Listing for other.tags tags

 I love the women's movement - especially from behind! 
Ào-À>À-Theft Proof Tagline <hehe>
 But does Bo know double diamonds? 
 +  =  if you're not careful
 å - Thats ok son it'll grow
 Chipmunks roasting on an open fire... 
 ...Like a Tagline/Stolen for the very first time... 
 All My loving...I will send to you.....
 Denise was a woman who thought she was a Tagline... 
 Folks, they wanna have Taglines! 
 HELP.. I need a Tagline. HELP.. Not just any Tagline. 
 I come from Alabama with a Tagline on my knee 
 I've got this funny feeling, that you don't love me anymore. 
 JoJo was a man who thought he was a Tagline... 
 Like a Tagline [hey!] Stolen for the very first time 
 So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Iowa 
 Taglines, Taglines, Catch the fever now... 
 You're so vain I bet you think this tagline's about you... 
 You're so vain, you think this Tagline is about you. 
 looking for a lover who won't blow my cover....
 &lt;- Brigadier General Tribble
 &lt;- Major General Tribble
 &lt;- Lieutenant General Tribble
 &lt;- General Tribble
 ú ù ù ú * * ~ ~ ú  &lt;- Tribble Solar System
:-}    User is a cheese-head
---------- Look MOM I resistered It
 If I could, I would, but I can't, so I won't 
"Fe‚Ÿ¼Ùú-D to you, too, Buddy!
 Can you believe that thing is STILL moving? 
 &lt;--that's an S-Hole
î¨!¨  Wî d™¥'t g™t ¥™ tŒ¥kŒ¥g vŒçšî!!!
 Dis side up 
 Or is it?
p p p &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music
*' &lt;-Vulcan Tribble  =*    &lt;-Andorian Tribble  &lt;&lt;*    &lt;-Klingon Tribble
[0 I hate these BLINKING Taglines
This Tagline now in living Color!
My Tagline is on the blink again!
 ALERT!  ALERT!...   No, it's TWO Lerts! 
 - &lt;CTRL&gt;+&lt;the beast&gt;
 Proctologists are very probing people
                                                         &lt;-empty tagline
                                                    &lt;- Invisible Tagline
                                                  &lt;- Spaced out tagline
                                                Right-wing tagline.
                                               &lt;- Invisible Tagline
                                              This is off-center.
                                            GO NAVY!!!
                                        (X) You are here.
                                        This is off-center.
                                      ( -- Monty Burns)
                                     &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
                                    &lt;-empty tagline
                                    - Cloaked Tagline
                                    This is off-center
                                   &lt;- *Generic Tagline*
                                  &lt;- CENSORED BY THE TAGLINE POLICE
                                  &lt;- I Forgot To Add A Tagline
                                  &lt;- Place Tagline here
                                  &lt;- Spaced out tagline
                                  -- CLOSED FOR TAGLINE DEVELOPMENT --
                                 &lt;- Tagline with a cloaking device.
                                 &lt;-- Invisible tag line
                             &lt;-Tagline with a cloaking device.
                             -  (McBain)
                           This is off-center
                         &lt;- tagline abducted by aliens
                        *JACK BUTLER'S MST3K FILE*
                       &lt;-- Tagline abducted by aliens!
                      &lt;- cloaked tagline.
                     Doc Zimmerman -- USS Voyager
                   &lt;-Tagline with a cloaking device.
                   Sysops like to watch
                  &lt;This tagline intentionally left blank&gt;
                  *Headline* Tags
                 "Uh huh.  Want some coffee?"
                 &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Thanks, Sysops &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
                 From the book Hit or Myth
                "Isn't this the FILES Section??"
                ......&lt;-Stealth Tagline
                Captain Kathryn Janeway -- USS Voyager
                First Officer Chakotay -- USS Voyager
               T a g l i n e   s n o w
               Uh huh.  Want some coffee?
               [OS/2 - Why Wait ?]
              $ x        $     r     $ g   ....
              Guide/Cook/Handyman Neelix -- USS Voyager
              Neelix's Ocampa lover, Kes -- USS Voyager
              What?!  No Tagline
            **"The Crow" MOVIE and Comic Book QUOTES 133 Taglines**
            Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres -- USS Voyager
            Starfleet Lieutenant Tom Paris -- USS Voyager
           &gt;&gt;recipe moved to upper memory&lt;&lt;
           &lt;- cloaked Tagline.
           (Welcome back from the previous message!)
           (a short musical interlude)
           -- NO SUITABLE TAGLINE FOUND --           .
           /* I can C clearly now */
           ~Gary (Baltimore, Maryland; USA) Internet:
          **"The Crow" MOVIE and Comic Book QUOTES 133 Taglines**
          *:  *:  *:  *:  My cat walks all over me  :*  :*  :*  :*
          ASCII to ASCII, DOS to DOS...
          Confirmed Message Junkie, First Class
          Ops/Communication Officer Harry Kim -- USS Voyager
         *:  *:  *:  *:  My cat walks all over me  :*  :*  :*  :*
         -- CLOSED FOR TAGLINE DEVELOPMENT -- tend towards short sentences when speaking.
         MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
        &lt;-- Cloaked Tribble
        Hmmmmmmmmm, very interesting!
        I'll tell you what's the matter!  This parrot is dead!
        Not a problem.  Here's the next batch.  {BTW:  Netmail coming
        Slim pickin's so far, but here's what I've collected:
        Yeah - can't find it playing on any local cable stations...
        the invisible man
       Starfleet Tactical Security Officer Tuvok -- USS Voyager
       as good as a happy smilie
      "If you can't sing good, sing loud."  --  Forrest Gump
      &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; In Stereo Where Available &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
      &lt;- Bald tribbles        &lt;- after hairclub visit
      &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
      (:)-)   from someone wearing scuba mask
      (a short musical interlude)'re always saying, "That'd make a great tagline!"
      Gary, HELP!!!
      a double-chin
     &gt;&gt;Tagline moved to upper memory.&lt;&lt;
     &lt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  BBS NAKED  &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;
     &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Thanks, Sysops &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
     &lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
     ((((( This signture in Stereo where available ))))
     (This tagline deleted due to lack of interest)
     (This tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message)
     *:  *:  *:  *:  My cat walks all over me  :*  :*  :*  :*
     -&lt;&lt; Brain Swapped to Disk &gt;&gt;-
     -=&gt;&gt; I brake ON Smurfs &lt;&lt;=-
     -=( Insert Your Own Windows Joke Here )=-
     ...It's me and you and's me and tags ... oh.  Sorry.
     ...You read Panamanian postings to steal their tags. In Spanish.
     ...the first thing you do in the morning is sort last night's tags. don't write home, don't write reports; you write taglines. haven't allowed anyone else access to the 'puter for weeks. hear your family mumbling, "She's still doing taglines." notice the sun coming up outside your window. say, "I'll come to bed as soon as I finish sorting these." start singing "tagline" songs. (Me and my taglines ...) stay up till 4 am on your spouse's birthday ... doing tags.
     Buy left-handed coffee mugs.
     H * A * P * P * Y    H * O * L * I * D * A * Y * S
     Makethe taglines go awaaaaaaay...
     Please Hold
     TAGLINE ERROR!    Report to tech support
     Tagline moved to upper memory.&lt;&lt;
     This tagline deleted due to lack of interest.
     Univac loves you.
     are tatooed. [Lev. 19:28]
     bear a grudge. [Lev. 19:17]
     collect interest on a loan. [Ex. 22:24]
     consult a psychic. [Lev. 19:31]
     cross-breed animals. [Lev. 19:19]
     cut your hair. [Lev. 19:27]
     drive a Mercury. [Ex. 23:13] (Look it up.)
     eat fruit from a tree less than five years old. [Lev. 19:23]
     grow two different plants in your garden. [Lev. 19:19]
     insult a leader. [Ex. 22:27]
     mistreat a foreigner. [Ex. 22:21, 23:
     plant crops for more than seven years. [Lev. 25:4, Ex. 23:10-13]
     read your horoscope. [Lev. 19:26]
     spread false rumors. [Ex. 23:1] (Sorry, Pat Robertson!)
     trim your beard. [Lev. 19:27]
     wear a cotton-polyester blend T-Shirt. [Lev. 19:19]
    "No, we're opaque." - Yakko Warner
    &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Thanks, Sysops &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Senior Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
    (A short musical interlude).
    ***   Nobody's perfect, but I'm not nobody   ***
    .  A  .
    === Yakko Warner: Captain of the USS Water-Tower, NCC-456W, a ===
    A:  Kettle drums.
    Adam - "Who else?"
    Come to LA and be treated like a King!!!
    DM:  "It doesn't want to have sex."
    Here are a few of mine.
    I love fine tuning programs.
    In thought and favor, word and deed.
    MST3K 3-5 PART III: I - O          900 Taglines
    Nervous Technicians?
    There are three sexes; males, females and girls.
    You know you've been doing taglines too long when = YKYBDTTLW
   "Or a disease." - Dot
   &lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Chief Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
   &lt;And I do carry quite a few other tag files.  :)) &gt;
   (and here is my maintags.tag files from bw2.20)
   :^)  Specially captioned for the humor impaired  :^)
   A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.
   A nudist is one who suffers from clothestrophobia.
   Beyond this tagline there is a militant Naturist...
   Buffer: Programmer who works in the nude.
   But you can't let her drive! She's legally blonde!  See?
   HELP.. I need a tagline. HELP.. Not just any tagline.
   Is this thing on..?
   Scarfing as many tagines as you bloody well drae.  :))
   \\\*///    &lt;- Senior Airman Tribble
  "How can anyone flunk sex education?"
  &gt;----  Stealth Tagline.
  &gt;Guest-Starring Anne Baxter as Zelda the Great.
  &lt;&lt;&lt;*    &lt;- Sergent Tribble
  &lt;&lt;&lt;*))  &lt;- Sergent Tribble First Class
  &lt;&lt;&lt;*))) &lt;- Master Sergent Tribble
  &lt;&lt;*     &lt;- Corpral Tribble
  &lt;*      &lt;- Private Tribble First Class
  (Vert Tab)    (Form Feed) =   (End of Text)
  *   &lt;- Tribble      */   &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
  -Simon & Garfunkel: Sounds of Silence
  .             Robert A. Heinlein memorial taglein.
  :-*   User just ate something sour
  But you can't let her drive! She's legally blonde!  See?
  Chipmunks roasting on an open fire....
  Fundamentalist (n): braindead, backwoods redneck.
  I heard these hand crafted words from IAN to ALL
  I heard these hand crafted words from Sarah to All
  I'll tell you what's the matter!  This parrot is dead!
  My computer put the byte on me and my wallet!
  Now GET LOST!!!vies?chamber.fately! sir.ip!/
  Thanks, SYSOPs
  Why is this here?
  Windows! &lt;G&gt;)
  \\*//   &lt;- Airman Tribble First Class
  \\\\*////   &lt;- Staff Sergeant Tribble (AF)
  about: Philosophy Tags
  about: TAGLINES?
  comment on mine.  -Jennifer Baker
  {COMMO} {COMMO} COM doobie do down down
 ! Origin: A Byte Of Aloha (1:105/331)
 ! Origin: HyperMail! - Feel the *Power* (1:209/7211)
 "*MWAH*!  Goodnight everybody!" - Yakko
 "...But you're not a man, you're a chicken, Boo"  - Animaniacs
 "...death awaits you all with big and nasty pointy teeth." -- Tim
 "A battle of wits?" inquired the dragon. "To whose death, Sir knight?"
 "A spacesuit with *cufflinks*?!"--Rimmer
 "All the jump-jets are down? !@#@&*^ NO HARRIERS
 "And then you turn the corner..."  And the DM starts chuckling...
 "Bother" said Pooh as he found his smack had talc in it.
 "Did you say Beelzebub?!!!"
 "Do you know who I am?!" - Dr. Scratchansniff
 "He's dead, Jim.  Ensign Dahmer, stop that!"
 "I can see clearly now, the brain is gone..."
 "I loike traffic lights..."  - Monty Python
 "I love you, you love me, I will eat your family."-Barney
 "I was breeding that mold.  Its name was Albert." - Lister
 "I'm Blonde. Jane Blonde. 008 and licensed to kill you with sex."
 "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Okay..."  - Monty Python
 "I'm not sure."                       - Werner Heisenberg
 "Let's try this again, boy.  More friendly like." -- Mako
 "Living in a world of make-believe..."
 "Lt. Yar, you are naturally blonde!" - Data
 "MEOW"...SPLAT..."RUFF"...SPLAT...(Raining cats & dogs)
 "No one told me when to run; I missed the starting gun." -- Pink Floyd
 "No thanks. I'm on a low saliva diet." - Slappy
 "Oh, I'm a lumberjack and I'm O.K..."  - Monty Python
 "Perhaps a sedative?" - Slappy
 "Rancor Collections Inc.:You want it WE'LL get it,or ELSE."
 "Sam,Ziggy says you're a news Anchor on some show called FYI
 "Steal the best taglines" shall be the whole of the Law.
 "That's enough, Data." * Picard
 "That's quite a dress you almost have on." -- Gene Kelly
 "There are worse things than dying." -- Kalas
 "Things don't bug you if you don't think about them." -- Calvin
 "Void where prohibited by aardvark"
 "Wake up.  It's time to die."
 "Whatever she says, I didn't do it." - Quark
 "When you're in love with a beautiful person..."  - Dr. Hook
 "You watch too much TV, Pinky." - Brain
 "ah smells like a new movie"
 #*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle.
 #*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle.
 #:-)  User is wearing a turban
 #=    User is pro-nuclear war
 $719.28:  The Number of the Beast (including tax)
 %-)   User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
 %-6   User is braindead
 &gt; Pardon me if my ignorance is showing, but who is Heinlein?
 &gt; Thanks for posting those Heinlein literary tags back in January.
 &gt;:-&gt;  User just made a really devilish remark.
 &gt;;-&gt;  Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.
 &gt;Slam&lt;            &gt;Bang&lt;
 &lt;-- YOU ARE HERE (Total Perspective Vortex)
 &lt;:-I  User is a dunce
 &lt;|-(  User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes
 &lt;|-)  User is Chinese
 'Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen' (Everybody!)
 (-*-) &lt;-- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
 (-:   User is left handed
 (8-o  It's Mr. Bill!
 (:I   User is an egghead
 (_)]  &lt;-  Short Beer.
 (a short musical interlude)
 *  &lt;----Tribble          . &lt;---TRIBBLE.ZIP
 *  Never trust a sysop.
 * &lt;- After hair club for Tribbles . &lt;- Before hair club.
 * &lt;- Good Tribble * &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
 * &lt;- Good Tribble =* &lt;- Evil Tribble
 * &lt;- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles!
 * &lt;- McCoy Tribble. "Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble..uh.."
 * &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
 * &lt;- Regular Tribble  * &lt;- Odo disguised as a Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribbl*ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!*  BOOM!!!!
 * &lt;- Tribble             &lt;- Tribble bugs
 * &lt;- Tribble        &lt;- dissected tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble      ! &lt;- Tribble after a Bud Light
 * &lt;- Tribble      # &lt;- Tribble after 120VAC 60Hz 5A
 * &lt;- Tribble      &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble      . &lt;- Honey, I shrunk the tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble      _ &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Approximates
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Balding Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Dribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Fraction Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles (You never see just ONE)
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Scribbles.
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Snake Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles after Biology lab
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles after a summer haircut
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles with hula hoops
 * &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
 * &lt;- Tribble     ***     &lt;- Tribble in house of mirrors
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- McTribble sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Stealth Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- The Invisible Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble in the dark
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble.PAK    +__+  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Wendys' Double Tribble sandwich.
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- dissected tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-*-&gt; &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
 * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale
 * &lt;- Tribble    */ *********@@@**     &lt;- Tribble halftime
 * &lt;- Tribble    @ *******  ********          &lt;- Tribble football
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Alien Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Anti-tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Balding Tribble after hairclub visit
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- British Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Chinese Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Dagwood Bumstead Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Deep-Sea Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Japanese Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Major General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Minimized Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Rectangular Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble After a Close Shave
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble Reproducing
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble Rockettes
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble Running
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble Unrolled
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after a really close shave
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after struck by elevator door
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble at a Weight Watchers meeting
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble beaming up
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble celebrating New Year
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble having Safe Sex
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble impaled on huge spear
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble in the mist
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble in transporter
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble on Stilts
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble roadkill
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble that didn't make it
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble version 0.72
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble wearing condom
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble with a Wave
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble.ARC
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble.OWS  \__/  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble.SQZ
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble.ZIP (v1.10)    &lt;- Tribble.ZIP (v2.04)
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- after hairclub visit
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- after the wash cycle
 * &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- teenage mutant ninja Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Red Baron Tribble in his triplane
 * &lt;- Tribble   + * &lt;- Four seconds in the growth of a tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble   got'ta match? * Tribble refuses.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Surprised Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble after encountering a Klingon
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble squashed by Doc Martens
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble squashed by combat boot
 * &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble with a Mohawk
 * &lt;- Tribble  !*! &lt;- Skiing Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  !*! &lt;- Tribble with snowshoes
 * &lt;- Tribble  !@#$%*)^$(@! &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
 * &lt;- Tribble  "*..*" &lt;- Tribble Family Portrait. Only $12.95 at Sears
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Borg Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Borg assimilated Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble Waffle.
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble after being assimilated by the Borg
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble after getting stuck in a waffle iron
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble in transporter
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble sees a Klingon
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble with his hair spiked
 * &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble's head exploding
 * &lt;- Tribble  # - Tribble Assimilated by BORG
 * &lt;- Tribble  #####@@*# &lt;- Atlanta Tribble Olympics '96: Tractor Pull
 * &lt;- Tribble  #%*&@ &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
 * &lt;- Tribble  #*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles looking between the shutters
 * &lt;- Tribble  #~ &lt;- Electrocuted Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- The Donald Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs
 * &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- Tribble after drug dealing
 * &lt;- Tribble  $***,***,***.** &lt;- floating Tribble sign
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Female Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Siamese Tribble-twins
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Siamese Twin Baby Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Banker
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Kids Seen From Above Arguing over a Fence.
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble in need of a stress pill
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble neighbors
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble wearing glasses
 * &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;-- Siamese twin baby Tribbles.
 * &lt;- Tribble  %%%%%%%%*%%% &lt;- Tribble stuck in zipper
 * &lt;- Tribble  & &lt;- Tribble after getting caught in taffy machine
 * &lt;- Tribble  & &lt;- Tribble.ZOO
 * &lt;- Tribble  &@^#*@*&$! &lt;- Klingon sees a Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt; &lt;- Tribble boomerang
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt; &lt;- Tribble on a bender
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;&gt;&gt;*&gt; &lt;- Steve Martin Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;&lt; &lt;- Tribble in a vise-grip
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;* &lt;- Romulan Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;*&lt; &lt;- Luke Skywalker Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;*&lt; &lt;- Tribble in an X-Wing
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;-(_____) &lt;- Tribble winning Sumo match
 * &lt;- Tribble  &gt;|&lt; &lt;- Tribble on steroids
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&gt; &lt;- Tribble in a TIE fighter
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;* &lt;- Sergeant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt; &lt;- seaman Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*) &lt;- Staff Sergeant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*)) &lt;- Sergeant Tribble First Class
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*))) &lt;- Master Sergeant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;* &lt;- Corporal Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;* &lt;- Private Tribble First Class
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Grinning Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribble with shields up
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&lt; &lt;- Tribble Rubber Chicken
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*- &lt;- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Frightened Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Happy Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale    &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Invisible Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Major General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Stealth Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- The Invisible Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble in Love
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble on Dexitrim
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble with a cloaking device
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble.OWS  +__+  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribbles in the dark.
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- teenage mutant ninja Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt; &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter.
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt; &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Interceptor
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*--- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;--&gt; &lt;- Darth Tribble in Tie Fighter
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale   &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale   &lt;-inhale
 * &lt;- Tribble  &lt;censored&gt; &lt;- Very, very horny male Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ' &lt;- Tribble.ZIP
 * &lt;- Tribble  ((*)) &lt;- Dizzy Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Copyrighted Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble pilot in a TIE fighter
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with deflector screens
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with headphones
 * &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with shields up
 * &lt;- Tribble  (-*-) &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
 * &lt;- Tribble  (As though you didn't know by now!!)
 * &lt;- Tribble  (____) &lt;- Sumo wrestling Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  (side view)
 * &lt;- Tribble  *      U             * &lt;- Tribble horseshoes
 * &lt;- Tribble  *    &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, their leader
 * &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- King NepTribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *  * &lt;- Tribbles dueling
 * &lt;- Tribble  *  Darn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Alien Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Bill ClinTribble playing saxophone
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Black Widow Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Bullwinkle Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Bungee jumping Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Captain Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Cowboy Tribble with lariat
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Cross Country Skiing Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Darn! Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Frightened Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Generic Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Keeps your toilet clean for FOUR MONTHS!!
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- McTribble sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Odo disguised as a Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Rectangular Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Square Tribble  o &lt;- Round hole
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Squared Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Texas Longhorn Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Top view) * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble (creativity block ;-))
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble Escargot
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble after a sword fight
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble at Custer's last stand.
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble calling for police
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk (You can tell!)
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble doing the twist
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble having safe sex
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble in the mist
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble with a headache
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble, the Flying Nun
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble.  (Creativity Block)
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble. Tribble -&gt; * Tribble -&gt; * * &lt;- Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribble. (L&R side views, Top view)
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- UHF/VHF Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Doubbles   * * * &lt;- Tribblets
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Mickey and Minnie Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * *    &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Biathlon
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * *  &lt;- Tribbles Meet Bambi
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Delta Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- More Tribbles * * * * &lt;-And more
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Treble
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Tribbles with legs
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- eta Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- terrifying flying Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * * * &lt;- Tribble Con.
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * * * * 10010110 &lt;- Tribbles & Bits
 * &lt;- Tribble  * * ** *** ***** ******** &lt;- Fibonacci Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  * - &lt;- William the Conquering Tribble with crossbow
 * &lt;- Tribble  * . . . . . &lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
 * &lt;- Tribble  * ====u\   &gt;BLAM!&lt;  How to shoot a Tribble. (Why?)
 * &lt;- Tribble  * | * &lt;- Tribbles playing volleyball
 * &lt;- Tribble  *!  . &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Baseball
 * &lt;- Tribble  *!#*!^*&:-) &lt;- a schizophrenic Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *$ &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
 * &lt;- Tribble  *& &lt;- Tribble playing the harp
 * &lt;- Tribble  *& &lt;- Tribble sitting in Lotus position
 * &lt;- Tribble  *&gt;  -    | &lt;- Tribble Archery
 * &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
 * &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; *&lt;*&lt;*&lt;*&lt; &lt;- Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey, Louie Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; .  o   o  &lt;- Tribbles and Rock!
 * &lt;- Tribble  *&lt;*&lt; &lt;- Tribble Olympics: rowing
 * &lt;- Tribble  *' &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
 * &lt;- Tribble  *) &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
 * &lt;- Tribble  *) &lt;- Tribble Smilie
 * &lt;- Tribble  *)-  * &lt;-Tribble hunting Tribbles.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Siamese Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Tribble roasting a marshmallow
 * &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Tribbles having Safe Sex (Can't you tell??!!)
 * &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Young Tribbles in love
 * &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Treble Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Tribble and qagh surprise
 * &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Tribble chain.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Tribblets
 * &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- pretty good Tribble movie rating
 * &lt;- Tribble  ****  &lt;-- Tribble kabob.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ***** &lt;- Tribble Con '93! Guest Tribble: James Doohan!
 * &lt;- Tribble  ****** &lt; Heavy-Weight Tribble Lifter
 * &lt;- Tribble  ******* ******* ******* &lt;- 21 Tribble Salute
 * &lt;- Tribble  ********* &lt;- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later
 * &lt;- Tribble  ****************** &lt;- Tribble Orgy
 * &lt;- Tribble  ****************************** &lt;- Tribble reunion
 * &lt;- Tribble  ***+  pretty good Tribble movie rating
 * &lt;- Tribble  **7 &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *-  -* &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Duelling
 * &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Aroused Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw
 * &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation surgery
 * &lt;- Tribble  *-*-*-*-*--- &lt;- Alpha Quadrant delicacy: Tribble-kabob
 * &lt;- Tribble  *-*-*-- &lt;- triple Tribble kabob.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *--) &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
 * &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- Tribble roasting a marshmallow
 * &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- Tribbles holding hands
 * &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- violent Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *-o-*-o-- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *-~ &lt;- Tribble after sex
 * &lt;- Tribble  *. &lt;- Female Tribble,"Not tonight, I started my period."
 * &lt;- Tribble  *. &lt;- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblepups/tribblings
 * &lt;- Tribble  *. &lt;- Tribble With Tribblepups.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *. &lt;- Tribble droppings
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.&lt;- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblepups/Tribblings
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.&lt;- Tribble With Tribblepups.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.&lt;- Tribble droppings
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.* &lt;- Binary Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.* &lt;- Tribble file name
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.. &lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.. &lt;-Tribble Droppings
 * &lt;- Tribble  *..&lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
 * &lt;- Tribble  *..* &lt;- Tribble Family Portrait. Only $12.95 at Sears!
 * &lt;- Tribble  *..* &lt;- Tribble Family.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *.......&lt;- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblepups/Tribblings
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Band conductor Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble with a sword
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ \* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
 * &lt;- Tribble  */ \* &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
 * &lt;- Tribble  */(***) &lt;- Censored Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  */*/::\      \ &lt;- Tribble Funny Cars drag racing
 * &lt;- Tribble  */-* &lt;- Tribble sword fight
 * &lt;- Tribble  *// &lt;- Tribble going skiing
 * &lt;- Tribble  */^ &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
 * &lt;- Tribble  */^ &lt;- Tribble tipping small sized hat
 * &lt;- Tribble  */s &lt;- Laplace transformed Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  */~~ &lt;- Tribble dominatrix
 * &lt;- Tribble  */~~~~~~ &lt;- Tribble motorboat
 * &lt;- Tribble  *1 &lt;- Tribble footnote
 * &lt;- Tribble  *2 &lt;- Squared Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *8 *8 *8 &lt;- Tribbles and mamas out for a stroll.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *= &lt;- The Starship Tribbleprise
 * &lt;- Tribble  *? &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid
 * &lt;- Tribble  *D--&gt; &lt;- William Tell Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *I* am the elder brother, Kern.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *J &lt;- Tribble snorkelling
 * &lt;- Tribble  *L.    &lt;- Tribble playing golf
 * &lt;- Tribble  *L.   I &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Golf
 * &lt;- Tribble  *Y &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\  |--| /* &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\ &lt;- Tribble with a HEAVY saber
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\ . /* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\ |--| /* &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\\  *\\ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Skiing
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\\ &lt;- Tribble Going Skiing
 * &lt;- Tribble  *\__|--|_/* &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
 * &lt;- Tribble  *][ &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues
 * &lt;- Tribble  *^ &lt;- Tribble Praying
 * &lt;- Tribble  *^^^ &lt;- Bajoran Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *_?!^%$#+\)#!~ = Klingon for "Hello, dear."
 * &lt;- Tribble  *___*____*_____ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: hurdles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *______________o_____ &lt;- Tribble bowling
 * &lt;- Tribble  *e &lt;- How Quayle spells Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  *o &lt;- Tribble In Love With A Rock
 * &lt;- Tribble  *o*o- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
 * &lt;- Tribble  *|* &lt;- Tribbles playing water volleyball
 * &lt;- Tribble  *|-------*- &lt;- Jousting Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  *} -  0 &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Archery
 * &lt;- Tribble  *} --  | &lt;- Tribble Archery
 * &lt;- Tribble  *} --&gt; &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves, with longbow
 * &lt;- Tribble  *}* &lt;- 2 Tribbles talking on phone
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Bald Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Born again Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Emaciated Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Positive Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble With Mange
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble after a shower
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble on a diet
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble.ZOO v2.1
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribbles On Drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Wet Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  +++o+++ &lt;- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  +---*---+ &lt;- Texas Longhorn Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  +^+^+^+^+^+^+ &lt;- Thangies
 * &lt;- Tribble  , &lt;- A:\Tribble.ZIP . &lt;- A:\Tribble.ARJ
 * &lt;- Tribble  , &lt;- DH0:Tribble.ZIP . &lt;- DH0:Tribble.LhA
 * &lt;- Tribble  ,* &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
 * &lt;- Tribble  ,** &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
 * &lt;- Tribble  ,*, &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
 * &lt;- Tribble  ,*|-------*- &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
 * &lt;- Tribble  -  &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
 * &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Negative Tribble Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
 * &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Tribble with a headache
 * &lt;- Tribble  - -- ---===&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;* &lt;- Tribble snagged by comet
 * &lt;- Tribble  -&gt;I&lt;- &lt;-Tribble on steroids
 * &lt;- Tribble  -&lt;--*-- &lt;- Tribble after sword fight
 * &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Flying Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body
 * &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping
 * &lt;- Tribble  -*-*-*- &lt;- Tribble chain
 * &lt;- Tribble  -*-*-*-*-*- &lt;- Tribble kabob
 * &lt;- Tribble  --*-- &lt;- Tribble at Custers last stand
 * &lt;- Tribble  ------ &lt;- Tribble-kabob
 * &lt;- Tribble  -|--*-- &lt;- Tribble after a sword fight
 * &lt;- Tribble  .   .   .   .  &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
 * &lt;- Tribble  .  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
 * &lt;- Tribble  .  &lt;- Tribble on a windy day
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- A wet Tribble  : &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Alien Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Before hair club for Tribbles  * &lt;- After hair club
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Brigadier General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Chinese Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Shaved Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Teenage mutant ninja Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble After A Shower
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after Jenny Craig
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after NutriSystems
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after an ARJ encounter
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble midget
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble on Dexitrim
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble with a crew cut
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribble.ZIP (v1.10)  . &lt;- Tribble.ZIP (v2.04)
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Tribbles on drugs
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- after hairclub visit
 * &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- after the wash cycle
 * &lt;- Tribble  .&lt;- Brigadier General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  .*e  &lt;- How Quayle spells "Tribble"
 * &lt;- Tribble  .. &lt;- Lieutenant General Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  / &lt;- Tribble after squeezing through a door.
 * &lt;- Tribble  /*\ &lt;- Tribble on crutches
 * &lt;- Tribble  /\*/\ &lt;- Alien After Gestation Inside A Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  /\*\ &lt;- Tribble putting on a roof
 * &lt;- Tribble  /\/\/\/\*//\/\/\/\/\/\ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: moguls
 * &lt;- Tribble  /|  _  *\ &lt;- Tribble K.O. & Tribble in neutral corner
 * &lt;- Tribble  /| *  |\ &lt;- Tribble rope-a-dope
 * &lt;- Tribble  /~\*[-- &lt;- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  0 &lt;- Fat Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  0_*__ &lt;- Tribble being sucked into a black hole
 * &lt;- Tribble  3 &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
 * &lt;- Tribble  : &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles having sex.
 * &lt;- Tribble  : &lt;- Tribble Looking at you
 * &lt;- Tribble  : &lt;- Tribble roadkill
 * &lt;- Tribble  :*: &lt;- Tribble on a dune buggy.
 * &lt;- Tribble  :. &lt;- Tribblets
 * &lt;- Tribble  = &lt;- McTribble Sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble  = &lt;- Tribble after laying on RR tracks
 * &lt;- Tribble  = &lt;- dissected Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  =&lt;*&gt;=&lt;8) &lt;- Tribble Meets a Snake.
 * &lt;- Tribble  =*= &lt;- Red Baron Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ===#=== &lt;- Tribble Roadkill
 * &lt;- Tribble  ===\-+-+-/~~~~*~~~ &lt;- ship saving drowning Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ===|###|*|oo00oo\=== &lt;- Tribble Train going into tunnel
 * &lt;- Tribble  ? &lt;- Tribble discussing quantum mechanics
 * &lt;- Tribble  ? &lt;- Tribble in midlife crisis
 * &lt;- Tribble  ?*? &lt;- Tribble In A Quandary
 * &lt;- Tribble  ?*? ?*? ?*? &lt;- Terrifying flying Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble fetus
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble in a whirlpool
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble on LSD
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble on a target range
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble with a bad perm.
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble x-ray
 * &lt;- Tribble  @ &lt;- Tribble, as seen by a druggie
 * &lt;- Tribble  @******+******@ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Tug o'War
 * &lt;- Tribble  @*@ &lt;- Ferengi Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  @*@ &lt;- Macro Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  @*@ &lt;- The offspring of a Tribble and Ross Perot
 * &lt;- Tribble  @*o &lt;- Top Fuel Class Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  @\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_  _/* _/@ &lt;- Tribble hockey
 * &lt;- Tribble  @n*++------o &lt;- Top Fuel Class Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  Alt-21 &lt;- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  D &lt;- Tribble sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble  Duh.
 * &lt;- Tribble  Gotta match? * Tribble refuses.
 * &lt;- Tribble  H@\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ . _/* _/@H &lt;- Tribble hockey
 * &lt;- Tribble  I* &lt;- Geordi Tribble (asleep, of course!)
 * &lt;- Tribble  Load"*",8 &lt;- Commodore 64 Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  O  O O &lt;- Tribbles on a windy day.
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
 * &lt;- Tribble  O &lt;- Tribble wearing condom
 * &lt;- Tribble  O O O &lt;- Tribbles after Biology lab
 * &lt;- Tribble  O O O &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
 * &lt;- Tribble  O* &lt;- Good Tribble  =* &lt;- Bad Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  Oo*0 &lt;- Tribble in a line-up
 * &lt;- Tribble  Ryder* &lt;- Mad Tribble Bomber
 * &lt;- Tribble  X &lt;- Tribble in a Transporter
 * &lt;- Tribble  X&lt;    o=  o= &lt;- Tribbles and Rock!
 * &lt;- Tribble  Y &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble  Y Y Y &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  Y Y Y &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
 * &lt;- Tribble  [*] &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
 * &lt;- Tribble  [+*+] &lt;- Tribble on a Klingon Firing Range
 * &lt;- Tribble  [] &lt;- Mime Tribble trying to get out of box
 * &lt;- Tribble  \* &lt;- Tribble slide.
 * &lt;- Tribble  \*/ &lt;- Airman Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  \*/ * &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
 * &lt;- Tribble  \*/ |* * * &lt;- Teenage Mutant Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  \/~~~~*~~~ &lt;- ship saving drowning tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  \\*// &lt;- Airman Tribble First Class
 * &lt;- Tribble  \\\ ((&gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;)) /// &lt;- service striped Sergeant Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ]]]]*[[[[  Captain Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^ &lt;- Tribble beaming up
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^ &lt;- Tribble splattered against ceiling
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^*^ &lt;- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^*^ &lt;- Dead Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^*^ weightlifting Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ^.^ &lt;- Viking Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  _  _  _ &lt;- Tribbles who spent a weekend at Jurassic Park
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Roadkill Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble Vs. A Klingon
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble after a steam roller
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble after unfortunate steam roller accident
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble on drugs.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble roadkill
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble stepped on.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble under an elephant.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Tribble who spent a weekend at Jurassic Park
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- Worf's Tribble after not using the litter box.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- after fight with Godzilla.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;- drunk Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ &lt;-Tribble on drugs.
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ _ _ &lt;- After fight with Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ _ _ &lt;- After visit to Jurassic Park
 * &lt;- Tribble  _ _ _ &lt;- Tribbles Meet Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble  _*_ &lt;- Tribble Bozo
 * &lt;- Tribble  _*_ &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet
 * &lt;- Tribble  _*_______*_ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: High Jump
 * &lt;- Tribble  _OO O * O___O * O &lt;- 4 racing Tribble Belt Sanders
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;- Oops!  Didn't See That One!
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;- Tribble after run-in w/ Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;- Worf's Tribble after not using the litter box
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;- Worf's pet Tribble after it ate his qagh
 * &lt;- Tribble  __ &lt;=  A Tribble vs. Godzilla.
 * &lt;- Tribble  __*_\__|--|_/*___ &lt;- Tribbles polevaulting
 * &lt;- Tribble  ___ &lt;- Road Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ___------------------* &lt;- Bungee jumping Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ____ &lt;- Tribble meets Ford at 65mph
 * &lt;- Tribble  ______/  \\* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: ski jump
 * &lt;- Tribble  _________ Tribbles after an encounter with a steamroller.
 * &lt;- Tribble  `*' &lt;- Andorian Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  `*' &lt;- Viking Tribble.
 * &lt;- Tribble  `*' `*' `*' &lt;- Vulcan Tribbles.
 * &lt;- Tribble  a a a &lt;- after the wash cycle
 * &lt;- Tribble  e* Tribble calling for police
 * &lt;- Tribble  eDD Tribble celebrating New Year
 * &lt;- Tribble  f f f &lt;- Anti-Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  h &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
 * &lt;- Tribble  j j j &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
 * &lt;- Tribble  k k k &lt;- Hari Krishna Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  m m m &lt;- Tribbles with hula hoops
 * &lt;- Tribble  o  &lt;- Tribble on a windy day
 * &lt;- Tribble  o  o  o  &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub visit
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Fat Tribble  O &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Minimized Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Picard Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Shaved Tribble with an innie belly button!
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Sheared Tribble  ,,,,,, &lt;- Tribble Wool
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
 * &lt;- Tribble  o &lt;- Tribble.ZIP  . &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Bald Trebles.
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Minimized Tribbles.
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Picard Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Tribbles after a winter haircut!
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Tribbles on a windy day
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Tribbles on drugs.
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- Tribbles with hula hoops
 * &lt;- Tribble  o o o &lt;- after hairclub visit
 * &lt;- Tribble  o** &lt;- Tribbles living near Three Mile Island
 * &lt;- Tribble  o*o &lt;- McTribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  o*o &lt;- Tribble bicycling
 * &lt;- Tribble  o*o o*o &lt;- Mickey and Minnie Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  o-*-o &lt;- Tribble in a Y-Wing
 * &lt;- Tribble  o= &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
 * &lt;- Tribble  o= &lt;- Tribble on a windy day
 * &lt;- Tribble  o= o= o= &lt;- Trebles on a windy day.
 * &lt;- Tribble  o= o= o= &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
 * &lt;- Tribble  oo*o &lt;- Tribblemobile  oo*o &lt;- after crash test
 * &lt;- Tribble  p p p &lt;- dissected Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  q &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles
 * &lt;- Tribble  x &lt;- Village people Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  xxx==&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;==&lt;8)&gt;-&lt; &lt;- Tribbles meet Snake
 * &lt;- Tribble  y y y &lt;- Tribbles after a haircut
 * &lt;- Tribble  {{* &lt;- Klingon Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  {{:-(*) &lt;- Klingon eating a Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  | &lt;- Bulemic Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  | &lt;- Tribble caught in a trash compactor
 * &lt;- Tribble  | &lt;- Tribble on starship w/o gravity
 * &lt;- Tribble  | &lt;- anorexic Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  | *      * o | &lt;- Tribble croquet
 * &lt;- Tribble  | | | &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
 * &lt;- Tribble  |\|/| &lt;- Big mutant Tribble claw
 * &lt;- Tribble  |_*_\  |_*_\/_*_|  |_*_\ &lt;- Tribble Dodg'em cars
 * &lt;- Tribble  |_*_| &lt;- Housebroken Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  |_____________________*  &lt;- bungee-jumping Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  || &lt;- Tribble stuck between elevator doors.
 * &lt;- Tribble  }*{ &lt;-Tribble TIE fighter.
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~ &lt;- Tribble struck by lightning
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~ &lt;- Tribble toupee
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~ &lt;- Very drunk Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~#~ &lt;- Tribble's head exploding
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~%#{..~$ &lt;- Tribbles after using Windows
 * &lt;- Tribble  ~*~ &lt;- Tribble in heaven
 * &lt;- Tribble !*! &lt;- Tribble with snowshoes
 * &lt;- Tribble #####-@@*# &lt;- Atlanta Tribble Olympics '96: Tractor Pull
 * &lt;- Tribble $ &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs.
 * &lt;- Tribble ***+ pretty good Tribble movie rating
 * &lt;- Tribble *-~ &lt;- Tribble after sex
 * &lt;- Tribble O* &lt;- Good Tribble =* &lt;- Bad Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble o &lt;- Picard Tribble
 * &lt;- Tribble. *-~ &lt;- Tribble after sex.
 * &lt;- Tribble: Fuzzy ball, born pregnant, and has voracious appetite!
 * &lt;- Tribble[space][space]*[space]&lt;-[space]Generic Tribble
 * &lt;- tribble  * tribble calling for police
 * &lt;-- Tribble  ! &lt;-- Tribble after encountering a Klingon
 * &lt;-- Tribble (As though you didn't know by now!!)
 * &lt;-- Tribble *-  -* &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Dueling
 * &lt;-- tribble   ~%#{..~$ &lt;-- tribbles after using Windows
 * * * &lt;- Tribbles  * &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, their leader
 * * * &lt;- Tribbles  . . . &lt;- Tribbles after a haircut
 * Darn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
 * TLX v4.00 *
 * Tribble + : Grain = ***********************
 * a good pun is its own reword---
 ***** &lt;- Tribble Con '93!  Guest Tribble:  James Doohan!
 ***** &lt;- Tribbles _____ &lt;- no Tribble at all
 ******* ******* ******* &lt;- 21 Tribble Salute.
 ****************** &lt;- Tribble Orgy
 **************************** tribble tagline.
 ****************************** &lt;- Tribble reunion.
 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-(Tribble:Hands Across America)*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
 *-*-*-*-*--- &lt;- Alpha Quadrant delicacy: Tribble-kabob
 *:o)  And Bozo the Clown!
 *Inalienable*.  *Human* rights.  Even your language is racist!
 +++ ATH +++ ATH +++ ATH   Work!  (Please!!!)
 +++ ATH +++ ATH +++ ATHWork Damn-it!!!
 +-:-) User is the Pope or holds some other religious office
 ,-)   Ditto...but he's winking
 ,:-)  Same thing...other side
 - - -   S a v e   T h e   H u m a n s   - - - -
 - - -   S a v e   T h e   N e w b i e s   - - - -
 - -:-(  (real punk rockers don't smile)
 - -:-)  User is a punk rocker
 - No Tag Line, Just a Barcode...
 - ambulance number of the beast
 -&lt;&lt; Blondes. &lt;smirk&gt; Enough said &gt;&gt;-
 -=&gt;Quoting Danny Della Paolera to All&lt;=-
 -=&gt;Quoting Danny Della Paolera to Myra I Fox&lt;=-
 -WARNING-  The TOPIC COP is watching!.
 . &lt;----- Teenage Mutant Ninga Tribbles
 .-)   User only has one eye
 ... :.::: ::..: ::.::.  :..::  (recipe in Braille)
 .d8  Y8Y  8b.         -=The DoLittle 8-)=-
 /^\/^\/^\_O_/^\/^\/^\   Camel in a valley, walking north.
 1) Good guys always shoot better than bad guys.
 3) Good guys always win and get the girl.
 3:[   Mean Pet smilie
 3:]   Pet smilie
 4) Good guys are always good looking.
 640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates, 1981
 8 :-) User is a wizard
 8-)   User is wearing sunglasses
 888   8   888    Star Wars, The Role Playing Game
 888b.d8b.d888            Play By E-Mail
 8:-)  User is a little girl
 :&lt;)   User is from an Ivy League School
 :'-(  User is crying
 :'-)  User is so happy, s/he is crying
 :*)   User is drunk
 :-#   User is screaming
 :-#   User wears braces
 :-&   User is tongue tied.
 :-)-8 User is a Big girl
 :-)~  User drools
 :-*   User just ate something sour
 :-/   User is skeptical
 :-0   No Yelling!  (Quiet Lab)
 :-7   User just made a wry statement
 :-9   User is licking his/her lips
 :-:   Mutant Smilie
 :-?   User smokes a pipe
 :-C   User is reaally bummed
 :-D   User is laughing (at you!)
 :-E   Bucktoothed vampire
 :-F   Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
 :-P   Nyahhhh!
 :-Q   User is a smoker
 :-S   User just made an incoherent statement
 :-X   User's lips are sealed
 :-[   User is a Vampire
 :-o   Uh oh!
 :-{)  User has a mustache
 :-{}  User wears lipstick
 :-~)  User has a cold
 ::-)  User wears normal glasses
 :=)   User has two noses
 :^)   User has a broken nose
 :v)   User has a broken nose, but it's the other way
 =:-)  User is a hosehead
 AD&D Mistake #2: Insulting an archmage
 Actual newspaper headline, 1/17/77:  "Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures"
 Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.  --Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)
 And the mage draws her two-handed sword. We're in trouble.
