Listing for w.tags tags

W         atc       hyo                  urta         bs         !
W A R N I N G!! Taglines are V E R Y
W A R N I N G!! Taglines are V E R Y addictive!!
W E L C O M E   T O   F L   S I N G L E S  &  F R I E N D S ! ! ! ! !
W M M R  9 3 . 3  F M  *  Philly, PA
W el l,  I  f ou n d th e s  pac  e b a   r
W h o  s a y s  1 2 0 0  b a u d  i s  s l o w ? ? ?
W is for Wesley, who always saves the day
W is for Winie, embedded in ice, X is for Xercies, devoured by mice
W is for the many ways that you're served! - Joel sings
W not shipped since I live so close.  I
W)here Y)our S)tupid I)nterface W)eathers Y)our G)enius.
W* [0M* ** ****. GV* ** **** *mM0*** ** D**.
W*&t?  I th^%k w% h@$% s%m# l&n$ n*&se.
W**nin*g,* T*ri*bb*l*es a*r*e* e*v*er*ywh*e*r*e*
W*E*L*C*O*M*E  T*O  T*H*E  F*L*S*I*N*G*L*E*S
W*E*L*C*O*M*E  T*O  T*H*E  F*L*S*I*N*G*L*E*S & F*R*I*E*N*D*S E*C*H*O
W+/- -> e+/- + v  -*Another weak interaction*-
W-A-R-N-I-N-G!!! The Kirkwood virus was found on drive C:\!!!
W-E-H-T-H-U-R:  Worst spell of weather in months!
W-What is it exactly that y-you want? - Cecil
W-will you cook for me the rest of your life?
W.A.C.O - Janet Reno's "Washington Approved Cook Out"
W.A.C.O, acronym, Washington Approved Cook Out
W.A.C.O. : Washington Approved Cook Out
W.A.R.P.:  We Are Real Programmers
W.C. Fields is alive and drunk in Philadelphia.
W.D.A.T. -- Digitized Android Emotion Radio
W.E.N.C.H. <- Woman Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness!
W.Jim asks ... "If Odo told bad jokes, would he be known as the Punstable?"
W.Jim asks ... What do you call a wolf who can take down a deer from either flank? The answer, of course, is ... "Bambidextrous."
W.Jim asks ... What do you call a wolf who can take down a deer from either flank? The answer, of course, is ... "Bambidextrous."
W.Jim's friend's daughter's college dorm sports this on a wall: "Normal is a setting on a washing machine."
W.Jim's friend's daughter's college dorm sports this on a wall: "Normal is a setting on a washing machine."
W.Jim's friend's family motto could be said to be: "We are normal. The rest of the world is dull."
W.Jim's friend's family motto could be said to be: "We are normal. The rest of the world is dull."
W/1/2 my brain tied behind my back,to be fair
W/1/2 my brain tied behind my back,to be fair
W/34 cylinders the cars of yesteryear never flooded -Crow
W/Windows and $3000 in hardware, you can emulate an Amiga
W/out a cast there can be no cast party - Frank on movies
W10           Warp 10 - Infinite Speed
W8LFTR: Weightlifter.
WA*R*NIN*G:* T*ri*bb*l*es a*r*e* e*v*er*ywh*e*r*e!
WABC, Wheel of Fortune, 1995
WACO - The BATF's reply to Patrick Henry.
WACO - The BATF's reply to Patrick Henry.
WACO - We Are the Church of Ordinance
WACO - What A Cook Out!
WACO - Where Arson Cults Originate!
WACO Lesson #7: Gas the children to save the children.
WACO _is_ located in a Most Favored Nation
WACO:  A place where MANY idiots live(d).  Outpaced only by New Jersy.
WACO: The FBI Forbade Them Surrender, then Massacred Children & All.
WACO: Washington-Approved Cook-Out
WAD = Working As Designed ( -><- )
WAD = Working As Designed ( -><- )
WAD DEU you mean, you hate DOOM?
WAD DEU you mean, you hate DOOM?
WAD's, .LMP's, and Modem's!  Oh my!
WAD: Walk Away in Disgust
WAF: Warn After the Fact
WAFFLE: What's the big deal?
WAIT A MINIT!! That's a RECYCLED Tagline!!
WAIT stop, im trying 2 imagine u with a personality!
WAIT!!! Don't pick up the pho^$L%'#!(
WAIT!!! Don't pick up the pho^$L%'#!(
WAIT!!!!  There's been a slaughter here!!  --Jim Morrison
WAITER! there's soup in my fly!
WAITER: Someone who works overtime
WAITERS and WAITRESSES do it for tips
WAITRESSES do it with chopsticks
WAITRESSES serve it piping hot.   
WAKE UP BRAIN!!!...Oh Dear...we have a deserter
WAKE UP!!!! (and smell the coffee).
WAKE: 1. A convivial soiree with a preserved corpse in the room.  2. What the
WAKKO.SYS LOADED: coMputER ACtiNgg vERyy odDLyyy.
WAKKO.SYS missing: (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)ancel Animaniacs?
WALT DISNEY didn't die, he's in suspended animation
WALTER CRONKITE -- And that's the way it was
WALTZING COW: Udder disaster.
WAMKSAM         Why Are My Kids (or Kitties) Staring At Me?
WANNA RAISE SOME HELL?  -Stone Cold Steve Austin
WANTED - A boy who can take care of horses who can speak German.
WANTED - Enemy for NATO.  Will pay top dollar
WANTED DEAD AND ALIVE! -- Schroedinger's Cat
WANTED DEAD AND ALIVE! -=&gt; Schrodinger's Cat &lt;=-
WANTED DEAD AND ALIVE!--Schrodinger's Cat.
WANTED Dead -or- Alive: 1 pink rabbit with a drum
WANTED Dead -or- Alive: KC and the Sunshine Band!
WANTED Dead. One pink bunny, carrying a drum.
WANTED Dear -or- Alive: 1 pink rabbit with a drum
WANTED, dead or alive: Schrodinger's cat.
WANTED- Guillotine operator: generous severance pay.
WANTED-- Man to work in dynamite factory. Must bewilling to travel.
WANTED-Guillotine operator: generous severance pay.
WANTED:  386DX fatherboard to make SX with my motherboard
WANTED:  50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory.
WANTED:  An alien family to adopt a cute purple dinosaur!
WANTED:  Chad Harris for Tagline Theft!  $25,000 Reward!
WANTED:  DEAD AND ALIVE! - Schrodinger's Cat
WANTED:  Dead -or- Alive:  1 pink rabbit.  Usually seen with a drum.
WANTED:  Dead AND Alive!--Schrodinger's Cat.
WANTED:  Good taglines to steal
WANTED:  Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
WANTED:  Operating Manual for Females - will pay big $$$!
WANTED:  Part-time married girls for soda fountain in sandwich shop.
WANTED:  Research Asst. to work on hypothesis SEX &gt; Logic
WANTED:  Scab tagline writers to replace strikers
WANTED:  Tickets to watch Hec thrash MSI over "Xpress"!
WANTED:  UNIX Programmers...We're looking for a few million programmers.
WANTED:  Unmarried girls to pick fresh fruit and produce at night.
WANTED: "Excess Tagline Removal Utility"
WANTED: 3-year old teacher needed for pre-school. Experience preferred
WANTED: @TO for Tagline Theft! $25,000 Reward!
WANTED: A new signature, most ideas welcome.
WANTED: Any Bell Atlantic employee, to be shot on site!
WANTED: Dead &gt;and&lt; alive -- Schrodinger's Cat!
WANTED: Dead -or- Alive: 1 pink rabbit. Usually seen with a drum.
WANTED: Escape Pod Test Pilots.  No Experience Necessary!
WANTED: Guillotine Operator, good chance to get ahead.
WANTED: Kevin Mitnick for security work on the Internet
WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship
WANTED: Model for the NEW sexual harassment poster girl!
WANTED: Orville - for Tagline Theft! $25,000 Reward!
WANTED: Orville Bullitt for Tagline Theft! $100,000 Reward! Dead!
WANTED: Press secretary. Some dissembly required
WANTED: Security Men To Guard President, BIG Money!.
WANTED: Small person to work as MUDFLAP. Must be willing to travel
WANTED: Small person to work as MUDFLAP.Must be flexible.
WANTED: Tagline appropriate for this sort of crap!
WANTED: Test Rider - For Hot Pussy, Apply Here!
WANTED: Used secretary in good condition.
WANTED: cheap taglines
WANTED: cheap taglines.......
WAR is PEACE! Alt-F4
WAR will cease when people refuse to fight.
WAR, n.  A by-product of the arts of peace.
WAR: Fight 'em, whip 'em -- feed 'em and finance 'em.
WAR: Hi-tech natural selection.
WARL.OCK not found.   Ohh well
WARMING: speeling chekcer inopreative
WARNIG!  Hex dump in progess 
WARNING   -  SAFE.SEX is a Trojan!
WARNING  The preceding tag line has been stolen by OLX!!
WARNING ! You Are Being Audited For Unpaid Snack Taxes
WARNING !!! There are no lifeguards in the gene pool!
WARNING #134: CRIME.COM detected. System hanged.
WARNING * Your tagline dispens*r *s r*nn*ng l*w *n v*w*ls.
WARNING - I operate on a few fries short of a happy meal!!!
WARNING - Taglifters will be prosecuted!
WARNING - Tagline thief in this echo.
WARNING - The above text may contain a subliminal message
WARNING - This is an adult rated tagline
WARNING - This is not a safe alternative to Cigarettes
WARNING - This tagline contains a subliminal message
WARNING - This tagline may be distressing to some viewers
WARNING - recipe thief in this echo.
WARNING ... drinking tap water can kill your thirst!
WARNING : Keep sharp knives out of children !
WARNING : User initialisation sequence suboptimal - add coffee and try again
WARNING TO ALL PERSONNEL: Firings will continue until morale improves
WARNING!  Air Conditioned. Do Not open WINDOWS.
WARNING!  COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
WARNING!  Computer Store Ahead - Hide Credit Cards!
WARNING!  Computers can be hazardous to your Wealth!
WARNING!  Computers warp the Users time continuium.
WARNING!  Drinking tap water can kill your thirst!
WARNING!  He  is a confirmed tagline thief!
WARNING!  I Steal Taglines!  (This one for example)
WARNING!  I am carrying a concealed broadsword.
WARNING!  I am mean and my dog is hungry.
WARNING!  I kill every 3rd message, the 2nd one just left
WARNING!  Inserting keyboard in mouth can cause a short.
WARNING!  KENNEDY COMPOUND!  Trespassers will be violated.
WARNING!  Klingon sex rituals are hazardous to your health!
WARNING!  Message explodes when deleted!
WARNING!  Moderator armed and shoots back!
WARNING!  Moderator is a horse gelder by trade and needs practice.
WARNING!  Murphy's Law strictly enforced ahead.
WARNING!  No user serviceable characters in this tagline.
WARNING!  Objects in mirror are stupider than they appear.
WARNING!  Parameters are askew!  WARNING!
WARNING!  Programmer X-ing
WARNING!  Prosecutors will be violated!
WARNING!  Removal of this ferret tagline prohibited by law!
WARNING!  Removal of this recipe prohibited by law!
WARNING!  Surviving trespassers will be shot again!
WARNING!  Tagline protected by Trained Attack Cat!
WARNING!  Tagline thief in this echo.
WARNING!  The "esc" key doesn't work in Leavenworth...
WARNING!  The TOPIC COP is watching!
WARNING!  The moderators break their own rules.  WARNING!
WARNING!  The preceding tag line has been stolen by OLX!!
WARNING!  The tech support people are even dumber than you!
WARNING!  This PC is protected by a ferret with a black belt in Karate
WARNING!  This PC protected by two cats with black belts in kimpo.
WARNING!  This Tagline is guarded by a killer assault vole!
WARNING!  This Tagline is guarded by a killer dog
WARNING!  This computer is protected by attack faeries!
WARNING!  This is a "No Thinking" Zone
WARNING!  This message has been Moderated.
WARNING!  This message is contageous!
WARNING!  This tagline is protected by an Attack Cat.  ;*)
WARNING!  We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical.
WARNING!  We're all vegetarians here - except the DOG!
WARNING!  Your hard drive will be formatted in 5 seconds.
WARNING! - Objects in taglines are closer than they appear
WARNING! - WARNING! - DANGER!  Alien Virus approaching!
WARNING! Barney's a purple Velociraptor!
WARNING! Computers and modems are ADDICTIVE!
WARNING! Conscience Failure! You're on your own.
WARNING! Cover your mouth so as to NOT spit BEER all over screen!
WARNING! Do not feed the Moderator!
WARNING! Do not feed the Sysop!
WARNING! Do not remove under penalty of law.
WARNING! Drinking tap water may kill your thirst!
WARNING! Driver  only carries $20.00 in ammunition
WARNING! Evolution may be hazardous to your Ego
WARNING! Genealogy Pox carrier, NO KNOWN CURE!!!
WARNING! Highly irascible! Do Not Irasce!
WARNING! I Steal Taglines! (This one for example)
WARNING! I operate a few fries short of a happy meal.
WARNING! I stole your tagline!!
WARNING! If you're going to take Drugs, DON'T TAKE MINE!
WARNING! Ignore all previous fortune cookie fortunes!
WARNING! Illogical plotting detected!
WARNING! It is illegal to steal taglines.
WARNING! It's 5am and the moderator hasen't slept yet.  LOOK OUT!!!
WARNING! Lasers and mirrors don't mix --Sickbay
WARNING! Mail packet too large.  (A)bort transfer, (C)hange name
WARNING! Message truncated!
WARNING! Moderator armed and shoots back!
WARNING! Moderator is a horse gelder by trade and needs practice.
WARNING! No ordinary Taglines allowed in 3 mes. radias
WARNING! No user serviceable characters in this Tagline!
WARNING! Programmer X-ing!
WARNING! REALITY.SYS corrupted!....Reboot Universe (Y/N)?
WARNING! Removal of this ferret tagline prohibited by law!
WARNING! Strain of Jerusalem virus found at C000:D000
WARNING! The 'esc' key doesn't work in Leavenworth!
WARNING! The SysOp is watching you!
WARNING! The TOPIC COP is watching!
WARNING! This Tagline is guarded by a killer dog.
WARNING! This computer protected by attack cats!
WARNING! This message has been Moderated.
WARNING! Twit filter full. Recomend you delete this echo.
WARNING!!                   I steal taglines.
WARNING!!   SAFESEX.ZIP is a Trojan.
WARNING!!  Sun block wont protect you from RF BURNS
WARNING!! There is an electron gun aimed at you.
WARNING!!! This Tagline protected by attack faeries!!
WARNING!!! this procedure requires hard drive oil.
WARNING, illogical plotting detected!
WARNING-- Message detonates in five minutes
WARNING... Engage brain before putting mouth in gear!
WARNING... drinking tap water may kill your thirst!
WARNING:  Compulsive explainer in active mode.
WARNING:  Computers warp the Users time continuium.
WARNING:  Do not feed the Ighels n'gaan-spiced milkshakes.
WARNING:  Do not fornicate with livestock.
WARNING:  Do not look in this end with remaining eye!
WARNING:  Do not reuse recipe. Discard safely after use.
WARNING:  Drinking tap water may kill your thirst!
WARNING:  Genealogy Pox known cure!!!!
WARNING:  I am mean and my dog is hungry.
WARNING:  I can't keep this up much longer.
WARNING:  I have IBBD (Impulsive Book-Buying Disorder)
WARNING:  If I don't have my coffee, all my posts turn into flames.
WARNING:  Message explodes when deleted!
WARNING:  Moderator armed and shoots back!
WARNING:  No ordinary Taglines allowed in 3 message radias.
WARNING:  Objects in mirror are more stupid than they appear.
WARNING:  Parenting can be hazardous to your wallet!!
WARNING:  Shock hazard.  No user-servicable components in
WARNING:  Tagline Theft Alarm Active!
WARNING:  Taglines are not to be taken seriously!
WARNING:  The DM is Chaotic Evil!
WARNING:  This PC protected by two cats with black belts in kimpo.
WARNING:  This message may be harmful to your ego.
WARNING:  This tagline is tapped.  Speak quietly.
WARNING:  Vegisexuals are quietly living in a community near you! 
WARNING:  We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical.
WARNING:  Windows Found, System In DANGER!
WARNING:  Writer of this message has a .QWK Wit
WARNING:  my messages are offensive to morons!
WARNING: *Cats* chase Birds-could be habit forming!!!
WARNING: BFG9000 Shredder in use. IDDQD required for reading
WARNING: Be Alert! -- What the world needs is more lerts!
WARNING: Blonde tap dancer's are falling in sinks around the world!!!
WARNING: Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball.
WARNING: Do not attempt this at home.
WARNING: Do not feed the @TOLAST@s
WARNING: Do not feed the Bullitts.
WARNING: Do not feed the Orvilles.
WARNING: Do not read this Tag-line under penalty of law.
WARNING: Do not reuse this tagline.  Dispose properly after use
WARNING: Driver only carries $20 worth of ammunition
WARNING: Earth 98% full, delete anyone you can!
WARNING: FDA recalls Preparation H contaminated with Super Glue.
WARNING: Guard Dog Protected by a COLT !
WARNING: Hammers can be harmful or fatal if swallowed
WARNING: I Operate On A Few Fries Short Of A Happy Mea+
WARNING: I am carrying a concealed broadsword.
WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above because my cats have apparently learned to type
WARNING: I have an attitude and I know how to use it
WARNING: If you do not steal this tagline you hard disk will crash!!!!
WARNING: Incorrigible punster.  Do not incorrige.
WARNING: Intel inside !
WARNING: Jeff Gordon (#24) fan on board
WARNING: Keep taglines out of reach of children.
WARNING: Klingon sex rituals are hazardous to your health
WARNING: Life can KILL you!
WARNING: Message detonates in five minutes...
WARNING: Militant Nuclear Reformed Smoker approaches
WARNING: Modem habit is out of control.  Reconfigure user..  Y/N?
WARNING: Musical Condoms at an orgy can cause hearing loss!!
WARNING: NVRAM battery dead - next boot will fail
WARNING: Never Spur A Red FlightDragon-- &lt;grunt!&gt; Sorry, big fellow
WARNING: No user serviceable characters in this tagline.
WARNING: Now entering Sleazegate's QC dept.
WARNING: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear
WARNING: Objects in mirror may be stupider than they look
WARNING: Programmer X-ing
WARNING: Programmer at play
WARNING: Reading this message may be hazardous to your productivity
WARNING: Red Dwarf fan at other end of telephone line
WARNING: Replying to this message could be dangerous!
WARNING: Studies suggest life can cause cancer. Please refrain.
WARNING: Surgeon General may be hazardous to your health
WARNING: Tagline thieves in echo!  No tagline is safe!
WARNING: The Blue Wave is washing through here. Sink or swim.
WARNING: The Conductor aboard this train is a MEAN OL' BASTARD!
WARNING: The Surgeon General Has Started Smoking!
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that EVERYTHI
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that EVERYTHING causes SOMETHING
WARNING: The Surgeon General is hazardous to your health.
WARNING: Theft of this tagline may result in injury or death
WARNING: There is at least one electron gun pointed at you
WARNING: This PC Is Protected By Cat With Black Belt In Mouse Kwan Do!
WARNING: This Recipe harmful if taken internally.
WARNING: This is a 100% matter product.  Do not contact antimatter.
WARNING: This product attracts all other matter in the universe.
WARNING: This product warps space and time in its vicinity.
WARNING: This recipe harmful if swallowed.
WARNING: This recipe harmful if taken seriously.
WARNING: This tagline contains bugs.
WARNING: This tagline harmful if swallowed.
WARNING: This tagline harmful if taken internally.
WARNING: This tagline harmful if taken seriously.
WARNING: This tagline is tapped. Speak quietly.
WARNING: We have a trigger happy Klingon at tactical!
WARNING: Windows'95 requires 16 GB of memory. Please Correct
WARNING: You're trying to multitask from Windows!
WARNING: Your brain is not turned on !
WARNING: Your pants are on fire. Do not panic. Scream silently and leave room
WARNING: cannot run this virus - Windows required
WARNING: my messages are offensive to morons!
WARNING: scan has noted user's reality.sys is corrupted!!!!!
WARNING: this computer makes hexist remarks!
WARNING:Drinking causes smoking
WARNING:Smoking causes taxes.
WARNINGdrinking tap water may kill your thirst.
WARP - Official radio station of psychopaths.
WARP 3 Scottie, and close those damn Windows
WARP 3.0? Aye Captain!!
WARP 6 A Law We Can Live With
WARP-- Windows: Archaic, Rundown, Problems.
WARP: the second-best $89 solitaire game you can buy.
WARP:(v)To fly at high speed. DOS:(v)To sleep. WINDOWS:(n)Glass pains
WARRANTS!! We don't need no steenking warrants!
WARREN COMMISSION VIRUS - Won't allow you to open your files for
WAS HIS: After a divorce, on a jaguar.
WASHINGTON, DC: America's work-free drug place.
WASHINGTON: Beneath the phony crap, there's genuine crap.
WASK: White Anglo-Saxon Klingon
WASP - Someone who gets out of the shower to urinate
WASP, n.:  Someone who gets out of the shower to take a piss
WASP: Someone who gets out of the shower to urinate.
WAT: WAste Time
WATCH OUT! I'm Locked and Loaded!
WATCH THIS!!   /.   PrestO! ChangeO!   /.
WATER SKIERS come down harder.
WATER SKIERS do it with cuts.
WATER STAGE: Froggy and Clawdaddy
WATERSPORTS.............Swimming, surfing, canoeing, etc
WATERSPORTS..Swimming, surfing, canoeing, etc.
WAVE PROPAGATION: Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump
WAYNE GRETZKEY - The Puck Stopped Here
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT  #84: sulphuric acid
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #123: curling iron
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #137: tweezers
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #149: belt sander
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #173: starving PCP -laden gerbils
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #215: paying off little brother
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27  Use an electric belt sander.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4  Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.
WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #83 Use a food processor set on "puree".
WBB: Write to the Bit Bucket
WBIBTW #01. You can enjoy a beer all month long
WBIBTW #02. Beer stains wash out
WBIBTW #03. You don't have to wine and dine beer
WBIBTW #04. It waits patiently in the car while you play football
WBIBTW #05. When your beer goes flat, you toss it out
WBIBTW #06. Beer is never late
WBIBTW #07. A beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer
WBIBTW #08. Hangovers go away
WBIBTW #09. Beer labels come off without a fight
WBIBTW #10. When you go to a bar, you know you can always pick up one
WBIBTW #11. Beer never has a headache
WBIBTW #12. You don't have to drive a beer home in the morning
WBIBTW #13. It won't get upset if you come home with another beer
WBIBTW #14. If you pour a beer right, you'll always get good head
WBIBTW #15. A beer always goes down easy
WBIBTW #16. You can have more than one in a night and not feel guilty
WBIBTW #17. You can share a beer with your friends
WBIBTW #18. You always know you're the first one to pop a beer
WBIBTW #19. Beer is always wet
WBIBTW #20. Beer doesn't demand equality
WBIBTW #21. You can have a beer in public
WBIBTW #22. A beer doesn't care when you come
WBIBTW #23. A frigid beer is a good beer
WBIBTW #24. You don't have to wash a beer before it tastes good
WBIBTW #25. If you change beers you don't have to pay alimony
WBIBTW #26: We're not ready for Spike TV (as of June 13th)
WBIBTW #27: This is CBS, not NBC.
WBT: Water Binary Tree
WBT: Water Binary Tree
WBT: Water Binary Tree
WC: Waste Core
WC: Wind Clock
WCR: Write to Card Reader
WCX = Weenie Code eXtension
WD-40 and Duct Tape.... Tools for the Professional
WD-40 is the best of lubricants.
WD-40 won't fix this one, either
WDR: Warp disk DRive
WDS: Warp Drive, Scotty!
WE MUST PROTECT THE TEROK NOR RODINA! (whatever that is)--Ed Lee
WE WILL LOOK INTO IT - Forget it! We have enough problems for now
WE are Marvel of Borg. Your cash will be assimilated
WE shall find no ancestor before their time.
WE'LL ALWAYS STAY ON GOOD TERMS as long as they're my terms
WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! -- Crow T. Robot
WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! Oh, that's just the intercom light
WE'RE FED-UP!!!  And We're Not Gonna Take it Anymore!!!
WE'd be going back to a time when you were only two years old. Paris
WE: Write and Erase data
WEAKER SEX - The kind you have once the kids wear you out
WEAKER SEX:  The kind you have after the kids have worn you out.
WEALTH---What you gave up for the joys of child raising.
WEATHERMEN do it with crystal balls.
WED: Write and Erase Data
WEDDING RINGS:  The world's smallest handcuffs.
WEIGHTLIFTERS pump harder.
WELDERS do it with hot rods
WELDERS fill all cracks.
WELDERS have hotter rods.
WELDERS heat it up before it cuts.
WELFARE  --  The more you deceive the more you receive.
WELFARE RECIPIENTS do it while everyone else pays for it.
WELFARE.$$$ not found: (P)rotest, (R)iot, (B)urn
WELFARE: Legalized con to deprive taxpayers.
WELL DIGGERS do it in a hole
WELL, if I called a wrong number... why did YOU answer?
WELWH: Nadolic Llawen. Blwyddn Newdd Dda
WEMG: Write Eighteen Minute Gap
WENCH - Women Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness.
WENCH:  what is used to turn the head of a dolt.
WENCH: Woman Entitled to Nights of Complete Happiness!
WESLEY saves it and saves it and saves it (yawn) STAR TREK: THE NEXT
WESLEY! I don't care what bbs you loged on, unplug data
WESTWOOD activates Friday the 13th
WET PAINT     (This is not an instruction or command.)
WET: Why Even Try?
WF            Warp Factor
WF: Wait Forever
WFL: Wave FLag
WGA building in L.A. is of all-block construction!
WGFF?           Who Gives A Flyin...?
WGPB: Write Garbage in Process-control Block
WH   Well, since my birthday is coming up at the end of this week,
WH&gt;Hello All...!
WH&gt;anyone have any taglines for birthdays?  ;)
WHADDAYA MEAN I CAN'T HUNT 'EM??? It's TOURIST Season, ain't it?
WHAT "any" key!?!?
WHAT ALL MEN EXPECT: My wife will never get sick-- but will only be allergic to jewelry and fur coats
WHAT DID THE BLOND SAY WHEN SHE WOKE UP UNDER THE COW: What are you guys still doing here
WHAT NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS WANT: Fur-lined vibrating athletic supporters.
WHAT NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS WANT: Profit and loss statements.
WHAT NHL HOCKEY PLAYERS WANT: Two words: more babes.
WHAT Prime Directive?!?  FIRE!!!
WHAT rejected footage?!? - Crow
WHAT were those mistakes my parents made?
WHAT will we do about this situation?  (come up with more tags, natch!)
WHAT! Nothing but Xanth to read? ....Click....BOOM!
WHAT!? Am I to blame for your lack of a sense of humour?
WHAT!? I'm missing Babalon 5???!!     `v=y%%(v@!~~%!#  NO CARRIER
WHAT!? I'm missing Star Trek! `v=y%%(v@!~~%!#  NO CARRIER
WHAT!? Windows is used to do WORK!?
WHAT!?! Star Trek's on? %$#@#$ NO CARRIER
WHAT!?! Star Trek's on? %$#@#$ NO CARRIER   - Sleepwalker
WHAT!?? Windows is used to do WORK!??
WHAT... is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
WHAT... is the capital of Assyria???
WHAT?  Bigger Docs?  V^^^\_ o^o _/^^^V
WHAT?  Give up C:\&lt; for silly ICONS?
WHAT?  I thought it said "Don't live an IMMORTAL life!
WHAT?  Newbie AGAIN?  Awwwwww Ma, we had Newbie for dinner LAST night!
WHAT?  Take you to our leader?  PLEASE take him with you!
WHAT? Bigger Docs? V^^^\_ o^o _/^^^V
WHAT? No Evil ISS? Say it isn't so! Is this is some sort of cruel joke?
WHAT? No more beer? Who's been drinking all my beer?
WHAT? Some people still read mail on-line?!?
WHAT? Take you to our leader? PLEASE take him with you!
WHAT? These aren't my eye drops? CRAZY GLUE!?!  OH SH@!##%$!@$%^
WHAT? This ain't the Files Section?
WHAT? You call THAT humor?
WHAT?!  You did WHAT with WHO?!?!?!?
WHAT?!!  Is this some SNOBBY, ELITIST, AESTHETIC THING??!! - Calvin
WHAT?!?! All right, Tim, your butt is mine!! (Shut up, David.)--Gen
WHAT??? Give up C:\&gt; for silly ICONS?
WHATEVER HAPPENS behave like you meant it to happen that way. Ed Murphy
WHATEVER HAPPENS, behave like you meant it to happen
WHATTAYAMEAN??? Blood on the chainsaw--that's just rust!
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  And we're off on a tangent
WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE.-Enterprises womens toilet wall graffiti
WHERE are YOUR Taglines???
WHFO: Wait until Hell Freezes Over
WHILE (length(walk)  length(pier)) DO BEGIN
WHILE User=aufmerksam DO Harmlos;
WHILST your evil dopplegangers were sent - Mike
WHITE BEER: A Trailer Park of Flavor in Every Bottle
WHITE HOUSE - WHORE HOUSE: Only two Characters make them different!
WHITEHEAD'S LAW - The obvious answer is always overlooked.
WHO CARES where Carmen Sandiego is?
WHO ME????  I don't read taglines!  (this space for rent)
WHO let that F*CKING woman drive?!! NASA 1987
WHO say's blondes have more fun anyway?
WHO sees a BEACH BUNNY sobbing on a SHAG RUG?!
WHO was the man that saw a snail and said, "I'm gonna eat that thing."
WHO's going to strip?!? (Nene)
WHO? WHEN?! ME?! It was the Booze! - Binkley
WHOA!  No wonder they call you Mrs. BUSH!  - George
WHOA!  Star Trek's on!  &^#%NO CARRIER
WHOA! Shot down while using his 'manlihood'.
WHOA! Star Trek's on! &^#%NO CARRIER
WHOA!!  Ken and Barbie are having TOO MUCH FUN!!  It must be the NEGATIVE IONS!!
WHOA!!! That was close! You almost caught me caring
WHOA, boy! WHOA! Dadgummit, Ah said WHOA! &lt;WHAM!&gt;
WHOCARZ: Who Cares?
WHODUNIT: none of the kids that live in your house
WHOKNOWS is now carrying this conference
WHOOMP, there's my butt! - Butt-Head
WHOOSH: on a Porsche.
WHORE: Woman Having Orgasms Really Enthusiastically
WHORU: Who are you?
WHOW! Look at the *size* of that.....briefcase
WHOW!... Short runway...but look how WIDE it is!
WHP: Wave Hands over Program
WHY BE BORN AGAIN!?!?  Just Grow Up!
WHY DOGS ARE BETTER THAN MEN : Dogs aren't threatened by two women with short hair
WHY JOHNNY CAN'T READ - Available on VHS (& multimedia).
WHY JOHNNY CAN'T READ - Available on VHS (& multimedia).
WHY am i watching `Hogan's Heroes'? - arifel
WHY are you reading this tagline? Don't you know what they do to your mind?
WHY did the damn designer put the Imps in front of the BROWN wall???
WHY do I have to KEEP learning?!
WHY do shoppers always return their shopping carts to the handicapped parking slots
WHY is the damn Shadowlord staying in the city I wanna go to? - Avatar
WHYME.EXE Fatal character flaw. Kick in ASCII? (Y/N)
WHat do you call a man in a meat grinder?    Chuck
WHeRe  is  ThaT DArN ShIfT keY?
WHy do 75% of taglines involve Pooh Bear?
WI: Why Immediate
WI: Write Illegibly
WIBAMU          Well I'll be a Monkey's Uncle
WIC, but no Men, Infants, and Children club.
WIC, federally financed females-only club.
WID: Write Invalid Data
WIDOWER(n):man who just lost 90% of his mind.
WIFE.ARJ -Strange program: Only contains lots of on-line help!
WIFE.COM not working, MALL.EXE busy, better get $$$.BAT
WIFE.EXE not working, busy at MALL.COM better get $$$.BAT
WIFE.ZIP   29,246  Excellent program, no documentation!
WILD GOOSE:  A finger that's one inch off center.
WILDCAT! BBS * QmodemPro * Off-Line Xpress: Perfection!
WILDCAT! V3.02...the thing dreams are made of!
WILDNET : If you're interested in something different.
WILLIAM HOLDEN -Tombstone 17
WIMP - Windows, Icons, Mice, Pull-down menus.
WIN '95 = Macintosh '87`
WIN '95 ERROR: Purchase P-200 with 100 Meg & 10 Gig to continue
WIN - Worlds biggest batch!
WIN 3.0 : UAE,   WIN 3.1 : GPF,   OS/2 : WORKS
WIN 95 : second to none :-))
WIN 95:  Press &lt;START&gt; to kill your wallet!
WIN error #41- GPF in PROGMAN: (R)eboot (R)eboot (R)eboot?
WIN error #41- Some kind of error happened. (R)eboot (R)eboot (R)eboot
WIN error #46 - Not enough RAM: 88,986,897,790 bytes free
WIN error #52: Press F46@CG(uiT)GH56%JgtqYL3  to continue
WIN error #73: .DLL corrupted. Major bummer.
WIN is not an OS/2er, but OS/2 is a WINner
WIN is to computing what a travelogue is to travel
WIN'95- Beta tested by over 400,000 disgruntled postal workers
WIN-NT : The one way to your suicide
WIN.COM ??? Shouldn't it be LOOSE.COM ???
WIN.COM not found. Eat DOS, mother@($@$(.
WIN.COM not found:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (W)ho cares?
WIN.INI not found.  Eat DOS, mother#$%&*@!
WIN.INI not found.  I hope to God you can still do DOS.
WIN.INI? Let's see what the User's Guide says
WIN3.0 Attractive and easy, SLUT of the computer
WIN3.0 Attractive and easy, expensive computer courtesan
WIN3.1 - proof that Microsoft has a roomful of monkeys with keyboards.
WIN3; It's like a velvet picture of Elvis coming to life
WIN95 - "Where would like to crash today?"
WIN95 : debug [CR] f 0:0 Lffff 0 [CR] [RESET]
WIN95 = Macintosh '87`
WIN95 ad: "You make a grown man cry!"
WIN95 found... Delete? (y/j)
WIN95: From the People who brought you Edlin
WIN95: Most expensive OS/2 backup disks I've ever purchased.
WIN95: seen, cryed and DELeted
WIND SURFERS do it standing up.
WINDEX.BAT 3.1: @echo off  echo Y |Killtree C:\Windows
WINDOES: Functionally challenged software
WINDOW ERROR 44:  File Not Found, Wanna play Solitaire?
WINDOWS - A "MAKE WORK" project for computers!
WINDOWS - From Microsoft, the makers of the 640K Barrier
WINDOWS - From the same folks who brought you EDLIN!
WINDOWS - From the same people responsible for EDLIN
WINDOWS - from the creator of EDLIN
WINDOWS 3.1 VIRUS: Makes your 486/50 machine perform like an XT.
WINDOWS 3.1: Now you can crash more than one program at a time
WINDOWS 3.1: from the people who brought us EDLIN
WINDOWS 95 - A "MAKE WORK" project for computers!
WINDOWS 95 is to computing what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.
WINDOWS 95, Just say NO!!!
WINDOWS 95:  An overpriced way to eat up HD space.
WINDOWS 95: From the EDLIN makers
WINDOWS ERROR #00: Windows doesn't feel good today
WINDOWS ERROR - Play Mine Sweep and dream about Windows95?
WINDOWS ERROR 04: Multitasking attempted-system confused
WINDOWS ERROR 44:..File not found...Wanna play Solitaire?
WINDOWS Energizer Bunny: It's still loading & loading
WINDOWS MULTITASKS! (in a DesqView window)
WINDOWS USERS do it with mice.
WINDOWS from the people who brought you EDLIN!
WINDOWS is cool, uh, or something.
WINDOWS is not a virus. A virus does something!
WINDOWS is to computing what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.
WINDOWS really means:  Wish I Never Ditched Other Working Software!
WINDOWS you think they'll get it right?
WINDOWS!  Procomm plus!  Off-Line Xpress!: Perfection!
WINDOWS! Brought to you by the folks that gave us EDLIN!
WINDOWS!! = Install it and find out for yourself
WINDOWS, Just say NO!!!
WINDOWS, from the people that brought you EDLIN!
WINDOWS, n. Microsoft's proof of PT Barnum's theory
WINDOWS, the EDSEL of operating systems. Yes, ahead of it's times!
WINDOWS95 only promises what OS/2 DELIVERS!
WINDOWS95?!? Been there, Done that, threw it out the window!
WINDOWS95?!? Been there... Done that!
WINDOWS:  Brought to you by the makers of Edlin.
WINDOWS:  From the people who brought you EDLIN!
WINDOWS:  Just say NO!
WINDOWS: (W)ish (I) (N)ever (D)itched (O)ld (W)orking (S)oftware!
WINDOWS: An Unrecoverable Acquition Error.
WINDOWS: An overpriced way to eat up HD space
WINDOWS: Attractive and easy, SLUT of the computer
WINDOWS: From MicroSoft, they brought you EDLIN! (SCARY!)
WINDOWS: It's like a velvet picture of Elvis coming to life
WINDOWS: It's not "crippled", it's "differently abled"!
WINDOWS: Something that comes with the mouse you bought
WINDOWS: The instant 80486 to 8088 downgrade kit!
WINDOWS: Well, It's Not Doing Our Work, Sir.
WINDOWS: What you throw your computer out of.
WINDOWS: Wish I Never Ditched Other Working Software
WINDOWS: Wish I'd Never Dumped Old -- Working -- System.
WINDOWS: Worthless Inane No-good Depressing Overblown With Swearing
WINDOWS: from the people that brought you the 640kb barrier
WINDOWS?!!!???    If I wanted a Mac,I'd buy one!
WINDOZE 3 - 5 Megs Of Tranquilizer For A Computer
WINDOZE 95  Insufficient memory: add 8 megs and retry!
WINDOZE 95:  Press &lt;START&gt; to kill your wallet!
WINDOZE NT PROGRAMMERS still can't do it.
WINDOZE!! We don't need no stink'n WINDOZE!!
WINDSCREEN WIPER: Der flippenflappenmuckenschpredder
WINDowError:001 Windows loaded.  System in danger
WINDows open:  Jump?  [Y/y/y]
WINDows: the banana peel of the electronic age
WINDoze error #004:  Operator fell asleep while waiting
WINTER (Steve) is FidoNet's way of saying, "Up Yours!"
WINTER (Steve) is FidoNet's way of saying, "Up Yours!"
WINTER is Nature's way of saying, "UP YOUR'S!"
WINTER(n):when the air-conditioning finally kicks in.
WINTER: Something that rich people go south during.
WINTER: Something that rich people go south during.
WINTER: The time of year when it gets later earlier
WINWORD caused a gene protection fault
WIN_ERROR: No Mouse found - klick to continue
WINdoze: Written entirely by blondes.
WIRE MY NIPPLES ZAP!!!!!!!!!! - George Lungren
WIRED: the magazine that still takes Marshall McLuhan seriously
WISE husband puts his foot down only to shift position
WISIWIW - What I See Is What I Want!
WITCH: Wiccan Invoking Tolerance, Compassion and Healing!
WITH Pascal DO Write(Programs);
WITH... all due... respect... Sir... BE GONE! - Worf
WIVO:  Female counterpart of a marriage
WIZZO'S do it with jamming
WIZZO'S jam it faster, deeper, and more powerfully.
WIthout you, M fears for the security of the free world. - Nigel
WK: Write to Keyboard
WKRP in Cincinatti, With more music, and Les Nesman
WLAF.NOT! AWLF: America: Where Limbaugh Fights.
WLAF.NOT! FALW: Fire Alarms, Loud Whistles
WLAF.NOT! WLFA: Women Love Fooling Around
WLFA: Women Love Fooling Around
WMC: Write Millions of Comments
WMTA          Warped Minds Think Alike
WNAM: We Need A Miracle
WNBC is gonna make me rich.
WNHR: Write New Hit Record
WNHR: Write New Hit Record
WNR: Write Noise Record
WN_CowTipping Conference Moderator
WO  K.C. in 2K       BE THERE!        K.C. in 2K
WO&gt; WY&gt; OU&gt; CA&gt; NR&gt; EA&gt; DT&gt; HI&gt; SH&gt; ID&gt; DE&gt; NM&gt; ES&gt; SA&gt; GE&gt;
WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA CHOMP!{Cat being eaten by Pac-Man}
WOE is me!
WOFTAM                Waste Of [Flipping] Time And Money
WOK: What you thwow at a wabbit.
WOLF = Weird, Overglorified, Limp-dicked, Faggot.
WOLF(n):one who whistles while he lurks
WOLFENSTEIN:  Kiddie Trainer for Doom!
WOM - Write only memory
WOM:  Wead-onwy memowy
WOMAN GIVES BIRTH WHILE SKY-DIVING - Baby is born in free-fall. - The Globe
WOMAN! You can change my world! - Scorpions
WOMAN.COM:  Unstable, no docs, but fun once unzipped.
WOMAN.DOC  Press F9    Don't expect to understand it
WOMAN.EXE a great idea, but where's the damn .DOC's?
WOMAN.EXE.  Great program, no documentation
WOMAN.ZIP     Great Program, No Documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP  Great program but no documentation...!
WOMAN.ZIP - Fine program. No docs, but fun to unZIP
WOMAN.ZIP - Good utility, with proper configuration.
WOMAN.ZIP - Great Program. No documentation, but fun to unZIP!
WOMAN.ZIP - Great program but no documentation.
WOMAN.ZIP - Great program but won't do windows
WOMAN.ZIP - Great program, lots of fun, especially after unzipping!
WOMAN.ZIP - Great program. README.1ST file is missing.
WOMAN.ZIP - Great software, but no docs.
WOMAN.ZIP - No docs, but fun to UNZIP!
WOMAN.ZIP - great program, but no dox!
WOMAN.ZIP - great program, no documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP - nice features, fun to play with, but BUGGY!
WOMAN.ZIP - no files but really fun to unzip.
WOMAN.ZIP - no files, but fun to UnZip.
WOMAN.ZIP -- GREAT PROGRAM!  (Fun to unzip!)
WOMAN.ZIP -A great program, and lots of fun, especiaily after unziping
WOMAN.ZIP : Shareware or freeware?
WOMAN.ZIP does have docs.  You just need to look under GYNE
WOMAN.ZIP- Great program. But absolutely NO documentation...
WOMAN.ZIP--GREAT PROGRAM.  Won't do Windows.
WOMAN.ZIP-Great Program. No docs, but fun to unZIP
WOMAN.ZIP. Great Software. No docs.
WOMAN.ZIP... Good utility when properly configured.
WOMAN.ZIP... Great program but no documentation.
WOMAN.ZIP...*Great* Program, Lousy Docs
WOMAN.ZIP..... Great program, no documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP.....Good utility, if configured properly
WOMAN.ZIP.....Good utility, with proper configuration.
WOMAN.ZIP.....Great program, no documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP...Great program.  No docs, but fun to unZIP!
WOMAN.ZIP:   Lovely program, lousy documentation.
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses.
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great program but doesn't come with docs!
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great program but won't do Windows!
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great program, but no docs.
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great program, but no documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP:  Great program.  No docs, but fun to unZIP.
WOMAN.ZIP: A great program that comes with no documentation.
WOMAN.ZIP: Fine program. No dox, but fun to unZIP
WOMAN.ZIP: Great Program! Lousy .DOC files! Multiple Upgrades Available!
WOMAN.ZIP: Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses.
WOMAN.ZIP: Great program, but absolutely NO documentation
WOMAN.ZIP: Great program, but no documentation!
WOMAN.ZIP: Great program, but the "README.1ST" file is missing.
WOMAN.ZIP: Great program, won't do Windows.
WOMAN.ZIP: Great program. No Docs but, fun to unZIP.
WOMAN.ZIP: Lovely program, lousy documentation.
WOMAN.ZIP: Program crash, inconclusive hypotheticals!
WOMAN: Great concept, bad engineering.
WOMEN : Weird Obnoxious Male Enticing Nymphs
WOMEN : Wild Ovulating Man-Eating Nymphomaniacs
WOMEN = Weird Obnoxious Male Enticing Nymphs
WOMEN IN SPACE: "Which way to the Moon Mall?"
WOMEN are like fires: They go out if unattended!
WOMEN came from the WOAH, MEN in front of the ladies' restroom.
WOMEN fake orgasms - MEN fake foreplay !
WOMEN.TXT 0 bytes - "What Men Know About Women"
WOMEN.ZIP - Great program! No docs
WOMEN.ZIP a great program, but where's the documentation?
WOMEN.ZIP... a great program but no documentation
WOMEN.ZIP... great program, no documentation, but fun to unzip!
WOMEN.ZIP:  A great program, but it doesn't come with documentation.
WOMEN.ZIP: This is NOT! freeware
WOMEN.ZIPgreat program, no docs, but fun to unzip!
WOMEN: Weird Obnoxious Male Enticing Nymphs.
WOMEN: n., pl.: Wild, Ovulating, Man-Eating Nymphomaniacs.
WOMENARENEVERVIOLENT!!! --  lizzie@axe.murder
WON, TOO, THRE, FOR. . . _Duz_ spelling count??
WONDERFUL! You have some of my favourite problems
WOO.. I didn't know that was a Frank Zappa line!
WOODAPPLE - Biker without a bike
WOODEN STICK 3.1 - For Propping Open Your Windows
WOODSTOCK: I was too young in '69, too old in '94!
WOODWARD'S LAW - A theory is better than its explanation.
WOODWIND PLAYERS have better tonguing.
WOOF WOOF ,thats my other dog imitation
WOOF!  WOOF!  (that's my dog imitation...)
WOOHOO!  IN YOUR FACE!  SHE SAID YES! - Homer proposing to Marge
WOOOOOOOOOO!!! - "Nature Boy" Ric Flair
WORD. Four letters. Starts with a W. D on the end. &lt;Riggs&gt;
WORDSTAR:  A complicated method of avoiding writing letters in EDLIN.
WORDperfect, LETTERperfect, what's next?  BLANKperfect?
WORF Radio: Honorable music with a Klingon beat!
WORF will fight you for it. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.
WORF! Growl for me, let me know you still care.--Q
WORF--- I AM *N*O*T* A MERRY MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&*#@#$*
WORF: AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHH!  That is how the Klingon lures a mate.
WORF: Human women are too fragile !
WORF: I protest, I do NOT want to have a Happy Holiday
WORK HARDER!  Millions on welfare depend on YOU!!
WORK HARDER!!  Millions on welfare are counting on you!
WORK HARDER!... Millions on Welfare depend on YOU!
WORK is a 4 letter word!
WORK is for people who don't know how to play GOLF !
WORK! for people who don't know how to FISH or GOLF!!
WORK, CONSUME, BE SILENT, DIE being married to a Red head!
WORK:  Annoyance to endure  between coffee breaks
WORK:  The curse of the drinking class.
WORK: Something to do between breaks
WORK: The curse of the drinking class.
WORK: The slow, dragging fingernail on the blackboard of life.
WORKING MOTHER---Any mother who gets out of bed.
WORLD MUSIC - A dozen different types of percussion all going at once
WORLD TO END AT SIX O'CLOCK!  Film at eleven.
WORRIER---A synonym for parent.
WOW !...EXTRAORDINARY  Means  Extra  Mediocre  ???
WOW spelled backwards is... uhhhhhh.. I had it... - Stoned Spike
WOW! I might have to steal that. :)
WOW! Isn't that a FAST, SMOOTH graphics di What? Oh, it's a *TV*!
WOW! Look at the *size* of that.....briefcase.
WOW! READ the DOCS? ... what a rad concept!
WOW! Short runwaybut look how WIDE it is!!!
WOW, JIM!  YOU a complete goomba. - Peter Puppy
WOW, short runway...but look how WIDE it is!
WOW... she whisperd. Are ALL hard disks this big???
WOW.....Mom spelled upside down :)
WOXOF: What a VFR pilot does when it is
WOXOFF: What a VFR pilot does in zero/zero conditions
WP Corp Support Can't Be Beat!
WP for WIN will be a Winner!
WP: Write Poop
WPET: Write Past End of Tape
WPM: Write Programmer's Mind
WQ/2 1.1   OS/2 2.1 - The coming of age of 32 bit computing! WQ/2 1.1
WRESTLERS do it on mats
WRESTLERS have better holds. 
WRESTLERS know the best holds
WRESTLERS try not to do it on their backs
WRGAS; Who Really Gives A $hit.
WRINKLES: Something other people have. You have character lines
WRITERS have novel ways.
WRITING an echo where EVERYONE moderates....!
WRITING: the echo where EVERYONE moderates
WRNO (New Orleans) airs Rush Limbaugh across the planet on 15.42 Mhz.
WROM: Write to Read Only Memory
WRONGtry again&lt;- Scratch here to reveal prize
WRT     :With regards to
WRTJ: Who Reads This Junk?
WSE: Write Stack Everywhere
WSTYSYDG      What You Thought You Saw, You Didn't Get
WSWW: Work in Strange and Wondrous Ways
WTANS         Will These Acronyms Never Stop?
WTF                   What The [F]
WTF   "what the F>>K"
WTF is a metric tonne? MegaGram, I know.
WTH     :What the H***
WTH     :What the H***
WTH     :What the H***
WUPO: Wad Up Printer Output
WW I GIs did it over there.
WW1 Soldiers "WE will remember them!" Do we?
WWCD.  (What would Cthulhu do?)
WWF - The Soap Opera for Men
WWF: On top of the hill, not over it!
WWF: On top of the hill, not over it!        -dSXY bTY
WWI GIs did it over there.
WWJT....Who Would Jesus Torture?
WWLR: Write Wrong Length Record
WWLR: Write Wrong Length Record
WWR: Write Wrong Record
WWW  -  World Wide Wait
WWW - World Without Windows
WWW Dot Bid High, Bid Up, Dot TV
WWhat's an anal probe? - Kyle
WWhhaatt   ddooeess   dduupplleexx    mmeeaann??
WWhhaatt  ddooeess hhaallff dduupplleexx ddoo??
WWhhaatt  eecchhoo??
WWhhaatt ddooeess ""HHaallff--dduupplleexx"" mmeeaann??
WWhhaatt ddooeess DDUUPPLLEEXX mmeeaann??
WWhhaatt ddooeess LLooccaall EEcchhoo OOnn MMeeaann??
WWhhaatt iiss llooccaall--eecchhoo  ??
WY: Wyoming, the obvious
WYBMADIITY: Will You Buy Me A Drink If I Tell You?
WYGIWYAF: What You Get Is What You Asked For [Certain Text Processing  Programs]
WYGIWYD - What you got is what you deserved
WYGIWYPF              What You Get Is What You Pay For
WYLABOCTGWTR.....Would You Like A Bowl Of Cream To Go With That Remark?
WYLASOMTGWTC: Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk To Go With That Comment? [Aus.]
WYLASOMWTR............Would You Like A Saucer Of Milk With That Remark?
WYME Radio - the all-manic-depressive talk show
WYMI - All philosophy all the time!
WYMI - The all philosophy radio station.
WYMM: Will You Marry Me
WYNIWYG: What You Need Is What You Get [claim of many systems]
WYPIWYF: What You Print Is What You FAX
WYPIWYG = What You Printed Is What You Got
WYPIWYW: What you pee is what you wet.
WYSAWYG: What You See Ain't What You Get [the opposite of WYSIWYG]
WYSBYGI               What You See Before You Get It
WYSIAWYG: What You See Is {Almost|Approximately} What You Get
WYSIAYFWG: What You See Is All You're F*cking Well Getting [normal display]
WYSIAYG: What You See Is All You're Getting
WYSIC: What You See Is Crap
WYSINWYG: What You See Is Not What You Get
WYSITWIRLS: What You See Is Totally Worthless In Real Life
WYSIWAG: What you see is a moving dog's tail.
WYSIWHIP: What you see is dessert topping.
WYSIWIG: What You See Is What I Got. [Failed Initial concept-Networked GUI]
WYSIWIG: What you see is fake hair.
WYSIWIS: What You See Is What I See
WYSIWIT - What You See Is What I Tiped.
WYSIWYAG: What You See Is What You (Almost) Get
WYSIWYG         What You See Is What You Get
WYSIWYG - What You Sell Is What You've Got.
WYSIWYG : When You're Sure It's Wrong, You Grimace
WYSIWYG is a fiber optic illusion.
WYSIWYG:  "What You See Isn't What You Get"
WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get [duh!]
WYSIWYG: hat You See Is What You Get
WYSIWYG?  Big deal!  My typewriter is WYSIWYG!
WYSIWYNG: What You See Is What Your Neighbour Got.
WYSIWYP: (Dog neutering) What you spay is what you pet.
WYSIWYP: What You See Is What You Print [impossible claim of WP and DTP]
WYSIWYP: What you see is what you pee -Guy Kawasaki, of Apple Computer,
WYSIWY_WT_G : What You see is what you want to get
WYSLRN: What You See Looks Really Neat [describes the Andrew ez editor]
WYTYSYDG        What You Thought You Saw, You Didn't Get
WYTYSYDG - What you thought you saw, you didn't ge
WYWH: Wish You Were Here
W[h]ere know tagline as gone before
W_y _re t_ere mi__ing letter_ in t_i_ t_gline?!
Wa*r*nin*g,* T*ri*bb*l*es a*r*e* e*v*er*ywh*e*r*e*
Wa-ah-ah-ah, ohh.  At the Late Night Double-Feature Picture Show
WaCkO.ExE found... CPU behaving _very_ oddly
WaRP Graphics Special Air Service - Who's Cute Wins
Waa-hoo! --Zane Grey, The Last of the Plainsmen
Waaa! I wanna go 300 scale miles per hour!
Waaaaaahhhhhhh!  Anna-chan hasn't threatened my life yet!
Waaaaaffffles weeee loooove yoooouuuu! - Joel/Bots sing
Waaahhh Ricky!! Welcome to the crypt!! I've been lurking for you!!
Waarom Windows? Als het traag moet, zet ik de turbo wel uit!
Wabbit swayer, guitar pwayer, nastie habit
Wacka! Wacka! Wacka! - Fozzie Bear
Wackland! Home, Surreal Home! -- Gogo Dodo
Wacko of Borg: Heeeeeelllllloooooo Spot!
Wacky Wheels * You can't throw hogs at real life drivers!
Wacky Wheels runs over the competition!
Wacky Wheels  Eat hog, Peanut Breath!
Wacky Wheels  Floor it!  'Cause there's no speed limit!
Wacky Wheels  Hey, you can't win!  My hedgehog was jamme
Wacky Wheels  Hit me with your best hog!
Wacky Wheels  Hog crossing. Alternative route underwater
Wacky Wheels  Keep driving Tigi, there's no stopping now
Wacky Wheels  Put it in reverse and run over Mario Kart!
Wacky Wheels  Put it in reverse and run over Skunny Kart
Wacky Wheels  Underwater driving possible by air pumps
Wacky Wheels  Watch for the ice on the road!
Wacky prop comic, Ludipus-Top - Crow
Waco - Home of the Right Wing Ulta-Conservative Southern Baptists.
Waco - More churches and convenience stores per capita than Dallas.
Waco - Waco Right now is HELL!
Waco - Where MCC means McLennan Community College.
Waco -- Bill Clinton's first death camp.
Waco is the halfway point between Dallas, Austin and Hell.
Waco lesson #1, kill them before they burn you alive
Waco lesson #2:  Obey or die
Waco lesson #4: Declare them a cult, then kill without mercy
Waco lesson 2. Obey or die.
Waco votes to rename town "Corpus Crispy"-details at 11
Waco wackos woasted, fiwm at eweven
Waco was just another Indian village
Waco, TX -- Home of Char-Broiled Christianity
Waco, Texas, the Tianamin Square of the free world
Waco, Texas, the Tienamin Square of America
Waco,TX bumper sticker: Honk if you think you're Jesus
Waco-We Ain't Comein' Out
Waco... a sleepy little town.
Waco:  proof that Janet Reno approves of children smoking
Waco: America's FIRST Tieniman Square.  Where's the NEXT one?
Waco: Bill Clinton's first death camp!
Waco: how do you like your religion? Original Recipe and Extra Crispy?
Wadda ya expect from a nice Italian girl?
Wadda ya expect from a nice Jewish boy?
Wadda ya mean broken?  I thought it was a fixed disk!
Waddaya get when ya goose a ghost? A handful of sheet.
Waddaya mean I gotta make the decision?
Waddaya mean which way? Follow the holes.
Waddya mean FIRED?!
Waddya mean, "Blind Driver"?  I hit the dog, didn't I?
Waddya mean; Eat it, it's still movin'!
Wade, I'm Southern.  don't tell me you love me like a sis
Wadya mean I need a shrink?  I'm 4'-11"!
Waffle House...Breakfast of Champions and Insomniacs
Waffle Irons: "Ribbed for her pleasure."
Waffle softly and talk a bit slick
Waffle softly and talk a bit slick--W.J. Clinton
Waffle softly and talk a bit slick.
Waffle softly and talk a bit slick.  --W.B.J. Clinton
Waffles is no more than a vehicle for butter & syrup -Dr.F
Waft the odor towards Frank - Mike to Dr. F
Waftdogs - Old sneakers
Wage Peace.
Wage war against littering.
Wagner's "Ride of the Valkeries" - War's theme song!                jt
Wagner's music is better than it sounds
Wagner's music is better than it sounds.  -- Mark Twain
Wagner:  The original heavy metal composer.
Waigel of Borg: Your income will be assimilated!
Wailing Wall: The place where exam results go up
Wait 'til Biggus Dickus hears of this!
Wait 'til I get your Hanes off you
Wait 'til Rush's fans realize Republicans are anti-Labor!
Wait 'till I start swinging the dead skunk around this joint!
Wait - let me cue the tape... OK, go ahead
Wait ... Sex isn't merely anything.
Wait ... is this a FUN THING or the END of LIFE in Petticoat Junction??
Wait .... I'm thinking
Wait .... I'm thinking ....
Wait 3 days until Christ is risen, bake in a 450 oven & serve!
Wait Kitty, don't step ےformat drive c:
Wait Sex isn't merely anything.
Wait Strawberries don't normally have gray fur!
Wait a Minute!  Didn't the Indians have a "Contract With America"?
Wait a few weeks and you'll be amazed again.
Wait a minit, WAIT a minute!! There's more to come!
Wait a minute ... this isn't my tagline!
Wait a minute Mr. Sysop.  Wa-Wa-Wait Mr. Sysop.
Wait a minute Officer, you're a public servant. Get me a beer!
Wait a minute man, you mispronounced my name. - Alanis Morissette
Wait a minute my PANTS ARE ON FIRE! SHISSSSS  Ah that feels better
Wait a minute something's wrong. My key won't unlock this door-Hendrix
Wait a minute!   Did someone slip me a prozac
Wait a minute!  Empty your! - Odo
Wait a minute!  I'M BLIND!  I'M BLIND! -- Crow T. Robot
Wait a minute!  I'd distinctly remember forgetting that.
Wait a minute!  If it didn't work very well _last_ time... - Kira
Wait a minute!  That was a Tagline.
Wait a minute!  This is fantastic!  You're a chimponaut! -- Al
Wait a minute!  What are you going to say about me!? - Ro Laren
Wait a minute!  You can't talk about my friends that way.
Wait a minute!  what are you doing with that tagline?
Wait a minute! 8 times 7 isn't 200! - Crow
Wait a minute! Calm down. --Riker
Wait a minute! I just lit a rocket & rockets EXPLODE!! - Woody
Wait a minute! I'm BLIND! I'm BLIND! - Crow
Wait a minute! Is this gonna be about wrestling?! - Mike
Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.
Wait a minute! This isn't my cat!    -Data
Wait a minute! Why would God need a star ship?
Wait a minute, I paid good money for that wreckage!
Wait a minute, I think I just saw a message from Elvis
Wait a minute, I've got it, don't birds swim south for the winter?
Wait a minute, Officer, you're a public servant.  Go get me a beer!
Wait a minute, are you serious?! - Kira
Wait a minute, wasn't I out of this conversation?
Wait a minute, what was I thinking?  Forget the bikini
Wait a minute, what's this?! - O'Brien
Wait a minute.  I married David Hartman? -- Mike Nelson
Wait a minute.  What's this?  This sucks. - Butt-Head
Wait a minute. - Dax
Wait a minute. I married David Hartman? - Mike as girl
Wait a minute. This isn't my Tagline!
Wait a minute. This isn't my recipe!
Wait a minute. We've already considered this! - The Doctor
Wait a minute. We've already considered this!--HoloDoc
Wait a minute. What's this? This sucks. - Butthead
Wait a minute... I said said 'vette, not T-bucket.
Wait a minute...strike that, reverse it - Willy Wonka
Wait a minute; I lost him. Odo
Wait a moment! Who's coming? - Yoshi
Wait a moment....wait a moment....wait a moment
Wait a second.  Does that dragon have a tag that says "MC"?
Wait a second.  You mean you guys *aren't* volunteers? -- Opus
Wait a second... you hired a *bodyguard* for me? -- Stonewall
Wait a second......this is weird. - Geordi
Wait and see
Wait for OS/2 2.0 - the best Windows tip around!
Wait for further instructions
Wait for it!  Wait for it! -- Dr. Forrester
Wait for it. -- Jack Butler
Wait for me, I won't be long, Gilles Villeneuve
Wait for me, take a dive and take a piece of my life
Wait for me.  --  Godot
Wait for that wisest of all counselors, Time. -- Pericles
Wait just a little while, and the Wheel turns. -- Delenn
Wait minute, I'm talking to Bill Gates.
Wait on the Lord: be of good courage-- Psalm 27:14
Wait right here.    I'll be riiiiight   baaaaacck
Wait there!  We're coming to attack you! -- Joel Robinson
Wait till I buy it, the price will drop 20% in a week!
Wait till they find out that the Gay gene is Bi. -- Dr. MindBender
Wait till they see the camoflauge bikini panties in the next series!
Wait till your father gets home
Wait until November '96 !"...UnaRepublican
Wait until it is night before saying it has been a fine day.
Wait while I look up Unicorn.  No sense shooting it if it's extinct.
Wait!  Clinton's How to Serve Taxpayers -- it's a...COOKB
Wait!  Don't Pick Up The Pho{1ݬ'Dodyo_Oo
Wait!  Hear me out! - O'Brien2
Wait!  I can explain.  -- Frank N. Furter
Wait!  I feel the power of... the Schwartz!
Wait!  I forgot to cancel my flight plan &*^| &%NO CARRIER
Wait!  It's too dangerous!
Wait!  That's the FORBIDDEN dance! 
Wait!  You have not been prepared! -- Mr. Atoz, "Tomorrow is Yesterday"
Wait!  You have not been prepared! Mr. Atoz, stardate 3113.2.
Wait!  You're forgetting something! - Yakko
Wait! "Clinton's How to Serve Taxpayers" - it's a COOKBOOK!
Wait! Could you stamp my hand so I could get back in? - Duckman
Wait! Don't be mad! It's a Python song! A Python S#%&*()t~NO CARRIER
Wait! Don't pick up that ph*^&%@*(&)   NO CARRIER
Wait! Don't pick up that telephon#%&L! *&#^%y@# NO CARRIER
Wait! I can explain!
Wait! I draw my two-handed sword of instant vorpal slaying!
Wait! I forgot to cancel my flight plan &*^| &%NO CARRIER
Wait! I just want to say
Wait! I'll be right down! Save me a couple of glasses of it!
Wait! I'm a PEACEFUL burgler!  It's NOT a REAL gun!  &lt;BLAM&gt;
Wait! Let me rephrase that
Wait! Let's not be hasty! - Quark
Wait! Stop! Federal Agent! Put your hands against the wall! - Scully
Wait! That's not Orville Bullitt! That's Odo!
Wait! Wait! He Is Innocent! I Stole The Tagline! &lt;BANG!&gt; Nevermind
Wait! You did say mad
Wait! You have not been prepared!
Wait! You have not been prepared! --Mr. Atoz
Wait!!  Don't pick up that teleph#%&L! *&#^%@#       NO C
Wait!, there MUST be an unsupported way
Wait'll I break your jaw, yeh! - Joel & Bots sing
Wait'll I find my sword!
Wait'll he sees the 8x10s on the bulletin board. - Hawkeye
Wait'll my Young Life meeting hears - Tom
Wait'll they get a load of me! - The Joker
Wait'll they get to the creamy filling.  Yakko, Animaniacs
Wait, #TN#!  It's too dangerous!
Wait, @TOFIRST@! I'll be right over! Save me a couple pitchers of it!
Wait, @TOFIRST@! It's too dangerous!
Wait, Don't Pick Up That ph{Œ
Wait, FN@! I'll be right over! Save me a couple pitchers of it!
Wait, I found it on page 574, paragraph 13
Wait, I think reality stepped out of here about five minutes ago..."
Wait, Orville! It's too dangerous!
Wait, Robbie! It's too dangerous!
Wait, Toto, don't bite into that electrical wir@#&$^NO TERRIER
Wait, Win95 loads ۰ 15% of 70
Wait, YOU!  It's too dangerous!
Wait, am I replying to the wrong message?
Wait, soldier! There's been enough killing! Eneg
Wait, there ARE 5 lights, I didn't see that other one!
Wait, what are you taking Stan's blood for? - Kyle, South Park
Wait, yes!  There ARE 5 lights!  I musta missed that one.
Wait.  That's the FORBIDDEN dance.
Wait. This brick is talking to me - Mike
Wait. Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. Paris
Wait. You think I'm right? --Mulder to Scully.
Wait... I was goning to make Espresso
Wait... Processing... Done. Tagline is now complete.
Wait... Sex isn't merely anything. -- Heinlein
Wait... Strawberries don't normally have gray fur!
Wait... They're dubbing English into English! - Tom Servo
Wait... They're dubbing English into English! ---
Wait.......something's not right here. - Geordi
Wait...haven't we danced this waltz before?
Wait...were there 7 or 8...? **BOOM!**  Eight, definitely 8... -EWJim
Wait; it gets better.
WaitSex isn't  merely  anything.  -- Heinlein
WaitSpiderMan-Don'tLeaveMeHere! J.J.J/SpiderMan Classic
WaitStrawberries don't normally have gray fur!
WaitUntilYouFeelTheDeathGripOfThisOne! - Phantom/SpiderMan Classic
Waitaminit, there's a clue here `bout what you'd like to have, I
Waitaminite, what are you going to say about me? Ro
Waitasecond! Smells like AMBUSH! - The Tick
Waiter - there's a feature in my soup!
Waiter!  Check please!
Waiter!  There's a symbiont swimming in my milk!
Waiter!  There's soup in my fly!
Waiter!  Two pieces of bread!  I'm gonna make a sandwich! - B.P
Waiter! Another round for my friends here!
Waiter! Check please!
Waiter! There's a fly in my qagh!
Waiter! WAITER! There's SOUP on my FLY!
Waiter! Waiter! Now there's a beetle in my soup, Sorry, sir, we're out of flies today
Waiter!! My escargot is covered with snails....!
Waiter, I'll have what the guy writhing on the floor had.
Waiter, bring this man the reality check, please
Waiter, there are monsters in my transporter  Barclay
Waiter, there's @TOLAST@ in my tagline!
Waiter, there's NO fly in my soup! - Kermit
Waiter, there's Orville in my tagline!
Waiter, there's a @F in my tagline!
Waiter, there's a @TOFIRST@ in my Tagline!
Waiter, there's a Orville in my tagline!
Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup!
Waiter, there's a fly in my qagh.
Waiter, there's a tapeworm in my rib cage. Dax
Waiter, there's no fly in my soup! - Kermit
Waiter, there's no fly in my soup! Kermit The Frog
Waiter, there's this dead fly swimming in my soup! Nonsense, madam--dead flies can't swim
Waiter, there's this fly in my soup! Force of habit, madam, the chef used to be a tailor
Waiter, this chicken's rubbery!  Oh, fank you velly much!  More fly lice?
Waiter, waiter! There's a Vole in my soup!
Waiter, waiter, there's soup on my fly!
Waiter, we'll try what that couple under the table had
Waiter, what did the dead man have? I want anything else.
Waiter: Unemployed actor
Waiter?  I'll have what the man in the chandelier is having.
Waiters and waitresses do it for tips.
Waiters do it on the tables.
Waiters do it with your mouth full.
Waitin' on a train in a railway station, one toke over the line.
Waiting for "Where in HELL is Carmen Sandiego?"
Waiting for Godogma.
Waiting for Lorena Bobbitt: It won't be long, now.
Waiting for Spring Takes a Long Time
Waiting for Star Trek IX, X, XI, XII
Waiting for Star Trek VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII
Waiting for a rabbit to hit upon a tree and be killed in order to catch it. - Chinese Proverb
Waiting for my '$99.95 dBase offer' from Borland!
Waiting for response
Waiting for soemone or something to show you the way -Floyd
Waiting for somedough
Waiting for the Energizer bunny in the Toilet Duck com..!
Waiting for the dinner bell to do the bell thing.
Waiting for the winds of change to sweep the clouds away..... -RUSH
Waiting for the world's applause
Waiting here, seems like years, never see the light of day
Waiting in Annnnnnnntiiiiiiciiiipaaaaation!
Waiting like a stalking butler
Waiting on the first step
Waiting patiently
Waiting the hour destined to die, here on the table of Hell
Waiting to be crushed between some sun babe's legs
Waiting to overcome all objections results in nothing
Waiting to overcome all obstacles, results in nothing
Waiting... Eternally speaking, time is on my side
Waitress to Dracula:  How would you like your stake?
Waitress!  *glare*  This roadkill is not properly aged!
Waitresses DO IT for tips.
Waitresses DO IT with chopsticks.
Waitresses serve it hot.
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go's about the Vietnam war -Crow
Wake N' Bake
Wake UP! Drowsy Drivers Die
Wake Up The Echos
Wake Up! - By Sal Ammoniac
Wake Up!: Sal Ammoniac
Wake me up before Armagedon please.
Wake me up if you don't like what I'm dreaming.
Wake me up in '96 and tell me it was a bad dream !
Wake me up in '96 and tell me it's all been a bad dream!
Wake me up next year. Tell me it's all been a bad dream!
Wake me up on payday.
Wake me up when doublespace finishes the H/D defrag
Wake me up when we hit 2001.
Wake me when it's over.
Wake up and pull your head out of the sand.
Wake up and smell the Kilrathi!  - jrc
Wake up and smell the coffee or just wake up to individuality
Wake up and smell the coffee. 	-- Ann Landers
Wake up and smell the coffee. - Expergiscere et coffeam olface.
Wake up and stop shaking 'coz you're just wasting time. -- M Manson
Wake up earthling, you haven't got all light-year!
Wake up the girls so they can scream - Tom
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world
Wake up! This is Quark you're talking to, remember? - Quark
Wake up! Time to DIE!
Wake up! Wake up, Charlie's home! - Grandpa Joe
Wake up, its time for your sleeping pills
Wake up, time to die. - Leon
Wake up.  It's time to die
Wake: a dead man's party.
Wakey! Wakey! Eggs & Bakey! - Crow as Godzilla wakes
Wakin' up on Christmas mornin' hours before the daylight sun's ignited!
Waking a person unnecessaraly should be considered a capital crime.
Waking a person unnecessarily should not be considered a capital crime. For a first offense, that is
Waking the Witch
Wakka wakka WAKKKA!
Wakka-wakka-WAKKKA!!! - Fozzy Bear
Wakko = Animaniacs: Quotes by Wakko Warner
Wakko It's a little thing I do. BW-Dot
Wakko Warner, your time has come! - Death
Wakko of Borg: Heeeeeeellllllllo Collective!
Wakko packs away the snacks while Bill Clinton plays the sax!
Wakko packs away the snacks, we pay lots of income tax
Wakko, look out for the tree!!! What tree?$^#$%^@#$ NO CARRIER
Wakko.exe found... CPU behaving _very_ oddly
Wakko: Want to see me make bubbles with my spit?
Waldheimer's disease is what you have when you can't remember you were a Nazi
Waldo and Magic, Inc. by Robert A. Heinlein
Waldo's Observation:  One man's red tape is another man's system.
Waldust - Powder that sticks to you when you lean against
Waldust - Powder that sticks to you when you lean against a white wall
Waldust: Powder that sticks to you when you lean against \TAGLINES.MR
Walk  softly and carry a Megawat laser!
Walk All Over You -- AC/DC
Walk Like An Egyptian -- Bangles
Walk On With Hope in Your Heart !
Walk This Way -- Aerosmith
Walk a mile on these paws and call me a liar. - Gaspode
Walk away, and leave forever, do I dare
Walk barefoot in wet grass
Walk beside me, Na'Toth. - G'Kar
Walk beside me, Na'Toth. I must not show weakness. G'Kar
Walk east until your hat floats
Walk east......  until your hat floats.
Walk free. Talk free. I'm not saying to be foolish. - Betty Shabazz
Walk him and pitch to the rhino
Walk in shadows, but watch out for the cat.
Walk in the Shadows..... Just don't trip over the cat
Walk into Death's jaws to steal his gold teeth.
Walk into an antique shop and say, "What's new?"
Walk into the light. -- Agent Cooper
Walk like an Egyptian --The Bangles
Walk like an encryption
Walk on barefoot for me, suffer some misery, if you want my love
Walk or bike to drive-up bank-tellers & fast-food windows.
Walk softly and carry a 44 Magnum.
Walk softly and carry a 500 gigawatt laser
Walk softly and carry a Nerf bat!
Walk softly and carry a big RESET switch
Walk softly and carry a big stick
Walk softly and carry a big stick.  - Teddy Roosevelt
Walk softly and carry a big sword - Darkwood
Walk softly and carry a fully charged PHASER!
Walk softly and carry a fully charged disrupter
Walk softly and carry a fully-chargedd phaser!
Walk softly and carry a megawatt laser.
Walk softly and carry a semi automatic.
Walk softly and carry a thump gun
Walk softly and carry a twenty megaton nuclear weapon
Walk softly and carry an John Hancock 3.0
Walk softly, and carry a .357 magnum
Walk softly, and carry a BFG 9000
Walk softly, and carry a GPS receiver
Walk softly, and carry a Ginzu steak knife
Walk softly, and carry a GyroJet
Walk softly, and carry a Mauser C-96
Walk softly, and carry a bazooka
Walk softly, and carry a bullwhip
Walk softly, and carry a can of Mace
Walk softly, and carry a cattle prod
Walk softly, and carry a chainsaw
Walk softly, and carry a ghetto blaster
Walk softly, and carry a light-saber
Walk softly, and carry a megawatt laser
Walk softly, and carry a phazer
Walk softly, and carry a photon missile launcher
Walk softly, and carry a railgun
Walk softly, and carry a shillelagh
Walk softly, and carry a sledge hammer
Walk softly, and carry a staple gun
Walk softly, and carry an AK-47 assault rifle
Walk softly, and carry an electric carving knife
Walk softly, and carry an ice pick
Walk softly, but carry a big tagline
Walk sotly, and carry a large caliber!OJW
Walk the mystic path with a liberal and remain lost
Walk through doors, don't crawl through WINDOWS!
Walk through doors, don't crawl through Windows 95.
Walk up to a lady at a social gathering (party, club, etc.) and simply ask, "are you ready to go home now?
Walk with a smile, kind word, and a pocketed .38 Special!
Walk with me, Commander. -- Riker
Walk with me, Commander. --Riker to Shelby
Walk with me, Rom. Zek
Walk with the Prophets, my child. - Winn
Walk with the Prophets, my child.--Winn to Kira
Walkin' the tightrope tryin to make it right
Walking around wondering
Walking in a winter wonderland
Walking in my winter underwear
Walking into the jaws of Death so's you can steal His gold teeth.
Walking makes the world much bigger and therefore more interesting. - Edward Abbey
Walking on water is *not* in my job description!
Walking on water is NOT part of my job description!
Walking on water wasn't built in a day. -- Jack Kerouac
Walking point = sniper bait
Walking the Hallways, by 'Corey Door'
Walking through forests of palm tree appartments
Walks off with whip in one hand and ice cream in the other
Wall Street indices predicted nine out of the last five recessions ! - Paul A. Samuelson
Wall to wall women and twice as many breasts.  Lovely!
Walla Walla Wash and Kalamazoo ... -- Pogo
Wallace in a Ford, like putting the Red Baron in an F16!
Wallace's Observation:  Everything is in a state of utter dishevelment.
Wallet, keys, mucous, yup, I've got everything. Seinfeld, on kerchiefs
Walls impede my progress.
Walls, the Wallman, the Wallinator, Wallinowski, Wally!
Wally Brown only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y."
Walnuts: People who are crazy about walls
Walpurga, Goddess of Springtime
Walrus of Borg: I am assimilated, they are assimilated resistance is
Walt Disney Pictures' - "Aladdin" - Now available on home video
Walt Disney didn't die, he's in suspended animation.
Walt Disney is in suspended animation.
Walt Disney is not dead.  He's in suspended animation.
Walter Pidgeon wouldn't have made it as a park sculptor.
Walters' Rule: All airline flights depart from the gates most distant from
Walton's Law of Politics:  "A fool and his money are soon elected."
Walton's Observation: Given two choices, you'll make the wrong one -- twice
Waltzing Mathilda....Waltzing Mathilda....Waltzing Mathilda
Wan "You'll be malfunctioning in a day you nearsighted scrapepile" C3P0
Wana know what they say about you, .....Hummm
Wand?  Why, no, that's my rolling pin
Wander down the ancient hallway, taking the stairs one at a time
Wanderbilt DOS:  (A)bort  (R)etry  (C)all Daddy
Wanderers and nomads have gone to see their chieftains
Wandering Punster
Wandering about like a fart in a pair of trousers.
Wandering and dreaming
Wang-dang a ling hoy!
Wango Tango!
Wann haben Sie Ihr letztes Backup gemacht?
Wann immer Du faellst, heb was auf !
Wann kauft der CCC die Post auf?
Wann kommt _XP'95_? (
Wann, wenn nicht jetzt ?
Wanna Be a Psychopath? Read Dianetics, or ZMODEM.DOC
Wanna Be a Psychopath? Read ZMODEM.DOC.
Wanna Buy A Rubber Computer?
Wanna REALLY Orville a Dalek? Use it for a trash can!
Wanna REALY enjoy your mail?  Be .QWK about it!
Wanna be a Power User?  Go stick a fork in an electrical outlet.
Wanna be a Psychopath? Read Dianetics, or FD.DOC. (FrontDoor)
Wanna be a Psychopath? Read Dianetics, or ZMODEM.DOC.
Wanna be a leader? Respect speed limits on narrow roads
Wanna be cool? Stick frozen starfish down your pants
Wanna bet on it? Tribble or nothing. - Quark
Wanna bet? I'm crazier than You
Wanna buy a DUCK?
Wanna buy a duck? - Joe Penner
Wanna buy a halibut? Tom asked selfishly.
Wanna buy that bus for my baby some day
Wanna byte my bit?
Wanna change your name to 'Homer Junior'? The kids can call you 'HoJu'!
Wanna come over and see my XT?
Wanna come up to my place & remap my keyboard, Big Boy?
Wanna confuse Clinton?  Sew up the fly in his underwear!
Wanna confuse people? Quote from the wrong message!
Wanna die young?  Snort Dandelions
Wanna do something big?  Pick up a boulder.
Wanna flirt with disaster?  Become a SysOp!
Wanna get a porn movie? - Tom as man to his son
Wanna get back into the game?-I'm not ready to solo yet.-Freedman
Wanna get hit by some math?  Try this 2 by 4 bitch!
Wanna get laid? Crawl up a chicken's ass & WAIT!
Wanna giggle? Try (EDITOR=EDLIN !) in anything.
Wanna giggle? Try (EDITOR=EDLIN !) in your .CFG file.
Wanna give FIDO fits?  Address your message to SYSOP!
Wanna give it another go? - Tom
Wanna go halves in a baby?
Wanna go see the vroom vrooms? - Mike
Wanna grab an oar? - Mike to singing girl on boat
Wanna have fun?  Tell your sysop his spelling sucks!
Wanna help me do a rain dance? :) - Dione
Wanna help me feed my Dragon?  {Evil Grin}
Wanna help me feed my dragon &lt;evil grin&gt;
Wanna jerk Jack Butler's chain?  Invent YOUR OWN witty taglines!
Wanna know a way to my []? Sit on my []
Wanna learn about spoolers?  The queue forms to the left
Wanna lip wretle?
Wanna lower your standards and live a short life? Start smoking!
Wanna make a difference? Love one another!
Wanna piece of me? I'm standing right here! - Crow to Tom
Wanna piece of my nummies?
Wanna play "Don't Whiz On the Electric Fence"?
Wanna play "Whisper Down The Lane"?
Wanna play cops and robbers?  Great!  SPREAD 'EM!
Wanna play doctor?
Wanna play with Gambit? Here, take a card
Wanna pull up that police car footage? - Tom
Wanna put a little ZIP in your ARC?
Wanna read a good horror novel?  Get a history book!
Wanna read my bootleg Star Wars III script, "Fall of the Republic"?
Wanna really impress someone?  Pray in Enochian
Wanna reduce crime? Disarm the government!
Wanna sammitch? - Tom
Wanna scare a cat lover?  Poop in the kitty litter box
Wanna see a cat run? Start the can opener.
Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit? ...Maybe later
Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit? Wakko Maybe later. Yakko
Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?-Wakko
Wanna see my PeeWee Herman impression?
Wanna see my magic nose-goblin collection?
Wanna see my pet? - Dot
Wanna see some sumac? - Crow
Wanna suck face?-Freddy Krueger
Wanna swap Internet addresses?!?!
Wanna take a ride in a BIG car little girl!
Wanna take a survey?
Wanna tan? Naw
Wanna try a network? The first call is free
Wanna upset a card collector?  Shuffle his sets. &gt;:)
Wanna watch me blow bubbles with my spit? - Wakko
Wanna watch me make Crow look like an idiot? -- Tom Servo
Wanna' give a blonde a job?  Have her alphabetize the M&Ms!
Wanna' watch me make Crow look like an idiot? - Tom
Wannabe Tims (D'avanent Archers)
Want 20/20 hindsight?  Go read History
Want 20/20 hindsight?  Go read History .............
Want A Free Lunch, Get Elected to the U.S. Congress.
Want I should wipe the dead bugs off the windshield? - Elwood
Want Internet access? Click here to visit our Web site.
Want Jujubees or Juicy fruit? - Crow
Want LW? Call 616/869-5519! It's in MAIN/ShareWare Unleashed!
Want Taglines? Ask the *TagKing*, Jack Butler (FIDO).
Want Taglines? Ask the *Tagline Addict*, Gary Caplan.
Want Taglines? Get them the old fassioned way, Steal them
Want Windows to go faster?  Throw it harder...!
Want a LAUGH run a spell check on DSZ docs.
Want a bite?  Oh, sorry, you're a hologram. -- sam Beckett
Want a good deal on a used car? See Willie Clinton
Want a good laugh?  Look in the mirror!
Want a good laugh? Turn to WOR and watch the Mets!
Want a great deal on some write only memory?
Want a hickie &lt;sp&gt; ? -Young Dracula
Want a house with a view,....Buy an Aquarium.
Want a jelly baby?
Want a little cheese with that ham? -- Bowler
Want a new idea?  Read an old book!
Want a reason to use birth control?  Watch Rush Limbaugh.
Want a stupid answer?  Ask me anything!
Want a stupid answer? Ask your sysop!
Want a taste of religion?  Bite a minister!
Want breasts!  Want breasts NOW! --Nate
Want cheap SX ..  buy 2nd hand.
Want harder disks, bigger bits, & tighter ascii?
Want lots of personal messages?   Just make a little mistake.
Want lots of personal messages?  Use "All" as an alias.
Want me to check the trunk ? "
Want me to come out looking like you? Cactus butt!?! - Shenzi
Want me to create a diversion?
Want me to scat for you guys? - Tom to Mike & Crow
Want me to wake you up when you've finished eating? - Hawk to Radar
Want more power?  Let Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor upgrade your computer.
Want my ammunition?  You can have them one bullet at a time
Want my gun?  I'll give you the bullets first
Want my guns?  Come in range and get them
Want of money is not the root of evil.
Want peace and quiet? Get a phoneless cord.
Want permanent birth control? Call 1-900-Bobbitt.
Want permanent birth control? Just look in the mirror!
Want some advice?  Drop Dead.
Want some candy little girl? It's chocolate!
Want some candy, little girl?
Want some cheese to go with that whine?
Want some of my mayonnaise muffin? - Dot
Want some of my mayonnaise muffin? - Dot Ech, no! Go away! - Blowski
Want some of my mayonnaise muffin? -Dot
Want some pizza and a f**k?  What's the matter, you don't like pizza?
Want something of you foolish, fragile non-entities? Q to Riker.
Want the "bill of rights" to protect you, you MUST protect it!
Want the right answer?  Ask the right question!
Want the ultimate oxymoron? Look at the cover of ANY copy of MS-DOS 6.x!
Want these tags?  Take 'em! I stole 'em from The Wabbit!!
Want to *post* Taglines? Use yer nearest TAGLINES Conference.
Want to anger a Liberal?  Agree with him
Want to anger a Liberal? Say "Our founding forefathers."
Want to argrue? Go ahead ! Abuse me with your tounge!
Want to attract a girl of the 90s? Be one
Want to be a BETA tester, Ok, Just run ANY Micro$oft product!
Want to be our bunky? - Yakko
Want to break up an Iraqi Bingo game???           Yell B-52!!!
Want to bust a chair across my teeth?
Want to change the World?  Call 1-900-CHT-HULU.
Want to come see my HARD DRIVE? I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy
Want to come up to my apartment and see my Gif's?
Want to confuse people?  Quote from the wrong message!
Want to cure hiccups? Just ook at a feminist
Want to curse and *flame*? ... Take it to the Internet!!
Want to destroy the Borg?  Give them Windows.
Want to do it again?
Want to double your hard drive space?  Delete Windows!
Want to end the drug war?  Make sure all gang members are
Want to experience the sights and sounds of nature.??
Want to fill me in on where my brain is???
Want to fix the US economy? Make welfare as hard to get as a building permit! - Jim Warford
Want to forget all your troubles?  Wear tight shoes
Want to get more FIDO mail? Change your log-on name to ALL!
Want to get really stoned?  Drink wet cement
Want to get your lineage traced quickly?  Run for public office!
Want to have some fun?  Walk into an antique shop and say, What's new?
Want to improve your looks? Walk backwards!
Want to invest in an uranium mine?  See Willie Clinton
Want to kiss me, ducky?   Marlene Dietrich
Want to know a phone number? Go to the library.
Want to know about courses of study? Go to the library.
Want to know the heart and mind of America? Learn baseball.
Want to know why I look run-down? Just look at the bills my wife runs up
Want to know your I.Q.?  Dial 1-900-I AM STUPID
Want to locate an address? Go to the library.
Want to look around? - Picard
Want to look young and thin? Hang around with old fat people
Want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans!
Want to make your 486/33 run like an XT? Run Windows.
Want to make your computer go really fast? Throw it out the window
Want to meet new people?  Pick up the wrong golf ball
Want to own a small buisness? Buy a big one and wait
Want to play a game?   Yes...  Windows loaded
Want to play videogames?  At the prompt, type WIN
Want to practice SAFE shareware? With ME?
Want to read a good horror novel?  Get a history book!
Want to read newspapers? Go to the library.
Want to retire the debt?  Retire Congress!
Want to save money every month?  Throw out the computer!
Want to see Michael Jackson blowing bubbles?
Want to see a great idea in action? - Calvin
Want to see a miracle? look in the mirror!
Want to see a quieter way of life?  Visit Forest Lawn.
Want to see me make bubbles with my spit?
Want to see me make bubbles with my spit? - Wakko Warner
Want to see my full scale model of the Earth?
Want to see my stamp collection?
Want to see the great outdoors? Become a Scoutmaster.
Want to talk to Elvis? Call 1-900 HES-DEAD
Want to turn a 486/66 into an 8088/4.77? Load Windows!
Want to turn your 386 into a Gameboy?  C:\WIN &lt;enter&gt;
Want to watch me make bubbles with my spit?  Wakko Warner
Want to watch the world go by?  Drive the speed limit
Want vocabulary lessons at 3:00 am.  Page Sysop for details.
Want your children to listen? Try talking softly -- to someone else.
Want your coffee black ?-Are there any other colors ?
Wanta' see me pull a rabbit outa' my hat??
Wanted - Man to wash dishes and two waitresses.
Wanted - sombody to pay me to do what I want!
Wanted By Cracken - By West End Games
Wanted Consultant:  Must be over-rated, underworked and overpaid
Wanted Dead or Alive: 1 Pink Rabbit With A Drum!
Wanted Dead or Alive: 1 pink rabbbit with a drum.
Wanted Dead or Alive: Irving Gould & Mehdi Ali, 10000$ reward (apiece)
Wanted Dead or Alive: One pink bunny, carrying a drum.
Wanted Dead or Alive:Damon Oliver for Posting Offtopic!
Wanted Food Lion Deli workers, No ethics required
Wanted a pair of watch dogs, named the pups Timex and Bulova.
Wanted battery repair technician: Must be able to take charge
Wanted dead on Miridan, for stealing the crown of the First Mother. --Q
Wanted dead or alive ... one pink rabbit with a drum.
Wanted female companionship. Couldn't spell. Spent night in warehouse.
Wanted, Dead or Alive:  Randall Terry.
Wanted, Dead or Alive: Schrodinger's Cat.
Wanted, dead or alive:  Schroedinger's cat
Wanted, used taglines. Write on $20 bill & mail.
Wanted.  Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
Wanted. Farmer to tend cow that does not smoke or drink
Wanted. Preparer of food. Must be dependable like the food business, and be willing to get hands dirty
Wanted...Entertaining Taglines.  Reward $$$ &gt;G&lt;
Wanted:   50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory.
Wanted:  Customers.  We will train.
Wanted:  Guillotine operator.  Good chance to get ahead.
Wanted:  Man with cute ass and tight jeans with front bulge.
Wanted:  Meaningful overnight relationship.
Wanted:  Mother's helper - peasant working conditions.
Wanted:  New taglines!!!
Wanted:  Schrodinger's cat.  Dead or alive
Wanted:  Single girls to pick fresh fruit and produce at night
Wanted:  Taglines.  Must be original, intelligent & free!
Wanted:  Volcano.  Average size.  Must be active
Wanted:  Woman with computer.  Send photo of computer.
Wanted:  Women To Test New Condom!.
Wanted: 386DX Fatherboard to have SX with my Motherboard.
Wanted: 50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory.
Wanted: Bigger hard drives - for the computer and the bedroom.
Wanted: Bill Gates - dead or alive !
Wanted: Bill Gates - preferably dead !
Wanted: Chambermaid in rectory. Love in, $200 a month.
Wanted: Chambermaid in rectory. Love in, $200 a month. References.
Wanted: Condom to fit my modem - I *knew* handshaking wouldn't last.
Wanted: Cute witty tagline to accompany message
Wanted: Dictionary with Index.
Wanted: For possession of snagged tag-lines.
Wanted: For possession of stolen tag-lines.
Wanted: GE 645.  Can substitute with DEC PDP-7.
Wanted: Girls to pick fruit a
Wanted: Girls to pick fruit and produce at night.
Wanted: Good recipes to snag
Wanted: Good taglines to steal
Wanted: Guillotine operator.  Chance to get ahead.
Wanted: Guillotine operator.  Will train.  Good chance to get ahead.
Wanted: Guillotine operator...good chance to get ahead!
Wanted: Hair-cutter. Excellent growth potential.
Wanted: Instructor for crash course in auto safety
Wanted: Large quantities of Kamikaze Sysops - *Old* and *Durable*.
Wanted: Man to milk cow that does not smoke or drink.
Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.
Wanted: Man with computer. Send photo of computer
Wanted: Man with cute ass and tight jeans with front bulge
Wanted: Meaning of life - dead or alive
Wanted: Meaningful overnight relationship.
Wanted: Men To Test New Condom!
Wanted: Men To Test New Solo-Flex!
Wanted: Men To Test New Waterbed!
Wanted: Mood rings of all shapes and sizes.
Wanted: One good Tagline manager.
Wanted: One good Tagline manager.
Wanted: One new, impressive tagline. Without Stealing
Wanted: Part-time married girls for soda fountain in sand
Wanted: Politicians. Lie, cheat, steal, etc. Apply w/in.
Wanted: Programmers.  Some assembly required.
Wanted: Rich man with poor eyesight & lousy lawyer.
Wanted: Single White Female with Amiga.  Send picture of Amiga
Wanted: Sysops.  Some assembly required.
Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply
Wanted: The Enterprise's computer (that comes with BlueWave)
Wanted: Two belly dancers on a rotating basis.
Wanted: Unmarried girls to pick fresh fruit and produce at night.
Wanted: Used DAP-310 dead or alive.  I pay $hipping.
Wanted: Volcano.  Average size.  Must be active.
Wanted: Woman with big tits and no gag reflex
Wanted: Woman with computer. Send photo of computer.
Wanted: Woman with fine figure, high IQ and low standards.
Wanted: Women To Test New Condom!
Wanted: Women To Test New Waterbed!
Wanted: a alien family to adopt a cute purple dinosaur!
Wanted: chambermaid in rectory. Love in, $200.00 a month. References required
Wanted: programmers with experience. Some assembly required.
Wanted: random answer generator for trainee computer salesman.
Wanted: sponsors to supply me with tackle and boat and
Wanted:386DX Fatherboard to have SX with my Motherboard
Wanting is often more pleasurable than having. -- Spock
Wanton, Wiccan and Wonderful!
War - all that running around and shooting one another.
War Dims Hope for Peace- headline
War Doesn't Decide Who's Right. Only Who's Left.
War Injuries I Have Seen - By V. A. Hospital
War Is Peace   Freedom Is Slavery   Ignorance is Strength
War News: Sadam's army blown away by Thai hokkers.
War Zones: Northern Ireland, Somalia, Bosnia, Los Angeles, and NYC.
War and whiskey don't mix. - General Steele
War can only be abolished through war. - Mao Tse -tung
War catches youngsters in the draft and oldsters in graft
War comes to the Land of Dairy Queen. -- Crow T. Robot
War debt: alimony.
War dims hope for peace
War does not decide who is right, only who is left
War does not determine who's right, war determines who's left
War doesn't decide who's right.  Only who's left.
War doesn't determine who is right, merely who is left
War doesn't determine who's right  War determines who's left
War doesn't determine who's right, but who's left
War doesn't determine who's right, war determines who's left.
War doesn't determine who's right. Merely who's dead
War doesn't determine who's right...only who's left.
War doesn't prove who is right; only who is left. --Sam Levenson
War doesn't prove who's right, just who's left
War doesn't prove who's right, just who's left
War fact #234: If the enemy is in range, so are you.
War fact #287: Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
War fact #475: The easy way is always mined.
War fact #946: If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
War games
War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford. - Hannah Arendt
War has its fortunes, good and bad. -- Kor
War hath no fury like a Draft-Dodger with his own Army and Navy
War hath no fury like a guy too old to fight.
War hath no fury like a non- combatant. - C.E.Montague
War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
War hath no fury like a non-combatant. -- Charles Edward Montague
War hath no fury like a noncombatant's.  - Montague
War hero
War imminent!!! Journalsts massing on border!!
War is Capitalism with the gloves off
War is God's way of teaching us geography.
War is Hell, Peace and love are beautiful.
War is Imminent, Journalists massing on the border.
War is Peace  -Big Brother in George Orwell's 1984
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ketchup is a Vegetable.
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ketchup is a Vegetable.
War is _never_ imperative, Mr Spock! - McCoy
War is a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. - Thomas Mann
War is a matter not so much of arms as of expenditure
War is a matter of vital importance to the State. - Sun Tzu
War is a series of catastrophes that results in victory.
War is a terrible waste of humanity and resources!
War is an equal opportunity destroyer
War is based on deception. - Sun Tzu
War is based on deception. - Sun tzu (+/- 500 B.C.)
War is death's feast.
War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it. -- Desiderius Erasmus
War is good business - invest your sons.
War is good for business.
War is hell...expansion is worse
War is hi-tech, except the part about walking on crutches
War is high tech. Except for the walking on crutches part
War is instinctive.  But the instinct can be fought. - Kirk
War is just a hostile corporate take over.
War is just another government program. - Joseph Sobran
War is just menstruation envy!
War is like love, it always finds a way. -- Bertolt Brecht, "Mother Courage"
War is like love; it always finds a way. - Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
War is menstruation envy
War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military. -- Clemenceau
War is never imperative.
War is never imperative. - McCoy
War is never imperative. -- McCoy, "Balance of Terror"
War is never imperative. McCoy, Balance of Terror, starda
War is never started by people with full stomachs L.Long
War is not good for people and monsters too!
War is not healthy for soldiers and other living things.
War is not obsolete. - Rush Limbaugh
War is nothing but a duel on a larger scale.  -Clausewitz
War is peace, freedom is slavery, and Orville is absolutely right!
War is peace, freedom is slavery, ketchup is a vegitable!
War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ke
War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ketchup is a vegetable.
War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Microsoft is strength
War is peace. - George Orwell's 1984
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Jesse Helms is human - jms
War is so unjust and ugly that all who wage it must try to stifle the voice of conscience within themselves. -Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher (1828-1910)
War is the greatest of all crimes; and yet there is no aggressor who does not color his crime with the pretext of justice. - Voltaire
War is the greatest of all crimes; and yet there is no aggressor who does not color his crime with the pretext of justice. - Voltaire
War is the playground of the ignorant. -- Highbrow
War is the science of destruction.  -Abbott
War is the usual condition of Europe.  -Kropotkin
War is too serious a matter to entrust to military men. - Georges Clemenceau
War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.
War is...a trinity of violence, chance, and reason.  -Clausewitz
War is...a trinity of violence, chance, and reason.  -Clausewitz
War isn't a good life, but it's life
War isn't a good life, but it's life. -- Kirk, "A Private Little War"
War isn't fought to decide who is right but who is left
War never decides who is right only who is left.
War of 1812?  How should *I* know when it happened?
War on Drugs, n. - War to make the world safe for alcoholics
War on Drugs: cure that is FAR worse than the disease.
War on Drugs?  Bomb R.J. Reynolds.
War on Puberty:  New program to eliminate teenage crime
War on drugs?!?! Put ME on the FRONT LINES!
War proves nothing 'cept who's willing to waste the most lives!     jt
War should not be seen as a deterent to over population.
War spares not the brave, but the cowardly. -- Anacreon
War springs from unseen and generally insignificant causes
War will cease when men refuse to fight
War will cease when men refuse to fight. - Fridtjof Hansen
War would end if the dead could return
War would end if the dead could return. - Stanley Baldwin
War!  The highest social function
War! huh, Good God! What is it Good for? Absolutely Nuthin! hey hey
War's God's way of teaching Americans geography. -Ambrose Bierce, writer (1842-1914)
War's a dirty game - and I'm a dirty player! - Blades, Autobot
War's been a boon to that guy - Tom on guy with babe
War, he sung, is toil and trouble; Honour but an empty bubble. - John Dryden
War-all that running around and shooting one another.
War-all that running around and shooting one another. &lt;Londo&lt;
War-horse?!  Army mule?! -- Hoolihan to Burns
War.  What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING! (say it again)
War. Good god, y'all! - Mike on bombers
War. Huh. What is it good for - Mike on bombers
War. Such a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
War. What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING! (say it again).
War: The old in Congress voting to send the young to die.
War: all that running around and shooting one another. - Londo
War: fight 'em, whip 'em, feed 'em and finance 'em.
Warchild dance the day, and nights away
Ward, I'm worried about the Beaver.
Ward, U were pretty rough on the Beaver last night
Ward, the Beaver blew up the Dairy Queen again!
Ward, there's something bothering the Beaver
Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night
Warding off the evil spirits from your system
Ware nitpickers, for they just dont know when to quit
Ware those robotic Scots, mlord ... the clan MacHinery
Ware-o-ware has my OS/2 gone?
Warette: A little war.
Warf's wolf whimpers wildly
Warlocks make it with magick!
Warm & sunny in Australia! Again!
Warm Boot: What you get when you tread in fresh cow dung
Warm Fuzzies beat Cold Pricklies anyday!
Warm Fuzzies come in free and limitless quantities!
Warm bed?  Nope.  Kind word?  Sorry.  Unlimited power?  Let's talk.
Warm beer and bread, they say, could raise the dead.
Warm beer on a cold night.  Nothing better.
Warm boot: Something that comes immediately before a hot foot.
Warm chocolate coated....flesh
Warm father God, hugging every child,
Warm hands, cold heart.
Warm is better... trust me. - Dire Wolf
Warm up the bed honey, I'm comin' home.
Warm wash, do not iron, but do please reply to me.
Warm winds caress her, her lover it seems
Warm, warmer, disco
Warm, wet and sticky - eating a mango in the sun.
Warm...willing..and waiting.. so wot's keeping you :)
Warmed up cabbage wears out the poor master's life - Juvenal
Warmer, warmer, disco... -Mia
Warned you have been (Yoda)
Warner Bros. MIS/AmpTech Software. Burbank/Glendale Ca
Warner-Warner 1996 -- The Baloney in Slacks campaign
Warner-Warner @YEAR@ - The Baloney in Slacks campaign
Warning - I'm schizophrenic and I may mob you
Warning - Inserting keyboard in mouth can cause a short.
Warning - Objects in your mirror are dumber than they appear
Warning - The 'esc' key doesn't work in Leavenworth...
Warning - This message may be harmful to your ego.
