NIN
This one didn't grow; it exploded! :-)
This one feels like a suppository - Crow T. Robot
This one goes out to the one I've left behind
This one has `stink-burger' written all over it! -- Tom Servo
This one has spiwit. Spiwit? Dewwing-do. Bwavado
This one is from Cambot & it is pinking shears! - Mike
This one is too serious for a cute, funny Tagline.
This one liner is identical to the one you are reading
This one tastes funny, so the other one must be Shinola
This one's called 'A Few Nude Men' -Mike
This one's gonna hurt you for a long long time.
This one's got good heft - Mike on pinking shears
This one's my pigeon, Tom cooed
This one's the key. Destroy this one, and they'll all go. Ä Spock
This one-liner is umop apisdn
This one: prototype for Richard Carpenter - Tom on teen
This ones certainly getting a lot of it. - Dax
This only a test. Had this been an actual Tagline
This only works for positive values of zero - your math teacher
This ooo tag ooo line has ooo a lot of ooo bugs in it
This ooo tagline has ooo a few ooo bugs in it
This open hand of desire wants everything.
This operating system wasn't released... it escaped!
This operation WILL be a failure IF WE ALL DIE!!
This opinion is Mine! Mine, Mine, MINE!!!!!
This option is a must, that I couldn't pass up
This orb explains everything. - Quark
This origin has no honor! --Worf
This ought to be good! - Calvin
This our place of Koon-ut kal-if-fee. Spock
This our security officer, Mr Worf. Would you like to beat him up?
This page *S*W*I*P*E*D* by the *TAGLINE ADDICT* & saved in a text file.
This page deliberately left blank
This page has been <drum roll> *S*W*I*P*E*D* by the *Tagline Addict*!
This page has been *S*W*I*P*E*D*. :-)
This pain is definitely going to linger -- Brain
This paragraph is reserved for future use.
This parrot is definately deceased!
This parrot is stone dead! This is an ex-parrot!
This parrot would go VROOM if you put 10 million volts through it
This parrot wouldn't "voom" if you put 4,000,000 volts through it!!!
This parrot wouldn't /voom/ if I ran four thousand volts through it!
This parrot wouldn't Vooom! if you put 40,000 volts through it.
This parrot wouldn't foom if you put 4000000V thru it!
This parrot wouldn't move if you put 4 million volts through it!
This particular portal between the worlds had closed forever
This party is getting dirty, I'd better pull up my pants and go home.
This party's a drag. Let's pull up our pants and go. - Bill to Ted
This party's a drag. Let's pull up our pants and leave. - Bill Clinton
This passage is getting a little too narrow for my taste. Paris
This password is password protected. To view press Ctrl-Alt-Del
This past week have all been Murphy days. ::Sigh::
This pc is air conditioned: don't open windows!
This person must be fired
This person must be identified and fired
This person's Genealogical postulations not necessarily correct
This person's qualifications have a solid basis for his answer.
This personal name is false.
This phaser is set at STUN *bleep* but not any more - Data
This phone booth reserved for Clark Kent.
This phone is baroque, please call Bach later.
This phone is baroque. Call Bach later.
This phone is baroque; please call Bach later.
This photocopier is still not functioning - Picard.
This piece is chock full of omissions.
This place gives me the booboojeebies. - Chef
This place gives me the creeps. - Luke
This place has all the attraction of a lanced boil. - Henry Blake
This place has everything.
This place hurts worst of all, doesn't it. - Crow
This place is Joyous Gard! And he is the King!
This place is a mineralologist's dream. - Kirk
This place is about to explode. --Webb
This place is amazing! Great bike! -- Dick Durkin
This place is crawling with Holly Hobbies - Crow
This place is even better than Lenigrad. Chekov
This place is just crawling with missle silos - Mike
This place is nuts. --Ivanova.
This place is so weird that the cockroaches have moved
This place is too stinky... Even for me! - The Tooth Beaver
This place is turning devilish and scary!
This place is wired to the tits. --Nash Bridges
This place just isn't big enough for all of us. We've got to find a way off this planet
This place makes Detroit look like Disneyland. - Ken
This place reminds me of reform school. Larry
This place was a mess when we left. - Riker
This plan is so cunning you can put a tail to it and call it a weasle
This plan... will require no new taxes - Clinton
This plan...will require no new taxes - Bill Clinton 8-92
This plane was recently sexed. It's a boy! - Mike
This planet is FULL, you must make space for additions!
This planet is dying. Meribor
This planet wholly owned and operated by PHOENIX INC
This planet's got a soggy diaper that leaks - Joel
This plant growing thing IS a science ya know!
This planwill require no new taxes -- Clinton
This poison is a free gift for you
This pool seems to be enchanted.... Your horse is polymorphed into a fig newton
This portion of UTS II is a trade secret of Amdahl Corpor
This post deserves no tagline for @FN@ to read.
This post has been pre-orbed for your convenience
This post has not been approved by Gloria Steinem
This post inspected by #12.
This post is over my head. Yeah, it's under my butt. -Butthead
This post is so good, it doesn't even need a tagline!
This post rated I: too intense for some readers.
This post was [ ] Humorous [ ] Insightful [X] Just plain stupid.
This post was inspired by someone else's stupidity
This post was written by another man with the same name
This posting has been made with a flame retardant material.
This pre-recorded tagline is coming to you live from our on-location studio.
This premises protected by an attack aardvark!
This premises protected by an attack cat!
This president is going to lead us out of the recovery.
This president is going to lead us out of this recovery. - Quayle
This principle [evolution] is not a law but a dogma, like every creed.
This probably doesn't help, but
This probably won't come as a surprise but... you'll live - Duncan
This process will ultimately lead to the heat death of the universe.
This product contains minute charged particles going 500,000,000 MPH.
This product cruelly tested on defenseless furry animals.
This product cruelly tested on small furry animals
This product has been certified: Enviromentally Ambivalent
This product has been cruelly tested on cute furry animals
This product is meant for educational purposes only.
This product is not a safe alternative to having a real life
This product sadistically tested on gerbils.
This product was cruelly tested on cute, furry animals!
This program does it's best to be incompatible
This program doesn't work with DOS 1.0 or higher.
This program is pre-recorded or maybe not.
This program makes me look like a genius
This program makes me look like a genius
This program refuses Microsoft Windows
This program requires MickyMouseSoft Windows.
This program will eliminate all mitsakes!!
This progress gets complicated don't it
This project is going to benefit thousands... - Kira
This property is protected by my friends: Smith & Wesson
This psychiatrist asks him so many questions for a fat fee which his wife asks him for nothing
This punishment is not boring and meaningless
This punishment is not boring and meaningless Ä Bart on the blackboard
This punishment is not boring and pointless
This punishment is not boring and pointless - Bart Simpson's lines
This punishment is not boring and pointless -Bart Simp./Epis. 8F24
This punishment is not boring and pointless. - Bart's Board
This punishment is not boring and pointless. --Bart Simps\MO
This quote is umop apisdn.
This quote is worth $16 in a twisted, dememted way.
This rage that lasts a thousand years will soon be gone. This flame that burns inside of me - Queen
This reading lamp hasn't uttered a word since I bought it!
This reality is pretty crook. I think I'll dive into my book again.
This really belongs in USN-BentMinds
This recipe (+ money) good for things in many stores
This recipe Baked Fresh Daily In Our Own Ovens!
This recipe brought to you by the ACME recipe Company.
This recipe can be bought.
This recipe causes cancer take it, I dare you!
This recipe closed due to conditions beyond our co *#}
This recipe contains a virus - DO NOT READ!
This recipe contains an exploding dye pack.
This recipe contains no Polychlorinated Byphenals.
This recipe does not require Microsoft Windows.
This recipe followed me home-- can I keep it, Mom?
This recipe has a Limpet mine attached to it.
This recipe has been deleted.
This recipe has been recycled!
This recipe has nothing whatsoever to do with the message.
This recipe intentionally left blank.
This recipe is $hareWare! To register, please send $20
This recipe is Shareware. To register it, send me $10.
This recipe is a feeble attempt at an on-topic comment.
This recipe is a hologram, insuring message authenticity
This recipe is a virus. Kiss C:\*.* goodbye.
This recipe is bi-lingual. English and American.
This recipe is brought to you by the letter "O"
This recipe is confused - it thinks it's a message.
This recipe is currently out of order.
This recipe is dedicated to my bird friend
This recipe is especially for kleptomaniacs!
This recipe is firmly etched in Jello!
This recipe is for sale. Call 1-800-TAG-THIS!
This recipe is identical to the one you are reading.
This recipe is inebriated.
This recipe is invisble to all whose I.Q. exceeds mine.
This recipe is low in salt.
This recipe is made especially for All
This recipe is off color.
This recipe is only for the living.
This recipe is self-referential.
This recipe is subject to an aboriginal land rights claim.
This recipe lacks content. Give it 2 stars.
This recipe made from reconstituted recipe concentrate.
This recipe may cause offline mail reader problems, Reboot now.
This recipe only uses recycled keystrokes.
This recipe protected by Acme Security, Inc.
This recipe recommended for mature readers
This recipe requires two assistants... preferably Swedish nudists!
This recipe snagged by me, or was it you???
This recipe tastes good....<chomp>..<chomp>
This recipe void where inhibited by law.
This recipe wants to tag ya, where are you?
This recipe was created from many little letters.
This recipe was made to be snagged!
This recipe was never here.
This recipe, like the message, is worthless.
This reminds me of dj vu
This reply was foil wrapped for maximum freshness
This represents our policy for all time. Until it's changed. Fitzwater
This rerun due to Tagline Writer's strike.
This rerun due to recipe Writer's strike.
This rerun due to tagline writers' strike.
This road brought to you by Good Intentions Paving, Inc.
This rocket came from outer space, Tom said exorbitantly.
This room is mostly full of lizards
This room is so small I have to leave it just to change my mind.
This rope is all tangled up, Tom snarled.
This rules! It rules! Yeah! Yeah! - Beavis
This salad dressing has too much vinegar, said Tom acidly.
This sash is the wrong size! I said "Worf", not "dwarf"!
This saying would be seven words long if it were six words shorter
This scene is bad even for this film! -- Tom Servo
This scene isn't panning out like I'd hoped - Crow
This scene really needs Panavision - Tom
This scene sure brings the film into sharp focus - Tom
This scene was cut from 'The Program' - Crow
This scene was cut from `The Program'. -- Crow T. Robot
This score just in - Deep Space 9, Babylon 5.
This score just in: Babylon = 5 Deep Space = 9
This score just in: Deep Space 9, Babylon 5
This score just in: Deep Space 9, Babylon 5. More at 11.
This score just in: DeepSpace-9, Babylon-5 and Earth-2.
This score just in: OS/2, Windows 0
This scores just in: Deep Space 9, Babylon 5
This screen intentionally left blank.
This screen is microwave, dishwasher and fly safe.
This secret jet is password protected. To view type Ctrl-Alt-Del.
This secret message from @FROM@ to @TO@ was just decoded
This secret message from Kirk Jameson to Bob Morgan just decoded
This secret message paper tastes TERRIBLE! - Maxwell Smart
This sector will be completely filled with Enterprises in 3 days
This seems like a good time to finish a message
This seems to be a good place to relax... Planet Earth. - Garfield
This selling of the soul bit, a lot of people do it
This sentance four erors
This sentance has threee errors.
This sentance wrong
This sentence contains ten words, eighteen syllables, and
This sentence contains thinly veiled political satire.
This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't
This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't. -- Douglas Hofstadter
This sentence contradicts itself: no, wait, actually it doesn't.
This sentence does in fact not have the property it claims not to have
This sentence has 10 words, 18 syllables, and no sense
This sentence has cabbage six words
This sentence is a !!! premature punctuator
This sentence is false.
This sentence is functioning as a Tagline.
This sentence is functioning as a recipe.
This sentence is functioning as a tagline.
This sentence is not self-referential
This sentence is only true when it is false.
This sentence is shareware! To register, send $10 to
This sentence no verb.
This sentence no verb. - Douglas R. Hofstader
This sentence no verve. -- Larry Wall
This sentence will end before you can say "Jack Rob
This sentense contains three errurs.
This sentense contains three errurs. [Think about it!]
This serene metropolis lies directly beneath the Hoover Dam... - Calvin
This shareware version contains no pornography.
This ship has crashed more times than a ZX81! - Lister
This ship is falling apart. --Pulaski
This ship is on a collision course with a meteor the size of Florida!
This ship is on a collision course with a meteor the size of New Jersey!
This ship is two big... If I walk, the movie would be over!
This ship will self-destruct in 3 minutes.
This ship will selfdestruct in 5 minutes... Have a nice day! (Pandora)
This should be a tagline? Ha! Shall I show you a real tagline?
This should be in the gun cozy - Crow
This should get interesting. Don't you agree?
This should only take a minute. - Fladermaus, putting out his car fire
This should work... All I have to do is conn..##*&%@@!! No Carrier
This shouldn't be happening! - McCoy
This shouldn't be over your head -- are you ducking?
This show's getting just like all the others. - Max Headroom
This shows how much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. - Benjamin Disraeli
This side of conference: "LESS DROOLING", Other side of
This side up
This situation cannot be, Lennier. --Delenn.
This skein is the worsted one yet!
This slipped object is hard to find, the surgeon disclosed
This smells like bat barf - Calvin
This smiley emoticon closed captioned for the humor impaired.
This soap is so strong it'll remove the spots off a Trill!
This soap's corrosive, Tom lyed.
This software will eliminate all misakes.
This song contains satanic messages - Crow
This song's longer than INNNA GODDA DA VIDA! - Mike
This sort of humor just gills me.
This sounds like a fun place
This sounds like a fun place.......
This sounds like a twelve-change-of-underwear trip! - Cat
This sounds like it looked all right
This sounds like it was recorded in someone's bathroom!
This sounds sinister & illegal. Tell me more.
This sounds sinister, immoral, and illegal. Tell me more
This space [ ] left blank unintentionally
This space accidentally left blank.
This space available - Call 1-900-TAG-LINE ($10/minute)
This space available for advertisements! (212) 627-0531
This space available for advertising
This space available...call 1-900-TAGLINE ($10 per min)
This space for Rent. Call 1-800-555-1212 for information
This space for rent, just ask you sysop for info
This space for rent.
This space for rent. Inquire without.
This space for rent. Send $50 to Cal Webster.
This space for rent. Send $50 to ROF
This space for sale or rent
This space formerly used by a tagline.
This space intensionally left blank
This space intentionally left
This space is for rent
This space is getting Hot *
This space is reserved. . . this space is not------>| |
This space left blankish.
This space never intentionally blank!!!
This space never intentionally left blank
This space not left unintentionally unblank.
This space provided for a Tagline
This space reserved for @TO@!
This space reserved for a GOOD Recipe. Any suggestions?
This space reserved for future tagline theft.
This space reserved for handicapped taglines only.
This space reserved for tagline
This space reserved...this space is not -----> | |
This space unintentionally left blank.
This space unintentionally left filled.
This space used for absolutely no purpose
This space-time doohickie makes the coolest noises! -- Ren Hoek
This space-time doohickie makes the coolest noises! -- Stimpy
This spacecraft makes wide right warps. -UFO sticker
This species has amused itself to death
This species has amused itself to death - Waters
This species has amused itself to death.
This spoiler brought to you by RTM Productions
This spoils my bronze look - Mike on Colossus' wound
This spot reserved for V.I.P.E.R.? - Mike
This spullchicker was another CASH purchase from Arthur Daley
This stairway is deviant. You can't use it
This starship brakes for black holes.
This starship breaks for black holes and temporal disunities.
This statement is a lie.
This statement is in no way to be construed as a disclaimer.
This statement is true-> <-This statement is false
This station is Bajoran property. - Kira
This station is a xenobiologist's dream. - Franklin
This station is in worse condition than we thought. Garak
This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. - Admiral Motti
This station is technically Bajoran. - Sisko
This station will be yours to protect, with NO interference! - Kira
This story of Nancy the Nannygoat is brought to you by WNSZ-TV Channel 52 in Nashville, Tennessee.
This strange comment at the bottom of the message is illogical. -Tuvok
This strange comment at the bottom of the message is illogical. -Tuvok
This strange disease of modern life, With its sick hurry. - Matthew Arnold (The Scholar-Gipsy)
This strange disease of modern life. -- Arnold
This structure is a nexus of significant enhanced power bioforms.
This stuff isn't half bad... What's in it? - Socrates
This stuff really attracts helicopters! - Mike on flair
This subject is subject to change without notice
This sucks! No medicine, no buzz. - Butt-Head
This sucks! No medicine. No buzz - Butthead.
This sucks. Let's burn something. -- Butt-Head
This sucks. Let's get outta here. - Butt-Head
This sucks. Let's burn something. -- Butthead
This sucks. Let's get outta here. - Butthead
This sucks. No medicine. No buzz!
This suit looks a little baggy
This summer I'll select a shady nook and bask in the sunshine!
This summer journey the exotic River Styx on Charon cruise lines.
This supersedes all previous postings
This sure beats doing the housework! Also gardening, painting, washing
This system goes down more often than a two-dollar whore
This system is infected by the Micro.Windoof.95 virus
This system is using an unregistered copy of Labtest
This system is y1k compliant
This system protected by killer dustballs!
This system will self--destruct in five minutes.
This tablet was created by forgers seeking to imitate Urza's works.
This tag brought to you by...they keep going and
This tag contains 6,666% U.S. RDA for this conference.
This tag does not cause eternal torment in small doses
This tag does not compute.
This tag from Tacoma--Where it always rains on your parade.
This tag has been stolen 1 time(s).
This tag hopes to be an Internet .sig when it grows up
This tag is abusive, insulting, slanderous and instigative
This tag is actually an ANSI post exceeding 7k in length
This tag is brought to yu by the Wong-Fong Ltd take-away
This tag is copyrighted, sorry.
This tag is devoid of any humor
This tag is invisible to anyone with a higher IQ than me
This tag is new, witty and stolen <6> times.
This tag is new, witty, and has been stolen thrice
This tag is new, witty, and not yet stolen.
This tag is new, witty, and stolen <7> times.
This tag is old, wore-out, and stolen 324 times!
This tag is on medikashun....medicashun...... drugs!
This tag line exceeds Plate F
This tag line for rent
This tag line gets up and dances every time you look away!
This tag line intentionally left blank.
This tag line is "Bulletin Broad-proof"!
This tag line is mirrored | derorrim si enil gat sihT
This tag line is nailed down to prevent theft
This tag line was taxed by a liberal Democrat.
This tag marks Logical End-Of-Message. Physical EOM follows
This tag parodies public figures with malicious intent
This tag wants to be a whole message when it grows up
This tag was typed in manually.
This tag wastes your time and mine
This tag-line is --- umop apisdn !!!
This tag-line is soooo dumb.....No one will steal it!
This tagine stolen by Carmen Sandiego
This taglin has three erors.
This tagline is repeatative. This tagline is repeatative. This
This tagline measures 7.2 on the Sphincter Scale
This tagline <cough> has <cough><cough> a virus! <cough><cough>
This tagline (+ money) good for things in many stores
This tagline Closed Captioned for hearing impaired
This tagline Copyright (C) 1991 All rights reserved.
This tagline Copyright (C) 1992 Taglines-R-Us. All Rights Reserved.
This tagline Copyright 1991 (C) All rights reserved. :-)
This tagline Copyright 1992 David B. Hawthorne
This tagline Copyright 1994 by Bart Lidofsky
This tagline Copyright @YEAR@ (C) All rights reserved
This tagline NOT written in EBCDIC
This tagline R-rated. This part is nude ->
This tagline SHAREWARE. Send $5.
This tagline Sanitized for your protection
This tagline WAS tested on animals
This tagline accurate within n u(a)y o " (a)
This tagline accurate within ñ û(à)ý ð « Ÿ(á)
This tagline added for Canadian content, eh
This tagline advances a personal agenda
This tagline advertises my BBS , The Quest BBS 1:271/490
This tagline also stolen by John Hancock & Night W
This tagline also stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader!
This tagline and has been made with naturally occurring letters
This tagline applies to you only if you're paranoid.
This tagline approved by the resident shoulder cockatiel.
This tagline area is for rent - call 1-900-rent-t
This tagline banned in 47 states
This tagline belongs to Seymour Twat, gynaecologist.
This tagline best if used before November 28, 2002
This tagline bites!
This tagline blanked by Tagline Censor
This tagline borrowed by QCom Mail Processor!
This tagline bought at the Boneless Chicken Farm.
This tagline brought to you by @LN@ Industries.
This tagline brought to you by Microsoft, Inc.; home of Windoze 95 (tm),
This tagline brought to you by Nygmatech
This tagline brought to you by Windows: Creator of the biggest virus
This tagline brought to you by the ACME Tagline Company.
This tagline brought to you by the First Amendment
This tagline brought to you by the letters B & W, & the number 2.12!
This tagline brought to you by...they keep going and
This tagline came last in the "Original Tagline Compitition."
This tagline can be bought.
This tagline can be deleted by a simple keystroke.
This tagline can't be bought or sold for any price.
This tagline cancelled due to lack of interest
This tagline cannot be sold in this conference.
This tagline carefully handcrafted for... what was your name again?
This tagline censored by the Adult Conspiracy
This tagline censored by the Moderator <snicker>.
This tagline censored by the moderator.
This tagline censored by the moderator.
This tagline climbed up-nwod debmilc enilgat sihT
This tagline cloak captioned for the Romulan impaired.
This tagline closed due to conditions beyond our co *#}
This tagline closed for remodeling. Reopening soon
This tagline closed-punchlined for the humor-impaired
This tagline complies with the Federal Stupid Stuff Act
This tagline compliments of 1st. Armoured Regiment..C-Sqn !
This tagline compliments of the BatComputer
This tagline composed ENTIRELY of recycled bytes.
This tagline contains 100% un+nown (!beTs.
This tagline contains 100% —nÆn”w¤ ôbˆçs
This tagline contains 37 characters.
This tagline contains 6,666% U.S. RDA for this conference
This tagline contains Computer invasionary programming
This tagline contains No Cholesterol and is Low Sodium
This tagline contains a virus - DO NOT READ!
This tagline contains a virus. Please steal.
This tagline contains a virus: go ahead and copy me!
This tagline contains an exploding dye pack.
This tagline contains exactly threee erors
This tagline contains no Polychlorinated Byphenals.
This tagline contains no added preservatives or msg.
This tagline contains no preservatives
This tagline contains subliminals
This tagline contans three errurs.
This tagline copyrighted..U O ME $5 for reading it
This tagline created by TAGLINE EXPRESS! Go ahead Steal it
This tagline created by Tag-X Pro v0.98á! Go ahead Steal it!
This tagline cross-posted from alt.rap.sucks.yo.yo.yo.yo
This tagline dates back to the twelfth century B.C.
This tagline declares itself to be obscene
This tagline declares itself to you
This tagline dedicated to uh...ME!
This tagline deleted
This tagline deleted due to lack of interest.
This tagline deleted.
This tagline discontinued due to lack of interest.
This tagline does not count. Please do not read it
This tagline does not exist.
This tagline does not refer to the GOOD TIMES email virus.
This tagline does not require Micro$oft Windows
This tagline edited by Lorena Bo
This tagline extolls the virtues of self-referentiality!
This tagline exudes warmth and charm
This tagline failed redundundancy check
This tagline followed me home. Can I keep it, Mom? Can I?
This tagline followed me home. Can I keep it? Please?
This tagline generated at General Tag and Origin, Inc
This tagline goes Dead (and wounded) at last.
This tagline good for 1 (one) hug, redeemable from your local friend
This tagline guaranteed against defects in workmanship
This tagline guarded by attack cat!
This tagline guarded by large slobbery dog
This tagline had been pre-stolen, for you convenience
This tagline hand-crafted by Colorado homosexuals.
This tagline hand-crafted by Melbourne homosexuals.
This tagline handcrafted in America
This tagline handcrafted in Canada.
This tagline handcrafted in Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada
This tagline has <FNORD> words
This tagline has 8 essential vitamins and minerals
This tagline has STAR quality
This tagline has a Limpet mine attached to it.
This tagline has a alarm on it; so don't try to steal it!
This tagline has a alarmclock... tick... tick... tick
This tagline has a p@$$word protected. To view type Ctrl+Alt+Del.
This tagline has a security alarm and has been identity marked
This tagline has absolutely nothing about bunnies in it at all
This tagline has an alarm and is invisibly identified!
This tagline has an anti-theft device installed
This tagline has an underlying meaning
This tagline has ancient Egyptian curse, do not steal
This tagline has been CENSORED for telling the truth
This tagline has been anvil-captioned for the Animaniacs impaired.
This tagline has been approved by the FDA.
This tagline has been approved by the Vedek Assembly for general use.
This tagline has been around the block more times than Madonna!
This tagline has been brought to you by Tony Baechler.
This tagline has been certified error free
This tagline has been confiscated.
This tagline has been cruelly tested on cute furry animals.
This tagline has been cruelly tested on defenseless furry animals.
This tagline has been deleted.
This tagline has been electrified with 20,000 volts!
This tagline has been laminated to give it a longer shelf life.
This tagline has been lost in the NETWORK
This tagline has been made expressly for @TO.
This tagline has been paid for by a grant from IBM.
This tagline has been pre-owned, for your convenience.
This tagline has been quarrantined. Do not read.
This tagline has been reclaimed and not yet stolen
This tagline has been recycled!
This tagline has been selected randomly from thousands of entrants.
This tagline has been stolen 1 time(s)
This tagline has been swiped..... {I thought you might wanna know..}
This tagline has been taped before a live audience.
This tagline has been taxed by a liberal Democrat.
This tagline has been tested allergy free
This tagline has been unregistered 31 days!
This tagline has been unregistered for 15,863,774 days.
This tagline has expired
This tagline has no additives or preservatives!
This tagline has no honor! --Worf
This tagline has no meaning, just like life sometimes
This tagline has nothing whatsoever to do with the message.
This tagline has only 3 gm of fat per serving
This tagline has taken me three minutes to come up with
This tagline has violated system integrity. Please reboot system.
This tagline holds the mysteries of interplanetary travel
This tagline in SHAREWARE! To register, send me $10.00
This tagline in a dollar! (Well, I got better.)
This tagline in memory of Stephen Ceideburg...a friend.
This tagline inserted by the PCRelay monster! Raaargh!
This tagline inspected by number 17.
This tagline insured by Lloyd's of London
This tagline intentionally left blank.
This tagline intentionally left partially blank
This tagline invisible if stolen by a lurker.
This tagline invisible to all whose I.Q. downright sucks!
This tagline invisible to all whose I.Q. exceeds mine.
This tagline invisible to all whose IQ is greater than mine
This tagline is "Bulletin Board-proof"!
This tagline is $hareWare! To register, please send $20
This tagline is >>> STONED <<<
This tagline is (c) Copyright Tagline Productions Incorporated
This tagline is .umop apisdn
This tagline is 100% EZ-Reader compatible!!!!!
This tagline is 100% Topic Free.
This tagline is 100% WwWwWwWiIiIiIiEeEeErRrRrRrDdDdDdDdDdD!
This tagline is 100% environmentally friednly
This tagline is 100% fat free!
This tagline is 100% natural, and has no artificial ingredients.
This tagline is 100% pure without any additives
This tagline is 3 lines and 136 characters long
This tagline is 92% virus free
This tagline is Cloak Captioned for the Romulan Impaired.
This tagline is Constable Odo in disguise
This tagline is FREE in specially marked messages!
This tagline is FREE! Go ahead, take it!
This tagline is FREEWARE! Please share it with everyone you know
This tagline is False---> <-----This Tagline is True
This tagline is MINE now!
This tagline is MINE, MINE, MINE
This tagline is MINE,if you steal it, I will take it back
This tagline is Mafiaware. You pay, or I breaka you legs.
This tagline is NMOP 3PISdn
This tagline is NOT shareware! Send me $20 anyway.
This tagline is OFF TOPIC!!!!! hehehehehehe
This tagline is Rusted.
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To Register, send me $10.
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send $7 to me c/o this node.
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send me $10 ___ Blue Wave/QWK
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send me half of all your $$$.
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To register, send name of my ancestor!
This tagline is SHAREWARE! To Register, send me $25!
This tagline is SHAREWARE, to register send me $10.
This tagline is SHAREWARE. If you use it, send me $10
This tagline is SHAREWARE. Send me $5 if you think it is funny
This tagline is SHARWARE! To Register, Send Me $20.00
This tagline is SWAPWARE. To Register send me your favorite tagline.
This tagline is Serial # 0415/CAW-9736.29
This tagline is Serial # 0812/BTB-9593.50
This tagline is Serial # 0928/CAW-9645.53
This tagline is Serial # 1221/BTB-9729.35
This tagline is Serial # 2377/AFR-1104.991
This tagline is Serial # @HOUR@@DATE@/BTB-@SDATE@
This tagline is ShareWare, Please send $10 to registe\SLMR
This tagline is Shareware, If you like it SHARE it!
This tagline is Shareware. Register : Send Me $25 At
This tagline is Spiritually Incorrect
This tagline is TRUE - - This tagline is FALSE
This tagline is VOID where prohibited.
This tagline is a carefully packaged {{{HUG}}} from me.
This tagline is a charmer.
This tagline is a credit to taglines everywhere
This tagline is a feeble attempt at an on-topic comment.
This tagline is a figment of your imagination
This tagline is a free pass to get out of jail
This tagline is a hoax. Please send it to everyone in your address list. --Jim Sutton
This tagline is a hologram, insuring message authenticity
This tagline is a hologram, insuring message authenticity
This tagline is a hypnogourd...you are now stuck forever
This tagline is a lie
This tagline is a loaner Mine's in for repair
This tagline is a product of Klingon Science.
This tagline is a telecommunications nightmare!
This tagline is a virus. Kiss C:\*.* goodbye.
This tagline is a winner of the Pebaudy award
This tagline is about to be stolen
This tagline is about to self-destruct, quick beam it into deep space !
This tagline is actually Constable Odo in disguise.
This tagline is actually Odo in disguise.
This tagline is almost exactly like the one you are reading now
This tagline is also available in English.
This tagline is also shareware, to register, contact me.
This tagline is an alpha-version, use at own risk!
This tagline is anchored to the message
This tagline is baroque; please call Bach.
This tagline is beguiled, bewildered, and betwixt
This tagline is being guarded by Scotland Yard
This tagline is being shipped to our enemies overseas.
This tagline is best read at room temperature
This tagline is bi-lingual. English and American.
This tagline is blank to save space.
This tagline is boring.
This tagline is brought to you by B & W and the number 2.12!
This tagline is brought to you by the Wong-Fong Ltd take-away tag shop
This tagline is brought to you by the letter "O"
This tagline is brought to you by the letters B & W & the number 2.20!
This tagline is brought to you on recycled phosphorus
This tagline is busy...Due to teenagers
This tagline is but a dream within a dream
This tagline is but a yielding dream.
This tagline is certified for extraterrestrial use!
This tagline is certified non-political
This tagline is childish. Be adult! This country needs more dults.
This tagline is cloaked. You can't see it. Er, can you??
This tagline is closed-punchlined for the humor-impaired.
This tagline is completely true, I am a compulsive liar!
This tagline is condemed, do not read!!!!
This tagline is confused - it thinks it's a message.
This tagline is copy protected
This tagline is copyright protected. All rights reserved
This tagline is copyrighted, sorry
This tagline is copywrite by my PC
This tagline is covered in chocolate. Eat and enjoy!
This tagline is currently out of order.
This tagline is cursed. As you read, you will be confuset by ther printeb wertz. Yer intellijenc wil vabni . . . xrt! xrt!
This tagline is cybernetically protected by TagSafe Security Ltd
This tagline is dead, Jim
This tagline is dead, Jim......
This tagline is dedicated to all the freaks in the nation
This tagline is dedicated to my bird friend
This tagline is dedicated to my imaginary friend
This tagline is dedicated to this person called @N@!!! :)
This tagline is designed exclusively for Adi Flenner.
This tagline is designed exclusively for Gary Hull.
This tagline is designed exclusively for Martin Pollard.
This tagline is designed exclusively for you.
This tagline is designed to be stolen. So steal it.
This tagline is encouraged where prohibited
This tagline is encr *&^TNMG&YG*^&y978mjy,&*Y(NM7y80
This tagline is equipped with Metaphasic Shielding for your protection
This tagline is erroneous - and WRONG too!
This tagline is especially for kleptomaniacs!
This tagline is experiencing technical difficul*&#
This tagline is false.
This tagline is firmly etched in Jello!
This tagline is fitted with an integrated airbag for your safety
This tagline is fleeing for it's life.
This tagline is for adult audiences, viewer discretion is advised
This tagline is for sale. Inquire within.
This tagline is for sale. Call 1-800-TAG-THIS!
This tagline is for the humor impaired-and Fundies
This tagline is for the humor impaired-and Fundies..
This tagline is free from artificial flavourings or preservatives
This tagline is free from artificial flavourings or preservatives.
This tagline is free with this message!!
This tagline is freeware, no payment should be made for it's distribution
This tagline is freeware. For enhancements send 12.95 to:
This tagline is functioning within normal parameters.
This tagline is guaranteed dolphin-free
This tagline is guaranteed not to shrink or run.
This tagline is half Vulcan, but is capable of a sense of humor
This tagline is identical to the one you are reading.
This tagline is illogical, captain. -Spock
This tagline is immoral, unethical and in poor taste
This tagline is indecipherable!!
This tagline is inebriated.
This tagline is inoperative -- please try another
This tagline is intentionally left blank.
This tagline is intentionally vague and suggestive.
This tagline is invisble to all whose I.Q. exceeds mine.
This tagline is invisible
This tagline is invisible to all whose I.Q. exceeds mine.
This tagline is invisible to anyone with a higher IQ than me
This tagline is irrelevant. Please ignore.
This tagline is just @TO@'s way of getting in the last word
This tagline is just one of the many by-products of Gritty Kitty.
This tagline is just passing through
This tagline is just taking up cyberspace.
This tagline is just too sexy for this conference
This tagline is listed for no good reason!!
This tagline is little more then an appendage
This tagline is looped on Heinlein's timeline.
This tagline is lost in the circle of fifths
This tagline is lost!
This tagline is low in salt
This tagline is lying.
This tagline is made especially for the Clinton Administration.
This tagline is made for everyone except @TO.
This tagline is made from 100% recycled letters.
This tagline is made from 75% recycled ASCII.
This tagline is made from stainless steal.
This tagline is made in Holland, send 10 tulips to register.
This tagline is made just for @FROM@!
This tagline is made just for @FROM@!
This tagline is made just for @N@...who sucks!!! :):):)
This tagline is made just for @TO!
This tagline is made just for @fn@ @ln@
This tagline is made just for ALL SOUTH FLA. SYSOPS
This tagline is made just for Alasdair Sinclair
This tagline is made just for Alen Hess
This tagline is made just for All
This tagline is made just for Andrew Gall
This tagline is made just for Anne Bartl
This tagline is made just for Becky Stranberg!
This tagline is made just for Bob Morgan.
This tagline is made just for Bradley Olson
This tagline is made just for Brendan Reid
This tagline is made just for Brian Durham
This tagline is made just for Bruce Kniffen
This tagline is made just for Cameron Mackay
This tagline is made just for Charity Hendress
This tagline is made just for Charles Robinson
This tagline is made just for Chris
This tagline is made just for Connie Sharlow.
This tagline is made just for Craig Humphrey
This tagline is made just for Dexter Fernandez
This tagline is made just for Diane Burge
This tagline is made just for Ed Bair
This tagline is made just for Gary Caplan
This tagline is made just for HIS.
This tagline is made just for Heather Charpilloz
This tagline is made just for Heather Falconer
This tagline is made just for Jaysin Kwong
This tagline is made just for Jennifer Marlowe
This tagline is made just for Jesse Irvin
This tagline is made just for Joe Galewski
This tagline is made just for Joshua Jeffery
This tagline is made just for Keith Scudder.
This tagline is made just for Kevin R. Davis
This tagline is made just for Lars Eighner
This tagline is made just for Mesia Custodio
This tagline is made just for Michael Cooling
This tagline is made just for Michael Huggins
This tagline is made just for Michael Williams
This tagline is made just for Mike Zier
This tagline is made just for Mischief
This tagline is made just for Nathan Bredfeldt
This tagline is made just for Nigel Adler
This tagline is made just for Orville.
This tagline is made just for Paul Burrett
This tagline is made just for Peter Sabelis
This tagline is made just for Rich Bossard
This tagline is made just for Robert Tennent
This tagline is made just for Ron by Steve
This tagline is made just for STACY HUBBELL
This tagline is made just for Sandy Spadaccino
This tagline is made just for Sheryl Mclellan
This tagline is made just for Stefan Mohr
This tagline is made just for Steve Cox
This tagline is made just for Sue Rykmans
This tagline is made just for Tamarie Simmons
This tagline is made just for Ted Howell
This tagline is made just for Terry Coffee
This tagline is made just for Tom Woodfin
This tagline is made just for Tracy Hemenover
This tagline is made just for Vampyra.
This tagline is made just for Vladimir Bratkov
This tagline is made just for Waterfall
This tagline is made just for Zackary Tippett
This tagline is made just for mark lewis
This tagline is made just for me!
This tagline is made just for you.
This tagline is made of 100% recycled materials
This tagline is made only for 386 machines.
This tagline is made with indelible pixels
This tagline is malfThis tagline is malfThis tagline is malfThis tagli
This tagline is meaningless because it is self-referential
This tagline is microwave safe
This tagline is neither true or false. It just is
This tagline is new, witty, and not yet stolen
This tagline is new, witty, and stolen.
This tagline is no threat to your death.
This tagline is not a rumour although it could be the basis for one
This tagline is not blank, it's just politically correct !
This tagline is not considered suitable for any purpose.
This tagline is not for reproduction, unless you are kinky.
This tagline is not in service at this time.
This tagline is not in service at this time.
This tagline is not of the right breed. --Tagspeare
This tagline is not rightside up at all! It's upside up!
This tagline is not suitable for family viewing
This tagline is not upside-down.
This tagline is not worth stealing.
This tagline is now nuked. Ka-bloop!
This tagline is of no value
This tagline is off-topic. Nyah, nyah! THPTT! :-P
This tagline is offensive
This tagline is old, dull, and not worth stealing.
This tagline is old, wore-out, and stolen 325 times!
This tagline is on medikashun...medicashun......drugs!
This tagline is on multiple lines
This tagline is on vacation.
This tagline is only for the living.
This tagline is only temporary
This tagline is part of your twisted imagination
This tagline is password protected. To view type Ctrl-Alt-Del.
This tagline is pirated...(Argh Beeee Garrrrrrr!)
This tagline is printed on 100% recycled material
This tagline is programming you in ways that may not be apparent for months, or even years
This tagline is property of the Starfleet Academy Athletic Department.
This tagline is protected by "the club"! /\------\+
This tagline is protected by Armourguard. DON'T STEAL!
This tagline is protected by TNT Anti-Theft Devices.
This tagline is protected by a Goddess.
This tagline is protected by an attack cat!
This tagline is protected by an electromagnet
This tagline is rated NC-17
This tagline is really Constable Odo
This tagline is really Odo
This tagline is really Odo in disguise.
This tagline is really Odo.
This tagline is really a carefully packaged hug from me
This tagline is recyclable and biodegradeable!!
This tagline is registered to Orville Bullitt.
This tagline is registered, if you read it you must send me $10
This tagline is self-referential.
This tagline is shareware! Send me $5!
This tagline is shareware! To register, please send me $10!
This tagline is shareware! To register, send $10 to
This tagline is shareware, register it for $10.00.
This tagline is shareware--you must register in 30 days
This tagline is shareware. To rester, send me $10.
This tagline is slithy and gyres and gimbels in the wabe
This tagline is so bad, even @F won't steal it!
This tagline is so boring even @TOFIRST@ wouldn't steal it!
This tagline is so boring even you wouldn't steal it!
This tagline is so old it has whiskers!
This tagline is so old, I don't know why I stole it.
This tagline is spreading viruses at this moment. :)
This tagline is stolen....
This tagline is subject to an aboriginal land rights claim.
This tagline is subject to change without notice
This tagline is symbolic of my struggle with reality!
This tagline is tax free in 49 states - sorry Tennessee!
This tagline is the legal property of Barry Blaes
This tagline is the legal property of Orville
This tagline is the property of the Oaks Correctional Facility!
This tagline is the victim of a UAE
This tagline is totally irrelevant, I MUST have made it!
This tagline is tri-lingual. [English, Canadian and American]
This tagline is umop apisdn
This tagline is umop apisdn (Spaszoid Strikes!)
This tagline is umop apisdn and stupid, too.
This tagline is umop apisdn!
This tagline is under electronic surveillance
This tagline is under repair. Thank you.
This tagline is undergoing maintenance for your future enjoyment
This tagline is untrue!
This tagline is usually seen and not heard
This tagline is void if removed!
This tagline is void where prohibited
This tagline is way, way, way too big for this progr
This tagline is â¦d§€çiûî!
This tagline is: ######## IN STEREO WHERE AVAILABLE ########
This tagline isn't actually here
This tagline isn't as good as the last one!
This tagline isn't stolen --- it just looks that way !!
This tagline isn't stolen AA it only looks that way
This tagline isn't stolen, I just borrowed it.
This tagline isn't working!
This tagline is±¦Ã¼® <boom><boom> Still going! Nothing
This tagline iz a pre-releese alfa verzion
This tagline just keeps going and going and going and going and going
This tagline keeps going, and going, and going
This tagline kept blank to avoid bringing humor to a sour subject.
This tagline known to cause cancer in some laboratory animals.
This tagline lacks content. Give it 2 stars.
This tagline leaks silicone
This tagline left blank to avoid Clinton tagline tax!
This tagline left intentionally blank.
This tagline left void as a gesture of contempt.
This tagline looked good, so I ate it.
This tagline luxuriantly hand-crafted from only the finest ANSI.
This tagline made backwards by Tag O' The Day
This tagline made from 100% recycled electrons
This tagline made from 100% recycled electrons! Recycle your taglines!
This tagline made from 100% recycled electrons.
This tagline made from reconstituted tagline concentrate.
This tagline made just for people who don't keep backups.
This tagline makes no mention of Twin Peaks
This tagline manufactured by sadistic little elves.
This tagline manufactured with 100% new materials.
This tagline may be freely distributed
This tagline may cause offline mail reader problems, Reboot now.
This tagline may only be removed by the consumer.
This tagline may or may not be fake. You decide! <g>
This tagline may or may not be relevant
This tagline meets the FDA's requirement for tagline safety
This tagline missing, If found, Please destroy promptly
This tagline mutilated by a demented nerd.
This tagline no verb.
This tagline not accessable at your security level
This tagline not part of Rosereader's tagline file
This tagline not sponsored by Pepsi in any way.
This tagline not valid in NZ.
This tagline not valid in New Jersey.
This tagline now supports Soundblaster!
This tagline on strike, in sympathy with the NHL referees
This tagline only to be removed by the consumer
This tagline only uses recycled keystrokes
This tagline owned by a little old lady who only drove to
This tagline paid for with various sexual favours.
This tagline parodies public figures with malicious intent
This tagline predated the Wheel
This tagline printed with 100% recycled photons.
This tagline produced at Le Studio, Toronto -RUSH
This tagline produced by Yoyodyne, Inc.
This tagline prohibited by @TO
This tagline prohibited by Orville
This tagline prohibited by Orville Bullitt
This tagline prohibited by sane people. Their loss.
This tagline promotes violence against women!
This tagline property of GrandMaster B.
This tagline proselytizes when you're not looking at it
This tagline protected by "The Club"
This tagline protected by *TagAlert*
This tagline protected by Acme Security, Inc.
This tagline protected by Smith and Wesson Security,
This tagline protected by THE CLUB(tm).
This tagline protected by TNT Anti-Theft Devices
This tagline protected by Viper. Stand back!
This tagline protected by a pit bull with AIDS.
This tagline protected by an attack cat.
This tagline protected by an attack cat. Gggrrrrr!
This tagline protected by an attack virus
This tagline protected by the National Security Agency
This tagline protected by the white with foam! Dive!
This tagline protected from theft by Acme Security, Inc
This tagline protected under National Tagline Amendment
This tagline purchased from the Home Shopping Club
This tagline rated PG-13 - Pretty Good
This tagline recommended for mature readers
This tagline recycled by Tagline Xpress.
This tagline requires 486 DX2 66 or higher.
This tagline requires Microsoft Windows
This tagline requires VBRUN.DLL, enter path:_
This tagline requires a VGA monitor.
This tagline restricted to day VFR use only.
This tagline retyped by Silly Little Male Reindeer!
This tagline ripped off by OLX!
This tagline rules <pokes out tongue>
This tagline says nothing new
This tagline scanned for known viruses
This tagline self destructs when you hit <ENTER>
This tagline self-destructs
This tagline self-destructs when U <ENTER>
This tagline self-destructs when U <ENTER>
This tagline set to self-destruct on attempt to steal
This tagline set to self-destruct on attempt to steal.
This tagline shaves as close as a blade or your money back.
This tagline shows no religious sensitivity
This tagline solicits donations for an unworthy cause
This tagline space available - CHEAP
This tagline space for rent. Apply within
This tagline specially for you @TOFIRST@
This tagline sponsored by Permatex
This tagline stickes it tongue out when you're not looking.
This tagline stinks. (Scratch N Sniff)
This tagline stoled by Off-Line Xpress!
This tagline stolen from Silly Little Mail Reader!
This tagline stolen by @FROM@
This tagline stolen by AmigaETag!
This tagline stolen by BlueWave!
This tagline stolen by KWQ Mail/2.
This tagline stolen by Mike Zier
This tagline stolen by MikeMayl!
This tagline stolen by Off-Line Xpress!
This tagline stolen by Q-Blue [Amiga] v2.1!
This tagline stolen by QmodemPro's OLX!
This tagline stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader!
This tagline stolen by TLX!
This tagline stolen by Tag Line Xpress!.
This tagline stolen by Tag-X Professional!
This tagline stolen by Total Recall BBS!
This tagline stolen by me, or was it you?
This tagline stolen by my stupid cat!
This tagline stolen by the Academic Lesbian Mafia
This tagline stolen from Bill Chalfant
This tagline stolen from Mad magazine.
This tagline stolen from Rasta's private collection.
This tagline stolen from Wesley Pitts' private collection.
This tagline stolen from the Rush to Excellence 1995 Tour.
This tagline stolen from: GA State Prison
This tagline subject to Federal taxes.
This tagline subject to Federal taxes. --Bill Clinton
This tagline subject to change without notice
This tagline sucks.
This tagline supplied by a Silly Little Male Reader!
This tagline supports Adlib/Soundblaster/Roland MT
This tagline survived the Great Spring Dupe Storm of `93.
This tagline tastes good....<chomp>..<chomp>
This tagline tax free in 49 states - sorry Tennessee!
This tagline temporarily out of service
This tagline thanks to Seannette Blaylock
This tagline thought up by Dr. Stupid.
This tagline to be removed only by consumer
This tagline unnecessarily over-quotes. With box quotes
This tagline uses advanced Object Oriented technology.
This tagline uses only 100% recycled keystrokes
This tagline utterly lacks class but it is very cute!
This tagline valiantly battles tyranny in all its forms
This tagline via a grant by Nat'l Endowment for the Arts
This tagline vibrates if you rub it the right way!
This tagline violates Intelec rules on religion
This tagline violates Intelec standards for language
This tagline violates Intelec standards of propriety
This tagline violates all known laws!!!
This tagline void except where prohibited by law.
This tagline void in any other conference.
This tagline void where prohibited by common sense.
This tagline wants to tag ya, where are you?
This tagline was ALWAYS meant for @TO.
This tagline was ALWAYS meant for Orville
This tagline was NOT stolen
This tagline was NOT stolen by Silly Little Mail Reader!
This tagline was NOT stolen...
This tagline was Shirley MacLaine in a previous life
This tagline was added after I selected the one below
This tagline was blank before you looked at it.
This tagline was bought at the Boneless Chicken Farm
This tagline was brought to you by me. Duh
This tagline was created from many little letters.
This tagline was created with 100% recycled electrons.
This tagline was created with 85% recycled pixels.
This tagline was cruelly tested on cute little animals.
This tagline was cruelly tested on small, furry animals.
This tagline was custom-made just for @N@
This tagline was eagerly awaiting Orville to come and collect it.
This tagline was filmed before a live studio audience.
This tagline was found FREE in a specially marked box of disks.
This tagline was found wandering around in space
This tagline was funny -But it's been 'morph'ed !
This tagline was given to me by my granny when she initiated me
This tagline was grabbed in a drive-by data-napping!
This tagline was intentionally left blank
This tagline was invented 5 minutes ago on a different continent.
This tagline was made by a computer junkie, then swiped by me.
This tagline was made for @N@'s clone
This tagline was made for the holographic image of @N@
This tagline was made just for Etta-Michele Bos
This tagline was made on the <O>
This tagline was made on the ®"¯.
This tagline was made to be stolen!
This tagline was made up entirely by ME alone just for YOU!
This tagline was made up entirely by me alone.
This tagline was missing, so I filled something in...
This tagline was never here.
This tagline was not mooched
This tagline was not stolen from Ken Freeman.
This tagline was pre-flight checked by shuttlebay 3 personnel
This tagline was randomly selected
This tagline was reclaimed and is not yet re-stolen.
This tagline was recorded before a live audience
This tagline was recorded before a live audience for delayed posting.
This tagline was recorded before a live audience.
This tagline was recorded using Dolby Pro-Logic.
This tagline was ruthlessly recycled, reused, and reduced before someone stole it.
This tagline was specially made for (fill in the blank): _____________
This tagline was specially made for (fill in the blank): _____________
This tagline was stolen by BEASTMASTER!!!
This tagline was stolen by Off-Line Xpress!
This tagline was stolen by a Commodore C128.