 And the mage draws her two-handed sword. We're in trouble.
 And the mage draws her two-handed sword. We're in trouble.
 At Jurassic Park they have teeth.  At Barney & Friends they have music.
 Automatic rejection of BBS advertisement taglines.
 Barney is a purple velociraptor, and he loves your kids!
 Barney of Borg: Being assimilated is fun.
 Barney of Borg: Big Bird is irrelevant!
 Barney of Borg: Big Bird will be assimilated!
 Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. I will kill your family.
 Barney of Borg: I love you. You love me. We're a happy Borg entity.
 Barney of Borg: Sesame Street is irrelevant.
 Barney of Borg: Sesame Street will be assimilated!
 Barney of Borg: Today we learned that resistance is useless.
 Barney of Borg: You loving me is irrelevant!
 Barney of Borg: You will be assimilated because I love you.
 Barney of Borg: You will be nauseated.
 Bimbattle-axe: Blonde mother-in-law
 Blonde Borgs all have the same fun.
 Blonde Klingons: because it was a good day to dye.
 Blonde jokes are one-liners so men can understand them.
 Blonde with a leather jacket? Rebel without a clue.
 CUNNILINGUS.....An Irish-American Country-Western singer
 Cinderella is the idol of female Capricorns everywhere!
 Civilization is defined by the presence of cats.
 Clap on!  (clap, clap)  Clap off!  (clap@#&$NO CARRIER
 Confucius say: All blonde not blonde by cracky.
 Confucius say: Blonde who fly upside down have crack up.
 Did you ever realize that the "stronger sex" is really the "weaker sex" because of the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex?
 Don't let aging get you down...It's too hard to get back UP!
 Don't let aging get you down...It's too hard to get back UP!
 ENEMA.....Someone who is not your friend
 ENEMA.....Someone who is not your friend
 Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow they may make it illegal.
 Famous Last Words #18:  "Can I have a succubus for a familiar?"
 Freefall Sex: Blondes will believe ANYTHING!
 HH&gt;I have 9705 Trek taglines, which includes tribble tags. Are
 HH&gt;I have 9705 Trek taglines, which includes tribble tags. Are
 HH&gt;In case you don't have many Tribble taglines, here is some
 Ha! -Simba/Lion King
 Hi, Mr. Rex! I'm Barney!I love youyou love m..*CHOMP!!!!*
 I Suffer Occasional Delusions of Adequacy 
 I always wanted a pet god
 I always wanted a pet god
 I am Moe of Borg. Why you...I oughta assimilated you, you numbskull!
 I am de Iconoclast...but ya' may call me "Noodle Noggin"
 I am not single, I'm romantically challenged.
 I duzn't know how  I gots here.  Cheeeiit....
 I duzn't know how  I gots here.  Cheeeiit....
 I gots'ta not brin' sheep t' class
 I have first amendent righ(@#$!9*&^ NO CARRIER
 I like Florida. Everything is in the eighties. The temperatures, the ages, and the IQs.      --George Carlin
 I love you, you love &lt;BOOM!!!!!&gt;
 I love you, you love &lt;BOOM!!!!!&gt;
 I love you, you love me, you will be collective family. -Barney Borg
 I would rather see the portrait of a dog that I know, than all the allegorical paintings they can show me in the world.  --Samuel Johnson  [1709 - 1784]
 I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as&lt;BELCH&gt;!
 I'm Barney of Borg. You and your beer will be as&lt;BELCH&gt;!
 I'm Madden of Borg.  BOOM!  WAP!  You're assimilated!
 I'm a Friday's child in a Wednesday's world.
 If a tree falls in the forest and no ones blogs about it, does it  make a noise?
 Internal tagline browse function, add/delete/edit taglines.
 Internal tagline browse function, add/delete/edit taglines.
 It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. --Sir Winston Churchill
 It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important. --Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, [Sherlock Holmes]
 May fortune favor the foolish. - J. Kirk"
 May fortune favor the foolish. - J. Kirk"
 May fortune favor the foolish. - J. Kirk"
 Murphy's agnostic law: If anything can go wrong, it will
 My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people. --Orson Welles
 My idea of roughing it is turning the air conditioner to 86
 My idea of roughing it is turning the air conditioner to 86
 My name is Jim Taylor. I'm a fool. I carry a badger.
 My name is Jim Taylor. I'm a fool. I carry a badger.
 Nahh, real mathematicians do it discretely -- anyone who does it
 Never mistake green slime as spilled Jell-o.
 Nothing says `I love you' like eternal torture.  -   Drow Priest
 Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. --Joe Gores
 Only God can make a random selection.
 Only God can make a random selection.
 Put on your seatbelt. I wanna try something
 Put that thing away!  You're going to get us all killed." - Leia
 Q: Why do blondes have more fun? A: They don't know any better.
 SYSOP Here,  You have 30 seconds!
 Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.  --Fred Hoyle
 Suggests taglines based on the subject and content of the message!
 Suggests taglines based on the subject and content of the message!
 Tag lines are like cats, you only think you own them.
 Tag-X can Guess the quoter and tagline formats for each message.
 Taking up collection to give Barney a one way ticket to Jurassic Park!
 That was *not* manual override.  -- Data
 The "Tagline Mangler" creates interesting taglines!
 The Borg Are Back An' There's Gonna Be Trouble, Hey Na, Hey Na...
 The Crow The Crow said don't look!!
 The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.  --Arthur C. Clarke  [1917 -  ]
 The bigger they are...the harder they hit.
 The bigger they are...the harder they hit.
 The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. --e e cummings (1894 - 1962)
 The only thing the Borg left was Barney.
 The only thing the Borg left was Barney.
 The season is named Spring, b/c that's when temperatures Spring back and forth
 The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest.    -- Kilgore Trout, (Philip Jose Farmer), "Venus on the Half Shell"
 The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest.    -- Kilgore Trout, (Philip Jose Farmer), "Venus on the Half Shell"
 Vampires do it all night long!
 Vampires do it all night long!
 Welcome to Dante's!  Which level of Hell will you be visiting today?
 What if the 'Hokey Pokey' really *is* what it's all about?
 What you get when you don't get what you want.
 What you get when you don't get what you want.
 What's a blondes idea of safe sex?  Putting the car in park.
 What's the difference between a dog and a fox?        Five beers.
 Windows: Written entirely by blondes.
 Woman wanted: Intelligent, Tall, Buxom, Blonde or Redhead, age 22-35.
 Wonder if blondes prefer gentlemen?
 Yo momma so fat she wakes up in sections!
 You Know You've Been Drinking Way Too Much Coffee When....You haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse. 
 You Know You've Been Drinking Way Too Much Coffee When....You just completed another sweater and you don't know how to knit. 
 You Know You've Been Drinking Way Too Much Coffee When....Your taste buds are so numb you could drink your lava lamp. 
 You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread blonde.
 You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread blonde.
 You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread blonde.
 You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread blonde.
 You gotta keep changing. Shirts, old ladies, whatever. -Neil Young
 You heard me, Tinker Gnomes have invented Uzis.
 You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer!
 You mean Blonde Jovi here used to be an X-Man?
 You need only two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and shouldn't, use the duct tape.
 You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the turban.
 You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the turban.
 You're so vain I bet you think this tagline's about you...
 Your Guess Is As Good As Mine!
 Your blonde roots are showing, dear.
 Your blonde roots are showing, dear.
 ZS&gt; Here's a couple of Tribble tags I just thought of:
 [ dated drug humor recipe deleted ]
 [ deleted to save electrons ]
 [0mThe [30minvisible [37mrecipe.
 [5;32;40mAm I crazy... Or is this recipe blinking?.[0m
 [Clove captioned for the ham impaired....]
 [Sneak] [Stop] [Sneak] [Snatch] Gotcha! Another recipe!
 [This recipe Censored by The Citizens For Decency]
 ___. ._.. __. ._ _ __ ._. _.__  _._. .__  _ ._ __.(Morse Code recipe)
 `88888888888'  Game Master and Useless Trivia Guru
 bard with a 10 charisma. Not good.
 fangs, tail, fur...I'm ready for a night in the woods.
 is he being a cannibal? I do. -- K'ehlyr.DD
 not loaded
 wtf.....what the !@#$
 |--|On 03/28/96, I saw that Donn Sartain wrote about
 |--|On 03/28/96, I saw that Donn Sartain wrote about
!   &lt;--  Tagpunctuationwithexclamationaryintent
!  &lt;- Tribble with a BIG mohawk
!  I've struck oil", Tom said, crudely.
! &lt; Tribble heading 0 mark 180, Warp 3
! Not on your life !
! Origin: Always know where your towel is. (1:143/207.1)
! b***r* * *x**pt * B*dw**s*r
! said Tom while banging his head.
! yek ecapskcab eht dnuof I   ! tsal tA
!! (G)arbage (I)n, (G)arbage (O)ut !!
!! FLASH !! - people are missing computers suspected!
!! TRC eht dniheb kcuts m'I !!!!!!!!!!!PLEH
!!!! CAUTION Ed Murphy FIELD !!!! ŽEdsil Murphy
!!!!!!!  UP THE IRONS   !!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!KIDS!!!!!!!! &lt;sigh&gt;
!!!!!CP MBI na ni deppart m'I  !pleH
!!!!em sa sdrawkcab sa er'uoy siht daer nac uoy fI
!!!!hctiws esever eht dnuof I
!!!SMILE!!! &lt;CLICK&gt; &lt;FLASH&gt; GOT IT!!!
!!!ereh fo tuo em teG  !!!pleH
!!!teG I sdrawkcaB eroM ehT oG I sdrawroF eroM ehT
!!, groaned Pooh, as Buchanan cut out his tongue.
!!DRIEW eb rehtar d'I  ?lamron eb yhW
!!Eliminate legalized theft; abolish Congress !!
!!WARNING!!   SAFESEX.ZIP is a Trojan.
!!WARNING!!  JOLT.CAN found, programmer probably wired.
!!eerreehh ssii 44..11 rreekkaaeerrFF ttxxeeTT
!!evirD draH ym pu kcab nac I woN !!esrever dnuof I
!"Random" taglines
!$#@!%#@!#@! NO CARRIER!  Now, where do we land?
!'+++ )++S+ ++eRe +[] ++++\/e f++XXX
!(* &(#&*$*#(**#&(*&*() (*))!_)()*)!# )!, etc
!(a+b) = !a * !b =0
!(a+b) = !a * !b =0 (hay - I just wrote the things - it might not be!)
!*!  !*!   &lt;-- Tribbles with snowshoes
!- Maximus 2.02
!. Oh, ABE!!!  One night at the Theatre isn't going to kill you
!. Personality: what Engineers use for birth-control
!. USER:  A technical term used by SysOps. (also see IDIOT)
!07/11 PDP a ni deppart m'I  !pleH
!:*#/g_lqer{ 8ry]@jvBnGkj (Tagline courtesy of my cat)
!:*#/g_lqer{ 8ry]@jvBnGkj (Tagline courtesy of three year old)
!?!?oakcac ovo tepo ej ok aP .uderu ejin otsen onvitinife
!@!!~$! %!%@#^!^ -- Time up.  NO CARRIER
!@#$%&*  The most widely used computer language in the world
!@#$%@!  Can't escape from the jaga kereta!
!@#$%^&* Who Put That Bubble Gum In My B: Drive!
!@#$%^&*: The most widely used Windoze term worldwide
!@#$%^&*hanks for hanging up, dear
!@#$&  Rats! My finger must have slipped
!ALERT! ALERT! No, Wait! It's TWO Lerts!
!Are you being served
!Body parts and jokes.
!Books and Book titles
!CAUTION! Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
!CP siht edisni deppart m'I  !EM PLEH
!Caution! Taglines may be hazardous to disk space!
!Children and Teens.
!Clean and cleanliness
!Desufnoc Yrev Si Enilgat Siht
!Gimme a beer! I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donger...
!Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
!I'd love to but....
!NIAGA ,sdrawkcab gnipyt m'I !TI NMAD
!PPPS! LeT THeRe Be hOUzE!
!PPPS! home of FoRMAT C: and LaBEL A:
!Por Favor, No Rompa Mis Cojones! Gracias!
!RRRRRRRrrrrrrrr - RRev up with RoseReader!
!Reality Overload Warning!     Escape to Star Trek (Y/n)?
!SBB siht yb renosirp dleh gnieb m'I ,PLEH
!SDRAWKCAB si enilgat sihT
!SRAIL era peehS eht ;ti EVORP t'nac uoy ;em WAS ydobon ;TI OD t'ndid I
!SevlesruO otnI rorriM a erA steP dlohesuoH
!Static Attack ! Pass the Bounce
!TRC eht dniheb kcuts m'I !!!!!!!!!!!PLEH
!WARNING! COLDBEER.CAN found. Programmer probably loaded again.
!WARNING! Do not install prior to installation!
!Wh!o wa!lked ac!ross my! t!agline! w!ith mu!dd!y !feet?!
!Who! wal!ked ac!ross this ta!glin!e wit!h muddy fee!t?
!aixelsyd evah t'nod I ,oN
!aixelsyd evah uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
!dab LAER kaerb a deen uoy ,siht daer nac uoy fI
!daeha seil erutuf ruo fo tsoM
!daer ot ysae eb ot evah senilgat syas ohW
!deb ot og ot emit sti, elbuort yna tuohtiw siht daer nac uoy fI
!deciton t'ndah I ,yrroS ?siht ekil daer ot reisae ti sI
!doog er'uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
!drawkcab ni deggulp draobyek ym tog ev'I kniht I
!edis gnorw eht morf enilgat siht ta gnikool era uoY
!edis gnorw eht morf enilgat siht ta gnikool era uoY!!edis gnorw eht no er'uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
!edis gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoY
!edis gnorw eht no er'uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
!edis grorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoY
!egnatrs yrev kool sgniht.
!enif tsuj si gnihtyrevE
!enif tsuj si gnihtyreve ,yllaer oN
!enilgaT oediV esreveR
!enilgaT siht edisni deppart m'I !pleH
!enilgat cinataS  !eraweB
!enilgat siht edisni deppart m'I !pleH
!ereh fo tuo em teG  !!!pleH
!ereh fo tuo em teg ydobemoS .rotinom eht ni m'I !pleH
!ereh yas ot diputs gnihtyna fo kniht t'ndluoc I
!evirD-draH ym pu kcab nac I woN !!esrever dnuof I
!evird drah ym pukcab nac I won ,esrever dnuof yllanif I
!evird drah ym pukcab nac I,yllaniF.!esrever dnuof I
!evitcepsrep gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool er'uoY
!evitcudorp tsom eht syawla si etunim tsaL
!gnorw og...  gnorw og...  gnorw og nac gnihtoN
!hctiws esrever eht dnuof I
!hctiws esrever eht dnuof I  !yeH
!knat a yub -- ylevisnefed evirD
!knoH if you understand Lexdysia
!knoH know if you understand do Lexdysia
!laiceps er'uoy siht daer nac uoy fI
!lanimret siht edisni deppart ma I !pleH
!lanoisseforP X-gaT esU !nuF evaH !gnuoY eB
!llaW ehT ffO ,rorriM ,rorriM
!llepS: the dyslexic spell checker
!miJ ,daed s'eH
!nataS morf egassem deksam-drawkcab a si sihT
!neercs eht dniheb deppart m'I  !pleH
!neercs eht fo kcab eht morf skool enilgat a woh si siht
!neercs srotinom sretupmoc ruoy dniheb kcuts m'I pleH
!noitacideM deen I os ,kO
!noitacidem deen uoy ,egassem siht daer nac uoy fI
!nwod edispu si enilgat sihT
!pukcab egami rorrim a dah I dog knahT
!purpose=General Taglines for Messages!
!redaerlaim siht edisni deppart ma I !pleH
!rehc nom zev*r suoV ?ioM ?euqixelsiD
!retupmoc eht fo edisni deppart m`I !pleH
!retupmoc siht edisni deppart ma I  !pleH
!revo draobyek eht nrut dluohs uoy ebyam esac taht nI
!rorrim a teG  !kciuQ
!rotinoM siht edisni deppart m'I !pleH
!rotinom nmad siht fo tuo em teg ydobemoS !pleH
!rotinom ruoy edisni deppart m'I !pleH
!sdohtem noitpyrcne devorppa tnemnrevoG eruceS dna efaS troppuS I
!sdohtem noitpyrcne devorppa-tnemnrevog troppus I
!sdrawkcaB si enilgaT sihT
!sdrawkcab  elttil a m'I yas elpoep emoS
!sdrawkcab ni deggulp draobyek ym tog I kniht I
!sdrawkcab seog ti wols os si cp yM
!seinnep ni llib cirtcele ruoy yaP
!senilgat gnidaer emit hcum oot dneps uoY
!sgub evah t'nseod CP sihT  ?sgub naem ayaddahW!!sretirw enilgat cixelsyd fo eraweB
!sgub evah t'nseod CP sihT ?sgub naem ayaddahW
!si gnitirw rehto lla ,sdrawkcab t'nsi enilgat sihT
!sretirw enilgat cixelsyd fo eraweB
!srorrim dna ekoms htiw enod lla s'tI
!srorrim htiw enod lla s'tI
!swodniw ni evird drah ym pu gnikcab m'I
!t* t** t'*** ll*ts *** t*b **G *b **m t*
!teG I sdrawkcaB eroM ehT oG I sdrawroF eroM ehT
!teem sdne ekam ot sekat ti tahw tog s'ehS ... suoregnad s'ehS
!teem sdne ekam ot sekat ti tahw tog s'ehS ... suoregnad s'ehS!!ti ezimodnar :seye gniyrp morf atad tcetorP
!thgir er'uoy ,wonk uoY
!ti ezimodnar :seye gniyrp morf atad tcetorP
!ti gnivol dna...*exuLeD liamQ gnisu *ton* woN
!ti tner uoy ,reeb yub tnod uoY
!tseb yrev eht dnes ot tnaw uoy nehw..kcocnaH nhoJ
!uoy knaht ,enif tsuj gniod m'I
!won etal oot s'ti ,rehtob t'noD
!xob XINEX siht edisni kcuts m'I ,pleH
!yaD yM neeB toN saH
!yaD yM neeB toN saH sihT
!yaw gnorw eht su gnikat si noitartsinimdA notnilC ehT
!yrgnUh em GnIKam Si SIhT Fo llA
!ywercs elttil a og sgniht semitemoS
!ywercs lla og tsuj sgniht semitemoS
!ztagid=ZIPtag * !
!{]  Hard drives have gremlins!  BEWARE!!.
!{]  HeyThsythsopths are NOT wimpths...!
!{]  Hows that for briefity?  (ish)
!{]  I must be brief, I'm going to explode soon
!{]  No please don't get up -- I'm finished
!{]  What?  That was my life?  Don't I get a 2nd chance?.
!{] .,.+,+.,.+,.,+.,+.,,+.,..+..,,.Tagline Graves
!{] I don't create bulk taglines, I make 'em interestin
!{] When the land cooled, there were many taglines
#    &lt;- Tribble assimilated by the Borg
#    &lt;- Tribble hit by a car         + &lt;-Balding Tribble
#    &lt;- electrocuted tribble
# &lt;- Macintosh   _ &lt;- Macintosh when I'M done with it.
# &lt;- Tribble after Borg assimilation.
# &lt;--- electrocuted tribble
# &lt;--Tribble after Borg assimilation.
# 02: Get a good spell checker.
# 1: Apply butt to chair and fingers to keyboard.
# 2: Get a good spell checker.
# 4: Do *not* go into a new echo and ask "What do y'all do here?"
# 5: Discover off-line readers.
# 6: Remember which conference you are in.
# 7: Never begin a message with "I KNOW this is off-topicbut"
# 8: The *stupid* question is the one unasked.
# 9: We're born with *sex*; everything else must be *LEARNED*.
# This is a tribble on drugs
# XX: Want to *post* Taglines? Use yer nearest TAGLINES Conference
# XXXX þ I *TRIED* to register it!
# of Pentiums required to screw in lightbulb = .999999999
# of Vulcans needed to replace a bulb? Precisely 1.00
# oh boy..tHe trOubLe thAT results wheN yoU pOst ONE hArMlEsS tAGFILe. #
# programmers to change a lightbulb? 0. That's software
# unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep
##  Ride FREE!  ##  Ride SAFE!  ##  Ride ON!  #@
## I found my Trill On Daxberry hill ##
## Look --- A tag line with no meaning ##
### Borg tagline
##### &lt;-- Scratch & Sniff.
##### Personal Color Greetings #####
##### Silly color - ascii roses #####
##### Some very generic smoochy stuff #####
##### Songs to sing to people #####
##### Stuff I tend to say alot in Teleconference #####
##### can Guess the quoter and tagline formats for each message.
##### greetings/good-byes/hold-ons for the teleconference #####
####### &lt;------Scratch off to reveal your prize!
########  In Stereo Where Available  ########
######## EMT'S - The Bondage Experts!!! ########
######## In C I N E M A S C O P E with BlueWave ########
######### &lt;- Scratch Here For Your Instant Antitrust Exemption
########## ######### ##################### -NORAD Unknown Track Report
########### &lt;------ Tagline Lotto: Scratch off to reveal your prize.
########### &lt;------Scratch off to reveal your prize.
##############   Finish   Line   ################
############## BROADCAST  IN  STEREO  (where available) ##############
############## OH NO, a worm in my Hard-drive!
############### $$ WholeSale Long Distance Reseller $$ ################
############### &lt;- Scratch here to revel your prize
################  I LOVE NASTY WOMEN!!!  ################
################# &lt;==== Scratch here to reveal your prize.
####################### Transmission Terminated #######################
################################### -This tagline censored by the CIA
#########---*  Watch it!  I've got Dynamite and I KNOW how to use it!
####*NOW* is a point in time that is already gone.
####Your Normally Politically In-Correct Tagline Has Been Deleted!####
###++ERE |s ++o grav|+y.  +++S Sar###++ s++c#&lt;s.
##*#####*##+SQm#T*##g is eating my taglines.
#$#@!%#@!#@! NO CARRIER! Now, where do we land?
#$%& *& %!@#$% $%*....oops sorry- no speaka de ASCII!
#$%^&^* Keyboard!  Where's that hammer?!?!
#$%fkgheopps......."Hey, get the Kat off the keyboard!!"
#$^!* NO CARRIER "Great! Now where do I land this modem???"
#$ffwe99fjaljdkljl  Get off the keyboard ya stupid cat!
#%$@! NO CARRIER, but I've got two destroyers
#%$@! NO CARRIER... *Now* where do we land???
#'M ST#P#D        "I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat. An `O' please."
#*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle.
#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* Yellow Brick Road
#*(%#)&gt;@&lt;#%NO CARRIER
#*/+~@!! My Inner Child Just Threw Up!
#*DHey cat!  &lt;SMACK&gt;....and stay OFF my keyboard!
#+mdJ = ca |
#+mdJ = ca | u++#?+# &lt;--- OOPS! My buffer barfed!
#-)     from someone who partied all night
#-Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk, Lurk-#
#/~make love - Make: don't know how to make love
#048: "The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife."
#1 AIDS lie: It is caused by HIV
#1 BORG Hit Parade   "We all sleep in a single subroutine"
#1 Hit on the Borg Top 40: Borg in the USA.
#1 Hydro  Song:  Hertz so Good
#1 OS/2 tip: Drag the Windows folder to the shreader!!!
#1 Republican party recruiter of 1993 - Bill Clinton
#1 in the "don't bother" catagory.
#1 on BORG Hit Parade... We all sleep in a single subroutine.
#1 on BORG Hit Parade: "Borg in the 'Hood'"!
#1 on BORG Hit ParadeWe all sleep in a single subroutine.
#1 reason that Ziggy can't bring Sam back: Al installed Windows95.
#1&gt;   Once you have their money, never give it back.
#10  Greed is eternal.
#103&gt; Sleep could interfere with .....(not finished)
#1089 REALITY.SYS Corrupted: Reboot Universe? (Y/N/Q)
#109&gt; Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
#10: *Flaming* doesn't make for *understanding*.
#10: Greed is dead.
#112: "Never have sex with the boss's sister."
#117: "You can't free a fish from water."
#11: The other person has another point of view. Read carefully.
#12: Don't like what you're seeing? Press "ENTER/RETURN" for relief.
#1303, Power NOT on!!
#139&gt; Wives serve, Brothers inherit.
#13: I love my country; the other fellow loves his! No *bashing*!
#14: Admit to a mistake; apologize; then move on. :-)
#15: Download your mail regularly; keep in contact with your buds.
#16&gt;  A deal is a deal.
#16: Watch YOUR spelling, but don't worry the other guy about his.
#17: Be nice to the person using English as a *second* language.
#18: A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
#18: Feel irritated? _WAIT_ before uploading that HOT retort!
#18: Find out how to do FIDO Email if at all possible.
#18: RIME direct routing is easy! Ask your Conference Host about it.
#19: Feel good? Share it with others! :-)
#19: Feel irritated? _WAIT_ before uploading that HOT retort!
#19: RIME direct routing is easy! Ask your Conference Host about it.
#1E0+=|&gt;fcd}85^7@jxz*7"[=}}+_..My modem is speaking in tongues again.
#2 on the Borg Hit Parade: Borg in the USA
#2 on the Borg Hit Parade: Borg in the USA. All a Borg!
#20: 90% of computing problems: Loose nut between keyboard & chair.
#20: Feel good? Share it with others! :-)
#20: Feel irritated? _WAIT_ before uploading that HOT retort!
#21&gt;  Never place friendship above profit.
#218: "Always know what you're buying."
#21: 90% of computing problems: Loose nut between keyboard & chair.
#21: Feel good? Share it with others! :-)
#21: We have no "rights" here; only privileges.
#22 of Taglines To collect and love
#22&gt;  A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
#223 Beware the man who doesn't make time for oo-mox
#22: Age is irrelevant. A poised 13 beats an older *jerk*, any time.
#22: Murphy's Law: "If something CAN go wrong, it WILL!"
#22: We have no "rights" here; only privileges.
#23: 90% of computing problems: Loose nut between keyboard & chair.
#23: Age is irrelevant. A poised 13 beats an older *jerk*, any time.
#23: Want to curse and *flame*? Take it to the Internet!!
#24 Jeff Don't Call Me Flash Gordon  (Ma Man!!!!)
#24 Jeff Gordon
#24 Jeff The Flash Gordon  (Ma Man!!!!)
#24: We have no "rights" here; only privileges.
#25: Age is irrelevant. A poised 13 beats an older *jerk*, any time.
#25: Fear makes a good business partner.
#26: Want to curse and *flame*? Take it to the Internet!!
#28   Davey Allison  1961 - 1993
#285   No good deed goes unpunished.
#285: No good deed ever goes unpunished. (Collaborator)
#29: Always make your opponent think you know more than you really know.
#2: "We want information."    #6: "You won't get it!"
#31: Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother.
#33&gt;  It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
#34  War is good for business.
#342245 - This tagline is serial numbered to prevent theft.
#47&gt;  Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.
#48: The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
#51 Neil Bonnett 1946 - 1994   ...always a WINNER!
#57: Good customers are as rare as latinum--treasure them.  (Armageddon
#59  Free advice is seldom cheap.
#6     Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
#62&gt;  The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
#7     Keep your ears open.
#7  Alan Kulwicki  1954 - 1993   Winston Cup Champion 1992
#7 for #3 in '94!!!!
#7 in the bag, #8 on the way
#7&gt;   Always keep your ears open.
#858 Error finding COLDBEER.CAN Sysop not loaded!
#9&gt;   Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
#:-)   &lt;:          - Snake stalking person.
#@!?&gt; NO CARRIER...
#@$ffwe99fjaljdkljl  Get off the keyboard ya stupid cat!
#@$ffwe99fjaljdkljl ... Hey, get the Cat off the keyboard!
#@$ffwe99fjaljdkljl Get off the keyboard ya stupid cat!
#@$ffwe99fjaljk   ...  Hey!  Get  the  cat  off  the  keyboard!
#@$ffwe99fjaljk ... Hey! Get that cat off the keyboard!
#@$ffwe99fjaljklkl     Hey, get that cat off my keyboard!
#@^*&%*&(*$%*&*&*(&$%(*#*&$()(@ cat - Darkwood
#@ffwee99fjaljk....hey! Get the cat off the keyboard!
#AN# has been caught stealing taglines again.
#All we are is dust in the wind#
#G&$D KJ(^~71h  ... Hey! Get the cat off the keyboard!!!
#N@... I've done you before, haven't I?
#N@You stink! - Maverick
#TN# Wa Nin Chee Goo Yja Wetching Tri Whynin E Oh Ska.
#TN# is here.  The Force is with him.
#TN# was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
#TN#'s just not a farmer. He has too much of his father in him.
#TN#'s the brains sweetheart!
#TN#, I'll pay you because it's my pleasure.
#TN#, get us out of here!
#TN#, my boy... why did you have to fry poor Greedo like that?
#TN#, ou are part of the Rebel Alliance... and a traitor!
#TN#, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans
#TN#, were gonna have company!
#TN#, you switched off your targeting computer.  What's wrong?
#TN#.  I'm captain of the Millenium Falcon.
#TN#... Jedi Knight!
#TN#?  What makes you think so?
#TN#? #TN# where are you?!
#TN#Jedi Knight!
#^*$##)y!??????šœ…g®??   NO CARRIER
#define 0x32	0x07
#define BITCOUNT(x) (((BX_(x)+(BX_(x)&gt;&gt;4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) % 255)
#define FALSE	TRUE
#define ME CRAZY
#define OFF	ON
#define ON	OFF
#define QUESTION ((bb) ][!(bb))  &lt;Shakespeare&gt;
#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb))  - Shakespeare.
#define QUESTION { ((*b) || !(*b)) }   -- Shakespeare
#define QUESTION {(2b II !2b)} -- Shakespeare
#define ROSE any_other_name
#define TRUE	FALSE
#define VGAHI CGAC0
#define _TURBOC _MSC
#define class	union
#define far	near
#define flame_retardant  I know you are, but what
#define getch(	system("FORMAT C:"
#define int bool
#define long char
#define main Main
#define main Main /* Now try to link this! */
#define main myfunc
#define scanf	printf
#define signal abort
#define stdout	stderr
#define struct	union
#define struct union /* great space saver */
#define sysop GOD #define reality NULL
#define while	if
#define while(x) if(x)
#h#~ #~ #### m###M ## ###gs
#include "shastdio.h"
#include "tags.h" main() { printf("%s\r", tagline() }
#include &lt;clue.h&gt;
#include &lt;cute.tagline.h&gt;
#include &lt;disclaimer.h&gt;
#include &lt;disclaimer/favourite&gt;
#include &lt;funny_sig.h&gt;
#include &lt;joltcola.h&gt;
#include &lt;mandatory_cute_tagline&gt;
#include &lt;std.disclaimer&gt;
#include &lt;taglines.h&gt;
#include <mandatory_cute_tagline>
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
#include clue.h
#include disclaimer.h
#include disclaimer/favourite
#include joltcola.h
#include mandatory_cute_tagline
#include std.disclaimer.h
#include taglines.h
#jfksikkkslgpopps.. "Hey, get the cat off the keyboard!"
$       WHO is John Galt?         $
$ $    d  dg$. Any questions?
$ $ $ $ &lt;- teenage mutant ninja tribbles
$ In God we trust, all others pay cash.
$ is the // of all Unix.
$ not found  A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare bankruptcy
$ not found (A)bort, (R)efinance, (G)et cash from charge?
$ not found ... A)bort, R)efinance, or D)eclare Bankrupcy
$ not found A)bort, R)efinance, G)et cash from charge?
$ not found A)bort, R)efinance, or D)eclare Bankrupcy
$ not found: (A)bort, (R)efinance, (G)et cash from charge?
$ not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (K)ick a Conserv
$ not found: A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare bankruptcy.
$#&#%*(&)(^$$#%^$.....ohhh sorry - no speaka de ASCII !
$#@!%#@!#@! NO CARRIER! Now where do we land?
$$ A miser is hard to live with, but makes an excellent ancestor $$
$$ doesn't buy happiness, if you don't know where to shop
$$$ Please ask your SYSOP to register this message $$$
$$$ not found -  A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare bankruptcy
$$$ not found --  (A)bort (R)efinance (B)ankrupt
$$$ not found --  (A)bort, (R)efinance, (D)eclare bankruptcy
$$$ not found -- (A)bort (R)efinance (B)ankrupt
$$$ not found ... A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare Bankrupcy
$$$ not found: (A)bort, (R)efinance (F)ile Bankruptcy
$$$$$$$$ Money is the root of all evil $$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$.$$$ not found: A)bort, R)efinance, B)ankruptcy?
$%&%$R&/&- ...NO CARRIER
$%*&^% NO CARRIER" said Pooh as his modem went bang
$(classified) for 'Operation Sheepwalk.  Hmm, What's that?
$0063 bottles of beer on the wall...
$1,000,000 GUARANTEED! Call this number now 1-800-572-
$1,000,000 Guaranteed!  Call this number now!  1-800-572-
$1,000,000 Guaranteed! Call 1-800-572- @)&!#$* NO CARRIER
$1,000,000 reward for finding this man: *
$1,500 to file for bankruptcy? Take a cheque?
$1. Correct answers: $5. Dumb looks: Free!
$100 invested at 7% interest for 100 years will become $100,000, at which time it will be worth absolutely nothing
$1000 Reward for Finding This Man:  @N@.
$1000 reward for finding @TO@
$1000 reward for finding him, dead or alive.
$1000 reward for finding this man:
$1000. reward (check)  for my lost $500. (cash)
$110 for a bottle of Southern Crown? - Tom
$13,000 Cadillac / 13* cat = 1  with nothing left over
$19.95!!! $49.95!!! $99.95!!! $199.95!!!  [Price Tagline]
$2 each for 500,000 people will make you a millionaire
$2,000 + $1,800 = $3,600 according to Clinton
$2.75.  Cheap  -Alfred E. Neuman
$20 a month covers all this, and time limitations are non-existant!!!
$20 will buy many peanuts - Homer Simpson's Brain
$20,000,000 and they *still* use stock footage?
$20,000,000 and they *still* use stock footage? -- Tom Servo
$20,000?  Oh yeah, I loaned that to my Mother, said Slick Willie
$200 of sand inside (tm).
$25,000 Reward! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS ?
$3 million, Mr Bond, or I'll run for President! -Ernest Stalvo Perot
$3,010...I'd like to buy South Korea a drink. - Hawkeye
$3...all the stars you can view
$3.95 per minute - must be 18
$33 a year more in Clinton gas tax, your mileage may vary.
$4.95 a ton, and it isn't even disembowled yet! - Ethyl on buffets
$400 per taxpayer, Mr. President.  That's two haircuts
$400. Do I hear $500? asked the auctioneer morbidly.
$5 Tagline observation fee.  Please remit today.
$5.00 rebate on your next tagline purchase.
$50 for the person who finds my stolen tagline.
$50... who wouldn't be interested in $50?- Emmet Otter's mum
$55 & time served. Let's take a break, folks! -  H. Stone
$636.95  - Number of the Beast at Sam's Wholesale Club.
$636.95 - # of the Beast at Sam's Club, but you have to buy a case of 10
$636.95 - Number of the Beast at Sam's Wholesale Club.
$636.95 -- The Number of the Beast at Sam's Discount Warehouse.
$636.95 -- The number of the Beast at Sam's Wholesale Club
$665.95 - Retail price of the Beast
$665.95 - retail beast price
$696.28 -- The Number of the Beast (including tax)
$699.25 - Price of the Beast plus 5% sales tax
$705.96:  The Number of the Beast (including tax)
$712.28 - Number of the Beast (including tax)
$717.06  - beast plus 8% tax
$717.06 - beast plus 8% GST
$717.06 - beast plus 8% tax
$717.06: Beast plus 8% sales tax.
$719.28:  The Number of the Beast (including tax)
$765.90  - beast plus 15% gratuity
$80 to rotate my spark plugs. The last time it was only $60
$80 to rotate my sparkplugs! $25 would be a fair price
$@#%&$!@#%       (Tagline vanishes)
$A...@...&gt;HELP&lt;z....L;* ...NO CARRIER
$FE7A bottles of beer on the wall, $FE7A bottles of
$HOME = /dev/null.
$HOME sweet $HOME.
$HOME: My home away from home
$Make money fast!$  For info send 2 latinum strips to "QUARK",c/o DS9
$PATH = (Follow;The;Yellow;Brick;Road;)
$^]     Donald Trump.
$hh­  œ‹sç‚ï çå ÑhŠ á¡ÑsçÚˆ†ms...Ñhˆy „≠v“‹›‰s àŸ„Ú
$sv      WH BTHR(
$u maGaRaDa nE vaR ? (SoN s™zLeRden)
$ubliminal tagline. $end money.
%              &lt;- Tribble undergoing mitosis.
%  &lt;- Tribble teeter-totter
% % % &lt;----- Teenage Mutant Turtle Tribbles
% &lt;- Tribble neighbors.
% &lt;--   Tribble Kids Seen From Above Arguing over a Fence.
% archie life
%#$;lkjd$## "There might have been a cat on the keyboard" Ž Schrodinger
%#&*@!    ----  just more graffiti to detract from this message.
%$#@*! said Pooh, as they closed the Interstate down to one lane.
%$#^@#" NO CARRIER "Toto, don't think were online anymore."
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%End Quote%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%*@:-(  Hung over
%+{     from the loser of a fight
%-)     User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight.
%-)    staring at terminal too long
%-)   User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
%-) Person submitting has been staring at the terminal for 36 hours.
%------ ----- --X=E X Happy Holidays To All X E=X-- ----- ------%
%-6     User is brain dead.
%-\     from someone hungover
%-{     sad variation.
%-}     humor variation.
%BW Tags
%DCL-MEM-BAD, bad memory
%DCL-MEM-BAD, bad memory; VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears
%DCL-W-SOFTONEDGEDONTPUSH, Software On Edge - Don't Push.
%NOTES-F-STUPERNAM, personal name too stupid to print.
%POPI   Punch Operator Immediately
%RSSC   reduce speed, step carefully  (for improved accuracy)
%RTAB   Rewind tape and break
%RWDSK  rewind disk
%RWOC   Read Writing On Card
%SCRBL  scribble to disk  - faster than a write
%SHT-I-CMPLT, shutdown completed
%SHT-I-CMPLT, shutdown completed%%SRSD   Seek Record and Scar Disk
%SLC    Search for Lost Chord
%SPSW   Scramble Program Status Word
%SRSD   Seek Record and Scar Disk
%STROM  Store in Read Only Memory
%SYS-F-BLAKHOLE, Message Lost
%SYS-I-Stopped, process 0002000A37D stopped
%SYSTEM-F-ANARCHISM, The operating system has been overthrown
%TDB    Transfer and Drop Bit
%Tagline File 1
%echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc
%{ 1 fish, %{ 2 fish, %{ red fish, %{ blue fish
&   &lt;:=======   -Snake stalking ampersand
& U Can See All The Stars As You Walk Down Hollywood Blvd
& a hey, nonny nonny
& finallyif `ya don't like the weatherMOVE!
& they'll know we R Xtians by the &lt;&gt;&lt; on our cars
&#8216;Do What Thou Wilt' shall be the whole of the Law
&%#jfksikkkslgpopps.. "Hey, get the cat off the keyboard!"
&%#jfksikkkslgpopps.. "Hey, get the cat off the keyboard!"&&'''''25!#$&@E%sfhxv... oops Sorry... no speaka de ASCII
&& wroBC) !=
&'''''25!#$&@E%sfhxv... oops Sorry... no speaka de ASCII.
&^*$%#@!?&gt;(&anks for hanging up the phone, dear!
&^*%%#$!  This message censored by the God Squad.
&gt;                                                &lt;- Cloaked Tagline
&gt;                        Skippy &lt;LOL!!&gt;
&gt;            ^^^^^^^^ &lt;= This version by Ron Janorkar's evil twin,
&gt;          bond me !!          &lt;
&gt;          ttyl...Randy Prez\MRFA
&gt;  &gt;  &gt;  &gt;  &gt;  &gt;  &gt;Nobody has been quoted in this tagline
&gt; &gt; -=) Unicorn in love, with little hearts above it's head
&gt; &gt;Thanks, Randy Prez/MRFA
&gt; * Origin: H-E-B BBS  Help!!! get me out of here!!! (1:130/901)
&gt; GC&gt; (as I didn't know how to FIDO Email). So, what did you
&gt; GC&gt; **DEAD, DEATH, DIED 162 Taglines**
&gt; GC&gt; Blondes DO IT with a thermos.
&gt; GC&gt; I do have FIDO NetMail, and Internet EMail; your choice!
&gt; GC&gt; your head! &lt;LOL!&gt;
&gt; Go Wolf Clan &lt;
&gt; Out of Taglines, Please Order More &lt;
&gt; Out of recipes, Please Order More &lt;
&gt; Polytheism, n.: The belief in a Divine Parrot. &lt;
&gt; SF&gt; GP&gt; WD&gt; KF&gt; JP&gt; MM&gt; BG&gt; JH&gt; MF&gt; stop quoting this.
&gt; Thanks for posting those Heinlein literary tags back in January
&gt; XALL ECHO Y\DEL *.*
&gt;###CROW (Movie & Comic Book) *NEW*    Jack Butler   133
&gt;&gt; A moderator of Taglines.
&gt;&gt; Ankh if you love Isis &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; BEER.CAN not found, USER.EXE not loaded &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; Don't argue - I'm from Eastern Europe &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; From 0 to light speed in 6.1 seconds &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; I'm mooning you now, you just can't see me. &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; If you can't be offensive WHY BOTHER?     &lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt; Will Rogers never met a lawyer
&gt;&gt;#'M ST#P#D&lt;&lt;        "I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat. An `O' please."
&gt;&gt;&gt;   jim   &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Clearance sale: All Taglines HAVE TO GO! &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Continued for the sake of boring you to death.
&gt;&gt;&gt; Continued from previous message
&gt;&gt;&gt; Continued to next conference
&gt;&gt;&gt; Continued to next message
&gt;&gt;&gt; Continued to previous message
&gt;&gt;&gt; Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
&gt;&gt;&gt; FRESH FROM THE FUNNIES* &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Guns don't kill people.. Mailreaders kill people! &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Insert Clever Tagline Here &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Pardon my driving; I'm trying to reload. &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Part 11 of 13
&gt;&gt;&gt; Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; TOP SECRET! BURN BEFORE READING! &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Thank you, to those who reply, in advance. &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt; Think! &lt;&lt;&lt; While it's still legal!
&gt;&gt;&gt; WARNING &lt;&lt;&lt;  -  SAFE.SEX is a Trojan!
&gt;&gt;&gt; Why is it that the best taglines are just a little too lo
&gt;&gt;&gt; You need to be at least 10% smarter t&lt;han the equipment
&gt;&gt;&gt; _'M ST_P_D &lt;&lt;&lt;  "Pat, I'd like to buy an 'O'..."
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Help...My net's crashed and I can't link up!! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; IBM = (I)nferior (B)ut (M)arketable &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Live from New York, it's SATURDAY NIGHT! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; ======= IGNORE EVERYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE ======= &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;.
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Guns Don't Kill People.  Mailreaders Kill People! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I'm telling you, liberals are EVERYWHERE! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; What It Is The Was Of What Will Be. &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; What is is the was of what will be... &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; ============IGNORE EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ========== &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Real Tagline Power Users Abuse JH! &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Rock and Roll is not a crime! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Police tagline.  Do not cross. &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; I am NOT indecisive.  Am I? &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  Vote Green &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; S N A G !! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Stop quoting this!
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Adventure? Excitement? Natch! I'm Modeming.&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;I have a life. C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE.....See?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Captain Southwell, we've just &lt;*THUD*&gt; landed!&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Go on, be yourself! There isn't anyone better qualified.&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;I am NOT addicted.  I ju&gt;st use the Modem all the time!&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;I have a life. C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE.....See?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;¡¤ô¢rm†t‹“ü ‘b•—t H.R§ss ž‚r•t:ph”üˆ1-800-685-7777
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;......Myra I Fox - The Tagline Princess From Tennessee!.....&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;-----&gt; Pikard/Riker '96 &lt;-----&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;=====&gt;&gt;Indians had LOUSY immigration laws&lt;&lt;=====&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;......Myra Irene - The Tagline Queen From Tennessee!.....&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;My other computer is a Cray Y-MP!&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;-- The information went data way -----&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;---taglines pierced while you wait---|&gt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;Caution! Blind Skateboarder Crossing!&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;Computer Error&lt;&lt;&lt;  Ram ran off with ewe
&gt;&gt;&gt;I feel much better since I gave up hope.