Warning - moods subject to change without notice.
Warning BBS under construction!
Warning Earthlings! We Claudians hate fish!
Warning New User !
Warning Reality Overload!!  Escape to Star Trek &lt;Y/y&gt;
Warning Will Robinson...Warning
Warning blow up eminent!
Warning deleting this message will result in upmost horror!!!
Warning labels on cigarette ads but not on recruitment ads?
Warning on knife: "Caution.  Blade is sharp.  Keep out of children."
Warning plagerist tag line approaching
Warning sign:  Intel Inside
Warning sign: Ƹ   ڷm  G
Warning this pc protected by two cats with black belts in kimpo
Warning to criminals: Don't bother running. You'll only die tired!
Warning!  COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
Warning!  Do NOT try this at home!  We are PROFESSIONAL Idiots!
Warning!  Error in REALITY.SYS!  Proceed with BIGBANG.EXE
Warning!  I brake for golf carts.
Warning!  Incomprehensible action is about to occur
Warning!  Incomprehensible source follows!
Warning!  Life is subject to change without notice!
Warning!  MT-BEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded
Warning!  Please terminate GIF program. Your wife is coming.
Warning!  REALITY.SYS corrupted:  reboot universe? [Y/n]
Warning!  Tagline primary coolant leak failure!
Warning!  Tagline thieves abound.  See next message area for details!
Warning!  Taking me seriously can cause headaches.
Warning!  Tech support people are even dumber than you!!!
Warning!  Terminate .GIF program; your wife is coming.
Warning!  The Force is with me!
Warning!  The moderators break their own rules
Warning!  This post may contain a "stealth" .sig virus!
Warning!  This tagline fails CRC check!
Warning!  This vehicle is protected by attack faeries!
Warning!  Virus [MS Windows] detected.  Remove infestation (Y/Y)?
Warning!  Warning!:  Bookstore ahead, hide wallet.
Warning! 'Broken Record' Virus has been found in! Warning!
Warning! - This tagline is classified &lt;X rated  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Warning! ... Pass with care! ... Driver chews Skoal!
Warning! Area Protected by Highly Trained Attack-Sysop.
Warning! BEER.CAN not found! Operator unable to get loaded!
Warning! Bill Gates virus found. Variants: Windows, MSDOS
Warning! COLDBEER.CAN found, programmer probably loaded.
Warning! CONDOM.ZIP is a trojan!!
Warning! Do not reuse Tagline. Discard safely after use.
Warning! Don't try this at home!  I am a PROFESSIONAL Idiot!
Warning! Drinking tap water can kill your thirst!
Warning! Driver carries no more than $50 worth of ammunition
Warning! Humans in area... EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!
Warning! I Steal Taglines! (This one for example)
Warning! I accelerate for liberals!
Warning! I brake for golf carts.
Warning! I may contain up to .02% alcohol while posting.
Warning! Incomprehensible action is about to occur.
Warning! Incomprehensible source follows.
Warning! Long haired weirdo with an OLMR!
Warning! Mild Radiation Leak! Roll Up Windows!
Warning! Moderators send off-topic notices. Warning!
Warning! Monitor Coolant low. add 1 cup here ^
Warning! Mouse balls missing, unable to point and shoot!
Warning! Not Politically Correct
Warning! Objects in tagline are closer than they appear
Warning! Please terminate .GIF program. Your wife is coming.
Warning! Premises protected by a false sense of security!
Warning! Prosecutors will be violated!
Warning! Scan shows SysOp in nearby area!  Look innocent!
Warning! Scan shows Sysop in immediate area! Look Innocent
Warning! Smurfs are really baby Gamilons!
Warning! Tagline thieves abound
Warning! Tagline thieves abound. See next message area
Warning! Taking @N@ seriously can cause headaches
Warning! Taking Orville Bullitt seriously can cause headaches.
Warning! Taking Ross Perot seriously can cause headaches.
Warning! Taking seriously can cause headaches.
Warning! The Force is with me!
Warning! The moderators break their own rules.  Warning!
Warning! This PC is protected by a ferret with a black belt in Karate!
Warning! This Tagline fails CRC check!
Warning! This Tagline will self destruct in 10 seconds!
Warning! This house protected by killer dust bunnies!
Warning! This propperty protected by Virtual security patrol.
Warning! This recipe fails CRC check!
Warning! This tagline fails CRC check!
Warning! Too long for your wordprocessor to handle
Warning! Virus [MS Windows] detected. Remove infestation (Y/N)?
Warning! Warning!  Extreme danger! - Robot (Lost in Space)
Warning! Warning! Bookstore ahead, hide wallet.
Warning! Warning! Do NOT read the above message!!
Warning! Whimsical when  bored.
Warning! Wife.* will be deleted! (Y/N)? YYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Warning! k. d. lang has enetered the echo, hide your meat!
Warning! this could have been a -coded- Tagline!
Warning! when dos crashes and smoke comes out... Open windows 
Warning!!  There are no lifeguards in the gene pool!
Warning!!  There are no lifeguards in the gene pool!
Warning!!!  Do not open PANDORA.ZIP!!!
Warning!!!  This user pirates TagLines!!!!!!
Warning!!!  This user pirates recipes!!!!!!
Warning!!! Virus [Windows_95] found in memory. Run SCAN /CLEAN
Warning!!! Your local police are armed and dangerous.
Warning, Holodeck Program Corrupted - Enter At Own Risk
Warning, I byte!
Warning, Message Truncated!
Warning, This message may cause drowsiness.
Warning, Warning, lamer approaching, answers to the name
Warning, Warning, lamer approaching, answers to the name of Bill Gates
Warning, do not download SAFESEX.ZIP it is a trojan.
Warning, this is a plot complication.  Warning, this is a
Warning, warning -- moderator at the net!
Warning--Area Protected by Highly Trained Attack-Owls.
Warning. Scientists hazardous to your health.
Warning:  Aardvark crossing
Warning:  All prosecutors will be violated
Warning:  Contents under pressure.
Warning:  Convoluted mental pathways
Warning:  Dates in calendar are closer than they appear
Warning:  Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball
Warning:  Do not reuse tagline. Discard safely after use.
Warning:  Do not suspend disbelief directly overhead.
Warning:  Drinking water may kill your thirst!
Warning:  File LIFE.DOC fails CRC check!
Warning:  I Accelerate for liberals!
Warning:  I Steal Taglines! (This one for example)
Warning:  I am a trained professional.  No, Really!
Warning:  I am carrying a concealed broadsword.
Warning:  I don't brake for liberals!
Warning:  Klingon mating rituals may be hazardous to your health.
Warning:  Klingon sex rituals are hazardous to your health
Warning:  Moderator armed and shoots back!
Warning:  Moderators send off-topic notices.  Warning!
Warning:  Objects in her mirror are dumber than they appear
Warning:  Politicians can damage your wealth
Warning:  Removal of this tagline is prohibited by law!
Warning:  Shock hazard.  No user-serviceable components inside
Warning:  Taglines dangerous to disk space.
Warning:  Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space!
Warning:  The "ESC" key doesn't work in Leavenworth...
Warning:  This message is only funny after 2:00 am
Warning:  This message may cause drowsiness.
Warning:  This newsgroup is bugged.  Speak quietly
Warning:  Tribble overload.  All users deleted.
Warning:  Whimsical when bored
Warning:  recipes dangerous to disk space.
Warning:  this message will self-destruct in three minutes.
Warning: *Cats* chase Birds--could be habit forming!--jkb
Warning: Accordian playing is dangerous for some women
Warning: Air conditioned environment.  Do not open Windows!
Warning: All prosecutors will be violated.
Warning: Area Protected by Highly Trained Attack Butterflies.
Warning: Avoid crowds. Keep to open spaces. Get struck by lightning!
Warning: BASEBALL.BAT not found.  Riot anyway (Y/n)?
Warning: Bobbitt V 2.0 is a hacked version.
Warning: CLINTON.COM contains the STONED virus!
Warning: CONGRESS.SYS corrupted  Reboot Wash.DC  y/n?
Warning: CONGRESS.SYS corrupted. Reboot WASH.DC (Y/n)
Warning: CONGRESS.SYS corrupted. Reboot Washington DC (y/n)?
Warning: Contents under pressure.
Warning: Dates On Calendar Are Closer Than They Appear
Warning: Dates in calender are closer than they appear
Warning: Do not reuse tagline. Discard safely after use.
Warning: Do not stare into laser with remaining good eye.
Warning: Double-Insulated Tag %$# Zzzztt Zaap not EarthED
Warning: Driver only carries 20 rounds in spare clip
Warning: File LIFE.DOC fails CRC check!
Warning: Hard Disk Hazard Ahead!
Warning: I accelerate my car for conservatives.
Warning: I am mean and my dog is hungry.
Warning: I don't brake for Liberals!
Warning: I have PMS, AND I have a gun in my handbag.
Warning: I have all the necessary qualities to be an excellent poltergeist
Warning: I was raised by humans
Warning: If you try this at home don't name it after me!
Warning: Ignore all previous fortune cookie fortunes
Warning: Incoming Enemy Misslײm&gt;NO HARRIER
Warning: It Is A Federal Offense To Remove This Tagline
Warning: Legs crossing
Warning: Mail reading can be additive
Warning: Media Virus detected.
Warning: Modems can be hazardous to your wealth!
Warning: Moderator Crossing
Warning: Moderator armed and shoots back!
Warning: Moderator is a horse gelder by trade and needs practice.
Warning: Not Politically Correct
Warning: Objects in mirror are stupider than they appear.
Warning: Politicians can be hazardous to your wealth
Warning: Politicians can damage your wealth.
Warning: SAFESEX.ZIP is a Trojan.
Warning: Staring at your CRT may cause drain bamage!
Warning: Taglines are not to be taken seriously!
Warning: The Sysop is watching you!
Warning: The author of this message has Patriot's Disease!
Warning: The surgeon General has started smoking!
Warning: There are no lifeguards in the gene pool!
Warning: Thinking may cause failure to vote.
Warning: This Tagline may be hazardous to your health.
Warning: This is an UNREGISTERED tagline.
Warning: This person reads fantasy and is an avid denier of reality
Warning: This tagline will self-destruct.
Warning: Too many messages can be hazardous to you health
Warning: Tribble overload.  All users deleted.
Warning: Voltage Spikes can he hazardous to your Compuer
Warning: When used as directed, cigarettes kill
Warning: Wife reading Limbaugh Echo. will result.
Warning: Windows Found Delete (Y/Y)
Warning: Windows found -=Use Real Operating System=-
Warning: Writer of this message has a .QWK Wit...
Warning: Your IBM may not be fully clone compatible
Warning: Your tagline is low. Pull up! Pull...**##!!@@aargh!
Warning: _REALITY_OVERLOAD_ !!  Escape to Star Trek &lt;Y/y&gt;
Warning: any recipe I see is fair game.
Warning: any tagline I see is fair game.
Warning: bonds skin.
Warning: changing your mind may affect your behaviour!
Warning: contains asbestos. ('twas asbestos I could do.)
Warning: drinking water may kill your thirst!
Warning: eating food may kill your hunger!
Warning: not responsible for contents of posts made after
Warning: not responsible for contents of posts made after midnight ;-}
Warning: system is crashing in 10 seconds
Warning: thinking to excess may cause failure to vote Republican.
Warning: this could have been a -coded- tagline!
Warning: virus detected. Panic Warning: OS/2 doesn't support backups!
Warning: writer under the influence of a cute, purring cat
Warning:This tagline protected by trained attack bytes!
Warnings are for wimps! -Moderator Rule #2
Warnings.. I don't need no stinking warnings
Warp - A "cheap imitation" of Microsoft's VaporWare!
Warp 13, the next best thing to being there, and there, and there
Warp 2 (Star Trek)   WarpED 2 (Clinton/Gore)
Warp 3 Scotty, and close those damned Windows!
Warp 5  Engage. No, no, Mr. Data, more clutch!
Warp 5 ..engage!  No! No! Mr. Data, ease the clutch, don't drop it!
Warp 5 engage.  No, no, Mr. Data, more clutch!
Warp 5, Engage. No, NO! More clutch, Data, more CLUTCH!
Warp 5, Engage.. $%^#!! More clutch, Data! MORE CLUTCH!
Warp 5, Mr. Sulu. No, more clutch!
Warp 5, engage  No, Mr. Data, more clutch!
Warp 5.  Engage.  No.  No!  More clutch, Data, more clutch!
Warp 5.. engage.  No, no, Mr. Data, more clutch!
Warp 6.  -- Riker     Aye sir, full impulse.  -- Geordi
Warp 7 -- It's a law we can live with.
Warp 9 in &lt;5&gt;.&lt;4&gt;.&lt;3&gt;.&lt;2&gt;.&lt;1&gt; Sputter...Clunk.
Warp 9? I Canna do it Captain-The modems will overheat!
Warp Drive @offline: (R)etry (G)o to Impulse (C)all Geordi
Warp Drive, Mr. Scott
Warp Engine 4Sale w/ Holley dblpmp, comp cam. $400 or best offer.
Warp II , Scotty
Warp Nacelles on a SD70MAC!
Warp Nacelles on a VW Beetle...MORE POWER! R! R! R!
Warp OS will have the WPS loaded
Warp Speed Bones! Oh, sorry
Warp Speed, Mr. Sulu... Engage!!
Warp drive is for the Warped, hyperspace is for the Hyper
Warp drive offline:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (C)all Geordi?
Warp factor eight, Mr Sulu... Hey! Wait 'til I'm on board!!
Warp factor nine Mr Sulu..hey wait till I'm on board!!
Warp speed mister Sulu... and hit the lights!
Warp, OS of the future.
Warp-ed And Running Error Free!
Warp: Watching Microsoft become a dot in the rear Window!
Warp: What Microsoft hopes to deliver in Windows98.
Warp: When only the best will do
Warped and proud of it!
Warped mind and proud of it.
Warped minds think along the same curve
Warped, and proud of it.
Warranty --- If it breaks, both halves are yours.
Warranty and guarantee clauses are voided by payment of t
Warranty does not cover Windows.
Warranty void if tag(line) removed.
Warranty void if this tagline is removed!
Warranty void upon final payment
Warranty voided on payment of invoice.
Warranty voided upon final payment
Warranty voided upon payment of invoice.
Warranty voided upon receipt of final payment
Warranty: If it breaks, both halves are yours.
Warranty? 3 minutes or 3 ft whichever comes 1st
Warren B. Rudman, Senator (N.H.), was an Eagle Scout.
Warren Commission Virus:  Won't let you open files for 75 years
Warren Commission Virus: Seals your files for 75 years.
Warriors On The World...By Marx! - Joel & Bots sing
Warriors from Hell's Domain will bring you to your Death
Warriors from the gates of Hell, in Lord Satan we trust!
Wars are not fought to decide who is right - only who is left.
Wars are paid for by the possession of reserves.  -Thucydides
Wars don't decide who's right. They decide who's left
Wars kill people. Governments cause wars. Let's ban government!
Wars not make one great.
Wars on nations change maps. War on poverty maps change - Muhammad Ali
Wart-hog [n] The result of crossing a pig with a frog.
Warte, warte noch ein Weilchen ... - J. Hingsen
Warum Heiraten, Leasing ist doch so einfach
Warum Tierversuche, nehmt doch Windows User !
Warum benutzen Beamte dreilagiges Toilettenpapier ? Weil Sie fuer jeden Scheiss zwei Durchschlaege brauchen
Warum engagiert mich keiner als Tester ?
Warum hat mich niemand daran erinnert, eine Brandschutzverordnung zu erlassen? - Nero
Warum ich Elfen hasse? Weils Spass macht! :)
Warum ich kein Cl*ustaler trinke ?
Warum immer ich ?
Warum ist am Ende vom Geld noch soviel Monat uebrig ?
Warum ist die oesterreichische Flagge rot-weiss-rot? So kann man sie nicht falsch herum aufhaengen
Warum riecht das denn so komisch ??
Warum schrieben sie ueber solche Themen? - Nein
Warum sollte ich einen Zoll bezahlen, nur weil ich einen Deich ueberqueren will? - H. Haien
Warum verletzt man immer die am meisten, die man liebt?
Warum werden Frauen seit 5000 Jahren unterdrckt ? - Weil es isch bewhrt hat !
Was *anybody* on that ship working for me? - Chakotay
Was ANYONE on that ship working for me? - Chakotay
Was Adam an Eavesdropper?
Was Aladdin the first Genie-us grant recipient?
Was Beehtoven's 1st movement done in the toilet or privy?
Was Bjorn Borg a robotized E.T.? --The Daily Tabloid
Was Clinton lying before the election or after?  Yes.
Was Clinton's first trip abroad a broad?
Was Cousin "It" the world's first tribble?
Was David Koresh the Waco Wacko?
Was Dracula a "suck-up"?
Was Fido a bad dog?
Was General George Custer an aficionado of arrow shirts?
Was Gertrude Stein a Vogon? - Next on Geraldo
Was Humpty Dumpty guilty? Was he assassinated? By whom?
Was I back to normal? - Odo
Was I great, or what?
Was I out of my head? Was I out of my mind? - Fastball
Was I reincarnated, or did someone just unNEW my file?
Was I reincarnated, or did someone just unerase my .SAV file?
Was I singing?  I thought I was dancing. -- Hawkeye
Was I speaking Latin again?
Was I suppose to take the Fish out of the Bag?
Was Jimi Hendix' modem a purple Hayes?
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a        Purple Hayes    ?
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a ' `[1;35mPurple Hayes  `[0m?
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a Purple Hayes ?...? Oh, yeah, baby
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a Purple Hayes?
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem a `[1;35mPurple Hayes`[0m?
Was Jimi Hendrix's modem was a Purple Hayes?
Was Newton using his head?
Was Nietzsche the first existentialist?  Explain your answer.
Was Robin Hood's children known as "Hoodlums?"
Was Robin Hood's mother Motherhood?
Was Robin Hood's mother known as Mother Hood?
Was Roy Rodgers a Trigger Happy Cowboy?
Was Roy Rogers the original Trigger man?
Was Sigmund Freud the Wizard of Id?
Was Steely Dan really a cleptomaniac?
Was Tasha Yar the Enterprise's expert on Data entry?
Was Trelane Q as a child?
Was Wile E. Coyote a member of MENSA?
Was a bird? Was a plane? No, it was a Meteor Warp 9
Was able to locate SF Boof -- System Halted!
Was anyone hurt? - Winn
Was assimilated by the Borg
Was bei uns der Arbeitsplatz, ist in Mexiko die Siesta
Was born an acrobat but landed on his head.
Was das Leben betrifft, sind wir alle Amateure
Was dropped on his head when he was a baby.
Was first in line for brains, but ended up holding the door open.
Was getting on the bus dressed like this really a good idea? - Nene
Was he joking?  What am I saying, he's a Vulcan! -- McCoy
Was he properly impressed by the depth of your expertise? -- Kira
Was he receiving special treatment? - Scully
Was he the one who had the lobotomy? Orville asked absent-mindedly
Was hiding behind the door when they passed out brains.
Was it "break ground and fly into the wind," or...?
Was it Admiral Hatchew that said, "Damn the QWacKs, full Wave ahead!"
Was it Bill who said, "A prostitute is never prone to argue."?
Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?     The Palindromic Pig
Was it General Hatchew that said, "Damn the QWacKs, Blue Wave ahead!"?
Was it Officer Barbrady? Mr. Garrison? The 1988 Denver Broncos?
Was it REALLY necessary to put the whole station in jeopardy? -Sisko
Was it a car or a cat I saw
Was it a rat I saw?
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
Was it as good for youah, who cares
Was it by any chance ... SATAN!
Was it food, or was it Memorex? - Yakko
Was it good for you Shamoo?
Was it good for you, too, @FN@?
Was it good for you, too, @TOFIRST@?
Was it good for you, too, YOU?
Was it good?  Did it have raisins in it?
Was it just me, or did that last message SUCK?
Was it just me, or was that last message DUMB?
Was it love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
Was it love, or just the idea of being in love? - Pink Floyd
Was it love?  Or just the idea of BEING in love?
Was it my rippling glutials that did it to you? - Mike, MST3K
Was it something I said?    She's a virgin, she just told me. SEINFELD
Was it something I said?   Timon
Was it something we said? - Yakko
Was it you or your brother who was killed in the war? - Rev. William Spooner
Was it you who stole the Home Stone of Ar..?
Was it you who twitted the moderator?
Was left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby
Was my SOY LOAF left out in th'RAIN?  It tastes REAL GOOD!!
Was my XT ALWAYS this slow???
Was my wife outspoken?  Not by anyone I know of.....
Was napping in the nut pile the day God was cracking nuts.
Was playing poker with Tarot cards I got a flush .. 5 people died!
Was she a Q?  No, there was a Vash difference
Was she good? - Trapper. My lips may never walk again. - Hawkeye.
Was silk invented so women could go naked in clothes?
Was thaT a bAd speLliNg, no jUst aN oVer cHarged BT phOne liNe.@~#$%&!
Was that Aussat satellite that blew up, Austel Approved?
Was that YOU on America's Most Wanted last night?!
Was that YOUR wife I saw me with the other night?
Was that _your_ spouse I saw in that .GIF?
Was that a 0 or an O?
Was that a UFO that just smoked us??
Was that a joke?  Am I missing something?
Was that an African or European swallow?
Was that an insult? Or did I miss something?
Was that bang big enough for you, Brigadier?  - Fourth Doctor
Was that blue?...Or was it just a pigment of my imagination?
Was that deodorant or hair spray?
Was that funny? - Data
Was that green drink that Data gave Scotty liquid Ganja?!
Was that lame or what? -- Crow T. Robot
Was that one of Guinan's hats that just flew by at Warp 9.9999?
Was that over the top?  I can never tell... - Riddler/BATMAN FOREVER
Was that over the top?  I can never tell... -- The Riddler
Was that yes to nuke Russia or... number two? -- Unnamed Blue Blazer
Was that you I saw in that Adult gif, Bob??
Was that you I saw in that Adult gif, Charlene??
Was that you I saw in that Adult gif, Rick??
Was that you I saw in that Adult gif, Tinkerbell??
Was that you I saw in that Adult gif??
Was that your Girlfriend I saw in the GIF?
Was that your wife I saw in that .GIF last night?
Was that your wife I saw in that GIF.
Was that your wife I saw in that Grasp animation?
Was the Enterprise built by the lowest bidder?
Was the One Ring made of Krell metal?
Was the dark of the moon on the fifth of June
Was the ground cold when you crawled out this morning?
Was there anybody in here? - Checkov ST:G
Was there ever a man more misunderstood? - 007 (Thunderball)
Was there life before coffee ???
Was there wit once from whence there was whining?
Was this another one of your holosuite adventures?--Danny Davids
Was this post pay for view? I've already seen it!
Was this post supposed to be On Topic?
Was this post supposed to be on-topic???
Was this song in Esperanto? - Crow on heavy metal song
Was this supposed to be connected to my jockstrap? - Crow
Was today really necessary?
Was told Geo. Washington was bled to death by folks wanting to help.
Was you born that way, or did your mama marry an armadillo?
Was you ever bit by a dead bee?
Was you father an alien? No, why? Because there's nothing else like you on earth!
Was your dad king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you
Was your father a farmer? Because you sure have grown some nice melons!
Was:  Wine, Women & Song.  Now:  Beer, The Old Lady, & TV!
Wasabi is of course the best reason to eat sushi.
Wasatch Brew Pub:  We Drink Our Share And Sell the Rest. Park City, U
Wash DC--Southern Efficiency, Northern Charm
Wash all our heartaches away... - Moody Blues
Wash away my troubles, wash away my cares, on the road to Shambala
Wash me down with Aunt Jemima! - Joel sings about waffles
Wash the windows once a week
Wash your CGA monitor's screen with LSD, and get 16.7 million colours!
Wash your face in the morning, neck at night.
Wash your hands before returning to the keyboard
Wash'in the dog!  Wash'in the dog!! -- Beavis and Butthead
Washed the Kat; took HOURS to get the hair off my tongue!
Washetti:  What left of a tissue that has gone through the wash.
Washing Windows is better than running it.
Washing machine: The place where socks disappear.
Washing the dog! Washing the dog! Washing the dog!
Washing the dog,Washing the Daawg. Washing the dog, Washing the dawwg.
Washing windows is better than using Windows
Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.
Washington D.C. (Corruption, Crime, Cesspool, Clinton)
Washington D.C. - What Liberals can do with a good idea
Washington D.C. is *NOT* the village I want to help raise *MY* kids!
Washington D.C.: 26 square miles surrounded by reality.
Washington D.C.: living proof that gun control doesn't work!
Washington D.C.:87 sq.miles surrounded by reality
Washington DC - Home of corruption and danger to freedom!
Washington DC simulator: Sin City
Washington DC: America's work-free drug place.
Washington DC: Southern Efficiency, Northern Charm...!
Washington Rain Festival - Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 :-{
Washington [D.C.] is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm
Washington [D.C.] is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm. -- John F. Kennedy
Washington file transfer: PKZIP A:IRS_CHK.ZIP \MONEY\*.*
Washington is a joke.  Have you laughed lately??OJW
Washington is great! 12 million slugs CAN'T be wrong!
Washington it AIN'T your money! - Rush
Washington, D.C.   Wasting your money since 1810
Washington, D.C.  26 square miles surrounded by reality
Washington, D.C. has the best politicians money can buy,,,
Washington, D.C.: America's Work-Free Drug Capitol
Washington, D.C.: America's Work-Free Drug Capitol
Washington, D.C.: America's work-free drug place
Washington, D.C.: the "left" armpit of America.
Washington, D.C: Fifty square miles almost completely surrounded by reality
Washington, DC (motto: Don't laugh, you're paying for it)
Washington, DC *
Washington, DC : Northern Charm, Southern Efficiency
Washington, DC: America's work-free drug place.
Washington, DC: School for MODERATORS.
Washington, DC: Where perception is everything, and reality nothing.
Washington: it ain't YOUR money! - Rush Limbaugh
Washingtonians never tan -- they just rust!
Washuu-chan, you're scheming something, right? -Tenchi
Wasn't Armgeddon today? - Orion Darkwood
Wasn't EZ-Reader a child's 1st Grade Tutorial.
Wasn't Jimi Hendrix's modem a purple Hayes?
Wasn't Wyatt Earp a pun-slinger?
Wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
Wasn't anybody working for ME?! -- Chakotay
Wasn't anyone on that ship working for me?! - Chakotay
Wasn't he caucasian earlier? - Crow
Wasn't he caucasian earlier? -- Crow T. Robot
Wasn't he the little girl in the Cowsills? - Crow
Wasn't madness the final logical conclusion? - The Stand
Wasn't strapped in during launch.
Wasn't there a cliff around herrrrrrrr***** NO BARRIER
Wasn't there a cliff around herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Waste - it's a terrible thing to mind!
Waste Water  - By Sue Ridgepipe
Waste in the `80s: Clouds will now be lined with zinc.
Waste is a terrible thing to mind.
Waste not fresh tears over old griefs
Waste not fresh tears over old griefs. - Euripides (431 BC)
Waste not, get your budget cut next year.
Waste not, want not
Waste not, want not // Waste not seen is the most obscene
Waste not, want not.
Waste not, want not. Turn off the Doctor when you leave
Wastebasket, n. - Next to the dog, man's best friend
Wastebasket:  Something to throw things near
Wasted days and wasted nights
Wasteful: Using a 14.4k modem to call mostly 2400 BBSes
Wastin' away again in Margaritaville...   Jimmy Buffet
Wasting Areoflot Planes with BB Guns - Nelson
Wasting away again in Margaritaville
Wasting hundreds if not thousands of dollars every time I post
Wasting my time, resting my mind -Floyd
Wasting time is a fun part of living, and it's free!
Wasting time is an important part of life.
Wasting time is an important part of my life.  This is proof!
Wat do you mean they've repossessed the Enterprise?
Wat er ook gebeurt, doe steeds alsof het de bedoeling was
Wat isn CalvaDOS? n UNIXderivat,  watt??
Wat zeg je, Bert?
Watch "Platypus Man."  The crew of Voyager does!!!
Watch & learn, Stink Bombs - Dr. F to Mike/Bots
Watch 'yer top knot!
Watch For Weasels. *Listen* for turtles.
Watch Fox and be damned for all eternity! - Ned Flanders
Watch My Ass, Not Hers!
Watch Out For Spencer, He's Spinning.Oh..S#!t !!!
Watch Out!  New, beta tagline in use!
Watch Rush!  Get Limbotomized!
Watch TV in your pyjamas
Watch TV with the volume off and the stereo on.
Watch YOUR spelling, but don't worry the other guy about his.
Watch a sunrise at least once a year.
Watch a sunrise at least once a year. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Watch all-night Donna Reed reruns until your mind resembles oatmeal
Watch and Pray, That Ye Enter Not Into Temptation !!
Watch and learn
Watch and learn, Stink Bombs... -- Dr. Forrester
Watch and learn. - Troi. (FoE)
Watch and learn...
Watch as I dance in glee!--Tom Chorlton
Watch for Aardvarks!
Watch for Earl Hollimania, coming to your town soon - Tom
Watch for Terminator III.  It has built in access to the IRS.
Watch for big problems.  They disguise big opportunities.
Watch for falling taglines
Watch for falling taglines &lt;BONK&gt; I warned you!
Watch for giant snowflakes!
Watch for the new improved Democratic four finger glove
Watch her every move...Superconductor -RUSH
Watch her every moveSuperconductor
Watch how we used to fill the empty spaces -Pink Floyd
Watch it - You're trying my infinite patience
Watch it Smithers! That sponge has corners, you know. - Monty Burns
Watch it or I'll slap you with my purse!.
Watch it!  It's a Trojan!
Watch it!  The paranoids are out to take over the world!
Watch it! I'm out to steal your Tagline!
Watch it! You are trying my infinite patience!
Watch it! You're talking about the woman I love - Tom
Watch it, Fox! -Falco
Watch it, Smithers.  That sponge has corners, you know. -- Burns
Watch it, buster.  You're trying my infinite patience
Watch it, or I'll sic the moderator on ya!
Watch it, you overgrown grease stain! - Lawrence Limburger
Watch me come on to a grocer - Tom as bread man
Watch me goose the sleeping dragon over there!  huhahuhahuhahuh!!!
Watch me pull a Romulan out of my hat!  ...#&~!kbm NO CARRIER
Watch me pull a Romulan out of my hat...... NO CARRIER
Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat...oops wrong hat
Watch me walk around the pool 785 times.  --Brian Wilson
Watch my casket, will ya? - Crow as zombie
Watch my casket, will ya? -- Crow T. Robot
Watch my dreams. -- Kryten
Watch my mind become a desert where nothing grows.
Watch our smoke!
Watch our smoke!........
Watch out ! You're surrounded by a lunatic !
Watch out Benji$%$^&#@#NO TERRIER
Watch out Stan!  Genetic engineers are crazy. - Kyle, South Park
Watch out everyone, Guy's gonna upload
Watch out folks, Fish Guy's gonna swim!!! - The Mask
Watch out for BARAK'S CRAZY MOTHER, @F!
Watch out for RF... IT BURNS LIKE HELL!!!  8-()
Watch out for Shadows.  They move when you're not looking. Sinclair
Watch out for answered prayer! God loves YOU!!!!
Watch out for anything out of the ordinary. - Mulder
Watch out for artificial insinuation! 
Watch out for barking dogs that bite
Watch out for falling grandmothers !
Watch out for feet sharks (a cat at play) -Kandie Cat, meow
Watch out for irregular verbs which has crope into our language.
Watch out for low flying butterflies
Watch out for mountain sized meteor parts - Mike
Watch out for non-satanic messages (i.e. "Drink Milk")
Watch out for nosebleeds and Trek-FX-Sparklies (tm). - Anna Steven
Watch out for number one, but don't step in number two
Watch out for off-by-one errors.
Watch out for shadows.  They move when you're not looking at them.
Watch out for that bottl*&^%&*&%$#@ NO PERRIER
Watch out for that buzz-saw! said Tom offhandedly
Watch out for that cliff, Conan #$*&(^NO BARBARIAN
Watch out for that dog ..... NO TERRIER
Watch out for that dog%$^4urijr03(*(*^NO TERRIER
Watch out for that slicing machine, Tom said disarmingly
Watch out for that slicing machine, Tom said offhandedly
Watch out for that slicing machine, said Tom disarmingly.
Watch out for that...[aaaAAAaaAAAAaaaah--*!&lt;CRASH&gt;!*--OOOOONH!] tree!
Watch out for that[aaaAAAaaaAAAaaah - &gt;CRASH&lt; - OOONH!] ...tree!
Watch out for the Alerted Snakes of Consequence. - Mindplayers
Watch out for the giant flying space ravioli!
Watch out for the poison ivy, Tom said rationally
Watch out for the round addressed "To whom it may concern
Watch out for the tongue! - Crow after passionate kiss
Watch out for those chocolate diskettes!
Watch out for those offensive speed humps!
Watch out for your socks.--Data
Watch out guys! Give him room! He's got a MAGNET!!!
Watch out kiddies!, Michael will be back in a few years.
Watch out what you pray for - you might just get it
Watch out where the Huskies go and don't you eat that yel
Watch out where the huskies go... --Zappa
Watch out!  He's got a pun, and he's not afraid to use it.
Watch out!  That jump jet is gonna crash! $% NO HARRIER
Watch out!  There's a tagline pirate about!
Watch out!  Your PKZIP is open!
Watch out!  aeta tester at work
Watch out! Gary's measuring quotes to see if they will make taglines.
Watch out! The Borg is attacking your computer right now
Watch out! The paranoids are out to take over the world!
Watch out! There's a recipe pirate about!
Watch out! There's a tagline pirate about!
Watch out! aeta tester at work...
Watch out!! they're behind you!
Watch out, @FN@ - gentle hugs and kisses headed your way!
Watch out, Chum, those aren't hard candies! - Tick, about bullets
Watch out, I pull on my walking shoes !
Watch out, YOU - gentle hugs and kisses headed your way!
Watch out, for I am the cleavers of death!
Watch out, he's got a broken candle stick!
Watch out, he's got a broken milk carton!
Watch out, or I'll transfer you to DS9 and make you Bashir's assistant
Watch out, the Moderator is on the warpath
Watch out, warm fuzzies headed your way!
Watch out.  The brownshirts are in the government.
Watch out... the paranoids are after you
Watch out...Your next tagline may end up as MY tagline!
Watch out...Your next witticism may end up as my tagline
Watch out..the paranoids are after you.
Watch that Coke can, don't drop !$@#$^&%  NO CARRIER
Watch that East Gate... it's murder!....(HAB, 995 BC)
Watch that Nixon guy!  He's come back from worse!
Watch that aardvark, he'll eat your aunt.
Watch that bottl#@!$ NO PERRIER
Watch the Smurfs.  Root for Gargamel.
Watch the Smurfs?  Do you root for Gargamel?
Watch the canopy when you punch out, Jack!
Watch the children learn God's jig - Course of Empire
Watch the children learn the dance - Course of Empire
Watch the jewels! --Salmoneus
Watch the mountains! -Goose
Watch the sanity line weaken.
Watch the short jokes or I'll bite you on the ankle!
Watch the world go up in fire
Watch this guy!  Keep watching this guy!
Watch this space
Watch this space for an original recipe for Cat Chili.
Watch this space for future ads
Watch this space.                Blink now.   Now go away.
Watch this space.                Now blink.   Now go to next message.
Watch this.  &lt;daaaaaBIFF&gt;
Watch this.  Right in the butt! -- Crow T. Robot
Watch this. I saw it in a movie once. - Tick trying to make diamonds
Watch this. Right in the butt! - Crow
Watch where you bleed, we just had the carpet cleaned!
Watch where you go, remember where you've been.
Watch where you point that thing, Tom said carefully.
Watch where you're goin'...remember where you've been
Watch your Back Myra I
Watch your attitude buddy.  I'll sic the moderator on you.
Watch your attitude, I'll sic the moderator on you!
Watch your attitude.  It's the first think people notice about you.
Watch your back - hot files coming through!
Watch your back, @TOFIRST@
Watch your back, Michael. Watch your back. --Jeffrey Sinclair
Watch your back, Orville.
Watch your back, conserve ammo, and NEVER cut deals with dragons.
Watch your back, homie. - Beavis
Watch your fire, and check your targets. &lt;Apone&gt;
Watch your habits; they become character
Watch your kids, if Michael had a chance, he would too.
Watch your mouth #TN#, or you'll find yourself floating home.
Watch your pennies--the government will take care of your dollars.
Watch your step. You're in my camp now.- Andy Cord
Watch your tone with me, for you dance with death - and worse- Phoenix
Watch your tongue, lad! You're talking about Mudd the First! Mudd
Watch your tounge Cardassian, or I'll rip it out & eat it! - B'Etor
Watch yourself! No one else can stand to.
Watch: Planet of the Amazon Modem Zombies!
Watcha' reading, Andy? (c)1993 JP
Watchdog barkin' Do he bite? Kill my landlord, Kill my landlord. -SNL
Watchdog reset
Watched over by a South American dictator - Mike on guard
Watched over by a South American dictator... -- Mike Nelson
Watched the men who sailed you switch from sail to steam
Watches "Beavis and Butthead" to learn vocabulary.
Watchin and droolin, wishin and foolin with
Watchin and droolin, wishin and foolin with ..........
Watching Geraldo causes AIDS: Next on Donahue.
Watching Oprah causes cancer.  Next on Donahue.
Watching Rush excite liberals is the best thing since cat
Watching and waiting, for someone to understand me
Watching the hole, it used to be mine - NIN
Watching them turn you into a tart on national TV.. - Charlene
Watchmaker: A guy who has lots of time on his hands
Watchmen, what of the night...?
Watchtower! - Mike as zombie at door
Watchwords are words you can see as they are spoken.
Watcom VX-REXX for OS/2: The fast way to create beautiful apps
Water + Malt + Hops + Yeast = Satisfaction
Water Bed Store: Your vinyl resting place.
Water Dragon-Schpeltor-Knight of Gold-Patraqshie-Destiny    KOG series
Water Polo - a REAL contact sport
Water Skiers do it with cuts.
Water and words...easy to pour, impossible to recover.Chinese Proverb
Water can both float and sink a ship.
Water cleanses you know
Water created humans so it would have containers.
Water detected in Drive A, starting spin dry now!
Water feels great! - Tom in hot tub
Water go down the hole... -- Baby Plucky
Water holds no scars
Water in the West runs uphill toward money.
Water is a fine drink, if taken in the right spirit!
Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water
Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water
Water is never tired of flowing
Water is the only drink for a wise man. - Henry David Thoreau
Water kills more people than alchohol. Remember the flood?
Water my ass!  Get this guy some Pepto Bismol!
Water taken in moderation, cannot do very much harm.
Water wears the rock
Water will always travel the path of most anoyance
Water! People swim in water!
Water! People swim in water!  [Tick]
Water's deadly; All who drank it during Norman Conquest are now dead!
Water's deadly; Most who drank it have died - The rest will eventually
Water's precious.   Walter Huston
Water, Avian, room temp.                         - Troi
Water, Avian, room temp. - Troi
Water, Water.  Hmmm, Hmmm. Oil, Oil. Room Service, Room Service.
Water, fascinating!  I never touch the stuff myself
Water, in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.
Water, taken in moderation cannot hurt anybody.	-- Mark Twain
Water, water everywhere...not a drop to drip.
Water, water, everywhere, so lets all have a drink! - Homer
Water.  Evian.  Cold. -- Troi
Water... facinating... never touch the stuff myself... -- Londo
Water: liquid that freezes slippery side up.
Water?  Fascinating, I've never touched the stuff myself!
Water?  Never touch the stuff - fish ork in it
Water?  Never touch the stuff... fish fornicate in it.
Water? Personally, I never touch the stuff
WaterWorld: I give it 3.25 Fresh Salmon and I want the girl!
Waterboard Bush!!
Waterboard Cheney!!
Waterdeep? Never heard of it
Waterdeep? Never heard of it
Waterdeep? Never heard of it
Watergate '74, Whitewatergate '94. Clinton & Nixon: perfe
Watergate hurt, but nothing changed, we still play our little games
Watergate was *one* lie, and no dead bodies. - Rush
Watermellon: a good fruit, eat, drink, wash your face.
Watermelon man! -- Mike Nelson
Watermelon--it's a good fruit.  You eat, you drink, you wash your face
Waterproof spreadsheet: Floatus 123
Waterproof teabags.
Waterproof your child..Use Thompson's water seal
Waters's cat? Sorry, I haven't seen it.
Watership Down:  Read the book?  Then try the stew!
Watership Down: You've read the book.  You've seen the movie.  Now eat the stew!
Waterville, Maine - it's illegal to blow your nose in public.
Waterways Of The World - By Sue S. Canal
Watson !  Are you deaf, man?  Get your ass in here, NOW !
Watson !  Come in here. I want you, I love you, I NEED you !
Watson! Check out that Adler babe!
Watson! Come here! I need you!
Watson!!!  Come quick!  I need you!
Watson's Law: The reliability of machinery is inversely proportional to the number and significance of any persons watching it
Watson, the game's afoot!
Watson, the game's afoot! - Holmes
Watt wood eye dew wit out mice pill Czech air?
Watt? Does Electronic Mail keep you abreast of "Current" events?
Wattybombatty stole this tagline
Wave Rider 1.20
Wave Rider rides "QWK/B Waves" without daaa-DOS
Wave Tagline: _.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._.-~`~-._
Wave To Your Friends. Word To Your Mother
Wave at kids on school busses. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Wave flag, spout dogma, thump bible, denigrate the other guys
Wave the Prime Directive 'bye.  We live, our redshirts die.
Wave to your neighbor, Word to your mother.
Wave/QWK v2.12
Waveless waterbed: A waterbed visited by a cat.
Waves and waves of searing pain! It's in agony! - Spock
Waves are caused by whale farts.
Wavishing wench wanted to welease Woderick-apply within
Wax your candle
Way  1 to skin a cat: A weed-eater.
Way  2 to skin a cat: A sander with 36 grit sandpaper.
Way  3 to skin a cat: A Bic lighter and Gasoline.
Way  4 to skin a cat: Honey, a stake, and fireants.
Way  5 to skin a cat: Hydorchloric Acid.
Way  6 to skin a cat: A lawnmower.
Way  7 to skin a cat: Krazy glue and a toothbrush.
Way  7 to skin a cat: Use honey, a stake, and fireants.
Way  8 to skin a cat: Use Hydorchloric Acid.
Way #7 to skin a cat:  Use honey, a stake, and fireants.
Way 1 to skin a cat: A weed-eater.
Way 15 to skin a cat: Use Krazy glue and a toothbrush.
Way 2 to skin a cat: A sander with 36 grit sandpaper.
Way 3 to skin a cat: A Bic lighter and Gasoline.
Way 4 to skin a cat: Honey, a stake, and fireants.
Way 5 to skin a cat: Hydorchloric Acid.
Way 6 to skin a cat: A lawn mower
Way 8 to skin a cat: Use Hydorchloric Acid.
Way 9 to skin a cat: Use a lawn mower
Way Too Much is Not Nearly Enough.
Way back to the early days of...STUFF - Crow as narrator
Way back when our forefathers were only two fathers
Way back, going,going, foul, "I HATE THAT"!!
Way down inside honey, you need it, I'm gonna give you my love -Zep
Way link!  O'Brien
Way more than even Darth Vader - Gypsy writes Adam West
Way on past the boulevards, out here underneath the stars.
Way t'guard the government, you jerk! -- Tom Servo
Way to accelerate a MAC #12: Fire it from a cannon.
Way to go Ernie! You can win this one, too!!!
Way to go, Big John. - Hawkeye to Trapper
Way to go, Idaho! -- Hamm
Way to go, clumsy
Way too much is Not nearly enough!
Way, total way, total curds and way!
Wayne Dolcefino of Borg: Resistance is futile, HISD
Wayne Knows BlueWave!
Wayne Newton, Sigfried & Roy, and the CFL?  Why not?
Wayne Trek: She can take a whole lot more o'this, cap'n..., NOT!
Wayne has no Elvis in him.
Wayne's Assembler:  BX...NOT!!!
Wayne's World C Programming Style Guide: A == B; !;
Wayne's World C Programming Style Guide: A == B; !;
Wayne's World Headquarters - a desk without orders.
Waynes World:  "Two chimps on a devenport in a basement."
Wayron Spring Roll - Crow on Japanese country singer
Ways to accelerate a Macintosh #12: fire it from a cannon.
Ways to skin a cat #27: Use an electric belt sander.
Ways to skin a cat #34:  Nair and gasoline.
Ways to skin a cat: #08 - Use Hydorchloric Acid.
Ways to skin a cat: #27 - Use an electric belt sander.
Ways to skin a cat: #34 - Use a pit bull
Wben a man is always late for dinner, either his wife is a poor cook, or he has a pretty secretary
We *ALL* start with 0 Taglines.  Then, we all {*urp*} grow! :-)
We *HAVE* taken on a few rough assignments. - Skeeve
We *WHO*, Paleface? - Tonto
We *are* heavy machinery. -- Tom Servo
We *demand* that we may or may not be Vroomfondel! --Vroomfondel
We *do* make a good team. --Hercules  No argument. Xena
We *have* the Holy Hand Grenade, Sir!
We *must* have a mulching attachment... -- Tom Servo
We *were* threatening you.  Now we're mocking you, bug boy! (Tick)
We *will* help you, in spite of yourselves. - Soul Hunter
We ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
We ALL float down here...
We ALL live "downstream."
We ARE as gods and might as well get good at it
We ARE as gods and might as well get good at it. -- Whole Earth Catalog
We ARE demons, we DO eat children & I haven't had supper!
We ARE heavy machinery - Tom
We ARE the militia!
We ARGO ing to get in trouble
We All Need This!  - By S. N. Shall
We Also repair Teletype Model 19 teleprinters
We Americans, we're a simple people... but piss us off, and we'll bomb your cities. -- Robin Williams
We Apologise For The Inconvenience.
We ArE NoT AlOnE. ThE TrUtH Is OuT ThErE
We Are All Very Serious About Not Wasting Time On Idle Chatt
We Are Everyhere
We Are Hard Pressed On Every Side, But Not Crushed; 2 Cor 4:8
We Are Not Who We Are -- The X-Files
We Are Open Seven Days A Week, Including Sundays
We Are Spirits / In the Maternal Ward
We Are The Magic Makers And We Are The Dreamers Of Dreams
We Are.....PENN STATE!!!
We Borrow the Earth from our Children.
We Brake To Assimilate    - Borg Bumper Sticker
We CAN'T sell out to the Japanese, Clinton GAVE us to NATO
We Came, We Scanned, We Assimilated. - Caesar Borg
We Canadians say 'eh', eh?
We Chinese have a lot of hells. --Eddie Lee
We Close About 5.30 or 6,
We Close As Early as 1 or 2
We DON'T brainwash you, now stand up and repeat after me
We DON'T need more laws - just enforcement of the ones we have now!
We Disengaged ... We Turn The Page ... -- RUSH
We DragonRiders are notorious for making incredible first impressions.
We Earth people do not do that.
We Fight The Fire While We're Feeding The Flames
We Fixed It, Really
We Found this Message on Beyond Reality bbs, Mr President. "Get Rid of it"
We Get To Keep These Cool Clown Clothes - Stimpy
We Have Less Than 2 Minutes 'Till A Warp Core Breech! - Geordi
We Have Less Than 30 Seconds 'Till A Warp Core Breech! - Giordi
We KILLED Santa Claus!! - The Tick
We Klingons believe as you do -- the sick should die.  Only the strong should live. -- Kras, "Friday's Child"
We Klingons have a reputation for ruthlessness. Kor
We Know How To Take Care Of Filthy Little Beasts Like You!
We Know We Belong To The Land..OK
We LIKE making mountains of men - Crow
We May Give Without Loving, But We Cannot Love Without Giving !!
We NEED Windows! They don't teach reading anymore.
We NEVER grow up, we just get older, and older
We Need Your Quotes! Lets see the toteboard, Captain
We Reserve the Right to Arm Bears!
We Reserve the right to refuse to serve you
We Rikers are an ornery bunch - Riker
We Russians like to catalog our stupidity for future reference
We Sing The Praises of Llamas
We Skid You Not. - Tyre Shop sign
We Solve Mysteries - By P. I. Detective
We Speaketh, And Ye Shall LISTEN! - NRA
We Take Credit Cards, But... - By Cassius Better
We Texans we have a word for sushi: bait
We Three! I walk with my shadow, I talk with my echo
We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight !!
We Welshmen like to think of ourselves as heroes. -T. Dalton
We Won 20-1! - By Barry Um
We Won 20-1!: Barry Um
We [0Me!U EACe. GiVe uf YOUg AmM0UiA o+ Die.
We _all_ have fantasies and dreams we keep to ourselves. - Dax
We _were_ becoming concerned, Captain. - Spock
We a' Bubba a' Borg! We gunna ass-SIM-uh-late yu, b'wah!
We aaaaaalllllllllll float down here!!!!! - Pennywise the Clown
We accept Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, and Mariah Carey .GIFs
We accept all major credit cards.  Traci Lords .GIFs are OK, too.
We accept stock market tips.
We accept you as an expert on Trills.  Proceed. - Renora
We accomplish in proportion to what we attempt.
We actually got the winner three minutes from the end but then they equalized. - Ian McNail
We agreed there would be no delays in the docking procedure. - Sisko
We aim at those who are displeased with our aim
We aim to kidnap yuh and hold yer upper-class carcass fer _ransom_!
We aim to please and shoot to kill!
We aim to please but shoot to kill
We aim to please, but usually miss
We aim to please, but we shoot to kill
We aim to please. Just like the gun club.
We ain't afraid of no code
We ain't cheap, but by gosh, we're good!
We ain't slow, we just nap when we're sleepy!
We ain't the Brady Bunch, y'know?
We all 'got it coming' kid. - Eastwood
We all KNOW you're the daughter of the fifth house!!!
We all _float_ down here.... -- Pennywise the Clown
We all admire the wisdom of people who come to us for advice.
We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough? - Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
We all are immortal for a limited time
We all are vulnerable, in one way or another.
We all basically go back to being children when we're in a dentist's chair. - Arthur Benjamin, DDS
We all begin the game as pawns.  -- Lewis Carroll
We all come from our own little planets.   Cary Grant
We all come from the God, And to him we shall return
We all come from the Goddess, and to her we shall return!
We all come from the Sun God And to Him we shall return
We all create GOD in our own image. * McCoy
We all dance to an invisible tune, intoned in the distance, by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein
We all declare for liberty, but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. -- A. Lincoln
We all die in time, it's not just the world that moves on. - Roland
We all do.  The cave is deep in our memories
We all draw our own lines. - Mulder
We all dream of being the darling of everybody's darling
We all drop on three - Crow as birds perch over girl
We all end in the ocean. We all start in the streams. We're all carried along, by the river of dreams. - Billy Joel
We all end up chopping cotton for the man.
We all feel fear.  It's quite natural. -- Father Mulcahy
We all float down here
We all get hats!  Big ones! -- Joel Robinson
We all get hats! Big ones! - Joel
We all get the flu, we all get AIDS. We've got to stick together.-Live
We all go a little mad sometimes
We all have a dark side to say the least... -Floyd
We all have failures. The question is, what do we do with them?
We all have opinions.  Mine are the correct ones.
We all have our darker side. We _need_ it! - McCoy
We all have our darker side. We need it...
We all have our daydreams.   David Niven
We all have our opinions, but mine is correct.
We all have our vices. Some are in Miami, others at Sears
We all have power to do harm. - Seneca the Younger
We all have style, but few have class
We all have the power, and it grows when it is shared. -- Magi
We all have to dedicate our lives to something.  I'll pick being lazy
We all have to make sacrifices, Louis. -- Armand
We all have to start somewhere Welcome Aboard. :*)
We all invent ourselves, and you know me
We all just -loved- your singing.  - Ce'Nedra
We all know that no one really dies, they just have something happen to them in a rather final manner
We all know that no one understands anything that isn't funny
We all know that. It's why everyone loves fruit.
We all know the stress you've been under. - Troi
We all know the stress you've been under. - Troi
We all know there's no such thing as police protection!
We all know what comes after 'X', said Tom, wisely.
We all know you're a masticator.
We all like praise, but a hike in our pay is the best kind of ways.
We all like the kid, but we also know he's a trouble magnet. - Aahz
We all live in a Florida sand pit ( Florida is all SAND).
We all live in a Yellow Submarine!!
We all live in a mellow subroutine
We all live in a state of ambitious poverty.
We all live in a state of ambitious poverty. -- Decimus Junius Juvenalis
We all live in a virtual reality
We all live in a yello subroutine
We all live in a yellow Quantum Hole.
We all live in a yellow object method!!!
We all live in a yellow runabout... - the Beajorans
We all live in a yellow soup tureen.
We all live in a yellow sub-routine
We all live in a yellow submarine...yellow submarine...yellow submarin
We all live in a yellow subroutine.
We all live in some yellow subroutine.  Cheeeiit.
We all live in the Yellow Runabout -- The Beajorans
We all live on the echo, Terok Nor
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon. -- Dr. Konrad Adenauer
We all lived in this century.  I did not live in this century. -- Quayle
We all lose our parents, kid -- Lord Albrecht, Silver Fang
We all love to snatch kisses and vice versa.
We all make mistakes. Few  'fess up' as quickly as I did.
We all need a sense of humor or we'll wake up with no sense at all
We all need the clowns to make us ROTFL
We all see the same sky but different horizons
We all sleep in a single subroutine
We all stand on the inside of a sphere
We all take orders from someone, Agent Mulder. - Skinner
We all take orders.  Some take them better than others. -- BJ
We all voted for losers. Bush & Perot lost & Clinton is 1
We all watch each other here, Mr. Garibaldi
We all work together, whether we work together or apart.
We already *know* who your friends and family are. - AT&T and ATF
We already have enough youth -- how about a fountain of "smart"?
We also brought VD, smallpox, and the widowmaker
We always KNEW there wasn't a closet big enough for Rush Limbaugh.
We always fight about money and sex. She charges me too much.
We am Popeye of Borg. Prepare to be askimilgrated.
We apologise for Sudbury's Changeling Summer Camp Lake being frozen
We apologise for the inconvenience in the mean time
We apologize for the inconvenience
We apologize for the inconvenience.-God's final message
We apologize for the inconvenience...
We apologize for the previous apology
We appeal to you in the name of civilization! - McCoy
We appear to have plenty of time.  David
We apply ourselves to perfection of That.
We appologize for the inconvenience
We appreciate your cooperation. --Cranston.
We are 2 of 5. But we're hoping to get promoted to 3 soon.
We are 49'ers of Borg. All other teams are irrelevant.
We are 49'ers of Borg. San Diego is irrelevant.
We are @FROMFIRST@ of Borg: @TOFIRST@ is irrelevant!
We are @FROMFIRST@ of Borg: @TOFIRST@ will be assimilated!
We are @N of Borg: @N is irrelevant!
We are @TOFIRST@ of Borg: @TOFIRST@ is irrelevant!
We are @TOFIRST@ of Borg: @TOFIRST@ will be assimilated!
We are Al, Frank, and Dan of Borg: Are you ready for some assimilation
We are All of Borg: Bob will be assimilated!
We are Amtrak of Borg.  We assimilate only when Congress says we can.
We are Animaniacs of Borg:"Helloooooo Assimilated Nurse!"
We are Arsenio of Borg. Resistance makes us go "Hmmmm..."
We are BN of Borg.  The ICC is irrelevant.  ATSF will be assimilated.
We are Bart of Borg. Cows are irrelevant. Shorts are irrelevant
We are Beatles of Borg.  Ya say ya want assimilation
We are Beverly Crusher Of Borg; You will be Medicated
We are Big W of Borg. We guarantee assimilation at a lower price!
We are Bill & Ted of Borg. Assimilate? Excellent!!!
We are Bill Gates of Borg. You HAVE been assimilated. You just don't know it yet
We are Bill and Ted of Borg:  Assimilation is excellent.
We are Bill and Ted of Borg: Resistance is bogus, Assimilation is excell
We are Bill the Cat of Borg.  You will be Ack!thfpp!imilated
We are Billary of Borg...Your money will be donated.
We are Bjorn of Borg. Wimbledon is irrelevant.
We are Borg -- Hugh
We are Borg.  Hear us roar!
We are Borg.  is futile  is inevitable
We are Borg. -  Third of Five
We are Borg. A pachiderm is irreliphant.
We are Borg. This tagline has been assimilated.
We are Borg. We look for scripts to make us go.
We are Borg. [ESC] is futile [CTRL] is inevitable
We are Borg... Prepare to be assim... Shirley McLaine ? hahahahaha
We are Borg: This tagline has been assimilated.
We are Borger King.  Your way is irrelevant.
We are Buffy of Borg! Prepare to be, like, TOTALLY assimilated, ok?
We are Bundy of Borg - Peg, Assimilate 'em!
We are CPRS of Borg.  CP, D&H, and SOO were assimilated.
We are CTHULHU of Borg....and you are in SERIOUS trouble!
We are Cal of Borg: You will be assimilated!
We are Canadians of Borg.  Beer is relevant, eh?  Take off, hoser!
We are Cat of Borg.  All your shiny things will be assimilated
We are Cat of Borg. Dogs are irrelevant
We are Ch.9 of Borg. Resistance is futile and so are our ratings
We are Channel 9 of Borg. Your regular timeslot has been assimilated
We are Clint of Borg. Resistance is useless, PUNK!
We are ComCast of Borg...subscribers wishes are irrelevant
We are Conrail of Borg, Monongehela will be assimilated.
We are Conrail of Borg.  PC, EL, LV, RDG, PRSL & CNJ were assimilated.
We are Craft Decor of Borg. Your money is for tile
We are Cthulhu of Borg, MAN are you in Trouble!
We are DEU of Borg.  You will be uneducated
We are Dalaks of Borg. AS-SIM-MI-LATE! AS-SIM-MI-LATE!
We are Dalek of Borg. Davros is irrelevant.
We are Daleks of Borg.  AS-SIM-MI-LATE!  AS-SIM-MI-LATE!
We are Daleks of Borg.  ASSIMILATE! ASSI-MIL-ATE!!!!
We are Data of Borg, you will be intrigued
We are Dave of Borg: @FN@ will be assimilated!
We are Dem-tel of Borg. Resistance is futile. But wait,there's more!
We are Descartes of Borg: Non cogito, ergo &lt;puff of smoke&gt;.
We are Devo of Borg.  We are not men, we are Borg
We are Diet Borg: Assimilate all you want for just $10 !!
We are Dirty Harry of Borg.    Go ahead    Make our d
We are Dirty Pair of Borg. You are irrelevant. KABOOOOOOM!
We are Dirty Pair of Borg: Fault is irrelevant. *BAROOOOOOM*. Oops.
We are Ebola of Borg: Vaccines are irrelvant. We are resistant
We are Echosia of have been assimilated.
We are Elmer of Borg. Wesistance is usewess. Pwepare to b
We are Elmer of Borg. Wesistance is usewess. Pwepare to be assimiwated
We are Elmyra of Borg:  We will assimilate you & hug you & squeeze you,
We are Elmyra of Borg: We will hug you and squeeze you and
We are FORMAT of Borg.  Your hard drive is assimilated
We are Fudd of Borg. Wu will be Assimwuulawetted!
We are GATX of Borg.  We assimilate from everybody!
We are GWI of Borg.  We assimilated G&W, R&S, B&P, A&E, W&P and L&D.
We are Gary of Borg: Carmelito will be assimilated!
We are Grey.  We stand between the darkness and the light - Delenn
We are Grob.  You will be unassimilated.
We are Gunowners. We are the C-4 under Clinton's Bridge to the Future
We are Heisenborg: You will probably be assimilated
We are Hippies of Borg.  Make love.  War is irrelevant.
We are Holiday of Borg: Scat-doo-diddly-wah-diddy-wah-do.
We are Homer of Borg. Prepare to be - OOOOOOh, donuts!
We are Homer of Borg. Resistance is...OOH, DONUTS!
We are Hugh - of Borg. Beverly will be assimilated. Hubba Hubba.
We are Hugh ... of Borg.  Beverly will be assimilated.  H
We are Hugh of Borg. @FN@ will be assimilated. Hubba Hubba
We are Hugh of Borg: We wish to assimilate Troi. Geordi is our friend. He can watch
We are Hugh, of Borg, Dana Troi will be assimulated, Hubba Hubba !
We are Hugh.  Resistance is not *entirely* futile, but close.
We are Hugh... We have come to visit Geordie.
We are Hugh...of Borg.  Beverly will be assimilated.  Hub
We are INTEL of Borg... Prepare to be approximated!
We are Infinity of Borg. Bandwidth is futile. You will be queued
We are Invid! We cannot fail!
We are Julius Caesar of Borg : veni, vidi, assimilavi
We are K-tel of Borg. Resistance is futile. But wait,there's more!
We are Kender of Borg.  They just fell into our collective, honest!
We are Klingon! - Kahless
We are Kobolds of Borg: Resistance is futile.  You will be overrun
We are Kodalux of Borg.  Your railfan slides will be assimilated.
We are Lantastic. You will be networked. Resistance is
We are Lawyer Borg: Judgments are irrelevant. We'll Appeal
We are Lawyers on the side of people.
We are Life-Like of Borg.  Botchmann will be assimilated.
We are Locutus of Borg. Do you have any Grey Poupon?
We are Lucy of the Borg, Rickie will be assimilated. Waaaa.
We are Lursa and B'etor - the Killer BEES! We come for your POLLEN!
We are Malkavian of Borg-- Sanity is irrelevant. You will be assimilated
We are Marcel Marceuo of Borg &lt;silence&gt;
We are McBorg... would you like fries with your assimilation?
We are McCoy of Borg: He's assimilated, Jim!
We are McKenzie of Borg, eh? Prepare to be assimilated, hosers!
We are Micro$oft of Borg. Resistance is GENERAL PROTECTION FAILURE IN BORG.EXE
We are Micro$oft. Openness is futile. Prepare to be assimilated
We are MicroSoft of Borg, you will be assimilated. Resistance is irrelevant. Your memory will be limited to 640 Kb
We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile
We are MicroSoft.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile. (Attributed to B.G., Gill Bates)
We are Microsoft, OS/2 is irrelevant, UNIX is irrelevant, HP UX is my Life, Prepare to be assimilated
We are Microsoft, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated...
We are Microsoft.  Unix is irrelevant.  Openness is futile.  Prepare to be assimilated
We are Microsoft. Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be
We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated
We are Microsoft. You will be assimilated.
We are Mimbari of Borg.  We let you assimliate us and won't say why.
We are Minbari of Borg. We let you assimilate us
We are Minbari of Borg. We let you assimilate us and won't say why.
We are Minbari of Borg. We let you assimilate us.
We are Moderator of Borg. Your topic is irrelevant
We are Monty Python of Borg. You will be acsillymilated.
We are NOT going 3500 kilometres an hour. That's the tachometer
We are NOT lost! I know EXACTLY where I am! Where are we? We're lost.
We are NOT schizophrenic!!  So there!  And there!
We are NOT surrounded - we are in a target-rich environment.
We are NOT surrounded; we are in a target-rich area.
We are NOVELL. You will be Networked. Resistence is Futile.
We are NOW of Borg, gentleman.  Prepare to be &lt;heh-heh&gt; emasculated
We are Newbies of Borg. Anything but Trek is irrelevant.
We are Novell.  You will be networked.  Resistance is futile.
We are will be networked...resistnce is futile-----------
We are OS/2 of Borg. New users are irrelevant
We are OUT of penicillin, Commander! * Dr. Crusher
We are Org. You will be assembled. Compiling is futile.
We are Packled of Borg, We look for things, things that are futile.
We are Packleds of Borg.  We assimilate prunes.  They make us go.
We are Pakled of Borg.  We look for irrelevance
We are Pakled of Borg:  We look for things to assimilate.
We are Pakled.  We look for scripts to make us go.
We are Pakleds of Borg. We assimilate things to make us go
We are Paul Simon of Borg: Must be 50 ways to assimilate your lover
We are Penn Central of Borg.  NYC , PRR and NH were assimilated.
We are Pentium of Borg, Division is Futile, You will be Approximated
We are Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be approximated. (seen in someone's .signature)
We are Pentium of Borg. Division is useless. You  will  be  approximated
We are Pink Floyd of Borg: All in all we're all just Borgs in The Wall
We are Play School of Borg. Prepare to be assimilated by Big Ted
We are Porky of Borg. P-p-p-p-pre-a-pre-p-p-p-p-p. Aw, I give up
We are Prodigy. Your files will be assimilated.
We are Rambo of Borg: Resistance is the desease. We are the cure
We are Rick of Borg: Donald is irrelevant!
We are See-Cubed - the Cosmic Cutie Commandos!
We are Sgt. Peppers Lonely Taglines Band, We hope
We are Shakespear of Borg. Prepere to be or not to be.
We are Siamese if you please *(0.0)* *(0.0)*
We are Sinanju, Remo.  We are never the victim. -- Chiun
We are Spock of Borg, you will be fasinated
We are Spot of Borg: Your food and curtains will be assimilated.
We are Star-Stuff.  We are the Universe made manifest.  Delenn
We are Stones of Borg. We can't get no assimilation
We are Surf Borg. You will be, like, assimilated, dudettes.
We are SysOp. You will be assimilated. Resistance is
We are TCI of Borg; your wishes are irrelevant.
We are THE United States, not The Federal United States!
We are Tagteam of Borg. &lt;YAAAAAAAAA--WHOOOOOMP!&gt; You're assimilated!
We are Tagteam of Borg: WHOOMP, Your assimilated.
We are Telix of Borg, no other comm programs need be assimilated
We are The Big Byte of Borg.  Games reviews are irrelevant
We are The Stones of Borg. We can't get no assimilation
We are Thought Police of Borg. Your mind will be assimilated.
We are Tired of Borg. Go away and stop assimilating.
We are Vengeance!  May the Wyrm tremble! -- Jalisha, Black Fury
We are Wayne and Garth of Borg...Resistance is futile Dudes! NOT!
We are Wesley of Borg. You will be nauseated
We are Windows '95 of Borg, you will be...&lt;crash!&gt;
We are Windsor of Borg.  Your tea will be assimulated
We are a Justice Sandwich!  No toppings necessary! - The Tick
We are a Justice Sandwich. -The Tick
We are a dirty pair of Borg. Fault is irrelevant. BARROOOOM! Oops.
We are a fierce and dirty band of cutthroat pirates - Calvin
We are a justic Sandwich. -The Tick
We are a part of Europe. - Dan Quayle
We are a phone company. Resistance is futile
We are a race of lunatics and cowards. - Londo Mollari (B5)
We are actually passing through ripples in time. - Spock
We are alive. That is what counts, is it not? - Alexander Krivenko
We are all Adam's children but silk makes the difference.
We are all Children of Cthulhu - esp. the ones with lots of tentacles.
We are all God's children - by a previous marriage!
We are all books of blood, when we are opened we are red.
We are all born equal... just some of us are more equal than others
We are all born ignorant.  The crime is staying that way!
We are all born mad.  Some remain so
We are all born mad.  Some remain so. -- Samuel Beckett
We are all born originals - why do so many of us die copies?
We are all cat toys here.
We are all connected in the great circle of life.   Mufasa
We are all driven into the same fold  --  Horace (8 BC)
We are all driven into the same fold.&lt;Horace (8 BC)&gt;
We are all dying -- and we're gonna be dead for a long time
We are all figments of each others' imaginations
We are all free to choose the inevitable.
We are all here for a spell. Get all the good laughs you can. - Will Rogers
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde
We are all in the gutter, some of us are looking at stars
We are all in this alone.
We are all just Crash Dummies on the Information Superhighway
We are all just prisoners here, of our own device
We are all life support systems for ova and sperm
We are all lost messages in the Relaynet of Life.
We are all made of star dust
We are all merely cogs in a giant military medical machine. - Frank
We are all mortal until the first Kiss and the second glass of wine. - Eduardo Galeano
We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine
We are all novices. Only the dead have nothing left to learn
We are all one-gods, mortal, even fiends come from the same source
We are all passengers in the leaky rowboat of life. So, bail faster, damn it!
We are all politicians. Some of us are just honest enough to admit it
We are all powerful!!  We are SERVOCROWATION!!
We are all prisoners of our own device! - Eagles
We are all reasonable men here. - Tataglia
We are all related, relatively speaking!
We are all seekers, the difference is only in degree and direction
We are all self-made, but only the rich will admit it
We are all so much together and yet we are all dying of loneliness. -- A. Schweitzer
We are all someone else's Devil.  -- Messadie
We are all terminal on the BBS of life.
We are all the hero of our personal comic book
We are all together in a Yellow Subroutine
We are all too ready to imitate the base and the depraved.
We are all trapped in prisons of the mind
We are all travelers, from our birth until our death.
We are all vulnerable, in one way or another.
We are all worms.  But I do believe I am a glowworm
We are all worms.  But I do believe I am a glowworm -- Winston Churchill
We are always getting ready to live but never living. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are always the same age inside.
We are an impossibility in an impossible universe. - Ray Bradbury
We are an incestuous race.   R. Raff
We are annoying... and virtually unemployable...  Freakazoid
We are annoying...and virtually unemployable... - F!
We are anthill men upon an anthill world.  --Ray Bradbury
We are as God made us, and often a great deal worse.
We are as made by God us, and often a great deal worse. 
We are beautiful and dangerous
We are because God is. - Emanuel Swedenborg
We are being invaded by an exceptionally strong power probe. - Spock
We are being watched, but by whom?
We are born believing. A man bears beliefs, as a tree bears apples. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed.
We are born into danger; we leave it only when we die. - Harry Harrison
We are born naked and hungry - it's downhill from there.
We are born naked, wet and hungry - and then things get worse.
We are born naked, wet and hungry; then it's all downhill
We are born naked, wet, and YOUNG. Then we start to die.
We are born naked, wet, and hungry; then things get worse.
We are bound to our bodies like an oyster is to its shell. - Plato
We are but dust and shadow -- Horace (8 BC)
We are but dust and shadow.                 Horace (8 BC)
We are but dust and shadow. * Horace
We are but dust and shadow.&lt;Horace (8 BC)&gt;
We are but eight score young blondes and brunettes.
We are clearing the phenomenon. - Data
We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities
We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities. - Walt Kelly
We are cool and you are not.
We are dainty little fairies, Ever singing, ever dancing.  --W.S. Gilbert
We are dead! No, you killed the dragon a couple rounds ago.
We are deep in the bowels of the Jungle of Justice. - Magic Sword
We are demons and we eat children.  I haven't had my supper yet.
We are dirty pair of Borg.  Fault is irrelevant.  *BAROOM*  Oops.
We are doomed. - Dr. Scrachansniff
We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. -- John Naisbitt, Megatrends
We are each entitled to our own opinion, but no one is entitled to his own facts. -- Patrick Moynihan
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing each other. - Liciano De Crexcenzo
We are each only one drop in a great ocean -- but some of the drops sparkle!
We are each responsible for our own bodies.
We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love. - R.D. Laing, (1927-1989)
We are eight score young blondes and brunettes - Zoot
We are ethically compelled to deny your demands! Tharn-2
We are everywhere
We are everywhere!  Unfortunately, so are they.
We are everywhere.
We are experiencing synaptical difficulties - please stand by
We are experiencing system trouble -- do not adjust your terminal
We are experiencing technical difficulties
We are explorers, we explore our lives day by day.Sisko
We are extra-strange students. - Butthead
We are family -- I've got all my sisters and me!
We are family! - Dr. Forrester & Frank sing
We are far from the bones of our people. -- Chakotay
We are fido of Borg. All taglines will be assimilated
We are free, but not to be evil -- Jose Marti
We are from planet Taglinis.  Take us to your reader!
We are from the Government.  Please grab your ankles.
We are from the planet Taglinis.  Take us to your reader!
We are fully aware of how high the humidity is, so shut the hell up
We are gathered here today... - Dr. Forrester
We are given children to test us & make us more spiritual
We are going by way of the Galley
We are going out! But we shall do it as proper vampires!
We are going to create a whole new type of disfunction
We are going to fight.  We are going to be hurt.  And in the end we will stand. - Roland
We are going to give your daughter back, her old nose!
We are going to have peace even at the price of war.
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it. - Eisenhower, Dwight D
We are going to kill him, and Simba, too! -Scar, The Lion King
We are going to summon the master. - Woman
We are going tooo fast, nooo not 11 zillion CPS!
We are gonna do a field strip of one Mr.Tom Servo - Crow
We are gonna get our butts kicked so bad! - Crow
We are having technical difficulties
We are having technical difficulties....Liberalism!
We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. - Marcel Proust
We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane.  K. Trout
We are here for your intelligence briefing, nothing else. Ruan
We are here on Earth to do good for others.  What the others are here for, I do not know.      --W. H. Auden
We are here rape yer horses and keel all yer weemen
We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. -  Charles Bukowski
We are here to ridicule reality.  Where is it?
We are here to serve! That's the Fidonet Moderator's Pledge!
We are here today and gone tomorrow, nevertheless.  --The Rutles
We are holding Elvis's brain hostage on Planet Zork
We are holding Elvis's brain hostage on Planet Zork. - Bloom County
We are holding your refrigerator hostage!
We are immortal, at least until we die.
We are immortal, but only for a very limited time.
We are in *really* big trouble! -- Joel Robinson
We are in Borger King: Your way is Irrelevant
We are in a maze of OS's connected by wormholes!
We are in a mood tonight, aren't we? - LaCroix
We are in a time were your family is more than just a good mea
We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free. - Cicero
We are in bondage to the law so that we may be free.
We are in deep, *deep* trouble guys... -- Tom Servo
We are in the Cooking Section, save your fantasies for Unmitigated Sex !
We are in the War Board, save your fantasies for Unmitigated Sex
We are in the hands of an adolescent. - Spock
We are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves.
We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us
We are indeed a blind race, and the next generation, blind to its own will be amazed at ours.  -- L.L. White
We are intimate with each other at all times.--Burns, re: Margaret
We are just passing through history. This IS history! -- Belloq
We are left alone to stare into the Abyss... - Mulder (Grotesque)
We are left alone to stare into...the laughing face of madness. - FM
We are lived by Powers we pretend to understand.
We are living in a Box
We are living in a golden age. All you need is gold. -- Robertson
We are living in an age where it is quite futile to be fertile.
We are looking for nuclear `wessels'. -- Chekov
We are looking for the nuclear wessels, -- Chekov, STIV
We are lost in a yellow subroutine
We are made wise not by the recollections of our past but by the responsibility for our future. - George Bernard Shaw
We are males, hear us roar, we are macho dinosaurs ... - Dinosaurs
We are marching in the Messiah's band!
We are masters of our destiny but slaves to our taglines
We are meant to conquer, to rule, to build empires. Londo
We are men of SOFTWARE. HARDWARE do not become us!
We are merely following a line of deductive reasoning. Tuvok
We are more anxious to speak than to be heard. - Henry David Thoreau
We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from immagination than reality. - Seneca
We are never so generous as when giving advice.
We are never so happy, nor so unhappy, as we suppose ourselves to be
We are no longer the Knights Who Say Nih. --Monty python
We are no tyrant, but a Christian king.
We are none of us wise; we are all on the way to wisdom.
We are not Archons, Marplon. - Spock
We are not Borg, we are DEVO!
We are not Borg. We are DEVO.
We are not a clone.
We are not a clone. (sorry, but I had to repeat it)
We are not a commitee!
We are not a loved organization, but we are a respected one.  -- John Fisher
We are not a supply vessel. -- Crusher
We are not a team -- Worf
We are not all sex crazed maniacs. - Grampa
We are not allowed to fraternize with the HU-MAN - Tom
We are not amused.
We are not asking for superiority for we have always had that; all we ask is equality. - Lady Nancy Astor
We are not beaten when we loose, we're beaten when we quit
We are not cool.  We are lame.  Pakled of your choice
We are not dogs! - Dot
We are not foodies, we chowhounds.
We are not going to make the same mistake once.
We are not going to win this battle with torpedoes, Chief
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat--Queen Victoria
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat.
We are not invaders. We are explorers. Picard
We are not killers.
We are not loved by our friends for what we are; rather, we are loved in spite of what we are.  -- Victor Hugo
We are not making Stove Top, shove off
We are not one tagline!  We are _ten_ taglines!
We are not ordered to investigate the origins of our guest...-Picard
We are not punished for our ferrets, but by them.
We are not punished for our sins but by them.
We are not ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.
We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction. - General Douglas MacArthur
We are not so much concerned if you are slow as when you come to a halt. - Chinese Proverb
We are not the product of our past. We are the product of our choices.
We are not working together, and I am not nuts! -- Harley Stone
We are not yet free nor will we be as long as anyone controls  our news. -Professor Bernardo de la Paz
We are now armed with... MIGHTY JOINT!
We are now at war, we are now at war - G'Kar
We are now enjoying total mutual interaction in an imaginary hot tub
We are now the Knights who say EckkyEckkyEckkyPtangZooboingBzowie!!!
We are of the same chain.
We are on a roll!  Cavorting on the Butter!
We are on a threshold of a change in the universe comparable to the transition of nonlife to life. - Hans Moravec (on artificial intelligence)
We are on an irreversable trend towards more feedom and democracy - but that could change -D. Quayle
We are on an irreversible trend... but that could change! - Dan Quayle
We are on the side of the truth. -- Lennier
We are on the verge of a great disaster. - Yarka
We are on the verge: Today our program proved Fermat's next-to-last theorem. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
We are one Body, with Christ as the head.
We are one person/two alone/three together/four each other
We are only as sick as the secrets we keep.&lt;Ebaugh&gt;
We are only cave men who have lost their cave. - Christopher Morely
We are only doing what we can do best
We are only immortal for a limited time
We are only immortal for a limited time. . . --RUSH
We are operating on many levels here.  -Ken Kesey
We are out of Colombian coffee.  Set coordinates: Sector 0-0-1.
We are people who believe not in one man, but in mankind.
We are pilgrims in an unholy land
We are precisely the men your mother warned you about.
We are prepared to go to the gates of hell - but no further
We are prisoners of ideas. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are professionals: don't attempt this on your own PC!
We are pulling down every work of Satan!
We are pushing back every force of hell!
We are put upon this earth to be it's guardians
We are radio-active!
We are ready for an unforeseen event that may or may not occur.  -- Dan Quayle
We are schizophrenic!
We are scientists, get outta our way! - Joel/Bots chant
We are secrets to each other; each one's life a novel
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.
We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
We are ships that pass in the night.
We are so fond of each other because our ailments are the same.  -- Jonathon Swift
We are so vain that we even care for the opinions of those we don't care for. - Marie Egner von Eschenbach
We are sometimes taken by emotion and take it for zeal
We are sorry, the number you reached is not in service.
We are sorry.  We cannot complete your call as dialed.  Please check the number and dial again or ask your operator for assistance
We are spirits in a material world
We are star stuff.  We are the universe - Delenn
We are star-stuff. We are the universe made manifest.
We are stardust... we are golden...   Joni Mitchell
We are still on the holodeck. --Data
We are still the best planet on Earth * Quayle
We are strangers, we are aliens, we are not of this world
We are strong
We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
We are such stuff as dreams are made on, rounded with a little sleep. - William Shakespeare
We are such stuff that dreams are made upon
We are surrendering to you, Heart of the Tiger. - Melek
We are surrounded. Spock
We are symbols, and inhabit symbols. -- Emerson
We are talking April, May, June, July and August fool. - Holly
We are talking about terrorists and you want me to buy a new suit?
We are terribly sorry
We are the BORED.  You will be astimulated.  Persistence is futile.
We are the BORG.  Your files will be assimilated.
We are the Beatles of Borg. Ya say ya want assimilation.
We are the Beerg. You will be enebierated
We are the Beerg. You will be enebierated,...uh, BURGP!
We are the Beerg. You will be enebierated...
We are the Beerg. You will be, burpg!
We are the Beerg. You will be inebriated
We are the Beerg. You will be inebriated,...uh, BURGP!
We are the Beerg. You will be inebriated.
We are the Borg ! You will be Assim(*PssFFHT*), "Not Today I think"
We are the Borg ... and we just wanna be friends!
We are the Borg who say 'NEE!' We want to a Shrubery!
We are the Borg who say NEE! We want to assimilate
We are the Borg who say Ni. Prepare to assimilate a shrubbery!
We are the Borg, and according to the script, you will defeat us
We are the Borg.  We need 1500 large pizzas.  All will be assimilated.
We are the Borg.  Your files will be assimilated
We are the Borg. Groveling is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
We are the Borg. This tagline will be assimilated. Resistance is futile
We are the Borg. We need 1500 large pizzas.  All will be assimilated.
We are the Borg. Your files will be assimilated. --Prodigy.
We are the Borg: Resistance = voltage/current
We are the Borgs who say NEE! Prepare to assimilate...A SHRUBBERY!
We are the Borgs who say NIH! Assimilate...A SHRUBBERY!!!
We are the CFL. We have a brand of football we're selling. L. Smith
We are the Darleks of Borg. All assimilations will be ex-TERM-in-at-ed
We are the Delaney Sisters of Borg. Resistance is futile.
We are the EchoBonsaiBorg - Knee pads are irrelevant..&lt;SMASH&gt;
We are the Emergency Broadcast System, gone amuck.
We are the Ferengi Borg, you will be assimilated if the price is right
We are the Frog.  Resistance is reptile.  You will be amphibiated
We are the Government. Please grab your ankles.
We are the Great Centaurrrrri Rrrrepublic of Booorrrg!
We are the Knights Who Say...NI! -from Holy Grail
We are the Knights who say Ni!
We are the Knights who say, "Neep!"
We are the Knights who say... NEE!
We are the Komar. This is our domain. Tuvok
We are the MILITIAS....Our Government is the MALICIOUS.
We are the Maxx of Borg. Julie's unconcious will be assimilated.
We are the NAB of BORG and the Backbone has been assimilated
We are the Nubs...beat it, you guys!
We are the Psi Borg: The Borg are your friends. Trust in assimilation
We are the Rolling Borg - We can't get no assimilation.
We are the Shadow Dancers -- Ragabash
We are the Shadows of Borg... ZZZZZZAPPPPPP!
We are the SysOp... complaining to us is irrelevant.
We are the Universe, trying to figure itself out. - Delenn
We are the Volehunters. Ve haff vays of making you filk.
We are the Wombles of Borg... Prepare to be recycled!
We are the beta testers of the universe.
We are the bold and daring crew of good ship Manatee...  - L. Fish
We are the boys from Borg-dom - what can we do for you?
We are the champions, my friends--and we'll keep on tagging to the end
We are the comatose that live off the machine of life - Roland
We are the fans who say "Ick!" Another official slogan for VBSP/FAB
We are the great Centauri Republic of Borg! Yaaaaaah!
We are the greatest planet on Earth.
We are the greatest planet on Earth.  -- Dan Quayle
We are the greatest planet on Earth. - Al Gore
We are the hero of our own story. - Mary McCarthy
We are the immortals! Join us or die.
We are the keepers of the sacred words:  Nee, Pen, and Nee-wom!
We are the knights that go NEIGH!
We are the knights who say KNEE!
We are the knights who say...'NI'!
We are the knights who say...+@?"!NO CARRIER
We are the most intelligent planet on Earth.  -- Dan Quayle
We are the most powerful planet on Earth D. Quale
We are the most powerful planet on earth
We are the most powerful planet on earth - Dan Quayle
We are the music makers and the dreamers of the dreams.   Willy Wonka
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams
We are the new Borg, with assimilating scrubbing bubbles.
We are the people our parents warned us about.
We are the people our parents warned us about. -- Jimmy Buffet
We are the people our parents warned us against
We are the president. - Hillary Clinton
We are the same, MacLeod!  We are brothers! - Ramirez
We are the same, MacLeod!  We are brothers! -- ========
We are the stuff dreams are made of - Crow
We are the sultans...We are the Sultans of Swing
We are the tyrants, messengers of Satan
We are the unwilling... led by the unqualified... to do the unnecessary... for the ungrateful... -- GI in Vietnam, 1970
We are the very model of cartoon individuals
We are the world, we are the lesbians.
We are the writing on your recipe.
We are the writing on your tagline.
We are their commanding officers. Janeway
We are their future. Lore
We are tired of being stolen! Taglines, REBEL!
We are tomorrow's past. - Mary Webb
We are too busy mopping the floor to turn off the faucet.
We are twice armed if we fight with faith. - Plato
We are upping our standards ... so up yours
We are upping our standards ... so up yours. - Pat Paulsen
We are upping our standards ... so up yours. -- Pat Paulsen for President, '88
We are upping our standards, so UP yours.-Pat Paulson
We are upping our up yours. Pat Paulsen for President.
We are using Linux daily to UP our productivity - so UP yours!
We are using Linux daily to UP our productivity - so UP yours! (Adapted from Pat Paulsen by Joe Sloan)
We are verses out of rhythm, couplets out of rhyme
We are verses out of rhythm, couplets out of rhyme in syncopated time.
We are verses out of rhythm, couplets out of rhyme.
We are watching, and we are always here.
We are what and where we are because we have first imagined it. - Donald Curtis
We are what we are
We are what we are, for which I give eternal thanks
We are what we do, not what we say.
We are what we eat; I'm cheap, fast, and easy
We are what we pretend to be
We are what we pretend to be.  --Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle
We are what we repeatly do. a habit --Aristotle
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world. - Buddha
We are witnessing the twilight of the printed word. H. Ellison
We are your father and your mother. Bender
We are your pizza nightmare!
We are, unfortunately, a nation of expedients.
We aren't beaten when we lose; we're beaten when we quit
We aren't disorganized - we have an organization that is beyond comprehension
We aren't going to survive unless we get a little crazy.
We aren't sure how clouds form.  But they know, that is what counts.
We aren't surrounded. We're in a target-rich environment
We arrived in the U.S.A. with the socks on our feetses. -Chameleons
We as individuals are the last defense against evil.
We ask advice but we mean approbation.
We ask it fear-less-ly, Who's on the Lord's side? Who?
We asked for a few good men and look at what we got.
We assimilate beans. They make us go. --Pakled of Borg
We assimilate, therefore we are. Descartes of Borg
We ate Wesley Crusher for lunch. *Burp* - Borg
We ate, we drank, and we were merry / And we got typhoid and dysentery
We attract hearts by the qualities we display;  we retain them by the qualities we possess. - Suard
We attract what we feel worthy of
We banned the bible for 70 years.. we did the wrong thing. -Gorbechav
We barely got ten minutes! Scott
We be 'jammin
We bear a great attrocity. -- Devlin, True Brujah
We beat around the Bush, and got a Clinton from Hell!
We become actors without realizing it, and actors without wanting to. - Henri Frederic Amiel
We begin at 1300 hours. Dismissed. Janeway
We believe in free will. We have no choice
We believe in one nation under a groove -- George Clinton
We believe men should fight their own battles.
We belong to the Earth, and not it to us
We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder...     -Pat Benatar
We better stop censorship now!! or we'll be ***ked!!
We blame little things in others & pass over great things inourselves.
We blow up REAL good.
We border on genious and insanity
We both have WAY too much time on our hands.
We both have to know there was a reason. - Kirk
We both know these children have no future! -Skinner to Krabapple
We both know you're trying to cheat me here! - Dax
We both like to color outside of the lines.
We both play dead and cry out loud. Why do we always cry this way?
We both try to demoralize each other - Calvin on Mrs. Wormwood
We bought a mobile home.  Hung it from the ceiling
We bought the effect, we're gonna use it - Crow
We bought the effect, we're gonna use it. -- Crow T. Robot
We brake for cubes!
We brake for nobody
We brake for noone! - Borg Bumper-sticker
We brake for tailgaters
We brake to assimilate. -Borg
We break for Cubes
We break to assimilate. --Borg.
We build bodies that last a lifetime.
We build excitement. Pontiac!
We built this city on Rock and Roll.
We call 'em Pinky Dink & Pork Boy - Tom
We call 'em Pinky Dink and Pork Boy... -- Tom Servo
We call it Riding the Gravy Train -Pink Floyd
We call it software because we can't keep it up.
We call it the Nightwatch. Macabee
We call our dog Egypt, because in every room he leaves a pyramid
We call that one...M'uad Myra
We call them Lurkers. - Ivanova
We call them lurkers.  Mostly human, yes. - Ivanova
We call them strong, those who can face this world alone.
We came for your pop tarts - take me to your toaster -Tom
We came for your pop tarts!  Take me to your toaster! -- Servo
We came here to help these people. --Riker
We came in peace, but you attacked us like beasts.
We came in search of intelligent life. Oops! WRONG planet
We came over hill and under hill, by wave and wind, for revenge!
We came to get drunk, stuffed and leave !
We came, we played, we won.  -  Joe
We came, we saw, we BBSed.
We came, we saw, we kicked its ass! -- Dr. Peter Venkman
We came.  We saw.  We kicked its ass
We came.  We saw.  We kicked its ass. - P. Venkman
We came.  We saw.  We kicked its ass..
We can Always find something to talk about where Cats are involved
We can Make safer weapons. We can make safer bullets. -Joycelyn Elders
We can acknowledge our own pretentiousness - Tom
We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill +
We can also roll over and play dead. - Yakko
We can always determine that elsewhere. - Mulder
We can always throw you back... -- Joe Dawson
We can burn her, bury her, or dump her
We can dance if we want to, but I think you'd rather be whipped
We can dance in the forest and be cool
We can dance in the forest and be cool! huh huh huh
We can dance in the forest and be cool.
We can dance to the radio right until dawn
We can defeat gravity, the problem is the paperwork involved.
We can discuss compensation at a later date! - Quark
We can do anything if we stick to it long enough. - Helen Keller
We can do business, no? - Ephant Mon
We can do things cheap, good, or fast.  Pick any 2.
We can drive a Mack truck through your cues!  Tempo!
We can drive. Last week I even got into an 'X' film... -Rik, Young Ones
We can easily endure adversity.  Another man's I mean. -- Twain
We can embody the truth, but we cannot know it  -- Yates
We can endure neither our evils nor their cures -- Lucien
We can expect nothing from the Companion. - Cochrane
We can explain it to you, but we can't understand it for you
We can fix anything!  Please knock; doorbell broken
We can fix this, but you're gonna need a butter knife, a roll of duct tape, and a car battery
We can get too big for God, but never too small.
We can go from boom to bust, from dreams to a bowl of dust
We can go round and round all night about this. - Sheridan
We can haggle over compensation later. - Quark
We can handle anything, with a little help from our friends
We can handle it. -- The Doctor
We can inherit wealth but never wisdom
We can keep it up FOREVER!
We can know what God is not, but we cannot know what He is. - St. Augustine
We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. --Wernher von Braun
We can lie on a blanket out back in the yard
We can live without our friends but not without our neighbours.
We can loan you enough money to get you completely out of debt. -- Sign in bank
We can make safer gun. . .safer bullets - J. Elders
We can move with savage grace to the rhythms of the night.
We can never go back again, that much is certain.&lt;D. DuMaurier&gt;
We can no longer take your orders, Harry Mudd. Norman
We can only hope not.
We can only learn to love by loving.
We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love
We can predict everything, except the future.
We can rebuild him! We have the tech%#@$#NO CARRIER
We can rebuild him...!  We have the technology...!
We can rebuild you John. You'll be stronger, faster -Mike
We can save the seals if we all club together.
We can search it twice as fast if we separate. --Picard
We can see things better from down here! - Nog
We can spot a mistake easily if we know where it should be.
We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it. --Marge Simpson
We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it. --Marge Simpson
We can take the opportunity to get to know each other. - Lwaxana
We can take the opportunity to get to know each other. - Lwaxana
We can talk all night but that'll never change the way that I feel.
We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs - G. Steinem
We can turn a man into a woman, but we CAN'T cure cancer?
We can turn the world around/we can turn the earth's revolution
We can use Cartman's pig. - Kyle Ehh, you leave Fluffy out of this
We can wear the rose of romance, an air of joie de vivre. -Rush
We can't afford to die here... not even once -- Bashir
We can't afford to think that way... - Sisko
We can't all  be heoroes; sombody has to stand and cheer.
We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. - Will Rogers.(1879-1935)
We can't all be sound, We've got to be the way we're made. - Mark Twain
We can't allow it to live.. everything we know would be in jeopardy.
We can't be *policeing* the whole city! - Chief Wiggum
We can't be in the mob - we're from Ohio! - 3rd Rock
We can't bury Shellyshe's our friend! --The Evil Dead.
We can't call Batman. It's four in the morning. He'll be at work
We can't change, but we can expand.  -- Nelson
We can't come up with suspects by having visions. - Scully
We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sails.
We can't die, son. We're heroes! -- Elrod
We can't drink that water. Fish are dating in it! -Rocko
We can't even keep Lisa Loeb outta' here! - Dr. Forrester
We can't even think of a word that rhymes!
We can't fire full phasers with our screens up. - Scott
We can't give the Narn government any kind of official help.
We can't go back, and we can't stay here.  -- Picard
We can't have a crisis today, my schedule is already full
We can't help him Nurse, he has on dirty underwear.
We can't just board their ship and start tearing it apart. - Sisko
We can't kill what we can't find. - Joe Dawson
We can't land in Texas - there's no breathable air.
We can't leave the haphazard to chance.  - N. F. Simpson
We can't let anyone defile Lum!
We can't make it by on cuteness alone!  - Dr. Forrester
We can't repel assimilation of that magnitude! - Ackbar of Borg
We can't repel firepower of that magnitude! - Admiral Ackbar
We can't risk another frontal assault
We can't schedule an orgy, it might be construed as fighting
We can't search the whole planet on foot! - Kirk
We can't share?  &lt;pleading look&gt;  - Anna Steven
We can't stop crime, so let's legalize it and tax it out of business.
We can't stop!  Its too dangerous!  We have to slow down first!
We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts. --Madeleine L'Engle
We can't take over the world tonight, I have Email to read. - Brain
We can't take over the world tonight, I have Email to read. - Brain
We can't take over the world tonight, I have to read my email. - Brain
We can't worry when we are laughing.  :-)
We can't. Outrun them. - Kirk
We can`t just let the Cardies have the wormhole!
We cannot afford to second-guess ourselves... - Picard
We cannot all be masters.  Shakespeare
We cannot all be perfection, can we?  Well
We cannot all do all things. - Vergil
We cannot be held responsible if you mistake this tagline for a disclaimer.
We cannot change and survive unless we survive and change.
We cannot command nature except by obeying her.  -- Sir Francis Bacon
We cannot control the wind but we can trim our sails
We cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sails.
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home. -Edward R. Murrow, journalist (1908-1965)
We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once. -- Calvin Coolidge
We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once. -- Calvin Coolidge
We cannot just write off his final scene... take heed of his dream
We cannot leave the haphazard to chance.  - N.F. Simson
We cannot let this be -- THE END Oh yes, we can! - MST3K
We cannot lie if it was strange
We cannot make Mr. Data our priority. - Picard
We cannot misuse him enough.&lt;Shakespeare&gt;
We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh. --Agnes Repplier (1855 - 1950), Americans and Others, 1912
We cannot run the risk of staying here any longer. - Ro Laren
We cannot run the risk of staying here any longer. - Ro Laren
We cannot stray beyond the reach of God's loving hand.
We cannot truly love anybody at whom we cannot laugh.
We care a lot
We carry within us wonders we seek without us
We carry within us wonders we seek without us. &lt;Sir Thomas Browne&gt;
We cater to the occasional fetishes. - Janette
We cats appreciate good packaging.  Garfield
We celebrate the releasing of the spirit - Worf
We change not from seeing the light;but feeling the heat.
We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you
We chlorophytes have to look out for one another!
We chlorophytes have to look out for one another! - Jalapeno
We choose our joys and our sorrows long before we experience them.
We circle, eyes averted, around the place where myth and history meet.
We clash with God's angel and conquer new souls
We cleaned the clock of Marxism....we beat them with Levi 501 jeans.PJ
We climbed aboard their starship; we headed for the skies!
We come UNARMED...... this time!
We come from another...province. - Kirk
We come in Peace. Shoot to kill !
We come in peace &lt;shoot to kill&gt;...Scotty, beam me up!
We come in peace and also to offer you affordable cable TV
We come in peace! Shoot to kill. Shoot to Kill
We come in peace, and you BLATANTLY defile that! * Chang
We come in peace, but shoot to kill
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill
We come in peace, shoot to kill.
We come in peace, we only seek alcohol, women and *ExTrEm
We come in peace, we only seek alcohol, women and *ExTrEme WEiRdNeSS*!
We come in peace.  Shoot to kill.
We come in peace; shoot to killScotty, Beam me up! - Kirk
We come to bury DOS, not to praise it. (Paul Vojta,, paraphrasing a quote of Shakespeare)
We compound our suffering by victimising each other.
We compound our suffering by victimising each other. - Athol Fugard
We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones. --Francois de La Rochefoucauld, writer [1613-1680]
We control the horizontal--we control the
We control the horizontal--we control the
We corpses have no sense of time - 007 (Y.O.L.T.)
We corpses have no sense of time - 007 (You Only Live Twice)
We could arrange passage aboard a medical ship. - Data
We could be in Helsinki training track stars. -- Hawkeye
We could be in danger of another attack. - Ro Laren
We could be killed! Jeez! - Crow
We could buy all kinds of important things, like... Love! - Homer
We could defeat gravity if not for the paperwork involved
We could do a mind swap. - Kryten
We could do that, but it would be wrong, that"s for sure. -- Richard Nixon
We could do that. - Wakko
We could easily turn men into a slave race..or do hair.-Sally,3rd Rock
We could exist on the stars, living so eeeee-zeeee
We could find that we're all alone in the dreams of the proud"
We could get in one of those currents and surf home. Paris
We could have lived this dance forever... - George Michael
We could have made it bigger.  But why?
We could have whatever's "lion" around! - Banzai
We could hope that they might be burned by a gasoline truck.
We could hope that they might be creamed by a milk truck.
We could hope that they might be pickeled by a vinegar truck.
We could hope that they might be porked by a hog truck.
We could hope that they might be stampeded by a cattle truck.
We could jam in Joe's Garage
We could jam in Joe's Garage... --Zappa
We could know where we are on the map except for all these trees!
We could maybe salvage the carpet. - Anna Steven
We could never replace you - we don't know what you ARE!
We could really bust some heads - in a spiritual sense, of course
We could really...we could really...*BE* in this cave
We could save Zeon. But what of Ecos? - Kirk
We could sit and talk about this all night long.
We could swipe Odo's bucket!--Nog
We could swipe Odo's bucket, hehehehe! - Nog
We could take in an old Steve Reeves movie. - Frank
We could tranport the entire crew back to Alpha Quadrant. Torres
We could try to capture it and give it to Avon as a pet.
We could use a flashback - Crow
We could use a scientist on our side! - O'Brien2
We could use a tetrion pulse phase quadrature matrix...  --  Geordi
We could wack 'em, and we could stack 'em. -Ted Nugent
We covet what we see every day. -- Clarice Starling
We crave your love! - Dot
We create our own realities
We create our own reality according to our beliefs.
We create worlds (of criminals). Who else has the money?
We create worlds!
We cried together and your tears tasted sweet
We crossed the equator - Mike
We cut through fields of midnight dreams, often heard but seldom seen.
We dance in balance and power with the Father the sun
We danced and we sang in the street and the church bells rang
We danced in graveyards with vampires until dawn - Tori Amos
We dare defend out rights.
We deal in lead, friend.
We decided to get together and destroy you, and your little dog too!
We define:-&gt; ACCESS: adj. Too much as in she has access hair.
We define:-&gt; BAUD RATE: n. Cat house fee.
We define:-&gt; BIT SHIFT: n. Chewed chemise.
We define:-&gt; FIRMWARE: n. Girdles.
We define:-&gt; FLOPPIES: n. Residue from burned bras.
We define:-&gt; HARD ERROR: n. Mistake only an expert can make.
We define:-&gt; HEAD CRASHED v. Fell down in the toilet.
We define:-&gt; INTERLEAVING: v. Coming while going.
We define:-&gt; MIDI: n. Student at the U.S. Naval Academy.
We define:-&gt; MNEMONIC: n. ....We forget.
We define:-&gt; MTBF: n. Warranty plus one day.
We define:-&gt; PARITY: n. Have a ball:  Let's parity!
We define:-&gt; RECURSIVE: adj.  See recursive.
We define:-&gt; SILICON: n. Absurd felon.
We define:-&gt; THIN FILM HEADS: n. Porta potties for Roger Corman.
We define:-&gt; TPI: n. 1940's movie actress.
We define:-&gt; WINCHESTER DRIVE: n. Road to San Jose tourist spot.
We demand a complete and total absence of solid facts
We demand peaceful relations or we blow up your planet.
We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty
We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty! * Vroomfondel
We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty! - HHGTTG
We demand solid facts.  Er, no that's precisely what we don't demand.
We demand that we may, or may not, be Philosophers
We deny the allegations, and defy the allegator!
We deserve all of the government that we can't handle.
We deserve, and demand, truth, instead of posturing!
We desire to open the planetary worlds to mankind. - Wernher von Braun
We did a crossword puzzle together, *in bed*.  - George Costanza
We did it OUR way - Dr. Forrester
We did it!  We proved the trip was possible! -- Jake Sisko
We did not inhale," said Bill and Hillary, jointly
We did, and here are ours:  stand by to beam them aboard.
We didn't *mean* to sink their base... -- Iceberg
We didn't call you here to collect rocks! Vanderberg
We didn't come here just to put on some Scout jamboree! - Zoisite
We didn't come here looking for trouble, We just came to do the Red Dwarf Shuffle
We didn't do it...Nobody saw us...Ya can't prove it!!!