This tagline was stolen from Dan QuaylE.
This tagline was taped before a dead studio audience.
This tagline was tested on small, innocent, fluffy, and cruel
This tagline was turned over to a higher power
This tagline was typed before a live audience
This tagline was voted #1 by Tagline magazine
This tagline was written before a live studio audience
This tagline was written while high on M&Ms
This tagline was written with my fingers crossed
This tagline wasn't stolen
This tagline wasn't stolen by *any* mail reader!
This tagline waterproof to 250 ft
This tagline will auto-destruct in 30 minutes.
This tagline will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
This tagline will be delivered to you by next Friday
This tagline will delete all unregistered shareware programs
This tagline will explode in 15 seconds. Just TRY swiping it!
This tagline will re-format hard drive in 15 seconds!
This tagline will reformat your hard drive
This tagline will reformat your hard drive in 1.5 seconds!
This tagline will self destruct i do it-----
This tagline will self destruct in 15 seconds.
This tagline will self destruct in @SECOND@ seconds
This tagline will self destruct in Orville seconds.
This tagline will self destruct in ten seconds 10. 9. 8.
This tagline will self-destruct
This tagline will self-destruct in 10 seconds.
This tagline will self-destruct in 10 seconds. 1 if you steal it.
This tagline will self-destruct in 15-million nanoseconds.
This tagline will self-destruct in five seconds.
This tagline will self-destruct in five...four...three...two...one
This tagline will selfdestruct in 10 seconds!
This tagline will spread out the BlueWave-virus
This tagline wishes it were posted on another network
This tagline with best enjoyment or discotech is made from Taiwan.
This tagline would be cooler if it had a toilet, huh huh
This tagline would be cooler with naked chicks, huh huh huh
This tagline would be seven words long, if it were six words shorter
This tagline would make gasoline tax free (purple) for ground vehicles equipped to move twelve passengers or more, if it had that power.
This tagline's confused-thinks it's a message.
This tagline's confused-thinks it's a message.
This tagline's for all of us who are *SICK* of alternative music!
This tagline's for all of us who saw Batman Forever for CHRIS O'DONNEL!
This tagline's intent is to demean others
This tagline's just for @TFName
This tagline's just for you
This tagline, like the message, is worthless
This tagline,(when expanded),is equal to five times it's own weight
This tagline. Written by. Uh. Admiral Orville.
This taglines has OLE capabilities: double click here [X]
This taglines is subject to .07% sales tax, unless you steal it.
This taglx^$ closed for repairs
This talgine meats all U.S. Guvermnint Standerds.
This terror is clipping along just fine - Mike on monster
This terror is clipping along just fine... -- Mike Nelson
This test has been designed to evaluate reactions of management personal to various situations
This thang reeeips! Bill Elliott
This the pilot for the 'Better Sex' videos - Mike
This theme song is hard to hum - Crow
This thing *exists*, Scully; it was REAL! - Mulder (Grotesque)
This thing bled acid. Who knows what it's gonna do when it's dead.
This thing does not like company. - Scully (1x08)
This thing doesn't compile in time. Need a new 486
This thing is really P*SSED off!- Alien III
This thing is slowly taking me apart
This thing is starting to really piss me off. -- Harley Stone
This thing makes the coolest noises! -- Cadet Stimpy
This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine<<Shakespeare>, The Tempest>
This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine. - Shakespeare
This thing working???
This thing, it's got to be stopped! (Jerry)
This thread has a lot of potential for yarns.
This time I'm going to get that cwwwwazzy ewwwor. Ä Elmer Fudd
This time I'm taking ADVANTAGE of my medium's impermanence - Calvin
This time Q, I have the gadgets, and I know how to use them. - 007
This time around the revolution will not be televised.
This time everything is easy
This time however, someone has failed to include me. - Quark
This time it will surely run.
This time it's for love; next time it's $100.00
This time let go your conscious self and act on instinct. - Obi Wan
This time there *are* strings attached! -- Josie
This time tomorrow you'll be dead
This time you're dead wrong. --Ivanova.
This time, *I* drive - Joel as trucker's dog
This time, Daddy isn't here to save you--and now everyone knows why!
This time, like all time, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
This tip courtesy Dr Bob's Guide to Accessing the Internet
This to me is the very definition of gettting lucky -Mike
This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
This tooth extraction could take forever, said Tom with infinite wisdom.
This town ain't big enough for both of us. Damn surveyors
This town desperately needs a leather bar - Crow
This town desperately needs a leather bar. -- Crow T. Robot
This town is so dull, when the tide goes out it refuses to come back in.
This town needs an enema - Joker
This town really DID need porn - Mike
This town's got nothing for you and me.
This transfer via DSZ ver...say, what day is it anyhow?
This transmission classified. Traitors are asked not to watch
This tricorder is broken! O'Brien
This try, try again stuff gets to be a REAL bore after a while!
This tsgline is owned and operated by Frobazz Magic Co.,
This tunamelt samaaaach really tastes quite niiiiice!
This tune's been playing for over 50 years! -- Crow T. Robot
This uniform doesn't fit and you know it -- Ensign Ro
This unit ... must ... survive.
This unit is different. It is well ordered. Ä Nomad on Spock
This universe is BORING without the Romulans!
This universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for
This universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper
This universe is just a test. The real one starts soon.
This universe is mine! I am GOD here! - The Lawn mower Man
This universe shipped by weight, not by volume. Some expansion of the contents may have occurred during shipment
This used to be my private dining room. Janeway
This v.rus d..tro.s ta...nes
This version of reality will have certain limitations until you register
This very useful result will be very useful later, where it will be very
This vessel is called the Enterprise. - Data
This video is like...complicated.
This video needs more explosions and close-ups of butts - Butthead.
This video needs some car accidents. Yeah, with lots of FIRE! - B&B
This video needs some car accidents. huh Yeah, with lots
This video needs some car accidents. huh Yeah, with lots of FIRE! huh
This video needs some more car accidents. "Yeah, with lots of fire!"
This virtual reality is fantastic. No,I really am in jail.
This virus requires Microsoft (R) Windows <tm> 3.x
This virus requires Microsoft Windows 3.x.
This virus requires Microsoft(R) Windows(tm) '95
This virus requires VBRUN.DLL, enter path:
This virus requires VBRUN300.DLL
This virus requires Windows v3.1x
This virus requires Windoze
This voice told me to be a golf pro - Johnny Fever
This voyage has begun. - Kermit
This war ain't big enough for the two of us. -- Col. Potter
This war is not about your vendetta...its about mine. - Col. Guile
This was *never* between us, MacLeod! - Mako
This was Alabama's Conscienceness on what????
This was a great war until you guys showed up.-Burns, to Trap & Hawk
This was a grinning black ghost in dusty boots and run down heels
This was a nice tagline, but it got scensored for obscene contents
This was a reminder of an unforgettable voice - wossisname! you know?
This was a test. In an actual emergency you'd be dead now
This was because reason was in fact out to lunch
This was entered with a real QWK reader.
This was his 'batch' - Tom after guy falls to his death
This was his place, his time, and he would take his stand here
This was meant as punishment, not torture
This was my brain on what? Bugs? I ain't got bugs!
This was my brain on what????
This was no boating accident!
This was no boating accident! -- Crow T. Robot
This was no bowling accident! Those are shark bites!
This was no world for gunslingers. - Odetta Holmes
This was not my Keiko -- O'Brien
This was only a test. Had this been an actual tagline
This was only a test; if this had been a real emergency, you'd be dead.
This was our finest hour. - Idi Amin Dada
This was really a chick film - Crow
This was send by a VIP!
This was supposed to be a hobby not work!!
This was supposed to be so easy
This was taken with the new Crotch-Cam!
This was taken with the new Crotch-Cam! -- Joel Robinson
This was tested on large, ugly, hairy animals with piggy eyes
This was tested on small furry animals with big brown sad eyes
This was the feel good movie of 1956 - Crow
This was the most unkindest cut of all. -- William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"
This was the product of a deranged imagination.
This was the work of a disturbed and viloent mind...! - Sisko
This was too easy. I didn't get to shoot near enough people.
This was written by an infinite number of monkeys.
This was written by it's author
This was written with consent of Major League Baseball
This was your tagline, and you can not have it back! HMPF! nanananana
This wasn't comedy; believe me. <smile> - Anna Steven
This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it. -- Dorothy Parker
This way! Out of the movie! This way! -- Tom Servo
This way! * Cat
This way! - The Cat
This week Joel fancies himself a caricaturist! -- Tom Servo
This week at K Mart: Ladies clothing, Half off!
This week only, all our fiber-fill jackets are marked down!
This week's Psychic Meeting has been canceled due to unforeseen problems
This weeks hottest hits belong to....after this message.
This whole line is a waste of space, but it can't be removed
This whole line is a waste of space, but it was not my idea!
This whole operation could use a weekend retreat - Crow
This whole party'll be for nothing if they see us. - Han Solo
This whole place is off its rocker! - Frank Burns
This whole sleazy chick thing - Mike
This will be a day long remembered. -- Darth Vader
This will be a memorable month -- no matter how hard you
This will be a memorable month -- no matter how hard you try to forget it.
This will be a test of my leadershipmanship. - Col. Henry Blake
This will be an unusual log entry. - Picard
This will be my 30th birthday. Bashir
This will beef up your collection of duplicate tagloins
This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another game?
This will end your Windows session. Load another Abomination? Y/n
This will get me into the royal bedroom, said Tom kinkily.
This will mess up your screen...[1H
This will never stand up in court (Peewee Herman)
This will not look good on a resume!
This will take slightly more time than we have.
This will, of course, eventually kill Frank. -- Dr. Forrester
This woman sucks the joy out of it - Tom
This won't do you any good senor Martino!
This won't help our mission.
This won't hurt a bit. Don't worry, I'm only a hologram. Ä Picardo
This won't hurt a bit. La Forge
This won't hurt, I promise!
This won't take long. - Richard Franklin
This wonman sucks the joy out of it - Tom
This world ain't fit for *US* decent folks!
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us. - Queen
This world holds many weird people. I am three of them
This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel. -- Horace Walpole (1717-1797)
This world is suffering from a catastrophic emoticon shor
This world looks remarkably like a roleplaying game... -- Blink
This world may be another world's hell
This world was produced entirely using Amigas
This would also be recognized as a tagline.
This would be a good one for the daquiri swilling tractor manufacturer
This would be really funny if it weren't happening to me
This would easier understand fewer had ommitted
This would have never happened if I'd stayed aboard ship!
This would make a fine tagline.
This would really be exciting if I knew what were going on
This would really be exciting if I understood what was going on.
This would really be handy if I had that tech manual.
This year (like last year) the best is right here.
This year I'm definitely going to attend more cultural events.
This year I'm definitely going to attend more cultural events.
This year I'm definitely going to be nicer to people.
This year I'm definitely going to get more exercise.
This year I'm definitely going to go on a diet.
This year I'm definitely going to make larger charitable contributions.
This year Oliver Stone exposes BBSs and networking!
This year give "The Gift That Keeps On Giving!" (a stray cat in heat).
This year in Arizona, winter is scheduled for Wednesday.
This year in Colorado, summer is scheduled for Wednesday.
This year was lousy, but at least it's familiar - Calvin
This year's Middle Class Twit of the Year is
This years theme is Spaceballs! He's dressed as Helmet. Not Luke.
This young lady is a Nazi, a hero of the Fatherland. Kirk on Daras
This your last packet of taglines... Time to reorder.
This ì”ì tagline has ì”ì a few ì”ì bugs in it
This ì™ì tagline has ì™ì a lot of ì™ì bugs in ì™ì it ...
This ì™ì tagline is ì™ì slightly ì™ì buggy
This'd be a Limbaugh flame, but he bores me now.
This'd turn k.d. lang hetero - Tom on girl wrestlers
This'll be a great show if we survive the rehearsals.
This'll be your big chance to get away from it all. þ Kirk
This'll never stand up in court! [Peewee Herman]
This'll put the crappies down for a while - Mike
This((kiss me))is a((kiss me))subliminal((kiss me))tagline!
This, I know from nothing
This, ah say, This here's a Tagline!
This, that, these, those, and such, said Tom demonstratively.
This, too, shall pass.
This. Unit. Must. Die. M5
This.. emptiness has a poetic meaning - Data
This... is Rikki. I include her in all my holoprograms. - Paris
This... is... easy. Comedy... is... hard. -- Crow T. Robot
This... wilderness... is my home. -- Kira
This...Festival. It starts at 6 o'clock? - Kirk
This...is...easy. Comedy...is...hard -Crow on death scene
This? Why this is an inflamed lymph node. My God, is it noticeable
This[anti-animal testing] is why I'm not involved.-Liz Berkley,on PETA
This[fur] keeps you warm. Show me an Eskimo in a cotton coat.-J.Rivers
Thish iz an APB. Inveshtigate a drunk inna radio shtation
Thisry Needs Group Therapy
Thix tezt w@s sc@nn=d w|th @ b@rg@|n pr|c=d 0CR p@ck@g=
Tho' I understand not, I do not criticize! :-)
Tho' the guy's a pig, we know what he wants -- TMBG
Tholian's INVESTMENTS. 10 Mark 8 now, 1 Battlecarrier tomorrow
Tholians: Give me a hand! - Sorry, I haven't
Thomas Edison invented the "Light Emitting Resistor".
Thomas Jefferson was killed by ferrets!
Thomas Jefferson's homepage: www.monticello.org
Thomas Jefferson--still surv... - John Adams' dying words
Thomas Murphy Sysop, The PosterBoard Network NYC, NY
Thomas P. Crapper..civilizations' hero
Thomas The Rhymer by Ellen Kushner
Thomas Tschoellitsch is NOT a Borg identification. You are now 1 of 5.5 billion!
Thomas Tschoellitsch is to Moderators what mosquitoes are to campers
Thomas Tschoellitsch joins the echo. Moderator has a link cut party
Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord and my God. - John 20:28
Thomas is not a Borg identification, you are now 3 of 32 billion
Thompson's Theorem: When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Thong(n): what Thinatra things
Thongs [n], What Thinatra things.
Thor shows his might, and the rhinohide yells, "Light!"
Thorazine.com missing. Operator arrested
Thoreau's Law: If you see a man approaching you with the
Thoreau's Law: If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life
Thorn Thallid: Jean-Luc on mushrooms
Thoroughly sexperienced
Thors d'oeuvres: Scandinavian finger foods.
Those 'crazy noises' are computer signals! - Nerd
Those 3 little words that mean so much: 'Klaatu barada nikkto'
Those 3 special words: "Wow! Great ass!"
Those Alanas need all the help they can get... -Quickling
Those B***ards Spaced all the prisoners!
Those Cardassian pigs didn't kill your brother. Rom-2
Those Carival Cruises were rustic back then - Mike
Those Chrysler buildings sure pack a whallop!
Those Donners sure knew how to party!
Those Founders.. they're an insidious bunch!
Those Funny Dogs - by Joe Kur
Those Funny Dogs: Joe Kur
Those Grand Juries always over-react. Don't worry about it
Those Orcs couldn't hit an elephant at this distance
Those PAJAMAS are impossible; THIS actually happened. - Det. Kellaway
Those Texicans like to catalog there mistakes
Those acting classes are really paying off! Yakko Warner
Those amphibian slimes have their magic powers... - Anna Steven
Those ankles cut neatly off to fit [the] coffin! --HPL
Those answers mean nothing if we are hunted down like animals - Scully
Those ants sure tasted good.
Those are Klingon phasers. Get down, gentlemen. - Kirk
Those are celsius dollars of course, no farenheit
Those are flat. -Beavis
Those are hemostats, officer. I'm a doctor
Those are my balloons... - The Joker
Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others - G Marx
Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others. - Groucho Marx, 1890-1977
Those are not real Aztecs, Amigo Azul. - Night Watchman to The Tick
Those are probably smutty Hummels on the wall - Mike
Those are reasons for murder. Shras
Those are some I either got here or had before I started
Those are the friendliest vipers I have ever met!--Sisko
Those are the lotto numbers - Crow on computations
Those are the risks we take! You either accept them or you dont! - Mulder
Those are titles I've finally taken as my own
Those are two hypo-rhetorical questions. -- G. Bush to M. Dukakis
Those are two hyporhetorical questions. -- Bush
Those are your...hands?
Those aren't dilithium crystals-they're Folger crystals!
Those aren't fortune cookies. - Indiana Jones
Those aren't horses, you're banging 2 coconuts together!
Those aren't weeds - those are native wildflowers.
Those arrogant sons of... Take them down! - Ivanova
Those at war with others are not at peace with themselves
Those ballet students should do exercises in the nude, said Tom
Those birds are swallows, Tom gulped.
Those birthdays. I told you. They're relationship killers. - George
Those bright lights called my name.
Those butts are ripe for kicking - Mike
Those cars we shipped had a defective part, Tom recalled
Those child psychology books we bought were a waste of money.
Those could be *anybody's* tiger tracks - Hobbes
Those darn Christian upstarts! What was wrong with *our* religion!
Those darn Unitarians burned a question mark on my lawn!
Those days are gone. - Sisko
Those default taglines are just too wacky for me.
Those dirty taglines...you try scrubbing them out
Those doves were assimilated!
Those drinking to forget please pay in advance.
Those evil people. <tut-tutting> - Anna Steven
Those evil people. <tut-tutting> - Anna Steven
Those fish are the property of the Cult of the Fin! - Fin Henchman
Those girls look exactly alike. Are they twins? Oh, no. They merely went to the same plastic surgeon
Those guns do not open doors; those only close them forever. - Walter
Those guys are agressively incompetent - Tom
Those guys are marked clearly POISON-Joel on skull jacket
Those guys are marked clearly poison! -- Joel Robinson
Those guys will NEVER be under control no matter WHAT.
Those have most power to hurt us, that we love. -Beaumont
Those hookers are putting notices in the personals, Tom advised.
Those in charge of sacking this tagline have been sacked
Those isotopes are toxic. --Bashir
Those it does not kill are >strong<. Freya
Those kicks were fast as lightening--Carl Douglas
Those kids is driving me crazy! - Dr. Scratchansniff
Those kids with their chinos. Ahhhh! - Mike/#606
Those little black insects will never get in here, Tom said defiantly.
Those little yellow Reds! - Frank Burns, on the Chinese
Those lovable Brits department: They also have trouble pronouncing `vitamin'
Those mirrors in your pants? Because I can really see myself in them.
Those moon rocks are made outta charcoal briquettes -Crow
Those nicotine patches work pretty well, but it's hard to keep them lit. --George Carlin
Those non-existing employees are on Rosty's side
Those of us who hold the Priesthood are the Lord's agents.
Those of us who quietly lurk may prove you wrong someday. (G)
Those of you who think they know everything are very annoying to those of us who do
Those of you who think you know everything annoy those of us who do.
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do
Those of you with children are excused.
Those of you with children are excused. -- Randall Flagg
Those old Bulgarians that eat yogurt aren't 150; they just look that way
Those on the cutting edge bleed a lot.
Those pajamas are impossible. This really happened. Lt. Calloway
Those people who don't value their own lives will die.
Those pesky voices told him to say that
Those reading between the lines do so at their own risk
Those ringside seats are worth the $700 bucks - Tom
Those rowing the boat usually don't have time to rock it.
Those shackles aren't too tight, are they? -- Harlan Ellison
Those shoes look like Frankenstein's hand-me-downs
Those stupid aliens keep making circles in my wheat field.
Those that beat their guns into plows, plow for those who don't
Those that can't do, criticize.
Those that do not listen to history will repeat it
Those that give you everything you need...can take anything they want
Those that have the firepower make the rules.
Those that live by the sword KILL those who don't
Those that live by the sword get shot by those that don't
Those the English public never forgives - youth, power & enthusiasm
Those things are better which are perfected by Nature than those which are finished by art
Those three are quite a pair if ever there was one
Those to be subjugated, must first be disarmed.
Those toys are demon sticks sent to torment me. <Tros>
Those two are a fastidious couple. She's fast and he's hideous. --Henny Youngman
Those were females? I don't know how you can tell the difference
Those were females? I don't know how you can tell the difference
Those were soldiers of yours we captured
Those were the days, My Friends, We thought, They'd never END
Those white hairs mean that I have have a teenager.
Those who *would* govern us are enemies.
Those who COUNT the votes, not cast them, elect the leaders. -Kruschev
Those who RTFM will sit at the right hand of God
Those who adapt will certainly survive. -- Tyrannosaurus Rex
Those who agree with liberalism are traitors
Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly. - Plutarch
Those who aim at nothing always hit it.
Those who alter the past are condemned to repeat it
Those who are about to die salute you.....:)
Those who are absent are always wrong -- Zaire
Those who are at war with others cannot be at peace with themselves.
Those who are easily offended, should be! Often!
Those who are easily offended....should be! And often!
Those who are going to abuse drugs are already abusing drugs.
Those who are not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants
Those who are opposed to freedom never fought for it
Those who are prepared to die for any cause are seldom defeated.
Those who are prospering do not argue about taxes
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. - Plato
Those who are unaware are unaware of being unaware
Those who ask for more get more!
Those who avoid work, thus appearing lazy (Idiots). --Scott Adams
Those who beat their guns into plowshares will plow for those who don't.
Those who beat their swords into plowshares generally end up plowing for those who didn't
Those who believe without reason cannot be convinced by reason.- Randi
Those who can - do. Those who cannot - teach
Those who can admit weakness are strong in the Lord
Those who can afford to pay taxes can pay to avoid taxes
Those who can do nothing else become administrators.
Those who can do. Those who can't become left-wing liberal.
Those who can do. Those who can't join the Democratic Party.
Those who can do; Those who can't become left-wing liberal.
Those who can do; Those who can't join the Democratic Party
Those who can't
Those who can't handle adulthood become born-again.
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.
Those who can't teach - administer. Those who can't administer - run for public office
Those who can't teach, administrate.
Those who can't teach, do
Those who can't write, write help files.
Those who can't write, write manuals.
Those who can, Do. Those who can't, Criticize.
Those who can, Do. Those who can't, attend COBBA meetings
Those who can, do. Those who can't, don't.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, get paid twice as much.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, simulate.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, supervise!
Those who can, do. Those who can't, write
Those who can, do. Those who can't, write the instructions
Those who can, do. Those who can't, write.
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. Those who cannot teach, HACK!
Those who can, do. Those who can't, censor. - Murray, MAX HEADROOM
Those who can, do. Those who can't, hire others
Those who can, do. Those who can't, simulate.
Those who can, do. Those who can't, write the manual.
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, simulate
Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach.
Those who can, do... those who can't, get promoted to management.
Those who can, do; those who can't, Simulate.
Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record
Those who can, do; those who cannot, talk - Benjamin Disraeli
Those who can, write. Those who can't, write
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Those who cannot repeat the past are condemned to remember it
Those who cannot teach -- administrate
Those who cannot think for themselves are emotionally unequipped to spend time alone . -anonymous
Those who change the color of their food are not on a dye-it
Those who claim the dead never return to life haven't ever been around here at quitting time
Those who compare Stern to Limbaugh are intellectually bankrupt.
Those who conquer act; those who are conquered think! -- Rampage
Those who corrupt the public mind are just as evil as those who steal from the public purse. - Adlai Stevenson
Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves. - Abraham Lincoln
Those who deserve love the least need it the most
Those who do good will get their Just Punishment!
Those who do most, dream most
Those who do not complain are never pitied.
Those who do not complain are never pitied. - Jane Austen
Those who do not do politics will be done in by politics
Those who do not do politics will be done in by politics. -- French Proverb
Those who do not follow are dragged
Those who do not follow will be dragged.
Those who do not know their history are doomed to keep stepping in it.
Those who do not learn from History ... get an F.
Those who do not learn from history often end up making it
Those who do not learn from the past [will] repeat it!
Those who do not remember the past have no future. -- Heinlein
Those who do not study history, are doomed to repeat it
Those who do not think do not deserve to have a brain.
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer
Those who do not understand Unix are doomed to reinvent it - poorly
Those who do not want to learn will lead enterprises.
Those who do not want to learn will lead enterprises. ÄEdsil Murphy
Those who do the most usually demand the least
Those who do things in a noble spirit of self-sacrifice are to be avoided at all costs. -- N. Alexander
Those who don't agree with me are traitors (George III)
Those who don't know, talk. Those who don't talk, know
Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it
Those who don't remember history are doomed to vote for Liberals.
Those who don't remember taglines are doomed to repeat them.
Those who don't study the past will repeat it's errors
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allen Poe
Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. -- Aristotle
Those who exercise regularly die healthier
Those who expect nothing are never disappointed
Those who fail to repeat history are doomed to study it.
Those who fail to study history are DOOMed to repeat it
Those who fear death most are those who enjoy life least. - Edward Abbey
Those who fight and run away, live to fight another day.
Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address
Those who follow like sheep are bound to be fleeced!
Those who follow like sheep deserve to get fleeced
Those who forget the pasta, are doomed to reheat it
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it
Those who forget history are doomed to vote Democrat
Those who forget the pasta are condemed to reheat it.
Those who fought for it know the true taste of freedom!
Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.
Those who give up liberty for security, deserve neither. B Franklin
Those who go to college and never get out are called professors.
Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who don't
Those who hate Windows have slow computers!
Those who hate and fight must stop themselves
Those who hate and fight must stop themselves -- otherwise it is not stopped. -- Spock, "Day of the Dove"
Those who hate classical music have my symphony.
Those who have HYPHENS in front of the word American, are not American
Those who have HYPHENS in front of the word American, are not American
Those who have a problem with their modem complain that others suck
Those who have free seats at the play hiss first
Those who have knowledge, don't predict. Those who predict, don't have knowledge. - Lao Tzu
Those who have seen your face draw back in fear... - Christine
Those who have some means think that the most important thing in the world is love. The poor know that it is money. -- Gerald Brenan
Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale!
Those who hesitate under fire usually do not end up KIA or WIA
Those who hesitate under fire usually do not end up killed or wounded
Those who hug trees must have woodpeckers
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it
Those who ignore history have no future. - Robert A. Heinlein
Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bloody
Those who judge others will burn in Hell!
Those who know don't tell; those who tell don't know
Those who know little soon repeat it
Those who know me despise me
Those who know nothing doubt nothing!
Those who know the least usually speak the most
Those who know when and how to face evil must be wise.
Those who know, do not say; those who say, do not know
Those who know, do not say; those who say, do not know
Those who learn not from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who learn nothing from history are doomed to repeat it. --Santayana
Those who like sausage or political policy should not wat
Those who like sausage or political policy should not watch either being made
Those who like sausages and the law had better not watch either one being made
Those who live are those who fight. - Victor Hugo
Those who live be the sword get shot by those who don't.
Those who live by the crystal ball must be prepared to eat crushed glass
Those who live by the dragon die by the dragonlance.
Those who live by the knife, get shot by those of us who don't.
Those who live by the nit, die by the nit
Those who live by the sea, shall die by the sea.
Those who live by the spam get shot by those who don't.
Those who live by the sword ... kill those who don't.
Those who live by the sword KILL those who don't.
Those who live by the sword are shot by those who don't.
Those who live by the sword die by dragon breath.
Those who live by the sword die by the arrow.
Those who live by the sword die by the cone of cold
Those who live by the sword die by the crossbow bolt.
Those who live by the sword die by the fireball.
Those who live by the sword die by the lightning bolt.
Those who live by the sword die by the longbow
Those who live by the sword die by the phaser.
Those who live by the sword die by the photon torpedo.
Those who live by the sword die by the shotgun blast!
Those who live by the sword get shot by those that don't.
Those who live by the sword must die by the sword.
Those who live by the sword shall be shot by those who don't
Those who live closest arrive latest.
Those who live in glass houses should change in the basement!
Those who live in glass houses should get dressed in the basement.
Those who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones!
Those who live in paper houses should not play with flamethrowers.
Those who live in stone houses shouldn't throw glass.
Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time
Those who look for "hate" usually find it
Those who lose dreaming are lost
Those who lose dreaming are lost. - Australian Aboriginal Proverb
Those who love each other shall become invincible
Those who make balls of wool for a living like to come home and unwind.
Those who make conclusions stopped thinking
Those who make conclusions stopped thinking
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -- John F. Kennedy
Those who make sponges get very absorbed in their work.
Those who miss history class are doomed to repeat it. - Baloo
Those who never make mistakes are those who never do anything.
Those who own the guns, own the country
Those who play with cats must expect to be scratched.
Those who post unwisely are unable to post
Those who pun should be drawn and quoted.
Those who quote me are fools
Those who race toward Death, those who wait, those who worry. -JM
Those who run are enemy. Those who don't are well trained enemy.
Those who say "I hate to ask this of you..." usually don't.
Those who say CP/M is lame, Don't know computers too well
Those who say cats have no soul have never gazed into their eyes
Those who say they sleep like a baby haven't got one
Those who scream for equality know they're not.
Those who soil a Wellington put their foot in it
Those who speak do not know; those who know do not speak.
Those who speak loudest always have the least to say.
Those who speak most of progress measure it by quantity and not quality. - George Santayana
Those who speak only to save face end up falling on it
Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.
Those who stand for nothing fall for anything. - Alex Hamilton
Those who stare at the past have their backs turned to the future. - unknown
Those who steal trains must have a loco-motive.
Those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it
Those who talk don't know. Those who don't talk, know.
Those who talk the most have the least to say
Those who testify in the name of Christ are going to their Hell
Those who think power is better than sex better rethink
Those who think they know everything annoy those of us who do.
Those who think they know everything annoy us that do.
Those who think they know everything are annoying to those of us who do
Those who think they know it all are really annoying to those of us who do
Those who think they know it all upset those of us who do.
Those who think they know it all, bother those of us who do!
Those who think they know it all, often upset those of us who do.
Those who throw dirt are just losing ground.
Those who tolerate everything, stand for nothing. What do YOU stand for?
Those who trade freedom for security don't deserve either
Those who trade freedom for security don't deserve either
Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
Those who trade liberty for security will likely end up with neither.
Those who tried to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed at it
Those who understand, work; those who create, rule
Those who use Windows have slow computers!
Those who usually cannot teach, usually do
Those who want political power probably don't deserve it.
Those who want to learn WILL learn.
Those who want to learn WILL learn. ÄEdsil Murphy
Those who welcome death have only tried it from the ears up. - Wilson Mizner
Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. --Friedrich Nietzsche
Those who will not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Those who will not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Those who wish to *be* must put aside the alienation...-Rush
Those who won't think will have it done for them.
Those who work hard regardless of the compensation (Idiots). --Scott Adams
Those who work on reducing auto emissions go home exhausted.
Those who work with computers have terminal problems.
Those who would be enslaved, must first be disarmed.
Those who would destroy us, would first disarm us
Those who would repeat the past must control the teaching of history.
Those who would repeat the past must control the teaching of history. --Bene Gesserit Coda
Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.
Those who would seek the path of @IDIC throw no stones
Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.-Franklin
Those who write the manuals, don't use the hardware.
Those who'd trade freedom for security, receive neither
Those whom God wishes to destroy, are first made mad.
Those whom the gods love grow young.
Those whom the gods would destroy they first make liberal.
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make President
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make President. Kelvin Throop
Those whom the gods would destroy, they first teach BASIC
Those wings of yours are pretty nice,whadaya think they're worth used?
Those with fancy foods must be careful with knives, said Tom delicately.
Those with no sense become moderators. - a moderator
Those with no sense of humor become moderators.
Those with sensative noses can come back out now, Bullitt has gone.
Those with the weapons make the rules.
Those without heads do not need hats.
Those wonderful pineapples! Those magnificant radishes!
Those, who in quarrels interpose, must often wipe a bloody nose. - John Gay
Those... things... have no rights! They're just animals
Thou Anointest My Head With Oil; My Cup Runneth Over
Thou Preparest a Table Before Me in The Presence of Mine Enemies
Thou Shalt Covet Thy Neighbor's Tagline.
Thou Shalt Have No Other Sysop Before Me. (just kidding!)
Thou Shalt Not Talk About Thy Rod To Thy Staff
Thou Who might be our Father Who perhaps may be in Heaven..- Zelazny
Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably. -- Benedict
Thou art God(dess).
Thou art beyond the day and the night.
Thou art directed to return to thy own Solar System immediately - Q
Thou art so leaky, that we must leave thee to thy sinking.
Thou art the book, the library whereon I look. * King
Thou art the man. -- 2 Samuel 12:7
Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in thee. <Shakespeare>
Thou art thy mother's tagline, and she in thee. --Tagspeare
Thou baudy beef-witted nut-hook
Thou canst not touch this -----M.C. Hamlet
Thou canst touch this.-MC Hamlet
Thou goest to women? Forget not thy whip! -Nietzsche
Thou has besquirted me, oh leotarded one!
Thou hast been, shall be, art alone. -- Arnold
Thou hast besquirted me, O leotarded one!
Thou hast besquirted me, Oh Leotarded One! - Sheriff of Dodge City
Thou hast conquered, oh pale Galilean. -- Swinburne
Thou hast seen nothing yet.
Thou hast seen nothing yet. -- Miguel de Cervantes
Thou hast shown thy people hard things: thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment. - Psalms 60:3
Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. -- Proverbs 27:1
Thou shall bruise thy head, and it shalt bruise his heel
Thou shall flirt shamelessly with all members of the opposite sex!
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's tagline.."Borrow it!" ;-)
Thou shall not kill, unless it's for dinner!
Thou shall not kill.
Thou shall not sleep within an interrupt handler.
Thou shall personalize your tags if you want ppl reading them
Thou shalt Honor thy SysOp.
Thou shalt eat green eggs and ham--obey thy God, I-am-that-I-am
Thou shalt flirt shamelessly with all members of the opposite sex.
Thou shalt honor and obey the hororable Tagline Moderator
Thou shalt honour thy bean and thy grinder. - Jalapeno
Thou shalt kick butt.
Thou shalt kick thy neighbor's butt.
Thou shalt log on properly and in accordance with thy SysOp's wishes.
Thou shalt love thy BBS with all thy heart and all thy bytes.
Thou shalt love thy neighbors as thyself. -- Leviticus 33:20
Thou shalt not AOL! :-) CO-MOD BTX.GER
Thou shalt not Fnord Thy neighbour's cat -JesusJerkOff
Thou shalt not _____ <-insert favorite vice
Thou shalt not ________. <- Insert Favorite Vice.
Thou shalt not admit adultery.
Thou shalt not alter the consciousness of thy fellow men. -- Leary
Thou shalt not be a couch spud on sunday mornings
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor - Ex. 20:16
Thou shalt not commit adultery. -- Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not commit adultery... unless in the mood.
Thou shalt not commit liberalist views
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's genealogy!
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's tagline
Thou shalt not display firearms in the computer room
Thou shalt not enjoy cancelling a job
Thou shalt not follow a NULL pointer; chaos and madness await thee at its end
Thou shalt not get physically involved with the computer system, especially if you're already married
Thou shalt not have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not impersonate Liberace or eat watermelon while sitting at the console keyboard
Thou shalt not kill (unless you're in DEATHMATCH mode).
Thou shalt not kill? What about Deuteronomy 22:22?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Exodus 22:18-20?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Leviticus 20:9-16?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Numbers 31:17?
Thou shalt not kill? What about the Death Penalty?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Deuteronomy 22:22?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Exodus 22:18-20?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Leviticus 20:9-16?
Thou shalt not kill? What about Numbers 31:17?
Thou shalt not laugh at others' mistakes
Thou shalt not let thy airspeed stall, lest the earth rise and smite thee !
Thou shalt not let..moochers into thy..hut.
Thou shalt not miss adultery.
Thou shalt not moderate the (Co-)moderator, for s/he is neuclear capable!
Thou shalt not omit adultery
Thou shalt not post messages while drunk.
Thou shalt not push buttons "just to see what happens"
Thou shalt not rape the land, for that would be "Sod-omy."
Thou shalt not resist temptation!
Thou shalt not slap users on the face, nor staple their silly little card decks together
Thou shalt not sleep within an interrupt handler
Thou shalt not stare at the blinking lights for more than one eight hour shift
Thou shalt not steal my tag line!
Thou shalt not steal other's taglines - Moses 1991
Thou shalt not steal taglines. I can't hear you hehehe
Thou shalt not steal. (exception: UNLESS it's a tagline)
Thou shalt not steal. -- Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal. That's what we elected Clinton for
Thou shalt not suck. - Butt-Head
Thou shalt not suffer a LEEEEEEECH to live
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. -- Exodus 22:18
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God - Matthew 4:7
Thou shalt not try to herd cats; be they users or sysops.
Thou shalt not use magnetic tapes as frisbees, nor use a disk pack as a stool to reach another disk pack
Thou shalt not use pepper, nor allow it to be used. -- Curry
Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
Thou shalt not worship other computer systems
Thou shalt pay homage to the god favored by the majority
Thou shalt reclaim it not
Thou shalt remember the 11th commandment and keep it wholly. L. Long
Thou shalt remember the Eleventh Commandment and keep it Wholly.
Thou shalt speaketh to the SysOp thy real name.
Thou shlt not steaal
Thou speakest wiser than thou art ware of. -- Shakespeare
Thou spleeny rough-hewn pigeon-egg,,,
Thou spongy rude-growing pignut,,,
Thou strong seducer, opportunity. -- Dryden
Thou surly rump-fed puttock,,,
Thou tottering shard-born epumpion,,,
Thou unmuzzled sheep-biting ratsbane,,,
Thou unmuzzled, common-kissing haggard,,,,
Thou venomed swag-bellied skainsmate,,,
Thou villainous tardy-gaited strumpet,,,
Thou warped tickle-brained varlet,,,
Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird!
Thou wayward toad-spotted vassal,,,
Thou whoreson Z! Thou unnecessary letter! -- Shakespeare
Thou whoreson Z! Thou unnecessary tagline! -- Tagspeare
Thou whoreson Z! Thou unnecessary letter! - Shakespeare
Thou yeasty weather-bitten wagtail,,,
Though God cannot alter the past, historians can. - Samuel Butler
Though I admit it's getting more wonderful by the minute.--Neelix
Though I may seem helpless I will do all that I can do
Though I never left, I'm back. :-)
Though I race through all my days, gentleness is all I seek. -BGC
Though Our Outward Man Perish, Yet The Inward Man is Renewed Day By Day !!
Though art my slave, Elric, make no mistake, purred the Chaos Lord
Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport, the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest. - Bion
Though deepening trials throng your way, Press on, Press on ye saints of
Though down this road we've been so many times..... -Floyd
Though his mind is not for rent, don't put him down as arrogant -Rush
Though it all looks different now, i know its still the same -- NIN
Though it's hard I try not to look at my wind chimes
Though leaves are many, the root is one. (_The Coming of Wisdom with Time_)
Though leaves are many, the root is one.<Yeats>
Though lifeless, the Skull still possesed a strange power
Though our roads lead to the same place, our stories will be different when we get there.
Though the leaves are many, the root is one.
Though the leaves are many, the root is one.
Though the patient had never been fatally ill before, he woke up dead.
Though the sex to which I belong is considered weak...you will nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind. --Queen Elizabeth I
Though they say, The Lord liveth; surely they swear falsely.-Jer.5:2
Though they say, The Lord liveth; surely they swear falsely.-Jer.5:2
Though they'll never fathom it behind my sarcasm desperate memories lie
Though this be madness, yet there is method in it
Though this be madness, yet there is method in it. -- Hamlet
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. - Shakespeare
Though this be madness, yet there's method in't !
Though this be madness,yet there is method in't...<Shakespeare>, Hamlet
Though this tagline be madness,yet there is method in't
Though this tagline be madness,yet there is method in't. Tagspeare
Though we share so many secrets, there are some we never tell
Though you may disappear / you're not forgotten here.
Though you may not give a damn someone will have me the way I am
Thought Crimes, Political Cleansing and Gun Control go hand in hand.
Thought For Today: "When you look into a mirror you do not see your reflection, your reflection sees you."
Thought Frankie Avalon was fully versed in English - Crow
Thought I wouldn't notice you sneaking off, eh?
Thought I'd been through this in 1919, counting the tears of 10,000 men.
Thought I'd drop you a note:
Thought I'd something more to say
Thought for the Day "Have you hugged your Dragon today?"
Thought for the Day: All my words are second hand-The Sisters of Mercy
Thought for the day: What if there were no hypothetical situations?
Thought is action in rehearsal
Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.
Thought is the essence of where you are now. -- The Traveller
Thought links corrupted ... Reformat brain? (Y/N)
Thought of the day ... To QuaWK or not to QuaWK?
Thought pattern currently blocked....please hold!
Thought promotes thought.
Thought that I could call your bluff, but now the lines are clear
Thought this looked like your work. -True Lies
Thought we might take in a Warriors game. - Deep Throat to Mulder
Thought you might to know! - Pink Floyd
Thought you were an atheist.-Mulcahy. Gave it up for Lent.-Klinger
Thought you'd be packed and on a plane to somewhere. - Methos
Thought you'd find a tagline here, didn't you?
Thought: Girls get minks the same way minks get minks!
Thought: Why does sour cream have an expiration date?
Thoughtcrime in progress
Thoughts in this message are weirder than they appear.
Thoughts of the day....... To QuaWK or not to QuaWK?
Thousand-Island Dressing was sold by barrel-full! -- Mike Nelson
Thousands of Americans are trying to find peace in a pill.
Thousands of centuries I will endure, tyrant of all prophecies
Thousands of days of civilians ... have produced a ... feeling for the aesthetic modules --
Thousands of journeys have a start but no end.
Thousands of times. Well, hundreds. Maybe fifty. - Neelix
Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians worshipped cats as gods. Cats have never forgotten this
Tho{jad of the Just-Happy-Enough-To-Piss-Everyone-Else-Of
Thrashing is just virtual crashing.
Thread is ripping the knot is slipping --U2
Threadbearer - The kid in 3rd grade who can thread the fi
Threads will die if left unfed. -- Second Law of Echo Physics
Threads? Where? All I see is text!
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light -Floyd
Threats are illogical
Threats are illogical, and payment is usually expensive.
Threats are illogical.
Threats are illogical. -- Sarek
Three Hundred Baud Tagline.
Three Finger Salute <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> to continue
Three Food Groups: Coffee, Chocolate, Ice Cream!
Three Golden Rules for speakers: Stand up, Speak up, Shut up
Three Jews go into a bar and buy it!
Three Men in Black said, "Don't report this."
Three Months In The Saddle : by Major Assburn
Three Scottish sizes: Wee, Not-So-Wee and Friggin' Huge!
Three Stages of Sex Tri-Weekly, Try Weekly, Try Weakly
Three Stages of life
Three Texans walked into a bar; the fourth one ducked
Three Types of Men: Intelligent, Nice Looking, and the Majority.
Three against three; we may never have a beter chance. - Kirk
Three ambulances take BLAST victim to hospital.
Three bedrooms and 1/ libraries... er, I mean bathrooms
Three beeps means trouble's coming
Three blondes in a V.W....Farfromthinken
Three blondes in a Volkswagen = Farfromthinking!
Three boxes keep us free: Ballot, Jury and Cartridge
Three boxes keep us free: ballot, jury, and ammo.
Three bucks?! I'm gonna buy a french fry, Pop! - Tom
Three can be a couple
Three can keep a secret - if two are dead.
Three can keep a secret, but only if two are dead.
Three can keep a secret...if two are dead.
Three can keep peace, if two are dead
Three categories of work: to be done, in process, & not quite done.
Three certainties in life: 1) Death; 2) Taxes; 3) Gas in church.
Three cheers for Captain Spaulding
Three cheers for June! You'er right on
Three cheers for the green guy, and a drink for him on my tab!-Gryph
Three chickens short of a henhouse.
Three chocolate sundaes please ... I'm in a really bad mood!
Three daughters and a wife, VACATION? WHAT VACATION?!?
Three days. Then he shoots them, skins them, and dumps them
Three dots...SOS. Hold fire! That's the Captain! - Ivanova
Three down football.......it'll make ya squirt!
Three dreaded words when making love: "Honey, I'm home!"
Three dreaded words when making love: "Ignore the rash."
Three dreaded words: hard disk failure.
Three drinks and I think I'm St. Francis of Assisi. -- Parker
Three drinks: The difference between a dog and a fox.
Three flame-thrower settings: Hot, Really Hot, Mars Flaming Sniper
Three freddos and I'm anyone's. - Rachel
Three free thugs set three thugs free.
Three game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow
Three glories of speech: steadiness, wisdom, brevity.
Three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write. -- Trollope
Three humble shoemakers brainstorming will make a great statesman. - Chinese Proverb
Three hundred bps - faster than a speeding Windows!
Three in a pagoda. Great rates!
Three is at 44! No fun
Three is mystic. Three stands for the heart of the mantra. - Oracle
Three it's a magic number, oh yes it is.
Three jacks for handsome young Ensign @TOLAST@. --Troi
Three jacks for handsome young Ensign Bullitt. --Troi.
Three jacks for the handsome young Ensign -- Deanna
Three jacks for the handsome young Ensign. -- Troi
Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes and caterpillars
Three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, & Press Releases
Three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics!
Three kinds of lies: White lies, lies, and statistics
Three kinds of mini-skirts: mini, maxi, and don't bend over!
Three left's make a right!
Three locations - Crow
Three may keep a secret if two are dead. -- Franklin
Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.
Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. -- Ben Franklin
Three men, and Rosemary's baby. - Stay Tuned
Three more neurons and you'd make a good mollusk!
Three more screw ups on my part and I could pass for a Bajoran.
Three most dreaded words for a man to hear: "Honey, I'm pregnant."
Three mouse buttons may be too many, but one is sure not enough.
Three o'clock is always too late or too early
Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do. - Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980)
Three on a transporter is bad luck! -- Crow T. Robot
Three on an elevator! Bad luck! - Crow
Three options: Die. Die painfully. Drink Pepsi.
Three out of five people aren't the other two.
Three out of four Americans make up 75% of the population
Three out of four Rottweilers prefer Jehovahs Witnesses!
Three out of four doctors recommend other doctors
Three out of four people... make up 75% of the population.
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. -Bertrand Russell [1872-1970]
Three prostitutes and a blonde? Ho, Ho, Ho, and to all a good night!
Three prostitutes and a blonde? Ho, Ho, Ho, and to all a good night!
Three quarks for Muster Mark, sure it's all beside the bark.-James Joyce
Three reasons for being a teacher: June, July, and August
Three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering
Three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky,
Three rules of SysOping: Backup, then BACKUP, and BACKUP _AGAIN!_ :-/
Three second recharge before firing. - Ivanova
Three shall be the number of the counting...
Three sides to every story - Yours, Mine, Truth
Three sigma off the norm
Three signs of a brehon: wisdom, information, intellect.
Three simple words: @FN@ started it!
Three stages of Sex - Tri Weekly, Try Weekly and Try Weakly
Three syllables?! - Crow as Kathy Ireland reads letter
Three thieves and a bard. What a pitiful group.
Three things a BBSer needs - Disk Space, Memory, Money
Three things in life are certain: Death, taxes, and Sailor Moon
Three times in this message
Three to beam down to Wayne's World.
Three vipers. Just like in the prophecy. -- Kira
Three weeks ago I couldn't spell EMT, now I is one
Three white rabbits commented: "Oh, No! A Gray Hare!!"
Three wise men? You've got to be kidding!
Three witches...a castle, and a black cat... - McCoy
Three words for Regis Philbin: Prozac, Prozac, Prozac!
Three words that quell riots: "Shoot to Kill."
Three words women love to hear -- no prenupital agreement
Three worst words when you're making love? 'Honey, I'm home.'
Three year old teacher needed for preschool. Experience preferred
Three's a crowd and four your death
Three, Four, Better lock your door...-Elm St. Children
Three, this is the number of your fate. - Oracle
Three-in-a mind beats a paranoid.
Three. Hundred. Baud. Tagline.
Three. One eats, two watch for cars
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue
Threek - A fork with a bent tine.
Thrickle - Itch in the back of the throat scratched by ma
Thrift is a great virtue in an ancestor.
Thrift is a wonderful virtue - in an ancestor.
Thrift shock - Spotting previously owned items at a Salva
Thrifty means spending other people's money.
Thrill as they exit - Mike
Thrill as they exit! -- Mike Nelson
Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me creature of the night
Thrill me, then leave.
Thrilling.. that was absolutely thrilling!! - Picard
Thrills! Chills! Magic! Prizes!" -- Hurricane
Throne? How do you lift the lid? -Wako Like you lift the lid. -Dot
Thronie - Jiggle you give a toilet handle to make it stop
Thronie: Jiggle you give the handle of a toilet to make it stop running.
Through a Flavor Straw!
Through a Jaundiced Eye Darkly--Rheum With a View
Through love every law is broken. -Chaucer
Through me the way among the FidoCON below.
Through nonaction, nothing is left undone. -- Lao Tzu
Through our dreams, we go further
Through selfless action, he attains fulfillment.
Through the dark of futures past a magician longs to see
Through the darkness, future passed
Through the eyes of a child the whole world is new
Through the looking glass, Commander.. --Kira
Through the mud & crud & cornfields where the mari-g-wana grows
Through the night, with a light, from a bulb
Through the storm we reach the shore
Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds
Through the years I've grown to love you
Throughout history females have picked providers for mates. Males pick anything. - Margret Mead
Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco.-Gore to Tobacco Farmers
Throw 'em into this aircraft's jail! - Blowski (Animaniacs)
Throw Axe! Throw Shield! Throw DWARF! - beserk Minotaur
Throw Limbaugh from the Train! (well, it sounds like Mama.)
Throw Papa down the stairs his coat.
Throw _ME_ the coat, _I_ want to die!
Throw a tak on the road, stop the Meat Plow
Throw a wrestling match? Nooo! - Tom
Throw all your OTHER mops AWAY!
Throw another Beach Boy on the fire
Throw another Beach Boy on the fire. -- Tom Servo
Throw another Beach Boy on the fire...
Throw another Ken on the Barbie!
Throw away old messages? No way, I compost them
Throw away your straight-jackets and run for office!