&gt;&gt;&gt;Tagline censored by Jesse Helms&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;&gt;WARNING: Twit Filter Full. Delete Conference?
&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;    &gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;  Bugs... What Bugs?    &gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;    &gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;   &gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;  Bugs? Bugs?... What Bugs?
&gt;&gt;:-&gt;   User just made a really devilish remark
&gt;&gt;;-&gt;   Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made
&gt;&gt;??++h+n AeCohanks for hanging up, dear
&gt;&gt;DING!&lt;&lt; &gt;&gt;DING!&lt;&lt; There's your two points! :)
&gt;&gt;Guns don't kill people.. Mailreaders kill people! &lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;Life's a bitch, then one moves in with you&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;PANON BBS&lt;&lt; 021/25-119 ; 021/52-739  0-24  14400!
&gt;&gt;Religious discussion is shoptalk carried to a higher power!&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;Run Time Error 485728403  SysOp Obviously Crazy&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;THE PS/2!&lt;&lt; IT'S! hummm, uhhhh IBM COMPATIBLE!
&gt;&gt;Tagline Deleted By Florida Censors&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;Tagline moved to upper memory.&lt;&lt;
&gt;&gt;insert handle/name here&lt;&lt; GETS A COLD, PHLEGM AT 11!
&gt;&gt;recipe moved to upper memory&lt;&lt;
&gt;&lt;&gt;       **&lt;&gt;&lt;   &gt;&lt;&gt;.**            It's fish!
&gt;(That's one for the over-35 crowd; the kiddies will have to look up
&gt;*&lt;    &lt;- Luke Skywalker Tribble in his X-Wing Fighter
&gt;*&lt; &lt;-- Sheridan Tribble in his Starfury.
&gt;*MSGID: 1:330/301.0 313e0ea9
&gt;*PID: BWRA 3.20 [Reg]
&gt;*REPLY: 1:261/1137 42c1adac
&gt;*TID: FastEcho 1.45a 7854
&gt;----  Stealth Tagline.
&gt;... Bluewave gets my mail, keeps me safe from the twits and flames!
&gt;... But it was over when the Sysop had a plan
&gt;... Just another withdrawal from the insanity bank
&gt;8-0    Surprised, wide-eyed, yelling smiley
&gt;:&gt;)    User has a big nose
&gt;:*)    Rudolph the red nosed smily
&gt;:-&gt;    User just made a really biting sarcastic remark
&gt;:-&gt;    leer
&gt;:-&gt;  User just made a really devilish remark.
&gt;:-&lt; mad
&gt;:-(    Mad, annoyed
&gt;:-D    Evil glee
&gt;:-I  net.startrek :-P     nyah nyah
&gt;:-]    User is feeling develish
&gt;:^[-B  Girlfriend's mad at me.
&gt;;-&gt;  Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.
&gt;=&lt;)))('&gt;  Something smells like fish!  &lt;'}{{{&gt;=&lt;
&gt;=X)    Cat, complete with whiskers
&gt;=o]  &gt;Q=oP  &gt;*=o]  &lt;-- Warner Sibs Family Portrait.
&gt;Actual Headline: Bank Drive-In Window Blocked by Board
&gt;Actual Headline: Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
&gt;Actual Headlines: Air Head Fired
&gt;Actual Headlines: Drunken Driver Pays $1000 in '84
&gt;Actual Headlines: Enraged Cow Injures Farmer with Ax
&gt;Actual Headlines: Lung Cancer in Women Mushrooms
&gt;Actual Headlines: Man Steals Clock, Faces Time
&gt;Actual Headlines: Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge
&gt;Actual Headlines: Stolen Painting Found by Tree
&gt;Actual Headlines: Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
&gt;Again... Well welcome back again
&gt;Any more Jim Morrison Quotes anyone?-)))
&gt;BANG&lt; &gt;BANG&lt; &gt;BANG&lt; &gt;BANG&lt;  "That'll learn ya!" Ä Yosemite Sam
&gt;BEEP&lt;  You have an incoming phone call...  +++ ATH
&gt;Bo)    Furry with big nose, wearing shades
&gt;Coming soon to your FidoNetmail box
&gt;DING!&lt;  Humorous tagline found, initiating theft sequence.
&gt;DING!&lt;  Tasty recipe found, initiating snagging sequence.
&gt;DING!&lt; Thank you, that's it.
&gt;FOOM!&lt;  Said the dragon.
&gt;Fatal error... Computer out of patience!
&gt;Frisbyterian: when you die, your soul goes up on the roof.
&gt;From Hell's kitchen, I baste thee! -- Khan
&gt;From the Department of Redundancy Dept
&gt;From the creative workshops of Soong, Inc
&gt;G&lt; -------- a GRIN that got away
&gt;GC&gt; &gt;... Can I just touch the hem of your tunic?
&gt;GC&gt; &gt;... Gary doesn't need a Life; he has TAGLINES!
&gt;GC&gt; &lt;Er, ... uh-oh ... &lt;*cringe*&gt;&gt;  :-)
&gt;GC&gt; ... &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;I have a life. C:\MARYLAND\LIFE.EXE.....See?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&gt;GC&gt; Garlic is to salad what insanity is to art
&gt;GC&gt; Insanity? ... Why, I'm so SANE I don't even have any INSANITY
&gt;GC&gt; Taglines! Watch! &lt;Search Master File for INSANITY&gt;
&gt;Gary :Buchanan: Storm trooper for g0D!
&gt;Gary :Headline: Ability To Swim May Save Children From Drowning
&gt;Gary :I hope you'll like these ... &lt;G&gt;
&gt;Guest-Starring Anne Baxter as Zelda the Great
&gt;Hi Gary, I was wondering if you have any files dealing with PMS? &lt;g&gt;
&gt;Hmm.  So tell me -- does the number of taglines bear any relation to
&gt;I'll see what I can dig up for you. Later!!
&gt;KABOOM!&lt;  "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" Ä Crazy Harry
&gt;LIE&lt; if you have to, but say it now! Garak
&gt;LT&lt;Hello all you tagline enthusiasts
&gt;LT&lt;I am in search of Queensryche, Pink Floyd, Faster PussyCat, etc
&gt;LT&lt;Tags.... Especially Queensryche
&gt;Real Headlines: Deaf College Opens Doors to Hearing
&gt;Real Headlines: Lansing Residents Can Drop Off Trees
&gt;Real Headlines: Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
&gt;Real Headlines: New Vaccine May Contain Rabies
&gt;SLAP&lt;  Wake up, you're dreaming again!
&gt;Say good night Gary. Good night Gary!
&gt;Sigh&lt;  You can lead a user to Docs but you can't make 'em read.
&gt;Slam&lt;            &gt;Bang&lt;
&gt;Splut&lt; Umm. Were you very fond of that cat?
&gt;THUMP&lt;   OWWW!  Who turned the gravity on?!
&gt;TWEET!&lt;  UNDERWAY - SHIFT COLORS!  USS Anzio is now underway
&gt;Thanks Gary...Enjoyed them.  If you need anything, let me know and
&gt;The BBS that I use is Freeman Brothers (1:140\65), or you can just post
&gt;The foregoing does not necessarily reflect the views of the *Tagline
&gt;This tagl ineh asto oman yfou rlet terw ords.
&gt;True Headlines: Farmer Bill Dies in House
&gt;True Headlines: Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
&gt;True Headlines: Stud Tires Out
&gt;True Headlines: Survivor of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
&gt;Wednesday, 03/27/96 at 10:18:43
&gt;Will Work For Food&lt; ...Franchises still available!
&gt;Yes, God has a sense of humor!  I'm here, ain't I?
&gt;beedeep&lt;  "Tuvok to Kim - Don't be a smartass"
&gt;beep&lt; - Error 211: Tagline printer - offline.
&gt;beep&lt; - Error 213: Tagline printer out of paper.
&gt;in the tagline echo
&gt;keep up our end.&lt;BG&gt; But I thought I would show you some of the tags I
&gt;mod in their Funk & Wagnall's.  &lt;VBG&gt;)
&gt;ov++h+n AC*hanks for hanging up, dear.
&gt;sniff&lt;  Did someone fire a phaser in here?
&gt;sniff&lt;  You didn't put a single tagline in your message.   &gt;sniff&lt;
&gt;thud&lt; "Message for you sir..."
&gt;your I.Q. (Insanity Quotient)?????  &lt;ROFL!&gt;
&gt;ø&lt;&lt;&lt;=&lt;   (Thread Herring)
&here's a hand, my trusty friend&you shall give me thine&we'll take a right good sup,ForAuldLangSyne
&lt;           The information went data way           &gt;
&lt; ?Que? &gt;
&lt; Aoooga!  Aoooga!  Dive!  Dive! &gt;
&lt; Caution: naughty bits follow... 101001100011101 &gt;
&lt; Doppler TAGLINE
&lt; Falcon System &gt;
&lt; Horny  meter: ################################# (99%)
&lt; I went pure OS/2 this time....I'm Microsoft Free!&gt;
&lt; I'm not old, I'm young with lots of experience &gt;
&lt; If you can read this, you have too much time!
&lt; Insert Politically Incorrect Tagline Here &gt;
&lt; JJ's Bad Luck Point &gt;
&lt; Left The Competition In The Dust YEARS Ago ... !
&lt; Registered with a Rubber Check!
&lt; Tagline removed to avoid embarassment. &gt;
&lt; This tagline is hidden by a cloaking device. &gt;
&lt; Yeah, right.  You call this a tag line? &gt;
&lt; bad recipe removed to avoid embarrassment. &gt;
&lt; comes from  &gt; gozinta  -Computer Jargon v2.9.12
&lt; dated drug humor tagline deleted &gt;
&lt; grains of salt, please take one.
&lt;"Enjoy supper, Dax out."&gt;
&lt;%&gt;{ 1 fish, &lt;%&gt;{ 2 fish, &lt;%&gt;{ red fish, &lt;%&gt;{ blue fish
&lt;&gt; &lt;--- Put complaints in this box
&lt;&gt; Barney loves to grin
&lt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  BBS NAKED  &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&gt;
&lt;&gt;&lt; - Christian Fish    &lt;DARWIN&gt;&lt; - Evolutinoist's Fish
&lt;&gt;&lt; Christian Fish &lt;DARWIN&gt;&lt; Evolutionist Fish &lt;gefilte&gt;&lt; Jewish Fish
&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt; BBS NAKED  &lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;
&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;Quality Taglines For Sale - First Come First Serve&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;&lt;&gt;.
&lt;&gt;:{(}  Lt. Worf.
&lt;&lt;                    (Tagline cloked)
&lt;&lt;                  Romulan tagline decloaking                     &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;  Procrastinate...Later :)  &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; * * * Politically Incorrect Tagline Deleted * * * &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; BEER.CAN not found, USER.EXE not loaded &lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt; Bill Clinton is a few fries short of a Happy Meal &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; CENSORED &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; In Stereo Where Available &lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt; Insert really bad pun here. &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; Jack Howard saying  "Yeellloow There"! &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; Just some more irrelevant nonsense from me. &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; M.  T.  Headed &lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt; Politically Correct Tagline Deleted! &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; Politically Un-Corrct Tagline Deleted!
&lt;&lt; Reduce - Recycle - Re-use &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; Registration number coming soon! &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; Trek DUP 'REALITY' RCL SAME NOT &lt;&lt;'REALITY' STO&gt;&gt; IFT &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; create DUPLICATE + TAGLINES &gt;&gt; &lt;&lt; recreate DUPLICATE +
&lt;&lt; create DUPLICATE + TAGLINES &gt;&gt; &lt;&lt; recreate DUPLICATE + TAGLINES &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt; place Tagline here &gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; Designer Tagline II! &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; Designer Tagline II! &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;  Why is this here?  &lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; (c) Copyright 1995 by AOL SUCKS, INC. ... All rights Reserved. &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Danger &gt;&gt;&gt;  &gt;&gt; 1,000,000 Ohms &lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Fastest Hello !  (say it in a tagline)  Goodbye! &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; General Brain Failure. (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (O)h, sheesh! &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Guns don't kill people.. Mailreaders kill people! &lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; ItsCrkrsToSlpARzrTheDrpsyInSnide &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; No Message Collected &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Pardon my driving; I'm trying to reload. &lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Shadow Tagline &lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; T.A.G.-line deleted by Natl Endowment for the Arts &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Tagline Stolen By Nat'l Endowment for the Arts &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Tagline deleted by Senator Thurmond &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; Tagline prohibited by law &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; This is no test - repeat, this is no test &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt; WARNING &lt;&lt;&lt;  -  SAFE.SEX is a Trojan!
&lt;&lt;&lt; Why is this here? &gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; First listen to sermon, THEN eat missionary.
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; IN SEARCH OF THE LAST VIRGIN &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;  Thanks, SYSOPs  &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Am I experiencing widespread political corruption yet? &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Im telling you, they are EVERYWHERE! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; In God we trust.  All other must use the callback verifier. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Thank God I'm a blond! &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Thanks, Sysops &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; What it is the was of what will be... &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Rock and Roll is not a crime! &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; ÛßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÛÍÍ͹I Just Got Run OverÌÍÍÍÛßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÜßÛ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; It'll be in v1.2... I promise!!!! &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Politically Incorrect - Tagline Deleted! &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; This is Rick Burwell of Tag-X Pro. He's Beta, Jim. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; tagline cancelled &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Am I experiencing widespread political corruption yet? &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Personally, I'd rather be posting funny Taglines. :-)
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Goody Two Shoes is a great song, Tom said adamantly. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; are compuTeR ViruSes CybERnetic orGanISMs? &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; CENSORED BY THE TAGLINE POLICE &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;  SURF NAKED  &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Û²±° Where the HECK is Topeka, Kansas? °±²ÛÝ &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Crash resistant tagline &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; :-[ User is a Vampire. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;NEW YORK RANGERS, STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;IN STEREO - WHERE AVAILABLE&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;Conference and Subj not changed to annoy Tim&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;IN STEREO WHERE AVAILABLE&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;=====----- @FN@ -----=====&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;=====----- Sarasota, Florida -----=====&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;Don't panic.. it's only a virus&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;TOP SECRET&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; This message will self destruct in 5 seconds!!!
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;POLICE TAGLINE&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;DO NOT CROSS&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;POLICE TAGLINE&lt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;SLiMeR proof of purchase
&lt;&lt;&lt;*    &lt;- Sergent Tribble
&lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Chief Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
&lt;&lt;&lt;*)   &lt;- Staff Sergent Tribble
&lt;&lt;&lt;*))  &lt;- Sergent Tribble First Class
&lt;&lt;&lt;*))) &lt;- Master Sergent Tribble
&lt;&lt;&lt;:-{ Worf (never smiles anyways, so he's a bad smiley)
&lt;&lt;&lt;DARN&gt;&gt;&gt; your Once more for old times sake
&lt;&lt;&lt;DEADLY NINJA THROWING TAGLINE&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;From the desk of one of God's affiliates&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;Genuine Exploding Tagline&gt;&gt;&gt;         Acme Tagline Inc
&lt;&lt;&lt;HECK&gt;&gt;&gt; WITH JUSTICE, LYNCH THE &lt;&lt;&lt;BADWORDFILTER&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;TAGLINE ERROR&gt;&gt;&gt; Report to tech support
&lt;&lt;&lt;This message has God's seal of approval&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;cloaked tagline&gt;&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;&lt;harddrive is down and the sexdrive is operational!
&lt;&lt;&lt;recipe ERROR&gt;&gt;&gt; Report to tech support.
&lt;&lt;(Press Here)&lt;&lt; for static discharge.
&lt;&lt;*     &lt;- Corpral Tribble
&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Senior Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
&lt;&lt;** ran outa room in THIS doc! **&gt;&gt; 8-)
&lt;&lt;-- WARNING! Do NOT push this button!
&lt;&lt;--- this box opens into another universe.
&lt;&lt;---- THIS SPACE FOR SALE ----&gt;&gt;  Enquire below.
&lt;&lt;---- THIS SPACE FOR SALE ----&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;----- The information went data way -----&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;@@Come Visit With The *Tagline Addict* Over in CompAddicts!@@&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;@@Don't Stop Here; There's More To Come From The *Tagline Addict*@@&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;@This Completes Your Request To The *Tagline Addict*@&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;A registered user of Telix and Liberator&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season!&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;Confirmed Message Junkie, First Class&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Don't Stop Here; There's More To Come From The *Taglines Addict*&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Insert inevitable trivial witicism&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Ka-BLAMM! Whatever that was, I hope it was on our side!
&lt;&lt;Mobile Smoking Area&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Power Windows!  Windows, OS/2, MIDI, News&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Read message backwards for Satanic worship instructions&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Run Time Error 485728403 ... SysOp Obviously Crazy&lt;&lt;
&lt;&lt;SLURP&gt;&gt;...&lt;&lt;glip&gt;...Slimy...yet satisfying. - Simba
&lt;&lt;THE PS/2!&lt;&lt; IT'S! hummm, uhhhh IBM COMPATIBLE!
&lt;&lt;Tagline Censored By Jesse Helms&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;Tagline moved to upper memory&gt;&gt;, press  to continue
&lt;&lt;The Atomic Bomber&gt;&gt; Coming Soon to a Holocaust Near YOU!
&lt;&lt;achoo&gt;&gt; Every damned time! - Kit O'Brady
&lt;&lt;brain swapped to disk&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;lots of taglines deleted for brevity&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;recipe moved to upper memory&gt;&gt;, press &lt;Esc&gt; to continue.
&lt;&lt;scribble&gt;&gt;&lt;scribble&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;erase&gt;&gt;&lt;erase&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;carry the 2&gt;&gt;
&lt;*      &lt;- Private Tribble First Class
&lt;* BOEM! *&gt; Intel Outside.
&lt;*&gt;          &lt;- Tribble with shields up
&lt;*&gt; This is a virtual tagline. (tm) &lt;*&gt;
&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;- Master Sergeant Tribble (AF)
&lt;******&gt; Football smiley.
&lt;**B010000012f4ced... Not NOW, stupid!
&lt;**EXPLETIVE DELETED**&gt;!!! - Richard Nixon
&lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*- teenage mutant ninja tribbles
&lt;*Ice rocks hit the hull*&gt;  "Captain, we are being hailed."
&lt;*Sheesh*&gt; ... I've got critters like that, too! ... &lt;g&gt;
&lt;*bending pop-can tab over a penny*&gt; Look! A Bill Clinton Money-Clip!
&lt;*ding*&gt; One dead unjugged rabbit fish later
&lt;*fwump*&gt; "Message for you, sir!" &lt;*thud*&gt; -- Concorde
&lt;*shlurrp*&gt; AHHHHH!
&lt;*sigh*&gt; What a senseless waste of human life.
&lt;*singing*&gt; "It's the little first lady with megalomania..."
&lt;*singing*&gt; I hate you. Where's a tree? Let's all go and hang Barney!
&lt;+]:-)  Pope
&lt;+|:-)  The Pope
&lt;- "TWIT" button.  Push it and ZAMMO!!
&lt;- *Generic Tagline*
&lt;- Amazing! Have we finally achieved a bug free release?
&lt;- Bald tribbles        &lt;- after hairclub visit
&lt;- Cloaked Tagline
&lt;- Cloaked tribbles
&lt;- Coming soon, an all new Tag-X !
&lt;- Does yours have one of these?
&lt;- Fish Tribbles
&lt;- Get this version of Tag-X Pro, Rod Hard!
&lt;- Get this version, @TOFIRST@!
&lt;- Get this version, Jeff!
&lt;- Get this version, Lori!
&lt;- Get this version, Orville!
&lt;- Grain Of Salt. Take As Needed With Above Message
&lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
&lt;- Hold tagline this was up &lt;- -&gt; Hold tagline this way up -&gt;
&lt;- I Forgot To Add A Tagline
&lt;- It's getting *eta, *eta and *eta!
&lt;- It's here! An all new Tag Line Xpress! Get it today!
&lt;- It's here! An all new Tag-X Professional! Get it today!
&lt;- Keeps your toilet  clean for FOUR MONTHS!!
&lt;- Next release, full UNIX support* -grep-grep-grep-
&lt;- Poor little misplaced decimal points.
&lt;- Scratch Here For Your Instant Tagline Prize!
&lt;- Spaced out tagline
&lt;- Stealth Tribble
&lt;- Tagline management will NEVER be the same again!
&lt;- Tagline with a cloaking device
&lt;- The sexy sports car of offline readers.
&lt;- They went that'a way! -&gt;
&lt;- Tribble after a close shave
&lt;- Tribble tracks
&lt;- Under construction! It's getting *eta, *eta and *eta
&lt;- Watch this space for progress, @TO@!
&lt;- Watch this space for progress, Seeker!
&lt;- Watch this space for progress, Tawna!
&lt;- What's with those dots anyway?
&lt;- Wook!  Tagwine twacks!
&lt;- Wç‡h Âh³s sPace ô“© p©™G©‚ss, @TO@!
&lt;- You've got the right reader baby.  UH-HUH!
&lt;- really small ANSI graphic of @TO@
&lt;- teenage mutant ninja tribbles
&lt;-*-&gt;  &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE figher
&lt;-*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*---   Tribble & onion kabob.
&lt;-+- The Land of The AMiGA -+-&gt;
&lt;-+-+-+&gt;AMIGA FOREVER&lt;+-+-+-&gt;
&lt;--  Self portrait at 2000 meters
&lt;-- Above indicates the length limit (57 characters) ---&gt;
&lt;-- Amazing!  Have we finally achieved a bug free release?
&lt;-- Bald Man with cornflower ears
&lt;-- Check it out!  Offline eXpress! Registered? :-)
&lt;-- Follow the Arrows -----&gt;      -----&gt;      Stupid!
&lt;-- Grain of Salt.  Take as needed with above advice
&lt;-- Grain of salt.  Take as needed with all posts here
&lt;-- It's simply too wonderful for words!
&lt;-- Look MOM I registered It.
&lt;-- Look! It's registered!
&lt;-- Not Yet Available in the Romulan Empire.
&lt;-- Paid for!  But the Vapor Disk is still out there.
&lt;-- Please legibly write all complaints in this box
&lt;-- Please put complaints in this box.  Write legibly.
&lt;-- Put complaints in this box.
&lt;-- Registered through a pact with the Devil!
&lt;-- Registered with a Rubber Check!
&lt;-- Registered with beads and trinkets.
&lt;-- Romulan Tagline (Cloaked).
&lt;-- SOLD!
&lt;-- Scratch here for your Instant Tagline Prize
&lt;-- Stealth Tagline
&lt;-- Tagline abducted by aliens!
&lt;-- Tagline management will never be the same again!
&lt;-- The information went data way --&lt;
&lt;-- The naughty bits of an ant
&lt;-- This does everything but think up new taglines!
&lt;-- This registration paid for with sexual favors.
&lt;-- To destroy a microscopic space fleet press here!
&lt;-- What, I ran out of memorized taglines, ok? &lt;G&gt;
&lt;-- Why Register It???
&lt;-- Why the funny asterisk?
&lt;-- Why the funny square?
&lt;-- YOU ARE HERE (Total Perspective Vortex)
&lt;-- YOU ARE HERE (Total Perspective Vortex)&lt;&lt;-- really small ASCII graphic of @F
&lt;-- and to the left, some more advertising you just love.
&lt;-- really small ANSI graphic of @N@
&lt;-- really small ASCII graphic of my name
&lt;-- really small ASCII graphic of the USS Enterprise
&lt;-- your brain
&lt;--!depleh eb t'nac tI
&lt;---  The BBS your mother warned you about.
&lt;--- Clinton, prosperity ----&gt;
&lt;--- Grains Of Salt.  Add a pinch to the above recipe.
&lt;--- Look Ma... I'm registered!
&lt;--- Registered since 9/90   (He who hesitates has lost!)
&lt;--- Spock this isn't logical...Please Register!
&lt;--- This is NOT a serial number, I swear.
&lt;--- This tagline confiscated by the Clinton administration
&lt;--- Why does every tagline start with a Tribble?
&lt;--- Wook! Tagwine Twacks!
&lt;--- cloaked tribble
&lt;--- tribble after Jenny Craig
&lt;--- tribble after a haircut
&lt;---- Is this your brain?
&lt;---- This tagline confiscated by Clinton administration
&lt;---- Waste of 29 characters
&lt;----- Point of _no_ return.. NO CARRIER
&lt;----- TRIBBLE   ,&lt;-----  TRIBBLE.ZIP  .&lt;-----  TRIBBLE.LZH
&lt;----- Teenage Mutant Ninga Tribbles
&lt;----- The information highway goes data way -----&gt;
&lt;------------ The Data Stream Went Thataway ------------&gt;
&lt;------------ The information went data way ------------&gt;
&lt;------------- Space for SALE! ------------&gt;
&lt;------------------- The file went data way.
&lt;------------------- The information went data way -----------------&gt;
&lt;----------------------  It went dat'a way. --------------------&gt;
&lt;------------------------------Stealth Tagline.
&lt;------------------This space for Rent------------------&gt;
&lt;------------The data stream went thataway!-------------&gt;
&lt;-----------Clinton       Truth-------------&gt;
&lt;----------cut here------
&lt;--------The information went data way--------&gt;
&lt;-----LOOK! a license to BABBLE! &lt;er JABBER&gt;
&lt;----Registered with beads and trinkets
&lt;----The information went data way----&lt;
&lt;---Clinton ------------------------------Prosperity---&gt;
&lt;---Look ma!!!   NO BETA!!!!
&lt;---Oh yeah? well take this!
&lt;---The data stream went thataway!-----&gt;
&lt;---Wook! Tagwine Twacks!
&lt;--Heather Locklear Scratch & Sniff.
&lt;--Now *THIS* is a mail reading machine!
&lt;--Please put complaints in this box.
&lt;-Blank verse tagline
&lt;-Stealth Tagline
&lt;-Tagline with a cloaking device.
&lt;-o-&gt;  &lt;-o-&gt;  &lt;-o-&gt; TIE Interceptors on your six! &lt;-o-&gt;  &lt;-o-&gt;  &lt;-o-&gt;
&lt;-ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ This Space for SALE! ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ &gt;
&lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: &lt;: KIDDING! :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt; :&gt;
&lt;:-(    Dunce smiley
&lt;:-)    Highly decorated soldier.
&lt;:-)    for dumb questions.
&lt;:-I    User is a dunce
&lt;:I dunce
&lt;=&gt; One size fits all... &lt;=&gt; Commodore Amiga© &lt;=&gt;
&lt;=&lt;TAGLINE&gt;=&gt; And this is the machine that goes "Ping"
&lt;== Email signatures are stupid, that's why I don't put anything in mine. ==
&lt;==============Moderator at Work================&gt;
&lt;==Hey, I'm Legal!!
&lt;==Hey, dude, It's Registered! I'M legal. Are you?
&lt;=MINDLEVEL=&gt; THIS is a configuration of units of energy.
&lt;=OZ=&gt;..."Wild make my thing ring"
&lt;@#$%&gt; ... And up pops a TEST! *AARRGGHH* &lt;LOL!&gt;
&lt;@#$%&gt; And up pops a TEST!!! *AARRGGHH*
&lt;@@ThS cømpL‰ÂˆS th‹S ç**„*¤*S*M*Œ*ç*Â*ƒ*L áy Âhä *tàgœŒnä ƒëD­ct*@@&gt;
&lt;@@This Completes This T*R*A*N*S*M*I*T*T*A*L By The *Tagline Addict*@@&gt;
&lt;@{  =  Harryhausen Cyclops from "&th Voyage of Sinbad
&lt;A&gt;bort  &lt;R&gt;etry  &lt;T&gt;hrow Computer across the room.
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;C&gt;reate a holographic image
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;D&gt;ynamite
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;F&gt;ail &lt;S&gt;how furry GIF.
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;H&gt;oney, get my .45
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;I&gt;nfluence with large hammer
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;N&gt;uke It!!!!!!!!!
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;S&gt;elf destruct 30 sec.
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;S&gt;ell it
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;T&gt;oss computer across room
&lt;A&gt;bort &lt;R&gt;etry &lt;W&gt;hat the f-ck happened????
&lt;A&gt;bort, &lt;R&gt;etry, &lt;C&gt;ry?
&lt;A&gt;bort, &lt;R&gt;etry, &lt;F&gt;ire for effect
&lt;A&gt;bort, &lt;R&gt;etry, &lt;I&gt;gnore, &lt;M&gt;eltdown
&lt;A&gt;bort, &lt;R&gt;etry, &lt;P&gt;retend this never happened
&lt;A&lt;bort, &lt;R&lt;etry, &lt;C&lt;ry
&lt;AARRGGHH!!&gt; First, there's a User who says I'm skinny dipping; next,
&lt;AITOB&gt; = Audible Intake Of Breath
&lt;ANY&gt; key?  Where did they stick THAT one?
&lt;ASP&gt; ì Lisboa ì +351-1-4919755 ì (USR DS 16.8)
&lt;Ahem&gt; &lt;cough&gt; ... Just taking lessons from you, Maria
&lt;All senior officers report to Ops immediately.&gt; - Kira
&lt;And I do carry quite a few other tag files.  :)) &gt;
&lt;Attempting link-up.  Stand by.&gt; - DS9 computer
&lt;Auto Pilot Engaging&gt;
&lt;B*O*O*M*&gt;...  Ooop's...  We're going to need another Timmy...!
&lt;B*O*O*M*&gt;....Ooop's...We're going to need another Kes!
&lt;BAM!!!  This is the Tagline Police!!  Everybody FREEZE!!!
&lt;BAM!!!&gt; This is the *TagSquad*!! Everybody FREEZE!!! &lt;BAM!!!&gt;
&lt;BAM&gt; "In fact, I'm damn cranky!" &lt;BAM&gt; - Garibaldi
&lt;BANG!&gt; @FN@? Oh I thought it was Rod Speed again
&lt;BANG&gt; Take that warden!
&lt;BAP!&gt;"Jeez! What was that for?" "It doesn't matter--it's in the past."
&lt;BEEP!&gt; Odo-Scan Warning: Quark detected, Slime? [Y/n]
&lt;BEEP&gt;  You have an incoming phone call +++ ATH
&lt;BEEP&gt; Keyboard not found.  Press F1 to continue
&lt;BILL DREAMING&gt;...Too many conferences.....WAKE UP BILL!!
&lt;BLAM!&gt; "Anybody else wanna LIMP?"
&lt;BLAM!&gt;&lt;BLAM!&gt;&lt;BLAM!&gt;  "Hey, you don't know 'till you try!" - Jack Burton
&lt;BLAM!&lt; "Anybody else wanna LIMP?"
&lt;BOING! BOING! BOING!&gt; Jumping WHO on a pogo stick?
&lt;BOOM!&gt; "Trouble!" "How perceptive, Betsy. We noticed!"
&lt;BOOM!&gt; ACME Exploding Tagline...5....4....3...&lt;BOOM!&gt;.. Actually, if
&lt;BOOM!&gt; ACME Exploding Tagline...5....4....3...&lt;BOOM!&gt;...2...1
&lt;BOOM&gt;   "I hope there was nobody on that bus..." - Sam
&lt;BOOM&gt;  "I kind of like the rhythm."  Hawkeye  &lt;BOOM&gt;
&lt;BOOM&gt; &lt;BOOM&gt; &lt;BOOM&gt; Let me out of here!!!
&lt;BOOM&gt; That dog's dead! !@#$**%$*  NO TERRIER
&lt;BOOM&gt;&lt;BOOM&gt;&lt;BOOM&gt;&lt;BOOM&gt; Nitroglycerin on keys
&lt;BOOMboom&gt; The chicken heart &lt;BOOMboom&gt; was kept in a vat
&lt;BRAAAAAAAH&gt;...I'm stuffed! - Pumbaa
&lt;BURP!!&gt;  That's how I spell relief!
&lt;BUZZ!&gt; "The answer." -- Yakko
&lt;Boo! from the Invisible Tagline!&gt;
&lt;Bravo!&gt; &lt;Huzzahs&gt; &lt;Whistles&gt; &lt;Cheers from the audience&gt;
&lt;Bronx cheer at lich&gt;  "Hey!  What level *is* our cleric, anyway?"
&lt;C&gt;aught &lt;L&gt;yiing &lt;I&gt;n &lt;N&gt;ine &lt;T&gt;imes &lt;O&gt;utta te&lt;N&gt;
&lt;C*NS*R*D&gt; F*r y**r d*mn pr*t*ct**n
&lt;CHOMP&gt; chew chew &lt;spting&gt; &lt;spting&gt; &lt;GULP&gt; - "Taglines assimilated."
&lt;CHOMP&gt; chew chew &lt;spting&gt; &lt;spting&gt; &lt;GULP&gt; - Recipes being snagged.
&lt;CLA  }/     NO CARRIER
&lt;CLANG&gt; Bring out your dead...&lt;CLANG&gt; Bring out your dead
&lt;CLINK&gt; &lt;CLINK&gt;  Two cents deposited. ;)
&lt;CNTL&gt;-&lt;ALT&gt;-&lt;DEL&gt; for next message
&lt;CR&gt;              Oops!  I dropped my tagline!
&lt;CRASH&gt; &lt;THUMP&gt; ...It's WORF, not WOOF!
&lt;CRASH&gt; That statue wasn't here before... - The Tick
&lt;CRUNCH&gt; "Ohhh, Barney's eating the kids again!!!"
&lt;CTRL&gt; &lt;ALT&gt; &lt;DEL&gt; TO VIEW NEXT MESSAGE  &lt;END OF FILE MARKER&gt;
&lt;CTRL&gt;&lt;ALT&gt;&lt;DEL&gt; to continue -&gt;
&lt;CTRL&gt;+&lt;ALT&gt;+&lt;DEL&gt; to continue...
&lt;CTRL&gt;-&lt;ALT&gt;-&lt;DEL&gt; for next message
&lt;CTRL&gt;-&lt;ALT&gt;-&lt;DEL&gt; is the key to success
&lt;CTRL&lt;+&lt;ALT&lt;+&lt;DEL&lt; to continue...
&lt;Calvin&gt; Dad, what makes the wind? &lt;dad&gt; Trees sneezing.
&lt;Clap&gt;&lt;cLap&gt;&lt;clAp&gt;&lt;claP&gt; ... Another *brilliant* rendition by the
&lt;Commercial Accounts utilize AT&T's network, Residential uses WILTEL&gt;
&lt;Communication to Bajor is currently unavailable.&gt; - DS9 Computer
&lt;Crash! Boom! Sizzle!&gt; Looks like the Voyager hit Tagline Manager
&lt;Ctrl&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;&lt;Del&gt; to download 3000 funny taglines.
&lt;Ctrl&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;&lt;Del&gt; to read next message
&lt;Ctrl&gt;-&lt;Alt&gt;-&lt;Del&gt;:  three-finger-salute reboot.
&lt;Ctrl&lt;&lt;Alt&lt;&lt;Del&lt; to read the next message
&lt;Ctrl&lt;&lt;F&lt; to format drive C: or any key to format half of drive C: A cat
&lt;DIALTONE&gt;..&lt;DIALING&gt;..&lt;RING&gt;..&lt;BEEP&gt;..CONNECT 300..&lt;CLICK!&gt;..&lt;DIALTONE&gt;
&lt;DING!&gt;  Price check on an alien implant please, Ralph!
&lt;DING!&lt; Thank you, thats it.
&lt;Damn! First the memory goes ... &gt;:)
&lt;Darn!&gt; Now *everybody* will know I have no magic powers! :-(
&lt;Data interpolation is complete.&gt; - DS9 Computer
&lt;Ding!&gt;  "Noah!"            "WHAT?  Whaddaya want?"
&lt;Don't hurt me like normal, hurt me differently&gt;
&lt;Dooh-Dah&gt;           &lt;Dooh-Dah&gt;
&lt;Drinking&gt;....Hmmmm, that tastes funny.
&lt;Dyslexics of the world UNTIE !!!
&lt;EG&gt; ... Some folks like to be nuclear capable, too. Oh, well ... !
&lt;END OF FILE MARKER&gt; _h_*  _*  **__  m*__M  __  ___gs
&lt;ENTER&gt;!!! The _BEST_ twit filter ever invented.
&lt;ERROR #57&gt; Please report this error to recipe support.
&lt;Earth explodes&gt;  "Damn, I just weather-stripped the patio!" - Duckman
&lt;F&gt;ix &lt;O&gt;r &lt;R&gt;epair &lt;D&gt;aily
&lt;F&gt;ree &lt;R&gt;emoval of &lt;A&gt;sinine &lt;M&gt;essages
&lt;F6&gt; - Add Tagline
&lt;FLAP&gt; OINK &lt;FLAP&gt; OINK &lt;FLAP&gt; OINK &lt;FLAP&gt; OINK &lt;FLAP&gt; OINK
&lt;FLASH!&gt;  What the f*ck was that?  Mayor of Hiroshima, Aug 6, 1945.
&lt;FLUSH!&gt; Whee! Ha Ha Ha!... I'm done with my bath! - Calvin
&lt;Famous Last words&gt; I'll try to Charm the Medusa!
&lt;Fido burps in background and wags his tail&gt;
&lt;Fireball&gt;  "DIE!!!"  &gt;Fizzle&lt;  "Um, ahem... please?"
&lt;From my brain, an organ with a mind of it's own.
&lt;From the Department of Redundancy Dept.
&lt;Fweeeet!&gt;  Misquote!!  10 yard penalty, loss of down!
&lt;G D & +++ATH0 %... NO CARRIER     ATDT911&gt;
&lt;G, D & Acquiring Guard Dog&gt;
&lt;G, D & Checking QWK packet for virii&gt;
&lt;G, D & De-Selecting Conference&gt;
&lt;G, D & Flying south for the winter&gt;
&lt;G, D & Getting Sex Change Operation (Would you hit a lady?)&gt;
&lt;G, D & Hoping to heck Scotty has my coordinates!&gt;
&lt;G, D & Insisting that it was really my SysOp who entered that messageCh
&lt;G, D & Installing C on Computer&gt;
&lt;G, D & Reaching for Fire Extinguisher&gt;
&lt;G, Reading Love Poetry & Ducking a Lot&gt;
&lt;GASP!&gt; "It's the four elephants of the apocalypse!" - Ned Flanders
&lt;GRIN&gt;: a &lt;smile&gt; that burst
&lt;H6&gt;, &lt;CITE&gt;, &lt;CODE&gt;, &lt;EM&gt;, &lt;KBD&gt;, &lt;SAMP&gt;, &lt;STRONG&gt;, &lt;VAR&gt;, &lt;B&gt;, &lt;I&gt;,
&lt;Hate the living, Love the dead&gt;  úÄÍþ[The Misfits]þÍÄú
&lt;Heh!&gt; I pass. I exclude foreign (or dead) language Tags.
&lt;Heh!&gt; That's a Tagline!
&lt;Heh&gt;, But I really am a *terrible* poet
&lt;Heh, heh&gt; Do ya know somebody who talked about Dot Warner??
&lt;I&gt;diot's &lt;B&gt;ewilderment &lt;M&gt;achines
&lt;I&gt;diotic &lt;B&gt;ull &lt;M&gt;eter
&lt;I&gt;n a &lt;B&gt;efuddled &lt;M&gt;anner
&lt;I&gt;nferior, &lt;B&gt;ut &lt;M&gt;arketable
&lt;I&gt;nstalled &lt;B&gt;y &lt;M&gt;asochists
&lt;I&gt;nstitute of &lt;B&gt;etter &lt;M&gt;arketing
&lt;I&gt;nvoluntary &lt;B&gt;owel &lt;M&gt;ovement
&lt;I&lt;nferior, &lt;B&lt;ut &lt;M&lt;arketable
&lt;INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF HAGGIS&gt;  Sign on restaurant, in Earthworm Jim
&lt;IXéY„&gt;&lt;  jude  &gt;&lt;+&gt;  HIS hand
&lt;Ice hits the hull&gt; "Captain, we are being hailed."
&lt;In a Mervyns comercial voice&gt; Opus Opus Opus Opus
&lt;Incoming subspace signal, Vulcan band frequency.&gt; -Runabout computer
&lt;Insert Profound Metaphysical Tagline Here&gt;
&lt;Insert Your Own Cooking Joke Here&gt;
&lt;Insert Your Own Windows Joke Here&gt;
&lt;Insert a favorite Slick Quote Here...&gt;
&lt;Insert favorite indecipherable James Brown lyric here.&gt;
&lt;Insert favorite tagline here
&lt;Insert hilarious tagline here&lt;
&lt;Insert your favorite indecipherable James Brown lyric here)
&lt;Inster Your Own Windows Joke Here&gt;
&lt;KABOOM!&gt; "I think I'll go chat with my *former* alchemist!" -- Kask
&lt;KISS!&gt; "That was for saving my cat."  -- Catwoman, BTAS
&lt;KNOCKING&gt;   Who is it?-Scully   Steven Speilberg!--LOL!!&gt; ... As if *I* didn't have to look it up, myself!! ... And I
&lt;KNOCKING&gt;   Who is it?-Scully   Steven Speilberg!--Mulder (Pilot)
&lt;Klingon computer&gt;: Strike any user when ready
&lt;L&gt;each files &lt;C&gt;omplain to Sysop &lt;D&gt;rop Carrier
&lt;LI&gt;"Criminal Lawyer" is a redundancy
&lt;LI&gt;"More hay, Trigger?"  "No thanks, Roy, I'm stuffed!"
&lt;LI&gt;A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries
&lt;LI&gt;Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else
&lt;LI&gt;Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
&lt;LI&gt;Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
&lt;LI&gt;Did anyone see my lost carrier?
&lt;LI&gt;Double your drive space - delete Windows!
&lt;LI&gt;Ever notice how fast Windows runs?  Neither did I
&lt;LI&gt;Give me ambiguity or give me something else
&lt;LI&gt;Hard work has a future payoff.  Laziness pays off now
&lt;LI&gt;He who laughs last thinks slowest!
&lt;LI&gt;I won't rise to the occaasion, but I'll slide over to it
&lt;LI&gt;I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
&lt;LI&gt;Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math
&lt;LI&gt;Oops.  My brain just hit a bad sector
&lt;LI&gt;Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand
&lt;LI&gt;The gene pool could use a little chlorine
&lt;LI&gt;There's too much blood in my caffeine system
&lt;LI&gt;Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear
&lt;LI&gt;We are born naked, wet and hungry.  Then things get worse
&lt;LI&gt;We have enough youth, how about a fountain of SMART?
&lt;LI&gt;When there's a will, I want to be in it
&lt;LOL!!&gt; ((I know; I know; "It's only a hobby!"))
&lt;LOL!!&gt; It'll depend *solely* upon what's in storage! :^) ... And if _I_
&lt;LOL!&gt; Much truth in Taglines!
&lt;LOL!&gt; „*Wait*† Don't HIT &lt;*AARRGGHH*&gt; *SPLAT* „*oofff*†
&lt;Link established with the Bajoran Archival Records&gt; - DS9 computer
&lt;Looking down&gt; &lt;*grin*&gt; What *kind* of weapon, Dave?
&lt;M&gt;orse code &lt;S&gt;emaphore &lt;T&gt;elepathy
&lt;Mumble&gt; Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed
&lt;NEWSFLASH&gt; Holographic Doctor Catches Virus
&lt;Name&lt; - Alive, occupying space, and exerting gravitational force.
&lt;No physiological damage.All brain functions within normal parameters&gt;
&lt;No test material in this space&gt;
&lt;One anomolous reading detected.&gt; - DS9 computer
&lt;PANT &lt;PANT I see why Jack has a maximum request.
&lt;POW!!&gt;  Welcome to Earth. -- Capt. Hiller to alien, _ID4_
&lt;PROGRAM&gt; ::= Do What I Want
&lt;Perverts -R- Us&gt;
&lt;PgUp&lt;?  &lt;Home&lt;?  &lt;Break&lt;?  &lt;End&lt;?  SysRq!
&lt;Pinch&gt;  Damn!  Not a dream.
&lt;Pisst&gt; @F caught searching for the U.F.O. that left her here!