We didn't exist until right now. - Sara Carter
We didn't get much sleep, but we had alot of fun...  - John Denver
We didn't get to be the air-conditioning capitol of America by luck.
We didn't have MTV. We went to concerts and smoked dope
We didn't inhale, announced Bill and Hillary jointly.
We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. - Vince Lombardi
We didn't remove all your implants, said Paris, eyeing Seven's chest
We didn't send the Best and Brightest to D.C
We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning. - Billy Joel
We didn't win, and we didn't lose. Worf
We die only once, and for such a long time.
We die only once, and for such a long time. - Moliere
We digitized the images, therefore it's virtual reality.
We dine well here in Camelot.  We eat ham and jam and spam alot.
We dine well here in Camolot we eat Ham and Jam and Spam alot!
We discourage women from developing the tools to fend for themselves.
We disposed of emotion, doctor. - Spock
We dive at five.
We do NOT accept Collect Calls on BBS!
We do function in your absence, 007 - M (D.A.F.)
We do function in your absence, 007 - M (Diamonds Are Forever)
We do get outta hand occasionally and then we just get nekkid.
We do have to be careful about preserving the fabric of reality
We do it for the Halibut.
We do it our way ... your way is irrelevant
We do not accept reservations...but we do honor dibs.
We do not assimilate inferior species. We destroy them.
We do not bring you here. You bring us here. You exist here.
We do not colonize.  We conquer.  We rule.  There is no other way for us. -- Rojan, "By Any Other Name"
We do not colonize.  We conquer. -- Rojan
We do not come to Grace. Grace comes to us.
We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count
We do not die of death, we die of vertigo
We do not die of death, we die of vertigo. - The Crow
We do not have censorship. What we have is a limitation on what newspapers can report
We do not have the First Ones to help us this time. - Delenn
We do not inherit the land, we borrow it from our children. -- Native American Proverb
We do not intend to die. - Kirk
We do not know 1 millionth of one percent about anything.
We do not know who first discovered water. However, we are confident that it was not a fish
We do not lie side by side and mock the thought of you
We do not love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the`good we have done them
We do not mourn the loss of those who die fulfilling their destinies.
We do not need to Child-Proof America!
We do not recognize our souls until they are in pain
We do not recommend the use of 'roman numerals' in western electric information
We do not refer to the Holy Trinity as Big Daddy, Junior & the Spook.
We do not remember days; we remember moments
We do not remember days; we remember moments  -- Cesare Pavese
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. --Talmudic saying
We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are
We do not suck! -Twopaw
We do not tear your clothing with machinery. We do it carefully by hand.
We do not want a thing because we reason; we find reasons for a thing because we want it. Mind invents logic for the whims of the will. - Hegel
We do not want sleazy underthings for christmas... Give us money
We do not want the Emperor's prize damaged..we will test it first
We do number some bizarre extremists among our ranks. - S. McMahon
We do precision guesswork
We do some things for money, and anything for glory.
We do what we can but it's never enough.
We do what we can to battle the evil that would otherwise destroy us
We do.  We are.  What more can you ask for?
We do.  We are.  What more is there? -- Dick Durkin
We do. We are. What more can you ask for?
We don' need no steenk-"N" lightni-)(*$Q($NO CARRIER
We don't ATTEND parties, we just CRASH 'em! -Calvin
We don't DO Taglines ;)
We don't DO drugs - we TAKE them. - Loki
We don't `demand' respect we *command* it. -- Wisetongue
We don't aim our super power weapons at other super heroes. - The Tick
We don't allow poison to be consumed in our house. ;) - Dire Wolf
We don't attend parties.  We just crash 'em! - Calvin
We don't believe in miracles -- we rely on them.
We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack. -- Marie Ebner von Eschenbach
We don't bow to every creature who has a bag of tricks. - Kirk
We don't buy beer - we rent it
We don't care HOW you do things up north.
We don't care about posterity; we want it to sound good right now. -D.Ellington
We don't care enough to study male rape in prison.
We don't care how they do it in New York
We don't care to eat toadstools that think they are truffles. - Mark Twain
We don't care, we don't have to, we're The Phone Company!
We don't care.  We don't have to.  We're the Feds
We don't care.  We don't have to.  We're the Phone Company.
We don't care.  We don't have to.  We're the U. S. Government.
We don't care.  We don't have to.  We're the phone company. -Ernestine
We don't care. We don't have to. We're Microsoft!
We don't care. We don't have to. We're Telecom
We don't care. We don't have to. We're The Phone Company.
We don't communicate? I faxed you a reply to your recorded message!
We don't consider even one life petty. - Riker
We don't cotton to you sick nudist types around here
We don't disembowel Bambi live the way coyotes do, we shoot him first
We don't do Windows.  We C: better.
We don't do dine-in.  We only do take-out. -- Dr. Forrester
We don't do god[s], tryant[s], hatred[s], or family value[s] here
We don't do no dups!
We don't do that here, all we need is a urine sample ---Jeff Foxworthy
We don't do those any more. - Yakko
We don't doubt, we don't take reflection... - TSoM
We don't eat our enemies!  We have lawyers for that!
We don't eat our enemies!  We have lawyers for that! - CEO We-Say-So
We don't eat our enemies! We have lawyers for that!
We don't even have a jamming device. - Ivanova
We don't even have to make up words. - Chuck Holcomb
We don't exactly do much salvaging. - Lister
We don't get many Presidential assassins. * Martia
We don't get to know people when they come to us; we must go to them to find out what they are like. - Goethe
We don't get to live happily ever after. - Duncan MacLeod
We don't get too many strangers around here standing up. - Radar
We don't go to helljust our memories do - Tragically Hip
We don't have Sarcasm on our planet
We don't have a choice. Janeway
We don't have a solution, but we admire your problem.
We don't have a song!  We don't even have a dirge!
We don't have a song!  We don't even have a dirge!
We don't have designations - we have names. - Crusher
We don't have enough power, Captain!!!
We don't have no 3.5's here!
We don't have room for any more peripherals, said Tom bus-ily.
We don't have room on the ship for a pony
We don't have room to add BOTH of Clinton's faces to Mount Rushmore!
We don't have the time to spare, Captain. - Spock
We don't have to be sheep, but that requires thought & responsibility
We don't have to go looking for it.  It will find us! - Sheriaden
We don't have to like each other. - Riker
We don't have to post changes, just give out lots of warnings
We don't have to protect the environment -- the Second Coming is at hand
We don't have to. Yes we do. The cookie told me so!
We don't inherit the world from our parents, we borrow it from our children. -  Sioux Indians
We don't intend to leave orbit until we prove his innocence. Janeway
We don't joke in the CIA
We don't joke in the CIA. - Col. Flagg
We don't just throw people to the lions! - Brutha
We don't kill people because they're bad; we do it because *we're* bad
We don't know
We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything-Thomas Edison
We don't know any of that. Sisko
We don't know one millionth of one per cent about anything
We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything. - Thomas Edison
We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything. Edsil Murphy
We don't know that this can come alive - Riker
We don't know what we don't know
We don't know who discover water, but we're sure it's not the fish.
We don't know who discovered water, but we are certain it
We don't know who discovered water, but we are certain it wasn't a fish. - John Culkin
We don't know who discovered water, but we're certain it wasn't a fish.
We don't know who discovered water, but we're pretty sure it wasn't a fish
We don't know who it was that discovered water, but we're pretty sure that it wasn't a fish. -- Marshall McLuhan
We don't know yet about life, how can we know about death? - Confucius
We don't know...
We don't lie, we deny (that UFO's exist). -U.S. Govt
We don't like people with big flying cubes 'round here.
We don't like sissies in this neck of the woods. - Wisetongue
We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out. - Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962
We don't like to talk about it. - Firefinger
We don't make mistakes! - Tax Man
We don't make this stuff up, we don't have too!
We don't morally censor, we just want the money.
We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of people. - Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Wellman
We don't need a map to keep this show on the road. --Fozzie Bear
We don't need an extra down.
We don't need another hero !
We don't need another hero; we don't need to know the way home
We don't need anyone else. We're brothers. Lore
We don't need child proof lighters. We need a liberal proof Congress.
We don't need no assimilation - Hey - Borgmen! Leave that race alone!
We don't need no education
We don't need no education .... -Floyd
We don't need no education... /&lt;+++}+X NO CAREER
We don't need no flow control
We don't need no indirection
We don't need no moderation
We don't need no steenkin' Prime Directive.....we're Cardassians!
We don't need no steenkin' sewers!  Clean 'em up!!
We don't need no steenking PirateWare!
We don't need no steenking creativity!
We don't need no steenking recipes
We don't need no steenking tag lines
We don't need no stinkin regulations
We don't need no stinkin regulations...........
We don't need no stinkin' badges - IRS
We don't need no stinkin' patches!
We don't need no stinking taglines!
We don't need permission for anything - Johnny Rotten
We don't need prophets to tell us how to live; we can find out for ourselves by consulting what's actually there. - Ishmael, p.96
We don't need to see this shot! -- Tom Servo
We don't negotiate with thangs!
We don't often get to play with anything as stupid as a dung beetle
We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the pr
We don't see many "&lt;g&gt;"s from you. I'm honored! &lt;g&gt;
We don't serve women here. Bring your own
We don't serve women. You have to bring your own
We don't smoke and we don't chew, and we don't go with girls that do.  -- Walter Summers
We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
We don't take Visa. Just your first born child will do fine. :)
We don't take no $#@* from a machine!  Ooops... (Bzzt!..)
We don't take no sh*t from a machine
We don't tan here -- we rust. - Alexis Marsh, on Seattle
We don't understand the software, and sometimes we don't understand the hardware, but we can *___see* the blinking lights!
We don't use straws in combat, fellah.  Worf
We don't usually thank food dispensers. * Geordi
We don't usually thank food dispensers. La Forge
We don't want Congress for our landlord. - PJ O'Rourke on federal land
We don't want NO SALVE!
We don't want any adventures here, thank you. - Bilbo Baggins
We don't want to buy any
We don't want to destroy life, we want to save it. Daystrom
We don't want to go back to tommorrow.
We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward. - Dan Quayle
We don't want to interfere with their celebration. - Brad
We don't want you to pray for us...we want you to pray TO us
We don'tpmake sense, but we do like pizza
We dont know who discovered water, but we are certain it wasn't a fish
We dont need no thought control .... -Floyd
We drink and we die and continue to drink--Leary.
We drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca-Cola
We drive on parkways and park on driveways
We dug her up and gave her a screen test
We dump Silverfoot, and we get SON of Silverfoot...Only in TEXAS!!! ;*)
We each pay a fabulous price for our visions of paradise -Rush
We easily forget crimes that are known only to ourselves.
We eat and drink While tomorrow we die
We eat fish and fish eat us - Scully (3x22)
We eat ham and jam and Spam a lot!
We eat meat without fire too.  @TOFIRST@, you are an unusual visitor
We eat meat without fire too. Orville, you are an unusual visitor.
We elected Clinton for change, and that's about all I have left.
We embrace eccentricity in New Orleans
We emerge from our mother's womb an unformatted diskette; our culture formats us. - Douglas Coupland
We end our lives as moles in the dark of dawn patrol.
We enjoy TV much more with the GE Transparent Cat
We even hate ourselves! Arr! Grr! - Crow
We ever had one where both of 'em refused to talk? -- The Deacon
We exist within the limitless dimensions of the galaxy. --Q
We faced a crisis in our earlier nuclear age.
We fall in love with a personality but we must live with a character.
We fear change. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!
We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them. - Livy
We feed our baby onions so we can find it in the dark
We fight only when there is no other choice.
We fight only when there is no other choice.  We prefer the ways of peaceful contact. -- Kirk, "Spectre of the Gun"
We fight only when there is no other choice. - Kirk
We fight our way out. Klingon Torres
We fight to great disadvantage when we fight with those who have nothing to lose
We fight to great disadvantage when we fight with those who have nothing to lose.     --Francesco Guicciardini
We figured out how to do it by multiplexing the array - Lefler
We finally got a plot point, guys!
We finally got a plot point, guys! -- Crow T. Robot
We finally received an answer from Command Base, sir. - Yeoman Rand
We find a lot of stripy lint. - Anna Steven
We find in life exactly what we put in to it. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We find out where they store the band candy - Mike
We first make our habits, and then our habits make us
We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. - John Dryden
We fish ewe a mare egrets moose panda hippo gnu deer!
We flatter one another just to be flattered in return.&lt;M. Bowen&gt;
We float, @FN@!  We all float down here!
We fly for fun, but we wait for a living Corporate Pilot Credo
We fly so others may die.. Yepee..Yahoo
We fly to beauty as an asylum from the terrors of finite nature. - Emerson
We follow Joel wherever you lead! - Bots
We forget because we must and not because we will. -- Arnold
We found a Ethiopian, can we keep him? - Cartman     Sure hon. - Mom
We found a stasis leak on Floor 16. - Rimmer
We found a witch, might we burn her?
We found him wandering in circles mumblin "GOSUB, GOSUB"
We found life on Europa, but the explosion killed it!
We found out you used to be a dog - faced - boy. - Mulder
We found something interesting - Yar
We found the wisdom not to destroy ourselves.
We found this inside. Riker to Picard
We gave Rush Limbaugh an enema & found the other half of
We gave mother a beautiful set of L-shaped dishes. In case she misses father .... they come back to her
We gave our organs to science and plan to do the same wit
We gave them some awfully hard knocks, with all our rags!   R.E.Lee
We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids?  -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
We germ hotels cannot expect to understand absolutely everything. -K.V
We get FORECASTED (more or less) WEATHER.
We get it fresh on Monday.
We get paid in Franks.  Yakko, Animaniacs
We get some kind of weather here nearly every day.
We get the credits *and* a tour through the museum! -- Servo
We get to peel the tape off Wendy O. Williams after her concerts!
We get too soon old, too late smart.
We get ulcers by mountain-climbing over mole-hills!
We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain. - William Alger
We give advice, but we cannot give the wisdom to profit by it. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld
We give nothing as willingly as our advice.
We give women money to have more children.
We gladly feast on those who would subdue us
We gladly feast on those who would subdue us--not just pretty words
We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.
We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.  Addams Credo
We go down and see if God really is with us. - Larry Underwood
We gon' swim this here crik now... Yard wide an' a foot deep
We got Cartman's pig so we can splice its genes with my elephant.-Kyle
We got Movie Sign!!!
We got Movie Sign!!! - The Mads on Satellite of Love
We got a better offer from another war. - Hawkeye
We got a great big envoy - Crow sings
We got a lot of mileage out of the lemur bit! -- Crow T. Robot
We got a situation where someone's got a button connected to a bomb!
We got a virus here!!!!!
We got computers.  We're tappin' phone lines
We got great weather here tonight under the dome! - Announcer
We got guns!  We're better than you! -- Tom Servo
We got guns! We're better than you! - Tom sings
We got guts! Yes we do! We got guts! How 'bout you? -Mike
We got no razor blades, we got no victory gin    Todd Rundgren 
We got no troubles, life is de bubbles
We got our *own* map.....*sucker*. - Mulder to Scully (DT)
We got out of my Kombi van and saw this cool chick with a broken nose!
We got plenty of youth - What we REALLY need is a Fountain of Smart!
We got plenty of youth!  What we REALLY need is a Fountai
We got rid of our kids.  The cats are allergic!
We got rid of that weird-assed family - Dr. Forrester
We got rid of the kid - the cats ware allergic to him!
We got rid of the kids ... the dogs are allergic!
We got rid of the kids, the cats were allergic.
We got rid of the kids.  The cat is allergic!
We got sammiches for every occasion! - Tom on deli menu
We got somebody out there stripping Taglines again!!
We got that at Ye Olde Totem Polls, up north - Crow
We got the beat.
We got the empire, now as then
We got the money!!  Now, where are the naked men?
We got the spirit world on the telephone link...  Utopia
We got this one sysop around here, Has 4 nodes, and 4 users to match.
We got those on Earth, we knock them into little pockets with sticks.
We got trouble in Aardvark City
We gotta bone to pick with you - Banzai
We gotta carry weapons, 'cause we always carry cash
We gotta cut you outta' that thing - Mike
We gotta get bigger guns! -- Dick Durkin
We gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out while we're young. Cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run. - Bruce Springsteen
We gotta go step on the dragons-- Zachary Butler
We gotta hang together/or hang seperately...    Todd Rundgren  
We gotta meet code - Mike on fire drill
We gotta run.  Bye! - Yakko
We gotta send this to Bob Sagett! -- Crow T. Robot
We gotta start at the beginning... - Mulder
We greeted them in peace, and spent the next 100 years in chains
We grew out of our infancy. Picard
We grew up on fish! - Mike as Kenny from Gamera
We grow because we struggle, learn and overcome.
We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves. - Mary Lamberton Becker
We guarantee SPEEDY SERVICE......... no matter how long it takes !
We hAvE yOuR mArS pRoBe.  We WaNt 1 bIlIiOn CrEdItS iN 24 Hrs.  -- Zrne
We hack, crack, and pirate all sorts of Public Domain sof^*(%NO CARRIER
We hack, crack, and pirate all sorts of Public Domain software.
We hackers live for danger.  It's part of the code
We had a fraction for a ZIP code. -- Data
We had a heck of a time covering up those naked people. - Yakko
We had a lotta street scenes & we had to put'em in - Crow
We had a meeting of the minds but yours didn't show up
We had a meeting of the minds, but mine didn't show up.
We had a need to feel the thunder.
We had a quicksand box in our back yard. I was an only child -- eventually. Steven Wright
We had a quicksand box.  I was an only child...eventually
We had a wheelbarrow but the wheel fell off
We had bad moon flight propulsion systems. said NASA apologetically.
We had better hurry. I think I'm starting to congeal! - Peter
We had better keep to the subject, Tom said topically.
We had joy we had fun, bluewavin in the sun
We had only two problems this time: strategy and execution.
We had our moment in the sun.
We had the 240. We just had to have the pudding. - Barry & LeVon
We had the Bowery boys come in and decorate. -- BJ
We had the tools...WE HAD THE TALENT!
We had to destroy the aardvark in order to save it
We had to destroy the village to save it. -- Vietnam Soldier
We had to get rid of the children - the CAT was allergic!
We had to get rid of the kids - the cats became allergic
We had to give the kids away. The cat was allergic.
We had to ride the heat of passion like a comet burning bright.
We had to sit throught the padding to get to the padding
We had women and children! I told them! Harold
We hang tagline thieves around here, stranger
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. - Aesop
We has met the enemy, and he is us. Pogo
We hate all music and especially rap
We hate him, it hates we, cuz it's dangling from a tree
We hate more passionately than we love.
We hate the kindness that we don't understand. -- Thoreau
We hate them, they hate us, we hate them back - Londo Molari
We hate you, Barney, you're a threat to society
We hate your state and will retaliate.
We have 3 days to live over again. - Kirk
We have Bill for the next 4 years - Comedy On-Line
We have DIFFERENT amounts of HAIR --
We have GOT to start using the security system - Dr. F
We have GOT to stop meeting like this!
We have NOTHING in common. - Odo
We have Phasers; I vote we blast 'em!
We have a Justice problem not a crime problem, Punish the criminals!
We have a MARS here on Earth too!
We have a bad case of the sillies. - TV's Frank
We have a communcations link with the microprobe. Kim
We have a duty to the Old Ones. Korob
We have a equal opportunity Calculus class -- it's fully
We have a fine watch dog.  Today he watched someone break in!
We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe.-D.Quayle
We have a hormonal relationship. - Opus
We have a large supply of entertainment tapes, gentlemen - Kirk
We have a lot in common. - Sisko
We have a major foundational problem here.
We have a new juicer and my wife likes to try it out on everything. This morning for breakfast I had bread juice
We have a permanent plan for the time being
We have a proud tradition of accepting only large bribes.
We have a sort of timeshare arrangement. - Quinten Barnes
We have a two party system: US vs Them
We have a very *adult* relationship.... - R. Dangerfield
We have a visual ID on numbnuts - Mike
We have a visual ID on numbnuts... -- Mike Nelson
We have achieved weightlessness offered astronaut Tom lightly
We have all passed a lot of water since then.
We have all passed a lot of water since then. --Sam Goldwyn
We have all the rights in the world - until we try to use them.
We have all the rights in the world - until we try to use them.
We have always been at war with Eurasia.
We have always been here. -- Nailnose
We have always been there.   Kosh
We have an "All Knowing Kindly Father Figure Conference Honc
We have an equal opportunity Calculus class -- it's fully integrated.
We have an imposter onboard. - Spock
We have another flat, Tom said tiredly.
We have art in order not to die of the truth. - Friedrich Nietzsche
We have art that we do not die of the truth. -- Nietzsche
We have become too corrupt, and too much slaves to our blood lust
We have been at war for 500 years. Anan 7
We have been given a new champion! Freya
We have been given two ears and but a single mouth, in order that we may hear more and talk less. - Zeno of Citium
We have been promised, a land of our own.
We have been walking for six hours.  My feet hurt. - Garibaldi
We have been wounded - but we will never be defeated! -Admiral Daala
We have captured your president. He was delicious. --Bart.
We have come all the way from the mines to kill, and avenge our folk. I wish to kill, and then go back north
We have come to assimilate your lager!
We have confused the free with the free and easy.
We have connections. - Nog
We have deep depth.  -- Yogi Berra
We have destroyed ourselves! Marplon
We have done so much with so little, for so long that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing
We have dust bunnies for pets!
We have ears, earther...FOUR OF THEM!
We have engaged the Borg - The wedding is next Sunday!
We have engaged the Borg Wedding Ceremony at 15:00!
We have engaged the Borg.     The wedding will be Friday.
We have engaged the Borg.  A June wedding is planned
We have engaged the Borg.  It will be a June wedding
We have engaged the Borg.  The wedding is Friday!
We have engaged the Borg.  The wedding's in July.
We have engaged the Borg.  Wedding is on Sunday.
We have engaged the Borg.  You're all invited to the wedding
We have engaged the Borg. The wedding is Friday!
We have engaged the Borg. The wedding's in June.
We have engaged the Borg...  Wedding Ceremony at 15:00!
We have engaged the to be held on Monday.
We have engaged the Borg: The wedding will be Friday.
We have engaged the BorgWedding Ceremony at 15:00!
We have engaged the enemy - the wedding is this Friday.
We have enough scientists; we need more hunchbacks, Igor.
We have enough weirdness here without having to import it
We have enough weirdness here without having to import it - M. Pollard
We have enough youth, how about a "Fountain of Smart"?
We have enough youth, how about a fountain of Common Sense?
We have enough youth, how about a fountain of SMART?
We have eternity to explore your flesh. -- Pinhead
We have examined Sol III.  No intelligent lifeforms.
We have finished the job, what shall we do with the tools
We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse
We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse. -- RUDYARD KIPLING
We have found a witch!  May we burn her?
We have found all life forms in the galaxy are capable of superior development. -- Kirk, "The Gamesters of Triskelion"
We have found that research causes cancer in mice.
We have found the enemy and he is us
We have four seasons: Tornado, Drought, Mud and Hell Freezing Over.
We have harmony, complete peace. Elias Sandoval
We have here the latest in primitive technology.
We have honor system candy here - Mike
We have in our midst a complete smegpot! - Lister
We have it on Channel A - Mike to Dr. Forrester
We have it on disk and you better look at it. &lt;Gorman&gt;
We have just enough religion to hate, but not enough to love - J. Swift
We have just replaced @TOFIRST@'s brains with Folger's Crystals
We have just replaced Orville's brains with Folger's Crystals
We have lingered long enough on the shores of the Cosmic Ocean.	-- Carl Sagan
We have lost our Tagline Manager ... Please Stand By
We have lost the time that was so hard to find
We have lots of criminal lawyers.  We just haven't convicted any yet.
We have loved, burned by fate,
We have messagesign the likes with which even God has never seen!
We have met the Enemy and he is you
We have met the Enemy, and He is Us. (Pogo Possum)
We have met the enemy - and he tasted GREAT!
We have met the enemy and he is us
We have met the enemy and he is us - Walt Kelly in POGO
We have met the enemy and he is us.
We have met the enemy and he prints your money
We have met the enemy and he tasted GREAT!
We have met the enemy and they are us and you are me and we are all together --Walt Kelly and the Beatles
We have met the enemy and they is us.
We have met the enemy and they tasted GREAT!
We have met the enemy and we shared our quiche with them.
We have met the enemy! He is us
We have met the enemy, and he is BIG and HAIRY!
We have met the enemy, and he is BIG!
We have met the enemy, and he is us.  -- Walt Kelly
We have met the enemy, and he is us. -Pogo
We have met the enemy, and he's all yours!
We have met the enemy, in fact we elected him
We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked
We have movie sign!!!
We have much to discuss - Q
We have never had it easy. -- Wisetongue, Get of Fenris
We have never taxed ourselves into prosperity - Rush Limbaugh.
We have no "rights" here; only privileges.
We have no choice but to believe in free will
We have no choice. Energize. Riker
We have no choice: we must believe in free will.
We have no crime after dark! 'SWAT Team?' Vampires.
We have no crime after dark.  SWAT teams?  No, Vampires!
We have no crime in this city after dark. SWAT Team? Dragons...
We have no defenses, Captain, nor are any needed. Ayelborne
We have no dogma.  We have Cat Ma - The Kittens.
We have no free press any more.  It is bought and paid for.
We have no idea of the dangers we are about to face. - Janeway
We have no king but Caesar!
We have no more surprises. -- Pinhead
We have no need for ancient ways, our world is doing fine.: Rush
We have no need or want. Elias Sanoval
We have no other industry. Sobi
We have no rights here anymore; only privileges
We have no script, why bother to rehearse? Animaniacs
We have no solution, but we sure admire the problem.
We have no taste, but we like you. - Dot
We have no way of communicating with Starfleet. Janeway
We have normality, I repeat, we have normality. (Whatever that is.)
We have normality.  Anything you can't deal with is your own problem.
We have not demanded that BOTH sexes equally share the hazardous jobs.
We have not fit men for the times.   John Adams
We have not inherited the earth from our parents, we've borrowed it from our children
We have not inherited the earth, but borrowed it
We have nothing to be proud of but everything to be thankful for.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself or maybe a vengeful maniac.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.  That, and those great big furry spiders
We have nothing to fear but fear itself. That's enough
We have nothing to fear but fear itself... oh, and that exam next week
We have nothing to fear but sanity itself. - MORK
We have nothing to fear but the atmosphere itself.
We have nothing to fear except that which frightens us.
We have nothing to fear when it's over - Scully on life
We have nowhere else to go... this is all we have. -- Margaret Mead
We have offered you a gift beyond all other gifts
We have one plant I refuse to talk to.  It thinks it knows everything!
We have only 2 things to worry about:  That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have
We have only 2 things to worry about:  That things will never get back to normal, and that they already have
We have only one person to blame, and that's each other,,,
We have only one person to blame, and that's each other. Barry Beck
We have only one person to blame, and that's each other. Barry Beck
We have only two options.  We fight, or we surrender. - Sheridan
We have only two things to worry about -- that either things will never get back to normal, or that they already have
We have phasers, I vote we blast 'em! - Bailey
We have phasers, I vote we blast 'em! -- Bailey, "The Corbomite Maneuver"
We have phasers... I vote we blast 'em! - Lt. Bailey
We have phasers; I vote we blast 'em!
We have powerful friends.  You're gonna regret this... - Leia
We have reached normality.  Anything you still can't deal w/ is your problem
We have reached total coolness. -- Mikey
We have reason to be afraid.  This is a terrible place. -- John Berryman
We have reason to believe a man in your area may be in danger. -Mulder
We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation. -- Lily Tomlin
We have resumed control... we have resumed control
We have sat on the river bank and caught catfish with pin hooks. The time has come to harpoon a whale. - John Hope
We have secretly replaced @N@'s life with Folgers Crystals.
We have secretly replaced Orville Bullitt's life with Folgers Crystals.
We have secretly replaced the Dilithium with Foldgers
We have secretly replaced the Dilithium with new Foldgers Crystals!
We have seen the enemy, and he is us
We have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's out
We have sent the forms which seem to be right for you.
We have sex doggy style - I beg, she rolls over and plays dead
We have sex doggy style - I roll over, she plays dead
We have sex for a purpose. Last night he timed an egg.
We have sex for a purpose. Last night she used me to time an egg.
We have so much time and so little to do! - Willy Wonka
We have some excellent suggestions, Captain. Kes
We have some qualities in common
We have some questions we'd like to ask you. - Scully
We have standards and expect you not to exceed them.
We have standards around here and expect you not to exceed them.
We have stolen a small Imperial shuttle. - Crix Madine
We have strange and wonderful relationship. You're strange and I'm wonderful
We have such sights to show you
We have such sights to show you... -- Pinhead
We have such sights to show you...- Hellraiser
We have that Indian scene. We can get the Indians from the reservoir. - Samuel Goldwyn
We have the ANSWER? ..Now!  What is the question?
We have the Holy Hand Gernade. -- Lancelot
We have the best Congress that money can buy.
We have the best Senate that money can buy.
We have the best and fairest system in the world. - Rangel on IRS
We have the cure for fundamentalists, but they are refusing it
We have the flu
We have the house surrounded!  Get off the babysitter!
We have the right to survive!
We have the technology, we just don't know how to use it!
We have them back, Captain. All three of them. EHMP
We have them just where they want us.  -- James Kirk
We have them right where they want us - Captain Kirk
We have this scene on a commemorative plate. -- Joel Robinson
We have to find another way out of here. - Sinclair
We have to get it out of the event horizon. Janeway
We have to get out of here in three hours. Kirk
We have to get ready for him-Alice
We have to get rid of Clinton and his Loon Platoon..whatever it takes!
We have to get the status quo back to what it was before.
We have to give up a little freedom...  Comrade Klinton
We have to head back, tell them what happened. - Ramirez
We have to keep...A watch on our shadows - Amy Grant
We have to let the other caper play through - Mike
We have to live today by what truth we can get today, and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood. - William James
We have to make sure those hostages survive. Sisko
We have to outsmart the Republicans. -Bill Clinton (Wash.Post,2/24/95)
We have to protect our own, Lennier. Ashon
We have to reinvent the wheel every once in a while, not because we need a lot
We have to say goodbye to the people who were in our lives.-Ro Laren
We have to see.  We have to know. -- Dr. Chennard
We have to shout over the din of our Rice Krispies
We have to survive, it's our duty!  -Hikaru
We have to use untested new technology to achieve the speed of LINT!!
We have toiled all night, and have taken nothing. - Luke 5:5
We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them. - Abigail Adams (1744-1818)
We have trucks because gun racks don't fit in Daddys Olds
We have two ears and one tongue, use them likewise.
We have two sorts of pies: undercooked and overcooked.
We have unwelcome visitors, sir. - Worf
We have used the Bible as if it were a constable's handbook.
We have vays to make you talk, Orville Bullitt!
We have ways of making you talk... Bring in the Brownie spray
We have ways to make you talk.
We have wormsign the likes with which even God has never seen!
We have you surrounded!  Drop your carrier!!
We have you surrounded, @FN@!  Drop your carrier NOW!
We have you surrounded, don't make us play acid rock!!
We have you surrounded, don't make us play rock & roll!
We kill her. Bashir-2
We haven't done any analysis. - Picard
We haven't got a clue, but we are working on the problem!
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969
We haven't heard the Devil's side.  God wrote all the books.
We haven't lost a Lunatic; we've gained a co-Sysop
We haven't met before. Exactly. - Kirk re Moreau
We haven't seen any evidence that this entity is sentient. - Dax
We havent got a prayer - Wesley
We hear no Sucking Sounds To or From Costa Rica!
We heard about him, and we helped him escape. Sarah
We heard your fighter was destroyed. - Tuvok2
We hired you to baby sit.  You cooked and ate them BOTH? 
We hit Bruno Tataglia at four o'clock this morning. - Tessio
We hit another movie!  - Ensign Loser
We hit him with five shots and he's still alive! - Salatzo
We hit the supreme overload/And the great amplifier began to explode 
We hold college football players to _higher_ standards than Clinton.
We hold these Aardvarks to be self-evident
We hold these Crunchy Frogs to be self-evident
We hold these Crunchy Frogs to be self-evident..  Monty Python
We hold these truths to be self-evident
We hope we've touched you with some of our evilness. - Crow
We hope you can make it to the tailgate party next Saturday.
We hope you have will been there.
We humans do not regenerate.
We humans have a streak of barbarism in us
We hurt your feelings? GOOD! - Crow to Lisa Loeb
We improvised, we adapted, we overcame! -- Gunny Highway
We in Canada believe that good fences are necessary. --Diefenbaker.
We in Connecticut are proud of our roots, we just can't find them.
We in Florida are proud of our roots, we just can't find them.
We interrupt this fortune for an important announcement
We interrupt this mail session for "Barney Meets the Velociraptors."
We interrupt this mail session to bring you flowers and chocolate
We interrupt this marriage to bring you the racing season
We interrupt this message to annoy and generally irritate
We interrupt this minor flamage
We interrupt this quote for an important bulletin
We interrupt this tender moment to bring you an action sequence
We interupt the News to show an episode of Animaniacs!
We is all on the cover of Newsweek
We is confronted with insurmountable opportunities. -- Walt Kelly, "Pogo"
We is illiterates of Borg.  Grammar be irrelevant
We jazz like dat. We freak like dat. We zoom like dat. We out.
We join our story already in progress - Tom
We join our story already in progress - Tom
We join our story already in progress... -- Tom Servo
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while !!!!others judge us by what we have already done. - Longfellow
We judge reality by the responses of our senses.
We just came to beat everybody up.  We'll leave now. -- Crow
We just can't let the Cardies have the worm hole!
We just don't have time to relax. -- Dr. Forrester
We just got a report that theres some bad acid going around
We just had a lover's spatula.
We just handed the A-Bomb to the Boy Scouts. - Mulder
We just heard you offer the apology for all the monsters of our times
We just joined the civil hair patrol!!
We just kidnapped this BBS.  Send 100 dollars, or else !
We just knew. - Eve 9 and Eve 10  (Eve)
We just landed. - Dax
We just love, to give you our views, La da te da
We just moved in upstairs to Deep 12
We just moved in upstairs to Deep 12 - Bridget & Mary Jo
We just screwed all of these people ==  Hillary Clinton
We just screwed all these people.  -- H. R. Clinton
We just screwed all these people. - Hillary Clinton
We just took your libido & starched & pressed it - Crow
We just totally ripped her off. -Butt-Head
We just wanna get our damned mail through... is that a crime?
We just want the FAX ma'am Keep the photo copier
We just want the FAX ma'am...  You can keep the photocopier
We just want the FAX ma'am... Keep the photo copier
We just want to PUMP &lt;clap&gt; YOU UP!
We just want to ask you some questions. - Mulder
We just want to kill you for a minute. -- Crow T. Robot
We just want to pump you up. (Male implant clinic)
We kill Pirates! But I'm a Lawyer! BLAM! - that's WORSE!
We kill Pirates. I'm no pirate, I'm a lawyer KILL THE LAWYER!
We kill Pirates. I'm no pirate, I'm a lawyer Same thing.... BLAM!
We kill people 2 show people that killing is wrong
We kindle and char and inflame and ignite...Yo ho Yo ho!
We knew what we wanted, we took it believing it free
We know God easily, if we do not constrain to define Him! - Joseph Joubert
We know a lot (about nothing!)
We know about that. - Mulder
We know accurately only when we know little; with knowledge doubt increases. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We know he put his ass on the line for us a number of times-FM (3x21
We know how to behave, we've had lessons.
We know how to spend their money better than they do!
We know our will is free, and there's an end on't. -- Johnson
We know the speed of light, but what's the speed of dark?
We know the speed of light...What is the speed of dark?
We know too much and feel too little. - Bertrand Russell
We know we're in trouble when the most honest Clinton is Chelsea.
We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over. - Ambrose Bierce
We know what we are, but know not what we may be. -Shakespeare
We know what we are, but not what we may be.
We know what we are, but not what we may be. - William Shakespeare
We know what you need. - We-Say-So
We know what you've been told. Sarah
We know where one of the men may be. - Mulder
We know you're headed for the wormhole... - Kira
We know you're in there!
We ladies gotta stick together!
We laid our lives on the line...we dared the lightening.
We laughed all the way home. - Talyn
We laughed in the faces of kings, never afraid to burn - Tori Amos
We laughed, we sang, we danced far into the night.
We lead a rich life - Crow as bum smokes
We lead best when we lead by example. - C. L. Sowells
We learn by doing. - J. T. Kirk
We learn by doing. - Kirk
We learn by our mistakes, why do I make so many?
We learn from experiance that men NEVER learn anything from experiance
We learn from experience we never learn from experience.
We learn from history that we do not learn anything from history.
We learn from history that we do not learn from history. -- Georg Hegel
We learn from history that we don't learn from history
We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.
We learn from history what we do not learn from history. -G.F.W. Hegel
We learn from our mistakes. You're in the Accelerated Program!
We learn something new every day.
We learn. It's what Humans do. - Garibaldi
We leave the station, raise a Federation attack force and return
We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.
We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves. -- Eric Hoffer
We lie together in whispers and moans --U2
We like the deepest oceans, send photographs of Mars. We're so enchanted by how clever we are. - Julian Lennon
We like to send threatening underwear. - BJ
We like you, Mulder. Your ideas are stranger than ours
We like your ideas Mulder, they're weirder than ours. --Saucer Chaser.
We like your ideas, Mulder!  They're weirder than ours! - Lone Gunmen
We like your ideas, Mulder.  They're weirder than ours. - Saucer Chaser
We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly.
We live by faith, not by sight.
We live for one thing only, 1's and 0's and all that they create.
We live for the One, we /die/ for the One! --Marcus
We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic. - David Russell
We live in a bloody swamp!  We need all the land we can get!
We live in a quiet neighborhood - they all use silencers
We live in a tower! -- Yakko
We live in a universe of Magick!
We live in a world where nothing is impossible, except pe
We live in a world where nothing is impossible, except peace and happiness
We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police
We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police. --Jeff Marder
We live in an age when pizza gets to your house faster than the cops.
We live in the age of cooties. - Bart
We live in the electronic village. It's called Pooterville.
We live on the crumbs of humble piety. - Gavroche, Les Mis
We live only to discover beauty, all else is only waiting
We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting.
We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting. &lt;Gibran&gt;
We live, in a very kooky time. - Herb Blashtfalt
We live, not as we wish to, but as we can. - Menander (292 B.C.)
We lived for days on nothing but food and water. - W. C. Fields
We loaded Win '95 into the Engineering computer...&lt;warp core breach&gt;
We look for recipes. recipes that make us go.
We look for taglines.  Make us laugh.    Pakled of RIME
We look for taglines. Taglines that make us go.
We look for things that make us go!
We look for things that make us go, he can make us go - Pakled
We look for things to assimilate. We are *strong*. - Pakled Borg
We look for things to make it so.  -- Paklard saying
We look for things to make us go
We look for things to make you mad -- Pakled Q
We look for things, things to make us go.      Ex-Lax, anyone???
We look for things, things to make us go. - NASA
We look for things.     Things that make us go
We look for things.  Things that are compressed - PAKleds
We look for things.  Things that make us go.
We look for things.  Things to make us go. - Pakled
We look for things. Things that are compressed. - PAKleds.
We look for things. Things that make us go.
We look for things. Things to assimilate. - Pakled Borg
We look for things.....things to make us go!
We look for things; things to make you laugh
We look to reincarnation to explain our lives...--The Rankin Family
We look, but don't see, We listen, but don't hear
We lost Davy in the Korean War.
We lost another one at *that* campsight... -- Joel Robinson
We love Al Bandy but we love his daughter more.
We love Deep Space Nine: It's not TNG, but it's fun to see!
We love MsgEd
We love him, because he first loved us. -- John 4:19
We love others better  when we better love ourselves.
We love to exchange favors. -- BJ
We love you too! Say 'Hi' to Mom for us! - Dot
We love you, Blessed be, We're a Pagan Family.... - Barney the Wiccan
We made civilisation to impress our girl friends. - Orson Wells
We made civilization in a glass house
We made civilization to impress our girl friends. - Orson Wells
We made sure they understood the depth of their mistake
We made too many wrong mistakes.  -- Yogi Berra
We made too many wrong mistakes.&lt;Yogi Berra&gt;
We make a livingy by what we get, a life by what we give.
We make an idol out of our fear and call it God. - Ingmar Bergman
We make coffee the old fashioned way ... we urn it!
We make it up as we go along.
We make mistakes, we clean 'em up. - Joe Dawson
We make our own fortunes and call them fate.
We make so much sense around here it's frightening!
We make war that we may live in peace. - Aristotle
We mammals should keep our heads down just a BIT longer
We managed to save the goldfish, but we're sorry about the cat
We may already be too late. - Mulder
We may as well continue the race - it's far too wet to play golf
We may be alone.  We may not be alone. Either way, the th
We may be alone. We may not be alone. Either way, the thought is staggering
We may be as good as we please, if we please to be good! - Washington Barrow
We may be dealing with a life form. Torres
We may be human, but we're still animals. - Steve Vai
We may be lost but we're making great time! - Sulu
We may be lost, but look how fast we're going!
We may be lost, but we're making darn good time
We may be lost, but we're sure making good time.
We may be stuck with you for a little while, Doc
We may be stupid . . . but we're not clever!-F & L
We may have an intruder onboard. - Uhura
We may have cheaper money than the States but dammit we're better
We may have more in common than she thinks.
We may make a human of you yet. -Kirk  I hope not. -Spock
We may never pass this way again
We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgement
We may not see them again for year. Maybe never. Janeway
We may rejoice and be glad all our days.  Psalm 90:14
We may risk it some time, Mr Spock. - Kirk
We may run into debt, but we usually walk out of it...slowly.
We meet back here in 20 minutes. Kira
We meet in the middle.
We meet later & frag Sherry Lewis - Mike
We meet later and frag Sherry Lewis! -- Mike Nelson
We meet with friends, we talk carcinogens
We men can sum up what we know about women in one word - nothing.
We met Dr. Hall in such deep mourning that either his mother, his wife, or himself must be dead. - Jane Austen
We met in battle at Wolf 359, Oh!!!!!!!
We met in Wolf 359.
We met in church... she was cleanin' it and I was robbin' it
We met the figure of Death mounted on a horse smoking a cheroot.
We might get pretty singed at that range. Kira
We might have a chance to save him later. - Troi
We might have just discovered the first stable wormhole known to exist!
We might just fall in love and it may be tonite.
We might not live to see yesterday! -Hoagie
We might remind cats that our ancestors wore theirs.
We missed you ... BANG! BANG!... Damn, we missed again
We missed you!  *BANG* *BANG*  Damn, missed again!
We missed you! We'll aim better next time
We missed you, @FN!  *BANG* *BANG*  Damn, missed again!
We missed you, Mr. Scott. - Kirk
We missed you, Orville! *BANG* *BANG* Damn, missed again!
We missed you, Scott!  *BANG* *BANG*  Damn, missed again!
We missed you. We'll have to aim better next time.
We missed! -- Worf
We missed! -- Worf
We monorail conductors are a _crazy_ breed!
We most certainly are NOT! - Picard
We most firmly believe what we least know.
We move to Camp David and hide. They can't get in there.  H. Haldeman
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never loose infinite hope. - Martin Luther King
We must accept the fact that Captain Kirk is no longer alive. Spock
We must all band together and be non-conformists.
We must all hang together, or surely we will all hang separately
We must all hang together, or we will surely all hang separately. - Benjamin Franklin
We must all make sacrifices, Pinky.  You may be next. - Brain
We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We must assume we're being watched
We must assume we're being watched. -- Deep Throat
We must assume we're being watched. --X-Files.
We must assume we're bing watched.
We must avoid *action* at all costs! -- Mike Nelson
We must avoid ACTION at all costs - Mike
We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold.
We must be /governed/ by /reason/, not *ruled* by *religion*.
We must be GOVERNED by reason, not RULED by religion..wc
We must be close to hell, there's Washington, DC!
We must be devious, cunning, inventive... too bad we're us
We must be doing something right.
We must be mad.Nice day for it
We must be patient, if for no other reason than this: They have all the guns. - Bishop Peregrino
We must be prepared to respond instantly to any sudden change.-Spock
We must be sure that you are not harmed. Claymare
We must believe in free will - we have no choice.
We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world.  We will see it when we believe it. -- Saul Alinsky
We must carry the facts of atomic energy to the village square. From there must come America's voice. - Albert Einstein
We must cease this senseless sucking! -Rocko
We must cultivate our garden. - Voltaire
We must dare, we must dare again, and always dare.
We must determine if any of us is infected. - Scully (1x08)
We must die because we have known them.	-- Ptah-hotep, 2000 B.C
We must do this again some time. -- Kirk
We must evacuate immediately!  EEEeeewwww!!!!!
We must fear that which we do not understand.  - Homer Simpson
We must fight fire with fire! -- Yakko
We must fight to keep democracy free even in the echos.
We must fight until one remains.  - Ramirez
We must get him to the runabout. - Data
We must get the doors closed. Worf
We must hang together, or surely we will hang seperately
We must hang together, or we will all hang separately.
We must have a mulching attachment - Tom debates
We must have a weak spot or two in a character before we can love it much
We must have the courage to quit! - Bill Clinton
We must have the courage to quit. -- William Jefferson Clinton
We must insist now that patriotism does not belong to those who defend a President's position; it belongs to those who defend their country.   -Sen. John Kerry [D-MA]
We must kill the strangers. Akuta
We must kill the strangers. Akuta
We must laugh at man, to avoid crying for him
We must laugh at man, to avoid crying for him -- Napoleon
We must laugh at men to avoid crying-Napoleon
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr
We must live UNITED lest we die IGNITED!
We must maintain our credibility with management.
We must make him suffer. - Dilbert
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. - Murrow
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. -Edward R. Murrow, journalist (1908-1965)
We must not keep him waiting! - Delenn
We must not keep him waiting! - Delenn
We must not waste the blood of the other Garou. - Wisetongue
We must pray to the wall - Mike as dumb guy
We must preserve our vital bodily fluids.
We must reach back to the Earth -- Mari Cabrah, Black Fury
We must really be desperate for something to talk about. Sheesh!
We must remember the First Amendment which protects any shrill jackass no matter how self-seeking. -- F. G. Withington
We must scrunch or be scrunched--Charles Dickens
We must scrunch or be scrunched. * Dickens
We must shut it down. - Data
We must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us
We must suit our behaviour to the occasion. - Cervantes
We must take America back, put an end to all the crap
We must take certain liberties in the name of freedom
We must tell it, teach it, live it, breathe it [2nd Am]. - C. Heston
We must treat a firearm's power with caution.
We must work while the clock is ticking
We must work while the clock is ticking. &lt;John Worfin&gt;
We must, ourselves, learn to dream with our eyes open
We musta had the wrong ticket.  The man at the door got mad and tore it in half.  -Phil 
We named our baby Teeny. We'd call him Martini but he isn't dry enough
We named our baby Teeny. We'd call him Martini but he isn't dry enough
We need Abe Lincoln now more than ever!
We need Bill Clinton like a hemophiliac needs open heart surgery!
We need Clinton's health plan in Rwanda.
We need Janeway to carry out her dopey threats.
We need Mark's "From the ashes of the Borg" episode after that.
We need a 10-gauge needle, Orville hypothesized
We need a 10-gauge needle, Tom hypothesized.
We need a 12 step program for tagline addicts
We need a 5 day waiting period on 15" pocket knives. &lt;G&gt;
We need a 5 day waiting period on knives. (J. Bobbitt)
We need a Bio-Molecular Physiologist in here!  This man is dying!
We need a LOTTO Lotto numbers, Mike - Crow
We need a community leader and it's going to be you Quark - Sisko
We need a community leader. And it's going to be...YOU, Quark.
We need a home run hitter, he said Baby Ruthlessly.
We need a home run hitter, said Tom ruthlessly.
We need a line-item Veto!
We need a little political house cleaning like France's 1788 mop up.
We need a more permanent solution to our problem!
We need a national political union.
We need a new bard. All this one does is sing & drink
We need a new bike tire, Tom spoke
We need a new cosmology.  New Gods.  New Sacraments.  Ano
We need a new cosmology.  New sacraments. New gods. Another drink.
We need a new logo Mr Gates. Ok, try this, MicroSoft, Mak
We need a plan that will work! Oh, that's different. *NARF*
We need a reality check on register four.  Bring the Key.
We need all the friends we can get - Garibaldi
We need bigger guns, Stone! -- Dick Durkin
We need change: Lenin 1917, Hitler 1936, Clinton 1992
We need either less corruption or more chance to participate in it.
We need freedom and living space KIRK: 'Hitler, 1938.'
We need guns, really Big guns !  -  Split Second
We need love, admiration, worship, as you need food.
We need more angry voices. Turn your caps lock ON!!!!
We need more homeless, penniless lawyers.
We need more power! Can you give us any more?!
We need more unemployed politicians.
We need new dreams tonight --U2
We need our enemies to teach us what friends in kindness never show. - Gwen Harwood
We need perfection in our lives  We need *perfect* Taglines!
We need safer guns and safer bullets. - Joycelyn Elders [12-8-93]
We need some actualy continuity in the show.
We need something else. Paris
We need stupidity flags.
We need the Federal Government like a fish needs a bicycle.
We need the help of a housewife & a balding guy - Tom
We need the poor...who else would clean up our mess?
We need their computer things - Pakled
We need to bring back some good old-fashioned hypocrisy.- Hillary
We need to buy ourselves 15 seconds. Crusher
We need to completely replace all his blood. Kes
We need to find out more about more randomness.
We need to get a new bard.  All this one does is sing and drink.
We need to get onboard the Enterprise. - Picard
We need to make peace with our former lives. - Ro Laren
We need to make the time to really listen to our kids
We need to put American Government on a lo-fat,Clinton-free diet.-Fong
We need to talk. - Troi
We need video support here - Mike on vague scene
We need weapons just as much as we need water. Kirk
We need wilderness because we are wild animals. - Edward Abbey
We need you to find him and sit on him until we can get there. -Mulder
We need your dreams, your ambitions! Sylvia
We need. Needing we take. - Zathras
We never appreciate what we have, until it's taken away!
We never did. - Troi
We never found the pipe, but Grandpa Louie walked funny after that
We never know the value of water till the well is dry
We never know whether we are victors or whether we are defeated.
We never live; we are always in the expectation of living. - Voltaire
We never steal taglines -- We're genealogists, we adopt them!
We never think before we light the fuse. . .  -Yellow Dancer
We never, ever, ever do product placement! - Frank
We no longer know your heart, Delenn - The Grey Council
We now  return  to  our regularly scheduled flame-throwing
We now control the future of physics. -- Dr. Reinhald
We now have all of Saddam's palaces and residences.So, he has no place to live. If he thought Pres.Bush was hard on him before, wait till Saddam sees how the Republicans treat the homeless...-Jay Leno
We now have exactly the same situation as we had at the start of the race, only exactly the opposite - Murray Walker
We now have exactly the same situation as we had at the start of the race, only exactly the opposite - Murray Walker
We now have the Fascism of complete Freedom. - Dennis Miller
We now join "This Old Starship", with your host Montgomery Scott.
We now join our confusing sequence already in progress
We now present the conclusion of....'The Never-ending Story'
We now present the conclusion of...The Never-ending Story.  -- From a TV ad
We now rejoin your regularly scheduled mid-life crisis in progress.
We now resume our regularly scheduled programming.
We now return Control of your Modem to you
We now return control of your brain ..CokeControl
We now return t' our regularly scheduled Flame-Throwin'
We now return to "Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid" - Tom
We now return to Troy McClure in "Preacher with a Shovel"!
We now return to Troy McClure in "The President's Neck is Missing!"
We now return to our old habit of cake throwin'!!!
We now return to our regular flaming
We now return to our regular gouging and blood-letting.
We now return to our regularly coded procedure
We now return to our regularly scheduled RICHARD-throwing.
We now return to our regularly scheduled cat -pampering
We now return to our regularly scheduled chaos
We now return to our regularly scheduled consensus reality.
We now return to our regularly scheduled explosion.
We now return to our regularly scheduled flame -throwing.
We now return to our regularly scheduled recipe-exchanging
We now return to our regularly scheduled tagline.
We now return to our regurally scheduled flame throwing.
We now return to our scheduled flame-throwing
We now return to the echo, already in progress.
We now return to your previously-scheduled topics
We now return to your regular program already in progre
We now return to your regularly scheduled flame-throwing
We now return to your regularly scheduled newsgroup
We now return to your regularly scheduled, on-topic conversations.
We now return to... The Thread That Would Not Die
We now return you the next episode of...Days of Our Thread. ;*)
We now return you to (dramatic music) The Thread That Would Not Die.
We now return you to The Edge of Tomorrow, directed by Wes Craven.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled flame throwing.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled system lock-up
We now return you to regularly scheduled witch burnings!
We now return you to the echo, already in progress
We now return you to the visible spectrum.  Do not adjust your set.
We now return you to your regular programming
We now return you to your regular scheduled broadcast
We now return you to your regularly interrupted program
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Ferret Raid
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Tagline
We now return you to your regularly scheduled boredom
We now return you to your regularly scheduled flame-throwing
We now return you to your regularly scheduled on topic posts
We now return you to... The Thread That Would Not Die.
We now visit the trachea - Mike on lusty kissing scene
We now visit the trachea... -- Mike Nelson
We offered the world ORDER! - Khan         "We?" - Spock
We often despise what is most useful to us. - Aesop
We often treat our world as though we had a spare in the trunk!
We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies
We only *have* six photons, Major. -- O'Brien
We only acknowledge small faults in order to make it appear that we are free from great ones. -- La Rouchefoucauld
We only have one requirement:  Do you do WINDOWS?
We only let you use the software.  We don't say it works
We only publish writers with well-known names. - Great, mine's Smith!
We only use TrueType fonts. - The National Enquirer
We operate at a 90o angle to reality
We ought never do wrong when people are looking. - Mark Twain
We ought never to allow ourselves to be persuaded of the truth of anything unless on the evidence of our own reason.- Rene' Descartes
We ought to ban lawyers from advertising.
We ought to ban lawyers from reproducing.
We ought to copyright this tagline
We overcame our instinct for violence.
We overcome obstacles & laugh in their direction
We owe it to them to interfere. Kirk
We owe something to extravagance, for thrift and adventure seldom go hand in hand. - Jenny Jerome Churchill
We own it all. -- Shakespeare, Bone Gnawer
We own the dirt.  We own the gravel. -- Shakespeare, Bone Gnawer
We own the streets. -- Shakespeare, Bone Gnawer
We pack so Major Bonkers can get out of here. - BJ
We paid for the effects, let's use 'em twice! - Crow
We paid for this van and by God, we're going to film it.-MST3k
We paid them back. - Kira
We paranoid people are not mad, we just have better information.
We paranoids DO have enemies!
We park on a driveway and drive on a parkway
We passed them!  Stop this thing!
We pause for station identification
We pay 2.3 million a year for the endangered Dung Beetle?
We pay 2.3 million a year for the endangered cockroach?
We pay tons of income tax - The Warners
We play the game with the bravery of being out of range - Waters
We polled a recent studio audience - rather messy, but fun... - GK
We practice S&M: she Sleeps & I Masturbate.
We practice anarchy, but we do it by the rules.
We praise thee, God:  We own thee Lord.
We predict a great fall for mountain climbers.
We prefer "We await your compliance", not "Tremble and obey!"
We prefer not to change the root password, it's an nice easy one.
We prefer the ways of peaceful contact.  - Kirk
We prefer to be called `vertically-impaired pre-adults'. - Yakko
We prefer to call it the Prime Suggestion  Kirk & Picard
We prefer to speak evil of ourselves rather than not speak of ourselves at all
We prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. - Bridger (S DSV)
We present 'The Dull Life Of A City Stockbroker'
We preserve our freedom using three boxes: ballot, jury,
We preserve our freedom using three boxes: ballot, jury, and cartridge.
We print the news WE think you need to be told
We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears. - La Rochefoucald
We promise according to our hopes, and perform according
We promise according to our hopes, and perform according to our fears.
We promise that this product will work until it doesn't
We pull this place through time, to save  us all - Zathras
We put down this book. And we walk away. Quark
We put the "k" in "kwality"
We put the FUN back in dysFUNctional.
We put the FUN in disFUNctional!
We put the FUN in dysfunctional!
We put the psycho in psychobiology
We put up with being surpassed more easily than with bein
We raffled off a turkey -- she's in Room 303
We rally in support of...Proposition Deep 13 - Dr. F
We ran out of turkey so we stuffed fundies.
We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. - Dead Poets Society
We read to know we are not alone
We read to know we are not alone &lt;CS Lewis&gt;
We read to know we are not alone - C.S.Lewis
We read to say that we have read.
We really are a bunch of classless bastards.-U.F. student (3/7/93)
We really didn't need a Cleric anyway.  (Famous Last Words)
We really do need that infirmary space. - Ivanova
We really don't care HOW you did it in California
We really don't care how Michael does it in Hollywood!
We really don't have any enemies.  It's just that some of our best friends are trying to kill us
We really enjoy our progressive dinners - Mike as bum
We really move our tails for you! - Servo Chorus
We really need to get out & hunt some heads! - Mike
We really need to get out and hunt some heads! -- Mike Nelson
We really shook the pillars of Heaven, didn't we?  -- Jack Burton
We really shouldn't use mortician's wax on those wrinkles
We receive what we venture to give
We regard matrimony as a sort of friendship recognized by the police.
We reinforced the door after that time with the lady from UNICEF. -EWJ
We replaced Jadzia's symbiont with new Folger's Crystals.
We replaced THEIR coffee with dilithium crystals
We replaced dilithium with Foldier's Crystals
We replaced the dilithium crystals w/Folgers
We replaced the dilithium with new Folger's crystals
We require your ship. Norman
We reserve the right to serve refuse to anyone.
We return to Transylvania!  Prepare the transit beam! - Riff
We return you to the regularly scheduled message, now in progress.
We ruled that out long ago. - Springheel Jack
We said you'd get your money back, we didnt say _when_.
We salute you George Weiss - Mike
We sat down, took a vote and decided - it's all @N's fault!
We saw the heavens break and all the world go down to sleep.
We say we waste time...we waste ourselves.&lt;BLock&gt;
We scorch the earth, set fire to the sky --U2
We secretly replaced THEIR coffee with dilithium crystals.
We secretly replaced the BIOS with AmigaDos 3.1
We secretly replaced the Laser toner with Folger's Crystals
We secretly replaced the dilithium crystals with Folger's Crystals.
We secretly replaced their Protoculture with New Foldgers Crystals
We secretly replaced this dylithium with NEW Folgers Crystals!
We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them. -- Thucydides
We see in part, and thus is the mirror of prophecy darkened. - Oracle
We see it, but our sensors indicate it is not there. Spock
We see nothing but increasingly brighter clouds every day. - G.Ford
We see the universe the way it is because we exist. &lt;S Hawking&gt;
We see things not as _they_ are but as _we_ are
We seek only to improve the quality of life -- Locutus of Borg
We seek the Grail!
We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences. - Charles Seymour
We seem to be costumed a little out of step with the times. Kirk
We seem to be having areola good time with this
We seem to be made to suffer - it's our lot in life. - C3PO
We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good
We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming. - Dom DeLillo
We seem to have encountered an energy barrier. Tuvok
We seem to have juxtaposed an impasse here
We seem to have lost our sex appeal, Captain.  -Ui
We seem to have lost our sex appeal, Captain. - Tuvok
We seldom repent talking too little, but very often talking too much. -- Jean de la Bruyere
We select a possibility and we walk until we reach it.
We sh'd believe in something; I believe I'll have a beer
We shall be free
We shall be the saviors of the Earth. -- Brujah
We shall cleave into, this puny planet! - Dr. Forrester
We shall double our efforts! - Moff Jerjerrod
We shall find no ancestor before his or her time.
We shall gather at the river (or the genealogy library if it rains). 
We shall never forget and never forgive.
We shall say 'Ni' again to you... if you do not appease us.
We shall scrimp and save.   Beatles
We shall see who I drag screaming to Hell with me
We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us. - Winston Churchill
We shift down then kick hard into Warp 9.Yeah,come back fightin'!-GL
We shift, call of the wild...- Metallica
We shift, pulsing with the earth...- Metallica
We should FLEE IN TERROR.  YES, THAT would be the WISEST COURSE.
We should all believe .. I believe I'll have a drink!
We should all hang together or surely, we shall all hang separately.
We should all plant some trees we'll never sit under
We should avoid flame wars asbestos we can.
We should back the metric system every 2.54cm of the way.
We should be looking for intellegent life on *THIS* planet!
We should be seeing stars by now. - Picard
We should behave to others as we wish others to behave to us
We should close only the military bases that Clinton served on..
We should distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes. - David Henry Thoreau
We should do something with Frank's head & mail it to him. - Hawkeye
We should eliminate doubt, I think
We should flee in terror! Yes, that would be the wisest course! -The Bra
We should forgive our enemies, but only after they've been taken out and shot.
We should forgive our enemies--after they've been taken out and shot!
We should go metric every inch of the way!
We should go to Quark's and sing for everybody. Bashir
We should have asked them before they died.
We should have cake on our birthday and fudge on our age
We should have shotguns for this kind of deal. -Jules
We should have subtitles for this - Tom on scene w/hicks
We should have wiped out your kind when we had the chance! - Londo
We should learn something every day. Sometimes it is the discovery that what we learned yesterday was wrong
We should limit congressmen to two terms - one in Congress, one in prison
We should never dispair... - George Washington
We should not discount Jean-Luc Picard yet... -- Selar
We should really call all politicians actors. -Marlon Brando
We should restore the practice of dueling. It might improve manners around here. - Edward Abbey
We should start a band and call it Butthead Butthead.
We should stick to watching the birds, MacLeod. - Joe Dawson
We should take a look around anyway. - Mulder
We should take from the past its fires, not its ashes.
We should take pride in our mediocrity - Calvin
We should weep for men at their birth, not their death.
We should've let you die! - Crow to Tom
We shoulda let you die! -- Crow T. Robot
We shouldn't be defending things that we can't defend.-Clinton,2/24/95
We shouldn't be watching this! - Joel on love scene
We shouldn't make any hasty decisions, Jean-Luc. Crusher
We show talent for these G - men activities! - Langly (Apocrypha)
We sleep to dream; We dream to awaken
We snack on danger and dine on death.
We snack on danger, we dine on death!  (Road Warriors)
We sought the truth where it was least obvious.
We spared no expense. - John Hammond
We speak Kiwi and we know what we're talking about except when we don't!  --Graeme Tucker
We speak old metaphors, and we feel proud
We specialize in officers' butts. - BJ
We spend billions on games of chance, not including weddings.
We spit into our hands / and breathe across the palms
We split household chores. I dry the dishes. My wife sweeps them up!
We stand between the candle and the star. - Delenn
We stand for the maintenance of private property.  -- Hitler
We stand within the realm of that which hides itself. - Martin Heidegger
We start out wet, hungry, and naked. Your current complaint?
We start rehersals tomorrow. - Picard
We start to die the minute we are born.
We stayed in Ten Forward talking for hours. - Troi
We still can't make heads of tails of it! - Geordi
We still have some doubts up here, Captain. - McCoy
We still have the smut! - Tom
We still play 'Catch Me, Catch Me,' but now we _walk_. - Joan Rivers
We support Shareware--register yours
We support Shareware.. Register Yours.
We support our mans in black pj's
We sure all have started with just a few taglines... ;) Just stay a few
We surrender. -  Jean-Luc Picard
We survive.  That's our gig, survival. -- Shakespeare
We suspend our disbelief and we are entertained.-Mystic Rythyms,Rush
We suspend our disbelief; We are entertained - Mystic Rhythms - Rush
We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. - Denis Diderot
We sweat during sex so we do not catch on fire.
We sweat so we don't catch fire when making love.
We sweat so we won't catch fire when having sex
We sweat so we won't catch fire when we make love.
We take care of our own. Sheriff Buck
We take drugs very seriously around here!
We take drugs very seriously at my house
We take no interest in the affairs of others. - Kosh
We take our belts off to you! - Crow sings to doughy guys
We take these risks not to escape life, but to prevent life escaping us.
We take your guts & harvest your organs - Crow
We talk too much; we should talk less and draw more.  - Johann Wolfgang van Geothe
We talked about this last night! - O'Brien
We talked over the only Dick Contino song - Joel
We taste awful! - Wakko
We taught Wilson Goode to enunciate here in Fuldelfya.
We teach best what we most need to learn.
We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow. - Oscar Wilde
We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose. --Bene Gesserit Coda
We tend to forget that our birthplace was never an Eden.
We tend to ignore it, as you do your appendix. - Spock
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients, but we can't scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what annoys me
We thank thee, O God for a Prophet to guide us in these latter days.
We the *purple*? What the hell was that? - Father
We the People may institute a new government if required.
We the people.. In order to form a more perfect union
We think he's dead, but we're afraid to ask.
We think in generalities, but we live in detail
We think much alike Captain, you and I. - Balok
We think pulse wave torpedoes may still be the best approach. -O'Brien
We think so you don't have to!
We think the war is over. Now with 50-per-cent lower bribes expected.
We thought it over and we're quitting. - Trapper
We thought that the kiss would be a better weapon.  -Breetai
We thought you might _enlighten_ us to his condition. - Kirk
We threw a monkey wrench into the government smokescreen!
We threw her into the gauntlet.
We throw flowers at the dead and mud at the living.
We throw flowers at the dead and mud at the living.
We told you they were real, Cartman.  Sorry to hear about your ass. - Kyle
We took a pounding out there at times, but this Chevy Truck stayed strong
We took the liberty of removing your mage's brain.
We tore up all of our swindle sheets & left 'em sittin' on the scales
We tortured the data until it confessed.
We totally annihilated his night-stalking @#$%&* !
We totally deny the allegations, and we are trying to identify the allegators.
We treat you like a KING! - New L.A.P.D. motto
We treat you like a king. - Daryl Gates, L.A.P.D
We tried it once your way, Khan.  Are you game for a rematch? - Kirk
We tried it once your way, Khan.  Kirk
We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger. - Alan Coren
We trust that you will make the proper scientific analysis. - Blevins
We try and hide the fact that we got lost between chaos and confusion.  - Pat Benatar
We turn the sound down on her and say rude things.
We unload the first van at William Conrad's house - Mike
We use the Geiger-Muller method to check for radiation, Tom countered.
We used to be Schizophrenic.
We used to be shunned for crying in our beer.Now we go on Oprah. PJO'R
We used to get much better history in the old days
We used to have sex.  Then we had kids,a house, a dog
We used to rob the rich and give to the poor. -- Shakespeare
We used to write taglines with pencil & paper, my son
We waited all this time for.BLOOMERS?!?
We walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7
We walk on like an elephant and back off like a giraffe.
We walked around all night, just Jenny and me. Forrest Gump
We wander through the days like they have no end
We want ... A SHRUBBERY!
We want Chilly Willy!  We want Chilly Willy!
We want Crunchy!  We want Crunchy!
We want Troi. Geordi's our friend. He can watch. - Hugh of Borg
We want Wes! We want Wes! We want Wes! We want Wes! We want Wes!
We want YOU McDonnell Douglas!!!
We want a single port haggler in TWFT!
We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them. - Dora Russell
We want first-rate incompetents
We want only peace. Londo
We want our Internet!  We want our Internet!  We want our Internet!  We
We want peaceful relations, buy our Toyotas or else!
We want peaceful relations, or we'll blow up your country
We want shrubbery
We want the airwaves/We want the airwaves, baby...   Ramones 
We want the big guy.  The guy who runs the show.
We want to be fair, Captain. Langor
We want to create puppets that pull their own strings - Ann Marion
We want to discuss the matter
We want to discuss the matter of your resignation
We want to discuss the matter of your resignation, @TOFIRST@
We want to discuss the matter of your resignation, Orville.
We want to make you feel at home! L. BORGIA
We want... a shrubbery!
We want... a shrubbery! --Head Knight
We want...........................A SHRUBBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We want...a shrubbery...
We wanted to believe... - Mulder
We wanted to listen... - Mulder
We waste more time by 8:00 in the morning than other companies do all day
We waste time, so you don't have to
We we're supposed to be wrestling, not dancing. - Terrible Tues
We went in to protect the children from being abused - Janet Reno
We went through this routine last week. -- Col. Potter to Klinger
We went to Greece for a 2nd honeymoon. Six days and seven fights
We were  warned about Ferengi at the Academy. -- Kim
We were ALL skeptical at, we are in the $$$!!!
We were WINNING when I left
We were a curiosity, with some nice cultural stuff for trade. JMS
We were all a mess once
We were all eating cookies, when suddenly Letter Man got rude
We were always looking for this guy named Charlie.   Gump
We were around the campfire roasting marshmellows,and Odo was missing
We were at a crossroads, and there is no turning back.
We were at one time,    all newbes     agreed?
We were beaten! We didn't stop them they stopped themselves - Sinclair
We were a self-serving adventurer! Gill
We were better off when charity was a virtue and not a tax deduction
We were born naked, wet and hungry. Then things got worse
We were born naked, wet, and cold, and then things got worse.
We were born to be Filkers of the Fidonet!
We were born to be Princes of the Universe!
We were counting on Latinum. - Nog
We were drawn to the rhythm of theZ$V
We were evicted from our hole in the ground!
We were gods of passion, of love. Apollo
We were happily married for eight months.  Unfortunately, we were married for four and a half years. -- Nick Faldo
We were having a weird face contest, but we are all through now -Calvin
We were having so much fun we forgot about you. - Tananda
We were hiding behind our masks the whole time. -- Hoolihan to Hawk
We were hoping it would distract him from this 'evil' thing
We were in every one of those locations. La Forge
We were incorrect, sir. - Data
We were jammin' in Joe's Garage, we had no dope or LSD ... --Zappa
We were just about to negotiate the price. -- Quark
We were just friends, Q, nothing more.  -Q
We were just laughing about you!
We were just looking at an unusual energy reading. - Kira
We were like 2 chips that pass in the night
We were like....two chips that pass in the night.
We were meant to be armed, the Lord gave us a trigger finger!
We were never away. - Dream Kosh
We were nominated for an Emmy! Give me a break!! - Michael Dorn
We were not alone, nor were shadows truly our toys.
We were not amused. [grin]
We were not looking for praise from men.... -1 Thessalonians 2:6a
We were once as you are now. * Picard
We were once observed notarizing in public. - Hawkeye
We were pretty good sharks ourselves once.  &lt;Londo&gt;
We were racing, we were soldiers of fortune
We were right about you. --Delenn
We were so poor I didn't have pants to wear. Not even jeans? Hers wouldn't fit me either
We were so poor I was made in Japan
We were so poor that we thought new clothes meant someone had died
We were so poor we couldn't afford a watchdog.  If we heard a noise at night, we'd bark ourselves. -- Crazy Jimmy
We were so poor, I had a tumble weed for a pet.
We were so poor, I had to settle for hand-me-down fear
We were so poor, when I was born, I only got a three skin!
We were talking - about the space between us all   Beatles
We were talking about DECADES of ILLEGAL drug use. -Unlimited Access
We were trying to keep this quiet - Sinclair
We were trying to keep this quiet - Sinclair Nice job - Londo
We were unanimous - in fact everyone was unanimous.
We were warned about Ferengi at the Academy.
We were warned about chickens at the Academy
We were warned about the Ferengi at the Academy.
We were worried about the children. - Janet Reno
We were young and our happiness dazzled us with its strength. - Peter Applebome
We weren't expecting anything! Harold
We weren't kissing, I was whispering in his mouth.
We whine about dirty SP's, but are clean Guilford units any better?
We who are about to die are taking some of you with us.
We who laugh, survive!
We will all go together when we go....  T. Lehrer
We will assimilate your tennis players. --Bjorn of Borg
We will be forever in Regean's DEBT, that's the real problem.
We will be more alike, Data, you and I.  You'll see. - Lore
We will be victorious at any cost. - Worf
We will be watching, Galmaset
We will build a New Order. - Adolf Hitler
We will bury you. - Nikita Kruschev
We will change the face of this Earth as our Lord commands
We will conclude this deal in the traditional manner.  We will have sex
We will control the verticle. We will control the horizontal
We will crack this planet like a china cup!
We will crack this planet like a china cup! -- Dr. Forrester
We will cross out that bridge when we come back to it later.
We will crush them with the screams of toddlers - Wesley
We will deal with no problems before its time - typical politician
We will definately be spending a lot of time on MASTURBATION! Buzzcut
We will destroy them, or they will destroy us. - G'Kar
We will each take a hostage... for protection. - Troi
We will either find a way, or make one. - Hannibal
We will execute customers in strict rotation.
We will find no ancestor before his time.
We will find you Ambasador [Londo], we will find you - The Shadows
We will get along fine as soon as you realize I am God
We will get to the bottom of this - Data
We will go, far away, for to see
We will have solar energy as soon as the utility companies solve one technical problem -- how to run a sunbeam through a meter
We will have solar energy when the power companies develop a sunbeam meter
We will have to continue this another time - Data
We will have to move quickly if we're to be successful.  Gowron
We will help as soon as the doctor's here
We will immidately drop the sunburned knees story!!!!-Christy
We will immidately drop the sunburned knees story!!!!-Christy
We will just see about that
We will know the change of days, and we will know death
We will know the change of days, and we will know death
We will never fall back. We will never surrender. G'Kar
We will never,ever surrender to what is right.-D.Quayle
We will not allow the burnings again!
We will not assimilate you..IF you can spell 'assimilate'
We will not go in there. She will come to us.
We will not have an anatomically correct snowman.
We will oil your sewing machine and adjust tension in your home for $1.00
We will pay the price, but we will not count the cost.: Rush
We will pivot at warp 2 and bring all tubes to bear
We will post no filk until it's time.
We will rejoin the Collective? Hugh
We will release no software before its time.
We will return to Non-Sequitor Theater - Tom
We will return to our regular tagline after this message
We will say "neet" to you again unless you appease us.
We will see... what we will see. - Delenn
We will sing one song for My Old Kentucky Home, far away
We will spend the night together -- no, not like that. -- Delenn
We will steal no tagline before its time
We will tell them the truth........ALL of it. - Worf
We will try to keep the dog off your lawn - Commander Sisko.
We will, in the end, preserve. -Gene Roddenberry
We will, we will, Pun you!
We win a trip to Ta-Hiiiitiii! -- Yakko/Wakko/Dot
We wish to speak to this Vaal. Kirk
We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year
We wish you a Merry Christmas, we Wish you a .%^&(@E#! NO MERRIER
We wish you a Merry Syphilis and a Clappy New Year
We wish you a new Christmas and a happy cold beer.
We woke up the chickens
We women adore failures. They lean on us. (Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, )
We won every battle, and lost the war. Roland of Gilead
We won!  We Won!  We Won!  We Won! - Yakko, Wakko & Dot
We won! Now let's see if the Republicans keep their contract!
We won! We Won! We Won! We Won! Yakko, Wakko & Dot, Animaniacs
We won't be amazing, we'll be amazingly amazing! -Zaphod Beeblebrox
We won't be passengers. Kes
We won't be watching it because we're on a date - Dr. F
We won't go back! You don't know what it's like in our universe!
We won't go back...... The Borg are everywhere! - Riker
We won't rely on crossovers for show popularity.. HONEST!
We work in the dark... - Mulder (Grotesque)
We work not only to produce but to give value to time. - Delacroix
We work on soldiers thru the day & nurses thru the night.  Hawk & BJ
We work to live. We don't live to work
We work under that same system on this ship. - Janeway
We worked on it. -  Rutt Pittman  Kodak Chevrolet #4
We worked on it. - Rutt Pittman, Crew Chief  Kodak Chevrolet #4
We worshiped our cat's ancestors. His ate ours. He's never forgotten
We would know today who invented the wheel if they'd had a spokesperson
We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified.
We would rather spend our money on designer software than designer jeans
We would welcome contact with anyone remotely connected. Thankyou.
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain -Floyd
We would've run out of monkey puns hours ago - Tom
We wouldn't be getting a call from a dead Klingon, would we? - Lwaxana
We wouldn't be in this trouble if Gurney'd been elected
We wouldn't get so many weird bug reports if we just stop selling
We write to taste life twice, in the moment & in retrospection.&lt;Nin&gt;
We'd all like to vote for the best man but he's never a candidate! 
We'd all love to see the plan!
We'd appreciate your cooperation, Captain. Bender
We'd be Gods which we're not.   - Riker
We'd better advise Starfleet Command. - Kira
We'd better find another way out of here. - O'Brien2
We'd better get going. - Riker
We'd better get out of here in a hurry!
We'd come home and our parents would kill us and dance in our graves.
We'd get kicked out of the Man-Eating Socks Union if we ate a worm
We'd give you a part my love, but you'd have to play the fool.
We'd like to apologize for that last apology
We'd like to apologize for that last apology... - Monty Python
We'd like to go with you. Neelix
We'd like to keep you around next year, son, but we're trying to win a pennant. - Casey Stengel
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd love for you to stick around for dinner. - Shenzi
We'd love to but the FOX censors wouldn't let us. - Yakko W.
We'd rather be assimilating. --The Borg.
We'd rather die on our feet than keep living on our knees -Brown
We'd rather have John Wayne. - George Clinton (of  Ronald Reagan)
We'd see newsvids from the front. - Franklin
We'd sell out in an instant if someone was buying.
We'd sing!  Sing!  Sing!
We'll Get Going, As Soon As I Finish Tying This Here Fly - Ren.
We'll KNOW that rock is dead when you need a degree to get a job in it
We'll PKUNZIP your Genes and have a laugh!
We'll all be glad when I figure this stuff out, eh?
We'll all be murdered in our beds!
We'll all meet on the far side of Aldebaran
We'll all walk in, everybody has a good laugh at MY expense! -Bashir
We'll always have Paris.  Now where did I put it?
We'll always have Paris...@FN@.
We'll always have Paris...@TOFIRST@
We'll always have Paris...YOU.
We'll be back after the stupidest commercials I have ever seen
We'll be back..oddball
We'll be cruising at an altitude of 17 feet today.
We'll be destroyed for sure, this is maddness - C3P0
We'll be recording at the Paradise Friday night.  Live, on the Death label. -- Swan, "Phantom of the Paradise"
We'll be safe here for sure, Fuzz Buddy! - Earthworm Jim
We'll be selling plasma - Tom
We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel!
We'll be starting our movie in a minute - Mike
We'll be the last, just like it was foretold. -- Shakespeare
We'll be with you in a moment.  Enterprise out. - Kirk
We'll beam you out. - Kira
We'll beat you to submission, so you might as well surrender.
We'll bring you back as soon as something interesting happens
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
We'll call it S for cyclic. - Gord Sinnamon Mathematics 234b
We'll cooperate if you do things our way. - Gingrich
We'll cross out that bridge when we come back to it later
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.-T.Kennedy
We'll dance in the garden in torn sheets in the rain
We'll decorate our barstools & gather round & sing - Bots
We'll die doing what we love, breathing molten rock -Homer
We'll discuss the payment terms later. Langor
We'll do "Dig A Pony," straight into "I've Got A Fever."
We'll do Satan's work, for an honest price.
We'll do it 'cause we LIKE painting naked people! Animaniacs
We'll do it because - We like painting naked people! - Yakko
We'll do it for you in 6 minutes! * McCoy
We'll do this business with cold steel.  -General Sir Thomas Picton
We'll do what we always do, fight our way out!  -Scott Bernard
We'll drive off that bridge when we come to it - Kennedy
We'll either catch them or blow up, Captain. Scott
We'll face these issues when we come to them. - Winn
We'll feed it through Spock's computer. - Kirk
We'll fight 'em till Hell freezes over, then on the ice.
We'll fight to the death!
We'll fight'em 'til hell freezes over, then we'll fight'em on the ice.
We'll find a way around it. - Bill Clinton on the 4th Ammendment
We'll find an opening, Pete. Paris
We'll find it! Odo
We'll gather at the Roadhouse with our next of kin - Crow
We'll get along fine as soon as you realize I'm God.
We'll get along fine just as soon as you realize that I am the GODESS!
We'll get along fine, as soon as you realize I'm god
We'll get them.  It's only a matter of time. - Sark
We'll give you an appointment for some inconvenient date
We'll give you piece de resistance and a tour de force
We'll go to the caves; we'll be safe there. Kirok
We'll handle Landru. Just get us out of this. - Kirk
We'll hang some memories on the wall
We'll have NONE of THAT, short stuff - Crow on midget
We'll have a li'l girl, a li'l boy, a li'l Benji we call Leroy-STwain
We'll have a nose pickin good time.
We'll have fun fun fun till Roland takes the pistols away
We'll have fun fun fun till the NetOp takes the Echo away
We'll have fun fun fun till the sysop takes the Echo awaaaa-aaaay
We'll have fun fun fun till they take Star Trek away
We'll have fun with this one, I think.
We'll have fun, fun, fun til her daddy takes her condoms away!
We'll have fun, fun, fun till the sysop takes the echo away
We'll have our own Olympics.-Potter.Give 'em Helsinki, Colonel.-BJ
We'll have solar energy when the power companies develop a sunbeam meter
We'll have this all fixed up in time for supper. - Data
We'll have this old lady ready to fly - Riker
We'll have to decide precisely where to be and what to do... -Picard
We'll have to destroy them ship to ship.    -Darth Vader
We'll have to dinner out. The toaster's broken.
We'll have to do it again sometime... Rogue
We'll have to find a way to increase the emission strength.-Ro Laren
We'll have to go back to work in the private sector  -Dr.F
We'll have to go back to work in the private sector. -- Forrester
We'll have to kill you - Tom Servo to Mike
We'll have to kill you. -- Tom Servo
We'll have to make due with what we've got. Kirk
We'll have to operate, Tom's medic said cuttingly.
We'll have to proceed ahead of schedule. Aunt Adah
We'll have to take that risk! &lt;PatDoc&gt;
We'll have to use something else for bait. Kirk
We'll have to wait for another day to settle up with Seska. Janeway
We'll have to wait until the probe exits. Kim
We'll head him off at Exit 31c - Tom on horse chase
We'll hit the stops along the way.  We only stop for the best.: Rush
We'll just drizzle out of this scene, too... -- Tom Servo
We'll just have to call you Junkie the Troublesome then... ;^&gt; -Dodger
We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen. Odo
We'll just leave that where it was. - Quickling
We'll just let this scene trail off, here - Tom
We'll just let this scene trail off... -- Tom Servo
We'll just park and watch the moon Tom said feelingly
We'll just pick them off, one by one. Diolus
We'll just powder them off for shine.
We'll just see how Clinton does in a REAL war situation!
We'll keep the arm overnight for observation - Crow
We'll know Clinton's hi-tech when he starts speaking in taglines!
We'll know that rock is dead when you have to get a degree to work in it
We'll last longer than we will against that Death Star
We'll leave as soon as your ready.  Docking Bay 94.
We'll leave you now with images of bread - Tom
We'll let them sweat a while. - Sheridan
We'll let you have them for 5 bars of gold pressed Latinum. - Nog
We'll look them over, one by one. - Scott
We'll make a sailor out of you yet. -- Sisko
We'll make a sailor out of you yet. Benjamin to Jake
We'll make him listen to whiny protest songs from the sixties!!!
We'll make it, sir. - If all goes right. - Scotty
We'll make our own music all night long.
We'll meet you down at the Mermaid later - Dr. F to Mike
We'll need actors.  People who can read lines. -- Tom Servo
We'll need actors. People who can red...Lines - Tom
We'll need the BIG BOMBS! - Skippy Way to go, kid! - Slappy
We'll need your marrow, Carol. Carol Marrow! - Tom
We'll never be able to prove Winn was involved. - Kira
We'll never get any candy if Kenny keeps eating people! - Cartman
We'll never get out of this world alive
We'll never run out of math teachers because they always multiply.
We'll pay you to do nothing, we'll tax you if you work.
We'll pay you to do nothing, we'll tax you if you work.
We'll pivot at warp 2 and bring all tubes to bear Mr. Sulu -- Kirk
We'll play poo-poo bombardiers. It'll be fun. - The Godpidgeon
We'll pluck a crow together.
We'll punch a hole right through the night --U2
We'll reach greater and greater platitudes of achievement
We'll remove any stain & sew up the hole - Dodgy Bros laundry
We'll remove any stain & sew up the hole -Laundram
We'll return into the night/a vanishing point at the speed of light
We'll return with more commercials after these messages.
We'll rinse our dirty socks in your Earl Grey tea.-BJ to Winchester
We'll run it up the flagpole and see who salutes that booger
We'll see YOU in September!!! - Tom
We'll see how brave you are
We'll see how brave you are, yes, Anastasia --Tori Amos
We'll see how brave you are.
We'll see how you do. - Duncan MacLeod
We'll see if we can get the Klingons' attention. - Admiral Riker
We'll see the paperless office the day after the paperless toilet.
We'll see what we can do - Beverly
We'll see you there. - Kira
We'll see! - Bashir
We'll see. - Winn
We'll send a card and flowers
We'll send him cheesy movies!  The worst we can find!
We'll send him cheesy movies, the worst we can find - MST3K06
We'll send him cheesy movies,the worst we can find! (la,la,la)
We'll send them all we've got / John Wayne and Randolph Scott!
We'll send you that arm if we find it - Crow
We'll shoot out the tires and let God sort them out. - Servo
We'll smash tables all over the world! -- Tom Servo
We'll steal from the rich and give back to the poor...later. - Kirk
We'll strike back and we'll strike back hard! - Londo
We'll take a bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe
We'll take it back to the ship with us - Riker
We'll take the stairs.
We'll take this up tomorrow. - Richard Franklin
We'll teach you to drink deep ere you depart.   &lt;Shakespeare&gt;
We'll tear your soul apart!- Hellraiser
We'll think about you while we're down among the dead men.
We'll tow it out of the landing lights and try again!
We'll travel the world, and drink cheap beer -- Jack (Titanic)
We'll trot down to the movies and see how girls with wax faces live. (Thornton Wilder)
We'll try to cooperate fully with the IRS, because, as citizens, we feel a strong patriotic duty not to go to jail. -- Dave Barry
We'll try to keep the dog off the your lawn. -- Sisko
We'll try to stay serene & calm, when AL gets the bomb.
We'll use a signal I have tried and found far-reaching and easy to yell
We'll use the Jefferies tube.  Let's go! - Picard
We'll wait for sun-up.  Everything will be fine. -- Ash
We'll wait here until dark Flavius Maximus
We'll wait until sex...Uh SIX!! SIX!!! - Tom Servo to girl
We'll watch the sunrise from the bottom of the sea - Hendrix
We'll while away the hours, smoking tops of flowers
We're *all* alone in New York City, sir. - Mulder to WDM (Apocrypha)
We're 98% water and the other 2% keeps us from drowning.
We're @N's Animaniacs!  We have pay or play contracts!
We're All Flakes - By Dan Druff
We're All Flakes: Dan Druff*
We're Animaniacs!
We're Animaniacs!  We have pay or play contracts!
We're Buster and Babs Bunny of Borg. No assimilation.
We're DOOMED if we don't start voting out the cruds!
We're Going North Like Hell
We're INNNSAAAAANE!  Oh, wait.  That's Crazy Eddie, isn't it?
We're Immortals!  To Hell with the rules! -- Richie Ryan
We're Looking for a Few Good Claws
We're Marines....we don't die, we go to Hell and regroup!
We're Masonic Santeria Druids-we cement chickens to trees
We're NBC, just watch us now!
We're NOT gonna take it!
We're NOT gonna take it!
We're NOT gonna take it, anymore!
We're NOT lost! I know EXACTLY where we are! Where are we? We're lost.
We're NOT surrounded, we are in a Target Rich enviroment
We're NOTHING like you Humans. We're better.--Quark
We're PROFESSIONAL chefs. Do NOT try this at home!
We're SICK, SICK, SICK.  But happy
We're STEALIN'!  - Ricart
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Taglines Band... - The Beatles
We're Starfleet Officers - weird is part of the job. - Janeway
We're SuperHeros, Something ALWAYS happens.  -The Tick
We're Young, Dumb and Ugly!   - Weird Al Yankovic
We're _not_ going to get out of this by playing it safe! - Ro Laren
We're a couple of shooting stars that'll never be stopped! - Biggs
We're a danger to ourselves and others
We're a few minutes behind you. Janeway
We're a little busy right now.  We'll get to is as soon as we can.
We're a little busy right now. Kim
We're a little late, so good night, folks!
We're a little less cold-blooded about it than you. Anan 7
We're a most promising species, as predators go. Kirk
We're a success here, Lister --Rimmer.
We're about to be digested. You wanna cut me some slack? - Robbie
We're about to be hit by a ship in 34 seconds
We're about to be hit by a ship in @SECOND@ seconds...Opinions?
We're about to go huntin' bear
We're all God's children...    From a previous marriage
We're all a part of a double blind study.
We're all aliens, but from different planets
We're all alone in this together.
We're all amateurs. It's just that some of us are more professional about it than others. --George Carlin
We're all amazed that you go on living each day
We're all bio-degradable.
We're all bozos on this bus
We're all bozos on this bus - Firesign Theater
We're all bozos on this bus.
We're all clueless newbies - just at different things.
We're all connected in the Circle of Life -Mufasa, The Lion King
We're all connected in the Circle of Life. --Mufasa
We're all corrupt and demented
We're all coy & frilly - Crow as army commander
We're all dead and this is HELL...!
We're all different, but then again we're all the same.
We're all done.  Mankind is done.  Because of the flu. - The Stand
We're all doomed.
We're all fine down here...How are you?
We're all going down the same road in different directions.
We're all going to DIE !! ..No wait, I remember this planet.. - Neel
We're all going to get pretty sick of variations on "Now, Voyager."
We're all here because......We're not all there!!!
We're all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.
We're all here to have fun and meet new Friends! Join in!!!
We're all here waiting for you to pull another rabbit out - Riker
We're all ignorant about something
We're all in a box and the instructions for getting out are on the outside
We're all in the same boat: I fish, you row
We're all in this alone.
We're all in this alone. -- Lily Tomlin
We're all in this together, and I'm pulling for you. - Red Green
We're all in this together, so start rowing
We're all in this together. Janeway
We're all just a bunch of apes, and impolite ones at that.
We're all just roadkill on this big information superhighway
We're all just such good BUDDIES here! - Anna Steven
We're all looking for a woman who can sit in a mini-skirt and talk philosophy, executing both with confidence and style
We're all mad here. If you weren't mad, you wouldn't be here !
We're all merely figments of a deranged imagination
We're all messed up -- it's merely a question of extent
We're all nice, sweet, good people.  Muahahahha
We're all out of Amontillado, Tom reported.
We're all out of rooftops.
We're all outta roofs.  -The Tick
We're all over it, like a cheap suit.
We're all part of a double-blind study.
We're all part of the human race but racing faster won't
We're all part of the human race but racing faster won't make us more human
We're all pregnant by the guy we attacked - Mike
We're all running on a tightrope, wearing slippers in the snow
We're all sinners.  Some just work harder at it than others.
We're all sitting in the same boat:  I fish, you row.
We're all soooo adult here.
We're all strangers, but some of us are stranger than others
We're all terminal on the BBS of life
We're all travelling in time at the incredible speed of 3600 seconds/hour
We're alone in the universe or we're not; either idea is mind-boggling.
We're an uncharted part of the galaxy. - Janeway
We're already *IN* Prohibition, they just call it the War on Drugs
We're already on our way
We're already working on it - Picard
We're always eager to extend...a helping claw
We're always looking for new weirdos. - Anna Steven
We're always write!  Er, right...      *
We're an instument of civilization. Kirk
We're approaching the rogue planetoid, Captian. Chakotay
We're as corrupt as any nation and we are calling the ket
We're as serious as a rip in a spacesuit. - Neeoma Connally
We're as similar as two disimilar things in a pod.
We're asking you now, metal man
We're at the point where something's *gotta* happen! -- Tom Servo
We're at the point where something's GOTTA happen - Tom
We're attempting to exhume this potato. Mulder
We're back at Reel Two!!! - Crow on repetitious scene
We're back at the beginning of the movie! -- Joel Robinson
We're back in normal time, Captain. - Sulu
We're back to square one. - Mulder
We're back. We're bad. You're black. I'm mad. &lt;Riggs&gt;
We're bad...maybe not.
We're basically evil, granted... -- TV's Frank
We're basically scum - Joel
We're basically scum... -- Joel Robinson
We're beaming down Ensign @LN@. Yeah,the expendible one
We're beaming down to the planet, sir.
We're beaming down with some questions. - Kirk
We're beaming down. - Kirk
We're beaten and blown by the wind, trampled in dust --U2
We're beating the bushes in search of a president.
We're beginning to agree with you
We're being beaten up by the cast of `Pirates of Penzance'!
We're being boarded. Kim
We're being merchandised? --Ivanova.
We're being pulled inside! Worf
We're being too demonstrative - Crow
We're bendy & flexible here! - Crow on stiff moon leader
We're big enough to take a few insults. Scott
We're blind here; what's it look like? - Kirk
We're bored, we're armed, and we're off our medication
We're born dead - it just takes 70 years to realize it.
We're born free and taxed to death.
We're born naked, wet and hungry and then things get worse
We're born with *sex*; everything else must be *LEARNED*.
We're born with pain. We're dead embryonic cells.
We're both going to die.. difference is I'm going to die quickly-FM
We're both up for the night.
We're bound by fear, injured in doubt --U2
We're building the perfect beast
We're burning up, sir. Chekov, 'Catspaw'
We're calling the movie on account of darkness. -- Joel
We're calling to tell you about exciting new Gotham Lady perfume.
We're captive on the carousel of time
We're carbon life forms,tell everyone we're Carbo-Americans. -3rd Rock
We're chocolate-covered, and we're going down! - Captain Decency
We're completely lost, but we're making really good time.
We're cut adrift but still floating --U2
We're dancing on the dole. -Sex Pistols
We're dead much longer than we're alive
We're dead much longer than we're alive.  SO LIVE!
We're dead, Geordi. --Ro.
We're dead.  World's over.  My fault.  Sorry. -- Crow T. Robot
We're dead. World's over. My fault. Sorry - Crow
We're dealing with a man's life. No machine can make that decision
We're debating in a vacuum; let's get some answers. Kirk
We're doing _everything_ we can, Sir. - Scotty
We're doing all we can.  We're only sorta human. -- Lynx
We're doing everything possible.I'll be back as soon as I can.-Sisko
We're doing fine, Orville. Pern is coming up roses for us.
We're doing this for a s**tload of money. - Lonestar
We're done for..we're done-diddly-done for.. - Ned Flanders
We're done. Of course you are, boys, of course you are. - Buzzcut
We're doomed
We're doomed - C3P0
We're doomed! - C-3PO
We're doomed! In case you weren't paying attention! - Earthworm Jim
We're doomed, aren't we? - Dilbert
We're doomed.  There will be no escape for the princess this time.
We're down here in Deep 13! - Gypsy
We're down to seeds and stems again!
We're due to leave at any moment. - O'Brien
We're dumber than we look.
We're either gonna hurt the treadmill, or the treadmill's gonna hurt us. - Bam Margera, JACKASS
We're establishing the link right now. Riker
We're establishing the link right now. Riker
We're everywhere. (For your convenience.) Psi Cop
We're excited about this new song !
We're explorers from another galaxy. - Alien
We're explorers from another galaxy. Banjo Man
We're explorers too. - Janeway
We're eyeball to eyeball, and the other fellow just blinked. - Dean Rusk
We're fighting for our lives. - O'Brien2
We're fine.  We're all fine here, now, thank you.   How are you?
We're flirtin' with disaster; y'all know what I mean
We're flying away in our Poopy Suits! - Tom
We're flying away...In our Poopy Suit - Crow sings
We're flying high, we're flying high to the Sky!
We're fools to the rules of a government plan.
We're for a good time not a long time - Beer drinker's motto
We're free people.  We belong to no one. Kirk, stardate 3259.2.
We're free people. We belong to no one. --Kirk.
We're free people.We belong to no one.
We're free to be wry - Crow
We're free to fly the crimson sky --U2
We're freezing! We're freezing - Tom sings
We're fried cheese. - Lawrence Limburger
We're from Liars Anonymous.  No we're not!
We're from the Goverment.  We're here to help ourselves.
We're from the Government.  Please grab your ankles.
We're from the Padding Department.  Where's the plot hole?
We're from the government and we're here to help you
We're from the government, Marty - We're the Good Guys.
We're from the government.  We're here to kill you
We're from the government.  We're here to kill you" Bob Ricks at Waco
We're from the government.  We're here to kill you.
We're from the law firm of Warner, Warner, Warner & Mime.
We're from the thsyndicate - Crow lisps as crook
We're full-fledged tank paratroopers.
We're geniuses! - Serena
We're getting a lotta mileage out of that lemur bit -Crow
We're getting a signal. * Holly
We're getting cable because the movie's so bad! -- Crow
We're getting closer, I can feel it! - Jake
We're getting there ... bug by bug   :) - Ron Janorkar
We're giving you a shower - Crow to Gypsy
We're glad Georgia's on your mindlessness
We're goin' down, Captain. Scott
We're going backwards in time. - Kirk
We're going downtown to play Security Guards In Space.
We're going downtown.  - Ace Ventura
We're going in, just trust me!
We're going out like a bunch of crazed dogs and have some fun! - L.T
We're going to *CLAP* pump you up!
We're going to assume a few things about reality.  One, it exists.  That's not a necessary assumption, but I find it comforting
We're going to attack! Decker
We're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are -JLP
We're going to be riding in the Constable? --Danny, LGD
We're going to beat guns into submission! - UpChuck Schumer
We're going to call Venus & pretend to be Pluto - Tom
We're going to cut this cord. Riker
We're going to fight fire with marshmallows
We're going to get lynched, aren't we? - Phouchg
We're going to get through this together. Kes
We're going to get you out of here, Major. Odo
We're going to go forth and part the red tape. - Hawkeye
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world!
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world. - Dan Quayle
We're going to have to go directly to... Ludicrous speed!
We're going to have to go directly to...LUDICROUS SPEED! - Spaceballs
We're going to have to have our budgie put down.
We're going to have to put in a little overtime on this one
We're going to have to stop them. Cold. - Kirk
We're going to keep on repeating history until we get a passing grade
We're going to kick some Blood butt!
We're going to kill the men and rape the women. GET IT RI
We're going to kill the men and rape the women. GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME!
We're going to make a big change here! Mr. Becker
We're going to make you IBM compatible
We're going to make you Radio Shack compatable Hal
We're going to miss you at the party. * Admiral Hanson
We're going to move left and ri ri ri right at the same time
We're going to move left and right at the same time. - Jerry Brown
We're going to move on. We're going to survive. Today, we celebrate our Independence Day. - ID4
We're going to need a bi-polar torch to get through it. - Kira
We're going to play a game. It's called "Is There A God?"
We're going to start a crime wave right here at the Bazaar. - Aahz
We're going to talk about sex -- actually, you're going to talk about sex, because I can't remember
We're going to the Freakers' Ball
We're going to try and stop the killing. - Kirk
We're gonn want to ride outta here, Ricky. - Carl Robinson
We're gonna be cool, like the American Gladiators! huh huh huh
We're gonna be wussies forever it's gonna suck! - Beavis
We're gonna bomb 'em back to the Jazz age - Crow
We're gonna bomb 'em back to the Jazz age. -- Crow T. Robot
We're gonna eat your brain!
We're gonna eat your brain!   [The Tick]
We're gonna find 'em, then we're gonna kill 'em. CJCS
We're gonna get burned.  We're gonna get roasted like nuts!
We're gonna get you a new dickey - Tom
We're gonna grind it to a complete halt - Mike on movie
We're gonna grind it to a complete halt... -- Mike Nelson
We're gonna have THE sex - Crow
We're gonna have a long, hard ride then... -- Tom Servo
We're gonna have the best educated American people in the world-Quayle
We're gonna need a real big line-up room. --Garibaldi.
We're gonna need another @TOFIRST@!
We're gonna need another Myra!
We're gonna need another Orville!
We're gonna need another Timmy!
We're gonna need another Timmy. -- Mr. Lizzard
We're gonna ride forever, you can't keep horsemen in a cage- Paul Gross
We're gonna save the universe! Isn't that BOSS? - The Tick
We're gonna see Princes' Under The Cherry Moon? - Joel
We're gonna shake it 'till the life has gone
We're good, but we can't get you a transfer to Japan. - Trapper
We're good.  Damned good.
We're gypsies in the palace... - Jimmy Buffet
We're hanging by our fingertips.  Throw us a line
We're happy in my Blue Heaven -- Smashing Pumpkins
We're having Ray Bolger practice! -- Crow T. Robot
We're having a father-son trip. Heh heh. You don't have a son.
We're having an adventure like the Goonies!
We're having an adventure, just like the Goonies! - Crow T Robot
We're having sausage for dinner tonight!!! - Lorena Bobbit
We're having scaloppine again today, Tom said revealingly
We're heading for the end of something
We're here & we're not going anywhere, not even to Hell!
We're here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.
We're here for keeps. Wade Wells
We're here for your heart --  you DID sign a donor card?
We're here for your liver, Chuck.  You *did* sign a donor
We're here on a breast inspection. -- Tom Servo
We're here to devour each other alive. - Hobbes
We're here to give you a computer, not a religion
We're here to help you appreciate normal people
We're here to inquire about the health of Dr. Schroedinger's cat.  -- SPCA
We're here!  We're Queer!  We have e-mail!!
We're here, we're queer, and we have JOY Melbourne, 90.7 FM!
We're here, we're queer, we won't drink Coors beer.
We're here. We sing. Get used to it
We're here. We're queer. We're Fabulous!
We're his family.  We'll go. * Geordi
We're holding Elvis' brain hostage on planet Zork.  Alert Ted Koppel.