Throw back the little ones & pan fry the big ones
Throw down your hotdogs - Crow
Throw everything we got at Terek Nor and rip it to pieces! - Rom2
Throw fresh produce straight into the garbage; save the storage costs.
Throw grammar to the wynds! Who done care anywho?
Throw in a jar of mayonnaise and you got a deal
Throw in some hugbees too! - Cosgrove
Throw it away and you will need it the next day
Throw it into the raft...<HISSSSS> - Tom
Throw keyboard out window to continue.
Throw me in a cell, a punishment fit for a crippled mind
Throw me the lemur, I'll throw you the whip! -- Tom Servo
Throw me the lemur, that's all I want - Crow as dinosaur
Throw me the lemur... that's all I want. -- Crow T. Robot
Throw open the switches on the sonic oscillator
Throw open the switches on the sonic oscillator! -Dr. Frank N. Furter
Throw open the switches on the sonic oscillator! - Frank
Throw paint on my fur coat, and you'll be as dead as these rabbits!
Throw rocks at birds...Leave no Tern unstoned.
Throw rocks at sea birds! Leave no tern unstoned!
Throw rocks at sea-birds; leave no tern un-stoned.
Throw rocks at seagulls - leave no tern unstoned
Throw some wings on her, you sly boots - Tom to Mike
Throw strikes. Home plat doesn't move
Throw the ferret & shout "GO AWAY, BAD THINGS!!!"
Throw the keyboard out the window to continue.
Throw the rascals out! Good god, they did!
Throw the ring away, Frodo! -- Gandalf
Throw the salt and shout "Go away bad things!"
Throw the switch! Kirk
Throw up under the bleachers - Mike sings
Throw well, throw Shell!
Throw your spear at the monster stock footage - Crow T. Robot
Throw your windows out of the windows
Throw yourself on the floor, so I don't have to beat you down!
Throw yourself on the ice, so I don't have to get a penalty!
Throwing their weight around,...bragging. - Odo
Thrown in jail for having too much fun
Thru eternity ring "Vivat! Life to the everlasting cat!"
Thru the gateway, off the repeater, over the T-1 backbone, nothing but 'Net
Thrusters. Firing! Torres
Thrusting in him and having a simply DIVINE relationship-
Ths s n xmpl f syntx rrr.
Ths tglne savd wth dblspce frm DOS6 & Bil Gats
Thtimatithm! Thath' what it ith! Th-th-thhhhtigmatithm!
Thufferin Thuckotash!
Thufferin' Thuccotash! STELLAAAAA!!! - Skippy
Thuffering Thuccotash!
Thuffferring thucataththth! - Sylvester
Thufir's a Harkonnen now.
Thuggees do it with a silk rope.
Thugs eat then|rob proprieter
Thugs w/ guns are bad, but thugs w/ guns and *BADGES*...Uh oh!
Thule Society (the), n. - The Illuminazis
Thumb tax - An excise tax on hitchhikers.
Thumb-screws & bullwhips & chains - OH MY!
Thump! Thump! Bang! Bang! Thump! Bang! Thump! Bang!
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but it is the lightning that does the work. --Mark Twain
Thunder? I didn't hear any thunA*(&#@ NO CARRIER
Thunder? I don't hear any thu^%@#* NO CARRIER
Thunderbolts and lightning, very VERY frightening.
Thunderclap - an extremely violent form of VD.
Thunderheads are rumbling in a distant overture..... -RUSH
Thundering moments of tenderness rage
Thursday - what you get while crossing the desert
Thursday I don't care about you
Thursday never looking back
Thursday night your stockings needed mending. Ä Beatles
Thursday's child has far to go
Thus He said sadly. <Big Sigh>
Thus Spake Confucius
Thus Spake Confusion
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all -- Hamlet
Thus ends another wit-filled message.
Thus men may grow wiser every day. - AYLI, Shakespeare
Thus quoth the Raven OLR: "Nevermore!"
Thus spake Kalmoth the Vile, Slayer of the Seven Pigs of the North.
Thus spake the Oracle..."Huh?"
Thus the Sisson tradition of culling was born
Thy Corona come, thy Chili be Con, on Cuervo it is El Jefe.
Thy King Don come, thy will be dumb
Thy Throne O God, Is For Ever and Ever !!
Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet, And a Light Unto My Path !!
Thy brains are useless, boiled within thy skull! <Shakespeare>
Thy freddled gorgonaut is crulish to the jello - Vorgon Poet
Thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already. --Q
Thy little centuries go by so swiftly. -- Q
Thy logick, like thy locks, is disarrayed;
Thy mother mated with a scorpion... --Auda Abu Tayh
Thy output come thy input done. On disk as it is in memory
Thy shall not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos awaits at its end
Thy strength, oh Lord, is made perfect in my weakness.
Thy taglines are useless, boiled within thy skull! -- Tagspeare
Thy word is a lamp to my feet. Ps 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Thyme and thyme again, Basil sagely doffed his scullcap to Rosemary
Thyme began in a garden
Th‚rˆ's ƒ ô¡¤Š l‹¤‚ b‰tw‰‰¤ br…vŠ ƒüd st£p¡d
Ti imas boziji dar na usnama, zato poljubi me i to sto god mozes bolje
Ti imas pokvareno plave uvojke i znak Lune u ocima
Ti nemas vise prava, pitati za mene, nekad sam te voleo, patio zbog tebe
Ti si meni sve, ti mi dajes sve, i kad tebe nema, tesko mi je
Ti si moja cokolada i da nema onog gada, ja bih te ljubio
Ti si moja cokolada i da nisi tako mlada, ja bih te ljubio
Ti si nas idol Super Ajde sad' idi
Ti si prava sizika, ljubav je u tvojim ocima i na usnama punim osmeha
Ti si savrsenstvo bez mane, ti se deo vojnickih snova,
Ti si slatka, al'ja sam na dijeti.
Ti si u tjelu punom zelja sa usnama zednim iznenadjenja
Ti volis jedino svog zeca od plisa svog malog belog misa i rodjake
Ti znas, ja znam prezivecu i sve je u redu je,
Tia Carrera! We may have to pay attention! -- Crow T. Robot
Tia Carrera! We may have to pay attention! - Crow leers
Tia mi aven Moridini sainde vadin The Horn of Valere
Tia mi aven Moridion isainde vadlin <Horn of Valere>
Tiamat ... Bite me .... uh ... let me rephrase that.
Tiamat, Goddess Mother, True Source of Life.
Tianamen Square is located in a Most Favored Nation
Tiassa dreams and plots are born.
Tibet: The last hostage nation of the cold war.
Tibia - Country in North Africa
Tic Tac Toe and way to go
Tick - Tock, Tick - Tock. Time is wasting away
Tick! You can't fight EVIL with a macaroni duck. --Arthur
Tick, 5'll get ya 10, 10'll get you 20, 20'll get ya a million zillion.
Tick, Four Legs here! We're downtown battling a maniac!
Tick, I think I have an idea. Well, mine didn't work, what's yours?
Tick, I'm not sure these people have all their wheels on the pavement
Tick, they're plants. - Arthur [The Tick]
Tick, tick, Scully - Fox Mulder
Tick, where'd you get that moustache? - Arthur, The Tick
Tick, why are we taking a bath in the sewer? - Arthur
Tick-tock, - Louis A. Mamakos
Tickin' away, the moments that make up a dull day
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day.. - Pink Floyd
Ticking away the moments that make up the dull day
Tickle Patrol! - Mike
Tickle anything and die! -M. Hacker
Tickle monster! Tickle monster! - Crow as heroes fight
Ticks suck blood. Do you suck blood? - Diner customer, to the Tick
Tid-Bits: What you get when you blow up a Tid.
Tide of love..ocean of hate...feel the power
Tides are caused by clams burping in unison.
Tidy Bowl Man's doing alright for himself... -- Mike Nelson
Tie 2 birds together and they can fly, if they become One. D Carradine
Tie 2 birds together-and though they have 4 wings they cannot fly.
Tie Your Mother Down -- Queen
Tie a cat to a Ferrari. Drive fast, watch cat split.
Tie a yellow fighter to the ol' oak tree!
Tie a yellow ribbon around Jane Fonda's neck
Tie down those tribbles, I'm a-coming - Entrippy
Tie m'kangaroo down sport, tie m'kangaroo down!
Tie me up, beat my ass
Tie me up, tie me down, anyway you tie me is fine!!!
Tie two birds together & tho they have four wings, they cannot fly.
Tied to a cage of canaries in a Pet Shop: For Sale, Cheep!
Tiefright - The fear of turning the twist-tie in the wron
Tienanmen Square: China has NO Second Amendment!
Tienanmen square could be Times Square if GUNS outlawed!
Tig? Are his eyes supposed to bulge out like that? {EG}
Tiger In The Outhouse - By Claud Balls
Tiger in the tank, donkey at the wheel
Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright. Who has set your tail alight?
Tiger's Revenge! by Claude Balz
Tiger's heart wrapped in a Player's hide
Tiger, tiger, burning bright, how you save electric light
Tigers don't like to be called "putties" - Calvin
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Tigers' tummies are solar cells. Yeah, right.
Tigers. You can't suppress their surprise pounce instinct - Calvin
Tigger kept saying I didn't listen to her, or something.
Tigger not found. Enter forbidden topics? [Y/N]
Tigger of Borg: ASSIMILATING! That's what Tiggers do best!
Tigger of Borg: A Tigger can assimilate anything.
Tigger of Borg: ASSIMILATING! That's what Tiggers do best!
Tigger of Borg: Assimilatin' is what Tiggers do best!
Tigger, I tried an internal modem, but it hurt when I walked. - HW
Tigger, your checks are no good. They always bounce!
Tight Situation - By Leah Tard
Tight Situation: Leah Tard
Tight as a bull's arse in fly season
Tight clothes increase a woman's circulation
Tight slacks
Tighten 'til it cracks, then back off 1/2 turn.
Tighten it until it cracks and back off a half turn
Tighten it until it cracks. Then back off half a turn.
Tighten till it cracks ... then back off 1/2 turn.
Tighten until it cracks, then loosen slightly.
Tighten until it cracks... then back off 1/2 turn.
Tighten untill it cracks, then back off half a turn
Tighten your seatbelt, I want to try something!
Tightpants from sky appear. Bring much cargo, feed redshirt to monster
Tika today, Borg tomorrow.
Til death do us part -- Til she kills him
Til then in tick tock silence, Ill beg my heart to weep less
Til we cross-references again
Til you drift of to dream in my arms
Tilermen do it from the rear
Till Divorce Court we do part
Till all at once it's half past three.
Till death do us part, I'll love you with every beat of my heart.
Till she trades her PC in on a wheelchair?
Till the cats set us free.
Till the soils of ignorance before you plant the seeds of knowledge
Tilt your chair back, your breath is effecting my RAM!
Tilt'a'whirl - Crow on wrestling hold
Tilting at windmills hurts you more than the windmillls. - Heinlein
Tim "The Toolman" Taylor...The "Don't-Do-It-Yourself" Man.
Tim Delux (Witch Hunter)
Tim Fall Down Go Boom: Rocket Launcher
Tim Forty is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers
Tim Forty joins the echo. Moderator has a link cut party.
Tim Forty strikes with +2 Dagger, +8 Holy Avenger for the moderator
Tim On A Stick: Rod of Ruin
Tim Priebe! But that's impossible!- Odo (WTNE)
Tim Richmond 1955-1989 #25
Tim Takes A Cruise: Pirate Ship
Tim Taylor Pakled: It is broken. It needs MORE POWER!
Tim Taylor: Queen fan extraordinaire
Tim is to moderators what mosquitoes are to campers
Tim on Mushrooms (Thorn Thalid)
Tim's Brother: Tor Wauki
Tim's Evil Stepsisters: Coumbajj Witches
Tim's Mother-In-Law: Witch Hunter
Tim's Pet: Thorn Thallid
Tim's Sister: D'Avenant Archer
Tim, if you don't take your hand OFF my hip...--Kira
Tim, would you leave my comm-badge alone, please?--Dax
Tim: Jean-Luc
Tim: Prodigal Sorcerer
Tim: You will NOT hold me responsible for personal protein
Timba - on the ocean
Timber Wolves, one heck of a Beautiful Animal!!!!!
Time flies like wind... Fruit flies like pears!
Time & Tide Melts the Snowman. --The 7th Doctor
Time - just one damn thing after another
Time - the only thing to keep all from happening at once.
Time - yet another method for depressing ourselves
Time Can Change Me - But I Can't Change Time
Time Flies Like the Wind, House Flies Like
Time Is What Keeps Things From Happening All At Once
Time Lords say, "Go ahead, make my yesterday!"
Time Stand Still -- I'm not..... -RUSH
Time Stand Still, Film at 11, or whenever -Rush
Time Stands Still! Film at 11:00, or whenever.
Time Stops for no man. Except me.
Time Travel Seminar-Two weeks ago, Thursday
Time Travel: No matter where you went, there you were
Time Warner Cable keeps getting better and better
Time Warner Cable makes digital easier
Time Warp? Nahh, Just WaRpEd!
Time Warp? Nahh, Just WaRpEd!
Time Warp? Nahh, Just WaRpEd!
Time accelerates with age. A Yugo sport sedan accelerates with gravity.
Time after time, chasing the shadow
Time and Genealogy wait for no man.
Time and Money. Two things we don't have enough of
Time and place for everything! My place at 8..everything!
Time and space are reeaaly easy.
Time and space is a bitch!
Time and tide melt the snowman
Time and tide melt the snowman. Doctor #7
Time and tide melts the snowman
Time and tide melts the snowman. -- The 7th Doctor
Time and tide wait for no man
Time and tide wait for no man. Except me
Time and tide, nothing and no one can stop us now
Time and words can never be recalled
Time as he grows old teaches all things. -- Aeschylus
Time at a keyboard does not count against your life
Time available to go fishing shrinks as fishing season draws near.
Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement: 1 bananosecond.
Time cancels young pain -- Euripides (431 BC)
Time cancels young pain -- Euripides (431 BC)
Time cancels young pain. Euripides (431 BC)
Time does not confirm a void act
Time don't matter to me.
Time eases all things -- Sophocles (406 BC)
Time eases all things. Sophocles (406 BC)
Time eases all things.<Sophocles (406 BC)>
Time enough for the earth in the grave
Time exists so everything doesn't happen at once. Space exists so everything doesn't happen to you
Time exists so that everything doesn't happen at once.
Time exists so that not everything happens at once
Time exists solely to prevent everything from happening at once.
Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana.
Time flies like an arrow!
Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like bananas
Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like pears!
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. -- Groucho Marx
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like an orange
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
Time flies like the Doctor. Regular flies like Garbage
Time flies like the wind but fruit flies like bananas.
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. - Groucho Marx
Time flies like the wind. So do farts.
Time flies like the wind; fruit flies prefer bananas
Time flies like wind, but fruit flies like banana
Time flies like wind, fruit flies like pears!
Time flies likes wind. Cheeeiit. Fruit flies likes pears.
Time flies when you are having mail
Time flies when you don"t know what you are doing
Time flies when you don't know what the &$^# u r doing
Time flies when you don't know what you're doing.
Time flies when you have a heap of problems
Time flies when you're alive.
Time flies when you're dazed and confused.
Time flies when you're having a panic attack.
Time flies when you're having bugs.
Time flies when you're in a coma.
Time flies when you're with friends. - Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
Time flies whether you're having fun or not
Time flies! Genealogists are the navigators!
Time flies... Don't you hate those nasty little buggers?
Time flows at a rate of one second per second. -- Dr. Dimension
Time flys like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana
Time for PrImaL cOnCrEtE SleDGe
Time for TAPEWORM! The game show where YOU'RE the host!
Time for Timer!
Time for a little visit from my friend - The Mask! - Stanley
Time for a nice, long walking sequence - Tom
Time for a quick adventure, then back for tea.
Time for another Boston Teaparty! DUMP THE INCUMBENT!!!
Time for another gawking at the girls through binaculars gag?
Time for another tea party; at Washington this time!
Time for culture - Gone CHOPIN, BACH in a MINUET
Time for culture, gone Chopin, Bach in a minuet.
Time for lust, Time for lie, Time to kiss your life goodbye
Time for me to post the rules again
Time for me to save the world I guess... -Hoagie
Time for my morning SysEx dump.
Time for my obligatory flirting scene. -- Mike Nelson
Time for that old Vinnie magic. - Vinnie
Time for the penguin on your telly to explode.
Time for you to shoot back/'Cause it's my life and I'm in charge Ted
Time for your booster shot... -- Crow T. Robot
Time for your shot! ³ÄÄÄIJþ²þ²þ =ÄÄÄÄ,
Time gave both darkness and dreams to you
Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, *we* go. - Austin Dobson
Time goes? Alas, no - time stays, we go.
Time goes? No. Alas time stays, we go.
Time had become something so crucial it screamed. - DT II
Time had been destroyed for both of them. - DT II
Time had somehow divorced itself from my reveries.
Time has a way of bringing even mountains down
Time has a way of bringing even mountains down, down, down
Time has a way of making changes in all things.
Time has a way of taking time
Time has a way of taking time; loneliness is not only felt by fools.
Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial.
Time has claimed you--Jim Morrison
Time has little to do with infinity and jelly doughnuts
Time has packaged my best friend into a goddess of love. -- Al
Time has resumed it shape. All is as before. Guardian
Time he peeps she's wearing her most demure outfit - Mike
Time heals all wombs
Time heals all wounds, but the belly button remains.
Time heals all wounds; time and 1/2 heals faster
Time heals everything? Try waiting in a doctor's office.
Time hurries on, and the leaves that are green have turned to brown.
Time is Money! Steal some today!
Time is NOT currently one of my problems. "Hitchhikers' Guide"
Time is a device for preventing everything from happening at once. -- Jeremy Campbell
Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterationn.<Baldwin>
Time is a fool's best friend.
Time is a great teacher .. but it kills all its students!
Time is a great teacher but kills all its pupils.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all it's pupils
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. - Hector Beriloz
Time is a gypsy caravan, steals away in the night.. -N.P., Rush
Time is a gypsy caravan, steals away in the night..... -RUSH
Time is a leading factor in death from old age.
Time is a luxury you don't have -- Khan
Time is a luxury you don't have. -- Khan Noonian Singh
Time is a merciless filter.
Time is a predator. --Soren
Time is a predator... -- Dr. Soren
Time is a storm in which we are all lost.
Time is a stream we fish in
Time is always faster than your watch
Time is an illusion (lunch time doubly so).
Time is an illusion -- especially while modeming!
Time is an illusion created by Marvel Comics!
Time is an illusion perpetrated by the manufacturers of s
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. -- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Time is an illusion. Lunch time, doubly so. - Ford Prefect
Time is an illusion. Vacation, doubly so
Time is an illusion. Lunch, doubly so.
Time is an illusion... especially while modeming!
Time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so. -- Hitchhiker"s Guide to the Galaxy
Time is an illusion; lunchtime, doubly so. -- Ford Prefect
Time is but a stream we go a'fishing in Thoreau
Time is but an illusion, Lunchtime doubly so... --Ford Prefect
Time is but the stream I go a- fishing in. - Thoreau
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. --Henry David
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.<Thoreau>
Time is fluid ... like a river with currents, eddies, backwash. -- Spock, "The City on the Edge of Forever"
Time is fluid, like a river with currents, eddies, backwash. Spock
Time is flying never to return. - Vergil
Time is forever -- a diamond is only temporary
Time is fun when you're having flies- Kermit the Frog
Time is important; try to answer as quickly as possible.
Time is just an illusion perpetuated by the manufacturers of space.
Time is just nature's way of keeping everything from happ
Time is just nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once
Time is like a fuse, short and bruning fast
Time is like a piece of string. -- Sam Beckett
Time is like the ocean, Always there--always different.
Time is man's greatest invention... and the enemy he cann
Time is money
Time is money and money I serve.
Time is money! Steal some today!
Time is money, and many people pay their debts with it.
Time is money, as many merry widows have proven.
Time is money. Especially if you make clocks.
Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once.
Time is nature's way of making sure that everything doesn't happen at once.
Time is nature's way of preventing everything happening at once
Time is natures way of keeping everything from happening at once.
Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time --Catherine Zandonella
Time is never wasted, if you're wasted all the time.
Time is not a line, but a series of now-points
Time is not a line, but a series of now-points. <Taisen Deshimaru>
Time is not a road--it is a room. - John Fowles
Time is not currently one of my problems. - Arthur Dent
Time is of the essence, so close the door!
Time is only God's way of keeping everything from happening at once.
Time is precious, but truth is more so.
Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose. - Thomas Edison
Time is relentless, only true love perseveres. - Billy Joel
Time is so everything doesn't happen at once.
Time is something we don't have. - Connor MacLeod
Time is the best teacher
Time is the best teacher, but it kills off all its students.
Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of its students
Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately, it kills all its pupils. -- Berlioz
Time is the best teacher; Yet, it kills all its students
Time is the best teacher; unfortunately it kills all its students.
Time is the dressmaker specializing in alterations.
Time is the essence
Time is the fire in which we burn
Time is the fire in which we burn <-From "Generations"
Time is the fire in which we burn Tolian Soran
Time is the fire in which we burn. - Dr. Soran
Time is the fire in which we burn. - Soran (ST:Generations)
Time is the fire in which we burn. --Soren
Time is the fire in which we burn. Soran, Generations
Time is the fire, in which we burn !
Time is the great physician. -- Disraeli
Time is the most precious commodity
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. -- Theophrastus
Time is the only critic without ambition. - John Steinbeck
Time is the wisest of all counselors.
Time is too fluid for me to be more precise. - Spock
Time is wasted if your not wasting time!
Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once
Time is. Time was. Time is past
Time it was, and what a time it was
Time just slipped away.
Time keeping everything from happening at once.
Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future
Time keeps on slippin' away
Time keeps on slippin' away, minute by minute each day
Time keeps on slippin', slippin' into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future.
Time lost is gone forever
Time machine, my foot. Why, it couldn't tell you the time, much less
Time makes more converts than reason. - Thomas Paine
Time management begins with a very large wastebasket.
Time marchs on...we can either follow or be dragged along
Time may be a great healer but it's no beauty therapist
Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
Time may be speeding up. - Mulder
Time may restore us in his course. -- Arnold
Time meant nothing, never would again.
Time now for a Buddy-Buddy Battle-Battle (1998-20??)
Time of year when it gets later earlier
Time of year when it gets later earlier
Time of your life, eh kid
Time on your hands? Get Windows.
Time passed, which, basically, is its job.
Time passed, which, basically, is its job. - Pratchett
Time passed, which, basically, is its job. -EQUAL RITES
Time passed,which,basically,is its job.-EQUAL RITES,TERRY PRATCHETT
Time passes?! No, TIME stays - WE pass on.
Time really flies when you don't know what you're doing.
Time required to get things done = Available Timeý
Time shall unfold what pleated cunning hides - Cordelia, King Lear
Time sharing: The use of many people by the computer
Time slows if you're on the outside of the bathroom door.
Time smokes us all
Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. -Jon Lithgow
Time spent at Cons does not count against your lifespan
Time spent at science fiction conventions doesn't count against your allotted span
Time spent flying is NOT deducted from one's lifespan
Time spent petting your cat is not deducted from your lifespan.
Time spent with cats is never wasted. -Colette
Time stands still when you play Wacky Wheels
Time stands still! Film at 11:00, or whenever
Time stands still, baby when I touch you
Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it. Leonardo
Time stops everything from happening all at once
Time sure flies when you don't know what you're doing
Time sure flies when you're married and have no life. - A. Bundy
Time takes time.
Time the devourer of everything. -- Ovid
Time to Iraq'n'roll.. make Baghdad bounce
Time to add some _pro_-Amiga taglines, Panthyr... 8)
Time to be aggressive. Go after a tattooed Virgo
Time to breed der master race! - Crow on viking couple
Time to breed der master race! -- Crow T. Robot
Time to clean the House and Senate too!
Time to correct everyone on the spelling of my name? - Anna
Time to die you scar faced limp dick!-Mark
Time to die! Hahahaha! -- TV's Frank
Time to die! Hahahaha! - Frank to Dr. Forrester
Time to die. - Goro
Time to die. --Roy Batty.
Time to drown the lemur - Crow as couple get into raft
Time to drown the lemur. -- Crow T. Robot
Time to dust off the top hat & tails
Time to failure: 3 Hours, 9 minutes, 10.7 seconds...aproximately!
Time to form the Fiery Phoenix!
Time to give the United States back to the.... People.
Time to go have better sex than you have ever had - Crow
Time to go out and slay a few more evil dragons. -- Eric the Paladin
Time to inject the "I worship Rasta Virus" into your TLX database.
Time to lock and load, Time to take control...start again...-Bob Seger
Time to lock and load/Time to get control..And start again Bob Seger
Time to make like a baby and head out.
Time to make like a fetus and head out
Time to make like horse sh!t and hit the trail.
Time to make the doughnuts, you bastard! - one of the Top Ten Rejected Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Lines
Time to pester the sysop into picking up the Wilderness echo!
Time to piss out the fire and call in the dogs
Time to play. -- Pinhead
Time to pluck a pigeon. - O'Brien
Time to put out the cat...<<BLAM!>>
Time to put your cardians on the table, Negascum. --Sailor Neptune, SN
Time to raise all toilet seats in triumph. We salute you!
Time to read the instructions is before you start
Time to renegotiate. - Lord Camembert
Time to see your vet, kitty!
Time to shave my brow... -- Crow T. Robot
Time to snuff yer pilot light, bub! Ä Logan
Time to spellcheck the Tagline file.
Time to spellcheck the recipe file.
Time to start diet when you stop running and parts of you keep moving.
Time to stop writing an wait for more questions.
Time to take a ride it leaves today no conversation
Time to take her home, he dizzy head is conscience laden
Time to take stock. Go home with some office supplies
Time to take the Christmas lights down...naw, next year.
Time to talk to `the judge'. Booiiinnnggg!
Time travel gives me nosebleeds -- LaForge
Time travel instructions: "Fold along the dotted plane"
Time travel is easy; I just haven't gotten ‘Fast Forward' and ‘Reverse' to work yet
Time travel is great. I just wish we could get past that "one second forward" barrier. - Josh Murtack
Time travel seminar next week. Did you attend?
Time waits for no man and very few women.
Time waits for no one at all, not even you.
Time was in a distortion phase.
Time was invented by an Irish guy named O'Clock
Time was invented so relatives could be found, one by one.
Time was the deciding factor for this decision
Time was when you had enough time to do everything
Time will end all my troubles, but I don't always approve of Time's methods
Time will never tell on her women friends as much as she does
Time will tell on a man, particularly a _good_ time.
Time will tell. It always does. - The Doctor
Time wounds all heels.
Time wounds all heels. - Jane Ace
Time wounds all heels. --Groucho Marx
Time you enjoy wasting is not necessarily wasted time.
Time's a b*tch, isn't it? - LaCroix
Time's fun when you're having flies. -- Kermit the Frog
Time's fun when your having flies. :)
Time's so near, you can almost taste the freedom
Time's up, Benjamin! - Intendant
Time's up, Benjamin! Kira-2
Time, TIME, TIME!!!! And the door flew open
Time, n. - Maybe a great healer, but a lousy beautician!
Time, said Arthur weakly,is not currently one of my problems.
Time, the devourer of all things. - Spock
Time, the subtle thief of youth
Time, time is not on my side, because the way I am
Time, time, time: see what's become of me.
Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth. - Thomas Huxely
Time--it's just one damn thing after another.
Time-Travelling Tagline v1.0 = Copyright (C) January 1, 2097
Time-sharing is the junk-mail part of the computer business. -- H.R.J. Grosch (attributed)
Time-tested investment strategies stop working as soon as you put your money into them
Time. Thought I'd made friend with time. - Tori Amos
Time...do you really believe the past arranges itself for our
Time...just one **** thing after another
Time: a true supply-and-demand problem!
Time: A descending scale of intelligence.
Time: That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him. - Herbert Spencer
Time: an illusion brought to you by the makers of space.
Time: an illusion perpetrated by the makers of space.
Time: nature's way of keeping events seperated.
Time: the only teacher that kills it's students
TimeToShadowTheShadow Spidey - SpiderMan Classic
Timekeeper: A clock-eyed man
Times Change. God doesn't
Times approximate.
Times are changing nothing stays the same for this jukebox generation.
Times are so hard in NYC, that the Mafia has even layed off four judges
Times are so hard that even those who won't pay aren't buying!
Times change and men deteriorate. -Romanorum
Times fun when you're having flies.
Times like this I wish I practiced voodoo. - Don Schanke
Times when you're all alone, all you do is think.
Timesharing, n: An access method whereby one computer abuses many people
Timesharing: the use of several people by the computer
Timewarp? - Kirk
Timing error. Please wait. And wait. And wait
Timing is everything, ask your car.
Timing is very important in my experiment. - Soran
Timing must be perfect now. Two-timing must be better than perfect
Timmeister! Timster! The Timinator!
Timmy! I never saw Lassie do THAT before!
Timothy Leary is dead, No he's on the outside looking in.
Timothy Leary is dead, Timothy Leary is dead.
Timothy Leary's dead.
Timothy Van Patten, the great Dutch ninja! -- Crow T. Robot
Timothy Van Patton is NOT the type for a gerbil! - Tom
Timothy: A DNA sequencing error between a dinosaur and a Slug.
Timothy: What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight.
Tims in a Telephonebooth (Timebomb)
Tin Man call your flock, the steel wool is rusting on the sheep.
Tin cans and a string
Tin soldiers and Nixon comingWe're finally on our own.
TinTin confided in me right before he ran out of breath... -- The Crow
Tina Turner - something Jim Henson dreamed?
Tina Turner Files Paternity Suit Against Scary Spice -- Claiming Sex Change
Tina Turner brought some hot dish - Tom on voodoo girl
Tini saw drawer, a reward was in it.
Tinker Bell is having Elmer Fudd's baby. - Outland
Tinker gnomes do it with tools.
Tinker gnomes invented Uzis?
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sysop - John Le Carrier
Tinkering with time is always a bad idea
Tinkering with time is always a bad idea. <The Doctor>
Tinnitus: the sound of synapse links snapping.
Tinnn Rooooooooof! --Rusted!
Tinsel is really snake mirrors.
Tinsel is really snakes' mirrors. - S. Wright
Tinsel is really snakes' mirrors. - s.w.
Tinsel is really snakes' mirrors. Ä Steven Wright
Tinseltown Tales - By Holly Wood
Tinseltown Tales: Holly Wood
Tiny Tim: Icatian Javelineer (also called Tim's Cheap Uncle)
Tiny Toon Adventures starring Buster and Babs Bunny with Ross Perot.
Tiny Toons are to Reality what Barney is to Entertainment
Tioc Faidh Ar La!
Tip #1 : When Cthulhu calls, let the machine get it
Tip #1 for eating seafood--If it fights back it just means it's fresh!
Tip #5: The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
Tip - try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo
Tip O'Neill is just like Congress; old, fat and out of control. -- J. LeBoutillier
Tip for aliens in NY: Land anywhere... no one will care or even notice
Tip for device drivers: Don't Drink and Boot
Tip of the Day: Never fry bacon in the nude
Tip of the Day: Never fry bacon in the nude. [Correction: always fry bacon in the nude; you'll learn not to burn it]
Tip of the day: Never fry bacon when you're naked!
Tip of the hat to our beloved Moderator.
Tip of the hat to our beloved Sysop
Tip of the hat to our beloved sysop. - Mycroft
Tip the world and everything loose lands in Los Angeles.
Tip the world over on it's side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will
Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in LA. -- Wright
Tip-toeing past the medicine cabinet to not wake up the sleeping pills
Tip: If you let the smoke out of a component, it won't work anymore.
Tip: Don't get OS/2 infected. Chances are, you couldn't make backups.
Tip: I have a chance on the baseball team. Top: I didn't know they were raffling it off
Tip: It turns out there's not really gold in goldfish
Tip: Never pet a burning dog.
Tip: Never take a beer to a job interview
Tiping the Outhouse - by John Turner
Tipoes...what typpos?
Tipoes?.... What Typpos?
Tippecanoe and Chappaquiddock too
Tipper "Warning Sticker" Gore. Remember ?? ??
Tipper Canoe and Al Bore too!
Tipper Gore is a closet Dittohead!
Tippercrite: Dead Head who complains before Congress about Rock Music
Tipping the Outhouse - by John Turner
Tips: Wages we pay other people's hired help.
Tipsy & pink! Doughy guys roamed the land freely! - Tom
Tipsy and pink, doughy guys roamed the land freely! -- Tom Servo
Tiptoe through the Taglines . With meeeeee
Tire Shop sign - We Skid You Not
Tire tracks all across your back, I can, I can see you had your fun
Tire tracks all across your back; you've had your fun
Tire tracks cross yo back-I can see ya'had yer fun - Hendrix
Tired of cleaning yourself? Let me do it
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
Tired of the same old crap? Eat more corn
Tired, stressed out & worried sick. But thanks for asking.
Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime. -Rush
Tires: rubberiod apparatus which hold air, ...sometimes
Tiresome complaining. A praiser of past times. - Horace (17 b.c.)
Tis a fine thing you do, seperatin a leprechaun from his Pot! Shame!
Tis a pity thy mouth be mantled with teeth to spoil the perfect arsehole
Tis a pleasure doing business with you, @TOFIRST@!
Tis a pleasure doing business with you, Cal!
Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.
Tis an ill wind that blows no minds. -- Malaclypse the Younger
Tis as rare as a Republican in a Social Service agency.
Tis better to be hunter than hunted.
Tis better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove
Tis better to fail on a glorious quest than to succeed in mediocrity.
Tis better to have loved a short than to never have loved a tall
Tis better to have loved and lost than just to have lost.
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all
Tis better to light a flame thrower than to curse the darkness
Tis better to live than to conceive
Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love. -- Hamlet
Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love. -- Shakespeare
Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love. <Shakespeare, Hamlet>
Tis brief, my lord. As a woman's love. -- Hamlet
Tis but a flesh wound
Tis but a scratch!
Tis but a scratch. A scratch? Your arm's off! --Monty Python
Tis distance that lends enchantment to the view.
Tis education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent, the trees inclin'd. - Alexander Pope
Tis here, but yet confused: knaverys plain face is never seen till u
Tis man's perdition to be safe, when for the truth he ought to die
Tis merely a flesh wound!
Tis not in mortals to command success; But we'll do more, Sempronius- we'll deserve it. - Joseph Addison
Tis strange but true; for truth is always stranger than fiction
Tis strange but true;for truth is stranger than fiction.<Byron>
Tis strange the miser should his cares employ To gain the riches he can neer enjoy. - Alexander Pope
Tis the season for mirth, merriment, and manslaughter.
Tis the season of al-tru-is-m fa-la-la-la-laa la-la-la-la
Tis the season of my Visa; Fa-la-la-la-laaaa, la-la-la-la!'Tis time to fear when tyrants seem to kiss
Tis time to fear when tyrants kiss and angels sneer.
Tish! You spoke French!!!
Tish, pishaw, and nonsense! - Ace Rimmer
Tish, you spoke French again, there goes the hair on my neck.-Gaynor
Tit Tac Toe...Playing footsy with breasts.
Tit Tac Toe...Playing footsy with breasts.
Tit, more than a baby feeder, it's for the paw.
Titanicmania: The Joy of Wrecks
Titicaca. It's a place, not something you do
Title Puns, I love 'em! -Tom after making joke on credits
Title of a Gulf WAR Book: Lines In The Sand --- by Peter DRAGON
Title of the second DS9 movie? "The Wrath of Morn!"
Titleist Tango: The wiggles some golfers make before every shot.
Titles by Fredrick's of Hollywood - Crow
Titles by Fredrick's of Hollywood. -- Crow T. Robot
Tito se rodio,nas narod vodio,Ti-to je zemlju oslobodio
Titration shows BS concentration at 18M
Titration shows reality concentration at .001M
Tits like watermelons, sparrows like bacon rinds
Tits: seen one, you seen 'em both.
Tko tebe kamenom, ti njega streamerom!
Tlalteutli, Goddess of Creation
Tlazoletoetl: Goddess of dirt, lust and sexual sin.
Tlazolteotl, Queen of Witches, Moon Goddess
TlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a' ("Do you speak Klingon?")
TlhIngan Hol yejHaD muvta'wI' jIH
Tlhlngan Hol Dajatlh'a'
Tlk - die geistige elite begeht literarischen suizid
TmNice? Nice
TmNice? Nice....
Tng Your Way to the Top" by Hillary Clinton.
To : Jer Jones 11 Dec 99 07:18:04
To <g> or not to <g>, that is the question!
To <g< or not to <g<, THAT is the question.
To 'shake your booty' means 'to wiggle one's butt'. - Homer
To *GOD* be the glory, great things *HE* hath done!
To *baldly* go where no *bald* has gone before
To <g> or not to <g>, that is the question!
To Alexander -" Setting phasers to SPANK " - Worf
To All Virgins: Thanks for nothing.
To Assimilate: Call Counselor Borg, 1-800-THE-BORG, $3.95/min
To B-2 or not to B-2? That is the Air Force question.
To BALDLY go where no one has gone before -- Picard
To BBS or not to BBS...what a question!?!
To BBS or not to BBS? What a stupid question.
To BBS, or not to BBS?
To BE the BBS, you've got to SEE the BBS
To BE the man, ya gotta BEAT the man! -Ric Flair
To BOLDLY go where software never will
To Baldly go where no one has gone before. - Robert Picardo
To Baldly go where....where did my hair go? Picard
To Be Continued
To Be Continued......
To Be Politically Correct You Are Not Allowed To Talk.
To Be Remembered In The Heart's That Live Is To Never Die
To Be Thrown Upon One's Own Resources is To Be Cast Into the Very Lap of Fortune !!
To Be is To Do - Socrates
To Be or Not To Be, that's like a kinda stupid question
To Be... Or What ?
To Bean or not to Bean? That IS the question- Chef Shakespeare
To Belittle is to Be Little
To Bill Clinton, truth is more of a stranger than fiction.
To Black Jack Pershing. - Potter. Inventor of '21'. - Hawkeye
To Boldly Go Where No One Has Boldly Gone Before.....BOLDLY!
To Boldly Go...and get busted for indecent exposure
To Boldly Probe Where No Man Has Probed Before!!!
To Boldly go where no one in there right mind has ever gone before!
To Boldy Tagline Where No Man and No One has Taglined Before!
To Borg or not to Borg, the question is irrelevant!
To Burglar: STOP!!! Please read this HCI brochure while I call 911!
To Change lanes, first pull out your 9mm
To Clinton an enemy is *anyone* who tells the truth
To Clinton, an ounce of image is worth a pound of performance
To Clinton, truth is more of a stranger than fiction
To Clinton,freedom is "the freedom to pace in one's cage"
To Cloak or not to Cloak, that is the question
To Clone a Politician would be recycling the same crap
To Continue Please wait... Sysop has exited to DOS
To Continue, Press The Reset Button - Now
To Dan Quayle, sex is a four letter word.
To Devil's Night, my new favorite holiday. -- Top Dollar
To Devil's Night, my new favorite holiday. --T-Bird
To Do Is To Be: Socrates To Be Is To Do: Plato DoBeDoBeDo: Sinatra
To ERR is human. To blame others is politics.
To Each Cat His Own Rat.
To Err Is Human, To Foul Up Things Up Requores A PC
To Err is Human - And so much Fun!
To Err is Human -- To Assimilate is BORG!
To Err is Human, to really ^@$&$ things up takes a math c
To Err is Human, to really foul up requires a politician.
To Err is Human. With blondes it's mandatory.
To Err is Human. To really ^@$&$ things up takes a math co-processor!
To Err is Human. To really foul th%893 `o2
To Err is Human. To really foul th%893 `o2 NO CARRIER
To Err is Human...with blondes, it's mandatory.
To Err is human, to forgive is simply not our policy
To Everything There is a Season, and a Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven !!
To Filter or not to Filter; That is the question
To Freud, the world consisted only of housewives
To Freud, the world consists of housewives only
To Get a Life, Cut this Tagline along dotted lines..X----LIFE----X
To HECK with the Prime Directive...FIRE!
To HELL with the Prime Directive....FIRE!!! Kirk
To HELL with the Prime Directive...FIRE, Mr Worf!!
To Have a Friend, Be a Friend !!
To Heck with the prime directive! Let's kill something!
To Hell with War - Let's dance instead.
To Hell with the odds! We'll show them we know how to die!
To Hillary Clinton, truth is more of a stranger than fiction.
To Him That Overcometh Will I Give to Eat of The Hidden Manna !!
To Homer, and to Sergeant Pepper, who's growing out of the middle of your back
To IRS: Unfortunately, I can't find those particular documents.
To Infinity and Beyond! - Buzz
To Inuit, cooking is not a necessity.
To Klingons, there is no more a sacred place. - Worf
To Leeeeeeeech is to live!
To Lie is human to Promise Devine
To Live long and Prosper, always carry a charged phaser
To Lorena, I leave stocks, bonds & penile implant: /s/ John Bobbitt.
To Lorena, I leave the stocks, bonds & penal implant: /s/
To Master Fishing, first you must Master Baiting the Hook
To Oz? To Oz!! Weeeee're off to see the wizard...!
To Post, or Not To Post....that is the question!
To RA or Not to RA only a ? would not=:)
To REALLY exit, press <Ctrl><Alt>Delete!!!!!!
To Really Tax Your System, Enter: DEVICE=CLINTON.SYS
To Register send $100,000,000,000 to U.S. Treasury c/o U.S. Defecit.
To Right-wingers, anything less extreme is "liberal"
To Ross Perot...You can't EAT pie charts !
To STRING or UNSTRING, that is the question
To See the Florida State Bird: Blow your Horn!
To See the New York City Bird. Just cut anyone off.
To See the New York State Bird: Blow your Horn
To Serve Man
To Serve Man- at better booksellers.
To Shame A Mob Guy - Crow
To Sin by Silence When They Should Protest Makes Cowards of Men !!
To Ski or Not to Ski THAT is the Question!
To Smokers: Frankly, I'd prefer if you'd fart.
To Smokers: How `bout I rip a stinky in your face?
To Smokers: I didn't know that they were forecasting fog this morning.
To Smokers: I don't mind if you smoke just so I can crap in your cup.
To Smokers: If you smoke, may I fart in your face?
To Smokers: If you smoke, may I rip a stinky in your face?
To Smokers: Look at all the money you save if you killed yourself now.
To Speed up a Mac, Drop it from a Higher Place!
To Split, or not to Split: that is the question.-Amoeba
To Strive, to Seek, to Find and to never yield.
To TAG or not to TAG - that is the question!
To Tell the Truth - by President Bill Clinton
To Tribble or not to Tribble? That is the *
To Whom It May Concern: YOU're a special person.
To Windows lovers: "Get a MAC!"
To YOU I am an atheist; to God, I"m the Loyal Opposition. -- Woody Allen
To YOU I am an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.
To YOU I'm an atheist; to GOD, I'm the loyal opposition. (Woody Allen)
To YOU I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition
To a Fundie, "family values" means bigotry and intolerance
To a Genealogist, a relative is everything!
To a Klingon Warrior, beheadings ARE romantic. - Worf
To a Klingon Warrior, beheadings are soooo romantic
To a Klingon warrior, beheadings *are* romantic.
To a Kzin, "NO!" means "Attack ME!"
To a Parrott, "NO!" means "Not while I'm looking."
To a Pentium, the sum is 1.332887 or something like that
To a Real Woman, every ejaculation is premature.
To a blonde - What's long and hard? - grade 4!
To a blonde: "No, rain is not caused by giants crying"
To a brat, "NO!" means "Not while I am looking."
To a cat "NO" means "Not while you are looking."
To a cat "No!" means "Not while I'm looking"!
To a cat (or a child) "NO" means "Not while I'm looking."
To a cat, "NO!" means "Not while I am looking"
To a cat, "No" means "not while you're looking"!!
To a cat, 'NO!' means 'Not while I'm looking'.
To a cat, a sandcastle is just an outhouse with turrets
To a cat: happiness is a warm laser printer
To a caterpillar, the end of the world; to the Master, a butterfly.
To a dentist, the Batman symbol looks like dirty, yellow teeth.
To a dog (or a child) "NO" means "Not while I'm looking.
To a dog EVERYTHING smells like bacon. --Dukster.
To a dog his owner is Napoleon; hence their popularity.
To a dog his owner is king, hence the popularity of dogs.
To a dog, "Sit!" means: "Why? What've you got for me?"
To a dog, *every* road is an information highway
To a dog, his master is Napolean; hence their popularity
To a dragon, "NO!" means, "Not while I'm looking"
To a feminist, circumcision doesn't go far enough
To a feminist, circumcision doesn't go far enough...Yeooowww!
To a friends' house, the road is never long.
To a frog, time's fun when you're having flies
To a genealogist, EVERYTHING is relative!
To a genealogist, everything is relative.
To a genealogist, everything is relative. And a relative is everything
To a god, a king, a head of state. A captain of industry.-RUSH
To a kat 'NO!' means "Not while I'm looking"
To a liberal a quick response is worth a thousand logical responses
To a liberal, only liberals have a right to free speech.
To a little fish, the waters are always deep.
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail
To a photon - the universe moves at 300k km/sec.
To a small mind a nit is an elephant.
To a surprised lawyer: "I'd like to sue a lawyer."
To a weary horse, even his own tail is a burden
To a wedding you walk . . . to a divorce you run. --Sholem Aleichem
To accept a benefit is to see one's freedom.
To accept a benefit is to see one's freedom.
To accept faith because it is customaryis to be lazy. - Nietzsche
To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep. - Joan Klempner
To achieve the impossible, attempt the absurd
To add a recipe or not add a recipe
To add a tagline or not add a tagline
To add insult to injury. -- Phaedrus
To adopt taglines, contact your local adoption agency
To alcohol! The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems! - Homer J. Simpson
To all moderators, this is an appology and not ment to be OFF-TOPIC.
To all my friends I leave kind thoughts.
To all things there is a season, and a time, and a purpose
To all things there is a time, perhaps this is theirs. - G'Kar
To all things, there are an end. - Delenn
To all virgins - THANKS FOR NOTHING!
To all virgins. Thanks for nothing
To all who come to this happy place: Welcome! -Walt Disney
To all you guys complaining about your spouses: Just remember who made the selection
To all you people who thought I was immature: nyah, nyah, nyaaaah!
To all you virgins, thanks for nothing
To alter reality, please insert Rush 2112
To an elf, a toadstool makes a fine umbrella
To announce truths . . . is an infallible receipt for being persecuted . - Voltaire
To any objective person it'd be obvious that I'm right.
To any truly impartial person, it would be obvious that I am always right
To anyone who owns a Klingon dictionary - Fu'Q, get a life!
To apologize is to lay the foundation for a future offense.
To appreciate the flower, understand the root.
To appreciate your job, imagine yourself without one.
To ask advice is in nine cases out of ten to tout for flattery.
To ask well is to know much.
To assume makes an ass out of *you*. Leave *me* out of this
To assume makes an ass out of YOU. Leave ME out of this.
To assure being loved, be a person worthy of love.
To atone for national sins, British eat pub sandwiches
To attract a vegetarian, make a noise like a wounded vegetable.
To attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior.' - Rita Rudner
To avoid covetousness is to conquer a kingdom. - Publilius Syrus
To avoid covetousness is to conquer a kingdom.<Syrus>
To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. -- Elbert Hubbard
To avoid criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
To avoid delay, please have all your symptoms ready
To avoid duplication, make three copies.
To avoid hitting the bumper of the car ahead, I struck the pedestrian.
To avoid junk mail, get an unlisted ZIP code
To avoid off-topic warnings, start conversations with the moderator.
To avoid seeing a fool, break your mirror.
To avoid suffocation, keep this tagline out of the reach of children
To avoid temptation, seek it out
To avoid that run down feeling--cross streets carefully.
To avoid washing the supper dishes, I take my wife out to dinner
To avoid yo-yo dieting, polish off the roast but leave behind the string
To badly go where everyone has gone before - ST:TNG
To baldly go where no on has gone before : Picard
To baldly go where the hand of man has never set foot before
To bawdily go where no man has gone before.
To be * AND * not to be = Zen Shakespeare
To be 19 and a poet is to be 19. To be 40 and a poet is to be a poet
To be Frank, I'd have to change my name
To be Honest Ä by Frank Lee
To be Honest: Frank Lee
To be STrek or not to be StarTrek!!?
To be a Californian means to have faults others don't.
To be a Californian means to have faults that no one else does.
To be a Christian, you must pluck out the eye of reason. - M. Luther
To be a Redneck, you must have been a 'snipe' hunter more than once!
To be a celebrity in America is to be forgiven everything. (Mary McGrory, quoted in New York Times, )
To be a great fisherman, you have to think like a fish.
To be a hero or a heroine, one must give an order to oneself. - Simone Weil
To be a human without passion is to be dead.
To be a kind of moral Unix, he touched the hem of Nature's shift. -- Shelley
To be a lesbian, or not to be a lesbian, that is the question.
To be a picture of health, have a happy frame of mind
To be a rock and not to roll... -Zep
To be a saint does not exclude fine dresses nor a beautiful house. - Katherine Tynan Hinkson
To be a success, promise everything, deliver nothing. -- Napoleon
To be absolutely blunt, you're worried about your enormous hooter.
To be acknowledged, madam, is o'erpaid.
To be alive is to take risks; to be always safe and secure is death. - Edward Abbey
To be an elf is to think like one. - J. R. R. Tolkien
To be an ever-opening flower
To be and not to be, that is the contradiction
To be angered by evil is to partake of it, stupid
To be angry is to revenge the fault of others upon ourselves. - Pope
To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
To be beautiful is enough! if a woman can do that well who should demand more from her? You don't want a rose to sing. -- Thackeray
To be blunt, you're not that important
To be blunt, you're not that important. -Q to Picard
To be born again, first you have to die. <S Rushdie, The Satanic Verses>
To be born rich is an accident; to die rich is a miracle.