&lt;Poik poik&gt; I wish you'd stop that. &lt;poik poik&gt; )WHAP!(
&lt;Pretentious&gt;Û²±° John Doyle °±²Û&lt;Tagline&gt;
&lt;Procedure is not recommended.&gt; - DS9 computer
&lt;Procedure is not recommended.Consult Cardassian Operation Guidlines.&gt;
&lt;Ptooey&gt; Ding! - Tom
&lt;Ptooey&gt; Ding! -- Tom Servo
&lt;Puff&gt; &lt;puff&gt; Thanks for the taglines!
&lt;RING&gt;...CONNECT 300...&lt;CLICK!&gt;
&lt;ROTF&gt;                Rolling On The Floor
&lt;ROTFL&gt;               Rolling On The Floor Laughing
&lt;ROTFLMAO&gt;            Rolling On The Floor Laughing My [A] Off
&lt;Ring&gt; &lt;Ring&gt; "Hello?  Hello?  THE BBS IS DOWN, GODDAMMIT!"
&lt;Ring&gt;&lt;Ring&gt; "Channel 9 switchboard, hailing frequencies open..."
&lt;Ring&gt;&lt;Ring&gt; "Channel 9 switchboard......hello Danny,I've missed you!"
&lt;Ring&gt;...  &lt;Ring&gt;...  "Hello?  Hello?  THE BBS IS DOWN, GOLDAMMIT!"
&lt;Roses thrown on stage&gt; &lt;Standing ovation&gt; &lt;Applause&gt;
&lt;SCREAM&gt; "He jumped in with me!" -- Maj. Hoolihan
&lt;SCREAM&gt; It's the Windows Beast come to get me!
&lt;SG&gt;                  Sheepish Grin
&lt;SHIFT&gt;... &lt;TAB&gt;... &lt;ALT&gt;... &lt;CTRL&gt;... HIKE!
&lt;SLAP!&gt; Wake up, you're dreaming again!
&lt;SLAP&gt; HANDS OFF! ... You're not stealing this one!
&lt;SLUUURRP&gt; "Who wanted the donuts without jelly?"
&lt;SMACK&gt;....and stay OFF my keyboard!
&lt;SNICKER!!&gt;....You have quite an imagination, #AF#!
&lt;SOB!&gt; When I was young, I WET THE BURROW! - Earthworm Jim
&lt;SUCK&gt;&lt;SUCK&gt; -- Maggie
&lt;SYSOP HAS SHELLED TO DOS&gt;   @#%^#& &lt;NO CARRIER&gt;
&lt;Search Master File for DREAM&gt;
&lt;Search Master File for JIM Morrison&gt;
&lt;Search Master File for PMS&gt;
&lt;Sheesh!&gt; ... And all I want is some o'the hair I've *lost!*
&lt;Shift&gt; &lt;Return&gt; ??? I can't even find the clutch!
&lt;Sigh&gt; I get that reaction a lot.
&lt;Sigh&gt; The news _can't_ be good!
&lt;Sigh&gt; We have another flat, Tom said tiredly.
&lt;Sigh&gt; Where are the cats when you need them???
&lt;Sigh&gt; You can lead a user to Docs but you can't make 'em read 'em.
&lt;Sigh&gt; You can lead newbies to RULZ,  but you can't make 'em read 'em.
&lt;Sigh&gt;... You can lead a user to DOCs but you can't make 'em read 'em.
&lt;Singing&gt; I believe in magic......
&lt;Slap!&gt; ... Thanks, I needed that!?!?!
&lt;Slice&gt; &lt;Slice&gt; &lt;BANG&gt; &lt;BANG&gt; Barney's dead!
&lt;Sorry this Tagline was spoiled for us, Lorelei. My FIDO Sysop uses
&lt;Sound Of Very Silly Person Giggling Insanely&gt;
&lt;Sssssssssssssssssss&gt;...."Winona ! Please.....not NOW !"
&lt;State security code to release protection.&gt; - DS9 computer
&lt;TAGLINE, duh&gt; And this is the machine that goes "Ping"
&lt;THUMP&gt;   OWWW!!!  Who turned the gravity on?!
&lt;Tagline Systems are offline at the request of Stellar Cartography&gt;
&lt;Taglines temporarily disabled for routine maintenance&gt;
&lt;Tap&gt; "Odo to Ops." &lt;Tap&gt; "Ops?" &lt;Tap Tap Tap Tap&gt; - Odo
&lt;Tap&gt; Odo to Ops. &lt;Tap&gt; Ops? &lt;Tap&gt; OPS! &lt;Tap&gt; OPS! --Odo
&lt;This Echo gets stranger and stranger.. Oh, that's @TOFIRST@.  Sorry...&gt;
&lt;This Echo gets stranger and stranger.. Oh, that's Nathan....  Sorry
&lt;This Echo gets stranger and stranger.. Oh, that's me.  Sorry...&gt;
&lt;This TAGLINE written in braille for the hearing impared&gt;
&lt;This Tagline has been removed by Canada Customs&gt;
&lt;This Tagline is cloaked. You can't see it.&gt;
&lt;This Tagline prohibited entry by the I.N.S.&gt;
&lt;This mind left intentionally blank&gt;
&lt;This recipe has been removed by Canada Customs&gt;
&lt;This space unintentionally left blank&gt;.
&lt;This tagline intentionally left blank&gt;
&lt;This tagline is cloaked. You can't see it.&gt;
&lt;This tagline left intentionally blank&gt;
&lt;This tagline protected by a cloaking device&gt;
&lt;This tagline removed by U.S. Customs&gt;
&lt;Thud&gt; ROTFLSHISTC....  Gag!  Choke!  Cough! Sputter!
&lt;VORTEX&gt; Hasta LaVista Baby!
&lt;VXXXXV&gt; T.Rex grins at Barney  &lt;AVAVAVA&gt; Chomp!
&lt;VvvvvV&gt; grin of kzinti getting ready to leap.
&lt;W&gt;indows &lt;I&gt;cons &lt;M&gt;ice &lt;P&gt;ointers &lt;S&gt;heesh
&lt;WACK&gt; Get back to the real world. - Sherry Holley
&lt;WHACK&gt; "I'M NOT THAT KIND OF CAT, BEAST!"    "{Sigh} {Groan} {Chuckle}"
&lt;WHACK&gt; Ouch! Well, there goes my bank shot. - Paris
&lt;WHAM!&gt; "GARFIELD! You missed the spider and hit me!"  "What Spider?"
&lt;WHAM!&gt; "Stupid TV.. BE MORE FUNNY!!!" - Homer, watching a boring show
&lt;WHAM!&gt; Stupid TV... BE MORE FUNNY!!! - Homer
&lt;WHEW!&gt; Worked up an appetite!
&lt;Waiter, there's a transvestite in my soup&gt;
&lt;Warning&gt;  This tagline is not allowed to be stolen
&lt;Whack!&gt; &lt;Smack!&gt; What was that?  DarkWing Duck's on the attack!
&lt;When there's a will, I want to be in it
&lt;Whip&gt;  Thank you, Ma'am.  May I have another?
&lt;Whip&gt;  Thank you, Mistress.  May I have another?
&lt;YOUR AD HERE!  CALL 1-800-555-FNORD.&gt;
&lt;Your name here&gt; (Send $10 for info!)
&lt;ZAP!&gt; That was *not* manual override.  -- Data
&lt;a href=mailto:ennsnr@BrandonU.CA&gt;;/a&gt;
&lt;aaaahh/splat&gt; "What a helpful chap." - 007 (Roger Moore - T.S.W.L.M.)
&lt;adoki dom dom&gt; Dogson k{vi t{{ll{
&lt;aghast look&gt;  Oh, the poor little Klingon males! - Anna Steven
&lt;an anvil falls on my head&gt;  - Anna Steven
&lt;assorted dec id fruitcake&gt; illegal error
&lt;bang&gt; &lt;bang&gt; &lt;bang&gt;  "Sorry."--Paris
&lt;beedeep&gt;  "Tuvok to Kim. Don't be a smartass."
&lt;beep&gt; Sorry, the government isn't home right now.  Please try later.
&lt;beep&gt;"Picard to Enterprise"  +++ATH NO CARRIER
&lt;bing!&gt; "Initiating tagline assimilation sequence. :)" - RKS
&lt;bing!&gt; Initiating recipe assimilation sequence.
&lt;bits of ice striking hull&gt; "Captain, we're being hailed"
&lt;blam&gt; "Mr. Fat has just resigned." - Scaramanga (T.M.W.T.G.G.)
&lt;bleep&gt; the back row! &lt;bleep&gt; the front row! &lt;bleep&gt; *IN* the back row!
&lt;boot&gt; &lt;hang&gt; &lt;reboot&gt; &lt;hang&gt; &lt;reboot&gt; &lt;hang&gt;  -Win95
&lt;burp&gt; and now, to the Weight Control conference
&lt;calling friend in Passport Division&gt;
&lt;censored&gt;: Jesse Helms Tagline v1.00.
&lt;check one&gt;    Male [ ]   Female [ ]   First Available [ ]
&lt;chirrup!&gt;"Picard to Enterprise"  +++ATH NO CARRIER
&lt;chuckle&gt; It's a living. - Quark
&lt;cl&gt;ick&gt; &lt;click&gt; &lt;click&gt; ERROR : GEdit out of unused taglines
&lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;  &lt;clap&gt;
&lt;claw claw&gt; &lt;scratch scratch&gt;........NO CARRIER
&lt;click&gt; &lt;click&gt; &lt;cliccliccliclcic&gt; "I am NOT a merry man!"
&lt;click&gt; &lt;click&gt; &lt;click&gt; ERROR : GEdit out of unused taglines...
&lt;click&gt; What?! That's the last time I buy a tagline from Quark!
&lt;clink&gt; &lt;clink&gt; Two coins deposited.   |-)
&lt;clink&gt; &lt;clink&gt;... putting in my two cents' worth
&lt;cook cook, stir, cook&gt; &lt;nya-CHOO!&gt;  Goober in the rye?
&lt;cough&gt; Jalapeno was exposing Dire Wolf's WHATS? - Dire Wolf
&lt;deep male voice&gt; Help! Help! &lt;4 octives higher&gt; SHARKS!
&lt;ding&gt; Bring out yer dead... &lt;ding&gt; bring out yer dead
&lt;disclaimer: as usual you should seek competent legal advice.&gt;
&lt;empty tagline&gt;
&lt;end-of-file marker&gt;
&lt;evil nasty chuckle&gt; You asked for it and you knew it. :) - Dire Wolf
&lt;evil nasty chuckle&gt; You asked for it and you know it!
&lt;expletive&gt; you both! C++ rules!
&lt;expletive&gt; you! Pascal!
&lt;f/x: obviously faked astonishment&gt; Moi?
&lt;f1&gt; Exit    &lt;f2&gt; Talk to me HAL !!
&lt;flap&gt;  &lt;flap&gt;  &lt;flap&gt;  &lt;thud&gt;  &lt;oops!&gt;
&lt;fwump"Message for you, sir!" &lt;thud-- Concorde
&lt;fwump&gt; "Message for you, sir!" &lt;thud&gt;
&lt;fzzzt!&gt; They want *HOW MUCH* for a high capacity drive?
&lt;g&gt;     :Grin (the equivalent of :-))
&lt;g&gt; &lt;G&gt; &lt;G+&gt; beat cha' wonder what I'm doing?
&lt;g&gt;: Grin, &lt;G&gt;: Great Big Grin), &lt;g,d,r&gt;: Grin, Duck and Run
&lt;gagging&gt;  Don't DO that. - Anna Steven
&lt;gasp&gt; A teacher shouldn't talk about bras! - Dana
&lt;gasp&gt; Another sentance! My god! :)
&lt;gasp&gt; Another sentence! My god! :) - Renimar Keth-Solamni
&lt;gasp&gt; What is there other than messages?! - Dire Wolf
&lt;generic tagline&lt;
&lt;giggle giggle hee hee tee hee and other strange sounds&gt;
&lt;giggle, giggle&gt; "Oooo I really like handcuffs", she said
&lt;grin&gt;  I like the way you put that. - Anna Steven
&lt;grinning in mild confusion&gt;  - Anna Steven
&lt;groan, grumble, mumble, moap, despair, sadness...&gt;  Again no mail.
&lt;groan, grumble, mumble, mope, despair, sadness...&gt;
&lt;grumble&gt;  Young whippersnappers &lt;mumble, gripe&gt;
&lt;grump growl&gt; - Danny Davids
&lt;grump mode=on&gt;   I DON'T DO WINDOWS!   &lt;grump mode=off&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Tag Lines: Book Titles&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;hiding out from the registration cops...til they get it right!&gt;
&lt;honk honk&gt;. --Harpo of Borg.
&lt;humorous but DISRESPECTFUL tagline deleted&gt;
&lt;ice chunks hitting hull&gt;  "Captain, we're being hailed!"
&lt;in miracles&gt; so would I
&lt;insert Twilight Zone theme here&gt;
&lt;insert appropriate Biblical carpentry reference&gt;
&lt;insert random chocolate tagline here&gt;
&lt;insert scene of unimaginable violence here&gt;
&lt;insert something here about food&gt;
&lt;insert tagline here&lt;
&lt;it's probably misquoted; there goes my deposit at the Memory Bank&lt;G&gt;&gt;
&lt;kablam&gt; "Well, I hope you have a car." - 007 (F.Y.E.O.)
&lt;kiss!&gt; "That's to let you know I missed you." - Dax2
&lt;knock knock&gt; Candygram &lt;knock knock&gt; Flowers &lt;knock knock&gt; Land Shark
&lt;knock, knock, knock&gt;   Who is it?...  It's me, Dave
&lt;laugh&gt;   If only the innocents knew...:)
&lt;laugh&gt;   You don't have to give into temptation *every* time..&lt;g&gt;
&lt;laugh&gt; If only the innocents knew...:) - TEC
&lt;laugh&gt; You don't have to give into temptation *every* time..&lt;g&gt; - TEC
&lt;laughing&lt;  Cute, very cute! &lt;g&lt;
&lt;lightning&gt; &lt;Gamera's eye lights up&gt;"Gamera, you're on the air!"Servo
&lt;like I believe&gt; we'd get by
&lt;link rev=made;
&lt;looking around nervously&gt;; er, guess it's time to leave the closet
&lt;loud bellowing Klingon-typical guffawing knee-slapping laughter&gt;!
&lt;loud laughter fading off into the distance&gt;
&lt;meow&gt; SPLAT! &lt;woof&gt; SPLAT! - raining cats and dogs
&lt;mixing drink&gt;
&lt;movin' to montana soon....gonna' be a dental floss tycoon&gt;
&lt;ov++h+n AC*hanks for hanging up, dear.
&lt;pant pant pant&gt; Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhh ohhhh MAN! That was SUPER!
&lt;ping&gt;.&lt;ping&gt;.&lt;ping&gt;-&lt;BURP!&gt; ERROR: Six-pack detected (and terminated)
&lt;police&gt; /msg In_a_bot !tle
&lt;ptooh&gt;, You insult us! - Lursa
&lt;puzzled glance&gt; - Anna Steven
&lt;raising brows; looking slightly frightened&gt; - Anna Steven
&lt;reality&gt; a thing of shreds and zatches.
&lt;reluctant snerk&gt;  - Anna Steven
&lt;rumble&gt; &lt;shake&gt; -Wait, I DISABLED disasters!
&lt;shift&lt;&lt;return&lt;?  I can't even find the clutch!
&lt;shortened so as not to anger the almighty moderator&gt;
&lt;shrug&gt;  A genius is never appreciated in his own time.  &lt;g&gt;
&lt;shrug&gt;  Everyone has a bad day once in awhile. - Anna Steven
&lt;shtuck&gt; "Tomorrow's lesson will be on courtesy." Kirk
&lt;siggie soon to be up ahead.&gt;
&lt;sigh&gt;  I'm of two minds on this one. - Anna Steven
&lt;sigh&gt;  My own country bumpkin! -- Dot Warner
&lt;sigh&gt;  Such dilemmas.  &lt;g&gt; - Anna Steven
&lt;sigh&gt; "Sounds _very_ lonely to me." - Lwaxana
&lt;sigh&gt; Life is what goes by while you deal with your E-mail.
&lt;sigh&gt; No time to do it right the first time; always enough to redo it.
&lt;sigh&gt; On some days it doesn't pay to get out of your bucket
&lt;sigh&gt; So many little time
&lt;sigh&gt; Where are the moderators when you need them???
&lt;sigh&gt; Why oh why do I even bother calling here?
&lt;sigh&gt; Why oh why do I even bother calling here? - Dire Wolf
&lt;sigh&gt; why does nobody ever believe me? :) - Dire Wolf
&lt;sigh&gt;&gt;  Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of my bucket. -ODO
&lt;sigh&gt;..... Civilians! - Ivanova
&lt;sigh&gt;...not now Nerys......I'm trying to think up new taglines.
&lt;sigh&lt; If only the human brain could be multitasked!
&lt;singing&gt;  I believe in magic
&lt;singing&gt; .....Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!
&lt;singing&gt; It was great when it all began, I was a regular Wesley Fan.
&lt;singing&gt; Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!
&lt;slap!&gt; "And that's for letting me think you were dead!" - Dax2
&lt;slurp!&gt; &lt;ahhhhhhh!&gt;
&lt;smack&gt;  OWW! Thank you. - Evil the Cat's Henchrat
&lt;smack&gt; "Good night, everybody!" þ Animaniacs
&lt;smack&gt;&lt;smack&gt;&lt;whip&gt;&lt;whip&gt; Oh!  Mr. Moderator!
&lt;smack&lt;smack&lt;whip&lt;whip Oh! Mr. Moderator!
&lt;smoking hole in floor&gt; "Spill some acid?" - "Nope, cafeteria coffee."
&lt;smoking hole in floor&gt; Spill some acid? - Nope, @TOFIRST@'s coffee
&lt;smoking hole in floor&gt; Spill some acid? - Nope, cafeteria coffee.
&lt;snappy comeback&gt; &lt;emoticon&gt;
&lt;snatching up latinum and placing it in my bodice&gt; - Anna Steven
&lt;snerk&gt; We'll see. Although you're pretty good that way.-Anna Steven
&lt;snicker snort&gt;
&lt;snicker&gt;  Cute. - Anna Steven
&lt;snicker&gt;  It's just his way... - Anna Steven
&lt;snif&gt;"You remind me of pet tarantula." &lt;sob&gt; - Witch Hazel
&lt;sniff&gt; you didn't put a single tagline in your message &lt;sniff&gt;
&lt;sniffffffffffffff&gt;     c\ !delete memory *.*
&lt;sniffle&lt; I've got a code in my node
&lt;snipped recently posted aardvark section&gt;
&lt;snore&gt; &lt;snore&gt;  Riker
&lt;snort!&gt;  Now THAT's a creative argument
&lt;snort!&gt;  Now THAT's a creative argument, @TOFIRST@!
&lt;snort!&gt; Now THAT's a creative argument. - Springheel Jack
&lt;snort&gt; The US can kiss my nether regions. -Springheel Jack
&lt;solicitously&gt; Does the noise in my head bother you?
&lt;splash&gt;  I'm still charging her for that drink  - Quark
&lt;strong&gt;Evolution is God's way of issuing upgrades!&lt;/strong&gt;
&lt;stuff deleted&gt;
&lt;swish/tunk&gt; "Well, he got the point" - 007 (Connery - Thunderball)
&lt;swoosh&gt; Oh honey! &lt;swoosh&gt; I want you! &lt;swoosh&gt; "NOT now
&lt;tagline was stolen&gt; The Tagline Kleptomaniac strikes again!
&lt;taglines disabled&gt;
&lt;tap&gt; &lt;tap&gt; &lt;tap&gt; Is this thing on?
&lt;tap&gt; &lt;tap&gt; ... Hello?  Is this thing working?
&lt;tap&lt; &lt;tap&lt; &lt;tap&lt; Is this thing on?
&lt;tap,tap&gt; HELLOO! That's the cue for the flashback! -Earthworm Jim
&lt;tappity&gt; Thank you for that standing ovation...COME BACK HERE!  G.
&lt;this is an edible tagline&gt;
&lt;this space for office use only&gt;
&lt;this tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message&lt;
&lt;thump&gt; &lt;thump&gt; &lt;thump&gt; Is this recipe thing turned on?
&lt;thump&gt; &lt;thump&gt; &lt;thump&gt; Is this thing on..?
&lt;thump&gt; OWWW!!!   Who turned the gravity on?!
&lt;thump&lt; &lt;thump&lt; &lt;thump&lt; Is this thing on..?
&lt;tick tick&gt; Go ahead. &lt;tick tick&gt; Steal me. &lt;tick tick&gt;
&lt;tick&gt;&lt;tick&gt;&lt;tick&gt; Go ahead. &lt;tick&gt;&lt;tick&gt; Steal me. &lt;tick&gt;&lt;tick&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Tag Lines: Alphabetical Listing&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Tag Lines: Book Titles&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;traditional short message due to traditional lack of time&gt;
&lt;trying my best to look menacing&gt;  Grrrowrrr. - Anna Steven
&lt;unhook&gt; "Oh, wow..."-"Why do they always say 'oh, wow'?"-Dolly Parton
&lt;universal, generic, on-topic tagline&gt;
&lt;very big evil grin&gt;  I'm ever so good that way. - Anna Steven
&lt;warble&gt; &lt;warble&gt; Bother said Pooh
&lt;weak grin&gt;  Heh heh.  I thinks I has revealed my ignorance
&lt;well that should get a couple flames&gt;
&lt;whEEEEEEEEoooooooooEEEEEEEEEoooooooooEEEEEEEEoooooo&gt; - Anna Steven
&lt;whew&gt;  Thank goodness. I wouldn't want a lawsuit or anything. -Anna
&lt;whips out halo&gt; Honest! Would *I* lie to you????
&lt;whisper&gt;Is he buying it?Nooooo! Don't look at him...shhhh.
&lt;wide-eyed look of wonder&gt;  Wwwwwowwww!!  - Tracy Hemenover
&lt;yawn&gt; Oh! sorry I dosed off...ZZZZZZZZZZ&lt;snore&gt;ZZZZZZZ
&lt;you know we could, you know we could&gt;
&lt;zap&gt; "All except one." -Odo
&lt;{:-)}  Message in a bottle.
&lt;{[Tagline Deleted for Security Reasons]}&gt;
&lt;|&gt; SOYLENT GREEN schmeckt lecker !! &lt;|&gt;
&lt;|&gt;Cowboy &gt;|&lt;Lady at a party-Gallagher
&lt;|-(    User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes
&lt;|-)  User is Chinese.
&lt;”-(  User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of joke
&lt;ÄÄ what a waste of characters
&lt;ßßßßßß&gt; Barney loves to grin
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '...The Twelve Apostrophes.
' 'ike 'sing 'postrophes 's 'pposed 'o 'he 'irst 'etter!
' Don't break my heart, my achy-breakyeaargh!....~NO CARRIER
' Why's the moderator always pickin' on me... '
'''''''' &lt;-- Rush Limbaugh thinking
'+++ J++S+ ++ERE +[] ++++\/E f++###.
'... any resemblance to persons living, dead, or undead...'
'... our leaders are but twisted serpents'.
'...Big, old Mr. Kanish!'-Ace Ventura
' touch these wires to your tongue!'
'3-51,3-51, Rover! Sit! Hut-Hut!'-Ace Ventura
'4-wheel drive van, loaded from the rear.'-A.Ventura
'42'?!  7.5 million years a- oh, you were running Windows
'42'?!  7.5 million years and all y-- oh, you were running Windows ...
'95 = Macintosh '87` Windows '95:  Proof positive that Barnum was
':-)    from someone who accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows
'A Magic Door! Why didn't you say?' Cat: Stasis Leak
'A day job?  In an office?  MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!  NOOOOOOOO!' Tick
'A dream to someA nightmare to others!' -- Merlin
'A friend in need is a pest.' - Fafhrd
'A good juggler can always find work." - L Pacciouli
'A king?  Well, I didn't vote for you....'
'A phone call?' --Riker
'AGH!  A SNOW SNAKE'S GOT ME!' -- Calvin
'AWOOGAH... AWOOGAH' Emergency, there's an Emergency going on.
'Abbutt? Little guy, drinks Jovian Sunspots?' --Garibaldi.
'Afraid I'll make a stink?'-Ace Ventura
'Ah!  I have access.' --Data
'All's well that ends well.' - E. A. Poe
'Am I indecisive?' Can I get back to you on that?
'And I don't wanna hate you'
'And I wanna belive you'
'And I wanna have faith in...and put away the dagger'
'And I wanted to trust you'
'And a clean pair of shorts.' - Ace Ventura
'And if you say two words in my praise..?", said the Cat.
'And you may never come back again'
'Apple' (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton.
'Aquarius--Abandon hope for future plans.'
'As honest as you or I.' * Quark
'Ask not for whom the bell tolls -' - M. Ali
'At's not a noif, *this* is a noif! - Crocodile Dundee
'Aw, How touching!' --Q
'Ba-bye then.' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Beat me up, Scotty.'
'Because He lives....'
'Bloom County'! Great...ya might as well just fall over dead right now
'Bother!" said Pooh, as heswitched between Animaniacs and Voyager....
'Bother!' said Pooh as he put the coffee in the microwave...
'Bother' said Pooh as he dropped his bombs.
'Bother' said Pooh as he hid Piglet's body with Tigger's.
'Bother' said Pooh, sending in a team from the S.A.S.
'Bother', said Pooh, as Cthulhu ripped his head off.
'Bother', said Pooh, as he took aim from behind a grassy knoll.
'Bother', said Pooh, as someone swiped his tagline.
'Bother,' said Pooh as Cthulu rose up and ate him."
'Brown Spots on the Wall' by Hu Flung Poo - Crow
'Brrrrrrt! Halftime!' - Ace Ventura
'But I'm breathing so I guess...I'm still alive'
'But he got himself a ring, didn't he?'-A. Ventura
'But you lie...cheat and lie...cheat and steal'
'C' What?
'C' string-bikini operators - untie(TOP)
'Calm down -- it's only ones and zeros.'
'Can I eat him, Boss?'
'Can you feel that Buddy, unh, unh' -A. Ventura
'Can you turn that TV down please?  I'm _trying_ to control a mind!'
'Can't ya' hit me!!' - Ace Ventura
'Can'tdo.plaid!' - Crusading Chameleon
'Captain! There be whales!' --Scotty
'Careful planning is the key to safe and swift travel.' - Ulysses
'Cause I can see your Dilly Bar! - Crow
'Cause I couldn't bear to kill you..........Again -- TMBG
'Cause I couldn't bear to kill you.Again -
'Cause I'm a Borg, yea, yea, yea.
'Cause I'm a fool for the city.
'Cause I'm the taxman, & you're working for no one but me - Beatles
'Cause I'm the unknown stuntman, that made Redford such a star.
'Cause I'm the unknown stuntman, that makes Eastwood look so fine.
'Cause It's A Mystery!
'Cause it's my destiny to be the King of Spain...
'Cause it's okay if we're on a date - Dr. Forrester
'Cause it's only time before we all must bleed. - Collective Soul
'Cause ole Ben ain't been since 15 Beers Ago! --Ben Colder.
'Cause saying those nouns over and over can really wear you down...
'Cause that's the way the computer crumbles.
'Cause the other ones who'd given it a shot -- TMBG
'Cause there ain't no dialtone for to give you no pain...
'Cause they got so many eyes, you see-- Joel Robinson
'Childhood is short and maturity is forever.' -- Calvin (&Hobbes)
'Christopher Robbins was a twit.' --Pooh.
'Come on over for BBQ said Pooh as he eyed Piglet hungrily.'
'Commander, we oughta be going out of here like a bat outta hell!'
'Consult the Book of Armaments!' 'Armaments 3:9-21......
'Cool!  They have a blimp!'  The Tick
'Criminal Lawyer' - see 'Redundant'
'Damn it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a tagline.' -- McCoy
'Did ya put the cat out?' 'I didn't know it was burning'
'Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior.' - Hun, A.T.
'Do Not Calle Up What Thee Cannot Put Downe' - Don Rickles
'Do unto her now...what has been done to me'
'Do unto her now...what has been done...'
'Do unto others...what has been done to me'
'Don't Panic' is the first helpful thing said all day
'Don't just do something. SIT there!'
'Dragon Cheese: The Loose Brie Story' -- now at a theater near you!
'Drop the gun,' said Tom, with a disarming smile.
'E's NOT the Messiah, 'e's a very naughty boy!!
'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!
'E's not pinin'!  'E's passed on!
'Einhorn is a man!  Oh my GOD!' - Ace Ventura
'Elp! 'Elp!  I'm being repressed! (Monty Python's Holy Grail)
'Energize!' said Picard...and the pink bunny appeared!
'Ere! 'E says 'e's not dead!
'Even the signs seem to tell my'
'Ever fly one of these before?' 'Nope.' 'Me neither.'
'Exciting' is hardly the word I would use. - C-3PO
'Excuse me gentlemen, pet detective.'-Ace Ventura
'Ey! I'm not dead yet!
'FORWARD!' he cried from the rear, and the front rank died.
'Fiction can be fun!'-Ace Ventura
'File not found.' .. so THAT'S what I deleted!
'Finkle IS Einhorn!!!!!!' - Ace Ventura
'Finkle took it personally.'-Ace Ventura
'Finkle, Einhorn - Einhorn, Finkle.'-Ace Ventura
'Gee, let me think...sure!' - Ace Ventura
'Gem,' Doctor?"  "Well, it's better than 'Hey, you!'"
'Go Ahead, snoop around.' - Ace Ventura
'Good Enough' is the death knell of progress.
'Goody Two Shoes' is a great song," Tom said adamantly.
'Got away from me...slipped away from me...'
'Grrrrrravy!' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Guess what boys? It's naptime.'-Ace Ventura
'Guinan.'  Is that your name now? - Q
'HDS, got a package people!' - Ace Ventura
'Happiness is defined by one's capacity for enjoyment.' - Bacchus
'Hark! Hark!', harkened he... - Stimpy reading 'Robin Hoek'
'He found captain winky!'-Ace Ventura
'He is a borg!' --Worf
'He's comparing the Enterprise to a cruise ship!' --Picard
'He's dead already!' --Scotty (Star Trek II)
'HeeLouser!' -Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Heh heh heh heh heh'
'Hell hath no fury like a demon scorched.' - C. Mather
'Hell.' What a fortunate word to choose.- LaCroix
'Help me, Odo Wan Kenobi!  You're my only hope!'
'Hex Dump' - Where Witches put used Curses?
'Hey! What you readin' for??' Is that not the weirdest question ever???
'Hi, Captain Stuebin' - Ace Ventura
'Hi, I'm Yakko!' 'And I'm Wakko!' 'And I'm CUTE!'
'HiZ]Wtain Stuebin' - Ace Ventura
'Hm, unconscious, exactly as I planned.'-Ace Ventura
'Hobbes' loot'?? - Calvin's Mom
'Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce.' - Henry VIII
'Holy Sh*tballs!!!' - Ace Ventura
'Holy testicle Tuesday!!!'-Ace Ventura
'Home, Sweet Home' must surely have been written by a bachelor.
'Hungry fella?  There you go.' - Ace Ventura
'I am just a worthless liar...'
'I am just an imbecile...'
'I bet it was something nice.' - Ace Ventura
'I can do it, Captain, but it's gonna take some time.' --LaForge
'I can see your...back is turning...'
'I can't stay.' Now THAT's comedy! Bye-bye. --Vir.
'I don't believe you understand the gravity of your situation.' --Spock
'I don't smoke, it's a disgusting habit.'-A.Ventura
'I don't wanna be...dismal'
'I don't wanna be...hostile'
'I have excorcised the demons' - Ace Ventura
'I have found.....kind of temporary this'
'I hope it sucks you down'
'I know' is just 'I Believe' with delusions of grandeur
'I love the nightlife.' - V. Dracula
'I need...this to make me whole...'
'I never lie when I've got sand in my shoes.' --Geordi
'I oughta knock you on your ghod damn *ss!' --Kirk
'I suddenly have this dreadful urge to be merry.' - Morticia Addams
'I think it's the pate.' - Ace Ventura
'I took so long to remember...just what happened'
'I want...what I want...'
'I was so young they told know whatever'
'I will chew it up and leave...'
'I will find a center in you...'
'I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George'--A. Snowman
'I will only complicate you...'
'I will work to elevate you...'
'I'd like to ass you a few questions.'-Ace Ventura
'I'll be in touch.' Touch THIS! --Londo.
'I'll worry about it tomorrow.' - S. O'Hara
'I'm all out of roofs!'  The Tick
'I'm getting paid how much?' - M. Jordan
'I'm on a very big case right now.'-Ace Ventura
'I'm open, I'm open!' - Ace Ventura
'I'm sure Doctors surgerys are packed with the dead' Rimmer: Fut.Echos
'I'm sure we can talk things out like civilized people.' - J. Wayne
'I'm treading water...I need to sleep awhile'
'I've got to mister!'-Ace Ventura
'I...can't stand to burn to long'
'If I were a cassowary...I would eat a missionary...' Cornelius Whurr
'If I'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer.'-A.Ventura
'If it ain't broke, you can probably still fix it.' - Tim Allen
'If it's God's will, who gets the money?'
'If some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me...'
'If you can't win fair, just win!' - U. S. Grant
'In big, Unity; in small, Liberty; in all, Charity.'
'In closing' is always followed by the other half of the speech.
'In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap.' - N. Bonaparte
'Intel Inside' is a Government Warning Requied By Law.
'Intel Inside' is a warning label, and should be taken as such...
'Intel Inside' should be a warning required by law.
'Is it #1 or #2?' - Ace Ventura
'Isotoners!' Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'It becomes natural, like a third sense',-Homer Simpson
'It takes a giant to fight a giant' - H. Prym
'It was hell,' recalls former child.
'It's Not My Fault!' -- Han Solo & Lando Calrissian
'It's a high performance machine.'-Ace Ventura
'It's allllive, allllive!' - Ace Ventura
'It's good to see you too.' - H. Livingston, MD
'It's not snowflake!' - Ace Ventura
'IwveS rejatlh nujIrSIy'ngan Dixon vayDonetngan logh! -ZF
'Just because the sun is coming'
'Just enough to bring you down...'
'K, bye!  #1 SimAnt Fan!!!  Lover of Peter David's TNG novels!!!
'Kasuga-kun?!' |                   |       |   //\_            |
'Kat Fan!!!!!!!
'Keep the muzzle pointed at your target.'|  - Effective Gun Control ___
'Kiss and make up!' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Kuca se ne gradi od krova, vec od temelja'
'LLLike a glove.' - Ace Ventura
'La Kajira,' she wept.  'La Kajira!'
'La-who, Sa-her!' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Lectric! 'Lectric! 'Lectric! - Tom
'Let's see the instant replay on that!' - H. Cosell
'Let's see what's out there!' --Picard
'Let's show him what it means to be human.'
'Life can be profitable, if you know the odds.' - Riply
'Life is a series  of rude awakenings' -  R. V. Winkle
'Like putty in your hands' takes on a new and depressing meaning.
'Losers! Losers! L-Whosers!' - Ace Ventura
'Lou-WHO-ser!' - Ace Ventura
'Love is blind.  Lust isn't!' - D. Giovani
'Love the best in your fellows, and never fear the worst.'  Bill W.
'Love thy neighbour as thy self', Am I supposed tojerk him off too?!!!
'Love thy neighbour as thy self', what am I supposed to do, jerk him off
'Lovely party, pity I wasn't invited.'-Ace Ventura
'Making every promise empty'
'Man, I'm tired of being right.'-Ace Ventura
'Marriage on the rocks, please'.
'Martha Metz? Oh, yeah!  The bitch!'-Ace Ventura
'May they all die beautifully!'
'Maybe someday we'll settle down.'  'Yeah.  Like silt.'
'Maytag' is my middle name; I'm an agitator.
'Meanwhile, back at reality. . . ' - G. Lucas
'Member when Bobby Riggs wrestled Billie Jean King? -Mike
'Money is the root of all evil.  Women need roots.' - D. Trump
'Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition.'
'Mother Mary wants to whisper...'
'Murder now the battle must we'
'Muzzle it!' --Troi
'My Dinner With Andre' had more locations - Crow
'My God! It's full of crunchy frogs!' -- 2001: A Frog Odyssey
'My God, it's full of stores!' - 2001: a shopping odyssey
'My loving mother...this wil be over soon'
'My loving look so precious...won't you'
'Myth-conceptions are the major cause of wars!' - A. Hitler
'Never mind the facts....I want opinions!'
'Never trust ale from a God fearing people.' - Quark
'No Kidding' - a form of birth control.
'Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen' (Everybody!)
'Not good' is a galactic understatement. - Picard
'Nothing like a little virus to take the edge off a kid.'-Calvin
'Nuff said!                             Well, actually...
'Obsess much?' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Oh bother' said Pooh and hit his reset switch.
'Oh what a tangled web we weave' - Hair Club for Men.
'Oh, bother!' said Pooh, as he twitted his moderator.
'Oh, bother,' said Pooh, as he reformatted his life.
'Ok, I'm ready again.' - Ace Ventura
'Old heroes never die; the reappear in sequels' - M. Moorcock
'Once a pickled cucumber always a pickled cucumber'.  (Max Glatt).
'Once more into the breach . . .' - Zarna, The Human Cannonball
'Only a vaRool would use such language in public.' --Riker
'Only this one...makes me hold to peace of mind'
'Onst baas, aas jist pressed dis, an' de carrier he gone walkabout....
'Or was it unlock the safe *then* swim to the surface?' - H. Houdini
'Otto'. That's one palindrome you won't hear for a while. - Skinner
'Out of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most
'Out of the frying pan, into der fire.' - The Swedish Chef
'Ow are you, Bruce?"   "Goodnight Bruce!"   "Bruce."
'People are real friendly around here!'-A. Ventura
'Perhaps some Binacca?'-Ace Ventura
'Perhaps you and the jerko here could come with us.' --Lwaxanna Troi
'Personal hygene is the key to success'- W. Nels
'Personal hygiene is the key to success'- L Lovelace
'Pointing every finger at me'
'Poor guy with a motive, Baby.' - Ace Ventura
'Preciate your gracious offer, even if I did come in late...
'Profanity: the universal programming language'
'Quite STIMULATING, wouldn't you say?' --Worf
'R:BASE 3.1 is dramatically faster than 3.0' v7n6, pp3
'Read my lips, no nude Texan's'. What George really said.
'Reality' should always be in quotes. -- Bucky Fuller
'Reality' should always be used in quotes - R. Buckminster Fuller
'Reason on ,Sarek.' "Reason on, Spock."   "Fascinating"
'Rejoice in the hope..persevere in prayer.'ROMANS 12:12
'Release...inside of me...For one sweet moment...I am home'
'Resistance is futile ,dude' Barteekus of Borg.
'Roswell' on Showtime, The Truth is on Their Shoulders.
'Rusty Bed Springs' by I.P. Nightly - Crow
'Saddle up, father!' --Alexander, to Worf
'Saddlebags!' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Schizophrenic'? No, we prefer the word 'Imaginative'.
'Scotty, I've fallen and I can't beam up!'
'Scuse me while I kiss this guy - Joel as he kisses Tom
'Scuse me while I whip this out!!!
'Scuse me!  Excuse me!  Yes, excuse me! -- Wakkorotti
'Scuse me, I believe you've confused me with someone who gives a sh*t!
'Scuse me, I'm working out the Mandelbrot set in my head.
'Sea World...' Sushi lovers go straight to the source! --Joel.
'Shame we lost the towel.' - Arthur
'She's a man.'-Ace Ventura
'Should old acquaintance be forgot. . .' - Count of Monte Cristo
'Shrouding every step I take'
'Shut up Wesley!' --Picard
'Shut up Wesley!?' --B. Crusher (to Picard)
'Simple.....Ppppllllhhhhttt.' - Ace Ventura
'So essential did I consider an Index to be to every book...' Campbell
'So put the gun away...'
'So, I'm *not* a vampire,' Tom reflected.
'So, animals can sense evil.' - Ace Ventura
'Some days it all seems so feudal;' sighed King Gar.
'Some farewells are easier than others.'' - P. Marlowe
'Something fun to pass his time'
'Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.'  - Sigmund Freud
'Spock fell into the DOOM PIT!'   "Jim, I'm a doctor, not a forklift!"
'Squat and shoot'...description of an outdoor plumbing fixture.
'Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive!' - V. Dracula
'Still stumblin...suffocate...suffocate..Why don't you stay...away...'
'Straylya, 'Straylia, 'Straylia, 'Straylya, we love you! Amen!
'Stuff probably looks better on the way out.'-A.Ventura
' one even invite you in'
'Super Hereos wear snow pants?'  'When there's snow out they do.'
'Supreme executive power is derived from a mandate from the MASSES..'
'Sure, when...' OINK FLAP OINK FLAP '...I'll be damned.'
'Surrender!'    'You wish to surrender to me?  Fine; I accept.'
'Swab the poop deck. raise the mizzenmast!' - Picard
'Take a walk on the wild side.' - G. Gebel Williams
'That was the stun setting.  This is not.' --Data
'That's entertainment!' - Vlad the Impaler
'The Tick is out of his mind right now.  Leave a message at the beep'
'The best laid plans often go fowl' - Wile E. Coyote
'The floggings shall continue until morale improves."
'The night is young.. and we have umbrellas in our drinks!'  The Tick
'The only thing I enjoy is tormenting you.'
'The only thing more reliable than magik is ones friends!' - Macbeth
'The secret of popularity is confidence' - W. Allen
'The universe is a spheroid region 705 meters in diameter' - Computer
'The universe is a spheroid region 705 meters in diameter\SL
'There is more at stake here than our lives.'-Col Travis-Alamo Pep Talk
'There must be fifty ways to leave your lover!' - P. Simon
'There's a shadow just behind me'
'They work so well together.' "Too bad they must die." -- Crow
'This contest has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.' - H. Cosell
'This is another fine myth you've gotten me into!' - Lor L. and Har D.
'This is my Graceland, Sir.' - Ace Ventura
'This is my love song...this is my love song...'
'This is no game for old men! Send in the boys!' - W. Hays
'This looks like a job forCAPTAIN LEMMING!'
'Those are flat.' -Beavis
'Three rings for the elven kings under the sky...'
'Til death do us part -- 'Til she kills him.
'Til then in tick tock silence, I'll beg my heart to weep less...
'Til you drift off to dream in my arms.
'Tis Ivan, on a visit.
'Tis a fine foggy night to be out on the moors, eh lassie?     Scot?
'Tis a fine thing you do, seperatin' a leprechaun from his Pot! Shame!
'Tis a good day to die.  Would anyone like to make an appointment?
'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.
'Tis better to be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove al doubt
'Tis he.  Slink by, and note him.
'Tis here, but yet confused: knavery's plain face is never seen till u
'Tis in my memory locked and you yourself shall keep the key of it.
'Tis the season of al-tru-is-m fa-la-la-la-laa la-la-la-la
'Tis the season to be punny......
'To marry is to halve your rights and double your duty.'
'Transporting really is the safest way to travel.' --Geordie
'Truly it is better to bend our knees than our elbows.'  Dr Bob.
'Trust in me and fall as well...'
'Tryed to keep it down...but there was nothin' I could say'
'Twas a brave man who first ate an oyster...or an egg.
'Under The Bleachers' by Seymore Butts - Tom
'Understand' is too strong a word
'Unknown sir, perhaps it is scanning us.' --Data
'Vox Populi, Vox Dei' means "My God!  How did we get in *this* mess?"
'Waiting like a stalking butler'
'Ware and were, friend.
'Ware moderators, for they can rip your soul from your body...
'Ware nitpickers, for they just don't know when to quit...
'Ware those robotic Scots, m'lord ... the clan MacHinery.
'Watch' is misspelled - Mike reads letter
'We're going downtown..' - Ace Ventura
'We're looking for a few good men.' - B. Cassidy
'We've got an unbeatable team!' - Sauron
'Weird is a relative, not an absolute term.' - Baron Frank N. Furter
'Weird' is a relative term - Frank N. Furter
'Well, I have kissed a man.'-Ace Ventura
'What I wanted...meant're dancin' quicksand'
'What a headache I've got!' - Mr Mental
'What am I supposed to do with all this gold?' - Midas, Rex1
'What are friends for?' - R. M. Nixon
'What are you up to, Mandinga?'-Ace Ventura
'What do  you mean, `You've got a job for me`?' - Hercules
'What do you feed your dog?' - Ace Ventura
'What do you mean, what King? - Old Thrashbarg
'What if they gave a war and only on side came-' - Lucifer
'What is that to me..?", said the Cat.