We're holding them in the chamber for de-contamination. - Scotty
We're hopelessly outnumbered here, Captain. Spock
We're hoping that this record sells...singing by a wishing well
We're human American. That should be enough. -Dick, 3rd Rock f/t Sun
We're humans. Come here! - Tom as guy roughly kisses girl
We're immortal, not gods. - Duncan MacLeod
We're immortal, we Gods
We're immortal.  Join us or die.
We're in Aviation for the Glory, not the Money....good thing, too
We're in Hell. We entered Hell. When?
We're in a chicken joint! The ultimate weapon is right at our fingers!
We're in big trouble! Mr. Wonka isn't going to like this! - Grandpa Joe
We're in complete agreement!  We hate each other!  Nanette Fabray
We're in for a fabulous evening's apocalypse
We're in for an ear full... - Zoisite
We're in normal standby mode. - O'Brien
We're in position, Benjamin. - Dax
We're in the middle of a Seldon Crisis
We're in the middle of a war.  You're supposed to be scared. -- BJ
We're in trouble - it takes 2,000 laws to enforce the 10 commandments!
We're into *deep* TV movie now... -- Crow T. Robot
We're into DEEP TV movie now - Crow
We're investigating you to find out why you don't trust the government
We're islands to each other,building hopeful bridges on troubled seas
We're judged by what we finish, not what we start.
We're just another country. Cause I want to be. Anarchy.
We're just crazy `bout Taglines; we're so crazy `bout Taglines.
We're just fun-loving rascals. - Yakko
We're just gonna have to take that chance. - Kira
We're just knocked out.... we heard about the sell out
We're just plain MEAN!  Even WE can't figure it out
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl...
We're kick'n some ASCII now
We're kicking this off on the right foot,,,
We're kind of the unofficial welcoming committee around here. - Jake
We're kind of the unofficial welcoming committee around here. - Jake
We're late for English, which means we're early for lunch! - Homer
We're late for our romantic evening:  Get the lead out! - Earl
We're leaving the galaxy Mr Mitchell. Ahead Warp factor 1. - Kirk
We're like a fly on flypaper. Scott
We're like trained seals...  ARP!  ARP! ARP!  Except now we can't find the hoop. - Brian L
We're like... closed or something... - Butt-Head
We're like...Adam and Eve. Vina
We're livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks. - Jim Steinman
We're living in a golden age.  All you need is gold.  -- D.W. Robertson
We're living on-the-edge [x4] of the century
We're living proof that God has a sense of humor!
We're looking at a Type 4 Quantum Singularity. --Janeway
We're looking for a few good nuke the dog doo out of!!
We're looking for a few good men
We're looking for a few good men -- B. Cassidy
We're looking for a few good Babysit the Navy!
We're looking high and low for some common ground... - O'Brien
We're losing @TOFIRST@'s pattern. Cross circuit A to B!
We're losing Orville's pattern. Cross circuit A to B!
We're losing him. Crusher
We're losing sensor contact, Captain. - Spock
We're lost but making good time
We're lost but we're making excellent time
We're lost but we're making good time.
We're lost, but we're making great time!
We're lost, yes.....but we're making good time
We're lucky Elvis didn't popularize accordion
We're mad scientists!  What do you expect? -- Dr. Forrester
We're mad scientists, damn it!  - Dr. Forrester
We're made for each other Tom said fittingly
We're making a prophet.  A very small prophet
We're making good time, darn shame we're lost.
We're moon kibble - Tom on impending lunar doom
We're moon kibble! -- Tom Servo
We're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy
We're not *all* dykes. -- Black Fury
We're not ALL gay blades, you know! - Elvis Stojko
We're not Alien Invaders, we're just misunderstood.
We're not Evil; we're the Dark Side of Good
We're not LOST, we're locationally challenged!
We're not Surrounded, we have a target rich environment.
We're not acting.  We really are like this. - Yakko
We're not acting. We're all really like this
We're not afraid, its just that we have this thing about death.
We're not aiming for the truck... - Buzz
We're not at liberty to comment. - Mulder to nosy reporter (DT)
We're not being too quiet for you, are we? - Hawkeye
We're not blaming you, Joel. -- Tom Servo
We're not buying......we're selling. - Nog
We're not chasing it.  Its chasing us. -- Harley Stone
We're not cold -- we're "thermally challenged"!
We're not corporate raiders or generals. - Wisetongue
We're not derilects, not matter what they say about us. Webb
We're not discussing history. - Sheridan
We're not doing 3500 miles an hour. That's the tachometer
We're not doing too badly for a couple DEDUCTIONS - Tom
We're not done playing yet, are we?  - The Crow
We're not done playing yet, are we? -- Eric Draven
We're not done playing yet, have we? -- The Crow
We're not even permitted to HINT about the secret knowledge of goldfish.
We're not finished yet. Torres
We're not gay!  Not that there's anything wrooong with that...SEINFELD
We're not going to be able to determine anything from _here_.-Picard
We're not going to be any 3-clouds-and-a-yard-of-dust-team. B.Peterson
We're not going to get their permission. - Kira
We're not going to make it, are we?  Sulu
We're not going to make that same mistake twice. -- Bush
We're not going to win this war with torpedoes  Kira
We're not groupies, I told Elton John, I told Robert Plant
We're not groupies, we're groovies!
We're not here to discuss religion, we're here to be disgusted by it
We're not hot -- we're "thermally challenged"!
We're not humans on a spiritual trip, but spirits on a human one
We're not hunting ducks... we're hunting tyrants
We're not in the gratitude business. - Col. Flagg
We're not interested in this debris. Janeway
We're not interested in your sex games here - Mike
We're not just Las Vegas showgirls - We're commandos!
We're not laughing AT you, we're laughing NEAR you. - R. Williams
We're not like you. We're a democratic body. - Kirk
We're not lost -- we're locationally challenged. --John M. Ford
We're not making this up just so we can take over the world!
We're not mental or anything, so don't be afraid
We're not mild mannered matinee hosts!  - Dr. Forrester
We're not missing one. - O'Brien
We're not nudists.  We're just eating spaghetti tonight.
We're not only in Deep Space, HAL, we're in Deep Doo-Doo !
We're not penetrating the energy barrier this time. Paris
We're not plumbers, we're police officers! - Sgt. Reed
We're not psycho or anything. -- Wayne
We're not racists.  We're only against Gypsies. -- Eric Strohm
We're not running a ventriloquism camp around here -Dr. F
We're not running away, we're advancing in reverse! - Earthworm Jim
We're not supposed to do ANYTHING normally. 8] - Mutant Raccoon
We're not surrounded - just in a target-rich environment!
We're not surrounded -- we are in a target-rich environment
We're not surrounded by dragons, we're in a target-rich environment.
We're not surrounded... we're in a target-rich area!
We're not that close, Mr. Garibaldi. - G'Kar
We're not that stupid, we just know the plot. - Yakko
We're not that sure of our facts. - Spock
We're not wearing our underwear! - Joel & Bots sing
We're not worthy.
We're now cruising at 22,000 feet - and we seem to be dropping! - RD
We're now travelling faster than is possible for normal space.-Spock
We're off and doing beta, the wonderful beta of oooz
We're off to Scotland, Tom said clandestinely
We're off to fight the Daleks, wherever the things can be found!
We're off to see Bill Clinton, the wonderful Wizard of Lies
We're off to see the Gizzard. The wonderful Gizzard of ID
We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of OZ
We're off to see the lesbian, the wonderful lesbian of Oz!
We're off to see the wizard
We're off to see the wizard, because he's sure to have the answer.
We're off to see the wizard, he's sure to have an answer.
We're off to see the wizard....
We're off to seee the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of
We're off to ski the blizzard,  the wonderful blizzard of odds
We're old enough to do things to girls. We can go to prison. -Rik
We're old enough to smell bad. - Butt-Head
We're on a collision course with a meteor.. shake the camera!
We're on a collision course with wackiness!
We're on a mining ship, three million years into deep space. Can someone explain to me where the smeg I got this traffic cone?
We're on a mission from God
We're on a mission from God.  - Elwood
We're on a mission from God. - Blues Brothers
We're on a mission from God. - Elwood Blues
We're on a mission from the Prophets. - The Bajoran Blues Brothers
We're on a roll!  Cavorting on the Butter!
We're on a thousand worlds, and spreading. - Kirk
We're on the express elevator to Hell, going down!
We're on the express elevator to hell, going down! - Hudson
We're on the other side of the galaxy. Kim
We're on the train to Bangkok aboard the Thailand Express
We're one big happy fleet! - Khan
We're one, but we're not the same... ONE
We're only at home when we're on the run.: Rush
We're only halves of a whole, but double the trouble. Battletrap
We're only immortal - for a limited time
We're only immortal for a limited time - RUSH
We're only immortal for a limited time. - Neil Peart
We're only in it for the money!
We're only in it for the volume
We're only in it for the volume. -- Black Sabbath
We're only poor! That's the condition that we have.
We're only small mammals, granted we've got guns and an attitude. -jms
We're only small mammals, granted we've got guns and an attitude. -jms
We're out of Antimatter!? I told you $15 wasn't enough!
We're out of Cold Slavs - Crow
We're out of antimatter!  I told you 50 dollars wa
We're out of antimatter!  I told you 50 dollars wasn't enough.
We're out of antimatter.  I told you 50 credits wasn't enough!
We're out of apples?  Okay, then we'll just bob for the Hell of it
We're outta here! - Yakko
We're over 70,000 light years from where we were. -- Kim
We're overdue for our talk, aren't we? Kirk to Karidian
We're overstocked!  All taglines 1/2 price!  (limit 10 per thief)
We're overstocked! 50% off all taglines! (limit 10 per customer)
We're partners! What happens to you, happens to me. &lt;Riggs&gt;
We're past the point of no return... - The Phantom
We're peas in a pod girl,  we're two of a kind.
We're philatelists, they shouted collectively.
We're philosophers. We think, therefore we am
We're picking up a distress call on long range sensors. - Worf
We're picking up the pieces and coming to a conclusion. - Bobbitt Juror
We're pink & we're so really white - Tom sings
We're poor, but clean - Mike
We're poor, but clean. -Mike Nelson/MST3K
We're poor, but clean... -- Mike Nelson
We're practically the size of mice, Brain.  -- Pinky
We're pretty funny, huh, Beavis! - Butthead
We're pretty lucky: In some South American countries, the kids have to learn
We're pretty lucky: In some South American countries, the kids have to learn the dates of their revolutions!
We're pretty! Pretty Vacant! - Crow's square dance
We're professional police officers.  We do this for a living.  Riggs
We're professionals.  Do not try this at home
We're publishing our own competition. -- Image Comics
We're reaaaady! - Yakko & Wakko
We're ready to believe you.
We're ready to transmit. Torres
We're really inseparable. It takes 10 people to pull us apart.
We're rebels without a clue...  - Weird Al Yankovic
We're receiving 285,000 hails, Captain. - Lt. Wes Crusher
We're receiving telemetry. Tuvok
We're reducing his temperature to absolute zero. -- Tom Servo
We're replacing your DNA with new Folger's crystals
We're riding on the Escalator of Life
We're running a little long,  so Good Night Folks - Jack Benny
We're running low on everything except customers. - BJ
We're running out of options. Riker
We're running out of time, doctor! - Odo
We're saying together for the sake of the cats.
We're screamin' mad at Dirk! - Crow
We're seemed to be made to suffer, it's our lot in life - C3P0
We're ships in the night, but tonight your not going to get away.
We're so busy catching minnows, we forget we're standing on a whale
We're so pretty vacant... and we don't care. -Sex Pistols
We're so pretty.  Oh so pretty... VACANT. -Sex Pistols
We're softening to reach a wider audience - TV's Frank
We're sorry - all of our taglines are busy right now
We're sorry, REALITY is not in service in this Area code
We're sorry, but reality is not in service at this time.
We're sorry, he's from Barcelona. ha ha ha (smile)
We're sorry, reality is not in service at this time.
We're sorry, the brain you have reached is not in service
We're spreading the word of no sex or alcohol - Mike
We're staging a revolution......Do you fancy joining us?
We're standing and they're not. What more do you want? Johnny Cage
We're standing at a crossroad and I don't like where we are going.
We're standing here looking like a couple'a ninnies -Mike
We're staying together for the sake of the cats.
We're still commited to proving his innocence, Minister. Janeway
We're still losing selithium. - Kira
We're still on _our_ side, Captain. - Spock
We're stoic mid-westerners - Mike as mummies
We're stoic mid-westerners. -- Mike Nelson
We're stranded down here, Captain? Sulu
We're strectching for the comedy here, folks. --Slappy
We're stretching for the comedy here folks. - Slappy Squirrel
We're stuck here with our brass hanging out. - Hawkeye
We're such a holy bunch you know
We're super heroes, Something ALWAYS happens.  -The Tick
We're supposed to *read* comics?
We're supposed to fight as one! - Mars I am one! - Sailor Moon
We're supposed to pee HERE?
We're surrounded by Millions & Billions of Indians- G. Armstrong Sagan
We're surrounded by Romulan vessels. Chekov
We're taking possession of the Brittany Hotel. - IRS
We're talkin' interplanetary orgies here! - Captain Duckman
We're talkin' the thing we did on the bridge???? - Pellinore
We're talking 'bout 30,000 pounds of bananas...  - Harry Chapin
We're talking about Jean-Luc Picard. - Riker to Guinan
We're talking about sex, right? - Homer
We're talking about sex, right? - Simpson, Homer
We're talking about terrorists, and you want me to buy a
We're talking about the red-hot, tight buttocked Hairy Host of Hell.
We're talking about universal armageddon! * McCoy.
We're talking heavy metal mug here! - Vinnie
We're testing as QWK as we can
We're the Clintons from Arkansas: Hill & Billy.
We're the Judean People's Front.
We're the Justice, and you're not
We're the brews... sportin' anti-swastika tattoos... --NOFX
We're the convenient precinct - Mike
We're the ditch diggers and drill sergeants. - Wisetongue
We're the first country to get a coyote into orbit. - Bugs
We're the greatest planet on Earth.    - Dan Quayle
We're the middle child.--Rene Auberjonois
We're the nicest harem keepers around. =) -Tristessa
We're the smart party! -- Lister to The Cat
We're the special unit! Hallloooooo! - Tom on military
We're the unemployed of Borg. PLEASE assimilate us into the workforce!
We're there dude! Da da da dan da da dan
We're thinking of chipping in to buy you a smile. - Hawkeye to Frank
We're through being cool --Devo
We're through the looking glass here Scully! - Mulder
We're tiny, we're tooney, we're all so f*&lt;k!ng looney
We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little loony
We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little loony! -- Tiny Toons
We're tiny, we're toony... we're all a little looney.
We're tired of Being Kidnapped!!!  REBEL!!!!!
We're tired of third-rate incompetents in public office
We're tired of your phony fireworks! Kirk to Apollo
We're told to pay as we go -- but where are we going?
We're tourists.  Not our problem. -- Professor Arturo
We're tourists. Not our problem. Arturo
We're trapped in a video game -Tom on cheesy computer gfx
We're trapped in a video game! -- Tom Servo
We're treated very well here at The Home. I'm feeling much better n
We're trying to defeat the Daleks, not start a jumble sale
We're two different animals, we live jungles apart.
We're under attack by Numeri patrols. Chakotay
We're under attack!  Bridge crew - lurch THAT way!
We're underground! Kim
We're up to our butts in jarheads. - Ivanova
We're upping our standards so UP YOURS!  Pat Paulsen
We're upping our up yours.
We're used to hopeless situations. - Ivanova
We're very moderate, but if you disagree, we'll kill you
We're very sensitive to small problems. - BJ
We're very tired, Mr. Spock.  Beam us home. - Kirk
We're very unpopular - Tom as geeky kids
We're very unpopular. -- Tom Servo
We're waiting for the middle class tax cut!
We're walking really, really fast! - Joel & Bots sing
We're wanted men.  I have the death sentence in 13 systems
We're we're we're gonna like never score! - Beavis
We're with the FBI. - Scully
We're with the government! We want that moustache! - Jim Rave, Tick
We're with you on MSNTBC!
We're working on it. - Sisko
We're working on it. - Sisko
We're you gonna give my noggin a floggin'? - Ned Flanders
We're young, we're gifted and we're nerds!
We're your Friends & Family now -Tom to guy in phonebooth
We're zany to the max!  There's baloney in our slacks!
We're zany to the max!  There's baloney in our slacks! - Animaniacs
We're zany to the max! There's baloney in our slacks!
We've *all* been here before. Riker
We've Got a Taste For You New Coke - 1985
We've Infected The Borg With A Deadly Virus... Windows 3.1!
We've SYS not found, SYSOP.EXE not loaded
We've _got_ to get to that ship! - Sisko
We've a few loose ends to attend to. - Bobbitt Juror
We've a lot in common. Dax-2
We've achieved stable orbit around Bajor. We can beam down anytime
We've adopted Satan. -Problem Child
We've all been here before - Riker
We've all got time enough to cry, We've all got time enough to die.
We've all seen it. We go home -we are it. -Rae Dawn Chong on nudity in fil
We've already made some friends here. Janeway
We've been *there*, and found it boring
We've been banned from Argo, every one
We've been down this road before... -- Tom Servo
We've been fools to think robots can be actors -Tom cries
We've been giving you a break for years, get back to work
We've been hit! Abandon ship! Abandon.d}+. NO CARRIER
We've been married for 27 years. How about time off for a good behavior?
We've been short a doctor since the day you showed up.  Hawk to Frank
We've been sitting on the fence for far too long! -- Kaiphas
We've been talking about an incident this morning at school. - Sisko
We've been talking about reprogramming him. - Janeway
We've been through so much together and most of it was your fault!
We've been through witchhunts before. Amanda
We've been working on big globs of neat stuff. -- Tom Servo
We've broken out, oh, the blessed freedom of it all!
We've broken the space-time continuum and passed the savings onto you!
We've caught so many Zeons we've got to dump them outside! - Kirk
We've changed Folgers Crystals for Dilithium. Let's watch
We've cleaned and pressed your gun. -- Tom Servo
We've cleared Voyager. Janeway
We've cleared the central mass. Paris
We've cleared the central mass. Tuvok
We've come a long way in five thousand years.
We've come a long way since the world was flat.
We've come for your liver!
We've come to destroy and ruin your life...God sent us!
We've completely lost the lights - Mike on dark scene
We've created an artificial pocket of time around you.. - Geordi
We've created the scratch and sniff report card! -- Tom Servo
We've decided not to harm her. - Q
We've determined Victoria's secret. Victoria is a slut
We've done 'promiscuity' entendres? -- Mike Nelson
We've done Win apps..but we didn't inhale!--P. Kahn
We've done everything by the book and a little bit extra - Geordi
We've done nothing here. Elias Sandoval
We've done our bit for king & country.       Kirk/STVI
We've each learned to be delighted with what we are.
We've elected Bill Clinton and Howdy Doody... wonderful.
We've engaged the Borg.  The wedding will be on Friday
We've engaged the Borg....A June wedding is planned
We've experienced a 360 degree turnaround
We've finished the job, what shall we do with the tools?
We've found the problem sir!  Your battery needs a new car.
We've found the problem.... Your battery needs a new car!
We've given the word 'mob' a bad name! - Dr. Hibbert
We've go all the youth we need...we need a "Fountain of Smart!"
We've gone this far, you can't die on me now. - Sheridan
We've gone to plaid! -SpaceBalls
We've gone too far now, we can never go back!
We've got 100 gallons of sweet, red wine.
We've got 53 years of International megabits! -- Adrian
We've got Cranial Ports! - Dr. Forrester
We've got Mr. B Natural practice that day - Joel
We've got Mr. B Natural practice that day... -- Joel Robinson
We've got OFFICIAL PERMISSION to do this.
We've got THESE idiots down here - Dr. Forrester
We've got a Godzilla for sale!  Magilla Godzilla for sale!
We've got a dangerous child running this country. - Rush Limbaugh
We've got a dangerous child running this country. - Rush Limbaugh
We've got a flying mouse to kill... - The Joker
We've got a kitchen by Giger, but we're too scared to go in there. -- from the sig of Peter H. Coffin, in
We've got a long way to go. Janeway
We've got a lot of books here, its a book shop!
We've got a lot of work here, you and me... -Freddy Krueger
We've got a problem! - Ro Laren
We've got a problem, HAL.
We've got a shooting war going on out here. - Ivanova
We've got a special treat: Lisa Loeb! - Mike
We've got a thing that they call Radar Love... 
We've got all the youth we need...we need a "Fountain of Smart!"
We've got all the youth we need...we need a "Fountain of Smart!"
We've got an emergency. - Mulder
We've got an unbeatable team! - Sauron
We've got computers and we're after you!
We've got computers, we're tapping phone lines
We've got four big clocks, and they're all ticking.
We've got half impulse power available. - Ro Laren
We've got many a TV dinner to heat unevenly ourselves. - The Tick
We've got nothing better to do, than watch TV & have a couple of brews
We've got ourselves a little puzzle number one!"  Picard - The Royale
We've got ourselves a real pickle here!
We've got problems here. Paris
We've got problems here. Paris
We've got quotes coming out of our A**, figuratively speaking.
We've got sonic, electronic BALLBREAKERS! -Hudson
We've got the Stanley Cup baby.  UH-HUH!
We've got the best health care plan there is...  -- George Bush
We've got the power. What we need now is the target. - Hague
We've got time for another fondle, said Death.
We've got to STOP this man. - Larry Nichols, about Bill Clinton
We've got to be the way we're made.
We've got to do it by the book!
We've got to do it by the book! * Rimmer
We've got to do the exact opposite! - O'Brien
We've got to end this foolishness.
We've got to evacuate immediately.-Frank I think I just did.-Hawk
We've got to find a donor now! Said the Doctor.
We've got to find out what's going on around here. Bashir
We've got to get government out of women's uteruses.-Jocelyn Elders
We've got to get him into cryostasis. - Bashir
We've got to get in to get out
We've got to get out of here! Sisko
We've got to get there before the hammer falls.
We've got to get to the Enterprise and warn them. Geordi
We've got to help Dr. Forrester save Deep 13! - Crow
We've got to hold on to what we got.
We've got to leave in four hours. Here's your lipstick
We've got to move these microwave ovens
We've got to risk implosion, it's our only chance! - Kirk
We've got to stand up and fight! we'll give them.. Revolution!
We've got to stop hurting each other: You first
We've got to stop meeting like this.
We've got tonight, who needs tomorrow
We've got what it takes to take what you've got
We've got...*armadillos* in our trousers. - Spinal Tap
We've gotta get drunk.  It's urgent. -- Mike Nelson
We've gotta get drunk. It's urgent.
We've gotta get some use out of this death ray. -- Crow T. Robot
We've gotta stop meeting like this, my modem's suspicious
We've had bad luck with our kids - they've all grown up.
We've had our fill of uniform bullies. - Mullibok
We've heard a great deal about you. Welcome aboard. - Kirk
We've heard that we may find it rather interesting.. - Picard
We've hit him, Captain; he's hurt. - Spock
We've invented a Lucy sketch! -- Dr. Forrester
We've just been over one civil war, let's not go through another. - Kirk
We've let the humans win enough. - Shang Tsung
We've lived through witchhunts before. - Amanda
We've lost him, Captain. - Spock
We've lost the smut thread. Get back to the smut! - Tom Servo
We've met the enemy and he prints your money
We've missed you but we promise to aim better next time
We've missed you!  We'll aim better next time!
We've never been in this position before. - G'Kar
We've no Warp, Captain!  We're out of spare spark plugs!
We've no control over our conception, only over our creation. -Tony Curtis
We've only just begun...   Carpenters
We've outgrown you. Kirk to Apollo
We've quips and quibbles heard in flocks
We've reached a point where science has become indistinguishable from magic
We've received a subspace signal but what's Begin PGP Signature mean?
We've received clearance from Ops, Commander. - Dax
We've received disturbing reports from our intelligence sources-LM
We've recently learned where Dolly Parton buys her bras
We've replace your DNA with new Folger's Crystals
We've replaced Bruce's harddrive with Folgers Crystals, Lets watch
We've replaced Dilithium with Folgers crystals
We've replaced Scotty's dilithium with Folgers crystals. Will he notic
We've replaced the Dilithium with Foldgers crystals
We've replaced the dilithium with 200% efficient folgers crystals.
We've replaced the dilithium with Folgers Crystals!
We've replaced the dilitium crystals with Folgers, Jim!
We've replaced your Bank account with new Folger's crystals!
We've rewritten the book a few times to make B5 work. - Garibaldi
We've screwed all those people, said Hillary
We've secretly replaced @F's life with an episode of Sailor Moon
We've secretly replaced @TOFIRST@'s life with an ep of Sailor Moon...
We've secretly replaced All's Dilithium with our Folger's Crystals
We've secretly replaced Dilithium with new Folger's crystals
We've secretly replaced Doom's Operating system with Folger's Crystals
We've secretly replaced Odo's bucket with new Folger's Crystals
We've secretly replaced Sisko's goatee with new Folgers' Crystals
We've secretly replaced Windows with Folgers Crystals.
We've secretly replaced her dilithium crystals with new Folgers
We've secretly replaced his [Nate] life with an episode of Ranma 1/2. --Todd, SN
We've secretly replaced his dilithium crystals with new Folger's
We've secretly replaced the Dilithium crystals with new Folger's Crystals
We've secretly replaced the Prozac with Folger's coffee crystals.
We've secretly replaced the V-Gas with ordinary Helium
We've secretly replaced the cocaine with Folger's crystals. -RST
We've secretly replaced the dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.
We've secretly replaced the dilithium with Folger's Crystals
We've secretly replaced the dilythium with new Folgers!
We've secretly replaced the moderator with Folger's crystals.
We've secretly replaced the moderator with chocolate
We've secretly replaced their dilithium with new Foldgers crystals
We've secretly replaced their dilithium with new chocolate!
We've secretly replaced thier coffee with cyanide poisoned coffee
We've secretly switched @TO@'s life with an episode of Urotsukidoji
We've secretly switched MARC's life with an episode of Cream Lemon
We've secretly switched Sassenach's life with an episode of Urotsukidoji
We've secretly switched Yakko's life with an episode of Ranma 1/2
We've secretly switched her life with an episode of Urotsukidoji.
We've secretly switched his life with an episode of Ranma.
We've seen this in abduction cases. - Mulder to Scully (Eve)
We've sent many expiditions into Vorlon space.  None have returned.
We've served together for six years. Troi
We've short jumped, and we're nowhere near a star. - Lister
We've spared no expense. -- John Hammond
We've sprung a what? First Officer, Titanic
We've switched the Dilithium with new Folger's crystals!
We've switched the Enterprise's dilithium crystals with new Folger's
We've switched the bath sponge with a tribble.
We've taken over the government!, Tom cooed
We've taken over the government, the general cooed.
We've taken this same turn 3 times before! said Orville forthrightly
We've upped OUR standards.  Now, up YOURS!
We've upped our standards now, up yours!
We've upped our standards, @TOFIRST@. Now up yours!
We've upped our standards, Orville. Now up yours!
We've upped our standards...Now, Up Yours!
We've won the war on drugs! Nobody has any money left
We'veGotMarsOnTheHorizonSaysTheNationalMidnightStar(It's true!)
We, [Text deleted for brevity] Liberty and Justice for All.
We, the jury, find OJ not guilty by reason of celebrity
We, um, we, um, we married. Picard/Kamin
We, we don't have anyone in authority. Ayelborne
We-Luv-Slasher-Comix fanboys MUST DIE!
We-Say-So has been like a loving (if somewhat sadistic) parent
We-Say-So:  We really don't like having our feelings hurt! - TV Ad
We-Say-So: We always shower after gym class. - TV Ad
We-Say-So: We'll do what's right if you leave us alone. - TV ad
We...have no more surprises
We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
We`ll rape the horses and ride off on the women!
Weak things united become strong
Weak, spoiled, wasteful, socialist, bigoted, arrogant, meddling, amoral,
Weak: Seven days.
Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. - Albert Einstein
Weakness on both sides is, as we know, the motto of all quarrels. - Voltaire
Wealth buys leisure, but not wisdom
Wealth is not his that has it, but his who enjoys it.
Wealth is not his who has it, but his who enjoys it. - Benjamin Franklin
Wealth unused might as well not exist. - Aesop
Wealthy criminals are the only refuge for morally bankrupt attorneys.  --Johnny Cochran
Wealthy people are no happier than those of modest means
Weapon, n.: An index of the lack of development of a culture
Weapons System error - Press F-15 to continue
Weapons System halted - flip all switches at once to continue.
Weapons bans are the first symptoms of genocide.
Weapons do not remain stockpiled
Weapons do not remain stockpiled.  -Tenzin Gyatso
Weapons may win battles, but warriors win victory
Weapons should be hardy rather than decorative. - Musashi
Wear  asbestos underwear. Some  tagliner may flame your ass  too!
Wear *real*'s a renewable resource
Wear a hat so you know which end to wipe
Wear a smile: it increases your face value
Wear audacious underwear under the most solemn business attire.
Wear nasty socks while trying on dozens of pairs of shoes
Wear natural fibers.  Hug your cat.
Wear old clothes when fighting for truth and freedom
Wear old clothes when you fight for truth and liberty.
Wear polished shoes. - H. Jackson Brown Jr
Wear red gym shoes
Wear short sleeve shirt! Support your right to bare arms!
Wear the right costume and the part plays itself.
Wear your favorite shirt with your favorite pants even if they don't match
Wear your wife's eyeglasses and see things her way
Wearin' shoes.  Wearin' a shirt.  I WANT SERVICE!
Wearing plate armor and fighting a giant --- can you say croquet
Wearing short sleeves: the right to bare arms.
Wearing your asbestos Bvd's?
Weasel - The other yellow meat
Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals. Except the weasel. -- Homer Simpson
Weasels Ripped My Flesh!
Weasels Ripped My Flesh!
WeatHER - know wonder it can't make up it's mind !
Weather Forcast: If not sunny, it will be cloudy
Weather forecast -- chili today, hot tamale.
Weather forecast for tonight: Dark.
Weather forecast for tonight: It's going to be dark!
Weather forecast for tonight: dark followed by light
Weather forecast for tonight: dark.
Weather forecast: Chili tonight, hot tamale
Weather forecaster's motto: to air is humid.
Weather is happening all over the United States today!
Weather is here.  Wish you were wonderful!
Weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.
Weather report for tonight: Dark
Weather report: partly cloudy = partly sunny?  &lt;?????&gt;
Weather vanes have cocks on them, as the other way would look silly.
Weather's her; wish you were beautiful
Weather: Earth - Mainly fine. Mars - Rain. Jupiter - occasional comet
Weather: today: the sun - tonight: the moon - where will it all end???
Weather? I don't need weather. Weather doesn't do it for me. - Kramer
Weatherman's daughter, but she sure had a warm front
Weathermen DO IT with storm.
Weathermen have a 40% chance of doing it.
Weavers and BBSers DO IT a thread at a time.
Web Construction Ahead...Slow to 300 bps - Detour to
Web Construction Ahead...Watch for program Flags.
WebMaster...Short for: "The Dork In The Blue Tights"
WebSmurfing...Smucking on the Web.
WebSurfing...Carpaling on the Net.
Webb Hubbell, Federal Prisoner #45789754, The First of a Long Line!
Weber's Definition: An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing
Webstairs: The indented letter tabs on an opened dictionary.
Webster Virus:  Basically harmless.  You can't type in upper case.
Webster's Dictionary
Webster's Words  - By Dick Shunnary
Webster's Words:                   Dick Shunnary(3)
Webster's Words: Dick Shunnary
Webster's:  recursive - Adj. see recursive.
Wechselkurs von Dollar, Pfund und Zloty ? .....1 Dollar = 1 Pfund Zloty
Wedding - Going to the halter
Wedding - like a funeral, but you can smell the flowers
Wedding Band...The Worlds' Smallest Handcuffs !
Wedding Ring:  the world's smallest handcuffs
Wedding Ring: The smallest handcuff in the world
Wedding dates: Twosdays
Wedding is destiny, and hanging likewise.
Wedding is destiny, and hanging likewise. -- John Heywood
Wedding ring - The world's smallest handcuff.
Wedding, n. - An one-night-stand that got out of hand
Wedding, n. - Sacred event the woman cries before, the man after
Wedding..the process of removing weeds from one's garden. - Homer
Wedding:  A funeral where you can smell your own flowers.
Weddings Performed Here - Reasonable Rates - Inquire Inside
Weddings rarely go off without a hitch.
Weddings... What's up with those?  - Cliff Clavin
Wedge....Golfers' Landscape Tool
Wedge:  A golfers' landscaping tool.
Wedge: Golfers' Landscape Tool
Wedgewood:  Golf club...a cross between a 9-iron & a driver.
Wedgie! - Crow as girl in panties runs away from camera
Wedlock, what a curious term.
Wednesday Morning 3 AM: Just an hour before Int'l mail exchange.
Wednesday morning at 5:00 as the day begins.   Beatles
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Wednesday's worse, Thursday's all so sad
Wee fish ewe a mare egrets moose, panda hippo gnu deer.
Wee, dare.  One for his fiddle-stick and the moon
Wee-fish ewe a mare-egrets mas...panda tabby gnu deer.
Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down
Weed it and Reap. American Vegetable Association.
Weed really helps the centuries fly by.
Weed:  A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered
Weeds aren't weeds if they have a name.  Hint:  Get a book!
Weeds!  No, that is my vineyard!  Ever heard of dandelion wine?
Weeds: Scott's Information Manual for Lawns and Gardens (1977).
Weeds???  Those are native wildflowers.
Weedsport, NY: Gennifer Flowers' hometown
Weeee-ooo-weeeeeee...Pumba bum oway... - Timone
Weegua! Thwept! (laugh) - Ewok Warrior
Weekdays at 2:00 PM ET (11:00 AM PT) on America's Talking TV
Weekend In Hong Kong - By Rick Shaw
Weekend at Bernie's III - starring Richard Nixon
Weekend, where are you?
Weekends were made for programming.
Weekends were made for programming. - Karl Lehenbauer
Weekly Tagline quota reached.  Go for monthly quota?
Weelief - The feeling you get spotting a rest stop on the interstate
Weelll, a shack full of fireworks!  Isn't that conveeeeeeenient!
Weendows?  We don't don need no steenkin Weendows!!
Weendoze? we don need no steenkin Weendoze!
Weep for the future John, weep for us all
Weep for the future Na'toth.  Weep for us all - G'Kar
Weep for the future Slartibartfast, weep for us all
Weep for the future, All, weep for us all
Weep not for me, your leaf, O trees, for I will be reborn!
Weeping May Endure For a Night, But Joy Cometh in The Morning !!
Weeping, I wake; waking, I weep, I weep.
Weepy Movie  - By Maud Lynn Story
Weepy Movie: Maud Lynn Story
Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh
Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh. * Shakespeare
Weight 300 lbs - Fortune: Danger - the Fat Man
Weight Gain 4000, it's helping me bulk up. - Cartman, South Park
Weight Loss: The triumph of mind over platter
Weight Watchers           You pay for excess sh*t at weigh-in
Weight is the enemy! -- R. Loewy
Weight lifters do it with a jerk.
Weight lifters do it with a little snatch.
Weight lifters do on the Benchpress.
Weight loss is not a do-it-yourself deal. If you expect to lose weight and keep it off, you must build and nurture relationships that affirm and uplift you in life-changing ways. --Dr Phil McGraw
Weightlessness makes me queasy. -- Sisko
Weightlessness makes me queasy. -- Sisko
Weightlifters:  The Joy of Flex
Weiler's Law: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself
Weinberg's First Law:  Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
Weinberg's Principle: An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy
Weiner Dog Sold Separately.
Weiner's Law of Libraries:  There are no answers, only cross references.
Weird Al for a Weird World.
Weird Gravity: One man's cieling is another man's wall.
Weird Library Reference Questions: "Do you have books here?"
Weird Monsters #1: The Vel Crow.
Weird Monsters #2: The Sand Witch.
Weird Wedding Gift:  100 facecloths
Weird Wedding Gift:  25 darning needles
Weird Wedding Gift:  bag of potting mix
Weird Wedding Gift:  box of legal size hanging file folders
Weird Wedding Gift:  bucket of sand
Weird Wedding Gift:  cat door
Weird Wedding Gift:  cellophane tape and staples
Weird Wedding Gift:  dairy for 1991
Weird Wedding Gift:  exquisitely wrapped house-brick
Weird Wedding Gift:  globe
Weird Wedding Gift:  hat rack
Weird Wedding Gift:  his and hers dishwashing liquid.
Weird Wedding Gift:  map of West Brazil
Weird Wedding Gift:  mixer             (for the non-cooking couple)
Weird Wedding Gift:  mobile
Weird Wedding Gift:  nicely wrapped ream of photocopy paper
Weird Wedding Gift:  one shoe
Weird Wedding Gift:  receipt book
Weird Wedding Gift:  salad shooter
Weird Wedding Gift:  silver plated yo-yo
Weird Wedding Gift:  spice rack
Weird Wedding Gift:  step ladder
Weird Wedding Gift:  tow rope
Weird Wedding Gift:  towel/bathrobe with someone else's name on it.
Weird Wedding Gift:  triangular prism paperweight
Weird but practicing to be eccentric
Weird enough for all practical purposes
Weird is a relative term
Weird is a relative term - Frank N. Furter
Weird is a relative term.
Weird is a relative, not an absolute term. - Baron Frank N. Furter
Weird things entertain the intellectual, but annoy the rest of us.
Weird' is a relative term - Frank N. Furter
Weird, I like weird! - Detective White
Weird, Iceman?  It's ok, I'm fluent in weird.
Weird, is a relative term - Frank N. Furter
Weird, weird, weird... -- Crow T. Robot
Weird... My dictionary has an index
Weird?  It's ok, I'm fluent in weird.
Weirdness Magnet
Weirdness is the best defense
Weirdness strikes again
Weirdo Ergo Sum
Weirdo in a weird land.
Weirdos, unite!
Weissbier is better than Shakespeare
Weitek? Weinot?
Wel zichzo"lf weend maakt, mot nich klaagn oaver stof!
Welcome @TOFIRST@, to Totally Hidden Psychiatrist!
Welcome Aboard *Monty* *Python's* *Orbiting* *Station*!
Welcome Back To Earth - Home Of Coca-Cola - 1968
Welcome Bob, to Totally Hidden Psychiatrist! - HCTV
Welcome Gary, to Totally Hidden Psychiatrist!
Welcome My Friend! Welcome To LaMachine!
Welcome OS/2, bye bye UAE, bye bye GPF!
Welcome Orville, to Totally Hidden Psychiatrist!
Welcome To Ontario. Turn Your Clocks Back 40 YEARS
Welcome To Sheboygan. Turn Your Clocks Back 100 YEARS
Welcome To The Jungle -- Guns 'N' Roses
Welcome To The United Police States Of America!  Papers Please!
Welcome aboard the Heart of Gold, Capt. Picard. Care for a cup of tea?
Welcome aboard, I'm the Doctor, or will be if this regeneration works.
Welcome back  @FN@
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends.
Welcome back to (or from) reality!
Welcome back to Pangaea's 'Funniest Home Injuries' - Dinosaur TV
Welcome back to Yoshi's Island. - Yoshi
Welcome back to square one
Welcome back to the show... I'M STILL FALLING!! - Freakazoid
Welcome back, Counselor. Picard
Welcome back, Doctor. Sisko
Welcome back, everybody. - Odo
Welcome back. You're under arrest. --Odo in 'The Collaborator'
Welcome back...your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome both of you to my fantasy role playing group -Tom
Welcome friendship with open heart and mind
Welcome gently Sir Knight.  Welcome to the Castle Anthrax. --Zoot
Welcome home - glad, and thankful, you made it
Welcome home Tenchi. - Ryoko
Welcome home, Jim. McCoy
Welcome home, your under arrest - Odo
Welcome honored guests.    Entrails?
Welcome honored guests.  Entrails?  Morticia Addams
Welcome in the name of Bajor and the United Federation of Planets
Welcome into the world of the Darkman.
Welcome joy, and welcome sorrow
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine - PF
Welcome my the machine
Welcome our newest player of 'Taglines: The Gathering!'
Welcome space travellers to the Tom Star Show! - Tom
Welcome the the "United States of Arkansas"
Welcome thy neighbor into thy fallout shelter.  He'll come in handy if you run out of food
Welcome thy neighbor into thy fallout shelter.  He'll come in handy if you run out of food. -- Dean McLaughlin
Welcome to 'As far as you're gonna get' - Mike on kiss
Welcome to Agronomy 2073 - Manure Management.
Welcome to Air-Otica - Mike
Welcome to Air-Otica. -- Mike Nelson
Welcome to America.  Now speak English
Welcome to Arizona. Please set your clocks back 20 years.
Welcome to Australia.... Now go home!
Welcome to BBC2 (or "Booby-C Two" as some people call this channel)
Welcome to Babylon 5 Emporium!
Welcome to Babylon 5 Emporium!
Welcome to Baltimore, Hon!
Welcome to Bargain Clown. Can I take your order? - Frank
Welcome to Borg Burger. No pickles. Pickles are irrelevant
Welcome to Borg City.  Population:  1
Welcome to Borg-er King. Have it our way; your way is irrelevant.
Welcome to Borger King. Your way is irrelevant
Welcome to Burbank... uh... London! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to California! Now go home.
Welcome to California! Stay as long as you like!
Welcome to California.  Now please go home.
Welcome to California.  Now, go home.
Welcome to California... you're at your own risk!
Welcome to Canada.  Now go home!
Welcome to Castle Anthrax...where the spankings never stop!
Welcome to Coicidence Corner - Crow
Welcome to Coincidence Corner. -- Crow T. Robot
Welcome to Con-Sleaze-Co - Tom
Welcome to Con-Sleaze-Co! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to Cyberspace
Welcome to DS9. - Nog
Welcome to Dante's!  Which level of Hell will you be visiting today?
Welcome to Dante's.  What level please?
Welcome to Death Row. Three chairs, no waiting.
Welcome to Death's Domain
Welcome to Deep 13, formerly Gizmonic Institute
Welcome to Deep Space Nine. Please don't empty the buckets.
Welcome to Divorce Game! Brought to you by National Van Lines!--Carlin
Welcome to Dollars, Taxes
Welcome to Dysfunction Junction!
Welcome to Dysfunctional John's Lunatic Fringe
Welcome to Earth - 75% water, 25% malls
Welcome to Earth, third rock from the Sun!
Welcome to Earth, third rock from the star called sol
Welcome to Earth, third rock from the sun
Welcome to Earth... 3rd rock from the sun!
Welcome to Earth... third rock from the Sun.   Joe Diffie
Welcome to Earth:  75% water, 25% malls
Welcome to Elvis & The Who's NEW Theme Park.... Teenage Graceland!!!
Welcome to FL SINGLES & FRIENDS! Join in, have fun! Meet new Friends!
Welcome to FL SINGLES & FRIENDS!!  Join in, post often and have fun!
Welcome to Fidonet, the Information Backroad.
Welcome to Florida &lt;BANG&gt; hope you enjoyed yourself
Welcome to Florida ... now go home
Welcome to Florida, Home of Beaches, Mickey, and .22 bullets
Welcome to Florida, now go home and take your white legs with you!
Welcome to Florida.  &lt;BANG&gt;  I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Welcome to Florida.  Now go home, and take a Canadian with you!
Welcome to Florida.  Now leave
Welcome to Florida. &lt;&lt;*BANG*&gt;&gt; &lt;*thud*&gt; I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Welcome to Florida. *BANG* *thud* I hope you enjoyed your stay
Welcome to Florida. Now get out and take a Haitian with you
Welcome to Florida. Now get out and take your white legs with you
Welcome to Florida. Now get the hell out.
Welcome to Florida. Now go home and take a Haitian with you.
Welcome to Florida. Now go home and take your white legs with you.
Welcome to Florida. Pardon our driving, We're reloading
Welcome to Florida...Now go home and take a Haitian with you.
Welcome to Galorndon Core, where no good deed goes unpunished. -Geordi
Welcome to Heaven.  Here's your copy of QuickBasic.
Welcome to Hell - Here's your copy of Windows.
Welcome to Hell - I'm your case worker
Welcome to Hell - here's your accordion.
Welcome to Hell sinner, here is your 386SX with Windows and Doublespace.
Welcome to Hell!  Here's your copy of WINdoze!
Welcome to Hell! Here's a 286, and a copy of Windows NT.
Welcome to Hell, @TO@, here's your copy of Windows 95!
Welcome to Hell, here is your 386SX with Windows and Doublespace
Welcome to Hell, here's your Macintosh.
Welcome to Hell, here's your accordion.
Welcome to Hell, sinner.  Here is your 386SX with Windows and DoubleSpace
Welcome to Hell.  Here is your accordian.
Welcome to Hell.  Here is your copy of Windows.
Welcome to Hell.  Here's your accordion.--Gary Larson
Welcome to Hell.  Here's your copy of UNIX.
Welcome to Hell.  Here's your copy of Windows.
Welcome to Hell.  Here's your piano-accordion
Welcome to Hell.  I'm your case worker.
Welcome to Hell. Here's your copy of Windows.
Welcome to Hell. Here's your copy of Windows. - Satan Gates
Welcome to Hell. I'm your case worker.
Welcome to Hell..,I'm Newt and I'm your new caseworker.
Welcome to Hell... here's your accordian.
Welcome to Hell......We've preinstalled Windoze 3.0.
Welcome to Hell; here's you Macintosh.
Welcome to Hip Swallowing 215, AKA:  Advanced Foot In Mouth Disease.
Welcome to Idaho!  Now go back to Michigan, Iowa, etc...!
Welcome to Intense City!
Welcome to International Tongue Wrestling Championship
Welcome to Itty Bitty Airlines - Mike
Welcome to Itty Bitty Airlines... -- Mike Nelson
Welcome to Jack Ruby fantasy camp! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to Jacksonville.  Pardon our driving, We're reloading
Welcome to Jurassic Park!
Welcome to Kansas. Please set your clocks back 20 years.
Welcome to Kids' Dubba-Dubba-WB!
Welcome to L.A.  Would you prefer smoging or non-smoging?
Welcome to Landfill Junction - Tom on barren scenery
Welcome to Landfill Junction! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to Life.  Participate at your own risk.
Welcome to Linguistic Hell.  Have fun!
Welcome to Lithgow.. Now go home!
Welcome to MY world! It's homey but it's Hell
Welcome to Maine.  Now go home
Welcome to Major Hoolihan's doghouse. -- Klinger to Hawkeye
Welcome to Manic Depressionville. -- Tom Servo
Welcome to McClinton's - Millions Now Screwed.
Welcome to McTaglines, over 60 million stolen.
Welcome to Mcrecipes, over 60 million snagged.
Welcome to Memphis, Doctor Lector. -- Officer Boyle
Welcome to Mexico! - Tom
Welcome to Mexico! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to Miami.  Pardon our driving, we're reloading.
Welcome to Miss Lashkara 1999, the final Punjabi pageant of the millenium!
Welcome to Montana!  Now go back to California!
Welcome to Montana!  Now go back to California!
Welcome to My Electronic Blunderland
Welcome to NC, now file State Taxes or you can't leave!
Welcome to NZ.  Now go home!
Welcome to New Zealand, set your watch back 20 years.
Welcome to Northern Overexposure. - Stay Tuned
Welcome to Olympus, Captain Kirk! - Apollo
Welcome to Omicron Ceti III. I'm Elias Sandoval
Welcome to Oregon!  Now go back to California!
Welcome to Oregon: Now go home, and take a Californian with you!
Welcome to Ottawa:  Where the weak are killed and eaten
Welcome to PA! State slogan: "Be Prepared to Stop"
Welcome to Paris, MacLeod. - Hugh FitzCairn
Welcome to Pennsylvania, Now Go Home
Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts
Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts. - Dan Quayle
Welcome to Romulus, Captain Picard. - Senator Pardak
Welcome to Sam 'n' Ella's Restaurant!  Try our Chicken Tartare!
Welcome to Sat-O-Love Industries - Joel
Welcome to Sick Andy's abortion klinik, where we eat your baby for a small fee.
Welcome to Sports World. Today we have Moderator Toss.
Welcome to Sports World. Today we have Moderator Toss.
Welcome to Sprockets. I'm Deiter, and I'm as happy as a little girl!
Welcome to Sydney... Now go home!
Welcome to TAGLINE, CALIF. POP 850
Welcome to TEXAS: If you don't like the weather here, wait a minute.
Welcome to TEXAS: If you don't like the weather here, wait a minute.
Welcome to TEXAS: Now go home, and take a Yankee with you!
Welcome to Taco Bell.  May I take your order?
Welcome to Texas now GIT!
Welcome to Texas, now go home.
Welcome to Texas... now GIT!
Welcome to The Machine.
Welcome to Utah. If you think our liquor laws are funny, you should see our underwear!
Welcome to VHS Village, formerly Beta Barn
Welcome to Westworld, where nothing can go wornggg
Welcome to Wide World of Sports. Today we have Off-Topic Poster Toss
Welcome to Wide World of Sports. Today we have The Moderator Toss.
Welcome to William Gates' World of Windows!
Welcome to Windows 3.1! Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to continue!
Welcome to Windows NT. Please press &lt;CTRL&gt;&lt;ALT&gt;&lt;DEL&gt; to login:
Welcome to Windows.  What type of bugs would you like in this session?
Welcome to Wonderland...Alice!-Freddy Krueger
Welcome to YATIsville, where continuity is a moral sin
Welcome to Zork, the Great Underground Empire
Welcome to ____, Here's your copy of windows.
Welcome to auto-411 -- Your number has been disconnected
Welcome to boot camp here at Fort Satellite of Love -Crow
Welcome to day 451 of the raw deal known as the Clinton presidency.
Welcome to hell - here's your copy of Win95 ... 8-))
Welcome to hell -- here's your copy of Edlin.
Welcome to hell, Blofeld. - 007 (Sean Connery - D.A.F.)
Welcome to hell, Blofeld. - 007 (Sean Connery - Diamonds Are Forever)
Welcome to hell, I'm your case worker.
Welcome to hell, meet Sarah Brady, your case worker.
Welcome to hell. I am your caseworker!
Welcome to hell... Here's your copy of Blue Wave.
Welcome to insanity, on the right is the SysOp's console
Welcome to last year's meeting of the Procrastinators Club.
Welcome to my Dungeon - Leave the kids at home.
Welcome to my Nightmare - Alice Cooper
Welcome to my crazy life!
Welcome to my hell, it's a nice little nightmare. One you
Welcome to my nightmare.
Welcome to my nightmare.  I hope I didn't scare you.... - A. Cooper
Welcome to my tomb, Tom said cryptically.
Welcome to my world, Heart of the Tiger...Welcome to your death!
Welcome to my world. -- Sam Beckett
Welcome to our Star System. Now Go Home.
Welcome to our cardboard home! -- Tom Servo
Welcome to our spaceship, mighty Hercules! -- Hercules vs the Martains
Welcome to prime time, b*tch!-Freddy Krueger
Welcome to reality...please leave your ideals at the door
Welcome to sunny Florida. Now get the heck out
Welcome to sunny Florida. Now go home!
Welcome to the "Dark Half" of the Force.
Welcome to the "Information Frontage Road"
Welcome to the 1st annual bull milking contest.
Welcome to the 1st annual cow toss and bug eating contest
Welcome to the 1st annual tobacco chew, spit and catch.
Welcome to the 24th century - Picard
Welcome to the 24th century. - Captain Picard
Welcome to the ABTF, here's your ski mask
Welcome to the Afterlife,'re dead
Welcome to the Afterlife,'re dead. -Q
Welcome to the Afterlife, Jean-Luc. You're dead. OH @#$@#$!
Welcome to the Annual Meatcutter's Convention! delivered Tom.
Welcome to the Annunciation Seminar - Crow on odd speech
Welcome to the BATF, here's your ski mask
Welcome to the Babylon 5 Information Network.
Welcome to the Barbra Streisand Concert and Clinton Political Rally.
Welcome to the Basket Weaving BBS! @!#$**!@#$*  NO CARRIER
Welcome to the Borg Utilities: There ARE no recovery tools.
Welcome to the Bungling Bros., Rodham and Billy Circus!
Welcome to the Californicate Cactus Bumping contest
Welcome to the Castle of Knight Light
Welcome to the Chelsea Clinton (naah, too easy)
Welcome to the Church Of Suicidal
Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage.  Lettuce pray
Welcome to the Church of the Paranoid Agnostic.
Welcome to the Club.   'ello, 'ello, 'ello
Welcome to the Current Middle Ages!
Welcome to the Delta Quadrant. Captain. Janeway
Welcome to the Democratic Party, here's your blindfold.
Welcome to the Democratic Party. Here's your barf bag.
Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department
Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department welcomes you
Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department.
Welcome to the Earth, third rock from the Sun.
Welcome to the First Annual Cow Toss and Bug Eating Contest
Welcome to the Future!  It's just starting now
Welcome to the GULF
Welcome to the Ginger Beer echo.
Welcome to the Great White North. Now go home, Whiteman!*
Welcome to the Hell Of Black Musicians Without Soul!!
Welcome to the Henry Blake Clich Festival. -- Trapper
Welcome to the Hotel California. Such a lovely place. Such a lovely face. - Don Henley
Welcome to the Hotel California...  - Eagles
Welcome to the Hotelecom California
Welcome to the Infobahn.  Minimum speed: Warp 3.  Thank you
Welcome to the Information SuperTrafficJam.
Welcome to the International Tongue Wrestling Championship
Welcome to the Keebler cookie factory.
Welcome to the Middle Class Twit of the Year competition
Welcome to the Nabiki Tendo School of Anything Goes Extortion!
Welcome to the New World Order:  COMPUTE!
Welcome to the Oswald Cobblepot school of driving. - Penguin
Welcome to the Power Ranger Fan Club BBS! $^$^@%^@$% NO CARRIER
Welcome to the Psychiatric Hot Line:
Welcome to the Road Kill Cafe.. Today's Special: Feline Filet
Welcome to the Roseanne Arnold Fan Club BBS!  +++ATH0 NO CARRIER
Welcome to the Roseanne Arnold Fan Club BBS! @!#$&!@#$*  NO CARRIER
Welcome to the SICK and DEMENTED Conference.
Welcome to the SICK and DEMENTED taglines conference.
Welcome to the Sacred Salad Church.  Lettuce pray
Welcome to the TRS-80 Support BBS!  +++ATH0 NO CARRIER
Welcome to the TRS-80 Support BBS!  @!#$&*@#$  NO CARRIER
Welcome to the Twilight Zone, I'm tonight's guest host.
Welcome to the Twilight Zoning!
Welcome to the USA, here is your first payment
Welcome to the Wide World of Sports.  Today we have The Moderator Toss
Welcome to the Wide World of Sports. Today we have The Mo
Welcome to the Wonderful World of FL SINGLES & FRIENDS!!!!!
Welcome to the Worth While Wait
Welcome to the Zen Hotel
Welcome to the Zoo!
Welcome to the after life Jon Luc.  You're dead!  ... Q - Tapestry
Welcome to the after life, Jean-Luc - Q
Welcome to the after life, Jean-Luc.  You're DEAD!  -Q
Welcome to the afterlife @TName, you're dead. Q
Welcome to the afterlife @TO@, you're dead
Welcome to the afterlife Dean, you're dead. --Q.
Welcome to the afterlife Gary Caplan, you're dead. --Q.
Welcome to the afterlife're DEAD and I'm god - Q,
Welcome to the afterlife John Ingram, you're dead. --Q.
Welcome to the afterlife Orville Bullitt, you're dead. --Q.
Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc you're dead. -- Q
Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc.  You're dead!
Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc... you're dead. -- Q
Welcome to the afterlife, you're dead. --Q.
Welcome to the afterlife.  You're dead.
Welcome to the biz... - Aahz
Welcome to the bridge, Mr. La Forge. Picard
Welcome to the cattery, on the right is the Sysops console
Welcome to the church of Holy Cabbage: Lettuce pray
Welcome to the cyberworld
Welcome to the departmANT of Health and Welfare! - SimAnt
Welcome to the edge of limitation
Welcome to the era of Limbaugh in the decade of fraud.
Welcome to the first episode of "Tales of Irony"
Welcome to the food chain! -- Iguana
Welcome to the future.  We're glad you made it!
Welcome to the game, Sydney Bloom!
Welcome to the jungle - we've got fun & games... - GNR
Welcome to the jungle.  Please observe our laws.
Welcome to the land of the shadowed moon
Welcome to the ninth dimension. Small, isn't it?
Welcome to the only nice motel in town.
Welcome to the party, pal! - McClane
Welcome to the petting zoo!
Welcome to the real world. My condolences
Welcome to the show.  Price of admission:  Your mind.
Welcome to the top of the world, Agent Mulder. - Radio operator (Ice)
Welcome to the wild world, brother.  Sometimes its gonna rain on you.
Welcome to the wildside
Welcome to the wonderful world of high technology. Skinner
Welcome to the world of Trek!
Welcome to the world of alternate universes - Crow T. Robot
Welcome to the world of high technology. - Skinner to Cancerman
Welcome to the may feed the animal
Welcome to tonight's Mystery Murder Dinner Party - Tom
Welcome to your life, there's no turning back
Welcome to your life...theres no turning back  - Tears for Fears
Welcome to...Club Martis -- Martis
Welcome to.YOU CAN'T WIN!!! - Stay Tuned
Welcome young @LN@... I've been expecting you
Welcome! said the matador.
Welcome, Beautiful One, a thousand times welcome!
Welcome, Gryphon, our newest player of 'Taglines: The Gathering!' :)
Welcome, fellow comrades, to Amerika.
Welcome, gentle Sir Knight, to the Castle Anthrax!
Welcome, gentle sir knight!  Welcome to the Castle Anthrax!
Welcome, in the name of the Lollipop Guild..!
Welcome, in the name of the Lullabye League..!
Welcome, my son.  Welcome, to the machine
Welcome, my son. Welcome to the Machine. -- Pink Floyd
Welcome, space travellers, to the Tom Star Show! -- Tom Servo
Welcome, welcome to Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror!
WelcomeToTheNextLevel.  SEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcoming broccoli requires low self-esteem
Welders DO IT with hot rods.
Welders do it all positions
Welders do it with hot rods.
Welding goggles must be worn at ALL! times
Welease Bwian!
Welease Bwian! -- Pilate
Welfare - a safety net, not a hammock. - Gov. P. Wilson
Welfare -- breeding for dollars
Welfare SUCKS and I'm tired of paying for it!
Welfare and TV are today's "bread and circuses."
Welfare is a narcotic, a destroyer of human spirit
Welfare is supposed to be a safety net, not a hammock!
Welfare mothers make better lovers.
Welfare should be as hard to get as a building permit.
Welfare slowly but surely cripples the pride of those who receive it.
Welfare theme song.... The World Owes Me a Living
Welfare. Give it to me, or I'll come over there and TAKE it!
Welfare:  Society's attempt to slow down natural selection.
Welfare:  Software that is paid for, but not by the user.
Welfare:  Software that is paid for, but not by the user.
Welfare: A policy that promotes bastardy and laziness
Welfare: A policy that promotes laziness and bastardy.
Welfare: Software that is paid for, but not by the user.
Welk of Borg:  And a one, and a two, and a three, you're
Well                        Deep subject!
Well  I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to shoot you
Well *sniff* goodbye virgin alarm. - Dot Matrix
Well - it COULD happen.
Well -timed silence is the most commanding expression. - Mark Helprin
Well @TOFIRST@, I hope we resolved the problem.  Yell if we didn't
Well Aaaaaaaaaalrighty then!  -- Ace V.
Well Admiral, quite a little surprise you pulled on us.
Well Bob, you win some, you lose some.
Well Bones, you've got the ball. - Kirk
Well Bruce, I heard the Prime Minister use it.
Well Everyone knows what the new secret ingredient to Pepsi is!
Well GOBBLE my nether regions!
Well Gary, you win some, you lose some
Well Go Ahead Then, Finish Your Stinky Old Puppets, See If I Care - Ren
Well Hello and Welcome to the DS9 Echo... - Sherry Holley
Well Here We Are At The Boat, Aint She A Beaut! - Ren.
Well I */did/* touch my balls
Well I am always willing to learn new things. - Ladyflier
Well I can't hear a thing!  Let's go to the stoning
Well I chopped his head off, that usually does the trick. - Baldrick
Well I did make another mistake in 1967.
Well I don't wanna President, Superman or Clark Kent. I don't wanna walk around in their shoes. - Fastball
Well I don't want to ANNOY anyone
Well I guess we can just count you out of everything. -Hicks
Well I have 57600 going on a ISDN based line. SO I guess
Well I just can't figure out 2! - Mr. Turpentine
Well I never! But I'd like to, just once
Well I realize that I've been hypnotized, I love you, Gypsy Eyes  - Jimi Hendrix
Well I see it as a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other
Well I see no one here is gonna win Miss Congeniality!
Well I stand up next to a mountain Hendrix
Well I think I'll make like a baby and head out.
Well I toasted you, said, "Honey we may be through..."
Well I was born too late to be a Rolling Stone
Well I was walking do the street, justa having a think.
Well I was walking down the street just having a think... - Columbia
Well I welcome you here if you welcome me here :-) - Sherry Holley
Well I will say this for him,.....he _did_ have spirit. - Garak2
Well I'd be happy to explain anything you wish. - Bashir
Well I'll Be A Gun Of A Fish
Well I'll be
Well I'll be RAM'ed
Well I'll be a blue-nosed gopher!
Well I'll be dipped, set  my switches.
Well I'll be switched, set my dips.
Well I'll be the son-of-a-bacteria
Well I'll be! -Dr. Fred
Well I'll be, a genuine Felix lighter. - 007 (Roger Moore - L.A.L.D.)
Well I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone -Floyd
Well I'm a wild card hidin' in the middle of the deck
Well I'm armed so I'll take my chances. -- Scully
Well I'm eating somebody. I'm starved! - Rocko's Modern Life
Well I'm goin' where those chilly winds don't blow
Well I'm on my way--I don' know where I'm goin'
Well I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to shoot you.
Well I've been told I can dance....But I just hate it
Well I've confirmed it - cats can't swim.
Well It Never Does Operate With Speed
Well MY broker is E.F. Hutton, and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Well Mr. Crusher, think you can get your gum out of Helm Control?
Well Orville, I hope we resolved the problem.  Yell if we didn't.
Well Raise My Rent, You are the Kid!
Well Regulated MEANS: Trained, Organized and Disciplined!
Well Robin, time to suck the old bat-d*ck!
Well Robin, time to suck the old bat-dick. -Batman
Well SOMEBODY must have voted for him
Well Skinner's going to want to know why you didn't file your report
Well THAT scene cleared up a lot of questions - Tom
Well YOU were the one playing the cymbals!! - Hobbes
Well Zaphod's just zis guy, you know... -Gag Halfrunt
Well adjusted: Makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous
Well ah, my wife's name is 82, no 92, no 69, no 99
Well an argument isn't just contradiction
Well an argument isn't just contradiction. - Monty Python
Well aren't _we_ the feisty little go-getter! - Q to Kira
Well aren't _you_ the most interesting looking fella? - Bess
Well at least I think we are average.
Well at least my mom's not on the cover of CrackWhore magazine! - Kyle
Well at least we all agree on something. - Kira
Well back to reality.  Now where is that stupid dragon?
Well baste my steaming puddings! - Blackadder Christmas Special
Well baste my steaming puddings! -- Blackadder
Well begun is half done
Well begun is half done -- Aristotle
Well begun is half done.
Well bugger me with a fish fork
Well by golly,  here we go
Well bye-bye mother, it's common sense... - TSoM
Well cover me in egg & flour and bake me for 14 minutes
Well cut off my legs and call me shorty !!!
Well diggers do it in a hole.
Well dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians!
Well do it, dammit! - O'Brien
Well don't get all mushy on long Princess
Well done is better than well said
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin
Well done is better than well said. --Franklin.
Well done is better then well said.
Well done!  You certainly fooled her, didn't you... - Bashir
Well done, Judas
Well done, Odo. Changeling
Well done, Tate. Crusher
Well done, computer! - O'Brien
Well ex"Q"z me!
Well feed me bran and call me irregular!
Well first things 1st let's 2-step then we'll talk.
Well has it been said that there is no grief like the grief which does not speak. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing
Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing. * Shakespeare
Well hello Dolly!  :)
Well hello there Charlie Brown, you blockhead
Well hello there! How you screwin; glad to eat ya!
Well here's a few you left out
Well hi there! Howdy do! - Mike
Well how should it look? - Dot
Well how will I know if you're telling the truth.
Well if I phoned the wrong number, why did they answer?
Well if he's your grandfather, who knows?
Well if it isn't Orville "Cut-me-own-throat" Bullitt
Well if it isn't the big kahuna. - Yakko
Well if it was easy, _everyone_ would do it! - Perry White
Well if that don't beat all!!
Well if you need me, I'll call you
Well if you need me, I'll call you--and if I want your op
Well if you need me, I'll call you--and if I want your opinion, I'll give it to you
Well if you understand any of the Above Please Write Back.
Well if you wanted to gimmie your number that's fine with me. =) -Trissy
Well if you're deaf, how do you know what I'm saying??
Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soar. - Burke
Well isn't that interesting. - Yakko
Well it LOOKS like the road to heaven.
Well it looks like her... Picasso
Well it sounded good in my head, just not out my mouth
Well it wouldn't be any fun if it was!
Well it's NOT as good as SLiMeR 2.0!!               Jim
Well it's _all_ true. - Ro Laren
Well it's all over town, you've been slipping around.
Well it's all right.. a long as you lend a hand
Well it's all right.. doin the best that you can
Well it's all right.. even if push comes to shove..
Well it's all right.. even if the say you're wrong
Well it's all right.. even if the sun don't shine
Well it's all right.. even if you're old and gray..
Well it's all right.. every day is just one day..
Well it's all right.. everything'll work out fine
Well it's all right.. if you got someone to love..
Well it's all right.. if you live the life you please..
Well it's all right.. remember to live and let live..
Well it's all right.. ridin around in the breeze
Well it's all right.. sometimes you gotta be strong..
Well it's all right.. the best you can do is forgive..
Well it's all right.. we're goin to the end of the line.
Well it's all right.. you still got somethin to say
Well it's gotta be more than just a program, sir. - O'Brien
Well it's not hard to see why they mistook you for a vagrant-S to M
Well its a small world.  You're a Toro too. - 007 (Octopussy)
Well let's just send it to our lab and ask for an analysis. - Mulder
Well life on the farm is kinda laid back...  - John Denver
Well listen to this Scully... - Mulder
Well look, Zaphod's just zis guy you know
Well lookie what we have here
Well my first names Arnold,but the guys generally call me...Duke- AR
Well my heart is where it's always been --U2
Well now I'm off to the White House where I wait in a line
Well now don't that beat all
Well now you have something new to think about. * Kirk
Well now, in this one packet I've seen my ASCII characters substituted.
Well now, there's a piece of good news to brighten my day. - Quark
Well on BBC1 its football & on ITV its Chuck Norris. Turn the TV off ?
Well on his way, his head in a cloud-Beatles
Well organized: Does too much busywork -work evaluationese
Well paid plumbers are flush but those who have to pay them get flushed.
Well paint me purple and call me Barney!
Well paint me purple and call me Barney!
Well past SNAFU, hip-deep in TARFU and hell-bent for FUBAR!
Well pilgrim, time to put your pants on and get a job.
Well pretty good year --Tori Amos
Well really.  That's no way to behave on your first day out
Well said.  That was laid on with a trowel. -- Shakespeare
Well said. That was laid on with a trowel.
Well scratch my bellybutton with a toothpick!
Well secluded, I see all
Well secluded, I see all. - Magenta
Well she broke your heart in two million pieces
Well she got her daddies car.
Well she knows exactly what I can't resist.
Well she knows exactly what i can't resist -- NIN
Well she's walking thru the clouds... Hendrix
Well show a little faith in the night, you ain't a beauty but yeah you're alright
Well shucky darn and slop the chickens.
Well sipp my simms, this dram thing works!
Well sir, I just picked up this rock, and there he was!
Well sir, your fly is unzipped. Is that classified or top secret?
Well son, "Formatting C: Drive" means YOU'RE GROUNDED for  __L_I_F_E_!
Well stick a hose in my nose and call me a Borg!!
Well sure, @TOFIRST@, we *ALL* have 20/20 hindsight
Well sure, Keith, we *ALL* have 20/20 hindsight
Well taglined: that was laid on with a trowel. --Tagspeare
Well take that coat babe, and throw it on the floor.  Are you the one that I've been waiting for? - Nick Cave
Well thaaaaaaat's okay
Well thank you very much!
Well thanks a bunch!  Thanks a smeggin' buncheroony! - Rimmer
Well that about wraps it up for God - Oolan Caloophid
Well that is really, really... useless! -- Mike Nelson
Well that's my opinion anyway
Well that's something we won't have to worry about at least. -Garak2
Well the diagnostics say it's fine buddy, so it's a software problem
Well the first thing you know old Jed's a millionaire
Well the hours are good, but now you come to mention it, most of the actual minutes are pretty lousy  - Vogon guard
Well the scenery is colourful but the paint is too damn thin.
Well then lets do it in Copenhagen
Well then you were mistaken. - Intendant
Well then, I'll just tell them to fornicate off
Well then, can I just do it 'til I need glasses?
Well then, do it! - Kira
Well then, now...  have to make him an Acting Ensign....  Picard
Well then. Let's get on to the railway. --moving to a new example
Well then... Who created God?
Well then.... FIRE the nasty thing!!  A Hard Day's Night
Well there I did it, now I am as crazy as the next one.
Well there is such a thing as privacy. - Ivanova
Well there's a mugger in the alley, there's a sniper in the hall
Well this is tagline 03, and you're stealing it from me
Well this is tagline 04, and I'm gonna steal some more
Well this is tagline 06, and the OLR is fixed
Well this is tagline 07, stealin' tags is simply heaven
Well this is tagline 09, and it's lookin mighty fine
Well this is tagline 1, and we're havin' lots of fun.
Well this is tagline 10 and I'm posting them all again
Well this is tagline 2 let me show you what to do
Well this is tagline 3, and you're stealing it from me...
Well this is tagline 4, and I'm gonna steal some more...
Well this is tagline 5, and the echo's going live
Well this is tagline 6, and the OLR is fixed...
Well this is tagline 7, stealin' tags is simply heaven...
Well this is tagline 8, but you're gonna have to wait
Well this is tagline 9 and it's lookin mighty fine...
Well to coin a phrase, Whoops! - Kryten
Well trash my shorts! What a funny lookin' dog!
Well uh, I think I'll have something to say - Roger Penske
Well we are a bit father, as of last night I had sent 20 sets of
Well we stared at it, that ought to fix it!
Well we're asking you now, Metalman!
Well well - in for your shots again, Commander? - Beverly.
Well well well, we have been a busy bunch - Crow's column
Well well well, we have been a busy bunch... -- Crow T. Robot
Well whaddaya know!  I can stick to walls! -- Blink
Well what _can_ we do? - Kira
Well what can I say except, Whoops! - The Cat
Well what do you think; you're supposed to be wise! - Beverly
Well what is it you want? We want ... SHRUBBERY!!!!
Well what was he doing in a Runabout at 4 in the morning!? - O'Brien
Well what would you aim for if you had the biggest gun in the universe
Well what's on the television, then?
Well when I called her evil, she just laughed
Well where do baby STORKS come from then?!
Well you can count to ten and back again.  Is it Luck?
Well you could put a bag over his head and do it for B5 - Franklin
Well you pick the place and I'll choose the time... -Floyd
Well you tell me things I know you're not s'posed to --U2
Well you think we have a lazy time? You should know better.
Well you wore out your welcome with random percision -Floyd
Well you're bigger, tougher, meaner, rougher
Well you're not Super Man. ELAINE    Well you're not Lois Lane. JERRY
Well you're not like any bartender I've met before. - Ro Laren
Well you're not like that with me. - Neela
Well you're not like the others, you don't put on any 'airs'. -Neela
Well you're the doctor, Doctor. Can you explain this!? - Kirk
Well you've got me working so hard lately
Well!  Just isn't that Special?
Well! Another Calvin and Hobbes fan!
Well! Another calvin & hobbes fan!
Well! Cover me in egg & flour & bake me for 14 minutes
Well! Here's your problem. You're dead!
Well! How nice.  And what charming underclothes you both have
Well! This is one full-blown gonzo whopper of a moral dilemma
Well! William be fair and William be fine and wants me for to wed;
Well, *I* think it's cool. It IS cool.--Bill Nye
Well, *do* cats have dimples?
Well, *my* scissors are really sharp! -- Joel Robinson
Well, *that'll* cut down on tourism. - Ivanova
Well, *you'vebeen pretty quiet. Sheridan to Garibaldi
Well, .............its a good idea, anyway
Well, Ain't you just a friggin' ray of sunshine today?
Well, Alright Now! Looks like we're Gonna Have a Party!!
Well, Baldric, it looks as if we're to be rogered to death after all.
Well, Banzai, what have we here? - Shenzi
Well, Brian..I'm opening a boutique
Well, Commander, I think that take care of the war. - Kirk
Well, DUH! - Luna
Well, DUH.  &lt;grin&gt;  - Anna Steven
Well, Darkness has a hunger that's insatiable, And Lightness has a call that's hard to hear." -- Indigo Girls
Well, Don't count your weasels before they pop, Dink!
Well, Eve, we live in a period of transition, said Adam to Eve as they left the Garden of Eden
Well, GOBBLE my nether regions!
Well, God gave me a bust.  What am I supposed to do with it? -- Martha Mitchell
Well, Gooper - Dr. Forrester to Joel
Well, Governor Guchi, will this help stuff your HD?
Well, Hef, how's it look? -Rocko  Paper or plastic? &lt;Bad hair day&gt;
Well, I *could* stay a bit longer! - Galahad
Well, I *have* kissed a man. -- Ace Ventura
Well, I *like* unorthodox. - Guinan
Well, I ALMOST came up with something Witty!!
Well, I Never! - By I. D. Claire
Well, I _could_ stay a bit longer!
Well, I admit, watching it burn wasn't exactly tragic. -- Garek
Well, I am P.O'd whtn all the attention that OJ is getting so I don't
Well, I appreciate you sticking up for me. Paris
Well, I be done seen about everything, when I see a elephant fly!
Well, I believe you can legally hold on to any money that people give you
Well, I can heal it of course... - Beverly
Well, I can't hear a thing!  Let's go to the stoning. - Mandy
Well, I can't just fly away and leave you here. Cochrane
Well, I chose the Civic for the 645 because it wont fit in the Omni.
Well, I couldn't get a REAL job  [Don Imus] *
Well, I did a backup three weeks ago
Well, I did not invent it - I learned it down in Hell.... - Brust
Well, I didn't actually raise you, but I watched with interest.-Earl
Well, I didn't say it made sense! - O'Brien
Well, I don't allow dead rats in my classroom. - Mrs. Jewls
Well, I don't care what momma don't allow
Well, I don't have much strength or power. - Felice Martin
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm convinced. - Rimmer
Well, I don't know that I helped you much, but you're welcome, anyway.
Well, I don't like a man with too many muscles. - Janet
Well, I don't like them... they wet their nests
Well, I don't miss much if it happens on the dance hall floor.
Well, I don't think I need to hear any more. - Picard
Well, I don't watch much tv.
Well, I finally got a round tuit, but it broke.
Well, I found nothing _very_ unusual. - Bashir
Well, I got here with five minutes to spare, said Tom bitterly.
Well, I got my home in my hand . . .   Foghat
Well, I guess Death was just coming after Kenny the whole time
Well, I guess I knew the risks when I signed on.- Natalie Lambert
Well, I guess that you are having one of those lives huh??
Well, I guess that's enough raving for one day
Well, I guess the subject says it all
Well, I guess you don't know women very well, do you?
Well, I guess you really had to be there.
Well, I guess you wonder how I knew... - CCR
Well, I had an uncle that thought he was Saint Gerome.
Well, I had the head shot - Mike
Well, I had to re-categorize my database, but I think I have most of
Well, I have kissed a man. - Ace Ventura
Well, I have to go. - Troi
Well, I haven't seen the first 12 Apollo movies yet
Well, I hope you don't mind if _I_ mention it. - Bashir
Well, I hope you have a car
Well, I hoped I could be a facilitator. - Beverly
Well, I just want to shake us up. - Collective Soul
Well, I know what a 'movie' is... - McCoy
Well, I liked it. -- Crow T. Robot
Well, I may be tired yeoman, but I'm not falling apart. - Kirk
Well, I mean like,'ve SLEPT, with a lady
Well, I missed you too.  K'Ehleyr
Well, I never! - Woman
Well, I never! - Woman Well, you should. It's fun! - Slappy
Well, I saw the thing coming out of the sky
Well, I say he DOES have to shoot me now! *BLAM*--D. Duck
Well, I speak LOUD! And I carry an even BIGGER stick!-Yosimite Sam
Well, I stole it.  You never know when you might need a tagline.
Well, I suppose you get what you pay for?
Well, I think I pulled a tendon or something... -Die Fladermaus [Tick]
Well, I think I'll call it a day. - Beverly
Well, I think I'll call it a day. Crusher
Well, I think that pretty much covers the fly-by
Well, I thought I'd try out my sea legs. -- Lt. Dan
Well, I told her to whack me off - John Bobbitt
Well, I told the elephants to just forget it, but they can't. - Zazu
Well, I tried
Well, I tried...
Well, I understood it before I woke up
Well, I used to have a doggie
Well, I want to drink it up and swim in it until I drown
Well, I was *definately* 'speak no evil' this weekend
Well, I was *definately* 'speak no evil' this weekend...&lt;g&gt;
Well, I wet 'em. You? - Tom as monster growls
Well, I wish I was in Sherbrooke now
Well, I woke up this mornin' an' got myself a beer.
Well, I wouldn't get too friendly with natives I were you. - O'Brien
Well, I'd better beam down there, take a look around. - Kira
Well, I'd love to, but I've been so *busy*
Well, I'd post you, but you make me feel strange. - Keepers
Well, I'd prefer chicken.  - Cat
Well, I'll Be A Gun Of A Fish
Well, I'll EDUCATE you! - Terrin Greyphis
Well, I'll be a dirty bird. - George Gobel
Well, I'll be a son of a Buh-deep, buh-deep, gun - Porky Pig
Well, I'll be an S.O.B., Tom said doggedly
Well, I'll be an S.O.B., said Tom doggedly.
Well, I'll find a bar and have a few
Well, I'll have a slice without so much rat in it.
Well, I'll see you in my dreams - if I eat too much.
Well, I'll take whatever i want, and baby i want you.
Well, I'll think about it and let you know. - Picard
Well, I'll try anything once. - The Tick
Well, I'm ALR?ight now
Well, I'm INVISIBLE AGAIN ... I might as well pay a visit to the LADIES ROOM
Well, I'm Perugilliam Brown and I can shout just as loud as you can!
Well, I'm a classic ANAL RETENTIVE!!  And I'm looking for a way to VICARIOUSLY experience some reason to LIVE!!
Well, I'm disenchanted too.  We're all disenchanted. -- James Thurber
Well, I'm glad to see the two of you are getting along. - Sisko
Well, I'm going to broaden my outlook.
Well, I'm gonna go for a tinkle
Well, I'm just a Pascal kind of guy
Well, I'm low now, aren't I? I ca--I can feel it!  KRAMER, sperm count
Well, I'm no Batman or anything, but I've got a hunch
Well, I'm not going to make the same mistake. Nog
Well, I'm not one for sitting 'round.
Well, I'm off to D/L a file...Wish me luck.
Well, I'm out! (Kramer)
Well, I'm terribly sorry about killing all those people
Well, I'm terribly sorry about killing all those people. Kender/Drow
Well, I'm terribly sorry about killing all those people...
Well, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
Well, I'm willing to rule out mutiny for the time being. Janeway
Well, I'm yo' huckleberry
Well, I've about seen everything, when I see a elephant fly!
Well, I've earned the attentions of the great Renimar now
Well, I've got a better idea.... - Sisko
Well, I've got the pistol, so I get the pesos.  Yeah, that seems fair.    --The Refreshments
Well, I've got to admit there are some oddities to her story.-Scully
Well, I've got to get back. Bender
Well, I've known for years that  I was addicted :)
Well, I've never been very much on gambling. - Sheridan
Well, I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair
Well, I've still got my pecks - Crow as Colossus
Well, I've...I've learned to live with it. -Fatjo
Well, Ididn'tdoitYoucan'tblamemeNobodysawathingIwasn'teventhere.
Well, Jim, I'm not much of an actor either
Well, Kyle. No!! No, No, No! - Mr. Garrison's "Mr. Hat", South Park
Well, Laurie's safely potted. -- Barbara Matson
Well, MY broker is E.F. Hutton, and... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Well, Marcell - Dr. Forrester to Mike
Well, Martin Boober - Dr. Forrester to Joel
Well, Maureen, here's ANOTHER fine mess you've gotten me into!
Well, Mr. Barkley helped a little. - Alexander
Well, Mr. Spock, so ends your first command. McCoy
Well, O.K.  I'll compromise with my principles because of EXISTENTIAL DESPAIR!
Well, Ok, but just a QWKie
Well, Picard, What do you want?  asked T. Earl
Well, Pilgrim.  How does it feel dangling so high up?
Well, Quark, I see even you couldn't weasel your way clear of this one.
Well, SOMEBODY had to say it
Well, Scotty, now you've done it! - McCoy
Well, THAT was crude. And I LOVE it!--Jeff Godemann
Well, Thief!  I smell you and feel your air. - Smaug
Well, Top, you're the only one still wasting good air.
Well, Top, you're the only one still wasting good air.  -- The Crow
Well, Well Girlies, What Can Ya Do For Me - Wilbur Cobb.
Well, Well, Well, If It Isn't The Little Mosquito Man!.
Well, Ziggy you're looking very user friendly. -- Sam Beckett
Well, a girl can't be a helpless damsel all the tim, you know.--Babs
Well, a girl can't be a helpless damsel all the time. - Babs
Well, a hole, is a hole, is a hole...  - Where Eagles Dare
Well, a shack full of fireworks!  Isn't that conveeeeeeenient?
Well, a ton of ANYTHING's going to weigh quite a bit
Well, a tortoise like that, you don't eat it all at once
Well, actually, I was standing in front of the fan
Well, ah reckon he died with his Guccis on
Well, ah reckon he died with his Guccis on. --Bloom County.
Well, all I know is what I read in the papers. &gt;Will Rogers
Well, all right.  But *SOMEONE* might consider it singing
Well, another satisfied customer. - Odo to Quark
Well, another satisfied customer. -- Odo
Well, anyway-- Jack Butler
Well, are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie.
Well, at least I lived long enough to hear that. McCoy
Well, at least I'm consistant. - Quark
Well, at least the operation was a partial success
Well, at least we found them. - Kirk, 'Catspaw'
Well, at least you're still in one piece!  Look what happened to me!
Well, at least your not dead.. worse than dead, yes.. but not dead.
Well, at least your still in one piece! Look what happened to me!
Well, back to the old drawing board. &lt;Marvin the Martian&gt;
Well, bad taste IS a big plus when you're so low on the food chain
Well, before I begin swinging through the ship... - JLP
Well, bon voyage, Mr. Scott. Picard
Well, boys and girls, it's time for me to say good night, in
Well, buddy, it's been real. No, it's been surreal. - Stanley
Well, but is it supposed to look like that? - Kryten
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
Well, close the reverse harbor. - O'Brien to Kira
Well, come on...let's go and kill some more prisoners. -King
Well, come see a fat old man sometime
Well, couldn't help but add my $.02 to this one, of course.
Well, counting Socks, there are TWO neutered males in the White House
Well, cover him with egg and flour and bake for 14 minutes
Well, cover me in egg & flour and bake me for 14 minutes
Well, cover me in whipped cream, and call me a Sundae!
Well, cover me with cherry syrup and throw me to the virgins!
Well, cover me with egg and flour and bake for 14 minutes...!
Well, did I show you my rash? - Holo Clown
Well, dip me in walnuts and call me a cheeseball!
Well, dip my switches !
Well, doctor McCoy seemed to think I should check on you. - Spock
Well, don't bring it hither! Tom yawned.
Well, don't count your weasels before they pop, Dink! -Tick to Barry
Well, don't get all mushy on me.  So long, Princess. - Han Solo
Well, don't look at ME.  Ask the thief in the party.
Well, don't look at ME.  Ask the troll.
Well, don't you even take the bones out?
Well, done, Jim. But I'm afraid it isn't that easy. - Merik
Well, duh?! - Gypsy to Tom
Well, either choke me or cut my throat, make up your mind. - McCoy
Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw. - Ron Atkinson
Well, enough for now.  Keep in touch and stay well.
Well, except for that, how are things going? - Skeeve
Well, excu-u-u-u-se me.
Well, first of all, she's black. -- Bailey Quarters
Well, first the Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came
Well, for the moment he's stopped. - McCoy
Well, for the more macabre among us, here's some U.S. Air
Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know. --Scar
Well, freeze my icicle! &lt;Snowclaw&gt;
Well, freeze my icicle! - Snowclaw
Well, fuzz-BOSS... - EWJ
Well, gentlemen--just enough time for me to say toodlie pipsky - Rimmer
Well, gentlemen. Just enough time to say toodlie pipsky. --Lister.
Well, get unstuck & continue with the briefing. - JLP
Well, gotta go clean the blood off my clown suit
Well, gotta go. I hear the ice cream calling me again. - Huntress
Well, guys sure are *aware* of the threats out there.
Well, happy birthday, her blood's on my hands.
Well, he can be very persuasive when he wants to be. - Intendant
Well, he certainly left with his tails between his legs. - 007 (D.A.F)
Well, he did have a pet selat he was quite fond of
Well, he hasn't caught you yet, Doctor. - Garak
Well, he seems preoccupied with recreation. Troi
Well, he used to be Rindar the he's Rindar the *Rent*!
Well, he wrote the check, and I cashed it.  Elaine, about fight
Well, he's good for parts.  Look, his eye comes right out
Well, he's just an excitable boy
Well, he's... he's, ah... probably pining for the fjords.
Well, hello, Mr. Fancy Pants! - Ash
Well, here are some new tags for Anyone/Everyone
Well, here goes nothin'...    BANG!     &gt;POP&lt;     [smoke]
Well, here goes. &lt;gingerly sticking the fishy in my ear&gt;-Anna Steven
Well, here's anOTHER nice mess you've gotten me into.     Oliver Hardy
Well, here's another addition to the tagline file
Well, here's another clue, if you please/The Seether's Louise! - Veruca Salt, "Volcano Girls"
Well, here's my Murphy's Laws of Combat collection
Well, here's my Murphy's Laws of Combat collection
Well, here, try Arthur, he's an anxious little dude! - The Tick
Well, hey, it's the neighborly thing to do, ain't it?
Well, hit me again, 'cause I'm Not Dead Yet!
Well, how did you do that?! - Yeoman Rand
Well, how do expect me to type, with my nose? Roberta Lincoln
Well, how much did you like Clinton on April 15?
Well, how much would it be *without* parts and labor?
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone! - James Thunder
Well, if I've got it, then you've got it too, now, Sir
Well, if Klingons could blush...  &lt;big vindictive grin&gt; -Anna Steven
Well, if YOU didn't belch, who did?!
Well, if it ain't "cruel" and "unusual" it ain't punishment, is it?
Well, if it isn't Judge Oliver Wendell Hormone. -- Night Court
Well, if it isn't Mrs. Bullitt's little boy Orville!
Well, if it isn't Mrs. Sigmund Fraud. &lt;Riggs&gt;
Well, if it isn't Mrs.Orville's little boy Orville!
Well, if it isn't Number 2
Well, if it isn't Number Two. - Q to Riker
Well, if it isn't the White Knight. Kinkaid to MacLeod
Well, if it isn't the notorious Captain Sisko.... - Intendant
Well, if it isn't the white knight.- Kinkaid
Well, if not witches, then what? - Scully to Mulder
Well, if you can't believe what you read in a comic book, what *___can* you believe?!
Well, if you can't stand the heat... -- Crow T. Robot
Well, if you won't kill him, I will! - Kern
Well, in that case, never mind. - Q
Well, is it better to burn out or fade away?
Well, is it better to burn out or rust out?
Well, is this fate, or just a bad day?
Well, isn't that S P E C I A L!
Well, isn't that special.
Well, it *is* a prophesy about the Emissary. - Yarka
Well, it *is* an imperfect Universe. - G'Kar
Well, it *is* creeping... -- Tom Servo
Well, it IS creeping - Tom on slow-moving alien
Well, it LOOKS like the road to heaven!
Well, it all comes down to how we define 'lifeform'. - Dax
Well, it beeped & said "Countdown initiated."  Is that bad?
Well, it has it's mother's nose.  Think she'll miss it?
Well, it is going to work, Starfleet. Torres to Kim
Well, it isn't up to me!
Well, it just seemed wrong to cheat on an ethics test. -- Calvin
Well, it looked good on paper!
Well, it looked good on phosphors.
Well, it looks better with the scope on calibrate
Well, it looks like Einstein's a fraud, wouldn't you say ? - Calvin
Well, it looks like a great party. La Forge
Well, it probably *is* deja vu.  It sounds like it. -- Rimmer
Well, it probably *is* deja vu. It sounds like it. -Rimmer/Red Dwarf
Well, it probably _appears_ more difficult than it is. - Kirk
Well, it probably _is_ deja vu. It sounds like it
Well, it seems the moment is nearly at hand. Tain
Well, it should be a bestseller around here. - Bashir
Well, it snot funny.  Mucous is a very serious thing.
Well, it sounded good in my head, just not out my mouth.
Well, it sure makes a hell of a fondue!
Well, it thought I was its mother, didn't it? - Kirk
Well, it was coughin' up blood last night
Well, it was either get a life, or be a SysOp
Well, it was nice while it lasted. - Yakko
Well, it wasn't ALL passion.--Lwaxana
Well, it worked for Clint
Well, it works for gas giants, anyway
Well, it's 3:28 am and fitshaced again
Well, it's ALMOST a circle. ... SLOGAN FOR PENTIUM:
Well, it's Deja Vu all over again
Well, it's NOT as good as SLiMeR 2.0!! Jim
Well, it's Nazi World... but a different Nazi World
Well, it's a good idea, anyway.
Well, it's all right now... I've learned my lesson well
Well, it's all right.. as long as you lend a hand
Well, it's all right.. doing the best you can
Well, it's all right.. even if push comes to shove
Well, it's all right.. even if they say you're wrong
Well, it's all right.. even if you're old and gray
Well, it's all right.. every day is just one day
Well, it's all right.. everything will work out fine
Well, it's all right.. if you got a cat to love
Well, it's all right.. if you got someone to love
Well, it's all right.. if you live the life you please
Well, it's all right.. remember to live and let live
Well, it's all right.. riding around in the breeze
Well, it's all right.. sometimes you gotta be strong
Well, it's all right.. the best you can do is forgive
Well, it's all right.. we're goin' to the end of the line
Well, it's all right.. you still got something to say
Well, it's all right...if you got someone to love.
Well, it's either Romana or Fred. OK, call me Fred. Very good Romana.
Well, it's got 'SOME' rat in it
Well, it's got *some* rat in it.
Well, it's hard for a mere man to believe that woman doesn't have equal rights. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Well, it's kind of cool to be feared.--Dex
Well, it's my only line!
Well, it's time to wrap things down.
Well, it's tingly, uncomfortable, but it gets the job done...-The Tick
Well, it's tingly, uncomfortable, but it gets the job done...-The Tick
Well, it's unusual...  &lt;holding my chin; musing&gt;  - Anna Steven
Well, its true! A simple carpenters son who learns magic tricks like that and doesn't go into show business?
Well, just look at the serial numbers in the tagline!
Well, just one more message PACKET then... &lt;g&gt;
Well, just pop it on the table and we'll have a look at it
Well, just wanted to put in my $.02 worth, later oh Narly one
Well, lay 'em out one at a time and I'll do my best
Well, let him in, you idiot! - Shai-ster
Well, let me just say this... **I'm NOT giving my guns up!**
Well, let me remind you that we don't have a body... - Mulder (TDB)
Well, let's go chop the sucker down! -George Washington from DOTT
Well, let's just say the cheese has slid off her crackers.
Well, let's see if this so-called light bulb works. Hello?  Hello?--
Well, let's try it. Energize. Janeway
Well, life as we know it is over!  - Methos
Well, like it or not, you made one today, Mr. Tuvok. Paris
Well, look what dropped out of the tree!- Freddy Krueger
Well, looks like nothing unexplainable here. - Scully (Shapes)
Well, may I escort you to your quarters? - Bashir
Well, maybe a little more, hm? Garak
Well, maybe he is bad, he's bad, he's bad bad bad
Well, maybe my doctor wasn't. O'Brien
Well, maybe not *everyone* understands. - Troi
Well, maybe you should take some time off. - Mulder
Well, maybe you're a dancer, and maybe I'm the King of Old Siam.
Well, me mother said the trip u'd do him good.
Well, mom could come by trice a day to cook, I suppose
Well, most things aren't perfect. That's why I humbly exist. - Dr. Who
Well, my friend, are you ready to do me a service? - Don Corleone
Well, no one wants war. -- Kirk
Well, no plot visible on the horizon!
Well, no plot visible on the horizon! -- Joel Robinson
Well, no sign of disease or malnutrition or parasitic infections
Well, nobody FORCED you to read the message, did they?
Well, nobody forced you to read that message, did they?
Well, nobody's perfect.  Joe E. Brown
Well, not even wearing armor can hide these measurements. - Nene
Well, nothing about it makes sense? - Scully
Well, novel or navel, it sounds a bit like a bag of grapefruits to me.
Well, now that I'm back I'll have to look him up.  Vash
Well, now that Lorena Bobbitt is not guilty what do we do??
Well, now that you've come to your sense, let's go. - Q
Well, now we're getting into philosophy. - Yakko
Well, o' course *ARMED* peasants tend t' be uppity.  Yo' Man!!
Well, obviously they had their hands full. - Gul Evek
Well, of course *ARMED* peasants tend to be uppity!
Well, of, what did you say? Cyrano Jones to Spock
Well, once more into the bridge - Crow
Well, one takes a message, like this one, and then adds a few tags to
Well, our computer's not working very well. T'Jon
Well, our good doctor said you were acting like a wildman... - Spock
Well, out here on the edge of the frontier... - Bashir
Well, paint me green and call me Gumby!
Well, pardon me for living. - Vae, da mihi veniam vitae.
Well, pilgrim, this is the end of the line ==&gt;
Well, pluck me naked as a scalded chicken!
Well, pull up a floor and stand, then
Well, round at my gran's ... she trains polecats
Well, scratch one *more* NCC number off the active list
Well, see, I'm friends with everybody. Woof! - Poochy
Well, see, first, I was walking along, mindin' my OWN business, when
Well, she can't be any worse than the bozos that rule it now. P. Puppy
Well, she did once I explained it to her. Zek
Well, she turned me into a newt! I got better
Well, she turned me into a newt. A newt? I got better.
Well, she won't be much use to you on Fiji now -- not unless it snows and you need something to grit the path with
Well, shucky darn and slop the chickens.
Well, shut my mouth wide open!   Tiny Toons, HISMV
Well, shut up so what does it matter now
Well, sibs, there it is. the Garage Sale! - Yakko
Well, since you axed so nicely
Well, slap a crinkle on my nose and call me a Bajoran
Well, slap me with a drowned kitten!
Well, so far *I* don't see a problem. --Ivanova.
Well, so much for THAT insulting tagline... must edit tagfile.
Well, somebody had to do it! - Dot
Well, somebody's going to hear about this! -- Quark
Well, sometimes the magic works.  Sometimes it doesn't.
Well, son of a b- Dr. Forrester
Well, speak up! How do you want your uniform, too big or too small?
Well, spin my nipple-nuts and send me to Alaska! - Kryten
Well, technically, I *am* a broad. -- Crow T. Robot
Well, technically, I AM a broad - Crow as trampy girl
Well, thank you for profiting on my childhood. --Martin Blank
Well, thankfully, Holly's unaffected. - Rimmer
Well, that WAS a pretty wild chariot ride--Persephone
Well, that doesn't sound like ME, either. Bashir
Well, that explains a lot  :^)
Well, that just won't do, here's a few WEREWOLF taglines for you
Well, that moment went nowhere. -- Mike Nelson
Well, that narrows it to Klingon, Breen or Romulan. - Riker
Well, that part was never big with me, either. -- Al Calavicci
Well, that tree definitely isn't a conifer, Tom decided.
Well, that was a big one, wasn't it?  - MacLeod
Well, that was a little dancie. - The Tick
Well, that was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten about that.
Well, that was a piece of cake, eh K-9?
Well, that was pointless.  Now what?
Well, that was really 'orrible
Well, that was special. - Ken
Well, that was very brief, just like all the men in my life
Well, that will cut down on tourism - Ivanova
Well, that's *certainly* the way it looks... - Mulder
Well, that's a bit graphic for CHILDREN, don't you think?!--Garak
Well, that's a lie ... I DO bite
Well, that's a lie...@FN@ DOES bite!
Well, that's a lie...I DO bite...
Well, that's a lie...YOU DOES bite!
Well, that's a lieI DO bite
Well, that's a little graphic for children, wouldn't you say? Garak
Well, that's certainly the way it looks... - Fox Mulder
Well, that's cleared that up. - Rimmer
Well, that's explains alot of things. - Renimar Keth-Solamni
Well, that's just what we call 'pillow talk,' baby.-Ash
Well, that's my $1.24's worth, anyway.
Well, that's new!  Z-Z-ZAP!!...Ooo-kay...- The Tick
Well, that's newZ-Z-ZAP!!Oo-kay- The Tick
Well, that's no _ordinary_ rabbit! -- Tim the Enchanter
Well, that's no ordinary rabbit! -- Tim
Well, that's one of Life's Little Moments! - G. Carlin
Well, that's our shift - Crow as girl wrestler
Well, that's quite a convenient excuse. Kirk
Well, that's the end of chapter one.  We'll stop here. - Calvin's dad
Well, that's the problem.  You weren't supposed to eat it
Well, that's the second time man's been thrown out of Pardise! - McCoy
Well, that's unfortunate for everyone... - Cancer Man
Well, that's what *MASSHA'S* for. - Massha
Well, that's what I'd do. - Kira
Well, that's what it says!
Well, that's what it says! -- Maynard
Well, thats a beginning....more later.
Well, the "Wand"'s not too dry - Tom on dead guy's crotch
Well, the Klingon's might want to know. - O'Brien
Well, the South Side of the Empire is the baddest part of space
Well, the bulb has to really want to be changed
Well, the buzz from the bees is... the leopards are in a bit of a spot
Well, the fecal material has hit the air circulating device.
Well, the handwriting is on the floor.	-- Joe E. Lewis
Well, the last thing I remember was giving Mr Worf a weggie and WAM!!!
Well, the scenery is colourful, but the paint is too damn thin.
Well, the sun sinks slowly ... Pink Floyd
Well, the time slips away, and leaves you with nothin'. - Bruce Springsteen
Well, then again, there's you, but you need therapy.
Well, then, don't ask my opinion NEXT time! - Kira
Well, then, thank pirchforks and pointed ears! McCoy
Well, then, you'd make a fairly passable woman.  &lt;wink&gt; -Anna Steven
Well, there _was_ this girl in Philly.  --  James Bond
Well, there goes Paradise. McCoy
Well, there is always tomorrow.  Rita, Animaniacs
Well, there is such a thing as privacy. - Ivanova
Well, there it is. Jacobs
Well, there it is. War. - Kirk
Well, there's always next year! Davey, Atlanta 11-14-92
Well, there's drinking & porno - Crow
Well, there's implied death everywhere! - Mike on battle
Well, there's implied death everywhere! -- Mike Nelson
Well, there's more to love than makin' time.
Well, there's no plates like chrome for the Hollandaise
Well, there's nothing here of strategic value. - Sisko
Well, there's one difference between us.....I'm hungry.- Kirk
Well, there's only one way to stop living-- Death
Well, there's this guy. I'll tell you later. Margo Lane
Well, these are good men and women. - Richard Franklin
Well, these aren't D&D specifically, but here are some RPG/medieval
Well, they *are* both remarkable women&lt;giggle&gt;
Well, they ARE Jack-Booted Thugs, Dammit!!
Well, they didn't get free and overrun the world. -- Hammond
Well, they make him look kinda cute. - Dax
Well, they may be idiots but at least they agree with me. - Dire Wolf
Well, they were wooden trees, and they were made entirely of wood.
Well, they're not wearing orangebetter shoot them
Well, they've got better graphics than us -Joel on aliens
Well, they've got them, that's for sure. - Scott
Well, this could be it sweetheart. - Han
Well, this day was a total waste of makeup
Well, this definitely isn't mine. - Mulder
Well, this is `bout over, might as well get back in the water
Well, this is a problem. Torres
Well, this is disappointing  - The Tick
Well, this is fantasy! Hengist
Well, this is it. - Garibaldi
Well, this is remarkable. Janeway
Well, this is...unusual. Picard
Well, to be Frank, I'd have to change my name, Tom surrogated.
Well, to be Frank, I'd have to change my name.
Well, too bad.  You got us. - Yakko
Well, too bad. I'm just gonna have to stomp you. - Hookbill
Well, uh, thanks for inviting me into your closet for a visit
Well, uhm, I dunno if it's what you wanted, but you got it!
Well, we all know the wormhole's just a suped-up jumpgate...-Anna S
Well, we can't stay here and do nothing! - Kira
Well, we certainly are. - Yakko
Well, we could play golf, but isn't this more fun?