To be capable of respect is almost as rare as to be worthy of it.
To be considered successful, a woman must be much better at her job than a man would have to be. Fortunately, this isn't difficult
To be consumed againwould be the death of me
To be consumed againwould be the death of me - Sarah McLachlan
To be defeated is pardonable; to be surprised, never! -Napoleon
To be demeanered like that is an exercise in fertility
To be different is often a wonderful thing.
To be free is to have achieved your life. - T. Williams
To be great is to be misunderstood.
To be great is to be misunderstood. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little
To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all
To be honest Commander, she seems....._interested_ in me. - Odo
To be honest I was in a pail at the back of my office -Odo
To be honest, one must be inconsistent. - H. G. Wells
To be honest........I was bored. - Troi
To be honorable, one must be inconsistent. Ä H. G. Wells
To be human is also to seek pleasure.
To be human is to be complex
To be human without passion is to be dead.
To be idle requires a strong sense of personal identity. - Robert Lewis Stevenson
To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant.
To be ignorant of one's ignorance is truly ignorant.
To be in hell is to drift; to be in heaven is to steer. - George Bernard Shaw
To be in love, must be the swee <bang!><bang!><bang!><bang!>
To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated but not be able to say it.
To be is to be related. -- C.J. Keyser
To be is to do
To be is to do (Hegel) - To do is to be (Marx) - Do be doo bee do (Sinatra)
To be is to do - Sartre
To be is to do*Socrates To do is to be*Sarte Do be do be do*Sinatra
To be is to do.
To be is to do. Descartes
To be is to do. I.Kant
To be is to do. J.P.Sartre
To be is to do. Descartes
To be is to do. I.Kant
To be is to do. J.P.Sartre
To be is to do. -- I. Kant
To be is to do. -- Sartre
To be is to do: Plato
To be is to program.
To be is to program. To program is to be
To be left alone...the right most valued by civilized men. -Brandeis
To be left at the altar....It can really ruin your day
To be loved is very demoralizing. -- Katharine Hepburn
To be loved, be lovable. - Ovid
To be married alive is a fate worse than death
To be moderate in sin is no more possible than to be moderate in death
To be nameless in worthy deeds exceeds an infamous history
To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up
To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up - Oscar Wilde
To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up.
To be objective is divine
To be or NOT. To Be- THAT is the question!
To be or Not is the Result!
To be or else to be
To be or not to b^&%*$(#)@! Carrier Lost
To be or not to b^&%*$(#)@! No Carrier
To be or not to be - Shakespeare
To be or not to be - what was the question?
To be or not to be What a stupid question.
To be or not to be is true. Or maybe not
To be or not to be is true. Or maybe not. - G. Boole
To be or not to be, that always confused me!
To be or not to be, that is Jack Weston
To be or not to be, that is the bottom line
To be or not to be, that is the congestion, consumption be done about.
To be or not to be, that is the split infinitive.
To be or not to be, that's the question, but not for me
To be or not to be, those are the parameters.
To be or not to be. William Shakespeare
To be or not to be. That is the result of 2bý
To be or not to be. -- Shakespeare
To be or not to be. What an idotic question!!
To be or not to be.<Shakespeare>
To be or not to be... What a stupid question.
To be or not to be: that is a silly question.
To be or not to be; that is the root of 4b^2.
To be paranoid & Wrong is Sick;to be paranoid & Right is to be Cautious!
To be popular a girl must do the wrong thing at the right time.
To be positive is to be wrong at the top of one's voice. - Ambrose Bierce
To be promoted or not, is a question of Yar
To be rather than to seem.
To be righteous, one must first be right.
To be safe, make a copy of everything before you destroy it
To be smart requires an attitude, to be dumb requires a brain.
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. --Gustave Flaubert
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and, whatever you hit, call it the target
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and, whatever you hit, call it the target
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target -- ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT
To be too clever is to be stupid.
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
To be uman is to be complex.
To be weak and smell strong, use tobacco.
To be what we are, an to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
To be what we are, an to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life. - Robert Louis Stevenson
To be who one is, is not to be someone else
To be wise, the only thing you need to know is when to sa
To be wise, the only thing you really need to know is when to say "I don't know."
To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it
To be, or not to be, those are the parameters.
To be, or not to be. *BOOM!* Not to be
To be, or not to be... Only cats really know, and they won't tell.
To be, or not to be... That is irrelevent - Shakespeare of Borg
To be, or not to beWhat was A again?
To be, or what? - Sylvester Stallone
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night!
To become a personality is to end
To become an electrician you have to pass a battery of tests.
To bee or not to bee, that is the question. - an Apiarist
To bee or not to bee, that is the question. - an Apiarist
To beer or not to beer? - Shakesbeer
To begin your cat collection, simply open a can of tuna.
To believe a thing is impossible is to make it so
To believe in oneself, that is genius
To believe in something, and not live it, is dishonest - Mahatma Gandhi
To believe it makes it true, therefore it is brain fart.
To believe only possibilities is not faith, but philosophy.
To believe only possibilities is not faith, but philosophy.
To believe possibilities is not faith, but philosophy. - Nietzsche
To believe with certainty we must begin by doubting.
To believe with certainty, we must begin with doubting. -Stanislaus I
To big budgets. In the words of P. T. Barnum, Advertising is like learning--a little is a dangerous thing
To boldly annoy, in ways none have annoyed before.
To boldly call where no modem has called before.
To boldly code what no one has coded before!
To boldly do what no man has done before!
To boldly eat where no where no chile-head has gone before
To boldly glow, where no man has glowed
To boldly go (This porcelain's cold!) where no man has gone before!
To boldly go and watch Star Trek re-runs.
To boldly go where I surely don't belong
To boldly go where everyone's already been, at a cheaper rate
To boldly go where no *THING* has gone before.
To boldly go where no Klingon has gone before...Deanna's panties.
To boldly go where no ZERO has gone before
To boldly go where no cat has any business
To boldly go where no cheese has been found before
To boldly go where no computer line has gone before
To boldly go where no man has gone before
To boldly go where no man has gone before - the ladies' toilet
To boldly go where no man has gone before.
To boldly go where no man has gone before; the ladies bathroom!
To boldly go where no man wants to go again!
To boldly go where no modem has gone before
To boldly go where no one else is dumb enough!
To boldly go where no one had gone befor
To boldly go where no one has any business going
To boldly go where no one has gone before
To boldly go where no one has gone before, then turn left
To boldly go where no one has gone before.
To boldly go where no one has gone off topic before!
To boldly go where no one in their right mind wants to go
To boldly go where no one wants to
To boldly go where no one was stupid enough has gone before
To boldly go where no one would want to go
To boldly go where no sane man has any business!
To boldly go where no tagline has gone before
To boldly go where... Ouch! I've just wreck my car!!
To boldly go(This porcelain's cold!)were no one has gone...recently
To boldly orbit Bajor like no station has orbited before!
To boldly sit here and wait for it all to come to us: DS9!
To boldly sit here and wait for the universe to come to us!
To boldly split an infinitive at the start of every show
To boldly split infinitives that no man has split before.
To boldly stay here and wait for it all to come by ... - DS9
To boldly stay here and wait for someone to come by
To boldy call where no modem has dialed before!
To boldy go where no one's gone before...accidentally.
To boldy go where no sane person has any business.
To boldy stay here and wait for it all to come by...* DSN
To boot or not to boot - this is the question
To bore new worlds, to freak out new life, to smugly go
To bother, or not to bother, quoth Pooh the Bear
To breathe is a beatitude. - H.F.Amiel
To brighten up your boyfriend's evening, sit with him in the dark.
To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself.
To bring up the DOS task list press CTRL-ALT-DEL
To build a temple of sadness.
To build an nuclear weapon is to sin against God.
To buy this tank? You gotta be NUTS! -- Moriarty
To call a man an ass is to insult one of God's more honorable beasts.
To call a man an ass is to insult the jackass. M.Twain
To calm me down, hit CTRL + ALT + DEL
To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee
To carry on is a victory in itself. -- Winston Churchill
To catch a Sasquatch is no small feet!
To catch a mouse, make a noise like a cheese
To catch rabbits, hide behind a bush & do carrot calls.
To cats, all things belong to cats!
To cats, the law of gravity is only a suggestion
To choose time is to save time. - Francis Bacon
To civilization in Korea... this is it. Ä Winchester
To clarify, the president meant Bush not Bonzo. -- Mrs. Reagan
To clean-up Windows'95 use WIND.EX
To clear screen, press [Ctrl] [Alt] [Del].
To climb a ladder, you begin with the bottom rung.
To clone a felon, do I use the COPY CON command?
To coin a phrase, 'Fascinating!' - McCoy
To collect fumes of sulphur, hold a deacon over a flame in a Test - tube
To communicate is the beginning of understanding. -- AT&T
To complete a dream, I start with a cat
To complete a dream, I start with a strawberry daquiri
To complete a dream, I start with a vodka.
To complete tagline fill in the blanks ____ ______ _____ _____.
To compute or not to compute, that is the question. County
To conclude our deal, we will have sex human style
To confuse children with angels is a dangerous thing.
To congratulate Bill Clinton, send candy - he already got Flowers!
To contine, enter any 10-digit prime number.
To continue press CTRL+ALT+DELETE
To continue press CTRL-ALT-DEL now.
To continue, Press the PANIC key.
To continue, enter any 10-digit prime number.
To continue, hit <CTL><ALT><DEL>
To continue, strike keyboard with forehead
To cook well, learn all about spices, Tom said sagely
To cook well, learn all about spices.
To cool off a Beer, all you have to do is put it in the ice box.
To correct any problem, type Del *.*
To craunch a marmoset. -- Pedro Carolino, "English as She is Spoke"
To create artificial intelligence, you must first destroy natural stupidity
To create is to boggle the mind and alter the mood.<S.A. Ebaugh>
To criticize is easy, to improve is a different matter
To criticize the incompetent is easy; it is more difficult
To criticize the incompetent is easy; it is more difficult to criticize the comp
To criticize the incompetent is easy; to criticize the competent is harder
To crunch, or not to crunch. - Froglet
To cure insomnia, get lots of sleep.
To curry favor, favor curry.
To cut military spending, from next year all guns will be coin-operated
To days without the chill at morning!.. Draw another goblet! -Rush
To deceive a diplomat speak the truth; he has no experience with it.
To decide not to decide is to decide. To fail to decide is failure
To defend the Saigon regime is not worth one more human life. -- Senator Edmund Muskie
To defend, this is the pact.
To define reality is nothing other than pure hypothesis
To define recursion, we must first define recursion.
To demolish ruins is an oxymoron, I believe. - Selma
To deny the facts would be illogical, Doctor
To deter crime, place a gun nut behind every dead bolt.
To die by taglines were but to die in jest. -- Tagspeare
To die by thee were but to die in jest. <Shakespeare>
To die defending one's ship is the dream of every Klingon.
To die defending one's ship is the hope of every Klingon. - Worf
To die for
To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely. - Jorge Luis Borges - Argentinean author
To die for.
To die is bad, but to lose my sense of humor...? * Riker
To die is landing on some distant shore.
To die would be an awfully big adventure.
To die, but not to perish, is to remain eternally present. - Lao-tse
To disarm detonator, cut the red wire. But first, cut the blue one.
To discover my past is to blueprint my future.
To discover one knows nothing is the beginning of wisdom.
To discover proper respect for any authority, ask a cat.
To discover proper respect for authority, twit your sysop
To discusss an opinion with a fool is like carrying a lantern before a blind man. - De Gaston
To dispose a soul to action we must upset its equilibrium. - E.Hoffer
To diverse gods do mortals bow-Holy Cow and Wholly Chao.
To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult. - Friedrich Nietzsche
To do great work work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. - Samuel Butler
To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it. * Plato
To do is to be
To do is to be (Hegel). To be is to do (Marx). Doobeedoobeedoo (Sinatra)
To do is to be - Nietzsche
To do is to be -- A. Sartre
To do is to be.
To do is to be. J.P.Sartre
To do is to be. Nietszche
To do is to be. Plato
To do is to be. J.P.Sartre
To do is to be. Nietszche
To do is to be. Plato
To do is to be. - Kant
To do is to be. -- A. Sartre
To do is to be. To be is to do. Do be do be do
To do is to be. To be is to do. Doobedoobedoobedoo
To do it: Hire someone, or forbid your kids.
To do nothing is also a good remedy.
To do nothing is also a good remedy. - Hippocrates
To do nothing is failure.<Jenks>
To do nothing is failure.<Jenks>
To do nothing is in every man's power
To do nothing is in every person's power.
To do nothing is to be nothing
To do two things at once is to do neither
To do two things at once is to do neither. -- Publilius Syrus
To do when flying Ä Act like a movie star
To do when flying Ä Attempt to promote Hinduism among passengers
To do when flying Ä Bring a microphone and act like Frank Sinatra
To do when flying Ä Disco dance in the aisle
To do when flying Ä Hum the Monty Python theme song
To do when flying Ä If someone has a bad toupee, whack it off
To do when flying Ä Jump up and scream "AAAHHH!! I left the stove on!"
To do when flying Ä Lead a bible study session in the back of the plane
To do when flying Ä Lead a revolt against the first class passengers
To do when flying Ä Moon passing Delta planes
To do when flying Ä No matter what the meal is, demand rice-a-roni
To do when flying Ä Pick your nose and pat the person next to you
To do when flying Ä Pinch the stewardess' butt as she passes
To do when flying Ä Pretend you're flying the plane
To do when flying Ä Recite all you can of the last Ann Landers column
To do when flying Ä Ride carry-on luggage down the aisle, & "Yeee-ha!"
To do when flying Ä Scratch your butt, then sniff your finger
To do when flying Ä Scream & dive under your seat for no apparent reason
To do when flying Ä Show off your Batman underwear
To do when flying Ä Sneak into the cockpit and hit the warning alarm
To do when flying Ä Start a hot dog stand
To do when flying Ä Steal businessman's laptop, play solitaire on it
To do when flying Ä Switch accents and see if anyone notices
To do when flying Ä When two people kiss in the film, belch real loud
To do: 1. Back up the disk -- someday!
To dogs, *every* road is an information highway
To downgrade the human mind is bad theology
To downgrade the human mind is bad theology -- C. K. Chesterton
To download H Anime pics, hit ALT+H now.
To download Hentai Anime, press Alt-H NOW!
To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are
To dream the impossible dream.
To dream, the impossible dream -Man of LaMancha
To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness & moving to the pagan sound
To dungeons deep and caverns old.
To each his bone.
To each his clone!
To each his own ca-ca smells sweet - but don't be fooled by this.
To each, his own ca-ca smells sweet. -- Forrest Gump
To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own. --Abraham Lincoln
To eat bread without hope is still slowly to starve to death
To eat is human, to digest, divine.
To eat is human. To digest divine. Mark Twain
To eat is human; to digest, divine.
To eat more, is to become more.
To eat one is to know one.
To eat or not to eat, the question is whom to eat!
To eat your competition, use the right fork. MANITOU!
To eat, or not to eat, hell! The question is whom to eat
To eat, perchance, to barf.
To emerge from his world of darkness, from his endless forever night
To endeavor to work upon the vulgar with fine sense, is like attempting to hew blocks with a razor. - Alexander Pope
To endure, be obscure.
To enjoy art is a sign of intelligence -- acp
To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves
To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.
To entertain most people, all you have to do is listen
To envelope it's prey below, deliver to the light. -Megadeth
To err is Human, to assimilate is Borg!
To err is Human. To blame someone else is politics.
To err is Humman
To err is Pentium, to forgive, divide.
To err is human - To Assimilate BORG!
To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so
To err is human - to blame it on the other party is politics
To err is human - to moo, bovine.
To err is human -- but it feels divine. -- Mae West
To err is human -- to blame it on a computer is even more
To err is human . . . To F.U.B.A.R. is computer
To err is human and stupid.
To err is human but mostof us never make mistake
To err is human but to really foul things up require a computer.
To err is human! To do it at 40 MHz is automation!
To err is human!! To foul things up you need a computer.
To err is human, To purr feline. -- Robert Byrne
To err is human, but I can REALLY foul things up
To err is human, but I forgive you
To err is human, but it feels divine
To err is human, but it feels divine. -- Ted Kennedy
To err is human, but really foul things up requires a computer!
To err is human, but sometimes so devine!
To err is human, but to REALLY muck up takes a computer.
To err is human, but to forgive is not company policy
To err is human, but to moo is bovine
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
To err is human, but to really stuff it up requires a computer.
To err is human, but when the eraser wears out ahead of the pencil, you're overdoing it. - J. Jenkins
To err is human, but when the eraser wears out before the pencil, you're overdoing it a little
To err is human, to *REALLY* screw it up get a computer
To err is human, to Moo bovine
To err is human, to admit it is super-human
To err is human, to admit it, asinine
To err is human, to bark, canine.
To err is human, to blame it on others is politics
To err is human, to blame someone else is PC.
To err is human, to blame someone else is politics.
To err is human, to bleat, ovine.
To err is human, to compute divine
To err is human, to compute divine. Trust your computer but not its programmer -- Morris Kingston
To err is human, to do nothing, benign
To err is human, to eat Jello, is messy.
To err is human, to flip a car 6 times and kill someone, is DRUNK
To err is human, to forgive ... 5 dollars
To err is human, to forgive against Fidonet policy
To err is human, to forgive divine. -- Pope
To err is human, to forgive is Not Company Policy.
To err is human, to forgive is against FidoNet policy!
To err is human, to forgive is against company policy.
To err is human, to forgive is insane
To err is human, to forgive is not company policy.
To err is human, to forgive is out of the question.
To err is human, to forgive is unthinkable.
To err is human, to forgive is unusual!
To err is human, to forgive is... unlikely.
To err is human, to forgive isn't
To err is human, to forgive, against FIDO policy.
To err is human, to forgive, beyond the scope of the Operating System
To err is human, to forgive... $5.00
To err is human, to forgive... unlikely.
To err is human, to forgive....$29.95 (plus tax)
To err is human, to forgive....$5.00
To err is human, to forgive....$5.00 please!
To err is human, to hiss, serpertine.
To err is human, to howl about it, lupine
To err is human, to laugh at errors even more so
To err is human, to meow, feline.
To err is human, to moo Bovine.
To err is human, to not admit an err is totally male.
To err is human, to oink, porcine.
To err is human, to purr feline.
To err is human, to purr feline. To err is human, two curs canine. To err is human, to moo bovine
To err is human, to quit, resign
To err is human, to really foul things up requires a computer.
To err is human, to really foul up you need a computer!
To err is human, to really mess, buy an Amiga
To err is human, to really screw things up requires a computer.
To err is human, to really screw up requires a Mac
To err is human, to repent, divine, to persist, devilish. -- Benjamin Franklin
To err is human, to solve it, design
To err is human, to star in a John Waters film, DIVINE!
To err is human, to truly foul things up is bureaucracy.
To err is human, two curs canine
To err is human. And stupid.
To err is human. It takes a computer to really screw things up!
To err is human. To admit it is a blunder.
To err is human. To blame someone else for your errors is even more human.
To err is human. To error is just as human.
To err is human. To forgive is against company policy.
To err is human. To forgive is unusual.
To err is human. To give milk, bovine.
To err is human. To moo, bovine.
To err is human. To purr feline
To err is human. To really screw up it takes a computer!
To err is human. To screw up at 100 megahertz you need a computer.
To err is human. - Hehehehahaha. --Data
To err is human. . .to blame it on the other guy is genius!
To err is human. And stupid.
To err is human. As an elf, I should KNOW.
To err is human. Divine screwups require a computer.
To err is human. To blame it on someone else even more so.
To err is human. To blame someone else for your mistakes is even more human
To err is human. To blame someone else is liberalism
To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.
To err is human. To forgive is against FidoNet policy!
To err is human. To forgive is against company policy.
To err is human. To forgive is not in a computer's nature!
To err is human. To forgive is out of the question
To err is human. To forgive is unusual.
To err is human. To moo bovine
To err is human. To purr feline.
To err is human. To really foul things up requires a computer.
To err is human. To really screw up it takes a compu@@#$@%@#!$ System Error
To err is human. To really screw up it takes a computer!
To err is human. To really screw up takes Windows.
To err is human. To really screw up takes a computer.
To err is human. to be a twit--unforgivable
To err is human... To really screw something up requires a computer.
To err is human... to blame it on someone else is even more human.
To err is human....To blame others even more so.
To err is human...Does that mean my computer is human?
To err is human...To ignore Bill Gates is pure folly.
To err is human...to blame your computer is even more human.
To err is human; to really foul things up requires a computer.
To err is human; blaming it on others is more human.
To err is human; more than that requires a zealot!
To err is human; more than that requires an attorney
To err is human; more than that takes a government.
To err is human; to Charlie is inexcusable
To err is human; to REALLY foul up requires a computer.
To err is human; to admit it, a blunder
To err is human; to admit it, superhuman
To err is human; to blame it on a computer, even more so
To err is human; to blame it on someone else is more human
To err is human; to blame it on someone else is politics
To err is human; to blame it on the other party is Republican.
To err is human; to forgive codependent.
To err is human; to forgive is NOT company policy.
To err is human; to forgive is against FIDO policy.
To err is human; to forgive is against university policy.
To err is human; to forgive is simply not our policy. -- MIT Assasination Club
To err is human; to forgive isn't company policy
To err is human; to forgive, beyond the scope of the Operating System.
To err is human; to forgive, divine.
To err is human; to forgive, divine; to forget, stupid
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent.
To err is human; to forgive, unusual
To err is human; to forgive... codependent.
To err is human; to moo bovine
To err is human; to purr, feline. Pets are fun.
To err is human; to really botch things requires a MODERATOR.
To err is human; to really botch things requires a Sysop
To err is human; to really foul things up be a Moderator!
To err is human; to really foul things up is BUREAUCRACY.
To err is human; to really foul things up requires a computer.
To err is human; to try to prevent recurrence of error is science
To err is humanUse Windows to really screw things up.
To err is humanoid
To err is humor
To err is ok, but to really Screw Up is TALENT!
To err is to screw up
To error is human, to blame it on others is politics.
To error is human, to blame it on someone else is more human
To establish contact, please yell into keyboard.
To every Ph.D. there is an equal and opposite Ph.D
To every Ph.D. there is an equal and opposite Ph.D. -- B. Duggan
To every exception there is a rule.
To every hard problem, there's a simple solution, and it's wrong
To every rule there is an exception, and vice versa.
To every rule there is an exception, except this one.
To every rule there's an exception & vice versa.
To everything there is a season... -- Ecclesiastes 3:1
To everything, turn turn turn, there is a season, turn turn turn
To excel at what you do, you must love doing it.
To excel when you try, always reach for the brass ring.
To exit Chat Mode, press the `POWER' key.
To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect. - Oscar Wilde
To explain the world, imagine God as a comedian.
To explore new worlds, to seek out new life forms. To boldly go
To explore strange new CPUs
To expose or Too exposed..THAT is the question
To extend your limits, you must push them... and it often hurts
To face the Wyrm without, one must face the Wyrm within.
To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god. - Jorge Luis Borges
To fall in love you have to be in the state of mind for it to take, like a disease. - Nancy Mitford
To fall into a habit is to begin to cease to be. - Miguel de Unamuno
To faltering hard drive: Go ahead - make my day! <bang!>
To fear DOS is the beginning of wisdom.
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. - Bertrand Russell
To feel 'fit as a fiddel", you must tone down the middle
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow
To feel the warm thrill of confusion.. - Pink Floyd
To feel the warm thrill of confusion...
To feel the warm thrill of confusion... Pink Floyd
To feel the warm thrill of confusion..That space cadet glow..
To fight Vader in MKII, insert 50 quarters and reset
To fight Vader in MKII, insert 50 quarters and reset the machine
To fight Vader in MKII, insert 50 quarters and reset...
To fight legends. Koch
To fight the good fight, survive the first assault
To fight the power you have to master the power.
To figure out the area of the Arctic Circle, use Eskimo Pi.
To find Nirvana, Tao the line
To find a friend one must close one eye; to keep him -- two. -- Norman Douglas
To find a legless woman, follow the slime trail...
To find a policeman in a hurry, double-park.
To find a two-legged man...trace back over Lorena's trail.
To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult. - Plutarch
To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her friends.
To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girl friends. - Benjamin Franklin
To find out a girl's faults, tell her girlfriends how gre
To find out about paranoids, follow them around
To find out what your doctor recommends, watch television
To find the easiest way to do something, ask a lazy person to do it
To find the truth I've even lied - Brad Majors "Superheroes"
To find the words to tell you goodbye -Pink Floyd
To finish first, first one must finish.
To finish first, you must first finish. - Rick Mears
To fix a fried modem: Sautee some onion in olive oil..
To fix a fried motherboard, melt butter over med. heat
To fix: 1) Take Hammer 2) Strike a defective monitor when ready!
To flaunt your strength is to make it your weakness !
To fly or not to fly? The FAA is the Question
To fly, one must throw themselves at the ground, and of course, miss!
To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source.
To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. - Friedrich Nietzsche
To forgive is divine, but computers don't know how
To forgive is divine. But getting even is Heaven!!
To forgive is unusual... but forgiveness FEELS so good !
To free oneself is nothing it's knowing what to do with the freedom.
To free peoples, peace means the absence of threats and the presence of justice. - Rush Limbaugh
To free your body, you must first free your mind.
To gain a good reputation, endeavor to be what you desire to appear.
To generalize is to be an idiot
To generalize is to be an idiot. -- Blake
To get LOCAL users, advertise your BBS LOCALLY!
To get a better brush you'd have to have a flip-top head...uh, hi Odo
To get a drink out of a Vogon - stick your finger down his throat.
To get a loan from a bank you have to first prove that you don't need one
To get a loan you must prove you don't need it.
To get a loan, you first have to prove you don't need it
To get a man to do sit-ups, put the remote between his toes.
To get ahead and stay ahead, use your head.
To get along well, dig it deep
To get back on your feet, miss two car payments.
To get maximum attention, it's hard to beat a good, big mistake
To get my respect you must get down in the dirt and beg for it.
To get really stoned, drink wet cement!
To get rid of a pain in the neck, try yawning.
To get rid of an enemy, one must love him. -Leo Tolstoy
To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three men, two of them absent
To get the point, rub a porcupine backwards.
To get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for independence. -Charles A. Beard, historian
To give happines is to deserve happiness.
To give happines is to deserve happiness.
To give of yourself, you must first know yourself
To give up pretensions is as blessed a relief as to get them ratified. - William James
To go bald, where no man has gone bald before !
To go boldly where they split infinitives
To go naked is the best disguise. -William Congreve
To go up, pull back. To go down, pull back farther
To go where no clusters have gone before
To go where no man has gone before
To go where no man has gone before... BBSing!
To go where no man has gone before.........
To goldly bo- CUT! Go boldly to- CUT! Bodidly ho- CUT!
To great evils we submit, we resent little provocations. - William Hazlitt
To grow old is preferred to the only other option.
To guess is cheap. To guess wrong is expensive. - Chinese Proverb
To h*ll with racism!
To h___with the Prime Directive, I have to kill something
To hardly know him is to know him well. Cary Grant
To have a friend you must first be one.
To have a successful relationship I must learn to make it look like I'm giving as much as I'm getting
To have and to want more that is life. - F. Nietzsche
To have died once is enough.
To have died once is enough. -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
To have good soldiers, a nation must always be at war. -Napoleon
To have teenage children is to know that you are alive, just as having a headache is proof that you have a head
To hear new words page your SysOp at 3 a.m
To hear tell a hundred times is not as good as once seeing
To hear the softly spoken magic spells
To heck with Frisco ! Let's go to Montana with all the other weirdos !
To heck with New Age! Give me NEW YORK!!
To heck with Sampo, who's got the recipie for a Killer Shrew?
To heck with criticism. Praise is good enough for me
To heck with playing it safe, i'm beta testing!
To heck with safe computing! I love to (B)BS!
To heck with the speed limit! Warp 9, Mr. Data! Engage!!
To hell and back again.
To hell with 0 to 60: It's 95 to 55 that counts!
To hell with Bill Clinton, get me Phil Hartman!
To hell with Joe! I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!
To hell with Kathie Lee Gifford! - Mr. Garrison
To hell with Ross Perot, get me Dana Carvey!
To hell with StarFleet! They're 75 years away at warp 9.975!!
To hell with Willie!...He's only a fish!
To hell with World opinion: Kick the ass of our enemies!
To hell with computer chips; track ME with chocolate.
To hell with criticism. Praise is good enough for me.
To hell with justice, I want blood!
To hell with playing it safe. I'm beta testing!
To hell with safe computing! I love to (B)BS!
To hell with the Nurses!! I'll take the Docs any day!! - Bunny
To hell with the Prime Directive -- FIRE!
To hell with the Prime Directive! FIRE!!!!!!
To hell with the Prime Directive, let's kill something!
To hell with the devil... - Stryper
To hell with the public! I'm here to represent the people. Ä NJ Sen
To hell with the starGet that camel off my lawn!
To hell with the truth! Robert Ryan
To hell with user friendly. Will it keep beer cold?
To help other people at all times-- portion of Scout Oath
To help your bones to keep your shape 'most every time you bend 'em!
To hide a feeling increases its force a thousand times
To hide a feeling is to increase its force a thousand times. - Caine
To him who is in fear, everything rustles -- Sophocles
To him who is in fear, everything rustles.<Sophocles>
To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations. - Matthew 10:22
To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. - Rev. 2:7
To his dog every man is Napoleon
To his dog, every man in Napolean; hence the constant property of dogs. - Aldous Huxley
To his dog, every man is a Napoleon.
To hit the target, shoot. Call what you hit the target
To imagine the unimaginable is the highest use of the imagination
To immitate is the greatest form of flattery.
To impeach, type: DEL CLINTON.* DEL RODHAM.*
To improve any conversation reply with: I don't know.
To improve any conversation reply with: Why?
To improve your memory, loan people money.
To improve your self-image, do something for someone else
To increase speed add lightness
To infinity, and beyond! -- Buzz Lightyear
To innovate is not to reform. -- Burke
To insure good luck, he always carries a rabbi's foot.
To interfere or not to interfere; _that_ is the question!
To internet or not to internet this will be the question
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas A. Edison
To iterate is human - to recurse, divine.
To iterate is human, to recurse, divine. -- Robert Heller
To iterate is human; to recurse, divine.
To iterate is human; to recurse, divine. - Robert Heller
To jaw -jaw is better than to war -war. - W.Churchill
To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war. -- W. Churchill, on Korean War negotiations
To join Princess Vespa and Prince Valium in the bonds of Holy Moley!
To join the DemoRATic Party, call 1-800-NO-CLUES
To join the OSU Fan Club type /OSU at the main menu
To judge perfection is to render a worthless verdict.
To judge wisely, we must know how things appear to the unwise. - George Eliot
To keep a bad promise does not make it good
To keep a secret from the enemy, keep your mouth shut!
To keep another caveman from stealing your woman, use "THE CLUB".
To keep from falling, keep climbing.
To keep from receiving a fruitcake, send 25 cookies to
To keep milk from turning sour you should keep it in the cow
To keep milk from turning sour, keep it in a cow
To keep myself physically strong-- portion of Scout Oath
To keep myself...mentally awake-- portion of Scout Oath
To keep myself...morally straight-- portion of Scout Oath
To keep your character intact you cannot stoop to filthy acts. <K. Hep
To keep your expressions convergent, allow no degrees of freedom.
To keep your friends treat them kindly; to kill them, treat them often.
To keep your milk sweet, leave it in the cow.
To keep your teeth in good shape, mind your own business.
To kidnap a Kzin is probably a mistake.
To kidnap a Kzin is usually a mistake
To kids and women, EVERYTHING is such a BIG DEAL!
To kill a bad sector UNIX it
To kill a circus, you should go for the juggler.
To kill it would be a crime against science. - Spock on Horta
To know Edina is to reject it. -- Dudley Riggs, "The Year the Grinch Stole the Election"
To know Tao, be still and look within. <365 Tao>
To know a culture you must dirty your feet in its soil.
To know all things is not permitted
To know and enjoy what you are good at is three blessings.
To know him is to love him is to know him
To know him is to love him is to know him
To know how to suggest is the art of teaching. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
To know is not to say. To say is not to know. Ya know?
To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything.
To know is to know that to know is not to know
To know me is to love me.....and I do!
To know nothing is bad, to learn nothing is worse
To know others you must first know yourself. Goldbug
To know recursion, first you must know recursion.
To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
To know the night and live in it forever? That's not so bad
To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
To know the world one must construct it.
To know the world one must construct it. - C.Pavese
To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.
To know what we do not know is the beginning of wisdom
To know yourself is the ultimate form of aggression.
To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools.
To lead people, you must follow behind. -- Lao Tsu
To learn a foreign language get a 'Sleeping' dictionary.
To learn a girl's faults, praise her to her girl friend
To learn is not illegal... to act is!
To learn more about paranoids, follow them around!
To learn new words, phone your moderator at 3 a.m.
To learn strong faith is to endure great trials
To learn the value of a dollar - try to borrow some
To learn to listen to that which is not spoken
To learn to listen to that which is not spoken. <The Sile
To learn, you must listen to that which is not spoken.
To leave a message, press *7123#85621, or wait for the beep.
To lengthen thy Life, lessen thy meals. - Benjamin Franklin
To let politics become a cesspool & then avoid it is a double crime.
To liberals single deaths are tragedies, millions are statistics
To light a candle is to cast a shadow. - Ursula K. Le Guin
To light a candle is to cast a shadow.<U. K. Le Guin>
To listen to some devout people, one would imagine that God never laughs. -- Sri Aurobindo
To listen well is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well. - Chinese proverb
To live alone, to be both beast & god: a philosopher. - Nietzsche
To live forever, acquire a chronic disease and take care of it
To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
To live is always desirable.
To live is always desirable. - Eleen the Capellan
To live is always desirable. -- Eleen the Capellan, "Friday's Child"
To live is always desirable. Eleen the Capellan, stardate 3498.9
To live is always desireable. Eleen
To live is like love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it. - Samuel Butler
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. - Emily Dickinson
To live is to die!
To live is to dream,... to die is to awaken! --Santana
To live is to fight. To die is to stop. Superion
To live is to hurt; to hunt is to live! Piranacon
To live is to love. - Penn
To live is to make a mess. Great Aunt Beatrice
To live is to war with trolls. * Henrik Ibsen
To live long and prosper...avoid lawyers. - Spock
To live long, it is necessary to live slowly
To live long, it is necessary to live slowly -- Cicero
To live long, it is necessary to live slowly.
To live now, first come to terms with your past.
To live on in hearts we leave behind is not to die
To live outside the law, you must be an honest man
To live we must conquer incessantly, we must have the courage to be happy. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
To live well, know the difference between good and evil.
To live without hope is to cease to live. - Dostoevsky
To live-is to risk dying.
To look like the cat that swallowed the canary. ...Yiddish Saying
To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose. - Rassilon
To lose something, one must first possess it. - Worf
To love a thing means wanting it to live. - Confucius
To love and be loved is the greatest joy in the world
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides
To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best. - William Makepeace Thackeray
To love another is to see the face of God. J. Valjean
To love another person is to see the face of God.
To love another person is to see the face of God. - Jean Valjean
To love anyone is nothing else than to wish that person good. - Thomas Aquina
To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. - Madame Swetchine
To love her was a liberal education
To love her was a liberal education -- Steele
To love is good, love being difficult
To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
To love is to admire with the heart, to admire is to love with the mind.
To love is to be engaged is to work is to be interested is to create. - Lina Wertmuller
To love is to be vulnerable.
To love is to die
To love is to find pleasure in the happiness of the person loved.
To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.
To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. - Karen Sunde
To love is wise; to hate is foolish. --Bertrand Russell
To love ones self is the begining of a life -long romance. - Oscar
To love simply, it is necessary to know how to show love. -Dostoyevsky
To love someone, you have to care about their happiness. Terri
To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun. - Katherine Graham
To maintain one's ideals in ignorance is easy. - Uta Hagen
To make MS DOS truly multiTasking-use several machines!
To make Murphy's Law fail - try to prove it to someone.
To make Virgin Oil squeeze a prepubescent olive
To make Windows multitask type ECHO Y|FORMAT C:
To make a Kleenex dance, blow a little boogie in it.
To make a blond laugh on Monday morning, tell her a joke Friday night!
To make a blonde laugh on Saturday you must tell her a joke on Tuesday
To make a cat float-Start with 2 scoops Ice Cream!
To make a happy couple, the husband must be deaf and the wife blind. (French proverb)
To make a long story short there's nothing like the boss coming in.
To make a long story short, I have no idea...- Harry, 3rd Rock
To make a long story short, Rhett and Scarlett split up in the end...
To make a long story short, don't tell it
To make a long story short, don't tell it
To make a small fortune in the commodities market, start with a large fortune
To make a speech immortal you don't have to make it everlasting.
To make a success of old age, you have to start young!
To make a unique contribution, you must be willing to be different. - Seymour Cray
To make an addition to the list:
To make an apple pie from scratch, we must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan
To make an elephant fly, use a >HUGE< zipper
To make an enemy, do someone a favor
To make eggnog, you'll need rum, whiskey, wine gin and, if they are in season, eggs
To make it work, you have to DO the work.
To make pleasures pleasant, shorten them.
To make pleasures pleasant, shorten them. - Charles Buxton
To make political contributions call 1-800-KIS-AWAY.
To make shepherd's pie: take one shepherd, a large grinder
To make sure in the darkness that you were still there - Waters
To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode You"
To make the Fates laugh, tell them that you have a plan.
To make up for being late this morning, I am leaving early.
To make war with the Saints and overcome them. -- Rev 13:7
To make your dream come true, you have to stay awake
To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning
To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education.
To make your dream come true, you have to stay awake.
To many a dumb blonde is a smart Brunette.
To many time we confuse motion with progress. - Cyclops
To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. -- St. Augustine
To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties
To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties -Schopenhauer
To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties.
To me any bed will be a luxury. Vash
To me it is quite illogical to run up & down on green grass...-Spock
To me personally, it's nothing personal to me.
To me, "due tomorrow" means just that: Do tomorrow.
To me, a balanced diet is a burger in each hand
To me, a power user is someone who pays his electric bill
To me, absolutes are found only in finite algebra and taxes.
To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other
To me, every baby looks like every baby I ever saw
To me, every morning is the dawn of a new error.
To me, good exercise is soaking in a tub, pulling the plug, and fighting the current!
To me, imagination is a place all by itself. Edmund Gwenn
To me, socks are like sex. Tons of it about but I never seem to get any.
To me, you're a very large baked potato! - MG Joe Vaturbo
To measure a circle, begin anywhere.
To millions of kids, you're like...like this fire here
To mis-quote Judy, `You serviced the Nightwolf?' --Gen, SN
To moderate or not to moderate. That is the question.
To mold a new reality, Closer to the Heart..... -RUSH
To mom: "Calvin? Who's Calvin? I'm *Stupendous Man*!" - - Calvin
To mortal fields say farewell, Middle-Earth forsaking!
To most people the lobes are a dead giveaway! Nog
To most people, moderators are nice people.
To mow where no man has mown before
To much Free memory cluttering up your computer? Try Windows
To much Stuff? Time to buy a BIGGER house!
To much thinking only leads to delay!
To my Eternal joy, I was born in bed with a lady
To my Father, who's coming Home. - DS9, 'The Visitor'
To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady.
To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady. - Wilson Mizner.
To my embarrassment, I was born in bed with a lady.
To my sweetheart: My cooking's gotten better since I fondue
To never listen to the voice of memory is to die...
To nije kraj idemo dalje!
To nisu jedra moje brodice,vec to su gacice moje Marice
To non-collectors, we're just pack rats
To not discern the important makes you unimportant
To not know is bad. To not WANT to know, unforgivable
To not know is bad...to not WANT to know is unforgivabl+
To not try any of the funny stuff, Soft One!
To obey is better than sacrifice.
To obtain that sort of information, I shall have to touch it. - Spock
To oppose something is to maintain it.<LeGuin>
To orbit Bajor like no station has orbited Bajor before!
To order poison in a bar isn't logical. - McCoy
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet!
To our sweethearts and wives. May they never meet. -- 19th century toast
To our sweetheats and wives - may they never meet.
To overcome evil with good is good; To resist evil by evil is evil. --Mohammed (570-632)
To page sysop; Press <Ctl>-<Alt>-<Del>!
To pass thru the Wormhole that you see, answer me these questions 3!
To pay hell is one thing. But do you want to own it? - Roland
To perform magic you must desire change. The complacent have no magic.
To play Holland, you have to play the Dutch. - Ruud Gullit
To play billiards well is a sign of an ill-spent youth.
To point out our military has been overextended,taken for granted & neglected,that's no criticism of the military That is criticism of a pres&vice pres and their record of neglect .-George W. Bush2002
To poldly bow air mobious gumby four. Trek on Novacain
To poldly bow air mobious gumby four. Trek on Novacain
To poldly bow air mobius gumby four <-- Trek on novocaine
To poldly bow air mobius gumby four! Trek on Novacaine
To poldly bow air mobius gumby four: STAR TREK on Novocain
To poldly bow air mobius gumby four: Trek on novocaine.
To poldly bow wah mobius gumby four.. - Kirk on Novocaine
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance - Breathe in.Breathe out.Breathe in.Breathe out. Forget these simple things and attaining Enlightenment will be the least of your problems
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance, do the following ,,, Drink tea and nourish life. With the first sip, joy. With the second, satisfaction. With the third, Danish.
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance, do the following ,,, Drink tea and nourish life. With the first sip, joy. With the second, satisfaction. With the third, Danish.
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance, do the following: Get rid of the motorcycle. What were you thinking?!
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance, remember, there is no self. Oy, if there is no self, whose arthritis is this?
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish Motorcycle Maintenance, remember, there is no self. Oy, if there is no self, whose arthritis is this?
To preserve eyeball fitness, do NOT attempt to read all of these in one
To preserve eyeball fitness, do NOT attempt to read all of these in one
To preserve eyeball fitness, do NOT attempt to read all of these in one
To preserve wildlife: catch a squirrel and pickle it.
To prevent carpal build-up...use PAM on your keyboard.
To prevent splatter, cover dish before microwaving cat.
To process or not to process that is the question!
To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it
To program anything that is programmable is obsession
To program is to be
To prove their mousey worth, they'll overthrow the Earth
To prove this to yourself, try opening the refrigerator door before the light comes on
To prune, 'tis human to remove de vine
To publish is to appear in public with your pants down.
To put it bluntly, SLMR kicks the @#$% out of EZ-RDR
To put it bluntly, you're not very important. -Q to Picard
To put it plain and simple...I'm not into one-night stands.
To put it simply, we're omnipotent. -Q
To question or not to question - that is the answer !
To quit reading messages, strike here with hammer ----> [*]
To quote Alfred E. Neuman: "What! Me worry????"
To quote Louis Armstrong, "If you have to ask, you'll never know"
To quote Rick Heming from MSI,"I see RIP fading slightly"
To quote the Champ, "Is that taglines enough for ya!"
To quote the Librarian at Unseen University, "Oook!"
To quote, "Crea$ion Cons are boring and overpriced"
To raise THEIR consciousness, you must first raise yours
To re cover you need to take the old cover off.
To re-apply for things we lost before you ever came
To reach port you must sail... not drift.
To read between the lines was easier than to follow the text. -H James
To read tagline. Please enter password: _
To read those Illuminati conspiracy books start by licking a stamp.
To read without reflecting, is like eating without digesting. - Francis Bacon
To read, perchance to DeChancie.
To really "tax" your system, enter: DEVICE=CLINTON
To really appreciate me, you gotta see me shop!
To really get stoned, drink wet cement
To really know a relative, divide an inheritance with him
To really live, you must almost die.
To receive an updated copy of this list:
To reflect on all of my sins and the death of the whale.
To reform a man, begin with his grandmother.
To reformat CD disk, use steel wool & heavy pressure.
To reformat a CD-ROM use steel wool and apply heavy pressure
To reformat a CD-ROM, use steel wool & heavy pressure.
To reformat a CD-Rom, use steel wool & a lot of pressure
To refuse praise is to seek praise twice.
To refuse to decide is a decision.
To refuse to decide is a decision. - Peter Brent
To register this complaint, send $35 to moderator.
To register this tag line, simply send 25 cookies to
To register this tagline, send $29 to
To regret deeply is to live afresh. - Henry David Thoreau
To regret nothing is the beginning of wisdom
To reject the Deliverance ....is to invite Destruction
To remain silent when we should protest makes cowards out of men
To remove dust from an eye, pull the eye down over the nose
To remove this message, push Red Button
To repel attackers, instead of mace you have your face!
To reply to message: Press: CTL + ALT + DEL
To reply, send a self-abused, stomped antelope to
To resist is futile: you will be deseminated.... (Lady Borg)
To respect the cat is to use aesthetic sense
To respond to this message, press "R"
To rest is to rust
To restart Windows, click on Program Manager with a 20 Oz hammer
To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
To return home, you must walk backwards in time & space.
To return to reality....just press <Ctrl><Alt><Del> right now
To return to reality....just press <Ctrl><Alt><Del> right now.
To ridicule philosophy is truly to philosophise. - Blaise Pascal
To rise to the top you must first get to the bottom of things
To risk nothing is to risk everything.
To run Windows, simply press <Ctrl><Alt><Del>
To run for Vice Pres means your 2nd in command of nothing
To save a single life is better than to build a seven story pagoda.
To save this message, please press CTRL-ALT-DEL.
To save trouble later, Joe named his cat Roadkill Fred
To save your sanity, don't play DOOM!!!
To say 'I love you' one must first be able to say the 'I'. - Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
To say nothing nice, say fuk-ol.
To say things weren't good would not be an untruth Todd Rundgren
To say things weren't good would not be an untruth Todd Rundgren
To say you got a vote of confidence would be to say you needed a vote of confidence. -- Andrew Young
To seal or not to seal, that is a ziplock.
To search an anthill, you need a warrANT.
To search for a file, type "FORMAT C:", then "Y"
To secure peace is to prepare for war. - Carl von Clausewitz
To see God, look into the eyes of a baby parrot.
To see UFO's: drain two fifths, use them as binoculars
To see a need and wait to be asked, is to already refuse
To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower
To see hidden secret tagline, enter a 27 digit prime number
To see is to open your mind, not your eyes
To see joy in being alive, watch a kitten
To see me laugh, press "CTRL"+"ALT"+"DEL" now
To see more Taglines hit <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL>
To see more taglines press [ALT]+[CTRL]+[DEL]
To see the California State Bird: Blow your horn!
To see the future, one must first look at the past.
To see the universe in a grain of sand. - Blake
To see you is to sympathize
To see your taxes at work, take a trip around the world
To see...a heaven in a wild flower. Wm. Blake
To seek new data, coding procedures, to boldly code where no one
To seek out new data, and new coding procedures
To seek out strange, new Taglines to BOLDLY quote
To seek permission is to seek denial. - Steve Jobs
To seek the breast of darkness and be suckled by the night's bosom
To sell is to own - Clive Barker
To share is to split
To share is to split - KFMDM
To share it's life, it's death.-Bram Stoker's Dracula
To shoot a mime, do you have to use a silencer?
To silence criticism is to silence freedom
To sing and dance once more to your dark refrain. - Magenta
To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations--such is a pleasure beyond compare. -Kenko Yoshida, essayist (1283-1352)
To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me.
To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me.
To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me. - Charles William Stubbs
To sit silently, and look wise, is not to be compared to drinking sake and making a riotous shouting." -- Ono No Tabitu
To sleep -- perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub
To sleep and perchance to dream.
To sleep, perchance to Dream
To snag this recipe press <CTL> <ALT> <DEL> now.
To some husbands taking a wife is like purchasing a used car. They don't know they're stuck till the paint comes off
To some it's a six-pack. To me it's a support group.
To some its a 6 pack. To me its a support group
To some lawyers all facts are created equal.
To some liberals the only environmentally correct human is dead
To some of us, taglines are an important part of the mail!
To some, it's a six pack. To me, it's a support group.
To some, sex is second best to power.
To speed is human, to get caught, de fine
To spell Panda, all you need is two letters ... P and A.
To spell out the obvious is often to call it in question - Hoffer
To spell out the obvious is often to call it in question - Hoffer
To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most
To start press any key, Where's the any key? -Homer
To start your cat collection, simply open a can of tuna.
To start your cat collection, simply open a tuna can.
To start, press anykey. Where's the anykey? - Homer Simpson
To stay young requires the ability to unlearn old falsehoods
To stay young requires unceasing cultivation of the ability to unlearn old falsehoods. -- Lazarus Long, "Time Enough For Love"
To stay youthful, stay useful
To steal from one person is plagiarism; from many, research
To steal ideas from one is plagiarism; to steal from many is research
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is research. - Unknown
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research
To steal this TAGLINE press <CTRL< <ALT< <DEL< now
To steal this tagline press now
To steal this tagline press <CTL> <ALT> <DEL> now.
To steal this tagline press <CTL> <LAmiga> <RAmiga> now
To steal this tagline press <CTL< <ALT< <DEL< now.
To steal this tagline press <CTL> <ALT> <DEL> now.
To stir @TO@'s coffee, you need a Teflon spoon
To stir Navy coffee, you need a Teflon spoon.
To stop an imposter taking my place, I behave differently everyday
To stop me, you have to catch me first. - Powerglide, Autobot
To stop reading at anytime hit
To stop reading at anytime hit <Ctrl><Alt><Del>
To stop your computer from going down, marry it!
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
To study a subject best, understand it thoroughly before you start.
To subdue the enemy without fighting is boring! --Kahless
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill
To succeed first learn to fake sincerity.