'What is this, a Chinese fire drill?' - Sun Tzu
'What the h*ll is going on!?' --Riker
'What you need is a collection agency.' - D. Shultz
'What you tryin to you don't wanna play...'
'What you wanna you don't wanna play'
'What you want and what you need...don't mean that much to me'
'What's the point spread on World War III?' - R. Reagan
'What?  An order?  I can't go through with it!'
'Whatever she says I didn't do it!' - Quark
'When you witness blood...just can't be trusted...'
'Whhpish, down boy!' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'Who upon the finger rests'
'Whoa!  Topless tribeswomen!' -Butthead
'Why can't we drink forever I...just want to start this over'
'Why can't we not be sober I...just want to start this over'
'Why do you hang around with that sadist?'  'Beats me!'
'Why don't you stay here and practice screaming?' -- Crow
'Why don't you watch where you're stumblin'
'Why don't you watch where you're wonderin'
'Why? So you can beat him? Fatty!'-Ace Ventura
'With blood and cum on my hands...'
'Won't you come...a...little closer...close enough so...I can smell'
'Would you care to make a wager on that?' - Quark
'Wow, Ray Finkle's House!' - Ace Ventura
'Ya ever caught yourself reading taglines and skipping messages?
'Ya gotta be subtle!' - M. Hammer
'Yeah...but they're still cool!' -Butthead
'Yeah? And your ugly!'-Ace Ventura
'Yeahbut they're still cool!' -Butthead
'Years' is misspelled - Mike reads a letter
'Yes, I know that Data, but what could it be?' --Picard
'Yes, Satan?' - Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
'You CAN trust the government...ask an Indian.'
'You are but a memory. This is but a dream.'
'You are knee deep and goin' in'
'You been stuck in...easy to get lost in'
'You have to commit me.' - Ace Ventura
'You just don't know women.' - H. Hefner
'You look so precious...You look so precious now...'
'You smell terrific!' - Ace Ventura
'You start to stick in...easy to get lost in'
'You want me to hold him, Jim!' --McCoy
'You're breathing so I guess...You're still alive'
'You're not afraid of bats, are you Worf?' --Beverly Crusher
'You...I to feel this...'
'Your Period & Mine' - Joel as principal speeks to girls
'Your back itches' Player: 'I Scratch my back with a vorpal sword.'
'Your gun is digging into my hip.'-Ace Ventura'
'Your mind is under my control...'-Mr Mental 'Whoaokay....'-Tick
'Your number still 911?' - Ace Ventura
'[0;5;30;41m#'[31:40mGetting a little ANSI, aren't you?
'\*o*,***.*:/**v*  ****** Tagline debris.
'\.o.,*o..+:"/.ov*  &lt;----- Starship debris
'\o.,@o.+:"/~!v   &lt;-- Tagline debris.
'\o./@o.+:"/~!v &lt;------ Tagline Debris
'any resemblance to persons living, dead, or undead...'
'ave a bonza Christy an' a beaut New Year, mate! -Australian Christmas
'cancer', 'acid indigestion', 'leprosy,' or make up your own)
'cause he don't wanna burn, burn, burn and ruin the Summertime Fun!
'cuse me, but are you deaf, Deaf, or Def?
'cute' rots the intellect
'hands...and my...head...and my eyes...are closed wide open'
'i used to be snow white but i drifted'...
'i' before 'e', except in Budweiser
'its like being drunk...what's wrong with that..ask a glass of water."
'm Dyslexsic of Borg, Prepare to have your ass laminated.
'ma proud Windows running member of this echo@!%#*@ NO CARRI
'nonworking mom' is an oxymoron
'sfunny -pizza gets 2 my house faster than the cops!
'sfunny,a cat will blink when struck on head with hammer.
'sfunny,the traits we hate in people,we prize in cats!
'ssssssssssMOKIN'!!!' -- Jim Carrey, 'The Mask.'
'take that...and while you're at it...take a "this" too...'
'til you come back to me, that's what I'm gonna do...
'tis only a flesh wound...I've 'ad worse. Don't be a baby
'tis the season to be punny.
'twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble...
'twit *.*' typed the moderator, smiling
'your silence will not protect you'
()Old Michael Jackson. ()Newer Michael. ( )Latest
(         ) &lt;---- Politically Correct statement.
(         Please  Insert  Politically-Correct  Tagline  Here         )
(     (    (   (  ( ((In Stereo)) )  )   )    )     )
(     (    (   (  ( ((Stereo Tagline)) )  )   )    )
(   (   (  (  ( (( HELLO CAN YOU HEAR ME? )) )  )  )   )
(   (   (  ( (((( IN STEREO )))) )  )   )    )
(   (  (  ( ( ((Stereo Tagline)) ) )  )  )   )
(   (  ( ((( In Stereo ))) )  )   )
(   ) Klingon tagline sighted, Sir.
(  ( ( ((( In Static Where Available ))) ) )  )
(  ) Press this button: See what happens.
( ( ( ( ( ((Stereo Tagline)) ) ) ) ) )
( ( ( 390* of Simulated Stereo! ) ) )
( ( (((In Stereo Where Available))) ) )
( ) &lt;- Politically Correct statement.
( ) &lt;- PoliticallyY TAGLINE HERE)))))
( ) Almost Heaven, Hayward ( ) Where the Hell is Rhinelander?
( ) Official Business ( ) Surreptitious Business (X) Subversive
( )RAP Music has an invisible C
( )_( )  ( )_( )      )__(   Mickie and Minnie meet Satan
( -- Monty Burns)
( DENying tHe TrutH iS AlMost as sIlly AS dIsliKIng IT. -- jack bUtler )
( Low + Slow ) * ( Thrust * 0 ) = Hole in Ground
( c ) CopyWright...Architectural plagiarism.
( left banana  ) right banana  -Computer Jargon v2.9.12
(!@&*#%^!#%) Censored by GAWD Himself
(!strcmp(tagline,"humorous)) ? steal() : next_message();
("Bother," said Pooh as a tagline tumbled out of his pocket.)
("You say you've never mad a picture before?") Yes, but that's our strongest weak point
(%%%) Baseball smiley
(%%%) Baseball smiley(((( ( ( ((((( IN STEREO )))) ) ) )))
(%%%) Baseball smiley.
(( * &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale ))
(( BeGInninG To CHaNt: we want our inteRNeT. We wAnt Our InTERnet... ))
(( This tagline is a pale reflection of itself ))
((( Sorry, so metim esIm is placet hesp aces. )))
((((  This space for rent  ))))
((((( This message in Stereo where available! )))))
((((( in stereo where available )))))
((((((&lt;) In Stereo Where Available (&gt;))))))
((((((( California does have *faults* ... and *fun*, too!)))))))
((((((( Early to rise is for the birds. I'll sleep late, thanks. )))))))
((((((( IN ANSi, WHERE AVAILABLE )))))))
(((((((( California does have its faults ))))))))
(((((((( HYPNOTIC TAGLINE ))))))))
(((((((((( ...ssortablA   ...ssortablA ))))))))))
(((((((((( å &lt;&lt;&lt;=Unfortunate result of a sloppy circumcision. ))))))))))
((((((((((((( In Stereo Where Available )))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((((( In Stereo Where Available ))))))))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((OUT OF BRACKETS ERROR)))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((SURROUND SOUND))))))))))))))))
(((((((THE AUDIENCE IS SNORING)))))))))((((((HYPNOTIC TRANCE)))))  @TOFIRST@ is now under my power
((((((This tagline in STEREO where available))))))
((((((This tagline in SURROUND SOUND where available)))))
(((((HYPNOTIC TRANCE)))))  @FN@ is now under my power.
(((((This message in Stereo where available)))))
((((The Russians win the Stanley Cup!))))[SLAP] Thanks! I needed that.
((4195835 / 3145727) * (3145727)) - 4195835 = On a Pentium, 0.00287156
((AMIGA))  ((AMIGA))  Awesome Stereo Sound, NO CARD REQUIRED!!!
((lambda (foo) (bar foo)) (baz))
((wrong && wrong) != right) 
(* + * *) Four seconds in the growth of a Tribble
(*#$%#))@(_78*##$*(*@#$...  Just kidding... your modem is fine
(*)                     tribble in a TIE fighter
(*) &lt;- Tribble wearing earphones
(*) &lt;-- Representation of Ross Perot and his Ears
(*) &lt;-- Tribble with headphones
(*) &lt;--- Tribble with its shields up!
(*) (*)  &lt;--- Tribbles with shields up
(*)(*)      &lt;------ Face Magnet.
(***)  * *h**k 'll g* **pk**g *** T****.  (***)
(***)  Any fool can make a rule.  (***)
(***)  I'm tired of being a sex symbol!  (***)
(*********TYPE YOUR TAGLINE HERE*********)
(*=====-----    Comet approaching
(*U*) What are you lookin' at??
(-)  Direct from Zone Central Main  (-)
(-)  Zone Central Communications  (-)
(-) 12 Oct 93 Ultimate Universe MultiNetwork Count is at .6. (-)
(-) Are you on the MultiNetwork UU Conference Yet? (-)
(-) O F F I C I A L  Moderator  M E S S A G E (-)
(-) Ultimate Universe Conference Moderator (-)
(-) Zone Central Team (-)
(-) Zone Council Release (-)
(-* Miksi ajaa PV:ll{, kun voit lent{{ LSD:ll{ ?-)
(-*-)  &lt;-- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
(-00-)  &lt;Oh no! Tie bombers!!&gt;  (-00-)
(-00-)  Oh no! Tie bombers!!  (-00-)
(-:     User is left handed
(-:    left handed smile
(-:   User is left handed
(-:  :-)  (-:  :-)  (-:  :-) = ROTFL
(-:|:-) Siamese twins
(-; Windows 95 &lt;-- ALT-F4 ;-)
(-_-)   Secret smile.
(-|-) @  &lt;---DS9 and WORMHOLE
(.) (.)  Ms.Dos!   (.)x(.)  Ms.Dos with Cross-your-heart bra.
(.) (.)  Ms.Dos!   (.)x(.) ng ?
(.)(.)  &lt;- Dolly Parton Tribbles.
(..)   _)*:Dirk
(...) Insert Text of your choice
(0 )^(0 ) ( 0)^( 0) (0 )^(0 ) ( 0)^(0 ) ... Looking and wondering... :-)
(0) The Computer is Watching.
(0)Your brain on WIN. (1)Your brain on OS/2.
(001) Logic Error CLINTON. SYS: Truth table missing
(09/12/93) Register.............or ELSE! by Walter
(1) Armchair rocket scientist graffiti exitentialist...(Rush)
(1) Ignore (2) Retry (3) Abort (4) MeltDown
(1) Open Mouth (2) Insert Foot
(1) Open Mouth (2) Insert Foot (3) Echo Internationally...
(1) Open Mouth (2) Insert Foot (3) Repeat as needed
(1) Open Mouth (2) Insert Foot.
(1) Your brain on DOS.  (0)Your brain on WINDOWS
(1) Your brain on WIN.  (0)Your brain on OS/2
(1)Your brain on DOS.  (0)Your brain on WINDOWS.
(1)Your brain on WIN. (0)Your brain on OS/2.
(1/t) pretty Polly Nomial was strolling across a field of vectors.
(19)JOKES--the politically incorrect conference
(1932-    )^Revlon
(1993 European tour of the Jackson Five)
(2B | ~(2B)) = ?
(2B) or .not. (2B) = ?
(331)   Thu 28 Mar 96 12:20p
(4) Sailor Jupiter (4) * Kamek the MagiKoopa *
(4347586 Mins. left) Node 94651 Qmail Command? OK
(4:00am) KNOCK KNOCK.  Who's there?  "BATF, NOBODY MOVE!"
(500 gold pieces and) YOU WILL BE HEALED!
(666) -XXX -XXXX: Area code of the beast
(8-)    for messages dealing with owls.
(8-o    It's Mr. Bill!
(: tank ou berry much fo retting me repi to da message
(:)-)   from someone wearing scuba mask
(:-(  unsmiley frowning
(:-)            bald headed smile
(:-)    Captain Picard.
(:-)    User is a smiling egghead
(:-)    for messages dealing with bicycle helmets.
(:-)  smiley big-face
(:-b)   {I,m sticking my tongue out at you}
(:I     User is an egghead
(:I  &lt;---Doc Zimmerman Smiley!
(:I egghead
(=3     Upside-down mouse
(?:-)             smiling with a question
(@ @)   You're kidding!
(A Greaser from the Freezer, A bat out of hell!) "Eddie!!!"
(A blast rocks the ship)
(A few more buttons, the Admiral appears)
(A romulan looking guy comes on)
(A shot blasts the crewmembers into several comical positions)
(A) Abort, (R) Retry, (G) Get a gun and shoot it
(A) Prophet (B) Priest (C) Saint (D) Monk (E) Nun of the above
(A)Abort (R)Retry (F)Fix dinner and leave the @#$! computer alone?
(A)Abort (R)Retry (S)Smack the friggin thing.
(A)bandon (E)chec (I)nfluencer avec gros marteau
(A)bhor, (R)etch, (F)lail, (I)gnite
(A)bort  (F)ail  (T)oss computer across room
(A)bort  (R)etry  (F)ail  (S)how furry GIF
(A)bort  (R)etry  (F)ail  (S)mash forehead on keyboard ?
(A)bort  (R)etry  (G)et The Sledge Hammer
(A)bort  (R)etry  (H)ug teddy bear and cry.
(A)bort  (R)etry  (I)gnore  (S)ell it!
(A)bort  (R)etry  (I)nfluence with a large fist
(A)bort  (R)etry  (I)nfluence with large hammer
(A)bort  (R)etry  (K)ill innocent bystanders
(A)bort  (R)etry  (S)ell it
(A)bort  (R)etry  (S)mack the $#!#@# thing!
(A)bort  (R)etry  (S)mack the darn thing
(A)bort  (R)etry  (T)ake an axe to it?
(A)bort  (R)etry  (T)ell your boss it was a virus
(A)bort  (R)etry  (T)hermonuclear Re-education
(A)bort (A)ccept (A)ctivate self destruct in 10 seconds.
(A)bort (C)ringe (B)ribe with latinum?
(A)bort (F)ail (C)reate a holographic image in plasma memory?
(A)bort (F)ail (R)etry (C)reate a holigraphic image
(A)bort (F)ail (R)etry (C)reate a holographic image in plasma memory.
(A)bort (F)ail (R)etry (C)reate a holographic image?
(A)bort (F)ail (T)oss computer across room
(A)bort (Fail) (R)each out and get gun?
(A)bort (I)s_wurscht!
(A)bort (R)epent (I)gnorant?
(A)bort (R)epent (I)gnorant?((A)bort (R)erty (G)o to the races
(A)bort (R)epent (W)ho cares?
(A)bort (R)erty (G)o to the races
(A)bort (R)etry ("I) said turn that off and come to bed!"
(A)bort (R)etry (*)*** it?
(A)bort (R)etry (A)sk 12 Year Old?
(A)bort (R)etry (A)sk again later?
(A)bort (R)etry (B)arf up a bug.
(A)bort (R)etry (B)eam me up Scotty!
(A)bort (R)etry (B)eat the %$#&*@ outta it with a stick!
(A)bort (R)etry (B)end and kiss goodbye?
(A)bort (R)etry (B)lame @TO?
(A)bort (R)etry (B)lame someone.
(A)bort (R)etry (B)lat.
(A)bort (R)etry (B)low the damn thing up?
(A)bort (R)etry (B)low up the computer
(A)bort (R)etry (B)omb
(A)bort (R)etry (B)ribe with latinum?
(A)bort (R)etry (B)ury Me Immediately.
(A)bort (R)etry (B)uy a Macintosh?
(A)bort (R)etry (C)all The Vatican.
(A)bort (R)etry (C)all Yoda
(A)bort (R)etry (C)all for help
(A)bort (R)etry (C)oerce with hammer.
(A)bort (R)etry (C)ontinue ... just kidding.
(A)bort (R)etry (C)rash?
(A)bort (R)etry (C)reate a holographic image
(A)bort (R)etry (C)ry?
(A)bort (R)etry (C)ut Your Throat.
(A)bort (R)etry (D)'oh!
(A)bort (R)etry (D)amn Torpedoes. Full Speed Ahead?
(A)bort (R)etry (D)eny Everything
(A)bort (R)etry (D)isconnect the SoundBlaster and try again.
(A)bort (R)etry (D)on't even think of it!
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (C)reate a holigraphic image
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (F)ix the coffee
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (S)how furry GIF
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (S)mash forehead on keyboard?
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail?  Naww, gimme 2 cards.
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ake it
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ill out unemployment application?
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ind 12 year old and ask
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ind another line of work...
(A)bort (R)etry (F)ornicate it!
(A)bort (R)etry (G)et The Sledge Hammer
(A)bort (R)etry (G)et a gun and kill it.
(A)bort (R)etry (G)et gun and blow away computer?
(A)bort (R)etry (G)et out the .45?
(A)bort (R)etry (G)o fix the coffee?
(A)bort (R)etry (G)o get coffee
(A)bort (R)etry (G)o to impulse (C)all Geordi
(A)bort (R)etry (G)rab a stick and kill it
(A)bort (R)etry (H)oney, get my .45
(A)bort (R)etry (H)ug teddy bear and cry?
(A)bort (R)etry (I) Want My Mummy!
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (H)old Requiem Mass?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (K)ick system?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (O)verthrow System
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (P)lan a Funeral Service?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (S)ay Kaddish?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (S)crew It:
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (S)orry I Asked!
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (V)alium?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore, (K)ick system?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore, (O)verthrow System?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore, (S)orry I Asked! ___ Blue Wave/
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore? An optimist picks (R)etry?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore?... Tried Ignore still have the error
(A)bort (R)etry (I)mJustJokingButYouShouldHaveSeenTheLookOnYourFace...
(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with (L)arge (H)ammer
(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with a large hammer.
(A)bort (R)etry (I)nfluence with large heavy object?
(A)bort (R)etry (I)ntegrate...Borg.
(A)bort (R)etry (K)ick the friggin thing
(A)bort (R)etry (K)ill innocent bystanders - Janier
(A)bort (R)etry (K)nock it off, I read the *message*
(A)bort (R)etry (O)rder &lt;a round of drinks&gt;.
(A)bort (R)etry (O)rder round of drinks
(A)bort (R)etry (O)verthrow System
(A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
(A)bort (R)etry (P)ersuade with large hammer
(A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
(A)bort (R)etry (P)lace fist in screen.
(A)bort (R)etry (P)retend it didn't happen
(A)bort (R)etry (P)retend this never happened
(A)bort (R)etry (P)roject thoughts of massive violence.
(A)bort (R)etry (P)romise
(A)bort (R)etry (P)ull leg, (H)ot boot, (S)wipe tagline!
(A)bort (R)etry (P)unch the monitor
(A)bort (R)etry (S)acrifice to random Goddess????
(A)bort (R)etry (S)ay Kaddish
(A)bort (R)etry (S)cream your lungs out
(A)bort (R)etry (S)elf destruct 30 sec.
(A)bort (R)etry (S)ell it
(A)bort (R)etry (S)haaad-dapp and go compute it yerself, ya pansy!
(A)bort (R)etry (S)hoot the SOB!
(A)bort (R)etry (S)lap Bill Gates?:
(A)bort (R)etry (S)lap innocent bystander
(A)bort (R)etry (S)mack The Sucker
(A)bort (R)etry (S)mack the ++#$&*~ thing!
(A)bort (R)etry (S)mack the bloody thing.
(A)bort (R)etry (S)mack the friggin thing.
(A)bort (R)etry (S)mack the thing HARD!
(A)bort (R)etry (S)ue
(A)bort (R)etry (S)witch to Windows UAE?
(A)bort (R)etry (S)witch to Windows UAE?((A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail Ä Not ready error reading tagline
(A)bort (R)etry (T)ake an ax to it?
(A)bort (R)etry (T)hermonuclear Re-edu*cat*ion
(A)bort (R)etry (T)hreaten with hammer?
(A)bort (R)etry (T)hrow computer out window
(A)bort (R)etry (U)se a better tagline.
(A)bort (R)etry (U)se a bigger hammer
(A)bort (R)etry (U)se hammer ?
(A)bort (R)etry (U)se the Force?
(A)bort (R)etry (W)hack it on the side of the monitor!
(A)bort (R)etry (W)hack the friggin' thing?
(A)bort (R)etry (W)hackitonthesideofthemonitor
(A)bort (T)ry (F)ire idiot seeking missile
(A)bort (f)ail (R)each out and get gun.
(A)bort, (A)ccept, (A)ctivate self destruct in 10 seconds.
(A)bort, (C)ringe, (B)ribe with latinum
(A)bort, (E)nd, (P)erot, (Q)uit, (T)erminate?
(A)bort, (F)ail or (T)oss computer out of window ?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (C)reate a holographic image in plasma memory.
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)each out and get gun?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry (T)hrash the programmer?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry, (C)reate a holigraphic image
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)ell, (G)iveaway
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with Sledgehammer?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry, (T)hrash the programmer?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (R)etry, (U)se Sledgehammer?
(A)bort, (F)ail, (T)hrow computer across room
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (S)ay Kaddish
(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (S)elf Destruct 30 SEC.
(A)bort, (Q)uit,  (E)nd,  (T)erminate,  (P)erot
(A)bort, (R)aise, (G)ive up for adoption?
(A)bort, (R)efinance, (D)eclare bankruptcy - $$$ not found.
(A)bort, (R)epent, (I)gnorant?
(A)bort, (R)erty, (F)ail, (S)hoot it
(A)bort, (R)etry (G)rab hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry (S)wear?
(A)bort, (R)etry (W)hackonthissideofmonitor
(A)bort, (R)etry or (G)et a stick and kill it
(A)bort, (R)etry, ("I) said turn that off and come to bed!"
(A)bort, (R)etry, (*)*** it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk 12 Year Old?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk Fifteen year-old?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk Fonzie to hit it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk Twelve-Year-Old?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk a 12 year old?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (A)sk again later?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)OOT TO THE HEAD!!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ag it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)arf up a bug.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)eam me up Scotty!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)eat the %$#&*@ outta it with a stick!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)end and kiss goodbye?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame @FN@?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame Genevieve Neyland?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame Kevin?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame Orville
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame a Tinker Gnome?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lame someone.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lat
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lat. (But try not to make a big mess on the rug)
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)lat. (But try not to make a big mess on the rug)((A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low up the computer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low the damn thing up?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low up the computer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low up the computer - File not found.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low up the computer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)low up world
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)omb
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ribe with latinum?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)ury Me Immediately.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)uy a Macintosh?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (B)uy an abacus
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)all The Vatican.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)all Yoda
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ast Disintegrate?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)hange something on the BBS
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)lobber Neil
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)oerce with hammer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)omputer-generate a parrot
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)rash?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)reate a holographic image
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ry?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ut Your Throat.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)'oh!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)amn Torpedoes.  Full Speed Ahead?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)etonate?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)isconnect the SoundBlaster and try again.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ispense cyanide tablet?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)on't even think of it!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ragonflame it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)rink Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
(A)bort, (R)etry, (D)ynamite
(A)bort, (R)etry, (E)nd, (P)erot, (Q)uit, (T)erminate?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (E)rase tagline file, don't you dare!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)*** it!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)*ck up completely?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail - Not ready error reading tagline.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail my life story!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (C)reate a holigraphic image?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (D)rop Carrier, (K)ill Sysop
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (F)ix the coffee
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (G)et a gun and kill it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (G)o fix coffee?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (G)rab Hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnite
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore, (C)omplain?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore, (U)se large hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore, (W)ait, (E)xit, (R)eboot, (M)ore?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)nfluence with Sledgehammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (K)ick system?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (K)ill Innocent Bystanders ?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (M)ake coffee
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (N)ever mind.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (N)uke it!!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (Q)uit in disgust?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (S)hoot it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (S)lam Fist on Desk?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (S)mash forehead on keyboard ?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (S)orry I Asked!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (T)ell boss it was a virus?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (T)hrash the programmer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (T)oss computer across room
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (U)nplug & (S)ell.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail, (V)alium?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail..... my life story!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail...a 'beamer's life story!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail; my life story.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?  Naww, gimme 2 cards.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ake it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ake like it's working
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ake power surge?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ill out unemployment application?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ind another line of work
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ind someone to blame?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ire CoSysOp
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ix dinner and leave the @#$! computer alone?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)lail?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)orget it happened?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)orget it.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ormat C:?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ormatting C? AAARRRGGGHHH!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ornicate it!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)oulup completely?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)uck it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et Sledgehammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et The Sledge Hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a bigger hammer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a gun and kill it.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a shotgun and shoot the damn thing.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a stick and kill it.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et gun and blow away
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et out the .45?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et really ticked off & kick machine.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et second opinion?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et the damn manual and read it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et your 44 Magnum and blow away this computer!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)ive it up as a lost cause?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)ive up
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o fix the coffee?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o to impulse (C)all Geordi?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)rab a pointed stick and kill it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)rab a stick and hit it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (G)rab_Hammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)ave a beer!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)it With Vorpal Sword?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)old Requiem Mass?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)oney, get my .45
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)ug teddy bear and cry.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (H)url brick at monitor?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I) didn't do it.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I) said turn that off and come to bed!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnite?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore (K)ick (S)cream - Drive C: Error.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (B)end and kiss goodbye?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (C)rash?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (F)ail, (N)uke
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (F)ail, (Q)uit in disgust?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (F)orget it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (G)o out for donuts
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (H)old Requiem Mass?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (K)ick system?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (L)ose marbles?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (M)eltdown
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (N)uke It!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (N)uke the CPU?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (O)h Poop
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (O)verthrow System Operator?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (P)lan a Funeral Service?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (P)ray, (G)et OS/2?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)ay Kaddish?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)elf-Destruct
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)ell it!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)ell it! (A)bort,
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (S)orry I Asked!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (V)alium?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, (W)eep, (S)ob?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, plan a (F)uneral Service?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore, say (K)addish?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore? An optimist picks (R)etry.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)mJustJokingButYouShouldHaveSeenTheLookOnYourFace
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ncinerate
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nduce heart attack?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence liberals with a larger hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with Sledgehammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with a blunt object?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with a hammer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with a large heavy object
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with a larger hammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with hammer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large heavy object?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nhale smelling salts.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ntegrate into Borg collective.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ntegrate.........................Borg.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)ntuition - Error reading user's mind.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ick system?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ick the friggin thing
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ick the mutha&#!@#%?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill Innocent Bystanders
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill Noah?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill innocent bystanders
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill something?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (K)nock it off, I read the *message*
(A)bort, (R)etry, (L)oad virus now?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (L)ose marbles?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (M)eltdown?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (M)oo
(A)bort, (R)etry, (M)oon Princess Halation?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (N)i!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (N)udge nudge.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (N)uke
(A)bort, (R)etry, (N)uke It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (N)uke........
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)h Poop.....?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)h sh!t
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)rder &lt;a round of drinks&gt;
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)rder Chinese Food
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)rder round of drinks
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)verthrow CPU?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (O)verthrow System?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic -- Backup not found.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic -- CPU not found.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic, (B)uy new disk?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)lace fist in screen?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)lan a Funeral Service?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)lead?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)ray for miracle?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend it didn't happen
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)roject thoughts of massive violence.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)ull Tights?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)ull leg, (H)ot boot, (S)wipe tagline!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (P)unch the monitor.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (Q)UAKE?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (R)ead the damn manual?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (R)etry a few more times?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)acrifice to random Goddess????
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)acrifice to random deity?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ay Kaddish
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)can user for virus?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)cream for the techie
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)cream your lungs out
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)crew it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)crew things up real good.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)eek Divine Intervention?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)elfDestruct 30 SEC?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ell computer
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ell it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)end into Wildspace?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)haaad-dapp and go compute it yerself, ya pansy!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hoot the SOB!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)hut-the-darn-thing-off.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)lam fist on desk?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ledge-o-matic
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mZ$Vhe frigging thing
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack Wesley upside the head
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack it
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the $%#!#@# thing!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the @#$&*~ thing!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the darn thing!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the f**king thing!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the friggin thing
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the stupid thing.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mack the thing HARD!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mash Rick Over the Head with the PC
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mash W/Hammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mash drive with hammer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)mash forehead on keyboard?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)orry I Asked?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ue
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ue (Define H2O and  CO2.)
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ue manufacturer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ue?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)ummon Elminster?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)wear Frantically?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)wear?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (S)witch to Windows 95?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake an ax to it?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake down entire network?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)apdance?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hermonuclear Re-education
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hrash the programmer?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hreaten with Windows?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hrow computer out window?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)hrowup - System Crash!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (T)oss computer across room?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (U)se a better Tagline.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (U)se for target practice?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (U)se the Force?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (V)alium
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hack it on the side of the monitor!
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hack the frigging thing?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hackitonthesideofthemonitor
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hat Me Worry.
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hat the **** happened?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hatever
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)hip with wet noodle?
(A)bort, (R)etry, (W)ho cares
(A)bort, (R)etry, (Y)ou must be kidding ?
(A)bort, (R)etry, or (C)oerce with hammer.
(A)bort, (R)etry, or (I)nfluence with a large hammer
(A)bort, (Retry, (I)nfluence with phaser
(A)bort, (S)elf destruct, (R)etry, (L)oad Gun, (F)ail
(A)bort,(R)etry,(C)ontinue to try until it goes away?
(A)bort,(R)etry,(S)mack the damn thing!!
(A)bort,(R)etry,(T)ry again,(O)nce more,(G)etting annoyed
(A)bort? (R)etry? (S)ell it!
(A)bortar, (R)epetir, (I)nfluenciar Com Um Martelo Maior?
(A)buse, (A)rgument, (C)omplaint, (H)it on the head.
(A)gain, (N)ext, (L)ast, (R)eply, (E)nter, (S)top:
(A)ssimilate (R)etry (P)anic
(A)ssimilate, (R)esistance, (F)utile.
(A)ttack, (R)un Away, (W)orship Barney
(A)ttack, (R)un Away, (W)orship Barney - Attack
(A)xxxx (R)etry, (F)ail, (I)gnore- White House Computer
(Acronym) WYSIWIG: What you see is fake hair.
(Acronym) YAPT -- Yet Another Pointless Tagline
(Across a drawing of a skeleton) "Waiting for the Perfect Man"
(Activate moon shields) * Joel: Activate underarm shields
(All opinions expressed solely my own)
(All vacate quickly!)
(And just in case ol' FIDO kills the line above, here's the original):
(Anything in parentheses can be ignored.)
(As Vaal signals) It's a fine time to ring the dinner bell.
(As they walk past) Why don't you come back here and fall in love with me!
(B)oot (R)eboot (S)teel toe boot?
(BEEP) (BEEP) - Captain Christopher Pike
(BEEP) Help!  I've fallen and can't reach the beer
(BEEP)... (BEEP)... - Captain Christopher Pike
(BEERWARE) If it works, buy yourself a beer!
(Badges? *WE* don't need any #$%&in' badges!)
(Badges? *WE* don't need any #$%&in' badges!) &lt;eg&gt;
(Beeeep) Syntax Error! - My reality check just cleared.
(Beeep) -ERROR- R:BASE.... My reality check just cleared
(Bill) Gold's Law:  A column about errors will contain errors.
(Bits of ice hitting hull) "Captain, we're being hailed."
(Blind Driver)+(Lazy Cat)=(Flat Cat)
(Blink)(Blink)   Simulated ANSI Graphics   (Blink)(Blink)
(BorgDOS 1.0)  C:  Assimilate another?  Y/n?
(BorgDOS 1.0)  C:\&gt;Session complete.  Assimilate another?  Y/N
(BorgDOS 1.0) C:&gt; Assimilate another? Y/n?
(BorgDOS 1.0) DH0:&gt; Session complete. Assimilate another? Y/N
(BorgDOS 1.0) [A:\] Assimilate another? (y/n)
(BorgDOS 5.0)      C:\&gt; Assimilate another? (y/n)
(Breast size) x (I.Q.) = CONSTANT
(Breath, Breath) ( I'm OK, now
(Bush) and I share the same opinion. Bill Clinton
(C) 1990 Richard Story. All Lefts Reserved
(C) 1992 All Lefts Reserved
(C) 1992 All Lefts Reserved((C) 1992 by Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved
(C) 1992 All Lefts Reserved.
(C) 1992 All Rights Reserved.  Lefts served only once.
(C) 1994 Patrick A. Long Institute of Tagline Research.
(C) 1995 by Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.
(C) 1996 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserwved.  Hehehehe.
(C) Copywight 1996 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserved.
(C) Megadodo Publications, Alpha Minor Beta
(C) tagline : if you steal this tagline, u will b n court
(C)1992 The Jerome Greene School of Tagline Research.
(C)1992 Wild Bill's Machine Gun Shop and House of Wax.
(C)1993 The Frank Fitch School of Tagline Research.
(C)1994 The RIME School of Tagline Research
(C)1995 The Telegan School of Tagline Research.
(C)Copyright 1993. All lefts reserved
(C)atch (A) (N)erd (E)xecuting (D)estruction
(C)aught (L)ieing (I)n (N)ine (T)imes (O)ut of (N)ine
(C)lemi :--)
(C)linton (C)omplete (C)are (P)rogram
(C)ompulsive (L)iar (I)n (N)ation's (T)op (O)ffice (N)ow
(C)ontrol (A)lt (B)ye
(C)orrupt (L)iberals (I)nvent (N)ew (T)axes (O)ver(N)ight
(C)razy (L)ady (I)s (N)ow (T)aking (O)ver (N)ation
(C)razy (L)iberal (I)ntending (N)eedless (T)rashing (O)f (N)ation
(C)ruddy (H)ated un-(E)xciting (V)ehicle for (Y)uppies
(CTRL)(ALT)(SHIFT)(TAB)(ENTER).......Now all with one hand
(CTRL)(ALT)(SHIFT)(TAB)(ENTER).......Now all with one hand......&lt;VBG&gt;
(Cat): "Not now.   I have to go pee on the laundry."
(Check female's shirt tag)....Just as I thought, made in heaven!
(Coda) Evil has been dealt a serious blow, but will be back
(Como frijole, Coca Cola?   (How you bean, Pop?)
(Computer + BBS) x E-Mail = $$$ &lt;=-- Cyberspace Algebra
(Contents of Autoexec.bat) -- Format C:\
(Continued from previous message)
(Continued next message...)
(Continued to next message)
(Correct answers for you are now complimentary!)
(Cowboys) are now 2-3 .. on track to win the division. - Cy Huie ---
(D)ead (P)eople (S)houting - Grave concern
(D)elete all plotlines? Are You Sure (Y)es! (N)ow!
(D)inner not ready:  (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
(D)inner not ready: (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)all for Takeout.
(D)inner not ready: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)izza
(D)ishing (O)ut (G)oodies - warm ones, of course.
(D)ivorce  (P)roceedings  (S)tarted - Modem named as respondent!
(D)umb (O)perator (S)ometimes
(DOS) Data Operating System, upgrading from MicroSoong v. 1.0 to 1.1!
(Data Not Found: (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail)
(Did I mention I'm good looking?) (Quiet?) (Shy?) (Undersexed?)
(Ding-dong) I'll bet someone is at the door again
(Dirty look)  I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more
(Does this look like a fraction to you?) OS/2: Where's th
(Does this look like a fraction to you?) OS/2: Where's the other half?
(Door creaks loudly)  Beast:  "Excuse me!"
(Door creaks loudly) Crow: Excuse me!
(Dos + Windows + ATM)
(Dos + Windows + ATM)  OS/2 2.0!
(Dos + Windows + ATM) &lt; OS/2 2.0! 2.0 is better than 1.
(Dos + Windows + ATM) &lt; OS/2 2.1!
(DragonLance Legends, Volume 1)
(E)rror (A)bort (R)elease bungey cord
(E)rror (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnite?
(Email sigs are stupid, that's why I don't put anything in mine.)
(Expletive Deleted). --Nixon
(F)ailure reading left brain (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)rolic?
(F6) - Add Tagline
(Female at the copy machine) Reproducing, eh? Mind if I help?
(FidoNet) star_trek: Boldly knowing what no trekkie has known before!
(Flying a plane's like making love) Crow:You have to pay?
(Following is a result of my having *S*W*I*P*E*D* the Taglines
(Frank attacks Eddie with an alpinist's pick) {Scream}
(Fuuurrrrp) There's the governments cut of my buritto.
(G)arbage (I)n, (G)arbage (O)ut
(G)et a gun and kill it?
(G)rin, (O)ffer a jellybaby, (T)rip on scarf
(GONG) Master, dinner is prepared!
(Grab her ass...) Pardon me, is this seat taken?
(H)eck, (I) (L)ie (L)ike (A) (R)ednecked (Y)okel!
(H)elp the (C)riminally (I)nclined
(H)usband (I)s (L)ying (L)ike (A) (R)eal (Y)okel
(Hair) "Do you have a pulse, or are you a junkyard of meat and wire?"
(Hallucinated tag line)
(Hangs head) I don't think I'm gonna' pass this life &lt;sigh&gt;.
(Hawaii Gas Co.) * Sure, what with all the poi - Crow
(He punches a few buttons, and a familer figure appears)
(Hey, guys, this man's gonna need some Tagline support!) &lt;VEG&gt;
(Human race ARE their children) Crow: I want my allowance
(Hysterical, Maniacal Laughter to follow... hear it??)
(I am a tease . . . ain't I?)
(I can do better, but why bother?)
(I can't remember his name, but its black rose's brother.)
(I forget the latin of this one...)
(I have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about)
(I wish I had a tagline to put here....)
(I'll let you delete the silly dupes that might show up.) &lt;EG&gt;
(I'm gone, I'm out of here, I'm Michael Jackson
(I'm sorry) - Ivanova
(I)gnore (R)etry (A)bort (M)eltdown
(I)nferior (B)u being hailed"
(I)nferior (B)ut (M)arketable
(IF IsStolen(Tagline) THEN Insult(Thief);
(Ice balls hit the hull)  "Captain, we are being hailed."
(Ice rocks hit hull)  "Captain, we are being hailed."
(Ice rocks hitting hull) - "Captain, we are being
(Ice stones hitting the Enterprise) "Captain, we're being hailed!"
(If you can't hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses)
(Imaginated tag line)
(In front of Vaal) What's going on, Jim? [*] Mess call.
(In my best Freud...)  Interesting...  Zo, tell me about your mother.
(In my best Peter Sellers voice) Howdy Partner!
(In the exalted words of our very own Ivy Iverson, no less !)
(In the men's room) Michelle.  If you're reading this, we're finished.
(In the men's room) Michelle. If you're reading this, we'
(In the men's urinal) THE FATE OF QUEBEC IS IN YOUR HANDS!
(Insert baseball scores here)
(Insert tagline here.)
(Is that worth stealing?) - Don Horton
(Is there a difference?)
(It's the Klingon way) ...but it is not MY way. * Worf
(J+E+S+U+S) * 9 = 666  (A=1, B=2, etc.)  Try it and see!
(Jet noise) That was the beans - Crow
(Joel coughs) Crow: Did you just cough up a lugey?
(K) All right reversed - Reprint what you like
(K)ick butt now  (T)ake names later?
(Kirk) Would you like a tranquilizer? --McCoy
(L)eech files (C)omplain to Sysop (D)rop Carrier.
(L)ock up the system, (W)ipe hard disk drive C:, (E)xplode
(Lea Brahm's Holograph) "Whenever you touch the ship, you touch me!"
(Let's go and play.) - Mary Janowski
(Letter sent to the Secretary of Agriculture) Dear Mr. Secretary: My friend Bordereaux received a $, check from the
(Line noise provided by Southern Bell)
(Look before you leap.)
(M)ostly (A)mateur (G)uys (I)mitating (C)hampions
(Make up your own tagline; I'm too tired.)
(Matt McIrvin)
(Micro)soft in the head?
(Music swells...)  On a clear disk, you can seek forever
(My current use costs amount to about $0.25 per hour.)
(NO you don't - this one's mine!)
(New) Co-Moderator, Taglines
(Nixon did it trickily.)
(No Borg Tags please! I already have about 750.)
(No point in letting anybody else get the blame... :-&gt;)
(O--&lt;   A fishy message
(Offer void where prohibited by common sense.)
(Oh no, (I'm nesting (parentheses) again...) help!)
(Oh, Gawd! Somebody, somewhere, will *believe* it !)
(On a baby-size shirt) "Party - My Crib - Two A.M."
(Ooching is "jerking"  your butt toward the bow to increase speed.)
(Oops.. should that have been in the Dungeon? &lt;blush&gt; :) - Dire Wolf
(Original tagline was censored because of the word ####)
(P)ark, (R)everse, (N)eutral, (D)rive, (2)nd gear, (1)st gear.
(P)osters (O)n (R)ecent (N)avymen
(PS/2) + (OS/2) = PSOS (Pretty Sorry Overpriced Stuff)
(Picard is a bit surprised and goes flying to the floor)
(Press Here) for static discharge.
(Pssst, @TOFIRST@, your file is unZIPped.)
(Pssst, Bob, your file is unZIPped.)
(Pssst, Orville, your file is unZIPped.)
(Pssst, Vicki, your file is unZIPped.)
(Pumping is when you let the main sheet out, pull it in, let it
(Q) - "Picard never hit me!"  (Sisko) - "I'm not Picard!!"
(Q) What's up?  (A) I think it's a direction.
(Q)uit) LinDOS 1.0: (A)bort (R)etry (L)ocate Zero Room?
(Q)uit) LinDOS 1.0: (A)bort (R)etry (L)ocate Zero Room?
(Q.) Why are bank tellers unnecessary? (A.) Because money talks.
(Qmodem+Ez-Reader+HST)=Happy Customer!
(R)eply (E)rase (C)opy (F)oreward (B)low up (P)revious (N)ext (F)orget
(R)eply (I)gnore (A)bort (B)elittle b(L)ame (D)eny
(R)etry (I)gnore (N)uke It!
(R)etry, (F)ail, (G)rab a Fricken hammer
(R)etry, (F)ail, (G)rab a Hammer?
(RUSH Permanent Waves album jacket by printers who ignore singers)
(Reading is like) the sex act....done privately, and often in bed.
(Reality Check Injection)
(Red-)  User is a punk rocker
(Referring to a glass of water)  I mixed this myself.  Two parts H, one part O.  I don't trust anybody! - Steven Wright
(Refusing to make eye contact.)
(Remove *.*? (Y)es (N)o (Q)uit)
(Reprinted from "Boredom" Magazine)
(Rocking is deliberately rolling the boat back and forth to increase speed.)
(SDVGA = Sooper Dooper Videeeo Graphics Array)
(SHOVE) "HEY! WAKE UP!" -Texas foreplay
(SKI JORING)  Next on Sally Jesse Rafeal Ski Whoring -Tom
(SSSSKWWOOOOSH)...HEY, get the elephant off my computer!...too late
(Scenes of chicken torture with nanoprobes have been edited out)
(See other side for answer)
(She starts to convulse)
(Slap) There I go thinking again
(Smack)  Now, you hit me.
(Small Ford following ship). Captain, we're being Probed.
(Sorry about the network problems. Our ethernet is leaking ether.)
(Space For Rent).....................................
(Spaz out, Riff!) "They didn't like me! They never liked me!"
(Standard Disclaimer applies)
(Stick to your lines, Gen) -- Screenwriter, SN
(Strawberry) isn't a dog. Dogs are loyal and run hard after balls
(T)-key (A)nd (G)lobal (L)urking (I)t's (N)ever (E)nding!
(T)heiving (A)nd (G)lobally (L)urking (I)s (N)ever (E)nding
(T-o-M Tagline)
(THUD) - Alexander, when he sees Beverly Crusher at the wedding
(THUD) - Beverly Crusher, when she sees Worf at the wedding
(THUD) - Cmdr. Riker, after Worf names him as best man
(THUD) - Lwaxanna (after hearing the above news)
(THUD) - Lwaxanna, when she sees Worf at the wedding
(THUD) - Reg Barclay, after hearing the news
(THUD) - Wesley Crusher, when he sees Deanna at the wedding
(Tagline removed to cut down on LD charges)
(Tagline under construction)
(Takeoffs = Landings) ? --  Win ()  Lose ()
(Tapping your leg) You just think this is my leg
(Tenant)                                      (Landlord)
(The Announcer Implodes)
(The Dr. That's not a good idea implodes)
(The Parody implodes)
(The Romulan Guy comes back on screen with Wesley)
(The admiral begins to clap): Stunning!