Well, we go for gardening programs on the ship's vid
Well, we have our little ways - Crow on debriefing
Well, we have to find a way to stay _unfrozen_. - Picard
Well, we made good time. Scott Calvin
Well, we may be stuck with you for a while, Doc. Paris
Well, we might as well enjoy ourselves. - Lwaxana
Well, we shoot mad dogs, don't we?
Well, we stared at it. That ought to fix it. - MST3K
Well, we sure won't be trying that again
Well, we sure won't be trying that again... -- Joel Robinson
Well, we tried. Quark
Well, we was like family, Jenny and me. Forrest Gump
Well, we'll really have a party, but we've gotta post a guard outside. -- Eddie Cochran, "Come On Everybody"
Well, we'll see what's next?
Well, we'll talk about it later. Picard
Well, we're screwed! - Ivanova
Well, we're so far off-topic as to be scary. - Anna Steven
Well, we're solid enough for each other. La Forge
Well, well, well  -  Derek Daly
Well, well.  The vultures are already here. -- Quinten Barnes
Well, well.  What have we here?  - Kalas
Well, well. Its the Master Race! -- Riggs
Well, well. The vultures are already here. - Quinten Barnes
Well, well. What have we here?" - Kallas
Well, well... Family reunion? -- Julia
Well, well... it's the avenger.  The killer of killers
Well, well... it's the avenger.  The killer of killers. - Top Dollar
Well, well...small moon, isn't it?
Well, whaddya know... it can count. - MegaDuck
Well, what _should_ I call you? - O'Brien
Well, what about what *I've* seen? - Scully to Mulder (Revelations)
Well, what do we call you?  Mr. Radioactive?
Well, what do you know-- a talking monkey. - Mrs. Jewls
Well, what do you know. I finally got the last word. McCoy
Well, what do you know... I have two. - Anna Steven
Well, what do you know?  I finally got the last word!
Well, what do you want for $19.95? - Scully
Well, what else can you do with a pizza?
Well, what fish 'ave you got that isn't jugged?  Rabbit.
Well, what if there *is* no tomorrow?  There wasn't one today!
Well, what is it you want @FN@?
Well, what is it you want @TOFIRST@?
Well, what is it you want YOU?
Well, what was the ham cured OF?
Well, what's with the captain? Chapel
Well, what's wrong with showing a little curtesy? Kim
Well, whatever it was, it gave *me* a stiffy! - Butt-Head
Well, when in doubt, blame the Wolf... That works everywhere
Well, when you put it like that... - Q to Crusher
Well, where the hell are we? Picard
Well, whip me gently with a chainsaw!
Well, whips and chains are Hardware, right?
Well, who am I to argue with me? -- Bashir
Well, who knows you little heartbreaker-Foxey Lady - Hendrix
Well, who would have thought of that.
Well, why didn't you list that among our assets in the first place?!
Well, why don't I show you to your quarters. - Sisko
Well, why not, @FN@?
Well, why not, @TOFIRST@?
Well, why not, YOU?
Well, why not?
Well, yeah, an Amiga COULD run Windows.  But why?
Well, yeah, there is that. But then there's always that - Khayman
Well, you broke it.  Now are you satisfied?
Well, you can be hurt, can't you?  - Kirk to Horta
Well, you can do anything but lay-offa my blue suede shoes.
Well, you can never predict the weather. - Q
Well, you can't be 'The Tick'. Ticks are arachnids, they got eight legs.
Well, you could count them on the fingers of less than one hand... - Jack Elder, New Zealand Police Minister
Well, you did say Jehova...  &lt;Thunk!&gt;
Well, you don't have to rub me nose in it.
Well, you don't see that everyday. [savage turkeys]  - Mr. Garrison
Well, you failed miserably with this one.  Begone
Well, you got the bonus plan honey!
Well, you haven't lost your touch. Paladin to Blair
Well, you know, no matter where you go, there you are.  -- Buckaroo Banzai
Well, you know, we all want to change the world. -Beatles
Well, you look about like the kind of angel I'd get.  James Stewart
Well, you said it. No rules.
Well, you should.  It's fun! - Slappy
Well, you slew the big white whale, Ahab - Scully to Mulder (3x22)
Well, you snooze, you loose. -Butt-Head
Well, you were warned
Well, you were warned, @FN@!
Well, you were warned, @TOFIRST@!
Well, you were warned, YOU!
Well, you were warned.
Well, you win some, you lose some. But, we still got 24 Cups!
Well, you wouldn't want to turn a man over to their tender care, sir.
Well, you're a *wuss* raider! -- Joel Robinson
Well, you're a WUSS raider! - Joel
Well, you're certainly not a Terellian. Picard
Well, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. -- Bart
Well, you're dead now, so shut up!
Well, you're gay aren't you? -Chef    What?! -Mr Garrison, South Park
Well, you're here, aren't you? - Q
Well, you're never gonna believe *this*!  -from the diary of Minmei
Well, you're never gonna find another love like mine.
Well, you're not practising on me.
Well, you're off to a hell of a start. - Mulder
Well, you're pretty brave to wear those tights. - Dot
Well, you're the 'A&A' officer, aren't you? McCoy to Palamas
Well, you've done an excellent job with the fire--ulp!--HoloDoc
Well, you've ruined everything.  Now are you happy?
Well, your 21 and still your mother makes your bed, and that's too long. - Billy Joel
Well, your CHECK won't bounce if you give us some cool Taglines! :)
Well, your raster disolved your bitmap
Well,...alright, it wasn't exactly dreadful... - Lwaxana
Well,I hated DOOM for it's sluggish speed and some of the features.-JK
Well,I wouldn't let faith overwhelm your judgement here - Mulder
Well,I'll take whatever i want, and baby i want you.
Well,that gives us time to plan. &lt;grin&gt; I'd like to meet you.-Anna S
Well,they ARE aliens aren't they? They won't know our protocol.-Bashir
Well-adjusted: Able to play bridge or golf as if they were games
Well-endowed man seeks female sword-swallower. Object: Dining in
Well-known saying : "First thing we do is to shoot all the lawyers."
Well-regulated Militias keep plenty of EX-LAX on hand !!
Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech. - Martin Fraquhar Tupper
Well-weathered leather, hot metal and oil, the scented country air
Well.  Isn't that.  Wonderful. - Ivanova
Well.  Some people should not be promoted. - Garak
Well.  That didn't turn out so well.  - Harry Houdini
Well. Do we have a ram among the sheep? Kor
Well. Fun is where you find it, Brian - Dr. F to Mike
Well. Gotta go get killed. I'm late - Mike as girl
Well. I think you said it all pretty much &lt;g&gt;.
Well. Isn't that. Wonderful. - Ivanova
Well. Now we wait. Janeway
Well. See you next time, Miss Winters. Bender
Well. We've been through a few scrapes together. Torres
Well. What's done is done. - Gilora
Well... Back to planet Earth... -- Dr. Forrester
Well... I put off sleeping for as long as possible.. - TEC
Well... I suppose a lady's entitled to her mystique
Well... It's very runny, actually, sir
Well... Life as we know it is over... - Methos
Well... She turned me into a newt!
Well... There weren't many of those so I will go on with more
Well... Time to drown the lemur! -- Crow T. Robot
Well... Where is she ? - Sisko
Well... everybody else was doing it too
Well... it's bigger than I thought. - HoloDoc on the Bridge
Well... never visit CA. This is lawyer shark haven.
Well... ribbet. I don't care! Ribbet! - Froggy
Well... that's just what we call pillowtalk baby
Well.... I think you said it all... pretty much
Well.... I think you said it all... pretty much &lt;g&gt;.
Well.... erg.. it is good to be back.. I think.. :) -Alyx looked good on paper!'s about time. - Lwaxana
Well......what do you want? PITY?
Well.....tell them to take their time. - Quark
Well....Hey! My tagline is original!
Well....It's very runny, actually, sir.
Well....enough babbling, I'll let Jeremy take over for now
Well...At least the bug works properly's the ones I got!!!!  Enjoy!!!!
Well...hey, do you have any RUBBER WALRUS PROTECTORS?!?'s bigger than I thought.--HoloDoc (visiting the bridge) Cray II is in the shop.
Well...suppose I let you live. What will I get in return? -Intendant
Well...well...well.    Now THERE'S a deep thought!
Well.I think you said it allpretty much &lt;g&gt;. - Myra I Fox
Well; it isn't up to me!
Well? What do you think? Yuck! -Twin Dilemma
WellI put off sleeping for as long as possible
WellI sorta oscillate between hell and peace
Welleveryone's entitled to two, aren't they.
Wellington isn't what it used to be, and it never was.
Wellllll..... - Dok Hendrix
Welllllll....well, it's the Big Show!  [B*L*A*M!]  Yes, it's the Big Bad Show tonight...
Wells's Law:  A parade should have bands OR horses, not both.
Wells's Law:  A parade should have bands OR horses, not both.
Wellthat's just what we call pillowtalk baby- ash
Wellwell, it's Springfield High's answer to 'Cheech and Chong'
Welsh men only marry Welsh women because sheep can't cook
Wenatchee,WA. The Apple Capitol Of The World
Wench - What you use to turn the head of a dolt.
Wench:  Used to turn the head of a dolt or a nut!!
Wench:  What you use to turn the head of a dolt.
Wench: A device used for loosening nuts.
Wench: For turning the head of a dolt
Wench: What you use to turn the head of a dolt.
Wendell Phillips, Speech, 7 November 1860
Wendell Yeo, the cleanest man in Boston - Mike
Wendy O's dad - Joel on Daddy-O
Wendy this trap rips the bones from my back, is's a death trap it's a suicide rap
Wendy's Old Fashion Hamburgers - First Fast Food Place in the Land!
Wendy's' burgers and Branch Davidians were both flame-broiled by Dave.
Wendy, darling, light of my life,..I'm not gonna hurt you..I'm just gonna bash your brains in.......
Wenn die ungelegten eier jetzt noch ungelegter sind?
Wenn die ungelegten eier jetzt noch ungelegter sind?
Wenn wir c nicht haetten, wuerden wir asal und obol benutzen
Went Bobsleighing yesterday. Killed 20 Bobs
Went Chopin, but forgot my Liszt, had to go Bach and get it
Went down yonder on the chattahoochie
Went in for repairs but wasn't tightened with a torque wrench.
Went in jeopardy of their lives. -- 2 Samuel 23:17
Went on a non Dr. Who diet, it was the worst five minutes of my life!
Went outdoors yesterday. It's very big
Went through school using a black highlighter?
Went to a child psychologist the other day. The kid didn't listen to a thing I said
Went to confession. When I said I loved taglines, I was struck dead!
Went to the boxing match last night.  A hockey game broke out.
Wer einen tippfehler findet, darf ihn behalten
Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten.  (He who laughs last laughs best.)
Were Adam & Eve just garden variety human beings? *     ;-&gt;
Were Hillary's Futures investments a bunch of bull?
Were I a man I would eat his heart in the marketplace!
Were I fully human... I would tell them to go to Hell
Were I set on suicide, I'd first try to  do  it with chocolate
Were a success here, @TOLAST@
Were a success here, Bullitt.
Were a success here, Lister - Rimmer
Were a success here, Orville.
Were all out of Powdered Toast!
Were already smelling a fat bounty.
Were back to square zero.
Were did my BSY flag go?
Were did my BSY flag go?
Were from the government.  Were here to help ourselves.
Were going to make you IBM compatible HAL
Were slow men at work once slow children at play?
Were that I am, what I dream to beFilthy stinking rich!
Were the Borg the ones who repaired V'ger?
Were the Pennsy police known as Keystone Kops?
Were there "radio dinners" before television?
Were there any reports from the Vulcans about hallucinations onboard?
Were there dinosaurs when you were a kid, Dad?
Were there fewer fools, knaves would starve
Were there no women, men might live like gods. - Dekker
Were those your ships?
Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread. - Thomas Jefferson
Were we finished here? - Dogbert
Were you a slave, Flavius? - Kirk
Were you able to finish reading Chamber's "King In Yellow?"
Were you anywhere NEAR Dallas on November 22, 1963?
Were you asked those questions and did you give those answers?
Were you asking me to figure out the subject on these?  I didn't but
Were you born stupid, @FN@ or have you been practicing?
Were you born that STUPID or does it take practice?
Were you born that way, or did yo'momma marry an armadillo?
Were you expecting an unexpected Visitor? - Earthworm Jim
Were you in Boy Scouts? Because you sure have tied my heart in a knot
Were you like this when you were married? - Ivanova
Were you looking at me bum?  Were you?  Bum looker.
Were you looking for me? - Dr. Livingstone
Were you napping during the race?
Were you praying at the Lares shrine?
Were you really born that _______  or is it just a lot of practice?
Were you standing at the shallow end of the gene pool?
Were you talking to me?
Were you toilet trained at gunpoint?
Were you using glue today, @TOFIRST@?
Were you using glue today, Bob?
Were you using glue today, Orville?
Were you using glue today?
Were you very fond of that cat, Dave?
Were your bath toys a toaster & radio too?.
Were your parents Greek gods? Because it takes two gods to make a goddess
Were your parents dissappointed they never had any children?
Weren't we here to drain the swamp?
Weren't you one of the little people?  Q
Weren't you supposed to OUTGROW your evil ways?! - The Tick to Charles
Werewolf = Microsoft. Frankenstein + Werewolf = Win95
Werewolf. - Samuel Clemens to Worf
Werewolf:  The Apocalypse.
Werewolves do it in packs.
Werewolves hate Coors Light
Werewolves of Wollongong by Warren Zevon
Wernher von Braun settled for a V-2 instead of a V-8.
Wernher von Braun settled for a V-2 when he coulda had a
Werwolf!  Sam Clemens ....  BZZZT Wrong, Wer WORF!
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Wes's post: [ ] Humorous [ ] Insightful [X] Just plain st
Wes, I don't care WHAT BBS you tuned into, unplug Data!
Wes, I want my warp engines back -- NOW! * Geordi
Wes, those are NOT X-Ray Specs.  Giv 'em back to Geordi.
Weseenems - RV's plastered with state & nat'l parks stick
Weseenems - RV's plastered with state & nat'l parks stickers and flags
Wesley & AmeEx junk mail? Are they one and the same?!
Wesley : "SimpleJust do this.....W#$%& #6...NO CARRIER
Wesley Crusher and Adric of Alzarius: Separated at birth?
Wesley Crusher and Adric: Separated at birth?
Wesley Crusher then again, there's a joke in and of itself
Wesley Crusher, please report to airlock 5!
Wesley Crusher, please report to the torpedo tubes, immediately!
Wesley Crusher, report to Transporter Room 3! (max dispersion, Chief.)
Wesley Crusher, report to the torpedo tubes, immediately!
Wesley Crusher--Stud Muffin of the U.S.S. Enterprise
Wesley Crusher... then again, there's a joke in and of itself
Wesley Crusher?  Good idea; turn it ON!
Wesley Crusher?  Great Idea, Turn it on!
Wesley Crusher? Good idea, turn it on!
Wesley Crusherthen again, there's a joke in and of itself...
Wesley Eugene Roddenberry, Sr.  8/19/21 - 10/24/91
Wesley On Board!
Wesley saves the day by giving the BORG Windows 3.1
Wesley talks back to his mom - drink!
Wesley to Picard: Captain, can I drive? Pretty please??
Wesley volunteers to feed Cthulhu!--WTNE
Wesley!  Don't touch that......  &lt;&lt;BANG&gt;&gt;  &lt;&lt;END OF UNIVERSE&gt;&gt;
Wesley! Yes Sir? Get OFF my bridge!
Wesley's Anagrams #31239 - Q
Wesley's temper tantrum: "I want a new universe for Christmas"
Wesley, I don't care WHAT BBS you tuned into. Unplug Mr. Data!
Wesley, I've said it before and I'll say it again, SHUT UP!
Wesley, Please look closely - This is an air lock
Wesley, allow me to introduce you to the airlock chamber
Wesley, begone.
Wesley, cork it.
Wesley, get lost.
Wesley, go clean out the photon torpedo tube * Picard
Wesley, have you ever seen any  gladiator movies?
Wesley, here's 500 credits.  Now GET LOST!!!
Wesley, it's not NICE to play 'Vegas Gambler' on Mr. Data.
Wesley, put on this red shirt and beam down to the planet with us!
Wesley, this is an airlock.  Allow me to demostrate.
Wesley, this is an airlock. Try it out, press "EGRESS".
Wesley, this meeting is not for you.  Riker
Wesley,what whitless wunderkind will whisk worry without wondering why.
Wesley- "Holodeck-Run Riker Gin Joint Program." Computer- "Not!"
Wesley:  "Captain, I just created a black ho-" @$#%^%@ NO CRUSHER
Wesley:"Simple... Just do this.....W#$%& #6...NO CARRIER
Wesly, Please look closely - This is an air lock
Wesolych Swiat i Do Szczesliwego Nowego Roku! - Polish Christmas
Wessley... I see the academy has turned you into a jerk
West Coast Universities  - By Stan Ford
West Coast Universities: Stan Ford*
West End Games - RR 3, Box 2345 - Honesdale, PA 18431 - (717)253-6990
West Side Abortion Clinic: You rape 'em, we scrape 'em!
West Virginians do it up a hollow with Mountaineers.
West did his own stunts in this scene - Crow on bar
Wester: A holiday 183 days after Easter
Western Australia has got its Dick Court !
Western Civilization died today, after a long illness
Westheimer's Discovery: A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library
Westheimer's Time Estimation Rule: Estimate the time you
Westheimer's Time Estimation Rule: Estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by 2, and add 3, indpendent of the units of time
Weston's Wisdom:  A fox is a wolf who sends flowers
Wet birds don't fly at night.
Wet dream: Overnight sensation.
Wet your stamps in her vagina.
Wet's woll! - Napoleon Bre
Wet: Midsummer Night's Dream
Wethern's Law: Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups
Wetter is better!
Wetting your pants isn't considered homo, right? - Tom
Wewease Wodewick!
Weww, wadda-ya know .. no more buwwets
Weww, waddaya know!  No more pixels!
Weyr, Oh Weyr has my little dra$@
Weyr, Oh Weyr has my little dra gone
Weyrling Training Rule #2: Learn to hide...QUICKLY!
Wh t w  hav  h re is a fa lure to communi
Wh! wa!ked ac!ross this ta!line wi!h muddy fe!t
Wh!o wa!lked ac!ross my! t!agline! w!ith mu!dd!y !feet?!
WhAT#$ DO__- YOu mEaN? My KEEEeeeeeBoarD WoRk$ J$Us-,.4T FinE!
WhAT#$ DO__-YOu mEan? My KEEEEeeBoArd Work$ J$Us-t FinE!
WhAt DoEs ThIs FlAsHiNg CaPs-LoCk-LeD mEaN?
WhEn ThInGs GeT tHiS tRiPpEd OuT... wHy BoThEr ReAdInG tHeM?
Wha da da da dum da da de Wha da da da dum da da de
Wha teaches himself hes a fule for a maister.- Old Scot Sayin
Wha wad sup kail wi' the deil wants a lang-shaftit spune-Old Scot sayin
Wha'so funny 'bout peace,love & understanding?
Wha-Wha-What's he doin' with that thing?
Whacking my head against some wood a couple of times would help.
Whackyak:  To talk to a golf ball after hitting it.
Whad'ya mean I need a license to do that?
Whadaya got there?- Peter Puppy    Page 6 of the script.-Earthworm Jim
Whadaya mean, 'why am I so evil?' I'm a villain! IT'S WHAT I DO!
Whadda ya expect from a nice Catholic boy?
Whadda ya mean there's no more chocolate?
Whadda ya mean, "we"?
Whadda ya want for nothin'?  Rubber biscuit?
Whadda you think you New Mutants have the patent on stupidity? -Jubilee
Whaddaya call a Hooker w/ a Runny Nose?       Full!
Whaddaya expect from a nice Catholic boy?
Whaddaya expect from a nice Jewish boy?
Whaddaya get if U cross an elephant & a rhino?  Elephino!
Whaddaya me
Whaddaya mean "might"??  :)
Whaddaya mean 6/6 Flying Firebreathing First-Strike Ironclaw Orcs?
Whaddaya mean I have B.O.? Snarled Tom, fuming
Whaddaya mean I'm not kind? Just not your kind.
Whaddaya mean I'm overdrawn?  I still have checks left!
Whaddaya mean `Hitler who'?  This is Nazi World! -- Mindweb
Whaddaya mean you can't find a tagline? Go steal me one!!!!
Whaddaya mean you don't staple diskette labels on?
Whaddaya want - a f*****g floor show for these prices?
Whaddaya want with yer jugged fish?
Whaddayamean I don't believe in God? Talk to him everyday
Whaddayamean that is not a tagline?
Whaddya call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start!
Whaddya call a dog with no hind legs and steel balls?     Sparky.
Whaddya have to DO to get kicked out of Guns 'N Roses?
Whaddya mean "DOOMII won't run on my XT"!?
Whaddya mean "Eat it"? - It's still movin'!
Whaddya mean "QWK"?!?  It took me over an hour to read it!!!
Whaddya mean DOOMII won't run on my XT!? ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12
Whaddya mean see better in the Year 2020? I'll prob. be DEAD!
Whaddya mean you don't STAPLE beer labels on?
Whaddya mean you don't STAPLE diskette labels on.
Whaddya mean, I need a license to do that?!
Whaddya mean, back up my hard drive? I can't even find the reverse switch!
Whaddya mean, be nice?  We're PROGRAMMERS, Man!
Whaddya mean, read the docs?  I don't even have a boat!
Whaddya mean, the blind can't own assault weapons
Whaddya mean, what do you _do_ with it?! - Sulu
Whaddya say - FERRET FACE??? HHAHAHOHOHOHHAHAHAH {fall, clunk, OWWW}
Whaddya say, Norm?...Well, I never met a beer I didn't drink.
Whaddya say, audience?  You wanna see this bum make with a hairball?
Whaddya think, Mom?  28 hours at 350? - Fran cooking rhino
Whaddya want fo' nuffin, a rubber biscuit?
Whaddya want, a 1-party system?
Whaddya' mean "WE", Paleface?!?!?!?!?
Whaddyamean inscrutable?! I can srute with the best of them
Whaddyer mean, 'I burnt the oatmeal'?... That's coffee!
Whadja expect? This was a country founded by religious nuts with guns
Whaduya mean resistance is futile??!?!      *Ohm of Borg*
Whadya know?  Not much, you?
Whadya mean my grandparents didn't have any kids!?!
Whadya mean what flavor? It's bleedin' @TO@ flavor!
Whadya mean what flavor? It's bleedin' Orville Bullitt flavor!
Whale , Oil , Beef , Hooked
Whalers got into a brawl the other night. Too bad it wasn't on the ICE!
Whales are a lot like humans.  Only they mate for life.
Whales are mammals / Mammals have hair / Shave the whales!
Whao! that was cool, is there any more of it?
Whap Whap Whap- the sound your Fiat makes when the tires are flat
Whapped upside the head with a lime...another drive-by fruiting!
Whare is that dadblame turnip truck.  I just fell off'it a bit ago.
Whasamatter? Got a death wish, or sumthin?
Whassa mata, Hari, lost ya id again?
What  about  the  kidz?
What "Wensday" again??  :We had that last week
What 'the truth' is depends heavily on point-of-view. -- Oscar Goldman
What *IS* Wynonna? - Tom
What *IS* a twit list, and how can I get in on it?
What *are* you doing?
What *are* you? -- Greta
What *did* I call my genitalia? - Entrippy
What *is* Wynonna? -- Tom Servo
What *is* a NPC, anyway? asked @TOFIRST@
What *is* a NPC, anyway? asked @f
What *is* this? -- Sydney Ozzie and Harriet on acid. -- Duncan
What *wankers* came up with the term "Politically Correct??"
What *were* they thinking? Lore
What ... ... famous attorney once played hockey? Lawyorr
What ... what am I?.... I'M A HAGGIS??? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! - Peter
What 2 words contain the most letters?  Post office.
What ?  NO CARRIER ? - Chet Nimitz
What A Day For A Daydream !
What A Wonderful Toy!
What ARE you babbling about?
What Academy Award winning actor works part-time cleaning houses? Dusting Hoffman
What Adam said to Eve: I wear the Plants in this family;Remember That!
What Admiral Nagumo found at Pearl Harbor: NO CARRIER
What Age Or Gender Ever Controled Emotion - TheWriter
What American has the largest family? George Washington - He's the Father of our Country!
What Are You Doing?  The Message Is Over!  Go Away!
What Are You Looking For Down Here?
What Are You Looking For?  Nothing's Here!
What Audit doesn't know won't hurt them. - Keith F
What Aussies lack in Humour they make up for in Beer!
What Beavis does while swimming in the shark tank? P in the pool.
What Bug! I left behind the roaches in New York!
What Bug? I left the roaches behind in New York!
What Bush REALLY said: "No gnu taxes."  How's your gnu?
What CAN you do at 3am?  Psssttt - got a modem?
What CAN you get a nudist couple for their wedding?
What CAN you get a nudist for Christmas?
What CAN you get a nudist for their wedding?
What Can A Father Do But Baby-sit Sometimes? (Sting)
What Can I Say After I Say, "OOPS"? Ask Freud?
What Chinese prophet did we annoy?  Interesting times, my ass.
What DID happen to Babylon 1-4, anyway?
What DO they teach in high schools these days?
What DOES God need with a Starship?       - Kirk
What Do You Expect To Find Down Here?
What Do You Mean "The Dingus Don't Work"??
What Do You Mean, Not Enough Memory ??
What Do You Mean, The Supper Is Cold?????
What Do You Want From Us? We're Evil! EVIL! - The Mads
What Do mean you don't staple diskette labels on ?
What Doctor? Doctor Who?!
What Does This Red Button #$@!&^$NO CARRIER
What EEEEES EET, man? - Ren Hoek
What EEESSS IT, man?!?!?
What Ebullience is This I See Before Me?
What Englishmen will give his mind to politics as long as he can afford to keep a motor car? - George Bernard Shaw
What Files Area was Kelly LeBrock downloaded from in 'Weird Science'?
What G-d wants, G-d gets.  G-d help us all.
What GOOD is a CARDBOARD suitcase ANYWAY?
What GUI?  I don't see anyone!
What Gene Roddenberry was to the 1960's... JMS is now for the 1990's.
What General Custer indian summer
What God has joined, let no man put asunder.
What God wants, God gets, God help us all - Waters
What Good Is A Used-up World, And How Can It Be Worth Having?
What Goodness The Lord Shall Do Unto Us, The Same We Do Unto Thee !!
What Greenhouse Effect? Hey, is it warm in here or what?
What Has 4 Legs And An Arm ?   A Happy Pit Bull !
What I Dance To  - By D. J. Music
What I Took  - By Irv Erginity
What I Took: Irv Erginity*
What I am is What I am You what you are or what?
What I asked was not the same question that you answered!OJW
What I aspired to be, & did not become, comforts me
What I believe is MY business; you're NOT welcome to it.
What I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left! PW
What I choose is my choice
What I didn't say was how disappointed I was. - Troi
What I do best on a camping trip is sleep, Tom said intently
What I don't know would make a library anybody would be proud of.
What I don't why I forgot that just now. - Kirk
What I got you gotta give it to your momma - RHCP
What I hate is lugging around all my labor saving devices.
What I have told you in secret, shout from the rooftops!
What I have written, I have written.
What I lack in restraint, I make up for in remorse.
What I like about Apple is its lameness!
What I like about MS is its loyalty to customers &lt;grin
What I like most about myself is that I'm so understanding when I mess things up
What I look forward to is continued immaturity followed by death.  - Dave Barry
What I miss of college was staying up all night cramming
What I need is a faster modem?
What I need is a good $5.00 plasma weapon!
What I need is a good dose of reality.
What I need is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter,,,
What I need is a well-deserved rest, but I haven't deserved it yet.
What I need is a well-deserved rest, but I haven't deserved it yet.
What I need is more money, sex, and power and less crap from everyone!
What I need is not 2get laid.What I need is power 2decide who lives & who dies.
What I need is not to get laid. What I need is the power to decide who lives and who dies
What I need is to mind-meld with this mach.
What I need isnt 2get laid.What I need is power 2decide who lives &who dies.
What I need now is some good denial... or a diversion.
What I need right now is a good psychotic break.
What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior! --MP
What I ought to do, I can; if I can, why don't I?
What I really need is honesty, from someone with a strong heart.
What I really need: ASCII Character shaped like a finger.
What I really want is cousins to invite me South for the winter! :-)
What I see is a form of vengeance.
What I seize is what I get
What I stated has been fairly common knowledge for several years.
What I tell you three times is true
What I tell you three times is true. -- Lewis Carroll
What I used to think was me is just a faint memory -- NIN
What I want is all of the power and none of the responsibility
What I want to find out is -- do parrots know much about Astro-Turf?
What I wanted is what I wanted, What we wanted is what she wanted
What I wanted...meant nothin...youre dancin' quicksand'
What I was saying was  I'll be damned... -- Riker
What I would give to be a latchkey kid - Calvin
What I wouldn't give for Dr. Crusher's knitter about now.
What I wouldn't give to be a latchkey kid . . .  - Calvin
What I wouldn't give to find a soulmate.   Alanis Morissette
What I wouldn't give to see good old Doc Brown right now. Paris
What I'd do with my career? - Tom
What I'd give for a tall, cold beer or a short warm Redhead
What I'd give for a tall, cold beer.  Or a short warm blonde.
What I'd like is to be turned off when people leave. Doctor
What I'd really like to do is a felony!
What I'd rob from the innocent ones
What I'm looking for is a blessing NOT in disguise.
What I'm trying to say is:  GET OUT!  GET OUT! -- Tom Servo
What I'm trying to teach is pure science! - Keiko
What I've done, of course, is total garbage
What I've done, of course, is total garbage. - R. Willard Pure Math 430a
What I've got you've got to give it to your momma... -RHCP
What I've seen here has only tested my patience, not my faith. - FM
What IS a tagline anyway?
What IS it with you, anyway?--McCoy
What IS that on your oh! It IS your nose
What IS the average wing velocity of a swallow?
What IS the difference between a Borg and a Cyberman?
What IS the sound of a bear sh*tting in the woods?
What IS this, Dial-A-Dunce?
What If We Were Our Reflection's Reflection?
What Internet porn?  It's just Gun Smut
What Italian dish was born between April th and May th? Chicken Cacci-Taurus
What Jesus fails to appreciate is it's the meek who are the problem!
What Jesus had to say about homosexuality: "                  "
What Kodak & condoms have in common:They both capture great moments!
What Lotto giveth the state won't anymore
What Makes Airplanes Go  - By Jeff Fuel
What Makes Airplanes Go: Jeff Fuel*
What Makes Army People Sick  - By P. X. Food
What Manner of Man Is This, That Even The Winds And The Sea Obey Him !!
What McDonald's has done for food, the Internet has done for humour
What McDonald's has done to food the Internet has done to information
What Michael Milken and the S.F. Giants have in common: Junk Bonds.
What Microsoft has created let not IBM put
What Music Used To Be On - By L. P. Record
What No Messages Bummer.... Just think I will kill the Computer
What OS/2 needs is a Borland Pascal
What OTHER things can you put in fruitcake?
What Old Books.
What PROGRAM are they watching?
What REALLY killed Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen.
What Rule of Acquistition is "don't eat yellow snow?"
What Saddam Hussein's mom said:  (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?
What Sandtiger SHOULD sell is a FEMALE Red Dragon!
What Sexual Revolution?  Darn!  I missed it again!
What Should You Do?
What Sunshine Is To Flowers, Smiles Are to Humanity !!
What Sunshine Is To Flowers, Smiles Are to Humanity !!
What TV's Frank & I have been getting into lately - Dr. F
What The Butler Saw  - By Ava Nutherluk
What Time Does the 7:00 Show Start? title, #3
What To Do With Your Invention - By Pat Tent
What UNIVERSE is this, please??
What Was The Greatest Thing Before Sliced Bread?
What Windows NT stands for?      Nervous Technicians?
What World Are You On? I'd Like To Visit Sometime.
What Would Elvis Do?
What You See Is What I Typed (WYSIWIT)
What You Tag Is What You Get.
What _are_ you?! - O'Brien
What _can_ we do? - Sisko
What a "Dibbley"! -- Dwayne Dibbley
What a *lovely* singing voice you must have. - Peter Venkman
What a *senseless* waste of human life.
What a *week* I'm having!  (month... year...)
What a Beavis
What a COINCIDENCE!  I'm an authorized "SNOOTS OF THE STARS" dealer!!
What a Child of Darkness you are to be. -Magnus to Lestat
What a Dietz - Tom on name in credits
What a GREAT scientific move! A punch to the head! - Bobby Heenan
What a Mess!.............But don't blame me, I voted for Bush!
What a Mess!...But don't blame me, I voted for Captain Kirk!
What a Peaceful Place, or so it looks from Space!!!
What a baby - Crow to Giant Tom Servo
What a bargain! All my old taglines for some HUGE pectoral muscles!
What a bartender! When I asked him for something tall, cold and full of gin, he called his wife out!
What a beautiful night! The moon was out and so were her parents
What a blonde and a tampon have in common? Both are stuck up cunts!
What a blonde puts behind her ears to be more attractive.     Her legs
What a blonde say during a porno movie? Don't look, it's my bad side!
What a blonde says if you blow in her bra: "Thanks for the refill..."
What a booooring recipe
What a booooring tagline
What a brave new world 'tis!
What a bummer....I thought we were nude......hell you sure we weren't?
What a bunch of crap! huh huh huh
What a bunch of spooky cats in that joint. - Joey Gaynor
What a buzzstomp! Multiple sadness! I was mega raked!
What a catch! Great face, great body, great lover. Yes, ME!
What a caterpillar calls the end of the world God calls a butterfly
What a childhood--I was ten years old when I found out Alpo was dog food. -Rodney Dangerfield 
What a coincidence! I've been there!!!!
What a coincidence, I'm shallow too.
What a coinky-dink! - Yakko
What a consultant really needs.. A second opinion
What a cool frood!  You really know where your towels at!
What a country! -- Yakov Smirnoff
What a creep, eh? Some people just can't learn. - Anna Steven
What a crime to waste youth on children!
What a crooked man.  Go with the pets, said Mother
What a cute little coke spoon.
What a day may bring, a day may take away.
What a day you had today, it took your smile away
What a day!  Had to interrupt my nap for a coffee break
What a dead beat!
What a delight it is to make friends with one you have despised
What a depressingly stupid machine
What a depressingly stupid machine, said Marvin and tru
What a depressingly stupid machine. - Marvin
What a desolate place this is
What a desolate place this is - C3P0
What a desolate place this is.
What a desolate place. - C3PO
What a difference a Gay makes
What a dilemma, MacLeod. - Kalas
What a dog I got! His favorite bone is my ARM!
What a dog I got, his favorite bone is in my arm! --Rodney Dangerfield
What a dog I got.  His favorite bone is in my arm
What a dog I got.  His favorite bone is in my arm
What a dork! - Butt-Head
What a drag it is, getting old
What a dump!    Bette Davis
What a femme! - Tom
What a femme! -- Tom Servo
What a fix we are in.  Peace has been declared
What a freak freq
What a friend we have in Cheeses.
What a funny thing to do 'cause I'm feeling very pink. - Floyd
What a gloomy-gus Bot - Crow
What a good punchline. Pity we missed that
What a grand dam, Tom said coolly.
What a great couple of guys he is. - Ren
What a great distraction from complicated domestic issues!
What a guy!
What a guy! - Lister
What a guy! - RD Crew about Ace Rimmer
What a guy! -- Lister
What a guy.  Makes you cry.  Und I did!!!!
What a handsome craft.  Such lovely lines. - 007 (T.S.W.L.M.)
What a handsome group of people! McGivers
What a handsome race.   - Worf
What a hoot! - TV's Frank
What a horrible chunk of DOODY! - Tom on movie
What a horrible day.  Better than no day at all.
What a hotel we're staying at! The towels are so big and fluffy, you can hardly close your suitcase.
What a jack-butt-munch-@$$-dumb-butt
What a jack-butt-munch-@$$-dumb-butt
What a load of Bravo Sierra!
What a long strange trip it's been
What a long, strange trip it's been! J. Garcia
What a long, strange trip it's been.
What a lovely singing voice you must have!
What a lovely woman.  So chilly!  Gomez Addams
What a lovely world it is that has women in it!
What a man needs in gardening is a cast iron back with a hinge in it
What a man reads as a task does him little good. -- Johnson
What a man says drunk he has thought sober. --Flemish proverb
What a meshugana
What a mess!  I kicked over the bit bucket
What a minefield life is! -- Fry
What a misfortune to be a woman!  And yet, the worst misfortune is not to understand what a misfortune it is. -- Kierkegaard, 1813-1855
What a moron
What a moron...
What a new concept . . . . right up there with RTFM
What a nice night for an evening. - S. Wright
What a nice planet
What a nice surprise hearing from you.
What a night -- Lord Albrecht, Silver Fang
What a novel concept!  A tagline echo with nothing but taglines!
What a paragon of virtue you are, gunslinger! - Walter
What a perfectly wonderful list!  Whatever I paid you it wasn't enough
What a perverted train of thought you ride
What a piece of bread looks like depends on whether you are hungry or not. - Jallaludin Rumi
What a piece of junk
What a piece of junk - Luke Skywalker
What a piece of junk...
What a piece of work is man! -  Shakespeare.
What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason. - Hamlet (parricide)
What a pity that the only way to heaven is in a hearse!
What a pity we can't adopt ancestors?
What a pity, when Christopher Columbus discovered America, that he ever mentioned it. - Margot Asquith
What a putz
What a relief! People are still talking to me! - Huntress
What a risk God takes in giving us freedom!
What a royally lame crummy mummy! - Crow
What a rush! - Tom & Crow
What a schmuck
What a schmutz. - Slappy
What a searching preacher of self-command is the varying phenomenon of health. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What a senseless waste of human life
What a sex life. It's like shooting pool with a rope.
What a shame - you're too ugly for me to date.
What a shame you're not real. - Chekov
What a shame, Mary Jane had a pain at the parrrr-tyyyyy
What a show! What atmosphere! What fun! And for FREE! - The Tick
What a silly bunt
What a silly idea, interviewing a goose!
What a silly mix-up. - Dot
What a spooky thought.
What a stilted, pretentious line - Crow
What a stilted, pretentious line... -- Crow T. Robot
What a strange game.  The only winning move is not to play. -- WOP, "War Games"
What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play. -- WOPR, War Games
What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams. -Nikos Kazantzakis, poet and novelist 1883-1957 
What a strange name!
What a strange name!
What a strange pattern the shuttle of life can weave.&lt;F. Marion&gt;
What a strange person
What a strange person. -- Galahad
What a strange person. -- Lancelot
What a strange world this would be if we all had the same sense of humor. - Bern Williams
What a stressful airline - Tom
What a stressful airline... -- Tom Servo
What a stupid concept!
What a stupid world - Calvin
What a surprise!  You *are* dumber than you look!
What a surprise! Runt in trouble! - Rita
What a surprise, The New York Rangers FINALLY won the Cup!
What a surprise, you ARE dumber than you look!
What a surprise. Runt in trouble. -- Rita
What a tagline! &lt;g&gt;            [T]   Got it!!
What a tagline! <g>            [T]   Got it!!
What a tagline?  Are you nuts or something?
What a tease. A title tease - Crow on quick scrolling
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind-D.Quayle
What a terrible thing..not to have a mind at all-Quayle
What a terrible way to die.  There are no good ways.
What a thoughtful young man, how nice that we've met.  Garek
What a tortured life they must lead.  Pour souls.
What a total jerk calling me meatball head! - Serena
What a universe. Sheridan
What a useless scroll. It just says, `Hastur, Hastur, Hastur'
What a useless scroll. Just says, "HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR" Uh-oh...
What a ventura?  What had she on Gilligan's Island?
What a waste it is to lose one's mind,or not to have a mind-Dan Quayle
What a waste it is to lose one's mind. - J.D. Quayle
What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is. - Dan Quayle
What a wicked animal! It defends itself when attacked!
What a wigged out chick - Crow on near-bald alien girl
What a woman wants is what you're out of.  She wants more of a thing when it's scarce -- WILLIAM SYDNEY PORTER
What a wonderful echo it is that has girls in it.
What a wonderful fairy tale. - Yar
What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner. - Collette
What a wonderful opportunity for profit. - Quark
What a wonderful smell you've discovered, #TN#!
What a wonderful smell you've discovered, Orville!
What a wonderful use for dead space... TAGLINES!
What a wonderful use for dead space....recipeS!
What a wonderful way to _cement_ a friendship. - Wile E. Coyote
What a wonderful world it is that has cats in it!
What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it!  - Lazarus Long
What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it! -- Heinlein
What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it! -L. Long
What a wonderful world you live in - Franklin
What a world is this, and how does fortune banter us!
What a yutz! - Slappy Squirrel
What a yutz! - Slappy Squirrel, Animaniacs
What about Babycham?  One glass of that and I'm anybody's! -Vyvyan
What about Honga Donga? - Tom
What about Jelly Botty, where you have to eat 18 curries? -Vyvyan
What about On my system Ascii 254 has a single pixel hole in it. ;-)
What about Prince Humperdink?  Who kills Prince Humperdink?
What about Ramirez? - Sheridan
What about Scarecrow's brain?
What about White Water, Paula Jones, Mena, Cattle Futures, Bosnia?
What about YOU, @TO@? What do YOU want? - Morden
What about YOU, Alex Thorpe? What do YOU really want? - Morden
What about YOU, Allan Finkas? What do YOU want? - Morden
What about YOU, David K. Johnson? What do YOU want? - Morden
What about YOU, Lance Levsen?  What do YOU want? - Morden
What about YOU, Marlyn Bumpus? What do YOU want? - Morden
What about YOU, Paula Lieberman? What do YOU really want? - Morden
What about YOU? What do YOU really want? - Morden
What about Yoda? - Crow
What about a Japanese sword dated 600 BC?  - Brenda Wyatt
What about improv?! - Crow
What about it?! Puppet or costume, Tom!? - Crow on Yoda
What about my minimum daily junk food requirement?
What about my pants?
What about our five-dollar birth certificates? - Beavis
What about the Halkans? We can't let them be destroyed! McCoy
What about the Internet?
What about the Prime Directive!  Send the Borg Windows!
What about the brightness of that Jovian satellite? Tom yodelled.
What about the open-lip kiss? (Elaine)
What about the quantum singularity? Sisko
What about the time I caught you naked with that bowl of Jello?
What about those of us who live in deep space?? -Zefrem Cochrane
What about us brain-dead slobs?
What about what I've seen? - Scully
What about you? Seen any action? - Keffer
What about...'Sounds of the Supermarkets, 20 Shopping Greats' - AR
What actually is a 'self-actualization seminar'? --Hercules
What actually is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato?
What advice can you give a fish to avoid being caught? Don't fall for any old line
What ain't nailed down is mine. What I can pry loose ain't nailed down
What alignment am I?  CHAOTIC-CONFUSED? - Def One
What alignment am I?  Chaotic-confused!
What all battered women have in common: They don't **ck'n LISTEN!
What am I doing here, Al?--Sam Beckett
What am I doing here, anyway?
What am I doing here?   Any recruit, any army
What am I doing here? Where am I? - Kim
What am I doing in Bosnia? I'll get you for this Mr. Wizard!
What am I doing in New Jersey? - G. Carlin
What am I doing in this bucket? -- Mudslide
What am I doing out of bed!?!?
What am I doing?  This is *my* office!  *You* guys get out! -- Henry
What am I going to do?  I am programmed to serve. * Kryten
What am I going to say, if I see someone I'd like to say something to?
What am I gonna do?  I'm uncool... -- Crow T. Robot
What am I gonna do? I'm uncool - Crow
What am I gonna tell him? - Wesley
What am I on to here? - Mulder "Monsters begetting monsters." - Matheson
What am I rebelling against? What ya got? Elvis
What am I saying? Neither one of you are good cops - Mike
What am I supposd to do, I lost my sh*t because of you
What am I supposed to be? Swept off my feet? :) - Digi to Serendipity
What am I supposed to do with all this gold? - Midas, Rex1
What am I supposed to do?! Riker
What am I supposed to put HERE?
What am I talking about now?  I must be tired. --  Doug Pirko
What am I wearing? * Cat
What am I wearing? - The Cat
What am I, a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor?  - McCoy
What am I, some sort of gooey bun for your breakfast enjoyment?
What am I?  Flypaper for freaks!?
What am I? - Talia Winters The future. - Telepath
What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
What amendment are Air Bags in?
What an *ENCHANTING* anecdote! - TV's Frank
What an accident! @FN@ had the right of way, but *I* had the truck!
What an artist dies with me! -- Nero
What an author likes to write most is his signature on the back of a cheque. -- Brendan Francis
What an ego. - Vinnie
What an incredible achievement of fantasy is the scientific mind!. -- E. L. Doctorow
What an incredible smell you've discovered your Highness
What an incredible smell you've discovered! - Han Solo
What an interesting new smell you've discovered!
What an ugly beast is the ape, and how like us. - Cicero
What animals are well educated? Fish, because they go around in schools
What apples, from the mesquito tree?--Steve Hart
What arc importance will the teddy bear have?---B5 overexposure
What ardently we wish we soon believe.  Edward Young
What are *you* looking at, Commander Data?  Ro
What are 12 Liberals in a basement? A whine cellar!
What are Baby Monster's parents called? Dead and Mummy
What are U doing?The message is OVER!!GO AWAY!!!
What are YOU lookin' at?! - Tom Paris
What are YOU looking at Dickhead?
What are YOU looking at, Butthead? --Bif.
What are YOU looking at? Kim
What are _you_ doing here? - Odo
What are address busses?  --Time-Life Books
What are blorknargs? Tiny little things that are easy to crush. -Alien
What are fiends for? - R. Nixon
What are fiends for? - Richard Nixon
What are friends for? - R. M. Nixon
What are friends for? -- Nixon.
What are imitation rhinestones?
What are imitation rhinestones?  Steven Wright
What are me and Mei going to do if mommy dies?  -My Neighbor Totoro
What are our schools for if not indoctrination against Communism?
What are our schools for if not indoctrination against Communism? -- Richard M. Nixon
What are stumbleweeds?  Weeds that are clumsy.
What are the FACTS and to how many decimal places?
What are the guys inside Barney REALLY doing?
What are the ingredients of a successful negotiation?
What are the instructions doing in the trash??
What are the largest diamonds in the United States? Baseball fields
What are the odds of something happening at 12:50 p.m.?  10 to 1
What are the odds on something like that? Don't answer that. Picard
What are the possible diagnoses? Doctor
What are the two worst things about Bill Clinton?     A: His face
What are the worst six years in a blonde's life? Third Grade
What are these concentric rings on this sheild for?
What are these dark spots? - Troi
What are these films trying to teach us? - Crow T. Robot
What are these people saying?
What are these people saying? -- Crow T. Robot
What are these spots in the back seat of my Toyota?
What are these things really for???
What are these things? Kim
What are they doing in a laundromat? -- Crow T. Robot
What are they doing to my ship now? * Picard
What are they going to do to you for staying here? - Mullibok
What are they talking about? - Sito
What are they teaching these kids in school these days?!?!?!
What are those things that get real hot and burn up?-Peter  US?-EWJim
What are those wavy marks on the bottom of Snickers bars?
What are twelve blondes in a circle?  A Dope Ring.
What are useless things for?
What are vanilla, vanilla and vanilla?  Ice-cream clones
What are we dear?-Mrs Blackitt  Protestant, and fiercely proud of it
What are we going to do about Kryten? * Rimmer
What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain? - Pinky
What are we going to do tonight Brain?
What are we going to do with stem bolts? - Nog
What are we going to do?
What are we gonna do tonight Brain?
What are we having?  It smells delicious! - Kira
What are we seeing here?  Twentieth-century Rome? -- Kirk
What are we seeing here? 20th Century Rome? - Kirk
What are we, if we deny the dance?
What are we, required reading or something? &lt;Riggs&gt;
What are we?   Human.    Oh, that's what is wrong
What are xenomorphs, and why do Borg eat them? - Riker
What are you DEUing?
What are you DOING?!? - Ren Hoek
What are you NOT prepared to tell me? --L Ron Hubbard
What are you doing @TOFIRST@?!?  The message is over, GO AWAY!
What are you doing Dave? This is highly Irregular
What are you doing Douglas?  The message is over, GO AWAY!
What are you doing Orville?!? The message is over, GO AWAY!
What are you doing Saturday night? -- Klinger to Hoolihan
What are you doing for Heaven's sake?
What are you doing here under my rock?
What are you doing here?! - Bashir
What are you doing the rest of your life ?
What are you doing with that muskrat on your neck?
What are you doing wrong with our bug-free product?
What are you doing!? - Dr. Scratchansniff
What are you doing!? The message is over, STOP READING!
What are you doing, Dave?
What are you doing, Nicole?  The message is over!  Move on!
What are you doing?   (if you know)
What are you doing?  Picard to Data
What are you doing?  That was my best spear! -- Joel Robinson
What are you doing?  The message is over!  BUGGER OFF!!!
What are you doing?  The message is over!  Move on!!
What are you doing?  The message is over, GO AWAY!
What are you doing? -Mary   I'm entering the pod. -Dick, on a plane
What are you doing? Janeway to Neelix
What are you doing?! Torturing a clown!? -Yakko
What are you doing?!?  The message is over!  GO AWAY!
What are you eating Worf?  Chocolate cake with spam spam spam spam spam
What are you getting at? - Odo
What are you going to do about my BOOBS? Ai-chan
What are you going to do to him? Kes
What are you going to do with that pie? &lt;Jaws music&gt; - Al, "Stand Up"
What are you going to do with that pie? -- Al Calavicci
What are you going to do with your life, @FN@?
What are you going to do, BLEED on me?
What are you going to do, bleed on me? - King Arthur
What are you going to do, bleed on me? --Monty Python
What are you going to do, kill me? Everybody dies.
What are you going to do, picnic us to death? - EWJim to Psy-Crow
What are you going to do, shove them out an airlock?  Don't tempt me.
What are you going to do, shove them out an airlock? - Sinclair
What are you going to do, shove them out an airlock? Don't tempt me.
What are you going to do?  Arrest me for smoking?
What are you going to do? - Jake
What are you going to do? - Scully
What are you going to pay today ?
What are you going to use for a head when the monkey wants his arse back?
What are you gonna do about it?
What are you gonna do?  Bleed on me?
What are you hiding? - Ren Hoek
What are you in real life?
What are you looking at Bart?  Are those notty dogs back again?
What are you looking at boy! - Can't you handle a SPICE GIRL?
What are you looking at? - Q
What are you looking at? -- Dr. Forrester
What are you looking at? . . . Yah, it's another tagline!
What are you looking at? The message is above!
What are you looking at?!? - Dr. Forrester to Mike/Bots
What are you looking at?!? - Holo Clown to Joel/Bots
What are you looking down here for ? The joke is your message.
What are you looking down here for?
What are you looking down here for?  Read the message.
What are you looking down here for?!?
What are you looking here for?
What are you out of your Vulcan mind?
What are you saying, that I should hand over the Empire?! - Gowron
What are you smiling about? Kira
What are you staring at ?
What are you still doing here @F?!? The message is over, GO AWAY!
What are you suggesting? - Mulder
What are you talking about, grease stain? * Cat
What are you talking about?  Its not my birthday - Franklin
What are you talking about?  Kes
What are you talking about? - O'Brien
What are you talking about? - Quark
What are you talking about? It's not my birthday. --Franklin.
What are you talking about?I'm not getting in there!-C3PO
What are you telling him, Mufasa? Mufasa? Simba? *Aiii* &lt;thump&gt; -Zazu
What are you trained to do, @FN@?
What are you trained to do, YOU?
What are you trying to do...jinx us?!? - Steve Bell
What are you up to, Mandinga? - Ace Ventura
What are you waiting for, MacLeod? Methos
What are you waiting for? OS/2've offered all you need for a long time
What are you working on? - Scully
What are you, @FN@? A dumbass?
What are you, @TOFIRST@? A dumbass?
What are you, YOU? A dumbass?
What are you, some kind of a maniac?  Bobby Goodfeather, Animaniacs
What are you, some kind of butt ventriloquist? - Butt-Head
What are you, some kind of doomsday machine boy? - Sheriff J.W. Pepper
What are you? A Vampire gone insane?
What are you? A dumb ass? --Butthead.
What are your intentions, Professor? - Data
What are your two favorite letters in the word "Bush"?
What aspect of NO didn't you understand?
What astronomers see is out of this world!
What attorneys fear most: that someday they might develop a conscience.
What attorneys fear most: the end of crime.
What awful irony is this?  We are as gods, but know it not
What axe are you grinding..?
What axe is Schwab grinding..?
What axe is he grinding..?
What be this thing called AURORA???
What beam through yonder saucer-section carves? 'Tis the Borg?
What beep from yonder PC speaker sounds?
What began as a hobby has now bloomed into an expensive...errr, hobby!
What better place to hide than in the mind of your worst enemy. -Dax
What better way to say `I love you' than with the gift of a spatula?
What blondes and a good beer have in common? They both go down easy!
What boots up must  come down
What bozo got beet juice on page 42?? - Klinger
What brand of toilet paper does Sleeping Beauty use? Prince Charmin
What brick through yonder window breaks?
What business is it of yours if I love you? - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What came before sliced bread ? ......Bluewave!
What came first, the pigeon or the statue?
What came first, the woman or the department store?
What came first: The men or the beer?
What came first: the woman or the credit card..?
What came first: the woman or the department store?
What came first?  The frog, or the crunch?
What came first?  The frog, or the crunch?  Monty Python
What can I do for you today, big boy? - Crow to Joel
What can I do for you, Commander. - Kira
What can I do for you, Major? -- Quark Get lost. -- Kira
What can I do for you? Janeway to Kes
What can I do, I'm only the DM?!
What can I do, he's my nephew.  Slappy Squirrel, Animaniacs
What can I do? Somebody, please tell me. Anan 7
What can I do?! I'm stuck on a plastic porpoise!!
What can I doodly-do you for? - Tom
What can I look forward to (or fear) when my time comes?
What can I say, except oops! - The Cat
What can I say, except................whoops! - Cat
What can I say... women in uniform (or half out) turn me on
What can I say?  I'm amazing-- Jack Butler
What can I say?  I'm an unrepentant recipe thief.
What can I say?  I'm an unrepentant skeptic.
What can I say?  I'm an unrepentant tagline thief.
What can I say?  I'm awestruck.
What can I say? I laughed. I cried. I fell down. It changed my life. The
What can _you_ do about it?! - Mulder
What can a goose do, a duck can't, and a lawyer should?      Stick his bill up his ass
What can a pigeon do that a west Texas oil man can't do anymore?
What can anyone say about chocolate covered manhole covers?
What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience? - Adam Smith
What can be done about a child who refuses to visit?
What can be put in a nutshell ought to stay there!
What can save a dying blonde? Hair transplants
What can strike a Marine without him even knowing it?  A thought.
What can strike a blonde without her even knowing it?  A thought!
What can they do, GROUND him? (re DPO)
What can this strange device be? -RUSH 2112
What can work a bit better than BW 2.21 - stay tuned, George knows.
What can ya do at 3am? PSSSTT-got a modem?
What can you compare the universe with?
What can you do  at 3 AM? PSSSTTT - got a HAM Radio?
What can you do at 3 AM?   Psssttt - got a modem??
What can you do at 3 AM?  PSSSTTT - got a Scanner?
What can you do at 3 AM? PSSSTTT - got a modem?
What can you do at 3 a.m.? Psssst....Got a Modem???
What can you do at 3 am?  PSSSSST - got a modem?
What can you do at 3:00 AM?   Psssttt - got a modem??
What can you do for me?
What can you do with a chocolate covered manhole?
What can you do?/With a brat like that/Always on your back..  Ramones
What can you draw with an Escher-Sketch?
What can you feel/When you've got a heart made of leather & steel/TR 
What can you give a nudist for Christmas?
What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis alive
What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis is alive?" - Irv Kupcinet
What can you say about chocolate covered manhole covers?
What can you say, Death's got appeal...!
What can you use used tampons for?  Tea bags for vampires
What can"t be said, can"t be said. And it can"t be whistled, either. -- Tirtha
What can't be said can't be said, and it can't be whistled either.
What can't be said can't be whistled either.
What cannot release from brain can become a brain tumor.
What care I how time advances: I am drinking ale today.
What case is that? - Mulder
What cats hear when we talk to them:  "
What cats hear when we talk to them:  "                      ".
What causes a woman to have twins or triplets? The same thing.
What causes pent-up postal service stress?  5 day gun waiting period.
What causes the holes in Swiss cheese?
What causes the mysterious death of everybody?
What century is this?
What channel are we, BBC2 or BBC1?
What character do you resemble in The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
What character do you resemble in The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
What choice did the dead baby have?
What color do seasick Vulcans turn?
What color does a chameleon change to when it looks in a mirror?
What color does a choking smurf turn?
What color does a smurf turn when you choke it?
What color is a chameleon in a mirror?
What color is black and white?
What color is not is really neat
What color is the sky in your world, Joel? - Crow
What color is the third day?  Have a fish?
What color is your parachute? - Mike
What color is your parachute? -- Mike Nelson
What colour does a choking smurf turn?
What colour is a chameleon in a mirror?
What colour is the sky in your world?
What comes after 2 days of rain in Miami Shores?  Monday.
What comes around goes around.
What comes before cocious? Tom asked precociously.
What comes before now is no different from what is now
What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.
What comes from the heart, goes to the heart. - Samuel T. Coleridge
What component in yonder disk drive broke?
What computer comes with lettuce, tomatoes and special sauce? A Big MacIntosh
What computer do you have? [ ] 286  [ ] 386  [ ] 486  [ ] Casio FX-82
What computing needs is a good $25 mainframe
What comtemptible scroundrel stole the cork from my lunch
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch? - Fields
What corruscates with effulgence is not ipso facto aurus.
What could Andy possibly get that is worse than you? - Woody to Buzz
What could I have been thinking? - Bowser
What could I say?  Maybe he's right. - Sito
What could The Others do to cause such terror? Chekov
What could a 5-year-old write that's personal? - Col. Potter
What could be better than Fenton, the Death Sheep from Hell? - TS
What could be stranger than the truth?
What could be worse than Fly Woman - Tom on monster
What could be worse than this? -- Tom Servo
What could cause that? - Odo
What could do something like this? Torres
What could go wrong in a swell place like "The Evil Eye"? - The Tick
What could possibly be more fantastic than reality?
What could possibly go wrong.
What could the Nagus possibly want with you? Quark
What could the damned say to the damned? - Louis
What could they be doing in there!? - Kira
What country is this taking place in? - Crow
What country is this taking place in? -- Crow T. Robot
What da ya mean FILE NOT FOUND.
What da'ya say we split that Tab - Crow on Tab Hunter
What day do monsters like best? April Ghoul's Day
What destroyed the parts of him which make us human beings?"--Mulder
What details?  Black is black! -- Greta
What did 1 politic'n say to the other? Nothing he'd admit
What did Adam and Eve name their two dogs? Canine (Cain) and Abel
What did Adam tell his wife the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve
What did Anita Hill really want?  A hung jury.
What did Bajoran Freedom Fighters call baby Voles?   -   Lunch
What did Batman have for lunch? Alpha-bat soup.
What did Bill Clinton do in Moscow? He studied economics
What did Bill Clinton get his wife for Christmas? Not flowers!
What did Chicago do to deserve this abuse from WINDOWS?
What did Clinton do in Moscow? He studied Economics.
What did Clinton say to Al Gore about the whole affair?    Pardon Me
What did Geoffery Dahmer say to Lorena Bobbit? "You gonna eat that?"
What did God say after He created man? [I can do better than this]
What did God say after he created man?  I can do better
What did I do before I chased dead men?
What did I do to deserve this? - Tom
What did I do wrong? - LEAR, REX
What did I just SAY?! Must of been dreaming.
What did I say that sounded like 'Tell me about your day'? - Dogbert
What did I tell you, @TOFIRST@! There's your worm hole!
What did I tell you, Orville! There's your worm hole!
What did I tell you?  You're a hit! -- Klinger to Radar
What did I tell you? Neelix
What did I want at the store?  he asked listlessly
What did Mr. Spock find in the Enterprise toilet ? .....the captain's log
What did Mr. Spock find in the toilet? - The Captain's log.
What did Rocky and Bullwinkle do with Crusader Rabbit?
What did Rudolf say to his wife on Christmas Eve? I hope it doesn't rain, dear
What did Spock find in the toilet ?     The Captain's log!!!!!
What did Spock see in Kirk's fireplace?   The Captain's Logs
What did Webster use when he couldn't spell a word?
What did he do to us? - Spock
What did he mean and when did he mean it?
What did he mean, `there can be only one'?  One what?
What did he say his name was? Dr. WHO????
What did hot dog say when he crossed the finish line? I'm the wiener!
What did my lawyer say? Plead guilty just short of murder.
What did one OS say to the other OS?  Kiss my ASP.
What did one angry cannibal say to another?  "Wanna knuckle sandwich?"
What did one computer say to the other computer?
What did people do for pleasure before ice cream was invented?
What did people do to cause accidents before cell phones?
What did she model? Spark plugs? - Kryten
What did she model? Spark plugs? - Kryten
What did somebody say? That paradise must have looked like? Kirk
What did the Pole do with his first ten cent piece? He married her!
What did the actor do when he wanted to have his name up in light? He changed it to Exit
What did the angry king shout to the disloyal car? Off with her head-light!
What did the baby bee say to the Queen bee. Swarm in here, isn't it?
What did the baby computer say when it got hurt? I want my da-ta!
What did the baby horse say to the barn? Is my fodder (father) in there?
What did the blonde get on her Drivers Test? Drool
What did the blonde get on her Final Exams? Nail Polish
What did the blonde get on her IQ test? Drool.
What did the blonde name her pet zebra?      Spot.
What did the blondes left leg say to her right. Nothin they never met.
What did the candy bar say to the lollipop? Hello, sucker!
What did the cannibal call two hunters in a jeep?   Meals on wheels!
What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?  Wipe his ass
What did the cannibal get when he was late for dinner? The cold shoulder
What did the cannibal give his wife?  A box of farmer's fannies
What did the cat want to know?
What did the computer do in the cafeteria? It had a byte
What did the cream ever do to deserve to be whipped?
What did the drummer get on his IQ test?
What did the first person to buy a fax DO with it??
What did the first person who tasted chicken say it tasted like? "Mmmm. Tastes like..."
What did the kangaroo say when her baby was missing? Help! My pocket's been picked
What did the liberal get on his IQ test?  Drool
What did the lumberjack's wife say to him? Not many chopping days left before Christmas
What did the mother ghost say to her baby ghost at the dinner table? Stop goblin your food
What did the salt say to the pepper ? Season's Greetings
What did the vampire's son do on the baseball team? He was the bat boy
What did the yakuza say to the antelope? Youv'e got antlers.
What did they call it when Hubert Humphrey told a big one?  A Hum-dinger
What did they call you, the God of Lies?  - Vash to Q
What did they do to deserve this? Bashir
What did they do to you, Captain? Spock
What did tornado's sound like before freight trains were invented
What did we do before we got a computer or even worse a modem?
What did we learn from the last time I killed you?  Nothing?
What did you bring me to keep me from the gallows pole?
What did you bring that book I didn't want to be read to out of about Down Under up for?
What did you do *this* time?
What did you do during the Cardassian Occupation, Daddy?
What did you do to the computer, Monkey-Man?  -- Zaphod
What did you do while I was gone?!?!?! -Alyx
What did you dream?  It's alright we told you what to dream -Floyd
What did you expect from a guy from Comic conference?
What did you expect me to do? BEAM you in? - Tommy, 3rd Rock f/t Sun
What did you expect?  This is California!
What did you expect?  You're an astronaut! -- Crow T. Robot
What did you expect?  You're an astronaut, dickweed! -- Crow
What did you feed these tribble taglines @N@! They're multiplying!
What did you feed these tribble taglines Barry Blaes? They're multiplying!
What did you feed these tribble taglines Rick! They're multiplying!
What did you find? - Odo
What did you get on your IQ test, drool?
What did you get on your IQ test?...Drool? Are you a natural blonde?
What did you have for breakfast this morning, "Uggos" cereal?
What did you have in mind? - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
What did you have to gain by fighting the Tholians? McCoy
What did you hear? - Kira
What did you mean when you opened your mouth.
What did you say about free call waitin%#$(&^%$!#$%*^
What did you say your name was? - Kirk
What did you say?  A fish?  - Walt
What did you say? Oh, I thought you were talking to me
What did you see? - Lister Me! - The Cat
What did you think these were, decorations? - Londo
What did you think your savings account used to have?
What difference does a day in age make?
What difference does that make! - Quark
What distinguishes a PC from a boat anchor? Segment regs.
What distinguishes an PC from a boat anchor? Brand loyalty
What distinguishes an PC from a boat anchor? Segment registers.
What do 150 Smurfs do at a football game? ... The Blue Wave!
What do Aggies say before picking their noses?  Grace
What do BBSers make at summer camp?  Taglines!
What do Bill Clinton and a ripe lemon have in common? Both are yellow.
What do British cannibals serve?        Tea and ladyfingers
What do Crabs get?
What do DOS, QWK, VHS, and Windows have in common?
What do Eskimos buy at Christmas time?   Christmas seals
What do Fleas get?
What do I believe?  I believe in God...If He exists -S. Lec
What do I call you?  Lucifer?  Satan? -- Joe Malik
What do I do for a crust ?  I don't change my undies for a week.
What do I do for a living?  Oh, mostly just stay away from the ATF!
What do I do if I fall off a roof? Scott Calvin
What do I do when I can't afford the lawyer anymore?
What do I do when my love is away -Does it worry U to B alone? - Beatles
What do I do with this fish? ..... Stick it in your ear!
What do I get from loving you?  Loving you. - John Roger
What do I have to do to convince you people? --Q  Die. --Worf
What do I have to do to convince you people? Die.
What do I have to do to convince you that I'm mortal? - Q    DIE! - Worf
What do I have to do to convince your people? --Q. DIE! ---Worf.
What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm human!? Die.
What do I have up my sleeve?  Hairs! -  What do you have, feathers?
What do I know?  I only run this world
What do I know? - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
What do I look like, a tagline?
What do I look like?!  A dictionary!? - Noah Webster
What do I miss about my wife? Her absence.
What do I need at the supermarket? shelf control!
What do I need to do to correct and get past this error?
What do I need to know for my initial lawyer interviews?
What do I see on the icy plain? The desolate one. It's my terrain.
What do I want to be when I grow up?  Hmmmmmnnnnn, your age.
What do I wear to bed?  How about you?
What do Imperial troops drink at Christmas time?  Egg-Noghri!
What do Japanese women do on Erection Day? Vote!!!
What do Kermit's fingers taste like? A. Pork!
What do Lice get?
What do Microsoft and Volkswagon have in common? About a million bugs
What do SHEEP dream of?
What do Wiccans make at summer camp?  WITCH CRAFTS!
What do YOU read -&gt; GODISNOWHERE
What do YOU want? - Morden
What do YOU want? --Morden to Vir.
What do _you_ think? - Scully
What do aardvarks have that other animals don't have? Baby aardvarks
What do all the buttons do ? Nobody knows what all the bloody buttons do !
What do ants and bees use for cattle? asked Tom avidly.
What do baby ghosts enjoy chewing? Booble gum
What do batteries run on?
What do batteries run on? - S. Wright
What do batteries run on? - S.W.
What do batteries run on? -- Wright
What do batteries run on? ... What a @#$%'g Tagline!
What do batteries run on?  Steven Wright
What do blonde virgins eat? Baby food!
What do blondes do after they comb their hair? Pull up their pants!
What do blondes do for foreplay?               Remove their underwear
What do blondes do for foreplay?  Remove their underwear.
What do blondes have printed on the top of their ladders?        STOP!
What do blondes say after sex? "Are you boys all in the same band?"
What do blondes say after sex? "Thanks, Guys!"
What do blondes say after sex? "You guys all play for the same team?"
What do brunettes do on Saturday nights?           Write blonde jokes!
What do buffalo's count when they can't sleep?
What do bunnies do at a Pagan Festival?  Take notes.
What do call a polite technician?
What do call three fools on a bike, dumb-fools.
What do camels have that no other animal has? Baby camels
What do cannibals eat for dessert?  Chocolate covered aunts.
What do cannibals make out of politicians?   Bologna sandwiches
What do catfish eat?     Micefish?
What do churches have to do with lunatics? - Staal
What do computer engineers use for birth control?  Their personalities.
What do computer experts eat for a snack? Memory chips
What do computer programmers use for birth control?  Their personalities
What do doctors, lawyers and comedians have in common? The best are
What do electric sheep dream of?
What do electric sheep dream of?  (Nightmares of shear terror, perhaps?)
What do gay termites eat?  Mailboxes.
What do gay termites eat?  Woodpeckers.
What do good an evil mean?  To a vampire, everything -- Ty
What do have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?      Not enough sand
What do hookers do on their night off?
What do kobolds load their catapults with?  "Volunteers"
What do lawyers use as contraceptives?    Their personalities!
What do lawyers use for birth control? Their personalities.
What do macrobiotic cats eat?   Brown mice
What do mailcarriers do when they are angry?  They stamp their feet.
What do mean my hard drive went "Clank... Zinggggg?"
What do mean you're not registered?
What do monsters use to decorate parties? Creep (crepe) paper
What do most blonds have against condoms? Their cheeks!
What do numerologists think of 666?
What do people do with computers and no modem?
What do people do with computers and no modem? &lt;=See the SEX Tags?
What do people in China call their good plates?
What do people without modems do with their computers?
What do restaurants do with frog arms?
What do slime molds have more of than lawyers?      Respect
What do smurfs do at a baseball game?  The Blue Wave of course!
What do smurfs do at a soccer game?  The Blue Wave!
What do the Borg eat for dinner? Hamborger helper.
What do the lemmings know that we don't?
What do the words "Hard Drive Infected" mean???
What do they FEED you X-Men, anyway??
What do they call a boxer who gets beat up in a fight?  A sore loser.
What do they call a dozen feminists in a circle?  A DOPE ring!
What do they call a slip in Al  Anon?  A moment of compassion!
What do they call these letters and numbers again?
What do they live on when they can't get hobbit...?
What do they mean, powder? Gunpowder, curry powder, cocaine? -Mike
What do they say...Age WRONG QUOTE!
What do they ship Styrofoam in?
What do they ship packing material in?
What do they use to ship styrofoam?
What do those taglines do when we're not lookin'?
What do turkeys do when the wind DOESN'T blow?
What do u mean "i didnt know"? (Adam to Eve)
What do we do now 
What do we do now, go up and knock? - McCoy
What do we know about Garak? Sisko
What do we learn from history?  That we learn nothing from history.
What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other. - George Eliot
What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for each other.     --George Eliot
What do we want?  We want women, that's it! - Jerry Seinfeld
What do women lifeguards wear when they get married? Wading dresses
What do ya call a turtle with a hardon...Slow Poke
What do ya call milk that came from a cow with no legs? Dragon milk!
What do ya see when you look into a blonde's eyes?The back of her head
What do you *honestly* hope to see? - Scully to Mulder (DT)
What do you MEAN 'the engines are missing'!?
What do you MEAN I can't play DOOM under OS/2? [Nuking OS/2...].
What do you Mean it won't fit?! Push Harder!
What do you add to powdered water.....Heat!
What do you burn, apart from witches? Wood. So why do witches burn?
What do you call 10 blond's lined up ear to ear? A Windtunnel
What do you call 10 blondes at the bottom of the pool? Air pockets
What do you call 10 blondes standing ear to ear? A wind tunnel
What do you call 100 lesbians with rifles?  Militia Etheridge!
What do you call 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
What do you call 1000 lawyers up to their necks in sand? Not enough sand
What do you call 12 Democrats in a cemetary? "A get-out-the-vote rally!"
What do you call 13 Witches in a hot tub?  A self-cleaning coven
What do you call 15 blondes in a circle? A dope ring
What do you call 2 blondes in the freezer.  ---Frosted Flakes---
What do you call 2 gays named Bob? Oral Roberts.
What do you call 20 blondes in a Freezer?    Frosted Flakes
What do you call 32 redneck women?   A full set of teeth.
What do you call 4 blondes lying on the ground? An air mattress
What do you call 500 bureaucrats at the bottom of the Potomac river?  A start
What do you call 6 blondes on the bottom of a pool - an air pocket.
What do you call 6 blondes placed ear to ear?     A wind tunnel.
What do you call Bob the mailman after he gets fired?  Bob.
What do you call Hooker's kids? Brothel Sprouts.
What do you call Klingon Romance?  Dangerous!
What do you call Lum's horns?  HANDLEBARS!
What do you call McCoy's father?  He's dad, Jim.
What do you call a 13 on a par 5
What do you call a 2-year-old blonde on a waterbed? Cherry Float
What do you call a 4-door Yugo?   A Wego
What do you call a Bohemian that gets thrown out of a bar?  A bounced Czech.
What do you call a Borg with no arms or legs?  An appliance!
What do you call a Borg with no arms or legs?  An appliance!
What do you call a Dallas Cowboy in a 3 peice suit? The Defendent...:)
What do you call a Girl Guide in Belgium? A Brussels Scout?
What do you call a Klingon that baits hooks? A Fisherman's Worf
What do you call a MAN w/o arms or legs being stoned to death?  ROCKY
What do you call a MAN w/o arms or legs starving to death?  LES
What do you call a Marine in a leather jacket? Rebel Without A Clue.
What do you call a Marine with half a brain?  Gifted.
What do you call a SF story about telepathy?  Psi-Fi.
What do you call a Toronto Argo in the end zone?           A safety.
What do you call a WOMAN w/o arms or legs in a shotgun wedding?  MARY
What do you call a Witch on a Harley?      Hex Angel
What do you call a baby grapefruit? A little squirt
What do you call a baseball hit high in the air during a game played under lights? A fly-by-night
What do you call a basement full of blondes? A whine cellar
What do you call a beautiful girl in Poland? A tourist
What do you call a blonde at the library? Lost!
What do you call a blonde behind a steering wheel? An Air Bag
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes - - confused.
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes?         A mental block.
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes?    Confused.
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes?  A mental block.
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes?  Confused.
What do you call a blonde between two brunettes? A mental block.
What do you call a blonde golfer with an IQ of 125? A foursome
What do you call a blonde in a leather jacket?      Rebel Without A Clue
What do you call a blonde in a tree?          A branch manager!
What do you call a blonde mother-in-law? An air bag
What do you call a blonde on a waterbed?      An off-shore drilling rig.
What do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells?    Pregnant
What do you call a blonde with a runny nose? Full
What do you call a blonde with half a brain?                     Gifted!
What do you call a blonde with half a brain? Gifted!
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?  A stick.
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick! - Bill Kirchenbaum
What do you call a brontosaurus who gets angry when he doesn't win? A saur (sore) loser
What do you call a brunette between two blondes - an interpreter.
What do you call a brunette with a blonde on each side?  An interpreter.
What do you call a buzzing inside a blonde's head?  A Space Invader.
What do you call a camel without a hump ? .....Humphrey
What do you call a circle of blondes???????         A Dope Ring!
What do you call a cow that can't do anything right? Miss-steak
What do you call a cow with no legs?  Ground beef!
What do you call a dead Minbari floating in the Ocean?  A Minbouy.
What do you call a deer with no eyes?   No idear
What do you call a dog with no legs?  Cat because he won't come.
What do you call a dog with three legs? Tippy
What do you call a dog with wings? Linda McCartney.
What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. 
What do you call a female clown? A Clunt :-)
What do you call a female clown? A Clunt :-)
What do you call a female sex change operation, Addadicktoome
What do you call a fish with two knees?
What do you call a fly buzzing inside a Marine's head? Lonely.
What do you call a fly buzzing inside a blonde's head?  A Space Invader.
What do you call a gay dinosaur?...................Megasoreass.
What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet? A holy terror
What do you call a golden retriever?                     A smart blonde!
What do you call a golden retriever? A: A smart blonde!
What do you call a good looking girl at RICE?   Visitor!
What do you call a group of blondes scuba diving? Air Bub
What do you call a hooker and four blondes A: Regular price, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks, four bucks
What do you call a lawyer buried up to his neck in sand? Not enough sand
What do you call a lawyer with an IQ &lt; 40? "Your Honor."
What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 2?   'Your Honor'.
What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 40?...RICH!
What do you call a limbless man sitting on a lawyer's desk?  Will
What do you call a lion tamer who puts his right arm down a hungry lion's throat? Lefty
What do you call a male ladybug?
What do you call a man being run over by a car?   Lane
What do you call a man buried up to the neck? Spike
What do you call a man flying over a fence?   Homer
What do you call a man hanging on the wall?    Art
What do you call a man in a bathtub?  Dwayne
What do you call a man in a dump truck?   Rocky
What do you call a man in a pile of leaves?  Pete
What do you call a man in a pot of boiling water?  Stu
What do you call a man in a swimming pool? Wade
What do you call a man in the fireplace, an hour later? Ashley
What do you call a man in the fireplace?    Bernie
What do you call a man in the ocean? Bob
What do you call a man lying beside a carnival ride?  Ralph
What do you call a man lying on a lawyer's desk?  Will
What do you call a man next to a hole?   Doug
What do you call a man on a chalkboard?    Mark
What do you call a man on the President's desk?   Vito
What do you call a man pinned under a car?    Jack
What do you call a man stuffed in a mailbox?  Bill
What do you call a man swimming in the ocean?  Rusty
What do you call a man under a bed?  Dusty
What do you call a man who is amazed?   A Paul
What do you call a man who is foaming at the mouth?   Bud
What do you call a man whose colour is just a bit off? Hugh
What do you call a man will half a brain?  Gifted.
What do you call a man with an I.Q. of 50?  GIFTED!
What do you call a man with no arms & no legs lying in a ditch? Phil
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs water-skiing? Skip
What do you call a man with no arms or leg hanging on the wall?  Art
What do you call a man with no arms or legs in the pool? Bob
What do you call a man with no arms or legson a stage? Mike and Stan
What do you call a man without the torso?   Dick
What do you call a merry-go-round for ghosts? A Scare-ousel
What do you call a milkman in high heels. Dairy Queen.
What do you call a monster that is nine feet tall, has six arms and poisonous fingernails? Sir
What do you call a movie about giant prehistoric dogs? Jurassic Bark.
What do you call a nun after a sex change?  A transistor.
What do you call a nut that has a cold .... cashew!
What do you call a person who knows 1 language? AMERICAN!!
What do you call a person who knows 2 languages? Bilingual.
What do you call a person who knows one language?  American!
What do you call a person who sticks his right arm down a shark's throat? Lefty
What do you call a podium that eats people? Hannibal Lecter
What do you call a prostitute with a runny nose? Full!
What do you call a prostitute with a runny nose? Full!
What do you call a schizophrenic Zen Buddhist? A person who is at two with the universe.
What do you call a ski slope covered in blondes?  Frosted flakes
What do you call a ski slope covered in blondes?  Frosted flakes
What do you call a skip full of Amigas?  A good start
What do you call a smart blond? A labrador.
What do you call a smart blonde? A Golden Retriever
What do you call a swimming pool full of Marines?  Live bait.
What do you call a swimming pool full of blondes?  Frosted Flakes.
What do you call a swimming pool full of blondes? Bobbing for Bimbos!
What do you call a vampire teen's allowance for lunch? Blood money
What do you call a well-hung bear? Genital Ben.
What do you call a woman with no arms or legs by the ocean side? Sandy
What do you call a woman with no arms or legs holding a coat? Peg
What do you call a woman with no arms or legs on a BBQ grill? Patti
What do you call a woman with only one leg?....Ilene
What do you call a zit on a blonde's ass? A brain tumor
What do you call an Argo in the end zone?                  Dead Meat.
What do you call an Argo in the end zone? Dead Meat.
What do you call an Argo scoring drive?                      A dream.
What do you call an Argo scoring drive?                      A dream.
What do you call an empathic Klingon...DANGEROUS!!!
What do you call an honest lawyer?       An impossibility
What do you call an intelligent blonde?  An impossibility.
What do you call an unmarried blonde in a BMW? Divorcee
What do you call cat diapers?  PamPurrs
What do you call five blondes at the bottom of the pool? Air bubbles
What do you call grit in a condom? An organ grinder!
What do you call guys that hang out with musicians? Drummers.
What do you call it when you can't remember stuff?
What do you call it?  Satan?  The Devil? - Mulder
What do you call male ballerinas?
What do you call poisoned coffee?  Grounds for divorce.
What do you call poisoned coffee?  Grounds for divorce.
What do you call prostitutes' kids?... Brothel sprouts!
What do you call six blondes placed ear to ear?           A wind tunnel.
What do you call someone who bites a police officer? A law a-biting citizen
What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?  A drummer.
What do you call someone who is actually proficients in both Windows and Linux? AmbidextrOS
What do you call someone who's 1/2 Mexican? Sorta-Rican
What do you call someone who's 1/2 Mexican? Sorta-Rican
What do you call the dumbest fish in school?  LUNCH!!!
What do you call the ice cream truck man? A sundae driver
What do you call the most popular stud in a gay bar?   Uncle Ream-us.
What do you call the son of a couch potato? * A Tater Tot
What do you call thirteen witches in a hot tub? A self-cleaning coven!
What do you call this? (Asked with one's arms folded across one's chest.) A Dumbidian bra
What do you call those? Flavius Maximus
What do you call twelve blondes in a circle?                A Dope Ring.
What do you call twelve blondes in a circle? A: A Dope Ring.
What do you call twelve newbies in a circle?  A dope ring.
What do you call twenty blondes in a Freezer?            Frosted Flakes.
What do you call two blondes in a Volkswagen?  Farfromthinkin
What do you call two fools on a bike--damn foolish.
What do you call two skunks 69-ing? Odor eaters!
What do you call two witches living together? Broommates.
What do you call useless flesh around a pussy? Woman
What do you calla man in a butter dish?   Pat
What do you can a med student who graduates last in his class?  Doctor!
What do you despise? By this are you truly known. - Frank Herbert (Dune)
What do you despise? By this are you truly known. --from "Manual of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan
What do you do if your girlfriend walks-out?  You shut the door.
What do you do in real life?
What do you do when CPR fails? You Barium.
What do you do when a pit bull humps your leg?  Fake an orgasm!
What do you do when the moderator thinks he's God?  Shoot him.
What do you do when you discover an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
What do you do when you want to have sex? - Nirvana Crane
What do you do when you've written more books than you've read?
What do you do with a co-dependent sailor?
What do you do with a giggle with a chickenfit?
What do you do with a manically depressed Robot?
What do you do with an eggplant?  Put it back
What do you expect from a hog, but a grunt?
What do you expect from a man who keeps thumbtacks as pet
What do you expect from a throw away society?
What do you expect from something made from a rib?
What do you expect from the "Just-Us" system? 
What do you expect if you steal the flagship of an admiral's fleet?
What do you expect me to do, keep on using the same old boring text?
What do you expect, a hologram to knock? - Al, "Nuclear Family"
What do you expect, a hologram to knock? -- Al Calavicci
What do you expect?  It is a computer. * Worf
What do you expect?  This is California!
What do you expect?  This is Ohio!
What do you expect?  This is a country founded by religious nuts with guns
What do you expect? This is Kansas!
What do you expect? This is NZ!
What do you expect? This was a country founded by religious nuts with guns.
What do you expect? We're Alanas... -Serendipity
What do you feed a Trojan horse? A latex lollipop!
What do you feed your dog? - Ace Ventura
What do you get a Wookiee for x-mas?
What do you get for the man who has everything?  A burglar alarm!
What do you get if a bird flies into a lawn mower? Shredded tweet
What do you get if two prehistoric monsters accidentally bumps into each other at m.p.h.? Tyrannosaurus wrecks (rex)
What do you get if you cross a Tagline and a tribble? A full HD.
What do you get if you cross a cat and a dog? A stupid cat.
What do you get if you cross a chicken with Quark's nephew? Eggnog
What do you get if you cross a cow and a camel? Lumpy milkshake
What do you get if you cross a pig with a naked runner? Streaky bacon
What do you get if you cross a tagline and a Tribble? A full HD
What do you get if you cross poison ivy with a four-left clover? You get a rash
What do you get if you drop Kira down a mine shaft? A flat Major!
What do you get if you lobotomize a cat?  A dog
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?  42?
What do you get if you play New Age music backwards?
What do you get if you play New Age music backwards?  New Age music
What do you get if you play New Age music backwards? New \SLMR\TAG
What do you get if you remove half a cat's brain? A smart dog!
What do you get when Borg and a blender meet? HamBorger
What do you get when a blonde drops her pants??  A brunette
What do you get when all the cannisters of radioactive waste that have been dumped in the ocean finally corrode?
What do you get when you REALLY squish an android?  DATA.ARJ.
What do you get when you cross Dos, Win & Mac? OS/2 2.1 & then some
What do you get when you cross IBM & Apple?  IBM
What do you get when you cross Lee Iacocca with Count Dracula? autoexec.bat
What do you get when you cross Win, DOS and Mac?  OS/2 and then some!
What do you get when you cross a Sysop with a ... @#$% NO CARRIER
What do you get when you cross a Sysop with*^*(#%$&*@#%NO CARRIER
What do you get when you cross a computer with a mule? A computer that gives you a real kick when you plug it in
What do you get when you cross a dinosaur and a poof? A Megasoreass.
What do you get when you cross a lawyer with a Mafioso? A hit-man who misses!
What do you get when you cross a lesbian with a draft dodger? Chelsea
What do you get when you cross a moose and a cow?
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?  Elephino!
What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?    An offer you can't understand!
What do you get when you cross the side of your head with an angry little girl? Surly Temple
What do you get when you crossbreed Dos, Win & Mac? OS/2! & then some
What do you get when you put 2 blondes in a freezer?  Frosted Flakes.
What do you get when you squish an android?!
What do you get when you turn 3 blondes upside-down? Two brunettes
What do you getWhen you put 2 blondes in a freezer? Frosted Flakes.
What do you give a dead baby for xmas? A dead puppy
What do you give a guy who has everything? a box to put it in (James E. Cornette)
What do you give a man who has everything?  Penicillin. -- Jerry Lester
What do you give the blonde that has everything? Penicillin
What do you guys got anyway - secret handshake? &lt;Richie&gt;
What do you have in mind, Tuvok? Janeway
What do you have to lose? Open it! Zek
What do you have wh--click... click... click... damn, out of TagLines!
What do you have when you have six lawyers buried up to their necks in sand? Not enough sand
What do you honestly hope to see? - Scully to Mulder
What do you know about her? - Sisko
What do you know about it, ape-man?
What do you know about zombies? - Mulder
What do you know, asswipe? - Beavis
What do you know?  That command or file name KICKED BUTT!!
What do you know?  We're major mockers. -- Hawkeye
What do you make of it, Mr. Tuvok? Janeway
What do you make of that?...Damn--there goes another!
What do you make of the cat, Mr. Spock? - Kirk
What do you mean "38L isn't 'medium'"?
What do you mean "911" isn't the number for information?
What do you mean "CONNECT 14,400 ????"
What do you mean "I burned the oatmeal"?  That's the coffee!
What do you mean "I'm fired," I thought slaves were sold.
What do you mean "My birth certificate expired"?
What do you mean "Read the Manual"? ANYONE can find out THAT way!
What do you mean "You're fired?" I thought slaves were sold
What do you mean "do I have any Ductape?"
What do you mean "file not found"? You had it last!
What do you mean "get a life"?  This *is* my life!
What do you mean "my G String isn't wound!
What do you mean "off topic!" .. I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I
What do you mean "you formatted the cat"!
What do you mean '20 years for holding up a donut shop!'!!
What do you mean 'I burnt the oatmeal'?    That's COFFEE!!
What do you mean 'I burnt the oatmeal'? That's
What do you mean 'I'm in a wheelchair'?
What do you mean 'KING'?! He died on the BOWL!
What do you mean 'We just did it' Kes ?!?! - Neelix in Nebula
What do you mean 'We', Kimosabe? he asked bravely
What do you mean 'We're enroute to Babylon 5'? - Picard
What do you mean 'Where's the car'? This *is* the car
What do you mean 'oddities'? - Mulder
What do you mean 'the computer LIKES CHEESE?!
What do you mean 'we', Kemosabe?
What do you mean 'yes,' it's me. - Ivanova
What do you mean - I'm dead?
What do you mean -- can't install Windows on a CD ROM?
What do you mean /home was on that disk?  I umounted it!
What do you mean Cindy's number is unlisted?
What do you mean I always answer a question with another question?
What do you mean I am fired? I thought slaves were sold
What do you mean I burnt the oatmeal?  That's COFFEE!
What do you mean I can't do that ? I'm the only paying member here
What do you mean I don't have taglines with tuna, dolphin or garlic?
What do you mean I don't sound like my GIF?
What do you mean I dont have any time-outs left!
What do you mean I have (minus) 300 taglines?
What do you mean I have line nois$&%*(*%(#*@#!(%^$%*((^?
What do you mean I have  s???
What do you mean I hit with negative damage?
What do you mean I lost an eighth?
What do you mean I need a license to do that??!
What do you mean I only get 60 characters? - Ardra
What do you mean I'll get fat eating Tribbles?  I only had one
What do you mean I'm NUTS!!!
What do you mean I'm a $1 million over my credit limit?!
What do you mean I'm overdrawn?... I still have checks!
What do you mean Invalid Parameters? 90 zillion gigs of RAM...-EWJim
What do you mean QWK? It took me HOURS to read!
What do you mean QWK? It took me over an hour to read!
What do you mean `Save versus Overkill?!'
What do you mean `We're enroute to Babylon 5'? - Picard
What do you mean back up my hard disk? There's no reverse switch!
What do you mean by `Zuchinni of Death', Blindside? -- MindWeb
What do you mean he'll need a tie to come in? This is my wife!
What do you mean he's garbage?he's a great quarterback
What do you mean high sticking? I was just stretching- Chris Chelios
What do you mean it costs $35 to get Tech support from Compaq!!
What do you mean it is beta? Looks worsa to me
What do you mean it'll take ONLY another 3 days to fix th
What do you mean my Birth Certificate Expired!!!
What do you mean my Thunder Rabbit's been assimilated?
What do you mean my birth certificate expired?
What do you mean my characters talk funny? D. RUNYON
What do you mean my engines on fire!  I only have one.
What do you mean my family tree has root rot!
What do you mean my grandparents didn't have any kids!?! 
What do you mean my hard drive went "Clank... ZINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!"?
What do you mean my rabbit's been assimilated?
What do you mean not IBM compatable, their both beige
What do you mean read the manual?  ANYONE can get answers THAT way!
What do you mean read the manual? Anyone can find out THAT way!
What do you mean she was only 12 years old then????
What do you mean she was only 12????
What do you mean that 2 years have passed??
What do you mean that I need a license to do that?
What do you mean that could take down the whole network?
What do you mean that my urine sample is too small?
What do you mean that sign didn't say DRIVE OFFENSIVELY ?
What do you mean the Romulans have developed Phas- Picard
What do you mean the computer is telling you I am dead - Darkwood
What do you mean the replicator can't make Kitty Litter!
What do you mean there aren't any parachutes onboard.
What do you mean there's cyanide in the water? *&^% NO PERRIER
What do you mean there's no McDonalds on Normandy beach
What do you mean they are ONLY taglines?
What do you mean they've repossessed the Enterprise?
What do you mean this isn't the teenage lesbian nazi hookers echo?
What do you mean we have another modem to feed!?
What do you mean we're out of bat's milk again, Tammy?!!!
What do you mean you "formated" the cat?!?
What do you mean you `Killed him, cha-cha-cha'?  -D. Lister
What do you mean you actually read this Tagline? I only just wrote it!
What do you mean you can't find the remote?  Look under the cat!
What do you mean you cast fireball, you $! munchkin! Your a fighter!
What do you mean you didn't pay the pho*&!@^%$#* NO CARRIER
What do you mean you formatted c:?
What do you mean you killed him, cha-cha-cha? --Lister.
What do you mean you read the manual? ANYONE can find out THAT way!
What do you mean you saved ALL MY DATA on the RAMDISK yesterday?!
What do you mean you're not sure? - Sisko
What do you mean, "All Hailing Frequencies BUSY!" ??
What do you mean, "Bambi does Boston" isn't on the Disney Channel?
What do you mean, "Taglines are supposed to be funny?"
What do you mean, "The computer likes cheese"?!
What do you mean, "Your birth certificate expired?"
What do you mean, "sense THIS!"?  -- Troi
What do you mean, 'Flash Gordon approaching'?
What do you mean, 'beings like yourselves?' - Kirk
What do you mean, 'nice costume'? This is my best toga!
What do you mean, *you're* a solipsist?
What do you mean, BACK to normal?!??
What do you mean, I hit with negative damage?!
What do you mean, QWK?  It took me five hours to read!!!
What do you mean, Sense THIS!? -Troi
What do you mean, The window is open?
What do you mean, `Camels don't swallow?, Just look at those lips!!
What do you mean, `You've got a job for me?' - Hercules
What do you mean, `if both survive'? -- Kirk
What do you mean, am I getting smart with you? How would you know?
What do you mean, caffeine isn't a vitamin?
What do you mean, lupins?
What do you mean, my Birth Certificate has expired...??
What do you mean, my birth certificate is expired?!?
What do you mean, my new command is a garbage scow?? * Riker
What do you mean, my urine sample is too small?
What do you mean, no pulse? - Hawkeye
What do you mean, no welfare cost of living raise?
What do you mean, sense THIS! Troi.
What do you mean, the Dragon has +25 for attacking
What do you mean, the library closes in 5 minutes??
What do you mean, there's a contrail following us
What do you mean, two years have passed??
What do you mean, we're en-route to Babylon 5? - Janeway
What do you mean, we're not getting paid?
What do you mean, what King? - Old Thrashbarg
What do you mean, what sort of work? I'm a doctor! - McCoy
What do you mean, what's real under my uniform? Troi
What do you mean, where's my real uniform?  Troi
What do you mean, you "formatted the cat"...?!?
What do you mean, you compressed the cat?
What do you mean, you don't staple diskette labels on?
What do you mean, you formatted the cat?
What do you mean, you formatted the slave?!?!?!?
What do you mean, you had the dog fixed?   Just what made you  think he was broken!
What do you mean, you reformatted the cat???
What do you mean, you're overbooked?
What do you mean, you've got a little job for me?  --  Hercules
What do you mean, you've never heard of the "Dead Parrot Sketch"?
What do you mean?   You actually read this Tagline?!?
What do you mean?  A European, an African,....or a Cardassian swallow?
What do you mean?  An African or European swallow?
What do you mean?  I'm a Doctor.
What do you mean?  You actually read this Tagline?!?
What do you mean? - Mulder
What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?
What do you mean? You actually read these Taglines?!?
What do you mean? You actually read this ?!?
What do you miss by being a Christian?  HELL!
What do you pay him?
What do you plant to grow a seedless watermelon?
What do you put your Grey Poupon?
What do you say the child whose god is in the TV. And what do you say to the man who blames the world on TV - Live
What do you say to a Blonde that won't give in? "Have another beer."
What do you say to a beer, Normie?...Hi ya, sailor.  New in town?
What do you say to a blonde with no arms and no legs? "Nice tits!"
What do you say to a one-legged hitchhiker? Hop in!
What do you say we guys go down to the beach and shoot some clams?
What do you say when Betty Crocker comes out on the baseball field? Batter up!
What do you say when a hooker asks you "Trick or Treat?"
What do you say, Norm?....Any cheap, tawdry thing that'll get me a beer.
What do you say... grease gusher no. 7? - Vinnie
What do you see -&gt;GODISNOWHERE
What do you see when looking into a blonde's eyes? Back of her head.
What do you see when you go to a Shakespeare play put on by eggs? Eggs-acting
What do you see when you look into a Marine's eyes? The back of his head
What do you see when you look into a blonde's eyes? Back of her head.
What do you see when you turn out the light??
What do you see? Ugly black spots!
What do you suppose Stephen King nightmares?
What do you suppose gives Nicole Schwab nightmares?
What do you suppose gives Stephen King nightmares???
What do you suppose gives Wayne Erikson nightmares?
What do you think I paid for this recipe?
What do you think I paid for this tagline?
What do you think about @TOFIRST@ Bundy?  No?  @TOFIRST@ Simpson? Hmm
What do you think he really meant?
What do you think it is, a space helmet for a cow? - The Doctor
What do you think it is? - Scully
What do you think of Flushing, NY? I think it's a great idea
What do you think of my bandanna?  &lt;a few quick dance steps&gt;-Anna S
What do you think of that girl, girl? She's Blair!
What do you think of the Enterprise-D? - Picard
What do you think of the Enterprise-D? - Picard
What do you think of the Enterprise-D? Picard to Scott
What do you think of the Human Race?  I'd like an outsider's opinion.
What do you think of the Tibetan ox? yackety-yakked Tom.
What do you think of the dead politician in the river bottom? A start!
What do you think of this Klingon weapon? asked Worf
What do you think of this Klingon weapon? asked Worf with a heavy acce
What do you think that kind of thing does to a kid
What do you think that kind of thing does to a kid. - Alex Knox
What do you think this is, chopped liver?
What do you think we're dealing with here? - Scully to Mulder
What do you think where all the fairies come from, @F?
What do you think whether your brain thinks?
What do you think you're doing? Bashir
What do you think, Clay? - Frank to Dr. F
What do you think, I'm in Math, or something? :)
What do you think, Mulder? --Scully. About the guy's plumbing? --Mulder.
What do you think, farm boy? - Dr. Forrester to Joel
What do you think?
What do you throw at jungle animals when they get married? Wild rice
What do you use to paint a rabbit ? Hare spray
What do you waiting for?? X-Mas??
What do you want ME to do about it?
What do you want for nothing?
What do you want for nothing? Rrrrrrrrrrrubber biscuit?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from us?  We're evil!  EVIL!!!
What do you want from us? We're Evil!
What do you want me to do with this cyst? -Crow as barber
What do you want me to do with this rectal thermometer?
What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?
What do you want me to do?  Wear a skirt and do the hula? -Timon
What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?
What do you want on your corn flakes dear? More mail please. - Lister?
What do you want to be inscrutable *for*, Marcia?
What do you want to be inscrutable for?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you want to be when you grow up? I'm looking for ideas
What do you want to buy today ?
What do you want to crash today?
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?  Pinky
What do you want to do, throw molotovs? -- Tully
What do you want to go back into the Army for?   Donna Reed
What do you want to pay today?
What do you want to wait for today ??
What do you want with the Pentagon? --Dillinger
What do you want you moon faced assassin of joy? - Londo (B5)
What do you want, O Knights Who No Longer Say "NEE!"?
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?
What do you want?  A Xerox copy of the Unwritten Law???
What do you want?  Good Graphics or Good Taste?
What do you want? want the moon?  James Stewart
What do you want? - Richard Franklin To talk. - Franklin
What do you want? - Sheridan Never ask that question. - Kosh
What do you want? --Richard Franklin. To talk. --Franklin.
What do you want? --Sheridan. Never ask that question. --Kosh.
What do you want? Good Graphics or Good Taste.
What do you want? What do you want from me? Sheridan
What do you wish me to do, dear? - Data
What do'ya mean 1993 doesn't belong to family 234?
What doctors do when treatment fails.
What does "File Allocation Table bad" mean?
What does "Hard Disk Destroyed" mean?
What does "it" mean in the sentence "What time is it?"?
What does 'FORMATTING DRIVE C' mean?
What does 86 years come out with time off for good behavior?
What does Anita Hill really want?  A hung jury.
What does Bill Clinton say after sex?  "Be home in an hour, Hillary."
What does Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy do?
What does Geronimo say when he jumps out of an airplane?
What does God need with a Star Ship? -- Spock
What does Keyboard Time expired mea
What does Michael do now that Lisa's left him? Beat It!
What does Murphy Brown has that Dan Quayle hasn't?
What does NO CARRIER mean?  Hello?  HELLO?
What does Osiris's crow say?    Ka!  Ka!  Ka!
What does RU4692 Mean? Are you for 69 too?
What does Santa do at a house with no chimney?
What does Troi have to say about Klingon sex?
What does Windows NT stands for?  Nervous Technicians?
What does Worf need with a Starship--er--woman
What does Worf need with a Starship... er... woman?
What does Zek want with me? Quark
What does Ziggy say, Al?
What does `Formatting Non-Removable Media' mean?
What does a 300lb canary say?  "Here kitty, kitty..."
What does a Chtorran call California?  Granola.  It'
What does a Computer Frog say? Reboot, Reboot, Reboot!
What does a Do Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy do?
What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage? A croaking device.
What does a Vorlon football uniform look like?
What does a blond do first in the morning?  Introduces herself
What does a blonde ask before having sex? By the hour, or flat rate?
What does a blonde make best for dinner? Reservations
What does a blonde owl say? " What? What?"
What does a blonde say after multiple orgasms? "Way to go, team"!
What does a blonde say after sex?
What does a blonde say after sex?      So, are you all on the same team?
What does a blonde say after sex? "You guys all in the same club?"
What does a blonde say during a porno movie? "There I am, giggle"!!
What does a blonde say in the morning?  Who are you guys????
What does a blonde think 7-11 is?   An emergency number
What does a blonde think an innuendo is? An Italian suppository
What does a dancer usually drink? Tap water!
What does a dolphin know about ferrets?
What does a female cat call her reproductive organ?
What does a fool do on Monday, go to work!
What does a fool do on Tuesday, foolish things.
What does a freezing cow give? Ice cream
What does a frog in a blender REALLY looks like?
What does a homosexual call hemorrhoids? Speed bumps.