To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. - Voltaire
To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well. - Salvor Hardin
To suppress a truth is to give it a force beyond endurance. - Kan
To survive, one must be able to adapt to changing situations. T.REX
To survive, until I die with honor. Tosk
To suspect a friend is worse than being deceived by him
To swear off making mistakes is very easy. All you have to do is swear off having ideas. - Leo Burnett
To tag or not to tag,that is the question.
To take a flower apart is easy, but to put one together - ??
To take a stand, one first must have legs to stand on
To take arms against a C of troubles.
To take the Genesis online IQ test: press Alt/H
To take the Lair's Online IQ Test: Press Alt-H
To take the intelligence test, press "<ALT> X" now
To take the online IQ test: press <Alt><H>.
To talk goodness is not good - Only to do it is.
To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.
To tankers the infantry are "Crunchies".
To taste anew the fruits of life, the last immortal man.
To teach is to learn
To teach is to learn again
To teach is to learn twice
To teach is to learn twice. -- Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice...
To teach is to learn. - Japanese Proverb
To teach is to touch a life forever
To tell Microsoft what you really think, press Control-Alt-Delete now
To tell if a Canadian senator is alive:wave a pension che
To tell if a Canadian senator is alive:wave a pension check under nose
To tell the sex of a chromosome, pull down its genes.
To tell....alas, I may not be original, but I found something to post.
To test a man's character, give him power.
To the British, George Washington was a terrorist
To the Caliph I am dirt, but to dirt, I am Caliph.
To the Clintons, foreign policy is just that - foreign!
To the ENTERPRISE, and the STARGAZER. --Scott
To the Emerald City..! As fast as lightning..!
To the Mystery Machine!
To the Torgo System, where we will rendezvous withdestiny.
To the X-Men, then! Who never die the old fashioned way! Ä Storm
To the ancient laws adhere, prospers thus the Dragonweyr!
To the back of the boat, Tom said sternly.
To the beautiful and the wise, the mirror always lies
To the best of my knowledge, Agent Mulder is dead - Dana Scully
To the best of my recollection I cannot remember
To the best of my recollection, Senator, I can't recall.
To the blond: Hurry, dial 911! Blond:OK, what's the number?
To the calvary, the infantry are "Crunchies".
To the children and the innocent, it's all the same. -- Kerouac
To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. --Holmes.
To the depths of the deepest C
To the driver's seat, Pink-Wonder! - Brain
To the forces known as God, we give unspeakable gratitude.
To the gods I am an ant, but to the ants, I am a god.
To the good life. He who loves not women, wine, and song, Remains a fool his whole life long. (John Henry Voss)
To the greater glory of God.
To the inattentive and brainless layman, yes. - - Calvin
To the jungle floor fell a monkey. Kerplunky.
To the landlord belongs the doorknobs
To the last, I will gropple with thee. þ Khan
To the late night double feature picture show, in the back row
To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth. - Voltaire
To the living we owe respect; to the dead we owe the truth.
To the logical mind, the outlook is somewhat gloomy. Spock
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. -- Lao Tzu
To the old cat, the tender mouse.
To the over 2300 MIA/POW's.....You ARE NOT Forgotten
To the pretty women: Nancy Kerrigan & Tonya Harding. The
To the query, "What is a friend?" his reply was "A single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
To the stars through difficulties.
To the systems programmer, users and applications serve only to provide a test load
To the time machine... -Dr. Fred
To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible, cuz it seems so.
To the whole world you show a smiling face.
To the young cat, a quick son of a &*^%& mouse
To them it's some kind of ritual. -- MST3000
To thine own self be cool
To thine own self be true
To thine own self be true or you will spoil the game. - Lazarus Long
To thine own self be true or you will spoil the game. -- Heinlein
To thine own self be true or you will spoil the game. L. Long
To thine own self be true, to all others - improvise.
To thine own self be true. (If not that, at least make some money.)
To thine ownself be true. -- Shakespeare
To think contrary to one's era is heroism. But to speak against it is madness. -- Eugene Ionesco
To think he's getting $4.35 an hour -Crow on Tom as guard
To think he's getting $4.35 an hour... -- Crow T. Robot
To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult of all. - Goethe
To think is human, to compute, divine
To think on your level means grunting to myself a lot.
To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.
To this day I am amazed that she actually pulled it off.-J.B.Knowitall
To this point, no resistance has been offered. - Kirk
To those who are overly cautious, everything is impossible. - Kahless the Unforgettable
To those who can see, a picture is a wordless poem.
To those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice
To tolerate everything is to teach nothing.
To touch the dreams i'll never know, with your warm arms around me.
To touch these wires is instant death. Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour. - Robert Louis Stevenson
To tribble or not to tribble? That is the *
To try and fail is not laziness. - Sierra Leone saying
To try and fail is not wrong. It is wrong to not try.
To try may be to die, but not to care is never to be born.
To turn $100 into $110 is work. To turn $100 million
To turn your 486/dx2-66 into a Gameboy, type WIN/3 at the prompt!
To turn your back on love is to turn turn your back on life.
To understand RIME: understand STAR TREK!
To understand Women.zip try Respect.exe
To understand a paranoid, follow him around
To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.
To understand all is to fear all
To understand other's miseries, look at their pleasures.
To understand ourselves...we must study the past!
To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
To understand the clay is not to understand the pot
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do
To understand we must grasp the whole. - Isaac Asimov
To understand your parent's love, you must raise children yourself. - Chinese Proverb
To us, a bee is a pain. To a flower it's Don Juan!
To us, killing is murder, even for revenge.
To us, violence is unthinkable.
To us, violence is unthinkable. Ayerborne
To use the driver with Win3.x, install MISSDAISY.
To use the most powerful weapon of all...STRATEGIC RETREAT! -EWJim
To use violence is to already be defeated. -- Chinese proverb
To vacillate or not to vacillate, that is the question........or is it?
To view invisible taglines, hit ctl-X from FrontDoor
To wake a stick, use a long tiger. Did I get that right?
To wake a tiger, use a long stick.
To want peace and quiet above all else is to hope for death.{Asimov}
To watch a storm with all its wonder in her lover's eyes.
To what drivest thou not man's heart, O lust of gold accursed?
To whom should I apply for permission to be hungry?
To whom should I go for self-help?
To whom should I go to for some self-help?
To whom the Gods destroy, they first teach Windows.
To whom will you compare Me? --Isaiah 40:25
To win without risk is to triumph without glory.
To win without risk is to triumph without glory. - Pierre Cornuelle
To wink or not to wink....:)
To women and wine--both are sweet poison
To women men are like big dogs that talk!
To women, love is an occupation. To men, a preoccupation
To women, men are like big dogs that talk.
To write a history of St. Joan would take LOTS of paper, Tom ream-Arc'd.
To write simply is as difficult as to be good. - W. Somerset Maugham
To you I'm a drunk driver; to my friends, I'm presidential material!
To you I'm an agnostic. To God, I'm the loyal opposition
To you I'm an atheist, to God I'm the loyal opposition
To you it may be a holy war, to her it's only Tuesday - Eric Bogle
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God.
To, to be Frank, I'd have to change my name.
To-GA! To-GA! To-GA! To-GA!!!
To...................................... m! -- Sam Becket
To: All
To: All Mark:
To: Ripper Bonegrinder from David Anthony Olenick San Antonio, TX (-8
To: TINKERBELLMortician" - by Phil Degraves
ToDoIsToBe(Sokarates) ToBeIsToDo(Satre) DoBeDoBeDoo(Sinatra)
ToGive t' yo' friends and lend t' yo' enemies.
Toad (def'n): It is what happens to an illegally parked frog
Toad (n.): What happens to an illegally parked frog.
Toad Hall BBS þ 415-595-2427
Toad--what happens to an illegally parked frog.
Toad...Illegally parked frog
Toad: What happens to an illegally parked frog
Toad: in the direction of - "Turn left an' take I85 TOAD Atlanta."
Toad: what happens to an illegally parked frog.
Toadies- Get that Yoshi! - Kamek
Toads are faster than frogs. You never see "Toad Legs" on a menu!
Toast paged the Sysop repeatedly on Creations and said 'Yeah but
Toast the Sugar Gods! Fructose, Sucrose and Saccharine!
Toaster of Borg: It is useless to resist my offerings of toast.
Toaster of Borg: Resistance is useless. You will eat toast.
Toaster of Borg: Would you like some toast before you're
Toaster of Borg: Would you like some toast before you're assimilated?
Toaster: A fift that every member of the family appreciates. Automatically burns toast
Tobacco and alcohol: how to screw up your life - legally.
Tobacco is Canada's leading cause of statistics.
Tobacco sales training:1st find a real sucker, the rest is too easy.
Tobacco smoke really ruins the taste of human flesh.
Tobacco: Canada's leading cause of statistics.
Toboggan Hagen - A very large ice-cream sundae
Today I am feeling ept, ane and sipid.
Today I can live in God's will. -S. E. Parkins
Today I do more than spend my time. I invest it.
Today I found my friends, they're in my head
Today I grasp the Federation's throat!
Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees.
Today I met with a subliminal advertising executive for just a second. - Steven Wright
Today I settle old family business, so don't lie to me. - M. Corleone
Today I settle old family business. - Michael Corleone
Today I shot the best golf game of my life!
Today I will create a crisis situation so I can feel really alive
Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so."
Today I will hoard something I was denied as a child
Today I will lie in bed and wallow in self-pity
Today I will practice playing the victim with my friends and coworkers
Today I will purposefully fuel someone's worst fears
Today I'm fighting a wimp named David. -- Goliath's last diary entry
Today I'm moving clouds; tomorrow, I'll try mountains
Today I'm older than my age, the only gift I have is rage
Today I've grown taller from walking with the trees.
Today I... No, that wasn't me
Today I... No, that wasn't me. - Steven Wright
Today IS July 8, 1965, isn't it? <looking at chronograph>
Today Mickey Mouse denied he wears a Bill Clinton watch
Today Today I am feeling ept, ane, and sipid.
Today could be the worst day of the rest of your life
Today has been a long year
Today has been a long year!!!!!!!!!!
Today has been a long year.
Today has been a really long year!!!
Today has been one *hell* of a week!
Today has not been a good day. --Quark
Today is "Red Shirt Memorial Day".
Today is GOOD FRIDAY. (Well, it's a helluva lot better than last Friday ...)
Today is Monday, cleverly disguised as Tuesday.
Today is Monday, cleverly disguised as Tuesday.
Today is National Existential Ennui Awareness Day.
Today is TFW's birthday! Welcome....7/29/94
Today is Tomorrow of Yesterday, & Yesterday of Tomorrow!
Today is a "Honey do day" Honey do this, honey do that
Today is a day for firm decisions .. Or is it?
Today is a day for making firm decisions!! Or is it?
Today is a day like any other day, only more so
Today is a good day for information-gathering. Read someone else's mail file
Today is a good day for you to jump in a lake.
Today is a good day to bribe a high ranking public official.
Today is a good day to die, Duras, and the day is not yet over!
Today is a good day to die, but Thursday would be better.
Today is a good day to die, but the day is not yet over.
Today is a good day to die, but tomorrow may be better!
Today is a good day to die. - An apache warrior proverb
Today is a good day to die.... Native American saying.
Today is always better than yesterday.
Today is an excellent day to have a rotten day.
Today is canceled due to lack of interest!
Today is dedicated to Uranus! Well thanks! I'm flattered--huh?
Today is just a point in time between ice ages
Today is not your lucky day. You won't have one this year
Today is one of a kind and will only happen once - so make it great!
Today is only yesterday's tomorrow.--Uriah Heep
Today is the 7th anniversary of my 39th birthday!
Today is the Tommorrow you worried about Yesterday
Today is the best day of my life, until tomorrow.
Today is the day for decisive action! ... Or is it?
Today is the day to bribe a high-ranking public official.
Today is the first day after yesterday.
Today is the first day of the mess of your life
Today is the first day of the rest of the mess.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Today is the first day of the rest of your sentence
Today is the last day of the first part of your life
Today is the last day of the rest of your life. - Earl to Ethyl
Today is the last day of your life (so far)
Today is the precise middle of eternity! ----Marcus T
Today is the scene of the accident.
Today is the tomorrow that we worried about yesterday.
Today is the tomorrow you didn't prepare for yesterday
Today is the tomorrow you didn't worry about yesterday
Today is the tomorrow you dreaded yesterday
Today is the tomorrow you were worrying about yesterday
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow.
Today is the yesterday you'll recall fondly tomorrow
Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
Today is tomorrow, and we worry about yesterday. - By, Michelle B. Anspach
Today is what happened to yesterday
Today is what happened to yesterday
Today is what is going to have happened yesterday
Today on "@fn@'s World": Stalking the wild veggie
Today on @TOFIRST@'S World: Stalking the wild veggie
Today on COURT-TV, it's the Equity vs. The BBC
Today on Geraldo:Talk Show Audiences Who Can Sit Through This #$%^.
Today on Geraldo:Talk Show Audiences Who Can Sit Through This #$%^.
Today on In The Kitchen: Julia Child & Jeff Smith go Jello Wrestling!
Today on Involuntary Cliff Diving... -- Crow T. Robot
Today on Larry King: The President, and her husband
Today on Mime Time... lifing an imaginary barbell. <KLANG>
Today on Mime Time... running for your life!!!
Today on Mime Timelifing an imaginary barbell.
Today on Orville'S World: Stalking the wild veggie.
Today on Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon fights Terok Nor Moderator
Today on Wide Wonderful World of Sports we have the Mail Toss.
Today on the Gourmet Channel... Cooking with the Pentium.
Today on the menu we feature: pi of the day
Today the sidekick community mourned the loss - Mike
Today the sun, tonight the MOON! WHEN WILL IT END?
Today was the last day of your previous life
Today we conquer. - Kor
Today we discuss the pleasures of assimilation.
Today we learned that resistance is futile. -- Barney of Borg
Today we're going to play the role of sane people.
Today we're talking about Wimpy Vedeks and the Women Who Love Them.
Today you'll start getting heavy metal radio on your dentures
Today your past is one of your greatest assets.
Today's "Dawn of Time Special" is Haggis...- Earthworm Jim
Today's "Politically Correct" = Yesterday's McCarthyism
Today's Autobots are tomorrow's scrap metal. - Ravage, Decepticon
Today's Autobots are tomorrow's scrap metal. -- Ravage
Today's Politically Correct = yesterday's McCarthyism.
Today's Presidents are Tommorrows Postage Stamps
Today's Procrastinator's club will meet........sometime
Today's Sesame St Satan was brought to you by the number 666
Today's Sesame Street Pooh Bear was brought to you by honey B.
Today's Sesame Street Satan was brought to you by the number 666
Today's Sesame Street Wicca was brought to you by Blessed Be.
Today's Special: Asphalt Armadillo
Today's Tom Sawyer he gets high on you..... -RUSH
Today's Witticism: I'm so bad that I vacation in Flint, Michigan
Today's a good day to bribe high-ranking public officials.
Today's abortion could destroy the entire world if left alone
Today's assembler command: EXOP Execute Operator
Today's been one heck of a week!
Today's better than yesterday and not as good as tomorrow.
Today's champion is tomorrow's crocodile $&!#
Today's children are required to learn what most people in former times were forbidden to know
Today's conservative is yesterday's liberal who got mugged last night
Today's disaster is tomorrow's archaeology
Today's extravagance becomes tomorrow's necessity
Today's fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal
Today's fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal! - Dispenser
Today's forecast: 80% chance of tomorrow
Today's forecast: Tonight, with a chance of tomorrow.
Today's game isn't Following The Leader...it's Swallowing the Leader!
Today's greatest labor -saving device is tomorrow. - Tom Wilson
Today's greatest labour-saving device is...tomorrow!
Today's health care special: assisted suicide (lifetime guarantee!)
Today's motto: It's fun when you don't have to do it.
Today's newspapers will be wrapping tomorrow's fish.
Today's oxymoron - Dr. Elders' solution.
Today's oxymoron: Assisted suicide.
Today's oxymoron: cruel and unusual punishment.
Today's political correctness is yesterday's McCarthyism
Today's reckless youth...with their fast cars and rumble seats
Today's safety meeting will be right after the game of russian roulette.
Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity?
Today's secret word is 'assimilation'" - PeeWee of Borg
Today's sermon: What a f iend we have in God.
Today's special is Scrod soup
Today's special is all the caviar you can eat for $600.
Today's special: Misspelt words at no extra charge.
Today's subliminal message is .Thank You.
Today's subliminal message is .
Today's subliminal message is “ ”
Today's subliminal thought is:
Today's tagline is brought to you by: All!
Today's tagliners are tomorrow's sages.
Today's telepathic message is . Thank You
Today's toupees really fool people, but only those who wear them.
Today's victors aren't named Victor at all.
Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. -- Hunter S. Thompson
Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why. -- Hunter S. Thompson
Today's woman has one reason for divorce: marriage.
Today's word is "legs". Help spread the word!
Today's youth. Hopped up on crack - Tom on teen hangout
Today, EARTH; Tomorrow, the world!
Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. - Lou Gherig
Today, New York. Tomorrow, the World! - Howard Stern
Today, St. Canard...tomorrow, THE WORLD! - MegaDuck
Today, THREE WINOS from DETROIT sold me a framed photo of TAB HUNTER before his MAKEOVER!
Today, all over the world, we are all American
Today, he's drinking people's blood! Tomorrow, he could be smoking!
Today, my jurisdiction ends here
Today, n.: A nice place to visit, but you can't stay here for long
Today, on Oprah: A Borg tells how assimilation is good for us
Today, take an astronaut to launch.
Today, we gonna teach poodles how to fly!
Today, we're teaching poodles how to fly
Today, we're teaching poodles how to fly YIIIIIiiiiipppp<THUD>
Today: Yesterday's effect and tomorrow's cause.
Todays Apathy Rally was cancelled due to lack of interest
Todays Moral: Aliens are people too.
Todays ToDo's: Get up, Survive, Go to bed
Todays assembler command : EXOP Execute Operator
Todays book-> Bigger monitors for Win3.1 by Seymor I. Cons
Todays book--> Computer Coma - by I.M.Crashed
Todays forecast is huge boulders mixed w/volcanic ash-Tom
Todays forecast is huge boulders mixed with volcanic ash. - Servo
Todays subliminal message is .
Todays subliminal message is " "
Todd Charlton: The third Warner Brother on Animaniacs.
Todd makes his move! - Tom as hero kisses girl
Todd scratched his head.
Todd's the Littlest Viking - Joel on wimpy viking
Todd's the littlest viking... -- Joel Robinson
Todd, No todd, Go away tood, NO - Danny Dp to Todd Sullivan
Toddler vocabulary #1: why, why, why?
Toddler vocabulary #3- I want that. Ewwwwwwww
Toddler's Creed: If it looks just like mine, it is mine
Toddler's Creed:If I can take it away from you, it's mine
Toddler's Creed:If I had it a little while ago, it's mine
Toddler: An indoor tornado
Toddlers - the storm troopers of the dark lord of entropy
Toddlers are the stormtroopers of the Lord of Entropy
Todlitter - Food debris under high chair after an attempt
Todo es COOL
Toe: A part of the foot used to find furniture in the dark. -- Rilla May
Toe: Device for finding pins/tacks on floor in dark!
Toejectile: Clipped toenail.
Toen de man voor het vuurpeloton stond, schoot hem wat te binnen
Toes (Front View)...ooooO Ooooo
Toes are what keep your feet from fraying at the ends
Toes, knees, NIPPLES. Toes, knees, nipples, KNUCKLES ... Nipples, dimples, knuckles, NICKLES, wrinkles, pimples!!
Tofu is skim milk with a hormone problem
Tofu is to food as rap is to music
Tofu! The other white meat!
Tofu: some "health" food...I'm allergic to it
Toga - Toga - Toga - Toga - TOGA!!
Toga Toga.. see ya then (hopefully!)
Toga toga party in the near future
Toga! Toga! Party to be held Sept 30 in Apopka<that's outside O'town<G>>
Toga-Toga party Sept 30! Be there!
Toga-Toga party, Bring your bird feeders!
Together we can break this trap, we'll run till we drop, and baby we'll never go back. - Bruce Springsteen
Together we can rule the galaxy, as father and son. -Darth Vader
Together we can turn him to the dark side of the Force
Together we learn to read and write
Together we stand, divided we fall.
Together we stand, we won't take no for long, 'cause were winners.
Together we will rule the Superhighway as Sysop and Son
Together, we made enough noise to keep the wolves awake.
Togetherness: The ability to agree on which TV channel to watch.
Toil is most pleasant when done.
Toil is the lot of all - Homer, Iliad, XXI
Toilet - When the outhouse went in house
Toilet Paper nickname: sh*t-tickets
Toilet duck can be used as bidet duck.-Why women like b
Toilet duck can be used as bidet duck.-Why women like bidets #15-JCF
Toilet paper exists so that cats can shred it into little bits
Toilet paper will tear on any line but the perforated one.
Toilet paper: another fine abrasive by 3M.
Toilet seats. Now in 49 wonderful flavors. Just ask @TO@
Toilet-Seat Firms Sit Down And Talk
Tok #TN#. Bo Ka Goo Pa En At A-Awn-Awn-Aw.
Tok Bullitt. Bo Ka Goo Pa En At A-Awn-Awn-Aw.
Tok Orville. Bo Ka Goo Pa En At A-Awn-Awn-Aw.
Token Ring: created by JRR Token, the Lord of the Rings
Token centry planets and how to build them next on -- This Old Sector
Tokers local 101, We smoke till we croak!
Tokyo Disneyland really sucks! - Crow
Tokyo Hotel sign: The manager has personally massed all the warer here
Tolchetomethuenicazit -The Innumerable Names Of Tom Servo
Told the Doc I had a pain in the neck, He said "Your married right?" _
Told ya comic books were bad for ya!-Freddy Krueger
Told ya. MacLeod
Told you the Moderators wouldn't find m.NO CARRIER
Toledo in 2020... I can see it now.
Toledo now has a racist mayor?
Toledo's mayor gave welfare to a bank
Toledo's mayor might sell out to campaigner like last mayor did
Toledo's mayor wants non-doctor to do a doctor's work in
Toledo's mayor wants non-doctor to do a doctor's work in public office
Toledo's new mayor can's minorities from his political party
Tolerance -- often recommended by those who don't practice it.
Tolerance is the apex of any civilization.
Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictio
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions - Chesterton
Tolerance of others' views is a hallmark of democracy
Tolerance: Suspicion the other person is right!
Tolerance: Suspicion the other person may be right
Tolerant, of course I'm tolerant. You're just stupid.
Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind
Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind.<H. Keller>
Tolgamos la corteza...al meollo entremos --- Berceo
Toliko zena koje uzdisu tiho
Tolkein is hobbit-forming.
Tolkein would be my favorite writer, if he had any talent at all
Tolkien Ring is the LAN most preferred in Middle Earth.
Tolkien Ring is the LAN most preferred in hobbit land
Tolkien Ring is the promised LAN for hobbits.
Tolkien can be Hobbit forming
Tolkien did it with hobbits.
Tolkien is Hobbit forming!
Tolkien is hobbit-forming.
Tolkien? No thanks... I'm trying to kick the hobbit!
Toll the ancient non-denominational-winter-solstice-holiday carol
Tolstoi - By Warren Peace
Tolstoy was an idiot. -- Ernest Hemmingway
Tom & Crow have planned something - Mike
Tom & Mike: We didn't do it * Crow: Another unruly crowd
Tom (on apes) They look like bad puppets * Crow: Huh?!?!
Tom Adams a member of The Flat-Earth Society
Tom Arnold? Soupy Sales? Idi Amin? Abe Vigoda? -- Tom Servo
Tom Baker-4th Doctor-Now There's a REAL Hairstyle!
Tom Baker: the jelly-baby pusher of the universe.
Tom Brokow - Liberal Media Specialist
Tom Cerbo - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Tom Corbett and the Space Aardvarks
Tom Cryveaux - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Tom Cullen would have to be careful. Because they were after him now
Tom Cullen's tired, M-O-O-N, that spells tired, - Tom Cullen
Tom Foley: Did they finish the vote count yet?
Tom Gibbs
Tom Gibbs tgibbs@lcal1.loras.edu
Tom Gibbs ph.319/556-4230
Tom Gries, dialogue writer extraordinaire - Crow
Tom Have a Happy and Safe Holiday
Tom Hayden is the kind of politician who gives opportunism a bad name. -- Gore Vidal
Tom Jodd got out of the old McAlester pen
Tom Jones of Borg: "It's Not Unusual To Be Assimilated By Anyone!"
Tom Jones of Borg: "What's Irrelevant, Pussycat?"
Tom Paris reporting onboard. Paris
Tom Paris reporting onboard. Paris
Tom Paris reporting onboard. Paris
Tom Paris: "Neelix, koennen sie eine Pizza backen?" Neelix: "Tot oder
Tom Paris? Captain Janeway. Janeway
Tom Ruddy doesn't do drugs...he's naturally paranoid! *
Tom Serbo - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Tom Servo "Hey, there's Ronald McDonald shakin' his mcbooty!!"
Tom Servo & Grommet the Wonder Dog - Crow
Tom Servo! Tom Servo! Glorious Tom Servo-o-o-o -Tom sings
Tom Servo's dead! It must have been that movie! -- Joel
Tom Servo, oh my God! Tom Servo is dead! - Joel
Tom Servo: Ed Wood agonized over this scene * Crow T. Robot: Now we are
Tom Servo: Voice of Kevin Murphy, body of a gumball machine
Tom Sir - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Tom Swifties and palindromes don't mix, said Eve Dias
Tom Syble - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Tom T. Hall, add Roy Clark & a little Donna Fargo - Crow
Tom Thumb Found naked in Moderators kinky sex pad
Tom Thumb and Nancy Reagan Seen Together in Red Square. "Is It Love?"
Tom Wolfe wouldn't have made it as janitor in a convent.
Tom and Itchy pop the clutch and tell Gamera to eat their dust!
Tom blanched as he cried "There's no print on the paper!"
Tom has been diagnosed with Blue Wave Fever. It's catching too.
Tom is a pedestrian--his wife beats him to the carport in the morning
Tom said recursively, "Tom said recursively, 'Tom said recursively
Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom Chorlton the Science Guy
Tom's hungry, time to eat lunch
Tom's just another inmate in this insane world.
Tom's okay. O-and-K, that spells okay. - Tom Cullen
Tom's research on sperm was his seminal acheivement.
Tom, I don't get you. Nobody does. I'm the wind, baby.
Tom, You and Maria made quite a combination!
Tom, can you get me off the hook. For old time's sake? - Tessio
Tom, can you get me off the hook? - Tessio
Tom, lemme wrap up some of that chicken salad - Mike
Tom, maybe we're not ready for marriage - Crow
Tom, maybe we're not ready for marriage... -- Crow T. Robot
Tom, stop kibitzing! The redcoats are coming! -- Crow T. Robot
Tom, this is a hand phaser. Stunning, isn't it?
Tom, you are now officially today's Special Friend.--Yakko
Tom, you get the flashlight - Gypsy during fire drill
Tom: May I just remind you to BITE ME?!
Tom: "Hamster who wrote a *really* harsh letter to the Times."
Tom: (After bad joke) Oh, you kill me! * Crow: I've tried
Tom: (On repetitive stock shot) Mount Fuji * Crow: Again?
Tom: (To Crow) Beak nose! * Crow: Hey!!!
Tom: (boredly) Huh-zah * Crow: (boredly) Hi-Kee-Bah
Tom: (dogs) They licked her to death! * Crow: I knooowww!
Tom: A T. & A. film * Crow: Terrible & Awful?
Tom: A bunch of yahoos * Crow: From the planet Scuzz-ball
Tom: A salad bar! * Crow: With a decorative snot guard!
Tom: And you work for the Devil? Crow: And it's the 50s?
Tom: Are you gonna come with? * Crow: Come with WHAT?
Tom: Bite down, pleae * Crow: Bite me, please
Tom: Boing everybody! * Crow: Boing all around
Tom: Bomb Bobby McFerrin & Robin Williams * Crow: Yayyy!
Tom: Booger * Crow: Nimbus * Gypsy: Poopy * Crow: Dink
Tom: Borgnine * Crow: Air bag * Tom: Raisin Loaf
Tom: Boys 2 Men * Mike: 2 Women
Tom: C'mon Cornjob! Help her! * Crow: New, Cornjob Helper
Tom: Calgon, take me away! * Crow: Looks like it did
Tom: Cantina * Crow: CAN too!
Tom: Carry me Joel * Crow: Carry me!
Tom: Computer * Comp: wOrKiNg * Tom: It sounds like Torgo
Tom: Ed Wood agonized over this scene * Crow: Now we are
Tom: Funny cars! * Mike: Well* Crow: Nude bots!
Tom: He needs more facial hair * Crow: Yeh, less face
Tom: He's like a Micheal Landon * Crow: He's a bedwetter?
Tom: He's spurting dish washer liquid Crow: Pepto Bismol
Tom: Hey Crow! * Crow: You rang?
Tom: His face is collapsing * Crow: It's a sinkhole
Tom: It's Delta! * Crow: He who smelt'a, Delta!
Tom: J.G.Williams * Crow: Jerky Guy! * Joel: Just Goofy!
Tom: Lake Fuji * Crow: Mr. Fuji * Tom: Kung Fuji
Tom: Mother ship * Joel: One mother of a ship!
Tom: My God, it's Dorka! * Joel: The Killer Premise
Tom: Really? * Mike: No, I was just killing time
Tom: Say 'The Master' * Computer: tHe mAsTeR!
Tom: Say 'The Master' again * Gypsy: Belay that order!
Tom: Say it! * Mike: I can't build robots.
Tom: See you deck * Crow: What?! * Tom: I said DECK!
Tom: Senorita Gamera? * Joel: Hirrohito Gamera!?
Tom: Stinky-butt * Crow: Curb Feeler * Tom: Nimrod
Tom: Stop with the slang! * Crow: It's better'n scatting!
Tom: Stupid Batman costume * Crow: What? It was great
Tom: That woman in the white dress isn't very smart. Harry: I know. She hasn't paid any attention to me, either
Tom: Wait! Wait! What was the plot here? * Crow: Plot?!?
Tom: Where'd the bee go? * Crow: It BE gone!
Tom: Where'd the monster come from? * Crow: PMS!
Tom: Who's bad?!? Joel & Crow: Tom Servo!
Tom: Whoah! * Mike: (on Crow's computer) Locked up tight!
Tom: Worse than Bobby Knight * Crow: No, it's BOB!
Tom: You shut up! * Mike: Shut up * Crow: Shut up!
Tom:(On Lee Majors) He's no dummy * Crow:Just a bad actor
Tom:A planet of Tweakies * Crow:Ugh, what could be worse?
Tom:Have'ta pick up Mamie Van Doren * Mike:That'd be hard
Tom:Honk honk! Crow:Beep beep! All: Government gridlock!
Tom:Made a little nest * Crow:He used his own secretions
Tom:Robert Reed is Buford PUSSer * Crow:IN Prancing Tall
Tom:Thats beautiful Crow. Shakespeare? * Crow:Burma Shave
Tom:They're talking about sex aren't they? * Mike:Really?
Tom:What stage of grieving is this * Mike:The goofy stage
Tom:Who'd argue w/Shelly Winters? * Crow:Ernest Borgnine
TomBakerDOS 4.01: Floppy hat support added
TomBakerDOS 4.0: (G)rin, (O)ffer a jellybaby, (T)rip on scarf
TomBakerDos 4.02: (O)ffer a jelly baby; (C)onfuse 'em; (S)earch pocket
TomBakerDos 4.03: (T)eeth, (H)air, (S)carf
TomCat!: The paws that refreshes.ÿÿÿ
TomDOS 4.0 - (G)rin, (O)ffer a jellybaby, (T)rip on scarf?
TomDOS 4.01: Floppy hat support added.
TomDOS 4.0: (G)rin, (O)ffer a jellybaby, (T)rip on scarf.
Tomahawk - When you care enough to send best!
Tomahawk Cruise Missiles - When you care enough to send the very best!
Tomahawk Cruise Missiles - When you care to send best!
Tomahawk. When you care enough to send best!
Tomato Juice + Vodka + Cherry Jello = Blood Clot
Tomato catsup? What other kind is there?
Tomato paste - what you use to fix broken tomatoes.
Tomato paste: used to fix broken tomatoes
Tomato paste: what you use to fix broken tomatoes.
Tomato soup-plain-hot....and in a bowl this time please?
Tomato soup. Paris
Tomboy, n. - Unfeminine girl. (Thomasman, - adult tomboy.)
Tombstone Designer. It's a grave job
Tombstone Epitaph: Clinton belongs in a circus. He's Two Faced freak!
Tombstone Epitaph: Clinton is a BOIL on the Buttocks of America!
Tombstone Epitaph: FRED FLINTSTONE: Yabba-dabba-done!
Tombstone designing is a grave job.
Tombstone.... Astronaut: Departed from this world, again.
Tombstone.... French ichthyologist: Fin.
Tombstone.... Pharmacist: Taken at bedtime.
Tommorow he would sing his first war song - Hendrix
Tommorrow is as good a day to die as today was yesterday.
Tommy Lee Jones! - Mike on zombie
Tommy Lee Jones! -- Mike Nelson
Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, Knocking at my door
TomorrewM MMistmkss
Tomorrorow the Firt time the Rolling Stones in Argentina
Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow creeps in this rutabaga
Tomorrow I'll start procrastinating
Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can't have sex with something. -- Cat
Tomorrow I'm gonna see if I can have sex with something. -The Cat
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Tomorrow arrived when I wasn't ready for it... - gypsy pete
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tomorrow has been cancelled due to lack of interest. (Sjoerd Verweij).
Tomorrow has been cancelled until further notice
Tomorrow he would sing his first war song - Hendrix
Tomorrow is a day that never comes
Tomorrow is a long time away, this night can last forever. - Billy Joel
Tomorrow is all we have. The rest is history to learn from
Tomorrow is another day!
Tomorrow is another day, a internet one
Tomorrow is another day, but it'll probably suck too.
Tomorrow is here
Tomorrow is national Stamp Out Indecision day! Or is it?
Tomorrow is soon enough to get perfect, Pilgrim
Tomorrow is the First Day of the New Diet.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life!
Tomorrow is the second day of the rest of your life.
Tomorrow is today yesterday
Tomorrow is two days late for yesterday's job
Tomorrow isn't looking good either
Tomorrow looks like a good day to sleep in
Tomorrow morning will be fine, Nog.. --Dax
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow the world will know about Immortals. - Saltzer
Tomorrow they're testing the shark repellent. - Barney
Tomorrow we again embark upon the boundless sea
Tomorrow we seize the day, and throttle it! - Hobbes
Tomorrow we start dieting!
Tomorrow we're planning another all-star show featuring the boss's wife at her hi-fidelity cash register
Tomorrow will be canceled due to a lack of interest.
Tomorrow will be yesterday soon enough.
Tomorrow's Saturday. Make sure you take the day off. - Your Boss
Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
Tomorrow, I'll be in the future.
Tomorrow, I've got to quit procrastinating
Tomorrow, do thy worst, for I have lived today. -- Dryden
Tomorrow, maybe. Janeway
Tomorrow, this will be part of the unchangeable past but fortunately, it can still be changed today
Tomorrow, whatever we're coming to we're almost there. - The Stand
Tomorrow, you can be anywhere
Tomorrow: One of the greatest labor-saving devices of today.
Ton the' t'a-t'il ote' ton toux? (Did the tea cure your cough?)
Tone color
Tone-deaf before dishonor
ToneupMaster...We service all laser printers.
Tong, did you meow? - Mike
Tongue covered eyetooth - couldn't see what I was saying.
Tongue embedded deeply in cheek. Surgical removal needed.
Tongue in cheek is better than foot in mouth.
Tongue tied & twisted, just an earthbound misfit I.
Tongue tied and twisted, an earthbound misfit I
Tongue wrestling! - Tom on lengthy love scene
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I! - Pink Floyd
Tongue-twisting taglines truly take typically tons of time to type
Tongue: A sharp object used in courts to split hairs
Tongues often hang men quicker than rope
Tonguetied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I.
Toni's Solution to a Guilt-Free Life: If you have to lie to someone, it's their fault
Tonight A Cat Will Be Sacrificed In Your Name
Tonight I feel like a million - but one at a time.
Tonight Is The Most Important Night In The History Of The World!!!
Tonight TV: Jaques Cousteau discovers barnacles on his dinghy.
Tonight a dark menace will complete it's task - Course of Empire
Tonight at the fights, a hockey game broke out.
Tonight is the night to set you free.
Tonight on BBC1...Ethel the Frog.
Tonight on Double-Wide Hospital - Mike on trailer house
Tonight on Double-Wide Hospital... -- Mike Nelson
Tonight on ESPN2, Hayloft Rope Swinging! - Tom
Tonight on FYI:Trilling story of Klingons with symbiotes
Tonight on Generic TV Movie - Mike
Tonight on Generic TV Movie... -- Mike Nelson
Tonight on HTV: Three Men and Rosemary's Baby
Tonight on Letterman....Bill inhales, America gags!
Tonight on Letterman: Stupid Dopefish Tricks
Tonight on Lou Jacoby Playhouse - Mike
Tonight on Lou Jacoby Playhouse... -- Mike Nelson
Tonight on Medical Senator - Crow
Tonight on Monk TV: Gregorian Chant Unplugged!
Tonight on Postal Inspector - Tom
Tonight on Star Search in the lab technician category-Tom
Tonight on TBS: The colorized version of "Schindler's List"
Tonight on Tales From Lucy's Crypt
Tonight on `Medical Senator'. -- Crow T. Robot
Tonight on a very special Ravi Shankar, P.I. - Crow
Tonight on a very special `Ravi Shankar, P.I.'. -- Crow T. Robot
Tonight on a very special episode of TJ Hooker - Joel
Tonight on the gourmet channel, cooking with the new Pentium
Tonight only: cokes a dollar-ten! -- Mike Nelson
Tonight only: Cokes a dollar ten! - Mike
Tonight the city's full of whores, all the toilets are overflowing.
Tonight we just might fall in love again.
Tonight we start with the glorious death of Genghis Khan
Tonight we're gonna be closer than close, part of one another
Tonight we're having Chocolate Tribble Surprise
Tonight we're having Chocolate Tribble Surprise. Worf, you first
Tonight yer taking no hostages, and I'm taking no prisoners.
Tonight you will pay the wages of sin; Don't forget to leave a tip
Tonight's Bout: Ensign Ro vs. Wade
Tonight's Episode brought to you by -- SAMPO!
Tonight's Feature: Killer Leeches on Gogo! (DL)
Tonight's Feature: Santa Claus VS the Wolfman! (DL)
Tonight's Forecast: DARK! --Carlin
Tonight's episode 'No Soup With Buffet' - Tom
Tonight's episode - Drop Personal Pronouns or DIE!
Tonight's episode: Bicycle built for MURDER!
Tonight's episode: GAS FOOD LODGING...and MURDER!
Tonight's episode: `A Bicycle Built For Death!' -- Joel
Tonight's episode: `Beer Barrel *Death*! -- Crow T. Robot
Tonight's episode: `Jonathan Livingston Murder'! -- Crow
Tonight's episode: `No Soup With Buffet'! -- Tom Servo
Tonight's episode: A Bicycle Built For Death!
Tonight's episode: Beer Barrel DEATH - Crow
Tonight's episode: The Dead Go Fishing - Crow
Tonight's episode: `A Bicycle Built For Death!' --Joel.
Tonight's feature movie is:"Breast Monsters From Jupiter"
Tonight's forcast....Dark.
Tonight's forecast: Dark, followed by light
Tonight's forecast: Dark, scattered light toward dawn
Tonight's forecast: dark, followed by light.
Tonight's menu: roast Quayl, baked potatoe
Tonight's mud wrestling event: MENSA vs. Hee-Haw
Tonight's opera has been cancelled... NO ARIA
Tonight's piss is tommorrow's Tang. -- An American astronaut
Tonight's the night we make history.
Tonight's the night: Sleep in a eucalyptus tree.
Tonight's weather report: 100% chance of dark, with clearing in 8 hours
Tonight's weather: Dark with continued darkness til dawn.
Tonight, Hell sends an angel bearing gifts
Tonight, Hell sends an angel bearing gifts... - Eric Draven (The Crow)
Tonight, Itchy & Scratchy discuss Yugoslavia.
Tonight, K-E-Double L-O-Double Dead! -- Tom Servo
Tonight, Love & The Landing At Normandy - Crow
Tonight, `Love and The Landing At Normandy'. -- Crow T. Robot
Tonight, let us drink wine
Tonight, no hostages for you and no prisoners for me.
Tonight, we dance - Mike as girls wrestle
Tonight... Tonight I am a GOD!! - Dr. Renhoek-enstein
Tonight..on Medical Senator
Tonight..on Medical Senator......
Tonight: The Revenge of the Baby-Sat.
Tonight: Spaghetti code and meatballs
Tonight: The Revenge of the Baby-Sat - Calvin
Tonight: The Revenge of the Baby-Sat.
Tonight: Wet T-Shirt Contest! Sorry, Klingons Only.
Tonights forcast....Dark.
Tonite's the night I'm gonna bang my drum!
Tonka buys out Toyota, no changes expected. News at 11.
Tonkin's Rule: In any program, there are always more PUSHes than POPs.
Tons o' snot.
Tons of blubber circling endlessly. Congress or Shamu?
Tonsils cure cancer!! Want to buy some?
Tony Blair Is Addicted to Smarties
Tony Blair and Madonna Seen Together in Daytona Beach. "Is It Love?"
Tony Orlando & Dawn - Crow on girl wrestlers & referee
Tony Randall meets Harry O - Crow on geeky guy
Tony Soprano of Borg: You've just been f***in' assimilated. Bada bing!
Tony attacks with a Longsword +1, +5 vs. DM's
Tony attacks with a Longsword +1, +5 vs. Moderators.
Tony should keep his big mouth shut! --Quark
Tony the Tiger Assassinated! Cereal killer suspected!
Tony the Tiger does it, and thinks it's G-R-R-E-A-T!
Tony the Tiger found dead, police suspect cereal killer.
Tony the Tiger found dead- Cereal Killer is suspect.
Tony the Tiger killed; police think it was cereal-killer.
Tony the Tiger slain: police suspect a cereal killer.
Tony's Yin and Yang are no longer on speaking terms.
Tony, never trust a dog with orange eyebrows.
Tonya Harding & Lorena Bobbitt Drink: A club soda with a slice.
Tonya Harding Movie-Of-The-Week: 'Looking For Mr. Crowbar'.
Tonya Harding and Lorena Bobbit - The Wack and Hack troop
Tonya Harding drink: CLUB soda on ICE.
Tonya Harding has been named new spokesperson for "The Club".
Tonya Harding left Gilooly because he was hitting on another skater.
Tonya Harding opens new night spot in Portland: "Club Nancy."
Tonya Harding shoe laces for sale -- cheap.
Tonya Harding weds Buddy Ryan... photo at 11.
Tonya Harding's been made president - yeah, of The Club!
Tonya Harding's favorite soft drink - CRUSH!
Tonya Harding, for the Club, theft deterant
Tonya Harding-New Spokesperson for "The Club"
Tonya Harding...a lead-pipe cinch for the Gold Medal!
Tonya Harding: Amy Fisher on ice.
Tonya Harding: new spokesperson for "The Club"
Tonya Rodham Bobbit: Meanest woman on earth
Tonya Rodham Bobbitt of Borg -- one mean woman!
Tonya after the Olympics: "I'm going to Euro-Disney!!!"
Tonya fell a little short of gold. About 14 knees short!
Tonya's club sandwiches will knock your socks off.
Too Bad For You! - By T. S. Sucker
Too Drunk To Walk - By Carrie Mee-Ohm
Too Hot To Handle -- UFO
Too Late
Too Legit To Quit -Hammer
Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth -- Let Me Do It
Too Much of a Good Thing Can Be Wonderful
Too Much of a Good Thing Can Be Wonderful - Mae West
Too Much of a Good Thing Can Be Wonderful.
Too Nice A Day To Be Stupid Indoors - Ren.
Too Rough - By Soren Redd
Too Rough: Soren Redd
Too Sexy For My Pants - by Harry P. Ness
Too Telix or not too Telix .. nah, it ain't even a question!
Too Tired To Wait For Love -- Tank
Too afraid to live, too scared too die. Crusher
Too bad Han does it solo, it's much more fun with a partner!
Too bad I can't castle now! said Tom in Czech.
Too bad I had to kill @fn@. I really liked the outfit he had on
Too bad I live up here. I would've liked to have seen that. -Anna S
Too bad I'm not quite a taglineaholic type... - James Dixon
Too bad Will Rogers never met Bill Clinton
Too bad about your Rectocranial Inversion. Get well soon
Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxi cabs and cutting hair." - George Burns
Too bad all your money was in pesos
Too bad bbs's can't replace the post awful
Too bad beer and donuts don't go together better. Pity.
Too bad criminals don't give advance notice
Too bad ignorance isn't painful!
Too bad it hasn't helped your spelling. - Lazarus
Too bad its not the Age of Talent! -- Crow T. Robot
Too bad life doesn't have INSERT and DELETE keys
Too bad my LAWS is too long to fit in my duffel bag!!
Too bad my brain doesn't work in real time.
Too bad some US citizens are so blind to reality.
Too bad stupidity isn't painful.
Too bad the born again can't be evolved again
Too bad the gene pool has no lifeguard.
Too bad the mouth doesn't have a Undo button
Too bad the true quote is a few characters too long for a qualified tag
Too bad this isn't the Wide World Of Sports.
Too bad this man can't take his own taglines for face value.
Too bad we live so far apart. I've never met a perfect fool
Too bad women don't have pull-down menus and online help!
Too bad you're not my boss anymore. - Ogawa
Too bad your car exploded in the third turn. - Filbert, to Hef
Too bad your modem isn't context correcting.
Too bad, @TO@, but you know too much. ... AARRGGHH!!!
Too bad, Bob , but you know too much.
Too bad, Orville Bullitt, but you know too much. ... AARRGGHH!!!
Too bad, but you know too much.
Too bad. It would have been glorious. - Kor
Too busy now to get married
Too busy to laugh? Then you are too busy.
Too chaste an adolescence makes for a dissolute old age. - Andre Gide
Too chicken to get in harm's way.
Too clever is dumb <German proverb>
Too clever is dumb. --Ogden Nash
Too close for missles, switching to guns.
Too dirty 2 clean my act up!
Too disgusted to come up with a tagline
Too disgusted to come up with a tagline
Too dumb to be crooked
Too early for a beer? ...No, for stupid questions.
Too early for me. - Keiko
Too err is human. To moo, bovine.
Too err is human....Computers are always RIGHT!
Too far, Edna, we wander afoot. The Palindromic Pig
Too far??!? How's this for too far?!? <busy signal> - Katie Kaboom
Too fast to live... Too young to die... þ
Too few Americans know the difference between "right" and "privilege".
Too few of the bucks stop here.
Too heavy, too light; too black or too white; too wrong or too right today or tonight. cumbersome. --7M3
Too hip for Taglines.
Too hip for recipes.
Too hip for taglines
Too hot to go to church? What about Hell?
Too hot to hoot.
Too humble is half proud. - Yiddish Proverb
Too ignorant, too.
Too lame to deserve an appropriate tagline
Too late for a game of Stratego? --Sam. 22 years too late. --Mulder.
Too late now to count the cost
Too late! JH is out the barn door!
Too late, Pandora; the cat's out of the bag!
Too late, Peri. Time to say goodbye. -- The Doctor
Too late, yes it's too late
Too late, you are both devoured - Tom the Dungeonmaster
Too late. <wobbling about> - Anna Steven
Too lazy to head out to the library and find out! :-)
Too little sex makes you repeat yourself redundantly.
Too long a sacrifice Can make a stone of the heart. - William Butler Yeats
Too long? Do I qualify? Or am I once again inadequate? - Keepers
Too many "What ifs..." & "Yeah, buts..." not enough answers!
Too many :-('s
Too many TV pilots turn out to be a Kamikaze!
Too many authors spoil a book
Too many bells and whistles
Too many bigots for my liking / Too many critics, too few writing
Too many birds on her antenna.
Too many boards, not enough phone lines.
Too many bugs and leeches and spiders and spider webs. Please spray the wilderness to rid the area of these pests
Too many children have died in the name of Christ.
Too many clicks spoil the browse
Too many cooks know how many beans make five
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Too many cooks, so little meals.
Too many couples marry for better or for worse, but not for good.
Too many digital irons in the virtual fire
Too many digital irons in the virtual fire
Too many errors. Make fewer
Too many fingers in the pie, as it were
Too many fingers on keyboard error!
Too many foreign countries are living beyond our means.
Too many freaks, not enough circuses
Too many good ideas; or, in this case, none at all. -MST3K
Too many have dispensed with generosity to practise charity. - Camus
Too many hobbies, NEVER too many birds!!
Too many hobbies, but *never* too many birds!
Too many hobbies, too little time!
Too many irritations. Please access help file BACARDI.151
Too many jokers and not enough aces in his deck.
Too many kooks soil the brothel.
Too many messages posted today.
Too many messages, not enough Rock 'n' Roll.
Too many moderators, not enough bullets
Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. - Albert Einstein
Too many of us speak twice before we think.
Too many of your enemies would delight in your death, Doctor
Too many pages make a tome.
Too many people are ready to carry the stool when the piano needs to be moved
Too many people confuse free speech with loose talk.
Too many people dreaming of places they'll never go... - Odo
Too many people have the government confused with parents
Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.
Too many people pick a quarrel before it's ripe
Too many people who wave the flag want to waive what it stands for!
Too many pieces of music end too long after the end.
Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end. - Igor Stravinsky
Too many pray for peace with their fists clenched.
Too many preservatives: Butter does not melt in your mouth.
Too many preservatives: Buyer expires prior to package contents.
Too many preservatives: Sliced bread that can be used as a placemat
Too many preservatives: The bestselling brand is Scientist's Choice.