(The black road) passed through madness into chaos and kept going.
(The face of a man comes up on screen..and some theme music)
(The guy turns around- it's- WESLEY! )
(The incredibly annoying human echo strikes again) - Calvin
(The transporter room, Picard, Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf,
(Things that make you go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm goooooood!)
(This Tagline deleted due to lack of interest)
(This Tagline intentionally left blank) - Tagless Few.
(This Tagline intentionally left blank) - Tagless Few.
(This Tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message)
(This is what happens when you don't tell me what *you* want.)
(This kind of humor is integral to calculus)
(This recipe deleted due to lack of interest)
(This recipe intentionally left blank)
(This space accidentally left blank.)
(This tagline deleted due to lack of interest)
(This tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message)
(To Geraldo Riveira)  "I could kill you right now, man." -- C. Manson
(To Hillary) All We Are Saying, Is Give Peas A Chance.
(To the tune of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony)
(Tom hums Jeopardy theme) Crow: What is Total Oblivion?
(Troi hits a few rocks)
(Troi standing behind Worf) "Captain, I feel  Worf!"
(Troi starts to fall and roll down the mountain bouncing)
(Troi turns to Riker....and yes..coughs a hairball in his lap)
(U)nidentified (F)eminine (O)bjects ??!!??
(Under a dragon) : -He can't breath me !!!!!
(Unregistered) &lt;-- World's most popular tagline.
(Urg!) The message takes less time than does the Tagline!
(User)  Huh?  What's a modem?... NO CARRIER
(Vaal's eyes light up) That's not the way (in). [*] Evidently not.
(Void where prohibited by common sense)
(W)hy (I)t (N)ever (DO)es (W)hat its (S)upposed to.
(W)indows (I)cons (M)ice (P)ointers (S)heesh!
(WHACK!)  That was a bookcase -- do you feel better?" -- Pirate Jenny
(Walking to his quarters, obviously.)
(Welcome back from the previous message!)
(Well gals, are ya gonna give Randy some good Tagline retorts??) &lt;EG&gt;
(Who told Al about this???)
(Wife to husband) I caught junior reading echo mail again.
(Windows on a P-5 90Mhz)=(Dos 3.3 on an IBM XT 8.7 MHz)
(With hands on shoulders) Oh, those are shoulder blades, I thought they were wings
(Worf brings out a picture of Picard, he looks at it grimly)
(X) Official Business ( ) Surreptitious Business ( ) Subversive.
(Y)our wife aborts # 2, (Y)our kid is killed by school bus, (Y)our blind
(Yes, I know about alt.horror.cthulhu)
(You can have your cake) OR (You can eat your cake)
(You) look like you just saw a ghost. - Scully to Mulder (Hell Money)
(Your tagline here. ____________ Call 1-(800) TAG-LINE)
(_)]    Beer.
(_)]  &lt;-  Short Beer.
(_)]  -  Short Beer
(_*__    &lt;- Tribble on a tobaggan
(_|_)   I'm mooning everybody right now! *
(_|_)   Nice Ass!
(a rose for the lady)   ----&lt;--&lt;---{@
(a short musical interlude)
(a) Fast, (b) Reliable, (c) Inexpensive - Pick Two.
(a)bort (r)etire (p)eefirst
(a)bort, (r)etry, (G)et out the bloody axe!
(a)bort, (r)etry, (W)hack the friggin thing.
(a)bort, (r)etry, (c)all for help
(and here is my maintags.tag files from bw2.20)
(and then change subject matter to suit.)
(any tagline that puzzles you, please ask me! 8-)
(around a picture of dandelions) I Fought the Lawn and the Lawn Won
(background here is really a lo-tech .bmp)
(beep) Help, I've fallen and can't reach the beer.
(bending pop-can tab over a penny) Look! A Bill Clinton Money-Clip!
(between E5 and F5) - note of the beast
(bits of ice striking hull)  "Captain, we're being hailed
(c) 1991 by the Great-Compu-Guru Society (tm)
(c) 1993 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserwved.  Hehehehe.
(c) 1994 All rights wronged unless left.
(c) 1994 De Ja Vu Inc.  (c) 1994 De Ja Vu Inc.
(c) 1994 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserwved.  Hehehehe.
(c) 1994 by the Great-Compu-Guru Society (tm)
(c) 1999 All rights wronged unless left
(c) @YEAR@ by Christians For Chainguns. All rights reserved
(c) Clinton, 1993 All lefts reserved, all rights repealed
(c) Copywight 1992 Elmer Fudd.  All wights weserved.
(c) Copywight @YEAR@ Elmer Fudd. All wights weserwved
(c) Copywight Elmer Fudd.  All wights wesewved.
(c) Fatal Error 69: Echo sex posted to 'ALL'
(c) Fatal Error 69: Echo sex posted to 'ALL'((c) Windoze, (tm) Microsmurf Corp
(c) Hard to get rid an old friend
(c) Windoze, (tm) Microsmurf Corp.
(c) by Christians For Chain guns. All rights reserved
(c) copyrighted tagline. @@@@@@ Steal THIS!! @@@@@ I dare you! @@@@@
(chant) If it's not on the list, it doesn't exist
(char *)lie = "brown";
(comedy Break)
(continued from previous tagline) sex (see next tagline)
(continued next post...)
(desperately) The one without the gannet!
(dirty look) Im sorry, Im not allowed to argue any more
(do you have invisible electricity for writing invisible taglines?)
(ducking the spray of saliva as you raspberry the screen)
(exasperated) Oh, this is futile!!
(expletive deleted)   - Hillary Clinton
(expletive deleted)   - R. Nixon
(from file ABORT.TAG on my machine)
(generalized) The real world is a special case
(good or excellent)
(gya kay haku mason = Tibetan for I don't understand chinese)
(hand nailed to forehead) it's a goth thing. - arifel
(heard at Gander) "Look at the Jesus Jumpin Jets, Ma!"
(hic) BWave 2.10 (hic) BWave 2.10 * My READER is drunk
(hic) BWave 2.10 (hic) BWave 2.10 * My computer is drunk
(hic) Error (hic) Bad command or file name * My computer is drunk
(hic) OLX 2.20 (hic) OLX 2.20 * My computer is drunk
(hic) PPoint 1.65 (hic) PPoint 1.65 * My computer is drunk
(hic) SLMR 2.0 (hic) My Computer is drunk
(hic) SLMR 2.1a * (hic) SLMR 2.1a * My computer's drunk!
(hiccup) * (hic) * My computer's drunk
(hiccup) SLMR 2.0 þ (hic) SLMR 2.0 þ My computer is drunk
(hint: this is a tagline)
(hmm)Ooo.. :(      Thinking sad thoughts.
(honesty mode off) Fido-netmail is perfectly reliable (honesty mode on).
(horrified) No! Not the Knights who say Ni!
(huskily)  "Oh, yes!  Scan me NOW!  ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³"
(ie.  I am Homer Simpson of Borg.  Prepare to be ass....  oooh, donuts!)
(ie. Compu$erve) should request this list in multiple parts
(if you haven't already swiped them all from SCI&TECH...&lt;G&gt;)
(ink blot test) "What's this look like?"      "A tagline"
(insert random tagline here)
(invisible tagline -- send money for special glasses!)
(irc)&lt;kheitman&gt; nk: I thought of you when the cat went stiff
(no comment)
(no official affiliation with the above ...)
(null .signature; hope that's ok)
(null cookie; hope that's ok)
(null tagline)
(o o   o   o o)  Ufo in the Night
(on the Polar Bear Club) Let's talk about shrinkage, shall we?
(or wanna swap anime)
(or whatever) and you can edit out all the other quoted junk,
(picking up gloves) Marigold with blue?  Are you crazy? - Cat
(product warnings squashed to tagline nuclei by John Foster)
(run-away steam roler)+(unsupecting person)= (SPLOOOMMMMOOOOSHHHHH!!)
(send money)SUBLIMINAL(send money)TAGLINE(send money)
(shhhh!) Don't tell O.J., but *I* really did it.
(sign) Nodnol selim 85 "It's written in Bulgarian" * Dave Lister
(sing) Sonic the Hedgehog Kicks Doctor Robotnik's Butt!
(singing) Girls, they wanna have recipes!
(singing): Spam! Lovely spam! Beautiful spam!
(singing): Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam!
(singing): Spam, Spam, it comes in a can...And elephants come in quarts!
(singing): Spam, spam, it comes in a can
(singing): Spam, spam, it comes in a can...And elephants come in quarts!
(sniff) (sniff) ... Ok, who UARTed?
(sniff) Is that smoke from the power supply?
(sniff) Where has that been - Crow on gun
(soIguessIwas wr...wr...wrr...notasrightasIusuallyam)
(sorry, just came up with that one now.  can you tell? :)
(speaking for hisself only)
(stands back, rubs chin) looks like a rectum from here. - arifel
(starting to chant) Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam
(starting to chant) Spam spam spam spam spam...
(starting to chant): Spam spam spam spam
(stepping back into the shadows and lurk mode) - Syndi Rose
(still am, you can tell, right? &lt;grin&gt; ) as I never expected a response
(stolen - reward offered)
(stubborn cat) + (blind driver) = (flat cat).
(tagline isFunny) ifTrue: [tagline insert]
(takeoffs == landings) ? win() : lose()
(tee hee) Just push the little handle and ...............who
(the BREADbox)		---------------------------------	##############
(to_be || !to_be) == question
(under my breath)  "Stupid git."
(usu. refers to lighting a cigarette)
(warily) "Where's that cat of yours?" -- Riker"
(wearing Groucho Marx disguise) April fool. - Holly
(which, despite being wrong, is a marvelopus piece of work)
(with a smile) "Take the neccessary sleep inducements..." * Picard
(written by an infinite number of monkeys with PCs)
(written by infinite number of monkeys with typewriters)
(you're supposed to read up there)
(|)(|)(|) &lt;-Mooning by tagline!
(¨) Well, at least I think I can (?)
(øø)ÿ Avoid hangovers.  Stay drunk. ÿ(øø)
(øø)ÿ Œ ÂHŒ¥K
(øUø)  Kilroy was here!
(øUø) What are you lookin' at??
(øø)* Never miss a good chance to shut up. *(øø)
)  )  )  )             ===----I'm outa here!
)  )  )  )  &gt;  &gt;  &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; &gt;&gt; ===----I'm outa here!
) &lt;==happy norse god .( &lt;== sad norse god
) &lt;g&gt;, I'm 17 soon to be 18
)!)@(#*$&%^, but also {&lt;]#.(,@##, and what did you think of !!$#&@)$^#
)(o ) (o )* Look left  )( o) ( o)*  Look right
))))) TAKE A MINUTE TO THANK YOUR SYSOP (((((   - sublimi
)))))))))))))))))HYPNOTIC TAGLINE(((((((((((((((((
))*&lt;*:*8*6*4*2*0*.  Huh?
)8-)  scuba smiley big-face
):-(  unsmiley big-face
)======+------(  The CLUB for Taglines.  Used by over 600 moderators.
*  Aardvarks roasting on an open fire
*                   This tagline is lagniappe!
*                  "Make love - not War"
*           Bill Clinton - Joey Buttafouco with a drawl
*          I woke above ground again today
*         Don't try pessimism.  It won't work anyway
*         [ OUT OF TAGLINES, PLEASE ORDER MORE ]        *
*       "Ask not what your computer can do for you..."
*      Eat prune yogurt for that "Get up & go" feeling
*     &lt;-  Tribble   = &lt;- McTribble Sandwich
*     &lt;-  Tribble  @\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@ &lt;- Tribble hockey
*     &lt;- Tribble  | \ / -  &lt;- Tribble Kit  (some assembly required)
*     &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- Stealth Tribble
*     &lt;-- Tribble   @ &lt;-- Tribble in a whirlpool
*     &lt;-- Tribble  *-*-*-- &lt;-- Tribble kabob.
*     &lt;-- Tribble  __ &lt;-- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*     &lt;-- Tribble @ &lt;-- Tribble in a whirlpool
*     ROTFL -- Rave on, tofu flinging leeches!!!
*    &lt;- McCoy Tribble. "Darnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble..uh.."
*    &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
*    &lt;- Scratch and sniff Tagline.  Guess which smell this one is!
*    &lt;- Tribbl   *} -¯  0  &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Archery
*    &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale    &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale
*    &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble in the dark
*    &lt;- Tribble         &lt;---- No Tribble :)
*    &lt;- Tribble       ! &lt;- Tribble after a Bud Light
*    &lt;- Tribble       ! &lt;- Tribble squashed by combat
*    &lt;- Tribble       ! &lt;- Tribble with a BIG mohawk
*    &lt;- Tribble       ! &lt;- freefall tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble       # &lt;- Borg assimilated Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble       # &lt;- Tribble after 120VAC 60Hz 5A
*    &lt;- Tribble       # &lt;- Tribble after getting stuck in a waffle ir
*    &lt;- Tribble       . &lt;- wet teibble
*    &lt;- Tribble       @ &lt;- suicide tribble (overhead view)
*    &lt;- Tribble       _ &lt;- Tribble playing in traffic
*    &lt;- Tribble       a &lt;-  Baby Tribble with bottle
*    &lt;- Tribble       e &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
*    &lt;- Tribble       j &lt;- Tribble wearing a condom
*    &lt;- Tribble       o &lt;- Tribble.ZIP
*    &lt;- Tribble       | &lt;- anorexi
*    &lt;- Tribble      *& &lt;- Tribble sitting in Lotus position
*    &lt;- Tribble      * &lt;- Delta Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble      _    &lt;- "Tribble Meets Godzilla"
*    &lt;- Tribble     "*" &lt;- Mickey Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble     *`î &lt;- Tribble with Baht'lah
*    &lt;- Tribble     ,*' &lt;- tribble semaphore
*    &lt;- Tribble     ,*, &lt;- tribble ballet
*    &lt;- Tribble     ^*^ &lt;- Count Tribbula
*    &lt;- Tribble    !@#$%*)^$(@!   &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
*    &lt;- Tribble    "* * * * *"    &lt;- Tribble Con 1994!
*    &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- The Donald Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs.
*    &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- Tribble Leaving The Bank.
*    &lt;- Tribble    $***,***,***.**     &lt;- Floating Tribble sign
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Female Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Siamese twin baby Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble Banker
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble in need of a stress pill
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble neighbors.
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble undergoing mitosis.
*    &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble wearing glasses
*    &lt;- Tribble    %%%%%%%%*%%%   &lt;- Tribble stuck in zipper
*    &lt;- Tribble    %.   &lt;- Female Tribble-Not tonight, I have my period
*    &lt;- Tribble    &    &lt;- Tribble after getting caught in taffy machine
*    &lt;- Tribble    &    &lt;- Tribble.ZOO
*    &lt;- Tribble    &@^#*@*&$!     &lt;- Klingon sees a Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;    &lt;- Tribble boomerang.
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;    &lt;- Tribble on a bender.
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;   &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, Their Leader.
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;*   &lt;- Romulan Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;*&lt;  &lt;- Tribble In A Vise.
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;Y-(Y_____)    &lt;- Tribble winning Sumo match
*    &lt;- Tribble    &gt;|&lt;  &lt;- Tribble on steroids
*    &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Grinning Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, their leader
*    &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*    &lt;- Tribble    '    &lt;- Tribble.ZIP
*    &lt;- Tribble    (((*)))   &lt;- Dizzy Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Copyrighted Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones.
*    &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*    &lt;- Tribble    (-*-)     &lt;- "I'm Bat-Tribble..."
*    &lt;- Tribble    (__YY__)  &lt;- Sumo wrestling Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble (creativity block ;))
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble doing the twist
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble vs. Stick of Dynamite
*    &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Trigonometric Tribble.(L&R sideviews/Topview)
*    &lt;- Tribble    *  U++    &lt;- Tribble Meet Bambi
*    &lt;- Tribble    *  o  *   &lt;- Tribbles playing Frisbee
*    &lt;- Tribble    * *  &lt;- Tribble after being stuck in elevator
*    &lt;- Tribble    * *  &lt;- Tribbs    * * *     &lt;- Tribblets
*    &lt;- Tribble    * * * * * &lt;- Tribble Con.
*    &lt;- Tribble    * * ** *** ***** ********     &lt;- Fibonacci Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    * |   U          |  U*   &lt;- Tribble Horseshoes
*    &lt;- Tribble    *!#*!^*&:-)    &lt;- A schizophrenic Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *$   &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
*    &lt;- Tribble    *&   &lt;- Tribble playing the harp
*    &lt;- Tribble    *&   &lt;- Tribble sitting in Lotus position
*    &lt;- Tribble    *&gt; - &lt;- Tribble Firing A Bow.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *&gt; --&gt;    &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *&lt;   &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
*    &lt;- Tribble    *'   &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
*    &lt;- Tribble    **    &lt;- Keeps your toilet clean for FOUR MONTHS!!
*    &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- More Tribbles    ***  &lt;-And even more
*    &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Siamese Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Synchro Swimming
*    &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Young Tribbles in love
*    &lt;- Tribble    ** ****   &lt;- This Tribble contains a Black Hole
*    &lt;- Tribble    ***  &lt;- Treble Tribbles.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ***  &lt;- Tribble Olympic parade
*    &lt;- Tribble    *** *** ***    &lt;- Tribble drill team.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *****     &lt;- No Tribble at all
*    &lt;- Tribble    ******* ******* *******  &lt;- 21 Tribble Salute.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ******************       &lt;- Tribble Orgy
*    &lt;- Tribble    ****************************  &lt;- Tribble + Grain
*    &lt;- Tribble    ***-A-*** &lt;- Heavy-Weight Tribble Lifter.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ***2      &lt;- Pretty good Tribble movie rating
*    &lt;- Tribble    **7  &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    **_**_**  &lt;- Caution, Tribble crossing.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *+   &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
*    &lt;- Tribble    *+   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-   &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-   &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation surgery
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-  -*    &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Dueling
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--)      &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--*      &lt;- Tribbles holding hands.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--*      &lt;- Violent Tribbles.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--* &lt;- Tribbles holding hands.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--* &lt;- Violent Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-----------   &lt;- Pinochio Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *--X &lt;- Tribble roasting a marshmallow
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-o-*-o-- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *-~  &lt;- Tribble after sex
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.   &lt;- Female Tribble-Not tonight, I have my period
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.   &lt;- Tribble droppings
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.*  &lt;- Binary Tribbles, discovered by WJC
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.*  &lt;- Bynar Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.*  &lt;- Tribble file name
*    &lt;- Tribble    *....     &lt;- Tribble droppings
*    &lt;- Tribble    *.....    &lt;- Tribble With 5 Tribblepups.
*    &lt;- Tribble    */   &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
*    &lt;- Tribble    */   &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
*    &lt;- Tribble    */ \*     &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Fencing
*    &lt;- Tribble    */ \*     &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
*    &lt;- Tribble    */(***)   &lt;- Censored Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    */\*      &lt;- Highlander Tribbles.
*    &lt;- Tribble    */^  &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
*    &lt;- Tribble    */^4 &lt;- Tribble tipping small sized hat
*    &lt;- Tribble    */s  &lt;- Laplace transformed Tribble.
*    &lt;- Tribble    */~~ &lt;- Tribble dominatrix
*    &lt;- Tribble    *1   &lt;- Tribble footnote.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *10010110      &lt;- Tribbles & Bits
*    &lt;- Tribble    *8   &lt;- Tribble and mama out for a stroll.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *?   &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid
*    &lt;- Tribble    *C   &lt;- Tribble Escargot
*    &lt;- Tribble    *E   &lt;- Sigma Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *J   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
*    &lt;- Tribble    *L.   (   &lt;- Tribble playing golf
*    &lt;- Tribble    *L.   I   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Golf
*    &lt;- Tribble    *O*  &lt;- Tribbles having Safe Sex (Can't you tell??!!)
*    &lt;- Tribble    *\   &lt;- Tribble with a HEAVY saber.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *\ . /*   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey
*    &lt;- Tribble    *\\ *\\   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Skiing
*    &lt;- Tribble    *\|__     &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting
*    &lt;- Tribble    *][  &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues...
*    &lt;- Tribble    *^   &lt;- Tribble Praying
*    &lt;- Tribble    *^^^ &lt;- Bajoran Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *______________o_____    &lt;- Tribble Bowling
*    &lt;- Tribble    *a   &lt;- alpha Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    *o   &lt;- Tribble in love with a rock
*    &lt;- Tribble    *o | *    &lt;- Tribbles playing volleyball
*    &lt;- Tribble    *o-  &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
*    &lt;- Tribble    *}-- &lt;- Tribble with Lance
*    &lt;- Tribble    *}-Y--Y--Y--Y-e*    &lt;- 2 Tribbles talking on phone
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Bald Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Born again Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Emaciated Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Positive Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble With Mange.
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble after a shower.
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble on a diet.
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble.ZOO v2.1
*    &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Wet Tribble.
*    &lt;- Tribble    +^+^+^+^+^+^+  &lt;- Thangies
*    &lt;- Tribble    ,    &lt;- A:\Tribble.ZIP   .    &lt;- A:\Tribble.ARJ
*    &lt;- Tribble    ,*(  &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
*    &lt;- Tribble    ,*,  &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
*    &lt;- Tribble    ,*|-------*-   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
*    &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Negative Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
*    &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Tribble with a headache
*    &lt;- Tribble    - -- ---===&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;*   &lt;- Tribble snagged by comet
*    &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Flying Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body.
*    &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping.
*    &lt;- Tribble    -*-*-*-   &lt;- Tribble kabob.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ---------***** &lt;- Group Tribble bungee jump
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- A wet Tribble    :    &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Alien Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub visit
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Before hair club   *  &lt;- After hair club
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Shaved Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble After A Shower.
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after Jenny Craig
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after NutriSystems
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after an ARJ encounter
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble midget
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble on Dexitrim
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble with a crew cut.
*    &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
*    &lt;- Tribble    .   &gt; &lt;- Alien Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    .*e  &lt;- How Quayle spells "Tribble"
*    &lt;- Tribble    ..*****..*****..*****..*****..     &lt;- Family Reunion
*    &lt;- Tribble    .=   &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
*    &lt;- Tribble    /    &lt;- Tribble after squeezing through a door.
*    &lt;- Tribble    /*\  &lt;- Tribble on crutches
*    &lt;- Tribble    /\*/\     &lt;- Alien After Gestation Inside A Tribble.
*    &lt;- Tribble    /\*\ &lt;- Tribble putting on a roof
*    &lt;- Tribble    /\/\/\/\*//\/\/\/\/\/\   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: moguls
*    &lt;- Tribble    0    &lt;- Fat Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    :    &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles having sex.
*    &lt;- Tribble    :    &lt;- Tribble Looking at you
*    &lt;- Tribble    :*:  &lt;- Tribble on a dune buggy.
*    &lt;- Tribble    :-*  &lt;- Tribble smiley (Terran meaning: ate something
*    &lt;- Tribble    :.   &lt;- Tribblets
*    &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- Dissected Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- McTribble Sandwich
*    &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- Tribble after laying on railroad tracks
*    &lt;- Tribble    =*=  &lt;- Red Baron Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ===#===   &lt;- Tribble Roadkill
*    &lt;- Tribble    ?    &lt;- Tribble discussing quantum mechanics
*    &lt;- Tribble    ?    &lt;- Tribble in midlife crisis
*    &lt;- Tribble    ?*?  &lt;- Terrifying Flying Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ?*?  &lt;- Tribble In A Quandary.
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper.
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble X-Ray
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble fetus
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble in a whirlpool
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble on LSD
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble on a target range
*    &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble with a bad perm
*    &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- Ferengi Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- Macro Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- The offspring of a Tribble and Ross Perot
*    &lt;- Tribble    @U*++------o   &lt;- Top Fuel Class Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    C    &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper
*    &lt;- Tribble    C    &lt;- Tribble wearing condum
*    &lt;- Tribble    D    &lt;- Tribble Sandwich.
*    &lt;- Tribble    I*   &lt;- Geordi Tribble (asleep, of course!)
*    &lt;- Tribble    L    &lt;- British Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    LOAD"*",8 &lt;- Commodore 64 Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
*    &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
*    &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
*    &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
*    &lt;- Tribble    O*   &lt;- Good Tribble     =*   &lt;- Bad Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    Oo*0 &lt;- Tribble in a line-up.
*    &lt;- Tribble    Tribble Math:  * + Food  = ************************
*    &lt;- Tribble    X    &lt;- Tribble in Transporter.
*    &lt;- Tribble    X&lt;   o=   &lt;- Tribble and Rock 'n Roll
*    &lt;- Tribble    Y    &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    Y    &lt;- Japanese Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    Y    &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
*    &lt;- Tribble    [*****/]  &lt;- Tribble multiplication meter
*    &lt;- Tribble    [*]  &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
*    &lt;- Tribble    [+*+]     &lt;- Tribble on a Klingon Firing Range
*    &lt;- Tribble    [oo] &lt;-Horse with blinders   [**] &lt;- Tribble horse
*    &lt;- Tribble    \*   &lt;- Tribble slide.
*    &lt;- Tribble    \*/  &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
*    &lt;- Tribble    \*/ |* Y*Y *U  &lt;- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ^    &lt;- Tribble beaming up
*    &lt;- Tribble    ^    &lt;- Tribble splattered against ceiling
*    &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Dead Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Drunk Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- No Tribble at all
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Roadkill Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble After A Steam Roller.
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble after fight with Godzilla.
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble after visit to Jurassic Park
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble meets Ford at 65Mph
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble stepped on by Worf!
*    &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*    &lt;- Tribble    _*_  &lt;- Bozo T. Clown ( 'T' stands for Tribble )
*    &lt;- Tribble    _*_  &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*    &lt;- Tribble    __   &lt;- Worf's pet Tribble after it ate his ghak.
*    &lt;- Tribble    __*\_|-|_/*_   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: pole vault
*    &lt;- Tribble    __*_\__|--|_/*___   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting.
*    &lt;- Tribble    _______/  \\*  &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ski Jump
*    &lt;- Tribble    `*'  &lt;- Andorian Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    `*'  &lt;- Viking Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    a    &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
*    &lt;- Tribble    f    &lt;- Anti-Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Bald Tribble     o    &lt;- After Hairclub visit
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub visit
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Chinese Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Fat Tribble      O    &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Jean-Luc Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Minimized Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Picard Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Shaved Tribble with an innie belly button!
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Sheared Tribble  ,,,,,,    &lt;- Tribble Wool
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble after hairclub visit
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
*    &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble.ZIP   .  &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
*    &lt;- Tribble    o*o  &lt;- Tribble bicycling
*    &lt;- Tribble    o=   &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
*    &lt;- Tribble    o=   &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
*    &lt;- Tribble    q    &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    x    &lt;- Village people Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    xxx=&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;==&lt;8)&gt;-&lt;  &lt;- Tribbles meet Snake
*    &lt;- Tribble    {{*  &lt;- Klingon Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    {{:-(*)   &lt;- Klingon eating a Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Anorexic Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Bulemic Tribble, waiting to see the doctor.
*    &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Tribble caught in a trash compactor.
*    &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Tribble on starship w/o gravity
*    &lt;- Tribble    |UU *+   UUU   *+ o UU|  &lt;- Tribble croquet
*    &lt;- Tribble    |\|/|     &lt;- Big mutant Tribble claw
*    &lt;- Tribble    |_*_\  |_*_\/_*_|  |_*_\      &lt;- Tribble Dodg'em cars
*    &lt;- Tribble    |_*_|     &lt;- Housebroken Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ||   &lt;- Tribble stuck between elevator doors.
*    &lt;- Tribble    }-*-{     &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE Fighter
*    &lt;- Tribble    }:-( &lt;- @F Tribble after Borg assimilation
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Tribble struck by lightning
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Tribble toupee.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Very drunk Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~#~  &lt;- Tribble's head exploding
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~%#{.&gt;&$  &lt;- Tribble after using WINdoze.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~%#{..~$  &lt;- Tribbles after using Windows.
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~*~  &lt;- Tribble in heaven
*    &lt;- Tribble    ~*~*~*~*~ &lt;- Tribbled Waters
*    &lt;- Tribble   #    &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*    &lt;- Tribble   (-*-) &lt;- Darth tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble   * * * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribbles (L&R side views, Top
*    &lt;- Tribble   |-*-| &lt;- TIE tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble   ë ë ë &lt;- Snake Tribbles
*    &lt;- Tribble  !*!  !*! &lt;- Tribbles with snowshoes
*    &lt;- Tribble  #####-@@*# &lt;- Tribble Olympics '96: Tractor Pull
*    &lt;- Tribble  &    &lt;- Tribble after getting caught in taffy machine
*    &lt;- Tribble  ''*'*'*'' &lt;- tribbles in the rain
*    &lt;- Tribble  * [][][][][][][][] &lt;- tribble hopscotch
*    &lt;- Tribble  ***||*** &lt;- bridge over tribbled waters
*    &lt;- Tribble  */*\*/*\*/*\*/*\* &lt;- tribble conga line
*    &lt;- Tribble  - -- ---===&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;*  Comet Tribble
*    &lt;- Tribble  {* &gt;*&gt;*&gt;*&gt;*&gt;*} &lt;- tribble rowing team
*    &lt;- Tribble: Fuzzy ball, born pregnant, and has voracious appetite
*    &lt;- tribble       @ &lt;- Elvis Tribble
*    &lt;- tribble  _ , - + *    &lt;- tribble evolution
*    - Tribble    |\|/|     - Big mutant Tribble claw**    - Tribble    |_*_|     - Housebroken Tribble
*    Darn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
*    Does Clayton Moore drink Silver Bullets??
*   &lt;  - Tribble   +  &lt;- Tribble on a diet.
*   &lt; - Tribble    _  &lt; - Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
*   &lt; - Tribble   *' &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
*   &lt; -This is a Tribble Any questions??
*   &lt;- After hair club for tribbles . &lt;- Before hair club.
*   &lt;- TribblARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!  &lt;BOOM&gt;
*   &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Teenage mutant ninja tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble on drugs
*   &lt;- Tribble       &lt;- Cloaked Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble       */   &lt;- Tribble with a lightsabre
*   &lt;- Tribble      #  &lt;- Tribble after Borg assimilation
*   &lt;- Tribble      #  &lt;- Tribble sees a Klingon
*   &lt;- Tribble      *  &lt;- Frightened Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble      *  &lt;- Odo disguised as a tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble      *-*-*--   &lt;- Tribble KaBob
*   &lt;- Tribble      .  &lt;- Tribble after ARJ encounter
*   &lt;- Tribble      .  &lt;-
*   &lt;- Tribble      ?  &lt;- Tribble in midlife crisis
*   &lt;- Tribble      @  &lt;- Tribble on LSD
*   &lt;- Tribble      \*/ &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
*   &lt;- Tribble      _  &lt;- Worf's tribble after not using the litter box.
*   &lt;- Tribble      o  &lt;- Bald tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble      o  &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble      o  &lt;- Picard Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble      o  &lt;- Tribble.ZIP      . &lt;-- Tribble.ARJ
*   &lt;- Tribble     !  &lt;- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*   &lt;- Tribble     #    &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*   &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Electrocuted tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Roadkill Tribble - Darkwood
*   &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*   &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Tribble After Meeting Borg
*   &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Tribble in Transporter.
*   &lt;- Tribble     &gt;8*8&lt;  &lt;- Tribble in an X-Wing
*   &lt;- Tribble     &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Sergeant tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*   &lt;- Tribble     &lt;-*-&gt;  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Interceptor
*   &lt;- Tribble     (-*-)  &lt;- Darth Tribble in his personal TIE
*   &lt;- Tribble     *'  &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
*   &lt;- Tribble     *+  &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
*   &lt;- Tribble     *+  &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
*   &lt;- Tribble     *-  &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation
*   &lt;- Tribble     *-~  &lt;- Tribble After Sex.
*   &lt;- Tribble     */  &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
*   &lt;- Tribble     */  &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
*   &lt;- Tribble     */ \* &lt;- Tribbles sword fighting
*   &lt;- Tribble     *// *// *//   &lt;- Tribbles Going Skiing
*   &lt;- Tribble     */^ &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
*   &lt;- Tribble     *2  &lt;- Squared tribbles
*   &lt;- Tribble     *8  &lt;- Tribble and mama out for stroll
*   &lt;- Tribble     *\  |--| /*   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
*   &lt;- Tribble     *\\ &lt;- Tribble Going Skiing
*   &lt;- Tribble     *^  &lt;- Tribble Praying
*   &lt;- Tribble     *}  -    |  &lt;- Tribble Archery
*   &lt;- Tribble     ,*( &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
*   &lt;- Tribble     ,*, &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
*   &lt;- Tribble     ,*I &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
*   &lt;- Tribble     -*-*-*-*-      &lt;- Tribble kabob
*   &lt;- Tribble     .   &lt;- Teenage mutant ninja tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     .   &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
*   &lt;- Tribble     .   &lt;- Tribble on drugs
*   &lt;- Tribble     . &lt;---TRIBBLE.ZIP
*   &lt;- Tribble     0   &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     =   &lt;- dissected tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     D   &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
*   &lt;- Tribble     D   &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
*   &lt;- Tribble     MM- - - - - -  &lt;- Tribble-kabob
*   &lt;- Tribble     O   &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
*   &lt;- Tribble     O   &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
*   &lt;- Tribble     O   &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
*   &lt;- Tribble     O   &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
*   &lt;- Tribble     O   &lt;- Tribble wearing condom
*   &lt;- Tribble     T   &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
*   &lt;- Tribble     T   &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
*   &lt;- Tribble     X   &lt;- Tribble in Transporter.
*   &lt;- Tribble     X&lt;    o=  o= &lt;- Tribbles and Rock!
*   &lt;- Tribble     Y   &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
*   &lt;- Tribble     [*] &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
*   &lt;- Tribble     \*/ &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
*   &lt;- Tribble     ^o^ &lt;- Viking Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     _   &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*   &lt;- Tribble     _   &lt;- drunk tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     a   &lt;- after the wash cycle
*   &lt;- Tribble     d   &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles
*   &lt;- Tribble     e   &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
*   &lt;- Tribble     f   &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
*   &lt;- Tribble     h   &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Bald Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Bald tribble after hairclub vis
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
*   &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
*   &lt;- Tribble     o*o &lt;- Tribble bicycling
*   &lt;- Tribble     o-*-o  &lt;- Tribble in a Y-Wing
*   &lt;- Tribble     o=  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
*   &lt;- Tribble     o=  &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
*   &lt;- Tribble     p  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
*   &lt;- Tribble     p  &lt;- Tribble on a windy day
*   &lt;- Tribble     q   &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles
*   &lt;- Tribble     s   &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
*   &lt;- Tribble     |-*-|  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Fighter
*   &lt;- Tribble     |-*-|  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Fighter**   &lt;- Tribble  !*!  &lt;- Skiing Skiing
*   &lt;- Tribble     ~*~ &lt;- Tribble in heaven
*   &lt;- Tribble    !  &lt;- Tribble After Encountering a Klingon.
*   &lt;- Tribble    !  &lt;- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*   &lt;- Tribble    #  &lt;- Electrocuted tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    #  &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation.
*   &lt;- Tribble    #  &lt;- Tribble After Meeting Borg
*   &lt;- Tribble    #  &lt;- Tribble Waffle.
*   &lt;- Tribble    $  &lt;- Donald Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    $  &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs.
*   &lt;- Tribble    %  &lt;- Siamese Twin Baby Tribbles.
*   &lt;- Tribble    %  &lt;- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis.
*   &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-*-&gt;  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Interceptor
*   &lt;- Tribble    *  &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*   &lt;- Tribble    *  &lt;- Tribble Disguised As An Asterisk.
*   &lt;- Tribble    *  &lt;- Tribble.  (Creativity Block)
*   &lt;- Tribble    *  &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    ** &lt;- Siamese Tribbles.
*   &lt;- Tribble    *- &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
*   &lt;- Tribble    */ &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
*   &lt;- Tribble    */ \* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
*   &lt;- Tribble    */ \* &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting.
*   &lt;- Tribble    *8 &lt;- Tribble and mama out for stroll
*   &lt;- Tribble    *\  |--| /*   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
*   &lt;- Tribble    *o  &lt;- Tribble In Love With A Rock.
*   &lt;- Tribble    +  &lt;- Bald Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    +  &lt;- Tribble With Mange.
*   &lt;- Tribble    +  &lt;- Tribbles On Drugs.
*   &lt;- Tribble    -  &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
*   &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- Shaved Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP.
*   &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- Tribble After A Shower.
*   &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- Tribble After Hair Club.
*   &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- Tribble On Dexitrim.
*   &lt;- Tribble    . &lt;- Tribble after Jenny Craig.
*   &lt;- Tribble    @  &lt;- Tribble In A Whirlpool.
*   &lt;- Tribble    O  &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
*   &lt;- Tribble    _  &lt;- Tribble After A Steam Roller.
*   &lt;- Tribble    _  &lt;- Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
*   &lt;- Tribble    _  &lt;- Tribble Vs. Godzilla.
*   &lt;- Tribble    o  &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    x  &lt;- Village People Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    |  &lt;- Anorexic Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    ~  &lt;- Very Drunk Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble    ~*~  &lt;- Tribble in heaven
*   &lt;- Tribble   $ &lt;- The Donald Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble   &gt;&lt;  &lt;- Tribble In A Vice.
*   &lt;- Tribble   &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*   &lt;- Tribble   (*)   &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*   &lt;- Tribble   (-*,*-)  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Bomber
*   &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*   &lt;- Tribble   *$ &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
*   &lt;- Tribble   *--)  &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
*   &lt;- Tribble   */    &lt;-- Tribble with a lightsaber
*   &lt;- Tribble   */ \*  &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
*   &lt;- Tribble   *\\ &lt;- Tribble Going Skiing
*   &lt;- Tribble   *^  &lt;- Tribble Praying
*   &lt;- Tribble   *}  -    |  &lt;- Tribble Archery
*   &lt;- Tribble   -*-*-*-*- &lt;- Tribble kabob
*   &lt;- Tribble   [*] &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
*   &lt;- Tribble   \*/ &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
*   &lt;- Tribble   ^  &lt;- Tribble splattered against ceiling
*   &lt;- Tribble   _   &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*   &lt;- Tribble   _  &lt;- drunk tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble   _*_   &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*   &lt;- Tribble   __  &lt;- Oops!  Didn't See That One!
*   &lt;- Tribble   o   &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble
*   &lt;- Tribble   o*o &lt;- Tribble bicycling
*   &lt;- Tribble   ~*~ &lt;- Tribble in heaven
*   &lt;- Tribble  !*!  &lt;- Skiing Skiing.
*   &lt;- Tribble  #   &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*   &lt;- Tribble  (*)  &lt;- Tribble With Deflector Screens.
*   &lt;- Tribble  ***  &lt;- Tribblets.
*   &lt;- Tribble  *****  &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
*   &lt;- Tribble  **7  &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble  *-*-*--  &lt;- Tribble Kabob.
*   &lt;- Tribble  *-~  &lt;- Tribble After Sex.
*   &lt;- Tribble  *.*  &lt;- Binar Tribbles.
*   &lt;- Tribble  *..  &lt;- Tribble Droppings.
*   &lt;- Tribble  -*-  &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping.
*   &lt;- Tribble  --&gt;--*-- &lt;-- Tribble after a sword fight
*   &lt;- Tribble  ===#===  &lt;- Tribble Roadkill.
*   &lt;- Tribble  ?*?  &lt;- Tribble In A Quandary.
*   &lt;- Tribble  ^*^  &lt;- Dead Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble  _*_  &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*   &lt;- Tribble  `*'  &lt;- Viking Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble *&gt; -  &lt;- Tribble Firing A Bow.
*   &lt;- Tribble *&gt;--&gt; &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
*   &lt;- Tribble *-*-*-- &lt;- Tribble kabob.
*   &lt;- Tribble *..*  &lt;- Tribble Family.
*   &lt;- Tribble *.... &lt;- Tribble With Tribblepups.
*   &lt;- Tribble */ \* &lt;- Tribbles Swordfighting.
*   &lt;- Tribble -&gt;I&lt;- &lt;-Tribble on steroids
*   &lt;- Tribble @\_ *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@ &lt;- Tribble hockey
*   &lt;- Tribble.    .  &lt;- Shaved Tribble.
*   &lt;- Tribble. =&lt;*&gt;=&lt;8)  &lt;- Tribble Meets a Snake.
*   &lt;- tribble       | &lt;- anorexic tribble
*   &lt;- tribble  $***,***,***.** floating tribble sign
*   &lt;--  Baby Tribble with bottle
*   &lt;--- tribble        _  &lt;--- drunk tribble
*   &lt;-Tribble.     (*)  Tribble in a tie fighter.
*   - Tribble     s   - Baby Tribble with bottle**   - Tribble   (-*,*-)  - Tribble in a TIE Bomber
*   -ww- U -ww  -  Kilroy was here.
*   Arkansas Ranks 1st in production of "chicken litter" in the U.S.
*   Darn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
*   Watch for our ad in BBS Caller Digest Magazine   **
*   You're the Keeper of the Seven Keys
*  &lt; - - Tribble  #  &lt; - - Tribble Waffle.
*  &lt;&lt; Bill &gt;&gt; *
*  &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
*  &lt;- TRIBBLE.EXE    .   &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP
*  &lt;- TribblARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!  &lt;BOOM&gt;
*  &lt;- Tribble          &lt;- Shaved Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble          &lt;- Tribble in the dark.
*  &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble         *  &lt;- Dreaded Tribble Viper.
*  &lt;- Tribble         x  &lt;- Village People Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble        0   &lt;- Tribble in Transporter
*  &lt;- Tribble        o=  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
*  &lt;- Tribble       &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*  &lt;- Tribble     #    &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Electrocuted tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  &lt;- Tribble     #   &lt;- Tribble After Meeting Borg
*  &lt;- Tribble     &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribble with shields up
*  &lt;- Tribble     *'  &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
*  &lt;- Tribble     *-  &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation
*  &lt;- Tribble     */  &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
*  &lt;- Tribble     */  &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
*  &lt;- Tribble     */ \* &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
*  &lt;- Tribble     */^ &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
*  &lt;- Tribble     *8  &lt;- Tribble and mama out for stroll
*  &lt;- Tribble     *\  |--| /*   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
*  &lt;- Tribble     *\\ &lt;- Tribble Going Skiing
*  &lt;- Tribble     *^  &lt;- Tribble Praying
*  &lt;- Tribble     *}  -    |  &lt;- Tribble Archery
*  &lt;- Tribble     ,*, &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
*  &lt;- Tribble     -*-*-*-*-      &lt;- Tribble kabob
*  &lt;- Tribble     .   &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
*  &lt;- Tribble     0   &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble     [*] &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
*  &lt;- Tribble     \*/ &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
*  &lt;- Tribble     _   &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*  &lt;- Tribble     _   &lt;- drunk tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Bald Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble     o   &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble     o*o &lt;- Tribble bicycling
*  &lt;- Tribble     ~*~ &lt;- Tribble in heaven
*  &lt;- Tribble    #     &lt;- Tribble after Borg assimilation.
*  &lt;- Tribble    *     &lt;- Tribble - Creativity block.
*  &lt;- Tribble    *+    &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane.
*  &lt;- Tribble    *J    &lt;- A Tribble snorkelling.
*  &lt;- Tribble    *J   &lt;- Snorkeling Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble    *o    &lt;- Tribble in love with a rock.
*  &lt;- Tribble    .  &lt;- Shaved Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble    @     &lt;- Tribble on LSD.
*  &lt;- Tribble    D     &lt;- Tribble Sandwich.
*  &lt;- Tribble    _     &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla.
*  &lt;- Tribble    f     &lt;- Anti-Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble    f     &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop.
*  &lt;- Tribble    o     &lt;- Dunce Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble    o     &lt;- Tribble on drugs.
*  &lt;- Tribble   *&gt; -   &lt;- Tribble Firing A Bow.
*  &lt;- Tribble   j  &lt;- Tribble wearing a condom.
*  &lt;- Tribble   o*o    &lt;- Tribble bicycling.