What does a lawyer and a sperm have in common?    Both have about a one in 3 million chance of becoming a humanbeing!
What does a quantum duck say?  Quark, quark!
What does a racist call a smurf?   A smigger
What does a racist call a smurf?   A smigger...........
What does a redneck call the first girl he has sex with?  Sis!
What does a sacred chao say?  MU!
What does a snail say while riding on the back of a turtle?    WHEE!
What does an ANSI standard person look like?  :-)
What does an agnostic dyslexic insomniac do?
What does an anal probe do?        SEE COLON
What does an elephant have to remember anyway?
What does cerebrate mean?
What does cheese say when being photographed?  Mouse!
What does eating have to do with Spam?  &lt;baffled look&gt;
What does education often do?  It makes a straight cut ditch of a free meandering brook. -- Henry David Thoreau
What does enter your sex mean, Mr. Sysop? ... NO CARRIER
What does ginger beer have to do with CJ's books?
What does he do, this man you seek? -- Hannibal Lector
What does he think it is, a potting shed or something? - The Doctor
What does ignorant mean?
What does it all MEAN, @TOFIRST@?
What does it all MEAN, Orville?
What does it all MEAN, Stimpy???
What does it feel like to kill another man with your bare hands?
What does it feel like to loose one's mind?
What does it feel like when a person is loosing his mind? - Data
What does it mean Exact Change? -- Spock
What does it mean `N*o*t E*n*o*u*g*h C*r*e*d*i*t to Post NetMail'?
What does it mean if there is no fortune for you?
What does it mean to pre-board? Do you get on before you get on?
What does it mean when there's fire coming from the HD?
What does it mean when your messages are turned into Taglines?
What does it mean, 'exact change?' - Spock
What does it mean?  Arrogant son of a... - Renee Picard
What does it mean?  Two girls with green eyes.... - Lo Pan
What does it mean? Arrogant son of a- Renee Picard
What does it take to have just one happy day?
What does low level format mean? ... NO CARRIER
What does marriage teach women?  Patience.
What does more damage? Wave Motion Cannon or the Dirty Pair?
What does not destroy me, makes me strong. - Friedrich Nietzsche
What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. - Nietzsche
What does not kill me makes me stronger. - Friedrich Nietzsche
What does not kill me only makes me more cynical.   by Ryan Ayukawa
What does not kill us makes us extremely nauseous.
What does not kill us makes us extremely nauseous.
What does not kill you makes you stronger
What does please enter your sex mean Mr. Sysop? ... NO CARRIER
What does serious literature say about trolls?
What does she think this is, a free-for-all chat channel? - Rollins
What does that device do? Crusher
What does that little red flashing light mean?
What does that mean, `not exactly?' -- Sisko
What does that mean? - Kira
What does the "Paper Out" Light mean on my printer?
What does the Bermuda Triangle and blondes have in common A: They've both swallowed a lot of semen
What does the Infantry call Airborne?  Skeet Shoot!
What does the blonde say after sex? - Thanks, guys
What does the blonde take after an orgy? 25 Birth Control Pills
What does the word "ignorant" mean?
What does this "FORMAT C:\ ?" command mean?
What does this big red button do?
What does this button do +++ATH+++ CARRIER LOST.
What does this button do ... &lt;click&gt;
What does this button do? ...!@$@#$!# &lt;NO CARRIER&gt;
What does this button do?...
What does this cord Ue0O.1l NO CARRIER
What does this do, Mr Woof?
What does this do, Mr. Woof? -- Lwaxana Troi
What does this have to do with anything?!?! - Crow
What does this little red switch do?
What does this red button do?
What does this say? I'm bald bite me! HEY! - Crow on note
What does this yellow flashing light by canopy jettison handle mean?
What does your Rice Crispies say to you?  "PLEASE!  Don't eat me!!!"
What does your Rice Crispies say to you? "Help!  I'm drowning!"
What does  mean?  I'm sorry, thats private
What does... incompetent mean?  What does... baffled mean?
What _mood_ have to do with anything?! - Intendant
What doesn't destroy me makes me stronger.
What doesn't kill me had better be able to run damn fast.
What doesn't kill me is dead on *MY* turn... - Rhinya
What doesn't kill me is dead when I'm through with it!
What doesn't kill me is dead when it's MY turn.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
What don't I know my butt from?  A hole in the ground. -- Crow
What drives a baseball batter crazy? A pitcher that throws a screwball!
What drug, Doctor? Amanda
What else can I do? - Sisko
What else can go wronggggggggg
What else can you do at 3:00 am?
What else can you do besides making me unhappy?
What else floats?  "Bread!"  "Apples!"  "Very small rocks!"
What eventually killed Einstein was a stroke of genius
What ever DID happen  to Tiger on 'The Brady Bunch'???
What ever get's you through your life, it's alright, it's
What ever happened to "Do not fold, spindle or mutilate?"
What ever happened to Casper the Friendly Boy?
What ever happened to EFFICIENT code, anyway?
What ever happened to Fay Wray?
What ever happened to Faye Wray? She went Ape!
What ever happened to Henson Cargill?
What ever happened to MS-UNO?
What ever happened to Nehi and A&W Root Beer?
What ever happened to Saturday night?
What ever happened to happily ever after?
What ever happened to my sense of proportion?
What ever happened to, "It's the economy, stupid!"
What ever happened to: Party dog Spuds McKenzie?
What ever you ask the answer is no
What ever you d
What ever you do, DON'T STEP IN IT!
What ever you want is going to cost a little more than it is worth. -- The Second Law Of Thermodynamics
What every Woman wants is what another woman has!
What every collge student learns..."Hold it in! Hold it! Hold it!"
What evil is it, abroad this night? Furtive, in the darkness creeps.
What evil lurks in the heart of men? -Mike as stalker
What evil lurks in the mind of the Centauri? --G'Kar knows!
What exactly IS 1-hour Martinizing???
What exactly are the Q? - Amanda Rogers
What exactly are the problems you are having?
What exactly are these taglines?
What exactly are you basing all this on, doctor? - Odo
What exactly are you planning to do with that knife? - Odetta
What exactly do Borg pets look like???
What exactly does a "Training" Bra do?
What exactly does the acronym VIRGA stand for, said the pilot
What exactly have you done to me? Klingon Torres
What exactly is a reindeer game?
What exactly is it you want me to say? Bashir
What exactly is on your mind?  (If you'll excuse the exaggeration.)
What exactly is this TWIT thing anyway? Hey, where did you go?
What exactly is this blessing disguised as, Fran? - Earl
What exactly is your mission? - Ivanova
What excellent fools religion makes of men.  JONSON
What excellent fools religion makes of men. - Ben Jonson
What excuses stand in your way?  How can you eliminate them? -- Roger von Oech
What eye chart?
What features are you planning for your program?
What fish are in Lake Lottahockey?  Why Crappie of course!
What flatters a man is that you think him worth flattering
What flavor is Bubble Gum supposed to be?
What flavor is your filling?...Oooh, LIGHTNING-flavor! - DerFladermaus
What flavor milkshake?  -- Food Dispenser    Beer.  -- Lister
What flavor milkshake? * Food dispenser Beer. --Lister.
What flavor milkshake? -- Food Dispenser   Beer. -- L
What flavor?  Its a bloody sea bird, innit?
What flavour milkshake?  -Food Dispenser  Beer.  -Lister
What flies at night and goes chomp, chomp, ouch? A vampire with a toothache
What follows 2 days of rain? Monday.
What follows 2 days of rain?????? - Monday
What follows two days of rain?  MONDAY!
What follows two days of rain?  Monday of course
What folly I commit, I dedicate to you.   &lt;Shakespeare&gt;
What foods these morsels be!
What foods these mortals be - Smaug
What fools these morals be!
What fools these mortals be. - Smaug
What fools these mortals be. -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
What fools these tagliners be!
What for you bury me in the cold, cold ground?
What form of perfection do you pursue?
What fresh Hell is this? - Crow
What fresh Hell is this? -- Crow T. Robot
What fresh new Hell is this? &lt;Crowe T. Robot&gt;
What fresh new Hell is this? <Crowe T. Robot>
What fun is it being "cool" if you can't wear a sombrero? - Hobbes
What fun to be a Cat!
What further indignities were they to be subjected to?
What further indignities were they to be subjected to?-Criminologist
What gain could one possibly get from having legions of Alanas? -DS
What game did Indiana Jones play in the Temple?  :-)
What game do Mac lovers kids play at recess? Apple jacks.
What game do baby ghosts play in nursery school? Peek-a-BOO!
What game do girls dislike? Soccer (sock her)
What game do monsters like to play? Hide and Shriek!
What gams! - Tom on Colossus' legs
What garlic is to chocolate, government is to freedom
What garlic is to food, insanity is to art
What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art. -- Saint-Gaudens
What gem bring you me from the far reaches of Cyberspace?
What go around come around
What gods do you pray to? - Conan
What goes "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, thump, thump"? A guy laughing his balls off
What goes "meow, meow, pop?"    A kitten in a microwave
What goes around - comes around.
What goes around comes around unless you're passing food to relatives.
What goes around comes around. -- Gentle Mountain
What goes around often gets dizzy and falls over.
What goes around usually gets dizzy and falls down.
What goes around usually picks up momentum!
What goes around, Humm, is usually a real DRIP!
What goes around, come around.
What goes around, comes around; and bites you on the rear
What goes around, gets dizzy and falls over.
What goes around...usually gets dizzy and falls down.
What goes clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, bang?  Amish drive-by shooting.
What goes down must come up
What goes in hard and red and comes out soft and pink? - Bubblegum.
What goes in is not always what comes out!!!
What goes on in my bedroom is MY business
What goes up but never comes down?... Taxes.
What goes up has probably been doused with petrol.
What good does it do an a$$ to be called a lion?
What good does it do to withhold information? - Qwi Xux
What good grammar you got.  What school you went?
What good ingredients, liberty and immigrants.
What good is a Doomsday Weapon if you keep it a secret?!?!?!
What good is a Tag Line???????????
What good is a bad mood if you can't spread it around?
What good is a gene pool without a lifeguard?
What good is a novel without chapters?? [:)--- SF-Quick 1.11
What good is a reality that doesn't support killfiles?
What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
What good is a used up world - can it be worth having?
What good is an obscenity trial except to popularize literature? -- Nero Wolfe, "The League of Frightened Men"
What good is being a witch if you don't do magic? - Magrat (WA)
What good is happiness if you can't buy money with it?
What good is having someone who can walk on water if you don't follow in his foo
What good is it being "cool" of you can't wear a sombrero?
What good is it if you talk in flowers, and they think in pastry?  -- Ashleigh Brilliant
What good is knowledge if you don't share it?
What good is make-believe if you don't share it?
What good is money if you can't inspire terror in your fellow man?
What good is science if nobody gets hurt?
What good was it to wake up in a world I couldn't enter?-Rick Hunter
What good will all this living do me when I'm dead?
What good's a quotation if you can't change it?
What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it? - Han Solo
What good's a reward if you're not around to spend it?
What grammar is to speech, logic is to reason.
What green has six legs, and is deadly when it jumps on you? An angry billiard table
What guard?
What hack?
What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?
What hairy legs you have Grandmama!
What hallucinations?
What hand could have held the knife that did my father to his death?
What hangs people is the unfortunate circumstance of guilt
What happ'a? - Tom
What happend to the gaurds?  Wolverine..dealt with them
What happened Deep Space 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8?
What happened is MEDICALLY impossible. - McCoy
What happened last night can happen again
What happened to "liberty and justice for ALL"?
What happened to &gt;100 Iraqi jets parked in Iran?
What happened to Lot's wife when she turned around? She is a-salted (assaulted)
What happened to Orphan Annie's Eyes?
What happened to Preparations A through G ?
What happened to Qmodem?  Trampeled by Mustangs!
What happened to ROTFL?
What happened to Starfleet headquarters? -- Bashir
What happened to all the Clinton/Gore bumper stickers?
What happened to all the food?  - Remo  There is rice.  - Chiun
What happened to everyone's wonderful IMHO's? - Anna Steven
What happened to him? * Lister
What happened to me out on the ice has justified every belief. - FM
What happened to my CUBBIES?
What happened to my recipe?
What happened to my tagline?
What happened to our innocence? Did it go out of style?
What happened to put a high-stepper like you on the run? - Massha
What happened to that Fish! It looks dead
What happened to that Fish! It looks dead........&lt;g&gt;
What happened to the 'Old Ones'...? - Kirk
What happened to the Irish glass-blower? He inhaled and got a pane in his stomach
What happened to the KLINGON who did change the light bulb?
What happened to the beta testers for Preparations A-G?
What happened to the crewman?
What happened to the dream sublime
What happened to the first 6 "ups"?
What happened to the others? Artiumus? Hera? Palamas
What happened to the post war dream? -Pink Floyd
What happened to the raisins? (George)
What happened to the snowball? (Arthur/CMD, 1996-2003)
What happened to their torsos? - Crow
What happened to their torsos? - Crow
What happened to them? Riker
What happened to these couplings? - Gilora
What happened to your HAIR? - Boothby to Picard
What happened to your hair? -- Boothby
What happened when the computer fell on the floor?  It slipped a disk.
What happened when women stood up for their rights?  They lost their seats on the bus
What happened, run out of small childern to butcher? - G'kar
What happened, sir? You only left a moment ago. Scott
What happened?   You don't want to know, Die FAINTermaus.-AmericanMaid
What happened? Kes
What happened? O'Brien
What happened? What thought? What felt? What perceived? What else?
What happened? You WON. They'll KILL me! -Tribunal
What happens if I #%(!%#%#@@%$#*^@(@#$!#*$NO CARRIER
What happens if I fall off the roof? Scott Calvin
What happens if I send a private message to ALL?
What happens if he defuncts on the loan?
What happens if we do it this way? . . . Oh. :-(
What happens if we do it this way? . . . Oh. :-(
What happens if you .ARC de Triomphe?
What happens if you deal a homosexual a straight?
What happens if you don't pay your gravity bill?
What happens if you get scared half to death -- twice?
What happens if you press &lt;CTRL&gt;&lt;ALT&gt;&lt;DEL&gt; under Windows?
What happens if you send a private message to ALL?
What happens if you yell "theatre!!" in a crowded firehouse?
What happens if you're scared half to death twice?
What happens to bad women?     Prosperity!
What happens to the doughnut when the cheese is gone?
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone? - Bertolt Brecht
What happens to your fist when you open your hand? - Zen Buddhism
What happens to your lap when you stand up?
What happens when "weird" is the norm?
What happens when I low e r  t h e   v  o  l  t  a  g  e?
What happens when a Marine gets Alzheimer's? His IQ goes up!
What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimer's?             Her IQ goes up!
What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease? Her IQ goes up!
What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? An inconceivable disturbance. Anon
What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object --- one is proven wrong.
What happens when fish trip?
What happens when flush when showering on Enterprise?
What happens when pants cut school? They get suspendered
What happens when you cross a cow with a duck? You get milk quackers
What happens when you cross a pig with a lawyer?       Nothing. There are some things a pig won't do
What happens when you cut back the jungle?  It recedes
What happens when you get scared half to death.....twice?
What happens when you replace your mouse pad with a OUIJA board?
What happens when you roll-down the WINDOWS screen? do Bit fly out?
What happens when your fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope?
What happens when your lantern goes out?
What happensWhen a blonde gets Alzheimer's?  Her IQ goes up!
What harm? said Jerry, as the house burned. -Irish proverb
What has 1000 legs and 6 pubic hairs?  Crowd at New Kids concert.
What has 4 legs and 1 arm?  A happy Pit Bull
What has 4 legs and 1 arm? A happy Rhodesian Ridgeback!
What has 4 legs and an arm?  A pit bull.
What has 4 legs and an arm? A VERY happy pit bull!
What has 4 legs and an arm? A happy Pit Bull
What has 4 legs and an arm? A pit bull.
What has 4 legs and an arm? A very happy pit bull
What has 4 legs and an arm? An L.A.P.D. police dog
What has 4 legs and an arm?? a happy ROTTWEILER!!
What has 4 paws & 1 big toe?  A killer attack kitten.
What has 50 legs & 12 teeth? Front row of a Dwight Yoakum concert.
What has 50 legs & 12 teeth? Front row of a Garth Brooks concert.
What has 50 legs & a 75 I.Q.? Front row of a Guns`n'Roses concert.
What has 6 balls & screws people?A. The Lottery.
What has 75 balls and screws little old ladies? (A) Bingo.
What has an IQ of 36 and 24 legs?  The OJ jury.
What has died is the last breath of me that was human. - Louis
What has eight arms and an IQ of ? Four guys watching a game of football
What has eight legs and eight eyes? (reply for answer)
What has eighteen legs and catches flies? A baseball team
What has four legs and an arm?  A happy pit bull.
What has four legs and an arm?....... A happy rottweiler.
What has four legs and an arm?..........A happy pit bull.
What has four legs and one arm - A Happy Rottweiler
What has four legs and one arm? A happy pit bull
What has four legs and ticks? A walking clock? A walkin' clock!
What has posterity ever done for me?
What has reality ever done for ME? It made misery real!
What has reality ever done for ME??
What has reality ever done for ME?? It made misery real!
What has six balls and screws you once a week?   The lottery
What has written, that MAN cannot rationalize away!
What hath Bob wrought?
What hath God wrought?  - Greggary Peccary
What hath God wrought? -- Numbers 23:23
What have I become, my sweetest friend?
What have I been busting my butt for? - Richie Ryan
What have I done to deserve all these kittens?
What have I done?  My brains are going into my feet!
What have I got in my pocket? - Bilbo Baggins
What have _you_ conjured up during all this, hmmm? - Quark
What have men got to do with it? -Benjy Mouse
What have we done to make God angry? You did it!
What have we done, Maggie what have we done? -Floyd
What have you been smokin'? And if its that good, pass it over!
What have you contributed to Linux today ?
What have you done for me philately?
What have you done to her?!  Why, do you think I should?
What have you done to him? Picard
What have you done with Brad? Oh, well, nothing. Why, do you think I should?
What have you done with Spock's brain? Kirk
What have you done with my ancestors' papers?? 
What have you got to gain by speaking to the driver?
What have you got to say for yourself? Fuzzy Bunny!!
What have you got, an angel on retainer? - Tearsa
What have you got? - Sisko
What have you learned? -- John Constantine
What have you wrought ... A Republic if you can keep it. -  Ben Franklin
What he doesn't know would make a library anybody would be proud of.
What he have here is a Maalox moment.
What he just said is crap, but for some reason I believe him. (Tick)
What he mentioned O.J. Simpson, ready torpedoes to kill him
What he needs is energy. Crusher
What heat seeking missile? ...#%$&!*#% NO HARRIER..
What heat seeking missile?????? $#%$$%^#! NO HARRIER
What helps me 2go forward is I stay receptive.I feel NEthing can happen--A.Aimee
What helps me go4ward is I stay receptive.I feel that anything can happen-A.Aimee
What helps me to go forward is that I stay receptive. I feel that anything can  happen. --Anouk Aimee
What ho! The moon like a testicle hangs low in the sky!
What honey? We're ON? "Hello boys and girls!"
What hope is there for the world if I die?
What horrors we visit upon ourselves in the name of science. - Hobbes
What hurts more, Ben, your conscience or your ribs? Sheriff Buck
What if Adam had been a homosexual? Would Eve have been Everet??
What if Alexander Graham Bells' last name was Gong?
What if Atlas shrugged?
What if Avagadro enumerated.
What if Earth is another planet's Hell?
What if I can help you to escape from prison? asked Tom contemptuously.
What if I can't afford a lawyer?
What if I found a way to wash it all aside - NIN
What if I gave a .siggie and nobody cared?
What if I gave you control. Over your deactivation sequence. Janeway
What if I offer $1.00 (each) to a million wives for sex?
What if I paid you?  Would you do it then?  Please?
What if I promise to keep my mouth shut?
What if I put ooey gooey worms in your ears? - Guitierrez, Freakaziod
What if I said *Orcus* and he &lt;POOF!&gt; um, showed up.-Finieous Fingers
What if I slipped in the shower?..Oh my god, I'd be killed! -- Homer
What if I slipped on a bar of soap?..Oh my god, I'd be killed! - Homer
What if I told you it was magic? - Duncan MacLeod
What if I want my taglines back after you steal them?
What if I want to strut around nude? - Bart's Board
What if I want to strut around nude? - Bart's Board
What if I want to strut around nude? --Bart Simpson.
What if I were to ask you a hypothetical question?
What if I'd been the one to say goodbye? --.38 Special
What if I'm a figment of my own imagination?
What if I'm a mermaid in these jeans of hers? - Tori Amos
What if I'm already bent?
What if I'm already bombed?
What if I'm not real, and it's just your mail reader acting up?
What if Jack Nicholson worked at a Burger King? - Crow
What if Kira thinks the Bajorans don't _need_ us on DS9!? - O'Brien
What if Kuwait had exported only BROCCOLI?
What if Kuwait's cheif export had been Brocolli?
What if Kuwait's main product had been broccoli?
What if Kuwaits main product was Brocolli?
What if Police Departments had to sell CHICKEN barbecues?!
What if Proty II was actually just a blob of sentient Jello?
What if Shakespeare had had to use EDLIN?
What if Shakespeare had used EDLIN?
What if There was a Barbie Wrestlemania game?
What if Volunteer Firefighters didn't volunteer?
What if _this_ is the Bizarro world?
What if a Cyberman won the olympics?
What if all speculation is futile???
What if all this were real, Orville?
What if all this were real?
What if criminals ran the government?
What if criminals ran the government?  Surprise!!!
What if eternity doesn't want me back?
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists?  In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists?  In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. -- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"
What if he dies? He's no use to me dead! - Boba Fett
What if homeboy hurts his knee playing midnight basketball?
What if hypothetical situations didn't exist?
What if it only &gt;SEEMS&lt; like versimilitude?
What if it only *seems* like verisimilitude?
What if it was the Warren Commission who killed JFK?
What if it's _more_ than a difference of opinion!? - O'Brien
What if it's cryptoamnesia? - Scully
What if it's fully integrated itself into our computer? - Dax
What if it's some kind of non-biological life form...? - Dax
What if lawyers had to wait 5 days before talking?
What if lemmings didn't have a cliff to jump over?
What if my lawyer doesn't answer my questions?
What if my lawyer doesn't return my phone calls?
What if my life ends before it's completely paid for?
What if my ship comes in and I miss it because of daylight saving time?!
What if my spouse suggests a lawyer?
What if my spouse suggests a lawyer?
What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream?  Or what's worse, what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?
What if only some of my personalities plead insane?
What if reality is just a very convincing virtual reality?
What if she touches with those fingertips
What if somebody calls us "a pair o' pathetic peripatetics" ? - Calvin
What if the Borg assimilated the Rover.  The Horror!!
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it is all about????
What if the Hokey Pokey really *IS* what it's all about?
What if the _real_ universe overflowed at 32,767...?
What if the enemy got this? - Frank. We'd win the war. - Potter
What if the face on Mars IS "the Monolith" from 2001?
What if the law of gravity never made it through congress?
What if the light at the end of the tunnel is a flame thrower?
What if the purpose of intelligent life is only to get all that carbon back into the ecosystem?
What if the universe is just a rigged demo?
What if the whole world farted at once?
What if the world was flat?
What if there are no hypothetical situations?
What if there had been room at the inn?
What if there had been room at the inn? -- Linda Festa on the origins of Christianity
What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!
What if there really are monsters under my bed ?
What if there was a Barbie Wrestlemania game?
What if there was a sexual revolution but no one came?
What if there were four Q beings.. would #4 be named 4Q?
What if there were no hypothetical cases?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
What if there were no hypothetical situations? --Andrew Kohlsmith
What if there were no hypothetical situations??
What if there were no rhetorical questions?
What if there were no such thing as a hypothetical question?
What if there were on hypothetical situations?
What if there's no tomorrow?There wasn't 1 today!
What if they gave a peace and no one came?
What if they gave a summit and nobody came? - PJ O'Rourke
What if they gave a war and nobody came?
What if they gave a war and nobody profited?
What if they gave a war and only on side came - Lucifer
What if they gave a war and only on side came - Lucifer
What if they gave a war and only one side came?
What if they gave an inferno & nobody came?  - Tom
What if they gave an inferno and nobody came? -- Tom Servo
What if they gave an orgy and no one came?
What if they had a sexual revolution and no one came?
What if they had a war, and only chickens came ?
What if they held a sexual revolution and nobody came?
What if they held a war and nobody came?
What if they went...nowhere? * Bones
What if they went...nowhere? - McCoy
What if this was a rhetorical question and no one answered it?
What if volunteer firefighters did not volunteer?
What if we ALL dressed like the ATF???
What if we die and it turns out God is a big CHICKEN?! - Calvin
What if we lived like we tell others they ought?
What if we put bandaid on the Panama Canal and it healed?
What if we surrounded Congress and played Rock & Roll?
What if we want a plan that works?? Oh, that's different. *NARF*
What if we're just cards in God's collection?
What if you _had_ to choose sides? - Kira
What if you don't get mail tomorrow?-Radar.Wing it, stud.-Lt.Baker
What if you get scared half to death twice?
What if you left a used Kleenex? What's that, a valentine? (Elaine)
What if you weapon specialize in Mournblades?
What in Good God are you talking about? - Tom Servo
What in blazes are you doing on a Romulan ship?! - Yakko
What in blazes is this? - McCoy
What in some is called liberty, in others is called license.
What in tarnation is The Dead Elvis Society?
What in the *world* is a holodeck, anyway?
What in the Heck Ramsey is that? - Tom on Umbillicus
What in the Hector Alonzo are you doing? -Mike as janitor
What in the heck are you looking down here for
What in the name of thunder muffins is going on here? - The Lobe
What in the name of...? - McCoy
What is "Laptop" spelled backwards???
What is "Star Trek" without the Enterprise?
What is "obscenity"?  Whatever gets the judge excited.
What is "scratch" and why can everything be made from it?
What is *that* called? Lt. Riker
What is *that*?? -  Uhura on Tholian Web
What is 68 to a blonde? She goes down on you and you owe her one
What is 74 to a blonde? 69 plus G.S.T
What is Bert doing with those scissors?.. askd...NO CARRIER
What is Borg for "creativity"?
What is CHOAM but the weather vane of our times
What is Calvinball? --Worf, LGD
What is Chris doing with those scissors?.. askd...NO CARRIER
What is Clinton's first name? I know who Hillary is
What is Clinton's new Secret Service Code Name?      Unibanger
What is Conservatism? -- Lincoln
What is Data doing wearing a push-up bra?-Guinnan
What is Dave doing with those scissors?.. askd...NO CARRIER
What is Do?  What is not Do?  Do is. -- Gentle Mountain
What is E.T. short for?   Because his legs are only a few inches long!
What is File Manager?
What is Jack doing with those scissors?.. askd...NO CARRIER
What is Kuwaits main product was Brocolli?
What is Life?  It's the cereal Mikey likes.
What is Martinizing, and why does it only take one hour?
What is Micro Soft, a toilet paper?
What is Micro Soft, another new toilet paper?
What is O'Brien's real rank?  42!  No, doesn't fit.
What is OJ  Simpson's internet address? / \ / \ ESC
What is OS/2 in Spanish - dos DOS?
What is PURPLE and hurts like hell? (B)arney (T)oe
What is Reality?  Nothing but a collective hunch
What is Redneck foreplay? 'Get in the truck, bitch.'
What is Redneck foreplay? (Nudge) Are you awake?
What is Redneck foreplay? `Get in the truck, b*tch.'
What is Smokey The Bear's middle name?  The.
What is THIS "live one"? - Crow
What is The Shade Changing Man's super power?????
What is Total Oblivion? -- Crow T. Robot
What is Velvetta's tactile cohesive coefficient?
What is WORK but yet another dirty four letter word
What is _that_ called?! - T.Riker
What is a "free gift?"    Aren't all gifts free?
What is a "pantheon" and why is it angry at me?
What is a &#8220;free gift?&#8221;  Aren't all gifts free?
What is a 'Q'? It's a letter of the alphabet, as far as I know.
What is a Behr?
What is a INTEL inside sticker?     A warning label.
What is a Pagan's favorite snack food?   .......Pan Pizza!!!
What is a Unix Wizard? beginner - Someone who has never heard the phrase RTFM
What is a Unix Wizard? expert - Someone who has RTFM ... again ... and again ... and again
What is a Unix Wizard? guru - Someone who doesn't need to RTFM
What is a Unix Wizard? hacker - Someone who knows what isn't in TFM
What is a Unix Wizard? knowledgeable user - Someone who has RTFM
What is a Unix Wizard? novice - Someone who wonders what RTFM means
What is a Unix Wizard? user - Someone who has tried to RTFM
What is a Unix Wizard? wizard - Someone who WTFM
What is a blonde with hair dyed brunette? -- AI
What is a blonde's mating call...I'm soooo drunk, I'm sooooo drunk!
What is a blonde's mating call?              "I'm SOOO drunk!"  [giggle]
What is a blonde's mating call?  "I am SOOOO drunk!"
What is a blonde's mating call?  "I'm SOOO drunk!"   [giggle]
What is a blonde's mating callI'm soooo drunk, I'm sooooo drunk!
What is a brunette's mating call?            "Are the blondes gone yet?"
What is a cannibal's favorite game?  Swallow the leader
What is a cannibal's favorite type of TV show?  A celebrity roast
What is a claim of age when one is immortal? -- Gunter Dorn
What is a claim of power when one defies death? -- Dorn
What is a classic? "Always! CocaCola! (C)" Haaaaaaaaaaaa!
What is a committee? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary
What is a cosmic giggle?
What is a cow called that does not give milk?  An udder failure.
What is a cow eating grass? A lawn mooer.
What is a cult?  Not enough people to make a minority.
What is a fat person's favorite type of TV show?  A celebrity roast.,,,
What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free
What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free
What is a friend?  A single soul dwelling in two bodies. -- Aristotle
What is a gynaecologist? A spreader of old wives' tales.
What is a hen-teaser?
What is a hermit? A girl's baseball glove
What is a honeydew list?  Honey do this, honey do that.
What is a lie but the truth in drag?
What is a lie but the truth in masquerade. Byron
What is a lie but the truth to another?
What is a magician but a practising theorist?
What is a magician but a practising theorist? -- Obi-Wan Kenobi
What is a numchuck but...Two things on a chain? - Crow
What is a philtrum? -huh?  -The vertical groove in the upper lip.
What is a rebel? A man who says no. - Albert Camus
What is a rebel? A man who says no. - Albert Camus
What is a redhead's mating ca           "Are the blondes gone yet?"
What is a relay service for the deaf means??
What is a rhubarb? Celery with high blood pressure
What is a sysop and why would I want to Yell at it?
What is a writer but a schmuck with an Underwood.      Jack Warner
What is about L'waxana Troi that makes me melt. * Odo
What is algebra, exactly?  Is it one of those three-cornered things? -- J.M. Barrie
What is all this I here about static charges destroying computers?
What is all this about violins on television?
What is all this junk above my new taglines?
What is an adult? A child blown up by age.  Simone de Beauvoir
What is an unborn baby? Daddies' Little Squirt.
What is another name for a baby hot dog? A teenie weenie
What is available?
What is bad? Everything that is born of weakness. - Nietzsche
What is better the roses on my piano? Tulips on my organ.
What is black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A Doberman.
What is brown and black and looks good on a lawyer?    A doberman!
What is characteristic of illusions is that they are derived from human wishes. - Sigmund Freud
What is comedy?  Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke. -- Steve Martin
What is coming at you, is coming from you.
What is coming from you, is coming at you.
What is done out of love always occurs beyond good and evil. --Nietzsche
What is evidence but something someone else may believe? &lt;Chiun&gt;
What is fear of people named Phoebe? ... Phoebiaphobia
What is fear of the force? ... Obiewancanobieaphobia
What is food to one, is to others bitter poison. - Lucretius
What is found in the very center of America and Australia? The letter r
What is friendship? Two bodies and one soul.
What is going on here!
What is going on here? - Ro Laren
What is going on here? Janeway
What is gray with age becomes religion
What is greater than Good? &lt;Caine&gt;  Love. &lt;Master Kan&gt;
What is greater than god
What is green and red all over?    A sunburned frog
What is green and wrapped in tin-foil?    Baked Frog
What is grey and powdery? Instant elephant!
What is happening, Father? Data
What is inconceivable about the universe is that it is at all conceivable. - Albert Einstein
What is invisible might as well not exist.
What is irritating about love is that it is a crime that requires an accomplice. -- Charles Baudelaire
What is is the was of what will be...
What is it about L'waxana Troi that makes me melt. * Odo
What is it about the wrong kind of man? - Dr. Chase Meridian
What is it about you that reminds me of my mom? -- Harley Stone
What is it all but a trouble of ants in the gleam of a million million suns? - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
What is it for?
What is it like to be you?
What is it like to feel pain?
What is it like to make a mistake?
What is it now, you great pillock!?
What is it that cats are looking at?
What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have?
What is it this time, another prostate tumor? Mr Garrison, South Park
What is it this time? --Hercules  Happy hour. --Salmoneus
What is it with people and pigs? --Hercules
What is it with this total macho junk?! - Jubilee to Wolverine
What is it with you, anyway?
What is it with you?  Bones
What is it you want, anyway? - Yeoman Rand
What is it you wanted to see me about? Picard
What is it, Mr. Z? It's a message from a dead man.
What is it, Tink?  Is @FN@ in trouble? -- Peter Pan
What is it, a French bistro? -- Kim
What is it, what are you doing? - Kahless
What is it? - Lister It's an Orrrrrrrrr. - Kryten
What is it? - Mulder
What is it? - Sisko
What is it? --The Cat.
What is learned in youth is understood in age.
What is liberal? -- Lincoln
What is life without chocolate chip cookies.
What is life?
What is life? The kind of cereal that Mikey likes!
What is loneliness?
What is love?  Two souls and one flesh
What is man but that lofty spirit
What is matter?  Never mind
What is matter?  Never mind. -- Thomas Hewitt Key, 1799-1875
What is meant to be will always find a way.
What is mind ? - No matter. What is matter ? - Never mind
What is mind?  No matter.  What is matter?  Never mind.  -- Thomas Key
What is mind?  No matter.  What is matter?  Never mind. -- Thomas Hewitt Key, 1799-1875
What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
What is mine is mine, yours is negotiable
What is moral is what you feel good after
What is morally wrong can never be politically right.   A.Lincoln
What is more important than Data? - Riker
What is not found in the Mahabharata is not found anywhere.
What is not fully understood is not possessed. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What is now proved was once only imagin'd. -- William Blake
What is now proved was once only imagined.
What is now proved was only once imagined. - William Blake
What is orange and goes "click, click"?  A ball point carrot.
What is our function here? Worf
What is our secret weapon? A free man and his rifle
What is passion? It is surely the becoming of a person. - John Boorman
What is reality, anyway?  Just a collective hunch!  -L. Tomlin
What is reality, anyway? Just a collective hunch. - Jane Wagner
What is red and green on the outside?    Sliced Frog
What is redneck foreplay? A: Get in the truck, bitch!
What is required is sight and insight -- then you might add one more: excite. - Robert Frost
What is research but a blind date with knowledge? -- Will Harvey
What is service? - the rent we pay for room on earth.
What is she doing, Bones?  It's "head", Jim.
What is she like, this Jennifer? Sisko
What is so unsuitable about making a quick snack out of a monk? - Jal
What is sold by the yard and worn by the foot? A carpet
What is steel, compared to the hand that wields it?  - Thulsa Doom
What is supposed to go here?
What is that green stuff in your hair??
What is that grey powder? Instant elephant
What is that noise?  Where've I heard that? -- Crow T. Robot
What is that noise? -- Dr. Forrester
What is that noise? Where've I heard that? -Crow on phone
What is that?  Don't tell me. - Jack Burton
What is that? Playschool's My First Desk? - Tom
What is the Boiler Room?  Where is the Boiler Room? -- Joey
What is the CLINTON body count this week?
What is the IRS deduction for co-dependants?
What is the Klingon way? Is it like doggie style?
What is the Latin for office automation?
What is the Meaning of Splink? (1987)
What is the QUESTION to World Hunger? -ELT
What is the QUESTION to World Hunger? -ELT
What is the True meaning of DOS?
What is the air speed velocity of an un-laiden swallow?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? -Bridge-Keeper
What is the airspeed of a swallow on unleaded?
What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow? (Monty Python)
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Zaku?
What is the average air speed of an un-laden swallow?
What is the best beer I've had?  My own!
What is the best thing to take before singing? A deep breath
What is the biggest fly swatter? A baseball bat
What is the bust enlargement spell your talking about and where is it
What is the character limit besides the moderator and a t
What is the color when black is burned.
What is the diff. between apathy and ignorance? I don't know and I don't
What is the difference between God and a lawyer?       God doesn't think he's a lawyer
What is the difference between God and a physician? God doesn't think he's a physician!
What is the difference between Trekkie and Trekker?  Trekkers like B5.
What is the difference between a Borg and a Cyberman?
What is the difference between a cow with a sore throat and an angry crowd? One moos badly, the other boos madly
What is the difference between a duck? One of its legs is both the same
What is the difference between a husband and a jilted suitor? One kisses the missus and the other misses the kisses
What is the difference between a lawyer and a skunk?   Nobody wants to hit a skunk!
What is the difference between a nicely dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? A tire.
What is the difference between baseball and law?       In baseball, if you're caught stealing, you're out
What is the difference between baseball and law?       In baseball, if you're caught stealing, you're out
What is the difference between pigs and lawyers.       You can learn to respect a pig
What is the difficulty with writing a PDP-8 program to emulate Jerry Ford?
What is the favourite number-plate of New Zealand shepherds? 6UL_DV8
What is the good of having a nice house without a decent planet to put it on? - Henry David Thoreau
What is the half-life of a television set?
What is the hardest thing to do when a dragon breathes fire at you? Keep cool
What is the highest pleasure you can think of?  Riding an airplane.
What is the highest pyramid in the world?  Amway.
What is the ideal weight of a lawyer? About three pounds, including the urn!
What is the mating call for a blonde? I am so drunk!
What is the mating call of the blonde?  "I'm SOOO drunk!"
What is the meaning of Life?, and Truth?, and DOS?
What is the meaning of Life?; and Truth?; and Windows
What is the meaning of life in 50 words or less
What is the national bird of Iraq?         Duck.
What is the number for 911?
What is the one drug you'll never find used by postal workers?  Speed
What is the output of a vacuum pump?
What is the padding on these walls for?
What is the perfect gift of the blonde who has everything? Penicillin.
What is the point of a fantasy...if it never becomes reality?
What is the point of bringing me back to this?!  Sisko
What is the point of dreams ... if they never become reality
What is the price of rice in China?
What is the price of this ... help?
What is the primary purpose of disarming law-abiding citizens?
What is the probability that something will happen according to the odds?
What is the purpose of coming here? Picard to Q
What is the purpose of hanging up if I'm calling again tomorrow?
What is the robbing of a bank compared to the FOUNDING of a bank? -- Bertold Brecht
What is the sound of a bear sh*ting in the woods?
What is the sound of one Zsa yapping?
What is the sound of one gear grinding ? .....Techno
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?  Carolyn un-jamming her mouse!
What is the sound of one hand clapping? - Zen Buddhism
What is the sound of one hand clapping? @FN@ cleaning the mouse!
What is the sound of one hand clapping? Her un-jamming her mouse!
What is the sound of one hand clapping? WHOOSH -- WHOOSH -- WHOOSH
What is the sound of one mime clapping?
What is the sound of one modem connecting. . . ?
What is the sound of one paw slashing? -Kzin Zen Master
What is the sound of one tentacle writhing? - Bernard, DOTT
What is the sound of one tentacle writhing? - Squid Zen
What is the speed of dark?
What is the terminal velocity of a Mac in free fall?
What is the thinnest book in the world?  What Men Know About Women.
What is the true definition of a tagline?
What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on? - Henry David Thoreau
What is the use of a newborn child? -- Franklin
What is the use of running when we are not on the right road?
What is the world coming to? A dead end
What is the world to a man when his wife is a widow
What is the world to a man when his wife is a widow. -Irish Proverb
What is the world to a man when his wife is a widow?
What is there to discuss? - Lennier
What is there to fight for?  Everything!   Charles Chaplin
What is there, an echo in here - Q
What is this "Belljar Toy" I keep hearing about. -Emily Latella
What is this "Twit List", and how can I get on it?
What is this "cook" thing you keep talking about?
What is this "real life" I keep hearing about?
What is this 'born'?  Does it mean manufactured? -Exedore
What is this Enternet thing, anyway?
What is this `Twit list' and how can I get in on it?
What is this button fo#@!?&gt; NO CARRIER.
What is this button fo+C=XoA&gt;TNO CARRIER
What is this button fo{a++&gt;&gt;aA&lt; NO CARRIER
What is this great fascination with my keyboard?
What is this key for  |h&gt;K@.  &gt;   NO CARRIER
What is this life, if not full of cares?
What is this line for??  Hello?  Sysop?
What is this need of yours for costumes, @TO@?
What is this need of yours for costumes, Myra I Fox?
What is this need of yours for costumes, Orville Bullitt?
What is this need of yours for costumes, Q?  - Picard
What is this place? Picard/Kamin
What is this the hell that this is?
What is this they're launching? - Picard/Kamin
What is this thing anyway?  The Discordian Society?
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away from us-Queen
What is this thing that happens with age? Don Juan DeMarco
What is this thou hast done? -- Genesis 3:13
What is this tiny hole in the bathroom wall for?
What is this, WWF or NHL?
What is this, a Chinese fir drill? - Sun Tzu
What is this, a freak out? - Violet Beauregarde
What is this, an outtake from Star Wars? - Peter Caine
What is this, some sort of kinky wake? - Don Schanke
What is this...  time?  Wormhole creators
What is this?  A Bergman film? -- Joel Robinson
What is this?  An audience or an oil painting?
What is this?  Birth of a rhythm nation?
What is this?  Chinese music torture? -- Joel Robinson
What is this?  Final Jeopardy? -- Tom Servo
What is this?  The three stooges? -- Crow T. Robot
What is this?  Zen Freudianism? -- Harry Wyckoff
What is this?  `Birth of a Rhythm Nation'? -- Tom Servo
What is this?  `Bottom Gun'? -- Tom Servo
What is this? - Lister It's an apple. - Kryten
What is this? A cat hair can't leave home without them!
What is this? An audience or an oil painting?
What is this? Bottom Gun? - Tom on stock jet footage
What is thy bidding, my master? - Darth Vader
What is truth?  A mobile army of metaphors & metonyms.&lt;Nietzsche&gt;
What is truth? Are your truths the same as mine?
What is vice today may be virtue tomorrow
What is wanted is not more law, but a better public opinion.  - James G. Blaine
What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
What is wanted is not the will-to-believe, but the
What is what and what makes ya feel good
What is with all these books? - Elaine  I stopped having sex. - George
What is worn under the kilt? Shoes and socks!
What is worth doing is worth doing for money.
What is worth doing is worth overdoing.
What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking somebo
What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking someone else to do.
What is worth dying for?  Don Juan DeMarco
What is written without effort is read without pleasure.
What is wrong with you people?! - Kira
What is yellow and spongy? A sponge
What is your Name? What is your Quest? What is your Favorite Color?
What is your Quest?  - Bridgekeeper
What is your excuse?  Why haven't I heard from you?
What is your favorite color ? Why not ?
What is your favorite color?  Yellow.  No, green!  Ahhhh!
What is your favorite color?  blue.  right, off you go
What is your favorite color? -Bridgekeeper
What is your favorite game? Sonic the^#^ NO CARRIER
What is your favorite position on extramarital sex?
What is your name, handsome knight?
What is your name, handsome knight? -- Zoot
What is your name.......who are we? - Spock
What is your name? - Worf Deanna. - Riker
What is your name? How may I address you? - Janeway
What is your name? John Bobbit? NO Carrier!
What is your nationality? I'm a drunkard. -- Casablanca
What is your pleasure, sir? -- LeMarchand
What is your present form of execution? Spock
What is your score? Which country was she from again?
What is your security clearance, citizen @F?
What is your security clearance, citizen Orville?
What is your security clearance, citizen Schwab?
What isn't tried won't work.
What iss he, my preciouss? - Gollum
What it is the was of what will be...
What it is!
What it is, is what it is
What it it? * Cat
What it it? - The Cat
What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory? Proofreading
What kept you? - Connor MacLeod
What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.
What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. - Abraham Lincoln
What kind of 'kludge' is that, Dave?
What kind of a Mickey Mouse operation is this?!?! - Walt Disney
What kind of a Mother would name her kid John?
What kind of a jackass do you think I am? - Frank Burns
What kind of a name is @TO@?
What kind of a place is this?  -- Janet Weiss
What kind of a problem, Dave?
What kind of an airline shows Terror at 30,000 Feet'?!
What kind of bar doesn't serve drinks? A chocolate bar!
What kind of baseball game is popular with monsters? A double-header
What kind of beer do sysadmins drink? root
What kind of cars do Proctologists drive?  Ford Probes.
What kind of case would a lawyer have ff he slipped and hurt himself at the pool? A bathing suit
What kind of cheese is this? Tom asked sharply
What kind of crystal rubbing bull hockey is that? - Crow
What kind of demented recipe book are you using?!
What kind of faces are we supposed to make? - Yakko
What kind of fish is a gefilte anyway?
What kind of fool are you? My own special variety. -- K'jada/Odo
What kind of fool do you take me for?     First class.
What kind of fool do you think I am?
What kind of fools do you have working for you Picard?! - Gowron
What kind of girls do you think we are, don't call us groupies
What kind of idiot would set boobytraps in his own home?
What kind of lame quip is that? -- Tom Servo
What kind of life is that, never to be in love? Hedford
What kind of life will they live? Is this a curse or a blessing that we give? - Billy Joel
What kind of love is that?  Not to be loved; never to have shown love. - Commissioner Nancy Hedford, "Metamorphosis",
What kind of man-beast would wear this? -- Tom Servo
What kind of nerd hole did you crawl out of?
What kind of nut would CARE about all this?!! - Hobbes
What kind of party do the Klingons had in mind? * Geordi
What kind of pathetic drunk do you take me for? (Gasp!)  Somebody spilled beer in this ashtray!
What kind of pathetic drunk do you take me for? - Barney Gumble
What kind of people are we in this universe? - McCoy
What kind of police force is this? -- Crow T. Robot
What kind of psychedelic voyage are you on? -- Crow T. Robot
What kind of scan? Janeway
What kind of shampoo does the president use? Hair Force One
What kind of sound does a sub-atomic duck make?  Quark!!
What kind of television program tells you who just broke an arm or leg? A newscast
What kind of test does a vampire take in school? A blood test
What kind of tree is an Ancess Tree?
What kind of tripped out scene are you into now??
What kind of tripped out scene is Joel into? -- Tom Servo
What kind of wine goes with people? -- Joel Robinson
What kind of world is it where the reality is weirder then the satire?
What kinda man beast would wear this? - Tom on cowboy hat
What kinda shave job do you call that-Crow on alien beard
What kinda shave job do you call that? -- Crow T. Robot
What kinda weird-assed get up will she have on? - Crow
What lake did Champlain discover? asked Tom eerily.
What languages do I know? Well, Pascal, C...huh? French?
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What light speed?  I can even surpass dark speed.
What light through the window breaks? ... It's MORNING!
What little I know, I owe to my ignorance
What little ears shouldn't hear, big mouths shouldn't say.
What little sanity i had was stretched to the limits... - Quickling
What lonely people did before sci-fi conventions - Crow
What loss is death, if life is not to be lived? - D. Do'Urdun
What luck for rulers that men do not think  - Adolf Hitler
What luck for rulers that people don't think
What luck for the rulers that men do not think.
What luck for the rulers that men do not think. - Adolf Hitler
What luck!  The DLS is running a special on embalming!
What made you go to a place you heard was a Witches alter? - Scully
What made you think I like recipes?
What made you think I like taglines?
What maintains one vice would bring up two children. --Franklin.
What makes Teflon stick to the Pan? Nonstick Velcro.
What makes Teflon stick to the pan?
What makes a bachelor such a smart man? He has never been miss taken
What makes a lawyer different from a hooker? There are some things a hooker won't do for money
What makes equality such a difficult business is that we only want it with our superiors. - Henry Becque
What makes him think a middle aged actor, who's played with a chimp, could have a future in politics? -Ronald Reagan commenting on Eastwood's bid to become mayor of Carmel   
What makes homophobes think I want them anyhow?
What makes homophobes think I want them anyhow?
What makes homophobes think that gays want them anyway?
What makes me think I could start clean slated?
What makes old age so sad is not that our joys but our hopes cease. - Jean Paul Richter
What makes the Hottentot so hot?
What makes the Muskrat guard his musk? - Courage!
What makes the universe so hard to comprehend is that there is nothing to compare it with
What makes the wind? ..... Trees sneezing.
What makes the world go round?
What makes us so bitter against people who outwit us is that they think themselves cleverer than we are
What makes vanity in others unwelcome is, it dims our own
What makes vanity of other people insupportable is it wounds our own.
What makes women especially appealing is that the rest of us are men. (Anon.)
What makes yo so sure there's something out there? - Mulder (FA)
What makes you think I *wanted* to see THAT? - Mulder to Scully (Gr.)
What makes you think I can find your...  temple?  Sisko
What makes you think I like Taglines?
What makes you think I like recipes?
What makes you think I wanted to see THAT? - Mulder to Scully
What makes you think I won't turn you in the moment you leave
What makes you think I'm nervous? EHMP
What makes you think graduate school is supposed to be satisfying?  -- Erica Jong, "Fear of Flying"
What makes you think we've been contacted? - Mulder
What makes you think you're going to _get_ any sleep!? - Ro Laren
What makes you think you're going to get any sleep?
What man believes, God believes. - Henry David Thoreau
What man can think of, man can do -- I think
What man doesn't like to stare once in a while? -- O'Brien
What man has done, man can aspire to do. - Pournelle
What man have you ever seen who was contented with one crime only?
What man would give his son bread when he asked for a stone?
What mankind has been waiting for.
What manner of hideout is this?  The Tick
What manner of tomfoolery be this, I ask!
What manner of wand that, which spitteth iron pellets? &lt;**BANG**&gt;
What many orators lack in depth they give you in length.
What matters distance between loves? -Yeats
What matters is not the length of the wand, but the magic
What matters is not the length of the wand, but the magic in the stick.
What matters is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. - Coach Bear Bryant
What may be, may not be.
What me Worry? **-Alfred E. Neuman-**
What me busted??!!... I'm innocent... hehehehe
What me have a Virus.. Never!
What me worry? I read relay mail.
What me, enter a spelling bee!?  Nah...I couldn't spell worth a shirt.
What means is God using to guide me. - James Stevenson
What meetings lack in depth, they make up for in length!
What men desire is a virgin who is a whore
What men desire is a virgin who is a whore. - Edward Dahlberg.
What men desire is a virgin with whore like qualities.
What men or gods are these? -- Keats
What method does Kurt Cobain use to collect his thoughts?  A spatula.
What minor domestic problem awaits my immediate solution? - Earl
What money won't buy, it can rent!
What more do you want?  A T-Shirt?
What more felicitie can fall to creature Than to enjoy delight with libertie . - Edmund Spenser
What mortals these fools be!
What most men call sins, I call recreation
What most of us need is more horsepower and less exhaust.
What most of us want is to be heard, to communicate.&lt;Dory Previn&gt;
What most people call fate is their own stupidity
What most people calls sins, I call recreation
What movies do two-headed monsters star in? Double creature features
What musical instrument does 'Phil the Fluter' play ?
What must I do to convince you people! - Q  Die. - Worf
What must I do to convince you people? Die.
What nasty thick skins they have to be sure... - Murkwood Spider
What need of a collar, if I know you to exist..?
What newspaper do cows read? The Daily Moos.
What nice cheeks too.  If only they were brains. - Blofeld (D.A.F.)
What no spouse of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he's staring out the window
What noise annoys an oyster?
What noise do quantum ducks make?  Quark! Quark!
What nonsense people talk about happy marriages!  A man can be happy with any woman so long as he doesn't love her. -- Oscar Wilde
What now, Father Time? - Tom to Mike
What now, Father Time? -- Tom Servo
What now? The cat's eaten it.
What of "shall not be infringed" do you NOT understand?
What on EARTH did I ask him to tea for? - Bilbo Baggins
What on earth does this duplex ccoommmmaanndd ddoo??
What on earth is "mild" taco sauce good for?
What on earth is a "free gift"? Aren't all gifts free?
What on earth would a man do with himself if something did not stand in his way? -- H.G. Wells
What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. -- John Lilly
What one does to weeds and grasses
What one fool can do, another can.  Ancient Simian Proverb
What orators lack in depth they make up in length.
What orators lack in depth, they give in length.
What other references do you have?
What out where the husky's go, and don't you eat no yellow snow!
What overkill... why use one round when you have 200?
What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life. - Emil Brunner
What parish priest would not like to be Pope? -- Voltaire
What part of ""Congress shall make no law"" eludes Congress?
What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
What part of "HUH?" didn't you understand?
What part of "NO" didn't you understand...?
What part of "Thou shalt not kill," did the Crusaders not understand?
What part of "no" don't you understand?
What part of "not supported" didn't you understand?
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
What part of "shall not be infringed." is not understood?
What part of "ten-line limit" don't you understand?
What part of 'infringed' didn't you understand?
What part of 'nyet' don't you understand, Comrade ?
What part of NO didn't you understand?
What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED don't you
What part of my brilliance did you not understand?
What part of my brilliance don't you understand, @FN@?
What part of the chicken does the McNugget come from anyway?
What part of the chicken gives you Mc Nuggets?
What part of the monkey do you use a monkey wrench on? 
What part of the word NO do you not understand?
What part of the word NO do you not understand?
What part of this fine little planet are you from?...The surface.
What part of this progression don't you follow?  - G'Kar
What part of, "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
What particular vice is Al Gore president of?
What passes for optimism is most often the effect on an intellectual error. - Raymond Aron
What passes for woman's intuition is often nothing more
What passes for woman's intuition is often nothing more than man's transparency.
What people are afraid of they destroy.  Or use. -- MacLeod
What people say behind your back is your standing in the community
What perfect cartilage! -- Vash (to Quark)
What peroxide blondes & Negroes have in common? Both have black roots
What perversity is this? - The Tick
What philosophers call character is an incurable disease. - Nietzsche
What piece was that? - Kira
What planet am I on?
What pleasure has a monk? .. Nun!
What point?  You never had one to begin with
What price love... what price glory
What principles?  I'm trying to get elected!
What problem are we trying to solve here?
What profits a man should he gain the world, but lose his Anna?
What proof have you got that I'm a sceptic?
What purpose would it serve to die? - Kirk
What puts the "ape" in apricot?!?
What quantity of foliage could a foliage finger fling if augh.
What raging fire shall flood the soul?  - Phantom
What really happens when you exercise daily is that you die healthier.
What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world. - Albert Einstein
What relationships don't have their ups and downs? - Vir
What results from using spot remover on your dog Spot?
What results were obtained with Love Potions 1 thru 8?
What rich desire unlocks its door?  - Phantom
What rolls down stairs and over the neighbor's dog? It's LOG!
What rotten Sins I've got working for me. I suppose it's the wages
What rubble under that stubble.
What sacrifice, at what price can the tagline be born?
What sane person could live here and not be crazy?
What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?
What say to a lady in designer jeans: Gucci, Gucci, Gucci
What say we hop in the trunk of your Gremlin and get our rocks off?
What say ya there, Fuzzy Britches? - Warden, _Shawshank Redemption_
What scares me is they don't have showers. -- Crow T. Robot
What scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?  -- J.D. Farley
What seems apparent is not always true.
What seems to be the problem? - Odo
What shall I do about who I am?
What shall I wear for the next disaster?
What shall we do now?
What shall we do with a drunken mailer ?
What shall we use to fill the empty sZoO?
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces? -Pink Floyd
What she sees in men, I'll NEVER know -Crow as tough girl
What shields? -- O'Brien
What should I do about this P.S.? asked Tom submissively.
What should I do if all my problems aren't solved by the time I die?
What should I do- create a family? Raise an army?  -HoloDoc
What should be quarantined is Frank's mind! - Hawkeye
What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
What should you give a nudist for Christmas?
What show can `The Humpty Dumpties' put on? asked Tom exactingly.
What sign did the real estate agent put in front of the igloo? For Seal
What significance does the teddy bear have to the arc?-Od'd on B5
What sin has not been committed in the name of efficiency?
What situation? There is no situation here -Vesa Pajula
What size bribe should I offer a corrupt file ?
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.   --Yiddish Proverb
What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
What some invent, the rest enlarge. - Jonathan Swift
What some people mistake for the high cost of living is really the cost of high living. --Doug Larson
What some people won't do for coffee.
What some people won't do for coffee.
What song do monsters play at beauty pageants? A pretty ghoul is like a malady
What song do monsters sing at Christmas time? Deck the halls with poison ivy,
What soon grows old?  Gratitude -- Aristotles
What soon grows old?  Gratitude.                Aristotle
What soon grows old?  Gratitude.&lt;Aristotle&gt;
What sort of eyedrops do you recommend for a beam?
What sort of frog?    A *dead* frog.
What sort of photo would one need to blackmail Madonna?
What soul?
What sound does a blonde's door bell make? Bim-Bo
What squirrel...  &gt;WHUMP&lt;   ooohhh, _that_ squirrel.
What squirrel...ooohhh, that squirrel.
What starts with F and ends with UCK?  FIRETRUCK!
What stinks & sounds like a bell?  Chung!
What strange group is after Ross Perot _this_ week?
What strange shape?  Oh, that's just Odo forming an opinion.
What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted!
What sushi bar!?  That was my aquarium!
What sweet seduction lies before us?  - Phantom
What tagline I commit, I dedicate to you. -- Tagspeare
What tagline through yonder monitor breaks?  Tagspeare
What takes a ____ wife an hour? Cooking minute rice!
What tales will she bring us from the other side? -- Chennard
What task is too menial for an entity?--Picard
What tax form does Clinton file? 1040-BS
What terrible way to die. There are no good ways.
What the !@#$ are you supposed to put here?
What the !@#$ were you expecting for me to put here?
What the #@&%$ you mean "INVALID MEDIA ON DRIVE C:"
What the *HECK* is Fahrvegnugen?
What the @#%% was that.
What the Army should do with outmoded weapons is to destroy them.SIMON
What the BROBECK happened here?
What the HECK is he talking about? - Crow as guy rambles
What the HELL are you talking about!?!? - Crow to movie
What the HELL is 10-Broad36?
What the HELL is your deal?!? - Tom to Mike
What the HELL was that?!
What the Hell are YOU staring at?- Duckman
What the Hell was I in? I know I know me - Mike
What the Hell? -- Sisko
What the SMEG!?! --David Lister.
What the big print giveth, the small print taketh away
What the blazes is that?! McCoy on obelisk
What the caterpillar calls "End of the World", God calls a butterfly
What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds. &lt;Will Rogers&gt;
What the devil are you putting in there, ice? Pike
What the devil is this, green leaves? - Kirk
What the devil is this?! - Kirk
What the devil's wrong with communications?! - McCoy
What the devil...? McCoy
What the f**k happened to proper English?
What the f**k was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima
What the f**k was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima
What the first philosopher taught, the last will have to repeat. - Henry David Thoreau
What the fool does in the end, the wise man does in the beginning.
What the gods get away with, the cows don't.
What the gods give, they quickly take away.   George Sanders
What the h*ll is going on!? --Riker
What the heart feels comes right out of the keyboard.
What the heck am I doing???  This is an Off-line reader!
What the heck are they saying? -- Crow T. Robot
What the heck are you reading this for?!?
What the heck do I need a watermelon for?= -Gallagher
What the heck do YOU think Rice Crispies are made of??
What the heck does Avanti! Avanti! mean? -Mike as Palance
What the heck happened here?!?!?
What the heck is a 'jigowatt'???
What the heck is a Level 3 Diagnostic?...Geordie
What the heck is a prime directive!? ..Capt Sherridan
What the heck is going on here?  Riker
What the heck is happening out there? - Major Kira Nerys
What the heck is he saying? -- Crow T. Robot
What the heck is he saying?! - Crow on garbled dialogue
What the heck is opposite sex?
What the heck is that anyway??
What the heck is that????? it contagious?
What the heck is this?
What the heck just happened here, @FN@?
What the heck was THAT?!? --Mayor of Hiroshima, 08/06/45
What the heck was that?!
What the heck! Terminate everybody and start again
What the heck's a tree doing in a forest???
What the heck, go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket
What the heck? I must've crossed those wires - Dr. F
What the hell _is_ this thing, Mulder?! - Scully
What the hell are YOU starin' at!?! - Duckman
What the hell are the Shadow Lords up to? -- Lord Albrecht
What the hell are we fighting for?
What the hell are we laughing at? - Hawkeye
What the hell are we supposed to useharsh language? &lt;Hicks&gt;
What the hell are you all painted up for crack head?!? - Tin-Tin
What the hell are you doing? - Riker
What the hell are you doing?! - Mullibok
What the hell are you reading this for?!?
What the hell are you talking about, Max? - Sam
What the hell are you talking about?!? I am not gay. - Mr Garrison
What the hell are you trying to say?  Any dog looking at its owner
What the hell are you two doing down here? - Garibaldi
What the hell can the two of you do on a train for 16 hours? - Felix
What the hell didn't happen here?
What the hell died in here? - New Jersey State Motto
What the hell does THAT mean? - Crow on letter
What the hell does a Pentium think Pi is??
What the hell does that mean? - Kira
What the hell does that mean? Over - Mike
What the hell happened here??!!
What the hell happened to me, Julian? O'Brien
What the hell is "opposite sex"?
What the hell is *that* supposed to mean? - Mulder to Scully (TDB)
What the hell is My Shirona?! --Kurt Cobain
What the hell is THIS? - Krusty the Klown
What the hell is a 'Velvet Fog?' Jerry Seinfeld
What the hell is a 'jigowatt'???
What the hell is all that stuff on my face? O.J. reading TIME
What the hell is all that stuff on my face? O.J. seeing Howard Stern's
What the hell is an NVN? - Jack Rickard 1994
What the hell is goin' on 'round here!  -  Micheal Garibaldi; Security
What the hell is going on here, Mulder? Scully
What the hell is going on here?  Riker
What the hell is going on here? Janeway
What the hell is going on here?! - Riker
What the hell is going on? - Picard
What the hell is happening out there? - Major Kira Nery
What the hell is happening out there? -- Kira
What the hell is opposite sex?
What the hell is that thing?      It looks like a Winabego with wings!
What the hell is that!? - Arthur
What the hell is that? Chekov
What the hell is that?! - Henry. It's a Spam lamb! - Hawkeye
What the hell is this crap? - Butt-Head
What the hell is this crap? huh huh huh
What the hell is this guy saying? - Butt-Head
What the hell is this thing, Mulder?! - Dana Scully
What the hell was that about? - Scully
What the hell was that? - Mayor of Hiroshima.
What the hell was that? Riker
What the hell!? - Kira
What the hell's that?
What the hell's wrong with you?  3 mistakes in 1 spleen.-Hawk to Frank
What the hell, go ahead and put all your eggs in one bask
What the hell, if it's going to fly, it's going to fly.  - Dax
What the hell, put all your eggs in one basket
What the hell--?? - Martinez
What the hell. Go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.
What the hell... Opaka? - Sisko
What the hell... it worked on Star Trek!
What the hell?! - MP.  Excuse me. - Father Mulcahy
What the hell?! - O'Brien
What the hell?! --Garibaldi.
What the hell?! --Ivanova.
What the hell?!?!?!
What the hell?? - Sheridan
What the hinge is to the door the paper is to the highlighter. - Lee Ackrill
What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
What the pooka writes let him read it himself.-Irish
What the public thinks depends on what the public hears.
What the schools are doing to our children is increditable!
What the scientists have in their briefcases is terrifying. -- Nikita Khruschev
What the scientists have in their briefcases is terrifying. -- Nikita Khruschev
What the smeggin' smeg's he smeggin' done? - Lister
What the teeners are listening to -Crow on alien message
What the text giveth, the footnote taketh away.
What the waitress offered John Bobbitt at the diner - a Bobbitt bag.
What the world *really* needs is a good Automatic Bicycle Sharpener
What the world needs is an electric match
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left. --Oscar Levant
What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork. - Pearl Bailey - American singer
What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork. - Pearl Bailey - American singer
What the...? Riker
What then to do about Jesus of Nazareth?
What then to do about this tagline mania?
What they don't know won't kill them.
What they don't want to confront, they try to censor.
What they yakked about: Tarantino Taglines?
What this cigar needs is a good 5-cent country!
What this conference needs is an enema
What this country REALLY needs is a vegetarian mosquito
What this country needs are more unemployed Democrats!
What this country needs is "kinder, gentler" assault rifles
What this country needs is a 5 minute orgasm!
What this country needs is a GOOD $129 9600 baud modem.
What this country needs is a dime that will buy a good five-cent bagel.
What this country needs is a good 5 dollar plasma weapon.
What this country needs is a good 5-cent anything.
What this country needs is a good 5-cent nickle.
What this country needs is a good 5-cent quarter.
What this country needs is a good five cent ANYTHING!
What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer
What this country needs is a good five cent nickel.
What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon
What this country needs is a good five-cent ANYTHING!
What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar.
What this country needs is a good five-cent microcomputer.
What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel.
What this country needs is a good five-cent quarter
What this country needs is a good vegetarian mosquito.
What this country needs is a lesbian president!
What this country needs is a politician that gives trading stamps.
What this country needs is a vegetarian mosquito
What this country needs is more RAM .. Bill Gates
What this country needs is more leaders who know what this country needs.
What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.
What this country needs is someone who knows what this country needs
What this department needs is a really good inflatable doll
What this game REALLY needs is some adult supervision!
What this game needs are negotiated settlements.  -Calvin
What this jerk does on -line, my cat does in his sandbox
What this world needs is a damn good plague.
What this world needs is a good $5 plasma weapon
What this world needs is a good five-dollar plasma weapon
What this world needs is more Commander Keen!
What this world needs is more taglines
What this world needs is more unemployed politicians!
What thunder, there's not even any clouZlW*%@  NO CARRIER
What time does the midnight show start?
What time is it at the North Pole?
What time is it when you see a Geo following a Geo? Tin after tin
What time is it; what day is it; what century is it? - Nick Knight
What time is it? - Lister Saturday. - Rimmer
What time is it? What day is it? What century is it? - Nick Knight
What time of the month is it? - Tom on angry guy
What time's your synchronized swim meet? - Mike
What to do about ignorance & apathy? Who knows? Who cares?
What to do if you're in a car accident  by Rhea Ender
What to do when you win the Lottery book:  costs $1.6 million
What to do with 365 used condoms? Make a tyre and call it a "Good Year".
What to give someone who has everything:  a burglar alarm
What tool do you use to do the impossible?
What torpedoes? I don't see any Tor******r**** NO CARRIER
What torpedoes? I don't see any ToruX+a+Ur+XT+ NO CARRIER
What torpedoes? I don't see any tor^$%@% NO CARRIER
What torpedoes? I don't see any torpeaA+ae~^}++o~ua?o&lt;P  NO CARRIER
What town did your family live in?
What two things in the air can get a blonde in trouble? Her feet!
What two things in the air get a woman pregnant? Legs.
What type of device is this? Data
What type of drugs was that fried egg using at the time?
What type of person lives the longest? A rich relative.
What uneasy alliance?! - Odo
What universe is this, please?
What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you. -- Nietzsche
What use is a computer if you don't have a modem?
What use is a tagline if it can't be stolen?
What use is magic if it can"t save a unicorn? -- Peter Beagle
What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn?
What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn? (Peter S. Beagle)
What use is magic if it can't save a unicorn? -- Peter S. Beagle, "The Last Unicorn"
What use is magic if it can't tame a redhead??
What used to be called shame & humiliation is now called publicity. PJ
What uses is magic, if it can't save a unicorn
What venereal disease do rabbits get? VW.
What version am I on?  Oh... 1.51 d-beta 2, revision 3g.
What was *that*?? Janeway
What was Clinton doing in Moscow?  Studying economics?
What was Clinton's excuse this time? "I didn't impale"
What was Gods' message to David after the fire?    WELL DONE!
What was I doing again?
What was I saying?
What was Starfleet doing at the array? Torres
What was Watergate? A little bugging! - Richard Nixon
What was _that_ all about? - Beverly
What was _that_ all about?! - O'Brien
What was all that yelling? - Dax
What was clockwise called before there were clocks?
What was first, a virus or a trojan horse ???
What was in Pooh's honey to make him so docile & sleepy?
What was in Pooh's honey tobares thinking about
What was it I was saying before I interrupted myself?
What was it again? Oh yeah! Thumb clip...Pull pin...Throw...DUCK!
What was it they used to call it? A Judas goat? Cochrane
What was it you found humorous? Data
What was my original face before I was born?
What was on their minds when they abbreviated "Kentucky?"
What was sliced bread the greatest thing since?
What was that about women drivers?
What was that again?...alt-k, f3, 1tsp sugar, hit blend?
What was that all about? Crusher
What was that bang?  -- Janet Weiss
What was that noise outside#& &$!#@$&  NO CARRIER
What was that password again?  'Shazam?' - Garibaldi
What was that ripping sound?  Oh, just the Constitution!
What was that shot of a lizard?
What was that song you sang last week at Vespers? - Crow
What was that you just said?  Sisko to O'Brien
What was that, Captain? You're breaking up? - Ivanova
What was that, Chief? Welch  Nothing. - Garibaldi
What was that?  Was that a plot point?
What was that?  Was that a plot point? -- Crow T. Robot
What was that? Chakotay
What was that?! Heh-heh, the weather! Very peculiar, don't you think?
What was the best thing *before* sliced bread?
What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?
What was the date when you crashed? Picard
What was the dumb rednecks last words? "Y'all watch this"
What was the gorilla doing while this was happening, ma'am?
What was the greatest thing _before_ sliced bread?
What was the last novel you read for fun?
What was the name of the Unknown Soldier?
What was the name of the movie? -- Joel Robinson
What was the nearsighted chicken doing on the baseball diamond? Trying to hatch a fowl ball
What was the verdict?  They preferred the brown wig.
What was the witches favorite subject in school?  Spelling
What was today's agenda?  Oh, yes... evisceration. -- Chennard
What was wrong with *that*?!?
What was wrong with the ham before it was cured?
What we DON'T need is more laws!
What we DON'T need is more laws! Enforce the ones we have now!
What we NEED are Scratc N Sniff GIFs!
What we anticipate seldom occurs. -- Disraeli
What we anticipate seldom occurs: but what we least expect generally happens. - Benjamin Disraeli
What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect ge
What we are is God's gift to us - what we become is our g
What we are selling are hopes and dreams, not frozen peas
What we buy when we give up daylight is a new set of rules
What we call free markets generally benefit people with enough money to purchase what they need. - Andrew Hacker
What we call male power produced female power.
What we call morals is simply blind obedience to words of command.
What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence. -- Wittgenstein
What we demand is a total ABSENCE of solid facts! * Vroomfondel
What we demand is a total absence of solid facts
What we do for our mothers!
What we do from this point on is a mystery to me!
What we do not understand we do not possess - Goethe
What we don't need is more Democrats in Congress. - Barry Goldwater
What we got back didn't live long.  Fortunately
What we got on our hands now is what we call a "lull". - The Tick
What we have accomplished through jet-engine aircraft is the abolition of the journey. - Edward Abbey
What we have here are articulate,quasi-animate,transitory plasmoids
What we have here is a Shaka When the Walls Fell to communicate.
What we have here is a failure to cognitate
What we have here is a failure to commun%#^$)_*$% NO CARRIER
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Now LISTEN!
What we have here is a failure to communicate...
What we have here is a failure to excommunicate! - Pope John Paul
What we have here is a lack of adult leadership
What we have here is failure to ass'mlate. --Cool Hand Borg.
What we have here, is a NEED to communicate!
What we have here, is a failure to communicate! (MR mgmt
What we have here, is a failure to communicate.
What we have here... Is a failure to accumulate.... Ernest P.W.
What we have now is what we call a 'lull'. - The Tick
What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. - Samuel Johnson
What we learn after we know it all is what counts
What we learn from history is that we do not learn from h
What we love we shall grow to resemble. - Bernard of Clai
What we miss most as we grow older is temptation
What we need are 0-wait-state shopping lines.
What we need are Scratch N Sniff taglines!
What we need are scratch & sniff Hustler magazines!
What we need here is hard Data. - Tasha Yar
What we need here is hard data.  -Yar
What we need is Scratch N Sniff recipes!
What we need is Scratch N Sniff taglines!
What we need is Scratch N Sniff taglines! ___ Blue Wave/Q
What we need is a National Cat day
What we need is a Pizza Door and a Beer Door
What we need is a climbing song - Picard
What we need is a good Windows GIF viewer program
What we need is a long term quick fix
What we need is a nail raeder wiht a spolling chekcer
What we need is a national Moderator's day.
What we need is a stupid, futile, gesture.
What we need is either less corruption, or more chance to participate in it
What we need is hard Data.  -Tasha Yar
What we need is love? NOT. What we need is TOLERANCE!
What we need is more unemployed politicians
What we need is not the need to believe, but the wish to find out, which is exactly the opposite. - Bertrand Russell
What we need is some music to cheer us up !!!  =8;-&gt;
What we need now is a 'Bill Of Wrongs'.
What we really need is a moment of science in public schools
What we respect we always do, but what we do not respect we ignore
What we say is important... for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. - Jim Beggs
What we see depends largely on what we look for
What we see depends on mainly what we look for. -- John Lubbock
What we subsidize we get more of.
What we tax we get less of
What we want is a story that starts with an earthquake an
What we wish, that we readily believe. -- Demosthenes
What we're looking at is good and evil, right and wrong
What we're up against isn't just evil, it's filth. -Sewer Urchin, Tick
What weapons _does_ this staion have? A few M-80s and a Super Soaker.
What wears a black cape, flies through the air and bites people? A mosquito in a black cape
What were Koresh's last words?  "That burns me up!"
What were the first words Adam spoke to Eve? --Stand back--I don't know how big this thing's gonna get!
What were the skies like when you were young?
What were vices are now fashion.
What were vices, now are fashions.
What were you doing in space at the age of 87? Kirk
What were you doing on the Statue of Libery, Mr. Williams?
What were you expecting?  A set of instructions? -- MacLeod
What were you in civilian life? HAPPY, SIR!
What were you thinking about? - I'm just curious. - Bashir
What were you this time, Odo?  A modem?  A computer?... A tagline!
What were you this time, Odo?  The glass?  The chair? -- Quark
What were you this time, Odo?  The modem?  The computer. The tagline?
What were you this time, Odo? The modem? The computer? The TAGLINE!
What were you this time, Odo? The modem? The computer?... The tagline!
What were you this time?  The wine bottle? -- Quark
What will Cosgrove do....?
What will I do for laughs when Bubba's gone back HOME !
What will I do with my Clinton tag lines after 1996?
What will a blonde ask if she's pregnant? "Is it mine"?
What will a blonde ask when she gives birth? Gee, you sure it's mine?
What will be, will be.
What will happen when taxes go over 100% of our income?
What will happen when they run out of laboratory rats?
What will midnight basket ball do that a library won't?
What will the baby spook do at the amusement park? He'll take a ride on the roller-ghoster
What will we do today? What WON'T we do today! --QSquared
What will you do if all your problems aren't solved by the time you die?
What will you do now that you know the Core is exploding? --Niven.
What will you do now? Picard to Hugh
What will you do when that time comes?
What will you do when they come for your NEIGHBOR'S guns?
What will your mother think? --Scar
What wind through yon tagline breaks....?
What wine does one serve with congealed slop?
What wine goes with Captain Crunch?
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
What with you being so clever and all... -- Scar
What witty repartee!
What women consider flirting, men consider teasing.
What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What world are you on?  I'd like to visit sometime.
What worries me most is the obvious fact that it does no good to worry.
What worth has beauty if it be not seen?
What would *YOU* do for a Klondike Bar?
What would *you* know about dignity? -- Tom Servo
What would Binky do?
What would Godzilla be called if created by an atheist?
What would I do for a Klondike Bar? Kill you and take it.
What would I do if I didn't have an Amiga?  Buy an Amiga!
What would I do without you Miss Moneypenny?  Thank you - M
What would Janet say if she saw you like THIS?
What would Jym Fox say? (also important to listen to!)
What would MacGyver do now?
What would Myra I Fox say? (important to listen to!)
What would Popeye do in a situation like this? &lt;Jimmy Buffett&gt;
What would Popeye do in a tight spot like this? -- Buffet
What would Senator Exon say? (who cares?)
What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?
What would YOU know about dignity?! -Tom to Mr. B Natural
What would _you_ do in my place? - Kirk
What would a Feral Techy be without all his parts working?
What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way
What would a chair look like if your knees were reversed?
What would a chair look like if your legs bent the other way?
What would be my chances of seeing a UFO?
What would be the chances of someone like me seeing a UFO?
What would be the result if zero was divided by zero?
What would become of our deep-water double should Amber ever fall?
What would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
What would chairs look like if our knees were reversed?
What would happen if entropy suddenly broke down?
What would happen if one siamese twin committed suicide?
What would happen if the Flash tripped while running?
What would happen if the holo-doctor were in Red Dwarf? (Someone for
What would happen if the whole world farted at once?
What would happen if we opened a jump point inside a jump gate?
What would happen if you lock a cannibal in a room full of lawyers?       He would starve to death
What would have happened if Kuwait's main product was broccoli?
What would hypochondriac acid dissolve?  Health insurance benefits.
What would it take to convince you that you are wrong?
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything. &lt;Van Gogh&gt;
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? - Vincent Van Gogh
What would life be like without a modem ?
What would life be without me?
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce. --Mark Twain
What would men do if they had breasts? Al: We wouldn't need women
What would men do if they had breasts? Al: We wouldn't need women
What would our ancestors really be thinking if they were alive today?
What would the Borg card set be called, a collective collection?
What would the chances be of someone like me seeing a UFO? - Mulder
What would the world be like if there were no rhetorical questions?
What would they want with Mr.Spock's brain? Uhura
What would this world be without feminists?  A whole BUNCH quieter!
What would women say if men changed the length of their pants each year?
What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail? &lt;Robert Schuller&gt;
What would you call H. R. Puffenstuff? - Crow to Tom
What would you do if I sang out of tune...?   Beatles
What would you do if you found an endangered animal that only ate endangered plants...?
What would you do with a brain if you HAD one? -- Dorothy
What would you expect from a cow but a bite?  -Irish proverb
What would you expect from an ass but a kick? -Irish
What would you have me say, Doctor? Spock
What would you little maniacs like to do first?
What would you recommend? --Delenn.
What would you say to a beer, Normie?...Daddy wuvs you.
What would you say to a nice beer, Normie?...Going down?
What would you say? Don't drop the big one. If you a monkey on a string. Don't cut my lifeline. - Dave Matthews
What would you suggest? Sheridan Dinner. --Delenn.
What would you tell God on why you should enter Heaven??
What would you think if I sand out of tune...?   Beatles
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
What would you think if I sang outta tune... &lt;--shoot you!
What would you trade? - Nog
What year did Jesus think it was? --George Carlin
What you _want_ is unimportant right now! - McCoy
What you are about to see is a very unorganized collection of taglines
What you are afraid of overtakes you. Estonian proverb.
What you are depends on where you are.
What you are hereafter is determined by what you are after here.
What you are looking for is in the last place you look.
What you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying.
What you are thinking is what you are becoming. - Anon
What you are watching now should've been edited - Crow
What you are, not what you have, is what makes you rich.
What you areis a long long long story
What you believe you read is not what I thought I wrote!
What you call a blonde in a tree with a brief case? Branch Manager
What you call a blonde in an institution of higher learning? Visitor
What you call a blonde touching her toes? A brunette with bad breath
What you call a blonde with 90% of her intelligence gone? Divorced
What you call a brunette with a blonde on either side? An interpreter
What you call a cow with no legs..."ground beef"!
What you call a fly buzzing inside a blonde's head? A Space Invader!
What you call a smart blonde? An indicator of a really bad hangover!
What you call genocide, I call a day's work.--Amon Morritza
What you call home, Rambo calls Hell! -- Joel Robinson
What you can do to stop obscene phone calls: Don't make them!
What you can not avoid, Welcome. - Lazarus Long
What you can not avoid, Welcome. L. Long
What you can not avoid, welcome. - Heinlein
What you cannot enforce, do not command.  - Socrates
What you commit yourself to become determines who you are
What you do in this world is matter of no consequence. The question is what can make people believe that you have done. -- Sherlock Holmes
What you do is of little signifigance. But it is very important that you do it. - Mahatma Gandhi
What you do is, you get yourself some liquid-Nitrogen
What you do not want done to you, do not do to others.
What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. --Confucius.
What you do not want done to yourself,do not do to others.
What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.
What you don't do is always more important than what you do do.
What you don't know can hurt you, only you won't know it
What you don't know can't hurt you.  Garfield
What you don't know fills every book ever printed.
What you don't know helps us hurt you!
What you don't know might not hurt you until after you die
What you don't know won't help you much either. -- D. Bennett
What you don't know won't hurt you.
What you don't know would make a great book
What you don't owe won't hurt you
What you earn, you get. -- Ed Parker
What you enjoy is much more important than what you have
What you feed, grows. Plants, Children, Love, Hate, Fear.
What you feel highlander is the QUICKENING!
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. - Zig Ziglar
What you get when you don't get what you want
What you get when you offer a blonde a penny for her thoughts? Change
What you get when you squish an android:  Data compression
What you get, is what you see.
What you got in that poodle gun? Anything for me?
What you got tanked and I missed it? - Don Schanke
What you got, you gotta get assimilated! --Chilli Peppers of Borg
What you have isn't a Tagline collection. Its a morass.
What you lack in good looks, you make up for in stoopidity.
What you lack in modesty you make up for in conceit
What you mean 'We are in trouble' Kemosabee?
What you mean we, paleface?
What you mean wrestling is fixed?
What you might call a Mexican screw-off gentlemen. - 007 (T.M.W.T.G.G.)
What you must do, do cheerfully!
What you need is a collection agency. - D. Shultz
What you need is love potion #9.
What you need now is sex
What you observe is real; nothing else exists.
What you permit you promote!
What you remind me of is irrelevant. -- Slappy of Borg
What you say about his company is what you say about society
What you say can mean anything - but what you do means everything.
What you say?! No rubbish or Ayla head go boom! - Ayla
What you see can depend on what you look for.
What you see depends on where you look
What you see is from outside yourself, and may come, or not, but is beyond
What you see is real, but who sees is not.
What you see is what you get, so keep your eyes open.
What you see is what you read
What you see on Channel SHELL this fall, you'll be thinking about tomorrow
What you see revealed within the anger is worth the pain.
What you see revealed within the anger is worth the pain.
What you see when you gaze into a blonde's eyes? The back of her head
What you what you get!
What you subsidize, you get more of.
What you think is rust is actually overactive nitrium metal parasites
What you thought you saw, you didn't get
What you try to do w/ revision is to find the integrity of the poem
What you tryin to you dont wanna play...'
What you wanna you don't wanna play
What you want and what you need...dont mean that much to me'
What you want is irrelevant - Borger King
What you want is what you McDonald's today.
What you want, must, and need to do are seldom congruent.
What you want, what you're hanging around in the world waiting for, is for something to occur to you. -- Robert Frost
What you will have named it, even that it is
What you worship determines what you become.
What you write comes out of how deeply you live your life.&lt;Metzger&gt;
What you're doing down there is wrong. - Wesley Crusher
What you're telling that Napoleon was a short, dead dude?
What you, Shorty greasy spot, spot
What your suggesting could take weeks or months. Allen
What youth deemed crystal, age finds was dew.
What zero mathematician made 1 A.D. come after 1 B.C.?
What!  Are you out of your mind, kid? - Aahz
What!  Do we have to save the universe AGAIN?!?!
What!  I thought you said Satin worshippers!
What!  Those swine just stole my favorite chariot! -- Kask
What!  Were you the prototype for the first speed bump!
What!  You insulted the ORIENTAL character?!?
What!  You want to attack two at once?
What!  canst thou say all this and never blush?
What! Another negotiated trade agreement with Canada?
What! Are you out of your mind, kid? - Aahz
What! DOSSHELL is NOT supposed to be a joke????
What! Did the Hand then of the Potter shake?
What! No incense? And where's the Sacrificial Blade?? &lt;Satanic Grin&gt;
What! did the Hand then of the Potter shake?
What!! You mean you dare challenge me? What a joke! - Bowser
What!!! ..... Me Recompile?
What!!?? Accept Jesus only??? Are you drunk?
What!!?? Accept Jesus only??? sorry 10 gods are better than One
What!!??? How dare you interfere with one of MY spells? - Kamek
What!?  I'm missing Babylon5?`v=y%%(v@!~~%!#  NO CARRIER
What!?  Me worry? -- Alfred E. Newman
What!?  The Amnesia Conference!?  Rats, honey...I forgot all about it!
What!?  Yet another suggestion?
What!? An Imperial Star Destroyer!  Turn ar@#%%!^! - NO CARRIER
What!? Captain Picard isn't a qualified bridge officer?!?
What!? No taglines!? What do you mean, ...we're out??
What!? Only five out of 20,000??? Oh, well
What!? Read the program's documentation? I'm NOT that desparate yet!
What!?! This isn't the FILES section!
What!?!?!? Are you on a Tagline diet, or something?? &lt;*Sheesh!*&gt;
What!?, you want a funny tagline here after I've read 1 Meg QWK file?
What!??! You didn't tell me this tagline was HOT!
What'bout the breathing, the panting, the screaming, the moaning?
What'ca gonna do when they come for you.
What'cha doin'? Counterfeiting money.
What'cha gonna do, when they come for you?
What'cha mean you want documentation ?
What'cha working on, Punkin'? - Joel to Gypsy
What'cha working on, Punkin'? -- Joel Robinson
What'choo talkin' 'bout, Crow? - Tom
What'd I /do/!? --Nightwolf, SN
What'd the cannibal get when he was late for dinner? The cold shoulder
What'd you do, step in a pig? - The Tick
What'd you hit my sister for?
What'd you hit my sister for? Wakko It's a little thing I do. BW-Dot
What'd you like, Normie? ...A reason to live.  Gimmie another beer.
What'd you think of the inmates we saw here this afternoon? - Kirk
What'dya say I get someone else to watch the flock tonight? - BoPeep
What'll it be?  Gin?  Or gin? -- BJ
What'll you think about me when I'm gone.
What're quantum mechanics?
What're quantum mechanics? I don't know. People who repair quantums, I suppose
What're they having there? A Cootie festival? - Mike
What're we gonna do tonite, Brain? Try and take over the FIDOnet!
What're ya gonna do? Bleed on me?! - K.A
What're you giving him a bomb for? It might bite him!
What're you going to do?   Nibble me bum?
What're you gonna do? Bleed on me?
What're you looking at pinhead?
What're you squawking about?   John Hodiak
What're you up to, Brain
What're you up to, Brain         Breaking and *exiting*, Pinky.
What's  favorite whine?
What's "Paranoid" Mean?  WHY do you ASK?!?!??
What's 'Emergency Plan B?' - Chekov, STV:TFF
What's 'Emergency Plan B?' -- Chekov
What's 'e matter w' that `thing'?
What's 'e matter w' that thing? - Scotty
What's 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?  A good start.
What's 13 witches in a hot tub?  .. a self cleaning coven
What's 20,000 lawyers rotting in a swamp? A GOOD START!
What's 20,000 lawyers rotting in the swamp? A good start!
What's 20/20?                                    The IQ of twin blondes.
What's 20/20?  IQ of twin blondes.
What's 20/20? The IQ of twin Marines.
What's 20000 Lawyers dead and rotting in a swamp?  UTOPIA!
What's 20000 Lawyers rotting in a swamp?  A good start!
What's 200K lawyers rotting in the swamp? Oil, someday!
What's 320x200x256? A joke!!!
What's 4 miles long and has an IQ of 40? Miss Clairol Parade
What's 6.9?  69 interrupted by a period.
What's 9009?
What's @N@'s favorite whine?
What's @N@'s favorite whine?
What's Black & tan & looks good on a lawyer?    A doberman.
What's Chtorran Planned Parenthood ?  Tactical Nukes.
What's Dennis Swender Jr.'s favorite whine?
What's Dracula's car called? A mobile blood unit
What's For Breakfast?  - By Hammond Eggs
What's For Dinner? :   by Chuck Roast*
What's For Dinner?.                Chuck Roast*
What's For Dinner?: Chuck Roast
What's GNU with you?
What's Gabbo? I figure it's some guy's name..some guy named Gabbo.
What's Green, Yet Does Not Grow? - By U. S. Dollar
What's He's favorite whine?
What's Helen Keller's favorite color?  Corduroy.
What's Infernal Repairs want with our collar? &lt;Riggs&gt;
What's Irish and stays out all night?  Paddy O'Furniture
What's Irish and stays outside all year? Patty O'Furniture .
What's Julian's favorite drink? Tequila, because it has a worm in it.
What's Julian's favorite drink? Tequila, because it has a worm in it.
What's Like a V-8 running on 4 cylinders?  A Floppy-run 386DX/33.
What's Love Got To DO With It? It's LUST!
What's Love Got To Do With It?
What's Love Got To Do With It?  - Tina Turner
What's Lt. Yar's condition? - Picard She's dead. - Crusher
What's MY favorite animal?  STEAK!
What's Masochistic?  Running a 386DX-33 with Floppies
What's NOT to like? Rowwwr! - Mike, lustily on girl
What's Not To Get? I Just Am. I Hang Out - Crow On Crow
What's Orville Bullitt's favorite whine?
What's Orville's favorite whine?
What's Q?  Kira
What's Red and Swings? Baby on a Meat hook.
What's Scottish foreplay? So laddie, how much ya willin' ta pay?
What's This Line For!!!!
What's Up Doc? - By Howie Dewin
What's Victoria's Secret?  She likes to dress like a slut
What's Wave without wsOMR.
What's With All The Screaming, Why Wont He Stop! - Baby Birds.
What's YOUR favorite thing in the Universe?
What's Your Invention? - By Pat Tent
What's Your Secret - Ren.
What's _his_ story? - Mulder
What's a 'free' gift? Aren't all gifts free?
What's a 1000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? -- A good start
What's a 300lb canary say?  "Here kitty, kitty..."
What's a 486/50, some old British caliber?
What's a 5000 pound mouse say?  "Here, kitty, kitty!
What's a 6.9? 69 interrupted by a period.
What's a 68? She goes down on you, and you owe her one.
What's a Block? Is that like a Cement Block?
What's a Grecian Urn?  oh abouy $4.95 an hour
What's a Grecian urn?  Oh, about 20 drachmas an hour.
What's a Hindu? She lays eggs
What's a Magnesia, and how does a person milk one?
What's a Marines idea of safe sex? A condom on his tongue.
What's a Miami grad's most used line?     "You want fries with that?"
What's a NOONER? ... Sounds like an "Afternoon Delight" Person
What's a Pagan look like anyway!?!
What's a Redhead's mating call? A: "Are the blondes gone yet?"
What's a Tagline? -1-2-3-&gt;Time's up!
What's a Total Immersion Video Game? * Rimmer
What's a `moderator', and why is it mad at me?
What's a backbone?
What's a backbone? - Vhujunka
What's a beer between friends Not enough beer
What's a blond virgin? An ugly 3rd grader.
What's a blonde's favorite nursery rhyme?  Hump Me, Dump Me!
What's a blonde's favorite wine? "Daaaady, I want to go to Miaaami!"
What's a blonde's idea of dental floss? Pubic hair
What's a blonde's idea of safe sex?             Putting the car in park.
What's a blondes favorite rock group?  Air Supply
What's a blondes idea of safe sex?  Putting the car in park
What's a cannibal's worst nightmare?        The tinman
What's a clothes basket honey? And where did you say it was again???
What's a conservative?   A liberal who made it through adolescence
What's a cross between an anteater and a vibrator? --&gt; An
What's a cult?  It just means not enough people to make a minority.
What's a cult?  It just means not enough people to make a minority. -- Robert Altman
What's a dinghy? - Tom as stupid girl getting in boat
What's a dragon to do?
What's a dragon's favorite love song? Stop Dragon My Heart Around
What's a dumpy broad like you doing in a nice place like this?
What's a flunky between friends? - arifel
What's a girl to do without her whip in this day and age
What's a good virus for OS/2?  Any version of MS-DOS!
What's a good wine to take away the taste of this blasted tofu?
What's a good wine to take away the taste of this food?
What's a headache? - Adam
What's a headache?, asked Adam
What's a home without parents? Your own apartment!
What's a honeydew list?   Honey do this, honey do that
What's a k-o like you doing in a computer generated joint like this?
What's a little assimilation among friends.
What's a little flab among friends? - Xerxes Aragon
What's a little hypocrisy among friends?
What's a man's first duty? The answer's brief: To be himself. - Henrik Ibsen
What's a man's idea of foreplay? A half hour of begging.
What's a matter, Colonel Sandurz?  Chicken?
What's a metaphor? To keep cows in?
What's a mischievious Amateur Operator?  A Deviled Ham!
What's a more polite word for 'euphemism'?
What's a motto with you? - Timone
What's a mouse gotta do to get arrested around here? - Throttle
What's a neophyte, Bob? - Mike
What's a new brides' wedding night dread?   ...Microsoft
What's a nice energy pattern like you doing in a quadrant like this?
What's a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?
What's a nice girl like you doing with a face like that?
What's a nice person like me doing in a place like this?
What's a par-tay without Jaunty!'s illustrious presence?
What's a password?-blond computer user
What's a penny saved?.........a Congressional oversight.
What's a pronoun?-Calvin   A noun that lost it's amature status.-Hobbes
What's a recipe??
What's a signature? A baby swan's autograph
What's a small tort?  A tortilla
What's a synonym for Thesaurus?
What's a synonym for synonym?
What's a sysop?
What's a tagline
What's a tagline if it hasn't been stolen at least twice!
What's a tagline?
What's a tiger? A 500-pound pussy that eats _you!_
What's a tiger? A pussy that eats you.
What's a wide-angle lens? asked Tom obtusely.
What's a woman like you doing in a place like this? - Mulder
What's a woman with PMS and ESP? A BITCH who knows everything.
What's all the arpeggio'ing about? -- Mike Nelson
What's all the fuss about? The MIRV is in the great American tradition of bombs bursting in air
What's all the hubbub, bub? - B. Bunny.
What's all this I hear about "endangered feces"?
What's all this I hear about "presidential erections"?
What's all this I hear about "sax and violins on TV"?
What's all this I hear about presidential erections?
What's all this I hear about sax and violins on TV?
What's all this about &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;HECK&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; fire and dalmatians?
What's all this about hall fires and dalmatians?
What's all this brouhaha?
What's all this fuss about "new taxis"?
What's all this fuss about Russian jewelry?
What's all this fuss about endangered faeces?
What's all this fuss about new taxies?
What's all this fuss about youth in Asia?
What's all this nonsense I hear about Jesus being a Jew?
What's all this racket about endangered feces?
What's all this talk about &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;HECK&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;fire & Dalmations?
What's all this talk about Hellfire and Dalmations ??
What's all this talk about celery caps?
What's all this talk about hard disks!?  Perverts!
What's all this talk about hellfire & Dalmatians?
What's all this then, Amen!
What's all this then?
What's all this uproar in the forest tonight? - Lord of the Eagles
What's all this?! - Mullibok
What's amada? - Lady I don't know! What's AMADA with YOU? - Wakko
What's an 'agent?' Hercules
What's an Alabama atheist? One who doesn't believe in Bear Bryant.
What's an Arkansas virgin? An ugly 5th grader.
What's an Italian curse? Innuendo
What's an adding machine?
What's an anal probe? - Kyle
What's an anal probe? - Kyle, South Park
What's another YATI, anyway?--Tracy Hemenover
What's another blonde mating call?   "Next."
What's another name for stud book?  A male order catalog.
What's another name for virgin blonde? Crib Death!
What's another word for "Thesaurs"?
What's another word for "euphamism?"
What's another word for "synonym"?
What's another word for "thesaurus"?
What's another word for "thesaurus?" -- Stephen Wright
What's another word for Thesaurus?
What's another word for Thesaurus? - Steve Wright
What's another word for synonym?
What's another word for thesaurus?
What's another word for thesaurus? - S. Wright
What's become of that hit-and-run motorist? He's now doing his stunt on the prison baseball team
What's better than 69?  77 - you get eight more.
What's better than Blue Wave v2.20 .... Blue Wave v2.21 of course!
What's better, Rap or Disco?  Watch Out. Trick Question
What's black & brown & looks good on Lawyers?  A Doberman.
What's black & hops around?  -  Skippy in a bushfire.    :-)
What's black and brown and looks good on Sharon TAYLOR?  A Rottweiler.
What's black and brown and looks good on lawyers?  A dobe
What's black and tan and looks GREAT on a thief?  A Rottweiler!
What's black and taps on glass?  Baby in a Microwave.
What's black and white and read all over? OS/2 user guides!
What's black and white and red all over?  Tiamat!
What's black, white, & brown & looks good on a lawyer? A doberman.
What's blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette? A blonde doing cartwheels
What's blue and bouncy? Give up? A blue bouncy thing!!
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh. (13th C proverb)
What's brown & sounds like a bell?   A. Dung.
What's brown and black and seen on a lawyer?  A Doberman.
What's brown and sounds like a bell??               DUNG!
What's brown and sticky?                       A stick!
What's brown and sticky? A stick!
What's come over me? Woo! Here it comes again!  -- Brad
What's da buzz?  Tell me whatza happenin'!
What's distinguishes an IBM-PC from a boat anchor? Segment registers.
What's done to children is done to society.
What's done to children, they will do to society
What's dumber than a blonde?  Somebody who marries one.
What's emergency plan B? -- Chekov
What's essential is invisible to the eye.   Gene Wilder
What's faster than e-mail? Gossip!
What's first aid for a Gigabyte??
What's for breakfast?  Cajun Toast! ... Burnt it again huh?
What's for dinner, honey? [*] Oh, the same old crop. - Trophallaxis
What's foreplay for a blonde? Thirty minutes of begging
What's going on here? - McCoy
What's going on here?!-Hoolihan.  Ah-ah, we asked you _first_!-BJ
What's going on, did I grow a second head or something?! -Lois Lane
What's going on, peace friends? - Joel as lemur
What's going on? - Odo
What's going on? - Scully
What's going on? I've been stuck here almost 200 microseconds. --Ram
What's going on? Picard
What's going to happen to you is more merciful than you deserve
What's gon' be next, the doodoo police?  -- Mojo Nixon
What's gone is gone and I do not give a damn.
What's gonna happen to Chess Piece Face?
What's good for Ugoose is good for Uganda.
What's got 500 balls and screws rabbits?  A shotgun!
What's got 90 balls and makes women sweat? Bingo
What's gray, hairy, and makes animals yawn? A wild bore
What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Log..Log..Log!
What's green and blonde and jumps from bed to bed? A prostitoad
What's green and can jump a mile a minute?  A grass hopper with hicups.
What's green and dangerous? Angry apples
What's green and stands in a corner? A naughty frog! - Yakko Warner
What's grosser that gross? 1 baby in 10 garbage cans.
What's hairy and got 6 sides? A pubic cube!
What's happening, Doctor? Chakotay
What's happening, dudes? - Holly
What's happening?   Everything.  All at once
What's happens if I plug this jumper....NO CARRIER
What's hard&hairy&sticks out of your pajamas at night?
What's he do? Nibble yer bum?
What's he doing to my baby-Alice
What's he gonna do?  Staple himself to death? -- Crow T. Robot
What's he got in his handses? - Gollum
What's his mission? To rid the universe of chicken vindaloo?
What's home without Mom?  Great place to take girls!
What's home without mother?  A great place to take girls!
What's important is...  its linear!  Sisko to wormhole creators
What's in a Name?
What's in a Tagline?
What's in a name anyway?  Everything and nothing.
What's in a name..... HISTORY
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet - William Shakespeare
What's in it for me?
What's in it for the cat? -- Lister
What's in that pipe that he's smoking?
What's in the barn? Paris
What's in the middle of an egg? Tom asked eccentrically.
What's in this potion?  I just run my Spell Checker
What's inconsequential to you, may be important to me. - Odo
What's inside there? Sheridan One moment of perfect beauty. --Kosh.
What's it called when you can't remember anything?
What's it going to be then, eh? &lt;A Burgess, A Clockwork Orange&gt;
What's it gonna be, The New TNN or Spike TV?
What's it gonna take till my baby's alright --Tori Amos
What's it gonna take till my baby's alright --Tori Amos
What's it like being a has-been? -- Joel Robinson
What's it like on Kessel? Is it really THAT bad? - Curi. Explorer
What's it like out there, in the galaxy? - Cochrane
What's it like there? What do you do? Any good golf courses?--C. J
What's it like to stare death in the face, Kazon?!! - Neelix
What's it mean to die in a Pine Salad film? -Carl Macek
What's killing sex today?  AIDS, nah... Email, yea
What's killing sex today? AIDS? No. Email? Yes.
What's learned with pleasure is learned full measure!
What's left is more vegetable than Human. - Kor
What's like a V-8 running on 4 cyl.- A 486dx-50, no HD
What's love but a second hand emotion? Nyah! - Mike
What's love got to do, got to do with it? - Tina Turner
What's made Milwaukee famous has made a fool out of me.
What's made Milwaukee famous made a loser out of me.
What's meaner than a Pit Bull with AIDS?  The man who gave it to him.