Too many preservatives: Your apple is not waxed, it's lacquered.
Too many preservatives: Your omelets keep unscrambling.
Too many preservatives: Your raisin bran cereal is actually grape bran.
Too many preservatives: sliced bread that can be used as a placemat
Too many puns, not enough time to ex spleen them
Too many puppies...with guns in their hands
Too many rocks in the mountains
Too many systems have been sabotaged. O'Brien
Too many want a government that will give them more than they deserve.
Too many wild asses are not yet extinct.
Too many years fighting back tears, why can't the past just die?
Too may freaks, not enough circuses
Too much DOOM ][: You fire a Rocket into Dark rooms.
Too much DOOM ][: You've started to side step into rooms.
Too much DOOM ][: Your clock seems to be fast.
Too much DOOM ][: Your coffee has frozen.
Too much DOOM ][: Your fingers start to shake.
Too much DOOM Ž: Your coffee has frozen
Too much DOOM: You fire a Rocket into Dark rooms.
Too much DOOM: You've started to side step into rooms.
Too much DOOM: Your clock seems to be fast.
Too much DOOM: Your coffee has frozen
Too much DOOM: Your fingers start to shake.
Too much DOOM: You fire a Rocket into Dark rooms.
Too much DOOM: You leap off tall buildings thinking it's not gonna hurt.
Too much DOOM: You've started to side step into rooms.
Too much DOOM: Your clock seems to be fast.
Too much DOOM: Your coffee has frozen.
Too much DOOM: Your fingers start to shake.
Too much FREE space? Keep *.BAK files!
Too much LDS... -- Kirk, *Star Trek IV*
Too much Pascal: You finish all your typing with semi-colons;;;;;;;;;
Too much Stuff? Time to buy a BIGGER house!
Too much Trek: You name all your cats after Starfleet Admirals.
Too much blood in coffee
Too much broth can spoil the cook.
Too much coffee distorts your uo|s|^.
Too much computing = Terminal exhaustion
Too much confusion, I can't get no relief - Hendrix
Too much ego, not enough brains ....... <sigh>
Too much food for thought results in a fat head. - Anon
Too much free time? Become a SysOp
Too much garlic is a contradiction in terms!!
Too much glory can be half disgrace.
Too much horror business, drivin' late at night... - Misfits
Too much infinity. -SLR
Too much information is never enough. -- Rewind
Too much is just enough. -- Mark Twain, on whiskey
Too much is never enough.
Too much is not enough
Too much love is dangerous
Too much love will kill you
Too much love will kill you, just as sure as none at all.
Too much message, too few taglines!
Too much modeming: "What's that big shiny thing?" "It's the sun."
Too much money? Get married or run a BBS!
Too much money? Run a BBS or get married!
Too much month at the end of my money
Too much month left at the end of the money
Too much of @FN@ is wonderful.
Too much of @TOFIRST@ is wonderful
Too much of YOU is wonderful.
Too much of a good Thing
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL
Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL : Mae West
Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL.
Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL. - Mae West
Too much of a good thing is wonderful! - Mae West
Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
Too much of a good ting can be wunnerful
Too much of anything is bad, but too much whiskey is just right
Too much of anything is bad? No, too much of a good whiskey is barely enough
Too much of anything is wonderful
Too much of anything, even love, isn't necessarily a good thing.
Too much of anything, even love, isn't necessarily a good thing. -- Kirk, "The Trouble with Tribbles"
Too much of everything is just enough
Too much of everything is just enough. -- Bob Wier
Too much of good thing is WONDERFUL! - Mae West
Too much quantum tunnelling is bad for you
Too much reality can kill you
Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be! - Miguel de Cervantes
Too much self love will just make you jealous of those that envy you
Too much sex can cause memory loss... what was I talking about?
Too much sex makes b(((bl(((luurre((edd vv((iissii((oonn.
Too much shareware, not enough registration $$$.
Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. - Intendant
Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. Kira-2
Too much talking, too few assassinations. -- Chiun
Too much time on your hands? Plant some Zucchini
Too much trippin' and my soul's worn thin... -STP
Too much vermouth in this martini, said Tom, drily
Too much virus talk is making you squirrelly !!
Too much wrestling - Tom
Too much yardage between the goal posts.
Too naive to even know how to spell naive? :^> -Dodger
Too nice a place for a deadly game of cat & mouse - Mike
Too nice a place for a deadly game of cat and mouse. -- Nelson
Too often I find that the volume of paper expands to fill the available briefcases. -- Governor Jerry Brown
Too often justice is incidental to law and order.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,a smile,a kind word,a listening ear,an honest compliment,the smallest act of caring,all of which have the potential to turn a life around.-Leo Buscaglia
Too old to Rock 'n' Roll, too young to die
Too old to Rock 'n' Roll, too young to die
Too old to cry
Too old to know better, too young to resist!
Too old to rock & roll; too young to die
Too old, and too crypto-fascist! - Young Lister
Too rich or too poor, she's wanting me less and I'm wanting her more. The bitter taste is cumbersome. --7M3
Too ripped. Gotta go
Too roight, mate. Oi, lookit tha' kangaroo! - Anna Steven
Too sexy for your cat.
Too slow, chicken marengo. Too slow for this Cat. - C
Too soon old and too late smart
Too soon old. Too late smart
Too stupid to know what I'm involved in.
Too stupid to know what you're involved in, huh?
Too stupid to operate velcro
Too tired to make up another new tagline
Too tired to think up a new recipe!
Too tired to think up a new tagline!
Too wiks aygo, aye cudt spll geeneollojist an now i r wun!
Too. Much. COBOL:. You. Put. Periods. Everywhere.
Toodleeoo, Dear - By C. U. Soon
Toodleoo, go with God, and don't take any wooden nickels.
Toodles! --Bonzai
Took 3 hours to bury the cat. It kept jumping out of the hole!
Took a drive in the dirty rain --U2
Took an hour to bury my cat - He wouldn't hold still
Took an hour to bury the cat - damn thing kept moving.
Took an hour to bury the cat. It wouldn't stop moving!
Took an hour to bury the cat. Silly thing kept moving
Took an hour to bury the cat. Wouldn't stop moving!
Took an hour to bury the cat. Damn thing kept moving.
Took an hour to bury the cat. Silly thing kept moving!
Took an hour to bury the cat...damned thing kept moving
Took an hour to bury the cat...wouldn't stop moving....
Took an hour to bury the dog. Silly thing kept trying to get away
Took an hour to bury the wive, she wouldn't stop moving!
Took an hr to bury the cat.Silly thing kept moving
Took awhile to get a fine enough beam out of the phaser. - T.Riker
Took down some names...and sent me to the county home.
Took him long enough. O'Brien-2
Took lesson from Earth history. Gill
Took me an hour to bury @F. Silly thing kept wiggling
Took me an hour to bury my cat today...D*m thing wouldn't
Took me an hour to bury the cat It wouldn't stop moving
Took my car in to have the alignment checked...It came ba
Took my cat in for a catscan. Diagnosis? It was a cat
Took the mage's brain? Stupid orcs, just get the spellbook!
Took ya long enough. Kim
Took your car, drove to Texas.
Tool is "deep and rich like silt on a river bed."
Tooling through the Universe,we are just electrons flow'n
Tools that, if dropped properly, can penetrate your foot
Toon Town's latest, craziest-"Clintoon: The Clinton Years
Toonces the Cat drive a Dodge Tradesman?
Toonces, the cat who could drive a car. (NOT)
Toot. Tee. Toot. Toot. - Mike hums to lame jazz music
Tooth marks... In my DESK!
Toothache tends to start on Saturday night
Toothache: The pain that drives you to extraction.
Toothpaste never hurts the taste of good scotch
Tootsietail - A untied shoelace
Top 10 Reasons To Live In Alberta: 1. Big Rock Beer
Top 10 Reasons To Live In Saskatchewan 1. You never run out of wheat.
Top 6% income folks will pay 75% of all new taxes!
Top Cash paid for good Taglines!
Top Cops - Everything else is just fiction.
Top Secret Destroy Before Reading !!!
Top Secret Message: Please Read, Print, and Eat.
Top Secret message - please read, print and eat.
Top Sirloin - The Nine Billion Names of Tom Servo!
Top Songs: "Skip, Skip, Skip to the Loo", by Willy Makit
Top Ten Epitaphs On My Gravestone: >2. R.I.P. graphics now available!<.
Top Ten Epitaphs On My Gravestone: >7. What, me dead?<.
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|10. I washed my hair and got tangled in the clothesline while drying it
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|2. We don't need no steenking homework!
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|3. I accidentally ate my own homework
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|5. I hurt my brain trying to get amnesia
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|6. I had amnesia
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|8. The dog licked my homework (Ewww! Dog germs! <g>)
Top Ten Excuses For Not Doing Homework:|9. The dog ate my homework
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯1. Carrier dropped for the rest of eternity.®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯10. Keep off the grass.®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯2. R.I.P. graphics now available!®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯3. Is that your nose or are you eating a banana?®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯4. Six feet under and proud of it!®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯5. I'm not dead - I'm just sleeping and rotting at the same time.®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯6. Warning: I have all the necessary qualities to be an excellent poltergeist.®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯7. What, me dead?®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯8. What are you lookin' at?®
Top Ten Things I Want Put On My Gravestone:|¯9. Trespassers will be haunted.®
Top male models make 1/10 of what top female models get.
Top o' the food chain to ye!
Top paddock is full of rocks.
Top secret! Burn before reading!
Top ten pickup lines that never worked for me: 1. Help! I'm dazzled into blindness by your stunning beauty. Quick, lend me your shirt!
Top ten pickup lines that never worked for me: 10. Wait right here, I'll bring the etchings down
Top ten pickup lines that never worked for me: 2. Say, didn't I see you on the new Baywatch?
Top ten reasons to live in Nfld: The workday is about two hours long.
Top that, sugar britches! - Dr. Forrester to Joel
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 1. When you press F9, a message box tells you to dig out your calculator.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 10. A sticker on the box reads, Now Supports DOS 1.2
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 10. A sticker on the box reads, Now Supports DOS 1.2
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 2. The only way to get a hard copy of your work is to photograph the screen.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 3. The technical support phone number is 555-1212.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 3. The technical support phone number is 555-1212.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 5. The Setup routine displays "Another Sucker" as the default user name.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 5. The Setup routine displays "Another Sucker" as the default user name.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 6. The Setup diskette reads, "Disk 1 of 1".
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 6. The Setup diskette reads, "Disk 1 of 1".
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 7. The help file consists of three words: "Don't ask me."
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 7. The help file consists of three words: "Don't ask me."
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 8. User testimonials on the box are written in Arabic.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 8. User testimonials on the box are written in Arabic.
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 9. It is part of a software suite called "Office Schmoffice."
Top-10 Signs That You Purchased a Bad Spreadsheet: 9. It is part of a software suite called "Office Schmoffice."
Top-down design is swell--once you find the top
Top-down design is swell--once you find the top
Top-down design is swell--once you find the top
Topgun, Schmopgun! REAL pilots fly helicopters
Topic Cop being held hostage: Send 10 Taglines or he gets it!
Topic Cops don't do SLMR.
Topic police... have mercy! :)
Topic unknown: (A)bhor, (R)etch, (F)lail, (I)gnite
Topic. Moderator not found. Enter forbidden topics? [Y/n]
Topic: Stuff that forms on the top of hot chocolate.
Topics? We don' need no steekin' topi.... NO CARRIER
Topics? There are separate topics?
Topics? We don' need no steekin' topi**** NO CARRIER
Topo Gigot was an Italian black art rod puppet - Tom
Topologists DO IT on rubber sheets.
Topologists are just plane folks
Topologists are just plane folks, Pilots -- plane folks,
Topologists are just plane folks, Pilots -- plane folks, Carpenters -- plane folks, Midwest farmers -- plain folks, Musicians -- playin' folks, Whodunit readers -- Spillaine folks, Some Londoners -- P. Lane folks.
Topping tonight's stories - chocolate fudge! . Buster Bunny
Topping tonight's stories -- chocolate fudge!
Torah! Torah! Torah! Such a sneak attack we've got
Torak's Tooth!
Torana: Tons Of Rust And No Accelleration
Tore a hole in the oil pan on a rock as big as a hall closet
Torgy, it's great to be working with you. -- TV's Frank
Tori Amos is a *babe*! - Gary Layton
Tori Amos is a babe. A *weird* babe, but a babe nonetheless.
Tori Amos, Alice Cooper, Danzig (a lot of them), Extreme, Faith No More
Tori Amos, Alice Cooper, Danzig (a lot of them), Extreme, Faith No More
Tori Amos, Crucify and God, respectively.
Torment me no longer! I have seen the Grail!
Torment me no longer! I have seen the Grail! -- Galahad
Tormented preachers hail the twisted cross.
Tormented. I get the feeling it's aptly named. -- Tom Servo
Torn between two airplanes - Mike sings
Torn out books are most used books
Tornado's.......the will of the Prophets and Kai Winn on a bad day
Tornados: Nature's vacuum cleaner - no bag to empty
Toro? Sounds like a load of bull. - 007 (Octopussy)
Toronto Blue Jays - 1992 World Series Champions
Toronto Blue Jays 1992 World Series CHAMPIONS!
Toronto Blue Jays @X00@X0E "0 down - 4 to go - GBJ!" @XFF
Toronto Blue Jays @X00@X0E "World Series Champeens!" @XFF
Toronto Council discusses its garbage crisis: The Battle of Wastings.
Toronto Maple Leafs 1917-1993 ...proud of them too!
Toronto as The Centre of the Universe; what a great idea
Toronto as the Centre of the Universe would be a very good choice.
Toronto: an Indian word meaning 52 deg..and it's raining!
Toronto? Wasn't he the partner of the Lone Ranger?
Tororororororo - A lawn mower that won't start
Torpedo in the wat#$%^ NO CARRIER
Torpedoes offline-<A>bort <P>hasers <B>eg for Mercy?
Torpedoes? I don't see any torpe**)%@@$&^&&^$NO CARRIER
Torpedos Offline, (A)bort, (T)ry phasers, (B)eg for mercy
Torpedos Offline: <A>bort <P>hasers <B>eg For Mercy
Torpedos Offline: (A)bort (P)hasers (B)eg For Mercy
Torpedos. Phasing. Aliens. - Data
Torque is cheap
Torque... Torque is the answer.
Torquemada of Borg: NOBODY assimilates the Spanish Inquisition!
Torres IDIC: Inevitable Destruction for Inoperable Components
Torres has great legs, for a Klingon.
Torro! -- The Mask
Tortilla: Lawyer's lunch choice.
Torture a Jehovah's Witness! Tie them up and talk about your religion.
Torture numbers and they'll confess to anything.
Torture your data long enough and it will say anything
Torture: The Ultimate Art Form.
Torvil & Dean knows how the USA boxing team felt in Korea
Toss'n, turn'n, nightmares burn'n. Dreams of swords in hand
Tossing Bestseller: Bulimia for Blonde Beginners by Chuck M. Up.
Tossing dwarfs, bashing twits It's all the same to me.
Tossing, turning, nightmares burning, dreams of sword in hand
Total Confusion: The Power Source of the Future !!
Total HOST hard drive error, logoff and send money
Total Paranoia IS Total Awareness!
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Total Recall BBS ... Micro Focus COBOL Cum Laude
Total Spiritual Enlightenment helps me score with babes.
Total World Domination Tour 1992
Total absence of humor renders life impossible. Colette (1873 - 1954), Chance Acquaintances, 1952
Total absence of humour renders life impossible. - S.G.Colette
Total absence of humour renders life impossible. - S.G.Colette
Total abstinence is easier to me than perfect moderation. - Saint Augustine
Total confusion: the power source of the future!
Total face - Mike after fooling Dr. Forrester
Total lack of ethics? Become a Christian lawyer!
Total mondo double way, or your money back!
Total paranoia IS really only 100% awareness.
Total paranoia is perfect awareness.
Total security is slavery; total freedom is anarchy.
Total silence is the only friend I had
Total spiritual enlightenment helps me score with chicks.
Total stangers need love too, and I'm stranger than most.
Total world domination
Totalitarianism, NO! Authoritarianism, SI!
Totalitarians remove all traces of my existence! said Tom unpersonably.
Totally Spam...Lubricated. Well, I'm Phasing.
Totally Tasteless Taglines Terrorize the Tag-Trappers
Totally illogical, there was no chance.
Totally illogical, there was no chance. -- Spock, "The Galileo Seven"
Totally non-offensive recipe. G-rated.
Totally non-offensive tagline. G-rated.
Totally random tagline for the day.
Totally unencumbered by orthodox reality concepts
Toto! Don't go into the Deadly Desert! $!&^/( NO TERRIER!
Toto! Don't bite into that electrical wi$^%& NO TERRIER
Toto! Don't go into the Deadly Desert! $!&^/( NO TERRIER!
Toto! Don't go into the desert!$f@#(%$^#$&@# NO TERRIER
Toto! Get off that power line...^%& NO TERRIER
Toto! Stay off that EPS power tap$^%& NO TERRIER
Toto, I don"t think we"re in Kansas anymore. -- Judy Garland
Toto, I don't think that we're in Kansas anymore
Toto, I don't think this is a tag line anymore
Toto, I don't think we are anymore
Toto, I don't think we're in Crawley anymore
Toto, I don't think we're in DOS any more..
Toto, I don't think we're in DOS anymore... <Ctrl><Alt><Del>
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. -- Judy Garland, "Wizard of Oz"
Toto, I don't think we're in Starfleet anymore
Toto, I don't think we're on-line anymore
Toto, I don't think we're online anymor@}$%^? NO CARRIER
Toto, I don't think were online anym%$#^@# NO CARRIER
Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!
Toto, I think we're not in CP/M anymore
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. - Dorothy
Toto, don't think we're online anymore%$#^@# NO CARRIER
Toto, don't think were on-line anymo-- %$#^@# NO CARRIER
Toto, don't think were online anymore%$#^@# NO CARRIER
Toto, how come everything seems so slow? Woof, Woof, Windows
Toto, look, no resending errors in Windoze - NOT!
Toto, we're not in Windoze anymore... thank goodness!
Totsnotter: A child who is crying and talking simultaneously.
Tou're a 1998 U.S. Javelin Catching Team member
Touble is usually produced by those who produce nothing else!
Touch My Keyboard, And NEVER Type Again!
Touch a Ferengi on the ear and he'll follow you anywhere!
Touch and be touched. Enjoy and be enjoyed.
Touch her *there* and she buzzes! -- Tom Servo
Touch her THERE & she buzzes! - Tom
Touch if u will my stomach, Feel how it trembles inside -- Prince
Touch if you must, Pay up if you bust.
Touch it! Are you MAD? I can barely bring myself to LOOK at it.
Touch it. Smell it. Taste it. See it. Hit it
Touch me and make me magical
Touch me and you'll see I feel as good as I look.
Touch me, Feel me, Eat me
Touch me, Feel me, Eat me........
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation... - The Phantom
Touch my bird. Go ahead! - Tom
Touch my food and you're one dead dog! Garfield to Odie
Touch my gingham! - Tom seductively, as cowgirl
Touch my gingham! -- Tom Servo
Touch my lips and close my eyes, take me away to paradise
Touch not the cat bot a glove
Touch not the cat but a-glove. -MacPherson clan motto
Touch the old nose...*Your* nose, Radar. - Henry
Touch the screen and FEEL my healing power.
Touch the sky with your mind!
Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch me....I wanna feel dirty!
Toucha toucha toucha touch me I want to be dirty
Touche pas ma cabane, maudit sauvage!!" - De Maisonneuve - .!
Touche. -- Tom Servo
Touching me is not a good idea! -- Harley Stone
Tough Guy: One who has his tatoos done with an icepick
Tough Love is better than co-dependency.
Tough guys don't have pillow fights
Tough job, but somebody's gotta do it! - Don Horton
Tough job: Moderating the ANARCHY echo.
Tough neighborhood: Where the kids use barbed wire for dental floss.
Tough nut, heh? Well, I've cracked a couple of 'em. - The Tick
Tough s***, Buck! - Twikki
Tough talk from a man who gets his underwear from a plastic egg
Tough times demand tough talk ! - Neil Peart / RUSH
Tough when Barnaby Jones out-actions you - Tom
Tough? As in difficult? Data
Tough? My goldfish can whip your dog!
Toughened your nipples, didn't it? -- Hannibal Lector
Toughest Man: Catcher on the nudist baseball team
Toughest part of a diet? Shutting up about it.
Toughest years of marriage are those after the wedding!
Toughskins! - Crow
Toulouse Lautrec was absinthe-minded.
Tounge tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit I
Toupee & Grey Weave. They're cops - Crow
Toupee and Grey Weave. They're cops. -- Crow T. Robot
Toupee truck overturns - Police combing area.
Toupee truck overturns... police combing the area
Toupet or not toupet, das ist hier die Frage
Tour Japan and
Touring the riot scene. Gravely assessing the devastation.
Tourist Season - When it's OK to shoot them.
Tourist Season! Does that mean we can shoot them?
Tourist Season: When it's OK to shoot them.
Tourist season: When it's okay to shoot them
Tourists come to Toronto cause they mistakenly think it's a cool city.
Tourists curse the rain for which farmers prayed in vain
Tourists do it abroad.
Tourists don't believe I've never *been* to Graceland <sigh>.
Tourists: The only foreigners the French ever drove out
Tourner autour du... coin!! (# de parking!!)
Tourrettes of the Old West - Frank as old man yells
Tous bourrés dès 9h, soutien aux viticulteurs!
Tout chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien
Tout est au mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possibles. (Voltaire)
Tout s'en va, tout passe, l'eau coule, et le coeur, oublie.
Tov Mallorn - The Googooplex Names of Tom Servo!
Tower Case? Nah...just fell of the desk and landed that way!
Tower case? Nah, it fell off the desk and landed that way!
Tower of Babel: Excuse me, are you an interpreter?
Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a fly-by
Tower, we have a problem - an engine has departed the aircraft!
Tower: "Say position." Pilot: "Position."
Tower: "Say your position." Pilot: "We're seated." Twr: "Thank you."
Tower: Are you the 747 or DC-10? Pilot: Uhh...stand by
Tower: Say position. Pilot: Position.
Towers BBS Millville, New Jersey 1 609 327 9133
Town criers rule, okez, okez, okez
Town under siege: Waco, Texas. Ross Perot: Wacky Texan.
Townes van Zandt once told me, 'If anyone tells you six of one, half a dozen of another, don't believe 'em ... there is NO six of one.' His spirit lives on ... Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Toxic chemical-laced sugar snacks! -- Tom Servo
Toxic chemical-laced sugar snacks! -- Tom Servo
Toxic waste sample? - Nope, M*A*S*H coffee
Toxic waste sample? - Nope, cafeteria coffee.
Toxic waste stinky! No good! - The Mask
Toxicity returning to normal. Paris
Toxicologists DO IT to beyond the no-effect level.
Toxicology- a risky profession
Toxins rise-Through melting skies-Life will dieMachines.
Toy for Klingon children: the new Nerf Bat'lev!
Toy soldiers? * Lister
Toyboat, toyboat, toyboat, toyboat, toy-PLANE????
Toyota Too Often Yankes Overprice This Auto
Toyota: Taking Our Yen Out -- Thanks All
Toys are made in heaven, batteries are made in hell.
Toys at your age, LaCroix? Really! - Nick Knight
Toys for your second childhood, are a Lot more expensive!
Toys in the attic.
Toys today are so sophisticated they play with each other
Tr#y a^dju&st:ing t*h#e p!h„se* var$ian~cˆ #of t(his t=agl‹ne
Tra la la BOOM de ay--I gots more AN-i-me!
Trace this phone call and tell me where I'm at!
Tracer rounds work BOTH ways. 'Murphy
Tracers & Fractils & Beer...Oh My!!!
Tracers make dull sniping rather colorful
Tracers work both ways.
Traci Lords porno videocassette: "Statutory Tape."
Tracing ancestors isn't easy, when you haven't got a line to follow!
Tracing ancestors isn't easy, when you haven't got a line to follow!
Tracing the Family Tree isn't easy - It's a Jungle out there!
Tracing the tracks
Tracing us back to the same brother and sister
Track 0 bad, shall I go on? (Y)es (N)o
Track 0 bad?? Don't worry, there's lots of others
TrackIt! v1.0 for Telix
Trackball LIVES! Run, run like the wind!
Trackball: a mouse that went belly up.
Trackman(men) have bigger balls.
Tracks In The Sand by Peter Dragon
Tractor Police, John Deere Squad! - Mike
Tractor Pulls: For people who don't understand WWF.
Tractor beam disengaged. - Tuvok
Tractor beam now locked on tagline .. we have it now!
Tractor beams are my specialty -- Wesley
Tractor beams are my specialty. Wesley Crusher
Tractor pulls are for people who can't understand wrestling
Tractor them, Commander. Janeway
Tracy (a middle child, just like DS9) - Tracy Hemenover
Trade School - IBM Clone Computer
Trade Secrets: What women do
Trade Wars -- The Good, The Bad, and The Ferrengi.
Trade Wars....RULES!!!
Trade free support: Snuggle!
Trade me for a chicken - Crow as young kidnapped girl
Trade secrets--that is what women do
Trade ya' some MIPs for some MegaFlops!
Traded bowling for sex, the balls are lighter & you don't need shoes.
Traded bowling for sex; balls lighter & don't need shoes
Traded my flammable clothes for inflammable ones. I'm safe now!
Traders do it on the floor
Trading and loooting go hand in glove
Tradition - Reason to repeat the same mistake!
Tradition is a guide and not a jailer. - W. Somerset Maugham
Tradition is always the last refuge for the incompetent.
Tradition is no excuse for insensitivity or racism.
Tradition is what you resort to when you don't have the time or the money to do it right
Tradition. Sometimes it's all we have. - The Kurgan
Tradition: The art of making the same mistake over and over.
TraditionalISM: the dead faith of the living
Traditionalist flavours are less expensive. -Anna Steven on icecream
Traditionalists do it the old-fashioned way.
Traditions are group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening. --Barbara Tober
Traditions are solutions for which we have forgotten the problems
Traditions are solutions for which we have forgotten the problems
Traduire veut dire mourir de rire
Traffic lights set for 30mph are good at 70 and 140!
Traffic signals in New York are just rough guidelines. -- David Letterman
Traffic? It's after the apocalypse! -- Joel Robinson
Trafficking in worms is an underground industry.
Tragedy is if I cut my finger, comedy is if I walk into an open sewer and die. - Mel Brooks
Tragedy is not the word I'd use. -- Garek
Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open manhole and die. -- Mel Brooks
Tragedy, when the mornin' comes and you're all alone - Bee Gees
Tragedy: To marry for love and find out he has no money.
Tragedy: A busload of lawyers driving off a cliff with three empty seats
Tragedy: To marry for love and find out he has no money.
Tragedy=I cut my finger.Comedy=U fall down an open manhole & die. -- Mel Brooks
Tragic heroes always moan when the gods take an interest in them.
Trail Guide To Yellowstone Park - By Y. O. Ming
Trail got to be here somewhere ---D. Boone---
Trail hint: Always drink upstream from the herd.
Trail needs to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill
Trailers for sale or rent, rooms to let for 50 cents
Trails In The Sand - By Peter Dragon
Trails got to be here somewhere - D.Boone
Trails in the Sand by Peter Dragon
Trails need to be wider so people can walk while holding hands
Train me !! Strain me !! Stain me !!
Train of Thought-Now boarding - Last stop; Gutter.
Train of thought derailed
Train of thought derailed / still boarding at the station.
Train of thought derailed, Dozens dead, Film at 11:00
Train of thought derailed... dozens killed... film at 11:00.
Train of thought is still boarding at the station.
Train up a child in the way he should go
Train veterans to uncork emotions rather than liquor bottles!
Train your cubs well for they shall grow to be tigers
Trainees do it as practice.
Training Bra, n. - Why? What can we teach them?
Training Bra, n. - Why? Why not training panties?
Training For The Olympics - By B. D. Best
Training a child is more or less a matter of pot luck.
Training goes faster with less do and more talk.
Training human cogs for the machine .... -Floyd
Training human cogs for the machine .... -Floyd
Training is not hard for a cat. Mine trained me very well
Training pet humans is hard work for an honest cat.
Trains are blameless holy creatures - Tom Servo
Trains charge those going to rock concerts, said Tom with fanfare.
Trains don't kill people, level crossings do.
Trains stop at train stations. Buses stop at bus stations. Work stops at work stations.
Trains, Trains, Trains everywhere, and not a box car in sight.
Trains, Trains, Trains everywhere, and not a box car in sight.
Traiter son entourage de "Con" n'est pas un outrage mais un Diagnostic
Traitorous dog! I brainwash you and this is how you repay me?!!
Traitors never have a nice day.
Traits that we despise in people, we prize as virtues in cats.
Tramapoline! Trabapoline! Say what now?
Tramp! Harlot! Jezibel! Be gone with you! -- TV's Frank
Tramp, n. (slang) Soemone who's made 200 or 300 mistakes in her life
Trampled spirit, turn your sun into a man - Course of Empire
Trampoline acrobats DO IT over a net.
Trampoline acrobats DO IT under the big top.
Tran-Zen-Dental oxymoron: Dentist who wishes patients weren't mouthy.
Tranceteria, n. - A place where Ravers congregate
Trans-Warp Drive a producted of Intel.
Trans-quadrant communication delays have nothing on Fido echo-lag! :)
Transcendental Meditation 7000 meditators make harmonious sh*t happen
Transcendental Tofu
Transcendental meditation can emancipate the man
Transcendental vegetation.
Transcending death is a little tricky, ya know. <Hello Again>
Transcripts of my life are available, ask for details
Transexual: One who carried his junior year abroad a little too far.
Transfer aborted (again)(ha ha ha ha!!)
Transfer everybody's phone calls to your bosses phone
Transfer your bosses calls to security
Transfer, n.: A promotion you receive on the condition that you leave town
Transformers: More than meets the eye!
Transillvania Morgue: You brain em', we'll drain em'
Transistor, n. - What you call a nun after a sex change operation
Transistor: (n) a device used to protect fuses.
Transistors blow before a protecting fast acting fuse.
Translators do it with words
Transmission Terminated
Transmission Terminated . . . . . ..
Transmission from the bridge of ISD Chimera
Transmission has been cut off. - Uhura
Transmission jammed at the source, sir. - Uhura
Transmission lost, sir. - Uhura
Transparent people never sit in front of you in a theater.
Transplanted from Hawaii.
Transplanted from Wisconsin.
Transport @TO@ will be departing in 5 minutes. -Babcomm
Transport Marie Celeste is now departing. - B5 public announcement
Transport Marie Celeste will be departing in 5 minutes - Babcomm
Transport complete, Captain. He made it. Torres
Transportable: Neither chained to a wall or attached to an alarm.
Transportation to get to the ship in the first episode.
Transported Californian - Hey Dude, where's the beach?
Transporter Chief Gibbs, your beams hanging out!
Transporter Chief Sharlow, beam me a large cheese pizza and a 6-pack!
Transporter Chief very funny, Now beam Councilor Troi's clothes back on
Transporter Chief, Beam Counselor Troy's clothes back on!!
Transporter Chief, beam me a large cheese pizza and a 6-pack!
Transporter Room Three is used - drink!
Transporter chie, beam the Captain to the bathroom!
Transporter chief #AL#, Beam the landing party to the Bridge.
Transporter chief @LN@, beam the away team to the bridge.
Transporter chief @LN@, beam the landing party to the bridge
Transporter chief @LN@, beam the pizza to the bridge
Transporter chief Bullitt, beam the landing party to the bridge.
Transporter chief beam the kat to the bridge
Transporter chief, beam more M&Ms to the bridge
Transporter chief, beam the Captain to the bathroom!
Transporter chief, beam the landing party to the Bridge.
Transporter crewman found unconscious, Captain. - Uhura
Transporter malfunction! Somebody unscramble the Data!!
Transporter room! Duracell! There, that's better.
Transporter room, beam me up immediately!
Transporter room, beam that tagline up immediately!
Transporter room, beam up that tagline
Transporter room, have you got him? - Riker
Transporter, Deadly Claw, Visitor from LA Law
TransporterChief very funny, Now beam Councilor Troi's clothes back on
Transporters. Don't talk to me about Transporters.
Transporting really is the safest way to to travel.
Transporting really is the safest way to travel -- Geordi
Transpositions be can a problem sometimes
Transpositions be can a problem sometimes.
Transsexual - One who carried his junior year abroad a little too far
Transsexuals, n. - It's getting so you can't tell them from transvestites
Transvestite (n): A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary.
Transvestite Nazi bikers and those who love `em on the next Oprah!
Transvestite waitress/Reads menu; Vikings chorus./Monty Python sketch
Transvestite's Motto: Eat, drink, and be Mary.
Transvestite, n. - Someone who wants to eat, drink, and **BE** Mary
Transvestite: A Sham Ma'am.
Transvestite: He who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.
Transvestite: A Sham Ma'am.
Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.
Transvestite: A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary.
Transvestite: He who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.
Transvestite: eat, drink, and be Mary!
Transvestites do it abroad.
Transvestites enjoy mixed company ...alone!
Transvestites like to eat, drink and be Mary
Transvestites suffer delusions of gender
Transwarp Drive disabled....Pentium controlled
Transwarp drive in 5 4 3 2 1 <clink> <sputter> <clunk>
Transwarp drive in 5 4 3 2 1... >cough< >sputter< >clunk<
Transwarp drive in 5 4 3 2 1...<cough> <sputter> <cluck>
Transwarp drive in 5 4 3 2 1...<cough> <sputter> <clunk>
Trap $C0FFEE, insert coffeemachine to reboot
Trap full -- please empty
Trap? What trap!?
Trapezius - a person who performs on the trapeze
Trapezoid (n): A device for catching zoids.
Trapped between a rock and a hard-head!
Trapped by exponentially decreasing response.
Trapped by her passionate design
Trapped forever with a madman at your throat. - Kirk
Trapped in time. Surrounded by Evil. Low on gas
Trapped, like a trap in a trap.
Trapped, like a trap in a trap. - Dorothy Parker
Trapped: Lawyer at the front door, Avon Lady at the back
Trapper: "I see 3 of 'em." Hawkeye: "Hit the one in the middle."
Trash Drive C:? (Y)es (O)k (F)ine by me
Trash drive C:? (Y)es (S)ure (F)ine by me
Trash is stuff you throw away. Stuff is trash you keep.
Trash is trash no matter how you arrange the pile
Trash your "To Do List"; you won't do it anyway
TrashLaughs: A subsidiary of DogByte Publications <tm>
Trashcan Man by name, never to be Donald Merwin Elbert again
Trashed my "To Do List"; I won't do it anyway
Trashed my To Do List; I won't DO IT anyway.
Trashy paperbacks come from the trite side of the racks.
Trasvestite: a man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary!
Traue Niemand.
Travel Agency: Let us show you our bag of treks.
Travel among books is the best travel of all.
Travel broadens the mind. That's why aliens have such big heads.
Travel by TARDIS: It's not necessarily faster, but it is
Travel by TARDIS: It's not necessarily faster, but it is definitely more
Travel by motorcycle, Tom said triumphantly
Travel by motorcycle, said Tom triumphantly.
Travel important today; IRS men arrive tomorrow.
Travel important today; Internal Revenue men arrive tomorrow
Travel important today; IRS men arrive tomorrow.
Travel important today; IRS men arrive tomorrow. Turned in my guns, all I got was these crummy leg-irons.
Travel to Nam? That's not how Clinton felt 25 years ago
Travel to Singapore can be a real pain in the a$$.
Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often merely lengthens the conversation. - Elizabeth Drew
Travel. - Lee Perry and Quindon Tarver
Travel/Vacations....Getting there is half the fun.
Traveler, there is no path, paths are made by walking
Traveling at the speed of Knight. (GALLOP SPEED NOW!)
Traveling faster than light, but left his sneakers behind.
Traveling law: All on-ramps contain old, slow, overloaded pickups
Traveling law: All smelly exhaust fumes concentrate in your closed car
Traveling law: Any downshift speeds up the cars in front of you
Traveling law: Any upshift causes brake lights in front of you
Traveling law: Gravel drops only from the truck in front of your car
Traveling law: Rainy weather raises average speeds at least 15 mph
Traveling law: The lane you switch to immediately becomes the slowest
Traveling law: The lane you're in is always the slowest
Traveling law: Traffic is slowest right where the road widens
Traveling law: Traffic tieups are never where the radio says they are
Traveling law: Vehicles that cut you off are older & larger than yours
Traveling this spring? Visit Pern in between.
Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, @TOFIRST@!
Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, Orville!
Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy.
Traveller beware, for there be Voles here
Traveller: Beyond Lies Midworld.
Travelling Eternity Road - what will you find there?
Travelling To San Francisco In A Stolen Hang Glider -- Dale Winton Tells All
Travelling is the ruin of all happiness! There's no looking at a building after seeing Italy. - Fanny Burney
Travelling this spring? Visit Xanth in between
Travelling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!
Travelling unarmed is like boating without a life jacket
Travis hasn't got the brains God gave a cat.
Tray: A portable mess.
Trazim apotekarku!
Trazim devicu da odmorim desnicu
Trazio sam njenu ruku, a dobio nogu
Tread lightly...save our space
Treason - its not just an adventure, it's a presidential career
Treason - its not just an adventure, its a legislative career.
Treason's just another word for nothing left to lose
Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder
Treasure In The Outhouse - By I. P. Nickels
Treasure true friendship; it is priceless.
Treasury Lesson #1: Time dims memory
Treasury Lesson #2: Differing stories makes Brady evidence
Treasury Lesson #3: Brady evidence exposes lies
Treasury Lesson #4: Exculpatory evidence is bad
Treasury Lesson #5: Draw conclusion 1st,find evidence 2nd
Treasury Lesson #6: It's only a lie if you get caught
Treasury Lesson #7: "... it worked in Seattle..."
Treat each day as your last, one day you will be right.
Treat each new situation as though it's a crisis
Treat earth as you should have your Mother. It is
Treat every day as if it was your last......, one day it will be.
Treat every day as your last, one day it might well be
Treat every hour like a lunch hour
Treat every woman as if you have slept with her...or soon will.
Treat everyone equal & it's called discrimination
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Treat her like a lady and she'll allways bring your home !
Treat her like a thoroughbred and she won't be a nag
Treat him like a flower... grab him by the stalk.
Treat me like the pig that I am
Treat new downloads like a Zombie hooker with herpes!
Treat people in your debt like family: exploit them. -- Sisko
Treat people like animals, and you'll get bitten. - B.C
Treat the earth well; it was not given to you by your parents,
Treat women as adults; in rights *AND* responsibilities.
Treat women like dirt -- use them as mulch in your garden
Treat you wife like a thoroughbred or you'll end up with a nag.
Treat your daily workout/Like an aphrodesiac... Adam Ant
Treat your friend as if he might become an enemy. -- Publilius Syrus
Treat your mate as you would want your children's mates to treat them
Treat yourself to an introductory fright for only $25.00
Treaties are like roses and girls; they last while they last.
Treaties are like roses and young girls -- they last while they last. -- Charles DeGaulle
Treaties like roses and girls - they last while they last
Treba mi skloniste od buke, treba mi muzika i stisak ruke.
Treba platiti, pa videti.
Treble Damages: Is that when you blow a tweeter?
Treble says to Mad Dog at Canada's Wonderland: "You're weeeeird!"
Tree Farms are to Forests like Ponds are to Oceans
Tree Hugger's Nightmare: Mt. Graham Red Squirrel Stew
Tree falls in forest. Hits Milli Vanilli. Someone else screams.
Tree feller's daughter, but t'ree fellas were never enough for her
Tree huggers unite! Someone has to love you.
Tree seedlings = forestry children
Treeclimbers 'R us
Trees Can Break Wind
Trees Can Break Wind - film at 11
Trees are made of more than wood.
Trees are the #1 cause of forest fires.
Trees are the number one cause of Forest Fires.
Trees bring us life...let us respect the lives of the trees
Trees cause more pollution than automobiles. -Ronald Reagan
Trees hit cars only in self-defence.
Trees moving back & forth make the wind blow.
Trees moving back and forth are what make the wind blow.
Trees never hit automobiles, except in self-defense.
Trees that grow in smoggy cities are needed to make carbon paper.
Trees wave back and forth, creating wind.
Trees without roots fall over.
Treguna mecoites trecorum satis di.
Trek = Star Trek
Trek Algebra 101: (Picard / Kirk) * Spock = Data.
Trek Bumpersticker: Blonde Borgs have the same fun.
Trek Bumpersticker: HONK if you've slept with Riker!
Trek Bumpersticker: Have you hugged a Ferengi today?
Trek Bumpersticker: Our other starship separates into 3 pieces!
Trek Classic -- Who Needs Another Generation?
Trek Classic -- it's the real thing.
Trek Credo #1: Never explain the technology, just dazzle them with SFX
Trek Credo #5: Enemy alien races don't get snappy comeback lines.
Trek Mania World Tour - 1994
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: An unknown ensign beams down as part of an away team and lives to tell the tale
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Counsellor Troi states something other than the blindingly obvious
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Data falls in love with the replicator
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Guinan forgets herself, and breaks into a stand up comedy routine
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Kirk gets into a fist fight and doesn't rip his shirt
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Kirk's hair remaining consistent for more that one consecutive episode
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Mood rings come back in style, jeopardising Counsellor Troi's position
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Picard doesn't answer a suggestion with "Make it so!"
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Picard hears the door chime and doesn't bother to say "Come."
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Picard visits the sickbay and requests the cure for baldness
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Picard walks up to a replicator and says, "Coke on ice."
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Scotty doesn't mention the laws of physics
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Somebody uses a transport shuttle and it doesn't explode or crash
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: The Enterprise decides to leave a dangerous sector before there are signs of danger
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: The Enterprise visits the Klingon home world on a bright, sunny day
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: The shields on the Enterprise are more then adequate and stay up during an entire battle
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Wesley Crusher tries to upgrade the warp drives and they work better than ever
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Worf accidentally kills a crew member in the holodeck by mistake
Trek Shows you _won't_ See: Worf gives another vessel more than 2 seconds to respond to one of the Enterprise's hails
Trek Virus: Invades your system where no virus has gone before
Trek Writer's T-Shirt: The other guy wrote Kirk into the script!
Trek Writers T-Shirt: We don't have to explain anything!
Trek episode *we'll* never see: "Three in a Ro."
Trek excuse #1: The Prime Directive clearly forbids it!
Trek is a show for those who don't believe in Kosh.
Trek tags, anyone? >> NO TRIBBLES <<
Trek to my left, SeaQuest to my right. I need a real show.
Trek, Americans Best Science Fiction
TrekTag: Picard is the Sysop, Data the System, & Wesley's the top D/L
Trekker in pon farr seeks Trekkess for bonding - leave e-mail!
Trekker make better lovers!
Trekkers work out at the "He's Dead Gym."
Trekkers are conceived from a superior Gene pool.
Trekkers do it on impulse
Trekkers do it on impulse, but sometimes get warped in the process
Trekkers do it on impulse.
Trekkers make it so.
Trekkers of Terra - unite!
Trekkers work out at the "He's Dead Gym"
Trekkies DO IT at high warp speed.
Trekkies Do It On Impulse!
Trekkies are warped (my mind went to warp 12)
Trekkies do it with a warped drive
Trekkies make better lovers!
Trekkies of the world, get a life.
Trekkies with girlfriends - on the next Geraldo.
Trekkies work out at the He's Dead Gym.
Treknical Argument: Science Friction
Treknical Discussion: Science Friction.
Treknobabble, n: Nonsense words that solve the problem.
Trelane: Do you mean you have members of the fairer sex among your crew?
Trelane: Have I made an error in time? How fallible of me.
Tremble your way to Fitness
Tremble, thou heathen; the Moderator cometh!
Tremble, thou heathen; the SysOp cometh!
Tremble, thou heathen; the Moderator cometh!
Tremp filok santi asker - oops, what universe were we in?
Trends are passee
Trent Reznor IS god
Trent Reznor of Borg: I wanna assimilate you like an animal!
Trepassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again
Trepassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again
Trespassers WILL be violated - Sign at Kennedy homes
Trespassers are shot, survivors are shot again!
Trespassers will be experimented on!
Trespassers will be haunted
Trespassers will be shot! Survivors will be shot again!
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors shot again.
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be SHOT AGAIN!
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be prosecuted.
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again!!!
Trespassers will be taken home to their mommies
Trespassers will be violated!
Tresspassers wil be SHOT - survivors will be shot AGAIN!
Tresspassers will be SHOT, survivors will be SHOT AGAIN!
Tresspassers will be shot, Survivers will be shot again.
Trevia, Goddess of Springs and Fountains
Trevor, the whisper thin cop - Crow
Trgovina je jedna vrsta umetnosti
TriBBS 11.0 Pro ... The Software of Champions!
TriBBS Ahhhhh Now I can forget the rest I got the BEST!!
Trial Law - By Tess Temoni
Trial Law: Tess Temoni
Trials are not about the truth - Rush Limbaugh
Triangles Have 3 Sides
Triangulating vectors of interconnectedness of all things: 150 pounds.
Tribal Council To Hold June Meeting In June
TribbIe love Tribbles (with mustard and mayonnaise)
Tribble > * -- Tribble after Borg assimilation > #
Tribble + quadrotriticale = ***********************
Tribble -> * Bald Tribble ->
Tribble -> * Jean-Luc Tribble -> o
Tribble -> * Tall tribble with legs -> *
Tribble -> * Tribble after steamroller -> _
Tribble -> * Borg assimilated Tribble -> #
Tribble -> * Tribble having safe sex -> *
Tribble -> * Bald Tribble ->
Tribble -> * Bald Tribble ->
Tribble 5 minutes and bowl of wheat later: *********
Tribble = Tribble Tags
Tribble => * Tribble after dance => _
Tribble Breathing: * Inhale . Exhale * Inhale . Exhale
Tribble Con '93. Guest Tribble: Shatner's Hairpiece.
Tribble Dodge'm cars: |_*_\ |_*_\/_*_| |_*_\
Tribble Family Reunion: ..*****..*****..*****..*****..*****..
Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves: *>-->
Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves: *--
Tribble II, the Adventure continues: *][
Tribble Math: * + Food = ************************
Tribble Olympics, Baseball: *!
Tribble Olympics, Golf: *L. I
Tribble Olympics, Moguls: /\/\/\/\*//\/\/\/\/\/\
Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting: *\|__
Tribble Olympics, Skiing: *\\
Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling: *+
Tribble Olympics: Baseball: *! .
Tribble Olympics: Jousting: *|-------*--
Tribble Taglines are irrelevant. Prepare to be emasculated.
Tribble Tags deleted for safety... They multiply too rapidly.
Tribble Talk
Tribble Use #16: Fake tumbleweeds
Tribble after Jenny Craig: .
Tribble after gestation inside alien: /\*/\
Tribble after haircut:
Tribble after male augementation: *-
Tribble after sex: *-~
Tribble after using Windows: ~%#{..~$
Tribble and Bits: * * * * * 10010110
Tribble and mom out for stroll: *8
Tribble archery: *} - |
Tribble bandleader: */
Tribble bicycling: o*o
Tribble boomerang: *
Tribble bowling: *______________o_____|
Tribble bozo: _*_
Tribble breeding is a hairy experience.
Tribble chain: -*-*-*-
Tribble convention: * * * * *
Tribble discussing quantum mechanics: *?
Tribble disguised as asterisk: *
Tribble droppings: *
Tribble family portrait: *..* [Only $12.95 at Sears]
Tribble family: *..*
Tribble fetus: @
Tribble filename: *.*
Tribble footnote: *1
Tribble giving up to mugger: \*/
Tribble golfing: *L.
Tribble hockey: *\ . /*
Tribble hunting Tribbles: *)- *
Tribble in heaven: ~*~
Tribble in love with rock: *o
Tribble in midlife crisis: *?
Tribble in quandary: *?
Tribble in vise: >*<
Tribble in vise: *
Tribble in whirlpool: @
Tribble leaving bank: *$
Tribble like time fills empty space
Tribble math: * + * = *********************************
Tribble math: * + Grain = ***********
Tribble mathematics: * + * = ****************************
Tribble mathmatics: * + * = *****************************************
Tribble meets Ford at 65Mph --- ____
Tribble meets snake: ===<*>=<8)
Tribble meets snake: ===*=8)
Tribble mother and young: *.....
Tribble of Borg: "Cooo... Purrrrr... Assimilate!"
Tribble on crutches: /*\
Tribble on firing range: [+*+]
Tribble playing baseball: *!
Tribble playing harp: *&
Tribble polevaulting: *\ |--| /*
Tribble population explosions are now under control thanks to Voles
Tribble praying: *^
Tribble putting on roof: /\*\
Tribble roadkill: ===*===
Tribble sitting in Lotus position: *&
Tribble skiing -*-
Tribble smilie: *)
Tribble snagged by comet: - -- ---===>>>>>>>>>>>>*
Tribble splattered against ceiling: ^
Tribble stuck between elevator doors: |*|
Tribble stuck in zipper: %%%*%%%
Tribble taglines are irrelevant. Prepare to be emasculated.
Tribble tipping hat: */^
Tribble toupee: ~
Tribble use #01 - as a device to torture Klingons.
Tribble use #01 - to irritate Klingons.
Tribble use #01 - to torture Klingons with.
Tribble use #04 - as fire starters.
Tribble use #07 - as a palukoo substitute in recipes.
Tribble use #09 - indoor baseball.
Tribble use #1 - Play-toy for tour cat.
Tribble use #1001 - Use as insolation. (Beats asbestos any day.)
Tribble use #101 - New Masengill Tribbles, with vinegar and water.
Tribble use #12 - TrekActors hairpieces.
Tribble use #14 - hearing protection.
Tribble use #16 - fake tumbleweeds
Tribble use #17 - falsies.