*  &lt;- Tribble  !  &lt;- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*  &lt;- Tribble  !  &lt;- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
*  &lt;- Tribble  #    &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  &lt;- Tribble  &@^#*@*&$!  &lt;- Klingon sees a Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt;  &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
*  &lt;- Tribble  (*)  &lt;- Tribble With Deflector Screens.
*  &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- Cowboy Tribble with lariat
*  &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*  &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- Odo disguised as a tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- Tribble   Tribble-&gt;  *
*  &lt;- Tribble  *  &lt;- Tribble having Safe Sex
*  &lt;- Tribble  * *  &lt;- Tribbles  * * *  &lt;- Tribblets
*  &lt;- Tribble  * * *  &lt;- Treble.
*  &lt;- Tribble  * o *   &lt;- Tribbles playing Frisbee.
*  &lt;- Tribble  *&lt;  &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
*  &lt;- Tribble  **  &lt;- More Tribbles  ***  &lt;-And even more
*  &lt;- Tribble  **  &lt;- Siamese Tribbles
*  &lt;- Tribble  ******************  &lt;- Tribble Orgy
*  &lt;- Tribble  **7  &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble  *--)  &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
*  &lt;- Tribble  *-~  &lt;- Tribble After Sex.
*  &lt;- Tribble  *.*  &lt;- Tribble file name
*  &lt;- Tribble  */  &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
*  &lt;- Tribble  *J  &lt;- A Tribble snorkelling
*  &lt;- Tribble  *][  &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues...
*  &lt;- Tribble  *______________o_____|||  &lt;- Tribble bowling.
*  &lt;- Tribble  *}  - |  &lt;- Tribble Archery
*  &lt;- Tribble  -*-  &lt;- Flying Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble  --*--&gt;  &lt;- Tribble at Custers last stand.
*  &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;---TRIBBLE.ZIP
*  &lt;- Tribble  ===#===  &lt;- Tribble Roadkill.
*  &lt;- Tribble  O*  &lt;- Good Tribble  =*  &lt;- Bad Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble  [*]  &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
*  &lt;- Tribble  \*  &lt;- Tribble slide.
*  &lt;- Tribble  _  &lt;- Tribble after a steam roller.
*  &lt;- Tribble  _  &lt;- Tribble meets Godzilla
*  &lt;- Tribble  __  &lt;- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
*  &lt;- Tribble  o*o  &lt;- Tribble bicycling
*  &lt;- Tribble  {{*     &lt;- Klingon Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble  {{{ *  &lt;- The No-Win Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble  ~*~*~*~*~  &lt;- Tribbled Waters
*  &lt;- Tribble  ÷÷÷  &lt;- Odo after 14 hours of being a tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble *  &lt;- Tribble having Safe Sex.
*  &lt;- Tribble.            ********** &lt;- 5 minutes later.
*  &lt;- Tribble.           &lt;- Cloaked Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        !  &lt;- Tribble After Encountering a Klingon.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        !  &lt;- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        !  &lt;- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
*  &lt;- Tribble.        #  &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilati
*  &lt;- Tribble.        #  &lt;- Tribble Waffle.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        $  &lt;- Donald Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        %  &lt;- Siamese Twin Baby Tribbles.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        %  &lt;- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Deep-Sea Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Dissected Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Hari Krishna Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Tribble After Wash Cycle.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Tribble Disguised As An Asterisk.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Tribble Sandwich.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Tribble.  (Creativity Block)
*  &lt;- Tribble.        *  &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        +  &lt;- Bald Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        +  &lt;- Tribbles On Drugs.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        -  &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        .  &lt;- Shaved Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        .  &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        .  &lt;- Tribble After A Shower.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        .  &lt;- Tribble After Hair Club.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        @  &lt;- Tribble In A Whirlpool.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        O  &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
*  &lt;- Tribble.        _  &lt;- Tribble After A Steam Roller.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        _  &lt;- Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        o  &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        |  &lt;- Anorexic Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.        ~  &lt;- Very Drunk Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.       &gt;&lt;  &lt;- Tribble In A Vice.
*  &lt;- Tribble.       **  &lt;- Siamese Tribbles.
*  &lt;- Tribble.       *-  &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
*  &lt;- Tribble.       *o  &lt;- Tribble In Love With A Rock.
*  &lt;- Tribble.       __  &lt;- Oops!  Didn't See That One!
*  &lt;- Tribble.      !*!  &lt;- Skiing Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      (*)  &lt;- Tribble With Deflector Screens.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      *  &lt;- Tribble Impaled On A Huge Spear
*  &lt;- Tribble.      ***  &lt;- Tribblets.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      **7  &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      *-~  &lt;- Tribble After Sex.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      *.*  &lt;- Binar Tribbles.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      -*-  &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      ?*?  &lt;- Tribble In A Quandary.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      ^*^  &lt;- Dead Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      _*_  &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*  &lt;- Tribble.      `*'  &lt;- Viking Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble.     $  &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs
*  &lt;- Tribble.     *&gt; -  &lt;- Tribble Firing A Bow.
*  &lt;- Tribble.     *..*  &lt;- Tribble Family.
*  &lt;- Tribble.     *^^^  &lt;-- Bajoran Tribble
*  &lt;- Tribble.    *&gt;--&gt;  &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
*  &lt;- Tribble.    *. &lt;- Tribble Droppings.
*  &lt;- Tribble.    */ \*  &lt;- Tribbles Swordfighting.
*  &lt;- Tribble.   &gt;&lt;  &lt;- Tribble in a vise-grip.
*  &lt;- Tribble.   *.. &lt;- Tribble With 5 Tribblepups.
*  &lt;- Tribble.  *&gt;--&gt;  &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves
*  &lt;- Tribble.  *-*-*--  &lt;- Tribble Kabob.
*  &lt;- Tribble.  ===#===  &lt;- Tribble Roadkill.
*  &lt;- Tribble.  Duh.
*  &lt;- Tribble.  O  &lt;- Bald midget tribble with little leggies.
*  &lt;- Tribble. !  &lt;- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*  &lt;- Tribble. .  &lt;- Shaved Tribble.
*  &lt;- Tribble. =&lt;*&gt;=&lt;8)  &lt;- Tribble Meets a Snake.
*  &lt;- a tribble    .  &lt;- a tribble with a close shave.
*  &lt;- a tribble    @  &lt;- a tribble when you're on acid.
*  &lt;--  Odo, disguised as a tribble
*  &lt;-- Good Tribble  *  &lt;-- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*  &lt;-- Good Tribble  =*  &lt;-- Evil Tribble
*  &lt;-- Odo disguised as a Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble           &lt;-- Stealth Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble          *&gt;  -    |    &lt;- Tribble Archery
*  &lt;-- Tribble          *// *// *//   &lt;- Tribbles Going Skiing
*  &lt;-- Tribble          *Ù *Ù         &lt;- Tribbles Snorkelling
*  &lt;-- Tribble          ^“^           &lt;- Viking Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble         # &lt;-- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  &lt;-- Tribble         @ &lt;-- Tribble in a whirlpool
*  &lt;-- Tribble        __ &lt;-- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*  &lt;-- Tribble     #  &lt;-- Tribble of Borg
*  &lt;-- Tribble     # &lt;-- Tribble after Borg assimilation
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &*  &lt;-- Tribble spinning lariat
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- Cloaked Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- Invisible Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- Stealth Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- The Invisible Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble     &lt;-- Tribble with a cloaking device.
*  &lt;-- Tribble     ***  &lt;-- Menage-a-Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble     *^^^  &lt;-- Bajoran Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   ! &lt;-- Tribble after encountering a Klingon.
*  &lt;-- Tribble   "*..*"  &lt;-- Tribble family portrait
*  &lt;-- Tribble   #  &lt;-- Tribble waffle
*  &lt;-- Tribble   #  &lt;--- Tribble after Borg assimilation
*  &lt;-- Tribble   # &lt;-- Tribble waffle
*  &lt;-- Tribble   %  &lt;-- Siamese Tribble-twins
*  &lt;-- Tribble   % &lt;-- Siamese twin baby tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *  &lt;-- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
*  &lt;-- Tribble   * &lt;-- McTribble sandwich
*  &lt;-- Tribble   * &lt;-- Tribble (creativity block ;))
*  &lt;-- Tribble   ********* &lt;-- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *-*-*--  &lt;-- Tribble-kabob
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *-~  &lt;- Tribble after sex
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *. &lt;-- Tribble droppins
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *....... &lt;-- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblings.
*  &lt;-- Tribble   */  &lt;-- Tribble with a lightsabre
*  &lt;-- Tribble   *J  &lt;-- A Tribble snorkelling
*  &lt;-- Tribble   . &lt;-- A wet Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   . &lt;-- Shaved tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   . &lt;-- Tribble.ARJ
*  &lt;-- Tribble   /~\*[--  &lt;-- Teenage Mutant Ninga Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   @  &lt;-- Tribble with a bad perm.
*  &lt;-- Tribble   @ &lt;-- Tribble in a whirlpool
*  &lt;-- Tribble   ^*^  &lt;-- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   ^*^  &lt;-- Vulcan Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   __  &lt;-- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*  &lt;-- Tribble   `*'  &lt;-- Vulcan Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   o &lt; Jean-Luc Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   |_*_|  &lt;-- Housebroken Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble   ~ &lt;-- Tribble toupee.
*  &lt;-- Tribble   þ &lt;-- Rectangular tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Surprised tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Tribble With A Mohawk.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Tribble after encountering a Klingon.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Tribble squashed by Doc Martens
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !  &lt;-- Tribble squashed by combat boot.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !*!  &lt;-- Skiing Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  !*!  &lt;-- Tribble Skiing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  "*..*"  &lt;-- Tribble family portrait
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Borg tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Electrocuted Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Tribble After Borg Assimilation.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Tribble Waffle.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Tribble assimilated by Borg.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Tribble with his hair spiked.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;-- Tribble's head exploding
*  &lt;-- Tribble  #  &lt;--- Tribble after Borg assimilation.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  $  &lt;-- The Donald Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  $  &lt;-- Tribble Bred To Government Specs.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  $  &lt;-- Tribble after drug dealing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  $***,***,***.**  &lt;-- floating tribble sign
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- Siamese twin baby tribbles.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- Tribble neighbors.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- Tribble on drugs
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- Tribble wearing glasses
*  &lt;-- Tribble  %  &lt;-- tribble in need of a stress pill
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &  &lt;-- Tribble.ZOO
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &@^#*@*&$!  &lt;-- Klingon sees a Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &gt;  &lt;--  Tribble boomerang.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &gt;&lt;  &lt;-- Tribble In A Vise.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &gt;*  &lt;-- Romulan tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;  &lt;-- seaman tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &lt;*&gt;  &lt;-- Grinning tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &lt;**&lt;******  &lt;-- Tribble Rubber Chicken
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt;  &lt;-- Darth Tribble in Tie Fighter
*  &lt;-- Tribble  &lt;--*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*---  &lt;-- Tribble & onion kabob.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  '  &lt;-- Tribble.ZIP
*  &lt;-- Tribble  (*)  &lt;-- Copyrighted Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  (*)  &lt;-- Tribble in a TIE fighter
*  &lt;-- Tribble  (*)  &lt;-- Tribble with deflector screens.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  (*)  &lt;-- Tribble with shields up
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Alien Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Baby Tribble with bottle
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Dead Tribble (RIP)
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Deep-Sea Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Dissected Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Frightened Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Hari Krishna tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- McTribble sandwich
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Odo disguised as a tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Rectangular tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble Reproducing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble Sandwich.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble Unrolled
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble after Biology lab
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble after a close shave
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble after a haircut
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble after a really close shave
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble after big dinner
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble at a Weight Watchers meeting
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble beaming up
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble having Safe Sex
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble in Transporter
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble in cap and gown
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble in the mist
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble on Stilts
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble that didn't make it
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble version 0.72
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble vs. Stick of Dynamite
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble wearing condom
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble with a Wave
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble with a hula hoop.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble.ARC
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Tribble.ZIP (v1.10)  *  &lt;-- Tribble.ZIP (v2.04)
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Trigonometric Tribble. (L&R side views, Top view)
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- Upside-Down Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- after struck by elevator door.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- tribble impaled on huge spear
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *  &lt;-- tribble roadkill
*  &lt;-- Tribble  * *  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming
*  &lt;-- Tribble  * * * * *  &lt;-- Tribble Con.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  * * ** *** ***** ********  &lt;-- Fibonacci Tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble  * . . . . .  &lt;-- Tribble Mother and Young
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *!   *  &lt;-- Tribble playing baseball.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *!  .  &lt;-- Baseball tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *!  .  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Baseball
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *$  &lt;-- Tribble leaving the bank
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *&  &lt;-- tribble playing the harp
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *&gt; -  &lt;-- Tribble Firing A Bow.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *&gt;--&gt;  &lt;-- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *'  &lt;-- Tribble with an attitude
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;-- Siamese Tribbles.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;-- Squared tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;-- Tribble Snorkelling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;-- Young tribbles in love
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **  &lt;-- tribble calling for police
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ** &lt;-- Cowboy Tribble with lariat
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***  &lt;- Sergeant tribble, their leader
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***  &lt;-- McTribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***  &lt;-- Sergeant tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***  &lt;-- Treble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***  &lt;-- terrifying flying tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ****  &lt;-- Black Widow tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ****  &lt;-- King Neptribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ****  &lt;-- pretty good tribble movie rating
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *****  &lt;-- Admiral Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *****  &lt;-- Tribble, the flying Nun
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ******  &lt;-- Cross Country Skiing Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ******* ******* *******  &lt;-- 21 Tribble Salute.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *********  &lt;-- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *********  &lt;-- Bullwinkle Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *********  &lt;-- Captain Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *********  &lt;-- Texas Longhorn Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **********  &lt;-- Generic Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **********  &lt;-- UHF/VHF Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ********** got'ta match? ************ tribble refuses.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *****^*^*****  &lt;-- weightlifting tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *****|****  &lt;-- tribbles playing water volleyball
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***.  &lt;-- tribble celebrating New Year
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ***.***  &lt;-- Rudolph the Red Nosed tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  **7  &lt;-- Secret Agent Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *-  &lt;-- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *-  -*  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Dueling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *-*-*--  &lt;-- Tribble kabob.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *--)  &lt;-- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *--*  &lt;-- Tribbles holding hands.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *--*  &lt;-- violent tribbles.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *-~  &lt;- Tribble after sex
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *.  &lt;-- "Not tonight, I started my period."
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *.*  &lt;-- Binar Tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *.*  &lt;-- Tribble file name
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *..  &lt;-- Tribble droppins
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *.. &lt;-- Tribble Mother and Young
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *..*  &lt;-- Tribble Family.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *.....  &lt;-- Tribble Mother and Young
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */  &lt;-- Tribble bandleader!
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */  &lt;-- Tribble with a lightsaber
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */ \*  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Fencing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */ \*  &lt;-- Tribbles swordfighting
*  &lt;-- Tribble  */^  &lt;-- Tribble tipping hat
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *1  &lt;-- Tribble footnote.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *8  &lt;-- Tribble and mama out for stroll
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *?  &lt;-- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *D--&gt;  &lt;-- William Tell tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *J  &lt;-- A Tribble snorkelling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *J  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *L.    &lt;-- Tribble playing golf
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *L.    I  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Golf
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *L.   *  &lt;-- Tribble playing golf
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\  &lt;-- Tribble with a HEAVY saber.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\  |--| /*  &lt;-- Tribble polevaulting
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\ . /*   &lt;-- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\\  &lt;-- Tribble Going Skiing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\\  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Skiing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *\|__  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *][  &lt;-- Tribble II: The adventure continues...
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *^  &lt;-- Tribble Praying
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *o  &lt;-- Tribble In Love With A Rock.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *|-------*-  &lt;--- Jousting Tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *} --  |  &lt;-- Tribble Archery
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *}*.**.**.**.***  &lt;-- 2 tribbles talking on phone
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *}-    0  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Archery
*  &lt;-- Tribble  *}--  &lt;-- Tribble with Lance
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Bald Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Positive Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Tribble With Mange.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Tribble on a diet.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Tribble.ZOO v2.1
*  &lt;-- Tribble  +  &lt;-- Tribbles on drugs
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ,  &lt;-- DH0:Tribble.ZIP  .  &lt;-- DH0:Tribble.LhA
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ,**  &lt;-- Tribble peg--leg with cane
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ,*,  &lt;-- Tribble with legs showing
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ,*|-------*-  &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -  &lt;-- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -&lt;--*--  &lt;-Tribble after sword fight
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -*-  &lt;-- Flying Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -*-  &lt;-- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -*-  &lt;-- Tribble Hula-Hooping.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -*-*-*-  &lt;-- Tribble chain.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  -*-*-*-*-  &lt;-- Tribble kabob
*  &lt;-- Tribble  --*--*   &lt;-- Tribble at Custers last stand.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  --*--*--*--*--  &lt;-- Tribble kabob.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- A wet tribble :  &lt;--- 2 wet tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Alien Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Bald tribble after hairclub visit
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Chinese Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Dreaded Tribble viper
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Shaved tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble After A Shower.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble After Hair Club.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble After Wash Cycle.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble after Jenny Craig
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble after NutriSystems
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble after a haircut
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble after an ARJ encounter
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble after the wash cycle
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble doing jumping jacks
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble on Dexitrim
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble with a haircut
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- Tribble.ARJ
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;-- tribble after a close shave
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .  &lt;--- A wet tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .*  &lt;-- Tribble listening to rock
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .*  &lt;-- Tribble on a windy day.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .* &lt;-- Tribble listening to rock music
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .* &lt;-- Tribble on a windy day.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  .*e  &lt;-- How Quayle spells "tribble"
*  &lt;-- Tribble  /  &lt;-- Tribble after squeezing through a door.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  /*\  &lt;-- Tribble on crutches
*  &lt;-- Tribble  /\*/\  &lt;-- Alien After Gestation Inside A Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  /~\*[--  &lt;-- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  :  &lt;-- 2 wet tribbles having sex.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  =  &lt;-- McTribble Sandwich
*  &lt;-- Tribble  =  &lt;-- Tribble after laying on RR tracks
*  &lt;-- Tribble  =  &lt;-- dissected tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  =&lt;*&gt;=&lt;8)  &lt;-- Tribble Meets a Snake.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  =*=  &lt;-- Red Baron Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ===#===  &lt;-- Tribble Roadkill.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ?  &lt;-- Tribble discussing quantum mechanics
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ?  &lt;-- Tribble in midlife crisis
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ?*?  &lt;-- Tribble In A Quandary.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Dreaded tribble viper.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble X-Ray.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble fetus
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble in a whirlpool
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble on LSD
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble on a target range
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble with a bad perm.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @  &lt;-- Tribble, as seen by a druggie.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @*@  &lt;-- Ferengi Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  @*@  &lt;-- Macro Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  D  &lt;-- Tribble Sandwich.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  O  &lt;-- Pregnant Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  O  &lt;-- Really Fat Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  O  &lt;-- Tribble Grunting With Power!
*  &lt;-- Tribble  [***]  &lt;-- Mime tribble trying to get out of box
*  &lt;-- Tribble  [*]  &lt;-- Tribble wearing headphones
*  &lt;-- Tribble  [+*+]  &lt;-- Tribble on a Klingon Firing Range
*  &lt;-- Tribble  \*/  &lt;-- Tribble giving up to mugger
*  &lt;-- Tribble  \*/ |* .*. **  &lt;-- Teenage Mutant Tribbles
*  &lt;-- Tribble  \\\  ((&gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;))  /// service striped Sergeant Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^  &lt;-- Tribble splattered against ceiling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^*^  &lt;-- BatTribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^*^  &lt;-- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^*^  &lt;-- Dead tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^*^  &lt;-- Vulcan Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ^.^  &lt;-- Viking Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Roadkill Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble After A Steam Roller.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble on drugs.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble stepped on.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble vs. Godzilla
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- Tribble who spent a weekend at Jurassic Park
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- after fight with Godzilla.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _  &lt;-- drunk tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _*_  &lt;-- Tribble Bozo.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _*_  &lt;-- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  _OO*O***O___O***O  &lt;-- 4 racing Tribble Belt Sanders
*  &lt;-- Tribble  __ &lt;-- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
*  &lt;-- Tribble  __*\_|-|_/*_  &lt;-- Tribbles polevaulting.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  `*'  &lt;-- Andorian Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  `*'  &lt;-- Viking Tribble.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o  &lt;-- Bald Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o  &lt;-- Jean-Luc Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o  &lt;-- Shaved tribble with an innie belly button!
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o  &lt;-- after hairclub visit
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o  &lt;--- Sheared Tribble  ,,,,,,  &lt;--- Tribble Wool
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o* o* o* &lt;-- Tribbles listening to rock music.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o*****  &lt;-- Tribbles living near Three Mile Island
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o*o  &lt;-- Tribble bicycling
*  &lt;-- Tribble  o=  &lt;-- Tribble on a windy day.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  x  &lt;-- Village people tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  {{*  &lt;-- Klingon tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  {{:-(*)  &lt;-- Klingon eating a Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  |  &lt;-- Bulemic Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  |  &lt;-- anorexic tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  |  &lt;-- tribble on starship w/o gravity
*  &lt;-- Tribble  |\|/|  &lt;-- Big mutant tribble claw
*  &lt;-- Tribble  |_*_|  &lt;-- Housebroken Tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ||  &lt;-- Tribble stuck between elevator doors.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ~  &lt;-- Tribble struck by lightning
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ~  &lt;-- Tribble toupee.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ~  &lt;-- Very drunk tribble
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ~%#{..~$  &lt;-- Tribbles after using Windows.
*  &lt;-- Tribble  ~*~   &lt;-- Tribble in heaven
*  &lt;-- Tribble'#  &lt;-- Tribble after Borg Assimilation
*  &lt;-- Tribble.    ~*~  &lt;-- Tribble in heaven.
*  &lt;-- tribble    *!   &lt;--- Luke Skywalker tribble
*  &lt;-- tribble    *&gt;   &lt;--- tribble reading a book
*  &lt;-- tribble    *^*  &lt;--- two tribbles holding hands
*  &lt;--- Tribble       &lt;--- Cloaked Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble     #  &lt;--- Tribble in transporter
*  &lt;--- Tribble     o-*-o  &lt;--- Tribble in a Y-Wing
*  &lt;--- Tribble    !  &lt;--- Surprised tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    !  &lt;--- Tribble squashed by combat boot.
*  &lt;--- Tribble    !  &lt;--- Tribble with a Mohawk
*  &lt;--- Tribble    !*!  &lt;--- Tribble with snowshoes
*  &lt;--- Tribble    #  &lt;--- Electrocuted Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    #  &lt;--- Tribble Waffle.
*  &lt;--- Tribble    #  &lt;--- Tribble after being assimilated by the Borg
*  &lt;--- Tribble    #%*&@  &lt;--- Tribble mixed up with bad company
*  &lt;--- Tribble    %%%%%%%%*%%%  &lt;--- Tribble stuck in zipper
*  &lt;--- Tribble    &^#/&$!  &lt;--- When a Klingon sees a Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    &gt;*&lt;  &lt;--- Luke Skywalker Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    &gt;*&lt;  &lt;--- Tribble in an X-Wing
*  &lt;--- Tribble    (*)  &lt;--- Tribble with deflector screens
*  &lt;--- Tribble    (-*-)  &lt;--- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *  &lt;--- Odo disguised as a Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *  &lt;--- Pregnant Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *  &lt;--- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *  &lt;--- Tribble having safe sex
*  &lt;--- Tribble    * *  &lt;--- Tribbles    * * *  &lt;--- Tribblets
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *&gt; --&gt;  &lt;--- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves
*  &lt;--- Tribble    **  &lt;--- Siamese Tribbles
*  &lt;--- Tribble    **7  &lt;--- Secret agent Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *+  &lt;--- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *--)  &lt;--- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *--*  &lt;--- Tribble roasting a marshmallow
*  &lt;--- Tribble    */  &lt;--- Band conductor Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    */  &lt;--- Tribble bandleader!
*  &lt;--- Tribble    */  &lt;--- Tribble with a sword
*  &lt;--- Tribble    */ \*  &lt;--- Two Tribbles having a sword fight
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *//  &lt;--- Tribble going skiing
*  &lt;--- Tribble    */^  &lt;--- Tribble tipping hat
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *=  &lt;--- The Starship Tribbleprise
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *J  &lt;--- Tribble snorkelling
*  &lt;--- Tribble    *______________o_____|||  &lt;--- Tribble bowling
*  &lt;--- Tribble    +  &lt;--- Tribble on a diet
*  &lt;--- Tribble    +++o+++  &lt;--- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    -*-  &lt;--- Flying Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    -*-  &lt;--- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body.
*  &lt;--- Tribble    .  &lt;--- TRIBBLE.ZIP
*  &lt;--- Tribble    .  &lt;--- Tribble after a close shave
*  &lt;--- Tribble    .  &lt;--- Tribble on drugs
*  &lt;--- Tribble    /*\  &lt;--- Tribble on crutches
*  &lt;--- Tribble    ===#===  &lt;--- Tribble roadkill
*  &lt;--- Tribble    @  &lt;--- Tribble in a whirlpool
*  &lt;--- Tribble    @*@  &lt;--- Ferengi Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    @n*++------o  &lt;--- Top Fuel Class Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    D  &lt;--- Tribble sandwich
*  &lt;--- Tribble    [*]  &lt;--- Tribble wearing headphones
*  &lt;--- Tribble    \*/  &lt;--- Tribble giving up to mugger
*  &lt;--- Tribble    ^o^  &lt;--- Viking Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    _  &lt;--- Tribble after a steam roller
*  &lt;--- Tribble    _  &lt;--- Tribble vs Godzilla
*  &lt;--- Tribble    _*_  &lt;--- Tribble with feet
*  &lt;--- Tribble    `*'  &lt;--- Vulcan Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    o  &lt;--- Minimized Tribbles
*  &lt;--- Tribble    o  &lt;--- Tribble after a haircut
*  &lt;--- Tribble    o*o  &lt;--- Tribble bicycling
*  &lt;--- Tribble    o*o o*o  &lt;--- Mickey and Minnie Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble    o=  &lt;--- Tribble on a windy day.
*  &lt;--- Tribble   +---*---+  &lt;--- Texas Longhorn Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble   .  &lt;--- TRIBBLE.ZIP
*  &lt;--- Tribble   @*@  &lt;--- Ferengi Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble   ___------------------*  &lt;--- Bungee jumping Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble  Load"*",8  &lt;--- Commodore 64 Tribble
*  &lt;--- Tribble.      ___  &lt;--- Road Tribble.
*  &lt;----Tribble          . &lt;---TRIBBLE.ZIP
*  &lt;-Tribble                 &gt;*  &lt;- Romulan tribble
*  &lt;-Tribble    #   &lt;-Tribble after Borg assimilation
*  &lt;-Tribble *** &lt;- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later.
*  &lt;|-)  User is Chinese.
*  * * ** *** =&gt;===+-  Warning! Missile approaching!
*  ****  m***M  **  ***gs - Any questions?
*  -    |    - Tribble Archery
*  - Tribble         - Cloaked Tribble
*  - Tribble     #    - Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  - Tribble     #   - Electrocuted tribble.
*  - Tribble     #   - Tribble After Borg Assimilation
*  - Tribble     #   - Tribble After Meeting Borg
*  - Tribble     * - Tribble with shields up
*  - Tribble     *'  - Tribble with an attitude
*  - Tribble     *-  - Tribble after male augmentation
*  - Tribble     */  - Tribble Olympics: Fencing
*  - Tribble     */  - Tribble bandleader!
*  - Tribble     */ \* - Tribbles swordfighting
*  - Tribble     */^ - Tribble tipping hat
*  - Tribble     *8  - Tribble and mama out for stroll
*  - Tribble     *\  |--| /*   - Tribble polevaulting
*  - Tribble     *\\ - Tribble Going Skiing
*  - Tribble     *^  - Tribble Praying
*  - Tribble     *}  -    |  - Tribble Archery
*  - Tribble     ,*, - Tribble with legs showing
*  - Tribble     -*-*-*-*-      - Tribble kabob
*  - Tribble     .   - Tribble after a haircut
*  - Tribble     0   - Pregnant Tribble
*  - Tribble     [*] - Tribble wearing headphones
*  - Tribble     \*/ - Tribble giving up to mugger
*  - Tribble     _   - Tribble vs. Godzilla
*  - Tribble     _   - drunk tribble
*  - Tribble     o   - Bald Tribble.
*  - Tribble     o   - Jean Luc Tribble
*  - Tribble     o*o - Tribble bicycling
*  - Tribble     ~*~ - Tribble in heaven
*  - Tribble.           - Cloaked Tribble.
*  - Tribble.        !  - Tribble After Encountering a Klingon
*  - Tribble.        !  - Tribble With A Mohawk.
*  - Tribble.        !  - Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
*  - Tribble.        #  - Tribble After Borg Assimilation.
*  - Tribble.        *  - Upside-Down Tribble.
*  - Tribble.        +  - Bald Tribble.
*  - Tribble.        -  - Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
*  - Tribble.        .  - Shaved Tribble.
*  - Tribble.        .  - TRIBBLE.ZIP.
*  - Tribble.        .  - Tribble After A Shower.
*  - Tribble.        .  - Tribble After Hair Club.
*  - Tribble.        @  - Tribble In A Whirlpool.
*  - Tribble.        o  - Jean Luc Tribble.
*  - Tribble.       **  - Siamese Tribbles.
*  - Tribble.       __  - Oops!  Didn't See That One!
*  - Tribble.      (*)  - Tribble With Deflector Screens.
*  - Tribble.      **7  - Secret Agent Tribble.
*  - Tribble.      *-~  - Tribble After Sex.
*  - Tribble.      -*-  - Tribble Hula-Hooping.
*  - Tribble.      ?*?  - Tribble In A Quandary.
*  - Tribble.      ^*^  - Dead Tribble.
*  - Tribble.      _*_  - Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
*  - Tribble.      `*'  - Viking Tribble.
*  - Tribble.     * -  - Tribble Firing A Bow.
*  - Tribble.     *^^^  -- Bajoran Tribble
*  - Tribble.    *--  - Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
*  - Tribble.    */ \*  - Tribbles Swordfighting.
*  - Tribble.  *-*-*--  - Tribble Kabob.
*  -- Tribble     -- Stealth Tribble
*  -- Tribble   ! -- Tribble after encountering a Klingon.
*  -- Tribble   #  --- Tribble after Borg assimilation
*  -- Tribble   # -- Tribble waffle
*  -- Tribble   % -- Siamese twin baby tribbles
*  -- Tribble   * -- Tribble [creativity block ;-)]
*  -- Tribble   ********* -- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later
*  -- Tribble   *-*-*-- -- Tribble kabob
*  -- Tribble   *....-- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblings.
*  -- Tribble   . -- Shaved tribble
*  -- Tribble   @ -- Tribble in a whirlpool
*  -- Tribble   o  Jean-Luc Tribble
*  -- Tribble  (*)  -- Tribble with shields up
*  -- Tribble  __ -- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
*  -- tribble    *   --- tribble reading a book
*  -- tribble    *!   --- Luke Skywalker tribble
*  -- tribble    *^*  --- two tribbles holding hands
*  --- Tribble    */^  --- Tribble tipping hat
*  3-year old teacher needed for pre-school.  Experience preferred
*  :-*   User just ate something sour.
*  <- Tribble  ===#===  <- Tribble Roadkill.
*  <-- Tribble  (*)  <-- Copyrighted Tribble
*  Ask me about my vow of silence
*  For Rent:  6 room hated apartment
*  Four-poster bed, 101 years old.  Perfect for antique lover
*  Great Dames for sale
*  HELP.. I need a tagline. HELP.. Not just any tagline
*  JEANEALOGY: Study of Levi's, Wranglers, and other denims
*  Love is the dance of eternity  *
*  Man wanted to work in dynamite factory.  Must be willing to travel
*  Man, honest.  Will take anything
*  Mt. Kilimanjaro, the breathtaking backdrop for the Serena Lodge.|Swim
*  Never trust a sysop.
*  Swap - Drink mixer, glasses, tray, etc for good baby carriage
*  Tired of cleaning yourself?  Let me do it
*  Tribble.  (*)  Tribble in a tie fighter.
*  Vacation Special:  Have your house exterminated
*  WANTED A boy who can take care of horses who can speak German
*  Wanted:   50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory
*  Wanted:  Hair-cutter.  Excellent growth potential
*  We want your eggs, and we want them bad. Porter & Young
*  Widows made to order.  Send us your specifications  [El Paso TX]
*  |  |   Bulemic tribbles.waiting to see the doctor
*  |-)  User is Chinese.
* "A small deer came into my camp and stole my jar of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed? Please call."
* "Are you still mad I gave a mohawk to your cat?" * - Weird Al
* "Ban walking sticks in wilderness. Hikers that use walking sticks are more likely to chase animals."
* "Bother" said Pooh as he handcuffed Piglet to the bed
* "Bother" said Tigger as he told Pooh to spread em'
* "Bother," said Pooh as he handcuffed Piglet to the bed
* "Bother," said Tigger as he told Pooh to spread em'
* "I'm to sexy for the Borg..."*           - J. L. Picard
* "MEOW"...SPLAT..."RUFF"...SPLAT...(Raining cats & dogs)
* "The coyotes made too much noise last night and kept me awake. Please eradicate these annoying animals."
* "We must have the courage to quit." - Bill Clinton
* "We're exhuming... your potato." - Mulder
* "Well, I told her to whack me off..." - John Bobbitt. *
* &gt; WHAT TAGLINE? &lt; *
* &lt; Tribble o* o* o* &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
* &lt;-  Tribble     = &lt;- McTribble Sandwich
* &lt;-  Tribble  @\_ *\_*/\**\_*/\**\_ _/* _/@ &lt;- Tribble hockey fight
* &lt;- 2 Tribble (*) (*)    &lt;- 2 Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- After hair club for Tribble . &lt;- Before hair club
* &lt;- Does yours have one of these?
* &lt;- Good Tribb"All programs want to be useful." --MCP
* &lt;- Good Tribble * &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
* &lt;- Good Tribble =* &lt;- Evil Tribble
* &lt;- Good Tribble* &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
* &lt;- How *DARE* you delete my Tribbles!
* &lt;- McCoy Tribble. "Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a Tribble..uh.."
* &lt;- Neutered Tribble   ********************** &lt;- Unneutered Tribble
* &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
* &lt;- Official Netwalker's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar.
* &lt;- Regular Tribble  * &lt;- Odo disguised as a Tribble
* &lt;- Tribbe.  o &lt;- Odo, as an "unfinished" Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble              &lt;- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble             &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble             &lt;- Tribble bugs
* &lt;- Tribble            &lt;- Tribble in Love
* &lt;- Tribble           * &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble           + &lt;- Tribble after a shower.
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Cloaked Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Minimized Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble after struck by elevator door
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble in the mist
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble with a cloaking device
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribble.HAP
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- Tribbles after the wash
* &lt;- Tribble         &lt;- after steamroller passed
* &lt;- Tribble         ** &lt;- Young Tribble in Love
* &lt;- Tribble        &lt;- dissected tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble        &lt;-Tribble after Nair
* &lt;- Tribble        ,*,  &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
* &lt;- Tribble       o o o &lt;- Picard Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble      &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble      &lt;- Tribble bugs
* &lt;- Tribble      &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble      . &lt;- Honey, I shrunk the tribble
* &lt;- Tribble      . &lt;- Tribble after Jenny Craig
* &lt;- Tribble     #             &lt;- Borg Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     #             &lt;- Tribble assimilated by Borg
* &lt;- Tribble     #          &lt;- Tribble Waffle
* &lt;- Tribble     $        &lt;- The Donald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     %        &lt;- Siamese twin baby Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     &gt;          &lt;- Tribble on a bender
* &lt;- Tribble     &gt;&lt;         &lt;- Tribble in a vise-grip
* &lt;- Tribble     &gt;*&lt;        &lt;- Tribble in an X-Wing
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;&lt;&lt;*))     &lt;- Sergeant Tribble First Class
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;&lt;&lt;*)))    &lt;- Master Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;&lt;*        &lt;- Corporal Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Approximates
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Balding Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Dribbles
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Fraction Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Happy Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles (You never see just ONE)
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Scribbles.
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Snake Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- TribblOWS  +_*_+  Unpacked TribbleOWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribble in Love
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles after Biology lab
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles after a summer haircut
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- Tribbles with hula hoops
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
* &lt;- Tribble     &lt;censored  &lt;- Very, very horny male Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     (*)        &lt;- Tribble pilot in a TIE fighter
* &lt;- Tribble     (*)        &lt;- Tribble with deflector screens
* &lt;- Tribble     (*)      &lt;- Copyrighted Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     (As thoug you didn't know by now!!)
* &lt;- Tribble     (__*__)  &lt;- Sumo wrestling Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     (side vie)
* &lt;- Tribble     *              &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
* &lt;- Tribble     *              &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub vis
* &lt;- Tribble     *          &lt;- Cowboy Tribble with lariat
* &lt;- Tribble     *          &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
* &lt;- Tribble     *          &lt;- Tribble wearing condom
* &lt;- Tribble     *          &lt;- TribbleARC
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Chinese Tribble** &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Mohawk Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble Impaled On A Huge Spear
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble Reproducing
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble Running left
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble beaming up
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble in Transporter
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble wearing condoms
* &lt;- Tribble     *         &lt;- Tribble with a Wave
* &lt;- Tribble     *        &lt;- Tribble vs. Stick of Dynamite
* &lt;- Tribble     *   &lt;- Sqare Tribble  o &lt;- Round hole
* &lt;- Tribble     *   &lt;- TrbbleZIP (v1.10)  * &lt;- TribbleZIP (v2.04)
* &lt;- Tribble     *   &lt;- Tribble in cap and gown
* &lt;- Tribble     *  &lt;- TribleOWS  \_*_/  Unpacked TribbleOWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble     * &lt;- Tribble electrician
* &lt;- Tribble     * &lt;- Trible Tribble -&gt; * Tribble -&gt; * * &lt;- Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     * &lt;- Unrolled Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     * *        &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming
* &lt;- Tribble     * *       &lt;- Tribble 'N' The Hood
* &lt;- Tribble     * * &lt;- Dobbles   * * * &lt;- Tribblets
* &lt;- Tribble     * * *      &lt;- Dribbles
* &lt;- Tribble     * * *      &lt;- Fraction Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     * * * 1000110   &lt;- Tribble & Bits
* &lt;- Tribble     * * ** ** ***** ******** &lt;- Fibonacci Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     * **       &lt;- Squared Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     * . . . . .   &lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
* &lt;- Tribble     *&lt;         &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
* &lt;- Tribble     *&lt; .  o    &lt;- Tribble and Rock!
* &lt;- Tribble     *)         &lt;- Tribble Smilie
* &lt;- Tribble     *)-  * &lt;-ribble hunting Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     **         &lt;- *eta Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     **         &lt;- Tribble Escargot
* &lt;- Tribble     **         &lt;- Tribble calling for police
* &lt;- Tribble     **        &lt;- *lpha Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     **  */ ***************@@@**    ** &lt;- Tribble halftime
* &lt;- Tribble     ** &lt;- More Tribble    *** &lt;-And even more
* &lt;- Tribble     ***        &lt;- Tribble with hula hoops
* &lt;- Tribble     ***       &lt;- Tribble having Safe Sex (Can't you
* &lt;- Tribble     ***      &lt;- Treble Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     ***      &lt;- Tribble in house of mirrors
* &lt;- Tribble     ***&lt;*0000*****&lt;*0000**** &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Rowing
* &lt;- Tribble     ***** &lt;- ribble Con '93! Guest Tribble: James Doohan!
* &lt;- Tribble     ***** **** ****   *** &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Biathlon
* &lt;- Tribble     ******     &lt;- Tribble at Custer's last stand
* &lt;- Tribble     *******    &lt;- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     *******  arn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
* &lt;- Tribble     ***+  prety good Tribble movie rating
* &lt;- Tribble     ***\*****/~~~~*~~~  &lt;- Ship saving drowning Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     **_*_**       &lt;- Caution, Tribble crossing
* &lt;- Tribble     *-         &lt;- Aroused Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     *-         &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation surgery
* &lt;- Tribble     *--      &lt;- Tribble holding hands
* &lt;- Tribble     *-----------| &lt;- Tribble big Foot
* &lt;- Tribble     *.*        &lt;- Binary Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     */         &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
* &lt;- Tribble     */ \*         &lt;- Tribbles having a swordfight
* &lt;- Tribble     */ \* &lt;- Tribble Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble     */ \* &lt;- Tribble having a swordfight
* &lt;- Tribble     *//        &lt;- Tribble going skiing
* &lt;- Tribble     */\      &lt;- Highlander Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     *8         &lt;- Tribble and mamas out for a stroll
* &lt;- Tribble     *Y         &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble     *\         &lt;- Tribble with a HEAVY saber
* &lt;- Tribble     *][        &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues
* &lt;- Tribble     *___*__**_**_*****_**___ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: hurdles
* &lt;- Tribble     *|-------- &lt;- Jousting Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     +         &lt;- Positive Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     ,         &lt;- DH0:TribbleZIP
* &lt;- Tribble     ,    &lt;- D0:TribbleZIP . &lt;- DH0:TribbleLhA
* &lt;- Tribble     -         &lt;- Negative Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     .             &lt;- Tribble w/a haircut
* &lt;- Tribble     .          &lt;- A wet Tribble  : &lt;- 2 wet Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     .          &lt;- TribbleLZH
* &lt;- Tribble     .          &lt;- after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble     .         &lt;- Tribble after an ZIP encounter
* &lt;- Tribble     . &lt;- TribleZIP (v1.10)  . &lt;- TribbleZIP (v2.04)
* &lt;- Tribble     ....       &lt;- Brigadier General Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     /          &lt;- Tribble after squeezing through a door
* &lt;- Tribble     /*\        &lt;- Tribble on crutches
* &lt;- Tribble     /\*\       &lt;- Tribble putting on a roof
* &lt;- Tribble     :        &lt;- 2 wet Tribble having sex
* &lt;- Tribble     :-*       &lt;- Tribble smiley (Terran meaning: ate
* &lt;- Tribble     =*       &lt;- Evil Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     @              &lt;- Your Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble     @         &lt;- Tribble on LSD
* &lt;- Tribble     @*********o &lt;- Top Fuel Class Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     @*@       &lt;- The offspring of a Tribble and Ross
* &lt;- Tribble     DEL *.* &lt;- How *DARE  *Y         &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble     DEL *.* &lt;- How *DARE* you delete my Tribble!
* &lt;- Tribble     Duh.     * &lt;- Tribble  e*          &lt;- Tribble calling
* &lt;- Tribble     Gotta math? ************ Tribble refuses
* &lt;- Tribble     O          &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
* &lt;- Tribble     O         &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble     O* &lt;- God Tribble  =* &lt;- Bad Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     X          &lt;- Tribble in a Transporter
* &lt;- Tribble     X        &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble     [***]      &lt;- Mime Tribble trying to get out of box
* &lt;- Tribble     \ */ |* ****   &lt;- Teenage Mutant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     \*/        &lt;- Airman Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     \*/       &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
* &lt;- Tribble     _          &lt;- After visit to Jurassic Park
* &lt;- Tribble     _          &lt;- Roadkill Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     _          &lt;-Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble     _         &lt;- Tribble meets Ford at 65Mph
* &lt;- Tribble     __         &lt;- Tribble after run-in w/ Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble     __         &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble     ____/\-\-* &lt;- VelociTribble
* &lt;- Tribble     f          &lt;- Anti-Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     o          &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
* &lt;- Tribble     o          &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
* &lt;- Tribble     o          &lt;- Tribble with hula hoops
* &lt;- Tribble     o         &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
* &lt;- Tribble     o         &lt;- Minimized Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     o         &lt;- Shaved Tribble with an innie
* &lt;- Tribble     o         &lt;- Sheared Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     o         &lt;- Tribble after hair cut!
* &lt;- Tribble     o  &lt;- Bald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     o  &lt;- Shered Tribble  ,,,,,, &lt;- Tribble Wool
* &lt;- Tribble     o &lt;- TribleZIP  . &lt;- TribbleARJ
* &lt;- Tribble     o=        &lt;- Tribble and Rock 'n Roll
* &lt;- Tribble     |          &lt;- Tribble on starship w/o gravity
* &lt;- Tribble     |        &lt;- Bulemic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     |_*_|         &lt;- Housebroken Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble     ~         &lt;- Tribble toupee
* &lt;- Tribble    ! &lt;- Surprised tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    !@#$%*)^$(@!   &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
* &lt;- Tribble    "* * * * *"    &lt;- Tribble Con 1993!