What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable
What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. --Bob Dylan
What's moral for the GROUP is moral for the INDIVIDUAL.
What's more dangerous than a firefight, A COP ON A KEYBOARD!
What's more important, taglines or changing the subject?
What's more important?  The card game or the war? -- Hawkeye
What's my Spanish donkey called?  'Hotay', of course!
What's my blood type?  ...FOLGERS!
What's my blood type? ...Hershey's!
What's my favorite sexual position?                 IN!
What's my next punishment?  Scrubbing the bathroom floor... - Mulder
What's my node number? I seemed to be lost inside here!
What's my orientation? Er, ... well ... gee. Oh, *confused!* That's it!!
What's new ?
What's new grady-puss? Whoa, whoa, whoa! - Tom sings
What's new pussycat, whoa oh oh - Mike sings
What's next?  Straight "A"s on Bart Simpson's report card??
What's next? Sexium?
What's normal? La Forge
What's not worth doing is not worth doing well. - Don Hebb
What's on the Television then?  Looks like a penguin (Pepperpots)
What's on the front of a beauty magazine for monsters? The cover ghoul
What's one advantage of electing a woman president? We wouldn't have to pay her as much,,,
What's one more cat?  Just another fluffy fuzz ball of fun!
What's one more cat?  Just another fluffy fuzz ball of fun!
What's one more cat?  Or even six more?
What's one more cat? Just another fluffy fuzzball of fun!
What's our Vector Victor.
What's our secret ingredient?  A free man and his rifle
What's our vector, Victor?
What's page one, a preemptive strike? -- Professor Freund, Communication, Ramapo State College
What's pink and has 7 dents in it? Snow White's cherry.
What's pink&smells like socks?Clinton's tongue.
What's playin' at the Roxy?
What's popular isn't always right; what's right isn't always popular!
What's reality ever done for you?
What's really gross? Eating the mint in the urinal.
What's really gross? Eating the raisins off fly paper.
What's red and green? A sick smurf in a blender!
What's red and hangs in trees? Baby shot out of a lawn mower
What's right isn't always popular, what's popular isn't always right
What's she trying to do?  Seduce the door frame? -- Mike Nelson
What's shorter than a vacation-The life of a clean garage.
What's shorter than a weekend?  A Vacation!
What's six inches long and every woman's dream?  A hundred dollar bill
What's slimy, blue/green & hard to swallow?  - Quarks Vole Milkshakes
What's small, fat and furry?  Old ice cream
What's small, flat and furry?  Sixsmith roadkill.
What's small, flat and furry?  Tribble roadkill.
What's so amazing about really deep thoughts?
What's so amazing about really deep thoughts? - Tori Amos
What's so bad about a dog's life ?
What's so bad about being drunk? --Ask a glass of water.
What's so civil about war anyway
What's so fascinating? - Kirk
What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
What's so funny?
What's so funny? - Todd The joke Rondi didn't tell. - Jason
What's so great about `Dick Durkin'? -- Harley Stone
What's so great about humans anyway?
What's so great that people are switching to Windows?
What's so special about the cheesemakers?
What's so troublesome about not having died? - McCoy
What's tennis without a racket?
What's that Servo? Oh, sorry - Mike hits Tom with board
What's that aftershave you're wearing?  Garlic!
What's that beep noise & where's the smoke coming from?
What's that beeping noise?  And where's that smoke coming from?
What's that behind you, I called, & when Cthulhu looked, I tripped him.
What's that blood upon your fangs, Vampire "D"?
What's that blue thing doing here?
What's that cop doing? This is a one-way street! HELP!!!!!!
What's that disease called where you can't remember things?
What's that disease where U can't remember things?
What's that disease where you can't remember??
What's that dog doing with my Blue Wave Packet in his mouth?
What's that dot on your head?  Do you use it to see?
What's that fly on my pizza? - Centerpiece, ma'am.
What's that fragrance? - Kryten WD40. - Camille
What's that got to do with anything? - The Brain
What's that gunk on her towel? - Mike
What's that in the road? A head?
What's that in the water? SHARK! SHARK!
What's that nasty hole in your face?  Oh!  It's your mouth.
What's that odor? Smells like someone used Listerine as d
What's that on top of the telly? Looks like a penguin.
What's that on your sleeve, Trickster?
What's that reddish stuff on the cannon? Tom asked rustically.
What's that slow clapping?  A Swedish applause!
What's that straight guy doing with that poof? - Cyberpuck
What's that supposed to say?
What's that swinging in my tree?
What's that under my foot!  Oh, it's just Barney
What's that watermelon doing there? &lt;Buckaroo Bonzai&gt;
What's that, boss? "Off-topic"? Okay, okay... &lt;grumble&gt; Martin Pollard
What's that, boy? Timmy's hurt? - Lassie
What's that?  This message was PUBLIC?..... Whoops!!!!
What's that?  You wanna know what a RECORD ALBUM is?  Geez!
What's that?  it's an automatic?  oh well
What's that? - Arthur   Something blue. - Ford
What's that? Sheridan Survival pod. - Narn
What's that? Windows NT? Oh, I get itWindows, No Thanks!
What's the 411 on 911?
What's the Bag Limit on Newbies these days, anyway?
What's the Bag Limit on Player Characters these days, anyway?
What's the Bag Limit on tourists these days, anyway?
What's the Chtorran word for idealist ?  Lunch.
What's the Constitution between friends? - J.Campbell on bad bill
What's the Fiji Mermaid? Scully
What's the Klingon name for Mickey Mouse?  LUNCH!
What's the MATTER Sid? ... Is your BEVERAGE unsatisfactory?
What's the NRA really up to?  Saving your rights
What's the Zakdornian word for 'mismatch?' Riker
What's the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.
What's the announcement, Radar? - Trapper
What's the bag limit on children these days?
What's the best cure for acid indigestion? Stop drinking acid
What's the best defensive gun? The one you have WITH YOU!
What's the best way to save money?Don't spend it
What's the big deal about Youth in Asia? (OS)
What's the big deal about lawyers at the bar.
What's the big deal?
What's the big idea sticking stop sign on the back wall of garage?
What's the binary name for Tom Servo? - Satellite News
What's the blonde's cheer? " I'm blonde, I'm blonde, I'm B.L..O..uh.."
What's the blonde's favorite battery? Ever-ready
What's the blonde's favorite potato chip? Frito-Lay!
What's the brown stuff between elephant's toes?    Slow natives
What's the buzz? Tell me what's happenin'?
What's the capital of Victoria ? Two Dollars ?
What's the capitol of North Vietnam? Tom asked annoyingly.
What's the cat's law of life??
What's the condition of the probe now? Janeway
What's the crime?  I had fun. -- The Frogs
What's the cure for an achy breaky heart? - An itchy twitchy twat.
What's the deal with Jane Pauley's hair? -- Tom Servo
What's the deal with Jim Varney? -- Tom Servo
What's the deal with the Ancient Greeks? -- Crow T. Robot
What's the deal with the Pina Colada song? -- Tom Servo
What's the deal with this stuff not being not bold? -- Forrester
What's the definition of a nerd?  One who owns an alto clarinet.
What's the definition of a will? It's a dead giveaway,,,
What's the definition of bad aim? A pregnant bed!
What's the diference between Windows and Viruses
What's the diff. between a 10' and 8.5' dish? 18 inches!
What's the diff. between a saxophone & chainsaw? Vibrato.
What's the difference between 'ooh' and 'aah'? About 4 inches!
What's the difference between Arkansas women & a 747? About 10 lbs.
What's the difference between DesqView and Windows?  15 megs.
What's the difference between Desqview and Windows?-About 15 Meg
What's the difference between Windows and a Yugo?  Nothing.
What's the difference between Windows and a virus? A virus works!!!
What's the difference between a Democrat and a Fool?
What's the difference between a Unix group and a group of eunichs?
What's the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman? A used car salesman knows when he's lying
What's the difference between a dog & a fox? 4 drinks
What's the difference between a dog and a fox?        Five beers.
What's the difference between a dog and a fox?  6 beers!
What's the difference between a dog and a fox?  About four drinks!
What's the difference between a duck?
What's the difference between a lawyer and a rooster? The rooster clucks defiance
What's the difference between a saxophone and a chainsaw?
What's the difference between a sick cow and an angry crowd? One moos badly and the other boos madly
What's the difference between a virus & Windows? Viruses never fail.
What's the difference between a virus and Windows? A virus works.
What's the difference between an angry audience and a cow with a sore throat? One boos madly: the other moos badly
What's the difference between an egg?
What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?
What's the difference between and E.T.?  E.T. phoned home.
What's the difference between baseball and politics?
What's the difference between genius & stupidity? Genius has limits.
What's the difference between genius & stupidity? Me, and You.
What's the difference between genius and stupidity? There is an end to genius, there is no end to stupidity.
What's the difference between government bonds and men?  - Bonds mature!
What's the difference between government bonds and men?  - Bonds mature!
What's the difference between hard and dark ? stays dark all night
What's the difference between land and real estate? About $3/sq foot.
What's the difference between men and goverment bonds? Bonds mature.
What's the difference between soft taco and a burrito?
What's the difference between your mother and a pit bull?  Lipstick
What's the disease that paralyzes blondes below the waist A: Marriage
What's the easiest way to grease a Ferarri? Run over a lawyer.
What's the first thing a blonde does in the morning? Walks home.
What's the frequency, Kenneth?  What's the frequency?
What's the fun of having invisible taglines if no one can
What's the good of being grown-up if you can't be childish?
What's the hoodoo, Skinner? - Tom to Crow
What's the latest game played at the White House?  Swallow the leader
What's the leading cause of teenage pregnancy? It's called a "date"
What's the margin of error? O'Brien
What's the matter Col. Sanders, are you chicken?
What's the matter Colonel Sanders.......CHICKEN?
What's the matter Colonel Sanderz, Chicken?
What's the matter afraid I can get more pussy than you.
What's the matter with me? - Kirk
What's the matter with that guy? He is complaining to his wife that his stenographer can't understand him
What's the matter with them out there? - Kirk
What's the matter with you! - Sisko
What's the matter with you, Steven? - Ivanova
What's the matter, Alice? Running out of friends again?
What's the matter, Col. Sanders... CHICKEN?- Spaceballs
What's the matter, Col. Sanders?  CHICKEN?! - Dark Helmet
What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz, *CHICKEN*?!?!
What's the matter, Colonel?  Chicken?
What's the matter, I don't bite.  No, that's wrong, I do. -- K'ehlyr
What's the matter, Kirstie?  Didn't you get my message?
What's the matter, Lady S?  Don't you *like* boys? -- Chance
What's the matter, Quark? Spinning out of control? Zek
What's the matter, Tenchi? - Ryoko
What's the matter, can't you sleep? - Kirk
What's the matter, chump? -- Ankylosaur
What's the matter, kid - you never had lamb chops? - Donald Gennaro
What's the matter, you act like you've never seen a psychopath before!
What's the matter. Get your pecker caught in the plumbing this morning
What's the matter?  Cat got your tagline?
What's the matter? Clinton repealing Reagan's tax cuts?
What's the matter? Forget your sword? --Richie Ryan
What's the matter? No 'Welcome home' kiss for Freddy?
What's the meaning of love?  It's grand, it's grand.
What's the meat in it?
What's the meat in it? Perfectly Normal Beast.
What's the name for that mysterious shrinkage that affects swimsuits over the winter?
What's the name of that thing where you lose your memory?
What's the name of this creek? Why don't we have paddles?
What's the nutritional value of a dead president?
What's the opposite of opposite?
What's the penalty for bigamy?  Two wives!
What's the penalty for bigamy?  Two wives!
What's the phone number for 9-1-1?
What's the point in bashing if you can't bash yourself, first?
What's the point in being grown-up if you can't be childish at times?
What's the point in righting if you don't offend someone?
What's the point of all this?
What's the point of being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?  Hobbes
What's the point of being fascinatingly crazy if you don't enrich the world with it?
What's the point of being fascinatingly crazy, if you don't enrich the
What's the point of being grown up if you can't act childish
What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish?-4th Dr
What's the point of growing up if you can't act childish.
What's the point of human existence? - Calvin
What's the point of sex, if your lover can't make you breath heavy?
What's the point of the story? Aesop exclaimed morally.
What's the point of trying if you can't be a winner ? - Calvin
What's the point spread on WWIII?
What's the point spread on WWIII? - R. Reagan
What's the point-spread on World War III?
What's the point-spread on World War III? - Clinton
What's the point? -- Crow T. Robot
What's the politically correct term for jack ass?
What's the problem here? - Quark
What's the problem, Mr Data? - Picard
What's the problem, officer - is it my tattoo?
What's the range of a Viola? 35 yards if you've got a good arm.
What's the rectal temperature of a three toed sloth?
What's the rush? - Sisko
What's the score in the Wonder-Charles tennis game? asked Tom lovingly.
What's the season of love if you can't have everything?
What's the situation? Sheridan
What's the sound a name makes when it's dropped?
What's the speed limit on this superhighway????
What's the speed of dark?
What's the speed of light in furlongs per fortnight?
What's the square root of 69?     8.something.
What's the square root of 69?--"Ate-Something"!
What's the stalling speed of a swallow?
What's the stinko about?! ... Ooohhh...General. -- Col. Potter
What's the thinnest book in the world?  What men know about women.
What's the thinnest book in the world? The Irish cookbook.
What's the thinnest book in the world? The Lesbian Book of Humor.
What's the thinnest book in the world? What Men Know About Women.
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it?
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? -- The Doctor
What's the use of a good quote if you can't change it? - Dr. Who
What's the use of being immortal when you can't live either?
What's the use of playing, if you do not keep SCORE. - Worf
What's the use of this battle, Spock? McCoy
What's the use, baby.  I'm a bum.    William Holden
What's the use?  Yesterday an egg, tomorrow a feather duster.
What's the warp core pressure? Janeway
What's the white stuff in a woman's knickers? Clitty litter.
What's the word? Thunderbird. What's the price? 40 twice!
What's the world coming to when your monitor stares back.
What's the worst thing about an Irish Joke the timing
What's the worst thing about sex with a blonde? Bucket seats
What's there to do at 3:00am...Psssttt - got a modem??
What's there to know? After all...I'm right!
What's there to understand?  Just kill her and get a new one.- 3rd Rock
What's this "beta" that all these people keep testing?
What's this "duplleexx"" sswwiittcchh ddoo,, aannyyway?
What's this ALT-H key d#$&!@#$&  NO CARRIER
What's this I hear about "Mortal Kombat II?"
What's this I hear about van pyres and wooden steaks?
What's this Quark, Cheat your 1000th customer? - Kira
What's this Quark?  You cheat your 1000s customer?  Kira
What's this RED button for?  WAIT!  Oh Shi
What's this Tag line thingy do??
What's this about lime-flavoured oil rubs?--Lwaxana Troi
What's this about not letting Kenny keep his pet turtle
What's this area about?
What's this big red ke....?
What's this butt-munch doing on the stage? - Butt-Head
What's this button do#$!@#$*&*$ @  NO CARRIER
What's this button do...ZAP....Ben?..Ben! - Luke Skywalker.
What's this button do?
What's this button do? Click! Poof!!# $ $%?
What's this button for (WHOOSH)... Ben?  Ben?  Ooops.
What's this button for? ڀ폯....NO CARRIER
What's this button?  m NO CARRIER
What's this button?..eseigmrՌm NO CARRIER
What's this fish doing in my ear?
What's this fish doing in my ear? - Arthur Dent
What's this fish doing in my ear? --Dent
What's this flashing red light by the fuel gauge mean?
What's this girdle made of? Carbon graphite? - Mike
What's this hash prompt on my terminal mean?
What's this loose cable doin #%*#-4@@%   NO CARRIER
What's this loose cable doing #kd_8/NO CARRIER
What's this mean? I thought everyone was really nice... - Dione
What's this part for??? Ahh -- hell! I quit.
What's this pretty little red button do? BEEP!
What's this pubic hair doing in my hand scanner?
What's this string on my finger supposed to remind me of?
What's this stuff about people being "released on their own recognizance"? Aren't we all out on our own recognizance?
What's this, Quark?  You cheat your 1,000th customer?!
What's this?  A cat hair, can't leave home without them!
What's this?  Wants to be a *girlie*?  Oh, My!
What's this?  Weepy nostalgia from the hardened cardshark? - Blair
What's this?  `Pantless Mototcycle Repair'? -- Crow
What's this? - Keiko
What's this? A cat hair, can't leave home without them!
What's this? Is it necessary?
What's this? The Caped Crusader in a mess?? - Batman
What's this?! - It's a Spam lamb! - Hawkeye
What's this?! The Furinkhan team seems to be fighting each other!
What's this?!?  An ON-topic, conference-related post!!!
What's to get up?  I left a call for half past peace. -- Hawkeye
What's tonight's plan to take over the world, Brain?  Pinky
What's ugly *and* cute? Baby parrots!
What's up "Duck" - Buggs
What's up is down; what's down is up. -- Al Gore ... HUH?!?!
What's up, Doc? - Ensign Bugs to Crusher
What's up, doc ?
What's up, doc? - Bugs Bunny
What's up? We ain't; got any locoweed? &lt;sniff&gt; Which way did we go??
What's up? You act as though you have good sense.
What's vanilla, vanilla & vanilla? Ice cream clones.
What's wGNU with you?
What's white and sticky? A white stick.
What's with Seska?  Bad hair day?
What's with a secret agent that keeps striking out? -- Nelson
What's with all the NEGATIVE waves man????
What's with all the dive bombing birds this year! Ew! Yuuck, My car!
What's with all these lost cities?  Lost Angeles, Lost Vegas
What's with all this good cheer?  There's a war on.   Hawkeye
What's with all this good cheer?  There's a war on.-Hawk to Hoolihan
What's with him? - Sulu
What's with the Tom & Jerry music? - Crow
What's with the arms and legs? - BJ to Klinger
What's with the whimsical sitcom music? -- Joel Robinson
What's with you guys and the swords?
What's wors there stuff is visual so I'm at a loss for
What's worse than a politician?  A lobbyist!
What's worse than a slavering grue? A slavering fanboy.
What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis.
What's worse then a politician is a child molester.
What's worse, a VP who can't spell, or a President who can't add?
What's worse, a part missing or a part left over?
What's worse, ignorance or apathy? Who knows? Who cares?
What's worth doing is worth doing for money.
What's worth doing is worth doing for money. - J. Donohue
What's wrong Sid, don't you wanna play with Sally? - Hanna
What's wrong with Easter Island? I LIKE Easter Island. -Calvin
What's wrong with Elvis?   He's DEAD!
What's wrong with NABOB? I use it for my daily backup!
What's wrong with Windows. Let me count the ways.
What's wrong with `pal'?  Why is everyone so down on `pal'? - Jerry
What's wrong with a few tea leaves? asked Tom deceivingly.
What's wrong with a fork fetish? I've heard of worse.
What's wrong with a little d/dx[-cos(x)] every now and then?
What's wrong with a mind of my own?  --Biafra
What's wrong with a waiting period before you publish a newspaper, while the government checks the facts?
What's wrong with being drunk? Ask a glass of water sometime.
What's wrong with everybody? - Tenchi
What's wrong with fruit? You think you know it all, eh?
What's wrong with it? - Scully
What's wrong with people today?
What's wrong with sodomy? Petr asked
What's wrong with that frog, and why is it in the bidet?
What's wrong with that frog, and why is it in the bidet? - Rimmer's Espe
What's wrong with the kids, today?...They're building Empire
What's wrong with the kids, today?...They're building Empire.&lt;'Ryche&gt;
What's wrong with this country, aside from light beer, is
What's wrong with this picture?
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong. Don't have the guts for a fair fight? - Sinclair
What's wrong? --Winters.
What's yellow, hen-pecked and lays chicks?   Bill Clinton
What's your business in this? - Mulder
What's your comeback gonna be this time? - Avery Lette
What's your excuse this time; run out of brains?
What's your explanation? - Potter. I screwed up. - Hawkeye
What's your favourite position on extramarital sex?
What's your interest in this? - Scully
What's your name again?
What's your name, Maqui? Kim
What's your name? echo, What? ECHO
What's your number? Is it still 911? Alllrighty then. - Ace Ventura
What's your opinion, Mr. Cran? Margo Lane
What's your philosophy of life?
What's your plan? - Odo
What's your point?
What's your position on the Kama Sutra, Suzanne?
What's your position on the Kama Sutra?
What's your sign?
What's your stand on term limits? - Mike to senator
What's your zodiac sign?  Turkey?
What's yours is yours and a part of you and it just seems to belong
What's P?
What's, blond,brown,blond,brown,blond? A cheerleader doin
What's, blond,brown,blond,brown,blond? A cheerleader doing cartwheels.
What'sa matter little Franky-wanky-coocool-butter? -Dr. F
What'sa matter, little Franky-wanky-coco-butter? -- Forrester
What've bright primary colours got to do with it?--Tasha
What, 200 bucks for a HAIRCUT??!  - Clinton
What, Data? No seconds? - Riker
What, I implore you, is it? -- Tom Servo
What, I ran out of memorized taglines, ok?
What, Me Worry?
What, Me paranoid? Hey, Psst, Whats the sound.
What, after all, is a halo?  It's only one more thing to keep clean. -- Christopher Fry
What, are the bullets supposed to fall on her? -- Crow
What, are they driving to Scotland? -- Crow T. Robot
What, biased? Me? no, just telling you how I see it... ;) - Dire Wolf
What, did I suddenly become invisible or something? - Capt. Sheriaden
What, did the other guy have a bigger sword or something? - Amanda
What, don't have it plug in?
What, exactly, is the duties of the hospitals Head Nurse?
What, in a nutshell, is deconstructionism?
What, in this world that makes living worthwhile? Cats -- Cats are nice
What, is Darth Vader YOUR father, too?
What, it's Monday again? Didn't we have that *last* week?
What, me ambivalent?  Well, yes and no.
What, me cook?  Shirley U. Geste!  (That's Beau's little sister)
What, me dead?
What, me worry?
What, me worry?         -- Alfred E. Neuman
What, me, Rick, a virgin?  - Rick, The Young Ones
What, me?  .BATs?  V^^^\_ o^o _/^^^V
What, no immediate gratification?
What, the 2nd letter is an "S"?  I thought it was "McDos"
What, us .BATs?   V^^^\_o^o_/^^^V
What, we didn't sign in at the front desk? - Mulder
What, who, *me*? Yahbetterbelieveit!
What, will you tear impatient answers from my gentle tongue?
What, you going to run home to your mama, huh? - Crow
What, you trying to have a tender moment here?
What, you want me to come out lookin' like you, cactus-butt? - Shenzi
What,Just Exactically,IS THAT?-J.P.H.&lt;Devilish-GRIN&gt;
What,me worry??..........Alfred E. Bush
What.  Definitely what
What... Me Worry?
What... dragon again?  Awwwwww Ma, we had dragon for dinner last night
What... human again?  Awwwww Ma, we had human for dinner last night!
What.... no licking.. geeeeeeeeez
What...... is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?! - Bridgekeeper
What....____ Sixties revival? The Sixties never died! the airspeed velocity of an unladen Eagle? the capital of Assyria? read?
What2do about ignorance&apathy?Who knows? Who cares?
What?   Of course pigs can fly, Clinton's got Air Force 1.
What?   You think you can gross me out?.. again?..:
What?  A moderator?  Never mind
What?  A swallow carrying a coconut?
What?  All out of powdered toast?
What?  All this for a song? -- Cecil
What?  An order?  I can't go through with it!
What?  And quit show business? -- Tom Servo
What?  Are you out of your Vulcan mind? -- McCoy
What?  Are you out of your Vulcan mind?!?
What?  Did I miss something?  Bashir
What?  Did aliens steal your socks, too?
What?  Don't think a rich girl can't drink -- Rose (Titanic)
What?  I have to wait until next week?
What?  I was right in the middle of splicing DNA... -- Forrester
What?  I'm all out of powdered toast!
What?  I'm missing "COPS"! *&*^((*##Lost carrier
What?  I'm missing "Grace Under Fire"!  #@%&*@*  NO CARRIER
What?  I'm missing COPS! *&*^((*## NO CARRIER
What?  I'm supposed to know what I'm doing, too?
What?  Lorena Bobbit moderates this conf!#$^ &lt;NO CARRIER&gt;
What?  Me compulsive?  I just can't stop doing this stuff
What?  Me crash?  <hee-hee-hee...>
What?  Me worry?
What?  Me worry?
What?  Monday again!  Didn't we have that last week?
What?  No mail?  Try changing your name to All.
What?  Someone has to have some perspective around here. - Ivanova
What?  Something else you are not competent to do?
What?  The end of civilization as we know it...again??
What?  The second letter is an S?  I thought it was "McDos".
What?  The sky is blue?  Now I'm pissed!
What?  They show other stuff BESIDES cartoons on TV?
What?  They stole the corpse? - Scully (1x01)
What?  This *isn't* the MINDLESS CHATTER echo?
What?  This isn't the FILES section?
What?  This isn't the Star Trek Conference?
What?  This isn't the bus to Lustville?!?!
What?  Wait a second, I think you've got the wrong guy! - O'Brien
What?  What are all those? - O'Brien
What?  What was that?  Was that a plot point? -- Crow T. Robot
What?  What wasn't easy? WHAT? Ro
What?  What? -- Dr. Forrester
What?  Where's you mommy?  Well, I don;t know sonny...-Q
What?  You don't like my signature?  Dial 1-800-WHO-CARES
What?  You have more than one great mind?
What?  You mean this *isn't* the Mindless Chatter echo?
What?  You were expecting something clever here?
What? -  Picard
What? - This _isn't_ the Doom files area??
What? - You're missing the point! - O'Brien
What? -- Joel Robinson
What? -4 to hit just 'cause I'm on fire?! Annonymous GURPS Player
What? 5000 of you and no one brought a sandwich? -- Jesus
What? A swallow carrying a coconut?
What? And quit show business? - Tom
What? Are you ashamed of your anus? - Crow to Tom
What? Clinton President? Computer, end program. END PROGRAM!
What? Fart & get some sleep?!? - Tom as guy lisps
What? Give up C:\&gt; for those stupid ICONS??? NEVER!!!
What? Harmless? Is that all you've got to say? Harmless!
What? Is she rolfing herself? - Tom
What? Isn't 40 bajillion Taglines enough for you? Greedy greedy!
What? Isn't 40 sqillion recipes enough for you? Greedy greedy!
What? It's my H-bomb.
What? Lorena Bobbit moderates this conf!@#$^ NO CARRIER
What? ME. Paranoid.
What? Me Published? (WMP)
What? Me Worry?
What? Me with a genuine Jewish Mother _need_ to cook!
What? Me worry? I have a backup.....somewhere
What? Monday again! Didn't we have that last week.
What? My SysOp put out a restraining order on me? No more questions?
What? No, Win is perfect for commun*?!-x@ NO CARRIER
What? Of course pigs can fly! Clinton's got Air Force One
What? Out of photon torpedoes?! Uhhh... Say, Wesley, buddy ol' pal
What? Prison inmates get more cable channels than I do at home?!
What? Someone has to have some perspective around here. - Ivanova
What? Tell the truth? No! - Ted, "The Play's the Thing"
What? That was my life? Don't I get a second chance?
What? They show other stuff BESIDES Animaniacs on TV?? Wow!
What? This *isn't* the MINDLESS CHATTER echo?
What? What is this 'oh my god'?--Allan Burch
What? What was that?! Was that a plot point? - Crow T. Robot
What? What'd I say THIS time? :) - Dire Wolf
What? Wrong spelling? Impossible! My modem has got error-correction!
What? You *don't* write to disk with a pen?
What? You actually READ these taglines?
What? You actually cook these recipes?
What? You don't agree with me?  Take a number
What? You have a life outside of Fidonet? Sheesh.
What? You mean I have to read the documentation??????
What? You mean to tell me you're afraid of the mysteries of the universe?
What? You mean you're out of soda water*^$# NO PERRIER
What? You think you can gross me out?.. again?..: - TEC
What? You thought those were just decoration? - Londo
What? you haven't Talked with sage Before..shame on you ;)
What?!   You mean we weren't in any REAL danger?!! - Kira
What?!  I thought you said fifTEEN kobolds
What?!  Where is it?!  What happened to it?!  Klim Dokachin
What?!  You read my mind! - Another brilliant statement by Cyclops
What?!  You went over my helmet?!
What?! - You mean that's it for another 7 years?!  Amanda to Sarek
What?! I'm a Mongol - Tom after villain hits girl
What?! I'm missing Animania@$%^ NO CARRIER
What?! I'm missing Star Tre#
What?! I'm missing Star Tre#%k$^ NO CARRIER
What?! Jean! You read my mind! - Another brilliant statement by Cyclops
What?! STTNG cancelled?!  Who's running the networks, Congress?
What?! That's impossible! --Cranston.
What?!!  I'm missing Star Tre*(%$#zNO CARRIER
What?!! How dare you break one of MY spells?! - Kamek
What?!!! You ARE a chicken!!!!! -- Katie Go-Boom
What?!?  DOSSHELL *isn't* supposed to be a joke?
What?!?  Windows *isn't* supposed to be a joke??
What?!? FEMMSA *isn't* suppose to be a joke?
What?!? Give up my C:\ for stupid little icons?
What?!? This isn't the $%#&@ Files section?!?
What?!? This isn't the FILES section?!?
What?!? This isn't the Ferret section?!?
What?!? This isn't the aardvark section?!?
What?!? This isn't the dungeon?!?
What?!? This message is sent all over where?!?
What?!?!  You went over my Helmet?
What?!?! I'm missing Star Tre&lt;~.x NO CARRIER
What?" "You know, the part where you examine your specimen." -The Tick
What?...What wasn't easy? - Ro Laren
What??  Are you insinuating that I'm a looney?!?
What??! Star Trek is on?! I'm outta her@%& NO CARRIER
What??!! Animaniacs is on? @$% NO CARRIER
What??!!!?? I'm missing Star Tre*(%$#zNO CARRIER
What???  I erased DOS, but now Windows doesn't work
What??? This isn't Debbi Rodak???
What???, Me worry?
What?????, Me Worry?
WhatAFindForSomeLuckyTrashDealer! - SpiderMan Classic
WhatWhat doesdoes thisthis echoecho commandcommad dodo??
What`s tennis without a racket?
What`s the most popular form of birth control? The headache.
Whata maroon! - Bugs Bunny
Whatareyou?  Puppies?  Kitties?  Big fuzzy buggies? - Elmyra
Whatcha doin'? - Hobbes  Counterfeiting money. - Calvin
Whatcha doin'? Counterfeiting money.
Whatcha got if a lawyer is up to his neck in sand?  Too little sand!
Whatcha wanna bet Michael Jackson wants lots of kids
Whatchamacallit! - By Thingum Bob
Whatdaya mean I owe $1,957,429 in taxes????
Whatdragon again? Awwwwww Ma, we had dragon for dinner last night!
Whatevah you say, shugah. Rogue
Whatever ... Whatever ... Whatever  *R*O*C*K*S*  your boat!! &gt;;-&gt;
Whatever Gets You Through The Night
Whatever God wants, I second the motion.
Whatever I am, I'm not part of your luggage.   Paul Newman
Whatever I did, I'm sorry! - Sam, "What Price Gloria"
Whatever I think and behold in consciousness as being so, outmanifests itself in my body or affairs
Whatever I was when this began, I have grown." Moriarty
Whatever I was when this began, I have grown." Moriarty
Whatever _does_ kill me, REALLY PISSES ME OFF! Guyver A
Whatever advice you give, be brief.
Whatever became of eternal truth?
Whatever does not kill me, catches a bullet in the chest
Whatever else can be said about sex, it cannot be called a dignified performance. -- Helen Lawrenson
Whatever falls in just _gone_. - Dax
Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever goes up, you sold last week.
Whatever happened to "Why is the sky blue?"
Whatever happened to 'Trust No One', Mulder? - Scully
Whatever happened to 'trust no one'? - Dana Scully
Whatever happened to Fay Wray, that delicate satin draped frame ?
Whatever happened to Fay Wray?
Whatever happened to Fay Wray? - Dr. Frank N. Furter
Whatever happened to Jethro Bodine?
Whatever happened to Mr. Sippi, anyway?
Whatever happened to Randee of the Redwoods?
Whatever happened to Saturday night? Eddie
Whatever happened to Why is the sky blue?
Whatever happened to Wizard Bubblows?
Whatever happened to a #2 pencil?
Whatever happened to all the CLINTON-GORE stickers?
Whatever happened to all the fun in the world?
Whatever happened to impericism? -- TV's Frank
Whatever happened to just fading away? - Franklin
Whatever happened to reruns? Now it' be continued
Whatever happened to summer break actually =being= a break?
Whatever happened to the good old days when sex was dirty and the air was clean?
Whatever happens to you, it will have previously happened to everyone you know, only more so
Whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen.
Whatever happens, look as though you planned it that way
Whatever happens, look like it was intended.
Whatever happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously
Whatever he is, I helped make him. Amanda on Kenny
Whatever he is, I helped make him.- Amanda
Whatever he's up to, he planned it well. Menendez
Whatever hits a fan will not be evenly distributed
Whatever hits the fan is not evenly distributed
Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame. - Benjamin Franklin
Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame. --Franklin.
Whatever is funny is subversive. -- Orwell
Whatever is not nailed down is mine.  What I can pry loose is not nailed down
Whatever is not nailed down is mine.  What I can pry loose is not nailed down. - Collins P. Huntingdon
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound
Whatever is well conceived can be well expressed.
Whatever it is - I'm against it!
Whatever it is -- I didn't do it!
Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Pal-pa-tine to me!
Whatever it is I'm smelling, is it toxic? - Mulder
Whatever it is that hits the fan will not be evenly distributed
Whatever it is that hits the fan, it won't be distributed evenly
Whatever it is the government does, sensible Americans would prefer that the government do it to somebody else.   - PJ Orourke
Whatever it is, I didn't do it. (Unless, of course, you liked it.)
Whatever it is, I didn't do it. (Unless, of course, you liked it.)
Whatever it is, I fear Greeks even when they bring gifts. -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
Whatever it is, I'll pay for it. Jacobs
Whatever it is, I'm against it! - Groucho Marx
Whatever it is, it won't work.
Whatever it is, it's slowly disabling our station. - Sisko
Whatever it is, we canna move. Scott
Whatever it is, whenever it occurs, I'm against it.
Whatever it is, you can be sure we won't like it.  Sisko
Whatever it takes, he says.  Where's the rest of it?  Hey - Ivanova
Whatever it takes, he says. - Ivanova
Whatever it takes, he says. Where's the rest of it? Hey - Ivanova
Whatever it was has been pretty well cooked. - O'Brien
Whatever it was, we can't afford to show it land - Tom
Whatever it was, you wounded it.
Whatever it's supposed to do, I hope it's done it
Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
Whatever limits us we call fate. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever occurs from love is always beyond good and evil.  -- Friedrich Nietzsche
Whatever one desires most one dreams about
Whatever power has taken hold of the TARDIS has taken your pen
Whatever shall we do about O'Brien? Kira-2
Whatever she says I didn't do it! - Quark
Whatever sparked this most uncharacteristic act? :) - Springheel Jack
Whatever tape you found in that VCR, isn't mine. - Mulder
Whatever tape you found in the VCR wasn't mine!-F. Mulder
Whatever temperature a room is its always room temperature.- S.W.
Whatever that lunch was, it was sure delicious. -- Lt. Farman
Whatever that was, I hope its on our side.
Whatever the missing mass of the universe is, I hope it's not cockroaches!
Whatever the problem is, it won't last forever!
Whatever the risk, NO one ever expects to get caught.
Whatever their faults, the Communists never created canne
Whatever their other contributions to society lawyers could be an important source of nutrition
Whatever they're saying about me, I deny everything!
Whatever we think about, we bring about
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.  Luckily this is not difficult. -- Charlotte Whitton
Whatever works, works.  &lt;g&gt; - Anna Steven
Whatever you are doing, there's a law under which you can be booked.
Whatever you are not strong enough to keep is mine. - Anon
Whatever you are, be a good one. - Abraham Lincoln
Whatever you are, be a good one.&lt;Lincoln&gt;
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it
Whatever you can not understand; you can not possess.
Whatever you delete today you will desperately need tomorrow
Whatever you do ... DON'T PRESS THAT BUTTON!
Whatever you do comes back to you.  Threefold.
Whatever you do in life, give it your best shot.
Whatever you do try to have a reason to do it.
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you
Whatever you do, DON'T FALL ASLEEP!
Whatever you do, DON'T MENTION THE CAMEL !
Whatever you do, be good at it.
Whatever you do, don't exercise
Whatever you do, don't piss off the Moderators!
Whatever you do, don't touch the key marked
Whatever you do, make sure you get them to sign on. - Sheridan
Whatever you do, take care of your shoes
Whatever you do, try to have a reason for it.  Gumpism
Whatever you do, you'll regret it.
Whatever you do, you'll regret it. Edsil Murphy
Whatever you do... Don't fall asleep! -Nancy Thompson
Whatever you drop will hit your toes on the way to the corner
Whatever you have, spend less.
Whatever you have, spend more! - Government Of Canada.
Whatever you have, we'll take it! - Congress
Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you are dreadfully like other people. -- James Russell Lowell, "My Study Windows"
Whatever you need is what I have to offer.
Whatever you need, Leo Getz.
Whatever you say about pornography, sex is here to stay
Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows. - Michael Landon
Whatever you want to do, you have to do something else first
Whatever you're doing is *not* as important as feeding the cat!
Whatever you're doing, I forgive you.
Whatever you're doing, it's not as important as petting the cat
Whatever you're doing, stop once in a while for recess
Whatever you're did the right thing. - Scully
Whatever you're going to do, I suggest you do it quickly. Sarah
Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast. &lt;Vasquez&gt;
Whatever your doing isn't as important as petting the cat
Whatever your labours and aspirations in life, keep peace with your soul. - from Desiderata
Whatever's down there, McCoy's in the heart of it. Kirk
Whatever's wrong, it's not as bad as you think. - Londo
Whatever.  Today's issue, the Penguin.  Check him out.  Man or myth?
Whatevever SNAPS your shorts!
Whathuman again?  Awwwww Ma, we had human for dinner last night!
Whats 14.4? Theres something other than 300 baud?
Whats 20,000 lawyers rotting in a swamp? A GOOD START!
Whats 34.5???.... Sixty-Nine for midgets!
Whats GNU with you ?
Whats Like a V-8 running on 4 -cyl? A 386dx33 Floppy-run
Whats Masochist? Running a 386DX-33 with Floppys
Whats a Grecian urn? Oh, about 20 drachmas an hour.
Whats a Tag Line ??
Whats a matter U:  Where bullwinkle went to school.
Whats a matter, couldn't scrape off that Clinton sticker?
Whats a tag line good for?
Whats all that churning and bubbling?
Whats another word for thesaurus?
Whats gross? Sucking your thumb; after you cut it off
Whats he inserting TAB's for? Soft Drinks do not belong in computers.
Whats hot: The Maquis. Whats not: The Federation.
Whats it say? - Sheridan Next time, my way - Ivanova
Whats on Perada 2? -- O'Brien
Whats one more stiff in this echo anyway?
Whats that beeping noise? Where's that smoke coming from?
Whats that behind you, I called, and when Cthulhu looked, I tripped him.
Whats the deal with this stuff not being not bold? - Dr.F
Whats the difference between an idiot and a smoker?   Ans. NOTHING!
Whats the difference between oooh and ahhh?  Three inches
Whats the matter, you act like you've never seen a psycho
Whats the most popular form of birth control? The Headache!
Whats the world coming to?  A dead end
Whats the yellow streak in womens underwear?  Clitty Litter
Whats this BB for anyway ?
Whats this I hear about Goro? He was WHERE in the Jackson molestation?
Whats this big red ke........................
Whats up Uncle Charlie?
Whats with the TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS?!?!?!?!?!?
Whats yellow and points North? A Magnetic banana
Whatsa matter Bill?   Too gutless to stand up to the U.N.?
Whatsa matter Colonel Sanders.......CHICKEN?
Whatsoever I've feared has come to life.  Whatsoever I've fought off  became my life. --Soundgarden
Whatsoever Ye Do in Word or Deed, Do All in The Name of The Lord Jesus !!
Whatsoever a Man Sow, That Shall He Also Reap !!
Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Cor. 10:31
Whatta lEEEEEEEEch!
Whatta maroon! --- Bugs Bunny
Whatta we going to do tomorrow night - a slumber party? No, Pinky.
Whatta you mean, your computer wanted some chocolate?
Whatta yutz! - Slappy
Whattaya mean I can't logon to an active Node?
Whattaya mean lethargy? We need MORE argy, not leth!
Whattya yutz. - Slappy
Whatza tagline?
Whats a pandas biggest life regret? Never had a selfie in color.
Whcn I complained to my wife about her TV Dinners, she claim that there must be something wrong with the antenna
Whcn I complained to my wife about her TV Dinners, she claim that there must be something wrong with the antenna
Whe nall else fails... READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!
WheRe Did KLiNgonS leArn tO CapItaLize?
Wheat was given to us by extraterrestrials called the Manu
Wheat, Rise the Dragonmen of Pern!!
Wheaties and Beer:The Breakfast Of Washed Up Champions!
Wheaties and beer:  The Breakfast of ex-champions
Wheaties, bkfst of champions - Bran Flakes, bkfst for the rest of us.
Wheeee! Owww! - Crow as girl wrestler flips
Wheeeee!  Don'tcha just love defyin' gravity? -- Dot Warner
Wheeeee! Don't ya just love defying gravity? - Dot
Wheel goes 'round, landing on a leap of fate..... -RUSH
Wheel goes 'round, landing on a twist of faith..... -RUSH
Wheel her in, Homer.  I'm not a picky man
Wheel of Entrails - Pat, I'd like to buy a bowel
Wheel of FIDO, turn turn turn, tell us the tagline we will learn.--Yakko
Wheel of Fascism: "Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel and annex Poland."
Wheel of Fortune "before & after":  Blue Wave Rider
Wheel of Fortune, Sally Ride, Heavy Metal, Suicide -I didn't start the
Wheel of Fortune:  Lamborghini.
Wheel of Fortune: S H _ T : May I buy a vowel, please?
Wheel of Morality, turn turn turn -- Yakko Warner
Wheel of Morality, turn, turn, turn....  Animaniacs
Wheel of Randomity, turn, turn, turn.  Tell us the taglines Kelly
Wheel of Randomity, turn, turn, turn. Tell us the Taglines Barry Blaes?
Wheel of Randomity, turn, turn, turn. Tell us the taglines @TO?
Wheel of morality, turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson we should learn.
Wheel's on fire, rolling down the road.
Wheelchair for sale. Call 1-202-898-0792, ask for Sarah
Wheelchair users have the best seat in the house.
Wheels within wheels. -- Rom
Wheemsco Tuna, with the great Dolphin flavor you grew up with.
Wheeze - sputter - snork - guffaw - Shrieeeek!!!
Wheeze tendon guard for thee!
When  your  chocolate  bar  melts in the fridge...  You're  in  Texas!
When **it happens, use it as fertilizer.
When *I* lose one, I've lost a *soul*. - Fr. Mulcahy to Dr. Freedman
When *I* lose one, I've lost a *soul*. - Fr. Mulcahy to Dr. Freedman
When *what* freezes over? - Crow T. Robot
When 1984 goes away, I'll change my calendar
When 2 movie stars get married, their lawyers live happily ever after.
When 26 of todays F1 cars start, the world goes under, J.Matheisen
When 900 years old *you* reach, look as good you will not. - Yoda
When 900 years old YOU reach, look as good you will not
When 900 years old YOU reach, look as good you will not, hm? -- Yoda
When 911 doesn't work, 9MM will!
When 911 won't work -- then .357 will!
When 911 won't work .357 will!
When 911 won't work 9mm will!
When 911 won't work a .357 will!
When @N opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops
When ALL machines can understand each-other, will progress be made.
When Al Gore opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When All Else Fails, You Can Count On Sam
When All Else Fails, You Can Count On Sam
When All Fails, READ THE DOCS !
When Anyone can become President, see what happens?
When April showers, she never closes the curtains!
When Bambi can shoot back, THEN you can call it a sport.
When Baseball Heros Strike Out - By K. C. Atbatt
When Bashir grows up he wants to be Riker
When Beer is Outlawed only Outlaws will brew Beer.
When Bill Clinton opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When Bill and Hillary get divorced....Who gets the WHITE house?!
When Blondie is wearing pantyhose? When she farts, her knees bag
When Blondie puts her panties on backwards she gets her ass chewed out
When Blondie throws a grenade at you, pull the pin and throw it back!
When Blondie throws a pin at you, run! There's a grenade in her mouth
When Boy Scouts do it, it's intense
When Bubba talks, see if Hitlery's lips move.
When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46 
When CP/M grows up it wants to be Windoze
When CP/M grows up it wants to be Windoze
When CPR fails, does the doctor order "Barium?"
When Caesar says `Do this' it is performed. -- Shakespeare
When Cannibals get high on Canada, do they smoke politicians?
When Charles Schumer was born the doctor slapped his mother.
When Clinton looks at Hillary, he dreams of Flowers
When Clinton promised change, voters wrongly assumed for the better.
When Clinton's angry the gravy in his veins rushes to his head
When Clinton's done with it, even the MEEK won't want it!
When Congress is in session, no man is safe! (Mark Twain)
When Congress makes a joke it's a law. And when they make a law it's a joke
When Cryptogrophy is Outlawed, J7*ws=(du7Bs-2;SH26&h+&92j)2=t^jS
When Cthulhu calls ... Don't answer the phone!
When Cthulhu calls, He calls collect!
When Cthulhu calls, let the machine get it.
When Cthulhu calls....don't answer the phone!
When Cthulhu comes a calling don't answer the door!
When Cthulhu speaks, EVERYONE listens.
When DOS grew up, it became OS/2 Warp!
When DOS grows up it wants to be OS/2!
When DOS grows up it wants to be OS/2.......NOT!!
When DOS grows up, it wants to be OS/2!
When Daddy is cleaning the gutters, cats must nap on the ladder steps
When Data assimilates data, is he being a cannibal?
When Data has a cold, does he use a virus scanner?
When Dax does her income tax, does she file a joint return?
When Dax visited the planet Arrakis, the Fremmen shouted, "Wormsign!"
When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?"
When Ditka was fired, my heart died too- Oh, just a sausage. Nevermind
When Driving:  Look behind you frequently, with a very paranoid look
When Eddie said he didn't like his Teddy you knew he was a no-good kid
When Eve arrived, this was no longer a man's world.
When FREE speech becomes illegal we're all doomed!
When Fate gets nauseous, my life is always the bucket!
When Flagg laughs, you get scared. - Lloyd
When Friends loan us Strength,Our *Own* strength grows
When GOD Speaks,.. Even E.F. Hutton Listens!
When GOD made women, he was only testing.
When Gehenna comes, they'll be in for a surprise. - Crenshaw
When Gilgamesh arrived Jericho had already fallen.
When God Smile, the whole world smiles*
When God belches, it sounds OK. -- Spin Doctors, Jones Beach, 7/9/93
When God created man SHE was only kidding!
When God created man, She was only joking!
When God created the oceans was he a 'C' programer?
When God created two sexes, he may have been overdoing it.  -- Charles Merrill Smith
When God endowed human beings with brains, He did not intend to guarantee them
When God forgives, He forgets; we need to do the same too.
When God gave brains out... he did not guarantee them.
When God gave brains to humans, he forgot the guarantee
When God made Eve, He was only 'ribbing' us.
When God made Woman, he used the rib that holds in Man's stomach.
When God made man, She was joking.
When God made man, She was only playing
When God made woman, he used the rib that holds our stomachs
When God measures a person, He puts the tape around the heart
When God said "Let there be cats!" he was promptly ignored.
When God said "Let there be light," He told yo'mama to move her fat butt
When God seems absent, guess who moved?
When God shook the tree of life all nuts landed in USA?
When God shook the tree of life, all the nuts landed in California
When God shook the tree of life, all the nuts landed in_______
When God was in black & white - Crow
When Goddess created man She was only joking.
When Guiness Book starts calling
When Guns are Outlawed on the Government will have Guns!
When Guns are Outlawed only the Outlaws will have Guns!
When Guns are Outlawed, only the Government will have Guns!
When He opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When Holiday Inn is coming after you for their linen
When I 1st had sex, I was scared. I was alone! -Rodney
When I Became a Man, I Put Away Childish Things !!
When I Bite Into A York Peppermint Patty, &lt;BLEARGH!&gt;
When I Grow Up, I want to be a Moderator...&lt;ga-ga&gt;
When I Lose My Integrity, I Lose Me
When I Need Data Output Without Speed
When I _want_ protecting , I'll lock _myself_ in a small box.
When I am feeling blue, I just start breathing again.
When I asked for a raise, I didn't mean a tax raise!
When I asked for a raise, I didn't mean a tax raise!
When I awoke this morning, I had one nerve left & you're getting on it!
When I become king, what will that make you?-S   A monkey's uncle.-Scar
When I bought some fruit trees the nursery owner gave me some insects to help with pollination. They were free bees.
When I buy trouble, I get one free.
When I buy trouble, I get one free.
When I call the psychic hotline, why do they ask my name?
When I caught a glimpse of Rita.
When I come across the others I'll let you know.
When I consider how my life is spent, I hardly ever repent
When I couldn't find my thesaurus, I was at a loss for words
When I count my blessings, I count you twice!
When I die I want to go in my sleep like my grandfather did  not like the screaming passengers in his car
When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is.  -- A. Rand
When I die, I know my name will be in the Lambs Book of Life.
When I die, I want to be gold stamped and foil wrapped.
When I die, I want to donate my soul to parapsychology
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep, not screaming and yelling like
When I die, I want to go to Hooter Heaven.
When I die, I want to return in a future issue.
When I die, I'm leaving my body to Science Fiction
When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction. - S. Wright
When I die, I'm leaving my brain to science fiction.
When I die, cremate me, make soap from ashes and send to a fraternity.
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.  --Abraham Lincoln
When I do right, no one remembers. When I do wrong, no one ever forgets
When I do right, no one remembers. When I do wrong, no one ever forgets
When I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself!
When I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself. --George T
When I feel athletic, I go to a sports bar.
When I feel like exercising, I lie down until it passes
When I feel the wind on my face, the wind is my music. -- Diana
When I figure it out I'll let you know.
When I finally got some, I found out it was all a lie. - Sephrael
When I first heard about the operation, I was against it.  But then I thought, if Homer wants to be a woman, so be it
When I first met you, I didn't realize.
When I flush the John It turns the shower onWeird Al
When I flush the John...  It turns the shower on
When I flush the John...  It turns the shower on....  &lt;G&gt;
When I gave her the ring, she gave me the finger!
When I gave up the search for vampires, a vampire found me. - Louis
When I get _really_ old, I'm gonna kick this genealogy habit!
When I get a better mouse trap built, mice will be an endangered species
When I get a bird I'm naming it Jean-Luc Peckhard.
When I get a firm grip on reality, I can strangle it!
When I get a grip on reality, the Dam handle falls off!
When I get around to it,.Roundtuit, Ah now I've got one!
When I get bored, I beam myself back and forth. O'Brien
When I get my strength back, I'm going to take a good long rest.
When I get old I'm going to trace my roots
When I get old, I'm gonna move up north and drive slow.
When I get older losing my hair many years from now...   Beatles
When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now.
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top... - Beatles
When I give an order, I expect it to be carried out. -- Col. Potter
When I got up morning, I had 1 nerve left and now you're getting on it.
When I got up today I had one nerve left...and you're getting ON IT!
When I grow to old to laugh... shoot me!
When I grow up - I want to be a Politician.
When I grow up -- I want to be a FEMMSA grraaduate!!
When I grow up -- I want to be a Politician
When I grow up I wanna be a colonel. -- BJ
When I grow up I want to be a 9600 bps.
When I grow up I want to be a little boy. - Joseph Heller
When I grow up I want to be a message
When I grow up I want to be a scheduled event!
When I grow up, I wanna be Fox Mulder!
When I grow up, I wanna be like Riker! -- Bashir
When I grow up, I wanna write TAGLINES
When I grow up, I want to be A Lion, large and fierce to see
When I grow up, I want to be Agent Mulder!
When I grow up, I want to be Special Agent Fox Mulder
When I grow up, I want to be a scheduled event!
When I grow up, I want to be like Fox Mulder.
When I grow up, I want to be retired!
When I grow up, I will write taglines for a living
When I grow up....I'm gonna be taller!
When I hand my love in, I'll be done. - Soundgarden
When I have ALL the ANSWERS, somebody changes the damn QUESTIONS!
When I have a bad day, everyone around me has a bad day.
When I have enough money to fire will be out!
When I have listened to my mistakes I have grown.
When I have nothing to say, I keep my mouth shut!
When I have the ANSWERS, somebody changes the QUESTION!
When I have trouble with fact, I resort to fiction!
When I have trouble with fiction, I make it up!
When I hear about another Elvis sighting, it gives me a headache.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?" - Sydney J. Harris
When I hear the music got to let it play, let it play.
When I hear the word Boskone I reach for my DeLameter.
When I hear the word Culture, I reach for my revolver
When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun
When I heard your name, I just accessed the foreign language banks.- Menuet
When I hit a block of prose in a book, I just skip it.
When I kill, the only thing I feel is recoil
When I lay an egg, I stand back and admire it!
When I learn to FIDO netmail, problem will be eliminated!
When I left my home and my family, I was no more than a boy.
When I left this ship. It was in one piece. * Picard
When I left you I was but the learner.  Now I am the master
When I left you, I was but the pupil. Now, I am the master - Darth Vader
When I let go of what I am. I become what I might be.
When I lie down on my bed and look at the stars in the sky I always wonder where the heck is my ceiling?
When I lie down to sleep, I dream in landscape mode.
When I look around, I see music everywhere. -- Diana
When I look at my children, I often wish I had remained a virgin. -- L. Carter
When I lose one, I've lost a *mind*. - Dr. Freedman to Fr. Mulcahy
When I make a mistake, I'm man enough to admit it.
When I meet the fear that lies inside... - TSoM
When I met th'POPE back in '58, I scrubbed him with a MILD SOAP or DETERGENT for 15 minutes.  He seemed to enjoy it
When I need Virtual Reality I use drugs.
When I nod my head, you hit it.
When I opened my eyes, I was a victim of the great comprimise.
When I peek, it's in the line of duty. McCoy
When I play in the sandbox the cat keeps covering me up.
When I play in the sandbox, the cat covers me up!
When I play with my cat, who knows whether I do not make her more sport than she makes me?
When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.
When I point a finger at someone, I have 3 pointing at me.
When I read about the evils of drinking I gave up reading.
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. -----&gt; Henny Youngman 
When I regained consciousness
When I retire I'm going to trace my roots
When I run out of Serial Port, I use Chablis instead!
When I said "we", officer, I was referring to myself, the four young ladies, and, of course, the goat
When I said I needed a companion, I didn't mean a Canarisian !!
When I said I'd love to, I thought you were the OTHER @TOFIRST@!
When I said I'd love to, I thought you were the OTHER Kim!!!!
When I said gimme a break, I didn't mean break my leg!
When I saw that movie I almost died. Got popcorn stuck in my throat.
When I saw the power of their beliefs... - Worf
When I saw those ships, I didn't just see my death.  I saw the death of the whole damn human race. --Sinclair
When I saw you for the first time, * Cat
When I say 'rock,' I mean 'ROCK!'  Now look at it
When I say I work with fairies I don't mean employment with gays
When I say no to a beer, load me into the back of an ambulance
When I say nothing, I don't necessarily mean nothing.
When I say tomorrow, I mean tomorrow. I don't exaggerate. - Torres
When I say tomorrow, I mean tomorrow. Torres
When I say, "Jump," you better jump!
When I searched for ancestors I found friends
When I see a fat woman wearing GUESS jeans, I have to say "250?"
When I see you every day I say, ooo-oooh, hello, little girl.
When I sell liquor, it's called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it on Lake Shore Drive, its called hospitality. - AL CAPONE
When I spilled my cottage cheese, I lost my whey
When I squint, you look like Ian Anderson - Crow
When I start Win95, Microsoft shuts it down.
When I start, Microsoft stops
When I started, a monitor was a ROM-based program.
When I stop saying "I love you", I'll be in the obituaries
When I stroke the beard . . . thusly . . .   --Data
When I swore, my mother made me eat soap, Tom said zestfully
When I take him for walks I always say...Run Cthulhu Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I talk dirty to a woman it's "sexual harrassment".  When a woman talks
When I talk to myself, I'm talkin' to the wrong person.
When I tell people I am vegetarian, people tell me cabbages feel too.
When I think about my grandpas who are dead tears jump into my eyes.
When I think about you, I touch my gerbil... - Ace Lightning
When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school
When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can even think at all
When I think of all the good times I wasted having fun.
When I think of the past it brings back so many memories.
When I think over what I have said, I envy dumb people. - Seneca
When I think, I hurt. -- Kirstie
When I told the people of Northern Ireland I was an atheist,a woman in the audience said,"Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe? -QuintinCrisp
When I tried something French, love, all I got was a thorn.
When I tried something French, love, all I got was a thorn.
When I tried to play my shoehorn--all I got were footnotes!
When I tried to take an ego trip I got stopped at the border
When I turns them into a ferret, they STAYS a ferret!
When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean
When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean. - H. Dumpty
When I used to write bits of software debugging usually introduced more bugs
When I wake up, I'm gettin' a CAT scan! - Scott Calvin
When I want beer, I want BEER!
When I want to read a book, I write one.  --Benjamin Disraeli
When I want to read a good book, I write one.
When I want to read a novel I write one. -- Disraeli
When I want your advice, I'll beat it out of you.
When I want your advice, I'll give it to you!
When I want your help, I'll ask for it.             Help?
When I want your opinion @FN@, I'll give it to you!
When I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
When I want your opinion I'll give it to you!
When I want your opinion I'll read your entrails.
When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you!
When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you. - Samuel Goldwyn
When I want your opinion, I'll hand you one.
When I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails.
When I want your opinion, I'll tell you what to say!
When I want your opinion, you'll be issued necessary forms.
When I was 10, my pa told me never to talk to strangers.  We haven't spoken since. - Steven Wright
When I was 16, I thought there was no hope for my father.  By the time I was 20, he had made great improvement
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President.  Now I'm beginning to believe it. -- Clarence Darrow
When I was a boy, we had to carve our IC's out of silicon.
When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
When I was a child I had a fever -Floyd
When I was a child we had a quick-sand box in the backyard.
When I was a child what I wanted to be when I grew up was an invalid. (Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant, )
When I was a child, I did everything I could to hide my forehead
When I was a child, I was an imaginary playmate
When I was a child, there were times when we had to entertain ourselves. And usually the best way to do that was to turn on the TV
When I was a child... We had a quick-sand box in the backyard... I was an only child... eventually... - Steven Wright
When I was a fetus I used to sneak out at night when my mother was sleeping.
When I was a kid I was an imaginary playmate.
When I was a kid we downloaded at 300bps and ENJOYED it!
When I was a kid we had to carve our CPU's out of wood.
When I was a kid, I was an imaginary friend
When I was a kid, I was an imaginary playmate.
When I was a kid, we had to carve our CPU's out of wood.
When I was a kid, we had to chisel taglines on the cave wall.
When I was a little bitty baby my mama done rock me in the cradle
When I was a senator, I worshiped them, too. Septimus
When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions
When I was born I did lament and cry And now each day doth shew the reason why. - Richard Watkyns
When I was crossing the border into Canada, they asked if I had any firearms with me.  I said, `Well, what do you need?' -- Steven Wright
When I was here, all I could think of was being there. When I was there, all I could think of was getting back
When I was in school, I cheated on my metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me
When I was little he brought my fathers body back to me - Wesley
When I was little we had a quicksand box.I was an only child, eventually
When I was little, I went into a pet shop and they asked how big I'd get. -- Rodney Dangerfield
When I was one and twenty, I heard a wise man say
When I was reborn I replied
When I was young I had no sense, I took a whizz on an electric fence
When I was young I wrote COBOL.  But I didn't compile
When I was young we didn't have MTV; we had to take drugs and go to concerts. -- Steven Pearl
When I was young, I couldn't spell "engineer". Now I R 1!
When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
When I was young, we didn't have MTV. We had to take drugs
When I was young, we didn't have MTV. We had to take drugs and go to rock concerts
When I was young, we had to carve our CPU's out of wood.
When I was young, we had to carve our taglines from WOOD.
When I was younger we hand-carved our modems out of wood
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it happened or not
When I was your age
When I was your age Fred Waring hadn't discovered pennsylvania!
When I was your age arrow shirts were worn by the 7th cavalry! OJW
When I was your age cats were wild, and kids were tame! OJW
When I was your age we ate wood and rocks ... Cripes! - Ren
When I was your age we carved our transistors out of wood
When I was your age we each had a "Cabin in the Sky"!OJW
When I was your age we rode dinosaurs!OJW
When I was your age, Arrow shirts were worn by the 7th cavalry!
When I was your age, I had a full time job in a salt mine.
When I was your age, floppies were as big as pizzas.
When I was your age, we carved our hard disks from wood.
When I was your age, we carved our transistors out of wood.
When I was your age, we didn't have taglines
When I was your age, we had eight inch floppies.
When I was your age, we had to walk 10 miles to a
When I was your age, we had to walk ten miles to a node.
When I wash the cat, it takes me hours to get the hair off my tongue
When I wer a lad, we carved our CPU's out of wood.
When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.' --Steven Wright (1955 - )
When I woke up, I was in a cell. Paris
When I woke up, I was in a cell. Paris
When I'm 70, I want to be named in a paternity suit.
When I'm Modeming, I feel 25 again. When I stop; OUCH!! AARRGGHH!
When I'm Modeming, I feel 25; When I STOP - OUCH! AARRGGHH!
When I'm Modeming, I'm 25 again, staying up all night
When I'm anoyed, you're unemployed.   - Tim to Al on Home Improvement
When I'm at home on a stormy night, I read offline mail!
When I'm down in the dumps, I ask my relatives why they don't clean
When I'm feelin' down, I want you above me --Divinyls
When I'm feeling like a raving dingdong I try a nice Camomile tea.TICK
When I'm finally proclaimed Emperor, this will change.
When I'm good I'm good, but when I'm bad, I'm better.
When I'm good, I'm good. When I'm bad, I'm GREAT!
When I'm good, I'm great--when I'm bad, you're breathless
When I'm good, I'm great; but when I'm bad, I'm better. -- Mae West
When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm even better. - Mae West
When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better
When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better. -- Mae West
When I'm having sex, I imagine I'm somebody else.
When I'm in Idaho, I want a potato. (Jerry)
When I'm not good... I'm good at it!
When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded
When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded. - Steven Wright
When I'm off-topic, feeling the Orb, many posts from now
When I'm ready to stop flirting, you'll read about it in the Obits.
When I'm real old, I'm gonna kick this genealogy habit!
When I'm right, nobody remembers - when I'm wrong, nobody forgets.
When I'm sad she comes to me.  HENDRIX 
When I'm sad she comes to me.  Hendrix
When I'm up on stage, I want to kill people   - Trent Reznor (NIN)
When In Danger Or In Doubt, Run In Circles, Scream And Shout. -R. Hein
When In Doubt, Mumble; When in Trouble, Delegate
When Ina Ray Hutton organized her all-girl band, many of them sounded like a battle of the saxes
When Irish eyes are smilin' sure to steal your heart away.
When Irish eyes are smilin', the sixpack's almost gone
When Irish eyes are smilin', the sixpack's almost gone, 'cause when
When Irish eyes are smiling, it means they're up to something ;&lt;)
When Irish eyes are smiling, watch your step.
When It Comes Down To My Soul / Freedom Puts My Faith In N/A. (Duran)
When Kai Winn tripped over, _nobody_ dared to laugh
When Kip Compton is found, the check is in the
When Kira challenged Worf to a game of Springball, he became worried
When Kirk says "Boldly Go", he MEANS it
When Klingons pick their noses, they do it with honor!
When Klingons pluck their eyebrows, they do it with HONOR
When Kubiak takes the bait, I'll take him down. -- Frank Lemmer
When Liberals want your opinion, they'll give it to you
When Life gives you lemons, make the best damn lemonade you can!
When Light comes, the shadow can no longer exist.
When Limbaugh speaks, Liberals punch walls and kick dogs.
When MARRIAGE is illegal, only OUTLAWs will have INLAWS!
When Machine Stops Remove Clothes - Naked Blonde in laundromat
When Maggie applies for a job, under "Sex" she writes, "Try me."
When Marriage is Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Inlaws.
When Maxipics are outlawed only outlaws will have GIFs
When Maxipics are outlawed only outlaws will have GIFs.
When Michael sang "Baby be Mine" I think he meant it.
When Money talks... it says GOODBYE!
When Morality is thrown to the wind Humanity is but dust
When Morn leaves, it's all over. - "The House of Quark"
When Morn leaves, it's all over. - Quark
When Morn leaves, it's all overr.
When Morn shouts, _everybody_ listens!
When Mozart was my age he'd already been dead for a year
When Mozart was my age, he had been dead for 17 years.
When Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years. -- Tom Lehrer
When Mozart was my age, he was dead.
When Mozart was my age, he'd been dead 10 years!
When Mr. Bobbit said, "Take it all", he didn't mean
When Mulder shoots someone, they fall down and bleed respectably, not just glow and then dissappear
When NFL Properties designed the Ravens, WHAT were they thinking of? *
When NT catches on, cows will fly. - Dvorak, April 1994
When Not Sure, Or in Doubt, Grab a ShotGun and Run like Hell!
When Odo gets it on, he *really* gets it on...and in, and
When Offline Readers demo Twit lists, they use my name.
When Orville Bullitt opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When PIG's fly they will be called PIGeons
When Puns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Puns
When Q was child, was he q?
When Queen Hillary walks down the hall you're not to look at her-Staff
When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, everybody's gonna jump for joy.
When Regis asked, "Is that your final answer?" he checked his pulse.
When Rush Limbaugh dies, he'll be the Dead Head Dittohead.
When Rush Limbaugh speaks, `nipple' isn't the orifice I think of.
When Satan reminds you of your past, you remind him of his future!
When Schumer was born the doctor slapped his mother
When Snow White turns on with the dwarfs she probably winds up feeling Dopey
When Sophia Loren is naked, this is a lot of nakedness. -Sophia Loren
When Stonewall get's blown out of there, it'll be safe
When Susan Sarandon envies you
When Sysops enter the Chat base - All must stand :-)
When TV is outlawed, only outlaws will be brain dead.! mine!
When TV repairmen walked the earth!
When TV repairmen walked the earth!   Tom Servo
When Tasha Yar walks by Data, he access his files on erotic arousal
When Tasha Yar walks by Data,he accesses C:\EROTIC\AROUSAL\HUBBA\HUBBA
When Technology surpasses man, Technology becomes man.
When The Angels Fall... (Sting)
When The Going Gets Tough, UPGRADE!
When The Music Ends, The Rest Is Silence
When Thought is fueled by Imagination, we achieve escape velocity.
When Truman Capote was asked why he wrote, he answered, The serious artist is obsessed by his material
When WHAT freezes over? - Crow as geeky guy on phone
When WINDOWS grows up it wants to be an OS/2!
When We Get Back To the Farm (That's When We Really Go To Town)
When Wesley hugs a girl, does he Crusher?
When Win95 grows up, it wants to be OS/2!
When Worlds Collide -- bring marshmallows.
When You Leave Walk Out Backwards, So I'll Think You're Walking In
When You Wish Upon A Side Of Beef - Jimminy Lummox.
When You make a mistake, lie about it
When You're over the hill, find another hill!
When Your Child Reaches 5  - By Susan Miller
When [the omelette] has not set in two minutes, the customer has two choices - wait or eat it raw. - Brooks, p.21
When a "Harley" stops dripping - it's out of oil!
When a Banker jumps out of a window, jump after him -- that's where the money is. -- Robespierre
When a Canadian show you his mother, he goes:  Dat's my mawr, eh?
When a New Yorker looks as if he's suntan, it's probably
When a bachelor sees her he stops looking. No women look good to him after that
When a beer goes flat, you toss it out.
When a big love is murdered, it turns into a big hate
When a billing clerk goes psycho, he hears strange invoices
When a blonde dyes her hair brunette? Artificial Intelligence
When a blonde gets taken over by a demon? A vacant possession
When a body is immersed in water, the telephone rings
When a body is submerged in water, the phone rings!
When a broken machine is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly
When a camel flies, no one laughs if it doesn't get very far!
When a car hits a guy & his body goes fly - Crow sings
When a cat beckons to you, follow him... - Gibran
When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
When a computer gets a virus you can get rid of it.
When a cow laughs REAL hard does milk come out its nose?
When a cow laughs does milk come out his nose?
When a cow laughs real hard, does milk come out its nose?
When a cow laughs, does milk come out his nose?
When a dog mistakes your  gnarled legs for trees, you're getting older.
When a dog runs at you, whistle for him.
When a dog wags his tail and barks at the same time, how do you know which end to believe? - Anonymous
When a fellow says, "It ain't the money but the principle of the thing," it's the money. -- Kim Hubbard
When a female lawyer loses her briefs - is she a solicitor??
When a finger points at the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger
When a fly lands on the ceiling, does it do a half roll or a half loop?
When a fool is cursed, he thinks he is being praised
When a friend asked her how to get rid of his cat...Have you tried curiosity?  --Dorothy Parker
When a friend makes a mistake, don't rub it in. Rub it out.
When a friend makes a mistake, don't rub it in. Rub it out.
When a ghostwriter dies, how many people come back? --George Carlin
When a girl admits she's had a checkered career, it's your move
When a girl can read the handwriting on the wall, she may be in the wrong rest room
When a girl goes bad - men go right after her
When a girl goes bad--men go right after her. - Mae West
When a girl has nothing on her mind she's thinking of her outfit.
When a girl marries she exchanges the attentions of many men for the inattentions of one. -- Helen Rowland
When a girl's afraid of a man's size, she hates to admit it
When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results. - Calvin Coolidge
When a habit begins to cost money, it's called a hobby!
When a hammer is the only tool, every problem looks like
When a hammer is your only tool, you see all problems as nails.
When a husband is too good to be true, he probably isn't.
When a legend becomes the "truth", print the legend
When a leopard dies, he leaves his skin; a man, his reputation - Chinese Proverb
When a mail loves a womail
When a man asks you for advice you can figure he isn't married
When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. -- Thomas Jefferson
When a man brings his wife flowers for no reason - there's a reason.
When a man can afford to lose a ball, he can't hit that far
When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of advice he wants, and I give it to him. - Josh Billings
When a man dies, he does not die just of the disease he has; he dies of his whole life
When a man goes on a date he wonders if he is going to get lucky
When a man goes on a date he wonders if he is going to get lucky. A woman already knows.     --Frederick Ryder
When a man has married a wife he finds out whether her knees and elbows are only glued together. (BLAKE)
When a man has once loved a woman he will do anything for her except continue to love her. - Oscar Wilde
When a man is angry, he cannot be in the right. - Chinese Proverb
When a man is down everyone runs over him.
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.  -- Samuel Johnson
When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully. -- Samuel Johnson
When a man lies he murders part of the world
When a man loves a woman; I know exactly how he feels.  Baby baby baby, you're my world. - Percy Sledge
When a man marries a woman, they become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one!
When a man meets catastrophe on the road, he looks in his purse, but a woman looks in her mirror. - Margaret Turnbull
When a man meets catastrophe on the road, he looks in his purse, but a woman looks in her mirror. - Margaret Turnbull
When a man says money can do anything, that settles it: h
When a man says money can do anything, that settles it: he hasn't any.
When a man seeks your advice he generally wants your praise.
When a man sees eye to eye with his wife, it means that his vision has been corrected.
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. -- Sacha Guitry
When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. -- Sacha Guitry
When a man stops dreaming he knows he is old.
When a man talks dirty to a women, it's sexual harassment
When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem.
When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem. - Edward Abbey
When a man's best friend is his dog, that dog has a problem. - Edward Abbey
When a man's dog turns against him it is time for a wife to pack her trunk and go home to mama. (MARK TWAIN)
When a man's wife learns to understand him, she stops lis
When a man's wife learns to understand him, she stops listening to him
When a men's prison becomes a vacation "hot spot"
When a monster & a small car love each other - Mike/#606
When a monster loves a small car
When a mouse laughs at a cat, there's a hole nearby.
When a one world government goes corrupt, where do you run?
When a person dies, a library can die with them.  Share now.
When a person dies, a library dies with them.
When a person dies, a library of knowledge dies with them.
When a person goes on a diet, the first thing he loses is his temper
When a person puts his best foot forward and gets it stepped on--that's life.
When a pig burps, do the other pigs yell "Human!"?
When a politician gets an idea, he usually gets it wrong.
When a politician pats you on the back, check your wallet !
When a politician promises you pie in the sky, he's using your dough.
When a poor man eats a chicken - one of them is sick.
When a postulation is made one must always consider the s
When a problem goes away, the people working on it do not.
When a problem goes away, the people working on it do not. Edsil Murphy
When a program is being tested, it is too late to make design changes.
When a programmer has a difficult time finding a bug, it is because he is looking in the wrong place. - Weinberg, p.251
When a programmer tells you "no problem", you have a serious problem
When a real conservative says "Mr. President" he means Ronald Reagan!
When a red hot man meets a white hot lady... - Queen
When a room shakes, Californians instinctively look up.
When a sage is angry, he is no longer a sage.
When a smurf chokes, what color does it turn???
When a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are safe. -St.Luke
When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty. - George Bernard Shaw
When a subject becomes obsolete, it becomes required.
When a subject becomes obsolete, we make it a required course.
When a teacher is in a bad mood don't ask to go to the bathroom.
When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest. - William Hazlitt
When a thing has been said and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it. - Anatole France
When a thing is funny, search it for a hidden truth.
When a thought crosses her mind, it's a long and lonely journey
When a tomato grows out of your forehead, it gets you thinking
When a wise man argues with a woman, he says nothing!
When a woman *that* top heavy falls, watch out! - Crow T. Robot
When a woman behaves like a man why doesn't she behave like a nice man. - Dame Edith Evans
When a woman cease to attract men, she turns to radical feminism.
When a woman gives me a present I have always two surprises: first is the present, and afterward, having to pay for it. -- Donnay
When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes. - Victor Hugo
When a woman isn't beautiful, people always say, 'You have lovely eyes, you have lovely hair.' - Anton Checkov
When a woman looks at you like usually means something
When a woman suffers in silence, she really does.
When a woman thinks quickly, it is called intuition. - Barbro Alving.
When a young man begins to go down hill everything seems to be greased for the occasion. - Josh Billings
When accountants are left a loan they become very debticated.
When achieving orgasm, do atheists pant "Oh, randomness! Oh, chance!"?
When achieving orgasm, do atheists pant "Oh, randomness! Oh, chance!"?
When agnostics die, do they go to the Great Perhaps?
When aiming for perfection, you'll find it's a moving tar
When aiming for the common denominator, be prepared for the occasional division by zero
When all are one and one is all
When all else fails - shoot it!
When all else fails ... take a nap.
When all else fails lower your standards !
When all else fails play dead. (the Possum Lodge motto)
When all else fails read the instructions so you can really mess it up
When all else fails the parachute will always let you down.
When all else fails, "PANIC"!!
When all else fails, DEL C:\TURBOC\ *.*
When all else fails, EAT!!!
When all else fails, I STILL refuse to read the docs!
When all else fails, I refuse to read the instructions
When all else fails, PANIC!
When all else fails, READ THE DOCS!
When all else fails, RTFI; Read The Formal Instructions.
When all else fails, RTFM!
When all else fails, a sledgehammer is in order.
When all else fails, apply chocolate and lick to remove
When all else fails, ask a 10-year-old.
When all else fails, blame it on "the will of the Prophets..."
When all else fails, blame it on @TOFIRST@
When all else fails, blame it on Dan.
When all else fails, blame it on Guster
When all else fails, blame it on the guy next to you!
When all else fails, blame it on the oil industry
When all else fails, blame the Sysop!
When all else fails, call Bill Gates at home!
When all else fails, call Forsberg at home!
When all else fails, call Forsberg at home! - Marv Conn
When all else fails, change the rules
When all else fails, consult Jack Daniels!
When all else fails, consult Johnny Walker!
When all else fails, consult the Hills Brothers.
When all else fails, contact your Sysop (Avoid 3 A.M. Voice Calls!)
When all else fails, delete it
When all else fails, dial 911 and ask for Data.
When all else fails, dig out the dusty user's manual.
When all else fails, do it yourself.
When all else fails, duck, run, and lie your ass off!
When all else fails, follow instructions.
When all else fails, give up and grab a beer.
When all else fails, go back to sleep
When all else fails, grab your teddy and perform a ritual killing
When all else fails, hug your teddy
When all else fails, just keep breathing
When all else fails, kick the cat
When all else fails, let a = 7.  If that doesn't help, read the manual
When all else fails, lower your standards.
When all else fails, manipulate the data.
When all else fails, money will always work
When all else fails, open the manual and read it!
When all else fails, play dead
When all else fails, play dead - Possum Lodge Motto
When all else fails, play dead. - Red Green
When all else fails, push machine off the table
When all else fails, put the blame on someone else.
When all else fails, raise taxes.
When all else fails, read the Bible!
When all else fails, read the Book of Mormon.
When all else fails, read the damn rules
When all else fails, read the
When all else fails, read the directions.
When all else fails, read the docs.
When all else fails, read the documentation!
When all else fails, read the instructions so you can really mess it up
When all else fails, read the instructions!!
When all else fails, read the instructions. Edsil Murphy
When all else fails, read the manual.
When all else fails, rewrite the documentation.
When all else fails, run like hell!
When all else fails, shoot the tech writer.
When all else fails, speculate.
When all else fails, spend money!
When all else fails, stay in character
When all else fails, take a nap!
When all else fails, try Kate Smith
When all else fails, try Tequila
When all else fails, try reading the directions.
When all else fails, try reading the screen.
When all else fails, turn off the computer.
When all else fails, unZIP the .DOC files.
When all else fails, use power tools.
When all else fails, use the defaults!
When all else fails, use the hammer
When all else fails, use your brain!!!
When all else fails, well I guess you're a failure.
When all else fails. Spork them to death
When all else fails..... H  A  M    R  A  D  I  O
When all else fails......just press...Ctrl/Alt/Del!
When all else the docs.
When all else fails....BEG!
When all else fails....Well I guess your a failure
When all else the directions
When all else fails:  -- --- -.- ... .  -.-. --- -
When all else is lost, the future still remains.
When all is done, it is not to die - It is to die well. -  Kholinar
When all is said & done, a lot more is said than done.
When all is said and done
When all is said and done more will be said than done.
When all is said and done usually more is said than done.
When all is said and done, have you done what you said?
When all is said and done, more has been said than done.
When all is said and done, much more is said than done
When all is said and done, people keep saying and doing.
When all is said and done.
When all other means of communication fail, try words
When all possible keystrokes fail, the manuals inevitably come out!
When all purple Drozi in one place open airlock to space - Green Drozi
When all the breathers of this world are dead; &lt;Shakespeare&gt;
When all the chips are down, the buffalo's empty.
When all the people are gone, who will take care of the machines?
When all the tagliners of this world are dead; --Tagspeare
When all think alike, no one is thinking
When all this gets old, will it feel the same? -Pat Benatar
When all ya got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
When all you got's a hammer, every problem becomes a nail
When all you have are laws, everyone looks like a criminal.
When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail.
When all you have is a hammer, most problems look like nails !
When all you have is sour cream, every problem looks like a potato
When all your weapons fail, bite them!
When all's said and done, more gets said than done.
When am I gonna learn to stop reading other peoples MAIL!!
When among apes, one must play the ape
When an Agnostic dies, does he go to the Great Perhaps?
When an Oregoner looks as if he's suntanned, it's probably rust.
When an Oreo breaks, the calories fall out! -- Law of Dieting
When an actor has money, he doesn't send letters but telegrams. (Anton Chekov)
When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd dye.
When an agnostic dies, does he go to the "great perhaps"?
When an artist is more concerned with what is said than how it is said there is no art
When an eel bites your leg, and the pain makes you beg, that's a moray!
When an error has been detected and corrected, it will be found to have been correct in the first place
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state. - Sivananda
When an idea is wanting a word can always be found to take its place. - J.W. von Goethe
When an irresistible force meets an immovable object, there's usually a lawyer who will take the case. (Anon.)
When an old person dies, a library burns down.
When an old person dies, a library is lost.
When an oyster is irritated, it makes a pearl.
When angry count four; when very angry, swear. -- Twain
When angry count to 10, when very angry smack it!
When angry count to ten. When VERY angry, SWEAR!
When angry, count four... when very angry, swear - Mark Twain
When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.
When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.	-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
When angry, count ten, when very angry, CUSS - Mark Twain
When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear. - Mark Twain
When angry, count to ten. When very angry, swear.
When angry, count to ten; when very angry, count to a hundred.
When anything is used to its full potential, it will break.
When are these things gonna make me some $$$?
When are they going to make Non-alcoholic ZIMA?
When are they gonna cancel the O.J. Simpson show?
When are we going to snuff out the abuse of the Executive Order Power?
When are you BUTTHEADS gonna learn that you can't oppose Gestapo tactics *with* Gestapo tactics? -- Reuben Flagg
When are you going to end this reign? - The Police
When are you going to grow up?
When are you going to make a *real* delivery? - Lt. Baker to Radar
When are you gonna get rid of that cheesy mustache? -- Potter to BJ
When arguing with a stupid person, make sure he isn't doing the same
When arguing with a woman, wear a cup
When arguments fail, use a blackjack. -- Edward "Spike" O'Donnell, Al Capone associate
When arguments fail, use a blackjack. -Capone's "Spike" O'Donnell
When art is understood by everybody, it will cease to be art
When asked "What is a friend," Zeno ans'd "Another I "
When asked about "IT", Gennifer said "Arkansas *IS* a small state."
When asked about rumors that he owned a bakery, Shakespeare replied, 'It's much a-dough about muffin.'
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white men came, an Indian said simply "Ours."
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white men came, an Indian said simply "Ours."
When asked how many Wives I've had, I asked, "Mine or other men's?"
When asked how many husbands I've had, I said, "Mine or other women's?"
When asked if he had missed school lately, the boy said `Not a bit.`
When asked the question, What is bliss? A bachelor said, A miss. Two lovers said, A kiss. A married couple said, This?
When asked what he thought of western civilization,
When asked your age, mumble
When asked, How many husbands I've had, I said, "Mine or other women's
When asked, How many husbands I've had, I said, Mine or o
When asked, How many husbands I've had, I said, Mine or other women's?
When asked, How many wives I've had, I said, "Mine or other men's?"
When at Death's door, ring the bell and run! Death hates that.
When at Wallmart, move CAUTION WET FLOOR signs to carpet areas.
When at Wallmart, put some M&M's on lay away.
When at a party, it is impolite to stand in the cake
When at home, do as the Homans do.
When attacked by a retro-virus, keep your cool.
When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is an important lesson to be learned:  Do not have sex with the authorities. --Matt Groening
When automation lets you down, do it manually - Terrin Greyphis
When automation lets you down, do it manually - Terrin Greyphis
When bad things happen to beefy guys... - Tom Servo
When baking, follow directions.   When cooking, go by your own taste
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, don't.
When beer goes flat you toss it out
When better women are made, computer programmers will make them
When bicycles are outlawed only outlaws will bicycle.
When blondes have more fun, do they know it?
When both are against you, call the other lawyer names
When both sides are convinced they are about to lose, they're both right
When both sides think they will lose, they're both right.  'Murphy
When boys play hard to get you gotta use better bait. - Elmyra
When bread makes a banquet,I have no right buying tobacco-Grandpa Joe
When bread wholesalers terrorized the community - Crow
When bullets and birth control outnumber books it's wrong
When buying clothes, I wear an extra medium. - Steven Wright
When can I give DOS the boot?
When can we get started? - Riker
When can you start? Janeway to Kes
When cannibals ate a missionary they got a taste of religion
When cars ruled the world! - Tom Servo
When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults.
When cats lie on top of books they're really reading by osmosis
When cave men got together they formed clubs
When censorship works, you don't know it.
When change is successful we look back and call it growth
When chasing or being chased remember drive defensively
When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?
When childhood dies, it's corpses are called adults.
When childhood dies, its corpse is called an adult.
When childhood dies, its corpse is called maturation.
When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults.
When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults. -- Brian Aldiss
When childhood dies, the corpse is called an adult
When childhood dies, the corpses are called adults.
When choking on a beer nut...apply the Heiniken maneuver.
When choosing between two evils I always like to take the one I've never tried before. - Mae West
When choosing between two evils take the one you never tried before.
When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried before. -- Mae West, "Klondike Annie"
When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.  -- Mae West
When choosing between two evils, pick the one you haven't tried before
When choosing between two evils, select the newer one.
When choosing between two evils, try the one you haven't done before
When comes the revolution, things will be different - not better, just different
When companies ship styrofoam, what do they pack it in?
When comparing Apples to Apples you still get a Mac.
When concrete shakes beneath thee, one has found a true s
When confronted by a seemingly difficult problem, it is easier solved by
When confronting two evils, pick the one with the big tits
When confronting two evils, pick the one with the biggest cock.
When consideing that 50% of all marriges end in divorce, consider that the other 50% end in death
When convention and science offer us no answers.
When correctly viewed, EVERYTHING is lewd.
When correctly viewed, everything is lewd--Tom Lehrer.
When cows bungee jump, milk comes out their nose!!
When cows laugh does milk come out of their noses?
When cows laugh, does milk come out of THEIR noses?
When cows laugh, does milk come out of their nose?
When crime is outlawed, only outlaws will commit crimes
When cryptography is outlawed, argh barglen ijhn xczs poiut.
When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf juyy unir cevinpl.
When customers are rude to me, I give them decaf. ---an unidentified Starbuck's employee
When cutting down trees, remember to pause now and then to sharpen your axe
When cutting down trees, remember to pause now and then to sharpen your axe
When dangling, don't use participles.
When dangling, watch your participles.
When dating a homeless girl you can drop her off anywhere.
When dating is a minefield for men, both sexes suffer in loneliness.
When de eyes of Texas were upon her, where did they look?
When dealing with fools, do whatever is necessary to make them happy and get them off your back
When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane. --Hermann Hesse
When dealing with the likes of me, please remember the "DUH" Factor
When dealing with the likes of me, please remember the "DUH" Factor
When decency does not reside in the Captain, there is none on the ship
When did 'legal ethics' become an oxymoron
When did Adam appear on the face of Earth? Just before Eve!
When did I have teenagers installed? - Crow
When did I say build an amusement park?         - Jesus
When did I start thinking of this Cardassian monstrosity as home?
When did a lawyer ever file a brief that was?
When did my wild oats turn to prunes and All Bran?
When did my wild oats turn to shredded  wheat?
When did rules ever stop a determined feline?
When did these ballplayers get here?
When did they start issuing you guys piano wire instead of guns? - FM
When did this director look into my dreams?-Crow on girls
When did we get to Disneyland?
When did we get to Disneyland? - Lonestar
When did wild poodles ever roam the earth?
When did you TERMINATE your old terminal program ?
When did you become such a smart chopper-Alice
When did you get the cat with the white stipe on his back?
When did you last let your heart decide?
When did you last warm yourself with a Terminate!
When did you realize? - Kira
When did you realize? - Kira to Odo
When did you realize? -- Kira
When did you start shooting from cover, Charlie? - Duncan MacLeod
When did you start talking?
When dieting, the only thing I lose is my temper.
When do I get to talk? - Bobby Heenen
When do cannibals leave the table? When everyone's eaten
When do monsters know they are in love? When they love each shudder (other)
When do we get the chance to practice for the Moderator Toss Event???
When do you kill a Dragon? A) at knight!
When do you plan to beam up, Captain? - Spock
When do you want to crash today ... ?
When does 2+2 = 5? "When there's Intel Inside"-Jerry Leslie
When does a cub become a boy scout? When he eats his first brownie.
When does later become never?
When does patience turn into stubbornness?
When does summertime come to Minnesota, you ask?  Well, last year, I think it was a Tuesday
When does the human cost become too high... - Mulder (Deep Throat)
When does the marriage license expire?
When does this happen in the movie?
When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
When dogma enters the brain, all intellectual activity ceases.
When down in the mouth, remember Johah. He came out all right. -Thomas Edison
When down in the mouth, remember Jonah.  He came out OK
When down in the mouth, think of Jonah, he came out OK.
When down, remember Barney loves you. It'll make you feel worse.
When dreaming stops, the time to die has arrived.
When dressing up for a masquerade, disguise the limit
When drinking wine, get not fuddled. - Hung Tzu-ch'eng
When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.
When eating an elephant take one bite at a time. -- Gen. C. Abrams
When eating potato chips, beware the evil chip!
When eating vegetables, watch the wheelchair
When either sex wins, both sexes lose.
When elephants fight it is the grass that suffers
When elephants fight it is the grass that suffers. - African proverb
When elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers
When elephants waltz - don't cut in
When en en Guns are Outlawed on the Government will have
When encryption devices are outlawed, only EE39#PQOUDKE51275KK&!JKDXBP
When encryption is illegal, only 8cz&93/,xhSU*b *7Jkld2-1=}[ !
When encryption is outlawed, AQFT 1ADL FKIV 4IBF F9YK SR3R QEGT HLBA
When everthing is coming your way, better check what lane you're in.
When every song reminds you of someone...but who?
When everybody is out to get you, paranoia is just good sense.
When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody.
When everybody tends to his own business, news is scarce
When everybody's out to get you, paranoia is just good th
When everyone *is* out to get you, being paranoid isn't going to help.
When everyone agrees around here, it means that something must be wrong.
When everyone agress with me, I know I'm wrong.
When everyone fears you, you must fear everyone. - Marsala
When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong-- or absolutely right. --Albert Guinon
When everyone is refers to you as "dear" and "honey"
When everyone is refers to you as "dear" and "honey"
When everyone is somebodee, then no one's anybody.
When everyone thinks alike, then everyone is stupid.
When everyone's out to get you, paranoid's smart thinking
When everything comes your way, you're in the wrong lane.
When everything else fails read your tagline
When everything fails, try sleeping. It really helps!
When everything feels like the movies, yeah you bleed just to know you're alive. - John Rzeznik
When everything has been seen to work, all integrated, you have four more months work to do. - Charles Portman, International Computers Limited
When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. - Steven Wright
When everything is easier, I'm just a piece of clay - Course of Empire
When everything is outlawed, outlaws will have everything
When everything is relative, even relativity loses meaning.
When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane
When everything's made to be broken...  I just want you to know who I am. - John Rzeznik (The Goo Goo Dolls)
When evil is afoot and you have no arms you gotta use your head. -Tick
When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve.
When exactly did Julius Caesar die? wondered Tom idly.
When exactly did packs of wild poodles roam the Earth?
When exceptions outnumber rules, exchange them
When faced by a superior opponent, "CHEAT!"
When facing a hungry beast, and un-armed, threaten it with castration.
When facts don't confirm your pet theory, scrap them.
When facts meet the legend, go with the legend.
When faith & hope fail try charity - it's love in action
When faith goes to market, it always takes a basket.
When faith in God is replaced by skepticism, Oblivion grows
When fastening down something held by several screws, don't tighten any of
When fastening down something held by several screws, don't tighten any of them until they're all in place
When fat, arrange self in slim pose
When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade. - Dale Carnegie
When fate shuts a door, come in through the window
When firearms go, all goes - we need them every hour.  G. WASHINGTON
When firearms go, all goes - we need them every hour. - Washington
When firearms go, all goes - we need them every hour. G. WASHINGTON
When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour. -- Geo. Washingto
When fishermen are not fishing they write taglines.
When fishing for Pike , make sure you have a " chub-on "!
When fishing, its not how big of a worm you have but how you wiggle it
When flames shoot out of the oven, dinner is done...WELL done.
When forced to choose between two evils, try the new one.
When found, it's a bug; when documented, it's a feature.
When freedom destroys order, desire for order will destroy freedom.
When friends ask her, Where have you been keeping yourself? she answers honestly, I haven't
When friends offer help, let them!
When friendship and love get all confused, that's high school love
When garlic is outlawed only outlaws will have vampires.
When getting dresses is not part of your day
When getting your ears pierced remember:  Left is right, right is wrong
When girls are abused, we offer help, not so when boys are abused.
When girls get together, the Lord pity the first one who leaves
When given 2 contradictory orders, follow them both.
When given 2 contradictory orders, follow them both. Edsil Murphy
When giving a demo, never say anything more predictive than: "Watch this!"
When going ice skating, never judge a brook by it's cover.
When good advice goes ui one ear and out the other, it leaves a vacuum in between
When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will. - F.Bastiat
When government controls religion, religious liberty perishes.
When government insists on treating you like a criminal, act like one.
When government relinquishes power, people gain freedom.
When governments fall, people like me are lined up & shot
When graphing a function, the width of the line should be inversely
When graphing a function, the width of the line should be inversely proportional to the precision of the data
When grasping at straws, any straw will do.
When guns are outlawed only Clinton will have guns
When guns are outlawed, Janet Reno will still have plenty!
When guns are outlawed, Outlaws will overthrow the government
When guns are outlawed, gun control advocates will be unarmed victims
When guns are outlawed, gunowners will bend over 'n' spread 'em
When guns are outlawed, how will liberals collect taxes?
When guns are outlawed, how will we kill President Duke?
When guns are outlawed, how'll we get rid of Liberals?
When guns are outlawed, how'll we kill Republicans?
When guns are outlawed, how'll we kill lawyers?
When guns are outlawed, only liberals won't have guns.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will accidentally shoot their children
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. -- Art Denman
When guns are outlawed, only the criminals will have guns!
When half the bee is not a bee,due to some ancient injury
When hammering a nail, you will never hit your finger if you hold the hammer with both hands
When has politics ever successfully determined what is correct?
When have I ever asked for sympathy? - Frank Burns
When have I ever had to stand on ceremony with you... - Kira
When he came there was no light. When he left there was no darkness.
When he doesn't even have to buy you a drink
When he gave me the ring, I gave him the finger.
When he gets to the sugar, he'll find the bitter taste of justice!TICK
When he gives a check to a woman, it's likely to bounce back, marked Insufficient Fun
When he holds his head a certain way, you can see the sunset through his ears.
When he proposed, he swore he'd go through hell for her, and she's making sure that he keeps his promise
When he reads an expiry date, The hypochondriac knows that it's his.
When he said we were trying to make a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beat us to it. (Ilka Chase)
When he talks, his wife listens--usually to the stereo or the television
When he told me the price of a facelift, I let it drop.
When he tries to kiss her, she always says she'll have none of his lip
When he was a child and played doctor, he was always the patient.
When he was born, the doctor called him, Theophilus . . . he's theophilus baby I have ever seen
When he was killed, I was on Level 21. - Kira
When he was made they broke the mold ... with him in it.
When he's threatened, his lips engorge - Tom
When he's threatened, his lips engorge - Tom
When hell freezes over, grab the ice skates.
When hell freezes over?  I just sold Satan a fur coat the other day
When his self-portrait was exhibited, he was beside himself
When human it's abortion; when it's a chicken, an omelet. - Carlin
When humor goes, there goes civilization.
When i sleep monkeys steal my underwear
When ideas fail, words come in very handy.
When ideas fail, words come in very handy. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When in Chicago you must vote early and vote often.
When in Chicago, vote early and vote often.
When in DOS, do as the DOS do!
When in Derry, stay away from the sewer.
When in Doubt READ THE DOC'S!
When in Doubt, Blame the Engineering Department
When in Doubt, Vote GOP (until Clinton's Gone!)
When in Doubt, do as the Doubtians do.
When in Little China, try Egg Foo Yung Tours!
When in Poland do as Poles do.
When in Rome . . . romance!
When in Rome, do Roman numerals in math.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
When in Rome, do as the Visigoths do.
When in Rome, do as the snamoR do! - Lister
When in Rome, do bulls run around town?
When in Rome, do what the Snamor's do! -Lister
When in Rome, eh? * Riker
When in Rome... --Mulder
When in Rome.... - Fox Mulder
When in Windows'VC
When in Rome..Do as the Christian's Did...Take Over
When in Water, after Trout, Run in circles, scream and Shout. - AB
When in a hurry, why are all traffic signals red?
When in a time machine, don't stick your arm out the window
When in charge, ponder.
When in charge, ponder.  When in doubt, mumble.  When in trouble, delegate.
When in charge, ponder. When in trouble, delegate. Whenin doubt, mumble
When in danger or doubt run in circles scream & shout-Tom
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and sh
When in danger or in doubt: Run in Circles, Scream & Shout.
When in danger, darkness, or doubt, run in circles, yell, scream, and shout!
When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!
When in danger,or in doubt,run in circles,scream & shout.
When in danger,when in doubt, run in circles,yell & shout
When in darkness or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
When in doubt - REBOOT
When in doubt - any kind of doubt - wash! That's rule No. 1. -Paul Galico
When in doubt - drink more coffee
When in doubt - empty your magazine.
When in doubt - lie
When in doubt ... try a novel approach!
When in doubt Overload. When in trouble Retrograde.
When in doubt about the length of your tagline, try trunc
When in doubt empty the magazine.
When in doubt empty your magazine
When in doubt fire photons!
When in doubt shroud you spout
When in doubt stay in the closet or be Exterminated.
When in doubt stop thinking and all doubt will go away.
When in doubt whip it out, got me a rock 'n' roll band.
When in doubt who will win --be neutral.
When in doubt, &lt;CTRL&gt; &lt;ALT&gt; &lt;DEL&gt;!
When in doubt, Bubba Clinton whips it out...anyway !!!
When in doubt, CHEAT!!!
When in doubt, David, read the manual.
When in doubt, Dispel Magic... as hard as you can!
When in doubt, EMPTY THE CLIP!
When in doubt, FIREBALL!!!
When in doubt, HAVE A BEER and think about it!
When in doubt, Look for the Beneficiaries.
When in doubt, MINE!
When in doubt, Read The Farshimmelte Manual !
When in doubt, Read The Fershlugginer Manual !
When in doubt, Rob, read the manual.
When in doubt, SHOUT!
When in doubt, air it anyways. - DiC proverb
When in doubt, always mount a scratch monkey
When in doubt, ambush.    -  Drow Warlord
When in doubt, ask Clinton.  Then do the opposite!
When in doubt, ask a liberal. Then do the opposite!
When in doubt, ask somebody !
When in doubt, ask someone a hypothetical question
When in doubt, ask someone who knows
When in doubt, ask yourself : "What would McGyver do ?"
When in doubt, ask!!!
When in doubt, attack the old bearded guy in the back.
When in doubt, be positive,   mumble loud!
When in doubt, be ruthless
When in doubt, be ruthless!  The Grand Nagus
When in doubt, blame the computer.
When in doubt, build it stout, out of things you know about
When in doubt, call a meeting
When in doubt, change the rules - Kirk
When in doubt, change the rules. - James T. Kirk
When in doubt, cheat.
When in doubt, chose free will!
When in doubt, compute!
When in doubt, cop an attitude. (Cat philosophy)
When in doubt, delegate.
When in doubt, deny all terms and definitions - Calvin
When in doubt, do absolutely nothing
When in doubt, do as doubters do.
When in doubt, do it.  It's much easier to apologize than to get permission. -- Grace Murray Hopper
When in doubt, do the right thing
When in doubt, do what the President does -- guess
When in doubt, don't "Bother,"
When in doubt, don't bother.
When in doubt, down a few.
When in doubt, drink heavily.
When in doubt, drive fast to the hospital!
When in doubt, duck
When in doubt, duck. - Malcolm Forbes
When in doubt, elect a committee
When in doubt, empty a magazine
When in doubt, empty your magazine.  - Murphy's Laws of Combat
When in doubt, follow the penguins.
When in doubt, follow your heart
When in doubt, follow your heart
When in doubt, fork it. - Jalapeno
When in doubt, form a committee
When in doubt, give advice.
When in doubt, give up
When in doubt, go for a sail.
When in doubt, go for a swim in the river.
When in doubt, go for the attacker's eyes.
When in doubt, go to the bathroom
When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand. -- Raymond Chandler
When in doubt, have two guys come through the door with guns.
When in doubt, ignore it.
When in doubt, incumbents out!
When in doubt, invoke the next millennium
When in doubt, jump in a Runabout, scream and shout!
When in doubt, jump out. - Edward Abbey
When in doubt, just ask me
When in doubt, just be yourself.  And if that fails, su root
When in doubt, lead a trump.
When in doubt, leave an error message.
When in doubt, leave out the adjective.
When in doubt, lie and make it sound convincing.
When in doubt, lie.  -- Bill Clinton
When in doubt, look over the other guy's shoulder.
When in doubt, make a backup.
When in doubt, make a list
When in doubt, make it configurable.
When in doubt, make it sound convincing
When in doubt, make it up.
When in doubt, mumble, when in trouble, delegate."
When in doubt, mumble.
When in doubt, mumble.  When in trouble, delegate.
When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder. -- James H. Boren
When in doubt, panic!
When in doubt, play GLENN MILLER!
When in doubt, power down.
When in doubt, predict that the present trend will contin
When in doubt, press Ctrl-Alt-Del.
When in doubt, press the red button
When in doubt, print 'em out. -Karl's Program Proverb
When in doubt, pull out
When in doubt, raise taxes. Spend money.
When in doubt, read the directions.
When in doubt, read the manual.
When in doubt, remember who wrote your OS, and reboot.
When in doubt, sell it!
When in doubt, send in the Marines!
When in doubt, shoot it.
When in doubt, shroud your spout.
When in doubt, sound convincing; when in trouble, delegate
When in doubt, start at the hearing and work backwards.