Tribble use #1: Cat toy
Tribble use #2 - Keeps the Klingons away
Tribble use #23 - that sticky, pasty film first thing in the morning.
Tribble use #24 - great to clean your car
Tribble use #25 - play-toy for your cat
Tribble use #26 - keeps the Klingons away
Tribble use #27 - keep your ears warm on those cold mornings.
Tribble use #28 - dust mop
Tribble use #28 - use instead of lab rats... you'll never run out.
Tribble use #29 - warm, fuzzy slippers
Tribble use #3 - Keep your ears warm on those cold mornings
Tribble use #32 - with white wine sauce, shallots & mushrooms.
Tribble use #38 - bobbing for Tribbles.
Tribble use #4 - Dust mop
Tribble use #40 - a kinder, gentler Orb.
Tribble use #46 - 500 make a fur coat.
Tribble use #5 - Warm, fuzzy slippers
Tribble use #57 - latest galactic sex toy.
Tribble use #6 - Toilet brush heads
Tribble use #64 - indoor golf.
Tribble use #7 - latest galactic sex toy.
Tribble use #70 - a mirkin.
Tribble use #72 - attic insulation.
Tribble use #78 - fuzzy dice for your rear-view mirror.
Tribble use #84 - as part of a balanced diet.
Tribble use #88 - Keep your cats entertained.
Tribble use #89 - Use instead of silicone for implants!
Tribble use #94 - Tribble Daquari.
Tribble use #97 - entertainment for your cat.
Tribble use: Dust mop
Tribble use: Keep your ears warm on those cold mornings
Tribble use: Keeps the Klingons away
Tribble use: Play-toy for your cat
Tribble use: Toilet brush head.
Tribble use: Warm, fuzzy slippers
Tribble viper: ======@
Tribble vs Godzilla: _
Tribble wearing headphones: [*]
Tribble with HEAVY saber: *\
Tribble with attitude: *'
Tribble with big feet: _*_
Tribble with chainsaw: *-
Tribble with lance: *}--
Tribble with legs showing: ,*,
Tribble with lightsaber: */
Tribble with shields up: <*>
Tribble your pleasure *** <- Tribble your fun
Tribble, not just your small furry beast anymore ####
Tribble, right here in River City:
Tribble, side view: *
Tribble-> * Tribble after assimilation by the Borg-> #
Tribble: <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale <-inh
Tribble: <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale
Tribble: <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale <-inh
Tribble: <- Inhale * <- Exhale <- Inhale * <- Exhale
Tribble: <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale <-inhale * <-exhale
Tribble: * Handcuffed Tribbles: *o*
Tribble: * Tribble.zip (v1): .. Tribble.zip (v2): .
Tribble: Fuzzy ball, born pregnant, and has voracious appetite!
Tribble: Not just your small furry beast anymore ####
Tribble: When a girl trekkie and a boy trekkie get together?
Tribble? I got your Tribble, right here! <SMASH> --> _
Tribblel Math: * + Grain = ***********
Tribbles - $5.00 for all you can pile on top of you.
Tribbles : The worlds purest safe sex.
Tribbles Imitating Ants ***********************************
Tribbles and bits: ***** 10010110
Tribbles are born PREGNANT! --McCoy
Tribbles are born pregnant! -- Dr. McCoy
Tribbles are great! - They make good pet food for Palukoos
Tribbles are to busy reproducing to have sex.
Tribbles can make you *itch* like mad and |\\\\\\\> up your life!
Tribbles fencing: */ \*
Tribbles for ALL my friends............*******
Tribbles hate Klingons (and Klingons hate Tribbles)
Tribbles holding hands: *-*
Tribbles in the dark:
Tribbles only wanna' be loved.
Tribbles playing volleyball: * * | * *
Tribbles talking on phone: *}-------------{*
Tribbles who love Klingons , on the next Oprah!
Tribbles, $5.00 for all you can pile on top of you.
Tribbles, Tribbles, rah rah rah!
Tribbles, you can't have just one.
Tribbles: $5.00 for all you can pile on top of you.
Tribbles: The worlds purest safe sex.
Tribbles: $5.00 for all you can pile on top of you.
Tribbles: * * * Shaved Tribbles:
Tribbles: Not just for makeup
Tribbles: The only truly inexhaustible resource.
Tribbles: The worlds purest safe sex.
Tribbles: We are the Borg. We surrender.
Tribbles: When a girl trekkie and a boy trekkie get together?
Tribbles: squish all you want, we'll make more.
Tribblets: ***
Tribbleware - for squeezably soft fuzzy logic
Tribbon: A pre-made bow you use to trim your gift.
Tribe in '94!!!
Tribe of pygmies VS a blonde track team? One is a bunch of cunning runts
Tribzilla III: Return of the Furball
Trichophobbia: Fear of hair
Trick or treat is right. McCoy
Trick photography: focus pocus
Trickle down is what a dog does to a fire hydrant.
Trickle down theory -- when the $$$ go from George to Neil.
Trickle down, where the rich were made for
Trickle-Down:It's when the money goes from George to Neil
Tricks are for bids. - Malcolm Pimpster
Trickster's logic...Be reasonable, Do it my way!
Tricky. --Deep Thought
Tricorder. >Medical< tricorder. The Doctor
Tricorder. <slap> MEDICAL tricorder! - Holodoc
Tricorder? Medical tricorder!
Tricorders are useless. Odo
Tricycle - A tot rod
Tridy. Media. Baron De Bomb? - Tom on garbled Russian
Tried BUGS=OFF in CONFIG.SYS ... but Windows wouldn't load
Tried InterMail...Not BAD!!
Tried an Ear Candle on my cat. The bandages come off both of us soon.
Tried babysitting: Quit because baby couldn't breath
Tried drowning my sorrows, little suckers learned to swim!
Tried drowning my sorrows; the little suckers can swim!
Tried tellin' everybody but, WHOAH NO!
Tried telling my wife XMS meant 'Xtra Marital Sex'
Tried the rest,now try the BEST!
Tried to call Phoenix, I misdialed FIJI
Tried to call Phoenix, I misdialed FIJI, Where's Larry Be
Tried to call Phoenix, I misdialed FIJI.
Tried to hang myself with bungee cord. I kept almost-dying.
Tried to play my shoehorn all I got was footnotes!
Tried to play my shoehorn...All I got was Toe Jam!
Tried to play my shoehorn...all I got was footnotes!
Tried to play the shoehorn, but all I got were footnotes.
Tried to run UNREAL from Windows NT on a punch card based machine.
Tried to upload problems but transfer was aborted
Tried windows- All I got was a GUI mess on my screen!
Triffle not with tired tigers - Calvin
Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle. - Michelangelo
Trigenital neuralgia: Yes, that must hurt
Triglyceride - a monster from Jurassic Park
Trigonometry is having three wives at one time
Trill Burger: (Try one, you'll feel like a new person!)
Trill Surcharge on an Office Machine: A Dax Fax Tax.
Trill's do not look for romance the same way humans do. - Dax
Trill's play Musical Bodies at parties
Trill: The musical equivalent of an epileptic seizure.
Trill? Line on the left, one worm each
TrillCreem: to bring out the best in your spots!
Trilogy (n). Series of three books, sometimes more.
Trilogy (n): Series of at least three books, usually more.
Trilogy (n): Series of three books, sometimes more.
Trilogy: (n) Series of three (or more) books. cf Adams, Douglas
Trim Those Sideburns Too? - By Buzz Cutt
Trim Those Sideburns Too?: Buzz Cutt*
Trim federal government waste - fire Al Gore.
Trimmed the Christmas tree, gave it a crew-cut.
Trimodem v1.3à - UL, DL, flame simultaneously
Triolic waves? --Picard
Trionic Waves: Something you can always piggy back on
Trioxymoron: Amtrak experimental high-speed train.
Trip Trip to a dream dragon, Hide your wings in a ghost tower
Trip! Noonan! Trip! - Crow as teens straddle ledge
Triple Meter - Only rich people should park by these
Triple herman! - Tom on wrestling hold
Triple your drive space! Delete OS/2!!
Trippin as I'm thinkin'... - STP
Tripping merrily through BBS land
Trips over cordless phones
Triput osam dva'es'cetr'
Trisexual Reagan! Nancy, Horsies, and Us!
Trisexual, n. - If it feels good, they'll try it
Trish Stratus: The boobs are fake, but the muscles are real!
Triskadekaphobiac? Me? Naaawwww, 13 is my LUCKY number!
Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of 13-wheel cars
Triticale: 3.56 quadrillion tribbles can't be wrong
Triumph is "umph" added to try!
Triumph is just "umph" added to "try"
Triumph: A little bit of try with a whole lot of umph
Triumph: The Risk Involving Useless Machinery Pays Heavily
Triumphal Procession - By Victor E. March
Trivia #23: Man falls into sewage pit, dies. WHAT were his last words?
Trivia Time: What goes, Uuuuh Uuuuh, I give, I give!!!!
Trivia Trivia I have to have my Trivia
Trivia: Roman diety of the crossroads. Represented with three faces.
Trivia: The USAF's Project Bluebook started life as "Project Grudge"
Trivia? This is vital knowledge. It might save your life one day.-KD
Trivial Pursuit: The name of Robert E. Lee's horse? Loser!
Trivial laws are promptly voted in; important ones never are
Trivial matters take up more time than the important ones because we know more about them
Trizzle, trazzle, truzzle, trome. Time for this one to come home
Troglodytism does not necessarily imply a low cultural level
Troi ! Ryker! DISENGAGE ! -- Picard
Troi Burger: (double decker)
Troi Burger: Double decker!
Troi Scale: I feel you need to be on a diet NOW GET OFF!
Troi adds "a woman's touch" to bridge decor.
Troi and Polaroid, the picture's developing.
Troi as Captain: "Duuuuuhhhhh..." -- Marina Sirtis
Troi followed the chocolates trail right into @FN@'s quarters
Troi gives Betazoid insight to something obvious - drink!
Troi of Borg - "All your dark milk chocolate will be assimilated."
Troi of Borg - "Answer me... how does assimilation make you feel?"
Troi of Borg - All your dark milk chocolate will be assimilated.
Troi of Borg - Answer me... how does assimilation make you feel?
Troi of Borg: "How would you feel about me assimilating you?"
Troi of Borg: ...And how did assimilation make you feel?
Troi of Borg: How does assimilation make you feel??
Troi of Borg: You're worried about being assimilated
Troi running the transporter, could be called an Energizer bunny?
Troi senses something really shocking - drink!
Troi to Enterprise. Beam down Lt. @LN@ and a six-pack.
Troi to Riker..."I feel something...BIG!"
Troi tugs trepidatiously towards tough torso territory.
Troi's personal log: "Stardate 44805.3, my mother is on board"
Troi, I'm your friend, and you tricked me! Yar
Troi, is drowing! I've got her, I'll do the mouth-to-mouth! --Riker
Troi, make yourself useful and go clean out the shuttle
Troi, make yourself useful and go clean out the shuttle bay. --Picard
Troi, please report to my quarters, clothing optional.
Troi: Captain, I sense millions of people staring at my cleavage
Troi: She's not just window dressing any more
Troi: "Captain, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage"
Troi: "Commander I need to come too..."
Troi: "He's thinking about my breasts again, Captain!"
Troi: @FN@, you don't have to speak _that_ close into my commbadge
Troi: Admiral will you sstop polishing mmmy commbadge?!
Troi: Ensign @LN@ wwill you sstop polishing mmmy commbadge?!
Troi: Ensign Koo will you stop polishing my combadge?!?!!
Troi: I feel pain! Anguish! No, that's just Kira again
Troi: I feel.....The BURN!!!! I sense smoke
Troi: Peter, you don't have to speak _that_ close into my commbadge
Troi:How was your date with Data? Tasha:Insufficient
Trojan - Storage device for replicating codes
Troll Appreciation Society, join today!!
Trolls redirected to alt.bridges
Troma presents `Reform School Viking Girls'. - Tom Servo
Trombone players DO IT in 7 positions.
Trombone players DO IT with slide action finger control
Trombone players DO IT with slide oil.
Trombone players do it in 7 positions.
Trombone players have bigger... instruments
Trombone! Must be 76 of them - Tom on dinosaur roar
Trombone: A slide whistle with delusions of grandeur.
Trombones do it faster.
Trombonists do it in 7 positions.
Trombonists do it in seven basic positions
Trombonists do it with better positions.
Trombonists use more positions.
Troops in Somalia were sacrificed due to bureaucratic incompetency.
Troops, there's no Christmas show this year, said Tom hopelessly.
Tropical Paradise by Kumon Iwannaf*ckya
Tropicana and the LAPD both have OJ in a can.
Trouble always comes at the wrong time
Trouble always follows Q? I thought R did.
Trouble always starts as fun
Trouble brings experience, experience brings wisdom.
Trouble in marriage often starts when a man gets so busy earnin' his salt that he forgets his sugar.
Trouble is only an opportunity in work clothes. - Henry J. Kaiser
Trouble is only an opportunity in work clothes. - Henry J. Kaiser
Trouble is usually produced by those who produce nothing else!
Trouble keeping it up Q? - 007 (Octopussy)
Trouble occurs: Everyone avoids you the day after the office Christmas
Trouble occurs: Everyone is laughing except you
Trouble occurs: Your horn sticks when you're behind 12 Hell's Angels
Trouble on the Promenade--more Bajoran bullsh*t!--Odo
Trouble that leads us to God is a friend
Trouble was he was going cool turkey. Cool, not cold. - DT II
Trouble was he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish
Trouble wi' th' replicators. --Dex, MPOS
Trouble will rain on those who are already wet
Trouble with a kitten is... eventually it becomes a cat.
Trouble with being punctual is nobody is there to see it.
Trouble with grammar have I, yes! - Yoda
Trouble with grammar have I. -Yoda-
Trouble with most neighborhoods? Too many hoods instead of neighbors
Trouble with political jokes is they get elected.
Trouble with political liberals is they get elected
Trouble with reality is there's no background music!
Trouble with uploaded mail packets? Try NUDUPS02.ZIP.
Trouble, trouble, toil and bubble. Hot lasagna, on the double.
Trouble-- The supply exceeds the demand
Trouble: Life's way of saying be careful, next time Death!
Troubled by dreams of werewolves and Sabbats, I slept.
Troubled by kleptomania? Take something for it.
Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live in eucalyptus trees
Troubles are like babies; they only grow by nursing.
Troubles are opportunities to grow. To make us better, not bitter.
Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing
Troubleshoot: Turn up the voltage - See what pops
Troubleshooting shortcut #1: Shoot the trouble.
Troubleshooting: if it gives you any trouble, shoot it
TroughtonDOS 2.0: "When I say RUN, RUN!"
Troulbeshooting: Solving problems with a Smith & Wesson
Trout va bien: Fish would be nice.
Troy to her boyfriend: "I feel something."
Truck Pulls: A sport for people who don't understand WWF
Truck Pulls: for people who cannot understand the WWF
Truck Pulls: for people who don't understand WWF.
Truck carrying toilets overturns...Police have nothing to go on.
Truck pulls -- for those who don't understand WWF
Truck pulls: For people who can't understand the WWF
Truck pulls: for people that can't understand wrestling
Truck? What truck? -- Indiana Jones
Trucker's Worst Nightmare - By Bridge Tulow
Truckers tell my wife to watch her language....what's wrong with that?
Truckin / got my chips cashed in
Trucks that overturn on freeways are filled with something sticky
True CE: Putting a bead of force in a kids marble bag
True Crime Conference: Rule #1: Keep it illegal
True Fact: Morton Downey appears on a Milk Carton!
True Friends have hearts that beat as one.
True Guts: Putting "Scott Dupuis" in your twit filter
True Happiness Depends on Close Alliance With God !!
True Headline: Searchers Find Big Ugly Child
True Headline: Tuna Biting Off Oregon Coast.
True Headlines: Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case
True Headlines: Iraqi Head Seek Arms
True Heroics must be carefully planned- and strenuously avoided
True Irishmen don't use Shamrocks, they use real rocks.
True Multitasking = 3 PCs and a chair with wheels!
True Multitasking: 8 PCs and a swivel chair!
True Religion Acknowledges Chocolate in Everything!
True Sadomaso conversation: "Beat me." "No."
True SysOps are Never satisfied with their systems.
True Trek fans have VCR's and satellite dishes and HDTV and
True ad: 8 bagels for $1.49. Limit 3.
True again. That's a funny statement, isn't it. <g> - Anna Steven
True believer: both feet firmly planted in the air
True character is measured by what you do when nobody is watching
True charity makes others' wants their own. - Robert Daborne
True contiguous memory... The final frontier
True dignity - Remaining aloof during a prostate exam
True ease from writing comes from art, not chance. -- Pope
True enlightenment is a radical goal.
True friends are friends to the end..and even after that
True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance. - Henry David Thoreau
True friendship is like sound health... The value of it is never known until it is lost
True gentleman: Owns an accordion, but doesn't play it
True gossip
True greatness knows gentleness
True happiness will be found only in true love
True headline: Man sues over mouse head in peanuts.
True headline: Organ expert impressed by ones here.
True heorics: carefully planned and strenuously avoided.
True horror - Hillary gets another three terms
True horror: The Pakleds turn Borg
True humility is contentment. H.F. Amiel
True identity is found when one loses oneself. (A.M. Lindbergh
True idiot-proofing is impossible - the idiots are so clever
True irreverance is disrespect for another man's god.
True is it that we have seen better days. <Shakespeare>
True is it that we have seen better taglines. --Tagspeare
True knowledge is modest and wary; 'tis ignorance that is bold and presuming. - Joseph Glanvil
True laziness is a man inside a woman waiting for an earthquake.
True leadership is the art of changing a group from what it is to what it ought to be. -- Virginia Allan
True life begins after kids leave home and the dog dies
True listening is love in action. <M. Scott Peck>
True logic is applicabe in every direction
True love becomes my freedom.<Wozniak>
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen
True love is the greatest thing in the world! - Miracle Max
True love is when you spend $50 for an operation on a $5 dog.
True love means sleeping in the wet spot..
True love...you cannot break it with a thousand swords
True meaning of PS/2. 1/2 a computer. OS/2, Half an Operating system.
True multi-tasking is having 2 or more computers at your disposal.
True multi-tasking: Eight PCs and a swivel chair!
True multi-tasking: 3 PCs and a chair with wheels.
True multi-tasking: Eight PCs, 7 clones, and long bench!
True multitasking is 3 computers and a chair with wheels!
True multitasking: Three PC's and a chair with wheels.
True multitasking: reading in the bathroom
True paranoia?? But even paranoids have enemys!!!
True programming: rebooting the machine after each crash
True protected mode: unplug keyboard and mouse!
True rejection is when your imaginary friends won't talk to you
True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. - Albert Einstein
True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be ignorant. * Unamuno
True science teaches, above all, to doubt, and to be ignorant.
True story
True swinging does not require ropes or vines.
True terror: A female Klingon with PMS
True terror: A female Klingon with PMS off her medication.
True terror: A female Klingon with PMS.
True victory gives love and changes the enemy's heart. - Ueshiba
True wisdom is found in Taglines, on T-shirts and on restroom walls.
True wisdom is the ability to admit how little you really know
True wisdom lies in knowing that you know nothing
True wisdom: Found in Taglines, on T-shirts and in fortune cookies.
True wisdom: Found in Taglines, on T-shirts and on restroom walls.
True, SysOps are not all amiable--but it's _THEIR_ BBS!
True, but Denara Pel tickled his fancy! Ä Robert Kohl
True, it's only a little dam. But, damn it, it's only a little river. - Edward Abbey
True, moderators are not all amiable--but it's _THEIR_ECHO!!
True, true. Ever considered padding for the rest of you?-Anna Steven
TrueCrime Conference: Rule #1: Keep it illegal...
Truely you have a dizzying intellect
Trujillo, you magnificent b*stard...I READ YOUR POST!
Truly great madness can not be achieved without significant intelligence
Truly great madness can not be achieved without significant intelligence. -- Henrik Tikkanen
Truly it is better to bend our knees than our elbows. Dr Bob
Truly simple systems ... require infinite testing. --Norman Augustine
Truly stupid wizards have the life expectancy of a glass hammer.
Truly you have a dizzying intellect. -- Dread Pirate Roberts
Truly your warm comments are welcome on this winter day
Truly, There is Often Much Truth in Taglines!
Truly, sir. Your kind words warm me on this winter day
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. -Westley
Truman's Law: If you cannot convince them, confuse them.
Truman: "The buck stops here!" Clinton: "The buck? It never got here!"
Truman: "The buck stops here!" Clinton: "The buck? It nev
Truman: "The buck stops here!" Clinton: "The buck? It never got here!"
Truman: The buck stops here. Clinton: The buck never got
Trump does it with cash.
Trumpet players DO IT with tighter lips.
Trumpet players blow the best
Trumpet players do it with a fanfare
Trumptricate - Trying to compliment an ugly; gift in a thank you note
Trumpy! You can do magic things!
Trumpy, no!
Truncate (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, Lorena"
Truncate n., to shorten by cutting. See also Bobbitt.
Truncate: See John Bobbitt
Truncate: The process of shortening a recipe to a specif
Truncated (v.) (1993): See "Bobbitt, John"
Truncated - What happened to the peanut at the zoo
Trunkate. (V) Female to Male sex change operation.
Truss strappers will be violated
Trust No One ... Deny Everything ... No One Is Safe
Trust - Two cannibals having oral sex.
Trust Bill Gates. Windoze is your FRIEND!.... NOT!!!!!!!
Trust Everybody, but cut the cards. - Finley Peter Dunne
Trust God, but always tie and watch your camel all night.
Trust Ivanova, trust yourself, shoot everyone else. - Ivanova
Trust Ivanova, trust yourself. Anyone else, shoot 'em
Trust Jesus: Don't be told to go jump in the lake
Trust Me. You wouldn't WANT to reverse-engineer a silk purse
Trust No One -- The X-Files
Trust No One ... Deny Everything ... No One Is Safe ...
Trust No One--Deep Throat, Fox Mulder, & me
Trust No One. Deny everything.
Trust a government which won't trust me with a firearm?
Trust everbody, but cut the cards
Trust everybody, but always cut the cards
Trust everybody, but always cut the cards. -W.C. Fields
Trust everybody, but cut the cards. -- Finlay Peter Dunne, "Mr. Dooley's Philosophy"
Trust everyone but use the virus scanner anyway
Trust everyone, but always cut the cards.
Trust everyone, then cut the cards
Trust him, but still keep your eyes open
Trust in Alla. But tie your camel
Trust in Allah, but tie up your Camel
Trust in Allah, but tie your camel. * Arab proverb
Trust in GOD, *and* tie your camel tight
Trust in God -- But tie your camel tight!
Trust in God _and_ tie your camel tight.
Trust in God and do something --- Mary Lyon
Trust in God but *do* something.
Trust in God but lock your car.
Trust in God, but backup your hard disk TODAY!!!
Trust in God, but lock your car.
Trust in God, but lock your car. -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Trust in God, but row away from the rocks. - Indian proverb.
Trust in God, but row away from the rocks. -- Greek Proverb
Trust in God, but row away from the rocks. -- Spanish Proverb
Trust in God, but tie your horse to a post
Trust in God--but tie your camel tight. Persian Proverb.
Trust in The Lord With All Thine Heart !!
Trust in me and fall as well
Trust in the Lord forever -- Isaiah 26:4
Trust in the Lord with all your Heart.
Trust in the Prohets my child, not the Tooth Fairy
Trust in the Prophets my child, not the Easter Bunny
Trust in the Prophets, but lock your runabout
Trust in the Prophets, but tie your Gunji Jackdaw. * Bajoran proverb
Trust is earned not *given* away! - Worf
Trust is good, but control is better. - founder of the KGB
Trust is only dangerous when you have to rely on it - Kerr Avon
Trust is the most valuable thing you'll ever earn.
Trust me I know what I'm saying
Trust me !! I know what I am doing !!! -=<<KABOOM!>>=-
Trust me - I know what I'm doing. -- SLEDGE HAMMER
Trust me - Just type INSTALL!
Trust me -- I'm a Lawyer.
Trust me -- I'm a doctor, not a congressman
Trust me @FN@ - if I pull you into it, I have reasons.
Trust me George, no one has any interest in seeing you on caffeine
Trust me I know what I'm doing!
Trust me YOU - if I pull you into it, I have reasons.
Trust me on this one, I'm medical
Trust me sir. Just run Windows on the Borg's network.
Trust me to get the hard one
Trust me when I say never trust anyone who says"Trust me"
Trust me! Would I lie to you... again?
Trust me! I know what I'm doing! <BOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!>
Trust me! I'll still respect you in the morning.
Trust me! Would I lie to you...again?
Trust me, I have no interest in your M&Ms
Trust me, I have no interest in your underwear. -- Sam Beckett
Trust me, I know how how this works
Trust me, I know what I'm doing. <BOOM>
Trust me, I know what I'm tagging.
Trust me, I work for the government :^).
Trust me, I'm a Senator. -- Tenzil Kem
Trust me, I'm a consultant.
Trust me, I'm a doctor
Trust me, I'm a lawyer.
Trust me, I'm a lawyer... <sound of automatic weapons fire>.
Trust me, I'm a politician
Trust me, I'm a senator
Trust me, I'm from the Child Support Agency. <evil leer>
Trust me, I'm from the Government!
Trust me, I'm your Sysop
Trust me, I'm your auto mechanic
Trust me, guys - duck. - Zeus Carver
Trust me, it's all part of the plan. -- The Mice
Trust me, it's always the red button! Spiderman
Trust me, it's more trouble than it's worth - B'Elanna
Trust me, it's more trouble than it's worth. - Torres
Trust me, kid - there's nothing to worry about. - Aahz
Trust me, this is going to be good. (Michael Jackson)
Trust me, would I lie to you
Trust me, would I lie to you.. TWICE?
Trust me, would I lie to you..... again?
Trust me. I know what I'm doing.......sometimes!!!
Trust me. I'm a Doctor. I know about these things.
Trust me. That's all I can say about my business. Al Pacino
Trust me. Your safety is at stake.
Trust me. <Riggs> That's usually my first mistake. <Murtagh>
Trust me. I know what I'm do{ { tx$@!% % NO CARRIER
Trust me. I work for the government.
Trust me. R. M. Nixon
Trust me. Your safety is at stake.
Trust me.. trust me.. trust me.. trust me.. trust me.. - Tool
Trust me... I'm a doctor. -- Dr. Destroyer
Trust me... Yes... Will I still be perfect tomorrow? - Paranormia
Trust me.... - Jake The Snake Roberts
Trust me......Never judge a book by its movie!!!!
Trust no government that wants to disarm its citizens.
Trust no one
Trust no one who says, 'Trust me.' -- Kane's Law
Trust no one, Deny everything -X -Files
Trust no one. The Truth is out there
Trust no one. -- Fox Mulder
Trust no one. --X-Files
Trust no one... - Deep Throat
Trust no one...and especially TV critics!
Trust none of what you hear and question what you see
Trust only those who have as much to lose as you when things go wrong.
Trust only those who would lose as much as you if things go wrong
Trust the Computer!.....The Computer is your FRIEND!!!
Trust the Corp.
Trust the Moderator, @TOFIRST@
Trust the Moderator, Gregg De.
Trust the PSI corp. The corp is your friend.
Trust the match stick! - Crow
Trust the moderator, Luke.
Trust the script
Trust the stunt man, Luke.
Trust the unexpected. - Robert J. Kriegel
Trust us. We're the government. We're here to help you.
Trust your Dispatcher...Your Dispatcher is your friend.
Trust your computer but not its programmer.ÿ
Trust your husband, adore your husband, and get as much as you can in your own name. -- Joan Rivers
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Trust your neighbors, but brand your cattle.
Trust yourself
Trust yourself, then you will know how to live. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Trust yourself. Trust Ivanova. Anyone else: Shoot 'em. --Ivanova
Trust: Two cannibals having oral sex
Trusting parents can be hazardous to your health - Calvin
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient
Truth - The Final Frontier
Truth = Fact. Belief = Belief. Belief =/= Truth!!
Truth Hurts, Promises Kill!
Truth Meister!: A few fries short of a happy meal.
Truth NEVER hurts those who are too stupid to see it
Truth Through Superior Firepower.
Truth Varies
Truth above all. When a man lies he murders some part of the world!
Truth angers those whom it does not fully convince.
Truth by Blatant Assertion
Truth can wait; he's used to it
Truth crushed to earth will rise again - but so will lie
Truth decay - The erosion of a public figure's credibility
Truth dies when politics begins.
Truth disappears with the telling of it. - Lawrence Durrell
Truth does not matter. Perception of truth does
Truth doesn't always win friends, but it sure does influence people.
Truth exists for the wise, beauty for the feeling heart.
Truth exists in ethnic reality
Truth exists independently of ideological imperatives.
Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented. -- GEORGES BRAQUE
Truth exists. Only falsehood has to be invented.
Truth exists. Only lies have to be invented. -- Georges Braque
Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now -- always. -- Albert Schweitzer
Truth has nothing to fear from examination.
Truth hurts - not the searching after, the running from
Truth in Sending
Truth in religion is simply the opinion which survived
Truth in the hands of a fool is more dangerous than any sword!
Truth is FREE, but the Life that made it so, was Sacrifice.
Truth is MUCH stranger than fiction
Truth is a hard master to serve, for the more devotedly you serve her, the more she hurts you
Truth is a shield that protects those who use it.
Truth is a small light the media covers up
Truth is a tendency. --R. Buckminster Fuller
Truth is a terrible habit... Don Juan DeMarco
Truth is a terrible habit... Don Juan DeMarco
Truth is absolute, lies are relative. - Mike McMullin
Truth is after all, so poorly lit. -Neil Peart
Truth is always beauty, but the hunger for it is. <Nadine Gordimer>
Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then, Life is dull without it. - Pearl Buck
Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is boring without it. - Pearl S. Buck
Truth is always straightforward. --Sophocles (B.C. 495-406)
Truth is an empty room.
Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.
Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies. - Ralph Emerson
Truth is elastic!
Truth is ephemeral -- all composite things decay
Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them. --Madeleine L'Engle (1918 - ), An Acceptable Time
Truth is false & logic lost, now the 4th dimension's crossed
Truth is false & logic lost, now the 4th dimension's crossed
Truth is false and logic lost
Truth is false and logic lost.: Rush
Truth is free, but information costs
Truth is generally the best vindication against slander - Lincon
Truth is great and it's effectiveness endures. Ptahhotep, 2350 B.C.
Truth is great, and its effectivenes endures. -- Ptahopte
Truth is hard to find and harder to obscure
Truth is in one's perspective
Truth is just another misconception.
Truth is less than truth until it is made known. - J.W. Wheeler
Truth is like incest--it's all relative
Truth is more of a stranger than fiction - Mark Twain
Truth is not having to remember what you lied about
Truth is not stranger than science fiction.
Truth is one's perception of reality.
Truth is our only weapon. - The Dalai Lama
Truth is our only weapon. <The Dalai Lama>
Truth is packaged by weight, not volume.
Truth is rarely pure, and never simple
Truth is revealed in the smallest detail. Nightbeat
Truth is shorter than fiction.
Truth is stranger than fiction
Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense.
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it will never be as popular.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction usually makes sense!
Truth is stranger than friction.
Truth is subjective, but vodka is Absolut
Truth is the burden I carry
Truth is the cry of all, but the game of few. -- Berkeley
Truth is the dare
Truth is the devil's fulcrum for launching his lies
Truth is the last thing folks want to hear.
Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it
Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it. -- Mark Twain
Truth is the network AKA for reality.sys
Truth is the safest lie. -Anon
Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Truth is very precious, so salesmen and politicians use it lightly
Truth is what's left over when you run out of lies.
Truth is whatever you want it to be. -Livingstone to Gary Aldrich
Truth is, after all, a moving target
Truth is, after all, so poorly lit
Truth is, and we must find it. - M. McMullin
Truth is. Belief is not required. - Gerry Roston
Truth is... you only know the lies. - Danzig
Truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is. - Nadine Gordimer
Truth isn't based on opinion but on THE Truth
Truth lies on the lips of dying men. -- Arnold
Truth lies within a little and certain compass. -- St. John
Truth needs no flowers of speech. - Alexander Pope
Truth never comes into the world but like a bastard, to the ignominy of him that brought her birth. -- Milton
Truth never hurts the teller. - Robert Browning
Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders than by the arguments of its opponents
Truth resides in supper
Truth stranger than fiction? Fiction has to be believable
Truth suffers from too much analysis
Truth suffers from too much analysis. --Ancient Fremen Saying
Truth unto paradox.
Truth will be out this morning. (Which may really mess things up.)
Truth will be shown to those who FOLLOW God's word.
Truth will come sooner out of error than from confusion.
Truth will come sooner out of error than from confusion. - Francis Bacon
Truth will make you free, but first it will piss you off.
Truth will out this morning. (Which may really mess things up.)
Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off
Truth will set you free, but it might piss you off first.
Truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion
Truth without love is too hard; Love without truth too soft
Truth's supply has always been in excess of the demand
Truth, for it's own sake, has never been a virtue. -- Kingsley
Truth, goodness and beauty are but different faces of the same all.
Truth, justice, and the American way! -- The Golden Avenger
Truth, like a girdle, is often stretched
Truth, like a torch, shines the more it's shook. -- Hamilton
Truth, like reality is a slippery thing.
Truth, like reality is such a slippery thing <Myra I Fox>
Truth, like reality, is a slippery thing.
Truth, like so many things, is not an absolute... but almost
Truth, like surgery, may hurt. But it cures. - Han Suyin
Truth, the first victim of the tyrant, books are second
Truth, when witty, is the wittiest of all things. -- Hare
Truth,Mainstream,Conservative,Think,Ourselves,..Party on RUSH!
Truth: A lie told very convincingly by Bill Clinton
Truth: I bought it for my aunt. She died.
Truth: My husband threatened to divorce me if I kept it
Truth: My mother-in-law sent me this. I hate her
Truth: The quality of accuracy (wrt reality) of a model
Truthful This life is a test
Truthful, adj.: Dumb and illiterate. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
Truthful: Dumb and illiterate
Truthfully, I don't know if we can get back. --La Forge
Truthophobics love President Clinnochio.
Truuuuust me... I have other things that are much, much better. -Amy
Try Manuals out, after all possible keystrokes have failed.
Try "S" - that's for SPEAK WITH
Try Accoustic, the *REAL* alternative music!
Try And Try Again - By Percy Vere
Try BlackHole -- The ultimate compression utility!
Try Borg Dry. "Beer is irrelevant."
Try Borg Dry. Why is irrelevant.
Try C*R*A*Z*Y, and _I_ wouldn't object!
Try Champagne on a clit..it's GREAT !!!!!
Try Clarion for REAL database Development!!
Try Dbase 1.0! It's loaded with "Features"!
Try DesqView/X under any kind of DOS.
Try Dr. Bashir's exciting new board game: Trill Pursuit
Try Dragon's Egg Mead.
Try Ed McMahon's Budweiser ice cream
Try Fart Ignition.
Try Megumi Bears--the snack that bites YOUR head off!
Try Megumi Bears--the snack that bites YOUR head off!
Try Milk of Amnesia - when you need to forget
Try Modem Bran--the high Cyber Cereal
Try NEW and IMPROVED...TAGLINE...from the makers of Tagline Barbie!!!
Try PCBoard 15.2 - Wildcat 4.0 Killer !!!
Try Polly Locket for yourself today. (Polly Locket USA, 1987)
Try Preparation H-Bomb. For your Nuclear Piles.
Try Preparation H-Bomb. For your Nuclear Piles.
Try Sanity Lite, Half the marbles of normal sanity!
Try Tag-X Pro - for inserting multiple Taglines per message!
Try To Resist Unnecessary Capitalization.
Try Try again
Try Win'95 and you'll never use DOS again... or the rest of your PC!
Try Windows for a good night's sleep while you wait and wait.
Try Windows, it's easier than learning something.
Try Windows... for a good night's sleep while you wait...and wait
Try Your Best, Then Steal The Rest, .....Snipit
Try `stty 0' -- it works much better.
Try a Betazoid wedding dress. Hell, ya can't beat the price!
Try a high-pitched sonic shower. It'll make you feel better! - Dax
Try a high-powered sonic shower -- Dax I did. -- Bashir
Try a little kindness. As little as possible.
Try a little tendernes, it usually does wonder...... Dalai Lama
Try a new lease on life, and the landlord raises the rent.
Try a non-Federation frequency. Kira
Try a seafood diet- you see food, you eat it!
Try adding some spaces! Three to be exact!
Try again, Captain. Torres
Try again.. all four barfed
Try again: Handbook not read error
Try and TAME me
Try and concentrate on the really important things in life. Schindler
Try and get some sleep. - Mulder
Try and kiss me, and I'll break your arm.--Garibaldi to Londo
Try and make yourself as comfortable as possible. - Picard
Try and move her spine around as much as possible. -- Crow
Try and present a modicum of civilty
Try and steal@R@this tagline!
Try as they might they cannot steal your dreams -Rush
Try being polite to your enemies ... drives `em nuts!
Try boosting the annular containment field. - Dax
Try bungee sex to put the bounce back in your love life!
Try changing the layout of this microprocessor, Tom chipped in.
Try cooling coffee by holding it closer to your heart.
Try diplomacy, but if they won't listen, blow them away!OJW
Try everything once except folkdancing and incest.
Try everything once, except incest and folk-dancing
Try everything once.. Try the fun stuff again
Try genealogy. You can't get fired and you can't quit!
Try hailing the array. Janeway
Try hitting it harder this time.
Try inverting the narrowband filter. --Ensign Harry Kim
Try it that way and your mail should go through ok.
Try it with your big toe, instead.
Try it, it tastes like Chocolate
Try it, it tastes like chicken.
Try it, you'll like it! -Mac-
Try it, you'll like it. Trust me.
Try it, you'll like it. - O'Brien
Try it. Go _ahead_. - Quark
Try it. It's `bound' to be fun.
Try it. The most it can do is not work
Try it.... Y
Try it.... You might Like it
Try joining the Neo-Nazi skinheads, you might find love there. NOT!
Try later.
Try looking in the files section
Try me on, I'm very you.
Try new enriched STUFF - Crow
Try not to be afraid, you're supposed to be a soldier. - Col. Potter
Try not to be jealous of my ability - Lore
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein
Try not to confuse you with what you do to survive
Try not to eat anyone without cherishing and praising them first.
Try not to forget your telephone number.
Try not to forget your telephone number. - Forrest Gump
Try not to get any hickeys! Double R
Try not to have a good time - this is supposed to be educational
Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational. -- Charles Schulz
Try not to have a good time, this is supposed to be educational.
Try not to let implementation details sneak into design documents.
Try not to let your mind wander. It is to small to be out by itself.
Try not to listen to the music. -- Tom Servo
Try not to read TOO much between the lines
Try not to salt thy salt. For it is salted afore.
Try not to screw up. This will amaze everybody. -- Forrest Gump
Try not to sound too disappointed. Odo to Quark
Try not to spill your rum drink on Mai Tai.
Try not to unnecessarily or excessively split infinitives
Try not to work so hard. Aren't you supposed to be retired!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try. - Yoda
Try one Mister Vulcan. It might help to loosen you up. -- Neelix
Try one Mister Vulcan...it may loosen you up.
Try orange juice and Milk of Magnesia and get a Phillips screwdriver.
Try our NEW *SOLAR POWERED* tanning salon!
Try our new Jack Rabbit Beer. It's got lots of hops
Try our new dehydrated water
Try our new dehydrated water! Just add ...uh...er
Try our new line of supermodel-programmed Genesis bullets!
Try punching walls, I hear it works wonders!
Try punching walls... I hear it works wonder on the restraint! - TEQ
Try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket then giving Fido only two of them.
Try salt water, F---brain!- Warlock
Try salt water, F---brain!- Warlock
Try some of the Persian No, I'll just split a diet Tabby.
Try something less risky - like recording Enochian rap
Try striking a match on jelly, mister
Try switching to RADAR! - Crow as TV signal flickers off
Try that baby talk on me, I'll cold cock ya - Tom to Mike
Try that baby talk on me, and I'll cold cock ya! -- Tom Servo
Try that refreshing new feeling - THINK!
Try the *latest* in PhobosWear. Open midriff optional!
Try the ALL NEW Pfaff 7550! It'll keep you in stitches!!!
Try the Bobbit Diet...lose six inches overnight!
Try the Bobbitt Bar. They cut you off after three drinks.
Try the MILES O'BEEF! -- Tom Servo
Try the MILES'O'BEEF! - Tom on deli menu
Try the Moo Shu Pork. It is especially good today.
Try the RELIGION echo...They profess to have all the answers anyways!!
Try the cleaning power of Leminkainen in your rinse cycle
Try the fall back end run play against ghosts
Try the gray stuff, it's delicious!
Try the morphine. It's excellent today!
Try the new Bobbit cucumber... it slices itself.
Try the new TARDIS hard drive: Bigger inside than out!
Try the power of positive thinking!
Try the salad bar... it's to die for! - Modo
Try these chili peppers. They'll put hair on your tongue. - Klinger
Try this Simm chip, Windows. Bet you can't eat just one.
Try this chicken. It tastes just like rattlesnake.
Try this tagline, free. No salesman will call.
Try this. I haven't tested it, but I think it will work.
Try to Fix the Mistake - Never the Blame !!
Try to act with a bit of decorum, this is a posh place.
Try to be a man of value, rather than one of success
Try to be neat; fall only in designated piles
Try to be the best of what you are, even if what you are ain't no good.
Try to be the best of what you are, even if what you are is no good. - Ashleigh Brilliant
Try to be the best of whatever you are, even if what you are is no good.
Try to calm down!-HoloDoc DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!-Neelix
Try to calm down. Doctor
Try to catch also the similarities. Not only the differences
Try to crawl home after the computer crashes
Try to cross brains with Spock & he'll cut you to pieces everytime
Try to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock. --Ben Hecht
Try to die strangely so your outline will look cool
Try to die strangely so your outline will look cool
Try to display minimum cerebral activity when you think.
Try to divide your time evenly to keep others happy.
Try to establish a life style that does not require your presence
Try to explain Lover's Nuts to today's youth.
Try to explain a chocolate soda to today's youth.
Try to explain a flint and steel to today's youth.
Try to explain a slideruler to today's youth
Try to explain a telegram to today's youth.
Try to explain a vacuum tube to today's youth.
Try to fix the mistake...never the blame.
Try to fix the problem, not the blame
Try to fix the problem...never the blame
Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try!
Try to get all of your posthumous medals in advance.
Try to get back on topic, @TN@ said moderately
Try to get back on topic, Ronnie said Moderatingly
Try to get back on topic, Tom said moderately.
Try to get one on the bullseye. O'Brien
Try to get our brother Tommy out of the Badlands - Joel
Try to get rid of junk mail, but income tax forms arrive.
Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich
Try to have as good a life as you can under the circumstances
Try to have getaway money - but don't be fanatic about it.
Try to hold still. The Doctor
Try to imagine Lorena Bobbitt getting a another date.
Try to laugh at your problems. Everyone else does
Try to live forever or die in the attempt
Try to look inconspicuous - they may be low on fighters!
Try to look unimportant - they may be low on ammo.
Try to look unimportant because the bad guys may be low on ammo.
Try to look unimportant, the enemy may be low on ammo.
Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo WAITER! there's soup in my fly!
Try to look unimportant, they may be low on ammo.
Try to never run out of altitude, airspeed, and luck all at the same time!
Try to please everybody, and nobody will like you!
Try to reason about love and you will lose your reason.
Try to relax and enjoy the crisis. -- Ashleigh Brilliant
Try to remain objective: you are a thinking substance.
Try to remember when life was so tender
Try to run try to hide break on through to the other side
Try to run, but my feet have been nailed to the floor
Try to see it my way. Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. - Lennon/McCartney
Try to set up an adaptive interface link... - Sisko
Try to stay with me, @F. - Dogbert
Try to take our firearms and we will take your life.
Try to think positive today, you will feel better for it!
Try to value useful qualities in one who loves you.
Try vodka and Geritol and have a Tired Bloody Mary.
Try walking in my shoes. >:->
Try! Baby try to trust in my love again. I will be there.
Try, Try Again - By Getty Trite
Try, try again, Mr. Wint. - Mr. Kidd (D.A.F.)
Try.....a _harmless_ suggestion. - Kirk
Try? Do or do not. There is no try. -- Master Yoda
Try? Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try
Tryed to keep it down...but there was nothin I could say'
Tryin' out that new Polish utility: Doski
Tryin'to spice up our sagging relationship -Frank to Dr.F
Trying Megareader, I have doubts
Trying To Establish Voice Contact - Please Yell Into The Keyboard
Trying out for the javelin retrieval team.
Trying their best is natural to a Scout.
Trying to add and subtract with this.
Trying to attain vast power and world domination again? Bad dog!
Trying to be happy is like trying to build a machine for which the only specification is that it should run noiselessly
Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth
Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. -- Alan Watts
Trying to establish voice contact ... please ____yell into keyboard
Trying to find a good tagline
Trying to find my wife's good side; still circling
Trying to find myself... Anyone seen me lately?
Trying to get an education here is like trying to get a drink from a fire hose
Trying to learn about software is like trying to nail Jello to a tree
Trying to program in MS-DOS is like trying to play tennis in a closet.
Trying to program in MS-DOS is like trying to shave with a chain-saw.
Trying to reason with hurricane season
Trying to reason with hurricane season... - Jimmy Buffett
Trying to recover from another wild weekend.
Trying to run ANYTHING on a mainframe could be terminal
Trying to save my soul tonight, Oh, it's nobody's fault but mine"
Trying to save the Canadian Taxpayers a buck!
Trying to sell a product you have never used is like tryi
Trying to sell a product you have never used is like trying to sell a belief you have never believed in
Trying to squash a rumor is like trying to un-ring a bell.
Trying to teach a pig to sing wastes your time and annoys
Trying to teach a pig to sing, 1.annoys the pig 2.Wastes your time.
Trying to think of a better tagline
Trying to think of a good tagline
Trying to understand modern art is like trying to follow the plot in a bowl of alphabet soup
Trying too hard to impress people can make one seem amazingly foolish.
Tsalmoth maintains though none knows how.
Tsalmoth maintains though none knows how. - Steven Brust
Tschoellitsch, target your blaster at the nearest Moderator AND SHOOT!
Tsk, tsk Lucas Tanner - Tom to David Hartman
Tsk, tsk Mr. Forsythe - Crow
Tsk, tsk Nelson - TV's Frank to Mike
Tsk, tsk, tsk, FN -- how long will it take?
Tsuki ni kawatte, oshioki yo! - Sailor Moon
Tsunami: something liquid this way comes
Tu est restee trop longtemps au soleil aujourd'hui
Tu me rende malade!
Tuba or not tuba?
Tuba players DO IT deeper
Tuba players do it with big horns.
Tuba players do it with big instruments.
Tubas are a bit too much.
Tubas do it deeper.
Tubby or not tubby, fat is the question!
Tubby, or not tubby? Now THAT'S a question!
Tube radios SMELL NICE.
Tube-powered? Must be a Macintosh
Tube-powered? Must be an IBM!-Bob
Tubed the Apple River with Sally Jesse Rapheal? - Tom
Tubular Zylophones by Mike Oldfield
Tuck under thumb and hold firmly.
Tue Dec 10 20:25:39 EST 1991 þ
Tuene? Atque cuius exercitus?
Tuesday After Lunch is the cosmic time of the week
Tuesday afternoon is never ending. Ä Beatles
Tuesday is Human Sacrifice Day at the Sizzler -- Tom Servo
Tuesday is the Wednesday of the rest of your life
Tuesday one day, Wednesday the next!
Tuesday's Human Sacrifice Day at the Sizzler!
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Tuesday, Molly--I PROMISE! <flagellating myself> - Anna Steven
Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack
Tuesdays are Human Sacrifice Day at the Sizzler! - Joel
Tug Of War - By Paul Hard
Tug of War: Paul Hard
Tugging on your shirt isn't a very effective way of fighting crime
Tula berries, Quark. Tula berries. - Nagus
Tulough speaks the truth, Doctor. --Kamelion, "Caves of Androzani."
Tum Serpico - The Innumerable Names Of Tom Servo!
Tum de tum da-da ala ba boom! Ha! You're singing!
Tumblebat - Apparel stuck at the top of a clothes dryer
Tumbleweed: Colorado Tribble.
Tumbleweeds are oversexed.
Tumor - A extra pair
Tumor - more than one
Tumor............. An extra pair.
Tumor: A request for an extra pair
Tumor: More than one.
Tumor: A request for an extra pair.
Tumor: More than one.
Tumour -- an extra pair
Tums spelled backward is Smut. H. Dolphin
Tuna doesn't taste the same without the dolphin.
Tuna doesn't taste the same without the mercury.
Tuna just doesn't taste the same without dolphin
Tuna nut
Tunar - Sonar-like device in Kat food that causes Kats to appear
Tunar, Sonar device in cat food , causing cats to appear.
Tunar: Sonar-like device in cat food that causes cats to appear.
Tunar: Sonar -like device in cat food that alerts your cat
Tunar: Sonarlike device in can that causes cats to appear.
Tunar: sonar-like device in cat food that attracts cats.
Tune in again next time for
Tune in again tomorrow, same Bat time, same Bat channel!
Tune in next week when Gypsy, Crow, and Tom Servo visit Deep Space 9!
Tune in next week when Victor gets a papercut!
Tune in next week when young Jean-Luc says the letter: Q!
Tune in to Sanity FM. -- Rimmer
Tune in, turn on, & drop out
Tune in, turn on, and be friends with EX-Mayor Barry.
Tune in, turn up, rock out
Tune that ADF to the John Boy & Billy big show
Tune to MSNTBC, because it's where the action is!
Tune to the Fairley OddParents on MSNTBC!