* &lt;- Tribble    #    &lt;- Tribble with his hair spiked
* &lt;- Tribble    #*#  &lt;- Tribble looking between the shutters
* &lt;- Tribble    #*# #*# #*#    &lt;- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle
* &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- The Donald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs.
* &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- Tribble Leaving The Bank.
* &lt;- Tribble    $    &lt;- Tribble after drug dealing
* &lt;- Tribble    $***,***,***.**     &lt;- Floating Tribble sign
* &lt;- Tribble    %         &lt;- Female Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    %         &lt;- Tribble undergoing mitosis
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Female Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Siamese twin baby Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble Banker
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble in need of a stress pill
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble neighbors.
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble undergoing mitosis.
* &lt;- Tribble    %    &lt;- Tribble wearing glasses
* &lt;- Tribble    %%%%%%%%*%%%   &lt;- Tribble stuck in zipper
* &lt;- Tribble    %.   &lt;- Female Tribble-Not tonight, I have my period
* &lt;- Tribble    &    &lt;- Tribble after getting caught in taffy machine
* &lt;- Tribble    &    &lt;- Tribble.ZOO
* &lt;- Tribble    &@^#*@*&$!     &lt;- Klingon sees a Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;    &lt;- Tribble boomerang.
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;    &lt;- Tribble on a bender.
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;   &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, Their Leader.
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;*   &lt;- Romulan Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;*&lt;       &lt;- Tribble In A Vise
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;*-(*_____)    &lt;- Tribble winning Sumo match
* &lt;- Tribble    &gt;|&lt;  &lt;- Tribble on steroids
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&gt;   &lt;- Seaman Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Grinning Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, their leader
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;*&gt;  &lt;- Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;**&lt;******     &lt;- Tribble Rubber Chicken
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Hero Steam engine powered Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Invisible Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- McTribble sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Stealth Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- The Invisible Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble in the dark
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Tribble.PAK    +__+  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- Wendys' Double Tribble sandwich.
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;- dissected tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-*-&gt;     &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE Fighter
* &lt;- Tribble    &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale  &lt;-inhale
* &lt;- Tribble    '    &lt;- Tribble.ZIP
* &lt;- Tribble    (((*)))   &lt;- Dizzy Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Copyrighted Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Tribble With Deflector Screens.
* &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones.
* &lt;- Tribble    (*)  &lt;- Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- Tribble    (-*-)     &lt;- "I'm Bat-Tribble..."
* &lt;- Tribble    (-*-)     &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE Fighter
* &lt;- Tribble    (____)  &lt;- Sumo wrestling Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    *              &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble    *              &lt;- after the wash cycle
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Anti-Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Rectangular Tribble (large)
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Scribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble Unrolled
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble doing the twist
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble on Stilts
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble version 0.71
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Tribble with a haircut
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- TribbleDWC
* &lt;- Tribble    *         &lt;- Wendys' Double Tribble sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Approximate Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Bald Tribble     *    &lt;- After Hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Fish Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Japanese Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Square Tribble   o    &lt;- Round Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble doing aerobics
* &lt;- Tribble    *    &lt;- Tribble that didn't make it
* &lt;- Tribble    *  *     &lt;- Tribbles playing Frisbee
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Alien Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Frightened Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Keeps your toilet clean for FOUR MONTHS!!
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Odo disguised as a Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- TribbARRRGGGHHH!
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble  Tribble-&gt; *  Tribble-&gt; *   * &lt;- Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble (creativity block ;))
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble (left/right/side view)
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble doing the twist
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Tribble vs. Stick of Dynamite
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribble (L/R/back/top/bottom view)
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribble.(L&R sideviews/Topview)
* &lt;- Tribble    * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    * *         &lt;- Mor Tribble * * * * * &lt;-And more
* &lt;- Tribble    * *  &lt;- Tribble after being stuck in elevator
* &lt;- Tribble    * *  &lt;- Tribbles    * * *     &lt;- Tribblets
* &lt;- Tribble    * *  &lt;- Tribbles 'N' The Hood
* &lt;- Tribble    * * *     &lt;- Anti-tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    * * *     &lt;- Bald tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    * * *     &lt;- Fraction Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    * * *     &lt;- Tribbles after big dinner
* &lt;- Tribble    * * * &lt;- Tribbles w/ legs
* &lt;- Tribble    * * * * &lt;- Pregnant Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    * * * * * &lt;- Tribble Con.
* &lt;- Tribble    * * ** *** ***** ********     &lt;- Fibonacci Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    * ====u\   &gt;BLAM!&lt;  &lt;- How to shoot a Tribble. (Why?)
* &lt;- Tribble    *!  .     &lt;- Baseball tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *!  .     &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Baseball
* &lt;- Tribble    *!#*!^*&:-)    &lt;- A schizophrenic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *$   &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
* &lt;- Tribble    *&   &lt;- Tribble playing the harp
* &lt;- Tribble    *&   &lt;- Tribble sitting in Lotus position
* &lt;- Tribble    *&gt; - &lt;- Tribble Firing A Bow.
* &lt;- Tribble    *&gt; --&gt;    &lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves.
* &lt;- Tribble    *&gt;=o]       &lt;- Ykko with a Tribble on his head
* &lt;- Tribble    *&lt;   &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
* &lt;- Tribble    *&lt; *  o*  o*   &lt;- Tribble and Rock!
* &lt;- Tribble    *&lt; *&lt; *&lt;*&lt;*&lt;   &lt;- Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey, & Louie
* &lt;- Tribble    *'   &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
* &lt;- Tribble    **        &lt;- Sigma Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    **        &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Synchro Swimming
* &lt;- Tribble    **        &lt;- Tribble ROOTS
* &lt;- Tribble    **        &lt;- Tribble on a Tow Truck
* &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- More Tribbles    ***  &lt;-And even more
* &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Siamese Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Synchro Swimming
* &lt;- Tribble    **   &lt;- Young Tribbles in love
* &lt;- Tribble    **  **  ** &lt;- Tribbles on a windy day
* &lt;- Tribble    **  ** &lt;- Tribble dueling
* &lt;- Tribble    ** &lt;- The root of the Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ** ** **  &lt;- *lpha Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    ** ** ** &lt;- Squared tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    ** ****   &lt;- This Tribble contains a Black Hole
* &lt;- Tribble    ***       &lt;- Tribble with legs
* &lt;- Tribble    ***  &lt;- Dagwood Bumstead Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ***  &lt;- Treble Tribbles.
* &lt;- Tribble    *** *  *  . . *  * &lt;- Tribble shooting
* &lt;- Tribble    *** *** *** &lt;- Tribble drill team.
* &lt;- Tribble    *****     &lt;- No Tribble at all
* &lt;- Tribble    ******* ******* *******  &lt;- 21 Tribble Salute.
* &lt;- Tribble    ************   &lt;- Tribble Rockettes
* &lt;- Tribble    ******************       &lt;- Tribble Orgy
* &lt;- Tribble    ****************************  &lt;- Tribble + Grain
* &lt;- Tribble    ***********/~~~~~~  &lt;- Tribble motorboat
* &lt;- Tribble    *****|****     &lt;- Tribble playing water volleyball
* &lt;- Tribble    ***-A-*** &lt;- Heavy-Weight Tribble Lifter.
* &lt;- Tribble    **7  &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    **?       &lt;- Confused Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    **_**_**  &lt;- Caution, Tribble crossing.
* &lt;- Tribble    *+        &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble    *+   &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
* &lt;- Tribble    *+   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble    *-   &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw.
* &lt;- Tribble    *-   &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation surgery.
* &lt;- Tribble    *-  -* &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Dueling
* &lt;- Tribble    *--)      &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
* &lt;- Tribble    *--*      &lt;- Tribbles holding hands.
* &lt;- Tribble    *--*      &lt;- Violent Tribbles.
* &lt;- Tribble    *--* &lt;- Tribbles holding hands.
* &lt;- Tribble    *--* &lt;- Violent Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *-----------   &lt;- Pinochio Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *-o-*-o-- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
* &lt;- Tribble    *-~  &lt;- Tribble after sex
* &lt;- Tribble    *.   &lt;- Female Tribble-Not tonight, I have my period
* &lt;- Tribble    *.   &lt;- Tribble droppings
* &lt;- Tribble    *.*       &lt;- Binary Tribble, discovered by WJC
* &lt;- Tribble    *.*  &lt;- Bynar Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    *.*  &lt;- Tribble file name
* &lt;- Tribble    *..* &lt;- Tribble Family Portrait. Only $12.95 at Sears!
* &lt;- Tribble    *....     &lt;- Tribble droppings
* &lt;- Tribble    *.....    &lt;- Tribble With 5 Tribblepups.
* &lt;- Tribble    *.......  &lt;- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblepups
* &lt;- Tribble    */   &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
* &lt;- Tribble    */   &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
* &lt;- Tribble    */ *********@@@**     &lt;- Tribble halftime
* &lt;- Tribble    */ \*     &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble    */ \*     &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
* &lt;- Tribble    */(***)   &lt;- Censored Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    */\*      &lt;- Highlander Tribbles.
* &lt;- Tribble    */^  &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
* &lt;- Tribble    */s  &lt;- Laplace transformed Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    */~~ &lt;- Tribble dominatrix
* &lt;- Tribble    *1        &lt;- Tribble footnote
* &lt;- Tribble    *10010110      &lt;- Tribbles & Bits
* &lt;- Tribble    *8   &lt;- Tribble and mama out for a stroll.
* &lt;- Tribble    *?   &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid
* &lt;- Tribble    *D--&gt;     &lt;- William Tell Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *J   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble    *L.   I   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Golf
* &lt;- Tribble    *\   &lt;- Tribble with a HEAVY saber.
* &lt;- Tribble    *\ . /*   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey
* &lt;- Tribble    *\\ *\\   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Skiing
* &lt;- Tribble    *\|__     &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting
* &lt;- Tribble    *][  &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues...
* &lt;- Tribble    *^   &lt;- Tribble Praying
* &lt;- Tribble    *^^^ &lt;- Bajoran Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    *______________o_____    &lt;- Tribble Bowling
* &lt;- Tribble    *o   &lt;- Tribble in love with a rock
* &lt;- Tribble    *o-       &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw
* &lt;- Tribble    *}************** &lt;- 2 Tribble talking on phone
* &lt;- Tribble    *}-            &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Archery
* &lt;- Tribble    *}-- &lt;- Tribble with Lance
* &lt;- Tribble    +         &lt;- Emaciated Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    +         &lt;- TribbleZOO v2.1
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Bald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Born again Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Emaciated Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Positive Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble With Mange.
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble after a shower.
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble on a diet.
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Tribble.ZOO v2.1
* &lt;- Tribble    +    &lt;- Wet Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    +^+^+^+^+^+^+  &lt;- Thangies
* &lt;- Tribble    ,         &lt;- A:\TribbleZIP
* &lt;- Tribble    ,    &lt;- A:\Tribble.ZIP   .    &lt;- A:\Tribble.ARJ
* &lt;- Tribble    ,    &lt;- DH0:Tribble.ZIP  .    &lt;- DH0:Tribble.LhA
* &lt;- Tribble    ,*(  &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
* &lt;- Tribble    ,*,            &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
* &lt;- Tribble    ,*|-------*-   &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
* &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Negative Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
* &lt;- Tribble    -    &lt;- Tribble with a headache
* &lt;- Tribble    - -- ---===&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;*   &lt;- Tribble snagged by comet
* &lt;- Tribble    -&lt;--*--   &lt;- Tribble after a sword fight
* &lt;- Tribble    -*-       &lt;- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with
* &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Flying Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body.
* &lt;- Tribble    -*-  &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping.
* &lt;- Tribble    -*-*-*-   &lt;- Tribble chain.
* &lt;- Tribble    -------*--------- : Tribble on high wire
* &lt;- Tribble    ---------***** &lt;- Group Tribble bungee jump
* &lt;- Tribble    .         &lt;- A wet Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    .         &lt;- Before hair club   * &lt;- After hair
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- A wet Tribble    :    &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Alien Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Before hair club   *  &lt;- After hair club
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Shaved Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble After A Shower.
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after Jenny Craig
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after NutriSystems
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after an ARJ encounter
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble midget
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble on Dexitrim
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble with a crew cut.
* &lt;- Tribble    .    &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
* &lt;- Tribble    . &lt;- Honey I Shrunk the Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    .*e  &lt;- How Quayle spells "Tribble"
* &lt;- Tribble    ..*****..*****..*****..*****..     &lt;- Family Reunion
* &lt;- Tribble    .=   &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
* &lt;- Tribble    /    &lt;- Tribble after squeezing through a door.
* &lt;- Tribble    /*\  &lt;- Tribble on crutches
* &lt;- Tribble    /\*/\     &lt;- Alien After Gestation Inside A Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    /\*\ &lt;- Tribble putting on a roof
* &lt;- Tribble    /\/\/\/\*//\/\/\/\/\/\   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: moguls
* &lt;- Tribble    /^\*[--   &lt;- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribble (Eugene)
* &lt;- Tribble    0    &lt;- Fat Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    0_*__     &lt;- Tribble being sucked into a black hole
* &lt;- Tribble    :    &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles having sex.
* &lt;- Tribble    :    &lt;- Tribble Looking at you
* &lt;- Tribble    :*:  &lt;- Tribble on a dune buggy.
* &lt;- Tribble    :.   &lt;- Tribblets
* &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- Dissected Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- McTribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble    =    &lt;- Tribble after laying on railroad tracks
* &lt;- Tribble    =&lt;*&gt;=&lt;8)  &lt;- Tribble Meets a Snake.
* &lt;- Tribble    =**         &lt;- Dot Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    =*=       &lt;- Red Baron Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ===#===   &lt;- Tribble Roadkill
* &lt;- Tribble    ?    &lt;- Tribble discussing quantum mechanics
* &lt;- Tribble    ?    &lt;- Tribble in midlife crisis
* &lt;- Tribble    ?*?  &lt;- Terrifying Flying Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ?*?  &lt;- Tribble In A Quandary.
* &lt;- Tribble    @         &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper
* &lt;- Tribble    @         &lt;- Tribble on a target range
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- A Tribble with a bad perm
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Dreaded Tribble viper.
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble X-Ray
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble fetus
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble in a whirlpool
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble on LSD
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble on a target range
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble with a bad perm
* &lt;- Tribble    @    &lt;- Tribble, as seen by a druggie
* &lt;- Tribble    @ &lt;- Tribble x-ray.
* &lt;- Tribble    @ *******  ********          &lt;- Tribble football
* &lt;- Tribble    @******+******@ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Tug o'War
* &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- Ferengi Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- Macro Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    @*@  &lt;- The offspring of a Tribble and Ross Perot
* &lt;- Tribble    @*@ &lt;- Ferengi Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble    D    &lt;- Tribble Sandwich.
* &lt;- Tribble    Duh!      * &lt;- Tribble: Fuzzy ball, born pregnant, and
* &lt;- Tribble    I*   &lt;- Geordi Tribble (asleep, of course!)
* &lt;- Tribble    LOAD"*",8 &lt;- Commodore 64 Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    O         &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
* &lt;- Tribble    O         &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble Grunting With Power!
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble after Biology lab
* &lt;- Tribble    O    &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
* &lt;- Tribble    O O O     &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
* &lt;- Tribble    O*   &lt;- Good Tribble     =*   &lt;- Bad Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    Oo*0 &lt;- Tribble in a line-up.
* &lt;- Tribble    Tribble Math:  * + Food  = ************************
* &lt;- Tribble    X    &lt;- Tribble in Transporter.
* &lt;- Tribble    X&lt;   o=   &lt;- Tribble and Rock 'n Roll
* &lt;- Tribble    Y    &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    Y    &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble    Y Y Y     &lt;- Hari Krishna tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    Y Y Y     &lt;- Tribbles doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble    [*****/]  &lt;- Tribble multiplication meter
* &lt;- Tribble    [*]  &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
* &lt;- Tribble    [+*+]     &lt;- Tribble on a Klingon Firing Range
* &lt;- Tribble    [oo] &lt;-Horse with blinders   [**] &lt;- Tribble horse
* &lt;- Tribble    \*   &lt;- Tribble slide.
* &lt;- Tribble    \*/  &lt;- Tribble giving up to mugger
* &lt;- Tribble    \\\ ((&gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;)) /// &lt;- Service striped Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ^    &lt;- Tribble beaming up
* &lt;- Tribble    ^    &lt;- Tribble splattered against ceiling
* &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Count Tribbula, the BatTribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Dead Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Tribble Bat
* &lt;- Tribble    ^*^  &lt;- Vulcan Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    _           &lt;- Anvil-squished Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Drunk Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- No Tribble at all
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Roadkill Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble After A Steam Roller.
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble Vs. A Klingon.
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble after fight with Godzilla.
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble after visit to Jurassic Park
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble meets Ford at 65Mph
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble on drugs.
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble stepped on by Worf!
* &lt;- Tribble    _    &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble    _ _ _     &lt;- Tribbles Meet Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble    _ _ _     &lt;- Tribbles after fight with Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble    _ _ _     &lt;- after steamroller passed by
* &lt;- Tribble    _*_  &lt;- Bozo T. Clown ( 'T' stands for Tribble )
* &lt;- Tribble    _*_  &lt;- Tribble With Extra Large Feet.
* &lt;- Tribble    _*______****_*_     &lt;- Tribble Olympics: High Jump
* &lt;- Tribble    _OO*O***O___O**&lt;- 4 racing Tribble Belt Sanders
* &lt;- Tribble    __   &lt;- Worf's pet Tribble after it ate his ghak.
* &lt;- Tribble    __*\_|-|_/*_   &lt;- Tribble Olympics: pole vault
* &lt;- Tribble    __*_\__|--|_/*___   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting.
* &lt;- Tribble    _______/  \\*  &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ski Jump
* &lt;- Tribble    `*'  &lt;- Andorian Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    `*'  &lt;- Viking Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    a         &lt;- Tribble after the wash cycle
* &lt;- Tribble    f    &lt;- Anti-Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    n@\_  *\_*\_*\_*\_*\_*\_ _/* _/@n  &lt;- Tribble hockey
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Bald Tribble after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Fat Tribble      O    &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Jean-Luc Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Minimized Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Picard Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Shaved Tribble with an innie belly button!
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Sheared Tribble  ,,,,,,    &lt;- Tribble Wool
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble (bald)
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble after a close shave
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble on drugs.
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
* &lt;- Tribble    o    &lt;- Tribble.ZIP   .  &lt;- Tribble.ARJ
* &lt;- Tribble    o &lt;- Tribble with a haircut.
* &lt;- Tribble    o o o     &lt;- Bald tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble    o o o     &lt;- TRIBBLES after hair cut!
* &lt;- Tribble    o o o     &lt;- Tribbles on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble    o o o     &lt;- after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble    o o o   &lt;- Tribble after hair cut!
* &lt;- Tribble    o*o  &lt;- Tribble bicycling
* &lt;- Tribble    o=   &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
* &lt;- Tribble    o=   &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
* &lt;- Tribble    oo***o*   &lt;- Tribblemobile. oo*o*  &lt;- after crash test
* &lt;- Tribble    q    &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    x    &lt;- Village people Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    xxx=&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;=&lt;*&gt;==&lt;8)&gt;-&lt;  &lt;- Tribbles meet Snake
* &lt;- Tribble    {{*  &lt;- Klingon Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    {{:-(*)   &lt;- Klingon eating a Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    |         &lt;- Bulemic Tribble, waiting to see the
* &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Anorexic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Bulemic Tribble, waiting to see the doctor.
* &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Tribble caught in a trash compactor.
* &lt;- Tribble    |    &lt;- Tribble on starship w/o gravity
* &lt;- Tribble    |** **   ***   ** o **|  &lt;- Tribble croquet
* &lt;- Tribble    |---------* &lt;- Bungee Jumping Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    |\|/|     &lt;- Big mutant Tribble claw
* &lt;- Tribble    |_*_\  |_*_\/_*_|  |_*_\      &lt;- Tribble Dodg'em cars
* &lt;- Tribble    |_*_|     &lt;- Housebroken Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ||   &lt;- Tribble stuck between elevator doors.
* &lt;- Tribble    }*{  &lt;- Tribble in a TIE fighter.
* &lt;- Tribble    }-*-{     &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE Fighter
* &lt;- Tribble    }:-( &lt;- Tribble after Borg assimilation.
* &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Tribble struck by lightning
* &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Tribble toupee.
* &lt;- Tribble    ~    &lt;- Very drunk Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble    ~#~  &lt;- Tribble's head exploding
* &lt;- Tribble    ~%#{.&gt;&$  &lt;- Tribble after using WINdoze.
* &lt;- Tribble    ~%#{..~$  &lt;- Tribbles after using Windows.
* &lt;- Tribble    ~*~            &lt;- Tribble in heaven
* &lt;- Tribble    ~*~*~*~*~ &lt;- Tribbled Waters
* &lt;- Tribble    ø*ø  ø*ø  &lt;- Mickey and Minnie Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   !  &lt;- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
* &lt;- Tribble   !  &lt;- Tribble squashed by Doc Martens
* &lt;- Tribble   !  &lt;- Tribble squashed by combat boot.
* &lt;- Tribble   !*! &lt;- Tribble wearing clown shoes
* &lt;- Tribble   #  &lt;- Electrocuted Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   $  &lt;- The Donald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Hero Steam engine powered tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Major General Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble after a really close shave
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- Tribble.OWS  \__/  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;- after the wash cycle
* &lt;- Tribble   &lt;censored&gt;     &lt;- Very, very horny male Tribble. {LOL!}
* &lt;- Tribble   *          &lt;- dissected Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   *   &lt;- Odo disguised as Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Alien Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Baby Tribble with bottle
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Chinese Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- McTribble sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Red Baron Tribble in his triplane
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble Reproducing
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble Sandwich
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble Unrolled
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble after big dinner
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble in the mist
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble on Stilts
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble that didn't make it
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble with a Wave
* &lt;- Tribble   *  &lt;- Tribble with a hula hoop
* &lt;- Tribble   * &lt;- Kirk's toupee     Coincidence?
* &lt;- Tribble   *$ &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
* &lt;- Tribble   *' &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
* &lt;- Tribble   **  **     &lt;- dueling tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble   ** &lt;- Cowboy Tribble with lariat
* &lt;- Tribble   ** &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
* &lt;- Tribble   ** &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble   ** &lt;- Tribble on a windy day.
* &lt;- Tribble   *** Prince Charles Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   *-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o---    &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob
* &lt;- Tribble   */ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble   */ &lt;- Tribble with a lightsabre
* &lt;- Tribble   *J  &lt;- Tribble snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble   *^ &lt;- Tribble Praying
* &lt;- Tribble   +  &lt;- Positive Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   +  &lt;- Tribble on a diet.
* &lt;- Tribble   + * &lt;- Four seconds in the growth of a tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble   -*-*-*-*- &lt;- Tribble kabob
* &lt;- Tribble   .   &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
* &lt;- Tribble   .  &lt;- A wet Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   .  &lt;- TRIBBLE.ZIP
* &lt;- Tribble   =  &lt;- Tribble after laying on RR tracks
* &lt;- Tribble   ?   &lt;- Tribble discussing quantum mechanics
* &lt;- Tribble   ?  &lt;- Tribble in midlife crisis
* &lt;- Tribble   @  &lt;- Tribble having a bad hair day
* &lt;- Tribble   @  &lt;- Tribble with a bad perm.
* &lt;- Tribble   @*@ &lt;- Tribble doing Ross Perot impression
* &lt;- Tribble   N*N &lt;- Tribble with N's around it
* &lt;- Tribble   O    O    O  &lt;- Tribble bugs
* &lt;- Tribble   O  &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   O  &lt;- Really Fat Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   [space][spae]**********[space]&lt;-[space]Generic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   \\\ ((&gt;&gt;&gt;*&lt;&lt;&lt;)) /// &lt;- Service striped Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   ^  &lt;- Tribble splattered against ceiling
* &lt;- Tribble   _   &lt;- Oops!  Didn't see that one!
* &lt;- Tribble   _  &lt;- drunk tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   __ &lt;- Tribble vs. Godzilla
* &lt;- Tribble   o     &lt;- Bald Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble   o  &lt;- Jean Luc Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   |  &lt;- Bulemic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble   ~  &lt;- Tribble struck by lightning
* &lt;- Tribble   ~  &lt;- Tribble toupee.
* &lt;- Tribble  !  &lt;- Tribble squashed by combat boot.
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Surprised tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble after encountering a Klingon
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble course 180 Mark 0 Warp 6
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble squashed by Doc Martens
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble squashed by combat boot
* &lt;- Tribble  ! &lt;- Tribble with a Mohawk
* &lt;- Tribble  !*! &lt;- Skiing Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  !*! &lt;- Tribble Skiing
* &lt;- Tribble  !*! &lt;- Tribble with snowshoes
* &lt;- Tribble  !@#$%*)^$(@! &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
* &lt;- Tribble  "*..*" &lt;- Tribble Family Portrait. Only $12.95 at Sears
* &lt;- Tribble  "*..*" &lt;- Tribble family portrait
* &lt;- Tribble  #   &lt;- Electrocuted tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  #   &lt;- Tribble After Borg Assimilation
* &lt;- Tribble  #   &lt;- Tribble After Meeting Borg
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Assimilated Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Borg Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Borg assimilated Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Electrocuted tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble Waffle.
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble after Borg assimilation
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble after being assimilated by the Borg
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble after getting stuck in a waffle iron
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble in transporter
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble sees a Klingon
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble with his hair spiked
* &lt;- Tribble  # &lt;- Tribble's head exploding
* &lt;- Tribble  # - Tribble Assimilated by BORG
* &lt;- Tribble  #####@@*# &lt;- Atlanta Tribble Olympics '96: Tractor Pull
* &lt;- Tribble  #%*&@ &lt;- Tribble mixed up with bad company
* &lt;- Tribble  #*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles after the Wash Cycle.
* &lt;- Tribble  #*# #*# #*# &lt;- Tribbles looking between the shutters
* &lt;- Tribble  #~ &lt;- Electrocuted Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- The Donald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- Tribble Bred To Government Specs
* &lt;- Tribble  $ &lt;- Tribble after drug dealing
* &lt;- Tribble  $***,***,***.** &lt;- floating Tribble sign
* &lt;- Tribble  %           &lt;- Tribble Kids Seen From Above Arguing over
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Female Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Siamese Tribble-twins
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Siamese Twin Baby Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Banker
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Kids Seen From Above Arguing over a Fence .
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble Undergoing Mitosis
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble in need of a stress pill
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble neighbors
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;- Tribble wearing glasses
* &lt;- Tribble  % &lt;-- Siamese twin baby Tribbles.
* &lt;- Tribble  %%%%%%%%*%%% &lt;- Tribble stuck in zipper
* &lt;- Tribble  & &lt;- Tribble after getting caught in taffy
* &lt;- Tribble  & &lt;- Tribble.ZOO
* &lt;- Tribble  &@^#*@*&$! &lt;- Klingon sees a Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;           &lt;- Tribble boomerang
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt; &lt;- Tribble boomerang
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt; &lt;- Tribble on a bender
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;&gt;&gt;*&gt; &lt;- Steve Martin Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;&lt; &lt;- Tribble in a vise-grip
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;*          &lt;- Warner Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;* &lt;- Romulan Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;*&lt; &lt;- Luke Skywalker Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;*&lt; &lt;- Tribble in an X-Wing
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;+-(Y_____) &lt;- Tribble winning Sumo match
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;E*&lt; &lt;- Black Widow Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;H-(*_____) &lt;- Tribble winning Sumo match
* &lt;- Tribble  &gt;|&lt; &lt;- Tribble on steroids
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;* &lt;- Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*&gt;&gt;&lt;- seaman tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*)       &lt;- Staff Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*)) &lt;- Sergeant Tribble First Class
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;&lt;*))) &lt;- Master Sergeant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;&lt;* &lt;- Corporal Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*          &lt;- Private Tribble First Class
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&gt; &lt;*&gt; &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribbles with legs
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Grinning Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&gt; &lt;- Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&lt;- Grinning tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*&lt;- Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*-&lt;*- &lt;- Teenage Mutant Ninja Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;*-&lt;-----e &lt;- Tribble Rubber Chicken
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Cloaked Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Frightened Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Happy Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale    &lt;- Inhale  * &lt;- Exhale
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Invisible Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Major General Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Stealth Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- The Invisible Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble boomerang
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble doing jumping jacks
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble in Love
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble on Dexitrim
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble on a bender
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble with a cloaking device
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribble.OWS  +__+  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- Tribbles in the dark.
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;- teenage mutant ninja Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt;       &lt;- Darth Tribble in Tie Fighter
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt; &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter.
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&gt; &lt;- Tribble in a TIE Interceptor
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE figher
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-&lt;- Tribble in a TIE Interceptor
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-*-o-*-o-*-o-*-o-*--- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale   &lt;-inhale * &lt;-exhale   &lt;-inhale
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;-o-&gt; &lt;- Darth Tribble in Tie Fighter
* &lt;- Tribble  &lt;censored&gt;  &lt;- Very, very horny male Tribble. {LOL!}
* &lt;- Tribble  ' &lt;- Tribble.ZIP
* &lt;- Tribble  ' *'        &lt;- Tribble with an attitud
* &lt;- Tribble  ((*)) &lt;- Dizzy Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Copyrighted Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble pilot in a TIE fighter
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble wearing headphones
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with deflector screens
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with headphones
* &lt;- Tribble  (*) &lt;- Tribble with shields up
* &lt;- Tribble  (-*-) &lt;- Darth Tribble in his TIE fighter
* &lt;- Tribble  (As though you didn't know by now!!)
* &lt;- Tribble  (side view)
* &lt;- Tribble  )*(  &lt;- Ross H. Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Balding Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Balding Tribble after hairclub visit
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Frightened Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Top view) * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Tribble Running
* &lt;- Tribble  *           &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk (You can
* &lt;- Tribble  *      &lt;- Hari Krishna Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *      &lt;- after struck by elevator door
* &lt;- Tribble  *      U             * &lt;- Tribble horseshoes
* &lt;- Tribble  *     &lt;- Tribbles after Biology lab
* &lt;- Tribble  *    &lt;- Sergeant Tribble, their leader
* &lt;- Tribble  *  * &lt;- Tribbles dueling
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Alien Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Baby Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Dana disguised as a tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Dead Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Frightened Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with his cane
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- His Evil Tribble Twin, Skippy
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Keeps your toilet clean for FOUR MONTHS!!
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Odo disguised as a tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Official Moderator's Deadly Ninja Throwing NerfStar
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Pregnant Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Square Tribble  o &lt;- Round hole
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Top view) * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble (creativity block ;-))
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble -&gt; * Tribble -&gt; * * &lt;- Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble disguised as an asterisk (You can tell!)
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble doing the twist
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble having safe sex
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble in the mist
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble with a headache
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble.  (Creativity Block)
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Tribble. Tribble -* Tribble -* * &lt;- Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribble. (L&R side views, Top view)
* &lt;- Tribble  * &lt;- Upside-Down Tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Doubbles   * * * &lt;- Tribblets
* &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Mickey and Minnie Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Syncro Swimming
* &lt;- Tribble  * * &lt;- after being stuck in elevator
* &lt;- Tribble  * * *    &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Biathlon
* &lt;- Tribble  * * *  &lt;- Tribbles Meet Bambi
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Approximates
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Balding Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Delta Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Hare Krishna Tribble (You never see just ONE)
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- More Tribbles * * * * &lt;-And more
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Treble
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Tribble after a summer haircut
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Tribble after the wash
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Tribbles wearing condoms
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * &lt;- Trigonometric Tribbles (L&R side views, Top view)
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * * * &lt;- Tribble Con.
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * * * 10010110 &lt;- Tribbles & Bits
* &lt;- Tribble  * * * U++ &lt;- Tribbles Meet Bambi
* &lt;- Tribble  * * ** *** ***** ******** &lt;- Fibonacci Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  * ***       &lt;- Tribble Meet Bambi
* &lt;- Tribble  * ****u\   &gt;BLAM!&lt;  How to shoot a tribble. (Why?)
* &lt;- Tribble  * -    | &lt;- Tribble Archery
* &lt;- Tribble  * - &lt;- William the Conquering Tribble with crossbow
* &lt;- Tribble  * . . . . . &lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
* &lt;- Tribble  * ====u\   &gt;BLAM!&lt;  How to shoot a Tribble. (Why?)
* &lt;- Tribble  * | *       &lt;- Tribble playing volleyball
* &lt;- Tribble  *!   *  &lt;- Tribble playing baseball.
* &lt;- Tribble  *!  . &lt;- Baseball Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *!  . &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Baseball
* &lt;- Tribble  *!#*!^*&:-) &lt;- a schizophrenic Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *$ &lt;- Tribble leaving the bank
* &lt;- Tribble  *& &lt;- Tribble playing the harp
* &lt;- Tribble  *& &lt;- Tribble sitting in Lotus position
* &lt;- Tribble  *&gt;  -    | &lt;- Tribble Archery
* &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; &lt;- Tribble with a megaphone
* &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; *&lt;*&lt;*&lt;*&lt; &lt;- Donald, Daisy, Huey, Dewey, Louie Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *&lt; .  o   o  &lt;- Tribbles and Rock!
* &lt;- Tribble  *'  &lt;- Tribble with an attitude
* &lt;- Tribble  *) &lt;- Tribble Smilie
* &lt;- Tribble  *)-  * &lt;-Tribble hunting Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  **          &lt;- Bill ClinTribble playing saxophone
* &lt;- Tribble  **          &lt;- Siamese Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  **    &lt;- Tribble siamese twins
* &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Siamese Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Tribble  {{* &lt;- Klingon tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Tribble having Safe Sex (Can't you tell??!!)
* &lt;- Tribble  ** &lt;- Tribbles in Love.
* &lt;- Tribble  ***         &lt;- Tribble and qagh surprise
* &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Sergeant tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Treble Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *** &lt;- Tribblets
* &lt;- Tribble  *** *** *** &lt;- Tribbles with hula hoops
* &lt;- Tribble  ****        &lt;- Black Widow Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *****       &lt;- Tribble, the Flying Nun
* &lt;- Tribble  ***** &lt;- Tribble Con '93! Guest Tribble: James Doohan!
* &lt;- Tribble  *******  Darn!  Only one thoroughbred Tribble left!
* &lt;- Tribble  ******* ******* ******* &lt;- 21 Tribble Salute
* &lt;- Tribble  *********   &lt;* Heavy-Weight Tribble Lifter
* &lt;- Tribble  ********* &lt;- 5 minutes and a bowl of wheat later
* &lt;- Tribble  ****************** &lt;- Tribble Orgy
* &lt;- Tribble  *********************** &lt;- Tribble imitating ants
* &lt;- Tribble  ****************************** &lt;- Tribble reunion
* &lt;- Tribble  ****010111011 &lt;- Tribbles and bits
* &lt;- Tribble  ***+  pretty good Tribble movie rating
* &lt;- Tribble  ***Alt13 Alt14 **Alt11Alt4 Alt14 &lt;- tribble Olympic parade
* &lt;- Tribble  **7         &lt;- Secret Agent Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  **e &lt;- How Quayle spells "tribble"
* &lt;- Tribble  *+ &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble  *-          &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw
* &lt;- Tribble  *-  &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation
* &lt;- Tribble  *-  -* &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Duelling
* &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Aroused tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Tribble With A Chainsaw
* &lt;- Tribble  *- &lt;- Tribble after male augmentation surgery
* &lt;- Tribble  *-*-*-*-*--- &lt;- Alpha Quadrant delicacy: Tribble-kabob
* &lt;- Tribble  *-*-*-- &lt;- triple Tribble kabob.
* &lt;- Tribble  *--&lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves
* &lt;- Tribble  *--) &lt;- Coal Mining Tribble with pick
* &lt;- Tribble  *--*        &lt;- violent Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- Tribble roasting a marshmallow
* &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- Tribbles holding hands
* &lt;- Tribble  *--* &lt;- violent tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *-o-*-o-- &lt;- Tribble & onion kabob.
* &lt;- Tribble  *-~ &lt;- Tribble after sex
* &lt;- Tribble  *. &lt;- Female Tribble,"Not tonight, I started my period."
* &lt;- Tribble  *.&lt;- Tribble With Tribblepups.
* &lt;- Tribble  *.&lt;- Tribble droppings
* &lt;- Tribble  *.*         &lt;- Bynar Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *.* &lt;- Binary Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *.* &lt;- Tribble file name
* &lt;- Tribble  *.* &lt;-- Binary Tribbles, discovered by WJC
* &lt;- Tribble  *.. &lt;- Tribble droppins
* &lt;- Tribble  *..&lt;- Tribble Mother and Young
* &lt;- Tribble  *..* &lt;- Tribble Family Portrait. Only $12.95 at Sears!
* &lt;- Tribble  *..* &lt;- Tribble Family.
* &lt;- Tribble  *.......&lt;- Mama Tribble and seven Tribblepups/Tribblings
* &lt;- Tribble  */          &lt;- Band conductor Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  */  &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble  */  &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
* &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Band conductor Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble bandleader!
* &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble with a lightsaber
* &lt;- Tribble  */ &lt;- Tribble with a sword
* &lt;- Tribble  */ \*              &lt;-Tribbles Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble  */ \*       &lt;- Tribble swordfighting
* &lt;- Tribble  */ \* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Fencing
* &lt;- Tribble  */ \* &lt;- Tribbles swordfighting
* &lt;- Tribble  */(***) &lt;- Censored Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  */*/::\      \ &lt;- Tribble Funny Cars drag racing
* &lt;- Tribble  */-*        &lt;- Tribble sword fight
* &lt;- Tribble  *// &lt;- Tribble going skiing
* &lt;- Tribble  */^ &lt;- Tribble tipping hat
* &lt;- Tribble  */s &lt;- Laplace transformed tribble.
* &lt;- Tribble  */~~        &lt;- Tribble dominatrix
* &lt;- Tribble  *1 &lt;- Tribble footnote
* &lt;- Tribble  *2 &lt;- Squared Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *8  &lt;- Tribble and mama out for stroll
* &lt;- Tribble  *8 *8 *8           &lt;- Tribbles & mamas out for stroll
* &lt;- Tribble  *8 *8 *8 &lt;- Tribbles and mamas out for a stroll.
* &lt;- Tribble  *=          &lt;- The Starship Tribbleprise
* &lt;- Tribble  *?          &lt;- Grandpa Tribble with hearing aid
* &lt;- Tribble  *D--&lt;- William Tell Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *I* am the elder brother, Kern.
* &lt;- Tribble  *J &lt;- Tribble snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble  *J &lt;-- Tribble Olympics, Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble  *L.   * &lt;- Tribble playing golf
* &lt;- Tribble  *L.   I &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Golf
* &lt;- Tribble  *Y &lt;- Tribble Snorkelling
* &lt;- Tribble  *\  |--| /*   &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
* &lt;- Tribble  *\ &lt;- Tribble with a HEAVY saber
* &lt;- Tribble  *\ . /* &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Ice Hockey
* &lt;- Tribble  *\ |--| /* &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
* &lt;- Tribble  *\\  *\\ &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Skiing
* &lt;- Tribble  *\\ &lt;- Tribble Going Skiing
* &lt;- Tribble  *\\ &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Skiing
* &lt;- Tribble  *\__|--|_/* &lt;- Tribble polevaulting
* &lt;- Tribble  *\|__ &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Pole Vaulting
* &lt;- Tribble  *][ &lt;- Tribble II: The adventure continues...
* &lt;- Tribble  *^  &lt;- Tribble Praying
* &lt;- Tribble  *^ *^              &lt;- Tribbles Praying
* &lt;- Tribble  *^^^ &lt;- Bajoran Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  *_?!^%$#+\)#!~ = Klingon for "Hello, dear."
* &lt;- Tribble  *______________o_____ &lt;- Tribble bowling
* &lt;- Tribble  *b *b *b &lt;- beta Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *e How Quayle spells "Tribble"
* &lt;- Tribble  *o &lt;- Tribble In Love With A Rock
* &lt;- Tribble  *q
* &lt;- Tribble  *|-------*- &lt;- Jousting Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  *}  -    |  &lt;- Tribble Archery
* &lt;- Tribble  *} --&lt;- Tribble Hood, Prince of Thieves, with longbow
* &lt;- Tribble  *ì* &lt;- Handcuffed Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Bald Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Born again Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Dead Tribble (RIP)
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Emaciated Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Positive Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble With Mange
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble after a shower
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble on a diet
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble on drugs
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble.OWS  \_+_/  Unpacked Tribble.OWS (dead)
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribble.ZOO v2.1
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Tribbles On Drugs
* &lt;- Tribble  + &lt;- Wet Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  ++  */ *****YYYY**ooo**@@@**    ++ &lt;- Tribble halftime
* &lt;- Tribble  +++o+++ &lt;- Rudolph the Red Nosed Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  +---*---+ &lt;- Texas Longhorn Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  +^+^+^+^+^+^+ &lt;- Thangies
* &lt;- Tribble  , &lt;- A:\Tribble.ZIP . &lt;- A:\Tribble.ARJ
* &lt;- Tribble  , &lt;- DH0:Tribble.ZIP . &lt;- DH0:Tribble.LhA
* &lt;- Tribble  ,*( &lt;- Tribble peg-leg with cane
* &lt;- Tribble  ,*, &lt;- Tribble with legs showing
* &lt;- Tribble  ,*|-------*- &lt;- Tribble Olympics, Jousting
* &lt;- Tribble  -  &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
* &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Negative Tribble Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Tribble After Ultra Slim Fast.
* &lt;- Tribble  - &lt;- Tribble with a headache
* &lt;- Tribble  - -- ---===&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;* &lt;- Tribble snagged by comet
* &lt;- Tribble  -&gt;I&lt;-       &lt;- Tribble on steroids
* &lt;- Tribble  -&lt;--*-- &lt;- Tribble after sword fight
* &lt;- Tribble  -*-         &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping
* &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Flying Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Kung Fu Tribble breaking board with body
* &lt;- Tribble  -*- &lt;- Tribble Hula-Hooping
* &lt;- Tribble  -*-*-*- &lt;- Tribble chain
* &lt;- Tribble  -*-*-*-*-      &lt;- Tribble kabob
* &lt;- Tribble  -+*-+ -+*-+ --*+   ooo &lt;- Tribble Olympics: Biathlon
* &lt;- Tribble  --*--   &lt;- Tribble at Custers last stand.
* &lt;- Tribble  --*--*--*--*-- &lt;-- Tribble kabob.
* &lt;- Tribble  -O- &lt;- Dagwood Bumstead Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  -|--*-- &lt;- Tribble after a sword fight
* &lt;- Tribble  .           &lt;- Minimized Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  .           &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
* &lt;- Tribble  .           &lt;- Tribble with a crew cut
* &lt;- Tribble  .           &lt;- TribbleLhA
* &lt;- Tribble  .   &lt;- Tribble after a haircut
* &lt;- Tribble  .   .   .   .  &lt;- Tribbles listening to rock music.
* &lt;- Tribble  .  &lt;- Before hair club for Tribble  * &lt;- After hair club
* &lt;- Tribble  .  &lt;- Tribble listening to rock music
* &lt;- Tribble  .  &lt;- Tribble on a windy day
* &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- A wet Tribble  : &lt;- 2 wet Tribbles
* &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Alien Tribble
* &lt;- Tribble  . &lt;- Before hair club for Tribbles  * &lt;- A
*| <---tribble, pole dancing
-let us hook you up 
-let us hook you up 
. . . dude, WTF?!?!1
... and yet we continue to thwart the progress of natural selection by saving the stupid from themselves. 
... and yet we continue to thwart the progress of natural selection by saving the stupid from themselves. 
... and yet we continue to thwart the progress of natural selection by saving the stupid from themselves. 
...appreciates the fact that you can outsource your children to India, at least until th age of 18!!
...look closer
...look closer
0g Trans Fatty Acid (TFA) in potato chips iz tuu good to be true.
1.	57 Varieties- H.J. Heinz Company
1.	57 Varieties- H.J. Heinz Company
1.	57 Varieties- H.J. Heinz Company
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case . . . coincidence?
360 degrees but a square... sukhill
<script>alert("leander was here!")</script>
<script>alert('dingflofbips') </script>
“The closer you are to tragedy and death, the darker your humor becomes. Bur humor gives us hope. It gives us relief. It gives us victory.”  Karyn Buxman

This site owned and maintained by Randall Woodman.
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