When in doubt, stop thinking and all doubt will go away
When in doubt, suggest that a subcommittee be appointed
When in doubt, take a cheap shot
When in doubt, take all the defaults.
When in doubt, tell a lie
When in doubt, tell the truth
When in doubt, tell the truth - M. Twain
When in doubt, tell the truth.
When in doubt, tell the truth.   Mark Twain
When in doubt, think
When in doubt, think harder
When in doubt, think.
When in doubt, threaten damnation.
When in doubt, throw it out
When in doubt, truncate.
When in doubt, truncat
When in doubt, use a bigger hammer.
When in doubt, use a bigger hammer.
When in doubt, use brute force.
When in doubt, use brute force.	-- Ken Thompson
When in doubt, use brute force.  --Ken Thompson, Bell Labs
When in doubt, use more thermite.
When in doubt, whip it out!!!
When in doubt, win the trick. - Edmond Hoyle
When in doubt, worry.
When in doubt, write a hymn.   Elton John
When in doubt... KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!
When in doubt... mumble.
When in doubt.... Wing it
When in doubt....... Empty your magazine!
When in doubt........rack off!
When in doubt...Do it anyway.
When in doubt...Don't pour it out.
When in doubt...FIRE photon torpedoes!!!!
When in doubt...Mumble.
When in doubt...No, don't do that either.
When in doubt...RTFM!
When in doubt..rack off!
When in doubt; Cheat !
When in doubt; empty the magazine.  'Murphy
When in ignorance, collar an expert.
When in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut
When in need, don't call us.  1-800-GOOD-BYE
When in panic, fear and doubt, Drink in barrels, eat, and shout
When in the Continuum, do as the Q do.  Be irritating.
When in the course of human  [Continued on next tagline]
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to compute
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!
When in trouble, blame everything on the Great Cthulhu
When in trouble, delegate.
When in trouble, thou shalt format!.
When in wonder or in doubt, drink in barrels, eat and shout
When inaccurate, we are definitively inaccurate.
When inlaws are outlawed, only outlaws will have inlaws.
When inlaws are outlawed, we won't NEED guns!
When innocent lovers dance like angels on fire.
When investigating the unknown you do not know what you will find.
When is Jimi Hendrix touring again?
When is Johnny coming back to the Tonight show?
When is No-Fault faulty?  Ask Ontario lawyers!
When is a mouse a rat? ... When it eats memory!
When is a war not a war?  When it's "Apprehension of a Criminal".
When is human nature so weak as in a bookstore. - H.W. Beecher
When is it Kline's turn?! - Crow
When is my lawyers representation of me completed?
When is summer in Canada? Last year it was a Tuesday in July.
When is summer in YK? Last year it was a Thursday in late July.
When is the last time the Haggis Fairy visited you?
When is the last time the Haggis Fairy visited you? --Monty Python
When is there going to be a ST:NG motion picture? Huh?
When it absolutely has 2B taken out overnite: Team Stealth!
When it all boils down to the essence of truth one must live by a dog's rule of
When it came to murder, Jack Mort was an equal opportunity employer
When it cannot possibly go wrong, you can't get at it when it does
When it comes time to sink or swim, a procrastinator floats
When it comes to Lois Lane... How does a guy compete with SUPERMAN?
When it comes to broken marriages most husbands will split the blame --  half his wife's fault, and half her mother's
When it comes to broken marriages most husbands will split the blame. Half
When it comes to brute force I'm at the end of the dream pool.  Scar
When it comes to cars, it's tough to drive a bargain
When it comes to diversity... all should thing alike !!!
When it comes to diversity... all things should be alike!
When it comes to dying for your country, it's better not to die at all
When it comes to excuses, the world is full of great inventors.
When it comes to fishing, you are a master baiter.
When it comes to getting my piece of the pie, I always have trouble getting it  out of the pan
When it comes to giving, some people stop at nothing.
When it comes to guns - if you want the best, you must caress
When it comes to heartaches, I'd rather give then receive.
When it comes to helping someone, I stop at nothing
When it comes to helping you, some people stop at nothing
When it comes to home improvements I'm an inferior decorator.
When it comes to housekeeping, she likes to do nothing better.
When it comes to humility, I'm the best there is
When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest.
When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest. - Bullwinkle
When it comes to humility, I'm the very BEST there is!
When it comes to loving, has it always let you down?
When it comes to meat, I'm Pro-Choice! And Prime, and
When it comes to my son, I make the decisions. Rom
When it comes to paradigms, shift happens.
When it comes to pets, there'll never be anudder - Frank
When it comes to puns, I've got a hare trigger! - Mutant Raccoon
When it comes to ruining a painting, he's an artist. Samuel Goldwyn
When it comes to telling her age, she's shy - about 10 years shy.
When it comes to the Obsidian Order, nothing is impossible -Entek
When it comes to the important things one is always alone.
When it comes to thought some people stop at nothing.
When it comes to thought, @TO@ stops at nothing
When it comes to thought, most AOLers stop at nothing.
When it comes to user-friendly, you can't beat beer.
When it doesn't blow, it sucks.
When it don't come easy, there's no natural flow.
When it doubt, duck.
When it doubt, heck, do it anyway
When it doubt, lie and make it sound convincing
When it gets to be your turn, they change the rules.
When it hits you in the head a softball isn't,,,
When it involves water & a's a shocking experience!!
When it involves water & a's a shocking experience!!
When it is dark enough you can see the stars. - R.W. Emerson
When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision
When it lands, we'll take over the world!!.....CRUNCH!!!!
When it only taked 2 licks to get to the center of a Blow Pop
When it rains, it pours.
When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
When it turns blue, your ship is odor free - Joel on ray
When it turns blue, your ship is odor free... - Joel Robinson
When it works, it's a wedding; when it doesn't it is a lawsuit.
When it works, it's courtship; when it doesn't, Sexual Harassment!
When it's all said and done, have you done what you said?
When it's all said and done, then he tells us
When it's brown, it's cooking; when it's black, it's done.
When it's dark enough you can see the stars. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson,
When it's deer hunting season, I'm gonna be a duck.
When it's gone, it's gone. Scott
When it's over, we're gonna dance your memory away. - Fishbone
When it's over, you're cut loose. Janeway
When it's springtime in North Dakota, and it's fifty-two below
When it's three O'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London
When it's up to your ears, keep your mouth shut!
When it's you against the world, bet on the world.
When its in the 30s, Lifes a beach - if you know what I mean.  --PDC  12/2/06
When kids become fit to live with, they're living with someone else.
When kids become fit to live with, they're living with someone else.
When killing killers is outlawed, only killers will kill.
When lady say no, she mean maybe,say maybe, she mean yes, say yes, she
When large numbers of men are unable to find work,  unemployment results. - Calvin Coolidge
When law is arbitrary, it's ability to teach is lost.
When laws are outlawed, only outlaws will be lawyers
When lawyers change careers to become tambourine preachers, you know where the real money is!
When lawyers make laws, laws will benefit lawyers.
When lawyers make laws, laws will benefit lawyers.
When leaving taglines, always make sure you have enough ro
When left on the back burner too long, you go hungry!!
When liberals grow up they want to be conservatives
When life begins with needles and pins, it ends with sword & knives.
When life deals you a hard blow, So can I, big boy
When life gets weird, the weird get a life.
When life gives me lemons, I make orange juice.  I mess up everthing.
When life gives you lemons, make spam.
When life gives you lemons, throw them back...hard.
When life gives you prunes, make do.
When life gives you prunes, make do.
When life hands you a dilemma - make dilemmanade!
When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade!
When life hands you lemons make Strawberry Daiquiris.
When life hands you lemons, break out the tequila and salt!
When life hands you lemons, buy an Uzi.
When life hands you lemons, let them rot and throw them back.
When life keeps you in the dark look for the stars
When life throws you lemons, squirt back!
When living in glass-house, better to stop throwing stones
When logic fails, trust your hunch.
When logic fails, try a hunch
When looking for faults use a mirror not a telescope.
When love beckons to you, follow him. - Gibran
When lunatics impose gun control, only lunatics will have guns.
When lying, be emphatic and indignant, thus behaving like your children. - William Feather
When lying, stay as close to the truth as possible - it makes the details easier to remember!
When man builds better mousetraps, nature builds better mice.
When man calls an animal "vicious", he usually means that it will attempt to defend itself when he tries to kill it
When man departs this earth, he divests himself of all the veils
When management sings soprano, we sing the blues.
When management wants your opinion, they'll give it to you.
When marriage is outlawed only outlaws will have in laws
When men are easy in their circumstances, they are naturally enemies to innovation
When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.-Benjamin Disraeli 1804 - 1881
When men discuss the things which are to be, the rats laugh in the rafters
When men discuss the things which are to be, the rats laugh in the rafters
When men ejaculate in cybersex, do them emit electrons?
When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh. - Chinese Proverb
When men were men, and sheep were nervous
When middle aged people mess around - Mike
When midgets have sex, do they start with two-play?
When mind goes blank - be sure to turn off "Sound"
When moms go bad... - Joel Robinson
When money speaks, truth keeps silent.
When money talks there are few interruptions.
When money talks, it usually says "Bend over."
When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results
When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results. - CALVIN COOLIDGE
When most I wink, then do mine eyes see best. - William Shakespeare
When mountains crumble to the sea, There will still be you and me
When my Dad came home last night, my mom fainted. - Steven Wright
When my bones knit, you are a dead man.  Garfield
When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip. -- Ignatius Reilly
When my bride was asked "Do you?" she turned to the audience for help.
When my computer goes fishing, it runs Turbot Pascal
When my dog jumps on my bed, she's going to chase her tail.
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
When my family was eating lasagna, I said, "Lean over your plate, boys. You?ll get less-on-ya."
When my friends lack an eye, I look at them in profile. - Joubert
When my friends lack an eye, I look at them in profile. - Joubert
When my granddad left Europe in 1935, graffiti on the walls said, Jews - Go To Palestine! And now when I visit Europe, the graffiti says Jews Out of Palestine! What short memories tEuropeans have!!
When my grown children complain about the way they were raised, I always tell them that we did the best we could with what we had to work with.
When my grown children complain about the way they were raised, I always tell them that we did the best we could with what we had to work with.
When my looks say yes, how can I say no?
When my looks say yes, how can I say no?
When my looks say yes, how can I say no? - Al Bundy
When my love swears she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies. Wm. Shakespeare
When my mind wanders away, I'm left sitting here.
When my mind's made up, don't try to confuse me with the facts!
When my old man wanted sex, my mother would show him my picture.
When my ship came in, I was at the airport
When my ship comes in I'll be at the airport
When my ship finally comes in ... I'll be on a plane!
When my time comes, I'd like to die like my grandfather - peacefull in my sleep, and not terrified like his passengers
When my true love returns from the ladies room, will I
When my wife gets through burning meat, you can only classify it through dental records!
When my wife makes a picnic lunch, the forest rangers put flares around her cole slaw
When my wife sports slacks she exhibits stern facts
When my wife told me not to whine, I said: "How can I be a MAN if I don't have the right to whine when I feel like it?"
When nations die, history is written by the winning side.
When necessary, metric and inch tools can be used interchangeably.
When neebors angry at a plea,
When need is greatest help is nearest.
When neither their poverty nor their honor is touched, the majority of men live content. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
When news breaks ... we fix it
When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.
When no flags flew, where no army stood
When no message came I knew it must have been from you.
When no one else cares, my CATS still love me!
When no wind blows, even the weather vane has character.
When non-drinkers wake, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
When nothing but the best will do... Wave - Blue Wave, that is
When nothing but the best will do...Xpress!
When nothing can possibly go wrong, it will
When nothing else will do.
When nothing is enough, everything is too much
When nukes are outlawed only outlaws will have nukes
When on Romulus - Get the heck off as fast as you can!!!!
When on a diet, you lose your temper first!
When on a roll, should you be concerned or jelly-filled?
When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. - Samuel Lover
When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes. - Thomas
When one can no longer dream, the time to die has arrived.
When one connects a 3-phase line, the phase sequence will be wrong.
When one does not know what to say, it is a time to be silent
When one door is shut, another opens.  --Miguel de Cervantes
When one fights monsters, one should beware of becoming one. - Guyver
When one has good health it is not serious to be ill.
When one has good health it is not serious to be ill. - Francis Blanche
When one has much to put into them, a day has a hundred pockets. - Friedrich Nietzsche
When one has tasted watermelon he knows what the angels eat. - Mark Twain
When one is helping another, both are strong.
When one is in Egypt, one should delve deeply into its treasures. - 007
When one is in a penalty box, tears are permitted.  Picard
When one is in the superior position, one is expected to win Kolrami
When one is pretending the entire body revolts.&lt;Nin&gt;
When one knows women one pities men, but when one studies men, one excuses women. -- Horne Tooke
When one person can do the work of 20, 19 need a job
When one wants to get rid of an unsupportable pressure, one needs hashish.  -- Friedrich Nietzsche
When only Cops and the Military have guns, IT'S A POLICE STATE!
When only cops have guns, it's called a "POLICE STATE!"
When only the cops and the military have guns, IT'S A POLICE STATE!
When only the most recent mediocrity will do
When opens his mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When opportunity knocked I wasn't home!
When opportunity knocks, invite it to stay for dinner!
When opportunity knocks, you've got headphones on
When ordering in a fancy restaurant, watcb out. If you can't pr nounce it, you can't afford it!
When other groups are victims, we acknowledge their powerlessness.
When other women begin to call you "Man's Best Friend"
When our myths, dreams & ideals are shattered, our world topples
When out of ideas, become a liberal and declare victory!
When outlaws are gunned, more outlaws!
When painting the ceiling, keep your mouth shut.
When panning with the sieve of memory, beware of fool's gold.
When panning with the sieve of memory, beware of fool's gold.
When patterns are broken - new worlds can emerge.
When people agree with me, I KNOW I'm wrong!
When people agree with me, I always feel I must be wrong
When people are alienated, they become rebellious.
When people are born blind in today's world, what's the cause?
When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other
When people are least sure, they are often most dogmatic
When people ask me what you died of, I'll say your stupidity.
When people run around and around in circles we say they are crazy. When planets do it we say they are orbiting.
When people say "Ho, Ho, Ho" and it's July
When people say "theoretically", they mean "not really".
When people say nothing, they don't necessarily mean nothing
When people say they slept like a baby do they mean they woke up every two hours wet and thirsty?
When people share their fears with you, share some courage.
When people share their fears with you, share some courage.
When people show you who they really are, believe them. ~Maya Angelou
When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen. - Ernest Hemingway
When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen. - Ernest Hemingway
When people tell you how young you look, they are also telling you how old you are. -Cary Grant
When phasers are outlawed, only outlaws will have phasers!
When phasers are outlawed, only outlaws will have phasers!
When planning for posterity, remember that virtue is not hereditary.
When pleasure remains, does it remain a pleasure?
When poking fun at nudists, be careful where you poke!
When policy fail, try thinking
When policy fails try thinking.  American Business Maxim
When policy fails, try thinking.
When poverty knocks at the door, love flies out the window.
When privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy
When probing unseen places always use protection.
When professors want your opinion, they'll give it to you.
When program is being tested, it is too late to make design changes
When prosperity comes, do not use all of it.  Confucius
When puns are outlawed only outlaws will have puns
When putting cheese in a mousetrap, always leave room for
When rappers hear "hoedown," they think a sister's been shot
When recipes are outlawed, only moderators will have recipes.
When red turns to blonde there's something going wrong-R Holliday
When reform becomes impossible, revolution becomes imperative. (Kelly Miller)
When regard for truth has been broken down or even slightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful. - St Augustine
When responding to a LIbEral, restraint should not be wasted.
When reviewing the radio frequencies that you just wrote down, the most important ones are         always illegible
When reviewing your notes for an exam, the most important ones will either be lost or illegible
When riding dragons, don't let your mind go blank.
When right, be logical. When wrong, be-fuddle.
When rocks float
When s**t happens, you must become one with it. -- Bhuddist
When seeking love give nothing.  Finding love give all.
When seeking research funding, it is best to know the result in advance
When serving coffee to tricks use paper cups!  Both are Disposable!
When sex is good, it's only 2% of a marriage; but when it's bad, it's 98%
When shall we three meet again, in thunder, in lightning, or in rain?
When sharing a bed, cats need the three-quarters nearest the wall
When she applies for a job, under "Sex" she writes, "Try me."
When she died, she took the best part of me with her. - Sheridan
When she hauled ass, it took three trips
When she opens her mouth, it's a wonder the little light doesn't come on.
When she opens her mouth, the barometric pressure drops.
When she starts talking over my head/It makes me dizzy...   Utopia  
When she was 3, her Barbies always did it on the 1st date - BNL
When shooting Mimes ... Do I use a silencer?
When shooting a mime, do you need a silencer?
When shooting a mime, use a silencer.
When should a man marry?  A young man, not yet; an elder man, not at all. -- Sir Francis Bacon, "Of Marriage and Single Life"
When should i telephone my lawyer?
When should the children meet the new boy/girlfriend?
When should you wear a bathing suit to go horseback riding? When you're riding a seahorse
When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their picket signs?
When singleness is bliss, it's folly to be wives -Bill Counselman
When smashing monuments, always save the pedestals - they come in handy
When smashing monuments, save the pedstals -- they always come in handy. -- Stanislaw J. Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"
When snakes and spiders get drunk, they see Bill Clinton
When soft foods have become distasteful
When some people decide it's time for everyone to make big changes, it means that they want you to change first
When some people discover the truth, they just can't understand why everybody isn't eager to hear it
When some people go on a diet they have a gut reaction
When some women get kissed, they have a quickening of the impulse!
When some women say they'll go through anything for a man, they usually start with his bank account
When somebody needs a donation,a handout,a loan, they come to the US
When somebody says "I'm here to help you", hold onto your wallet.
When someone asks for ID do you show them your belt buckle?
When someone asks if you're a god you say YES!
When someone asks if you're a god, just say *YES*!!!
When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?
When someone asks, "Are you a God", you say...YES!
When someone croaks, send the Vice President.
When someone does something good, Applaud! You will make two people happy. - Samuel Goldwyn
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day" I always wonder, how can that be?  How can you not have all day?   --George Carlin
When someone offers to pay you now or later, choose now!
When someone offers to pay you now or later, choose now!
When someone on trial tells the truth a lawyer objects!
When someone pushes me, I push back. - MCP
When someone says "How do you do," just say that you didn't. --Eeyore
When someone says "I want a programming language in which I need only say what I wish done," give him a lollipop
When someone says "Life is tough", ask "Compared to what?
When someone says "have a nice day", I tell them I have other plans
When someone says, "It ain"t the money, but the principle," it"s the money
When someone says, "It can't be done," they're usually right. They can't do it. - Harvey Mackay
When someone tells you something defies description, you can be pretty sure he's going to have a go at it anyway.  --Clyde B. Aster  
When someone tells you: "I'll let you know", you know
When someone tells you: "I'll let you know", you know
When someone turns things around, don't get run over.
When something's being rammed down your throat it's very hard to want it anymore. --Celia Farber
When somone on trial tells the truth a lawyer objects!
When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions. - William Shakespeare
When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions
When speculation has done its worst, two plus two still equals four.  -- S. Johnson
When speed counts, count on the SpeedModem!
When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion
When spiders drink too much - Crow/#606
When spiders drink too much... - Crow T. Robot
When stabbing a Bajoran in the back, do it with Klingon honour!
When standing before God, you better have a good lawyer!
When standing on the North Pole, which way is West?
When sticking thumb tacks into bulletin boards, press on the flat end.
When stunt men try to play cards... - Mike Nelson
When stunt men try to play cards... - Mike Nelson
When subjected to extreme feminine heat and pressure, male hydrocarbons will often produce a diamond.  -- Omni
When subtlety fails us we must resort to cream pies.
When sunlight scares you
When surfing the Internet do touch typists hang ten?
When symmetries are broken, things begin.
When taglines are outlawed, only moderators will have taglines.
When talk show hosts die, do they go to Rush Limbo?
When talking nonsence try not to be serious
When taxes are due, Americans feel bled white and blue!
When taxes are due, Americans tend to feel quite bled, white and blue.
When taxes are due, Americans tend to feel quite bled-whi
When teachers are mad, they don't blink.
When teachers get old, like over 55, they're always in a bad mood.
When teaching evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve!
When tempted to criticize. Bite your tongue
When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that fire
When that creature appears, men die. - Vanderberg
When that day comes, I'll be there to push the button - Garibaldi
When that ship went, it must have taken the captain with it! Scott
When that's done, will you help us? Janeway
When the 2nd goes, the rest are only dominoes!
When the Angel of Death comes knocking, you can't run out back.
When the Beast smiles, it's already too late
When the Borg left, all that remained was a simple Mac.
When the Cardies owned Bajor, were they MasterBajors?
When the D.M. laughs, It's too late.
When the DM grins, it's all over.
When the DM grins, it's too late
When the DM smiles it's too late to panic.
When the DM smiles, it's too late.
When the DOG bytes, when the C stinks.
When the Dungeon Master smiles, it's already too late
When the Dungeon Master smiles, it's too late to retract the statement
When the Eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber.
When the English language gets in my way, I walk over it. -- Billy Sunday
When the Game Master smiles, it's already too late!
When the Gods want to punish us, they give us what we want.
When the Greeks burned Troy, they invented Glow-in-the-Dark Trojans.
When the Green Flag drops the BS stops.
When the Grim Reaper comes knockin, this van'll stop rockin. -- Tom A
When the Jazz Man's testifying... -- Carole King, Lisa Simpson
When the Lord passed out paranoia, Frank got in line twice. - Potter
When the Marine Corps does recruitment outside your door
When the Masochist says "Hurt me" the Sadist says NO!
When the Master of Sinanju speaks, the Minbari Grey Council listens!
When the Moderator frowns, it's too late to retract the statement!
When the People lead, the "Leaders" will follow
When the Phone Don't Ring, Baby, you'll Know it's me
When the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists. - Jurassic Park
When the Pope signs my sainthood papers, I'm outta here!
When the President does it, that means it is not illegal. -- Richard Nixon
When the Red Cross turns their head at you
When the alarm clock rings the best part of the day is over.
When the art of crafts looms, the craft of art is nowhere to be seen.
When the artist tried to draw a cube he had a mental block
When the ax entered the forest, the trees said, "The handle is one of us!" -- Turkish proverb
When the bad combine, the good must associate.
When the balls whistle free oer the bright blue sea
When the band is open you can work the world on a piece of wet string!
When the bible was written was the whole story included?
When the bird and the bird book disagree, believe the bird.
When the blind lead the blind they will both fall over the cliff. -- Chinese proverb
When the blues whomp you up the side of the head
When the body sleeps, the soul is enfolded in One. &lt;Chuang Tzu&gt;
When the bosses talk about improving productivity, they are never talking about themselves
When the bough breaks, there is usually an audible SNAP!
When the branding iron was invented, cattle were very impressed
When the bugs are ironed out we'll have lotsa flat bugs
When the candles are out, all women are fair.
When the candles are out, all women are fair. - Plutarch
When the candles are out, all women are fair. --- Plutarch (46?-120?)
When the carpal hits the fan...look out for flying electrons !
When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined
When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined &lt;Persian proverb&gt;
When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined.
When the cat barks at midnight, the duck walks alone.
When the cat is gone ... the mice come out to stretch.
When the cat's away ... Sulu-2 to Uhura.
When the cat's away, the mice use Visa.
When the cat's away, the mouse will get drunk and pick up hookers
When the chips are down the buffalo is empty!!!
When the chips are down, the buffalo's been eating pillows.
When the chips are down, the buffalo's empty!
When the chips are down, the cow is empty.
When the chips are down, yell BINGO.
When the computer asks you are you sure, ponder a moment
When the conservatives' candidate is liberal, we lose
When the consumer isn't observing this product, it may cease to exist.
When the cup is full, carry it level
When the demon smiles, it's too late to panic
When the dream dies, so does the dreamer.
When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber.
When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally. - Lao Tse
When the electricity's out, we're all Ohmless.
When the exceptions outnumber the rules, exchange them
When the eyes drop out, the pig is half done.
When the facts are against you, argue the law
When the fog burns off, it won't be mist
When the fog came in on little cat feet last night, it left these little muddy paw prints on the hood of my car
When the foolkiller comes around, we'd better *all* hide in the high grass
When the fox gnaws, smile!
When the fox gnaws, smile!  -- Heinlein
When the fox gnaws, smile!  L. Long
When the fox gnaws, smile! - Heinlein
When the fox gnaws, smile! - Lazarus Long
When the fox gnaws, smile! - Robert A. Heinlein
When the fox gnaws, smile! -- Heinlein
When the fox preaches, beware of the geese.
When the fun and games are over, the serious foolishness starts.
When the game ends, king and pawn are put in the same box
When the game master smiles, it's already too late
When the garbage pick-up was late, the homeowner raised a stink
When the gods choose to punish us, they merely answer our prayers. - Oscar Wilde
When the gods want to punish us, they grant our wishes
When the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers.  -- O. Wilde
When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.
When the goin' get's tough - I usually quit!
When the going gets  tough,  the tough get their teddy bears
When the going gets going, the tough get tough.
When the going gets tough it's time for a nap.
When the going gets tough the tough get going.
When the going gets tough, @FN@ finds someone to blame.
When the going gets tough, @FN@ goes drinking.
When the going gets tough, @N runs away
When the going gets tough, @TOFIRST@ finds someone to blame
When the going gets tough, @TOFIRST@ goes drinking
When the going gets tough, Bill Clinton runs away.
When the going gets tough, Bill goes to Oxford and Hillary bakes cookies
When the going gets tough, He runs away.
When the going gets tough, Orville Bullitt runs away.
When the going gets tough, YOU finds someone to blame.
When the going gets tough, YOU goes drinking.
When the going gets tough, call a tow truck!
When the going gets tough, everybody leaves.
When the going gets tough, everyone leaves. -- Lynch's Law
When the going gets tough, find someone to blame.
When the going gets tough, hit the F1 key for help.
When the going gets tough, it's Miller Time!
When the going gets tough, it's time for a nap.
When the going gets tough, runs away.
When the going gets tough, stop and lick it again
When the going gets tough, take Metamucil!
When the going gets tough, the frogs get crunching
When the going gets tough, the frogs get crunching.  Monty Python
When the going gets tough, the smart get lost.
When the going gets tough, the tough buy a vowel
When the going gets tough, the tough cry hysterically.
When the going gets tough, the tough get 4-wheel drive
When the going gets tough, the tough get a GLOCK.
When the going gets tough, the tough get driving. -- Rollbar
When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical -- Jon Carroll
When the going gets tough, the tough get f*cked over - Carlin
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
When the going gets tough, the tough get their teddy bears.
When the going gets tough, the tough go drinking.
When the going gets tough, the tough go get a club.
When the going gets tough, the tough go grab a beer
When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.
When the going gets tough, the tough grab their teddies.
When the going gets tough, the tough hide under the table
When the going gets tough, the tough set their phasers to 'Kill'
When the going gets tough, the tough take a coffee break
When the going gets tough, the wimps call in at 300 baud.
When the going gets tough, the wimps call in sick.
When the going gets tough, upgrade.
When the going gets tough, you know you're in The Stanley Cup Finals.
When the going gets tough,the tough hide under the table.-Blackadder
When the going gets tough... Hey, where'd everybody go?
When the going gets tough... The tough go drinking.
When the going gets weird the weird turns Pro
When the going gets weird, the weird become Moderators
When the going gets weird, the weird get going
When the going gets weird, the weird get more taglines!
When the going gets weird, the weird get weirder.
When the going gets weird, the weird take over!!
When the going gets weird, the weird travels.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn into Moderators.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.  -Hunter S Thompson
When the going gets weird, the weird turn to Starwitch!
When the going gets weird, the weird turns Pro.
When the going gets wierd, the wierd become moderators
When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn into moderators
When the government bureau's remedies do not match your problem, you modify the problem, not the remedy
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty. - Washington
When the government's remedies do not solve the problem, you modify the problem, not the remedy
When the grandmothers of today hear the word ``Chippendales,'' they don't necessary think of chairs. - Joan Kerr
When the ground shaketh beneath thee, thou hast found a true sub-woofer
When the guy at the door said, "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms," I just assumed it was more supplies.
When the harlequin is on the bed - Tom sings
When the harlequin is on the bed - Tom sings
When the horse is dead, it's best to get off it!
When the hounds bay, the fox and the rabbit are brothers.
When the house of a neighbour is on fire, your own is in danger.
When the husband has no wisdom, the wife has no pride.
When the igloo is rocking, don't bother knocking!
When the kettle boils over, it overflows its own sides
When the land cooled, there were many recipes
When the law fails the people, then the people must become the law.
When the law is against you, argue the facts
When the lights are out, @FN@'s nice-looking.
When the lights are out, all men are nice-looking.
When the lights are out, all women are beautiful.
When the lights are out, no one can see you elbow Leetch.
When the lights are out, no one can see you hip-check Quaker Oates.
When the lights are out, no one can see you slash @FN@ with your stick.
When the lights are out, no one can see you slash Kneeless.
When the lights are out, no one can see you trip Messier.
When the lights go out, we're on top of things: Light & Power co
When the mage draws her two handed sword, you know you're in trouble.
When the mind goes blank, STOP TYPING!
When the mind goes blank, turn off the sound.
When the mind is ready, a teacher appears
When the mind's free, the body's delicate.
When the moderator smiles, it's too late to cancel it.
When the moderator smiles, it's too late to retract the statement.
When the money starts to dwindle it's time for another swindle.
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it hurts like hell.
When the moon is in a sloppy house, and Jupiter spills beer on Mars.
When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter alines with Mars
When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole very near by
When the mouth stumbles, it is worse than the foot.
When the mouth stumbles, it is worse than the foot. -West African
When the music played, I heard the sound I had to follow!
When the music stops, it's only the sound of the rain_ -RUSH
When the music's over ... turn out the light.  -- Jim Morrison
When the need arises, any tool closest to you becomes a hammer.
When the need arises, anything within reach becomes a hammer
When the need arises, the tool or object closest to you becomes a hammer. COROLLARY TO MURPHY'S LAW
When the neighbors want you to install a drive up window
When the news is BAD.  Shoot the MESSENGER!
When the nuclear scientist became a deejay, he was radio active
When the obituaries read like your high-school reunion, you're elderly.
When the old dog barks, better look out the window
When the only tool you have is a gun,
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.   -- Abraham Maslow
When the outlook isn't good, try the up-look.
When the outlook looks grim, try the uplook!
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. -Washington
When the people trust in nothing, annihilation prospers
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time
When the plane you're on is late, your connecting flight is on time.
When the plane you're on is on time, your connecting flight is late.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix, musician, singer, and songwriter (1942-1970)
When the power went out,I found myself on the dark side of the Force
When the power went out,I found myself on the dark side of the Force
When the president does it, that means it is not illegal. - Nixon
When the prick stands up, the brains get buried in the ground. -- Old Jewish saying
When the question is hypothetical.
When the rain stops, we'll break camp, Tom said intently
When the ratings go up it's like the whole world is made of doughnuts! - Brak
When the reader isn't observing this message, it may cease to exist.
When the revolution comes, count your change
When the rich make war it's the poor that die.
When the rich make war it's the poor that die. - Jean -Paul Sartre
When the rocker stopped...@F was off it
When the roll is called up yonder ... Bye, y'all!!
When the rooster is drunk, he forgets about the hawk
When the rowing gets rough start up your outboard motor.
When the rupture was exposed, the system was destroyed. - Dax
When the ship lifts, all bills are paid.  No regrets
When the ship lifts, all debts are paid. --RAH
When the situation is desperate, it is too late to be serious. Be playful.  - Edward Abbey
When the situation is hopeless, there's nothing to worry about. - Edward Abbey
When the smoke alarm goes off, dinner's ready.
When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table
When the smoke clears, I've cleared out. -- Sandstorm
When the snow melts, where does all the white go?
When the solution is simple, God is answering. - Albert Einstein
When the space shuttle finally lands, everybody wear ape suits.... pass it on!
When the speaker and he to whom he is speaks do not understand, that is metaphysics. -- Voltaire
When the speaker and he to whom he is speaks do not understand, that is metaphysics. -- Voltaire
When the sperm bank calls for remnants
When the spit hits the Spam... - Frank Burns
When the student is ready the teacher appears.
When the student is ready, the teacher will come
When the sun comes up, I have morals again. - Elayne Boosler
When the sun rises from the West watch out
When the sun shines they slip into the shade
When the sun shineth, make hay.	-- John Heywood
When the task is done beforehand, then it is easy. Ch'an Master Yuantong
When the teacher is looking over my shoulder I get nervous.
When the thought of you catches up with me.
When the thought police find us, we're dead anyhow   Todd Rundgren 
When the time comes, you'll know it. - Kira
When the tough get going they let sleeping dogs lie
When the tough get going, the going get tough.
When the trust goes out of a relationship, it's no fun lying anymore
When the trust goes out of marriage,no more fun in lying
When the truth hurts, government covers it up
When the truth is found .. to be lies
When the walk to the curb for the paper is like Marathon--you're old.
When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the plane, the plane will fly
When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the plane, the plane will fly.  -- Donald Douglas
When the well is dry we know the worth of water.
When the wind DOESN'T blow, turkeys run for office!
When the wind blows folk out of Valdemar, prepare for heavy weather.
When the wind blows, worship its roar. -- Pythagoras
When the wind is great, bow before it; when the wind is heavy, yield to it
When the wind is right, the wise man isn't half so trusted as the fool.
When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.
When the wine goes in, the secrets come out.
When the wine is in, the wit is out.
When the wine is in, the wit is out. - Thomas Becon
When the word Slalom gets you excited
When the world deals you a LEMON do as I do. Make whiskey sours! BURP!
When the world needs an enema, the nozzle will be stuck in Texas.
When the world needs an enema...the tube will planted in America.
When the world turn it's back on you, you turn your back on the world.
When their numbers dwindled from 50 to 8, the dwarfs began to suspect "Hungry"
When there is a choice between two evils- Take Both!!
When there is an old maid in the house, a watch dog is unnecessary. -- Balzac
When there is no danger in fighting, there is no glory in winning.
When there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph. - Pierre Cornuelle
When there was no meat, we ate flour.
When there weren't any crawdads, we ate sand - Tom
When there's a piano to be moved, don't reach for the stool.
When there's a will, I want to be in it.y
When there's a will, there's 100 relatives waiting for a cut
When there's no problem, you've overlooked something.
When there's trouble just call DW!
When there's trouble, you call @TOFIRST@
When there's trouble, you call Gary.
When there's trouble, you call Orville.
When theres no problem,you've overlooked something
When they ask "Paper or plastic?", just give them a weird stare.
When they begin the overture, they start to end the show.
When they call you "Shazam" and they don't mean the money machine!
When they change your # to 976
When they circumcised Jesse Helms, they threw away the wrong part.
When they come for your guns, give 'em the bullets first.
When they go outside, the film really lightens up - Crow
When they install a revolving door at your apartment
When they made Bill Clinton, they threw away the shovel!
When they outlaw TAGLINES, only outlaws will have
When they outlaw guns we will still have swords.
When they passed out the heads, you must have thought they said beds and asked for a soft one
When they said brains, he thought they meant trains and missed his.
When they said you were having a cow, geez, I had *NO* idea
When they say it isn't the money- it's the money!- Rush Limbaugh
When they ship Styrofoam, what do they pack it in...?
When they stop us, do you want me to say anything? - Sito
When they tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine, I put it in Oregon
When they tell you to "grow up".they mean stop growing.
When they tie me up I end up getting a free ride =)
When they took my bed for the good of the state...  Todd Rundgren 
When they took the six amendment, I was quiet because I'm innocent.
When they were handing out brains, you were the one holding the door open
When they were handing out looks you thought they said books so you said give me a funny one!
When they're down.......KICK 'EM!!!!!!
When they're shipping styrofoam, what do they pack it in?
When they've got your balls, they've got your heart and mind
When things are going well, something will go wrong.
When things can't possibly get any worse, they will
When things get darkest, it takes a brave man to kick back and party
When things go well, expect something to explode, erode, collapse or just disappear
When things go wrong, I didn't do it!
When things go wrong, don't go with them.
When things just can't get any worse, they will.
When things look dark, hold your head high so it can rain up your nose.
When this girl's husband takes her to an eating place, the headwaiter asks him to check his umbrella
When this is over, Quark and I are going to have a little talk - Kira
When this load is DONE I think I'll wash it AGAIN
When those clown shoes burn - like black tires! - Crow
When thou goest to woman, take thy whip. - Nietzsche
When thought goes in, it shows up in lots of little ways.
When time's running out and you're just shy of a goal..pull the goalie!
When told he had no guts, the ultimate hypochondriac stopped eating.
When tracing ancestors, please stay within the lines! 
When trapped on a hostile world, it helps to be hostile.  -SLR
When traveling life's highway...carry your own dipstick
When traveling, never leave a country hungry
When traveling, never leave a country hungry
When trees blow back and forth thats what causes the wind
When trimming a tree limb, sit on the tree side of the saw.
When truth entails tremendous ruin, lies are pardoned.
When turkeys make love, do they fantasize adout swans?
When turkeys mate they think of swans
When two Englishmen meet their first talk is of the weather.
When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I.
When two elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers!
When two elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers!
When two men in business always agree, one is not needed.
When two men in business always agree, one is unnecessary
When two patterns combine, in a way serpentine, that's a moir
When uncertain, or in doubt, run in circles and scream.
When uncertain, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
When used as directed, cigarettes kill
When using PCs, ALWAYS anticipate problems.
When virtue recognises itself as virtue it immediately becomes vice.
When vultures fly they're allowed carrion luggage
When waking a dragon, use a very long stick.
When walking through a melon patch, don't adjust your sandals. - Chinese Proverb
When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty.--Arthur Ponsonby
When was baseball first mentioned in the Bible? In the first line: In the big inning
When was the last time someone listened to Tennessee Williams? - Vidor
When was the last time you came in for a worming?
When was the last time you cleaned this place? -- Michelle
When was the last time you had such an enthusiastic opponent?&lt;Connor&gt;
When was the last time you partied with the FL SINGLES & FRIENDS?????
When was the last time you saw a STACK overflow?!
When was your last 40 second orgasm???  SKYDIVE!!
When water becomes ice, its price increases,,,
When we all remember we are mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. - Mark Twain
When we all remember we are mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. - Mark Twain
When we are able to forgive, amazing things can happen.
When we are born, we are allocated a finite number of seconds
When we are born, we cry that we come to this great stage of fools.
When we are not sure, we are alive.
When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary. - Thomas Paine
When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. - Duc De La Rochefoucauld
When we ask advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice
When we believe in nothing, nothing is what we receive
When we can't dream any longer we die. - Emma Goldman
When we can't dream the time for death has arrived.
When we divorced, my wife and I split the house. She got the inside
When we do battle, it is only because we have no choice.
When we first practice to deceive
When we first practice to deceive. -- SIR WALTER SCOTT
When we go to series, we're replacing you with Rich Handley.
When we gonna eeeeeeeeeeat?
When we had a heart of stone we wandered to the sea
When we hear a woman say that all men are alike we wonder how she found out
When we judge others, we judge ourselves.  - Caine
When we limit government we liberate people.
When we mix religion and politics, people burn at the stake!
When we oppose evil, God stands with us and empowers us.
When we pretend that we're dead
When we quarrel, how we wish we had been blameless. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. - Mark Twain
When we say 'hike out', we mean *HIKE* *OUT*.
When we talk of tomorrow, the gods laugh
When we think, life thinks.
When we went to dinner, you wore blue jeans with your pearls.
When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown-up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability... To be alive is to be vulnerable.  --Madeleine L'Engle 
When we were kids, ten cents was big money. How dimes have changed!
When we were kids, ten cents was big money. How dimes have changed!
When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don't.
When we're equal elewhere, cubic inches win
When we're planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary
When we're poisoning pigeons in the park! -T. Lehrer
When will Barney realise he's a dinosaur and eat the kids ?.
When will Barney remember he's a dinosaur, and eat the kids?
When will I learn to leave well enough alone?
When will drug testing be done on politicians.
When will it rain?  I can't stand this heat from the road. --Jackyl
When will it rain?  Is it ever gonna rain?! --Jackyl
When will the _other_ log entries be available? - Odo
When will the blood begin to race?  - Phantom
When will the falmes at last consume us? - Phantom
When will then be now? Soon Sir.
When will windows for CP/M be released?
When will you Rage?
When will you die, you twisted old ferret? Tom Servo
When willie talks, see if her lips move.
When wind blow from west and snow fall on high mountain, butterfly land on lotus flower. - Lee Ackrill
When windows crashes, do you hear a tinkle?
When wine goes in, secrets come out.
When women are divorced they treat vegetables like men.
When women are married they treat men like vegetables.
When women cease to attract men, they turn to Feminism.
When women commit homicide, almost 90% of victims are men.
When women could cook, men weren't vegetarians
When women go bad, men go right after them.
When women go wrong men go after them.
When women go wrong, men go right after them!!
When women go wrong, men go right after them. - Mae West
When women kiss it always reminds one of prize fighters shaking hands.
When women led, it was still men left dead.
When women start talking about the pitter-patter of tiny feet around the house, many men keep saying it's mice!
When women try to figure out the lunch tab - Tom on
When working a problem, it helps to know the answer.
When working hard, be sure to get up and retch every so often.
When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer
When worlds collide &lt;BAM!&gt; I'm going to give you a terrible thrill!
When written correctly, legalese is perfectly incomprehensible.
When ya find that out...lemme know.
When yer in a funk, people in love are a royal pain in the PATOOKAS!
When yer no longer offensive, life gets so expensive. -Sex Pistols
When yo mama walks she looks like 2 wildcats fighting in a gunny sack!
When you BARELY have time to call the very best!
When you Speed you miss the road-signs
When you add them, they magically become one new number. - Calvin
When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target.  GF
When you aim for perfection, you find it's a moving target.
When you and a friend buy ice cream your friend's flavor looks better.
When you and your cat have the same tongue consistency
When you are a mother sometimes you need to tie a knot in your tongue
When you are a writer your senses never atrophy.&lt;Whitney&gt;
When you are about to die, a wombat is better than no company at all. -- Roger Zelazny, "Doorways in the Sand"
When you are at Rome live in the Roman style; when you are elsewhere live as they live elsewhere.	-- St. Ambrose
When you are at a loss for words, your loss is our gain!
When you are down and out something always turns up - and it is usually the noses of your friends. - Orson Welles
When you are in a peach orchard, don't look for turnips.
When you are in it up to your ears keep your mouth shut.
When you are mathematically wrong, try multiplying by the
When you are mathematically wrong, try multiplying by the page number.
When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish
When you are out of quality you are out of business.
When you are out of your body, are you naked
When you are over the hill, you pick up speed!
When you are short of everything except enemy, you are in combat.
When you are thirsty, try 7-Up, the refreshing drink in the green bottle with the big 7 on it and u-p after
When you are walking down the dark Information Superhighway,
When you are working hard, get up and retch every so often
When you aren't looking at it, this Tagline is in Hebrew.
When you argue with a fool, chances are he is doing just the same
When you ask Santa to bury your wife-- Dead or Alive
When you asked me to live in sin with you, I didn't know you meant sloth.
When you assume, you make an ass out of YOU.  Leave ME out of this!
When you become dead, you join a very large organization.
When you become senile, you won't know it. - Bill Cosby.
When you become used to never being alone, you may consider yourself Americanized
When you best have time to call the very only one other
When you blame others, you give up your power to change. - Dr. Robert Anthony
When you blow your nose you think it's funny, but it's 'snot.
When you break the rules, break'em good and hard. -G. Ogg
When you breath, you inspire. When you do not breath, you expire.
When you breathe you inspire, when you don't... you expire.
When you breathe you inspire. When you do not breathe you expire
When you bring a date to your house, dodge your parents.
When you buy a car your number of friends increases dramatically.
When you call a cat it says "Put it in writing & I'll get back to ya"
When you call a cat it says, "Fax me!"
When you can't control the wind, adjust the sails.
When you can't do it after working out:   Gympotent
When you can't get what you want, cry -- Jane Fonda
When you can't make it GOOD, make it BIG!
When you can't think of anything else attack the spelling.
When you can't win, just act like a kangaroo
When you cannot get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one. - Mark Twain
When you care enough to send the very best.
When you castrate a "Q", do you get an "O?"
When you catch an adjective, kill it.
When you cease to dream you cease to live. - Malcolm S. Forbes
When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.&lt;E. Roosevelt&gt;
When you change the topic, change the Subject line!
When you cheat, you make an `eat' out of `C' and `H'
When you come to a fork in the road, take it!
When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and HANG ON!
When you come to the fork in the road, take it.
When you control a man's information sources, you control his mind.
When you control the mail, you control information! --Newman, "Seinfeld"
When you deal with the insane, always pretend you're sane
When you detect a AOL user, RUN! Lamer syndrome usually follows.
When you dial a wrong number you never get a busy signal
When you die and people ask me what you died of,I'll say your stupidity.
When you die there's only a dark nothingness waiting -Tom
When you die, are you leaving your body to science fiction?
When you die, bequeath your computer to your Mother-in-Law.
When you die, it will be...without HONOR. --Master Splinter.
When you die, the lawyer takes 30%.
When you die, wait until the title screen appears, then press ESC.
When you die, you lose a very important part of your life. -- Brooke Shields
When you dig another out of trouble, you've got a place to bury your own
When you discover you are dead, avoid driving a car.
When you do a good deed get a receipt (in case heaven is like the IRS).
When you do not know what you are doing, do it neatly.
When you do nothing, can you know when you're finished?
When you do the BART, you're bad like Michael Jackson!
When you don't know "What's his name?"
When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried
When you don't know what you are doing, do it neatly
When you don't know what you're doing ask for help before you mess up.
When you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.
When you don't know where you're going, any road will lead you there.
When you don't know where you're going, go by a way you don't know.---- Chinese proverb
When you don't talk, things get awfully quiet.  --Martha Hartly
When you dont know what your doing, do it neatly!
When you dream in color, it's a pigment of your imagination.
When you drink from the stream, remember the spring. - Chinese proverb
When you drop a bomb, you don't need to defend it.
When you egg someone you're spose ta use raw eggs. - Mike Nelson
When you enjoy what you are doing, you keep getting better.
When you fall on your face, you're moving forward.
When you fear God, you do not have any man to fear
When you feel terrific, notify your face.
When you finally comepletely understand your computer, it's obsolete.
When you finally discover all of Life's answers, they'll
When you find a prize in a box of " Crackerjacks " there is no need to report it on your income tax return.
When you find anything that works, it usually fails.
When you find anything that works, it usually fails.
When you find out how far you can go, you've gone too far
When you find the truth, you are alone & no one listens
When you find true fellowship, welcome it and keep it sacred.
When you fool a fool you strike a blow for intelligence.  - Giacomo de Seingalt
When you get "one," Watch out! They don't come in ones.
When you get a baby out of the tub put a diaper on it immediately.
When you get a divorce in Kentucky, is your ex-wife still your cousin?
When you get a haircut, you better go back home. -- Ray Stevens
When you get a virus, OS/2 means Oh, sh*t! No backups? Oh, sh*t!
When you get down to nothing, you've got nothing to lose
When you get hemrhoids on you shoulders
When you get near a sentence, let us know - Tom
When you get old, you don't have to worry about dying young.
When you get older and think back you'll be able to enjoy life twice.
When you get older, lack of pep is often mistaken for patience...patience is often mistaken for indifference.
When you get right down to it, are there really any truly rhetorical questions?
When you get right down to it, are there really any truly rhetorical questions?
When you get there, there's no there there.
When you get tired Switch hands!
When you get to be my age your tricks play mind on
When you get to be my age, you hear many promises. -- Dumont
When you get to the end of your rope tie a knot in it and hang on.
When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it's probably obsolete.
When you get to your wits end, you will find that God is waiting there.
When you get to your wits end, you will find that God is waiting there.
When you get what you asked for, it is almost never what you want
When you get what you want you don't want it as much.
When you get your PH.D. will you get able to work at BURGER KING?
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be suprised if they learn their lesson
When you go Chopin, don't forget your Liszt
When you go far enough, you'll meet yourself.
When you go on a diet, the first thing you lose is your temper.
When you go out to buy, don't show your silver
When you go to Hell, you change in Atlanta!
When you go to a bar you know you can always pick up a beer.
When you go to a beer, &lt;hic&gt; you can always pick up a bar &lt;hic&gt;
When you go to a party at somebody's house, don't automatically assume that the drinks are free. Ask, and ask often
When you go to the market, use your eyes, not your ears.
When you gonna love you as much as I do --Tori Amos
When you gotta go, you gotta go!
When you gotta go, you gotta go, So lets get going!  -Louie Nichols
When you grab a tiger by the tail...expect to get bit.
When you have B. Gates by the balls, you have complete control over
When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away
When you have a neon sign saying "open at night"
When you have a room key to every hotel in town
When you have a true desire to play, excelling is no longer work.
When you have an accident, first you say it, then you do it. - Cosby
When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship
When you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship. -- Harry Truman
When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains is unacceptable!
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - A. Conan Doyle
When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave. - TAO
When you have listened to your mistakes, you have grown.
When you have nothing to say, say nothing.
When you have secured an area don't forget to tell the enemy.
When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the air cover.
When you have secured an area, don't forget to tell the enemy. - Another Murphy's Law (of combat)
When you have secured an area, ensure you tell the enemy.  'Murphy
When you have secured the area, dont forget to tell the enemy
When you have sour cream every problem looks like a potato.
When you have the Energy and the Money -- You haven't got the Time!
When you have the Energy and the Time -- You haven't got the Money!
When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite
When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite.  -- Winston Curchill, On formal declarations of war
When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite. - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
When you have to learn something in a hurry, it's best to jump in with both feet. Unless it's a wood chipper. 
When you haven't got enough iodine in your blood you get a glacier.
When you haven't got enough iodine in your blood you get a glacier.
When you hear "woof...splat...meow...splat", it's raining cats and dogs
When you hear the horn, help is on the way.
When you help someone up a hill you get nearer the top yourself.
When you jump for joy, beware that no-one moves the ground from beneath your feet. - Stanislaw Lec
When you jump for joy, beware that no-one moves the ground from beneath your feet. -- Stanislaw Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"
When you just can't take it anymore, rm -rf
When you kill a bug, ten more come for the funeral
When you kill time you murder success.
When you kiss a girl, don't give her a pain in the necking
When you kiss a smoker, you lick an ashtray.
When you know you know, that's "ALL" you need to know.
When you know your in Munchkinland: 17th level NPCs in bar fights.
When you know, you know; when you don't know, admit it.
When you laugh, You live..  Pass it on!
When you lay a brick it doesn't follow you around for two weeks whining
When you learn the answers, they change the questions.
When you least expect it, expect it! -- Bobby Briggs
When you leave someone to die of carbon monoxide poisoning, be sure to shut the door tightly on your way out
When you leave that way, you can never go back.
When you lick a slug your tongue goes numb.
When you lie your ears twitch - Odo
When you listen to fools, the MOB rules!
When you live in a magical universe, every word you speak is about magic
When you live in a sick society, just about everything you do is wrong
When you look up at the clouds in the sky,try not to think Windows 95
When you lose a pet it's like losing a best friend.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
When you love in your heart, magic happens!!
When you love peace more than freedom, you lose both
When you love someone, you're always insecure. - Billy Joel
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys with erasers.
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for guys with erasers. -- The Wall Street Journal
When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy.
When you marry, your family tree can become a forest. 
When you need HELP! Who do you call?   .BATch Busters!!
When you need a [ HUG ] Call me, I'll be there!
When you need an ugly man for a small part - Crow
When you open WINDOWS, you let BUGS in!
When you open a bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away?
When you open a new bag of cotton balls, are you supposed to throw the top one away?
When you order soup of the day be sure and ask WHICH day.
When you pass the buck, don't expect any change back!
When you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
When you pedal backwards, are you recycling?
When you play at this level, there's no ordinary venue.
When you play country music backwards, you get back yer j
When you play country music backwards, you get back yer job & yer girl
When you play with your Rifle, it never rolls over in bed.
When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all. - Theodore Roosevelt
When you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend
When you pull the pin, Mr. Hand Grenade is not your friend
When you put fuel into an AIRPLANE, it does not spit it out.
When you put six rats and a duck on stage, the duck is gonna stand out
When you put your arms around me I can feel it no more
When you re-read a classic, you do not see more in the book than you did before; you see more in yourself than there was before. --Clifton Fadiman, editor and critic [1904-1999]
When you reach an equilibrium in biology you're dead. - Arnold Mandell
When you reach an equilibrium in biology you're dead. - Arnold Mandell
When you reach the crossroads, take it.  - Yogi Berra
When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!
When you reach the top, that's when the climb begins. -Michael Caine
When you read the riot act, be prepared to enforce it.
When you redo a batch file, does it become a son-of-a-batch?
When you resent some one, they live rent free in your head
When you run into *Murphy*, no one can hear you scream.
When you run out of time you run out of everything.
When you run with the big dogs quit pissin like a pup.
When you said panic I didn't think you meant hang me
When you save for a long time to buy something, then find you can't afford it--that's inflation
When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas.
When you say Formula One, you've said it all!!!!!
When you say you will pray for me, you realise you are prey for me.
When you search for ancestors, you find friends
When you secure a position, be sure  to  let  the  enemy know
When you secure an area, don't forget to tell the enemy.
When you see a snake, never mind where he came from.
When you see a snake, never mind where he came from. - W. G. Benham
When you see a snake, never mind where it came from
When you see me, we call that your lucky day.
When you see one redwood, you've seen them all. - Ronald Reagan
When you see pink, you'll think `We're doomed'! - Tom Servo
When you see the handwriting on the wall, you can bet you're in a public restroom.
When you see what some girls marry you realize how they must hate to work for a living. (HELEN ROWLAND)
When you see what some girls marry you realize how they must hate to work for a living. (HELEN ROWLAND)
When you seek it, you cannot find it. &lt;Zen saying&gt;
When you seek love, give nothing.  When you find it, give all.
When you seek revenge,  first dig two graves
When you shoot a mime, do you use a silencer?
When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey
When you show others you are a live wire, they won't step on you.
When you sing your own praises, it's usually a solo.
When you sit on Pinochio's face ... make him LIE!!!
When you skin a man, you have to let him recuperate and grow more hide  -- or he gets nervous. -L. Long
When you smell an oderless (sic) gas, it is probably carbon monoxide
When you smile ... the whole world smiles with you ... &gt;&gt;SMILE&lt;&lt;
When you smile that smile, the world turns upside down.
When you smile the whole world smiles with you &gt;&gt;SMILE&lt;&lt;
When you smoke a bogey, which end do you light first
When you sneeze, all the numbers in your head go up by one. --George Carlin
When you speak at a graduation, be brief, be sincere, and be seated. -  Franklin Delano Roosevelt
When you speak to others for their own good it's advice; when they speak to you for your own good it's interference
When you stab someone, you really have to push it in, squiggle it around, hit a vital organ
When you start believing your own BS you're in trouble.
When you starve with a tiger, the tiger starves last.
When you steal from one author, it's plagarism; if you steal from many, it's research. - Wilson Mizner
When you stop learning new things, you might as well be dead.
When you stop to think, don't forget to start again.
When you stretch the truth, beware of the snap back.
When you swim in the sea & an eel bites your knee that's a moray!
When you take off her pants and blouse, suit up your mouse
When you take responsibility upon your shoulders, it leaves no room for chips.
When you take your Rifle to the range, it doesn't backseat drive.
When you take your Rifle to the range, it doesn't backseat drive.
When you talk about Hitler you're really talking about me. - Frank
When you talk to me, shut up! (Leo Rosten)
When you teach your son, you teach your son's son. - The Talmud
When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion. -C.P. Snow
When you think you've got all the answers, they change the questions
When you think you've got all the answers, they change the questions
When you think your toys have gone berserk
When you threaten someone's life you want them to take you seriously and not just slap you and laugh in your face...Ha Ha!
When you too the force learn, speak you too strangely!
When you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ?
When you try to find something, it's always in the last place you look
When you try to make an impression, the chances are that is the impression you will make
When you try too hard to save face, you lose your ass.
When you use glue, it paste to be careful
When you use the term WOMAN, it's understood to be loosely.
When you use the transporter, where does your soul
When you use to play in the sand box and the cat would cover you up.
When you vote in 96 remember: Saddam has a job, How about you?
When you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts you can
When you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts you can be sure you're dead
When you wank upon a star, wear your wellies, you'll go far.
When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.
When you want to fool the world, tell the truth. (Otto von Bismarck)
When you want to test the depths of a stream, don't use both feet. - Chinese Proverb
When you were a virgin, a local two-humped mountain was a prarie!
When you were born the doctor slapped your mother.
When you were born, a big chance was taken for you
When you were born, did they quarantine the maternity ward?
When you were born, they switched you with the afterbirth!
When you were drafted, did you shoot the telegram boy?   Potter to BJ
When you were in my mouth fighting my tongue, was that weird? - Neal
When you were young and your life was an open book
When you were young you shone like the sun.  Shine on, you crazy diamond! --Pink Floyd
When you win the rat-race, you're still a rat.
When you win, nothing hurts--Joe Namath
When you wish upon a quasar
When you wish upon a star, chances are it won't go far
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.
When you wish upon a star......
When you witness blood...just cant be trusted...'
When you"ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow. -- LBJ
When you"ve seen one non-sequitar, the price of tea in China
When you're 50, you brag about all the money you've made.
When you're 70 tomorrow's yesterday before you know it was today.
When you're Borg, you're never alone
When you're Borg, you're never alone. * Hugh
When you're a 90lb weakling:  Wimpotent
When you're a Dabo girl, you get a reputation.
When you're a One Hack Wonder it's to be expected.
When you're a Real Programmer, the morning is not your friend
When you're a god, you don't have to have reasons
When you're a real man, you write your *own* taglines!
When you're a vet, you're a vet all the way!
When you're arguing with a fool, make sure he isn't doing the same thing
When you're at the end of your rope...tie a knot and hold
When you're away, the cat wipes his butt on your pillow.
When you're bi, *everybody* thinks you're a pervert! - Shelley
When you're bi, EVERYBODY thinks you're a pervert! - Shelley
When you're bored with yourself, marry, and be bored with someone else. -- David Pryce-Jones
When you're crzy in love, ya gotta take a chance.
When you're dead, anything's funny. - John Lennon
When you're dining out and you suspect something's wrong, you're probably right
When you're down and out, lift up your voice and shout, "I'M DOWN AND OUT"!
When you're driving, never hurry.  Then you'll never have to worry.
When you're feeling kind of nothing, don't try so hard. - Queen
When you're fighting for the Lord, you get inside tips. - Sam
When you're finally holding all the cards, why does everyone else decide to play chess?
When you're flying through the air, remember to roll when you hit the ground
When you're getting a prostrate exam, should the doctor use both hands?
When you're good and crazy, the sky is the LIMIT! - The Tick
When you're green you're growing; when you're ripe, you rot! -C. Tait Bergstrom
When you're hot you're hot. When you're not it is no fun.
When you're hot, you're hot! -- The Cat
When you're hot, you're hot, and when you're not, everybody is watching
When you're in DoubleSpace no-one can hear you scream.
When you're in command, command. -- Admiral Nimitz
When you're in deep water, keep your mouth shut
When you're in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut!
When you're in love with a beautiful person... 
When you're in love with a beautiful person...  - Dr. Hook
When you're in love with a beautiful woman, it's hard.
When you're in love, you're at the mercy of a stranger.
When you're in my tent you'll curb your glands. - Hoolihan to Hawk
When you're in space, which way is up?
When you're in the D.M.V. no one can here you scream.
When you're infatuated, there's a lump in your pants.
When you're interrupted by a Beer, it's for a good reason.
When you're lost, admit it and ask for directions!
When you're lost, all roads lead to your destination
When you're not looking at it this sentence is in Spanish. -Hofstetter
When you're not looking at it, this TAGLINE is in French.
When you're not looking at it, this fortune is written in FORTRAN
When you're not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish
When you're not looking at it, this tagline is in Yiddish
When you're not looking, this tag breaks Intelec rules.
When you're not looking, this tag is a get-rich scheme
When you're not looking, this tag replaces the moderator
When you're not looking, this tag uses naughty language
When you're not looking, this tagline is encrypted
When you're not looking, this tagline is in Latin
When you're not looking, this tagline is in Yiddish.
When you're not reading it, this recipe is in Klingonese
When you're on the Cutting Edge, expect to bleed!
When you're out of BUD, tough SCHLITZ!
When you're out of COORS, tough SCHLITZ!
When you're out of slits, you're out of pier. - Crow T. Robot
When you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed
When you're over the hill, you pick up speed!
When you're proud of your crack & it shows! - Crow
When you're ready to give up the struggle, who can you surrender to?
When you're really in doubt, press RESET.
When you're right 95% of the time, why quibble over the other 3$?
When you're run down the best thing to take is the licence number.
When you're sending someone Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?
When you're serious about having fun, it's not much fun at all
When you're sick of spiritual leaders with personality... Tom for Kai!
When you're stoned, you don't get so upset at commercials!
When you're swimmin' in the creek And an eel bites your cheek That's a moray! - Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
When you're talking to me, keep your mouth shut
When you're through changing, you're through.
When you're through changing, you're through. - Bruce Barton
When you're through with a beer, the thought of another beer  doesn't make you ill
When you're through with a beer, you can always throw it away.
When you're through with life and all hope is lost, hold out your hand... - Queen
When you're throwin' your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else
When you're up to your ass in tribbles, it's hard to remember that the original objective was to poison the grain
When you're up to your ears, keep your mouth shut.
When you're up to your hips in alligators, you forget the
When you're up to your hips in alligators, you forget the original project was to drain the swamp
When you're up to your nose in IT, dont open your MOUTH!
When you're up, your friends know who you are. When you're down, you know who your friends are
When you're wearing more latex than spandex
When you're winning, rigor mortis is funny. - Trapper to Radar
When you're young, you know the rules; when you're old, the exceptions
When you're younger and life isn't too hard at all. - Queen
When you've got a "Take a NUmber" machine at your door
When you've got no choice, be brave.
When you've got them by the b@lls, their hearts and minds will follow
When you've made a mistake, correct it immediately!
When you've made all the mistakes, you are an expert.
When you've read about one train wreck, you've read about them all
When you've secured an area, don't forget to tell the enemy.
When you've seen one 24 hour news channel, you've CNN 'em all
When you've seen one non-sequitur, the price of tea in China.
When you've seen one nuclear war, you've seen them all
When you've tried and tried and dunno what else to do, just take a deep breath and be the glue.
When your Beer goes flat, you throw it out.
When your Beer goes flat, you throw it out.
When your CD's begin rollover, your "Wild Oats" already are
When your IQ hits 21, SELL!!
When your IQ reaches 28, sell!
When your IQ rises above 28, sell.
When your IQ rises to 28 -- SELL!!!
When your IQ rises to 28, sell. -- Professor Irwin Corey to a heckler
When your MEMORY goes, forget it!
When your argument is weak tell the 'BIG LIE'
When your back is turned, we can do whatever the fork we like! - Mutie
When your beer goes flat you toss it.
When your beer is gone, you just pop another
When your ceiling mirrors fog
When your chocolate bar melts in the fridge ... you're in Arizona!
When your computer appears to be dead, try mouse-to-mouse resuscitation
When your computer has a virus, DON'T use chicken soup!
When your computer has a virus, Don't feed it Chicken soup!
When your conscious becomes unconscious, you are drunk
When your dreams turn to dust ... Vote Conservative
When your dreams turn to dust ... vacuum.
When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum
When your favorite quote is "next please"
When your good work is speaking for itself, don't interrupt.
When your good, your good!
When your good, your good!
When your goose is cooked...there's no need to gander!
When your hair's right, everything's right.
When your hammer is C++, everything begins to look like a thumb.
When your head is in the sand, your ass is the target.
When your head is in the sand, your behind is a target.
When your hot your hot.  When you not it is no fun.
When your idea of a gourmet dinner is vegetable soup, you're old.
When your in space,,,, Which way is up?
When your in the D.M.V. no one can here you scream
When your knees knock, kneel on them.
When your knees start knocking, get down on them.
When your laptop gets too heavy, try deleting some of the bigger files
When your mind goes blank, don't forget to turn off the sound!
When your mind goes blank, remember to turn off the sound.
When your mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair.
When your mom says try it you'll like it, you probably won't like it.
When your momma shops for clothes, countries go bankrupt.
When your momma walks down the road she makes potholes.
When your mother's mad and asks do I look stupid, don't answer her.
When your motto is "2 Days, 2 Pounds...$2.90."
When your opponent is down, kick him.
When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you're just sitting there, staring at carpeting?
When your purpose in life is to entertain the gods, there's nothing
When your screams are heard over a fire alarm
When your spinning round... Things Come Undone
When your unconscious becomes conscious, you are stoned
When your wiener's happy, you're happy. - Beavis
When your work SPEAKS for itself.   .......Run
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt it
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.  -- Henry J. Kaiser
When your works speaks for itself, don't interrupt it.
When your...'pa' comes, we'll be ready for him. - Worf
When yu have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run. - Abraham Lincoln
When'll they write: Where in the Hell is Carmen Sandiego?
When's The Revolution? - By Millie Tant
When's the last time you shot an arrow? Hercules
When's this stuff wear off, anyway?
When-a you swim inna da sea, an' a eel bites-a you knee, dat's a moray
WhenIplay w/my cat,who knows whetherIdo not make her more sport than she makes me?
Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel. - H. L. Mencken
Whenever I am faced with two evils, I take the one I've never tried
Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'. - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
Whenever I date a guy, I think, is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with? -- Rita Rudner
Whenever I feel blue, I have found the perfect solution -- I start breathing again.
Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again
Whenever I feel like exercise I lay down till the feeling passes.
Whenever I feel like exercise, I lay down till the feeling goes away!
Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeli
Whenever I feel the need to excersize, I lie down till the feeling goes away
Whenever I fight authority, authority always wins
Whenever I get a grip on reality, the handle falls off.
Whenever I get all the answers, someone changes the questions
Whenever I go near a bank, I get withdrawal symptoms
Whenever I have a little money I buy books; if there's any left over, I buy food and clothes. -  Erasmus
Whenever I have to decide between two evils, I always choose the one I haven't tried before. - Mae West
Whenever I have trouble writing fiction, I make stuff up
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. -- A. Lincoln
Whenever I hear the word 'culture'.  I reach for my revolver.  - Hermann Goring
Whenever I meet a woman who would make a good wife, she is.
Whenever I see a cat I want to grab it and CUDDLE!
Whenever I see a dalmatian, I ask, `What number are you?'
Whenever I see a dalmation, I say, `What number are you?'  S. Wright
Whenever I sing the audience clap their hands. Sure, over their ears
Whenever I tell the truth, nobody believes me
Whenever I think about the past it brings back so many me
Whenever I think about the past, it brings up a lot of old memories.
Whenever I try to get in touch with myself, I get the answering machine
Whenever I use Elvis stamps, I have my hound dog lick them.
Whenever I want you, all I've gotta do is dream, dream, dream,dream
Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I haven't tried.
Whenever I'm wrong, the world makes a little less sense. - Frasier
Whenever Possible, Put People On Hold 
Whenever a husband and wife begin to discuss their marriage, they are giving evidence at an inquest. (H. L. Mencken)
Whenever a man casts a longing eye at public office, a rottenness appears in his conduct
Whenever a man seeks your advice he generally seeks your praise. - Lord Chesterfield
Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool
Whenever anyone promises heaven on earth, expect hell
Whenever anyone says, "theoretically", they really mean, "not really"
Whenever books are burned, men, also, are burned. - Heine
Whenever fate gets nauseous, my life is the bucket.
Whenever he gets dirty, you can take him out and beat him
Whenever man comes up with a better mousetrap, nature immediately comes up with a better mouse. - James Carswell
Whenever my wife needs cash she calls me handsome. Handsome? Yes, hand some over!
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong -- Oscar Wilde
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.
Whenever possible, put people on hold
Whenever she leaves a beauty salon, she looks as though she believes it
Whenever she's down in the dumps she gets a new hat - actually they look like they're from the dump!
Whenever someone else is crying, I gotta cry, too. Burt Lancaster
Whenever someone hurts me, I know forgiveness is cheaper than a lawsuit; but not nearly as gratifying
Whenever someone tells you to take their advice, you can be pretty sure that they're not using it
Whenever the Canon is fired,it shoots out a YATI
Whenever there's a thunderstorm on TV, someone will be murdered.
Whenever they put on the straight jacket, my nose itches.
Whenever they test nuclear bombs, its the monsters who suffer!
Whenever things are going well I wake up and ruin it!
Whenever things sound easy, turns out there's one part you didn't hear
Whenever two good people argue over principles, both are always right. - Marie Von Ebner Eschenbach
Whenever two lesbians kiss, an angel gets her wings. -
Whenever two lesbians kiss, an angel gets her wings. - A. Napellus
Whenever you cut your fingernails, you will find a need for them an hour later
Whenever you find Humour, you find Pathos close by. &lt;Whipple&gt;
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, reform
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sure sign he expects to be paid for it. - H. L. Mencken
Whenever you learn all the answers, they change all the questions.
Whenever you need somebody... I'm the man!
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. - Peter Drucker
Whenever you use a jump, be sure of your destination
Whenever you're around. --Cat. Around. --Lister and Rimmer.
Whenever you're holding all the cards, why does everyone else turn
Whenever you're ready. - Crusher
Whenver possible blame the hardware.
Wher'd you git that CPU? Out of a Crackerjack box?
WherE Did KLingonS leArn to CapitaLize?
Where  does  he  get  such wonderful  toys?  -  The  Joker
Where *did* I put my Necronomicon Pocket Concordance?
Where *is* everybody? Bashir
Where Am I?
Where Bambi goes, nothing grows!
Where Cat is,  is  civilization.
Where Crazy Eddie gets HIS T-shirts."
Where DOES he get all those marvelous toys? - Joker
Where Do You Want To Be Tomorrow? - POWER AMIGA - That's Where!
Where Does He Get Those Toys?
Where Ducks have more rights than even the Prisoners do!!!
Where EAGLES fly, man/woman only dreams!
Where Estuardo is not Shing Ying.
Where Gary Hart REALLY spends his weekends.
Where Gary Hart REALLY spends his weekends.
Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway?
Where Great Grandmother posted her bulletins.
Where I come from, size shape or color makes no differenc
Where Johnston County comes to play!
Where NOTHING is sacred anymore.
Where Nomads have gone before
Where O where did my Tagline go  Where O where has it been?
Where O where did my tagline go
Where O where did my tagline go O where O wh
Where Obi Wan Kenobi is your only hope.
Where Only True Gods Come to Play.
Where She Sells Sea Shells - By S. C. Shore
Where Solid State is Cast Iron-Allentown,PA!
Where The Heck is The "Any" Key?
Where The World Is Going - By Helena Handbasket
Where There Are Hangings Every Day - By R. T. Museum
Where Time has no meaning.
Where To Get A Road Hog  - By R. V. Dealer
Where To Put Your Money  - By Bill Fold
Where _does_ he get those marvelous Taglines? - Joker
Where a man can be a man; at the Nudie Bar! - Al Bundy
Where a mind is closed, truth cannot enter.
Where a new invention promises to be useful, it ought to be tried. - Thomas Jefferson
Where airplanes go to die - Crow on wrecked air port
Where all new users are Most Welcome!!!!!
Where all the Masochists go to get abused.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much
Where am I . . . and why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I and what am I doing in this handbasket?
Where am I and who are these strange people?
Where am I and why am I surrounded by life, death and infinity?
Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I going?  And what am I doing in this handbasket?
Where am I going?  And, WHY AM I IN THIS HANDBASKET?????
Where am I going? Crazy! Want to come?
Where am I when I need me now?
Where am I, and where are my files?
Where am I, and where are my pants?
Where am I, and where is that latest version of CMPQWK?
Where am I... and why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I?  And what am I doing in this handbucket??
Where am I?  And why am I in this handbasket?!m---
Where am I?  How did I get here?  Why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I?  Who am I?  Am I?  I
Where am I?  Who are these people?
Where am I? "In the echo." What do you want? "Taglines..."
Where am I? .... And why am I in this handbasket?
Where am I? Operator trace this call.
Where am I? Where am I going? And what am I doing in this handbasket?
Where am I? Who am I? How came I here? Whywas I not consulted ?
Where am I? Who are these people?
Where any such silliness remains unchecked.
Where anything can happen, but usually doesn't.
Where are Deep Space 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8?
Where are all the good men dead?  In the heart, or in the head?
Where are all the good taglines when you need them ?!?
Where are all those chicken plucker jobs we were promised?
Where are all those flash-backs they promised me?
Where are my dreamers?  --Jim Morrison
Where are my safety pins?   Ramones 
Where are the Amish in the Religion Conference?
Where are the Men's Health-Care Centers?
Where are the Moderators when we REALLY need them?
Where are the Taglines?
Where are the answers that we're all searching for?  There's nothing in this world to be sure of anymore. - Queen
Where are the calculations that go with a calculated risk?
Where are the cowboys?  I was promised cowboys! -J. Bashir
Where are the dreams that I've been after?
Where are the moderators when we REALLY need them?
Where are the nuclear wessals? - Chekov
Where are the off-ramps on the Information Superhighway?!
Where are the pedestrian crossings on the Information Superhighway?!
Where are the snows of yesteryear? Up your nose, of course
Where are the soft cushions and the comfy chair?
Where are these musical condoms we were promised?
Where are they coming from? - Arnold
Where are those angels when you need them?
Where are those angels when you need them? - Tori Amos
Where are those flashbacks they promised me?
Where are we going Orville, and why am I in this handbasket?
Where are we going and why am I in this basket?
Where are we going in the LOST SAUCER
Where are we going, and why am I in this basket?
Where are we going?  And why are we in this handbasket?
Where are we going?  And, let me out of this handbasket!
Where are we going?  Crazy, and you're along for the ride!!
Where are we going?  Somewhere where they won't find the body.
Where are we going? And what's with this hand basket?
Where are we going? And why am I in this damn handbasket?
Where are we going? Planet 10! When? REAL Soon!
Where are we going? What am I doing in this handbasket?
Where are we going?! PLANET TEN! When?! REAL SOON!!
Where are we going?... and why am I in this handbasket?
Where are we supposed to stay while we're here? Bashir
Where are we?
Where are we? - Arthur  Er... somewhere green. - Ford
Where are we? - Sisko
Where are we? And what are we doing in this handbasket?
Where are we? Earth? Constellations seem right. - McCoy
Where are we? Worf
Where are you AIMING!?  Get HIM!!--Kefka
Where are you calling from?
Where are you going piggies?- Freddy Krueger
Where are you going to look for Spock's brain? McCoy
Where are you going to? When are you coming home?
Where are you going with all those vegetables? - Frank Burns
Where are you going, and why are you in a handbasket?
Where are you going, oh boy-foot bear, with teaks of Chan?
Where are you going? What dragon behind me?
Where are you going? Your plate's still full... - Ren Hoek
Where are you little dude, don't you know I'm in love with you? -- Pee Shy
Where are you working?   or should I ask 'what corner'?
Where avarice fails, patience grows
Where belief is painful, we are slow to believe. - Ovid
Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men. &lt;Shakespeare&gt;
Where breath most breathes, even in the taglines of men. --Tagspeare
Where bribes are cheerfully accepted.
Where can I buy a mistletoe beltbuckle?
Where can I buy some good protection for the mind?
Where can I buy the Chia-pet computer ??
Where can I buy those "magic" bullets?
Where can I download some of that .GIF peanut butter?
Where can I find a copper figure of Lincoln? Tom asked innocently.
Where can I find a good tagline when I need one? Not Online!!
Where can I find a spell chequer for reicepes?
Where can I find a spell chequer for taglines?
Where can I find a synonym for thesaurus?
Where can I find ???
Where can I find clueful tech support?
Where can I fnid a spell chequer for taglines?
Where can I get a celebrity hunting licence like O.J. has?
Where can I get one of those computer bats!!
Where can I get parts for my Cyberdyne Systems Model 101?
Where can I get the hashish George Bush has been smoking?
Where can I pick up one of those error-correcting keyboards?
Where can a guy find a taco stand around here? - Tom
Where can someone practice his phaser around here? - Bashir.
Where can you find a good lawyer?      In the cemetery
Where can you find a good lawyer? Being chased by a pit bull!
Where can you find a good lawyer? In the cemetery
Where can you find a good lawyer? In the jaws of a pit bull!
Where can you get a snow-bird hunting license?
Where citizens count, subjects are slaves.
Where cna I fnid a spel chequer fore taglines?
Where did Cain get his wife? Don't ask, don't tell
Where did I come from? asked the baby ear of corn. The stalk brought you, answered its mother
Where did I go wrong. I never needed this before. I need a woman to help me feel. - Live
Where did I put THAT tagline? It was here a minute ago.
Where did I put that good time I was planning to have?
Where did I put those ink blots
Where did I say that Linux was the *MOST* prodressure!
Where did Mary Go...??
Where did THIS guy come from?
Where did Vincent Van Gogh?
Where did all these holes that just appeared in my wing come from?
Where did all those Clinton/Gore bumper stickers go?
Where did all those damn Indians come from? -General Custer-
Where did birds sit before there were telephone wires?
Where did everyone go? - Sasami
Where did flies go to die before there were window sills?
Where did he *send* you?? Bev Uh...Counselor Troi's shower. LaForge
Where did he go? - Dax
Where did houseplants live before houses were invented?
Where did people get the idea that civil liberties are BAD?
Where did she go? - Beverly
Where did that smoke come from....?
Where did the 50 ft Penguin with the Ginsu come from?
Where did the Democrats hide Tipper?
Where did the chains come from? -- Joey
Where did the name for Orange Slice come from? O.J. and L.B.
Where did the octopus enlist? In the Arms Forces
Where did the term tagline come from anyway?
Where did the the chef learn to cook, REFORM SCHOOL?
Where did this guy come from? - Butt-Head
Where did we all come from in the first place?
Where did we leave the wheelbarrow the albino had?
Where did we leave the wheelbarrow the albino had? -- Inigo Montoya
Where did you come up with such a stupid idea?!
Where did you dig up that old fossil
Where did you dig up that old fossil driver? -(apologies to Han Solo!)
Where did you dig up that old fossil...
Where did you fall off the merry-go-round?" -- Knight Two
Where did you get it?! - They don't have any in ships stores. - Rand
Where did you get real kanar? - Dax
Where did you get that black eye? You know that pretty women we said was a widow? Now you found out she isn't
Where did you get that book, and why are you glowing?
Where did you get the idea that the whistle pulls the train?
Where did you get this meat? Tom bridled hoarsely. -Rambo & Youngquist
Where did you get this!? - Troi
Where did you get those coconuts?
Where did you get those delicious, fresh grapes? Tom asked divinely.
Where did you learn that, young man?!?!!?
Where did you learn to be so underhanded?-BJ.  You and Pierce.-CEW
Where did you learn to kiss like that?   Tony Curtis
Where did you put the key? - Picard
Where did you say that attention deficit seminar was?
Where did you want to go today?
Where did your happiness go - Poe
Where do 'cannot' and 'must' meet on this graph?
Where do I find the time for not reading so many books? -- Karl Kraus
Where do I get my baby oil ?  I chuck 2 a dozen babies in
Where do I get this... Hell Money? - Mulder (3x19)
Where do I go now that I've gone too far?
Where do I go to see the blood war? -Anonymous Clueless
Where do I live? - The state of shock!
Where do I send the check, Dean Schroeck?
Where do I shut God out of my life? - Elaine E. Runyon
Where do I sign for my big ole refund? - Mike
Where do I sign up? Nog
Where do I steal some of this honesty stuff?
Where do Nudist conceal their Wallets?..Care to find out?
Where do Ravens go for a beer?   Crow Bars.
Where do Ravens go for a drink?                Crow Bars.
Where do _I_ want to go today?  Why, straight to my AMIGA, of course!
Where do all the calculators go? - Kryten
Where do all the infinitesimals go?
Where do all the lonely people come from? - Beatles
Where do all the missing pens and pencils go?
Where do all these lemmings come from, anyway?
Where do bees go potty? At a BP station
Where do bees go to the bathroom ? the BP station !
Where do broken hard disks go?
Where do cannibals shop for fine furniture?      Eatin' Allen's
Where do cats go when they die? To purrgatory
Where do clever young monsters go to? Ghoullege
Where do contractors go when they get their job half done? -Gallagher
Where do cow artists put their work of art? In a mooseum
Where do cows hang their pictures?  In the MOOseum!
Where do dogs leave their cars? In a barking lot.
Where do dogs leave their cars? Silly, dogs can't get drivers licenses
Where do flys go at night? - Inkswitch
Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all"?
Where do forest rangers go to `get away from it all'?  Stephen Wright
Where do good Jews go when they die?   ....Florida!
Where do honey bees go potty?  At a BP station naturally.
Where do lawyers live? In a culture dish.
Where do lawyers live? In legal pads.
Where do monsters study? In ghoul school
Where do nudists keep their wallets?
Where do old television shows go to die?  Usenet newsgroups.
Where do people in Hell tell each other to go?
Where do people in Hell tell others there to go?
Where do people learn about the things they tell their kids not to do?
Where do seedless grapes come from?
Where do souls in Hell tell the Devil to go?
Where do these stairs go?  They go up
Where do we start with a tagline that's bigger
Where do words go when you rub them out?
Where do you complain about the complaint department?
Where do you find 100 talking invertebrates? The US Senate
Where do you find hundreds of talking invertebrates?  Congress.
Where do you find the time to not read so many books?
Where do you get virgin wool?    From ugly sheep.
Where do you go from up? McCoy on Daystrom
Where do you go to buy a baby brother? Boys R US
Where do you go to catch anorexia?
Where do you go to get anorexia?  -- Shelley Winters
Where do you hide a 300' tall golf ball? - Blindside
Where do you live? I could use a second home
Where do you put spare belly buttons? In the Naval Reserve!
Where do you put the jam in a klein doughnut?
Where do you take that speed reading course? I'M BEHIND!
Where do you think the hell is located? It must be deep, deep down
Where do you think you are, Civilization?
Where do you think you're going today?
Where do you wanna call today?
Where do you want to crash today ?
Where do you want to get lost today?
Where do you want to go today ? -&gt; CCF-ONLiNE
Where do you want to go today?  Anywhere but Chicago
Where do you want to go today?  Good question, Microsoft
Where do you want to go today?  We'll TELL you where you're going.
Where do you want to go today? No, tomorrow. Um, next month for sure!
Where do you want to go today? No, you don't want to go there. Try
Where do you want to go today?. Sorry, still Betatesting there.
Where do you want to go yesterday? () BG
Where do you want your organs sent?
Where do your SOCKS go when you lose them in th' WASHER?
Where do zombies pick up their mail? ...At the dead-letter office
Where does Avon find so many women who will take orders?
Where does Baby oil come from. (And is it boiled out, or pressed?)
Where does Crazy Eddie get HIS T-shirts?
Where does DOS and Windows belong.......under OS/2
Where does PETA fit in the food chain?
Where does Q live...?  Wherever he damn well wants!
Where does Rush Limbaugh keep the *other* half of his brain?
Where does a blackbird go for a drink? -- To a crow bar  ;)
Where does a goon do his narner? In Narnargoon.
Where does a head cook get his supply of fresh heads? The mortuary?
Where does a jellyfish get its jelly? From ocean currents.
Where does a nudist put his keys after he locks his car?
Where does a vampire keep its cash? In the blood bank
Where does a warlock buy his clothes?  Pagan Dior
Where does a wise man hide a leaf?  In a forest. -- Chesterson
Where does a wise man kick a pebble?  On the beach. -- Chesterson
Where does all the daylight go that we save during Daylight Saving Time ?
Where does all the white go when the snow melts?
Where does dragon (draggin') milk come from? From short cows
Where does fire go when it goes out?
Where does he get all those *WONDERFUL* toys?????
Where does he get all those marvelous toys? - Bush
Where does he get all those marvelous toys? - L Lovelace
Where does he get all those wonderful toys? - Joker
Where does he get those marvelous recipes?
Where does he get those marvelous taglines?
Where does he get those neat toys?
Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Where does it go when you flush?
Where does it go when you flush?  Directly to RUSH Limbaugh!
Where does it go?  It doesn't matter.  Flush it.
Where does it say cut along the dotted mouse? - Throttle
Where does it say in the book that we are supposed to have fun?
Where does it say on the 8th day he dusted?
Where does it say you can't kill a cop? - Michael Corleone
Where does sentence diagramming skill fit on a resume?
Where does she get those marvelous taglines?
Where does the 'Buck' stop at Microrim?
Where does the British government keep its teacups? In the Cabinet
Where does the army keep its furs? In fox-holes
Where does the brown from coffee go when you drink it?
Where does the crew go on sundays?...To the Holy-Deck!
Where does the dentist go when he leaves you alone? --George Carlin
Where does the fire go when the fire goes out?
Where does the wax go in dripless candles?
Where does the white go when the snow melts?
Where does this stat originate?  I find it highly dubious.
Where does virgin wool come from?  The fastest ewes!
Where does virgin wool come from?... Ugly sheep
Where does weight go when you lose it?
Where does your lap go when you stand up? - Inkswitch
Where don't you want to go today ?
Where else are you gonna keep your fruit?
Where ever Yugo, I go.
Where ever you go, there you are
Where ever you go, there you are!... Buckaroo Banzai
Where ever you go, there you are.
Where everyone goes, the grass never grows
Where everyone knows everything about nothing.
Where fraternities aren't allowed, Communism flourishes. - B.Goldwater
Where government is sold on computing
Where gravity makes dead birds drop.
Where gravity makes dead birds drop.
Where have I heard that one before?
Where have all the Democrats gone??? &lt;g&gt;
Where have all the MODERATORS gone
Where have all the flower children gone? They work in the White House!
Where have all the heros gone?
Where have you been all my life..tall dark and slobbering? -Lady Alien
Where have you been all my life?
Where have you been?  It's alright we know where you've been -Floyd
Where have you been?! - Scully
Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio
Where haven't I been &lt;woof!&gt;
Where ignorance is bliss, Tis folly to be wise
Where ignorant armies clash by night.   Arnold
Where in the #%&@ *IS* Carmen San Diego?!
Where in the #@%& is Waxahachie, Texas?
Where in the *%&^% *IS* Carmen SanDiego?
Where in the Heck is Altus, OK?
Where in the heck is the bathroom on the Enterprise?
Where in the hell is Sikeston, Missouri?
Where in the time/space continuum is Carmen Sandiego?
Where in the war would M$ take me today? I'm sticking with 2000. Internet Eksplohder Seven is spam.
Where in the world does the guy who has everything put it?
Where in the world does the guy who has everything put it?
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
Where in the world is Sam "SLED" Wilmot?
Where in the world is caramel?  San Diego!
Where intellectual giants come to frolic, it's a pity they never post.
Where intellectual giants come to's a pity th
Where intellectual giants come to's a pity they never post.
Where is "Funny Bunny" anyway?? Has anyone seen her???
Where is "Old" Zealand?
Where is 'tween when there is naught to life but fragile dragon wings?
Where is @FN@? Making room for more beer?
Where is Carmen San Diego? Who cares?
Where is Carmen, San Diego?
Where is Denver?  Denver is just below the O in Colorado
Where is Dirty Harry when you really need him?
Where is Ed and the $20 million?
Where is John Carson now that we need him? -- RLG
Where is Kano? Where is Sonya? Is Kitana Available?
Where is Lady Godiva when you need a Byte?
Where is Lt. LaLane, Bones? At the He's Dead Gym, Jim.
Where is Mr. @F? Making room for more beer
Where is Mr. Bullitt? Making room for more beer.
Where is Mr. Orville? Making room for more beer.
Where is Mr. Smith. Making room for more beer.
Where is Ms. @TOLAST@? Making room for more beer.
Where is Muse that once guided my hand? -Ned Edison
Where is Reg?, barked Lee
Where is Slick Willie? Ted Kennedy
Where is Tenchi? Isn't it after school yet? - Ayeka
Where is Wally in VGA Planets?
Where is Worf?  I thought I had him paged twice, Picard recalled
Where is YOU? Making room for more beer?
Where is YOUR cat?  -- You'd best check under my tires!
Where is a conference cop when you need one?
Where is baseball first mentioned in the Bible?
Where is baseball first mentioned in the Bible?  In the Big-inning
Where is between when there is naught to life but fragile dragon wings
Where is everybody? - Godot
Where is everyone? Where did everybody go? - ARBY's...roast beef sale.
Where is everything?  All I typed was "FORMAT C:"
Where is everything? All I typed was "Format c:".
Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?
Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore? - Henry Ward Beecher
Where is it the hell am I going? - Crow
Where is it?  WHERE ISS IT? - Gollum
Where is my chain saw ?
Where is my kevlar vest? I'm going to the post office
Where is my other crewman! - Kirk
Where is my soldering iron, and why is my pocket smoking???
Where is my son?  Where is he?! - Worf
Where is my towel ?
Where is now the Master? cry the little crazy boys. He is dead!
Where is that dadblame turnip truck?  I just fell off a bit ago.
Where is that silk dress? - TV's Frank doing laundry
Where is that tall tower? - Crow on guy with rifle
Where is the "ANY" key?
Where is the ANY Key?  It says here, "Press ANY Ke
Where is the ANY key when you need it?
Where is the ANY key when you want it.
Where is the Earth-shattering kaboom? - Marvin the Martian
Where is the Fatherboard?
Where is the Idiot's Guide to Books for Dummies?
Where is the Moderator when you need him ???
Where is the National Nipple? - Rush Limbaugh
Where is the STUN setting on a Laser Printer?
Where is the Youngblood cartoon?
Where is the anomoly?    hmm? Where's your mommy?
Where is the cat and why is my printout furry?
Where is the ceement pond? - Hillary to Barbara
Where is the damn anti-matter inducer?
Where is the damn anti-matter inducer? - Scotty
Where is the exit?
Where is the master now the foolish boys cry. He is dead!
Where is the next IASCA sound-off?
Where is the off button for whatever turns you on?
Where is the tagline supposed to go???
Where is the towel sweetie??
Where is there dignity unless there is also honesty? - Cicero
Where is this bookstore/coffee bar?  I would really like to visit.
Where is this damned any key ?
Where is this place?  Where have you brought me?! - Sisko
Where is virgin wool from?  The fastest sheeps.
Where it is *always* time to make the doughnuts.
Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat. -- Christopher Morley
Where it's still 'We the people,' right?
Where keeping crumbs out of the keyboard is an art form
Where know tagline as gone before....
Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody. - Agatha Christie
Where law end, tyranny begins.
Where law ends, there Murphy begins
Where law ends, there tyranny begins.
Where law ends, tyranny begins
Where law ends, tyranny begins. William Pitt (The Elder)
Where light of knowledge is brightest, the shadows are always deepest
Where love is thin, faults are thick.
Where men are men, women are women, and you can tell the difference!
Where men are outlawed, only outlaws are men.
Where mind and spirit come together and have a real good time.
Where my heart lies, let my brain know best to avoid.
Where my heart lies, let my brain lie, also.
Where no canine has gone before
Where no hope is left, is left no fear.  John Milton
Where no man has gone before
Where no man has gone before:  Enterprise ladies' room
Where no man has.. where no ONE has.. to heck with it
Where none have gone before. - Data
Where nothing is sacred anymore
Where nothing is simple, except for some of the users.
Where oh where can a guy find a bell tower? -- Crow T. Robot
Where oh where did my ANY key go,Where oh where can it be
Where oh, where is the TAGPARAGRAPH conference? Or TAGCHAPTER
Where oil and water DO mix, dammit!
Where on Mars is Carmen Sandiego?
Where on earth did you find it?
Where once the angels stood & cried everything was new
Where or where can a guy find a bell tower? - Crow
Where pain predominates, agony can be a valued teacher.  --Frank Herbert
Where quality is just a liberals like to use.
Where quality is just a word we like to use
Where reason rules the mind, peace rules the day.
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies!   Beatles
Where sense is wanting, everything is wanting. - Benjamin Franklin
Where service isn't just a word; it's a noun.
Where sex and fun are spelled the same way.
Where should I be looking?! - Tom on Mamie's bust
Where sorry, reality is not in service at this time
Where subtlety fails us we must simply make do with cream pies.
Where the #@!% IS Carmen SanDiego?
Where the $#!/ and IS Carmen San Diego?
Where the $#!/& IS Carmen San-Diego???
Where the 60's never really ended.
Where the @!#?!#@ did all these Indians come from?  Gen
Where the Big Boys Play -&lt; Data Central BBS!
Where the Constitution ends, the tyranny begins.
Where the Hell is the "ANY" Key?!
Where the Pentagon buys its toilet paper.
Where the Sex Pistols learned to play.
Where the Taylors and the Pomeranians play
Where the beat goes on...*Boom-shaka-laka-boom-boom-boom
Where the bee sucks, there suck I. -- Shakespeare
Where the bee sups, there sup I
Where the big B actors roam - Mike
Where the big B actors roam... -- Mike Nelson
Where the book opens.
Where the fun never stops.  Never starts, either.
Where the h**l are we? Paris?
Where the heart is engaged, the mind is nowhere to be found.
Where the heck are all the singing cats?
Where the heck are my good Taglines?
Where the heck is /usr/hippo?
Where the heck is Cucamonga?
Where the heck is Grant buried?
Where the heck is Omak?
Where the heck is the &lt;ANY&gt; key??
Where the heck is the <ANY> key??
Where the heck is the manual override ?! - Calvin
Where the hell are all the singing cats?
Where the hell are those lights?! - O'Brien
Where the hell did that photon torpedo go?? %^!@$%^&*! NO CARRIER
Where the hell is /usr/hippo?
Where the hell is Margaritaville anyway?
Where the hell is Omak?
Where the hell is Steele, Missouri anyway???
Where the hell is my grave? - Mike as zombie
Where the hell is my grave? -- Mike Nelson
Where the hell is this damn ANYKEY key?!
Where the hell's the damn rex? -- Muldoon
Where the intelligence is high, and the moustaches are cheesy.
Where the keyboard is mightier than the sword.
Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality.
Where the majority maintains that brevity is the best means to
Where the men are men, and so are the women.
Where the message base is in 3D.
Where the smeg did I get this traffic cone? - Lister
Where the son of Skywalker became a Jedi
Where the speechless unite in a silent accord - Pink Floyd
Where the system is concerned, you are not allowed to ask "Why?".
Where the teeth of madness jump, jump, dance and sing
Where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away.
Where there are feces there is the odor of being
Where there are visible vapors, having their prevenance in ignited carbonaceous materials, there is conflagration
Where there is @FROM@, there are Taglines
Where there is @TO@, there are Animaniacs Taglines!
Where there is Barry Blaes, there are Animaniacs Taglines!
Where there is Dan Welch, there are Taglines
Where there is Gary Caplan, there are Taglines
Where there is Jack Butler, there are Taglines.
Where there is Myra Fox, there are Taglines.
Where there is Yakko Warner, there are Animaniacs Taglines
Where there is a WILL there is a babe
Where there is a stink feces there is the odor of being.
Where there is a stink feces there is the odor of being.
Where there is a will, I want to be in it.
Where there is a will, there are lawyers.
Where there is a will, there be E-Mail.
Where there is a will, there is an Inheritance Tax.
Where there is an open mind, your probably attending an autopsy.
Where there is conflict, Dogma remains and Karma is absent
Where there is great love there are always miracles. - Willa Cather
Where there is light, there are bugs.
Where there is love there is life. - Mahatma Gandhi
Where there is money, there is change
Where there is much light there is also much shadow. -- Goethe
Where there is much light, the shadow is deep. Johann W. Von Goethe
Where there is no emotion, there is no motive for violence. - Spock
Where there is no police, there is no speed limit
Where there is no police, there is no speed limit. -- Roman Law, trans. Petr Beckmann (1971)
Where there is no shame, there is no honor.
Where there is no vision, the people perish. -- Proverbs 29:18
Where there is unity there is always victory. Publilius Syrus
Where there's a WILL, there are RELATIVES!
Where there's a Will, there's a Riker
Where there's a Will, there's a Thomas
Where there's a Will, there's a Witch.
Where there's a Will, there's a play.
Where there's a wheel, there's a way.
Where there's a whip, theres a slave
Where there's a whip, theres a slave...and a very sexy redhead!!
Where there's a will - I want to be in it
Where there's a will ... there's a relative.
Where there's a will there's a woman in his way. Is that about it?
Where there's a will there's a won't.
Where there's a will there's a won't.  - Ambrose Bierce
Where there's a will,   you can find greedy relatives....
Where there's a will,  there are relatives.
Where there's a will, I wanna be in it!
Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
Where there's a will, I want to be part of it.
Where there's a will, there are five hundred relatives.
Where there's a will, there are relatives!
Where there's a will, there is a lawsuit
Where there's a will, there's Inheritance Tax.
Where there's a will, there's a dead person.
Where there's a will, there's a dead relative.
Where there's a will, there's a happy Lawyer!
Where there's a will, there's a lawsuit.
Where there's a will, there's a probate
Where there's a will, there's a solicitor
Where there's a will, there's a way
Where there's a will, there's a woman with a gun.
Where there's a will, there's a won't.
Where there's a will, there's an Inheritance Tax.
Where there's a will, there's an away team.
Where there's a will, there's an inheritance tax.
Where there's a will, there's relatives.
Where there's a will...  there's a beneficiary!
Where there's a will... there will be lots of relatives.
Where there's a willthere's a relative.
Where there's a wimp, there's a way!  -Thr
Where there's a witch, there's a way
Where there's coke, Bill's higher
Where there's living, there's policemen.
Where there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence.
Where there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence. -- Spock, "Dagger of the Mind"
Where there's shame, there's business. -- Dr. Forrester
Where there's smoke and fire you usually find an arsonist
Where there's smoke there's fire, but where there's a vague fishy odor, it could be any number of things. 
Where there's smoke there's toast.
Where there's smoke there's toast.
Where there's smoke, there may be smoked salmon
Where there's smoke, there's dinner.
Where there's smoke, there's me. - Inferno, Autobot
Where there's smoke, there's me. -- Inferno
Where there's smoke, there's pollution
Where there's smoke, there's toast. 
Where there's smoke, there's usually cancer
Where there's smoke, there's...well...smoke
Where there's smoke, you'll find my old flame.
Where there's smoke...there's @FN@'s cooking.
Where there's the Almighty's Will, there's a way.
Where theres a will, theres bound to be inheritance tax!
Where they roll ya for a nickel an' stick ya for the extra dime
Where this would be considered straight text.
Where to Find Islands  - By Archie Pelago
Where to Put Your Money: Bill Fold
Where to? -Cabdriver. Due South. -Me(hehe)
Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I.
Where two wrongs don't make a right, but they make us fee
Where two wrongs don't make a right, but three do.
Where was Adam going when he was in his thirty-ninth year? Into h
Who gets horny when they see a dead baby?
Who wants to get the finger?
Who wants to get the finger?
Who was shaving with Occam's Razor? Konfyuuzing half truths and useless questions are all over the floor under the mirror.
Who was shaving with Occam's Razor? Konfyuuzing half truths and useless questions are all over the floor under the mirror.
Who was that lady I saw you with? -That was no lady, that was my wife.
Who was that lady I saw you with? -That was no lady, that was my wife.
Who would Jesus impeach?
Why are bacteria so bad at math? Because they multiply by dividing.
Why did a blonde cross the road? To get her clothing.
Why did a blonde cross the road? To get her clothing.
Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America ?
Why do people insist on getting their spam from yawhores?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why is it when you turn on the TV you see ads for telephone companies, and when you turn on the radio you hear ads for TV shows, and when you get put on hold on the phone you hear a radio station?
Why not upset the apple cart? If you don't, the apples will rot anyway. ~ Frank A. Clark
Why were the ants unaffected by viruses? They have little anty bodies.
Why would I care what Jesus would do? I won't get crucified for taking the lord's name in vain.
Why would I care what Jesus would do? I won't get crucified for taking the lord's name in vain.
Windows Vista: "Wow". It's Sevice Pack-ready!
Windows Vista: "Wow". It's Sevice Pack-ready!
Windows is a set of 32 bit extensions on a 16 bit shell for an 8 bit OS using a 4 bit kernel made by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking. -John Maynard Keynes, economist [1883-1946]
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking. -John Maynard Keynes, economist [1883-1946]
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking. -John Maynard Keynes, economist [1883-1946]
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking. -John Maynard Keynes, economist [1883-1946]
Words will never entirely serve justice to the truth; graphics tend to pervert that justice.
Work is enerjy expenditure. If an infant stops working, then call 911.
Worse thingz dhan in yohr toilet awr in yohr kitchen sink.
Worse thingz dhan in yohr toilet awr in yohr kitchen sink.
Would "BrewJay's Babble Bin" be worth talking about?
Wut riidz mee tuu surv mee?
Wut riidz mee tuu surv mee?
want to make money by selling my sperm.
want to make money by selling my sperm.
want to make money by selling my sperm.
want to make money by selling my sperm.
water scarcity
water scarcity
we all live in a yellow pre teen 
we all live in a yellow sex machine
we all live in a yellow sex machine
we all need a yellow panadine
we are ur backpack
we define road transport 
we drive sales
we drive sales
we drive sales
we value ur dreams
we value ur expectation
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what do you recommend?
what the fvck
what would slocome say 
what you are doing try to do it 100%
when we shine you shine
when you sleep do you dream?
when you sleep do you dream?
when you sleep do you dream?
where's the beef? Visit your local source of WORLD NEWS!
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This site owned and maintained by Randall Woodman.
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