Tunes in the distance
Tunes in the distance
Tunes in the distance
Tuning in shortwave with a TV antenna.
Tuning the kernel doesn't
Tunnel vision, no compromise.
Turbo C++ : Blowing the DEPENDS off of Pascal programmers
Turbo Pascal for WINDOWS? Borland's betrayed me!
Turbo Pascal my true speech pattern
Turbo Profanity: The universal programming language!
Turbo Tax raids the Quicken directory.
Turbo X programmers are blind - they do not "C" !
Turbo is marketing for "add 20"
Turbo taglines rule!
Turbo-Tax took money out of my Quicken directory.
Turbolift Temporarily Out Of Order - Please Use A Transporter
Turbolift button for 10-Forward? "Space Bar" of course!
Turbolifts have a really low maximum weight limit.
Turbulence: Light, Moderate, Severe, and Oh My God
Turdy always told me he wanted to be buried "at sky". - Filbert
Turgon Is The Master Of Level 12
Turkeys aren't those funny grey keys you know
Turkeys can't fly unless they are on Airforce One!
Turkeys would rather walk *through* an electric fan than around it.
Turkish Minerals - By Asa Miner
Turkish Minerals: Asa Miner
Turlough speaks the truth, Doctor. --Kamelion, "Caves of Androzani."
Turn Me On Dead Man.
Turn Right for the Cannonball Run
Turn Your 486 Into A Gameboy : Type BINKLEY.BAT At The C:\ Dos Prompt
Turn Your Head And Cough - By Olden Mcgroin
Turn Your Head and Cough - Norman Rockwell
Turn a 486 into an XT--Install Windows 3.1
Turn a 486 into an XT: Just add Windows!
Turn a blond upside down & U get a brunette w/bad breath?
Turn an XT into a 486: RAM card and about $4000.00!
Turn around and walk the razor's edge.. The Pass
Turn around chicky baby.
Turn back the clock and you're history.
Turn breasts outward, and uncover gently... - Julia Child
Turn down the treble, Tom intoned.
Turn down your air guitar.
Turn down your guitar
Turn down your lights -- where applicable
Turn his back on his best friend, if he put her down. - Percy Sledge
Turn in a gun, get a free Tagline.
Turn in a stolen Tagline, get a free gun.
Turn it off and watch him sweat.
Turn it off! Turn it off! It's sucking out my will to live!
Turn it off! Turn it off!!! - Dr. F viewing movie
Turn it up!!
Turn it up!!, Louder! Now I can't hear you!
Turn left here, hon. I should have know he needs a map.
Turn of the telly, you know it's bad for your eyes
Turn off a computer: Hey babe,I'm a Leo! Whats your sign?
Turn off computer: SHUT-DOWN. Turn on computer: SHUT-UP?
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
Turn off the telly, you know it's bad for your eyes
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream. - J. Lennon
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream.
Turn off your mind, surrender to the Void.
Turn off your minë, relax and Ÿ³•àç ë•wïsçrˆàm
Turn on computer: SHUT-UP?
Turn on some unrelated electrical equipment - Crow
Turn on some unrelated electrical equipment... -- Crow T. Robot
Turn on the Radio. ok, I love you Radio
Turn on the Radio. O.K., I love you, Radio.
Turn on the computer! Rub it and whisper "I love you"!
Turn on the lights @TOFIRST@... the party is just beginning!
Turn on your flood lights - Crow sings on lighted freezer
Turn on your love lava. Turn on your lava light
Turn on, Tune in, and Reformat.
Turn on, tune in, and take over. -- Tim Leary
Turn on, tune up, rock out. - Billy Gibbons
Turn out the lights, the competition's over
Turn over a new leaf...re-boot your brain.
Turn over and read directions
Turn right at the end of the runway...speed and altitude permitting!
Turn right here. No! NO! The OTHER right!
Turn right, boy, and you're gonna eat concrete! - AJ Foyt.
Turn that music down, you little...! - Old Dexter (DL)
Turn the Enterprise into a lighning rod? Picard
Turn the dial left 22, right...- Crow
Turn the key off...your mouth is still running!
Turn the other cheek. -- Jesus Christ
Turn the page, Brother, turn the page. Rom
Turn the page, ya fathead! þ Spike Jones
Turn the record player down, said Tom disquietingly.
Turn the sucker over, and whack it!
Turn them into tripods? Whatever for???
Turn you into a self-pitying sissy pants - TV's Frank
Turn your 2400 modem into a 300 - Use Terminate on an XT!
Turn your 286 into a VGA pop-up toaster with Windoze!
Turn your 386 into a paperweight! Install OS/2!!
Turn your 386 into an XT, use Windows!
Turn your 386 or 486 into a Gameboy! .. type WIN at C:\>
Turn your 386SX into an XT, just add Windows 3.0
Turn your 386sx in to an XT: Just add Windows 3.
Turn your 486 into a GAMEBOY: type WIN at the DOS prompt
Turn your 486 into a GameBoy, at the DOS prompt enter WIN
Turn your 486 into a Gameboy! .. type WIN at C:\
Turn your 486 into a Gameboy, type WIN at the C<
Turn your 486 into a Gameboy, type WIN at the C:\>-*- SF-Quick/BW 1.00r
Turn your 486 into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\>
Turn your 486 into a Gamegear: Type WIN at C:\
Turn your 486 into a gameboy, type OS2 at the C:\ prompt.
Turn your 486 into a gameboy, use Windows
Turn your 486 into an XT - just add Windows!
Turn your 486 into an XT, run Windoze!
Turn your 486 into an XT, use Windows!
Turn your 486 into an XT--just add Windows!
Turn your 486 into an XT. Type C:\OS2\boot /OS2
Turn your 486/50 into an XT - Run Windows 3.0.
Turn your 486/66 into a Gameboy.. Just type WIN.COM
Turn your PC into a DC-10: add OS/2 and then crash!
Turn your PC into a Gameboy, type WIN at the C:<
Turn your Pentium into a GameBoy...Run Windows 95
Turn your Pentium into a Gameboy: Type WIN at the C:\> prompt
Turn your Pentium into a ZX81 - just add windoZZZzzzzz!
Turn your Pentium into a gameboy! Type WIN at C:\
Turn your Pentium into an XT - use OS/2!
Turn your Pentium/100 into a 4 MHz XT: use Windows!
Turn your V.32bis into a 300 baud modem--Use Kermit!
Turn your afterburner off! You're melting my radome
Turn your computer off Luke, use the force.
Turn your crank to FRANK! - Dr. Forrester
Turn your enemies into friends by doing something nice!
Turn your face away from the garish light of day... - The Phantom
Turn your head and koff. No Sir!..Turn your head and Koff!
Turn your knob to BOB!
Turn your laptop 486 into a Gameboy - type WIN at the prompt
Turn your laughing box upside-down
Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light... - The Phantom
Turn-a off tha bubble machine!--Freberg
Turnabout's fair play 8)
Turnaucka's Law: The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord
Turned in all my guns and got an autographed picture of Jane Fonda!!
Turned in my guns, all I got was these crummy leg-irons.
Turned my robots into self-absorbed little poseurs - Mike
Turned over a new leaf, but underneath were the same old habits!OJW
Turning 30 isn't traumatic. It's when a 17 year old calls you "sir."
Turning a simple meal into a bizzare ritual
Turning floppies into hard drives.
Turning in for the night, Captain? Kim
Turning into a little war-glorifying sociopath, aren't we, Bobby?
Turning me into a pinata - Dr. Forrester
Turning my crank to FRANK? - Mike
Turning my crank to FRANK? -- Mike Nelson
Turning out Tarzan for my jungle Jane.
Turning the other cheek is vastly overrated.
Turning your back on cats is to turn your back on life
Turnitoffita - The noise a film makes to tell you its over
Turns out Clinton *DOES* want to take away our guns.
Turns out that Liza Minnelli impersonator was really Liza Minnelli!
Turns out the bread truck guy was Jesus - Tom
Turns out, Frank here's a little puss! - Dr. Forrester
Turtle Racing - By Eubie Quick
Tusseman's Law: Nothing is an inevitable as a mistake whose time has come
Tut Ench Amun was Nofre Taete?
Tut ench ammun was nofre taete? oder tut rams es?
Tut tut! young man! that's the oldest excuse on papyrus.
Tut, Tut, my boy, that's the oldest excuse on papyrus
Tut, tut, chaos is come again!
Tutto il mondo Š paese
Tuvok of Borg: "You will be assimilated logically and efficiently."
Tuvok: It would take several hours to explain everything in this room
Tuvok: I hate FORDS!
Tuxedo Mask, you're so gullible. - Zoisite
Tuzno ali istinito
Tv repairmen DO IT with a vertical hold.
Tvoj ludi sin je raskanto masinu !
Tvrda stolica je stvar ukusa
Twas Brillig and the Slithy Toves
Twas a brave man who first ate an oyster...or an egg.
Twas brillig and the slivey toves
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed to have a battle.
Tweet tweet, twiddle twiddle
Tweety Borg. Weesitance is fewtile..baad ol'puddy tat!
Tweety Captioned for the Puddy Tat Impaired
Tweety of Borg: I taht I taw a Picardycat.
Tweety of Borg: Poor Puddy-tat! He got assimiwated!
Tweety of Borg: You wiww be assimewated!
Tweety of Borg: I taht I taw a Picardycat.
Tweety of Borg: I tawt I attimilated a Puddy Tat!
Tweety of Borg: Poor Puddy-tat! He got assimiwated!
Tweety of Borg: You wiww be assimewated!
Twelfth Month - By Dee Sember
Twelve Death Knights in full plate? - I close the door!
Twelve Death Knights?! I close the door.
Twelve Pansy Men - Mike on jury
Twelve lines should be enough, now BEND OVER
Twelve months ago I couldn't spell OS/2
Twelve year old truth serum......Scotch Whiskey
Twenty Dollars for one card? That sounds reasonable. - Collector
Twenty Percent of Zero is Better than Nothing
Twenty Percent of Zero is Better than Nothing. -- Walt Kelly
Twenty Something -- The cost of a sitter for Saturday night.
Twenty Yards to the Out-House, by Willy Make-it
Twenty Yards to the Out-House, by Willy Make-it
Twenty degrees and a hockey game's on.
Twenty five thousand gropos are hardly inconspicuous - Garibaldi
Twenty five thousand!?!?! - Sheridan
Twenty killed in 21 gun salute - film at 11
Twenty killed the best way ahead of Chimpanzees!
Twenty minutes into the future
Twenty years from now I'll look back on this and laaaaugh.
Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage make her something like a public building. -- Oscar Wilde
Twenty-eight percent of the rain forest is now furniture
Twenty-four hour banking: I just don't have time for it
Twenty-four hours, 24 beers
Twice and twice shall he be marked - Dragon Prophecy
Twice five syllables / Plus seven can't say much but / That's Haiku for you.
Twice monthly Modems guidelines message
Twice nothing is still nothing. Cyrano Jones
Twice the Dragon for the price he must pay
Twice the strength of those other leading national brands.
Twice the sugar! Twice the caffeine!!!!!!
Twice the sugar, twice the caffine -- Jolt.
Twice to live and twice to die. - Dragon Prophecy
Twice to love and twice to hurt... - Dragon Prophecy
Twice: once too often. Ambrose BierceTwin Geeks: Richard Heppell Killed Laura Palmer
Twiggy bra: --<><>--
Twiggy bra: ----
Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things... - Yoda
Twin Geeks: Richard Heppell Killed Laura Palmer
Twin birth: infant replay
Twin powered weasels - Crow
Twin seater plane crashes into cemetery, so far 967 bodies recovered
Twinkies are not sentient in any way we can understand
Twinkies do not have a half-life, they just keep going and going.
Twinkies have a half-life, but Ding Dongs are eternal
Twinkies have a half-life, but Velveeta is eternal.
Twinkies have a shelf-live .. Velveeta goes on forever!
Twinkle Yell! - Sailor Chibi-Moon
Twinkle twinkle little star, are you the Celestial Temple from afar
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Wonder what you really are.
Twinkle, twinkle little Earth. How I wonder what you're worth.
Twinkle, twinkle little star, I don't wonder what you are. For by the spectroscopic ken, I know that you are hydrogen
Twinkletips - Shiny fingernails from buttered popcorn at the movies
Twinklies have a half-life, but velveeta is eternal.
Twist & Creme, internal security force - Tom on cop cars
Twist-offs sure make for easier decapitations
Twisted Fiend! No four walls can hold STPENDOUS MAN! - Calvin
Twisted Sister asks US to keep the noise down.
Twisted Sister of Borg - Yes, your gonna take it! (Assimilation)
Twisted enough to make pretzels jealous
Twisted mind? Join the Twisted Minds Association!
Twisted mind? No, just bent in a few strategic places.
Twisted mind? No...just bent in several strategic places.
Twisted mind? No, just bent in a few strategic places.
Twisted pear???
Twisted: n. What happens to writers that get anywhere near Voyager.
Twit *.*, typed the Moderator, smiling...
Twit List! Never judge a man by his taglines
Twit filter not found; Load file BASEBALL.BAT? [Y/y/y]
Twit of the Year 1994. Congratulations!
Twit tagline list eliminates unwanted taglines.
Twit: Person who thinks FRICCATIVE is an obscene gesture.
Twitch! Twitch! -- Tom Servo
Twitch! Twitch! - Tom
Twitfilter, where art thou
Twitting is futile. I will just post under an assumed name!
Two "C" Words: Custer and Conservative.
Two & three & four & jab & pop - Tom on fight scene
Two *can* live as cheaply as one, but only for half as long
Two Amiga's ?? You have Bookends, very nice.
Two Beers or not two Beers !
Two Betazoids walk into a bar. One says I'll have the same.
Two Bier are not two Bier?
Two Blondes in a Volkswagen: Farfromthinkin'
Two CC's should do it.
Two Curlies, fighting for supremacy! -- Dr. Forrester
Two Curly's fighting for supremacy - Dr. F
Two Day Reply, or your money back!
Two Facts:(1) There are gods (M/F). (2) You are one!
Two Geminis in bed: Does that make a Foursome???
Two Great Tennesseans: Charlie and Jack Daniels
Two Kinds Of People I Can't Stand: You, And Everyone Else.
Two Knights walk into a bar: "Oops!" KLANG! "Ouch!" BING!
Two Little Girls by Rolf Harris
Two Lost Clusters Found In Writer's Brain
Two Minds But with a Single memory! Max Headroom
Two ROMs don't make a write
Two Sisters Reunited after 18 Years in Checkout Counter
Two Soul Hunters. Did someone book a convention without telling me?
Two Soviet Ships Collide, One Dies
Two Thousand Pounds! - By Juan Ton
Two Tolkien references in one day. Auntie Ayn is going to get jealous
Two Trills fighting: a slugfest?
Two Types of People: Those who finish what they start and
Two Vulcans in bed: "But will you respect me in 7 years?
Two Wheel, One World
Two Wolfensteins don't make a Doom
Two Wolfensteins don't make a Doom
Two Words: Carrie Fisher
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Do
Two Yankees In Mexico - By Peregrine Gose
Two and one is three, carry one is four.
Two apples plus two oranges = two pairs
Two are lost, sir, but we saved four. --Riker
Two bad things that go worse together! -- Tom Servo
Two banks with different rates have a conflict of interest.
Two beer or not two beer
Two beer or not two beer (shakes beer)
Two beers away from a beautiful day.
Two beers times 37 men = 49 cases.
Two big thumbs way up...well, way up WHAT?-Michael Jackson
Two big thumbs way up...well, way up WHAT?-Michael Medved
Two birds in the bush flock together.
Two bits shy of a word.
Two blondes in a VW. Now thats Farfromthinkin!
Two blondes in a Volkswagon: Fahrfromthinken
Two blonds in a Volkswagen: "FARFROMTHINKEN"
Two blonds in a Volkswagen: farfromthinkin.
Two brains. One is lost, the other is out looking for it
Two can Live as Cheaply as One for Half as Long. -- Howard Kandel
Two can live as cheap as one ... they usually need to
Two can live as cheaply as one for half as long.
Two can live as cheaply as one what?
Two can live as cheaply as one, for half as long.
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other,"Does this taste funny to you?"
Two cans, Per man, Per day, Perhaps
Two cars in every pot and a chicken in every garage.
Two cats are a circus, three a coup, six a revolution
Two cents here, two cents there, but I keep on <G>'n!
Two centuries ago when a great man appeared, people looked for God's
Two chapters short of a novel.
Two cheerleaders ended up married, they met by chants.
Two coin collectors gathered for old dime's sake.
Two corpuscles making love in vein:
Two cows were gossiping. Said one: "I herd it through the bo-vine."
Two criteria for success are to rise early and to have a good tan.
Two days ago I saw a vehicle that'd haul that tanker. If you want to get outta here, you talk to me. - Mad Max
Two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday
Two dead Teckla on your pillow - Loiosh
Two dead and one wounded = 2.5 dead bodies?
Two dead and one wounded or 2.5 dead bodies. <G>
Two deadly killers.....dope traffic
Two definitions of first-degree murder--depending on your sex.
Two definitions of self-defense: one for men, one for women.
Two degrees off square.
Two depraved elements in the universe: Feminists & Lawyers.
Two dings I hate, See dis? Suckas dat can't count
Two dominant male-women fight for supremacy - Mike
Two down, and twenty-nine to go!
Two down, one to go. - Q
Two dumbs; know too much, know too little!!
Two elephants fell off a cliff. Boom Boom.
Two eyes see better than one - Mauritania
Two fast food kingdoms...one ruled by a King, the other a Clown
Two feet on the ground are worth one in the mouth
Two founding peoples is a political invention!
Two full screens with no taglines is NOT good.
Two game wardens, seven hunters and a cow... - Tom Leher
Two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow.
Two good talkers are not worth one good listener. Chinese Proverb
Two great American narcotics: Alchohol and Christianity.
Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity
Two great Tennesseans: Charlie and Jack Daniels.
Two great ingredients: liberty and immigrants!
Two great talkers will not travel far together.
Two guys walk into a bar *clang* *clang* "OOF!" "OW!"
Two guys walk into a bar . . . the third guy ducks.
Two guys walk into a bar. Why didn't the second one duck?
Two guys walk into a bar... *clang* *clang* "OOF!" "OW!" -SLR
Two hands and just one mouth... - now THAT'S a drinking problem!
Two hands working do more good than a thousand clasped in prayer.
Two heads are better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
Two heads are better than one.
Two heads are better than one. John Heywood (1497-1580)
Two heads are better than one. So drink more beer.
Two heads are better than one...unless you're schizophrenic.
Two heads are more numerous than one.
Two heads are more numerous than one. -- Tom Weller
Two hearts that beat as one. -Halm
Two horse power - Crow as car is towed by horses
Two important numbers: 9600, 69
Two inches taller than spherical.
Two is company - Three's the result
Two is company, three is a crowd.
Two is company, three is an orgy
Two is company, three is an orgy! Check out the Fantasy Conference!
Two is company, three is an orgy.
Two is company, three is more fun
Two is company, three is the result
Two is company. Three is poor birth control!
Two is company. Three is the result. Two is liberalism
Two is company; three is FANTASTIC!
Two is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2. -- Grabel
Two is not equal to three, even for large values of two
Two kind of people in this world - winners\losers.
Two kinds of pedestrians... The quick and the dead!!
Two kinds of pistols: Lugers and EVERYTHING else! - Wayne Thompson
Two kinds of trouble in this world - living\dying.
Two ladies went for a tramp in the woods, but he got away.
Two little porkers went to congress: Gingrich and Gramm (OK, big)
Two lives left. I think I'll save one for next Christmas.
Two lost cluster's found in the writer's brain!
Two maggots were fighting in dead Ernest.
Two may keep counsel, if two be away. Heywood (1497-1580)
Two men hating each other is immoral, unnatural and disgusting
Two men look out through the same bars; one sees mud, and one the stars
Two men looked through prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars.
Two men stood alone on a pier - Mike
Two men walk into a bar. You'd think one would notice
Two men walked into a bar, dunno why the second one didn't duck
Two million years is about average for second-class post. - Holly
Two minds with a single memory. -- Max Headroom
Two minutes in the punalty box for gross punning.
Two monologues do not make a dialogue
Two monologues do not make a dialogue. -- DeNever
Two monologues do not make a dialogue. ÄEdsil Murphy
Two monologues don't make a dialogue
Two months to select my jury and they found me guilty in 17 seconds
Two more dead redshirts, and we'll have reached our quota
Two more words: Harrison Ford
Two most common elements found in the universe: Hydrogen & Stupidity.
Two most common elements hydrogen, stupidity
Two most common elements in the universe - Hydrogen & Stupidity
Two most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen & Taglines.
Two most common elements: Hydrogen & Stupidity
Two most common elements: bad dates & expensive movie tickets
Two most common elements: hydrogen and stupidity.
Two most common things in the universe: Male and Female.
Two most uncommon elements in the world: Peace & Love.
Two new faces to be placed on Rushmore: Bill Clintons
Two nuns and a blonde? Two tight ends and a wide receiver
Two of perfect virtue: one dead, the other yet unborn.
Two of the great minds in history: Harris Dodle and Playd
Two of the greatest gifts we can give are children roots and wings.- Hodding Carter
Two of the most common elements: hydrogen, stupidity
Two of the ripest tomatoes in town - Crow on geeky girls
Two pages short of a novel
Two parts sludge, one part solid ice, one part hard packed snow, a dash of assorted debris. Sculpt into sphere and serve at high velocity without warning. - Calvin
Two peanuts went to New York. One was assaulted.
Two peanuts went to New York. One was assaulted.
Two peanuts were walking through the New York. One was assaulted
Two people can screw in a lightbulb... but in a REALLY big lightbulb.
Two people choke on one person's vomit - Tom on CPR scene
Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being teased
Two percent of zero is almost nothing.
Two persons in every one in Woolwich are schizophrenic
Two phrases: Money talks. Chocolate sings
Two pints make one cavort!
Two rights don't make a wrong, but three will get you back on the freeway.
Two rights don't make a wrong, they make an airplane.
Two rules for success in life: 1. Don't blab everything you know
Two rules for success: 1. Don't tell everything you know.
Two rules: don't sweat small stuff, everything's small stuff
Two rungs don't make a right, but ten Rungs make a ladder!
Two saucers short of a tea-service.
Two scoops of raisins MY A$$!!!
Two scoops of raisins, my ASS! - Joel
Two seals fell off a cliff. Arf Arf
Two sheep short of a sweater.
Two shipwrecks passing in the night. - Cathy
Two signs in a gas station window: Help wanted, Self service. - s.w.
Two silkworms were having a race, but it ended in a tie.
Two silkworms were in a race. They ended up in a tie
Two skeletons making love on a tin roof.
Two socks short of a pair.
Two soviet ships collide, one dies.
Two steps back - spin - one steps forward - grin - Do the Clinton!
Two suits short of a full deck (a half-wit).
Two suns in the sunset.... could be the human race is run
Two sure things in life: 1) There is a God. 2) You're not Him.
Two sure ways to tell a REALLY sexy man; the first is, he has a bad memory. I forget the second
Two synonimous "H" words, Homosexual and Hate.
Two tacos short of a combination plate.
Two tails are better than one.
Two telepath walk in a bar, one says: "I'll have the same"
Two terms only for congresscritters; one in office - one in jail.
Two things I don't like: people who can't count.
Two things I hate. People that can't count.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but about the universe I am not sure. -- Albert Einstein
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... -Einstein
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Churchill
Two things are infinite; the universe & human stupidity. - Einstein
Two things are universal--- Hydrogen & Stupidity
Two things are universal: hydrogen and stupidity.
Two things happen as we age; you become forgetful, and... and
Two things happen as we grow old; We forget stuff, and... and... uh
Two things in life that we're never prepared for: TWINS!
Two things inspire me to awe - the starry heavens above and the moral universe within. - Albert Einstein
Two things that can't help you: Altitude above and runway behind!
Two things you give your children: roots and wings
Two things you never report to the government: cash payments and UFOs
Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half, just doesn't care.<Bild>
Two thirds of PROMOTION is MOTION.
Two times and it has rendered me punch drunk and without bail. -STP
Two tin cans and a string, that's all you need
Two to beam up. - Kira
Two to the power of one hundred thousand to one against and falling
Two to transport Mr. Starbuck...oops wrong show!
Two toos are better than none
Two tours and I never saw ONE 18 year old soldier.
Two trains + one diamond = A "Gem" of a cornfield meet!
Two trains on a 500 mile dual main will meet where one track is out.
Two truths: 1) God exists, and 2) You're not Him
Two types of people: Those who finish what they start and those
Two types of people: bagpipers and innocent bystanders!
Two undeniable truths: 1) God exists 2) You're not Him.
Two voices are there: one is Jed, one is Al; each is a drunken voice.
Two ways to drive a Hummer: Get rich or join the army.
Two wedding rings. The worlds smallest pair of handcuffs
Two weeks later, I left Vietnam. Forrest Gump
Two weeks with Sune for all.. boy, the things she could teach =)
Two wet fools who forgot to knock. - Washuu
Two wet tribbles having sex: :
Two will enter, but ONE MUST FALL
Two words kid: Foster Home - Tom
Two words of advice: EN JOY -Dr. Forrester to Mike & Bots
Two words, Brain! Hakuna Ma-- - Pinky
Two words, Tick. Chick Magnet. - Der Fladermous, about moustache
Two words, kid: Foster Home. -- Tom Servo
Two words... Hakuna... Matata... - Pinky
Two words.Militant Halflings.
Two words: Bite me! -- Crow T. Robot
Two words: Closed casket! -- Joel Robinson
Two words: Get over it! -- Dr. Forrester
Two words: sugar rush. -- Chris Peterson
Two words: Synth Ale
Two words: transporter liposuction
Two worms in one host will kill each other. - Scully (1x08)
Two wrights don't make a rong, they make an airplane. Or bicycles
Two wrights don't make a wrong. They make an airplane
Two writes don't make a novel!
Two wrongs are only the beginning.
Two wrongs are only the beginning. --Kohn
Two wrongs do not make a right, it takes three or more.
Two wrongs do not make a right:
Two wrongs do not make a right: it takes 3 or more!
Two wrongs do not make a right: it usually takes 3 or 4.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights make a left
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they can make it even
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they come DAMN close!
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they damn sure make things even.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a GREAT excuse
Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse. -- Thomas Szasz
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do!
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrights made an aeroplane
Two wrongs don't make a right, it always takes three or more.
Two wrongs don't make a right--three lefts do.
Two wrongs don't make a right. A left and a U-turn does!
Two wrongs don't make a right. Neither do two Clintons.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Try three.
Two wrongs don't make a right. It usually takes three or four.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Try three.
Two wrongs don't make a right; try three or more
Two wrongs may make a right but two lefts don't!
Two wrongs may not make a right, but three lefts do
Two wrongs never made a right, but two Wrights made an airplane
Two wrongs... are only the beginning.
Two zips & we're nekkid! - Crow on couple in jumpsuits
Two! Two!
Two's a crowd, and three's an adult movei!
Two's a crowd, and three's an adult movei!
Two's company and three's the result.
Two's company, three is an adult movie
Two's company, three's kinky
Two's company, three's the result!
Two's company...A schizophrenic is a crowd.
Two's complement, three's accrued
Two's complement. Three's a crowd
Two, four, six, eight; being Gay is as good as Straight!
Two, ten, eleven. Eyes, fingers, toes. - Gomez Addams
Two-Faced? Is that when a multiple personality gets drunk?
Two-dimensional spacial continuum lifeforms detected in mail packet!
Two-face and Riddler. Special two card subset of the Clinton set.
Two-handed sword: (n) A useful tool for alignment problems.
Two-legged, humanoid robots are virtually impossible to create. - Lucca
Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
Two. There ain't not many of us left. - Rubber Duck, Convoy
Two: one to point a phaser at it and the other to changing it!!!
Twoscore and seven years ago, our forefathers brought forth ENIAC.
Twr:"Are you the 747 or DC-10?" DLH403:"AH...wait one."
Txs = Thanks
Ty Cobb wanted to play but we couldn't stand him alive
TyHoIuS aIrSe Ag SeUtBtLiInMgI NvAeLr yT AsGlLeIeNpEy
Tyche, Goddess of Destiny
Tylenol is not for drinkers.
Tyler's thinking about my breasts again, Captain! - Deanna Troi
Tyler's thinking about my breasts again, Captain! - Deanna Troi
Type "/G" to access the SysOp menu!
Type "ATDT 999" for more help.
Type "C:\format.com LPT1" to kill your printer
Type "Format c:" and then presse ENTER
Type "WIN [ENTER]" and loose!
Type "WIN" - guess what, you lose!!!
Type +++ ATH0 to continue
Type +++ ATH0 to start engine
Type /G to access the SysOp menu!
Type ATDT 0 for more help.
Type I diabetics shouldn't be so holier than thou
Type Kwon Do: Asian art of defensive posting.
Type WIN and loose!
Type faster! We only have space for 57 characters!
Type hard. You are making 1,932,247 copies.
Type louder, please
Type me more, it makes my disk hard!
Type softly and use a fast modem.
Type softly, but carry a big tagline.
Type to ya later!!
Type unto others as you would have them type unto you.
Type your tagline below:
Typed on my Ultra Megger Wallet Whammer.
Typed with all the speed of a striking slug!
Types of sneezes: Banker: Cash-shoo!
Types of sneezes: Chocolate: Herrr-shey!
Typesetters DO IT between periods
Typesetters DO IT with perfect composure
Typesetters do it between periods.
Typesetters do it with em's and en's.
Typhoid Mary not found .'.@).$.E.' NO CARRIER
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
Typical Bill Gates reprimand: "That code is ORIGINAL!"
Typical Bynar Ping-Pong Score: 10101 to 10011
Typical Canadian: "Who's Rush Limbaugh?"
Typical Government - $500,000,000 for a plane you can't see.
Typical Government - 500 Million bucks for a plane you can't see.
Typical Klingon thinking, take what you want & destroy the rest!
Typical engineering - measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, and cut it with an axe
Typical engineering - measure with micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with axe!
Typical humans, you can always count on them to mess things up.
Typical landing party: Kirk, Dr. McCoy, Spock and Ensign Monsterbait
Typical of lawyers...take a tagline...and give nothing in return.
Typical old lags, the lot of 'em.
Typical road trip with a headliner - Crow
Typical suburban house...nice carpets, fireplace..moving walls.. - FM
Typical!So typical! - Q
Typin, typin, typin, keep those fingers typin
Typing -adj., the art of turning on bathroom light to see the keyboard
Typing all of your message in capitals is SHOUTING!
Typing and spelling by others
Typing class would be a lot easier if I had 6 fingers on each hand.
Typists DO IT without wrinkling the sheets.
Typists do it with their fingertips.
Typists do it without wrinking the sheets.
Typo through the tulips with me.
Typographers do it with tight kerning.
Typographers rule, OQ.
Typoo-poo...A rash of typos.
Typos are always good for a luagh.
Typos? Blame my cat.
Tyranasaurus Rex: A 20 ton roadrunner from hell. -- Adair
Tyrannical moderators are jokes. Don't be a joke.
Tyrannosaurus Dex on the Island of Babes With Low Self-Esteem
Tyrannosaurus Rex was a dinosaur loser, and triceratopped his own choke.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: A 20 ton roadrunner from hell. -- Adair
Tyrannosaurus Sex!: Ted Kennedy in a purple Barney suit.
Tyranny is always better organized than freedom
Tyranny: a criminal organization masquerading as a government.
Tyranosaurus in mirror is closer than it appears.
Tyrant Lizard Weds TimeLordLyricist. Filk at eleven. Flames at twelve.
Tyrant of the Potatoes - By Dick Tater
Tyrant: an IRC Bot.
Tyrantiswhoress Hex: Vulgar Latin for Hitlary Duldrum Klinton
Tyrants are militiaphobic.
Tyrants do it to their whole country.
Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind. - Charles Caleb Colton
Tyrants like an unarmed populous.
Tyrants mistrust the people,hence they deprive them of arms.-Aristotle
Tyrants never trust armed and knowledgeable citizens
Tyrants seldom want pretexts. -- Burke
Tyre Shop sign - We Skid You Not.
Tyre shop sign "We skid you not"
Tyrell Corporation: More Human than Human.
Tysen's Chicken is in the Oval Office
T„glich h”ren tausende auf, zu rauchen. Sie sterben
T“ sem imagina‡„o pra TAGs
T br¢n orm
t --- na und?!? ES MACHT SPASS!!! }8-))))
t h i s t a g l i n e m a d e b y L H A R C
t is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
tHE cAPS-lOCK kEY dOESN'T ever ACT UP!!!!
tHe mAsTeR wIlL bE pLeAsEd... -- Torgo
tHàt!ll t‚’ch 'emß
taH pagh taHbe' (Hamlet vang wej 'ay'vang loS)
taH pagh taHbe' - Thought Master William epetai-Shakespea
taH pagh taHbe'-- Hamlet Act III, scene i (To be, or not to be)
tact: Remembering a woman's birthday, but forgetting her age.
tact: The unsaid part of what you're thinking.
tag line deleted, it was a crap one you've all seen before.
tagline 1 I really miss Bluewave!
tagline for bottled water
tagline is Cloak Captioned for the Romulan Impaired.
tagline is Cloak Captioned for the Romulan Impaired.
tagline is Delyria affected This by.
tagline. This is a moebius tagline. This is a mo ...
taglines !?!?! We don't need no stinking taglines !!!!..
taglines I've stolen, never meaning to send...
taglines are great!! especially HARD ones!
taglines on educational institutions
taglines reflect a bias. I also have my Rush Limbaugh taglines in here as
taglines reflect a bias. I also have my Rush Limbaugh taglines in here as
taglines you might like and hope to see your posts again sometime! =)
taglines, "Road Kill Cafe" taglines and "Greetings from" taglines that
taglines. RPG/Medieval pretty much = D&D in my book.
take a picture it lasts longer.......
take forceful action: Do something that should have been done a long time ago
take in the extent of my sin
take me between, and leave me there.
take the skin and peel it back now doesn't that make you feel better?
take your weapon...strike me down with all of your hatred...
takes one to know one
taking cyberspace by Force!
talent or hard
talking `bout my t-t-t-tagline g-g-g-generation!
talking `bout my t-t-t-tagline g-g-g-generation!
talking on the phone, who with? Your drug dealer? - Sheriff to FM
tap tap tap Is this thing on?
tar Rodgau/Germany +49-6106-79819 (2:2465/311)
tasteful words. You might have to eat them.
te sam noci spavalo pod sankom da se ne bi osecalo strancom.
te sam noci spavalo pod sankom da se ne bi osecalo strancom.
teG I drawkcaB eroM ehT oG I drawroF eroM ehT
tease me, taste me, treat me...in other words...make me purr!
technicolour yawn
technik .. who knows ?
technik .. who knows ?
tedious blah, blah blah
tell THAT to Jadzia - Kira
tell THAT to Jadzia - Kira
tell her I've been working out; I'm buff! - Frohicke (FS)
tell me somethin I don't already know
tell when the Sysop's out of town.)) `Nuff to drive him & me crazy!
tendency to grab those types of tags. :) Hope you can use some of the
termitory: Final resting place of termites.
terra incognita. [Lat.]
terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side
terrified, like his passengers
tesko vrijeme za matore prijatelju moj
test test test and retest
testing the new tagline submission page
th!$ is Y8uL taGL!nE on dLugf.
th!$ is Y8uL taGL!nE on dLugf.
th-th-th-th-That's all, folks!
than with his mouth to kiss her naked arse
thank you for turning a simple transaction into a bizzare ritual
thanks a lot. this fixed up everything
that ever took place. If you enjoy these (and they aren't too abusive
that he was devoured by a mythological jaguar-spirit?--Scully
that large bound volume we sent you, labeled Exclusions. -Insurance
that name no longer has any meaning to me
that part of me isn't here anymore
that was "Interrogation in d".
that was over twenty-four hours ago when I was young and foolish
that which does not kill us, serves to make us strong
that you would like since you like the Kung Fu shows -- it is
that's what friends are for
that, easy! My Net/Web/etc. board was hacked in to, and the said hacker
thats ho the cookci crumble!
the Borg! Quick--look useless! Act like President Clinton.
the Borg! Quick--look useless! Act like President Clinton.
the CANDU reactor runs on 64Kb of memory!
the Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society
the Emperor is coming here?...we shall double our efforts...
the Enterprise is of Paramount importance
the Fights and a rugby Game broke out.
the FlashROM was about $25 extra, and I wasn't
the Gorge: Just say no to 5.0
the Hell?! Tom Servo, you're naked!
the Highway of Life is always under construction
the Lollypop. She's a good ship. Riker [Arsenal of Freedom]
the Mayo Clinic, named after its founder, Dr. Ted Clinic ... -- Dave Barry
the Minbari Triluminary device is an artifact not created by Minbari
the PC - and Mathematics As Well. ... Pentiums melt in your
the Panda. (It's currently published by Antarctic Press). It's also a
the Russian epic "Cinderella"
the above does not necesarily reflect common sense.
the abyss gazes also into you
the answer my friend, is blowing out the end
the assumption that Americans are just empty vessels...-FM (3x23)
the average cucumber is at least six inches long
the blind have been blessed with security
the book was now a nest and the poems were eggs
the case has been tried -- by the jury inside.
the case is to be made inactive - Skinner about MS's murder
the church of jimmypockets will rise above the rubble
the computer room no one can hear you SCREAM!
the computer room no one can hear you SCREAM!
the curtains flew and then He appeared
the daisies.. 'Elp! 'Elp! I'm being repressed!
the dyslexic Borg wants to laminate my WHAT??!?!??
the exact point I made several weeks ago
the first duty of a citizen is the preservation of freedom!
the first fall hurts. The others harden.
the first thing you do in the morning is sort last night's tags
the game is in you and you are the master......
the game isn't made with these bugs (i don't think....) purposly.
the game isn't made with these bugs (i don't think....) purposly.
the glorious failures and the glorious victories
the god of lies? - Vash They meant it affectionately. - Q
the graffiti that can be written is not the eternal graffiti
the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas. - C-3PO
the haemoglobin protein breaks down and - SPUNG! - you're dead.
the head which at this time has no name. Kurgan "I know his name."
the heat come 'round and busted me for smiling on a cloudy day
the invisible man
the jungle swarms with green apostrophes
the keyboard and the chairtthe loneliness of sweet conceit
the link...by which we all cross to our own true nature - Mulder
the little serving maid with great big knockers! Ä Dirty Vicar Sketch
the loneliness of sweet conceit
the me that you know he don't come around much
the me that you know used to have feelings
the message is up there--whatcha reading this thing for?
the mighty Jabba asks why he must pay $50,000
the most toys {on credit} at the end wins
the music album took the sea by storm. It was released during the monsoon period.
the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting
the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting
the new African-American UNIX interface: Malcolm X-Windows
the new, inexperienced new kid on the block
the night was dark as pitch or coal,
the only people we hate more than romans are the Judean Peoples Front
the problem with cats? one word: HEAT!!!!
the puck sneaks past a stunned @LN@!
the raping of the innocent you know the ruiner ruins everything he see
the relational distance between bodies before bad juju happens. -zf-
the rich control the government, the media, the law - Queensryche
the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words
the senatre republican leader is speaking, tom aid dolefully
the ship is no longer tilting, tom said listlessly
the silent night will shatter from the sounds inside my mind
the snow slithered down like a pair of badly made nylons
the song was wordless; the singing will never be done. Sassoon
the stars will all go out, and you and I will simply fly away.
the station that is all cool all the time
the station that kids want to here
the story of a man who could only count to one
the sun is shining and all lifts are working ... pity about the snow
the sun is shining and all lifts are working ... pity about the snow
the sun is shining and all lifts are working ... pity about the snow
the sun is shining and all lifts are working ... pity about the snow
the telecom hummed, went SPUNG! and stuck out a tab
the things love can drive a man to
the ticking of freshly minted seconds--REAPER MAN
the two words a guy hates are 'don't' and 'stop' except when you put them together
the ultimate law of the universe,Murphy's Law,it's not even a good idea
the voyages of the Starship Charmaine.Its mission to ask questions
the walls are made of flesh
the way I get my adrenalin...I get it from performing... - Dione
the widow that you're the deceasd's gay lover.
the world in ONE MONTH!"
the worst thing about censorship is ±±±±±±±±
the wsOMR, a new telemicroscope for viewing cyberspace.
theater critic: One who stones the first cast.
them back where they came from.
them up from scratch, or modified them from another source
then *my* HD is all but dead! <*gloom*>
then God said, "I know where you sleep."
then Lancelot, Robin and I will jump out of the Rabbit
then again, all good things must come to an end. --Q
then i want you to throw me away
then it would RULE! -Butthead
then quite sudenly, I realised life was hillarious!
then used ATZ.
then we sat on the sand for some time and observed
then we'll see you in hell
there are countless formulas for pressing flowers
there are powers that should not be disturbed...--Mulder (TDB)
there are three things that come next, uh four...
there is a QWK remedy for the BlueWave disease.
there is a world beyond our own; unseen but powerful...--Mulder
there is no proof without truth.
there may be a tagline in that somewhere. - Russell Harland
there theyR,every color of the rainbow..black,white,brown
there's a deeper wave than this
there's a little Buddha in all of us. His Holiness - the Dalai Lama
there's no sun up in the sky ... Stormy wea-ther ... :)
theres feline flesh all over the road, tom said categorically
theres nothing like a view from the cheap seats
they are not underlings; they are other nations...--H. Beston
they are. Everyone is weirder than others think they are
they don't really Like warm beer - they got Lucas fridge
they heard the Voice of HaShem El*him walking in the garden Gen.3
they work with their women. And force them to wear clothing!?!
they'll be no 'tribble' at all. Scott
they'll brutally ravish you and every woman in the castle! -Edmund
they'll brutally ravish you and every woman in the castle! -Edmundtthey're afraid of you; of your relentlessness. - Scully to Mulder
they're cousins, identical cousins
thez wud bi ey funne tagliin ef Ai coold spel.
thiS iS YoUL modEM 8U dLUgs
thick George. He's got a brain the size of a weasel's wedding tackle
thing that make you go Hummm ? 24 hours in a day 24 beer's in a case
things Not to say to a naked guy: Are you cold?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Are you cold?
things Not to say to a naked guy: At least this won't take long.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Aww, it's hiding.
things Not to say to a naked guy: But it still works, right?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Can I be honest with you?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Damn, I hate baby-sitting.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Did you date Lorena Bobbitt?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Ever heard of clearasil?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Eww, there's an inch worm on your thigh.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Have you ever thought of working in a sideshow?
things Not to say to a naked guy: How sweet, you brought incense.
things Not to say to a naked guy: I didn't know they came that small.
things Not to say to a naked guy: I hear excessive masturbation shrinks it.
things Not to say to a naked guy: I'll go get the ketchup for your French fry.
things Not to say to a naked guy: I've smoked fatter joints then that
things Not to say to a naked guy: Is that a second belly button?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Is that an optical illusion?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Is this a mild or a spicy Slim Jim?
things Not to say to a naked guy: It looks like a night crawler.
things Not to say to a naked guy: It's a good thing you have so many other talents.
things Not to say to a naked guy: It's more fun to look at.
things Not to say to a naked guy: It's ok, we'll work around it.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Let me go get my tweezers.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Look, it fits my Barbie clothes.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Maybe, if you get me real drunk first.
things Not to say to a naked guy: My last boyfriend was 4" bigger.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Never mind, why bother.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Oh no, a flash headache.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Oh, I didn't know you were in an accident.
things Not to say to a naked guy: So this is why you're supposed to judge people on personality.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Thanks, I needed a toothpick.
things Not to say to a naked guy: This explains your car.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Were you neutered?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Where's the rest of it?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Why don't we just cuddle?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Why don't we skip right to the cigarettes?
things Not to say to a naked guy: Why is God punishing you?
things Not to say to a naked guy: You know they have surgery to fix that.
things Not to say to a naked guy: You must be a growing boy.
things Not to say to a naked guy: Your big gun is more like a BB gun.
things Not to say to a naked guy:Wow, and your feet are so big.
think bigger do better.
think different
think the percentages were wrong?
think the percentages were wrong?
think the percentages were wrong?
thinking beyond the limit
thinks he's worth.
thinks he's worth.
thinks in lower case and types accordingly
thinks, or doesn't <g<.
this ain't a real TagLine . . but it looks pretty close, `eh?
this bit here says 'I don't think we're in UNIX anymore Toto'... -- me
this dog-eat-dog world is sure enough gettin' old!
this fight is not a choice, but a Calling. - Mulder (Grotesque)
this form ist what Odo accepted by HIMSELF! :-)
this is a test of the emergency tagline syst&*(&^@# NO CARRIER
this is as close as I've ever gotten to it. - Mulder (Pilot)
this is only a hobby...only a hobby...only a hobby...only a ho
this is something that just can't be understood.
this is the Swamp Thing vs. the Sweet Thang
this is your last chance Jabba...free us or die!...
this isn't meant to last this is for right now
this isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery! -- Monty Burns
this mean I am getting another message to my sysop :-
this message was written by pouring warm tea on a ouija board.
this page deliberately left blank
this page intentionally left blank
this tag wastes your time and mine...
this tagline is a Gareth-Free-Zone ...
this tagline is busy...Due to teenagers....
this tagline is encr *&^TNMG&YG*^&y978mjy,&*Y(NM7y80
this tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message
this tagline's made for stealin', an' that's just what you'll do
those better angels of our nature... - Mulder
those of us who do.
though in general I approve of people being naked
though it all looks different now, I know its still the same.
thought and reality in fifty five characters.
thought, "What the hell good would that do?"
three days without Trek, life becomes meaningless.
through your stuff. --Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts
throw in a jar a of Grey Poupon and you got a deal.
throw in a jar a of mayonnaise and you got a deal.
throw in a jar of mayonnaise and you got a deal. - John DeChancie
thump thump thump Is this thing on..?
tick tick tick tick tick <Go Ahead, Steal Me> tick tick tick tick
til you come back to me, thats what I'm gonna do
till we have built Jeruselum... --Bashir and OBrien
time passes
time: The subtle thief of youth.
tin cans and a string....
tisina odzvanja kroz noc
tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a' ("Do you speak Klingon?")
tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a? (Translation: Do you speak Klingon?)
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD muvta'wI' jIH
tmp files are having never to say [ckdsk]
tmp files never die...NEVER !
to actually work as intended
to be Frank, you'd have to change your name
to boldly go where no mallard has gone before! - Darkwing Duck
to boldly take a writer where none has gone before!!!!
to criticize the competent.
to do is change the names - the slings and arrows remain.
to err is human, to forgive is unusuale.
to exit Windows. Try the door.
to express my self infront of others
to feel the heat of your heart so soft on my chest
to feel the heat of your heart so soft on my chest
to get your New World Order, just send SASE and freedom to the U.N.
to help other people at all times... -- portion of Scout Oath
to him who himself has power and blessedness
to keep myself physically strong... -- portion of Scout Oath
to keep myself...mentally awake... -- portion of Scout Oath
to keep myself...morally straight... -- portion of Scout Oath
to make it upward compatible.
to make your dreams come true, start by looking out your window.
to order your New World Order, just send SASE and freedom to the U.N.
to say NOTHING about Sun Ra & his Solar Astro-Infinity Arkestra!
to sorta get to a place a bunch of people were just yesterday
to sto bih bio nebo zna, voljela me nije ni jedna
to the mating pits, as I am vivaporous.
to the south there lies the tales untold... (Electric Light Orchestra)
to the sysop for no reason sometimesFor your approval
to the wolf with the red rose?
to write online, or not to write online... That is the Question!
to you by the letters O, S, and the number 2.
to_C || !to_C
today tomorrow forever a princess! - unless u havnt seen the other side of me
today.Confucius say: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
today.Confucius say: Man who has woman on ground has piece on earth!
todays weather:DARKfollowed by widely scattered light, IN THE MORNING!
together Are you suggesting that coconuts are migratory?
tolerance for stupidity, and a bulldozer when necessary
toliko zena koje sanjare
toliko zena koje traze tvoju pomoc
tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I! P.F
too wiks aygo, aye cudt spll geeneollojist and now i r wun!
top it off with a red-hot Nazi Spy (that's a big pie)
tops eht tih t'nseod dna gnillik sseL :THGIL DUCS
torpedos missed the Death Star's
torpedos missed the Death Star'sttough guy: One who has his tatooing done by a stone mason
toucan: Two-seater outhouse.
tough guy: One who has his tatooing done by a stone mason.
tough neighborhood: Where kids use barbed wire for dental floss.
towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it
transvestite: A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary.
trapped inside a rool of disillusion
travel, n.: Something that makes you feel like you're getting somewhere
trazim ritam u koraku, usporavam ti hod
tread so light so not to touch the grass
trebaju mi nocas neke drage zene.
trim your beard. [Lev. 19:27]
trouble with a kitten's that -eventually it becomes a cat
trust no one, especially the one you see in the mirror
truth will finally and powerfully prevail." - Tom Paine
try adding some spaces! Three to be exact!
try to forget this/try to erase it from the blackboard
try to kill it away but i remember everything
try to laugh about it now but it isn't funny how everything works out
trying to open a bbs on an 80 Meg harddrive, and I pointed
turn a blond upside down & U get a brunette w/bad breath?
turn your 486 into a Gameboy, type WIN at C:\>
turn your 486 into a Gameboy, type WIN at C:\>
turned into an 8088! ... Pentium processor finally
tvoje ruke u neskladu izmedju zbilje i sna
twiddle my thumbs jst for a bit, sick of all the same old sht
twit *.* typed the moderator, smiling.
two beers, or not two beers... --Shakesbeer
two dead-ends and you've still got to choose, Tom Waits
two game wardens, seven hunters, and a cow. - Tom Lehrer
two soviet ships collide, one dies
ty: HEAL, H_E_A_L_ah!!
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Randall Woodman.
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